editorial board of nsc - northstar compasshelen lucas financia, l secretary - canada eduardo artes...


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Page 1: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje
Page 2: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje

EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC Elected at the Third World Congress in 2011-Canada

Michael Lucas - Editor-in-chief Canada George Gruenthal - NSC Webmaster - USA

Dr. Adelard Paquin, Antonio Artuso Editors of French NSC -Canada Victor Bourenkov, Editor of Russian NSC - Russia

Eduardo Artes Brichetti - Editor of Spanish NSC - Chile

Editors of Hindi NSC -Workers and Peasants Party of Nepal

Helen Lucas, Financial Secretary

Maria Donchenko - Russia

Harpal Brar - England

Frank Trampus - Canada

Ray-O-Light - USA

Irina Malenko -Northern Ireland

Galina Savchenko - Ukraine

Don Curie - Canada EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL Michael Lucas - Chairman -Canada Michael Opperskalski -Germany Dr. Adelard Paquin - Canada

Victor Bourenkov - Russia

Maria Donchenko, Russia

General Alexei Fomin -International Union of Soviet Officers - Russia

Helen Lucas, Financial Secretary - Canada

Eduardo Artes Brichetti - Chile

Ray Berbling - Australia

Zdenek Novotny - Czech Rep.

Manik Mukherjee - India

Harpal Brar - England

Galina Savchenko - Ukraine Representative of Nepal Workers and Peasants Party Dr. Angelo D' Angelo - USA George Gruenthal - USA Rose O. Light - USA Frank Trampus - Canada Alexei Malkov - Canada Antonio Artuso - Canada


































CONTENTS Occupy "Wall Street" spread into many countries

Page 3 Protest statement to Government of Canada

Page 4 Protest letter to President of Poland Page 5 How Ukraine celebrated the November 7th Socialist Revolution

Page 6-7 Neo-fascists did not pass even now in Ukraine

Page 9-10 Kosovo Serbs turn to Russia for citizenship

Page 13 Some activities and actions held in Russia

Page 14-15 How Soviets see the leadership in satire photographs

Page 16 US Federal Reserve System is a criminal organization

Page 17 Chilean Communist Party delivers a letter to Russian Embassy

Page 21-23 House Negro in the White House but 99% still in the cotton fields

Page 24-27

Occupy Wall Street

Page 28 -32

Friendship News

Page33 Letters to the Editor

Page 34-35

280 QUEEN ST W. TORONTO,ON CANADA -5V 2A1 * 416-977-5819




Subscription rate fori 2 issues is only $25

Page 3: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje



As if on cue from some central US quarters, this movement is now being attacked, removed from parks, from city squares and also being arrested in hundreds by police, using batons, pepper spray,

stun guns and dogs against the peaceful protestors who are demonstrating against the injustices of the capitalist exploitation system.

In New York City where the "Occupy Wall Street" movement began, the Mayor of New York City and the New York Police swooped down in the dead of night upon the protestors last month at the Zuccotti Park and forcibly evicted every one of the hundreds of protestors, using brutal force and tear gas plus a sound cannon. Bulldozers then were sent in to tear

down the tens and all of their belongings were dumped unto waiting garbage trucks.

Many trade unions and other organizations protested this action by the US government. As if a direct signal was given, all of these "Occupy Wall Street" protests in many countries of the world - the police swooped on these innocent protestors and did the same to their protests as was done in New York.

The capitalist rulers are afraid of the snowballing effect of this

movement and want to crush them before it draws into these protests even larger sections of the people.

History has demonstrated countless times that repressive measures cannot suppress the people's desire for emancipation. These brutal eviction actions will steel the people's resolve to continue to a higher and more effective stage of protests.

We express our solidarity and support the people's struggles against the hated capitalist

exploitation and the oppression, nurtured and promoted by US-NATO New World Order!

International Council for Friendship and Solidarity with the Soviet People / Editorial Board of Northstar Compass


We have stamps from many countries for stamp collectors

now. We'll send you an assortment of

beautiful collectors stamps. A small donation is all that NSC

wants from you.

Page 4: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje


On behalf of the members and friends of the Canadian Friends of the Soviet People gathered at the Friendship House in Toronto, Canada to celebrate the Great October Revolution of 1917, and to carry on the traditions of our fathers and mothers who in 1918 formed the "Hands Off Russia Committee" - to show support to the Russian people against the intervention by 14 countries (including Canada) to try and drown the "Baby in the Cradle" as was urged by former leader, Winston Churchill of England.

As we were celebrating this great event in the history of the Russian-Soviet people and the working class of the world, we read in the Canadian media -together with photographs - that in Moscow there marched thousands of right-wing, neo-nazis young people shouting "Russia for the Russians only" and "Heil Hitler" Nazi salute! Of course the Russian police stood shoulder to shoulder in order to protect them from the wrath of the Soviet people, and the WW II veterans who fought to help liberate the world from the Black Nazi Plague!

The Soviet Union lost close to 27,000,000 million people in this struggle to the death! You Messrs Medvedev and Putin banned the November 7th celebrations and instead you promoted and allowed these Nazis to march unmolested which even in a capitalist country like Canada the government would never allow this event to ever take place.

Both of you are spitting on the graves of the Soviet people who fought and died so that you could live! Your own people and the whole of mankind who are struggling for peace, condemn you both and you shall never be forgiven - even by the Canadian bourgeois and Canadian WW II veterans.

Here is a direct quote from this newspaper: "These Russian neo-nazis draw their support and encouragement from Vladimir Putin's rule as part of the present leadership in the Kremlin to rebuild a strong Russian state as was before 1917." We strongly condemn this present neo-nazi policy by the present leadership of Russia! History will never forget or forgive you Mr. Medvedev and Mr. Putin!


Page 5: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje



280 QUEEN ST. W, TORONTO, ONT. CANADA M5V2A1 "Tel: (416) 977-5819 Fax:(416)593-0781 E-Mail: [email protected]

To: Mr. Bronislaw Komorowski

President of Poland

Warsaw, Poland Dear sir:

On behalf of the Editorial Board of Northstar Compass (English, French, Spanish and Russian Editions) that is read in 67 countries of the world (including Poland) and on behalf of the International Council for Friendship and Solidarity with the Soviet People, of which Professor Zbigniew Wiktor is a founding member as well as an honored member of both Executives - we protest the harassment and threats against this Professor whose publications of his books, analytical documentations that were published, are known in many countries of the world.

This political harassment is against the present Constitution of Poland as well as against the Charter of the United Nations Organization, of which Poland is a member.

We published this Appeal in the December issue of Northstar Compass - urging all readers in the world to send letters of protest against this political harassment and against the guarantee for freedom of speech that is written in the Polish Constitution.

On behalf Northstar Compass and International Council members in -Canada, USA, Germany, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Australia, Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, Belgium, Northern Ireland, Chile, England, Nepal, Belgium, Czech Republic, Poland and Brazil

Michael Lucas, Editor and Chairman

We urge readers of Northstar Compass to write letters of protest to President of Poland:

Mr. Bronislaw Komorowski

President of Poland

Ul. Wiejska 10

00-498 Warsawa

Poland 5

Page 6: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje



Tens of thousands people of Ukraine turned out to mark the 94th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Demonstrations and meetings were held in Kiev, Khmelnitska Oblast, Kursk, Lugansk, Carpathian Oblast, Chernivetska Oblast, Vinnitsia, Khersonskaya Oblast, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Mariupol, Druzhkovka, Krasnoarmeisk and many other towns and cities throughout Ukraine. In Russia and Byelorussia thousands upon thousands marched on this important anniversary for the Soviet People. In this issue we feature this 94th Anniversary in Ukraine to let NSC readers know that most of the Soviet people want to go back to the future and back to the USSR!

Page 7: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje
Page 8: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje


In an interview with the Voice of Russia last month, Russian Foreign Minister spokesperson Alexander Lukashevich said: "The use of force against Iran is impossible without an appropriate resolution by the United Nations Security Council. But the Israel officials have repeatedly said that they are not ruling out the possibility of a military strike on Iran.

This is why even theoretically, Russia cannot think about such a horrendous scenario being put into practice."

COMMENT: This is exactly the scenario that Russia went along with (as well as China) when NATO attacked Libya and helped to murder Gaddafi. Mr. Lukashevich!


Belarus is to extract 1.5 million tons of oil annually and also create road equipment production in Venezuela. This was stated by the first Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus, Vladimir Semashko at the opening of the Belarus-Venezuela Forum in Minsk.

Two large-scale Belarus projects will be launched in Venezuela by the end of 2011. These are being but in the province of Barinos state - the Belarus Tractors and MAZ trucks. The production plants are going to be unveiled in January of 2012 with leaders of Belarus and Venezuela present at the opening ceremony.




Communists and hundreds of Ukrainian workers and trade unionists participants last month and demanded that the Government not co-operate with the International Monetary Fund and also not join the Word Trade Organization. This demonstration took place on the Independence Square in Kiev on the Anniversary of 1917 Great October Revolution.

The demonstrators also vowed to struggle and to fight for the victory of Socialism.

These demonstrators also demanded that that Russian language be given the status of the second official language as it was during the Soviet times. This is rehabilitation of the collaborators with fascism and leaders of the present Ukrainian nationalist movements.

Another demand that was adopted unanimously by the protestors was that Ukraine join the Common Economic Union with Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

U.N. OUTLAWS PRAISING THE NAZIS From Russia Today - Nov. 2011

The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a Russia-sponsored Resolution against the glorification of Nazism and the attempts to rewrite the history of WWII.

The Resolution stated that any attempts to rewrite the history for the war or the Nuremberg decisions or to whitewash former Nazis, must be considered as a violations of the UN Charter and the principles on which it was established.

This Resolution was adopted by 120 countries, while 22 countries voted against the Resolution and 31 United Nations members abstained United States voted against this Resolution condemning the glorification of

Nazism! Nazi SS marches glorifying Nazi

Legions are no longer uncommon in Latvia and Estonia, as well as in Ukraine, plus growing in Russia also. In Ukraine the present nationalist government has changed the "Peace Street" to "Nachtigal Battalion Warrior Street".

The Victory of the Allied Forces in this bloodiest war in the history of humanity - where representatives of different nationalities and religions fought shoulder to shoulder against the common enemy - cost the Soviet Union 27,000,000 lives of the 50,000,000 that perished during Word War II.

The new President Almazbek Atambayev of Kyrgystan has called for closure of the U.S. airbase at Manas of this former Soviet Republic. This US air base was there since 2001 and has played a very major role in NATO operations in Afghanistan.

The previous President Kurmanbek Bakiev's government was defeated in 2010. This US-NATO base used its legal immunity to avoid persecution for many crimes committed against the Kyrghyz citizens over these many years.

RUSSIAN ENVOY PLEDGES SUPPORT FOR KOSOVO SERBS MOSCOW - Russia's ambassador to NATO(?) Dimitry Rozogin called upon the Russians authorities to grant Russian citizenship to 20,000 Kosovo Serbs after they filed a petition, claiming that their security was in danger in a region dominated by ethnic Albanians.

He said also that these Kosovo Serbs should be now included in Russia's repatriation program.





Page 9: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje


In the last many years October 14th became a traditional day for the unity of all anti-fascists and communists of Ukraine against the Ukrainian nationalist-fascists to protest. These rabid neo-fascist Ukrainians are always trying to organize their provocative demonstration on this Kiev Square where in 2004-2005 there took place a foreign assisted, financed orange revolution - with the sole aim of honoring the WW II Banderites, helpers of Hitler to ruin Ukraine, murder and burn the country and all the people that supported the great struggles against German Nazism. After the end of WW II, these Ukrainian bandits killed thousands of peaceful Ukrainian people in Western Ukraine. Of course we as Communists always make certain that these Ukrainian nationalist-fascists do not get their way and we always stop their efforts. Again these neo-fascists did not pass!

The call by the Anti-fascist Committee of Ukraine always brings thousands unto the Kiev Kreshchatik Square to stop these Banderite nationalists! These Banderite fascists took part in murders at Babiy Yar and then the Holocaust and then these Bandits went after all other nationalities, helping the German Nazis.

At the base of the Lenin Monument there were speeches by the head of the Anti-fascist Committee of Ukraine, comrade Georgi Buyko who talked about the millions of Soviet people who perished at the hands of the German Nazis and Ukrainian Banderites during the Great Patriotic War. He also mentioned that these anti-fascist-nationalist actions were being held all over Ukraine.

This was followed by many other speakers and the microphone was open to anyone who wanted to

speak. The news that the Supreme

Court of Ukraine refused to allow the title of "Hero of Ukraine" to the followers of Bandera and Shushevich and the people against the purposely fanned nationalism in order to sow discord amongst the people of Ukraine.

The thousands of people then sang the Soviet wartime songs in the Kreshchatik square.

The thousands of participants adopted a Resolution to the Ukrainian Government to take all

necessary steps to curtail the Banderite activities and provocations which heap abuse at our fathers, mothers and grandfathers and their struggles against German Nazism - those millions who shed their blood and gave their lives during the Great Patriotic War.

The policies of the present Ukrainian Government is shown by the very fact that they gave permission to these Ukrainian Banderite nationalists to hold their pro-fascist protest.

Page 10: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje

HOW IDIOTIC IS THIS? On November 15, 2011 China

has announced that they are starting to give a "Confucius Peace Prize" - a newly created version of the "Nobel Peace Prize". On December 9, 2011 this Chinese "Peace Prize" will be given to Vladimir Putin of Russia for his

"Outstanding act in keeping global peace and being against the bombing of Libya"!?

This is a mockery of the highest order by these two powers (China and Russia) who basically gave the go-ahead signal to US-NATO to invade and bomb Libya, murder Gadaffi an his family - by not using their VETO POWER to stop US Imperialism!


On November 4, 2011 President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko told reporters in Grodno: "that the NATO terrorists that murdered President Gaddafi of Libya and were worse than the German Nazis. Gaddafi was not killed on the battlefield, NATO security forces helped to abduct the national leader. He was tortured and shot-cut-up, sodomized with a US made dagger and treated worse than the Nazis did in their time. NATO destroyed Libya as a sovereign state. Why did the United Nations not prevent this?

The Belarus government has announced the immediate creation of a new Citizens Army of up to 120,000 people.

The Byelorussian Socialist Republic was the showpiece of the USSR, becoming the strongest and most prosperous of all the Socialist Republics of the USSR.

Lukashenko was the only dedicated member of the Byelorussian Government at that time that voted against the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. That is why NATO and its allies are trying desperately to undermine Lukashenko and funding the internal opposition in order to get him out of the leadership.


Russia is deploying warships to its base in the Syrian port of Tartus. This battle group consists of three vessels led by the heavy aircraft carrier that carries missiles -Admiral Kuznetsov.

The Russian Admiral Viktor Kravchenko said that: "Today, no one talks about the possibility of military clashes, since any attack on a Russian ship in this volatile region, would be regarded by us as a declaration of war with all of its consequences."


Page 11: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje


Dear comrades: On this 94th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, we the Soviet Officers of the City of Kiev, we went with your Banner into the celebrations - which we saw published in Northstar Compass journal, published in Canada. Even though this Banner is in Italian we understood its significance and we carried it proudly on the streets of Kiev with the pictures of our revolutionary leaders!



The present Kremlin leadership is allowing the British-NATO occupation troops in Afghanistan to leave for home by the 3,500 miles railway line through Russia.

This is one of the biggest logistic undertakings in history, in order to help evacuate the British occupation troops from Afghanistan plus all the their war supplies.

This news was just released in late November, but it also became known that top British-NATO leaders were already visiting former Soviet Republics that border Afghanistan, drawing up plans for this exodus of British troops in 2014.

On orders of the present Kremlin leaders, Russian Army soldiers will be riding "shotgun" on all of these trains, in order to guard the British occupation troops from any harm of protests along all the way to Vladivostok!

The former Russian Czars would have been very grateful to these present traitorous leaders Medvedev-Putin that are following in their footsteps.

I wonder how many $$$ greased the palms of these Russian traitors?

Yes, the people of Afghanistan will remember this new "British Dunkirk" that the present Russian Government helped to arrange -thus saving these occupiers from the wrath of the Afghan and Soviet people. EDITOR


As Russia lurches towards the so-called parliamentary elections very shortly, many critics compare this political and economic stagnation with that that was present at the time of the dismemberment of the USSR. Most of the people liked to be back in the USSR.

In a workshop outside of St. Petersburg (Leningrad) an electrical polisher worker runs over a heavy slab. This slab is part of an enormous map that will eventually join other hundreds of others in the Central Geological Survey Museum, where after assembling is done, together, these slabs will form a gigantic map of the Soviet Union, big enough to cover the side of a large house-wall and it is made entirely of minerals.

It is even now (before it is finished completely) it's becoming the star attraction of this Geological Museum.

The Museum Director, Alexei Sokolov stated to the press that when people see this USSR Map -some of their remarks are:

"The USSR was a great country! It was a great and wealthy country and it is a shame that it was dismembered!" "People did not want the Soviet Union to be torn apart!"

On Nevsky Prospect in Leningrad many cafes, shops are springing up with names like "Soviet Cafe Kvartirka". Lenin's photos decorate these cafes and Soviet films are being shown on the TV screens every day. Many clients of these cafes sign guest books, such as was done by Victoria Moseinko who wrote: " l a m a child of Soviet times. I was a pioneer, I remember those times very fondly."

Professor Mikhail Chernysh told the press media: "What is striking is that there is a growing nostalgia all over the former USSR among young generation, who never lived


Page 12: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje

in the USSR and who were never part of the Soviet history."

More and more young people carry pictures of Lenin and Stalin- more and more Soviet Flags are carried in the demonstrations and Soviet Holidays - as well more and more Soviet songs are being sung!

The Soviet Union and its history shall never be forgotten or erased.



President Lukashenko charged that the West (NATO) is doubling its efforts to destabilize the situation in Belarus by imposing various economic ad political sanctions and applying constant informational disorientation in the media.

"They are pressing on us all the time and criticizing us for lack of freedom and pluralism. West tries to shatter the situation in Belarus, cut it off from active involvement in the international sociopolitical processes, and then to evolve it into its (NATO) area of influence.

NATO is rapidly expanding its European region. We see our western and northern neighbors actively bolstering their military infrastructures right unto our Belarus borders.

These neighbors have been holding, more and more military briefings and special conferences which are attended regularly by high-ranking US State Department officials and Senators - plus Europe Ministers as well as their policy makers - whose agenda is quite provocative.

The participants at these US-NATO sponsored conferences discuss: "How to start a revolution in Belarus!'





This act of paying respect to Mannerheim of Finland, who was Head of the Finnish Army which during WW II helped Hitler to blockade Leningrad for 900 days and the death of over 1,000,000 Soviet people. Together German Nazis and the Fascist Army of Finland dropped 15,000 bombs, fired 150,000 cannon shells into besieged Leningrad. \Over 640,000 Leningraders died of starvation and freezing weather. Just in one Paskarevsky Cemetery in


The danger of local armed conflicts along Russia's borders exploding into full-scale nuclear war has grown following the collapse of the Soviet Union - Russia's Chief of Staff stated last month.

General Nikolai Makarov told the Russian Public Chamber that there is very real and dangerous level of complete mistrust with all of the former Soviet Republics that do border Russia. He concluded that: "I cannot rule out that in certain

Leningrad there are buried 640,000 Soviet people!

Now in St. Petersburg (Leningrad) Medvedev and Putin government have allowed to be erected a monumental Bust of this fascist Mannerheim..

Next on the list might be erected a monument to Hitler right on the Red Square in Moscow?

Can you ever imagine such monument being erected in Washington or in London?

This is a treacherous act and dishonor to the 27,000,000 Soviet people, which perished because of Nazism-Fascism!

circumstances, local and regional armed conflicts could grow into a large-scale war, possibly even with nuclear weapons."

He warned also that: " Almost all countries, formerly belonging to the Warsaw Pact are now members of NATO including the Baltic States."

Moscow had always criticized the Western NATO military bloc for going back on its word not to expand its military bases right unto the bcrder of Russia.

Yes Mr. General - Russia now is paying the price for the sell-out by its leaders, who thought that even Western Dung smelled to them like perfume! Editor

Page 13: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje

There is repression against the Russian communists in Kazakhstan! Statement by Bureau of the

Central Komsomol (b)

The Communists and all the left progressive forces in Russia are integral part of the international proletarian movement and therefore have no right to be aloof from the struggle of the working class, where it had not occurred, especially in the former Soviet Union. RCWP-RPC, Komsomol (b) and ROT-Front are closely watching the heroic struggle of Kazakh oil workers, continuing to this day. In particular, the Revolutionary Communist Youth League, expressing its support for embattled oil companies and their requirements, held shares of class solidarity in Moscow, Leningrad, Voronezh, organized a Petition in support of the strikers. But support from a distance can never substitute for direct interaction and assistance. Information blockade can be broken

only by direct acquaintance with the situation and the participants in the events. Therefore, contacts with Kazakh workers, feasible help them firsthand observation of the creator in Zhanaozen and Mangistau region of lawlessness and repression, reaching up to murder labor activists - all of it has become imperative and the first task of their Russian brothers-in-class.

These are the factual realities of capitalism, and the essence of those who are motivated by desire for gain. For the sake of concealing honest and objective information about their dirty dealings and crimes against working people, spilled blood and the plight of thousands of ordinary people the Kazakh authorities do not stop at anything.

we ask all who disgustingly disenfranchised workers in the transformation and dumb beasts of burden, as much as possible to share this information.

We urge all those who hate predatory thrill of the bourgeoisie of any nation in her wrongs

perpetrated, Kazakh authorities to express their protest against the pressure and repression of the Kazakh authorities on striking oil workers and our friends from the Rot-Front in any form - call or e-mail.

LENIN STATUE ERECTED IN UFA In the capital city of Ufa - in the

heart of this city of Bashkiristan -Russia, the city administration have now erected a huge marble statue of V.I.Lenin to the great joy of the people of Ufa.


PUTIN USED MILITARY POLICE TO DEFEND HIS FRAUD ELECTION Thousands of people demonstrated in downtown Moscow as well as in other cities of Russia to protest this fraud election that even International Western Observers made this statement:" There were very flagrant procedures violations, including ongoing cases all over Russia of ballot-stuffing."

In Moscow alone there were over 300 arrests and the demonstrators called upon the police-militia "to join the people" and "Down with United Russia, the party of Swindlers and Thieves!" The popularity of Putin's party "United Russia" dropped from 64% to less than 49%.

There were over 120 people arrested in a large protest in St. Petersburg (Leningrad). Foreign Journalists in Moscow helped to expose Putin's fraud since these "United Russia" election agents helped to stuff ballot boxes with ballots already marked lor Putin, and as one of these sleuths confessed - each on these men received 1,000 Rubles!

Page 14: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje

SOME ACTIVITIES, EVENTS AND ACTIONS THAT WERE HELD IN RUSSIA OCTOBER 4 -There were many social debates in Voronezh about the present situation in Russia

OCTOBER 9 - At night we organized an action that we did not get a permit to do so - in memory of the Libyan Hero Mummar Gaddafi - near the Libyan Embassy in Moscow No one was arrested of our comrades

OCTOBER 21 - A concert Hall that always allowed progressive groups to hold affairs and concerts, was set on fire at night and was completely burnt to the ground - but authorities made no arrests. NOVEMBER 4 - There was held a meeting in defense of Colonel V V Kvachkov - arrested for trying to organize an armed rebellion against the present regime After the meeting an illegal march was organized

NOVEMBER 5-6 - There was held a Congress of citizens of Samara But unfortunately the organizers refused to invite us.

Page 15: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje
Page 16: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje









Page 17: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje



The main currency of the world now is the Dollar - in the hands of the secret directors of the Federal Reserve System. This powerful Masonic structure received permission to print the US currency, which now has become as the arm of global rule. Who ever try to question or curtail this powerful monopoly gets killed!

* U.S. President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated when he tried to control this printing monopoly behind the back of the President and the U.S. Government. * U.S. President John Kennedy was assassinated because he gave a Directive on July 4, 1963 #11110 -to eliminate the Federal Reserve System monopoly to print US Dollars, this was to be given to the US Ministry of Finance to print the $2 and $5 banknotes, and these banknotes to have included "Banknote of the United States of America". Very few of these Banknotes are in existence now. Now these Banknotes that are not backed by Gold Reserves are imprinted with "Federal Reserve Note." * On February 28, 1954 Stalin was poisoned. He invited for supper Krushchev, Beria and Malenkov. It was Krushchev who poured poison into the glass of Stalin's "Modzhari" wine. On March 5, 1953 Stalin died, and not too soon after Winston Churchill receives from Queen Elizabeth II the highest Medal of the Empire. For what? He was given this medal for the liquidation of Stalin, who did not allow the Soviet Union onto the Dollar Zone. Stalin arranged another course for the Ruble but on the Golden Ruble as was agreed upon by the Soviet Ministers on February 28, 1950.

The U.S. Federal Reserve System of the USA, is a dangerous organization! The top directors change US Presidents, manipulate the policies of the U.S. Government; defeating any opposition to their money

manipulation schemes; organizing economic crisis; assassinations and other catastrophes.

Russia now is completely surrounded by the US-NATO military bases. Just on the Russian North Pole territory NATO has over 800 Missies pointed directly into Russia!

About Ukraine - nothing to say because Ukraine leadership is under the heel of US and the Western imperialism. The trial of former Premier Tymoshrko is just the tip of an iceberg of rotten sell-out artists, Mafiosi robbery and conniving manipulation of the mass media.

In the photo an elderly man came up to me as I was holding the poster at demonstration in Kiev what would you do to defend your Motherland as a Soviet patriot? He replied that he is ready to die as long as the IMF billionaires, the likes of Morgans, Vartburs, Shiferas died with him. Unfortunately he did not mention the names of our own millionaires, traitors and robbers!

But the day is coming when these traitors-robbers- manipulators and murderers will be thrown into the dustbin of history!

I strongly believe that day will come! Activist Galina Savchenko at all actions and protests in former Soviet Union.

Young Soviets are internationalists as this picket for Cuban Five shows.

Page 18: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje


While plans by NATO-ISRAEL to attack Syria are in the final stages of military coordinated readiness, the ongoing propaganda and lies are saturating the world media in preparations.

Syrian news agency Al-Naem reported that the false television reports sent from Saudi Al-Ariya TV channel of ongoing demonstrations against the Syrian Government are completely false.

This political media campaign against Syria intensified after Damascus reached an agreement with the Arab League. The US and Israel immediately urged their promoted and supplied with arms mercenaries not to accept a general amnesty by the Syrian government to those mercenary troops and invited the International press to come and see for themselves the actual situation in Syria.

The reports by the Arab media in Syria reported that these armed groups have been committing all sorts of crimes in the Kafar Takharim region aimed at terrorizing the population, setting fire to tires and forcing the shops to close their business.

NATO and Israel have already picked which targets they will bomb and attack.

COMMENT: Meanwhile Russian and Chinese leaders are exchanging nice diplomatic notes, attending G-20 conferences, having cocktails and probably will allow NATO to do the same terror as they did not prevent happening in Libya and then complaining that NATO lied



The Obama Administration has already quietly drawn up plans to provide the six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council - Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, UAE and Kuwait military hardware as a counterweight against Iran.

US also is providing those countries with advanced "bunker-buster" bombs and other munitions.

The U.S. White House now is coordinating with all of these armies an intelligence network and sending agents into Iran to stir up and organize opposition groups.

America has already supplied these countries with a large fleet of advanced UA F-16 fighters that can carry these bunker-buster bombs.

COMMENT: Time has come to disband this US-wholly controlled United Nations

organization and organize a real and genuine international • representative UN - and to be located away from America!


"The willful killing of someone that is protected by the Geneva Convention is defined as a War Crime by the United Nations, Article 8 of the ICC's Rome Statute", stated an international know Lawyer for the Gaddafi's family.

This will be filed by the French lawyer Marcel Ceccaldi at the Hague-based ICC. There is now growing demands from all over the world to have all of those responsible (both internal and external) tried as war criminals.


More than One Million people at the end of October rallied in the Umayyad Square in Damascus to express their full support for President al-Assad and his government, whom US-NATO trying desperately to overthrow with the help of their fully funded counter-revolutionary goons.

These rallies took place all over Syria, rejecting all interference by US-NATO-lsrael coalition to fulfill US imperialist plan for the Middle East oil rich region.



Saudi Arabia's key role on behalf of the US is to destabilize the government of Iran in order for the USA to put together and push towards an invasion on the pretext that Iran is building nuclear weapons and is a danger to Israel.

This US ally is the world's leading oil producer and exporter of oil. This Saudi Royal Princes. This House of Saudi ruled and rules by a system of brutal repression that outlaws any public protests or expression of dissent on the pain of death -plus a strict adherence to Sunni Islam. The 10% of the Shiites are cruelly persecuted.

Absolute majority of the population derive very little of the benefits of this Royal Family immense riches of the export of oil.

This Saudi Royal Family are the darlings of Wall Street, IMF, World Bank and NATO's plans for domination and exploitation.


On November 10, 2011 a mass

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demonstration of students of Quebec took place against the increase in tuition fees that was announced by the Quebec Government.

In every country, the capitalist state machinery represses the working class of the world, violently attacks the students, the workers, the unemployed as well as the oppressed nations.

All of us must now mobilize throughout the world against the capitalist states, whose function is to further enrich themselves - by all means possible - austerity measures, fascism, wars - for the capitalist class and their allies!

For unity and struggle against crisis, fascism a nd war! Prepare for the Socialist Revolution!

Communist Reconstruction Canada


The number of Americans living in poverty now reached a record level of over 50,000,000 in 2010 and is growing according to the latest figures released by the U.S. Census Bureau at the end of November, 2011.

This is over 16% of the total population of America. OH YES - THIS IS WHAT U.S. IMPERIALIST DEMOCRACY HAS ACCOMPLISHED!


DAMASCUS, NOVEMBER 18 -2011 Syrian Government Security

Forces captured 57armed men, wanted for terrorism in the southern province of Idleb, and seized a very large cache of arms and state-of-the-art communication equipment (all made in the US) the Syrian media reported.

These foreign-sponsored armed groups were dismantled after a carefully coordinated operation by the Syrian Army. The Syrian leaders denied the widely publicized news from the Saudi Al-Arabiya television station that a Syrian police station headquarters had been attacked.

In another raid by the Syrian forces in Horns, they arrested eight dangerous terrorists whom the local people accused of murder, plus seizing their transportation vehicles used to carry out their vandalistic actions near al-Sina'a.


The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon reported last month that the Libya's former rebels have now imprisoned over 7,000 people whose rights are violated and they are detained and tortured, - men and women alike - and also their small children are being detained.

Most of these Libyans are jailed because of their skin color - Black. The Secretary General also charged that the present rebel courts are not "fully operational or accurate".

Hey, Mr. Secretary General! You are just as responsible for the tragedy that happened in Libya by these fascist rebels. Your present statement is just for public relations so as to hide your own guilt! Editor


On November 23, 2011 President Barack Obama was loudly heckled as he was giving a speech in New Hampshire about the present state of the U.S. economy.

He was trailed by large crowd of the Occupy Wall Street protestors at his speaking event at the Central High School in Manchester.

The young protestors drowned out his remarks by chanting in unison: "Over 4,000 protestors were arrested while you support the Bankers who are destroying the American Economy! Shame!

UNFAIR ELECTIONS FOR A POWERLESS EGYPTIAN PARLIAMENT From Newsletter - Anti-imperialist Camp - Nov. 29, 2011

The entire electoral system in Egypt now is designed to cut off the genuine revolutionary movement.

Page 20: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje

All the preparations for this election and implementation were designed only for the relationship between the present Army and its closest allies on the one hand, and the Islamic forces on the other.

The parliament forces that will be elected are void of any power. It neither can build a government nor can it legislate against the will of the present military power. It's only purpose now is to choose the Constituent Assembly.

Any Party registration requires a lot of money, which in fact now is only possible with the full support of Big business interests or the Army. Registration for the revolutionary forces that had demonstrated every day, is simply impossible. Besides, a lot of these seats are directly appointed by the military council.

Election was held, but the power behind this "election" is still the Military as was before. Same game, but different players!


Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez exhorted all South American countries to consolidate the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) in order to protect the region from situations like Libya, whose government was overthrown by NATO's actions that also murdered its elected leader Muammar Gaddafi.

UNASUR was formed in 2008 by these 12 member South American states: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Uruguay and Venezuela. They have become a key mechanism of regional integration in South America.

OCCUPY VETERANS MOVEMENT IS NOW GROWING ACROSS U.S. Since occupy Wall Street protests have broken out in cities across USA and in many other countries,


support now has come from what might be - U.S. War Veterans!

The initiators are two US war veterans - Scott Olsen, a U.S. 74-year Marine who was struck on the head by an Oakland police officer during a protest, and a Marine Sgt. who was beaten up during a New York protest.

They became rallying figures in the Occupy Wall Street movement - not only amongst the civilians, but more and more amongst the U.S. veterans.

These veterans know that upon their discharge from active service-there are no jobs for them, no benefits and the suicide rate amongst these U.S. Veterans is growing alarmingly with each year

They charged that "Those Riot Squads that the government sends against our protests are unlawful and they use excessive force against Americans. We as U.S. veterans swore that we shall do everything we can to protect the people!"

These active Veterans, some who were deployed twice to Iraq and Afghanistan are leading also the "Veterans for Peace", "Veterans Against War" and "Veterans for Common Sense".


Israel President Shimon Peres said in late November that he favored an attack on Iran, thus adding fuel to a possible military action to be carried out by Israel without consulting United State previously.

This President Peres who received the Nobel Peace Prize, told the TV station in Israel that an "attack on Iran is the best way to stop an attack on Israel, because of Iran's nuclear facility."

(But Israel has a much larger nuclear weapons arsenal that is developed and ready - then all the other Arab countries combined! -Editor!

Let us also not forget that Israel attacked and bombed this Iran's nuclear facilities in 1981- to the world condemnation as well as by

the UN. US supports the policy of Israel

despite the proven fact by the UN Mission to Iran that stated, after inspection, that Iran is developing as do other countries, a peaceful nuclear energy facility.


A mass demonstration at the Garibaldi Square in Nice, Italy and the ongoing mass demonstrations in Greece rejected the G-20 Summit and the EU machanization, regarding the economic turmoil in Europe and the behind-the-scene plans to get these countries tied even more to the monopolistic policies of the European Union -while US imperialism and NATO are pulling the strings tighter around the necks of the EU members. The Peoples Forum held in Nice

Italy saw demonstrators from Spain, Belgium, Great Britain, Japan, Mexico, France and many other countries - all against the EU unemployment, social cuts and other very drastic measures implemented to solve the economic crisis.

This conceived economic crisis by Imperialism and the EU manipulators is to try and prove the supposed strength of the European Union and its present currency. But the contradictions are multiplying ever-faster in the EU countries and the people are beginning to finally realize as to who is it that controls the European Union and is causing this crisis and - stands to gain absolute economic control.


The South Korean authorities should stop at once their reckless campaign to tighten the military tie-up with the USA, mindful of the catastrophic consequences to be entailed by it.

Page 21: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje

Now their joint warmongering, and trying to justify their military tie-up under the pretence of "provocation by North Korea" and a "Threat" from someone. This is shameless and a stereotype deception.

This joint tie-up is being put into practice for a new war on the Korean Peninsula. Lately they held joint- military provocation exercises right on our border at the Paekryong Island, which is a major loading place.

This is extremely a dangerous act that disturbs the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula and it could ignite a war.

All these acts prove that the South Korean ruling quarters are running amok in their move to invade the DPRK at any cost, in collusion with the US, despite their lip-service for a joint "dialogue" and "peace"!

THIS IS AMERICA TODAY! [email protected]

At least 15,000 children in the U.S. are in danger if being forcibly separated from their undocumented parents and taken to foster homes.

The ARC reported that the children of deported immigrants represent over 1.25% of the total US foster care.

These growing deportations are inhuman and shatter the families and endanger the children that are left behind.


A War Crimes Tribunal in Malaysia has found former U.S President George W. Bush and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair guilty of war crimes for their roles in the Iraq War. The Malaysian Tribunal Judges ruled that the decision to wage war against Iraq by these two former heads of their governments was a fragrant abuse of International Law and an act of aggression that led to large-scale massacres of the Iraqi people.


PC (AP) are very active in Chile

On the 94th Anniversary of the October Revolution, leaders and members of the Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action), PC (AP), 1 delivered a letter to the Russian embassy, and we chanted slogans against the semi-fascist dictatorship of the Medvedev-Putin mafia, alive after 94 years of workers and popular revolution directed by the leaders of Communism: Lenin and Stalin.

This letter was delivered by Comrade Eduardo Alejandro Aravena Artes and was greeted by a Russian Embassy member, who showed his nervousness by our demand to stop persecuting Communist fighters, who fought fascism and socialism and for the restoration of the ruined infrastructure of the Soviet Union.

Chile's Communists from the Party of the PC (AP), thus were fulfilling their internationalist duty of solidarity with the comrades of the former Soviet Union, while proudly commemorating the anniversary of the dawn of 1917, the great Bolshevik Socialist Revolution.

On this a anniversary of the triumph of the Bolshevik Revolution,

Eduardo Artes Brichetti delivering letter to Russian Ambassador

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freedom for political prisoners who struggle to restore socialism.

Today, November 7 (October 25 in the old Russian calendar Gregorian), the workers and peoples of the world, commemorating the most important event in human history, from the emergence of social classes, and hencs of class struggle. The victory of the working class, the oppressed and exploited, when the glorious event took a turn of 180 degrees, the hitherto oppressed and exploited, not only overthrew and destroyed the old power of the exploiters, but also initiated the construction of a new society, socialism, transitional society between capitalist society based on exploitation and oppression of workers and the masses, and the communist society free from exploitation and oppression of man by man.

Now with the upsurge of demonstrations and strikes all over former USSR, the youth are living in a true "STALIMANlA" - young people have T-shirts with portraits of Stalin and get tattoos on their bodies with their image, demonstrations, labour and student spikes multiply with red flags and portraits of the leading Bolshevik leaders.

Reactionary anti-working class government, and anti popular of Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev today, are acting according to its reactionary nature, have been based on repression, imprisonment of anti-fascist fighters and against socialism. Today there are hundreds of political prisoners in various jails in the countries of the former Soviet Union, accused of various crimes invented by fascist police themselves, such is the case, among many others in Russia, such as Solopov Maxim, arrested and imprisoned as well as Alexei Gaskarov communist fighter, just for participating in anti-fascist demonstrations in July 2010, and Nadezhda Raks, Larisa Romanova, Olga Nevskaya, Tatiana Nejorosheva. communist comrades whom the Russian police had fabricated evidence to hold them accountable for blowing up a police building. No arrested comrade,


despite the constraints and torture, has acknowledged involvement in that incident.

Today, Russia is the most prominent in what was once the Soviet Union's heroic and dignified lives, is in the hands of the mafia, the evils of capitalism, where scandals have increased, infant mortality and poor quality of life, has reached both the health and social decline, that according to the UN (an organization that no one, not a fool, could be accused of being communist), argues that "Russia is experiencing a demographic crisis," arguing that "143 million people in the 2005, and considering current demographic trends, by 2030 the country will have only 128 million people ". Today in capitalist Russia, life expectancy has dropped to just 60 for men and 65 for women.

In 1990-1991, on 25 December the Soviet Union was dissolved, the new regime took the red flag off the Kremlin, starting on a long period of capitalist restoration, which started from the XXII Congress of the Communist Party Soviet Union (1956). This degeneration process led by the traitors and revisionist successor Nikita Khrushchev and Brezhnev, Andropov and Gorbachev, the latter being openiy capitalist policies and summarized in the so-called "Perestroika" and "glasnost", which was the final stab to the Proletarian Socialist Revolution of

November 7, 1917.

In these moments when the various imperialist powers, led by Yankee imperialism, including Putin-Medvedev's Russia, with blood and fire devastated the sovereignty and independence of countries, nations and peoples, and, when they claim that the effects and consequences of the general crisis of capitalism, is the imperialist crisis itself, as we live in the highest and final stage of capitalism - imperialism, as was predicted by Marx, Engels. Lenin and Stalin,

Chile's Communists, from the Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action), PC (AP), are faithful to iiic; principles of Soviet Socialist Revolution, embodied in the Communist Party (Bolshevik) and its leaders, Lenin and Stalin. On this November 7, 2011, we express our tribute to the heroic deeds and proletarian socialism in the ex-USSR, which existed and showed its superiority in relation to capitalism. We demand that all reactionary regimes of the former Soviet Republics and in particular, the Putin-Medvedev government in Russia, to end the repressions of the anti-fascist fighters for socialism, to release all of political prisoners.

The repression and prisons have never been in the land of Lenin and Stalin, to prevent the triumph of socialism, which no doubt will once

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again be restored in Russia and other republics of the former USSR, and will again be based on support and inspiration to the workers and oppressed peoples on a global level.

We will experience a new anniversary of the Soviet Revolution which will always be Immortal!

Socialism is more valid than ever, and eventually will be restored in the countries of what was once the Jnion ofSoviet Socialist Republics Central Committee Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action) International Council for Friendship and Solidarity with the Soviet people.


A miniature "kamikaze" drone designed to quietly hover in the sky before dive-bombing and slamming into a human target will very soon be part of the US Army arsenal, as stated by the Pentagon.

It weighs less than two kilos, this drone is small enough to fit into a soldier's backpack and is launched from a tube, with wings quickly folding out as it soars into the air, manufactured on orders from the Pentagon by AeroVironment.

Powered by a small electric motor, it transmits a video in real time from overhead, allowing the soldier to identify the perceived enemy. Upon a command, the operator sends a signal to the drone and locks the trajectory into the target. The drone flies into the human target and detonates a small ex-plosive.

The world human rights (but not the UN -Editor) raised concerns and protests against all the drones and these new CIA "personal assassination drones".

Where is any public scrutiny or interest by the lawmakers in the US Congress? This is nothing more but an outright White House assassinations directive!


These Drone Bases increasingly dot the earth. The top central base facility is outside Los Vegas, where these "sitting pilots" work in this Central climate controlled facility, in front of multiple computer screens and control and direct these unmanned Drones that can strike anywhere on the planet with a minimal foreign "footprint" and no accountability to the US people or to the United Nations or any of its NATO partners!

Those 60 military and CIA drone bases around the world, tells us a lot about America's war-making future. From the command, control, maintenance by the USA, allows the White House-Pentagon to the continued expansion as they have been doing for over 10 years now.

More bases are already under construction and others are in the planning stages Earlier in 2011 it was exposed by

TomDipatch.com that the US has more than 1,000 US military bases scattered across the globe. The push now by President Obama is to have more bases built in Africa, Middle East and in Asia.

12 CIA SPIES DETAINED IN IRAN From La Habana - GRANMA November 24, 2011

The Iranian Secret Services have captured and detained 12 spies of the Central Intelligence Agency of America, as reported to the Iranian Parliament and the news media by the head of National Security subcommittee.

These spies, with the help of Israel security infiltrators sought to attack the nuclear facility of Iran.


In 1938 Henry Ford accepted the Grand Cross Medal from Hitler. Henry Ford advocated and supported fascism and genocide as the policy of Nazism in Germany.

Henry Ford, the American multi-billionaire created his own "Ford Service Department" an 8,000 personal army of thugs, mainly recruited from Michigan State prisons - to spy upon and terrorize the Ford workers to try and prevent unionization of the workers during the 1920's and 1930s.

The Ford auto-workers were beaten, fired and many times killed by these Ford goons. Ford also concentrated his attacks against Black workers at the River Rouge Auto Plant and hired Black Church Ministers to preach anti-unionism to the Black workers.

Ford and Hitler preached and practiced the racist-fascist policies against the working class!






Page 24: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje

FEATURE ANALYSES House Negro in the White House but the Democratic 99% is still in the cotton fields

On Sunday Nov. 20, 2011 I and Alexei went to Occupy Toronto in St. James Park on King near Jarvis to meet the 99 %. We saw many battered from Capitalism's greed. Many had lost dreams of what they otherwise could have become in a more just society. Many hurt but their spirits saw a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel. This chance of sisterly and brotherly love for all Peoples of this earth.

Cornered and starved by an unjust economic system, the marginalized majority took matters into their own hands. "Republic", a French word meaning to be concerned equally for all the people." Democracy", a Greek word meaning control of the state by the majority of the population in that state. The U.S is run by Corporate Monarchy's that are not democratic. Monarchy is a Greek word meaning to be ruled by a sovereign dictator. Under a united class of U.S. monarchs with their chartered entities called a " Corporation". This Corporation is authorized by the state to reward it's wealthy, elite share holders at the expense of all living things on this planet called earth. The U.S. Government creates these corporations to serve it's elite interests. Canada Revenue Agency said " over 1 million Corporations in Canada did not pay any taxes from 2000-2009". That's over 41% of all Corporations in Canada, many are from the U.S.A. Almost 70% of U.S. corporations paid no taxes found in a U.S. 2008 Government Accountability Office study report.

The U.S. Government creates debt to the detriment of its people by the use of it's military to protect corporations in the U.S. internally with the FBI and the police force. The U.S. government uses the C.I.A. and the military externally to



protect U.S. corporations. This is called "National Security". For the 99% in the U.S. there is less security. A mother and father knows this best when their child goes to Iraq to protect "National Security" which is a code word for oil for the 1% rich called Exxon/Mobile owned by the Rockefeller family and friends. The U.S. citizens are also harmed with "Austerity Programs" like no money for Health Care, cuts in Pensions for the Elderly, Wages slashed to compete with Bangladesh we will be told soon. Jim Flaherty the Canadian Federal minister of finance said that he lowered corporate tax to compete with the U.S. Canada's rate is 16.5%. The U.S. corporate tax rate is 35%, over double that of Canada's. Then, made aware that we are far lower than the U.S. he paused and said we have to compete with Chinas low corporate tax rate. How about "Job Security". The U.S. today has over 30% of it's productive infrastructure left to decay. It's real rate of unemployment is 25% or 40 Million people that don't have a real job. There are over 950 U.S. military bases around the world. These are aimed at poor little week countries that have not opened their doors to U.S. corporate exploitation for cheap labour and resources that would otherwise have benefited their local population. There are over 2 million U.S. troops around the world. The cost of these troops, equipment, infrastructure and food could easily pay for all U.S. citizens to have Free Universal Health Care, cover Free Universal Education for all, also eliminate all poverty in the U.S., there are 50 million people starving. Code word is food-insecure. There are 50 million Americans with no Health Care. These same poor Americans pay for

free Health Care for U.S. Congressmen and Senators. What a crime. ( Senator Harry Reid said "Harvard just completed a study that shows that 45 thousand Americans die because chey don't have Health Insurance." He also said "In 2008 about 750 thousand bankruptcies were filed, about 70% of those bankruptcies were filed because of health care costs". Imagine over half a million people each year in the U.S. are tossed aside at the time when they desperately need help. While 5 rich private only for profit Health Care Corporations give million of dollar in bonuses to their 1% elite Masters of Misery, while cutting benefits to people that have Health Care through a dirty trick called Pre-Conditions. So if your a woman and you have Health Care coverage from one of the 5 private Healthcare firms and you get a major disease. They look for trivial problems you had with your health that you did not tell them about like a "Yeast Infection", then they terminate your coverage. That's "EVIL".

The late Malcolm X said there are two kinds of slaves under U.S. Capitalism. The house Negro and the field Negro. The 99% falls in one of those two categories. Those protesting have taken their blindfolds off, I welcome you with open arms. The 1 % are the Masters telling us, they only accumulate wealth to one day give it all away through charities or foundations. So they are only benign repositories of the 99% hard earned wealth. Thomas Jefferson owned 267 slaves in 1822, he paid 3 thousand dollars to feed and house all 267 slaves combined. They made for him from their hard-work 200 thousand dollars. I think the 267 slaves paid Thomas Jefferson 197 thousand dollars for watching them work. The house Negro lived in the house of the master class. He was warmer by the fire and also ate better food than the field Negro. If the field egro came to talk to the house Negro to escape the inhumane conditions. The house Negro would answer "are you crazy there is no richer house to live in than this". Yet day in, day out the field Negro's life was beaten out of

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him, worked from morning to night. Crowded in a shack, he hated his master, and wanted his freedom. If the master would get sick the field Negro prayed that the master would die. But the House Negro would say about the master "we sick" and nourish him back to health. There are over 4 billion field Negroes in the world making under 3 dollars a day. Today 700 billionaires are worth more than all the assets of 50% of the worlds populations combined. Out of 100 Economies today, 48 are countries, 52 are corporations. Corporations have more assets than many countries combined. They say they exist to better the lives of all mankind. But they really serve themselves and wealthy share holders. What about the four Billion poor that work for these corporations 12 hours a day and get paid under 3 dollars. They can't buy any shares of the companies they work for because they are paid in 2011 less than workers were paid 100 years ago. U.S. workers in the garment industry made 25 cents an hour in the early 1900's. In today's dollars including inflation that would be 4 dollars an hour. Workers in the third world are paid 20 cents an hour, 1,600% less than 100 years ago in the U.S. So where does that workers lost wages g o ? Those same corporations lend their money to large U.S. banks like City Bank, J. P. Morgan Bank or Goldman Sacks who then lend it to poor Third World countries whose governments are told to cut taxes to the same U.S. corporations in the Third World that lent the money from the First World Countries, and to bring in "Austerity Programs" for the poor by cutting wages, benefits and social programs like Pensions or Healthcare from the working poor masses starving mouths. 14 dollars are extracted from every 1 dollar given in aid given to Third World Countries (Charity Foundations are not taxed so no taxes are paid by profits that corporations made, and the few million given as charity out of hundreds of billions in these corporate foundations, 75% of that is repaid by the U.S. working class tax payer.) Billionaire corporations from rich countries are pulling out the remaining last teeth until the

poor are toothless. Now that's the perpetual death spiral for many. Over 160 million children have starved to death since NAFTA was signed paving the way for U.S corporations to move to Third World countries paying today the same wages they paid when Thomas Jefferson had his 267 slaves in 1822.

People say let's pray that a Third World War doesn't start some time soon, that things could get much worse. Tell that to the Iranians in 1953 when the U.S. overthrew their democratically elected leader named Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh, "the most popular politician in the country," he wanted a larger share of the wealth of oil in his country to benefit the people of Iran. The CIA then installed the Shaw of Iran (Reza Pahlavi) as the new leader. His father was a nazi collaborator in World War 2. In 1954 the U.S overthrew the democratically elected leader in Guatemala named Jacobo Arbenz. He wanted to buy back some land for his poor to farm on, from a U.S. corporation named "United Fruit" owned by the Rockefeller family. Austerity for the poor good, make the poor self-sufficient bad said the Dulles brothers and the U.S. president Eisenhower. The U.S. government bombed Vietnam until Saturday Jan 27, 1973. On Thursday Feb. 1,1973 Nixon promised the prime minister of North Vietnam 3.25 billion dollars of U.S. grants over a 5 year period, not a penny was sent. But wait a moment now. In 1997 under Bill Clintons reign of terror "Yugoslavia", Vietnam was made to pay the U.S. 145

| million owed by the South Vietnamese government in U.S. aid to kill North Vietnamese. Talk about injustice.

The United States dropped 3 times as many tons of bombs on Vietnam as it dropped in all of World War Two. Why? Lets listen to a man named Martin Luther King Jr. Tell us.

"A time comes when silence is betrayal. And that time has come for us in relation to Vietnam... after a combined French and Japanese occupation. They were led by Ho Chi Minh... (who) quoted the

American Declaration of Independence... we refused to recognize them... For nine years we vigorously supported the French... to re-colonize Vietnam... After the French were defeated... the United States determined that Ho... not unify the... nation... we supported one of the most vicious modern dictators... Premier Diem... we poison their water... killed a million acres of their crops... They must weep as... (we)... destroy the precious trees... So far we may have killed a million of them (soon over three million will be killed), mostly children... What do they think as we test out our latest weapons on them, just as the Germans (Nazi's)...We have destroyed their two most cherished institutions: the family and the village. We have destroyed their land and crops.. We have corrupted their women and children and killed their men... little left. ..save bitterness. Soon the only solid physical foundations remaining will be... concentration camps... out of my experience in the ghettos... I have walked among the desperate, rejected and angry young men...I have told them...that social change comes through non-violent action... But they ask me - and rightly so- what about Vietnam? They ask if our own nation wasn't using massive doses of violence to solve its problems, to bring about changes... I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today - my own government ( The United States). "The other September 11". Tuesday September 11, 1973 the U.S. government overthrew the democratically elected president of Chile, Salvador Gossens Allende. This man was guilty of wanting to reign in the export of his countries wealth into the pockets of a few shamefully wealthy men from the U.S. Let's have William Blum a former U.S. state department official tell us about Chile when the U.S. started to overthrow Chile, "stadiums rang with the sounds of executions and the bodies piled up along the streets and floated in the river, dogs trained to sexually molest female prisoners, thousands

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disappeared, tens of thousands tortured. In 1999 under Bill Clinton 222,200 Bomblets (staying on the ground for someone to touch them to explode like women, children.) were dropped on Yugoslavia. 78 days & nights of bombing of innocent Yugoslavian Peoples. A war crime for sure. How about Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc,etc. In 1981, U.S. planes shot down two Libyan planes in Libyan air space. In 1989 the U.S. shot down two more Libyan planes. Under Ronald Reagan the U.S. bombed Libya April 14 1986 sending a missile into the house of the Libyan leader killing Moammar Gaddafi's young adopted daughter and a teenage girl visiting from London. All of Gaddafi's seven children as well as his wife were

hospitalized. Now that there is a House Negro in the White House named Barack Hussein Obama, this is what happens to Libya and their leader Gaddafi who was very pro African. Opened his doors to many Africans seeking work in Libya. Gaddafi's sons were killed, while his son Seif is on death row by a U.S. backed kangaroo court. His father through the U.S. bombing of his envoy met a fate that the mafia would have envied. He was captured then shot in the stomach, beaten, cut, painted the word rat in red on his head, sodomized and then shot in the head. For those that believe Gaddafi does not deserve a fair court hearing keep in mind that these NATO backed mercenaries also committed crimes against innocent Libyan civilians. Funny even Hitler's henchmen got a Nuremberg Court Hearing. Also Gaddafi's grandchildren were killed by NATO bombings. How can little children be treated as targets of NATO? A question that the corporate media never asks.

Warren Buffet said "There's class warfare all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're WINNING"

The Occupy Wall Street Protest started in New York on Sept. 16, 2011. The movements headquarters were in Zuccotti park. Six months before Michael Moore spoke in Madison, Wisconsin. What he said

is important. He said "Contrary to what those in power would like you to believe. America is not broke. The country is awash in wealth. It's just it's not in your hands. It has been transferred, in the greatest heist in history, from the worker's.. to the banks... and the super-rich. Today just 400 Americans have more wealth than half of all Americans combined. If you can't bring yourself to call that a financial coup d'etat, then your simply not being honest about what you know in your heart to be true. Wall street, the banks and the fortune 500 now run this Republic. The truth is, there's lots of money to go around. LOTS. It's...into a deep well that sits on their well-guarded estates. They know they have committed crimes... they know that someday you may want to see some of that money... they've got their gated communities, and the luxury jet is always fully fuel-ed, the engines running, waiting for that day they hope never comes... when the people demand their country

U.S. tax payers.).. They couldn't be satisfied by simply removing millions of jobs and shipping them overseas to exploit the poor elsewhere. No they had to have more...19,000 a year... That's how much some rookie pilots... make... all he asks is that he does not have to sleep in his car between shifts... That's how despicably low we have sunk... They wanted to demean and dehumanize him... trying to destroy us they have given birth to a movement - a movement that is becoming massive.. .America ain't broke! The only thing that's broke is our moral compass of the rulers. And we aim to fix that... even though they seem to hold all the money, they begrudgingly know this one

unshakable basic fact; There are more of us than there are of them!"

Finally I hear the march of Democracy. Oh my heart skips a beat, is this the sound of freedom?

Have the 99% field Negroes finally had enough. Will we see a world with no wars? Steven Lewis a

back... You have aroused the sleeping giant... the ground is shifting under the feet of those who are in charge... We all crave... The United States of America. Not the Corporate States of America... a government run by billionaires for billionaires is an affront to freedom and morality and humanity. The smug rich have overplayed their hand. They couldn't have been content with the money they raided from the treasury. (Nomi Prins a former manager at Goldman Sacks say's they took over 14 trillion dollars in money and toxic debt put on the backs of the weak and poor

compassionate democratic socialist talks about the peace dividend he was told would come when Communism is defeated and Capitalism would lose its teeth and claws. How wars would stop and those same funds for war would be diverted to the poor, the needy. In 1991 he saw wars rise like a tidal wave after the overthrow of Communism by internal traitors and Western Capitalist colonizers of the world. He said he saw wars "in 1990 and 2000 alone there were 57 major arm conflicts... the Balkans the Middle East, Cambodia, Angola, Mozambique, Sri Lanka .East Ti

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more, Sierra Leone. Liberia, the Congo, Iraq, Iran, Iraq is much the centre piece for ah much of this, Somalia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Columbia, Chile, Argentina, Russia, Chechnya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, all of these ...scattered around the world made it very difficult for us to talk about economics without war." he said " I am a Democratic Socialist to my core.. .the entire world at the moment is driven by... Multi-National Corporations and profits... which dominate international society against which the thousands... speak and worry and ponder... ( a f t e r Communism was overthrown)...in 1997 -1994 we accumulated 800 -900 billion dollars which might have otherwise been apportioned to more useful pursuits. Nobody to this day knows where the money went. Nobody saw the identifiable fruits of a "peace dividend". The fact of the matter is that there was no peace dividend. It didn't happen... None of the money went to human priorities. I sometimes think why were we so naive?.. I don't know why people expected it... Capitalism would be tamed at the edges. And you'd suddenly have the money directed towards social and human pursuits. It didn't happen." I say it never was even planned to happen. Corporations are not "PEOPLE" they are destroyers of human lives. You the Working class create wealth by producing goods for humanity to live comfortably in an economically equal society for all races, for all Woman and Mankind in the whole world. And let's get one thing straight Corporations don't create wealth they syphon it up from the 99% poor to the 1% rich. I have already explained above how they do this fraudulent thievery.

Now the solutions. Nationalize all Banks and their hidden assets. Conduct an open, fair and impartial trial for all Bankers involved in the "2008 Housing Mortgage Fraud" that created bankruptcies world wide and flooded America with people that lost all their savings and their assets, even their homes.

"Crimes against humanity." Nationalize Corporations and repatriate all the wealth they have stolen from the 99% poor. This will

include repossessing the trillions sheltered by hidden treuhand - are non-transparent trust laws that enable one to legally hide all ownership of, and therefore all derived income from, any asset mostly found in off-shore bank accounts. Set a transparent World Tribunal Televised all over the World to try War criminals to name a few... George Bush for the murder of hundreds of thousands innocent Iraqi men, women, and children, Bill Clinton for 78 days and nights of merciless bombing of innocent women and children in Yugoslavia, The Nobel (War Monger) award of Henry Kissinger for the murder of many "Millions" of innocent men, women and children in Angola, Chile, East Timor, Iraq, Vietnam, Cambodia. The Horror this man brought to the peoples of the world is unspeakable terror. Create a new World Constitution that will enforce equal pay and equal work for all races and sexes to enjoy. 5 hours of work 4 days a week with $1000 dollar pay per week - $52,000 per year average. People that need more for bigger families or that do allot of volunteer work may receive higher salaries. Nobody is allowed to make more than they need. Therefore they cannot have slaves or buy influence. Outlaw "WARS" as the highest crime anyone can commit. In the New Constitution make it law that all production of goods must serve people with the least harm to humans and nature. Methodically remove our addiction to fossil fuels and replace it with "Green technologies". Like solar panels, wind farms, Battery powered cars, tidal wave electricity production, more green public transportation, better building codes for heat efficient buildings, all chemicals that cause cancer to humans must be banned immediately. All Utilities that supply essential services like Gas, Electricity, Water, etc. should be Public not for profit. All elected governments to be local councils or "Soviets" it means the same. Council is a body of people elected to serve the greater needs of their local population.

Any council member that does not meet the needs of the people can be vote of the councillors,

constituents. This is only a beginning. The popular vote of a grass roots movement will have the final say on all matters governing them. Good luck my sisters and brothers the "99 %" . The world is watching. We are and always have been the leaders we were waiting for.

The 1% rich have more wealth than 4 billion poor people in the world combined.


With great humility... Jesse Papas


Ajsha Gaddafi, the 26 year old daughter of the late Muammar Gaddafi in a TV interview in Syria, vowed that she will fight on as her father did. "These new rulers in Tripoli came in under the protection on NATO. I call upon all Libyan patriots to fight on against these present NATO occupiers!"







Page 28: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje


Why this rebellion deserves our support!

On September 17, 2011, Occupy Wall Street (OWS), a diffuse group of mostly white middle class young people began a loosely organized protest in New York's financial district. The group planned to camp out for some extended period in Zuccotti Park, a privately owned park in Lower Manhattan open to the public. This protest against corporate greed and social inequality and other disparities between rich and poor in the United States and around the world was fueled by their own anger and frustration at living in a country in the throes of a capitalist economic crisis where their own personal futures looked grim while the government was propping up and bailing out the super rich, the very people responsible for the crisis!

The "Modest Call to Action" issued by Occupy Wall St on September 17th

was, in fact, not very modest at all. They referred to it as a "call for revolution." They called for disrupting the system, for students and teachers to teach democracy together, for workers to "not only strike, but seize their workplaces collectively and to organize them democratically," for the unemployed to "volunteer ... to use what skills they have to support themselves as part of the ... community," "for the seizure and use of abandoned property," and "for people's assemblies in every city, every public square, every township."

Despite very limited capitalist media coverage (for example, National Public Radio gave no coverage to the first nine days of the protest), and despite the rhetorical over reach of their call, Occupy Wall Street immediately resonated with thousands of people who share their view that, "we are the 99 percent that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1 percent." (See OccupyWallSt.org, the groups website) Within a month, the New

From the Belly of the Beast

York group experienced real growth, with a few thousand marchers on certain days, even in the face of police arrests. Furthermore, sympathy demonstrations and local replica "occupation" movements have rapidly spread to cities across the USA, and solidarity actions have occurred around the world. Mass disenchantment with and disgust for capitalism is being expressed in moderate protect.

At the same time, however, the Occupy Wall Street campsite has become a tourist attraction and the fledgling "movement" has received close to a half million dollars in donations, a fund currently being used for the provision of food, laundering and dry cleaning for New York City's camper-protesters.

* * * * *

Does this rather odd spontaneous and self-described "leaderless" movement have any real revolutionary potential? Are there any potential reactionary dangers to which this movement is vulnerable? What follows are some questions and answers dealing with the responsibility of proletarian revolutionaries in the USA (and around the world) to bring critical support to the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Question #1: Does the 'Occupy Wall Street" Movement have any specific target? Is this sufficient?

Answer #1: Indeed, the outstanding positive feature of this movement is that it targets Wall Street. As prize-winning New York Times columnist Paul Krugman observed, "The

protesters' indictment of Wall Street as a destructive force, economically and politically, is completely right." (New York Times, 10-7-11)

Krugman explains, "They're people who got rich, by peddling complex financial schemes that, far from delivering clear benefits to the American People, helped push us

into a crisis whose aftereffects continue to blight the lives of tens of millions of their fellow citizens. Yet they have paid no price. Their institutions were bailed out by taxpayers ... they continue to benefit from ... federal guarantees ..." (New York Times, 10-10-11) Krugman asserts that,"... we may, at long last, be seeing the rise of a populist movement that, unlike the Tea Party, is angry at the right people." (ibid., 10-7-11)

The focus on Wall Street, while just, necessary, and crucial, is not however, sufficient. While bourgeois journalists, including Krugman, treat the U.S. economy and U.S. politics as if "never the twain shall meet," the dialectical reality is that politics and economics are inextricably interwoven. U.S. political-economy is monopoly capitalist and imperialist. The U.S. government, the U.S. imperialist state, is fundamentally a servant of Wall Street. As Simon Johnson, former chief economist for the International Monetary Fund, admitted early in the current economic crisis, the U.S. government has been captured by the "financial oligarchy," i.e. by Wall Street. To limit the target to "Wall Street" thus serves to seriously underestimate the power and influence of the enemy. It specifically takes our eye off of the main bulwark of world capitalism in this period, imperialism, headed by U.S. imperialism.

Question #2: Does the "Occupy Wall Street" Movement have any specific demands or goals? Should this be a matter of concern?

Answer #2: No, they don't. And, yes, we should be very concerned. Such just slogans and demands as the right to a decent job, universal health care, an end to U.S. imperialist wars [in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq,

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Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Colombia and the Philippines], bring the troops home now, protect the planet, tax the rich, were projected by the recent October 2011 Movement in its demonstration in Washington, D.C. against the bipartisan "Republicrat" U.S. government's War Abroad and its War at Home. Such concrete demands place political pressure on the U.S. imperialist state to meet the needs of the people or face the political consequences. The Occupy Wall Street Movement's inability to adopt specific political demands and goals takes the heat off of U.S. imperialism. And since the "Republicrat" Congress, with its increasingly repressive and reactionary laws, and the Obama Regime, with its massive omnipresent apparatus of police and armed forces and military and civilian intelligence, are the main political servants of Wall Street, there can be no serious challenge to Wall Street without challenging the U.S. government politically.

Question #3: How is "Occupy Wall Street" similar to the "Arab Spring" movements in Tunisia, Egypt and throughout the Middle East and how is it different?

Answer #3: There is no doubt that "Occupy Wall Street" drew much of its inspiration and the model for its technique of encampment in the New York financial district from the initial mass protests in Tunisia and especially in Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt. Furthermore, driven by the world capitalist economic crisis, the explosive mixture of widespread and growing unemployment and underemployment among the masses simultaneous with the continued amassing of undeserved wealth by the plutocrats, the already super wealthy and privileged rulers of the society, all with no end in sight, is the fuel common to the Arab youth and the youth of the USA that has sparked these revolts. •[FOOTNOTE: This is not to deny the fact that the sharp rise in food prices in the Middle East and other economic woes as well as the youth demographic there exacerbate conditions in the Arab countries. The situation facing the people of the Middle East does

remain more harsh than are the worsening conditions facing the masses of people in the USA today.] One fundamental difference is based on the fact that behind virtually all the reactionary Arab regimes, propping them up in a thousand ways, has been U.S. imperialism. Egypt, during its decades under Mubarak, for example, received more than a billion dollars per year in direct U.S. military aid, second in the world in direct U.S. financial aid only to the settler state of Israel. This imperialist comprador and lackey role of the Arab reactionary rulers helps to explain why, in most if not all the "Arab Spring" uprisings, the goal of toppling, of driving out, the current reactionary political regimes was raised almost immediately as the most urgent demand of the demonstrators. In the Middle East, the Arab masses were enlightened enough to place the responsibility for their economic-social plight on their clearly compromised comprador political leaders and they are continuing to do so. In Tunisia and Egypt today the toiling masses and the youth press onward in the struggle for political power, even months after the toppling of Ben Ali and Mubarak.

In the USA, by contrast, the Occupy Wall Street and other new "Occupy" groups, reflecting the many years of imperialist bribery and relative privilege vis-3-vis the rest of the world, have barely mentioned any political targets at all. In fact, protecting and supporting the Obama Regime and the declining U.S. Empire remains a more likely motivation for most U.S. protesters thus far than the toppling of this barbaric reactionary regime, the faithful continuers of the Bush-Cheney war criminal regime.

Question #4: Does anarchism in program, organization, and practice have the capacity to achieve the objectives first enunciated by the Occupy Wall Street Movement?

Answer #4: No. Given the predominantly white middle class composition of the Occupy protesters and their privileged recent history in relation to the international working

class and the oppressed peoples as an integral pa.t of hegemonic U.S. imperialist society, it is not surprising that there is a strong anarchist political tendency present among them. This is especially so now that, in the current capitalist economic crisis, many of them have recently dropped out of the middle class into the lumpen-proletariat, having fallen upon hard times, job and income loss, homelessness, etc.

The most prominent of all anarchist thinkers, Michael Bakunin, consistently advocated that the workers and the unemployed "lumpen-proletariat" avoid political struggle altogether. He promoted the notion that "the triumph of humanity

is in tne conquest and accomplishment of the full freedom and full development, material, intellectual and moral, of every individual, by the absolutely free and spontaneous organization of economic and social solidarity as completely as possible between all human beings living on the earth.'' (page 22, Marxism, Freedom and the State, ROL emphasis) In the 1870's, Bakunin asserted that, "... the proletariat ... is animated today by a profound distrust against what is political and against all the politicians in the world, whatever their party color, all of them having equally deceived, oppressed, exploited - -the reddest Republicans just as much as the most absolutist Monarchists." (ibid., p.61)

The Occupy Wall Street movement in New York City has spent most of its time occupying a small park in the Wall Street area and has made no serious attempt to "occupy" or even interfere in a significant way with the workings of U.S. finance capital. Occupy groups in Oakland, California; Atlanta, Georgia; and elsewhere have been forcibly removed by the police from their "occupied areas" with little or no resistance. Meanwhile, both in that



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other than what he had said he would use it for! And none of the "Republicrats" in Washington, DC demanded to know what he had done with the money!! Obama's Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner, chief promoter of the Obama bailout, had been a key architect, with Paulson, his fellow alumnus of Goldman, Sachs, in getting the Republican Bush bailout passed in the first place.

Yes. Wall Street has been bailed out by the U.S. government, the U.S. imperialist stafe Main Street has been impoverished, rendered homeless, jobless, without health care by the U.S. government. It was in this setting that Simon Johnson, the former chief economist for the International Monetary Fund, admitted that the U.S. government had been captured by the "financial oligarchy." (See "The Quiet Coup," May 2009 Atlantic magazine)

The U.S. government, the state apparatus of U.S. finance capital, of Wall Street, protects and defends the interests of Wall Street within the USA and around the world primarily through its military might — through the army, navy, air force, marines, national guard ,n hundreds of military bases strategically placed in the four comers of the earth, backed up by an army of intelligence agencies, private military contractors (mercenaries), and an army of diplomats, along with state and local police forces and sheriffs' departments. The U.S. government military budget is greater than the combined military expenditures of all the other governments on earth.

In this setting, anarchism cannot even begin to deal seriously with the monopoly capitalist class dictatorship of Wall Street and U.S. imperialism.

Question #5: What is the significance of the trade union support and the Democratic Party support currently being received by the Occupy Wall Street Movement?

Answer #5. There is both positive and negative significance to the Occupy movements involvement with organized labor. Positive is the fact that several major labor unions in the New York City area, including the Transport Workers Union, have begun to provide endorsements, manpower and resources to the fledgling protest movement directed against Wall Street. Even more positive has been the support of OWS folks for the Communication Workers Union (CWA)-led Verizon workers' protests and OWS support for the Teamster workers at Sotheby's. Perhaps most positive was the timely defense by hundreds of union workers called out by their unions to defend the OWS folks in Zuccotti Park when NYC Mayor Bloomberg threatened to bring in the police to remove the protesters. The too conservative U.S. trade union movement can surely benefit from the youthful impatience and militancy of the Occupy groups around the country. And association with the Occupy Wall Street protests can broaden, deepen and help radicalize the political perspective of the organized section of the working class in this period of economic crisis. At the same time, the new found activism and militancy of mostly white middle class youth with a smorgasbord of demands can too easily be transformed into destructive anarchistic activities. The Occupy groups can thus benefit greatly from becoming involved with the solid working class demands and campaigns and the union workers themselves in their battles with specific capitalist adversaries.*

initial Occupy Wall Street group in New York City and in the many Occupy groups that have emerged around the USA, a tremendous amount of time and energy have been expended in procedural discussions, i.e. trying to make decisions about how to arrive at decisions (by consensus, majority vote, etc.), whether to "allow" commercial media and press to be present (even where there are no other constraints on participation), whether to have any unified demands and/or which ones, what kind of future world they envision, etc. In other words, the Occupy groups have been exercising "free speech" in their more or less spontaneous social and economic organization in their encampments in line with the anarchist credo of Bakunin.

Many of these newly politicized activists apparently believe that if they simply come up with a better socio-political system in their discussions, the U.S. monopoly capitalists and imperialists will freely adopt them without a fight. This is in keeping with Bakunin's assertion that a better society can be reached by "anti-political power of the working masses of town and country alike, including all favorably disposed persons of the upper classes, who, breaking completely with their past, would be willing to join them and fully accept their program." {ibid., p. 18 )

But the outrage that has finally propelled several thousands of protesters into the Occupy groups around the country has been occasioned, in the first place, by the obscene bailout of Wall Street by the federal government under both Republican President George W. Bush and then Democratic President Barack Obama. The Bush Regime was only successful in getting the $700 billion bill passed in the House with vital support from Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as well as from both the Republican and Democratic candidates for President, McCain and Obama. The Obama Regime got the second installment of over $800 billion passed after Bush's Secretary of the Treasury Paulson admitted that he used the first $700 billion for things




[•FOOTNOTE: One of the most promising union campaigns which would perfectly suit the Occupy groups throughout the USA is the effort to defend and preserve the United States Postal Service (USPS), with its universal six day delivery and uniform rates. On the basis of a Congress-manufactured phony "postal crisis," the USPS is


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currently threatened with dismantling and privatization by Wall Street, with the connivance of the Postmaster General who is supposed to be the leader of the institution he is helping Wall Street to destroy! In a Wall Street Journal article (October 5th), Gary MacDougal, a recently retired long time director of United Parcel Service, boldly exposed the postal privatizers' real aim. He stated, "Entrepreneurs will see the demise of the USPS as an opportunity, and new companies will emerge. Indeed, this transition can be one of the badly needed bright spots in a troubled American economy." It is only because the USPS is by far the most popular government service among the people of the USA that it has not been privatized already. Widespread OWS participation in defense of the USPS would be seen in a very positive light by the people on Main Street. And at least two of the four postal unions, the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) and the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), are virtually everywhere there are Occupy groups. It would be a great help to the more than half a million union postal workers and to the Occupy groups around the country if they reach out to each other in this popular struggle to thwart Wall Street's drive to take one more right away from the people, the right to a universal, public postal service.]

On the negative side is the potential for the conservative labor leadership to seduce sections of the Occupy groups into the electoral dead end of exclusive Democratic Party political activity.

In early October, the AFL-CIO's executive council expressed unanimous support for the Occupy Wall Street pr iest (even though most of this conservative labor leadership has "kept its distance" from the OWS folks). To some extent, these union misleaders recognize that the "Republicrats," mainstream Republicans, led by Congressman John Boehner, along with Obama and the Democrats, have been making decisions

throughout this economic crisis period that provide all kinds of support for Wall Street and little for Main Street. And yet these labor

apologists for U.S. imperialism, so wedded to Obama and the Democratic Party, have remained politically paralyzed and impotent, afraid to arouse and mobilize their members and unwilling to break with the Democrats. In the recent period when the Tea Party movement has pushed the "Republicrat" politicians even further into taking everything from Main Street and giving everything to Wall Street, the labor bureaucracy has been in an even more desperate political dilemma. Thus, they hope they can use the OWS movement as a counterweight to the Tea Party and to help pressure Obama and Congress to focus on job creation and provide some relief or at least a few crumbs for Main Street.

Mary Kay Henry, President of the Service Employees International Union, (SEIU), the largest union in the AFL-CIO and a notoriously bureaucratic "top down" union, in a recent Wall Street Journal opinion column ("Why Labor Backs 'Occupy Wall Street,'" 10-8-11) used the newly mobilized OWS movement to plead with the financial oligarchy to allow Congress to pass the American Jobs Act which would help rebuild the country's crumbling infrastructure in a Depression-era WPA type project. She concluded: "The people are finally speaking. Now it's up to our leaders and CEO's to listen and respond." SEIU President Henry is already trying to convert the OWS movement into an innocuous pressure group that will return the initiative to the very political and economic forces that have brought this country to its knees.

"God bless them for their spontaneity," said House minority leader, California Democrat Nancy Pelosi, in collaboration with the AFL-CIO bureaucracy, as she embraced the OWS movement's vulnerability. Liberal thinker Paul Krugman, can barely restrain his glee that, "Democrats are being given what amounts to a second chance. The Obama administration squandered a lot of potential good will early on by

adopting banker-friendly policies that failed to deliver economic recovery even as bankers repaid the favor by turning on the president. Now however, Mr. Obama's party has a chance for a do-over." (New York Times, 10-7-11)

However, as Glen Ford, executive editor of the Black Agenda Report (BAR;, brilliantly observed, "the Occupy Wall Street movement's contribution to human welfare to date has been to call out the enemy's name and address: finance capital, Wall Street. ... But the essence of the movement requires that there be no compromise on the necessity to remove finance capital from the commanding heights of U.S. politics. Absent that fundamental focus, all coherence vanishes. Any collaboration with Obama and his corporate Democrats means the instantaneous death of the movement — and rightly so." ([email protected], 10-12-11)


Occupy Wall Street and the other Occupy groups that have emerged in cities and towns throughout the USA are a breath of fresh air. Their anger and protest are well directed at Wall Street though they need to be broadened to include the U.S. imperialist state apparatus. Proletarian revolutionaries have a duty to support and join the Occupy group efforts wherever appropriate and to attempt to bring revolutionary politics to the struggle in the process.

One factor that makes the emergence of the Occupy movement so positive is that it follows decades of domination of right reformism within the working class, oppressed nationality, radical and revolutionary movements in the USA, rightism made even more entrenched by the plague of NGOism. The powerful influence of anarchism within this new motion is the natural response to the sins of reformism and can help change the landscape. But the proletarian revolutionary forces uniting with the OWS movement will i need to struggle against ultra-left, adventurist and/or "anti-political"

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tactics of the anarchists that are sure to emerge. Unchecked, such actions will become the Republicrats' rationale on behalf of Wall Street for increased repression against Main Street.

The participation of the organized section of the working class, the trade union activists, with the Occupy groups can provide tremendous cross fertilization for the socialist revolution in the USA. But revolutionary vigilance in relation to labor conservatism is important. As Glen Ford points out in the Black Agenda Report, "...the Democrats are the most clear and present danger to the Occupation Movement, because their entire purpose is to negate the central message: that Wall Street controls both parties, all three branches of government and most social discourse in the United States."

The political answer to Reformism and Anarchism is Revolutionary Socialism. The socialist aim was put forward by the Philippines' genuine, militant and anti-imperialist labor center Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) in its Solidarity message supporting the efforts of the Wall Street protesters. The KMU also urged the Occupy protesters to "deepen their grasp of the roots of the current crisis, roots that lie in the system of exploitation and repression named imperialism ... [and] go beyond spontaneous protests and build a genuine progressive movement right there in the so-called 'belly of the beast.'"

The leadership of the International League of Peoples' Struggle in the USA, in its own support statement, made the important point that "Wall Street is the Enemy of All Humanity," underscoring the need for international solidarity.

In the absence of a powerful, organized, serious and disciplined revolutionary movement in the USA, guided by proletarian internationalism, the U.S. political-economic system is incapable of fundamental change. To meet the just demands of the Occupy Wall Street movements, we need the forces capable of smashing imperialism and for Workers Power and a Socialist USA.


How many times must this story be retold?

In 1955 U.S. President Eisenhower gave Israel its first nuclear reactor at Nahal Sorek In 1964, the French built for Israel the much larger Damona Nuclear Reactor in the Negev Desert. In 1965 Israel stole 200 pounds of weapons-grade uranium from the United States through Israel spies at the US Nuclear Materials Equipment Corporation Company in Pennsylvania. (This was admitted by the White House, but hushed up in the media. Editor) In 1968 Israel hijacked a 200-ton shipment of yellowcake material.

Israel has possessed nuclear bombs since early 1970s. Golda Meir, the 4th Prime Minister of Israel, wanted to launch 13 nuclear bombs on Syria and Egypt in 1973 but was stopped in committing this genocidal act when U.S. Henry Kissinger gave Israel on orders of the Pentagon the most massive weapons airlift in history, at a time to reverse the course of the 1973 war (as Time Magazine reported).

Israel has had along and ongoing nuclear weapons collaboration when the South Apartheid Regime for decades -which only ended when South African regime was overthrown in 1994.

World nuclear experts know that Israel possesses over 400 nuclear bombs, including thermonuclear advanced bombs, neutron bombs and a delivery system that can reach targets 11,500 km. away. Israel also has US supplied top of the class submarines, jet fighters that can deliver nuclear cargo.

Israel (with US-NATO backing) has diligently stopped its neighbors of acquiring nuclear reactors for peaceful scientific purposes.

Israel is a predatory and aggressive country that has consistently launched on its neighbors since its establishment, expelled hundreds of thousands of people, created millions of Palestinian, Lebanese and Egyptian refugees, murdered tens of thousands of civilians and used internationally banned weapons (from napalm to phosphorous bombs, continues to occupy the Palestinian territories and the Palestinian people in complete violation of international law. It is governed by foundational anti-Arab and anti-Muslim racist state ideology.

The question is as to why the cardinal fact that Israel refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is not publicized by the Western Media - while demanding that other countries sign this Treaty?









Page 33: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje

Members, friends and readers of Northstar Compass gathered together to celebrate this great event in the history of all mankind on November 6, 2011 at the Friendship House in Toronto, Canada. There were speeches, overseas greetings were read, a video was shown of the 1917 Revolution; Soviet music and songs; excellent buffet, and many toasts were raised to this great event in world history

A Letter of Protest was read, adopted and sent to the Government of Russia for allowing a march of pro-fascist-nationalist youth march to take place in Moscow.

There was entertainment, raffle of prizes and comradeship that ended with the playing and singing of the Soviet Anthem and the International.


Page 34: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje



AUSTRALIA Dear comrades:

Thanks for producing the NSC, which is a great magazine. I look forward to reading it every month. A group of us here in West Australia are holding study classes in

Marxism Leninism. We use mostly Soviet books-texts as we find them more accurate and informative as well as ideologically correct. -particularly of the pre-Krushchev era materials.

Keep up the good work and all the best to all the friends of Socialism and of Soviet people!

Mark H.


USA Dear Helen:

Northstar Compass is a great periodical. I appreciate everything the Lucas's do to keep it going along with all of the other NSC volunteers.

NSC keeps the flame of Socialism alive with the memories of the past and the view of the future that can be.

11-4-2011 is the 55th

Anniversary of the defeat of the capitalist/fascist forces in Socialist Hungary.

I would like to give a small donation of $50 to Northstar Compass in honor of those Soviet forces who restored Socialism to Hungary at that time- 35 years ago.

Long live the memory of Lenin and Stalin who made a better world possible!


Dean Gunderson

FROM USA [email protected]

This e-mail was sent to NSC on October 11, 2011 but no address from which city in the USA. We are publishinq it to show readers that


we do publish this, even though Mr. Satinski ended his e-mail with these words: " I would like to see this story told in print - if it is not too hardcore for your softly cover".

We would ask Mr. Satinski to send us his mailing address so that we could send him this NSC issue- which includes a photo of the thousands Russian neo-nazis marching in Moscow, with hands raised high in a Nazi salute and yelling "Russia is for Russians Only!" Editor of NSC

"My name is Will Satinski. I was born in Moscow and migrated to the US before the economic default of 1997. All this time I have been watching how events are unfolding in the home country, sometimes even reading on line your magazine. This is what has to be said in regards to your narrow perspective.

You as an editor completely ignore the social movement called, "Strategy 31" Perhaps you have never heard of it? Well you should know that on every month that has 31st date, on that date citizens throughout the country are protesting on the streets of their cities. The Russian constitution, paragraph 31 states this right. This constitution has been violated many times by the Russian authorities, while protestors get beaten and taken away by the police to be finger printed at the police stations.

Sometimes these protestors get locked up on bogus accusations jailed from 48 hours to 10 days. I urge you to write about it. On October 31st in Moscow there were 133 protestors arrested. I am attaching a link to the full story. I would love to see this in print, if it is not to hardcore for your softy cover.

There were many attacks on Russians here by Chechens and other Caucasian people, but they hardly get charged because they bribe the police, even though some Russians were killed by these people. The Government is not

helping to prosecute these people are tasking to the streets in protest. But did your journal write about it? No!

I will have some more news to report to you soon enough.


FROM FLORIDA USA "The killing of Gaddafi and the

knife that was used by these fascist rabble to sodomize Gaddafi was a U.S. made combat knife, called the BK&T - which is called in Arabic "Bicketti".

Gaddafi was bloodied and terrorized and screaming in Arabic before the knife sodomized him."

http://newsone.com/world/nessonestaff 2/gaddafi-sodomized-knife/


M<any thanks for your kind letters. Enclosed please find some progressive newspapers that are being published in Ukraine which are anti-present government of Ukraine and striving for the resurrection of the USSR.

Articles on the murder of Gaddafi are in these newspapers. The death of President Gaddafi is a blow to all former Socialist countries. There should have been organized movements for support for the government of Libya -people's movements as well as by the former socialist state leaders. The absence of a veto by China and Russia and being silent against this horrendous war crime is unforgivable.

We as readers of Northstar Compass and all dedicated Communists must struggle against US imperialism and its New World Order! These Imperialist expansion wars are all over our planet.

When the USSR was in existence, it defended all these countries like Cuba, North Korea and even China. Now there is no USSR to stand up against this NATO-US onslaught and there should be started a complete boycott of all US goods and trade all across the world. This US-

Page 35: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje

NATO expansion is to gain control all over the world. Progressive mankind must support all those forces that are struggling against this US New World Order.

The US Democratic Party - this is just the front for the Zionist Lobby of Israel and of the International Zionism. Obama was elected as a Black president in order to cover the fact that US imperialism was on the warpath against Black Africa for it natural riches and against the growing Black revolutionary movements on this African continent and this US push for world domination must be stopped!

Regarding the Fourth World Congress that was proposed by the Third World Congress delegates to be held in Moscow in 2014 -in my estimation this is not realistic!

General Fomin who was at the Third World Congress is a dedicated Soviet Hero and a brilliant man. But neither Putin or Medvedev will allows him and the Soviet Friendship Society with Foreign Countries to organize this Fourth World Congress in Moscow and many foreign delegates (as well as you Michael) will n t be able to get a visa.

Maybe the best venue would be Greece where there is a very strong and active Communist Party. You should get in touch with them. Of course it would be much easier and closer for many delegates from Europe, Asia and Africa to come to Greece.

I greet and salute all of the members and \friends on the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution!

Tamara Yakubovskaya

Irina Malenko

Sovietica The main characters of the

trilogy "Sovietica" were born and brought up in various corners of our planet. Yet, they all have something in common: an uncompromising stand against injustice, hatred for imperialism, love for mankind.


Dear Helen and friends: Please get me the address of

Galina Savchenko in Ukraine who writes such great articles and sends photos to NSC.

Enclosed is a 20pd ($32.)

donation towards NSC. Also enclosed is a photo of the Lenin Room - Marx Memorial Library in London. I had the honor of sitting on the chair of Vladimir Lenin that he used to sit on while editing the very first issue of ISKRA publication. WOW!

Clifford R. Row

Zhenya Kalashnikova, a woman born and raised in the Soviet Union, emigrated to the West during Perestroika. She travels to Ireland after her divorce in search of work: in order to provide for her little daughter who has become disabled after illness, and in search of a proper medical treatment for her. She lands among the Irish people who are fighting for reunification of their country. Destiny brings Zhenya and her daughter to Cuba where little Lisa receives free medical treatment. After returning (due to lack of alternative) to a world that considers itself "civilized", Zhenya feels more and more that it's impossible to remain passive while in the face of lies, ignorance and evil hidden under a cloak of fancy words. Through various trials and tribulations she ends up to the DPRK and from there she travels to the island of Curacao, the native land of her ex-husband, where an American military base is situated. This is also a base for

subversion aimed at the revolutionary Venezuela of Hugo Chavez...

Would our heroine, along with her Irish comrade, be able to prevent the threat hanging over Venezuela?

See: http://www.lulu.com/content/paperba

ck-book/sovi%c3%a9tica-part-1-dublin/10577656 For contacting the author write to: [email protected]

Page 36: EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC - NorthStar CompassHelen Lucas Financia, l Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichett -i Chil e Ray Berblin -g Australia Zdenek Novotn -y Czec Reph . Manik Mukherje