early republic (ch 11)

Political Developments Chapter 11 Early Republic

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Early Republic

Political Developments

Chapter 11

Early Republic

Title DebateWhat to call the President?John Adamsyour excellencySetting Up the Executive Branch3 DepartmentsStateforeign affairsThomas JeffersonTreasurymoneyAlexander HamiltonWarmilitaryHenry Knox11.2 Launching the New Government

Whiskey Rebellion

Pair ShareDiscuss with a partner: What was significant about the Whiskey Rebellion?

How was this different than Shays Rebellion?

Washingtons Farewell AddressRise of Two Party System

Hamilton Vs Jefferson

Hamilton & Federalist Party

Hamilton Vs Jefferson

Washington to retireHow to say goodbyetransfer power peacefullyKing George III says If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world.Jefferson resigns as Sec. of State to run for PresidentJohn Adams(Federalist) wins, Jefferson VPAdams fires Hamilton"One Last Time"--HamiltonElection of 1796

Alien & Sedition Acts

Pair ShareDiscuss with a partner: Should the government ever be able to limit Constitutional Rights?

Election of 1800 & 12th Amendment

John Adams and Federalists losing supportDemocratic Republicans plan for Jefferson to be President and Burr VPbut they tie in electoral college.Burr doesnt back downnow Federalists led by Hamilton will decide Jefferson or BurrElection of 1800Election of 1800

Hamilton & Burr