ecg ischemie si infarct

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  • 8/12/2019 ECG Ischemie Si Infarct


    MD Cristian Furu

    Ischemic Heart Disease


  • 8/12/2019 ECG Ischemie Si Infarct


    Interpretation of the normal ECG

    according to the 7+2 step plan

    7+2 step plan

    Step 1: Rhythm

    Step 2: RateStep 3: Conduction(PQ,QRS,QT)

    Step 4: Heart axis

    Step 5: P wave morphology

    Step 6: QRS morphology

    Step 7: ST morphology

    Step 7+1: Compare the current ECG with a

    previous one

    Step 7+2: Conclusion
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    Coronary Arteries

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    Normal ECG

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    Help with the localisation of a myocardial infarct

    localisation ST elevation Reciprocal ST depression coronary artery

    Anterior MI V1-V6 None LAD

    Septal MIV1-V4, disappearance of

    septum Q in leads V5,V6none LAD-septal branches

    Lateral MI I, aVL, V5, V6 II,III, aVF LCX or MO

    Inferior MI II, III, aVF I, aVL RCA (80%) or RCX (20%)

    Posterior MI V7, V8, V9

    high R in V1-V3 with ST

    depression V1-V3 > 2mm

    (mirror view)


    Right Ventricle MI V1, V4R I, aVL RCA

    Atrial MI PTa in I,V5,V6 PTa in I,II, or III RCA
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    Where is this myocardial infarction located?


    sinus rythm

    normal conduction intervals

    normal p-waver morphology

    Q in II and AVF. Tall R wave in V2-V3

    ST elevation in II, III, AVF & V5, V6. ST depression in V2.

    Conclusion: Infero- (II,III,AVF) postero- (depressions in V2-V3) lateral (V5,V6) infarct
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  • 8/12/2019 ECG Ischemie Si Infarct


    sinus rhythm, with 3 ventricular premature beatsabout 80 /min

    normal conduction

    horizontal axis

    normal p wave morphology

    Q in V1. slow anterior R-wave progression.

    ST elevation in V1-V4, AVL. ST depression in II,III,AVF. The ST vector is upright.Conclusion: Anterior MI with proximal LAD occlusion
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    ECG MI 5

    sinus rhythm

    about 60/min

    normal conduction

    intermediate axis

    normal p wave morphologyNo pathologic Q or LVH. Tall R in V2, V3.

    ST depression in V2, V3. Also depression in III and AVF. Some elevation in I and AVL.

    Conclusion: Postero-lateral MI caused by an RCX occlusion.

    Note! The high frequency vibration that is most clearly seen in lead AVR (with a

    frequency of > 300/min) is an artefact and not a suprvaventricular tachycardia. In SVT,

    there would be no P waves. It is quite unusual that lead III shows depression in a RCXinfarction. Apparently the inferior part is not much affected by this infarction
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    ECG MI 20. Click on image for enlargement.

    Rhythm: The ECG shows a regular rhythm with normal P waves (positive in I, III and AVF, negative in

    AVR), followed by QRS complexes. Sinusrhythm

    Heart rate: 100 bpm

    Conduction (PQ,QRS,QT): PQ: 140ms QRS: 100ms QT: 320ms QTc: 410msHeartaxis: QRS positive in I and AVF: normal heart axis

    P wave morphology: The P waves have normal morphology.

    QRS morphology: Narrow QRS. No left ventricular hypertrophy. No pathologic Q waves.

    ST morphology: ST elevation in V1-V4 and lead I. ST depression in II, III, AVF and V6. Lead V3 shows

    V4R which is not elevated

    Compare with the old ECG (not available, so skip this step)


    Sinusrhythm with anteroseptal infarction. Ischemic vector is pointing upwards (ST depression inAVF), a sign of proximal LAD occlusion.
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    ECG MI 13. Click on image for enlargement.

    Culprit lesion: LAD

    Sinustachycardia: about 100/min

    normal conduction intermediate heart axis

    tall p wave in II consistent with right atrial dilatation. (the sawtooth-basline between the 2nd and 3rd

    complex in AVR is probably a motion artefact). PTA depression in II

    Loss of R waves throughout the anterior wall (V1-V6). QS complexes in V3-V5.

    ST elevation in V1-V5 with terminal negative T waves

    Conclusion: Large anterior MI due to LAD occlusion.

    Characteristics that suggest a large infarct in this case are:

    Loss of R waves throughout the anterior wall (V1-V6). QS complexes in V3-V5.

    Left and right sided decompensation, resulting in right atrial dilatation and ischemiaTachycardia
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    ECG 1


    The ECG shows a rhythm around 60 bpm with severe QRS prolongation and

    prominent T waves. This might be sinus rhythm with very small P waves or

    atrial fibrillation with a relatively regular rate. These changes are typical

    of severe hyperkalemia
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    The ECG

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    Following the 7+2 steps:


    This is a regular rhythm and every QRS complex is preceded by a p

    wave. The p wave is positive in II,III, and AVF and thus originates from

    the sinus node. Conclusion: sinus rhythm.Heart frequency

    Use the 'count the squares' method (a bit less than 3 large squares ~>

    300-150-100), thus about 110 bpm and thus sinustachycardia.

    Conduction (PQ,QRS,QT)

    PQ-interval=0.10sec (2.5 small squares), QRS duration=0.10sec, QT

    interval=320msHeart axis

    Positive in I, II, negative in III and AVF. Thus a horizontal (normal) heart


    P wave morphology

    The p wave is rather large in II, but does not fulfill the criteria for right

    atrial dilatation.QRS morphology

    The QRS shows a slurred upstroke or delta wave.

    ST morphology

    Negative T wave in I and AVF. Flat ST in V3-V5.

    Compare with the old ECG (not available, so skip this step)

    Conclusion?Sinustach cardia in a atient with a WPW attern
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    The ECG

  • 8/12/2019 ECG Ischemie Si Infarct



    Following the 7+2 steps:


    The ECG shows a regular rhythm with normal P waves (positive in I, III

    and AVF, negative in AVR), followed by QRS complexes. Sinusrhythm

    Heart rate78 bpm

    Conduction (PQ,QRS,QT)

    PQ: 180ms QRS: 160ms QT: 370ms QTc: 420ms


    Negative in III, AVF and AVR, positive QRS complexes in I, II and AVL:

    horizontal heart axisP wave morphology

    The P waves have normal morphology.

    QRS morphology

    Wide QRS complexes with left bundle branch blockpattern.

    ST morphology

    ST elevation in V1-V3, AVR. ST depression in I, II, III, AVF, V4-6. TheSgarbossa criteria for ischemia in LBBB are not met (nog concordant ST

    deviation, no ST depression V1-V3, nog discordant ST elevation > 5 mm).

    Compare with the old ECG (not available, so skip this step)


    Sinusrhythm with left bundle branch block, comparison with an old ECG is

    mandatory to evaluate whether the LBBB is new (a sign of myocardial infarction)or old.
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    The ECG
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    The ECG starts with a regular rhythm with normal P waves (positive in I,

    III and AVF, negative in AVR), followed by QRS complexes. Sinusrhythm

    Heart rate

    around 60 bpmConduction (PQ,QRS,QT)

    PQ: 240ms QRS: 120ms QT: 440ms QTc: same as QT at this heart rate


    Negative in II, III and AVF: left heart axis

    P wave morphology

    The P wave duration is somewhat prolonged.

    QRS morphology

    Wide QRS complexes with [[[RBBB|right bundle branch block]]] pattern.

    No LVH or pathologic Q waves.

    ST morphology

    ST depression in V1. Overall flat ST segments.Compare with the old ECG (not available, so skip this step)


    Trifascicular block with first degree AV block, right bundle branch block and

    left anterior fascicular block.

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    The ECG
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    The ECG shows a regular rhythm, but the last couple of beats are faster.

    Between these last beats clear P waves are discernable. De distance

    between the P waves and QRS complexes changes and there seems to be

    no relation between the two: AV dissociation. As there are no P wavespreceding the first QRS complexes the rhythm must be of nodal originin

    competition with sinusrhythm. The 10th, 12th and 13th beats are preced

    by a P wave, here the sinusrhythm has taken over from the nodal rhythm.

    Heart rate

    around 80 bpm

    Conduction (PQ,QRS,QT)PQ: not applicable. QRS: 110ms QT: 380ms


    Positive in I and II, negative in III. Slightly positive in AVF. An intermediate

    heart axis.

    P wave morphology The P waves that are present seem to have a normal

    morphology.QRS morphology Slightly broad QRS complexes. QS in V1.

    ST morphology Negative T in III oreceded by a negative QRS complex (normal).

    Compare with the old ECG (not available, so skip this step)


    Nodal rhythm in competition with sinusrhythm.
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  • 8/12/2019 ECG Ischemie Si Infarct



    The ECG shows a regular rhythm. Every P wave is followed by a QRS

    complex. P waves are positive in I and AVF. Normal sinus rhythm

    Heart rate

    about 80bpmConduction (PQ,QRS,QT)

    In lead II: PQ: 210ms QRS: 90ms QT: 380ms QTc: 450ms


    QRS positive in I and AVF: normal heart axis

    P wave morphology

    Broad based P wavesQRS morphology

    Normal QRS complexes

    ST morphology

    Typical ST elevation in V1, V2 and V3, with a coved type morphology in


    Compare with the old ECG (not available, so skip this step)


    Typical Brugada syndromeST segments in right precordial ECG leads (on spot

    diagnosis) aka 'type-1 Brugada ECG' with 1st degree AV block and broad P-waves.

    Atrial/AV/ventricular conduction delay is commonly seen in Brugada syndrome, in thispatient there is atrial and AV conduction delay. Brugada syndrome is associated with
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    This case report is kindly provided by Dr. Alberto Giniger

    from the ICBA and is part of the ICBA case reports

    Ventricular tachycardia or idioventricular rythm during sinus tachycardia with fusionbeats
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    AV block with idionodal escape (the third P wave is inside the QRS)

  • 8/12/2019 ECG Ischemie Si Infarct


    A 14-year-old boy died suddenly while playing soccer He was in the middle of a

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    A 14-year-old boy died suddenly while playing soccer. He was in the middle of a

    sprint when he suddenly succumbed. Resuscitation efforts were unsuccessful.

    His family assured us that he had had no previous symptoms and that his family

    history was unremarkable. His two-year older brother, however, remembered

    that he had also collapsed once while playing an exciting soccer match. This

    occurred at the age 10, after which he experienced no further events. Hisbrothers death worried him (and his family) and he visited a cardiologist for

    medical advice. Physical examination was unremarkable; his ECG is shown in

    figure 1. An echocardiogram was completely normal.

    The question now is whether further evaluation is needed

    Author(s)A.A.M. Wilde,

    T.A. SimmersNHJ edition: 2004; 8, 355

    These Rhythm Puzzles have been

    published in theNetherlands Heart

    Journaland are reproduced here

    under the prevailing creativecommons license with permission

    from the publisher, Bohn Stafleu Van


    The ECG can be enlarged twice by

    clicking on the image and it's firstenlargement
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  • 8/12/2019 ECG Ischemie Si Infarct


  • 8/12/2019 ECG Ischemie Si Infarct



    The ECG shows sinus rhythm (70 beats/min) with a normal QRS axis. PQ interval and

    QRS width are normal. Repolarisation is completely normal and the QTc interval is 384

    msec, well within normal limits. Hence the ECG is completely normal. From the historyof the patient and from his family history it became clear that both events (his collapse

    and the circumstances of his brothers death) were triggered by exercise. An exercise

    test should therefore be part of the cardiological work-up. Figure 2 shows the ECG after

    six minutes of exercise. There is still sinus rhythm, 130 beats/min, and conduction

    intervals remain normal. The QT interval is now markedly prolonged and approaches

    530 msec (QTc: 527 msec). This response should raise suspicion of a long-QTsyndrome, type 1 and in conjunction with the symptom(s) -blockade therapy is

    warranted. Molecular genetic screening indeed revealed a mutation in the KCNQ1 gene.

    Type 1 LQTS is characterised by QT prolongation, in particular during exercise. The QT

    interval fails to adapt to an increase in rate and therefore inappropriately prolongs with

    an increase in rate. In conjunction, events (dizziness, syncope and sudden death) are

    typically triggered by adrenergic stimuli among which exercise. Other typical triggers arediving and swimming; the age of onset of symptoms is usually around five years. A

    careful family history should be taken. Treatment of choice is a -blocker, in symptomatic

    patients titrated up to the highest possible tolerated dose. Asymptomatic young patients

    should receive prophylactic treatment but asymptomatic individuals over 20 years of age

    with a QTc interval

  • 8/12/2019 ECG Ischemie Si Infarct


    A 33 year old lady visited the cardiologist because of the sudden death of her

    brother at age 35. He died while watching TV and had been without symptoms

    as far as she was aware. Her father received a pacemaker at the age of 48.

    She had no complaints of dizziness, palpitations, dyspnoea or chest pain. Her

    only complaint was some weakness in her arms shortly after lifting them to get

    something from above her head. Physiological examination did not reveal anypeculiarities. Her ECG is shown in figure 1. Her echocardiogram is normal,

    although cardiac dimensions were at the upper limit of normal.

    What is your diagnosis and what would your next step be?Author(s)

    A.A.M. Wilde, Y.M.


    NHJ edition: 2005:10,373

    These Rhythm Puzzles have been published in

    theNetherlands Heart Journaland are

    reproduced here under the prevailing creative

    commons license with permission from the

    publisher, Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum.

    The ECG can be enlarged twice by clicking

    on the image and it's first enlargement
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  • 8/12/2019 ECG Ischemie Si Infarct



    The ECG shows sinus rhythm 60 beats/min. The QRS width is normal (80

    msec) and the QRS axis is almost horizontal. Repolarisation is normal. The

    primary abnormality is the prolonged PQ interval (300 msec). In addition, the P

    wave has a very low amplitude (in all leads). The combination of prolonged PQ

    interval, lowvoltage P waves and the patients history of muscle weakness

    should raise the suspicion of a myopathy associated with conduction disease.

    The family history with one sudden death and a pacemaker in first-degree

    relatives narrows this down even more to a laminopathy i.e. a disease linked to

    mutations in the lamin A/C gene. In that case referral to a recognised muscleneurologist is mandatory. In our patient the neurologist found clear evidence of

    proximal myopathy. The clinical diagnosis limb-girdle disease was made and

    molecular diagnostic testing indeed revealed a mutation in the lamin A/C gene.

    The ECG findings are typical for Limb-Girdle disease type 1b (the variant linked

    to lamin A/C mutations). Conduction abnormalities almost always precede signsof cardiomyopathy, which only progresses to overt dilated cardiomyopathy in

    some cases. Particularly the conduction system is sensitive to damage, most

    likely increased fibrosis. In our patient the conduction system is affected (long

    PQ interval and undoubtedly a prolonged HV interval) and it is also likely that

    the atrial tissue is abnormal as well (low-amplitude P waves). For a long timepacemaker therapy was considered sufficient, but in recent years it has become

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