ebbf's annual general meeting - october 2014, barcelona

October 2014 ebbf annual general meeting

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A summary of what was presented and of the ideas collected from participants at ebbf's 2014 annual general meeting


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October 2014 ebbf annual general meeting

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is a global open learning community accompanying mindful individuals passionate about contributing to a prosperous, sustainable & just civilisation through their daily work

www.ebbf.org | why ebbf exists

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is a global open learning community accompanying mindful individuals passionate about contributing to a prosperous, sustainable & just civilisation through their daily work

www.ebbf.org | why ebbf exists

really ???

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> SEND your short story to [email protected]

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www.ebbf.org | current ebbf communication channels



You Tube

LinkedIN Google+ Twitter



social media

social media




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www.ebbf.org | ebbf’s 2013 impact at a glance

50 countries with active

ebbf members

250 events every year

30 publications

10,000 people reached through ebbf events every year

40 ebbf meaningful hangout

online learning events

904 innovators in ebbf’s online

members platform

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action-oriented active contributors

www.ebbf.org | accompany active participation and impact

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→ SEE ebbf home page: http://ebbf.org

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→ SEE next ebbf events http://ebbf.org/event/

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www.ebbf.org | everyone wants to pop by

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find out how to create your local ebbf event http://ebbf.org/create-event/

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we met at ebbf annual conference in Portugal … then at ebbf annual event in Barcelona … then I visited ebbf breakfast event in Geneva … then we fell in love (ebbf accompaniment includes a board member taking you all the way “to the altar”)

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ebbf google hangouts→ every thursday interact in videoconference with other members http://ebbf.org/event/

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→ buy gift read create ebbf publications http://ebbf.org/publications

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→ use ebbf tools http://ebbf.org/tools/

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Country 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 (*) 2014 (**)

United Kingdom 27 38 38 40 42 49 47 52 55 58

United States 35 35 30 43 48 59 44 51 55 56

Switzerland 12 10 13 22 29 38 33 35 33 40

Netherlands 23 31 38 42 42 46 37 37 34 31Italy 21 20 15 17 24 34 31 27 26 31France 27 20 22 25 27 31 26 22 20 22Germany 17 21 21 29 25 29 26 25 24 19Belgium 12 15 15 15 18 16 13 14 12 13

Canada 6 10 15 15 14 17 11 10 8 11

China 4 4 4 6 8 7 8 10 10 10

Spain 3 3 4 11 11 12 7 6 6 9

Austria 14 14 14 10 8

Luxembourg 8 6 7 6

Portugal 5 6

Australia 5

Finland 3 4 7 12 9 12 8 5 4 4

Total members in other nations 64 97 143 109 111 100 69 67 72 59

Total eligible members 251 305 356 386 408 464 382 383 381 388

Total Countries where present 42 39 55 61 61 60 51 53 51 50

(*) as of 20th september 2013

www.ebbf.org | membership by country

(**) as of 20th september 2014

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→ gift a membership contact member services’ Victor Forghani http://ebbf.org/i-am-new/donate/

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→ contribute: http://ebbf.org/i-am-new/donate/

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what is ebbf’s current organizational structure?

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most of the original ebbf board members are present in this AGM today to ensure the new ebbf name allows ebbf to evolve with changing times, whilst remaining faithful to ebbf’s original focus, principles and values.

left to right, top to bottom: George Starcher, Dorothy Marcic, Beppe Robiati, Wendi Momen, Ezzat Zahrai.

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Letter from the ebbf governing board - addressing the new ebbf nameIn 2015 our organization will celebrate a quarter of a century of existence. During this period, ebbf has attained a respectable brand recognition. A Google search on “ethical finance” usually generates more than 40 million results, out of which ebbf has consistently been among the first five." ebbf is well known to many organizations with which we collaborate: the United Nations’ Global Compact, Commission on the Status of Women, the Global Ethics Forum, AIESEC, International Environment Forum, JADE and many others.""The meaning behind those letters (ebbf) has evolved over the years. The European Baha’i Business Forum was a name that explained who the members of the nascent organization were: European, inspired by Baha’i principles, gathered in a Forum to discuss issues related to Business.""After 24 years, we have gone beyond being just a European organization; our membership spans the 5 continents and 50 plus countries. ""We have transitioned from the stage of being a Forum where ideas are debated to that of exploring how to contribute to a more prosperous, just and sustainable civilization, through [the] daily work (of our members). We have entered the arena of action; we want to build the future. ""Finally, even though we remain inspired by, and totally committed to, Baha’i principles, which constitute the foundation of our vision, we have to make the use of the name Baha’i consistent with the practice and policy of the Baha’i institutions, as set by their Supreme Governing Body. According to that policy, Baha’i inspired organizations like ours do not use the word Baha’i in their name. Nevertheless, our comparative advantage is in our focus on values and ethics; which was implied in our reference to Baha'i. In the new name, the reference to the Ethical nature of the organization is explicit.""The Board has begun the process of changing the Articles of Association and other required steps."Therefore, we are pleased to present to you the new name of the organization: ebbf, Ethical Business Building the Future. It is now up to the membership and its actions to fill it with meaning.

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european bahai business forum

ethical business building the future

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ethical business building the future

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accompanying mindful individuals passionate about exploring how to contribute to a prosperous, sustainable & just civilisation through their daily work

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what kind of impact would you like to see ebbf make?

www.ebbf.org | opening the floor with the AGM audience

what would you like to make happen?

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Financial . Create a committe to generate new revenues. Look for resources in the community at large, investigate the possibility of grants . use part of the ebbf reserves to employ a full time fundraiser . attract more members to create higher revenue streams

www.ebbf.org | suggestions from AGM participants

Increase Reach . Look to co-brand events e.g. with AIESEC . Create chapters in different countries . Use more social media to reach like-minded organizations (and individuals) . Target audiences (BIC and World Centre / World at large) . Market ebbf events to all countries

Other ideas . Offer more concrete examples of things that have worked . Each event learnshop could be turned into a 3 or 4 day training . Today the name is a statement, as individual members we can present the organization . Create new opportunities to send suggestions (FlyTheGap platform was suggested)

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“I then had many meaningful conversations between 2007 and 2009 where the model was refined. Many of them at ebbf conferences, the kind of conversations that I define as life changing. In many of those conversations people would react so very enthusiastically and give great ideas, I specifically remember conversations with Larry Staudt and Graham Boyd whom I had met at past ebbf events.”

www.ebbf.org | towards impacting 1 million

Winner of MIT climate co-lab challenge 1,000 solar lamps substituting kerosene lamps to families in Niger "average family number 7 "“pay” for them having each family contribute 8 hours of community work "impact of a single member, influenced by an ebbf event is well over 10,000 individuals

Arash Aazami

founded BAS Energie influenced thousands of people making them aware of (talks and marketing) and using a revolutionary financial model that promotes the use of renewable energy and reduced consumption "impact of a single member, influenced by an ebbf event is well over 10,000 individuals

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some ebbf social media stats

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925 members sept 2012


560 members oct 2011

650 members jan 2012

1,017 members jan 2013

1,183 members sept 2013

www.ebbf.org | LinkedIN

as of 20th September 2013

1,318 members sept 2013

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www.ebbf.org | facebook


as of 20th September 2013


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www.ebbf.org | the AIESEC partnership

New AIESEC Alumni ebbf members team formed1st challenge for this team has been set

Alex Cabon has created close link to AIESEC International team their VP External Relations will keynote at ebbf event

AIESEC international has endorsed globally ebbf

The entire MC team of Spain will be attending the annual conference

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as of 20th September 2013

www.ebbf.org | twitter


