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  • 7/29/2019 Easier Than Throwing Away (GB) 1



    Easier than throwing away.OSRAM guide for proper lamp disposal.

  • 7/29/2019 Easier Than Throwing Away (GB) 1



    Introduction We respect the environment andta e respons ty or protect ng t .

    e use resources spar ng y an

    avo pro uc ng waste. t our

    energy-sav ng amps an systems,

    we contribute to environmental pro-

    tect o n aroun t e wor .

    uoted from the RAM company

    guideline: lobal climate change

    through the strong increase of man-

    ma e green ouse gas em ss ons, t e

    r s ng consumpton o m te natura

    resources, an energy an water

    s ortages n some regons are area y

    today noticeable effects for many

    peop e. ere ore, we ave to pus

    env ronmenta protect on t rougsustana e programs to sa eguar

    e e o uture generat ons. veryone

    must contribute toward this goal,

    n v ua s as we as organ zat ons or

    compan es.

    RAMs sustainability program global

    care represents our commitment to

    soc a an env ronmenta respons ty

    wor w e. s a ea er n nnovat ve

    g t ng so ut ons, we are e cate to

    pro ucts an processes t at contr ute

    o so v ng g o a susta na ty c a enges,

    a ress econom c nee s an protect

    e env ronment or to ay an or t e


    eve opment, pro uct on an app cat on

    o energy e c ent amps an g t ng

    systems contr ute to t e re uct on o

    energy consumption and C 2 emissions.

    t t e same t me, t s mportant to

    a gn t e e cyc e o t ese energy

    sav ng so utons wt our envronment,

    rom env ronmenta y soun pro uct

    designs and manufacturing processes

    o a more eco og ca sposa at t een o t e pro uct e cyc e.

    resent y n many countr es we are

    going through a period where inefficient

    g t sources no onger u t e ega

    requ rements or energy e c ency an

    t ere ore ave to e rep ace y

    energy saving lamps. RAM halogen

    lamps, compact fluorescent lamps and

    - amps are goo a ternat ves or

    ncan escent amps. t regar s touorescent amps on y vers ons w t

    tr - an p osp ors are use ;

    mercury vapor lamps HQ are being

    rep ace w t more energy e c ent

    a ternatves rom pro uct am es suc

    as P WER TA , P WERBALL an


    o eep t e env ronmenta mpact as

    ow as poss e t s essent a t at amps,

    e ectronc contro gear an umna res

    o not conta n any arm u an env ron-

    menta y reevant su stances or,

    unavo a e, on y n m n ma quant t es.

    n a t on, we ave to ma e sure t at

    t ese pro ucts en up n a recyc ng

    process at t e en o t e r e cyc e.

    s roc ure w n orm you n eta

    a out t e part cu ar steps.

  • 7/29/2019 Easier Than Throwing Away (GB) 1


    Which laws are applicable Page 0405

    to lamps, luminaires and

    control gear?

    What are the differences Page 0609

    between lamp technologies?

    What is the benefit Page 1013

    of lamp recycling?

    Where can I find Page 1415

    further information?


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    To make sure that no health or environmental hazards come from products during their entire life cycle

    the European Union has issued a few directives over the last years which on one hand reduce or ban

    harmful substances and on the other hand regulate the end-of-life treatment of products. The following

    directives regulate the use of certain chemical substances and the disposal of lamps, electronic controlgear and luminaires.

    EEE Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment

    regu ates t e o gat on to ta e ac e ectr c an

    e ectron c waste:

    The European directive 2002 96 E regarding the obligation

    to ta e ac e ectr c an e ectronc waste ecame e ectve

    as of February 2003 and subsequently has been transformed

    nto national law in all member states. All manufacturers and

    mporters of electric and electronic equipment are obliged to

    accept returns o t e r pro ucts, an to ta e steps regar ng

    e an ng, usage or recyc ng.

    manu acturers an mporters are o ge to reg ster t em-

    se ves at nat ona eve . e mem er states raw up a st o

    manu acturers an recor ata on a yeary ass regar ng t e

    quant t es an categor es o e ectrca an e ectronc equpment

    t at as een ntro uce , co ecte , recyce an reuse .

    t ona y ata on t e a rea y exporte use equ pment,

    w c as een co ecte , n cat ng we g t or, t s s not

    poss e, t e num er o app ances or evces s recor e .

    e ectr ca an e ectron c equ pment e ecte y

    must e c ear y a e e w t t e sym o o a crosse out

    waste conta ner. nspect on o t e correct mp ementat on o

    s rect ve n t e mem er states s carre out at nat ona

    evel. In ermany, for example, the European directive is

    implemented by the so-called ElektroG, the national law

    regulating the introduction, collection and environmental

    riendly disposal of electric and electronic equipment. A listof organizations taking care of collection, recycling and reuse

    n the E mem er states on ehalf of manufacturers an

    importers can be found on page 14.

    Which laws are applicable to lamps,

    luminaires and control gear?


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    ohS Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous

    ubstances in Electric and Electronic Equipment

    re uces hazar ous su stances:

    he RoH -Directive (2002 95 E restricts the use of certain

    hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment

    and components. The ob ective is to completely ban hazard-

    ous substances from products and components.

    e evant su stances are or examp e

    Lead for example in solder

    polybrominated biphenyl PBB and polybrominated

    diphenyl ethers (PBDE as flame retardants in plastic

    mater ia ls an ca les

    cadmium, to be found for example in paint and plastics

    hexavalent chromium in chrome plating of metals and

    p ast cs

    hrough this directive, all manufacturers are obliged to no

    longer use these substances. However, as this requirement

    could not be realised in the production processes used and,

    as small quantities cannot be detected analytically, concrete

    limit values for hazardous substances in products have been

    efined in the revised directive from August 18, 2005.

    In addition, a number of exemptions have been made for

    some products such as mercury in discharge lamps at

    least for the time being. Step by step these exemptions wille t g tene or re uce .

    imilar directives regarding environmental protection are also

    being discussed or already in effect in countries outside of the

    European Union, e.g. witzerland, Norway, United tates,

    Japan, China and South Korea.

    EA H Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and

    estriction of hemicals regulates the introduction

    o c em ca s:

    Directive E 1907 2006 came into force July 1, 2007 and

    reguates t e regstraton, evauat on, aut orsat on an

    restr ct on o a c em ca su stances n t e uropean mar et.

    anu acturers an mporters o c emcas are e respon-

    sible for the safe handling of these substances. nly chemical

    substances registered with the uropean hemicals

    gency n e s n can e manu acture or mporte nto

    e uropean n on.

    e o gat on to reg ster app es to a c em ca su stances

    w t an annua quant ty o more t an one metr c ton.

    REA H regulates the use of chemical substances not just in

    ectrc or e ectronc equ pment ut n a goo s an t ere-

    ore covers a much wider application area than RoH which

    n y covers c em ca s n e ectrc an e ectronc evces.

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    ncan escent amps are or ave een use n a most every

    app cat on except o ce an n ustr a g t ng.

    ue to their low efficacy of about 10 lm/W (lumens per wattncandescent lamps are todays light source with the least

    energy efficiency and hence are or will be banned by law in

    many countries. As of September 1, 2012 the remaining

    wattages of 15, 25 and 40 W are no longer allowed to be

    markete within the E .

    ncandescent lamps can be disposed of with the general


    What are the differences betweenlamp technologies?


    Functional principle tungsten ament s eate to approx mate y 2700 e v ny an e ectrc current an as a resu t emts warm w te g t.

    s process s runn ng n a g ass u un er n trogen or an

    nert gas atmosp ere. e average amp e s 1000 ours.

    Incandescent lamps

    Main application

    Energy efficiency

    Waste disposal

  • 7/29/2019 Easier Than Throwing Away (GB) 1


    e unct ona pr nc p e equa s t at o ncan escent amps

    except t at a ogen a e to t e ng gas prevents ac -

    enng o t e gass u . e so-ca e aogen cyce a ows

    or sma er u s apes an resu ts n g er e caces,

    onger amp e an r g ter an more r ant g t w c

    at 3000 s a so w ter an ence appears a tt e t coo er

    t an ncan escent g t.

    etween two e ectro es mercury atoms are c arge n a

    ow pressure gas sc arge emtt ng pre omnant y u travo et

    ra at o n. s ra at o n s e n g converte nto v s e g t

    y p osp or coat ngs on t e nner sur ace o t e g ass tu e.

    epen ng on t e compos t on o t e p osp ors a g t

    coors can e generate , rom warm w te to ay g t.

    s a po nt-s ape g t source a ogen amps are par-

    tcua r y suta e or accent g t ng n s ops, museums

    and galleries. Due to their warm, but brilliant light and the

    act t at t ey can eas y e mme , a ogen amps are

    a so use or genera um nat on o ote s, restaurants

    an ouse o s.

    ue to t e r g umnous e cacy, ong amp e an amnar

    g t str ut on uorescent amps are espec a y su ta e

    for energy efficient general illumination. Therefore, they are

    ma n y use n o ce g t n g an n ustr a app cat o ns.

    Halogen lamps last up to five times longer than incan-escent lamps. Especially HALOGEN ECO lamps are

    an excellent alternative for incandescent lamps in the

    next few years.

    ith luminous efficacies beyond 100 lm/W particularly T5lamps with a diameter of 16 mm are amongst todays most

    fficient and long lasting light sources. When operating them

    with dimmable electronic control gears, daylight sensors and

    presence detectors energy savings of up to 80 % compared

    with older fluorescent systems can be achieved.

    ike incandescent lamps halogen lamps do not contain

    any harmful substances and can be disposed of with the

    general waste.

    ll fluorescent lamps contain low quantities of mercury and,

    ince 2006, must therefore be disposed of by public and

    private waste disposal authorities in the communities.

    Halogen lamps Fluorescent lamps

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    Functional principle

    Main application

    Energy efficiency

    Waste disposal

    Compact fluorescent lamps wor

    exactly like linear fluorescent lamps.

    The only difference is that their dis-

    charge tube is bent or twisted to

    allow for a more compact shape.

    hen applying a voltage between two

    crystalline semi-conducting layers

    electrons can move from one layer to

    the other where they recombine with

    atoms lacking electrons and thereby

    emit ra iation which is characteristic

    of the layer material. White LED light

    s composed of blue LED light sent

    through a yellow phosphor coating.lue and yellow spectral components

    generate light colors from warm white

    to daylight depending on the phosphor.

    ese amps no matter p n- ase

    or screw- ase w t ntegrate contro

    gear are use or genera um nat on

    n var ous app catons an t ey are

    most requent y nsta e n recesse

    own g ts.

    - amps em tt ng w te g t are

    t e most nnovat ve a ternat ve or

    ncan escent amps. ey are use

    or genera g t ng purposes as we

    as or spot g t ng.

    riginally developed as an alternative

    or ncan escent amps compact

    uorescent amps consume up to

    80 less energy than standard incan-

    escent amps an ast up to 20 t mes


    o ays amps are on t e same

    eve w t screw- ase compact

    uorescent regar ng energy e c ency.

    ut t ecomes a rea y apparent t at

    amps w c ear y outper orm t e

    um nous e cac es o compact uo-rescent amps n t e next years. e

    typ ca average amp e o 25,000

    ours s a rea y muc onger t an t at

    o t e most ong ast ng compact

    uorescent amps.

    compact uorescent amps conta n

    ow quant t es o mercury an , s nce

    2006, must t ere ore e spose oy pu c an pr vate waste sposa

    aut or t es n t e commun t es.

    t oug amps o not contan

    mercury t ey must e spose o ust

    e sc arge amps v a pu c anprvate waste sposa aut ort es n t e

    communt es ue to t e r e ectronc

    componen s.

    ompact fluorescent lamps ED lamps so-called retrofits

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    etween two electrodes mercury

    atoms are charged under high pressure

    by electrons thereby emitting blue

    and green light. A phosphor coating

    improves the color temperature and

    leads to a moderate color rendering.

    A mixture of mercury and metal halides

    is excited by electrons in a high

    pressure atmosphere forming a white

    discharge arc between two electrodes.

    Depending on the composition of the

    chemical elements used this discharge

    can generate light colors from warm

    white to daylight with excellent color


    etween the electro es so ium atoms

    are charged by electrons under high

    pressure in high pressure sodium lamps

    or likewise under low pressure in low

    pressure sodium lamps. Low pressure

    sodium lamps emit monochromatic

    yellow light making it impossible to

    render any color but yellow. High pres-

    sure sodium lamps allow for renderingof some primary colors.

    ue to t e r mo erate co or ren er ng

    mercury amps are a most exc us ve y

    use to um nate streets an pu c

    p aces, occasona y a so or n ustra

    g t ng.

    s a po nt-s ape g t source meta

    a e amps are part cu ar y su ta e or

    spot g t ng. amps w t ower wattages

    are o ten use n s op g tng an atey

    a so or um nat on o roa s an pu c

    areas. amps w t wattages o 400

    an g er are ma n y use n n ustr a

    an sports g tng.

    ue to t e r ye ow g t an t e r

    nsu c ent co or ren er ng propert es

    so um vapor amps are a most ex-

    cusve y use n out oor g t ng suc

    as um nat on o roa s, pu c p aces,

    u ng aca es, ra way trac s an

    n ustr a ac t es.

    ercury amps ac eve on y a max -

    mum luminous efficacy of 60 lm W,

    t e owest o a g ntens ty s-

    c arge amps. ere ore, t ey w

    e anne n t e an as o 2015

    may no onger e roug t to mar et.

    eta a e amps stan out ue to

    t e r very g um nous e cacy o

    more than 100 lm W and their excellent

    co or ren er ng. ro ucts w t ceram c

    tec noogy c ear y outper orm versons

    w t quartz urners regar ng energye c ency, co or ren er ng an amp e.

    odium vapor lamps are very energy

    e c ent. g pressure so um amps

    reach efficacies of 150 lm W and with

    up to 174 lm W low pressure versions

    ac eve current y t e g est um nous

    e cac es o a genera g t ng amps;owever t e r monoc romat c ye ow

    g t s m te to on y very ew out oor

    app cat ons.

    ercury amps conta n mercury an ,

    s nce 2006, must t ere ore e s-

    pose o y pu c an pr vate wastesposa aut or t es n t e commun t es.

    eta a e amps contan mercury an ,

    s nce 2006, must t ere ore e spose

    o v a pu c an pr vate waste sposaaut or t es n t e commun t es.

    odium vapor lamps contain mostly

    mercury an t e c em ca e ement

    so um w c reacts eav y w t uma r. ere ore, a urne out so um

    vapor amps nee to e spose o

    pro essona y.

    ercury amps eta a e amps odium vapor lamps

  • 7/29/2019 Easier Than Throwing Away (GB) 1



    Recycling of products always targets the recovery of as many unmixed materials as possible in

    order to save our limited resources and to protect the environment by disposing of pollutants in

    an environmental-friendly way.

    Various methods have become established for the recycling

    of discharge lamps either in a mobile or fixed system. The

    a m o t ese met o s s to separate a amp components

    Lamp collection takes place either through delivery to municipal

    collection stations or, for larger quantities, through pick-up

    serv ce o comm ss one waste management companes. ou

    can norma y n eta e n ormaton a out waste manage-

    ment on the websites of the municipalities. The European

    lamp industry has organized the collection and recycling of

    used discharge lamps using specific companies for waste

    management. ore n ormat on a out t e contractua partners

    s ava a e on request rom t e organ zat ons n eac o t e

    European countries. Contact addresses of Collection and

    Recycling Service Organizations can be found on page 14

    of this rochure.

    Which recycling methods are available?

    What is the benefit of lamp recycling?

    nd to reuse the residual materials as much as possible.

    lean glass can be used for the production of new lamps;

    m xe g ass s use or ot er g ass pro ucts. eta parts

    re sent or meta recyc ng an p ast cs are energet ca y

    recovered. Phosphors are blown out or washed out and can

    e reused for industrial production as well as the separated

    mercury content. An impressive example is OSRAMs German

    recycling partner DELA (as of January 1, 2012 under the

    new name WEEE ervice mbH , who recycles almost all

    amp components for new production. For example unmixed

    mercury is extracted from distillation or mercury is trans-

    formed into mercury sulphide chemically stable cinnabar

    y a spec a process eve ope y .

    o prevent any danger to humans and the environment, all

    amp treatment processes are conducted in vacuum-sealed

    ystems and have special waste air purification systems.

    e o owng paragrap s escr e to ay s most common

    recyc ng met o s.


    So far the ratio between collected fluorescent lamps and other lamp types has been approximately 85 to 15 percent. However, the percentage of energy saving lamps is increasing.

    (Photo: Dr. Jrgen Kroll)

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    End ut method: This process has been developed for

    linear fluorescent lamps and yields maximum recycling rates

    feeding up to 90 % of the treated glass directly into the lamp


    hredder method:The shredder method allows all types

    of discharge lamps to be processed, including broken

    lamps and production waste. It is particularly suitable for

    lamps with many different forms and different types of glass.

    fter separating phosphors, plastics and metals, the

    recyc e g ass can e use or pro ucts w t ower pur ty


    ro en g ass was ng met o : arge vo umes o

    unsorted fluorescent lamps as well as broken lamps are

    crushed in automatic unit. In a closed loop phosphors

    are was e out an mercury s remove y means o

    distillation. Then the remaining components are separated

    into different materials by means of sifting and the glass is

    reused for the production of new lamps.

    Centrifugal separation method:This metho allows al l

    compact fluorescent lamps and non-linear discharge lamps

    to be processed. In a centrifugal separation system lamp

    caps, electronic components, metals and plastic materials

    are separated from then glass parts. The glass is reused for

    the production of glass products, metals are sent for metalrecyc ng an p ast cs are energet ca y recovere .

    Product-specific stripping methods: nly lamps of a

    s m ar n can e processe us n g t s met o . e

    a vantage s t at t e amp u s separate rom t e cap

    and mercury is separated from all other lamp components

    n t e rst process ng step. e sa vantage compare to

    met o s escr e ear er s t at a co ecte amps rst

    have to be sorted manually according to their shape and

    s ze.

    Mercury in this bottle is the yield of approximately 200,000 energy saving lamps.

    (Photo: Dr. Jrgen Kroll)

    Washed and crushed material is separated by different sifters and metal separators.

    (Photo: Dr. Jrgen Kroll)

    Linear fluorescent lamps delivered on pallets are fed directly into the broken glass

    washing unit without further pre-treatment. (Photo: Dr. Jrgen Kroll)

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    he unmixed extraction of lamp components such as glass

    or metal by means of modern recycling processes reduces

    the resulting residual waste by 95 %. Nevertheless it is

    wort w e to eep mprov ng recyc ng met o s n or er

    to re uce t e reman ng waste mater a even urt er.

    In the recent past the discussion about raw materials

    roug t attent on to a group o meta s, t e so-ca e rare

    eart meta s. ese e ements are use wor w e n

    e ectron c pro ucts suc as permanent magnets n e ectr c

    or hybrid vehicles, rechargeable batteries, mobile phones,

    at screens and also discharge lamps. The predominant

    s are o p osp ors an a so t e g t o meta a e amps

    are generate y rare eart meta s.

    he demand for these chemical elements is continuously

    increasing, resources are limited, the extraction is becoming

    more expens ve an pr ces ave ncrease ramat ca y.

    ere ore, t ma es sense to recyce t ese meta s an reuse

    t em ncreas ngy as secon ary raw mater a .

    rocesses to extract rare eart meta s rom p osp ors o

    a rea y ex st. t present, companes are nvest ng even more

    n researc an eve opment to urt er mprove recyc ng

    met o s.


    Rare earths are needed to produce phosphors for fluorescent and compact

    fluorescent lamps.


    Eu, Y


    Eu Green

    Ce, La, Tb







    What happens to the components?

  • 7/29/2019 Easier Than Throwing Away (GB) 1



    ost energy sav ng amps conta n a sma amount o mercury

    (between 1.5 and 5 mg depending on the lamp type) which

    must be professionally extracted by means of recycling. The

    on y t me a consumer may e expose to mercury s t e

    glass of the lamp is cracked or broken.

    t s appens, t e o owng rues ep to excu e t e

    ex osure:

    a e sure to sconnect t e amp or um na re rom any

    electric power

    Open the windows and leave the room for 10 to 15

    m nutes

    Thoroughly sweep the surface to collect all lamp parts ter vent at on, gat er t e rema n ng sma p eces w t

    a sposa e c o t or a es v e tape.

    hen using a vacuum cleaner (e. g. for carpets make

    sure to mme ate y remove t e ag

    Collect the lamp pieces in a sealed bag or container and

    ring it to the next collection point for waste lamps. If you

    ave to store t n t e meant me, p ease o so out oors.

    Handling broken lamps.RAM: Responsible use of mercury.

    The majority of RAM energy-saving

    amps conta n no more t an .5 m grams

    o mercurywt a vo ume o ess t an

    . mm3 s amount wou cover t e t p

    o a a po nt pen

    e amount o mercury conta ne n ust

    one o -sty e me ca t ermometer wou

    e enoug or to 1 energy-sav ng


    RAM used advanced os ng tec n ques

    to re uce t e mercury nee e n t e manu-

    acture o amps to an a so ute m n mum

    at a recyc ng center. RAM was greatly

    nvove n settng up a unct on ng system

    or co ect ng an recyc ng t e amps.

    nergy-savng amps e p preven mercury

    e ng re ease nto t e atmosp ere

    esp te t e act t at t ey t emse ves conta n

    mercury. s s ecause cons era y more

    mercury s re ease y coa - re power

    stat ons t an s use n energy-sav ng amps.

    n ecause energy-sav ng g t uses ess

    e ectr c ty, ess coa as to e urne an

    t ere ore ess mercury n s ts way nto t e

    env ronment.

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    To ensure environment-friendly collection and recycling of discharge lamps the lighting industry in the

    member states of the European Union has founded the following agencies organising the collection and

    transportation of spent lamps for their partners.

    Where can I find further information?


    Code Country Agency Link

    Austria UFH www.ufh.at

    BE Belgium LightRec (Recupel) www.recupel.be

    CH Switzerland Stiftung Licht Recycling Schweiz (SLRS) www.slrs.ch

    CZ Czech Republic Ekolamp www.ekolamp.cz

    DE Germany Lightcycle Retourlogistik und Service GmbH www.lightcycle.de

    DK Denmark Lyskildebranches WEEE Forening (LWF) www.LWF.nu

    EE Estonia Ekogaisma SIA www.ekogaisma.ee

    ES Spain Ambilamp www.ambi lamp.com

    FI Finland FLIP www.flip.fi

    FR France Rcylum www.recylum.fr

    GB United Kingdom Recolight Limited www.recolight.uk

    GR Greece Appliances Recycling S.A. www.electrocycle.gr

    ungary Electro- oord Kht. www.electro-coord.hu

    Irelan Recolight Ireland www.weeeireland.ie

    Italy Ecolamp www.ecolamp.i

    Lithuania pa www.epa.

    LU Luxembourg Ecotrel asbl www.ecotrel.org

    LV Latvia Ekogaisma SIA www.ekogaisma.lv

    NL Netherlands Lightrec www.lightrec.nl

    NO Norway El-Retur www.elretur.no

    PL Poland ElektroEko www.elektroeko.pl

    PT Portugal Amb3E www.amb3e.pt

    RO Romania Asociatia Recolamp www.recolamp.ro

    SE Sweden El-Kretsen i Sverige AB www.el-kretsen.se

    SI Slovenia Ekosij Zeos www.zeos.si

    SK Slovakia Ekolamp www.ekolamp.sk

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    A itional contacts for more information



    Detailed information about the European WEEE directive, RoH and REA H

    can e oun un er:European ommission: www.ec.europa.eu environment

    RoH compliance through the European Union: www.rohs.eu

    Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA): www.baua.de

    EL The European Lamp ompanies Federation

    www.e c e .org

    www.ce ma.org

    c t. e

    www.licht. e

    entra ver an e trotec n un e tro n ustr e e. .

    www.zve .com

    www.zvei.org en homepage

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    Head Office

    Hellabrunner Strasse 1

    81543 Munich


    Phone +49 (0) 89-6213-0

    Fax +49 (0) 89-6213-20 20
