edited by a codittee of tile board.vol+15+(1858-… · edited by a codittee of tile board. vol....

EDITED BY A CODITTEE OF TIlE BOARD. VOL. XV.-NO. 3. llh.corhtr, PUBLISHED WEEKLY Dy the Seventh-dllY Baptist PublIshing 8oelcty, jt No 100 NU1lsau Street New York TjjU )[S-$2 00 per year paYllble.Jn advance Sub- , r pho. b,ot paid hll the close of the year WIll be .aMc to all 1l(tdlhonal charge of 50 cents TI, qubbath Re£arder 18 devoted to the expOSItIOn and , nchc Ihon ot the vIews and movements of the Seventh daY Bopti't DcnomlDalion It alms to promote Vital p eh and vIgorous benevolent actJon, at the same IC It mges obedience to the commandments of Go 1 111(1 fhe fUith of Jesus Its columns are open to Ib nil acncy of all reformatory measures whlCh seem hkeil to .mprove the condition of soetety dlffnse k IIItdne reclaim the meQrJate, and enfranchise the n I ,,1 In Its LIterary and Intelhgence Depart- ill nt c .re 18 taken to furmsh matter adapted to the \1 t • HI tastes of every class of readers. As a Re I w.' IUd Family Newspaper, It IS IUtended that the R orler hall rank among the best ,D1'I ayments received wllllJe acknowledged IU the pp r '0 as to mdlClIte the time to WhiCh they reach p No paper d16eontlllued unlil all .rrenrages are pI d txcept lit the FdlBcretllm of the OO1ll1Dlttee RATES OF ADVERTIsn; G For a square of 16 haes or lesll-'one IDsertJon, $ 75 , each subsequent IUserhon, 50 , SIX moaths, 6 00 " one year, 10 00 For each addItional square two thuds the above rates and remittances should be (lirccted (post to the Editors of thE Sabbath RICard" 110 100 Nassau Bt, New-YW-k Joe followwg Remoustlanee, numerously 'Igeed, was presented to the Board of PolICe CommISSIOners, at theu meetmg, a week 01 two Slllce The People's Remonstrance ,LamST TilE MADE ON TUE SUNDAY NEWSBOYS I YOUR HONOJ.lS,-We observe WIth regret tbat you have heen memoflahzed by more than 0110 hundred of our fellow CItizens, under the lead and IDstlgatlOll of an assoCIatIOn callIng tself the Sabbath CommIttee, to suppress the crymg of newspapers on Sunday-to" abate " It II as a nUIsance," and we beg leave to ask your attentIOn to thIS, our respectfnl rem on strauce, whICh we enter as fellow and true lovers of CIVIl and relIgIOUS II berty The memorIalIsts condItIOn thell request upon failure of the publishers of Sunday papel s to effect the deSIred change, they mform you they have requested of them Bnt, upon reflectIon, we thmk you will perceIve that thIS war (as one of our most mfiuentIaI dUlly papelS, find one m favor of thIS change-the liew York Trzbune-hns dp.clal ed,) a most unreasonable thmg to ask of the publIshers, 'IDee "they have no power flO do what IS re qmrcIl of them" What restramt can the seI- ler ext rClse over the buyer's method of vending Ins wares? It would seem that the mteillgent gentlemen of the memorl!ll, as well as those of the Sabbath CommIttee, must have been sensl ble of tillS, and we are compelled to conclude, II! vIew of these facts, that thIS was bnt a ruse de guerre, Intended to eXCIte odIUm lD the comwulllly agamst the pnbhshers In questlou, by leavmg the ImpreSSIOn that they had wIII- full) rdu.ed to accede to theIr request, whereas It lIas wholly out of theIr power to grant It th memormlIsts proceed to stigmatIze the Clles of tb( newsboys as If a nUisance," when attClcd on Slmday, for the followmg reasons They "forbId sleep "_,, dIsturb the qUiet of Ihe SIck room "_If Interrupt domestIc conversa- tIon and worshIp "_If mterfere WIth 'Impartmg religIOUS mstructlon' III the Sabbath School," and' disturb ChristIan congregatIOns, lD theIr Rcts of solemn worshIp" Now we submit to your honorable body that neIther sleep nor SIckness, domestIc conversatlorr nor worshIp, nor mstIuctIon either pubhc or prIvate, IS con- fined to the first day of the week, but they are common to every day, so that It seems plamly on that ground to characterIze the erymg of newspapers On thIS one day" a nUisance," while on the other SIX It IS vlftuaUy admitted not to be If a nUlBnnce " If to thIS, It IS replied that If pubhc worshIp" IS held mamly, and" Sabbath Schools" entIre- ly upon Sunday, we answer agam, tha't, WIth regard to pubhc worship, we beheve there IS not a day or _evenmg III the week In whIch muny congregatIOns are not assembled (espe maUy In these reVIval tImes) for publIc worship, sq thllt, In the aggregate at least, these meet- Ings In SIX days, Will exceed those of Sunday Xnd ugam, the Jews-of whom there are some thIrty thousand In New York-and the Sev- enth day Baptists-a very respectable ChrIS- tIan dcnommatlon-worshlp speCIally upon Sa t- urduy, whIle the Quakers-mclndmg many of OUr wost valuable CItIzens-have pnblIc wor- shIp on 'l'hursday and Sunday equally. As to the "Sonday Schools," and the" Te iIglO llS IOstructlon" thercm com'eyed, In favor of winch you are asked to dlscrlmmate, we ask YOIl to rememher the unsectarllln publIc SChools, open five days of the week, and the valuable JUstructlon gIven thermn under mUDlCl- pal superllslon TIIO crIes of newsboys, like the nOIse of travel, no more Illterferes WIth the Ullpartml!; of rehglOns than secular JUstroctlOn, and the latter occupIes nt least ten tImes as many hours as the former We remonstrate then ugamst sllch dlscrlmmation as yon are usked to maKe m favor of the former It Would be most partial and unJust The late reVival meetings and anmversarles, us well as the ordinary relIgIons meetings held during each week, Without any compl!llDt of serIO os InterruptIOn from street nOises, show thut the change deSIred IS not a necessary one to tbe mterests of rel!gloosf lDstrnctlOu or wor- b,lIt only to the success of the "Sabbath omwlttee" III establishing their grand Idea the peculIar hohness and awful sauctlty of t ut first day of tho week, an Idea whIch we beheve to be founded in error, and perpetuated by sUperstItIon, bigotry, and mtolerance; bllt certuIllly one WhICh, whether It be true or false, you, os CIVil officers, should have no hand In however yon may feel called npon Y your mdlVldual seD tlments to do so ID a prIvate capaCity you accede to the prayer of tbe memorial I 18 ,It may, aDd we are persuaded WIll, be taken as a precedent, and various other thmgs, lVe know not seg'ar smokmg or pleasure luling-Will be declared nuisances PUBLISHED BY THE SEVENTH-DAY NEW YORK, on Sunday, and an attempt be made to abate them as sucb, though tlley are considered per fectly lawful and proper on other days of the week And, furthermore, If such dlstlllctions are madd In lavor of Sunday, why shonld they not he shown In favor of anmversary week, or the season of Lent, or ThanksgIVIng, whlCli IS appolllted by the State? Such a precedent as IS sought to be estahbshed by your actIOn In this case we beheve to be ex- tremely dangerous to the peace and welfare of our commumty made to enforce any of ItS prOVISIOns unless all i Advocate? Most It not be aa And If, as your worthy chaIrman, who present- mystery to angels? one hand, and nntleJieying many IW ! We admit that the cries of newsboys, as well as those of the vendelU of frmts and mer chandlze, (and we may add In the same cate- goty the groanmg and shouting of MethodIsts In their meetIng,) are often" so loud and dlS- cordant" as to be disagreeable; especially so, of course, to those who feel no mterest In, and perchance are strongly dISinclIned to, the ob Jects so ' vocIferously" set forth by "stentorian lungs," but, admlttmg thiS, we serIOusly ques tlOIl whether thIS Iucldental eVil IS suffiCIent to stamp these crIes and gloans as "nUIsances" In the eye of the law, so that you can properly be called upon to abate them But, If they are upon auy day of the II eek, we submIt that they are upon all, If tbey are not upon Satur day or Monday, we lUSlst that they are not 80 upon Snnday or 'l'bnrsday And If one of these thlDgs IS a nUIsance, they ull ale And the memorl'llIsts dlscrunmate between tile crying of pa PCI 8 and the crymg of Othel thmgs on Sunday 'l'he paper from whICh we have already quoted as declallng unreasonable the demand made by the memorl!llIsts of the publIshers of Sunday papers also remarks upon theIr errOl In thIS p'artICular It says-" 'lhcre must be no clUsude agamst 'Sunday papers,' 'all Sunday yellmg' must be stopped, If any We say so, and add,· III the same Ime of argumentatIOn "There must be no Cl usade" (entered npon by the officers of the lall,) III favor 01 the Sabbath CommIttee any more than agaInst the publIshers of Sunday papers, "all yellIug" mnst be pnt down, If any, or yelhng opon all days of the week must be put rlown, If I t IS npon one It IS a questIOn WhICh, as we learn, has re ceItUy been dIscussed m L:>ndon, where the CrIeS of the venners of frUlt news, etc, me much more frequent upon all days of the week, than m our CItieS, whether the whole thmg ought not to be prolublted, some of the more promment wrIters havmg advocated snch pro hibitlOn warmly, and others as warmly opposed It, but although a SOClCty eXIsts thel e for the promotIOn of "the better observance of the Lord's day" WlllCh IS makmg VIgorous efforts to accomphsh therr objects, we believe they have not had (and we do not beheve they Will have) the audaCIty to ask the cIty authorIties to declare a nUIsance, and order the polIce to ploceed agawst as,sucu, the crYlUJ of one par tlcnlar artIcle upon one partIClllal day of the week, III JIlVldllOUS dlstmctlOn from all other artICles and all other da) s And we cannot bnt thInk that though In your anxiety to obhge so large and respectable a body of CitIzens as the memorIalIsts, you have given them Imme- diate encouragement that you will enter upon such dlstlllctlOns here, you WIll, upon further reHectlOn, reconSider your deCISion, and deny theIr prayer If the offermg of newspapers for sale, m thIS or any other way, IS plamly for bIdden by any cml or mUUlclpal statute or or dmance now m full force and not obsolete, let those offendmg agamst It be treated accordmg to Its provIsIOns b.s gUIlty of a penal offence, but let not a new and dangerous precedent be establIshed by proceedmg agamst It as "a nDlsance!' You are aware that a Judlcml de CISlOn has recently been gIven m a sIster State whIch JnstIfies any persou or persons m takmg It upon themselves, nnder the law, to deCIde as to what sales or establishments are nDlsances, proceedmg agalnst them vz et armzs, and com- pletely destroymg the offenSIve matter You are also aware that If the crying of newspapers on l::Iunday may be declared a nDlsance, theIr sale and Issue on that day may also by the same token be so declared, and If the deCISIOn of Chief JustIce Shaw IS confirmed and estab- hshed here, (as Dr John Marsh, an ardent Sabbatarlan clergyman, recently declared pnb IIcly tbat he hoped and belIeved I t would be,) the offices of the Sunday papers may be de stroyed by a mob of the men or women who oppose them, With legal Impnmty. But we thmk you WIll not fatl to percClve that such an attack upon the Suaday papers would most surely and naturally be retahated at once upon the "relIgIOUS weeklIes" whICh are so busy In advocatmg tho Sabbataflan doctrme, and rIOt and rum would abonnd We are not unappmed tbat there IS a law upon the statute book of our Commonwealth forblddmg all traffic (or With few exceptIons) on Sunday; but thIS law has now for many years been nuderstood to be obsolete, and m the oplDlOn of a great majority of our CItIzens, has been regarded !IS foreIgn to the spmt If not opposed to the express prOVIsions of our natIonal and State constItutIOns, whIch forbId all mterference WIth I elil!;lous belief and all fa vormg of one relIgIOns party more than an- other It cannot certamly be demed that thIS law has fallen mto dlsqnletude and neglect, no attempt (or next to none) havmg been made now for many years to enforce It by the officers of the law. Some two months smce, Hon B F. Butler, who IS one of the memol'lallsts, we perceive stated at a pubhc meetmg, held m the hall of the New York HistOrical SocIety, that he was one of the COmmISSioners appomted to revIse the State statutes some years ago, and he well remembered the dISCUSSIOn which oc. cnrred III the Board upon the questIOn whether the Sunday law should be retamed or erased, and that It was finally determmed to retam It !IS It stood; but only on the ground of respect for the anthors of that law, and WIthout any expectatIon that It wonld be fully enforced IU the future, or any deSire that It should be, as It had not heeu IU the past Your remonstrants feel assured that If thIS old Sunday law from bemg a dead letter, IS now attempted' to be rigIdly enforced, there will at once be an overwhelmmg demand from the people for Its IU)medmte and complete reo peal It is apparent to us that It IS tbe mten tIon of the If Sabbath Committee" to urge npon you the enforcement of thIS obsolete law in some of Its provuUons, e g., that agalnst traffic; bnt we snbmlt that no attempt shonld be ed thiS memorllll, IS reported to have saId, "no has he mto the heaven., one could thlnk of enforcmg" some of Its pro throne that IS above all thrones, to VISIOns, let no one thmk of cnforcmg any of be and Advocate, but he has He has.sald, for ye can do nothmg ae:ement, .. My my streugth IS des!tin'y"fot Many (or tame, We cannot but you to conSider m thiS servants before them, to pre belIeve these Holy SPll'lt, sent to mqulre what must he mll1 have eternal life Many one may say to the SpIrit connection the slgmficant fact that the mUDlCl for themselves, but our Kmg, the pal OrQlUlinCeS of New York, whIch were for has hImself gone before to pte- merly concurrent With, and confirmatory of the pare tI place us, hIS servants! Hence, we for streugth to OV"rC(lme adversary, and of God, as .he trembles nnder of sm, and in view of the thy way for tb18 t@e," who may never be tblJ!! troubled about the same itiy '# an .. almost Ch1'18tmn" at thl8 day, may neg. lect to become a ChrIstIan altogether, and "!1lI down m everlastIng bornmgs I" How solemn the exhortatIon of an apostle "Beware, there- fore, lest that come nnto you whIch IS spoken Sunday law of the State, were nearly all re hear hIm saymg, "I go to prepare a place fOI pealed m 1834, and among them the ordlUunce you And If I go alld prepare a place for yoo, agamst the offermg for sale of frUIt, news, etc, I will come agam and receIve you unto myself, as well as that for chalDlDg np Onr streets to that where I am, there ye mayhe also "-Jno prevent travel durmg DIVIDP. servIce ThiS re- XIV. 2, 3 He goes and prepares the place for peal expressive of the scnse of the cIty on thIS us I He does not send one of IllS servants to subject at that time IS mourned over most bIt do It, but does It hImself I What he does In terly ID the pamphlet lately Issued by the Sab preparmg those manSIOns, we know llOt, and It bath CommIttee and the great fire, which de would be only vam specnlatlOn for us to at vastated so large a portIOn of New York III tempt to reveal that whIch he has not revealed 1835, IS set forth as a rIChly de,erved Judgment It IS suffiCIent for us to know that he IS pre- of Heaven on account of It With what pro- parmg them, and that when they are all pre prlety do thiS same' Sabbath CommIttee" now paled for us, and we are all plepared for tlWm, ask you to proceed Just as though these ordl .. He Will come agulD and receIve us to hIm nances had not been repealed, or as though the self" State law, obsolete as It IS, were amply suffiCIent? Here we behold a new wonder the Lord of If the city ordInances" ere super fino US, and the umverse, the Kmg of all kmgs, leaves the tben repeal slgmfies nothmg, why their lament, throne of the Highest to come for usl 'Though and why our burmng? thousands mInister to hIm, and ten thousand As the memorialIsts have undertaken to Ill- hmes ten thonsand stand before hIm," eVe! form you of the manner lD whICh the newsboys roady to do hiS blddmg, lIe comes hImself I spend theIr earUlngs on Sunday, you WIll allow HIS heart IS too much III It to trust It to oth- ns to remmd you that you have nothmg whatevOl ers I Hence, though mllhons of holy bemgs to do WIth that III thiS matter, and that If you would Hy at bls word, glad to obey hIm, and had, there IS not one partIcle of eVIdence to reCeIve us and carry us to hImself, yet he comes show that theIr SUllday ellrmngs ale put to a Instead of sendmg I Tbough the armIes of "orse use than those of other days, or tlIat beaven follow him, yet he comes to receive us thell "example" IS more "dIsastrous" In ItS -us l Astomshmgl-Yes, mysterIOus myste effects upon the other youth of our CIty, than ry, he leaves hIS throne agam for us? He ou other days We would also respectfully comes the second tIme wltilout a sm offering, suggest that m your capaCIty as CIVIl officers fOf the ulurnate salvatIOn of hiS people-he .l on have no concernment "with au) precept of comes for the completIOn of the glorIOUS work, moral law," nor WIth the "claIms of courtesy" whIch he has so glorlOnsly commenced But and "good mauners" m whICh the worthy mem- he come. not alone, the grandees of the um orlllhsts thmk these "urchms" so sadly lacklllg veise accompany hIm How dIfferent flOm that It onr Sabbatarlan fellow CitIzens ale unable to tIme, when as a babe he was h1ld m the man Imbue the mlllds of theIr Bons WIth theIr own ger, and the stalled ox were hiS compamons I sentIments as to the sm of pleasure rlc1111g on But IS not hIS object as astomshlng, as when Sunday, and, notWIthstandIng attempted" pa first he appeared lU Bethlehem? The Kmg of rental restlalUts," they are found on that day kmgs, and the noblhty of the umverse, IIave de out "on the avenue" With tbelr fast teams-as scended to earth to exalt man to hIS throne I the Supermtendents of Pollee lately stated III 'l'lIey have come to hIs COl onatlon I Oh, the a pubhc meetIng that they were-Ill great mysterIes of that coronutlOli day I Not a numhers, what adequate found ltlOn does that pope, as IS sometImes the cu'e amoug pompous fact affOld for the charge the memorlllhsts mortals-not the most exalted archangel shall brmg agamst the newsboys, of leadmg them have the prlVlledge of Crowmng hIm, but God astray-of "mterposltlon" "Ith theIr' dome. m our natnre WIll do It I Were the most ex tIC dlsCiphne and mstructlon" by theIr .. evIl alted kmg on earth wllhngly to become a "er example" and .. street mfiuences?" A fine vant to the lowest of hIS ser vants, and exalt him charge, mdeed, to arrest Sunday newsboys on I to Ins throne, It wOllld not begm to be so In closmg thiS ICmonstrance, we would ask a mystery, for It would IIOt begm to be -though your actIOn Will not, of course be such condescenSIOn on hiS part God m hu- goveled H, a matter of thIS kmd by t consld maDlty Will come down, attended by hIS mIght. ellltlOu of numhers-whether the memOrialIsts lest to exalt us to hiS tllIono I Rev have not greatly overIuted thclrownnumerlCal III 21-" To hIm thatovercometh Will I gIant Importance, or rather that of those who sym to Sit With me 10 my throne even as I also ov- pathlze WIth them In thIS matter. We thmk ercame, uud am set down WIth my Father ID that publIshed statistiCS and statements of bls throne" theIr own WIll show that not one·fourth of the Everytbmg about man's salvatIOn from the populatIOn of our CitIes attend church on Snn begmnlng to the end, IS exceedmgly strange day customarily, whIle full one-half-accord and mysteriOUS, but whICh IS the most so ? IDg to the estImate of a Sabbatarmn clergy WhIch IS the most wonderful? Wh ch IS tbe man of New York, pubhshed recently III a re most mysterIous m all thIS mysterIous mystery? IIglOus paper called the Way of Life-are I know not Every step In the dlvme plan accustomed to the Sunday papers And astomshes us Every thing about It 18 worthy yet the memorIalIst, have the face to represent of God Every tiling about It IS calculated to theIr party to yon as the great body of the fill the soul With wonder admIratIOn and love commumty, compnsmg "all Chrlstmn famIlIes," Every thmg ahout It must more and more while those who patrolllze the b.ys are only exalt the adorable One, lfJ the estimation of .. here and there an mdlVldu tI " all the holy of the umverse '1 he crownmg PermIt us to add the statement of a well mystery IS God m humamty receIved mto the known fact, tbat the sale of relIgIOUS papers heavens-exalted above all, but he does not and Bibles, hymn books and Snnday School remam there-he comes agam, not to be hum- qaestlOB books IS common m our churches on bled for ns, but to exalt us, who are made par- Sunday. By what rnle of right or JustIce, then, takers of hIS nature, to hIS throne I WIll the memormhsts presume to ask you to And even there the mystery does not cease, forCibly suppress or mterfere wlth the sale of bnt revelation leaves us The revehltlOns of Sunday papers to the majorIty who prefer them etermty may show that then, the mystery IS and allow the traffic of the mmonty ID so-called but begun. One thlDg IS certam, the ' far .. rehglOus" publicatIOns to proceed as nsual more exceedmg and eternal weIght of glory" on Sunday? will stilI be to be malilfested, and nothmg We earnestly protest agamst all snch favor. &l!-ort of etermty WIll be suffiCIent to mamfest Itelsm and partIsan dlstmctlOns, whoever may It to the most exalted mmds It WIll be such deSIre or recommend them, and If It IS deter as" eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neIther mmed that they shall be made, we are resolv- hath entered mto the heart of man "-1 Cor 1\ ed to gird on the battle harness at once, and 9 It IS donbtless such as no created eye has resIst to the last the enthronement of thiS new ever yet seen It IS such as the finIte caunot fifth monarchy, tlils attempted Puntan dynasty yet comprehend [ChrIstIan Observer But we are unwilling to believe that you WIll lend yourselves to thIS movement agamst the Sunday newsboys when you perceive-as It was not strange, perhaps, you should fail to at first-Its evil aDlmus Its flagrant mJustlce, the other steps With whICh thIS IS connected, and wlilcli thIS IS mtended to mtrodnce, and the fearfully disastrous conseqnences whIch mnst result from the persIstent attempt to es tablish the prmclple mvolved We cannot, we are aware, compete WIth the memOrIalists m wealth, hut we WIll not do yon the lnJustlce to suppose tbat Onr names or ar gnments wJiI have less weIght WIth you on thiS account We are, mdeed, comparatively poor men, but as the memorIahsts declare "the Sab bath" to be .. the poor man's day," and" the bulwark of la&or agamst the encroachments of capItal," we feel assnred they WIll not object to onr bemg favorably heard on that account With great respect, your fellow CitIzens of the Metropolitan Pohce DIstrict An Advocate on the Throne Not only have we an Intercessor on the throne, but also an Advucate If An advocate IS one, who pleads the cause of another In a court of JustICe; one who defends, vmdlcatp.s or espouses a cause by argument, one who 18 friendly to" In all these senses, ChrIst IS our advocate In the conrt of heaven. How pleas lUg IS the thought that we have an Almighty Advocate, to plead our cause-that we have an ad Vocate on the throne I Wbo need fear when he has an advocate on the throne? How ought It to console ns, that we have One who espooses onr cause, who IS perfectly able and wlllmg to carry It throogh and brmg It to a successful Issue. No how desperate may be ollr cause; With him for onr advocate we have nothIng to fear Bnt how pl1ssmg strange IS the mystery, that God m our nature shonld IlBcend to the throne of the UDlverse to be the BInner's Advocate-the rebel's -that the poor, low degraded SlUners of earth should have the most exalted BelUg III the QUI- .. How shall I become a ChnstIan 1" Written for the New York Young Chris!ian As'OClatlOn .. Beheve on the Lord Jesus Christ," says the BIble That Is-give up your dlsobedl ence to God and your neglect of hIS Gospel, and, askmg forgIveness for the past, take Chnst as your SavlOnr, and consecrate your- self to hIm entIrely and for ever Hence, 10 order to become a ChrIstIan, It IS not necessary that we have a given amount or emotIOn or of eXCItement, whether IU View of our SIDS, or of our eternal danger, or of the glOrIOUS hopes set down before us IU the Gos pe\. " One thlDg IS needful," saId the Redeem. er-only one, and that IS, to abandon Our past neglect of him, and make IllD! henceforth our SaVIour, our Master, our 'l'eacher, our all 'Ihe Israehte, bItten by the fiery serpent, was to look at a serpent of brass lIfted upon a pole; that alone was necessary TIll he did that, th!) 8"eatest amount of paID or of fear availed hIm nothlDg When he dId that, hIS cure be- gan. "And as Moses hfted up the serpent IU the WIlderness, even so mnst the Son of Man be lifted up, that whosoever belIeveth IU hIm shonld not pel'lsh, but have eternal lIfe 1/ He 'haa been lifted up, and whosoever "looks" shall lIve And not}mlg but th!s will do No amount of feelmg Will do No good works Will do No effort to make oneself better will do Any attempt to make conTlctIon of sm, or anythtnC' rif our own, take the place of THE GRACE OF GOD IN CHRIST, IS bnt a form of self rlghteollS ness, that IS, a form of that very selfishness which IS to be gIven up In becommg ChriS tlllns, then, we make Christ all our salvatIOn And we give up all to Christ, not only our property, our talents and our tIme, but our de- Sires, 001' feelings, our alms, our aspiratIOns, our plans of life-yes all And because we gIve up all, we give up self'1iependp.nce for per severllnce III the ChrIstian cODrse; and With self-dependence we resIgn self-confidence on the Reader, do know yourself to he a \m- ner? Then you come to ChrIst, and may come NOW Yon that you need a Sa vlour, and that IS the SavlOnr you nepd, act on your belIef by makmg him YOUT Sa VlOur The wayward httle child, who has stood obstmate,refusmg hIS father's call to hIm, finds It a very SImple thmg at le!lst to fallmto hIS father's arms So SImple IS It to cease le- fusmg the SavlOnr's mVitatlOn, and humhly, peDltently, trustingly to accept It Will you not do so? And, as you close thiS tract, Will you not IIlth prayer for Dlvme forgIveness and praise for DIVIne mel eles, say- , A gUIlty weak and helpless worm, On thy klUd arms I fall Be thou my strength and f1ghteousnes' My Savwur, and my all JJ What 1t 1S to be a Chnst1an. A saIlor III one of the recent meetmgs for prayer smd-' Wbien I went to sea I left be· hllld me one of tlje best mothers that ever lIved She was a pIOUS woman, and used to pray for me. Her prayer always was that I hecome a Clmstzan" What more conld the good woman have ask eel for her chIld ? !We know another woman who used to offer the same prayer, and often exclaImed III our hen ring, " 0 I It IS a great thmg to be a " Yes, Illdeed, a great, a very great, au llIimeasnrably great, an mcon ceJVably great thlUg to be a Chllstmn It IS to be saved from an eternal hell of end lng, unntterable wqe Is not that a great hlDg? It IS to be made a new creature, and thus saved from sm Is not that a great thmg? It IS to made a compamon of the redeemed, and a of the angels It IS to be made a child V God. An heIr of God A JOlllt heIr With Chflst. Wlmt a great thmg IS thiS It would be some tIling to be adopted by a great and g{)od man SomethlDg to be made the chIjd and heIr of a Pre!l1dent or a nobleman, or :I King, or an Emperor,c.of some great kIngdom here on earth the Chn,tJan has been and thus made the chIld and heIr of Great Kmg of all earth's KlOgS The Lord God AlmIghty, tile maker and the ruler of all the worlrls In nil the IllIm Itable umverse, 13 now his father and hIS frlend He I, the heir of all that mfimte wlsilom, prompted by mfimte goodness, and mded by IIIfill1te power can prOVide for hIS present and IllS eternal happllIess ane glory All thmgs UI e hIS Life and !leath are hIS Time and etermLy are IllS God and ChflSt are hiS And God Illmself II ho tuleR all thmgs In all worlds, n .t by \\ ords or movements, but by hIS own SImple will So t!lat what he but deSires or Wills IS done-that God has pledged hIS migh- ty power that all tbmgs shall work together fcr the Chmtlan's good 0, what IS there more? What heart has any larger Wish than this? What mother can ask more for her clIlld than tIlls? And may all thIS be had for askmg? GlOrIOllS thonght I lIfay I ask It for my chIld Not only so, but I am encour· aged, If absolutely commanded, to ask It, and taught confidently If I do ask It In my heart, to expect It. Then bere IS my prayer, Lord, make my chIld a ChnstlUll I ask not for It long lIfe I ask not health I ask not !lches I asl. not happmess on earth I only ask, .. Lord, make my chIld a ChnstulU I" [Tenn Baptist --+----- The Last Opportnmty. Every reVival, while It brmgs many to the enjoyment of a good hope 1II ChrIst J esns, and Implants III theIr hearts the germs of a trne (flhrlstl3n hfe, IS to others a savor of death unto death, and hardens them In Impellltence and unbelIef. It IS a solemn thought, connected WIth the present wonderful work of grace, that It Will doubtless be the last opportnmty of salvatIOn to mauy, and that by reslstlDg the mHueuces of the Holy SPIrIt, they may grlCve him from theIr hearts forever The Central has some JudICIOUS remarks on thIS pomt m the prophets Behold, ye despIsers, and wonder, and peflBh, for I work a work m yonr days whICh ye shall m no wIse believe, thongh a man declare It unto yon" God at Hand. Some years ago, there lived In Frankfort, In Germany, a man who possessed worldly wealth, but was 'not rich toward God." He had been seven tImes shIpwrecked, but hIS heart was unsubdued, and he was so far from pral8 mg .. the Lord for hIS goodness, and for hiS wonderful works," that be absolutely .refnsed to converse on Bpmtual subjects, or to reCOlve a VISIt flOm a mlDlster of the Gospel He, hOIl ever, was not happy The thmgs of the world could not satIsfy hIS soul, and there were seasons when he felt restless, needmg sometlimg he did not possess In thIS state of mmd one eveDlng he took hIS BIble and began to read A passage attracted hiS attentIon, but be dId not uuderstand It He W!1S' nn wllhng to pass It by, and thought, If Who can explam It to me? I do not know any of the pastors In the City, and therefore I cannot go to any of them for an explanatIOn" StIll he Wished to have the passage explained He then tbought qf an emment mlDlster named Domalre, but said, .. He does not know me, how can I get at him for an explanatIOn Z" Just then hIS door- bell rung, and lU hiS agItatIOn of mmd he opeued the door himself, mstead of waltmg for hiS oervant to do so Mr Domalre stood thpre before him He crIed out, If Mr. Do maire, heaven sends yon to mej come, come" Mr Domalre went lU, and, surprISed, asHied the cause of hIS speaklIJg thus He rephed, .. I was Just thmklDg that If I could see you, you wonld explalD thIS passage of ScrIpture to me " Mr Domalre gave hIm the expll\natlOn he sought, and further Improved the opportumty to set before hIm the thmgs winch belonged, to IllS peace, by pOlOtlllg hIm to Jesns, the way, the truth, and the life. The lUstructlOns given were applIed by the Holy Spmt; he reCeIved the Lruth and became a man of prayed..l,..a Chrlstmn But as the two were not personally ac. quamted, what led I1ir Domalre to the house? He was wtendmg to call on a frIend m tbe same street, whose honse he well knew, but from absence of mmd he went to the wrong door That mistake led him Just wbere he WRII needed, It led to the salvatIOn of. a soul I But who will Bay It was a mere aCCident f Who does not see lU It tbe prOVIdence of God? The L1fe of Godhness. Tbe ascetIC life of abstmence, ot fastmg, austerlty, Blilgularlty, IS the lower and earthlIer form of religIOn 'l'he hfe of GodlIness IS the glory of ChrIst It IS a thing far more stnk mg t6 the vulgar ImagmatlOn than to be relIg. 10US after the type and pattern of John the BaptIst-to fast-to mortIfy every InclInation -to be found at no feast-to wrap ourselves In soiItarmess, and abstam from all SOCIal JOYs, yes, and far caner so to lIve, and far easIer 10 to WIn a character of rehglousness A 811ent man IS easily reputed wIse A man who suf- fers none to see hIm In the common Jostle and undress of lIre, eaSIly gathers around him a mysterIOus veIl of unknown sanctIty, and men honor hIm for a Balnt The unknown IS always wonderfnl But the hfe of HIm whom men called a gluttouous man and a WInebIbber, a fnend of pUblIcans and Sllmers, was a far harder and a far Ileavenher rehglon To 1!hroud ourselves m no false mIst of hohness to dare to show our. sel ves as we are, mllkmg no solemn affectatIOn of reserve or difference for others, to be found at the marriage feast; to accept the mVltatlon of the rIch PharIsee Simon, and thl! scorned pnblican Zaccheus, to IIlIX WIth the crowd of men, usmg no affected smgnlarlty, content to be creatures not too bright or good for hnman nature's dally food, and yet for a man amIdst It all to remam a consecrated spirIt, HIS tnals and HIS solItarIness known only to HIS Father -a bcmg set apart, not tif thIS world, alone III the heart's deeps With God; to put the cup of thiS world's gladness to hIS lips, and yet be umntoxlcated, to gaze steadIly on all Its gran- deur, and yet be nndazzled, plaIn and SImple In personal deSire; to feel Its brightness, and yet defy ItS thralI;-thls IS the difficult, and rare, and glorIOUS bfe of God m the sonl of Man ThIS, thIS was the pecuhar glory of the bfe of Christ [F. W Robertson. A BEAUTIFUL P ARAGRAPH -The following hnes are taken from Sir Humphrey Davy's Sal- moma .. I envy no qualIty of the mmd and llltellect m others-be It gemus, power, Wit or fancy-but If I could choose what wonld be most dehghtfu I, and I beheve most nseful to me, I should prefer a firm relIglOiJs belIef to any other blessing, for It makes lIfe a diSCIplIne of goodness j breathes new bopes, vnrDlshes and thorns over decay, the destrnctlon of ex- Istence, the most gorgeous of all light, awakens hfe even in death, and from corruption and de- cay calls np to beauty and dlVlmty; makes an mstrument of fortune and shame the ladder of ascent to ParadISe; and far above all comtti- natIOn or earthly hopes, clllls up the most de- lightful viSIOns of psalms -.and amaranths, the gardens of the blest, and security of ever last- IDg JOYs, where the BCnsna!Jst and skeptiC view only gloom, decay a1}U\hllatlon and despaIr" There IS a last call and a last opportnmty of salvation gIven to every soul, whICh will be the" savour of hfe unto lIfe, or of death onto death," accordmg- as It IS embraced or rejected The occasIon of Bartlmeus' restoratIOn to Sight was the SaVIOur's first as well as hIS last VISIt to Jericho, of whICh we have nny record Hnd he neglected the opportumty of a cure then, he had never had another. What was true of Bartlmeus, In a phYSIcal pomt of VIew, was equally true of others m regard to their spmt- ualmterests The mterestmg young man who came to the SavlOor With the Important ques· tlon, "Good Master, what good thmg mnst I do that I may have enternal life 1" hemg un· wIIllDg to comply With the seIr-denymg terms proposed, .. went away sorrowful," reJecting, for the time, the salvatIOn of hIS soul Thong:h an amIable young mCn, so much so, that" tbe SavIOur loved him," and so welllDstructed and disposed on the subject of religIOn that he saId to hIm, "Tbou are not far from the kingdom of heaven," havmg reJected thiS one offer of salvatIon, we do not hear of hIS ever meetlllg WIth the SavlOnr agam, or belOg dIsposed to mqmre after the way of lIfe I FelIx trembled before Paul, as he reasoned WIth him of l'Ight· eousness, temperance and Judgment to come- but answered, .. Go thy way for thiS time, and when I have a convement season I Will call for thee" And though !J,e sent for Paol often, and .. commnned " afterwards, In t4e sordid hope of money from him for releasmg hIm as a prIsoner, we do not hear that the subject of hiS soul's mterests ever occupied hiS attentIOn agam The probabIlIty IS, he never found the" convement season" which he antiCIpated Kmg Agnppa was If almost per- suaded to be a Chl'lStlan," when Paul stood before blm a prISoner, and reasoned With hIm out of the Scrlptnres There IS no to beheve that Agnppa ever became fully per· suadQd to become a Christian In a time hke the present, it is more than probable that "J esns of N IIZl\reth is paSSIng Every lovmg word thl1.t God speaks to us acts back agmn, and makes moslc ID hIS heart He never says, with a scowl, If Here comes that poor, limpIng SIDDer aga.ID" Tbe path of' the slDnea back to God 18 brighter all the way np to the smile of the face and the touch or the hand;. and that is salvation \

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Page 1: EDITED BY A CODITTEE OF TIlE BOARD.Vol+15+(1858-… · EDITED BY A CODITTEE OF TIlE BOARD. VOL. XV.-NO. 3. llh.corhtr, PUBLISHED WEEKLY Dy the Seventh-dllY Baptist PublIshing 8oelcty,


VOL. XV.-NO. 3.


Dy the Seventh-dllY Baptist PublIshing 8oelcty, jt No 100 NU1lsau Street New York

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Joe followwg Remoustlanee, numerously 'Igeed, was presented to the Board of PolICe CommISSIOners, at theu meetmg, a week 01

two Slllce The People's Remonstrance


YOUR HONOJ.lS,-We observe WIth regret tbat you have heen memoflahzed by more than 0110 hundred of our fellow CItizens, under the lead and IDstlgatlOll of an assoCIatIOn callIng tself the Sabbath CommIttee, to suppress the

crymg of newspapers on Sunday-to" abate " It II as a nUIsance," and we beg leave to ask your attentIOn to thIS, our respectfnl rem on strauce, whICh we enter as fellow ~Izens and true lovers of CIVIl and relIgIOUS II berty

The memorIalIsts condItIOn thell request upon t~e failure of the publishers of Sunday papel s to effect the deSIred change, a~ they mform you they have requested of them Bnt, upon reflectIon, we thmk you will perceIve that thIS war (as one of our most mfiuentIaI dUlly papelS, find one m favor of thIS change-the liew York Trzbune-hns dp.clal ed,) a most unreasonable thmg to ask of the publIshers, 'IDee "they have no power flO do what IS re qmrcIl of them" What restramt can the seI­ler ext rClse over the buyer's method of vending Ins wares? It would seem that the mteillgent gentlemen of the memorl!ll, as well as those of the Sabbath CommIttee, must have been sensl ble of tillS, and we are compelled to conclude, II! vIew of these facts, that thIS was bnt a ruse de guerre, Intended to eXCIte odIUm lD the comwulllly agamst the pnbhshers In questlou, by leavmg the ImpreSSIOn that they had wIII­full) rdu.ed to accede to theIr request, whereas It lIas wholly out of theIr power to grant It

th memormlIsts proceed to stigmatIze the Clles of tb( newsboys as If a nUisance," when attClcd on Slmday, for the followmg reasons They "forbId sleep "_,, dIsturb the qUiet of Ihe SIck room "_If Interrupt domestIc conversa­tIon and worshIp "_If mterfere WIth 'Impartmg religIOUS mstructlon' III the Sabbath School," and' disturb ChristIan congregatIOns, lD theIr Rcts of solemn worshIp" Now we submit to your honorable body that neIther sleep nor SIckness, domestIc conversatlorr nor worshIp, nor mstIuctIon either pubhc or prIvate, IS con­fined to the first day of the week, but they are common to every day, so that It seems plamly unrel1~ouable on that ground to characterIze the erymg of newspapers On thIS one day" a nUisance," while on the other SIX It IS vlftuaUy admitted not to be If a nUlBnnce "

If to thIS, It IS replied that If pubhc worshIp" IS held mamly, and" Sabbath Schools" entIre­ly upon Sunday, we answer agam, tha't, WIth regard to pubhc worship, we beheve there IS not a day or _evenmg III the week In whIch muny congregatIOns are not assembled (espe maUy In these reVIval tImes) for publIc worship, sq thllt, In the aggregate at least, these meet­Ings In SIX days, Will exceed those of Sunday Xnd ugam, the Jews-of whom there are some thIrty thousand In New York-and the Sev­enth day Baptists-a very respectable ChrIS­tIan dcnommatlon-worshlp speCIally upon Sa t­urduy, whIle the Quakers-mclndmg many of OUr wost valuable CItIzens-have pnblIc wor­shIp on 'l'hursday and Sunday equally. As to the ~cctallUn "Sonday Schools," and the" Te iIglO llS IOstructlon" thercm com'eyed, In favor of winch you are asked to dlscrlmmate, we ask YOIl to rememher the unsectarllln publIc SChools, open five days of the week, and the valuable JUstructlon gIven thermn under mUDlCl­pal superllslon TIIO crIes of newsboys, like the nOIse of travel, no more Illterferes WIth the Ullpartml!; of rehglOns than secular JUstroctlOn, and the latter occupIes nt least ten tImes as many hours as the former We remonstrate

• then ugamst sllch dlscrlmmation as yon are usked to maKe m favor of the former It Would be most partial and unJust

The late reVival meetings and anmversarles, us well as the ordinary relIgIons meetings held during each week, Without any compl!llDt of serIO os InterruptIOn from street nOises, show thut the change deSIred IS not a necessary one to tbe mterests of rel!gloosf lDstrnctlOu or wor­~IP, b,lIt only to the success of the "Sabbath

omwlttee" III establishing their grand Idea o~ the peculIar hohness and awful sauctlty of t ut first day of tho week, an Idea whIch we beheve to be founded in error, and perpetuated by sUperstItIon, bigotry, and mtolerance; bllt certuIllly one WhICh, whether It be true or false, you, os CIVil officers, should have no hand In

~UPPOltlDg, however yon may feel called npon Y your mdlVldual seD tlments to do so ID a

prIvate capaCity ~f you accede to the prayer of tbe memorial I

18 ,It may, aDd we are persuaded WIll, be taken as a precedent, and various other thmgs, lVe know not wha~perchance seg'ar smokmg or pleasure luling-Will be declared nuisances



on Sunday, and an attempt be made to abate them as sucb, though tlley are considered per fectly lawful and proper on other days of the week And, furthermore, If such dlstlllctions are madd In lavor of Sunday, why shonld they not he shown In favor of anmversary week, or the season of Lent, or ThanksgIVIng, whlCli IS appolllted by the State? Such a precedent as IS sought to be estahbshed by your actIOn In this case we beheve to be ex­tremely dangerous to the peace and welfare of our commumty

made to enforce any of ItS prOVISIOns unless all i Advocate? Most It not be aa And If, as your worthy chaIrman, who present- astotl~ibillg mystery to angels? one hand, and nntleJieying ,reltl~r<18 many IW

! We admit that the cries of newsboys, as well as those of the vendelU of frmts and mer chandlze, (and we may add In the same cate­goty the groanmg and shouting of MethodIsts In their meetIng,) are often" so loud and dlS­cordant" as to be disagreeable; especially so, of course, to those who feel no mterest In, and perchance are strongly dISinclIned to, the ob Jects so ' vocIferously" set forth by "stentorian lungs," but, admlttmg thiS, we serIOusly ques tlOIl whether thIS Iucldental eVil IS suffiCIent to stamp these crIes and gloans as "nUIsances" In the eye of the law, so that you can properly be called upon to abate them But, If they are upon auy day of the II eek, we submIt that they are upon all, If tbey are not upon Satur day or Monday, we lUSlst that they are not 80 upon Snnday or 'l'bnrsday And If one of these thlDgs IS a nUIsance, they ull ale And y~t the memorl'llIsts dlscrunmate between tile crying of pa PCI 8 and the crymg of Othel thmgs on Sunday 'l'he paper from whICh we have already quoted as declallng unreasonable the demand made by the memorl!llIsts of the publIshers of Sunday papers also remarks upon theIr errOl In thIS p'artICular

It says-" 'lhcre must be no clUsude agamst 'Sunday papers,' 'all Sunday yellmg' must be stopped, If any We say so, and add,· III the same Ime of argumentatIOn "There must be no Cl usade" (entered npon by the officers of the lall,) III favor 01 the Sabbath CommIttee any more than agaInst the publIshers of Sunday papers, "all yellIug" mnst be pnt down, If any, or yelhng opon all days of the week must be put rlown, If I t IS npon one

It IS a questIOn WhICh, as we learn, has re ceItUy been dIscussed m L:>ndon, where the CrIeS of the venners of frUlt news, etc, me much more frequent upon all days of the week, than m our CItieS, whether the whole thmg ought not to be prolublted, some of the more promment wrIters havmg advocated snch pro hibitlOn warmly, and others as warmly opposed It, but although a SOClCty eXIsts thel e for the promotIOn of "the better observance of the Lord's day" WlllCh IS makmg VIgorous efforts to accomphsh therr objects, we believe they have not had (and we do not beheve they Will have) the audaCIty to ask the cIty authorIties to declare a nUIsance, and order the polIce to ploceed agawst as,sucu, the crYlUJ of one par tlcnlar artIcle upon one partIClllal day of the week, III JIlVldllOUS dlstmctlOn from all other artICles and all other da) s And we cannot bnt thInk that though In your anxiety to obhge so large and respectable a body of CitIzens as the memorIalIsts, you have given them Imme­diate encouragement that you will enter upon such dlstlllctlOns here, you WIll, upon further reHectlOn, reconSider your deCISion, and deny theIr prayer If the offermg of newspapers for sale, m thIS or any other way, IS plamly for bIdden by any cml or mUUlclpal statute or or dmance now m full force and not obsolete, let those offendmg agamst It be treated accordmg to Its provIsIOns b.s gUIlty of a penal offence, but let not a new and dangerous precedent be establIshed by proceedmg agamst It as "a nDlsance!' You are aware that a Judlcml de CISlOn has recently been gIven m a sIster State whIch JnstIfies any persou or persons m takmg It upon themselves, nnder the law, to deCIde as to what sales or establishments are nDlsances, proceedmg agalnst them vz et armzs, and com­pletely destroymg the offenSIve matter You are also aware that If the crying of newspapers on l::Iunday may be declared a nDlsance, theIr sale and Issue on that day may also by the same token be so declared, and If the deCISIOn of Chief JustIce Shaw IS confirmed and estab­hshed here, (as Dr John Marsh, an ardent Sabbatarlan clergyman, recently declared pnb IIcly tbat he hoped and belIeved I t would be,) the offices of the Sunday papers may be de stroyed by a mob of the men or women who oppose them, With legal Impnmty. But we thmk you WIll not fatl to percClve that such an attack upon the Suaday papers would most surely and naturally be retahated at once upon the "relIgIOUS weeklIes" whICh are so busy In

advocatmg tho Sabbataflan doctrme, and rIOt and rum would abonnd

We are not unappmed tbat there IS a law upon the statute book of our Commonwealth forblddmg all traffic (or With few exceptIons) on Sunday; but thIS law has now for many years been nuderstood to be obsolete, and m the oplDlOn of a great majority of our CItIzens, has been regarded !IS foreIgn to the s pmt If not opposed to the express prOVIsions of our natIonal and State constItutIOns, whIch forbId all mterference WIth I elil!;lous belief and all fa vormg of one relIgIOns party more than an­other It cannot certamly be demed that thIS law has fallen mto dlsqnletude and neglect, no attempt (or next to none) havmg been made now for many years to enforce It by the officers of the law. Some two months smce, Hon B F. Butler, who IS one of the memol'lallsts, we perceive stated at a pubhc meetmg, held m the hall of the New York HistOrical SocIety, that he was one of the COmmISSioners appomted to revIse the State statutes some years ago, and he well remembered the dISCUSSIOn which oc. cnrred III the Board upon the questIOn whether the Sunday law should be retamed or erased, and that It was finally determmed to retam It !IS It stood; but only on the ground of respect for the anthors of that law, and WIthout any expectatIon that It wonld be fully enforced IU the future, or any deSire that It should be, as It had not heeu IU the past

Your remonstrants feel assured that If thIS old Sunday law from bemg a dead letter, IS now attempted' to be rigIdly enforced, there will at once be an overwhelmmg demand from the people for Its IU)medmte and complete reo peal It is apparent to us that It IS tbe mten tIon of the If Sabbath Committee" to urge npon you the enforcement of thIS obsolete law in some of Its provuUons, e g., that agalnst traffic; bnt we snbmlt that no attempt shonld be

ed thiS memorllll, IS reported to have saId, "no has he a~eended mto the heaven., one could thlnk of enforcmg" some of Its pro throne that IS above all thrones, to VISIOns, let no one thmk of cnforcmg any of be and Advocate, but he has

He has.sald, for ye can do nothmg ae:ement, .. My my streugth IS

thlL~IW\ des!tin'y"fot MJi",~itv:' Many

(or tame, ~ a~~~~~

We cannot but a~k you to conSider m thiS servants before them, to pre belIeve these de(~lat'atj,otis, Holy SPll'lt, sent

to mqulre what must he mll1 have eternal life Many one may say to the SpIrit

connection the slgmficant fact that the mUDlCl for themselves, but our Kmg, the pal OrQlUlinCeS of New York, whIch were for has hImself gone before to pte-merly concurrent With, and confirmatory of the pare tI place us, hIS servants! Hence, we

for streugth to OV"rC(lme adversary, and ~ ~

of God, as .he trembles nnder C~vIctlon of sm, and in view of the JUdgmenI;~O thy way for tb18 t@e," who may never • be tblJ!! troubled about the same snbjee~ itiy '#

an .. almost Ch1'18tmn" at thl8 day, may neg. lect to become a ChrIstIan altogether, and "!1lI down m everlastIng bornmgs I" How solemn the exhortatIon of an apostle "Beware, there­fore, lest that come nnto you whIch IS spoken

Sunday law of the State, were nearly all re hear hIm saymg, "I go to prepare a place fOI pealed m 1834, and among them the ordlUunce you And If I go alld prepare a place for yoo, agamst the offermg for sale of frUIt, news, etc, I will come agam and receIve you unto myself, as well as that for chalDlDg np Onr streets to that where I am, there ye mayhe also "-Jno prevent travel durmg DIVIDP. servIce ThiS re- XIV. 2, 3 He goes and prepares the place for peal expressive of the scnse of the cIty on thIS us I He does not send one of IllS servants to subject at that time IS mourned over most bIt do It, but does It hImself I What he does In

terly ID the pamphlet lately Issued by the Sab preparmg those manSIOns, we know llOt, and It bath CommIttee and the great fire, which de would be only vam specnlatlOn for us to at vasta ted so large a portIOn of New York III tempt to reveal that whIch he has not revealed 1835, IS set forth as a rIChly de,erved Judgment It IS suffiCIent for us to know that he IS pre­of Heaven on account of It With what pro- parmg them, and that when they are all pre prlety do thiS same' Sabbath CommIttee" now paled for us, and we are all plepared for tlWm, ask you to proceed Just as though these ordl .. He Will come agulD and receIve us to hIm nances had not been repealed, or as though the self" State law, obsolete as It IS, were amply suffiCIent? Here we behold a new wonder the Lord of If the city ordInances" ere super fino US, and the umverse, the Kmg of all kmgs, leaves the tben repeal slgmfies nothmg, why their lament, throne of the Highest to come for usl 'Though and why our burmng? thousands mInister to hIm, and ten thousand

As the memorialIsts have undertaken to Ill- hmes ten thonsand stand before hIm," eVe! form you of the manner lD whICh the newsboys roady to do hiS blddmg, lIe comes hImself I spend theIr earUlngs on Sunday, you WIll allow HIS heart IS too much III It to trust It to oth­ns to remmd you that you have nothmg whatevOl ers I Hence, though mllhons of holy bemgs to do WIth that III thiS matter, and that If you would Hy at bls word, glad to obey hIm, and had, there IS not one partIcle of eVIdence to reCeIve us and carry us to hImself, yet he comes show that theIr SUllday ellrmngs ale put to a Instead of sendmg I Tbough the armIes of "orse use than those of other days, or tlIat beaven follow him, yet he comes to receive us thell "example" IS more "dIsastrous" In ItS -us l Astomshmgl-Yes, mysterIOus myste effects upon the other youth of our CIty, than ry, he leaves hIS throne agam for us? He ou other days We would also respectfully comes the second tIme wltilout a sm offering, suggest that m your capaCIty as CIVIl officers fOf the ulurnate salvatIOn of hiS people-he .l on have no concernment "with au) precept of comes for the completIOn of the glorIOUS work, moral law," nor WIth the "claIms of courtesy" whIch he has so glorlOnsly commenced But and "good mauners" m whICh the worthy mem- he come. not alone, the grandees of the um orlllhsts thmk these "urchms" so sadly lacklllg veise accompany hIm How dIfferent flOm that It onr Sabbatarlan fellow CitIzens ale unable to tIme, when as a babe he was h1ld m the man Imbue the mlllds of theIr Bons WIth theIr own ger, and the stalled ox were hiS compamons I sentIments as to the sm of pleasure rlc1111g on But IS not hIS object as astomshlng, as when Sunday, and, notWIthstandIng attempted" pa first he appeared lU Bethlehem? The Kmg of rental restlalUts," they are found on that day kmgs, and the noblhty of the umverse, IIave de out "on the avenue" With tbelr fast teams-as scended to earth to exalt man to hIS throne I the Supermtendents of Pollee lately stated III 'l'lIey have come to hIs COl onatlon I Oh, the a pubhc meetIng that they were-Ill great mysterIes of that coronutlOli day I Not a numhers, what adequate found ltlOn does that pope, as IS sometImes the cu'e amoug pompous fact affOld for the charge the memorlllhsts mortals-not the most exalted archangel shall brmg agamst the newsboys, of leadmg them have the prlVlledge of Crowmng hIm, but God astray-of "mterposltlon" "Ith theIr' dome. m our natnre WIll do It I Were the most ex tIC dlsCiphne and mstructlon" by theIr .. evIl alted kmg on earth wllhngly to become a "er example" and .. street mfiuences?" A fine vant to the lowest of hIS ser vants, and exalt him charge, mdeed, to arrest Sunday newsboys on I to Ins throne, It wOllld not begm to be so

In closmg thiS ICmonstrance, we would ask s~fange a mystery, for It would IIOt begm to be -though your actIOn Will not, of course be such condescenSIOn on hiS part God m hu­goveled H, a matter of thIS kmd by t consld maDlty Will come down, attended by hIS mIght. ellltlOu of numhers-whether the memOrialIsts lest servant~, to exalt us to hiS tllIono I Rev have not greatly overIuted thclrownnumerlCal III 21-" To hIm thatovercometh Will I gIant Importance, or rather that of those who sym to Sit With me 10 my throne even as I also ov­pathlze WIth them In thIS matter. We thmk ercame, uud am set down WIth my Father ID that publIshed statistiCS and statements of bls throne" theIr own WIll show that not one·fourth of the Everytbmg about man's salvatIOn from the populatIOn of our CitIes attend church on Snn begmnlng to the end, IS exceedmgly strange day customarily, whIle full one-half-accord and mysteriOUS, but whICh IS the most so ? IDg to the estImate of a Sabbatarmn clergy WhIch IS the most wonderful? Wh ch IS tbe man of New York, pubhshed recently III a re most mysterIous m all thIS mysterIous mystery? IIglOus paper called the Way of Life-are I know not Every step In the dlvme plan accustomed to ~ead the Sunday papers And astomshes us Every thing about It 18 worthy yet the memorIalIst, have the face to represent of God Every tiling about It IS calculated to theIr party to yon as the great body of the fill the soul With wonder admIratIOn and love commumty, compnsmg "all Chrlstmn famIlIes," Every thmg ahout It must more and more while those who patrolllze the b.ys are only exalt the adorable One, lfJ the estimation of .. here and there an mdlVldu tI " all the holy of the umverse '1 he crownmg

PermIt us to add the statement of a well mystery IS God m humamty receIved mto the known fact, tbat the sale of relIgIOUS papers heavens-exalted above all, but he does not and Bibles, hymn books and Snnday School remam there-he comes agam, not to be hum­qaestlOB books IS common m our churches on bled for ns, but to exalt us, who are made par­Sunday. By what rnle of right or JustIce, then, takers of hIS nature, to hIS throne I WIll the memormhsts presume to ask you to And even there the mystery does not cease, forCibly suppress or mterfere wlth the sale of bnt revelation leaves us The revehltlOns of Sunday papers to the majorIty who prefer them etermty may show that then, the mystery IS and allow the traffic of the mmonty ID so-called but begun. One thlDg IS certam, the ' far .. rehglOus" publicatIOns to proceed as nsual more exceedmg and eternal weIght of glory" on Sunday? will stilI be to be malilfested, and nothmg

We earnestly protest agamst all snch favor. &l!-ort of etermty WIll be suffiCIent to mamfest Itelsm and partIsan dlstmctlOns, whoever may It to the most exalted mmds It WIll be such deSIre or recommend them, and If It IS deter as" eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neIther mmed that they shall be made, we are resolv- hath entered mto the heart of man "-1 Cor 1\

ed to gird on the battle harness at once, and 9 It IS donbtless such as no created eye has resIst to the last the enthronement of thiS new ever yet seen It IS such as the finIte caunot fifth monarchy, tlils attempted Puntan dynasty yet comprehend [ChrIstIan Observer But we are unwilling to believe that you WIll lend yourselves to thIS movement agamst the Sunday newsboys when you perceive-as It was not strange, perhaps, you should fail to at first-Its evil aDlmus Its flagrant mJustlce, the other steps With whICh thIS IS connected, and wlilcli thIS IS mtended to mtrodnce, and the fearfully disastrous conseqnences whIch mnst result from the persIstent attempt to es tablish the prmclple mvolved

We cannot, we are aware, compete WIth the memOrIalists m wealth, hut we WIll not do yon the lnJustlce to suppose tbat Onr names or ar gnments wJiI have less weIght WIth you on thiS account We are, mdeed, comparatively poor men, but as the memorIahsts declare "the Sab bath" to be .. the poor man's day," and" the bulwark of la&or agamst the encroachments of capItal," we feel assnred they WIll not object to onr bemg favorably heard on that account

With great respect, your fellow CitIzens of the Metropolitan Pohce DIstrict

An Advocate on the Throne

Not only have we an Intercessor on the throne, but also an Advucate If An advocate IS one, who pleads the cause of another In a court of JustICe; one who defends, vmdlcatp.s or espouses a cause by argument, one who 18

friendly to" In all these senses, ChrIst IS our advocate In the conrt of heaven. How pleas lUg IS the thought that we have an Almighty Advocate, to plead our cause-that we have an ad Vocate on the throne I Wbo need fear when he has an advocate on the throne? How ought It to console ns, that we have One who espooses onr cause, who IS perfectly able and wlllmg to carry It throogh and brmg It to a successful Issue. No dlfler~nce how desperate may be ollr cause; With him for onr advocate we have nothIng to fear Bnt how pl1ssmg strange IS the mystery, that God m our nature shonld IlBcend to the throne of the UDlverse to be the BInner's Advocate-the rebel's advo~tel -that the poor, low degraded SlUners of earth should have the most exalted BelUg III the QUI-

.. How shall I become a ChnstIan 1"

Written for the New York Young ~ren'8 Chris!ian As'OClatlOn

.. Beheve on the Lord Jesus Christ," says the BIble That Is-give up your dlsobedl ence to God and your neglect of hIS Gospel, and, askmg forgIveness for the past, take Chnst as your SavlOnr, and consecrate your­self to hIm entIrely and for ever

Hence, 10 order to become a ChrIstIan, It IS not necessary that we have a given amount or emotIOn or of eXCItement, whether IU View of our SIDS, or of our eternal danger, or of the glOrIOUS hopes set down before us IU the Gos pe\. " One thlDg IS needful," saId the Redeem. er-only one, and that IS, to abandon Our past neglect of him, and make IllD! henceforth our SaVIour, our Master, our 'l'eacher, our all 'Ihe Israehte, bItten by the fiery serpent, was to look at a serpent of brass lIfted upon a pole; that alone was necessary TIll he did that, th!) 8"eatest amount of paID or of fear availed hIm nothlDg When he dId that, hIS cure be­gan. "And as Moses hfted up the serpent IU

the WIlderness, even so mnst the Son of Man be lifted up, that whosoever belIeveth IU hIm shonld not pel'lsh, but have eternal lIfe 1/ He 'haa been lifted up, and whosoever "looks" shall lIve

And not}mlg but th!s will do No amount of feelmg Will do No good works Will do No effort to make oneself better will do Any attempt to make conTlctIon of sm, or anythtnC' rif our own, take the place of THE GRACE OF GOD IN CHRIST, IS bnt a form of self rlghteollS ness, that IS, a form of that very selfishness which IS to be gIven up In becommg ChriS tlllns, then, we make Christ all our salvatIOn

And we give up all to Christ, not only our property, our talents and our tIme, but our de­Sires, 001' feelings, our alms, our aspiratIOns, our plans of life-yes all And because we gIve up all, we give up self'1iependp.nce for per severllnce III the ChrIstian cODrse; and With self-dependence we resIgn self-confidence on the

Reader, do know yourself to he a \m-ner? Then you come to ChrIst, and may come NOW Yon that you need a Sa vlour, and that IS the SavlOnr you nepd, act on your belIef by makmg him YOUT Sa VlOur The wayward httle child, who has stood obstmate,refusmg hIS father's call to hIm, finds It a very SImple thmg at le!lst to fallmto hIS father's arms So SImple IS It to cease le­fusmg the SavlOnr's mVitatlOn, and humhly, peDltently, trustingly to accept It Will you not do so? And, as you close thiS tract, Will you not IIlth prayer for Dlvme forgIveness and praise for DIVIne mel eles, say-

, A gUIlty weak and helpless worm, On thy klUd arms I fall

Be thou my strength and f1ghteousnes' My Savwur, and my all JJ

What 1t 1S to be a Chnst1an.

A saIlor III one of the recent meetmgs for prayer smd-' Wbien I went to sea I left be· hllld me one of tlje best mothers that ever lIved She was a pIOUS woman, and used to pray for me. Her prayer always was that I m~ght hecome a Clmstzan"

What more conld the good woman have ask eel for her chIld ? !We know another woman who used to offer the same prayer, and often exclaImed III our hen ring, " 0 I It IS a great thmg to be a Chrls~lan " Yes, Illdeed, a great, a very great, au llIimeasnrably great, an mcon ceJVably great thlUg to be a Chllstmn It IS to be saved from an eternal hell of lle~er end lng, unntterable wqe Is not that a great hlDg? It IS to be made a new creature, and

thus saved from sm Is not that a great thmg? It IS to b~ made a compamon of the redeemed, and a fel~ow of the angels It IS to be made a child V God. An heIr of God A JOlllt heIr With ~su1i Chflst. Wlmt a great thmg IS thiS It would be some tIling to be adopted by a great and g{)od man SomethlDg to be made the chIjd and heIr of a Pre!l1dent or a nobleman, or :I King, or an Emperor,c.of some great kIngdom here on earth Bu~ the Chn,tJan has been ~dopted, and thus made the chIld and heIr of t~e Great Kmg of all earth's KlOgS The Lord God AlmIghty, tile maker and the ruler of all the worlrls In nil the IllIm Itable umverse, 13 now his father and hIS frlend He I, the heir of all that mfimte wlsilom, prompted by mfimte goodness, and mded by IIIfill1te power can prOVide for hIS present and IllS eternal happllIess ane glory All thmgs UI e hIS Life and !leath are hIS Time and etermLy are IllS God and ChflSt are hiS And God Illmself II ho tuleR all thmgs In all worlds, n .t by \\ ords or movements, but by hIS own SImple will So t!lat what he but deSires or Wills IS done-that God has pledged hIS migh­ty power that all tbmgs shall work together fcr the Chmtlan's good 0, what IS there more? What heart has any larger Wish than this? What mother can ask more for her clIlld than tIlls? And may all thIS be had for askmg? GlOrIOllS thonght I lIfay I ask It for my chIld Not only so, but I am encour· aged, If no~ absolutely commanded, to ask It, and taught confidently If I do ask It In my heart, to expect It. Then bere IS my prayer, Lord, make my chIld a ChnstlUll I ask not for It long lIfe I ask not health I ask not !lches I asl. not happmess on earth I only ask, .. Lord, make my chIld a ChnstulU I"

[Tenn Baptist --+-----

The Last Opportnmty.

Every reVival, while It brmgs many to the enjoyment of a good hope 1II ChrIst J esns, and Implants III theIr hearts the germs of a trne (flhrlstl3n hfe, IS to others a savor of death unto death, and hardens them In Impellltence and unbelIef. It IS a solemn thought, connected WIth the present wonderful work of grace, that It Will doubtless be the last opportnmty of salvatIOn to mauy, and that by reslstlDg the mHueuces of the Holy SPIrIt, they may grlCve him from theIr hearts forever The Central Chr!stlan~erald has some JudICIOUS remarks on thIS pomt

m the prophets Behold, ye despIsers, and wonder, and peflBh, for I work a work m yonr days whICh ye shall m no wIse believe, thongh a man declare It unto yon"

God at Hand.

Some years ago, there lived In Frankfort, In Germany, a man who possessed worldly wealth, but was 'not rich toward God." He had been seven tImes shIpwrecked, but hIS heart was unsubdued, and he was so far from pral8 mg .. the Lord for hIS goodness, and for hiS wonderful works," that be absolutely .refnsed to converse on Bpmtual subjects, or to reCOlve a VISIt flOm a mlDlster of the Gospel He, hOIl ever, was not happy The thmgs of the world could not satIsfy hIS soul, and there were seasons when he felt restless, needmg sometlimg he did not possess In thIS state of mmd one eveDlng he took hIS BIble and began to read A passage attracted hiS attentIon, but be dId not uuderstand It He W!1S' nn wllhng to pass It by, and thought, If Who can explam It to me? I do not know any of the pastors In the City, and therefore I cannot go to any of them for an explanatIOn" StIll he Wished to have the passage explained He then tbought qf an emment mlDlster named Domalre, but said, .. He does not know me, how can I get at him for an explanatIOn Z" Just then hIS door­bell rung, and lU hiS agItatIOn of mmd he opeued the door himself, mstead of waltmg for hiS oervant to do so Mr Domalre stood thpre before him He crIed out, If Mr. Do maire, heaven sends yon to mej come, come" Mr Domalre went lU, and, surprISed, asHied the cause of hIS speaklIJg thus He rephed, .. I was Just thmklDg that If I could see you, you wonld explalD thIS passage of ScrIpture to me " Mr Domalre gave hIm the expll\natlOn he sought, and further Improved the opportumty to set before hIm the thmgs winch belonged, to IllS peace, by pOlOtlllg hIm to Jesns, the way, the truth, and the life. The lUstructlOns given were applIed by the Holy Spmt; he reCeIved the Lruth and became a man of prayed..l,..a Chrlstmn

But as the two were not personally ac. quamted, what led I1ir Domalre to the house? He was wtendmg to call on a frIend m tbe same street, whose honse he well knew, but from absence of mmd he went to the wrong door That mistake led him Just wbere he WRII needed, It led to the salvatIOn of. a soul I But who will Bay It was a mere aCCident f Who does not see lU It tbe prOVIdence of God?

The L1fe of Godhness.

Tbe ascetIC life of abstmence, ot fastmg, austerlty, Blilgularlty, IS the lower and earthlIer form of religIOn 'l'he hfe of GodlIness IS the glory of ChrIst It IS a thing far more stnk mg t6 the vulgar ImagmatlOn than to be relIg. 10US after the type and pattern of John the BaptIst-to fast-to mortIfy every InclInation -to be found at no feast-to wrap ourselves In soiItarmess, and abstam from all SOCIal JOYs, yes, and far caner so to lIve, and far easIer 10

to WIn a character of rehglousness A 811ent man IS easily reputed wIse A man who suf­fers none to see hIm In the common Jostle and undress of lIre, eaSIly gathers around him a mysterIOus veIl of unknown sanctIty, and men honor hIm for a Balnt The unknown IS always wonderfnl

But the hfe of HIm whom men called a gluttouous man and a WInebIbber, a fnend of pUblIcans and Sllmers, was a far harder and a far Ileavenher rehglon To 1!hroud ourselves m no false mIst of hohness to dare to show our. sel ves as we are, mllkmg no solemn affectatIOn of reserve or difference for others, to be found at the marriage feast; to accept the mVltatlon of the rIch PharIsee Simon, and thl! scorned pnblican Zaccheus, to IIlIX WIth the crowd of men, usmg no affected smgnlarlty, content to be creatures not too bright or good for hnman nature's dally food, and yet for a man amIdst It all to remam a consecrated spirIt, HIS tnals and HIS solItarIness known only to HIS Father -a bcmg set apart, not tif thIS world, alone III the heart's deeps With God; to put the cup of thiS world's gladness to hIS lips, and yet be umntoxlcated, to gaze steadIly on all Its gran­deur, and yet be nndazzled, plaIn and SImple In personal deSire; to feel Its brightness, and yet defy ItS thralI;-thls IS the difficult, and rare, and glorIOUS bfe of God m the sonl of Man ThIS, thIS was the pecuhar glory of the bfe of Christ [F. W Robertson.

A BEAUTIFUL P ARAGRAPH -The following hnes are taken from Sir Humphrey Davy's Sal­moma .. I envy no qualIty of the mmd and llltellect m others-be It gemus, power, Wit or fancy-but If I could choose what wonld be most dehghtfu I, and I beheve most nseful to me, I should prefer a firm relIglOiJs belIef to any other blessing, for It makes lIfe a diSCIplIne of goodness j breathes new bopes, vnrDlshes and thorns over ~he decay, the destrnctlon of ex­Istence, the most gorgeous of all light, awakens hfe even in death, and from corruption and de­cay calls np to beauty and dlVlmty; makes an mstrument of fortune and shame the ladder of ascent to ParadISe; and far above all comtti­natIOn or earthly hopes, clllls up the most de­lightful viSIOns of psalms -.and amaranths, the gardens of the blest, and security of ever last­IDg JOYs, where the BCnsna!Jst and skeptiC view only gloom, decay a1}U\hllatlon and despaIr"

There IS a last call and a last opportnmty of salvation gIven to every soul, whICh will be the" savour of hfe unto lIfe, or of death onto death," accordmg- as It IS embraced or rejected The occasIon of Bartlmeus' restoratIOn to Sight was the SaVIOur's first as well as hIS last VISIt to Jericho, of whICh we have nny record Hnd he neglected the opportumty of a cure then, he had never had another. What was true of Bartlmeus, In a phYSIcal pomt of VIew, was equally true of others m regard to their spmt­ualmterests The mterestmg young man who came to the SavlOor With the Important ques· tlon, "Good Master, what good thmg mnst I do that I may have enternal life 1" hemg un· wIIllDg to comply With the seIr-denymg terms proposed, .. went away sorrowful," reJecting, for the time, the salvatIOn of hIS soul Thong:h an amIable young mCn, so much so, that" tbe SavIOur loved him," and so welllDstructed and disposed on the subject of religIOn that he saId to hIm, "Tbou are not far from the kingdom of heaven," havmg reJected thiS one offer of salvatIon, we do not hear of hIS ever meetlllg WIth the SavlOnr agam, or belOg dIsposed to mqmre after the way of lIfe I FelIx trembled before Paul, as he reasoned WIth him of l'Ight· eousness, temperance and Judgment to come­but answered, .. Go thy way for thiS time, and when I have a convement season I Will call for thee" And though !J,e sent for Paol often, and .. commnned ~Jr!him " afterwards, In t4e sordid hope of ~talDmg money from him for releasmg hIm as a prIsoner, we do not hear that the subject of hiS soul's mterests ever occupied hiS attentIOn agam The probabIlIty IS, he never found the" convement season" which he antiCIpated Kmg Agnppa was If almost per­suaded to be a Chl'lStlan," when Paul stood before blm a prISoner, and reasoned With hIm out of the Scrlptnres There IS no reaso~ to beheve that Agnppa ever became fully per· suadQd to become a Christian

In a time hke the present, it is more than probable that "J esns of N IIZl\reth is paSSIng

Every lovmg word thl1.t God speaks to us acts back agmn, and makes moslc ID hIS heart He never says, with a scowl, If Here comes that poor, limpIng SIDDer aga.ID" Tbe path of' the slDnea back to God 18 brighter all the way np to the smile of the face and the touch or the hand;. and that is salvation


Page 2: EDITED BY A CODITTEE OF TIlE BOARD.Vol+15+(1858-… · EDITED BY A CODITTEE OF TIlE BOARD. VOL. XV.-NO. 3. llh.corhtr, PUBLISHED WEEKLY Dy the Seventh-dllY Baptist PublIshing 8oelcty,


'JJt ~nhhnt!J lhrorhtt Bew York,lune 24, 1868.


The New York Time, of Monday 14tb, deals in Bome pretty coarse compliments to the Sunday newspapers, on account of their oppo· sitiou to the attempt to stop the newsboys fro:u crying their paperw ou Sunday. It IS nothmg uuusual for bellIgerant Editors to apply un kmd, censorious epIthets to each otller We presnme thiS is all spoken and received m good humor. It says, "the attempt to stop the boys from shoutlUg theIr papers on Sunday, has converted, 'he whole tribe Into open, rancorous B8saUo.nts of religIOn and the church, and the . most 'vIohement abuse of every thmg connected with ChrIBtiaDlty, and are rapidly becommg the open advocates of mfidehty." ThiS for onght we know, may be true Men are apt however, to speak and WrIte nnkmdly of those wqom they find mterfermg wltll tbeIr busIDess, and frequently say thmgs by way of retaliatIOn more to prevent or lessou their mHuence when It IS exerted agamst them, than from a CORVIC. tlon that they are as bad as tbelr remarks 11ll

ply If these Sunday pllpers have said ony thmg agl\mBt the rehglOu of the SCrIptures, or ChrlsttaDlty, or ID fa.vor of mfidelIty, we should feel sorry and ashamed for them, and pity them as we do other smnero.

But what does their oppo)!,!tlon to r~hglon, and tbelr mfidellty consist m1 Is It In oppos­mg thiS recent movement to stop the cryIDg of newsboys on Sllnday? What IS there lrreiIg 100S, ImplOll~, or anti Chrlstmn m cryIng sell. mg or maklufj newspapers, or dOIng any otber work on Snnday tbat wonld not be eqnnlly so ou any other day 0, the week? The SCrIp. ture" are the only acknowledged standard of Clmstlalls and of Chrlstinn morllls Whatev. er eltber In doctrme or ID morals that IS not


RDER, JUNE 24, 1858. Henry VIII of England, under Cathohc rulei An Act of Uniformity Proposed. Twenty Reasons and secures for ns the presence blessmg of creatures dares tell his Maker that HIs W d and no Protestant was safe In his realm So also FOR KEEPING HOLY IN EACH WEEK, THE SEVENTII DAY "the Lord of Sabbath." shall not be read to the youth of the Innodr?

" We are somewhat surprised at the viru INSTEAD OF THE FIRST DAY S th tIt f th B bl ., wasltmthetimeofCharlesII underPDntanic leuce with whICh this attempt to have qUiet - TUESABBATURECORDER- ~~tso;Uoll!Om ~ IItelU our Hchool~ad rule, and It was thns In the early settlement of Snndays In onr City IS met by some of the Sun- 1 Because the Seventh Day was blessed In thiS City an able theologICal I tin a gu e~ t r necessarY_abso

Th P I Ii d h W h I·, and sanctified ~or n Sabb th b G d l'mmedL ed the SABBATH It t u e y necessary- 0 ms I mto every child Massachusetts. e I gums e tot IS country It ont takmg re IglOns I' ~ a, yo, • 0 mmd that their IS a God-that the Blbl '!. when It was a wlldermss to aVOid persecutIOn iJC<Jnsiidelratiions mto the case at all, we shonld ately after the creatIOn of the world, as a per· the mterests of the or Seventh- God's word-that the days of m e IS

suppose that all classes of the commuDity would petual memOrial of that wonderfnl work, and day Baptists, a "Sect which the seventh, score years and ten. The last, a;o~:e~!hrec but wilen they had formed a government welcome one day's rehef from the clamor and of HIS own restmg from It; and because tbGre and not the first day of the as the Sab nothmg Nothmg? ThIng but 0 y IS

their own, they made laws to compel all wM confUSion of busllless lIfe For ODr own part, IS now as much need for man to remember bath ordamed by Jehovah. has already and It conveys a Bood of light llP: ~~ment hved m the colony to conform to their ecclesi' we should be very glad to see not only newS God's creatLve work, and to enJoy a weekly reached Its fifteenth vola me, and commauds a that can never be obscured That W mild astteal rule; lind these laws were enforced by boys, but drIvers of mIlk carts, bakers' boys, rest, as ever there was. leadmg mflnence. It espou.ses the rIghts of commg as It does from the .. Book of B~~k'~' fines, Imprlsonmeat, death or bamshment A and all other abandon the useless and aunoywg 2 Because there IS eVidence that tbe Sev· the Sunday press, and does JustICe to all men every child should know and ullderst~nd \

habit of crym!!: their wares on Sunday mornmg enth Day was observed from Adam to Moses, We copy from Its last IBsue two or three para· the Board of EducatIOn Will bnt maillt f law, however arbitrary or despotic, must be ~ b by Noah Jacob J b d J b (S G 8m IIi -and If the Aldermen and other ultra 0 ser " osep, an o. ee en graphs dlgmty, and refuse to pay those teachers h

obeyed, or the offender must be arrested If vers of the Sabbath inSiSt upon suppressmg tbe VII 4, 10, Vlll 10, 12; XXIX 27, 28, I 10, In reference to the complaInt that IS made, wIll not read tbe Bible at the opemlI" of ~I 0

fined, hiS fine must be paid, or he must be pun· Church bells, we should be qUIte mchned for Job II 3) that the Episcopal, Presbyterian, Baptist, and school, then we shall soon hear no mo~ of II Ie Ished by impmonment If It be a matter of the sake of qUIet to concede that pomt also" 3 Beclluse the Seventh Day IS a necessary other churches, are annoyed by the Sunday Bllt If not the remedy IB the BALlOT Box: liS

conSCIence, (and It IS very likely to be, If the [N Y TImes part of the fourth commandment, given at and that, therefore, theIr rIghts are [N Y Dispatch Weare somewhat surprised, too, that the Monnt Smal, graven on stone by the finger of It thus refers to the Sabbatarlau

otrence relate to a rehglOus matter,) It IS 1m· T~mes sbould so far forget the great qi'i~stlOn God, and Incorporated With the otber mne churches, m wblch the people of theIr sect wor. Christian Colony for Palestme. pOSSible to foretell what the end may be. John h h precepts of the Decalogue, which are admitted ship on the seventh day of the week, SatuT-Bnuyan laid m prIson many years Without any w Icb was discussed In England between t e to he moral In their nature, and perpetnally day. NEW YORK, June 1 18,8

other offense but non conformIty to the popular State Cburch party lind all dissenters, and blOdlOg "Remember the Sabbath day to "Sabbatarmns have more about their In 1847, Mrs Mmer, a lady of emlueotplet, church. Hllman nature IS very much as It was which resulted In the repeal of the" ACT of keep It holy" "The Seventh Day IS the Sab cbUlcbes than the screams of the newsboys of intelligence nnd edncatlOn, and of great b

1 U mformty" after the blood of a bost of the batb of the Lord thy God" "For m SIX days In creation assembled conld and yet they nevolence, practICal mmd and lDdomit.abt1'~'r m former ages, and what has been ID times past the Lord made h n d th th d L 'Ii .'" fflends of rehglous lIberty had been shed ID eave an ear , e sea, an call not upon the strong arm of law to pro· pose,) Wltb Borne SIX or spven othcr~, left Phi may occur agam Iu an artJolDIng State but all that ID them IS, and rested the SelJentk h h t h defense of their rlgbts. A new act of umfor· Day,. wherel'ore the Lord blessed tile Sabbath tect t em m t l'fl enJoymen qUIet on t Clr ladclphla for Palestme, wnere they: IUshtn'"' a few years ago, piOUS Sabbath keeepers were t d b h m ;;, day of rest. T&ey beheve God can hear ""

complaIned of for working qUietly upon thOlr ml y IS now propose, y t e .Ltmea, by whlCh Day and hallowed It" even amid the full roar of bnsmess of a THE AMERICAN AGRIOULTURAL SCHQOL own farms on Sunday as vlOlatmg the Sunday all of our Citizens are to he stretched upon the 4. Because the Old Testameut abounds With Sabbath breakIng CIty hke York, whose TheIr object WRS to encourage the ;Tews tQ

h Iron bedstead of the" Sabbath Committee" declaratIOns of God's blessmg npon tbose who rebellton IS mallifest on the '''e[LUltlg of the engage In workIng the soil, thereby seenlln law, lind they were arrested and fined for t e 'k h I th S th D d f h '-. th I I I h d f ~ and that too, " wlthont takmg relIgIOUS consld eep 0 y e even ay, an 0 IS venge· fonrth commall.dment-' The IB the lor emse ves a Ive I 00 ,I not mdepeodcnco

offense A majority of the people have uo more ,ance upon those who profane It S bb th'" a work for whICh up to that time they hUd no rights than the mmorlty, or even an mdlVldual eratlOns mto the case at all' Well Mr 5 Because onr Lord Jesus Christ enforced a a mlDd, owmg to a preJlldlCe of long standm.

Times, suppose we take rehglons questIOn mto the claims of the law to the fullest extent, say AgalD, m referrmg to the m~nt tbat beSides belD!!: IDterdlcted by the tradltlollS oCf When we see thlDgSJ movmg m thiS dIrectIOn h b d d b th ~ I f I M or ~ consldemtlon lind find that although umforml mg ID regard to the code to which the Seventh as een pro uce, yeo 0 [Ie ay then' elders Of thiS s r d I

and the rulers are IDchned to favor a rehglOus D bid" T 11 h and Pollce Commlssloner~, mblbltlDg the u e an respectu lie way arIsto~racy, It IS time for SOUle SUItable cheek ty wonld be a very DIce tiling, yet tbat fifty ay e onge, I eaven and earth pass, rights of the newsboys, It says of lll'lng, they are nnIversally Ignorant t

thousand Citizens who observe the seventh day, °thne Jlot ort 10lnelltibttler slfiblaIUdl~, no dWlsbo pass frHom which other people readily IDchne flOm CUOICi; to be admlUlstered e aw, I a e u e, an ecanse e • We beheve that the more ant horlty of or necessLty

Now, while we hold tbese 0pullons, and thns do not Wish to be Ineluded In yonr measure always kept holy the Seventh Day, III tillS Sunday observance IS studied, less Will ItS ThiS worthY,effort has succeeded out of all spclIk, we are far ftom encouragmg Sabbath ment and do not welcome rehef from the doubtless "leavlOg us tyl example tbat we claIms to our regard be re1IDcl~teld. und there· proportIOn to the smallness of the beglDl In

breakmg 'This Will ever be a sm agamst God, "clamor and confnslOn of busInes. life," on the should follow ID HIS steps" fore, wIllIe the diSCUSSIOn of snbJect IS con· Like the" MustaId seed, the least of all ~ecd~ same da.v tha& you do, what IS then to be 6 Because the holy women who had IIttend fined to the observance or of bids fair to become a great tl ce" ED~land

however Ignorantly committed Nor do we d J Ch t t h d th d b I S d th II It t t d G II A ., done ahont It? e esns rls a IS ea an una, Rle nn ay, no mg" I resu 0 rne an ermany, as we as merica, arc all r I' deSIre that our nelghbols should be disturbed expressly Said to havc "rested the SABBATH piety It IS olJly when the IS searched, resented now lD thiS lDterestlllg countlY, InlJor In the qUiet enjoyment of tbe day they choose Must an act of uDlfofllllty be put lD force DAY according to the commandment," (Lnke and ItS authOrity and laws the subJect are mg for the same result Tile unprctenrl u' to keep The observance of the Sabbatb IS a wlthont takmg rehglons c mSlderatlOns mto XXlll 56,) and because, thongh the narratIve respected, tbat pel'm~me:ntLgO()d Will result CompiUl)""conslsts of but three or four [Imlhi~ moral duty, enJomed by God's moral law, the case? We are fallen upon sad times, wben proceeds Immediately to record the appenr- to benefit the at present. The good lady who prOjected II

we lire called npon to Ignore the prmClples of ance of Jesns Cbnst on the morDlng 01 the "Liberty IS good, but the bas fimshed her coutse, and ~Ieeps m Jesus and and It IS blndmg upon prmters, and newsboys, firat day of tke week, neither thpre nor else- hfe, thiS IS the love of God rests m hope Tho e that rerUilln are 'aYlng as well as upon all other persons, for all are our fathers, who came to thiS land to escape "here IS one word said Ibout a change of the commandments. "Come over and h Ip U"," and they ought to ahke tbe workmanship of one common Creator Jnst sllch mtolerance as the Ttmes now advo Sabbath, or ahout the SabbatiC obscrmnce of "Let the l:labb[1th··brl~aj;:er~ be helped, and mayl they be And what IS I et It would be well for Huch as hold to the Immu· cates tbe First Day of the Week thClr festivals, for wblch ter, arrangements a~e bemg mil.de to thiS pnd

sustallled by tim standard, IS anti Clmstlan, labilIty of God'. law to admit to tbelr prayer. 7 Because the Apostles of our LOld con- the blessed Bible, but let the rbe plan recommended, IS to collect II Imud nd unev Ilcal Th Ch t I FaCIlities for the ConverSIon of the World. st Illtly kept the Seventh Day ot whIch there bath, the true d1.Y of God's red volunteers, more or less, With their faml

8 allge e rls mn re Iglon us fnl conslderattQn the Sabbath questIOn Not 1 h J Cb The Pittsburg Advo~ate. has nn Interestln!!: lSI abundant eVidence III the Acts of the Apas. truth of God, and trust 111 hes, and smgle persons as the case III Iy be

t.'\ng It y esus rlst, the Apostle and Hlgb so much for the purpose of ascertammg how ~ ~ t es, and It IS declared of Paul, that, "as kts Almighty" llns company are to salIm tbelr onn 'e'sel Pllest of the Cbrlstlan relIgIOn-and as It was they can most effectually secure perfect tran artICle on the faC1lltw~ of thn Churcb for the manner was," he went Into the ") nagogue fre· The the RECOR whIch can be pnl)chased With the lOoney rcqui taught and practiced by HIS Apostlps and tbe qDlhty upon Sunday, as to learn what God has conversIOn of the world It SIJS quently ou tbe Sabbath Day' (Compare Sabb!lta·rial~;".jncr€:asllDg and mtelhgent site for a mere passa3e, wltb an amplo onlfitm ChrIStian chnrch III Its purest age, give ns no Said upon the snbJect, aud npon wblch day of "Compared With thc,e, whnt are the facll1 Luke LV 16 "Ith Acts XVII 2, see also Acts literary IDStl the bargain IDtlmatlon ot tbe sacredness of Sunday. 'rhe the week hIS hoI) day occnrs ties and advantages of the Chnrch at tbe pre XIIl 14, 42, 44, and XVI 13) New Hamp It IS proposed to constitute a Stonk Fund of 1 f t II I I h h d tt d b II seut day for spreadIng the gospel? Instead of 8 Becanse Jc<us ChrIst, foretelhng the de- thiS state, and $40,000, ID two hundred share, of S200 eacl IlW 0 C r Cea ogue w IC IS a ml e y a It IS tb~ du'y of all m"n and espeCially all t I A ~ t t f J I did I h I h h Id

v l" we ve postles and five hundred diSCiples, s ruc IOn 0 eruSa em, warne llS 1<C1p es to to no sect III -one s are entlt 109 teo er to one t~o Cbrlstmn churcbes to contalD a summary of all Chnstmns to learn and remember our Lord's there are now on the globe more thau two pray that their flight might not happen "ou several large hundreths of SaId stock, With a pu'sngo out Chn,IlUn dnty most emphatICally secularIZes Golden Rule, VIZ. "Therefore all th1l1gs what. hundred million Christians and thonsands npon the Sabbath Day," and as that event was to leadmg ones As those most likely to volunteer lor t~o rna t the dny clIllul Sunday, nnd while It forbids all soever ye wonld that men shonld do unto Jon, thonsands of mllllstclS of tbe gospel In the take place almost forty years after the resur part, may not possess the means reqm'lle ~ r

ec "S r I bor on II e S bb th ('h d U mted States alone there are now over t1J1[tv rel tlOn of our Lord, It appears that the same been dl'stln. emlgratmg, outSide generous par tiCS ale Ie P(c( non Co a y I I a a , "e ay do ye eveu 80 to them, for tbls IS t",e law • ~ bb h h II d S d) r~111 I, eIght thonsand cburches, five mtlhon four hUll ~a at was to be t en oboerved by hiS diS nm;.;t.v of sentiment, fully soltcted to take stock In thiS most \ OIthy

CIl e atur uy, It gives w Iberty to every and the prophets" We believe tbat no sane d d d th d ht h d d I Ie ,.. ~ d t d re an seven onsan elg un re ILnt ClP S of bnman hb. euort, lor omg a grea an pelm(IlCnt good man, nuw,!Joys not excepted, to perform any man, who keeps the firot d Iy of the \\lek, \Hre forty m~mber" about thirty thousand mllllsters, 9 Because there IS DO otbcl day of the tend IIltensely Co operatIOn In thiS IS sllIe of loward, (most and eVeIY kmd of labor, on the first da, of the he lIVing In a commuDlty the maJorIty of which and church property valued at some eighty week called by the name of "Sabbath," III all wo.O'on .... ""IUM them by probably,) m both ages, thiS and that to come week 'l'l!e Sill of Sabb::t'h,lm'llli·r,g' cannot were keepmg the seventh or the Sixth dIY, eight mllhons Instead of II few IndiVidual, of the Holy Scriptures, but the Seventh Day foseers Its eXClUSive- In the next, sure, for It IS Iaymg up trelsmem be commItted 011 Sunday, f'}f iI jf lIS defi jpd ID would bp wlllIn,,'" t{l be compelled by law to re one people, there are nolV whole natIOns Chr" alone,!and because, when "tbe First Day of tho that It IS Heaven.

I ttan 'lbe moral world I~ vastly better I!')W Wee I "IS mentIOned III the New Testament, It and tuat HE 'I'he reqUIsite outfit Will be as follows the New Testament, "IS tne tr"",-zr"'· cn or I fraID from attendIng to bls gocular dntIes upon than It was m tbe npostolIc age. rne mtd IS always clearly dlstlllgUished from" the Sab- times, and In For Vessel, S10000 the law" Not human law hill,,' (i tl!u~ :t~z" I' Ilb' r of the<B dav- lectnal firmament IS radiant With lIght, and bath" arr~~~I~~~~:d~~lc~~t~~atcs. Tools and llUlldmg Materials, 10000 or of the clmrcb, but the law fJr G!Jo~ ), I " ~. sCience and art everywhere are the handmaids 10. Because not one of tbose passages which Mercnry }1111s and MachInery III general, 4000 tho Ia.w of God tln~qUl.oclllly asoert" that Ill,,! The Namre of the Sabbath no Plea for of Chrlstl!lmty Throngh tbe glOrIOUS Instru speak of the" First Day of the Week," records -------1-- For Land, &0, 10000 Seventh day IS the Sabbath, nud no other day Persecutlon. mentahty of the prln\mg pres" the bible 16 all- an event or tr'lIlS1lctlOn pecnliar to tile Sab- For ContJgenClcs, 6000

h ce<slble to tme mllhon Last year a Single batb So far as the State, or the church as cual ted The Sabbath Was constltllted by the AI. BIble SOClCty (the BrItish and Fyrelgn,) Issned 11 Becanse when God had so carefully Snch IS the headmg of .ev,pl-ol articles that Inducements to tbe enterprise are found Iwrc a law contravemng the law of God, Its nctlon one mllhon five hundred thonsahd cople., and committed hiS Law to wrltlno"', had repeated have appeared dnrIDg a week so back m the not common to benevolent or miSSlOnRr) enler mighty a sign or token between hl[usclf and is anti Chrlstllln, unevangeltcal, and II relt,.(lOus the children of Israel a test of thClr obedience smce Its establishment It ,has Issued altogeth hiS precepts throughout the prophetIC books, varlons Journals of the day majorIty of pnsesTh t d b 1 < 1 The practice of pcrformmg any descriptIOn of or thirty mllhon eight hnndred and sixty and had left so many testlmomes and examples these artIClcs consist of much chaff and little 1 e pures an est c tmate "In ths war d

to 111m "It," says he, "sh III be a sign be three thousand nme hundred copies Relig of the Seventh day Sabbatb on HIS sucrel' re gram, and lest the same he smd of tblS, 2 The rIChest SOIl, the best and most abuu religlOu~ services statedly on Sunday, howPHr h d~nt frUits of almost every v et G tweeu me aDd you forever," and as such It was IOUS lIterature IS everywhere diffused Durmg cords, 1t IS most unreasonable to suppose that I Will enter at once npon subject T IS ~ un Y rape' early III the ChllHfwll (ru, was entnely aD extra a relI;lOus test, one upou whICh, God looked the last five years the American Tract SOClCty He would have repealed or changed one smgle agitatIOn IS no new tlang years ago Wme, OIl and Gram, becomIng artICles of Chrlstl11n practice. It WUR not rcqlllrpd by alone pnbllshed four million seven hundred and article thereof, Without recordlllo'" It among tbe thiS city was witness to slmll and profitable trade With a Jealous eye, for It bad espeCial relatIOn 3 A I ttl I b d [ I It any recorded apostolic prEcept or example, and t\\ enty one tbousand etght hundred and seven. words of our Lord Jesus or HIS Apostles, In the agitatIOn was more than at to dlly. I e a or an arge leWM( I,

to the condition or eXistence of the covenant N T I stated In the Report of the S nt fie I G 0 the omiSSion of Ruch service was not subJect to ty three volumes, beSides large bundles of tracts the wrltmgs of tbe ew estament n 1844 Dr Reese came office as Su hIS f N cle I nm ( between himself lind hiS people Whf<t tbe and pamphlets" 12 Because the obsel vance of the Moral permtendent of Pubhc for the CIty grap Ica oClety 0 ew Yorl" tJmt 1\ mon

the charge of a VIOlatIOn of a ChflBtlan dnty With thr an es of olives m go loto retlrc Sabbath was therefore With Israel, It IS now Law, (wlthont any exceptIOn from It,) IS con- and connty of New York predecessor, ee "r , ay Nor has the prIlctlCe of sanctlfymg tIns day With the human family, for It orIgmated In PERSEVERANCE ILLUSTRATED -Rev.Mr Scott stantly enJomed, III the II rltlDg~ of the Apos Col Wm L Stone, on remonstrated ment Cattle, Sbeep, Horses and Camels heen euforced or ~u~tamcd at any subsequent the begInnmg of the eXistence of the human a BaptIQt minister, 10 addressmg the Wesleya~ ties and one of them says that "Whosoever Wlt11 by geveral Roman that In sev. easIly obtamed at fair prices date by any otlier thlln clVIil1nd eccleSiastical d shall keep the whole law, and yct offend In CIal school books of the passages ob 4. Land plenty and cheap, but rUlsmg In

h famIly, an IS the Rame that 1t ever was, MISSIOnary Society at ItS late anmversary m one POInt, he IS gUIlty of all," quotmo'" at the JectlOnal to the religIOn of Roman Catho value Inw When either of t ese orgulJlzlltlOns pre· for no law has becn passed to modify or London, related the followlllg mCldent : same tIme the Sixth and ocventh commaud IIc scholars receIVIng from said 5. Government tolerant, and al)XlOns to 8e

sume to eolorce os a religIOUS duty any practice limIts ItS prOVISIOns It was declared to be " In Scotland I was attendmg a IDlsRlOnary ments (bee Rom XIII 9, Gal. v 14, Epb books, sent samples of the books to cure the benefit of IlldustrlOns enterprl'tng or to problblt uny employment allowed by the a sign for a certam pnrpose TIllS declaratIOn meet1Og, and you know In Scotland It 19 the VI 2 3 nnd James II 8-11 ) Archbishop Hughe~, him to mark Europeans and AmerICans It guarantees peT A 'h f tl Cit I' tt. t Casbl to g'lve money t tb d ' , s hAt t th R fect II berty III RehglOn, and offers land III fef u. or 0 10 iriS Ian re IglOn, 1"lr ac s are only developed the VieW of the Almighty, or I on a e oor coming m 13 Because the leltglouR observance of the uc pur IOns as wcre 0 e Oman

t • 'I t d r b II t G d d or gOlDg out Gomg away from the meetmo", Seventh Day of the TITeek aa the Sabbat" Catholic religion He did the ob1ec free of taxes for 12 years An artICle frol an I v IriS lall nn rc e lOllS agams 0 an revealed hiS views of ItS cll"rncter as deSigned n n J th E Ti III be Co nd Int r still' " " a poor servant came and sbe dropped m a sov was constantly practICed by the prImltlv~ tlOnal pasoages were blotted Thus, most european mes w I' u e e

HIH Son JeHUS ChrIst, and tyranmcal ID char. IU tile beginning It IS tllerccore a test of ~ft Tbe d t d th d • I f th d b k f th t d fi ID thiS place I' 'v erelgn. eacon s an Illg ere sal, ChristIans for three or four hnndred yeats lit 0 e rea mg 00 s 0 a were IS gar-ncter, nnrl r('Rlstance to such laws partakes liglOus character ID tho Sight of God, nnd as am sure you can't afford to give th:Lt' • Oh I least; and because, though It gradually fell ed 10 every style Theoe as mter. "NEW FIELD FOR EMIGRATION -Tbe 'Inrkl'h 1II0re of tho natnre of vlrtuo than of vice. As such, ought to be observed With reference to yeo, 1 can' • You Will have to go "'t,,~t !Uto disuse the neglect of the Sabbath was estmg memp.ntoes of the first for the Government has put forth a propOSitIOn which a relIgiOUS regard for Snnday was at filst only the obJcct of ItS IllstltutlOn, and not as a test of clothes' • Oh , no, I shan't' • Do take It caused only by those corruptIOns of ChrISbam overthrow of onr Public After IS eXCltmg some IIttentlon lU Westera EnroJle

m It d b th t f I S Ir d back,' he saId She rephed, 'I must give It' ty, which at len"rrth grew Dp Into the grossest thIS conceSSion, It was that thiS Hitherto, the stream of emigratIOn from tbesc pro n ga eye precep so un n p c men, human relatIOnshIp, snb1ect to POlitICal or crlm TI d h d T hId h b h H ddt th U t d I h f r b J Ie eacon t en sal " ake It ome to Dlght, Idolatry. so that tbe .pcond commandment would be suffiCient IS an s as eerr c Ie y I~ecte 0 e PI c

no engt 0 time or contlDuance 0 Its 0 ser· IDal prosecutlou and enforcement d f ft tb k f t d th h ,.- Btl h th 'II k St t C d d A t I bnt the Sllhan an I a er ID mg 0 I urmg e DIp: t was III fact and the fourtb was ID effect abol u no give some an mc ey as a es, ana a, an us ra la, vatlOn uor generalIty of the cnstom can change Suppose all the human family were to be you choose to gl~e It, you Can send It. The lBhed by ad JO'norant snnerstItlOus and'tymn. an ell Now, said they, you a Bible that has at lengtu become a candidate for oor\ln ItS character, and It has thiS day no more sanc compelled by clVlllaw to observe the seventh. next mormng, I sat at breakfast, and there was mcal pnestho"od. '. , doesn't advance Ideas m np.lrf""t, accordance perHuous populatIOn, and IS anxIOus to attr~t tlty thnn when It was first mtraduced to prac· day, would Buch observance answer the end of a lIttle note came, and It con tamed two SOver 14 Because It was only through the super. With our creed--exclude "Well," ChrlstlUus to hiS dommlOns We arc told I~n 1 1th t d t t ~ th eIgns The good deacon said, 'Yon won't stl'IOUS observance of the anniversaries of the Pubhc School SOCiety," must have letter from CODstantmople, that a country of ICI 'y e Ignoran an snpers I 10US la ers the Almighty m makmg It a sign for himself? k ? I' h

d II ta e It' , said,' Of course I shall, for If I samts and martyrs and a multitude of other some Bible, take one yerslOn tue other-bllt about 30,000 geograp leal sqnare mile', com It wus then 1l11i stl remalDs a superrogatlOll God would not be satisfied With an external send It back, she Will send four uext time'" fasts and feasts, w;th which the SimpliCity of r.ont:.nnst have

t some" H"No," they agam, prlslDg some of the finest and most fertile 5pot'

H refrallung from labor on the firdt clay of conformity, fOl he looks at the heart, and revealed religIOn was encnmbered au4.. over. CI "er IS sec anan. ence can not have on the globe-With about 3500 Engh'h Ollie, the week IS to be enforced merely as a rnle of so- Judges from It, of tbe true or false conformity PROTESTANT SERVICE AT ROME -QUIte a feel. whelmed that tbe SabbatiC observance Of the eltber." What could the P S do? Con of coast, and SIX seas-the Mediterronc3D An Clety-a CIVIl regnlatlOn; then tbe mmlstry and Do our wise men conSider thiS? clo they re mg eXists at the present time m regard to the Seventh'Day went out of use, and not (m cessIOn after concessIOn rlatic Archipelago, Black and Red Sen', nDd the church should hnve nothtng to do With It, b r th S bb th d t k t h I snccessor of Mr Cass to the Papal Conrt fact) by any real or pretended command of ques~lOn after questIOn the Persians Gulf-for outlets, IS thrown open

h I b d h I mem e e a a ay 0 ~ep lOy, For a long time there has been Protestant wor. Chnst or HIS Apostles nor at first by the ex nothing satisfYIng-the IlIilt 4.U~~'IUll to emigratIOn, and offers grants of loud to tho e more t an cau proper y e oue In t e c lllrch and wh~n they have regard only for the outward shIp III the Consulate at Rome, by the permls. press anthonty of any Pope or CouncIl, for It "What Will satisfy yon ?" who shonld be iRchned to come to tbe Enst the pnlpLt It III becomes them to stimulate observance, aug. urge only outward conformity slOn of the Pope. And If Mr Cbandler of was Kept as a atr1.Ctf aft, for ages after It lost Break up th'18 Publtc l:ic"'ui,~t syatem, and From their departurc, the Turkish govcrDmrnt th~ CIVIl powers tAO legislate III behalf of thCIr upon the commnDlty ? do they rest upon the PhIladelphia, takes that post, Mr McMast~rs every other tokeil'of a boly day gtve ua our 8hare '!ftke money That was the to take charge of the cololll~ts Eren peculHlI tenets s a CIVIl matter, It belongs suppression of nOises m the street as a fulfill. or any other Catbohc, the prIVileges. now enjoy: 15 Becanse the leaders of the ReformatIOn Issue ID '44 and It will be the of to-day their arrival IU thClr adopted conn try

1 I t C If th b t f ed at Rome of Protestant worship Will no Ion Iter never claimed ~or the First Day the name of That's the keystone to the of hypocrisy plots of land WIll be assigned to ench caloDl't exe tlSIVe y 0 aJsar e 0 serva Ion 0 ment of the law of the S Lbbath, elthel on I' b ~ t I bleh eXist In the great hall of the Vabcan the tbe Sabbath, and never enforced the observ· whICh the Romau have formed. acccordmg to IS means Rnll eapl n, 1\ the day be a relIgiOUS duty, the magistrate their own part or on tIle pnrt of tbe suppress· I G h I" I h m tot to a mlmnlum of -"46 Thw \Yill ," vIsitor WI I see two flags-the Pope's flag and ance of that day by any o.her anthorlty than " Ive us t e money IS a most t e UB am nn '"' 'J

goes beyond tho just limits of hiS office, when ed criers? We Buppose tbey would not If they the flag of the Umted States-cosIly standlDO' that of tbe Church mmor demand But," break yonr system have every faClhty for transportlllg tbelr good, he enforces ItS observance In either case knew wbat they were abont Ride by Side If tbe VISitor IS curIOus to kno~ 16 Because It IS obViously absurd-( and zt of IDstructlon," knock out the pIllar of and chattels there Tbey are exempt Irom where tbe CIVil power nmtes WIth the church Well, let the splrltnal nll-tDre of Rabbath. what relatIOns these two flags bear to each other, ta an ob'ectzon riften made by tr'l'ehglOlIS peo our country, ami then you satisfy them taXatIOn for SIX years, If settled m Europe and

- h ",/ I' I h d twelve If m ASia The free excrcl.c of tbelr m enforclllg tIllS or any other rehglOns practICe, keeping be studied, and men Will care less or w at busmess our Hag has m such a place, ple)-tbat the observance of the First Day of n 44, eSltate not to say It, Id wrong , It 18 f Ch h d St t h h tb he wIll be pohtely told that III the days of tbe the Week us the Sabbath, should be grounded ID yleldmg one pomt, as the has shown religIOn IS assured them"

a umon 0 urc an a e, w IC e what nOises may be made In the street, then revolutIOn, when the eXCIted masses cared ht. on a dIVIne precept whICh commando the ob. above TwentY.C1ght schools thiS city reo 6 A newly appomted Consul and Vice Con constitution of the NatIOnal and State govern- With what heart men beheve, and obey the tie for the person of the Pontiff, or tbe noble servance, not of the Ftrst, bnt of the Seventh. fused to have the Bible read their doors suI now 011 the way to the same locality t meu~ do not allow Our constitutIOn prohibits fourth commandment. There IS no room un bmldmgs at Rome, when the V atlCal\ ItSeft' was Day Dr Reese, actmg uuder the of the 7 and last but not the least mducemen makmg a Irw which shall eltber coerse or re der thiS view for persecution or external re- In peril, that same flag, wavmg from the snm· 17 Because, If the fllndamental prmclpJe of 12th sectIOn of the School such God has pr~mlsed to supermtend tbe ~SID~ stram any person In regard to hiS religIOUS con· stramt on the part of magistrates. mit, had power enough to save the pile, and Protestantism be right and true, that "the proceeding illegal, and declared that glo~y olthat land A country havmg su ~~en 'VlCtlOlIS, prOVided he does not molest olhers m whIle Mr CItSS remaJDS at Rome the services he Bible alone IS the rehglon of Protestants," then no money could be to them, while outlaw the whole perIOd of Its prosCrIP r

f h Rehglons freedom IS entirely consistent there rendered mnst be acknowledged Bnt m hiS the Seventh Day mnst be the true and only dlsobeYlDg the law of the Com. anil~o~ taken I1Ito favor, to he the obJCCtt 'De the enjoyment 0 t elr religion k d mus U

fore With the proper restramts of the law of tbe snccessor one IS songht who wIll not claim nor Sabbath if Proteatanta, for,'unless that day mlSSlOnners, whom hiS were deSigned DIVIne care o\ld everlastmg ID lIeHS, In all tbe persecutIOns which have alllicted Sabbatb' ~t IS a matter between God and the DESIRE Protestant servICes m the City of the of the week be kept, they have no Scnptural to affect, hiS materlBlly hm a most deSirable country to dwell 10, SUl~I{:e~

the true Church of ChrlSt sIDce COII~tantlDe people 'He tbat doeth well shall hve, the Seven Hills Sabbath at all. dered for some tlme by constant country could have a better pati on or B B

hecame a OIJflstmn Emperor, the mlDiSters of man that smneth he shall die 18 Because the pertmaclOus observance of deCiSIOns, he forced them at to appeal to securIty for defence and prosperIt{1 ~ph:::s:d I h Wh ApPREHENDED RISING OF THE CHRISTIANS IN the First Day of the Week, 10 the stead 01 the the State Snpermtendent, together With 1l1lranCes lire abundant, nnd dlstmc ye tby re IglOn hlivo been t e prime movers en T d h T k h ~ II "S uto her

URKEY -There are most alarmmg reports cur Seventh, bas actually given occasion of great hiS depnty, Samuel S affirme IS a e t e 10 owmg - ay u ~ r their eccleSiastical edicts have been dlsregnrded A traveler wrltmg from the old world to an rent III Pans, as to a general rHIJN' of the scandal to the Protestant faIth; It has caused deCISIOn, and from that time, tbe close of warfare IS accomphshed Arise I slulIB'd" by those over whom they had control, they AmerICan paper says as follows "Travel where CbrIStlan populatIOn, not merely on tbe fron. the Papists to declare that Protestants admit bls term of office, the Bible III all the thy lIght IS come, Rlld the glory of tue 1.or I have been diSCiplined accordmg to the canons you Will III that part of the world from Portu· tier of Albama, hut throughout ServIa BosIlla the authonty '!f human tradttwn III matters schools m thiS City risen upon thee." h rth of the church When thiS has proved unsuc· gal to Sweden, from Normandy to the mouths Thessaly, MacerIoma, Roumeha-In f~ct thro: of rehglOn; and It has led to mtolerance and It IS a well known fact II Behold tbe darkhness shalll co~e~ ~h~ etord

f I ' -I all European Turkey Whether RUSSia 'I'S try. persecution who are most active In aud gross darkness t e peop ej n I II be ce88 n ID reducmg lhem to submiSSion, they of the Danube, yon find Lt almost ImpOSSible to f th "'1ubHc h II th d I·Y glory SIn IDg a desperate stroke, or whether It be the 19 Becunse the observance of the First Day, throw the Bible out 0 e~! s a rise upon ee, an :lIS de

have been excommumcated, anef handed over mterest the male portIOn of the mhabltants III spontaneous Impulse of long compressed Imps. and neglect of the Seventh, haVIng been adopt. there are some who are not seen upon thee 'l'he same blessed patr~n roS to tbe. secular power for Imprisonment, torture rehgious matters. As a body, they have as tIence of Ottoman fule, time alone Will tell' ed partly In contempt of the Jews has always names, and are obliged to k elares .. 'fhat He will give Jeruslllem gren} od and executIOn Tbough the chnrch may not sumed an attitude of Illdlfference, Ii DOt bostIl. but the Greek soldiers are desertmg en mas,; laId a bllrden upon them and pres~nted an ob- IOstead Ay! and that mar perlty, eveu gold for brllss, Silver for IrOO, :ne b • B' ted th h h over the frohtler, to corm guerilla troops With. atncle to tbelr receIVing' Christianity, whlcb the City. T,he city groans Lron for wood, etc A.nd a defence frodiO" thO (l,e lO IC IS PUIIIS ment directly, yet she Ity, and so long as t 1S contmues, I for one, I' ~ U V I h II he lienr I.. ,

III the Turkish territory. and thiS summer will onght to be removed evIls Don t carry It any IUll.!"C. mles - 10 ence s a no more h bor4 has appealed to ralers for laws to compel a COn' never expect to see their polItICal emanCipatIon h th t of Intelll ent men [ nd w"stlng n"r destructIOn WItUIU t y be remarkable by an outbreak of unprecedent 20 Because the observance of the Sevent efe a seld d r g h ' 11 ,.. = I tioD

formity to her dogmas, and they have Yielded It IS very different III the Umted States ed Importance, of which the Montenegro ncto. Day obeys God, honors the Protestant PrInm· that WO\ adre t l!lCe twc ~ t and openly ers; but thou shalt call thy walls t:8 tV~s rG~ to her dictation It was thus m the reign of America 11 ry gives the signal. pie, rebukes Papacy, removes stumbling.blocks, avow SUCll a oc rIDe IlIl of Godls and thy gates praise No weapon 8


Page 3: EDITED BY A CODITTEE OF TIlE BOARD.Vol+15+(1858-… · EDITED BY A CODITTEE OF TIlE BOARD. VOL. XV.-NO. 3. llh.corhtr, PUBLISHED WEEKLY Dy the Seventh-dllY Baptist PublIshing 8oelcty,

THE SABBATH RE CC\.a;ll.".n.....,..LoIR, JUNE 24, 1858. med gil nst thee shnll prosper Fear thou not for hm w th thee be not n mayed for I am thy God, I WIll strengtl en tbee yea. I WIll holp tl ee yen I wI/pi old tl ee WIth the rIght h nd of my r "I trous e 'Ihv chIldren shall nake I note tl y destroyers and tt ev that ma Ie thee II Iste 81 all go forth of thee 'I hey tl at s vallo veri the lp shall be far away

the actton of the Execntlve In sendmg a U""'''.I IS a CUrlO1IB trIal progressmg at (,an force mto the mfested seas WIth orders to ancilaig:ua. The room of C F MIller was en protect all v~ssels of the U mted States on the the nIght by two men masked who

Foreign News hIgh seas from search or detentIon by the atter bmd og and gagg ng their Vlct m reqmr

SpeCIal Notices !lftM NOTICE A Pint Cla .. Jrathemattcal, a1Ul8cienWlo CIuIIcal

The Atlegharuan Lyceum of Academy WIll Iem1llal'y B th V d b 1 vessels of war of aoy other natIOn And It IS cd hIm to wr te letters to a MISS Metcalf nc yean er t whIch was mtercepted off th f h

e OpInIOn 0 t e Seoate that If It become hImself the author of a defama hold Its Anruversary SessIOn this on Tuesday IV C BOAll\) OF IN8TRlIcmON

June 29 The ~o~re~~n~o~on~s~ess~~o~ni~i~~ at 9! lish ~~Y2~ A.M Prof. ofMllthematicB and EnA'

"-he fOleg-omg quotatIOns are a few texts fran a SIn Ie prophet all others speak after the ou ne mnuner So every word shall be es tall led

Cape Race and her dlopatches telegraphed oecessay such addltJonalleg slatIOn shonld be anonymons letter agaInst Mr DeGroff' from St J ohlIB N F we have fonr days later snppl ed III aId of the execntlve power as wlil askmg for mercy for whIch purpose one

o clock WIll be devoted to the of the D D PICKE·~'" Society In the at 2 0 clo k Rev D E Mli:siNM ,PMrof. of Modern Lan~ the Annual Addreos WIll be Horace Gree- and Rhetonc .a.. Prot of Nlltura

news rec61ved In SIX daya a'Pd ten hours from make such protectIOn effectoal of hIS hands Was released He was then tied land to land A Committee appo nted to lValt npon the fast and len powerless Mr MIller was a

ley SubJect The POSIt on of the Ed cated Class n the Nilleteenth u J ALLEN A.M Prot of History and Metaph)'Bic

A week s later news from Indta had been rece ved IU England

haVing reported that he had no fnr school teacher who subsequently married ther commumcatlOn to make the Senate ad MISS ltletcalf HIS rIval Mr DeGroff IS

By ordh of the Lyceum D FORDLA. M. Prot of Greek and AgrlOu1*o 1 '- S C CheIDIsJi Alfred Centre N Y June 8 1858 OCR Sec Rev E. P, ARKIN AI. M Prot of Latin Langu .. ....

T IE PRACTICABILITY OF THE SCHElIE th s Extraordinary SesslOo charged with bemg one of the garroters and L t~ratnre .... . Th enterpr se IS fOllnded mjact and every

I n purpose IS practlc 11 The Ian 1 IS there v t g for occupants and tI e most luxnrIOus 1ft Ie Ba.yard Taylor says he rode

fo m I R th~ough fields of Wh~at Dnd Barley a 1 tl t the Olive and F g Tree ga 0 a S ze 3 11 ~ty strength wholly unknown In I talv

1 II 0 I tI e best m the Levant whIch If \\ c I lIufar.tured wo dd cro vd all others out of n d at G va th a land mto Chr sllan ha I RI lIt WIll aga n flow WIth ulIlk and bo cy

S r Hugh Rose had met the rebels and de fented them WIth great slaughter four hundred ha VI g been left dead on the field

Nena Salub had attempted to escape to Centrol Indm but b s retreat had been cut off

Later dispatches had been received from ChIna but they were WIthout speCIal Interest save In regard to the Plentpotel ttarles of the Westen Powers Iiemg dIrected to retnrn to Canton as the new Imperial CommloslOner was gathermg hIS forces to re capture the CIty WIth the general expectatIOn of success

FLOODS AT THE WEST -Immense damage has been done by recent floods at the west The IllmOls Vandallan says the Okaw rver was h gher last week than It hilS been before for twenty years the bottom lands bemg cov ered WIth water five or s x feet decp A man !lod a woman had been drowned and many cattle and hogs perIshed m the same way

The MilwaukIe JYews of the 1st mst states that heavy rams on the Su day prevIOus caus ed a freshet on the M Iwauk e and Menomonee rIvers and the cellars m East Water street III that c ty were more or less flooded caus ng much damaO'e to merchand se The La Cro "e ratlroEld was washed away n three places and three brIdges 00 the MISS ss ppl road were de stroyed

Dispatches have been recet ed at Wash IDgton by Lord Nap er and our own govern ment whICh gIve assuranr.e that the BrItIsh ad wll"al on the West IndIa statton Ignores the late ontrages on the Amer can Hag-tbat he had given orders for tueml\to cease and alRO for the arrest of the vessels that made them He says that no new Instruct ons have been author zed by the home goveIDment Eogland will make nn apology and pay damages (If nny)

thus th" quasI war with England ends

MISSIONARY SOCIETY Mrs A. M !ALLEN PreceptreBB and Teacher of 011 The next Quarterly Pallltmg:.and Pencl\i.og

of the Seventh day Bapt 8t M~I ~~SI~:A.RKIN Teacher of Vocal and Instrumen beld at Plamfield N J on M H. G •• , ·~n commeuc ng at 9 0 clock A M e;S. &c ~ON Teacher of Drawmg EmbOrid ___ .,----..,. ___ =';";::;;:G~E~O~B;:.,:,,::;,,;:,;~;,;R;"';;;S.;ec;,.1 The Fmt Term openB the 3d Wednesday of Aogust

1857 LETTERS The Second Term opens the 1st WedneBdIlY of..nc..

cember 185 • The Third Term open. I 4 h Wednesday 0 Ml'rch

1858 Each term continueB fourteen weeks from tbe day It

opens. The Anniversary ExerCll!CB June SO 185S

Ava R 1 glous and Reformatory Measure It sin lie to no ot~eclton but commends t

If t I eonfidence of tbe frle ds of the m s I educatIon All tI e Importance be I ther m sSlOns 18 found u th s w th

A fearful eruptIOn of Monnt VesuvIUs had occurred cnusIng the loss of many lives !lJ1d a large amount of property

The vote of Ma ne at Its recent elect on on the I quor questIOn IS about 35 000 for the

.Fb:p"", .. per Term. RECEIPTS All billB mnst be arranged In advance Ten per

~.All payments for publicatIOns of SocieiOy are cent WIll be added where payment IS deferred till the

tie lit n II I alloscs to sustaIn Itself once firmly In

et t It I It ~ II tend In Its efforts to enl O'hte clevatr.

n 1 fit men fOi the Kll gdom of God It IS de Ir lhle tI e Colony sho lid be ready to

leave eally III September

AffaIrs between France and Spam were said to look complIcated \

The French Ambassador had returned to Par s

The msurrect on m the Island of CandIa Was Increas ng In strength-fi ve other dIstrICts lIad nsen agamst the authorIties

The health of M de Pene who was wonnded o the late double duel hud much Improved

A severe hnrrlcane accompan ed by heavy ra n passed over a port on of I I no s on Sun day n gl t Tbe St Lou s Altol find Ch cago RaIlroad had several cnlverts and a br dge swept away near Peor a Ilnd tl at sect on of the State was con pletely Inundated water belOg two feet deep n many dWelllDg houses Two br dges of tho III no s Central Ra Iroad were swept away The floods appear to ex tend all over the State an 1 tl e low lands are everywhere snbmerged Ca 0 IS Said to be nearly under water the people bemg obI ged to 1 ve III the upper stor es of theIr houses and we hear of a 8 mllar state of thIDeS lD sOllie other local tIes

proh b tory law of 1858 and 1000 for I cense law of 1856 Half of the 1000 were cast In Bangor alone The papers m favor of the lIcense system adVIsed theIr frIends not to vote a course which was very generally adopt­ed 'l hey clRlm tbat the questIOn was not fa rly snbmltted and tliat the vote would he non operatIve because the proh bltory law of last winter was made to take effect absolutely by Its terms

acknowledged from week 1;0 week i~I,;~:)jl~i'~; clQse of the term Persons sending money the receIpt ~< Board by the term of 14 weeks $26 50 duly acknowledged should give us Room Rent 2 00 the oIDISSlon Washing 2 00

FOR THE SABBATH REC!ORDIE~: Fuel Spnng and Fall Terms I 110 J P L vermore Almond $1 0 lu No 26 ProVid ng Wood for Boarders and cate Pardon Cottre 2 00 14 52 of Gentlemen s Rooms I 00 Luke Burd ok DeRuyter 2 00 10 52 Fuel Wmter Term 2 00 Wa te W II ams Watson 2 00 15 52 Tu tion nnd InCidental $5 60 to 6 60 Rowse Babcock >lc 0 2 00 1 52 Agncultural Chem stry TUItIon fj 00 Albert B Crandall Portville 2 00 10 52 Mus c on P ana 10 00 DeWItt C Coon Sout Brookfield 2 00 If 52 Cult vat on of the Vo c Ii 00 WI ere there re frIends convelllently located

for 0 cn" onn [meetmg~ they can do good ser v 0 0 eet and talk over thiS matter

If y of tl e goonr eople to whom thIS C rcu I al ome shull 1mb be conv ct on of d 1ty

or te e t of pI vl[ege touchIng th 8 enterpr se tl v co. gn noth ng by postpom g actIO "I I we m ght be Watt ng our COl vemence

Gis nds Il e suffer ng lonel ness a d great e I a I nssmel t to tl e work fOI want of effi c t I el[ An I the brethreu of Tc"us arc s fle " starvIng and dylU'" of wI am Ie

'I be paper I e edited-the FigarO-Is smd to have been sold by the propr etor for 250 000 francs

The AtlantIC Telegraph

The last steamer from Europe brought news that the AtlantIC Telegraph Squadron was ex pected to start on an experlmeotal trtp on the 29th of last mouth 'Ihe cable has been stow ed away n the Agamemnon and NIagara the same vessels tl at engaged In the attempt of la~t year Before the total length of tho c hIe was rather under thao over 2400 m les wI ICIl Was so near the qnant ty actually requ red to span tbe d stance that tbe first loss of 300 miles proved fatal to the whole attempt for the tIme at lenst 1'<Iow however the length of cable IS 3012 m les exclUSIve of the sl ore ends of much greater we ght and thIck ness and which amo I t to abont thIrty mIles more There I_ tl erefore lD lOund numbers 3050 m les of cable to suhmerge between two po nts only 1950 statutc m Ie apart so that

'Ihe Sc oto river n Oh 0 h s also overfloll ed Its banks and a 0 al paper ~ays the water s from 10 to 20 fert deer alonO' the rtver bot toms rl e fences orr fields etc are com plctely submerged

The storm on Saturday last d d great dam age In BaIt more and ts v CIDltV Bait more street ear the br doe Was flooded w th two or thlee feet of water a mb r of stores were lDundated and not less than twenty turnpIke brIdges were swept away A white mao and two negro wowe II ere drowned At C nCIl natl also the storm was very severe the river rls ng seven foet durmg the n ght It was feared that the wheat crop had been ser ously lDJnred

Kenyon Crandall 2 00 15 0 IP" ntmg 10 00 Hemy W Green Milton W s 2 00 14 Drawmg S 00 W L V Crandall 2 00 J 5 Library I 25 S Carpenter New Lebanon Spa 2 00 15 1_.,.T",h",s Sem nary IS conlidcntlr recommended to tbe Bradford Champl n ,\lfred 2 00 14 as eo first class InstItution It IS prOVided WIth E S Ba ley Brokfield 2 00 departments of Instn ct on haTIng an able nnd R W Jones Fayette Sprmgs 2 00 exper enced Instructors at the head of each thus glv

ELIPHALET ng such a d V!J3 0 of labor as can alone Becuretb, h ghest ab lity' n conu ct ng each department G,.j tlemen and Ladies can h complete on ent re course of col eg ate edncat on or be prepared for usefulness

In FI nt Run Va Apr I 20 h by _ ... ~T"-' III mecharucal agncult ral or commerc 01 pursnlts LEY H DAT 8 formerly of Buckeye or for enter ng mmed ate y upon profeS8lonal studieS E LI R CHARD_ of Long Run The Teachers Department 8 ppl es the pubbc WIth at

sa) ~ I was hungry and ye fed me - - And tl a"much as you have done t unto the I URt ot tl eRe ye have done It unto me

1I " s too fi ne a opportun ty to loose Too g ttla lIe s ng to hazard by md fference

,,[llC vessel C:1!l be leady a y day so tl at 0.

I tHe pron pt actio i W II place tl e enterr r se to I ea[tltft I operat ~n Address

BARnT MATTHIAS .Agent • 82 Nassuu street N 1:

Gov Cummmgs m Utah

'Ihls gcntlemnn left teat my on the 5 h of 1100 m les or abont fony per cent IS allowpd April and ar Ive 1 at G eat Suit Lal e City for ncc de ts a d slack \U pay ng out 'lh s accompn cd I y a small staff of officers He Immeo e cable wh ch weIghs about one ton per Was eve y vi e reee ved With tbe respect ill [e has been eq ally d v ded betweeo the J 10 lto soU J po t on GIn arrlv Ug' at I s Agamemnon and NIagara whIch w 11 be nc

DACOTAH TERRITORY - M nc<ota paper state tl at th sTerr tory s rece vmg 1\ fa r share of em gratton Numbers are pour ng m by way of tI e M ssour bound for the valley of the Big S OUX Rver It B n contemplatIOn to place two "team boats on the B g S oux th s summer wi ch w II r lU 0. d Rtunce of 140 m les above tbe po ot where It empt s to the M sour Tlls w I! te d great to encouruge emlgrat on u that d rectlOu M DneRota and Dacotah couta a large exte t of water nav gable for I oats of a I ght dnught wI eh s rap !Iy being made al"u [ul I !:lome five or SIX hundred m les wlI! tlr s year be add d to the emp re of steam

~~~ ........ ~

The tOWI of CaIro at the Junctton of the M SISS ppl and OhIo r vers has been threaten ed th s week II' th beIng swept out of ex stence by 0. crevasse on tl e M ss SS ppl S Ie cnURen by the Immense Iloods winch have oc ned I hut sect on of the W cst At I e lust accou fs

the water was stIll r smg and scarcely a bu Id Ing In the town was expected to reo st the overflow Mound City was already n cler water

We have to record another horr ble steam boat slaughter on tI e M ss SSlppl RIver 'I he Pennsylvan a owned n P ttsburg exploded her bOIler, ou !:Iundav mo n g abLut seventy five mIles below l\Iemphlo 'leI n aud after wards burned to the water e edge SI e had on board three hundred and fifty passenO'ers of wh ch number It IS belteved that at Ie 1st one hundred perIshed ~cst I at on lew s wa ted on I y Brtg! am compan ed n tl e e terpnse by her ~aJesty 8

Young vI 0 ev need a" II ngness to afford h m steamsloops Valorous and Gorgon Both sh P" every fue I ty for tI e effie el t performance of w HI tl e accompanv g sloop w II make all S U M MAR Y A convent on entered lUtO between Costa I s Ad n n st atlve dut es In th s YounO' IS speed to tI e centre of the AtlantiC Here the R co. and NIcaragua on the one hand aud sustrtll eil by the sentIment of the Mormon peo spl ces betweeu the two halves Will be made The 1'<1 ewport JYlercury publ shed at New Mons eur Belly on the other as agent of a lie II e tcrr tor al seal was del vered to the WIthout loss of tIme There IS 1500 fathoms port R I completed the hundredth vear of Freoch compa y IS publ sbed In a London c v Governor and the records of tbe Un ted water where th s JOlU must be made and both Its ex stence la~t Saturday the first number of paper conferr ng upon saId company the pr v

States CUlrt nnd the L brary II ere found un vesslls WIll rem a n statIOnary until the spl ell that JOllrnal hav ng becn IS ued June 12 175R lege of construct ng ao {lterocea c canal n t red The Governor Was mfOlme 1 that a I as well settled on the bottom when tbe It was fou ded by James }< rat kl n and h s across the Isthmus the work t" be com men cd n uber of persons were des ro s of leovi g the N agara wIl at ollce steer for tl e New World press-the ODe ou which he aud h i\ YOunger In two years and completed m s x It an esh rc r tory bIt w re I nl wf.ully re tra ned of and tl e Agamemnon return to the md Each blother Dr BenJam u Frankl 1 so oiea work mated cost of from fifty to e ghty m II ons of tl C I liberty a d be cn lsud h s w 11 DO"ness to w II steam as fast to I er homeward dest nat on ed-has remaIncd lD tbe office to the 'f)lesunt doll rs r~1 eve all s Icl to be offic ally ann Out ced and as IS conSISL~ t w th the safety of the great un day a venerable rel c The ..McrCUTy' was.aftet the eieetlllft ID N{}rw eh Ct on the 14th \ eel -eq el ce of wi ch was that 165 per dert k ng so the cable w It be ether laId or ward publ sbcd success vely I y Mrs Anu nst Amos H Prent ce Republ can was

sons men wom!'Aand chIldren sought hIS pro lost With twelve or fourtee duys from start Franklin the motl er of James and BenJIWl n chosefi Mayor At Waterbury Henry M te t 0 '1 il.e great mass or the people how mg [Chromcle by Samuel Hall who marr ed her daughter FIsh on tIit!" CIt zen at d Democr t c t ekets

by Solomoa Soutbwlck Henry Barber &0 e eve at tl e order of Young were abandon ng man er lind Borber WIlham & John H Bar waS electlM Mayor the Amer can and Repnb tI r rIo es and go ng off 10 wagons loaded CONGRESS -The second Bess 00 of the ThIrty ber J oh H Barber & Son and WIlliam Lee Ilcans electmg two aldermen seventeen of the

tI tl mr effects towalds the south and It was fifth Congress was finally closed on Monday B b h d d 1850 Th In tweuty cou c Imen and the other c ty officers BII osc 1 theIr ult mate desttoy Was Sonora. last June 15th The VarIOU" approprlat on I s~rer:rar:; 1 ;ratt & Co e ~~:: !tfr:: At New London the RepUblicans were success

hov C Imm ng net the people to the num b lis were 8 gncd bv the PreSIdent The Post typed for c rcnlat on on the ceutenn al aun ~ I i r of \ 01 t three or four thousand on Sunday Office ApproprIatIOn b II passed WIthout abol versary of tl e lYler ury a facslml[e of Its A dl~patch from Memph s Tenn states tbat t tl e r 1 "barnacle wl ere he encountered a Ishtng the frank ng prIVIlege and WIthout ra s Issue for Decem! er 19 1758-the earl est per the great Yazoo Pass gave way 00 Thursday

not extmorh ary scene He was totroduced ug letter postage from three cents to five On feet number lD the r possess ou It sad ngy I ght The channel was already tillty yards I y Br ghum Young the PreSident and when motIOn of Mr Se vard In the Senate the Itttle sheet about 7x12 Inches Tl e contents WIde and rapIdly IDcreasltlg II W dlh The I e told them that I e had come among them to thanks of the hody were unammonsly tendered are letters from London desc pt ve of the then water III the M SSISS ppl had to COl sequence v nd cate the natIOnal sovereIgnty he was Its to tl e VIce PreSIdent for h S Impart 0.1 and cond tlOn of pol tIcal affa rs III Europe a short fallen e ght or ten feet and was rusl ng w th te ed to respectfully by the people who seem satIsfactory dIscharge of the dutIeS of the essay on agr ulture ou accouot of the tak ng terrIfic VIOlence tl rough the openrng fellmg cd to approve the sketch whICh he gave of the ChaIr ImmedIately after the adjournment of of Fort Duquesne from t! e Freoch In N ovem trees and everythmg else m ItS course It waR pol cy of h s udmln strat on The Governor Congress the PreSident msned a proclamatIOn ber 1758 sixteen ord nary advertrsements apprehcnded that It would defuge the whole a Ids rhus the meet ng mlgbt have ended couvemng the Senate m extra sessIon and one spec 0.1 notICe nserted most consp cu Yazoo Valley B t after dOR ng my remarks I lose and Both houses have been OCCUPIed durmg the onsly across the ed tor al page to w t Any A large number of the operatives at the stated that I would be glad to hear from any week ma nly on the var ous approprtat ou bIlls person who plays well on a vol u 00 appl ea Lawrence MIlls In Lowell have been on a wlo m ght be m hned to address me upon all of wInch except the One pro v d ng for 1 ght t on to the prlOter bereof may be mformed strIke thIS week threaten og VIolence to those top cs of tnterest to tl e commuDlty Th s IDVI houses wtre passed anrl received the sllnct on where he wIn meet WIth proper encourage who would oat JO n them on nccouot of whIch tatlOn brought forth n successIOn several of the PreSident The approprlat ons amount ment [Com .Advert ser an extra pollee force was detached to watch speakers who eVIdently exerc sed great mllu to e ghty InIlhons of dollars or more and are their movements The trouble grew out of ence over tho masses 01 the people 'Ihey for the army Navy Ocean Postage servIce The Conrt of Appeals of th s State has de- changes whereby tbe sp uncrs were re harangued 011 the subject of the assass natton IndIan serVice the Post Office and for collect c ded that any sale of strong and SPIrItuous qu red to do the addlt ooal work of doffing

• of Joseph Sm th Jr and hiS friends the ser mg the revenues Iu the House a message I quors Without a license 10 an Ind ctable of v ces I endered by a Mormon battalion to an from the PreSIdent was receIved ask10g for a fense or m sdemeanor nnder the L cense Act The sober statehof Verml h

ont reJEOIches lD the ungrateful co ntry tl e r suffertng on the replen shment of the Treasury Mr J Clancy of 1857 Nobodv ever doubted tIns but a pos<eos on hof on be sto~ ca h ero-b t finn Allen Ila ns du I g thel dreary p Ignmage to theIr Jones made an appeal III accor lance WIth the lawyer wi 0 was well paid for g v g an ad -and for sl ones tb ey aBve een f:0r some mounta II home etc The congregat on be tenor of tbe Message and the House voted to verse op Dlon or a JustIce of Rome one horse t me dlhgeot y soare ~g h ut so ar they came greatly eXCIted and JO oed the speakers make the Loan B II twenty m Illous lJIlItead of Court" ho was IOtrlg ng for !l. better office or have had uo s cr~s~ ~ oub

g ha trl eport to the III theIr mtemp rate remarks exhIbIted more fifteen a re-electIon to that be I eld That the LegiS contrary WIlS CIrC 1 a e w IC Ie commIttee frenzy than I had expected to wltDess among lature never mt6nded to make the sale on haVing 10 charge the erectIOn of the new mon II people who I aL tually exerc ~e great self con Spectal Semon -SI ortly after the meetmg Sunday for mstance by 0. I censed vender a ument assert to be Without fouodatlOn trol A speaker now represented the Federal of the Senate the gallerIe. were ordered to be m sdemea or and by one who opeuly and at The Pnbltc Schools 10 Ind ana have been Government as deSIrous of needlessly mtroduc cleared the thIrty eIght members present hav all tImes defied the law an act only subject to closed and some thIrty thousand ch Idren turn ng tl e natIOnal troops mto the TerrItory lUg unaDlmously voted to go mto secret sessIOn a peualty 10 an actIOn on tlle case- n other ed loose 10 consequel ce of the deCISIOn of whether 11 necessity eXisted for their employ When the door. were opened Mr Mason word~ to pumsh partIal or casual VIOlatIOns of Judge Perkms of the Supreme Court that It IS

m t to S lppOI t the author ty of the c VII offi (Va) moved to take up tl e BrItIsh agresslOn the law for more severely than systematIc and constltutIOual to tax the people for the buLld ers or not and tbe wlld~s~ uproar ensued resolutIOns wh ch was agreed to wholesale defia ce of It-was man fest to all ng of school houses but un canst tutlOnal to

I was fully confirme 1 III the opmlOn that Yeas-Messrs Allen Bell BenJamlll B g We reJo cr, III beIng able to chrOnIcle a deC! Impose taxes for the support of schools til people, WIth the r extraordtnary reI glOn ler Brown Clay CllDgman CrIttenden Dav S Sion of our hIghest Cou t WhICh IS ID clear!lc A hunger demonstrlltlOn took place In uuu customs would gladly e counter certa n Douglas F tch Fltzpatr ck Gw n Hammond cordance WIth common sense There wa~ we Buffalo on Monday last nearly a thousand death rather than be taxed With a subm SSlOn Hayne Houston Hunter Iverson Johnson of beheve no dIssent either III tbls or the Court labor ng men march ng to the CIty Hall and to tl e m IItary power whIch they conSidered Arkansas Jones Kennedy KIng Mason below so the hablhty of u !tcensed rumsellers askIng for employment The Mayor addressed to nvolve II loss of honor Polk ReId SebastIan Shdell Stuart Trum to IDdlCtment IS JudIe ally set at rest them saId their wants would receIve the at-

'Ihe efforts of Br gham Yo ng however bull Wade Wr gl t and Yulee-32 [Tnbune tent on of the authorlt es and they would all were s Iccessfu1 In calm ng the people who felt Nays-Messrs BroderIck Harlan and Pngh Dates from Vera Cruz to the 7th mst have soon find work The crowd then dIspersed Lhemselves mtensell aggrIeved by the U OIted -3 been reCeIVed AffaIrs III MeXICO looked Thomas FranCIS keepel of a saloon In AI States people and there IS scarcely a donbt Mr Mason said he had reframed from de gloomy The government of Zuloaga had bany on Thursday mght murdered a woman that tuey II' 11 abandon our terrItory and leave batIng these resolutlOos ootwlthstauIng theIr Imposed a loan on the fore gners at the capItal named H Iton With whom he had been I vmg Gov OummIngs WIthout subjects for hIS admm Important character The Pope had sent hIm a letter thank ng him as hIS WIfe The act was accomphshed by I trat on They every where declare theIr pnr 'Ih.e resolul ons were then passed unammous for restormg the propertv of the clergy Tam beatIng her braIDS ont WIth a hammer He pose of burDlng theIr houses when they leave ly and Mr ~ason asked that thIS fact be en PICO and Mazattan were the only seaports not but was captnred early yesterday morn tl ern Wliat a Singular hIstory has Mormon tered on the Journal m the hands of <tuarez Zualoaga was sup-sm to record I The resolutIOns are as follows pressmg the newspapers CounterfeIt five dollars bills on the State

A dIspatch from St Loms mforms us that Resolved (as the Judgment of the Senate) The steamboat Pennsylvama on her passage Bank of New BruuswICk altered from ones on GOvernor Cummmgs had returned to Salt Lake rhat AmerICan vessels on the hlJh seas m tIme 0 S Lid d h the State Bank of VlrglDla were m cIrculatIOn from New rleans to t au s exp 0 e er C ty after makmg vam attempts to stop tae of peace bearIng the American flag rem am bOIler on Sunday last when about seventy five In New York last week A gronp of horses IS Mormon hegira to the South Salt Lake C ty under the Jurisdiction of the country to whICh miles below MemphIS on the MISSISSIppI fIVer represented on the left hand Side of the cou and tl e Northern se\tiements were nearly ue they belong and thereforil any VISitatIOn mo and was burned to the water's edge Some terfelt bIll and on the rIght a female figure serted a few only remalDlDO" to guard the lestatIOn or detentIon of such vessels by force four hUDdred persons were on board of whIch restmg Its head upon Its hand bu Idl gs It was estImated that forty thou or by the exhIbitIOn of force on the part of a number at least one hundred were lost SIDce the breakmg up of the VIg lance Com Band persons were In motlOu th€lr trams ex foreIgn power IS In darogatlOn of the sover mlttee Camp 10 N QW Orleans It has been as tendIng for m les down the Valley the ad elgnty of the Umted States A Vlgl!n.rce CommIttee has been organtzed certatned that eleven persons were kIlled WIth Vance belDg aI, eady three hnndred miles dIS Ruolved That the recent an!l'i'~eated VIO In Allegany COUllty MlCh A store had been tn the r entrenchments and a stIli larger nnm tant (Chromcle lat ons of thIS Immumty commltted't.y vessels robbed at Otsego and other crtmes commItted ber wounded

of war belongmg to the navy of Great Brltam and SUSplC on fllstemng upon a man named B r'- RtnrsELLING -S~ld Jndge Daggett of Con In the Gulf of MexlcQ and the adjacent seas Otto he was caught a rope pnt around hIS Lord Napier and Count Sartlges the rlt ne t t 'l k II d t ts ~ d th f r neck and death In live mlDutes was hIS sen Ish and French M Dlsters accompllDled bv cu - 0 ma e or se ar en sp rI or by fir ng mto mterruptIng an 0 erwlse 0 Seuators Seward and Cameron VIS ted on Common nse IS as WIcked as to make or sell Clbly detammg them on theIr voyage requ res tence unless he wonld confess He dId confess P Il P pOIs9ns for the Bame purpose It bemg admit ID the Judgment of the Senate such uneqmvo exposmg the eXIstence of a band of robber" Thursday the coal mmes at OttRVI e a ted that the use of thiS article IS destructIve to cal and final dispOSitIOn of tbe subject by the bonnd together by an oath E,obbery and The exteoslve flour mills of BIlls, Tbayer lreaItp reputatlOD and property (and the proof Governllljlnts of Great BntBm aud the Umted mnrder If necessary were theIr busmess and & Usher 1D Troy WIth a large quantity of on tH 8 pomt IS overwhelmmg to anyone) It States tonchmg the fIghts Involved as shall promment Citizens were named who were to be Hour and gram were destroyed by fire on Snn followt conclUSIvely that those who make It satIsfy the Jnst demands of thiS Government the Victims Arter arrestIng varIOUS persons day mornlDg The loss of proper~y IS estlmat BIn w th,a hIgh hand agal\lst God and their aod preclade hereafter the occurrence of hke they dehcvered them IOto the handa of the ed at frilm thIrty thousand to forty thousand fellow men The blood of murdered loul, a1ld aggressIOns Sheriff and estabbAhed a citizens' gnard aronDd dollars, and was lllsured for twenty seven thou bod,e, UI,lllJe reljumd at their kana,," • Resolved, That the Senate fally approves the prISon, where they await trial sand dollars

In the same place ou the same least one hundred aDd fifty t achers of Common 8a ne Mr CORNEL UR LA: OF TT and Schools annually and the Department of Elementary DA s both of Fl nt Run and Agr caltural Cheunstry atlords tl e yo ng farmer

In Roo n80n s Fork' a June 3d by all tbe facd t e8 deSirable n tbe I est agrtcultural STEPHEN ASUCRU"T of Ten M Ie and schools The Department lost! mental MUBlc IS TA1'E of he fo m r place furn shed w th first cines p a 0 and ample msln ct on

In Brookfield N l' June Tbe locat on of the Inst tut on n the VIllage of ley Dr FRAl K D GRIDLEY Alfred two m les from the Alfred Depot on the New

~1i:s~p~rn~n~E~F~p~IE~n~CE~o~f!:~:~~b~~~ I York and Er e Ra Iroad IS romant c retired free from the usual temptat ons to vee and one of the health es' m the world C rculars &c gratUItous on applica-­tons to the pr]pal to E A GRE Ii agent 0 to tbe unders gocd at fred Center Allegany Co N Y

R v N V HUT L P OR of Tru6tees D FORD Se ary

G ve tI em to Rom. pa e t who I ns beell pro. atod w tI b I oUs con lIn nt sec I • ~ t up totter ng fo m RtTa ohten w th 6tre gth ago n see b s long ost api e t e re urn .ee h s clau y rea u es blo BOrn nto health G ve them 0 so n Rulf"r r wi OBe foul blood ha, burst out h c ofula I 1/ h B ok n IS cove cd with 80 es who stand :tr." or Ie. nugu 51 He has been d e ched s de and 0 t II' every pot 0 wi eh ngellu ty eou I BUg" at G va t"e I ILLS und

mark the elfect see he 8C.OS ~ f 0 hi' bo Iy fee lIth of the Dew fa r .k n t at I a g ow nd r t/ c ~ce tl C

Alcanzor late leper that s clean G ve I em 10 m whose n 2T days gry humo s havo p a ted rb.um~ sm h JO sand

bones move h nand h. screeches w h pa he too has been soaked tbrougl every mu cle of h • body WIth I n men" a d sa ves g ve b m these PloLLS 0 pur (y h s blood tbey may not cure h m for alas tbere are cases wI ch no mortal power ca reach but rna k I c walks w Ih crutel oS uow and I ow he wa ks olo e tbcy have cured b m G ve them 16 he lean sour haggard ft~spept c whose gnaw ng Btomach ha6 101 g ago ealen eve y 8n e from h s faco and every muscle from b. body See hl8 .ppe I e return and w tit t I B I cal h Eee Ihe mlw man Seo !jer that was ad aut with health and lovel ess b astea and too early w ther ng away wan, of exerc Se or mental angu Bh or 80me lurk g d sease I as deranged the mternal organs of dl go t on ass m I.t on or secret on t I they do theU' office III Her b ood IS VI a ed her heal h IS gone G ve J er tbese PILLS to 6t mulate the v tal prJI c pIe nto rcnetred vi or to cast out the obstructioDs, and nfuse a ne v vIal ty nto tbe blood Now look _gim

-the rOBes blossom 0 I er Cheek, and where lately sorrow sat JOY bursts from every fealure, See the sweel nfaut wa ted w h worms Its wan 8 ckly fea ures tell you w thoul d Bgul8e and pa nfn Iy d st nct thai tl ey are eat ng tiS I fe away It. p nched up nose and ears and t6 restless sleep ngs tell the dreadful tm h n language wb cb every mo her knows G ve It

Gr eve not she 6 taken from th s Of s n and woe and care

Before he e er knew what twas In earth s " Ie scenes to share

Then mo rn 00 more Rhe dwells m Freed from all care and pa n

And n a better world than h s S r ve to meet-Hatt e ago. n

In Scott N Y June 15th Mrs. l\:\".!.N!'-I, ARDSON Wife of James B R chardson Early n I fe she embraced reI glon tbe Seventh day Bapt st Church n cont nued a member unt I her peace She bade ad eu to a large gathered about her beds de rCJo c ng of soon dwell ng w th God and w th before May God comfort her lone nm,"a~ln aged mother the I ght of whose home and been darkened by th 6 sad bereavement

IIlanual of the Seventh day he PILLS m large dosos to sweep these v Ie paraBlles from the body Now turn 8ga n end see Ihe ruddy

C ONTAlNlliG an HI TOruCAL bloom of ch Idhood Is It notbmg to do these Ib ngs f -,OlliNATIO and REASO s FOR Nay are they not I/Ie malTel of tb sage P A.nd yet DAY OF THE SABBATH New York are done around you every day GEOROE B UTrER Pnce bound n IDlus~n, Have you the less seTlOUS symptoms of these,d1B

Th slittle vork meets WIth much favor tempers they a e eas er cured Jaund ee CosllVenel!ll ta n ng a w de c reulat on The lIeadache S deache Heartburn Foul Stomach Nausea WIll serve as samples of letters which the Pam IU the Bowels Flatulency LOSB of ApclILe KIng 8 dally recClVVlg Ev I Neuralg a Gout lind ki dred compla nte all anse

£ om the de angemente .which tbeso PILLS rap dly Rev JOSEPH BELCHER D D author of the curo Take the n persevenngly nnd under the counsel

of ReI glOuS Denom nations n the of a good Pbvs c an f you can f not, take them Jud h ographer of W 11 am Carey ed lor c ou y by such adv ce as we gtve YOll and the dlstreBS plete Works of Andrew Fnller Robert ng dangerous d sea6es they cure whIch affi ct so ma y under dale of P.h ladelphlll June 1st says mlU onB of the bumanrace nre cast Qutl ke the devils of

Thauk you for your Manual It s an old-they m st burrow milo brules aDd ID tho sea. Iy nterost ng little volume and more I kely Pr ce 25 cente per box-5 boxes for $1 your Views as a Seveuth day Bapt st thau tbmg else I know As a Hand Book for S ill Through a tr al of many years and through every valuahle So far as my knowledge I have nat on of c v I zed men AYER S OHERRY PEOTO scarcely been able to det<)Ct an error •• RAL has been found. to afford more rei ef and to cure I shall be g ad to see yadr proposed more cases of pulmonary disease Ihan any other reme sect on of the Denommation You have dy known to mankind Cases of apparently llet led ntere6t ng which has not been told ether Consumpt on bave been cured by t and thousand_j

mOTUlI or III Mrs Dav s H story In of Buiferers who were deemed beyond tho reach of H story of the Bapt sts m Amer ea human a d have been reslored to the r friends and use press there are two or three fncts wh ch Rh0111t11 fulijess to sound health and tho enJoyments of life by be ont first may pOSSIbly serve you May "I'U'U'""O tblS aU powerful antIdote to dl8eases of tho lunfll and tend all your labors of r ghteousness throat Here II co d had setUed 00 tlie lungs. Th"

A letter from Eld JAMES R IRISH dry hacking cough the glal3SY eye and the pale tbl~ N Y May 21st says features of hIm who was lately lusty aod at ong whJBo

I have rece ved the Manual of th1J per to all but h m Oonrumptlon He tnes everything Bapt sts It s a beaut fullittle book but tbe dISease IB gnawmg at hiS VItals and sholl'. lIS adapted to answer Its deSIgn • • • I It as fntal symptoms more and more ovor aU bIB fmme He des deratum and adapted to do a good trust IS lak ng the OHERR Y P EOI0RAL now It has a extens ve work. May It go every stopped hlB cough and made his breathing easy hi. Ba 01 Truth, an arrow from the bow of sleep s sound at n gbt h. appeU e returns, and Copie~of the Manual WIll be sent With It hIS slrength The dart wh eh p)erced hla

paid on reee pt of the pnce Five BIde IS broken Scarcely any nc ghbolohoOd can put ill as mauy Pubho L brarles m the be found wh ch has not some llYlng trophy peJ(SQn sending one dollar for that like th s to shadow fortb the VIrtUes II'blch have 11'00 and remillllnces directed to GEO B for tho OHERR Y P EOTORAL an Imperishable re WIll be at the publisher s fISk. nown But ts usefulness doeB not end here. Nay It

The Manual may alBo be had through accomplIShes more by preventiou tflan cure The lers or from the follOWing persons countless cords and coughs which It cures are the seed O.Eltilliman,W I W Coon wh eh would have npened IDtO II dreadful harvelt of J \!f~L(f~!~ft:~!: R I IDcurablo drseases Influenza, Croup Broncbltis, B. F H01~killtonl,IA. Hoal1!enesB Pleurl8Y Whoopmg Cough and all Imla

R I tlOns or tbo throat and lungs are easily cured by the C N Chester OHERRY PEOTORAL iflaken m se&90n Even'

R I famIly should have It by them and they wm find It an S S Gmwold IDvaluable protectIon from .the IDsldious prowler which

Ville Ct carrIes olf the parent sheep from many • Bock, 'the P L Berry darling lamb from man)' a home

Ct Prepared by DR. J CAYER, Practical and In. J Ba ley Plamfield N J lytic&1 ChemISt, Lowell, Kas" Bnd Bold b1 all Drug-W B GIllette Shiloh grata everywhertl,

June 10 1858 Juue 101 1858

Page 4: EDITED BY A CODITTEE OF TIlE BOARD.Vol+15+(1858-… · EDITED BY A CODITTEE OF TIlE BOARD. VOL. XV.-NO. 3. llh.corhtr, PUBLISHED WEEKLY Dy the Seventh-dllY Baptist PublIshing 8oelcty,


'rile Christlan Foreman and tne Clever lIechamc.

" I WiSh: the temperance people wonld get my man Thomas Drew to t.ake the pledge," saId a gentleman who owned an iron foundry.

.. And so do I," said the foreman of the works III reply, It wonld be Bomethmg In your pocket, and save me a great deal of trouble­to say nothing of the great comfort It would prove to hiS Wife and famIly"

~ Now this Thomas Drew wa~ a mechaniC, jand a' first rate hand In the lIepartment III !WhAch he worked However, like many other clever hands, he was gIVen to tippling. If he liked, he conid eaady earn hIS two and three pounds a week, bnt as It was, he gellerally took no more than twenty five sbIllmgs on Saturday DIght Does the reader ask, How was tbls 7 Well, It was becanse he seldom got to work be fore Wednesday mOIDmg Saturday mght, as much of Sunday as the law would allow, and parts of Monday and Tuesday, he was III a pub

attended his benevolent efforts, and hoped It would prove the beglllUlng of better days­although his confidence III the matter was not very strong fot he knew not the power of God which had been exerted on his servant's mIDd

hc house spendmg hiS earnmgs, and thus keep mg hIS Wife and chIldlen destitute of the neces­saries and c~!orts ofhfe After such a carous­al, even when~ did begm to work, he could not do much until the followmg day Even on Thursday, Friday and Saturday he could not put forth effiCiently all hIS meutal and phy sical energIes, because he lacked a proper sup­ply of necessary food If he had done so, thlfty slnlhngs or more wonld have been forth

Thomas returned to his own home III the evenmg HIs antiCIpatIOns respectmg It were not very san gUIDe He knew It would afford a strong contrast to the home WhICh he hud enJoyed smce Saturday afternoon However, he was In a measure pleasIDgly dlsappolDted It was trne that, so far as the furmture was concerned, It was Just as he expected. But It IS lIkeWIse true that there was a comfortable supply of plaIn but substantJaI food there was enough and to spare. HIS WIfe had laId out part of the fonrteen shillings to the best ad­vantage In food, and she had done her best m the preparatIOn of It Thomas was really sur prlsed how far a lIttle money would go, If pro perIy expended, ID fnakmg one comfortable He had no Idea of the matter before Almos\. weekly he had squandered a pouud In strong drmk-a ponnd which, If It had been properly expended, \\ ould have amazmgly contnbed to hiS comfort, but WhICh, as he had spent It, mad~ hIm mIserable and lazy, hIS home com fortless and hiS Wife and children haggard and wretched

After he had partaken of the evenmg meal, he asked hIS WIfe wJlether she had a Bible III

the house " No," she replIed, "but I can borrow one" "If I had the money I would buy one," he saId, "for they are to be had for ten pence a pIece" " 0," hIS WIfe replIed, "I h" ve lour or five shIllIngs of the money Mr .J~nmng gave me on Saturday mght," and she put the money IDto hiS hand Without heslta tlOn Thomas went to the Bible depot, and bought oue He returned, and when hIS Wife was ready she and some of the elder chIldreu sat down, and he read three or four chapters out of one of the Gospels Afterwards they all knelt down, and the father and the husband prayed Though the sentences of that prayer were broken, and many of them InartICulate, yet It was acceptable to God

comlDg on pay mght Oy account of Thomas Drew's nn t \}

ways, the master and foreman of the tOl :rUI)

had frequently talked abont dlschargmg Inm Matters which wanted attentIOn on Monoay morDIng could not be attended to until Wed nesday, and of course thiS was very annoymg to the employer. 'l'he master's threats \Vonla have been pnt mto executIOn If Thomas bad not been a superior workman But as he ex celled m a certam department, and as hiS equal In sklJI could not be met With, he WIlS retllmed time after time Oftuups did the mas ter gmY him moral counsel respect10g hiS evil ways, and of tImes did the master reqnest him to attend temperance meetmgs

It was on seemg a teptperunce meetmg an nounced that the conve~atlon With whICh we commenced thiS story t ok place Whether the temperance people ade any speCIal effol t to get hold of Thomas we cannot say HolV ever, thiS we can Bay, that the foreman deter­mIDed to be unremlttmg In hiS endeavols to reclaim the mebrlate And, moreover, we rejOice to say he was successful, as we shall presently se~

The foreman was a truly Christian man, and hiS labors did not end ID talkmg He praetlc ed as well as exhorted One Satmdav, when he was paymg the men theIr wages, Thomas' turn came as usual. On reckonmg With hIm he fonnd that It was an ullusually bad week for hIm "Well> how 18 thIS, Thomas," sllld the foreman, "that you have ouly fourteen shIlhngs commg to you thIS week ?"

" I didn't get to work till Thursday, and all the time I have been at It I have felt qUIte nnfit for It," replIed Thomas

"~brough your drmkmg at the b€gmmng of the week 7" sllld the foreman.

" Suppose that IS It," Thomas added " All da.yon Wednesday I was tD bed, tormented 111

body and soul I shouldn't have-come to work at all thiS week, but could not bear to be In bed WIth myself, and I had no comfort at hc,me"

AgaIn the next morDlng Thomas was at hiS work AgaIn the next Sunday he was found III the sanctuary AgaIn the next MondllY morDIng he was m hIS place And so It con tInued Old thmgs passed away, behold all thIngs becnme new The foudest hopes of Mr BonDIng ~ele reahzed The master was glad of the change, although he knew not whence It came The other mechaDlcs were compelled to admit that Ibomas had become a very dlf ferent man Atter a while he fonnd peace throu.,(h the blood of the Lamb He progreos­cd \U WIsdom's ways, he expellenced the ad vantage 01 true piety, and before long he WIt nessed the good confes-lOn before many WIt nesscs

Where IS 'rhomas now? He IS stIll at the foundlY He still retams the pie emmence as a mechalllc III hIS own department, and gener ally t lkes hIS three pounds a week He now has a reSidence WOI thy the name of a honse, and equal Iii" comfort to what Mr Bounlllg's was, when that gentleman took hIm to hiS home and nUl sed 111m The best of It, too, IS, he cau call It hiS OWII, becanse With Its savmgs he purchased It On Sunday he goes np to the house of God With hIS \Hfe and famtly He IS a teachet m the Sunday School, and dllr 109 the time not so employed, he IS dlhgent at home III tlalOlDg hiS own clllldren 10 Wisdom's was s HIS own" orks pllllse 111m, and he IS respected by all who know him

The Yonng Mother's Death " Ah, Thomas," sll.ld the foreman, "you have

long found out that the way of transgressors When Fanny Fern speaks from the prompt IS hard, How IS It you do not cease to do evIl mgs of womanly tenderness and sympathy, she and learn to do well? You J.ust go and Sit appeals to the heart as few otbers can, aDd we down by the fire, and when I have settled WIth have from her pen many touchmg descriptIons them all I shall want to have Il. lIttle talk WIth of the scenes of JOy and sorrow which are as you" SOCIa ted With home hfe Of thIS nature IS the

In the course of a few mInutes the men were followmg, on the death of her sister In law, all paid The foreman then spent a few mm- Mrs JessIe WIllis ntes more III makmg proper entries III the I have been to a funeral to day It was III

books, the!! he closed them fOI the week and a chufch,-I had to pass through a garden to locked them up Thomas was now told to reach It ,-the warm Jam was droppmg gently come Illto the countmg house When he and on the shrnbs and early flowers, and mSlde, the foreman were alone, the latter expressed warm tears were faIling, for before the church himself 10 the follow 109 manner lay a coffin, and In It was a faJr young Wife

How the Pacific was had stood the test l'aI'Bcell!u8 mtrodD~ed antimony

On a. golden autumn day, almoot three and M a valuable he was persecuted for ilOCIETY a half centnnes ago, near a snmmlt of a monn- the mnovatlOn and French ParlIament No N. ~e~~fIlal~ tam on the Isthmus of DarIen, a company of passed an act ~akIDg It penal to prescribe It, No I-Reasons for Illtroduclllg the- Sabbath of th Spamsh soldIers and native Indians came to a whereas It 18 now one of most Important medi Fourth Commandment to the conBlderatlOn oflth Q

sudden halt. They were the party of the he- cmes m daIly nse The J esUlts of Peru IOtro- Christian publi6, 23 pp 2 Moral Nature and Scn e rolC Castilian explorer, Vasco Nunez de Bal- dnced to Protestant England the Peruvian EMPLOYKENT ESSENTIAL TO .t11~AL'TB:.~.Ln lura.! Observance of the Sabbiith , 52 pp 3 Author boa Thus far they had marched from the bark (IDvaluable as a medlcIDe) hut bemg a eonrse of my lIterary labors, I (" 4~~ 1~~~:t~~:dt!~,fDryO~at~'iet~~b~:~h;l~ ~t colony on the Gulf of DarIen, for many weary remedy nsed by the Jesnlts, the P;otestant mental exerCIse WhICh aCI~onlpa,niE:q servance m the ChristIan Church, 52 pp 5 A Chrll!-days, through deuse tropIcal forests, 10fested EngllBh at once reJected the drug as the IOven- not a lIttle benefiCial to my lieU'UIl! tian Caveat, 4 pp 6 Twenty Reasons for kee 111

by ,enomous reptiles and fearful wIll beasts- tlOn of the deVil. In 1639, Dr Groenvelt dill t1VeS WhICh eXCited me to wrIte, fh!YF:~~ ~~e;p th7 s~~n: !'~i=~~s~;o!fier~~ thlough pestJferolls swamps and black slImy covered the curative power of cantharlde!! 10 Jects which I hoped to senting the mam pomts m the Sabbath ControverJ streams, and over rocky heights, encountermg dropsy .As soon as hlS cures began to be nature calcnlated to cheer the and to between a Minister of the Gospel and a S~ba the most dreadful fatigue, Illness, hunger and nOised abroad he was committed to Newgate give the aDlmal SpIrIt a salutary iPIIJul!;e. r CountelfmtCom,8pp 8 TheSabbathCon thirst, 10 the hope of dlscover1Og a new ocean, by warrant of the PreSident of the College of am persuaded that, If I had ::~~~tth~~:~~:lti!~; 4 p~ T~~ ~:~~~~% upon whose shores might lie that country of PhYSICIans for prescnblOg cantharIdes 1Oter- to pass away With lIttle or no Embraced and Observed, 16 pp (In English, French whose marvels and rlcbes the savages told nally L;dy Mary Montagne fiJlll; mtrodllced health would have been still and German) 11 ReligIOUS LIberty Endangcred by such wonderful stOrIes-the IndIa of which the 1Oto England small pox moculatlOn, my SpIrIts depressed, and, ~s~~~~\~,~, ~n:tmel~tslr~: B~£le S!~ba~~ p~ ~4e great-hearted Columbus dreamed, when he set seen Its success In Turkey m greatly mltlgatmg siderably shortened I have, Delaymg Obedfunce! 4 pp 15 An Appeal lor the out on that voyage whICh the wIse men of Eu- that telrlble disease The faculty all rose m to deem It a happiuess, and a Restoration of the BIble Sabbath,m an Addre88 to the rope thought would end m a plnnge down some arms agamst Its mtroductlOn, foretellIng the tude to DIVIDe PrOVidence, that I Baptists, from thjl Seventh-day Baptist General Con ocean cataract, mto a black chaos, a thousand most dlsastioo8 consequences yet It was m a under my bodily weakness and ference, 40 pp leagues below the world. few years general1y adopted by the most emI turn my attentIon to the snbJects ~~c~O~~~%~: ~!S~~~~:Bhed the follOWIng Workb

Balboa had been assured by hIS Indian gnlde Dent members of the profeSSIOn Jenner who for 80 many years, afforded me aJ:¥md:ant that from the summit of a certam mountam he mtrod nced the stili greater dIScovery of ~acCl- cnpatlon. I thmk It IS upon ns, FO!gefc~!~;!~:UhB;-G:E~~e to:;:: 0F:r~~ would behold the sea, w)lose waves washell the natIOn, was treated With ridICule and contempt, wh&tever may be our prllratlOns, cast onr pnnted III London m 1724, reprmted at Stonmgton shores of vast terrItOrIeS veIDed With gold and persecuted and oppressed by the Royal College eyes aronnd, and endeavor to (Ii,,,·n'."r whethel III 1802, now republished III a reVIsed form, 168 pp ~ sJlver ore. Rousmg their lIttle remammg of PhysIC18ns yet he subsequently received there are not some means yet left of domg The R,,!/aZ Law Contended fM By Edward StenDe strength, the darmg IIdventurers tOlled up the large pccullla;y grants from Government for good to ourselves and to others, our lIghts First pnnted m London III 1658, 64 pp~ rough ascent, as eager to behold the promised the beuefit ho had conferred on hIS conntry by may, In some degree, shIne III SItuatIOn, Vindieatum of the Thu Sabbath By J W Morton sea as were the IsraelItes of old to catch SIght makmg known hiS valuable discovery and at and, if pOSSible, be extmgmshed With onr ~~;:IBBlOnary of the Reformed PresbyterIan Church' of " the promised land" Bnt Just before they the present tIme ItS observauce IS very'properly lives The quantum of good under Also, a penodical sheet, quarto The Sabbul.h Vind, reached the highest pomt, their leader ('om- enjOIned by the whole medical profeSSIOn and such Circumstances, we do, ought to dis caJm Pnce $1 per hundred manded a hault, and they all pau.ed breathless, the legIslature tnrb or affect ns. If we perform The serIes of fifteen tracts together "~th ~ard but reluctaut Balboa had resolved to be the able to perform, how lIttle soeve~ It Steilllet's :aoyal Law Contended for," and J W Mor first to behold the PUCIfic, and he proceeded RestoratIon of Palestme to the Jews. IS enough; It wIll be acc~ptable In ton's "VmdicatlOn of the True Sabbath" may be hod alone to the summit I do not thmk that thiS him who knows how to estimate III a bound volume was a noble act, bnt a selfish one, qUIte un Rev Ridley H HerscheIl recently delivered actions, by comparmg them With The tracts of the above senes WIll be furmshed to

th t h S I h I t Ed b h h t d b I those WIshiiJg them for distribution or sale, at the r~te WOI y a rue ero ,ure y t ose brave fol- a ectllle a In urg , on t e present state of JOn an a Ilty of 1500 pages for $1 Persons del'Blrmg them can have lowers, who had shared With hIm all the penis the Jews In the East, and on the ContInent of them forwarded by mllli or otherwIse, on sending tbelr and hardships of the expeditIOn, should have Europe, With some account of the openmgs for THE PRESENT CONDITION OF THE ilddress WIth a reIUlttance, to H H BAKER, General had theJr luIl share m the first JOY of the diS theIr return to the Holy Land. He gave In- NA.vy -The Navy RegIster for states Agent of the Amencan Sabbath Tract SOCiety 1fO 100 " coven But he had It all to blmself-tbe glo terestIng Iletl1lls regardmg the present condl the nnmber of vessels m the Navy N=au litreet, New York

rlous- Hight of that vast plaCid ocean-those tlOn of the Jews both In Europe and PalestIne to be 18, With a burthen t~~~t Seventh-DIlY BllptI8tPnbbshing SOCIety's Pnblicallons gleen and flowe"y shores-the beauty, the It was a CUI 10US fact, but he was prepared to ThiS would seem to be a formidable "V

grandeur, the mystery of a new world-and It prove that m proportlOu to their respective an &nalyzatlOn of the bst shows 10 QJ: h .c 5 a b b at h 11\.c.c 0 r ~ t t, was more than he conld bear unmoved He numbers there was a far greater amount of line of. battle ShIpS, only 2 could Into'J 'J sank on IllS knees "nd gave thanks to God JeWish Christians m the world than there was serVice, and of the 10 frigates, only ,and of PUBLISHED WEEKLY Then he called up hIS followers, and they cut of Gentile Durmg the last twenty years too the 8 first class propeller frIgates 2 on the TERMS--$200 PER ANNUM 1N ADVANCE down a IUlge tree and made of It a great cross, Jewl8h converts had been more numelOns' tha~ stocks, of tlie 6 second class 5 lII'e TM Sabbath &wrder IS devoted to the expoSItIOn IlDd which they erected on the .pot, III Slgll bf cou they had ever beell at any prevIOus perIOd the stocks j aud 5 permanent ships VllldicatlonoftheVlewsandmovementBot the Seventh quest and CIVIlIZatIOn 'Ihey also carved the smce the time of the Apostles ThIS was es are all unseaworthy The of the day BaptIst DenOmInatIOn It IIIms to promote VItal

K F II f fleet co st of 21 I f brigs, 2 pIety and VIgorous benevolent action, at the same time names of IDg erdmaud and Qoeen Isabella pecla y true 0 the educated and IDfluentml nSI s S oops 0 that It urges obedience to the commandm'ents of upon several promlllent trees-thus takmg pos, classes, and m proof of thiS he might Simply schooners, 4, propellers of the 1 pad God and the faIth of Jesus. Its columus are open to seSS101I of the land mentIOn that there were at the present moment die wheel steamers, and 3 store So that the advocacy of all reformatory measures which seem

They then descended to the sea shore, and no fewer than twenty SIX professors III the the '18 war vessels, only 55 are the pres likely to Improve the condition ofsoClety diffnse know Balboa havmg m one hand hIS drawn sword, Umverslty of Berlm, who were either convert eut tIme ID conditIOn for active aud of ledge, recllllm tlie lllebI;1ate and tnfranchiBe the en

h slaved In Its LIterary and Inielligence Departmehte and In other the Spanish standard, stood In the ed Jews or of JeWish orlglll Amoug them t ose 50, only 30 are now III care IS taken to furnish matter adapted.to the 1I0nts r1Smg tide and shouted-I! Long Itve the Kmg was Professor Kusch, the famous eccleSIastical THE Bony AND T~;;-MIND -It and tastes of every class <ff readBrs. As a RclIgIons and Queen of Castile I '-thus taklllJ possess historian In regard to the opemngs for the vlOns to tile mealiest and Fanuly Newspaper, It IS Illt~dea that the lIfcard .. Ion of the sea return of the Jews to the Holy Laud, he might shall rank among the best

body and the mIDd are even more ~1h,,,,1 n Perhups they lingered Oil the shore till mght, mentIOn that he lately had an mtervIew WIth d h h THE SABBATH-SCHOOL VISITOR, d h d h T k h M L d neete t an t ose twms of Slam, anlmtluat au saw t e 8un escend ID to the calm, tl ans t e nr IS mIster ID on on, aud that ID

palent expunse of sea, tnrmng all the waves referrlOg to the recent disturbances In Jaffa, cannot more comfortably co eXist, If Publ!8hei1 Mwa/dy IOtO a vast sheen of gold, alld settmg the west hiS excellency had asked hIm what onght to be any great length of tIme, Without TERllS PER ANNUll-INV.ARIAllLY IN ADVANCE

ern heaveus aglow With burmng splendors, tIll done He, Mr. HerschelI, then stated to him mutnal accommodatIOn They are One copy $ 25 th d I k th t f" h I th t th btl t d t th for the voyage, and It IS 10 the Five copies to one address, 1 00 ey seeme lee open ga es 0 t e go d a e es p an 0 a op In e C1rcumstan eIther, by absurd and nnreasouable TIt en City," or the mighty pavilIOns t1f "the King ces, and the only plan whICh would tend to we ve copies 0 one address, 2 00

render the othel exc edln ly Twenty copIeS to one addreBB, 3 00 ot Glory" effectually secure peace and prospellty to e g Twenty eIght COplBS to one address 4 00

When the news of tillS dIscovery, of such PalestIno, would be for the Sultan to allow the even to cause a final separatIOn Forty copIes to one addreBB, 5 00 mcalculable Importance to the whole world, Jews once more to take possessIOn of It Bemg IDtended that man, the compound

h d S d should fox hunt forever, and do no +li.nkin/!:-reac e pam It caused great wonder, reJolc an active, enterprisIng, an IndustrIOUS people, "' d h d I h Id d hId f h nor that he shonld give the whole mg an trmmp, nil tIe namc of Vasco Nut ey wou soon rl t e an 0 t e maraudmg due portIOn of hiS time to stili lIfe

nez de Balboa was aSSOCIated WIth those of Arab tribes, and promote ItS welfare III every Ch T allowlDg no more exerCise to the r1Stopher Columbus and AmerlCns VesplI respect he Turkish MlDlster highly appro v

one CIUS Yet, I am sorry to add, ID less than fOUf ed of thiS proposal, and promised to lay It may be necessary to carry the mmd years from the tIme of IllS glorIons dIscovery, before the Subhme Porte, who would, he alcove of the lIbrary to another he was accused of dIsloyalty, and put to death donbted not, at once accede to It Mr Her HE DRINKS -How ommous th sentence by the Spamsh govClnor of DarIen schell coucluded by a reference to tbe glorIOUS falls I How we pause m conlver'sli"tion and

So It lIttle profited the brave adventurer that results which mIght be expected to flow from ejaculate, "It's a pIty I" How mother he had found a mighty ocean on which Europ- the restoratIOn of the Jews to their own land hopes he Will not when he grows h ean eyes had never before gazed, and pomted III the manner allllded to hiS sisters persnade themselves that It ~nl;: the world to regIOns of exhaustless rIches few wild oats that he IS sowmg ! the Yet let ns hope that for him the waters of that Trouble. old men shake theIr heads, and other unkno"{11 sea, WhICh hes between us and when they thmk about It. Y th t " dId" II " TlOuble" becomes a marvelons sanctIfier of e rue promise an, Vias I ummated by commellc1Og hfe, buoyant With the "Sun of Rlghtcousuess ," and that the prIde, and an effectnal restramer of self-Will drmk You are frel hted Ith nrp..lm,. gates of the golden CIty of God were not clos- The temper IS mellowed and the feelmgs refin- go The hopes of y~ur ol~ naal'e11l:R. ed agamst hIm [Grace Greenwood. ed. It needs repeated strokes of the hammer sisters of yonr Wife of r cblild['eni;....2~11

to break the rocks HI pieces, and so It some d~wn u on ou' IIoU The Hall' of the PreSIdents times requires repeated strokes of angOlsh to agaIn their ~ouf da • {~u thh

break our hearts HI pieces and make us hum that weary one ~ou )~~e ~~~~1O ~u

QJ:~.c (!tarot: A Oolledum of ""fl'nal and seleeted MUSiC and Hymns for.

the me of Sabbath Schoo"', SOCUlI Rel.glOWl Meef.mgs alld Famllus Compiled by LUCIUS CRANDALL 128 pp od Pru;e 35 centa J'n' copy THE CAROL..l.I!.. deSIgned pnnClpally for Sabbath

Schools anll C~uSlC and Hymns adapted to all ordilllll"Y OCCaSIontr. ana to such speCIal occasIOns as the sickness of teachers, funerals anmversancs &0 .A number of-pIeces SUltable to SOCIal and public worship together WIth a few temperance songs, are Illcillded III thEr book It contlllns 93 tunes and 150 hymns ~ Orders and reIUlttances for the above shODJd be

addreBBed to the Editors of the Sabbath Recorder, 110 100 Nassau litreet, New-York

Lo~1ll Agents for the Sab bllth Rewrder

NEW YORK Adams..:..(Jharles Potter Alfred-Charles D Langworthy, Hiram P Burdick Alfred CbUr ..... B W MIllard .Akron--Samnel Hunt I Berlln--J ohn WhItford Brookjidd--R Stillman Oere.'l- Geo S Cumdru1 Clarence-Ronse Babcock IJeRuyler-B G StIllman SIaI£ BTlage.,....J ohn Parmelee In the Patent Office at Washmgton, there bier and wiser men And as the longer YOIl society, and from the level 10 whlChPqllltt()D

are many objects of HIterest counected With the keep the canary jnrd m a dttrkened cage the them must your children go IIlto Government, and those who admmlstered ItS sweeter It will BlDg, so ~he more severe the dIS struggle of hfe affaIrs ID tImes gone hy While eXamHIIng C1pllne of the good man s experience, the sweet- .-__ .~ __

Genessee-W j> Ji/angwOl thy I Gowamla-D C BurdIck grElat.1 Hou"'.field--':.W:~reen I Indpendence--J P LIvermore

LeonardsviJ.k.c-A:. M West Linckltan-D C Burdick some of these objects of cnrlOSlty, when III er the soug of hiS spIrItual life The gold that FOUR GOOD HA.BITS -There are Washmgton m December last there was no IS refined m the hottest furnace comes out the habIts which a wIse and good man !jiL1'neiltly thmg that struck us so forCIbly ~s the samples brightest, and the character moulded by mtense recommend m hIS counsels, and also or small locks of hlllr taken from the heads of heat will exhibIt the most wondrous excel- example, and whICh he conSiders e~lent~ially

Po/and-Abel StIllman N"tle--E R Clark Pel.erslmrg-H Clarke PtYTtmlle--A B Cranaall PresIunr-J C Maxson Richlmrgh--JB Cottrell Sac/rI!U/8 Harbor-E Frmk Wdlsvilk--L R Babeock 8cott-J B Clark.!:J" Watson-D P WlllillJns Sauth Brookfield-J::f.P.rman A Hull

.. Now, Thomas," he ~ald, "I have a propo and motber, pale and sweet as the whIte flow sltlon or two to make to yon You'are poorly ers that lay upon the coffiu lId Near It was and want nursmg On account of your eVil her husband, and beSIde hIm were her aged ways yon have but lIttle at home that wIll parents, bowed down With grief that she who prove to yonr comfort Your poor Wife wonld, they thought would close their fadmg eyes DO doubt, do what she could, bnt she has not should fade first the means, for yon've destroyed or pawned In a house opposite the church, were the nearly every comfort'tble pIece of furmture dead mother's babe, only n few days old, and Now, what I have to plopose IS, that you let two other little ones, Just old ellough to prattle me take or send these fourteen shIllings to your unconsplOusly as they went from room to room, wife, and you come along to my house and be "Mamma has gone away." I knew, though there untIl Monday Illormng. My Wife and they did not, how day after day would pass, the servaut WIll do their best to nurse you up, and these little girls who had always seell and by Mouday mormng I thmk they .. Ill be mamma come back agazn, after she had I! gone able to get you ronud ngam. Are you l~lee away," would stand at the wmdllW, lookmg able 7" thiS way and that, With theIr lIttle bright

different Chief Magtstrates, from WashlDgton lenCles necessary for the management of down to PreSident Pierce, secured III a frame God's chlldrell are lIke stars, that shllle concerns these are punctualIty, ai(lUrllCY. covered With glass Here IS 10 fact a part brightest In the darkest mght; lIke torches, steadmess and dispatch WIthout

verona-Albert Babeock W"est.&lmest<m-E Maxson BUIlth Otaelw--- I Sttpheiltown--J .B.Maxaoo

Weet Genesee-E L Ma.xaon E. Wilson-D DaV1lJ

Thomas was overwhelmed WIth thiS kInd faces, aud IIsteDlng for her light foot step, and offer of the foreman. He felt hImself too poor my heart ached and my eyes filled as I thought, Iy, ann he knew that hIS own home would nf- how evelY day as they grew older they would ford him but few of the comforts that we~-e need ber care, and feel her loss the more, for reqUIred to replllr hiS wasted aud deranged en It IS only m part that a father, even the kmd ergles, so he at once complied With hiS kmd est, can fill a watchful mother's place,-he, offer Soon after, he and bls frIend were seen whose busmess must be out of doors and away, walkmg towards the reSIdence of the latter bow can he know how wealY the httle feet get

When the foreman had conducted hIm to wandermg up and down, WIth no mamma's lap hiS own honse, he went to Tbomas' Wife and to chmb npon, how weary the lIttle hands­delivered the fonrteen shIllmgs, aud told her puttIng down one thIng, and takIng up another, all about It Although It was bat a small sum With no mamma to nod smIl10gly and say, II I lD comparIson to what her hnsband conld earn, see "-01 "It IS very pretty dear," how home yet It was very much more than what she had SICk the little rIfled heart feels, thongh It scarce received of hiS wages for many a month She knows why, how tasteless the little cup of milk was !i!ad enough to receive the money, for she mamma used to hold to the rosy hps, how sildly wanted It for her necessItIes and the ne empty parlor and nursery, chamber aud hall cess\tles of he.. children, but she was more How mnch less gentle lS nurse's touch than pleased to hear of the foreman's kIndness to hers, how much sooner she wearies of answer her hllsband, and thanked him WI th tears In lUg httle qnestlOns, and gettlDg bits of string her eyes. and toys for restless fingers to play with, how

)lr BonDing, for that W'as the foreman's much longer seems the time now, before papa name, returned home and took tea Thomas comes home to dlllner and tea-poor papa­also tool tea and ate a little, and afterwards who With an Iron hand crushes down hiS own felt refreshed Early In the evelllng"'a warm sorrow, and tries and falls to speak to them III bath wa& prepared for him, and after nsmg It her sqft sweet wmnlDg way, nnd tries and he went to bed And what a bed It wao_oo'

~ falis, to Boothe their lIttle lllsect griefs, thongh clean, so comfortable, aud formIng qUite a he would die to save them a heart pang contrast to hiS own miserable bed clothes and All thiS I thought of as I looked at thepe bed room. Tben there was clean and comfort- two curly headed girls and their baby Sister, able wearmg hnen also fonnd hlm-hnen whIch and I saId to myself, I do not know why God Mr. Bonn1Og hImself was accustomed to wear took away their young mother whose work Indeed, every thmg was very superIOr to any seemed Just begun, and left the aged grand­thIng that Thomas bad been nsed to Yet, for parents who were waltmg to go Why he all this, the foreman's salary was not so very made that house desolate and sIlent once so much more than ThQmas' would have been, had musIcal? Why he turned those tender lambs hebeendlhgentm theperformanceofhlsdlltJes out from that soft warm fold? With all my

Mr •• BonnlDg and hIS family attended pubhc thmkmg I could not find that ont, bnt I am 1f,orsbip, and In the evenmg he I,Ilduced Thomas Just as sure as If I could that he dId It 111 love, to ac?ompauy • him there, when Mr Bo~nlllg not 1D anger, I .am Just as snre as If I were 111

put him lIIto hiS own pew Heaven thiS mlllute that It was best and rIght, i!he next mornlllg Drew went to the foundry though they, and you and I, must walt till we

at the usnal time For the first time he had get thltre to know the how and why ~ made bis appearance there on Monday for a long, very IODI{ period, It was notIced by all as somethiDg very unnsual The master com­plimented the foreman on the sncceu which had

Human ,nnocence lS not to know evil ChrIStian .alntlzlIe81 IS to know evil and good, and prefer good.

aud parcel of what once constituted the IIvmg that are better for beatmg, like grapes that these, tIme IS wasted, With the ·se!:qn,d, bodies of those IllustrIOUS mdlVlduals, whose come not to the proof till they come to the takes the most hurtful to our own names are as familIar as household words but press, like trees that drive down their roots mterest, and that of others, may be co[~)nitte:d who now lIve only m hIstory alld the re:nem further, and grasp the earth tIghter, by reason Without the third, nothIng can be brance of the past of the storm, lIke vmes, that grow better for and wlthont the fourth, opportumtles

The haIr of Washlllgton IS nearly a pure bleedlDg, hke gold, that looks better for scour- adva.ntage are lQst which It IS im1JOSsi~le white, fine aud smooth m Its appearance lng, like glow worms, that shme best III the call

That of John Adams IS nearly the Rame dark, lIke Jumper, that smells sweetest m the color, though perhaps a httle coarser. fire, like the pomander, whICh becomes more

The hair of Jefferson IS of a dIfferent charac- fragrant for chafing, like the palm tree, whICh ter, bemg a mixture of whIte and auburn or a proves the better for preservlDg, like the cham saudy brown, and rather coarse In hIS ~outh, omlie, whIch spreads the more as you tread Mr Jefferson's hair was remarkable for Its npon It bright color. ' There IS a flower when trampled,

The hair of Madison IS coarse, and of a mix Doth still more nchly bloom, And even to Its bItterest foe

ed white and dark GIve forth Its sweet perfume The hair of Monroe IS a handsome dark au The rose that's crushed and shatter'd

burn, smooth and free from any admIxture Doth on the breeze bestow whatever He IS the only PreSident, exceptmg A fairer scent, that further goes P h h E'en for the cruel blow' lerce, W ose Illr had undergone no chllllge [ReligIOns Herald m color.

The haIr of Johll Qumcy Adams IS some what pecullar, bemg coarse, and of a sellowlSh gray In color

The hair of Gen Jackson, IS almost a per fect white, bnt coarse III ItS character, as might be supposed by those who bave examllled the portraits of the old bero

The haIr of Van Burell IS white and smooth 10 appearance

The haIr of Gcn Hamson IS a fine white With a sl!ght admixture of black

The han of John Tyler IS a mixture of white and brown

The hair of James K Polk IS almost a pure whIte

The han of Gen Taylor IS white, With a slIght admIxture of brown




THEffE Machin.es are now Justly ~t:.~~lt best III use for family seWIng, I

strong, and elastIC stitch, which WIll every fourth stich be cut

A liberal discollnt made to clergymen CIrculars sent on application by letter May 6,1858

Central Railroad of New

E S,


CONNECTING at Hew Hampton ware, and Western BP¥lc'ad,

Scranton, Great North and

Easton WIth thee '~~R~~~~~~T~~~~titt~()~~ Chunk-FALL i!. 28, 1857 Leave York ___ . __ .~.".~ ,. mediate places, from Pier No 2, .A. M, 12 M , and 3 30 PM, for SOlnervil1 P M The above train!! connect at trains on the New Jersey Railroad, whieh York from the foot of Courtland street 12M,and320and5PM '


Alfred ~h1and T HIS establishment for the lI'~U:!,~ti~ eases IS conducted by H P E Miss M BRYANT

The facilities lU this "Cure" for the ment of DlSCases of the

CONNECTICUT Mysttc Bridge-S S Gl'lBWold. Waterford and New Londcn--P L Berry

RHODE ISLAND lst Hqpkinton-Thomas M Clarke 2d Hqpkinton-Geo H. SpICer 3d Hqpkinton-AIanson Crandall Pawcatuck-S P Stillman Perryvilk--Clarke Cranda.l\, MarlhMough-DaVld Clawson. New Market-H V Dunham Pla.njield--E B Titsworth ShillJh-Isaac West

PENNSYL VAllU --a-o ... ",g.ill~-"BeDJamm Stelle VIRGINIA.

LostC7-ee/c--'Wm Keunedy 1GB Run-WFRandoIP~ M'zlton-.J P Randolph Gulp's Store-Zebulon Be

Omo --Mantra-Eli Forsythe WISCONSIN

Albion-P C Burdick and T F West Berlin-Datos E LeWlB I IJalrouJr-R L Crandoll M'zlton.-J os GOodrICh, W C Whitford! A Q BurdIck DiIC<l--Z Campbell I WaZworth-H W Randolph

ILLINOIS lilIrml1lgton--D Saunders I SOIIfJuzmptlJn--J C Roger!

'bt ~nhhntJr lttmrhtr, PUBI..ISHED WEE¢

By the Seventh·day Baptist ~bli.shing SocnlY, At No 100 Nasaau Street, New-YMk

1ERMS--$2 00 pcr year, payable In advance Sub­scriptions not p8.ld till the close of the year WIll be liable to an add,tiufn1l!. charge of 50 cents ~ Payments receIved roll be acknowledged In the

paper so as to mdicate the tlIDe to which they reach JJSI"" No paper discontinued until all arrearages are

prud, except at the discretion of the COmmlttce ...-uommumcationB, orders, and rennttances should

be directed, post pllld, to the Editors of thf SahbatA [Ie­curlier, No 100 Na8Jau street, New York

The hair of Millard Fillmore IS, on the other hand, brown, With a slIght admIxture of wLlte

The haIr of Franklm Pierce IS a dark brown of which he has a plentiful crop ,

'I'HE TURN OF LIFE -From the age of forty to that of Sixty, a man who has properly reg ulated hImself, may be conSidered as m the pnme of (ore HIS matured strength of COnstI­tntlOn renders hIm almost ImpervIOUS to the attacks of dIsease, and experience bas given hIS mmd the sonlldness of almost IDfalJabihty. HIS mIDd IS resolute, firm, and equal; all hlS functIOns are III the hIghest order. He as sumes the mastel y over busmess, bUilds np a competence on the foundatIOn he has formed m early manhood, and passes throngh a perIOd of life attended by many gratificatIOns Hav lUg gone a year or two past SIXty, he arrIves at a critICal perIod III the road of eXistence, the river of death flows before him, and he re­maIDs at a stand still. Bnt athwart thlS rIver IS a Viaduct called "The Turn of Life," WhiCh, If crossed m safety, leads to the valley of "Old Age," around whIch the river wmds, and then flows beyond, Without a boat or causeway to effect Its passage The bridge IS, however constructed of fragIle materials, and It depend~ upon how It IS trodden whether It bend or

DIseases, BrOnChitiS:~l:,!~~~£:~~!!~i not excelled In any

the benefit of skilliul r~~:~;~lj~~g I LIABILITIES OF THOSE WII0 TAKE PERIODICALS advantage found m but few attention will be gIven to The law declares that any person to whom a penod surgical. case.'l, such as Hip DlSCasea, mal,s sent, IS responBlble for paY"lent if he receIves

The Persecution of New Ideas

Harvey, who first discovered the CIrcnlation break Gout, appoplexy, and other bad char­of the blood, was styled" vagabond or quack," acters, are also III the VIClll1ty to waylay the and persecuted through life Ambrose Pare, traveler, and thrust him from the pass, bnt let III the time of FrauCiS I, Introduced the l*gtJ-, him gird up Ius loms, and prOVIde himself With ture as a substltnte for the pamful mode of a fittlDg staf, and he may trndge on I!l. safety stanchlDg the blood after the amputatIOn of a With perfect composure To qUit a metaphor lImb-namely, by applYlDg bOiling pitch to the" Torn of Life" IS a tnrn eIther IDto ~ the surface of the stnmp He was, 10 eonse- prolonged walk or mto the grave The sys­qnence, persecnted With the most remorseless tem and power havmg reached their Iltmost ~hncd by the FaCilIty of PhySIC, who ndicnled expaD81on, now begm either to close like flQw-

e I ea of pntting the life of man upon a era at sunset, or preak down at once One Ill-

Cancers, (Ill theIr early stages,) and Canes the paper, or makes use of It, even if he has never 8lS of bone subscnbed for It, or has ordered It stopped Bis duty

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OPEN dally for the reCeption and Ila,rmdni P04lta rrom 9 to \I o·cl"" .. , aDd OD 'I;:!~:t1:t:!~ HalMday evemogl from 5 10 8 P. Ai .

ed on depo.,tl at the fille of 6 per cent. _,.._,., .... ts to $500, aDd 5 per cent on 111m. over

THO • .u B STILL.U, PHILLIP W. El'Ial, l Vil:eol~r8ji~~i.t OIUIlLII MILIa, S •

hAAo T. SmTH, See.


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