easter season from home · bouquet for someone? • what commandments are you struggling to follow?...

THE SOURCE OF OUR HOPE When our Easter journey began five weeks ago, we encountered fearful apostles hiding behind locked doors, a doubting Thomas, and two disheartened disciples returning to their old way of life in Emmaus. Over time, doubt and uncertainty have been transformed into a bold belief which has driven the apostles to the ends of the earth to preach the Good News. In today’s first reading, Philip is led by faith to go to Samaria, an enemy of the Jewish people, to share the Gospel message. As a result, many Samaritans were cured and “there was great joy in that city.” When people encounter the Gospel of Jesus Christ, enemies become more than friends – they become brothers and sisters in Christ. St. Peter, who had once denied even knowing Jesus, is transformed by the resurrection and mercy of Jesus. In the second reading, St. Peter tells us, “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope but do it with gentleness and reverence.” As we celebrate this Sixth Sunday of Easter, we know the source of our hope is the risen Jesus. Our mission – today and every day – is to share that hope with gentleness and reverence with everyone we meet. PREPARING FOR THE LITURGY • Come together before Mass to pray a rosary as a family. • Download or print the scripture readings at usccb.org. • Display an image of Mary in your prayer corner and decorate with ‘Marian Flowers.’ • Open your Bible to today’s Gospel and reflect on the passage throughout the week. • Prepare your spiritual and financial gifts for Mass. FROM HOME EASTER SEASON SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER – TRANSFORMED IN CHRIST SCRIPTURE READINGS FIRST READING ACTS 8:5-8, 14-17 SECOND READING 1 PT 3:15-18 GOSPEL READING JN 14:15-21 Did You Know? Over the course of history, five flowers became associated with the Blessed Virgin Mary: the Lily, Rose, Iris, Periwinkle and Lady’s Slipper. Lilies symbolize purity and innocence. Roses represent heavenly joy. Irises were often called ‘sword lily’ and is used in depictions of Our Lady of Sorrows. Periwinkle is also known as ‘Virgin Flower’ and its blue color is associated with Mary’s blue garments. Lady’s Slipper was originally known as “Our Lady’s Slipper” and a popular legend suggested that they first sprang forth at the touch of Mary’s foot.

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Page 1: EASTER SEASON FROM HOME · bouquet for someone? • What commandments are you struggling to follow? Which come more naturally to you? The Steier Group is a national Catholic stewardship,

THE SOURCE OF OUR HOPEWhen our Easter journey began five weeks ago, we encountered fearful apostles hiding behind locked doors, a doubting Thomas, and two disheartened disciples returning to their old way of life in Emmaus. Over time, doubt and uncertainty have been transformed into a bold belief which has driven the apostles to the ends of the earth to preach the Good News.

In today’s first reading, Philip is led by faith to go to Samaria, an enemy of the Jewish people, to share the Gospel message. As a result, many Samaritans were cured and “there was great joy in that city.” When people encounter the Gospel of Jesus Christ, enemies become more than friends – they become brothers and sisters in Christ.

St. Peter, who had once denied even knowing Jesus, is transformed by the resurrection and mercy of Jesus. In the second reading, St. Peter tells us, “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope but do it with gentleness and reverence.” As we celebrate this Sixth Sunday of Easter, we know the source of our hope is the risen Jesus. Our mission – today and every day – is to share that hope with gentleness and reverence with everyone we meet.

PREPARING FOR THE LITURGY• Come together before Mass to pray a rosary as a family.• Download or print the scripture readings at usccb.org.• Display an image of Mary in your prayer corner and decorate with ‘Marian Flowers.’• Open your Bible to today’s Gospel and reflect on the passage throughout the week.• Prepare your spiritual and financial gifts for Mass.






Did You Know? Over the course of history, five flowers became associated with

the Blessed Virgin Mary: the Lily, Rose, Iris, Periwinkle and Lady’s Slipper. Lilies symbolize purity and innocence. Roses

represent heavenly joy. Irises were often called ‘sword lily’ and is used in depictions of Our Lady of Sorrows. Periwinkle is also known as ‘Virgin Flower’ and its blue color is associated with Mary’s blue garments. Lady’s Slipper was originally

known as “Our Lady’s Slipper” and a popular legend suggested that they first sprang forth at the touch of Mary’s foot.

Page 2: EASTER SEASON FROM HOME · bouquet for someone? • What commandments are you struggling to follow? Which come more naturally to you? The Steier Group is a national Catholic stewardship,

Grateful and Generous“Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over,

will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (Luke 6:38).

Generosity is an essential part of the Christian life. How can you share God’s blessings

with your parish and those in need?

FOR REFLECTION• How is your life changed by the resurrection of Jesus?

• St. Philip preached the Gospel to a people who were considered his enemy. Do you have any enemies? Jesus tells us to love our enemies and pray for our persecutors.

• St. Peter tells us, “Always be ready to give an explanation… for your hope but do it with gentleness and reverence.” Share your “explanation for your hope” with your family and friends.

• Filled with the Holy Spirit, how do you live as an advocate for others?

• How might your prayers and spiritual sacrifices become a spiritual bouquet for someone?

• What commandments are you struggling to follow? Which come more naturally to you?

The Steier Group is a national Catholic stewardship, development and fundraising firm that has partnered with Catholic churches, schools, religious orders, Newman Centers, seminaries and dioceses across North America. We provide our clients with customized campaign planning studies and capital campaign guidance from a team of expert project managers. Our full-service approach includes graphic design, foundation research, grant writing, an emphasis on stewardship, planned giving strategies and detailed communications. The Steier Group is proud to have helped more than 1,500 Catholic organizations raise more than $2 billion.

THE GREATEST COMMANDMENTPerhaps we are tempted to think that it was easier for St. Philip and St. Peter to know Jesus and believe in his resurrection. They saw Jesus with their own eyes, after all, and we have not. Jesus, however, wants to reveal himself to us and transform our lives just as much as the apostles’ lives. “I will not leave you orphans. I will come to you,” Jesus promises, “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always” (John 14:16).

So, what can we do? Jesus tells us in the Gospel, “Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me. And whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and reveal myself to him” (John 14:21). Would you like God to reveal himself to you? Then strive every day to live the greatest of all the commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind… and love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22: 37-40). And keep your eyes and heart open for Jesus, because he always keeps his promises!

Page 3: EASTER SEASON FROM HOME · bouquet for someone? • What commandments are you struggling to follow? Which come more naturally to you? The Steier Group is a national Catholic stewardship,

LA FUENTE DE NUESTRA ESPERANZACuando nuestro viaje de Pascua comenzó hace cinco semanas, nos encontramos con apóstoles temerosos escondidos detrás de puertas cerradas, Tomás, quien dudaba, y dos discípulos desilusionados en camino a Emaús. Pero la duda y la incertidumbre se fue transformado en una fe audaz que llevó a los apóstoles a todo rincón del mundo para predicar el Evangelio.

En la primera lectura de hoy, Felipe bajó a la ciudad de Samaria y predicó el Evangelio, aunque en Samaria había enemigos del pueblo judío. A causa de su mensaje muchos samaritanos se curaron y “esto despertó gran alegría en aquella ciudad.” Cuando la gente se encuentra con el Evangelio de Jesucristo, los enemigos se convierten en algo más que amigos, se convierten en hermanos y hermanas en Cristo.

San Pedro, quien una vez negó conocer a Jesús, se transformó por medio de la resurrección y la misericordia de Jesús. En la segunda lectura, San Pedro nos dice: “Más bien, santifiquen en su corazón a Cristo como Señor y estén siempre listos para responder a todo el que les pida razón de la esperanza que hay en ustedes, pero háganlo con humildad y reverencia” (1 Pedro 3:15). Al celebrar el Sexto Domingo de Pascua, sabemos que la fuente de nuestra esperanza es Jesús, quien resucitó de entro los muertos. Nuestra misión - hoy y cada día - es compartir esa esperanza con dulzura y reverencia con todos los que nos encontramos.

PREPARACIÓN DE LA LITURGIA• Descargue e imprima las lecturas de las escrituras aquí: usccb.org.• En familia recen un rosario antes de la Misa.• Muestre una imagen de María en su área de oración y decore con flores marianas.• Abra su Biblia al Evangelio de hoy y refleje sobre el pasaje durante la semana.• Prepare su ofrenda spiritual y financiera para la Misa.





¿Lo sabías? A lo largo de la historia, los lirios, rosas, violetas, y las

orquídeas se han llegado a asociar con la Santísima Virgen Maria. Los lirios simbolizan la pureza y la inocencia. Las rosas representan la alegría celestial. Las violetas también se conocen como ‘Flor de la Virgen’ y su color azul-violeta se asocia con las prendas azules de María. La orquídea fue

originalmente conocida como “La Zapatilla de Nuestra Señora” y una leyenda popular sugiere que brotaron

por primera vez al tocar el pie de María.


Page 4: EASTER SEASON FROM HOME · bouquet for someone? • What commandments are you struggling to follow? Which come more naturally to you? The Steier Group is a national Catholic stewardship,

Agradecido y Generoso“Den, y se les dará; medida buena, apretada, sacudida

y rebosante se les dará en su regazo. Porque con la medida con que miden se les volverá a medir”

(Lucas 6:38). La generosidad es una parte esencial de la vida cristiana. ¿Cómo puede compartir

las bendiciones de Dios con su parroquia y los menos afortunados?

PARA REFLEJAR:• ¿Cómo cambia su vida con la resurrección de Jesús?

• San Felipe predicó el Evangelio a un pueblo que se suponía era su enemigo. ¿Tiene algún enemigo? Jesús nos dice que amemos y recemos por nuestros enemigos.

• San Pedro nos dice: “Estén siempre listos para responder a todo el que les pida razón de la esperanza que hay en ustedes, pero háganlo con humildad y reverencia.” Entre familia y amistades, compartan las razones de su esperanza.

• Lleno del Espíritu Santo, ¿cómo vive como defensor de los demás?

• ¿Cómo pueden sus oraciones y sacrificios espirituales convertirse en un ramo espiritual para alguien?

• ¿Con cuales mandamientos está luchando? ¿Cuáles mandamientos son más fáciles?

EL PRIMER MANDAMIENTOEs fácil pensar que para San Pedro y San Felipe fue más fácil conocer a Jesús y creer en su resurrección. Ellos lo vieron con sus propios ojos, nosotros no. Pero Jesús también quiere transformar nuestras vidas. Jesús nos promete: “Yo rogaré al Padre y les dará otro Consolador para que esté con ustedes para siempre…No los dejaré huérfanos; volveré a ustedes” (Juan 14:16-18).

¿Qué podemos hacer? El Evangelio nos dice: “El que tiene mis mandamientos y los guarda, él es quien me ama. Y el que me ama será amado por mi Padre, y yo lo amaré y me manifestaré a él” (Juan 14:21). ¿Quiere que Dios viva dentro de su corazón? Entonces cada día procure cumplir con el mandamiento principal: “Amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón y con toda tu alma y con toda tu mente. Este es el grande y el primer mandamiento” (Mateo 22:37-38). ¡Mantengan sus ojos y sus corazones abiertos, porque Jesús siempre cumple sus promesas!

El Steier Group es una empresa católica de corresponsabilidad, desarrollo y recaudación de fondos. El Steier Group se ha asociado con iglesias católicas, escuelas, órdenes religiosas, Centros Newman, seminarios y diócesis en toda América del Norte. Nuestro equipo de expertos administra estudios de planificación y campañas de recaudación de fondos. Nuestro servicio completo incluye diseño gráfico, investigación de fundaciones, redacción de subvenciones, énfasis en la corresponsabilidad, estrategias para conseguir donaciones planificadas y comunicación a través de varias plataformas. El Steier Group se enorgullece de haber ayudado a más de 1,500 organizaciones católicas a recaudar más de dos mil millones de dólares.