ec superbskin, fish efa softgel - vtc · 2019. 12. 23. · collagen is essential as its makes up...

EC Superb Fish EFA Softgel 珍愛 EC 特選漁油 膠囊 Sole Agent (ATEASE): (852) 2715 1722 Possible & Easy for Quality Life 關捷健 ® JointOK ® 關捷健 Collagen is essential as its makes up ~35% of body proteins! It is the major constituent of cartilage, bones, tendons, ligaments, skin, blood vessels and connective tissues of various organs. JointOK® is an innovative bioactive collagen peptides formula (FORTIGEL®) clinically proven with high absorption (95%) and effectiveness. JointOK® reaches joints, bones, skin and tissues to provide necessary nutrition and stimulates tissue regeneration naturally and safe by cell mechanism 7 . 膠原佔人體蛋白質約 35%,是構成軟骨、骨骼、肌腱韌帶 皮膚、血管和臟腑結締組織的主要物質,必需補充關捷健®的 FORTIGEL®專方,經多年臨床研證,吸收率 95%,除提供天然必需膠原營養,更深入激活細胞自然地 修護關節、肌腱韌帶及結締組織,減緩痛楚退化,舒筋活 絡,令關節輕鬆暢順 7 ,更可助肌膚緊緻、水凝嫩滑。 適合關注關節肌膚健康人士 (Health –conscious people) Suitable for diabetics, people with high blood pressure, fats &: 包括:有糖尿、高血壓和血脂人士,以及: 低頭 /上班族 (Salarymen) 低頭或不良坐站姿勢,缺乏伸展,穿高跟鞋等,令椎間或 關節軟骨勞損。 勞動人士 / 運動員 (Workers / Athletes) 經常重複動作或運動,衝擊關節引致勞損。 超重 / 瘦弱 人士 (Overweight / Thin) 負荷加速關節磨蝕 ,肌肉不足則關節易損。 中年 / 長者 (Aging) 軟骨細胞生長速度及修復能力減低,關節衰退。 婦女 (Females) 腰背痛-懷孕時子宮和胎兒增重,家務操勞令脊骨和盤骨 受壓,關節勞損 (Low Back Pain) 脫髮-因產後頭髮處於休止期或年長所致 (Hair Loss) 腳腫-少肉飲食令體內水份聚於腳踝 (Ankle Oedema) 皮膚紋-因胎兒需要或歲月令肌膚膠原質流失(Wrinkles) Direction 食用方法 Take 1 sachet (10 g) daily, mix content with water, milk drinks, soy milk, soup, congee, oatmeal, yoghurt, salad, etc. (< 50°C). 沖劑,每天 1 包(10 克),混和於水、奶類飲料、豆漿、 湯、粥、麥片、沙律等( 溫度低於 50°C )食用。 JointOK ® - A unique formula of optimized helps regenerate cartilage & skin 延展健康活力‧重建緊緻嫩肌 Made in Germany Another quality product 另一 珍愛產品: Supports heart, joint, brain & immune health 支持心臟,關節,大腦和免疫系統的健康 Promotes cognitive function & vision 促進認知和視覺功能 Harvard Medical School McAlindon study OARSI FROST & SULLIVAN European Health Ingredient Award

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Page 1: EC Superbskin, Fish EFA Softgel - VTC · 2019. 12. 23. · Collagen is essential as its makes up ~35% of body proteins! It is the major constituent of cartilage, bones, tendons, ligaments,

EC Superb Fish EFA Softgel 珍愛 EC 特選漁油 膠囊

Sole Agent (ATEASE): (852) 2715 1722

Possible & Easy for Quality Life



Collagen is essential as its makes up ~35% of body proteins! It is the major constituent of cartilage, bones, tendons, ligaments, skin, blood vessels and connective tissues of various organs.

JointOK® is an innovative bioactive collagen peptides formula

(FORTIGEL®) clinically proven with high absorption (95%) and

effectiveness. JointOK® reaches joints, bones, skin and tissues

to provide necessary nutrition and stimulates tissue

regeneration naturally and safe by cell mechanism7.

膠原佔人體蛋白質約 35%,是構成軟骨、骨骼、肌腱韌帶


關捷健®的 FORTIGEL®專方,經多年臨床研證,吸收率




適合關注關節肌膚健康人士 (Health –conscious people)

Suitable for diabetics, people with high blood pressure, fats &: 包括:有糖尿、高血壓和血脂人士,以及:

低頭 /上班族 (Salarymen)



勞動人士 / 運動員 (Workers / Athletes)


超重 / 瘦弱 人士 (Overweight / Thin)

負荷加速關節磨蝕 ,肌肉不足則關節易損。

中年 / 長者 (Aging)


婦女 (Females)


受壓,關節勞損 (Low Back Pain)

脫髮-因產後頭髮處於休止期或年長所致 (Hair Loss)

腳腫-少肉飲食令體內水份聚於腳踝 (Ankle Oedema)


Direction 食用方法

Take 1 sachet (10 g) daily, mix content with water, milk drinks, soy milk, soup, congee, oatmeal, yoghurt, salad, etc. (< 50°C).

沖劑,每天 1 包(10 克),混和於水、奶類飲料、豆漿、

湯、粥、麥片、沙律等( 溫度低於 50°C )食用。

JointOK® -

A unique formula of optimized

helps regenerate cartilage & skin


Made in


Another quality product 另一 珍愛產品:

Supports heart, joint, brain & immune health


Promotes cognitive function & vision


Harvard Medical


McAlindon study



SULLIVAN European Health

Ingredient Award

Page 2: EC Superbskin, Fish EFA Softgel - VTC · 2019. 12. 23. · Collagen is essential as its makes up ~35% of body proteins! It is the major constituent of cartilage, bones, tendons, ligaments,

(2) Right Exercises 合適的運動

Consult medical professionals. 請諮詢醫護專家。

Warm up: e.g. 5-min walk. 運動前步行 5 分鐘熱身。

Start small & slowly: e.g. 10-min every other day,

increase duration / repetitions gradually. 開始時動作

慢和量少,如隔天做 10 分鐘,之後逐漸增加時間 次


Do not overdo: You may feel stiff or sore after

exercise because muscles are challenged, but if too

painful to move, then you have overdone it, stop and

take rest.



Not suitable after joint replacement.


References 參考:

(1) (2) WHO / World Obesity Federation (3)BMJ2010; 341:c4675

(4) Arthritis Res Therapy 2012, 14:201 (5) AJN Feb 2004 Vol.104 (6) J. End. Oct 2010


We do not endorse any treatments or procedures. This information is provided as

an educational service and is not intended to serve as medical advice.


JointOK®關捷健 - Keep active & young 擊退僵硬關節、鬆弛肌膚 延展健康活力‧重建緊緻嫩肌

(2A) Stretching (Range-of-motion) exercises 伸展運動 - help stretch

tight ligament, relieve joint stiffness, improve flexibility & mobility. 幫助舒展緊繃的韌帶,減輕關節僵硬,提高活動能力。

Lie and supported with elbows and one leg bent. Straight and raises

slowly the other leg to make a 45° with the floor, hold it for 5 sec then

slowly lower down. Repeat 10 times and switch sides.


45°,保持 5 秒後慢慢放低。重複 10 次。換腿。

Do: Keep upper body relaxed and tighten belly to keep low back flat

against the floor. 保持上身放鬆,收緊腹肌,保持背部平貼下面。

Do NOT: Arch back / Lift leg too high / Jerking motion.


Hold on to a chair or wall back for balance. Bend one knee, grasp the

ankle and bring the heel close to buttocks, hold for 30 sec, repeat on

the other leg. Do 3 times. 以牆壁或椅背作平衡。 彎膝,抓住腳踝

把腳跟靠近臀部,保持 30 秒,然後換腿。重複 3 次。

Do: Keep knees close together. Stop bringing heel closer when feel the


Do NOT: Arch or twist your back. 不要彎身或扭曲背部。

Sit up tall with legs extended. Feet are neutral (not pointed or flexed).

Put palms on floor and slide toward ankles, hold for 30 sec. Do 3

repetitions. 坐直伸出雙腿,放鬆腳部。雙掌移向腳踝至最遠

處,保持 30 秒。重複 3 次。

Do: Reach from hips. Stop sliding palms forward when feel the stretch. 以臀部滑動手掌,覺已伸盡便停止。

Do NOT: Round your back / Try to bring your nose to your knee / Lock

your knees. 不要彎背或把鼻子貼近膝蓋或鎖定膝蓋。

(2B) Strengthening (Resistance training) exercises 肌力訓練

help build up the muscles & tendons that support joints.


Use a high stool or stairs, step one foot onto it. Lift the other

foot and hang loosely for 5 sec then slowly lower down. Do 10

times and switch feet. 一腳全踏在高腳凳或樓梯,另一腳

離地 5 秒後放下,踏腳放下。重複 10 次換腳。

Do: Whole foot is stepping on the stool. 整腳在凳上。

Do NOT: Lock the knee of the leg on stool.勿鎖緊踏腳之膝蓋。

Lean against wall. Step feet ~ 2 ft from the wall, hip-width

apart. Keep belly tight and slowly slide down the wall by

bending knees to a sitting position (Bend less if feel pain).

Hold for 10 sec, slowly slide back up to starting position. Do

10 repetitions. 頭、背、臀靠牆。雙腳與臀部同寬離牆約

2 呎站立,緊腹,彎膝令背部慢慢滑下成坐姿(如覺痛

彎膝少些),保持 10 秒,滑回起始位置。重複 10 次。

Do NOT: Slide hips down lower than your knees / Let knees move

forward over your toes. 膝蓋位置不要高於臀部或向外超過腳趾。

(1) Target Body Mass Index (BMI) 指標 2 :

Weight 體重 (KG) / Height 體高 (m²) 18.5 ~ 22.9



JointOK®關捷健 Glucosamine +Chondroitin

葡萄糖胺 + 軟骨素





骨骼及肌膚 Effective7

不適宜 NOT appropriate1

不建議 NOT recommended 3

勸阻服用 Discouraged4


S. Effect

安全 Generally

regarded as safe7

可破壞胰腺細胞5 Pancreas?

可增加糖尿風險 6





非致敏原 (Not)


致敏化合物 (Allergen)

OARSI Guidelines

關節健康三部曲 1

(2A-1) Straight Leg

Raise (Lift)

大腿前肌 (四頭肌)

(2A-3) Hamstring


大腿後肌 (膕繩肌)

(2A-2) Standing

Quadriceps Stretch

大腿前肌 (四頭肌)

(2B-1) Step Ups 階梯式運動


側面 Front


(2B-2) Wall Squat 蹲牆運動









離牆 ~ 2 呎

(3) Nutrition (比較一般產品) 必需營養

Page 3: EC Superbskin, Fish EFA Softgel - VTC · 2019. 12. 23. · Collagen is essential as its makes up ~35% of body proteins! It is the major constituent of cartilage, bones, tendons, ligaments,
Page 4: EC Superbskin, Fish EFA Softgel - VTC · 2019. 12. 23. · Collagen is essential as its makes up ~35% of body proteins! It is the major constituent of cartilage, bones, tendons, ligaments,

VTC Staff Recreation Club Member Special Offer 職業訓練局職員康樂會會員專享優惠

JointOK®關捷健 10g x 15 sachets (包) / box (盒)

17% Discount Special Offer for Club Member till 31st December 2016

12% Discount Offer for VTC Staff till 31st December 2016

職業訓練局職員康樂會會員專享八三折特價優惠至 2016 年 12 月 31 日

職業訓練局職員可獲八八折優惠至 2016 年 12 月 31 日

VTC club members can enjoy 17% Special Discount off when buying JointOK®關捷健 at the

following shops upon presentation of Club membership card till 31 December 2016:

VTC staff can buy JointOK®關捷健 at 12% Discount at following shops (Healthaims. Hicare,

Cabinet Organic, Heel & Toe) upon presentation of VTC Staff card till 31 December 2016:

由即日開始至 2016 年 12 月 31 日,職業訓練局職員於以下門巿 (源生坊有機功能食品專門店, 活

力健康產品有限公司, Cabinet Organic, Heel & Toe),出示有效會員證

職業訓練局職員康樂會會員購買 JointOK®關捷健專享八三折(特價港幣 700 元兩盒)優惠:

職業訓練局職員購買 JointOK®關捷健可獲八八折(港幣 740 元兩盒)優惠:

訂價 $420

Page 5: EC Superbskin, Fish EFA Softgel - VTC · 2019. 12. 23. · Collagen is essential as its makes up ~35% of body proteins! It is the major constituent of cartilage, bones, tendons, ligaments,

Hicare Ltd.活力健康 Tel : 2111 3735

Cabinet Organic

西營盤高街 27 號

2799 9317 / 2799 9357


2799 9317 /

2799 9357

銅鑼灣謝斐道 500 號

維安商業大廈 13 樓 B 室

5944 4949

Page 6: EC Superbskin, Fish EFA Softgel - VTC · 2019. 12. 23. · Collagen is essential as its makes up ~35% of body proteins! It is the major constituent of cartilage, bones, tendons, ligaments,


Fitness And Health Trading Company Limited 修身康貿易有限公司

Room 2604, 26/F, CC Wu Bldg., 302-308 Hennessy Rd., Wanchai, H.K.

香港灣仔軒尼詩道 302-308 號 集成中心 2604 室 Tel: 27151722