華美銀行與著名當代博物 namednoscatlantareserve … · 2017-04-28 · www....

www. AtlantaChineseNews.com P.O. Box 941070 Atlanta, GA 31141-0070 Tel:770-455-0880 Fax:770-452-0670 E-mail:[email protected] 【工商.社區】 Atlanta Chinese News Friday, April 28, 2017 NO. 04690 Serving Since 1992 網路版: www.AtlantaChineseNews.com 廣告新聞專線: [email protected] A2 主任牧師:王國湛牧師 Senior Pastor: Rev. James Wong 助理英文牧師: 張立發牧師 Associate English Pastor: Rev. Samuel Truong 華美銀行與著名當代博物 館 The Broad 十年合作 為企業領袖夥伴 共促藝術文化交流 【洛杉磯訊】華美銀行於4月24日宣佈與洛杉磯著名博物 館The Broad長達十年的合作,協助博物館的藝術教育項目,為 當地民眾帶來更多高品質的文化藝術展覽活動。在十年合作期 間,華美銀行將攜手The Broad推出一系列別開聲面的藝術活 動及展覽。2017 年的春季活動將於四月底隆重揭開序幕。此外, 5 月 25 日,華美銀行 CEO 吳建民(Dominic Ng)將與傳奇人物 The Broad 合夥創始人 Eli Broad 同台,展開一場難得一見的領 袖對談。兩位行業領導人在各自領域裏,為推動社區發展貢獻 傑出,且不遺餘力地促進文化交流。他們將在對談中分享其在 商業、藝術和慈善領域的獨到見解。 Broad先生是美國知名企業家、慈善家,曾榮膺權威藝術雜 誌《ARTnews》世界頂級收藏家之首,也是全球唯一一位打造 兩間入榜《財富》(Fortune)500 強企業的風雲人物。其中,KB Home是首家在紐交所上市的建築公司;而SunAmerica是一間 專注於退休儲蓄的機構,後與全球著名保險集團AIG(Ameri- can International Group)合併。自 1979 年以來,他便在藝術界享 譽盛名,並特別關注洛杉磯的文化生活建設。 吳建民表示: 40多年來,華美銀行一直堅信支持社區發展 是企業成功的關鍵因素。在文化和藝術領域的投入可以促進社 區和諧,推動經濟發展。我們很高興與The Broad建立長期合作 夥伴關係,協助其拓展獨特的藝術教育和公共展覽項目,讓更 多民眾有機會走進當代藝術。 The Broad 的創辦董事 Joanne Heyler 表示: 對文化與社區 發展的共同使命感讓這次合作水到渠成。The Broad一直致力 於為更多民眾開發富有創意的藝術項目,此次與華美銀行達成 的合作無疑是錦上添花。我們非常期待為大家呈現更多精彩的 活動。 The Broad 自 2015 年 9 月正式對外開放以來,已接納約 1 百 20萬名參觀者,且為超過3萬名民眾提供了獨特的現代藝術參 觀與學習機會。2017 年度大展包括《Oracle》系列電影展、週末 家庭講座,以及《The Tip of Her Tongue》女權主義藝術展。欲 瞭解有關活動的詳細安排或預約門票,請瀏覽 www.thebroad. org。 關於 The Broad 位於洛杉磯市中心的The Broad當代藝術博物館是由慈善家 Eli 和 Edythe Broad 共同創建,由世界著名的設計公司 Diller Scofidio + Renfro與設計師Gensler設計,並免費開放給民眾參 觀。除了兩千件聞名於世的戰後和當代藝術品被收藏於此,該 博物館還舉辦臨時藝術展覽和創意觀眾互動活動。這棟佔地面 積達 12 萬平方英呎、價值 1 億 4 千萬美元的建築也是 The Broad 藝術基金會全球藝術品圖書館總部,自1984年起為全球多家 博物館提供藝術收藏品租借服務。欲瞭解更多詳情,請瀏覽官 方網站thebroad.org。 關於華美銀行 華 美 銀 行 為 美 國 上 市 公 司,股 票 代 號 EWBC 在 NASDAQ Global Select Market 交易。華美銀行現為全美以華裔為主要市 場規模最大的商業銀行,現有總資產3百53億美元,在美國和 大中華地區共有超過130處服務網絡,美國市場主要分佈於加 州、喬治亞州、內華達州、紐約、麻薩諸塞州、德州以及華盛頓 州;在大中華地區,我們在香港、上海、汕頭和深圳都設有全方 位服務的銀行,在北京、重慶、廣州、台北及廈門亦設有辦事處。 華美銀行提供全方位商業和個人銀行服務,位 於大華超級市場的超市分行,七天營業,週間營業到下午七時。 此外,華美銀行並以中英雙語網路銀行、自動電話銀行及移動 銀行提供全天24小時的銀行服務。有關華美銀行相關資料,可 在該行網址 www.eastwestbank.com查閱。 Thousands in Atlanta stood up and spoke out for science during March For Science ATLANTA (April 22, 2017) — Earth Day 2017 saw unprecedented numbers of people hit the streets in over 600 cities worldwide to support science-based policy and protect science from political assault. The city of Atlanta hosted its event in Candler Park this past Saturday where 8,000 people came to march, according to Atlanta Police Department estimates. WSB-TV spoke to Director, Jasmine Clark PhD about the reasons why so many are marching for science. The March For Science Atlanta felt like a friendly street fair with palpable excitement in the air by people of all ages. Marchers, including senior scientists, fresh-faced graduate students, and young families with strollers, eagerly posed with their pro-science signs for photos by strangers amused by the rampant science-related wit. Signs ranged from serious,“My dad had polio. I didn’ t. Vaccines work”to light-hearted, smart, and funny,“I like Big Brains (and I cannot lie)” or“Science. It works bitches,”a now famous Richard Dawkins quote. Some of the best signs to represent the March For Science efforts include,“Make Facts Great Again,”“There is No Planet B,“Make Earth Cool Again,”“Science Doesn’t Care What You Believe,” “Science is Not Fake News,”“Save the EPA,”“Cures Not Cuts” and many taking the campaign slogan,“Science Not Silence.”Photo album available on Facebook. Though a number of anti-Trump and“Frack”Pruitt signs popped up, the event held an overwhelmingly positive message and non-partisan tone. Attendee comments on social media suggest they appreciated the well-organized event; helpful volunteers, peaceful and thoughtful crowd, water and restroom availability, vendor booths, and a stimulating program of speakers. In an effort to maintain its momentum, March For Science is asking people to get to work for science by choosing one science-related issue and contacting state representatives to express concerns. This is the #sciencemarcheson campaign spearheaded by the Washington D. C. organizers, who intend to update supporters through sciencemarcheson.org. Lawrenceville, Ga., resident named NOSC Atlanta Reserve Blue Jacket of the Year By Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Ian Parham DOBBINS AIR RESERVE BASE, Ga. (April 8, 2017) – A Lawrenceville resident who is a Navy Reservist assigned to Navy Operational Support Center Atlanta was recently named Reserve Blue Jacket of the Year at the center. Electrician’ s Mate 2nd Class Ying Meng, a member of the Surge Maintenance Atlanta unit, was recognized for her superior performance throughout 2016. “EM2 Ying Meng has been an asset to SurgeMain since the day she joined our unit,”said Lt. Cmdr. Dave Weber, the unit’ s commanding officer, noting that Meng qualified for shipyard duties in half the allotted time and is always volunteering to help the unit.“SurgeMain Atlanta leadership is proud to count her as a part of our team and looks forward to growing her in leadership and responsibility in the future,” Weber said. In the unit, Meng is the recall bill and assistant plan of the month petty officer. As a civilian, she is a full time student at Georgia Gwinnett College in Lawrenceville, where she is working towards her bachelor’s degree in information technology. She also works as a student assistant in the college library, where she was inspired to join the Navy by her supervisor, a former naval officer. Meng, who is originally from China, joined the Navy Reserve in 2013 and became a naturalized citizen in 2014. She serves with her husband, who is also from China, in the SurgeMain unit. She received the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal for her work with the National Park Service, cleaning beaches, supporting Earth Day events, and serving as videographer and video editor for her church. Meng said her recognition as Blue Jacket of the Year motivates her.“It’ s a reward for what I have achieved, and it encourages me to continue to work hard and be a better me,”she said. Gwinnett Technical College To Host Exciting Kids 4 Coding Youth Tech Camps At Both Lawrenceville & Alpharetta Campuses This Summer GWINNETT-NORTH FULTON "Screen time" gets smarter this summer as Gwinnett Technical College makes plans to host a wide range of new technology camps taught by Kids 4 Coding, the metro Atlanta's leader in technology and design youth education programming. This year camps will be offered for students ages 7-15 at both the Lawrenceville and Alpharetta campuses. The addition of more Kids 4 Coding summer camps comes as requests increase for computer science and programming education for young students. Basic technology instruction in public schools combined with what young people self-teach through digital app use cannot alone create a tech-ready generation. In fact last year, the National Assessment Governing Board* released a study showing that less than half of America's eighth graders are considered "proficient" when tested on technology literacy. "Digital literacy goes beyond the ability to use apps and communicate online," notes AnnMarie Laramee, Kids 4 Coding co-founder. "The next generation must feel comfortable navigating new technology and understand tech concepts to solve problems and collaborate, no matter their field of study or career path." Highly interactive modules new every summer – are developed by Kids 4 Coding in collaboration with teachers and industry professionals to lead campers through fun, age-appropriate projects and challenges that develop skills in game creation and modification, programming techniques, robotics, and additional computer science and engineering areas. Camps are supervised by certified teachers and taught by experienced instructors who are passionate about technology. Students enhance their logical thinking, problem-solving, mathematics application and creative abilities in a collaborative, entertaining format. "Whether students are modifying a game or learning a program, they're developing skills needed to navigate new technology, which will be invaluable in whatever field of study or career they choose," said co-founder, Denise Detamore. Kids 4 Coding summer camps at Gwinnett Tech will run from Tuesday, May 30 - Friday, July 28. Half and full-day session options include: Building/Coding Drones & Game Design Game Design & Programming (including Python & JavaScript) Encryption & Raspberry Pi Minecraft Modding & Robotics 3D Design (Architecture) Mobile Apps & Games Design Website Design Camp fees include a tshirt, healthy snacks and a certificate of completion. The ratio of student to instructor is 9:1, and space is limited. For full details, including tuition, session dates and registration details visit Kids4Coding.com/atlanta. Kids 4 Coding Camper Designing a Game using Kodu Game Lab

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Page 1: 華美銀行與著名當代博物 namedNOSCAtlantaReserve … · 2017-04-28 · www. AtlantaChineseNews.com P.O. Box 941070 Atlanta, GA 31141-0070 Tel:770-455-0880 Fax:770-452-0670

www. AtlantaChineseNews.com P.O. Box 941070 Atlanta, GA 31141-0070 Tel:770-455-0880 Fax:770-452-0670 E-mail:[email protected]

【工商.社區】 Atlanta Chinese News Friday, April 28, 2017

NO. 04690Serving Since 1992

網路版: www.AtlantaChineseNews.com廣告新聞專線: [email protected]

主任牧師:王國湛牧師 Senior Pastor: Rev. James Wong

助理英文牧師: 張立發牧師 Associate English Pastor: Rev. Samuel Truong

華美銀行與著名當代博物館The Broad十年合作為企業領袖夥伴共促藝術文化交流

【洛杉磯訊】華美銀行於4月24日宣佈與洛杉磯著名博物館The Broad長達十年的合作,協助博物館的藝術教育項目,為當地民眾帶來更多高品質的文化藝術展覽活動。在十年合作期間,華美銀行將攜手The Broad推出一系列別開聲面的藝術活動及展覽。2017年的春季活動將於四月底隆重揭開序幕。此外,5月25日,華美銀行CEO吳建民(Dominic Ng)將與傳奇人物The Broad合夥創始人Eli Broad同台,展開一場難得一見的領袖對談。兩位行業領導人在各自領域裏,為推動社區發展貢獻傑出,且不遺餘力地促進文化交流。他們將在對談中分享其在商業、藝術和慈善領域的獨到見解。

Broad先生是美國知名企業家、慈善家,曾榮膺權威藝術雜誌《ARTnews》世界頂級收藏家之首,也是全球唯一一位打造兩間入榜《財富》(Fortune)500 強企業的風雲人物。其中,KBHome是首家在紐交所上市的建築公司;而SunAmerica是一間專注於退休儲蓄的機構,後與全球著名保險集團AIG(Ameri-can International Group)合併。自1979年以來,他便在藝術界享譽盛名,並特別關注洛杉磯的文化生活建設。

吳建民表示:「40多年來,華美銀行一直堅信支持社區發展是企業成功的關鍵因素。在文化和藝術領域的投入可以促進社區和諧,推動經濟發展。我們很高興與The Broad建立長期合作夥伴關係,協助其拓展獨特的藝術教育和公共展覽項目,讓更多民眾有機會走進當代藝術。」

The Broad的創辦董事Joanne Heyler表示:「對文化與社區發展的共同使命感讓這次合作水到渠成。The Broad一直致力於為更多民眾開發富有創意的藝術項目,此次與華美銀行達成的合作無疑是錦上添花。我們非常期待為大家呈現更多精彩的活動。」

The Broad自2015年9月正式對外開放以來,已接納約1百20萬名參觀者,且為超過3萬名民眾提供了獨特的現代藝術參觀與學習機會。2017年度大展包括《Oracle》系列電影展、週末家庭講座,以及《The Tip of Her Tongue》女權主義藝術展。欲瞭解有關活動的詳細安排或預約門票,請瀏覽www.thebroad.org。

關於The Broad位於洛杉磯市中心的The Broad當代藝術博物館是由慈善家Eli 和 Edythe Broad 共同創建,由世界著名的設計公司 DillerScofidio + Renfro與設計師Gensler設計,並免費開放給民眾參觀。除了兩千件聞名於世的戰後和當代藝術品被收藏於此,該博物館還舉辦臨時藝術展覽和創意觀眾互動活動。這棟佔地面積達12萬平方英呎、價值1億4千萬美元的建築也是The Broad藝術基金會全球藝術品圖書館總部,自1984年起為全球多家博物館提供藝術收藏品租借服務。欲瞭解更多詳情,請瀏覽官方網站thebroad.org。

關於華美銀行華美銀行為美國上市公司,股票代號 EWBC 在 NASDAQGlobal Select Market交易。華美銀行現為全美以華裔為主要市場規模最大的商業銀行,現有總資產3百53億美元,在美國和大中華地區共有超過130處服務網絡,美國市場主要分佈於加州、喬治亞州、內華達州、紐約、麻薩諸塞州、德州以及華盛頓州;在大中華地區,我們在香港、上海、汕頭和深圳都設有全方位服務的銀行,在北京、重慶、廣州、台北及廈門亦設有辦事處。華美銀行提供全方位商業和個人銀行服務,位於大華超級市場的超市分行,七天營業,週間營業到下午七時。此外,華美銀行並以中英雙語網路銀行、自動電話銀行及移動銀行提供全天24小時的銀行服務。有關華美銀行相關資料,可在該行網址 www.eastwestbank.com查閱。

Thousands in Atlanta stoodup and spoke out for scienceduring March For ScienceATLANTA (April 22, 2017) — Earth Day 2017 saw unprecedentednumbers of people hit the streets in over 600 cities worldwide tosupport science-based policy and protect science from politicalassault. The city of Atlanta hosted its event in Candler Park this pastSaturday where 8,000 people came to march, according to AtlantaPolice Department estimates. WSB-TV spoke to Director, JasmineClark PhD about the reasons why so many are marching for science.

The March For Science Atlanta felt like a friendly street fair withpalpable excitement in the air by people of all ages. Marchers,including senior scientists, fresh-faced graduate students, and youngfamilies with strollers, eagerly posed with their pro-science signs forphotos by strangers amused by the rampant science-related wit. Signsranged from serious,“My dad had polio. I didn’t. Vaccines work”tolight-hearted, smart, and funny,“I like Big Brains (and I cannot lie)”or“Science. It works bitches,”a now famous Richard Dawkinsquote.

Some of the best signs to represent the March For Science effortsinclude,“Make Facts Great Again,”“There is No Planet B,“MakeEarth Cool Again,”“Science Doesn’t Care What You Believe,”

“Science is Not Fake News,”“Save the EPA,”“Cures Not Cuts”and many taking the campaign slogan,“Science Not Silence.”Photoalbum available on Facebook.

Though a number of anti-Trump and“Frack”Pruitt signs poppedup, the event held an overwhelmingly positive message andnon-partisan tone. Attendee comments on social media suggest theyappreciated the well-organized event; helpful volunteers, peacefuland thoughtful crowd, water and restroom availability, vendorbooths, and a stimulating program of speakers.

In an effort to maintain its momentum, March For Science is askingpeople to get to work for science by choosing one science-relatedissue and contacting state representatives to express concerns. This isthe #sciencemarcheson campaign spearheaded by the Washington D.C. organizers, who intend to update supportersthrough sciencemarcheson.org.

Lawrenceville, Ga., residentnamed NOSC Atlanta ReserveBlue Jacket of the Year

By Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Ian Parham

DOBBINS AIR RESERVE BASE, Ga. (April 8, 2017) – ALawrenceville resident who is a Navy Reservist assigned toNavy Operational Support Center Atlanta was recentlynamed Reserve Blue Jacket of the Year at the center.

Electrician’s Mate 2nd Class Ying Meng, a member of theSurge Maintenance Atlanta unit, was recognized for hersuperior performance throughout 2016.

“EM2 Ying Meng has been an asset to SurgeMain since theday she joined our unit,”said Lt. Cmdr. Dave Weber, theunit’s commanding officer, noting that Meng qualified forshipyard duties in half the allotted time and is alwaysvolunteering to help the unit.“SurgeMain Atlanta leadershipis proud to count her as a part of our team and looks forwardto growing her in leadership and responsibility in the future,”Weber said.

In the unit, Meng is the recall bill and assistant plan of themonth petty officer. As a civilian, she is a full time student atGeorgia Gwinnett College in Lawrenceville, where she isworking towards her bachelor’s degree in informationtechnology. She also works as a student assistant in thecollege library, where she was inspired to join the Navy byher supervisor, a former naval officer.

Meng, who is originally from China, joined the NavyReserve in 2013 and became a naturalized citizen in 2014.She serves with her husband, who is also from China, in theSurgeMain unit.

She received the Military Outstanding Volunteer ServiceMedal for her work with the National Park Service, cleaningbeaches, supporting Earth Day events, and serving asvideographer and video editor for her church.

Meng said her recognition as Blue Jacket of the Yearmotivates her.“It’s a reward for what I have achieved, and itencourages me to continue to work hard and be a betterme,”she said.

Gwinnett Technical CollegeTo Host Exciting Kids 4Coding Youth Tech CampsAt Both Lawrenceville & Alpharetta Campuses This Summer

GWINNETT-NORTH FULTON – "Screen time" getssmarter this summer as Gwinnett TechnicalCollege makes plans to host a wide range of new technologycamps taught by Kids 4 Coding, the metro Atlanta's leader intechnology and design youth education programming. This yearcamps will be offered for students ages 7-15 at both theLawrenceville and Alpharetta campuses.The addition of more Kids 4 Coding summer camps comes asrequests increase for computer science and programmingeducation for young students. Basic technology instruction inpublic schools combined with what young people self-teachthrough digital app use cannot alone create a tech-readygeneration. In fact last year, the National Assessment GoverningBoard* released a study showing that less than half of America'seighth graders are considered "proficient" when tested ontechnology literacy."Digital literacy goes beyond the ability to use apps andcommunicate online," notes AnnMarie Laramee, Kids 4 Codingco-founder. "The next generation must feel comfortablenavigating new technology and understand tech concepts to solveproblems and collaborate, no matter their field of study or career

path."Highly interactive modules – new everysummer – are developed by Kids 4 Codingin collaboration with teachers and industryprofessionals to lead campers through fun,age-appropriate projects and challenges thatdevelop skills in game creation andmodification, programming techniques,robotics, and additional computer science andengineering areas. Camps are supervised bycertified teachers and taught by experiencedinstructors who are passionate abouttechnology. Students enhance their logicalthinking, problem-solving, mathematicsapplication and creative abilities in acollaborative, entertaining format.

"Whether students are modifying a game or learning a program,they're developing skillsneeded to navigate new technology, which will be invaluable inwhatever field of study or careerthey choose," said co-founder, Denise Detamore.

Kids 4 Coding summer camps at Gwinnett Tech will run fromTuesday, May 30 - Friday, July 28.Half and full-day session options include:

Building/Coding Drones & Game Design

Game Design & Programming (including Python & JavaScript)Encryption & Raspberry PiMinecraft Modding & Robotics3D Design (Architecture)Mobile Apps & Games DesignWebsite Design

Camp fees include a tshirt, healthy snacks and a certificate ofcompletion. The ratio of studentto instructor is 9:1, and space is limited. For full details, includingtuition, session dates andregistration details visit Kids4Coding.com/atlanta.

Kids 4 Coding Camper Designing a Game using Kodu Game Lab