eco buzz @ bali advertiser may18

ECO YOU’RE INVITED One thing I have noticed since discovering the underbelly of Bali’s environment is that there are a LOT of individuals, groups, organisations and businesses dedicated to Bali and the world’s well being. So much energy burrowing into Bali’s environmental mess! We are thankful for them, but imagine this force of knowledge, passion and manpower united. That is what will happen on 1st July 2011 in a special event supported by the Governer of Bali Made Mangku Pastika. You are invited to support the government’s Bali Clean and Green Province roadmap by joining in on a groundbreaking forum held at the Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel. The objective is to bring together the many environmental and social groups that represent the community in Bali along with leading industry and commerce to align themselves with the Governments initiatives for “the admirable and absolutely necessary goal of a Clean and Green Bali”. You can get involved in a number of ways - start off with visiting and click on Bali Clean and Green Province to join up, or link up with the discussion group on FB Bali Clean and Green Province…info and discussion group. If we are talking intellect, money, power and commonsense working towards the common good of all with real results - I think I might have found my new religion. GREEN IS GOOD iPhone has a very snazzy application for measuring the “greenness” of your grocery purchases. Scan the barcode with your camera and the “Good Guide” will tell you whether you are on track to an “eco friendly “or “eco enemy” style purchase. In this case “green is good” and red is, well, bad according to the colour rating system. Eco Buzz has not had a chance to try this yet, so please email or post Facebook your level of success with this application here in Bali. Also Greenmeter and Greenbrief offer tips on how to reduce waste and energy use and have news feeds about the environment. If you know of more, let us know! GET SMART After you have played Angry Birds on your phone and virtually bombed innocent birds and funny looking pig things, another application that you might enjoy on Android is Eco Buzz (how unoriginal!). If this Eco Buzz is not enough for you, you can get a daily dose of positive global environmentally progressive news from the other one. Some of the latest news: if you happen to have 1.1 milion dollars that can’t be spent on saving the planet in other ways you can spend it on a new Jaguar CX75 hybrid and zip about feeling powerful, sexy and green. Of course you will be able to completely justify this purchase to anyone who bags you for being a wanker, because YOU are saving the world from a devastating environmental catastrophe. Of course there are other more practical inspirational news feeds on this widget. ENVIRO PROMO Put your berets on kids!! Bali Alternative Media - BAM is looking for a new post card promoting Bali as Cleaner and Greener. Individuals, community groups, school groups, anyone can enter an original (10.3cm x 15.3cm) design up until 15th July 2011. The prize for the glorious winner is a nights stay at Anantara Resort*, dinner for 2 and spa package for 2. Draw straws for that one if there is more than two of you on an entry! Perhaps the best bit is that BAM will distribute the postcard (on recycled paper) for 6 months, that’s a great promotion for the clever designer. Send designs to [email protected]. *ECO BUZZ does not endorse Anantara as it does not have an eco - hotel certification, it has adopted an Environmental and Social Sustainability policy, which ECO BUZZ hopes it follows! CIRCLE THAT! When the big guns who make their millions from consumerism start showing some forward thinking it does give you little hope. Greeneration Indonesia has inspired Circle K to offer customers the choice between an ugly single use plastic bag or a funky reusable “baGoes bag” created by Greeneration. The bags are ridiculously cheap so it won’t be a hard decision. If you decide on plastic you are asked to make a donation to Greeneration’s piggy bank. These funds are then used for the Clean Up Your City (CUYC) program. A CUYC event was recently held at Kuta Beach on the 30th April with more than 200 enthusiastic participants from the government and community, handing out ribbons - but what is really important is they picked up all the crap off the beach. Isn’t it about everyone taking responsibility for all the rubbish? While Circle K’s actions are somewhat of a compromise, I mean why not go the whole taco and ban plastic bags, it is still an optimistic move and it is good to see something happening rather than nothing. You can also visit or on FB to buy the bags for your everyday shopping use. THY DAILY Be vintage with your style, but not your brain. Being environmentally informed is so now, so sexy. But enviro dogma over mojitos is soooo boring - Drink Up, Laugh and above all ACT! Eco Buzz by Monsoon Wanita E-mail: [email protected] Copyright © 2011 Eco Buzz You can read all past articles of Eco Buzz at By Monsoon Wanita BUZZ

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Environmental Column published fortnightly in the Bali Advertiser. Environmental News and events local and global


Page 1: ECO BUZZ @ Bali Advertiser MAY18


One thing I have noticed since discovering the underbelly of Bali’s environment is that there are a LOT of individuals, groups, organisations and businesses dedicated to Bali and the world’s well being. So much energy burrowing into Bali’s environmental mess! We are thankful for them, but imagine this force of knowledge, passion and manpower united. That is what will happen on 1st July 2011 in a special event supported by the Governer of Bali Made Mangku Pastika. You are invited to support the government’s Bali Clean and Green Province roadmap by joining in on a groundbreaking forum held at the Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel.

The objective is to bring together the many environmental and social groups that represent the community in Bali along with leading industry and commerce to align themselves with the Governments initiatives for “the admirable and absolutely necessary goal of a Clean and Green Bali”. You can get involved in a number of ways - start off with visiting and click on Bali Clean and Green Province to join up, or link up with the discussion group on FB Bali Clean and Green Province…info and discussion group. If we are talking intellect, money, power and commonsense working towards the common good of all with real results - I think I might have found my new religion.


iPhone has a very snazzy application for measuring the “greenness” of your grocery purchases. Scan the barcode with your camera and the “Good Guide” will tell you whether you are on track to an “eco friendly “or “eco enemy” style purchase. In this case “green is good” and red is, well, bad according to the colour rating system. Eco Buzz has not had a chance to try this yet, so please email or post Facebook your level of success with this application here in Bali. Also Greenmeter and Greenbrief offer tips on how to reduce waste and energy use and have news feeds about the environment. If you know of more, let us know!

GET SMARTA f t e r y o u have played Angry Birds o n y o u r phone and v i r t u a l l y b o m b e d i n n o c e n t b i r d s a n d funny looking

pig things, another application that you might enjoy on Android is Eco Buzz (how unoriginal!). If this Eco Buzz is not enough for you, you can get a daily dose of positive global environmentally progressive news from the other one. Some of the latest news: if you happen to have 1.1 milion dollars that can’t be spent on saving the planet in other ways you can spend it on a new Jaguar CX75 hybrid and zip about feeling powerful,

sexy and green. Of course you will be able to completely justify this purchase to anyone who bags you for being a wanker, because YOU are saving the world from a devastating environmental catastrophe. Of course there are other more practical inspirational news feeds on this widget.


Put your berets on kids!! Bali Alternative Media - BAM is looking for a new post card promoting Bali as Cleaner and Greener. Individuals, community groups, school groups, anyone can enter an original (10.3cm x 15.3cm) design up until 15th July 2011. The prize for the glorious winner is a nights stay at Anantara Resort*, dinner for 2 and spa package for 2. Draw straws for that one if there is more than two of you on an entry! Perhaps the best bit is that BAM will distribute the postcard (on recycled paper) for 6 months, that’s a great promotion for the clever designer. Send designs to [email protected].

*ECO BUZZ does not endorse Anantara as it does not have an eco - hotel certification, it has adopted an Environmental and Social Sustainability policy, which ECO BUZZ hopes it follows!


When the big guns who make their millions from consumerism start showing some forward thinking it does give you little hope. Greeneration Indonesia has inspired Circle K to offer customers the choice between an ugly single use plastic bag or a funky reusable “baGoes bag” created by Greeneration. The bags are ridiculously cheap so it won’t be a hard decision. If you decide on plastic you are asked to make a donation to Greeneration’s piggy bank. These funds are then used for the Clean Up Your City (CUYC) program.

A CUYC event was recently held at Kuta Beach on the 30th April with more than 200 enthusiastic participants from the government and community, handing out ribbons - but what is really important is they picked up all the crap off the beach. Isn’t it about everyone taking responsibility for all the rubbish? While Circle K’s actions are somewhat of a compromise, I mean why not go the whole taco and ban plastic bags, it is still an optimistic move and it is good to see something happening rather than nothing. You can also visit or on FB to buy the bags for your everyday shopping use.

THY DAILYBe vintage with your style, but not your brain. Being environmentally informed is so now, so sexy. But enviro dogma over mojitos is soooo boring - Drink Up, Laugh and above all ACT!

Eco Buzz by Monsoon WanitaE-mail: [email protected]

Copyright © 2011 Eco BuzzYou can read all past articles of Eco Buzz


By Monsoon WanitaBUZZ