edse12013, assessment one, idiens, samantha

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Learning Resources Collation and Justification

EDSE:12013- Assessment One

Samantha Idiens (S0236287)


Course Coordinator: o Dar!us"h #e"turer: $iriam %am

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Table of Contents

Contents.................................................................................................. 2

Part A: Contet of Learn!n".......................................................................#

Part $: Annotate% Co&'en%!(&.................................................................5Reso(r)e: *t(%ent Tet +ne..............................................................................5Reso(r)e: *t(%ent Tet T,o..............................................................................-Reso(r)e: Tea)er Constr()te% Tet +ne.........................................................../Reso(r)e: Tea)er Constr()te% Tet T,o............................................................Reso(r)e: A(%!o!s(al Mater!al +ne.................................................................3Reso(r)e: A(%!o!s(al Mater!al T,o................................................................10Reso(r)e: ebbase%+nl!ne Reso(r)e +ne......................................................11Reso(r)e: ebbase%+nl!ne Reso(r)e T,o......................................................12

Part C: 6(st!7)at!on.................................................................................1#L!st of Referen)es...................................................................................1-

A''en%!)es............................................................................................1A''en%! +ne.................................................................................................1A''en%! T,o.................................................................................................1A''en%! Tree..............................................................................................13A''en%! Fo(r................................................................................................13A''en%! F!8e................................................................................................20A''en%! *!..................................................................................................21A''en%! *e8en..............................................................................................2#

#earnin! &esour"es Co''ation and usti"ation2

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Part A: Contet of Learn!n"

Responding to Natural Hazards (aendi* A) is a +ear 11 ,eo!rah+ unit o .or/

.hi"h .i'' e im'emented oer si* .ee/s to a "'ass o 1 students  .hat sta!e o the

+ear4 5he students are not a'' motiated + otainin! an oera'' osition (O)

thereore the "'ass reuires e*'i"it e*e"tations and dire"tions  rom the tea"her4

 5he students reuire "ontent that is en!a!in! e*"itin! and that is 'in/ed to rea'

e*erien"es9eents4 Students .or/ .e'' indiidua''+ and sh+ a.a+ rom oi"in!

oinions and arti"iatin! in "o''aoration a"tiities4 Se"ia' "onsideration throu!h

ri!orous re'eant and en!a!in! 'earnin! oortunities .i'' e a'ied to a !ited and

ta'ented student (Austra'ian Curri"u'um Assessment and &eortin! Authorit+

(ACA&A) n4d4)4 5as/s .i'' e stru"tured to "ater or this students indiidua' 'earnin!

needs interests stren!ths and !oa's (ACA&A n4d4)4 &esour"es and a"tiities .i'' e

stru"tured to en"oura!e "o''aoration and ui'd "onden"e in students4

Student de"'aratie and ro"edura' /no.'ed!e shou'd e assessed eore de'ierin!

"ontent4 Students hae a"uired and inte!rated ro"edura' and de"'aratie

/no.'ed!e rom the Austra'ian Curri"u'um (n4d4) +ear ten a"hieement standard

.hi"h seres as a /no.'ed!e ase or the unit o .or/ see Aendi* 5.o4

Responding to Natural Hazards is a o"us unit rom a !eo!rah+ .or/ ro!ram that is

im'emented throu!hout +ear 11 and +ear 124 ,eo!rah+ is an aroed and issued

;ueens'and Curri"u'um and Assessment Authorit+ (;CAA) (201) Authorit+ su<e"t=

resu'ts rom Authorit+ su<e"ts are "a'"u'ated in order to roide students tertiar+

entran"e4 5he "om'etion o the su<e"ts  a''o.s students to etter e*'ore

understand and ea'uate the satia' and e"o'o!i"a' dimensions o the .or'd

(;ueens'and Studies Authorit+ (;SA) 2007a)4 >+ understandin! the 'in/s that e*ist

et.een a'' "omonents o the natura' enironment  students are "onsiderin!

?imortant /no.'ed!e sin"e the+ ana'+se the resonsii'it+ it 'a"es on eo'e in a''

ase"ts o 'ie and the+ "an use that /no.'ed!e in s"hoo' and 'ie (;SA 2007=

$ar@ano i"/erin! 1BB7)4 5he unit o .or/ Responding to Natural Hazards "reates

/no.'ed!e or students to "om'ete a summatie9"u'minatin! tas/ + tar!etin!

de"'aratie and ro"edura' /no.'ed!e su"h as inesti!atin! natura' ha@ards and their

#earnin! &esour"es Co''ation and usti"ation



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ima"t on  the natura' enironment and human a"tiities4 &esour"es .ithin the .or/

ro!ram .i'' 'oo/ at stimu'us materia's and as/ roide Interret (ie) !eo!rahi"a'

inormation in order to reare or a data resonse test (;CAA 201)4

 5he ,eo!rah+ Senior S+''aus do"ument inorms the reuirements and "on"ets

needed .ithin .or/ ro!rams and units in order or students to "om'ete the su<e"t4

,eo!rah+ reares students or 'ie e+ond s"hoo' + roidin! an inormed

erse"tie= the satia' and e"o'o!i"a' dimensions are "onsidered a"ross a t.o-+ear

"ourse in order to "reate !eo!rahi"a''+ inormed "iti@ens (;SA 2007a)4 Students .i''

e a'e to understand the interdeendent sheres in .hi"h the+ 'ie and

suseuent'+ ma/e <ud!ements to imroe the enironment around them (;SA

2007a)4 S"hoo's must roide .or/ ro!rams that adhere to s+''aus reuirements

and meet e*it "riteria and standards (;SA 2007)4 Responding to Natural Hazardsroides a rationa'e /e+ uestions and /e+ ideas and 'earnin! e*erien"es or

e*am'e the resonse to natura' ha@ards throu!h resondin! to tsunamis "+"'ones

and ushres isn an oerie. o mana!in! the enironment (;SA 2007a)4

 5he resour"es are desi!ned to ino'e students .ith en!a!in! e*"itin! and re'eant

"ontent4 5he resour"es a'i!n .ith the arameters out'ined .ithin the 2007 ,eo!rah+

Senior S+''aus + "reatin! satia''+ and e"o'o!i"a''+ a.are students that .i'' dee'oan inormed !'oa' erse"tie4 5he needs and ai'ities o the students are "atered to

throu!h e*'i"it se'e"tion o resour"es and im'ementation4 5he unit o .or/ reares

students or a summatie data resonse test throu!h a""umu'atin! re"ourses that

'oo/ at stimu'us materia's and !eo!rahi"a' inormation4 5he im'ementation o the

resour"es .i'' he' the students to understand natura' ha@ards as a art o mana!in!

the natura' enironment4

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Part $: Annotate% Co&'en%!(&

&esour"e: Student 5e*t OneSee Appendix Three

 5he Senior Geography for Queensland Book One (author year!  is aroriate or the

Responding to Natural Hazards unit o .or/ sin"e it has een .ritten or the s+''aus

or Senior ,eo!rah+ "oerin! /e+ uestions and ideas or !eo!rahi"a' inuir+4 5he

Responding to Natural Hazards "hater e*'i"it'+ 'in/s to the unit o .or/ and students"an a'+ and inte!rate ro"edura' /no.'ed!e or e*am'e ana'+sin! and

interretin! data and "ase studies ($ar@ano i"/erin! 1BB7)4 Students reuire a

ariet+ o rea' 'ie erse"ties ("ase studies) o their .or'd i the+ are to arti"iate

u''+ as "iti@ens ($arsh %art 2011)4 Case studies are a""omanied + uestionin!

ana'+sis interretation and "an e e*tended in order to "ater or !ited and ta'ented


A)t!8!t9: ("hapter T#o! Regional "ase Study$ %ol&anoes of 'taly  


14 5ea"her introdu"es te*t as s"ho'ar'+ se"ondar+ sour"e that s"ao'ds methods

and aroa"hes to !eo!rahi"a' inuir+424 E*'i"it'+ state the e*e"tations o the tas/= state a!e(s) uestions and deth

o ans.ers reuired4

34 A''o"ate e minutes (aro*imate'+) or the rst uestion= sto "'ass andtea"her mode's uestion ans.er on oard to urther identi+ e*e"tations and

ro"edures o tas/44 Students dire"ted a"/ to indiidua' "om'etion o tas/44 Se"ia' "onsideration: As/ student(s) to "ondu"t urther resear"h into the

o'"anoes o Ita'+ mini resear"h aer (roided)4 Other sour"es o inormation

.i'' a''o.ed to e a""essed throu!h the tea"her4

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64 or/ around the "'ass to hear ans.ers en"oura!e arti"iation4 I there are no

resonses e'i"it arti"iation in "o''aoration o ans.ers + mentionin! ans.ers

as ?a ti"/et out the door4

&esour"e: Student 5e*t 5.oSee Appendix our

 5he  )a&aranda Atlas *th  +dition  Ref   "aters to !eo!rah+ students throu!h our

se"tions ,eoS/i''s ,eoCon"ets ,eo&eeren"e ,eo5oi"s and ord Statisti"s4

Students need to e a'e to retriee "reate maniu'ate and resent inormation9data

in order to orm ,eo!rahi"a' s/i''s (;SA 2007a)4 5he resour"e in"'udes a .ide

ariet+ o !eo!rahi" media or e*am'e too!rahi" mas and "'imati" mas .hi"h

a''o.s students to interret data4 Cooeratie !rou .or/ ui'ds se'-esteem

imroes re'ationshis and enhan"es so"ia' and edu"ationa' s/i''s (Fre+ Fisher

Eer'oe 200B)4 5he resour"e roides ,eo5oi"s students "an dis"uss in !rous and

share .ith their eers4

Tea)!n" A)t!8!t9:

Students diided into !rous ia the i!sa. $ethod (add aendi* aout <i!sa.

method .oosG)($arsh %art 2011)= ,eo5oi"s (Earthua/es and Ho'"anoes) $ount

Hesuius %a.aii %aiti and >anda A"eh are 'ae''ed A > C and D4 Students moe to

their a''o"ated "ase stud+ and inesti!ate ha@ards and ris/s o ea"h4 On"e nished

students ea'uate the ro'ems and ossi'e so'utions to !rou .or/ in order toen"oura!e se'-esteem and "o''aoration in the uture ($arsh %art 2011)4

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&esour"e: 5ea"her Constru"ted 5e*t One

 Appendix i,e

 5he resour"e ea'uates the rimar+ se"ondar+ and tertiar+ ha@ards asso"iated .ith

the 5sunami that hit aan in 20114 Students need to "onsider the ima"t natura'

ha@ards hae on so"ia' e"onomi" o'iti"a' and h+si"a' "onte*ts (;SA 2007a)4 5he

resour"e roides a !rahi" or!aniser to he' students understand the nature and

un"tion ha@ard ima"ts .hi"h he's students dee'o s+stem ana'+sis s/i''s

($ar@ano i"/erin! 1BB7= ;SA 2007a)4 Students use the resour"e to orm a

!eo!rahi"a' inuir+ + inesti!atin! .ide'+ and ui'din! ne. understandin!s

meanin!s and /no.'ed!e rom their dis"oeries (;SA 2007a)4


14 C'ass dis"ussion to remind students o the denitions o rimar+ () se"ondar+

(S) and tertiar+ (5) ha@ards424 TH'N-. %and out .or/sheet- students .i'' .or/ indeendent'+ or ten minutes434 /A'R. Dire"t students to air .ith the student ne*t to them and rainstorm

dis"oeries asso"iated .ith !rahi" or!aniser44 SHAR+. airs moe to the oard and .rite and e*'ain one ha@ard or ea"h

"riteria (S 5)44 Students indiidua''+ .rite do.n an+ ans.ers the+ did not !et rom eer

ans.ers401 +xtension A&ti,ity (Spe&ial "onsideration for G2T!. It is su!!ested to resear"h

a"tua' reer"ussions o the 5sunami and hi!h'i!ht in dierent "o'oured en on

!rahi" or!aniser4

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&esour"e: 5ea"her Constru"ted 5e*t 5.oSee Appendix Six

 5he resour"e ea'uates a""ounts and e*erien"es o the %aiti Earthua/e 2010 to

assess the seerit+ o ima"ts and ar+in! "u'tura' resonses (;SA 2007a)4 $edia

resour"es "reate oortunities or students to read dis"uss and deate eents

($arsh %art 2011)4 hen students er"eie tas/s as meanin!u' and re'eant the+

are more motiated to a"uire inormation to "om'ete the tas/ ($ar@ano i"/erin!

1BB7)4 5he students are !ien the oortunit+ to "omare the e*erien"e o the

%aitian eo'e to their o.n erson e*erien"e4 >+ a'i!nin! .ith student interests and

!oa's the tas/ "reates a re'eant and en!a!in! 'earnin! oortunit+ or !ited and

ta'ented students (ACA&A n4d4)4 As senior ,eo!rahers it is imortant that students

dee'o the ai'it+ to "'ari+ and dee'o ersona' a'ues .hi"h "an e a"hieed

throu!h enironmenta' so"ia' and "u'tura' uestions issues and ro'ems (;SA


Tea)!n" A)t!8!t9:

Dire"t students to read the ne.s arti"'e a""ount o the %aitian Earthua/e notin!

ersona' a""ounts and e*erien"es4 As/ students to "onsider ersona' e*erien"es

interests and !oa's in "on<un"tion .ith the e*erien"e o an earthua/e in Austra'ia

(ACA&A n4d4)4 Students .i'' .rite a ara!rah and ersona' a""ount resondin! to the

so"ia' e"onomi" o'iti"a' and h+si"a' "onte*ts (;SA 2007a)4

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&esour"e: Audio-Hisua' $ateria' One


 5he audio-isua' resour"e 'oo/s at sate''ite ima!es o natura' disasters .hi"h "an e

used as a "omosition o data to orm !eo!rahi"a' inuir+ (;SA 201)4 Students are

reuired to reare or a data resonse test in +ear 11 ,eo!rah+= 'oo/in! at

hoto!rahs and sate''ite ima!es o ima"ts asso"iated .ith natura' disasters "an

reare them or assessment (;SA 201)4 Students 'earnin! "an e enhan"ed

throu!h Inormation and Communi"ation 5oo's (IC5) su"h as Jou5ue= the resour"e

sho.s ,'oa' ositionin! S+stems (,S) and ,eo!rahi"a' Inormation S+stems (,IS)

.hi"h he' ana'+se ea'uate and redi"t atterns and ro"esses ($arsh %art2011)4 5he resour"e a''o.s students to ana'+se statisti"s and ,IS data .hi"h is a

su!!ested 'earnin! e*erien"e in the .or/ ro!ram (see aendi* one)4

Tea)!n" A)t!8!t9:

31 at"h the Jou5ue "'i as a "'ass= stimu'ate a "'ass dis"ussion "on"ernin! some

o the oious ima"ts4

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41 rite +xplain the so&ial e&ono5i& politi&al and physi&al i5pa&ts asso&iated

#ith the natural disasters in the i5ages1 6hat are the / S 2 T i5pa&ts7 Are

there di8eren&es in se,erity for de,eloped and de,eloping &ountries791 A''o. students to ans.er tas/= re'+ "'i as man+ times as ne"essar+ to aid in

student resonse4:1 Co''e"t student .or/ at the end o the 'esson in order to do"ument student

ro!ress and a''o. or tea"her eeda"/4

&esour"e: Audio-Hisua' $ateria' 5.o

See Appendix Se,en

 5he Raging /lanet %ol&ano ref  is an eisode rom a te'eision9do"umentar+ series that

'oo/s at the .or'ds dead'iest o'"anoes and their dierent t+es o erutions4 5he

in"ororation o moies and do"umentaries enhan"e se"ondar+ students are"iation

o the toi" and ma+ redu"e resistan"e to s"hoo' and 'earnin! ($arsh %art 2011)4

 5he resour"e he's students understand the ro"esses asso"iated .ith o'"anoes and

assess the ima"ts the+ "ause4 5he resour"e "an e used to inorm !eo!rahi"a'

inuir+ "on"ernin! the so"ia' e"onomi" o'iti"a' and h+si"a' ima"ts o o'"anoes

(;SA 2007a)4

Tea)!n" A)t!8!t9:

14 %i!h'i!ht uestions or do"umentar+ + usin! the .hiteoard: 6hat are the

so&ial e&ono5i& politi&al and physi&al i5pa&ts of ,ol&anoes7 6hat types of 

eruptions #ere sho#n7 6hat are the di8eren&es in s&ale and;or type of i5pa&t 

the eruptions sho#n &ause7

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24 'a+ the do"umentar+= e*'i"it'+ state that the tas/ is indiidua' and ta'/in! is

not needed434 Sto the resour"e i ne"essar+ to a"/ u "ertain oints44 On"e nished moe around the room and as/ students /e+ uestions

asso"iated .ith the "'i4 As/ students o /no.n a"tie o'"anoes401 Spe&ial "onsideration. 5e'' student(s) that the+ "an 'oo/ u a o'"ano as a "ase

stud+ or home.or/ 'oo/in! at erution t+e and ima"ts4

&esour"e: e-ased9On'ine &esour"e One#in/:htt:99msn"media4msn4"om9i9msn"9Comonents9Intera"ties95e"hno'o!+KS"ien"e9S"ien"e9Earthua/es9@F'ashAssets9Earthua/esK214s.  

 5his resour"e a''o.s students to intera"t .ith 'ate te"toni"s and earthua/es +

'o"atin! .hat "auses earthua/es on a !'oe and dia!ram4 It is imortant that

students a""ess di!ita' ima!es in order to dee'o satia' 'itera"+ (;SA 2007a)4

Comuter inormation sear"hes su"h as intera"tie .esites a''o. students to enri"h

"ontent to ma/e it more stimu'atin! .hi"h "an e*"ite interest and so'utions to rea'-

'ie s"enarios ($i'ne 2010)4 Intera"tie a"tiities roide more deth to 'earnin! area

"ontent that enri"hes 'earnin! e*erien"es or !ited and ta'ented students (ACA&A

2013)4 5he ,eo!rah+ senior s+''aus states that students need to intera"t .ith mas

dia!rams and statisti"s to ui'd ee"tie resear"h and "ommuni"ation s/i''s (;SA


A)t!8!t9: E*'ore 'ate 5e"toni"s and Earthua/es#earnin! &esour"es Co''ation and usti"ation



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14 Students .i'' .or/ in "omuter 'a in order to a""ess the internet- students are

to'd to .or/ indeendent'+424 roide .esite 'in/ or students on the .hiteoard as .e'' as a hand out "o+

o !'oe ma and dia!ram rom .esite434 Students .or/ throu!h .esite and "o+ do.n items 'isted onto their


4 Students are as/ed to "o+ denitions roided into a !'ossar+- students .i'' e

as/ed to des"rie9'o"ate or dene an item to the "'ass4

&esour"e: e-ased9On'ine &esour"e 5.o

#in/: htts:99s"hoo's4aemi4edu4au9Disaster-euest  

 5he resour"e as/s students to orm a team to ana'+se natura' disasters in Austra'ia

and assume the ro'es and erse"ties asso"iated .ith the tas/ in order to stimu'ate

authenti"it+ ($arsh %art 2011)4 Students enet rom .or/in! in a team and are

a'e to e re.arded or their "o''e"tie a""om'ishments ($arsh %art 2011)4 Asart o the senior ,eo!rah+ .or/ ro!ram students are to orm a ,eo!rahi"a'

inuir+ "on"ernin! re!iona' and nationa' natura' disasters (;SA 2007a)4 As a memer

o a !rou students dee'o ee"tie 'istenin! and "ommuni"atin! s/i''s and !rou-

ro"essin! s/i''s suseuent'+ ui'din! "onden"e to "o''aorate ($arsh %art


Tea)!n" A)t!8!t9:

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Students are ore.arned aout the tas/ in the 'esson eore and are as/ed to inuire

aout ami'+ or riends natura' disaster e*erien"es4 5ea"her modies <isaster 

6e=>uest in order to determine the !rou arran!ements a''o.in! students to !et to

/no. ea"h other etter4 5he tea"her must "reate "'ear ro'es or ea"h student so to

aoid "onLi"t et.een 'o. and hi!h a"hieers ($arsh %art 2011)4 Students moe

to the "omuter 'a the o''o.in! 'esson and .or/ as a team to nish the tas/4

Students resent ndin!s at the e!innin! o the o''o.in! 'esson4

Part C: 6(st!7)at!on

 5he Senior Sylla=us Geography 4??* has inormed the se'e"tion o resour"es or the

Responding to Natural <isasters +ear 11 unit o .or/4 Ea"h resour"e is desi!ned to

e'i"it student "aai'ities that a'i!n .ith !'oa' aims !enera' o<e"ties and ne"essar+

senior !eo!rahi"a' /no.'ed!e and s/i''s to inorm rea"tions in a data resonse

assessment4 5he "'ass at hand aried in a"ademi" motiation and reuired e*'i"it

e*e"tations and dire"tions and tas/s that suort en!a!ement e*"itement and 'in/s

to rea' s"enarios4 Se"ia' "onsideration in the desi!n and9or im'ementation o the

resour"es .as !ien to a !ited and ta'ented student4 5he resour"es aimed to dee'o

students se'-esteem and "o''aoration s/i''s + in"'udin! "ooeratie 'earnin! ($arsh

#earnin! &esour"es Co''ation and usti"ation



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%art 2011)4 Senior ,eo!rah+ a''o.s students to e"ome inormed adu'ts that

understand the interdeendent sheres o the .or'd and "an ma/e de"isions that

imroe their "ommunit+ state "ountr+ and the .or'd (;SA 2007a)4 5he resour"es

.ere desi!ned to reresent !eo!rahi"a' inormation s/i''s and erse"ties in order

to he' students understand the satia' and e"o'o!i"a' dimensions o the .or'd (;SA

2007a)4 5he "omendium o resour"es in"'uded student te*ts tea"her "onstru"ted

te*ts audio-isua' materia's and .e-ased9on'ine resour"es4


 5he student te*ts .ere underinned + /e+ uestions and "on"ets .ithin the Senior 

Sylla=us Geography 4??* e*'i"it'+ 'in/in! to student interests ai'ities and rea'

s"enarios4 5he Senior Geography for Queensland Book One and )a&aranda Atlas *th

+dition .ere .ritten .ith se"ia' "onsideration o the 2007 s+''aus in Senior,eo!rah+ and "reated to meet the need o ,eo!rah+ students rese"tie'+

(a"aranda 201)4 5he resour"es inorm !eo!rahi"a' inuir+ + roidin! "ase

studies o rea' natura' disasters in re"ent histor+= students arti"iate in ana'+ti"a'

ro"esses + re"o!nisin! the trends simi'arities9dieren"es and atterns o natura'

disasters9ha@ards (;SA 2007a)4 Contemorar+ te*too/s su"h as these resour"es

in"'ude "u'tura' in"'usieness "riti"a' thin/in! and se"u'ar ie.oints .hi"h he'

students e"ome inormed "iti@ens ($arsh %art 2011= ;SA 2007a)4 5he te*too/s"an e in"'uded as a"tiities and reeren"e oints throu!hout the unit= "ase studies

.i'' roide re!iona' nationa' and !'oa' erse"ties that .i'' interest and en!a!e



 5he tea"her "onstru"ted te*ts 'in/ to the 2007 ,eo!rah+ Senior S+''aus and "reate

oortunities or students to orm !eo!rahi"a' inuir+4 Students use the resour"es toinesti!ate arious erse"ties and use those erse"ties to inorm ersona'

a'ues (;CA 2007a)4 5he resour"e a''o.s students to inesti!ate ima"ts o natura'

disasters .ide'+ suseuent'+ ui'din! ne. understandin!s meanin!s and

/no.'ed!e rom their dis"oeries (;SA 2007a)4 5he !ited and ta'ented student .as

"atered to throu!h the otion o an e*tension a"tiit+ a''o.in! or dierent interests

ai'ities and !oa's (ACA&A n4d4)4 Current !eo!rah+ ra"ti"e aims to he' students

e*'ore !eo!rah+ in meanin!u' "onte*ts the resour"e en!a!es students in eents

#earnin! &esour"es Co''ation and usti"ation



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and ima"ts o natura' disasters around the .or'd ($arsh %art 2011)4 5he

"onstru"tiist aroa"h to ,eo!rah+ in "ontemorar+ times emhasises the use o 

these resour"es sin"e students need to nd ea'uate and maniu'ate inormation

rom a ariet+ o "onte*ts (Mimse+ Cameron 2007)4 Students "an use resour"es

throu!hout the unit to understand ho. 'an!ua!e and ima!es in stories and ersona'

a""ounts "an e used to ma/e and maniu'ate meanin!4


 5he t.o audio-isua' resour"es hae een inormed + the s+''aus do"ument throu!h

'in/in! to ana'+ti"a' ro"esses and de"ision ma/in! s/i''s .ithin the !enera'

o<e"ties4 Students use the Jou5ue "'i to ea'uate the issues and atterns

(ana'+ti"a' ro"ess) that natura' disasters hae "aused in dierent 'o"ations

throu!hout the .or'd a''o.in! students to re"o!nise the enironmenta' so"ia'e"onomi" and o'iti"a' im'i"ations o the ha@ards (de"ision-ma/in!) (;SA 2007a)4

Se"ia' "onsideration as !ien throu!h the oortunit+ o e*tendin! the "ase stud+4

 5he resour"e reares students or a data resonse test + in"ororatin! sate''ite

ima!es and hoto!rahs (;SA 201)4 5hrou!h in"ororatin! ,IS and ,S ima!es in

the Jou5ue "'i the tea"her "an he' students dee'o satia' thin/in! and satia'

'itera"+ ($arsh %art 2011= ;SA 2007a)4 Contemorar+ resear"hers reea' that +

in"ororatin! ,S and ,IS in resour"es students enet and hae een re"orded tootain hi!her resu'ts (O@!en 200B)4 Continuous in"ororation o these too's

throu!hout the unit .i'' "reate stron! reeren"e oints or students to enhan"e their

understandin! satia' dimensions o natura' ha@ards (;SA 2007a)4


 5he .e-ased9on'ine resour"es .ere inormed + the s+''aus do"ument + 'in/in! to

the !'oa' aims4 >+ a""essin! di!ita' ima!er+ o 'ate te"toni"s on a !'oa' s"a'e andearthua/es on a 'o"a' s"a'e (dia!ram) students are a'e to meet the s+''aus

do"ument Spatial @itera&y aim (;SA 2007a)4 >+ aroriate'+ intera"tin! .ith mas

dia!rams and statisti"s the resour"es a'i!n .ith the !enera' o<e"tie ?&esear"h and

Communi"ation (;SA 2007a)4 euests a''o. students to ma/e !rou de"isions

that dee'o de"ision-ma/in! s/i''s ($arsh %art 2011= ;SA 2007a)4 5he .euest

a''o.s the students to underta/e ro'em-ased 'earnin! (>#) throu!h a "ooerate

a"tiit+ .hi"h dee'os "riti"a' thin/in! s/i''s .hi"h are inte!ra' in "reatin! inormed

#earnin! &esour"es Co''ation and usti"ation



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erse"ties .ithin +oun! eo'e (Jeun! 2010= ;SA 2007a)4 Contemorar+ resear"h

reea's that ># a"tiities he' students dee'o se'-dire"tedness (Jeun! 2010)4

Continuous use o IC5 resour"es su"h as these throu!hout the unit .i'' romote

dierent erse"ties understandin! s/i''s and a'ues that "an inorm students to

hae a sustaina'e adu't erse"tie ($arsh %art 2011= ;SA 2007a)4

 5he "omendium o resour"es .ere desi!ned to "reated inormed "iti@ens that

understand the satia' and e"o'o!i"a' dimensions o ,eo!rah+4 5he resour"es "reate

e*'i"it 'in/s to the !'oa' aims !enera' o<e"ties and s/i''s and /no.'ed!e

ne"essar+ to "reate inormed ,eo!rah+ students4 5he "ohort .as "atered to throu!h

in"ororation o e*'i"it im'ementation o "ooeratie 'earnin! and en!a!in! and

re'eant "ase studies o natura' disasters4 Se"ia' "onsideration .as !ien to a !ited

and ta'ented student throu!h e*tended and dierentiated im'ementation and"ontent4 5he resour"es .or/ to "reate an en!a!in! e*"itin! and re'eant "'assroom

enironment that 'in/s to "ontemorar+ so"iet+4 Students "an use the resour"es to

rea"h !enera' o<e"ties !'oa' aims and ,eo!rahi" s/i''s and /no.'ed!e stated in

the 2007 ,eo!rah+ Senior S+''aus= the use o the resour"es throu!hout the

Responding to Natural Hazards unit o .or/ .i'' "reate inormed adu't "iti@ens4

#earnin! &esour"es Co''ation and usti"ation



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L!st of Referen)es

Austra'ian Curri"u'um Assessment and &eortin! Authorit+ (ACA&A)4 (n4d4)4 Gifted and

talented students1 &etrieed rom:



Austra'ian Curri"u'um Assessment and &eortin! Authorit+ (ACA&A)4 (2013)4 Student

di,ersity1 &etrieed rom:


Fre+ N4 Fisher D4 Eer'oe S4 (200B)4 /rodu&ti,e Group 6ork. Ho# to +ngage

Students Build Tea5#ork and /ro5ote nderstanding4 A'e*andria: ASCD 200B4

 a"aranda4 (201)4 Geography1 &etrieed rom:


Mimse+ $4 >4 Cameron S4 #4 (200)4 5ea"hin! and Assessin! Inormation #itera"+

in a ,eo!rah+ ro!ram4 ourna' O ,eo!rah+ 10(1) 17-234

$arsh C4 %art C4 (2011)4 Tea&hing the so&ial s&ien&es and hu5anities in an

 Australian "urri&ulu5 6th ed4)4 Fren"hs Forest NS: earson Austra'ia4

$ar@ano &4 4 i"/erin! D4 4 Arredondo D4 E4 (2011)4 <i5ensions of @earning

Tea&hers Canual1 A'e*andria: ASCD 20114

$i'ne %4 4 O4 (2010)4 Se"ia' 'earnin! needs: ,ited and 'earnin! disa'ed4 In $4 %+de

#4 Carenter &4 Con.a+ (Eds) <i,ersity and in&lusion in Australian s&hools

(2B0-208)4 South $e'ourne HIC: O*ord niersit+ ress4

O@!en Nurettin4 200B4 P5he Fun"tiona'it+ o a ,eo!rah+ Inormation S+stem (,IS)

 5e"hno'o!+ in ,eo!rah+ 5ea"hin!: A'i"ation o a Sam'e #esson4P +du&ational

S&ien&es. Theory And /ra&ti&e B no4 : 187B-18B4

#earnin! &esour"es Co''ation and usti"ation



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;ueens'and Curri"u'um and Assessment Authorit+ (;CAA)4 (201)4 A$D senior su=Ee&t

list1 &etrieed rom: htt:99...4"aa4'd4edu4au96704htm'  

;ueens'and Curri"u'um and Assessment Authorit+ (;CAA)4 (201)4 Geography 4??*.

 Ad,i&e for tea&her$ <ata response tests1 &etrieed rom:



;ueens'and Studies Authorit+ (;SA)4 (2007a)4 Senior sylla=us. Geography 4??*1

&etrieed rom:


;ueens'and Studies Authorit+ (;SA)4 (2007)4 Geography (4??* sylla=us! 6ork progra5 re>uire5ents1 &etrieed rom:


 5en >er!e 54 an %[email protected]</ &4 (1BBB)4 ro"edura' and de"'aratie /no.'ed!e: An

eo'utionair+ ersre"tie4 Theory and /sy&hology F() 60-624

 Jeun! S4 (2010)4 ro'em->ased #earnin! or romotin! Student #earnin! in %i!hS"hoo' ,eo!rah+4 )ournal Of Geography  3?F() 1B0-2004

#earnin! &esour"es Co''ation and usti"ation



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A''en%!)esAendi* One

#in/: htt:99...4"aa4'd4edu4au9do.n'oads9senior9snrK!eo!rah+K07K.KsamK14d 

Aendi* 5.o


#earnin! &esour"es Co''ation and usti"ation



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Aendi* 5hree

Aendi* Four

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Aendi* FieEa&!ne to'o"ra'!)alsatell!te !&a"es &a's to obser8e )an"es !n te lan%s)a'e%(e Ts(na&!s 6a'an $efore an% After Ts(na&! 2002011

Use te )onse=(en)es ,eel belo, to ea&!ne te !&'a)ts of te 6a'an Ts(na&!>)ons!%er!n" te so)!al> e)ono&!)> 'ol!t!)al an% '9s!)al )ontets? Te )entre of te)!r)le re'resents 'r!&ar9 a@ar%s> te se)on% an% t!r% r!n" re'resent se)on%ar9a@ar%s an% te 7nal r!n" re'resents tert!ar9 a@ar%s.

#earnin! &esour"es Co''ation and usti"ation



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Aendi* Si*Rea% te follo,!n" ne,s art!)le fro& $$C e%nes%a9> 1# 6an(ar9 2010at %!eren)es ,o(l% <a!t! e'er!en)e !n re)o8er9 !n )o&'ar!son to

A(stral!a. r!te a 'ara"ra' an% )ons!%er te so)!al> e)ono&!)> 'ol!t!)al an%'9s!)al )ontets> as ,ell as a s&all 'ara"ra' %e%!)ate% to o, aneart=(aBe ,o(l% ae)t 9o(r l!fe?

%aiti ua/e .itnesses sea/ odeastationEyewitnesses have spoken of scenes of devastation after a 7.0-

magnitude earthuake rocked !aiti" toppling #uildings in and

around the capital" $ort-au-$rince.

Reuters reporter Joseph Guyler Delva said when the quake hit the city

"everything started shaking, people were screaming, houses started


Mr Delva said he had seen dozens o casualties. "! saw people under the

rule, and people killed. #eople were screaming $Jesus, Jesus$ and

running in all directions." %e descried the scene as one o total chaos.

!an Rodgers, an &ustralian working with 'ave the (hildren in #ort)au)#rince, said people were searching or

loved one in the deris.

"*ou are hearing the grie o people as they realise they$ve lost people, they can$t ind their children," he told

#earnin! &esour"es Co''ation and usti"ation

People rushed into the streets after the

earthquake hit



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"+ut then again you are still hearing these cries coming out, people who are rescuing other people rom the

rule as someody comes out alive."

Mr Rodgers said rescuers were trying to ind vehicles to evacuate inured people ut the city$s power and

inrastructure were all down, leaving it "very, very dark".

-here have een ew reports rom outside the capital, ut Gloal rphan #roect posted a video on the *ou-ue

wesite it said had een ilmed in the south o %aiti "a long way rom ground zero".

-he video showed what appeared to e collapsed uildings and people walking around streets strewn with


%Running and screaming%

%enry +ahn, an oicial or the /' &griculture Department visiting %aiti, said everyody there was "ust totally

reaked out and shaken", the &ssociated #ress news agency reported.

%e said he was walking to his hotel when the ground egan to shake. "! could hear a tremendous amount o

noise and shouting and screaming in the distance."

Mr +ahn descried seeing a ravine where several houses had een

standing. "!t$s ust ull o collapsed walls and rule and ared wire."

0riting on -witter, -roy 1ivesay ) a (hristian missionary working in #ort)

au)#rince ) descried seeing odies in the street that had een pulled

out o collapsed uildings and people standing around in a state o 


-he capital had "always looked a little rough around the edges, so driving around at night it seems hard to see

the damage, then you come upon huge piles o rule where a supermarket used to e", he said.

'everal people spoke o hearing people screaming across the city ollowing the quake ollowed y singing and

prayers later on.

Mr 1ivesay said it was "a eautiul sound in the middle o a horrile tragedy".

& user o the social networking wesite -witter, identiying himsel as R&Mhaiti, said the singing had ecome

"louder and more emotional" eore susiding.

%e said he could hear no amulances or helicopters and that atershocks were still causing panic.

"#eople are screaming and reaking out down towards the stadium," he said.

2alerie Moliere, 34, had to e helped out o her amily$s home y her ather

and said the scene was one o conusion and anguish.

'he said people were in the streets "hugging and crying" and the damage

was sustantial.

"! see roken houses and many people are walking in ront o me and they

have lood all over them," she said.

-he passengers o a light rom %aiti to Miami, which let shortly ater the quake hit, said the airport uilding

had een severely damaged.

"-he whole outside had deteriorated, rom top to ottom it was cracked up totally," one man told reporters.

"0e thought it was something that hit the uilding, ut it turned out it was an earthquake."

ther passengers spoke o their ears or amily memers let ehind in %aiti.

Cries for help

(arel #edre, a -2 and radio presenter in #ort)au)#rince, told the ++( he had witnessed e5tensive damage on his

ive)mile walk through the city to reach his daughter.

#earnin! &esour"es Co''ation and usti"ation


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More from Today programme

 People are screaming and freaking out

down towards te stadium 

RAMhaiti, Twitter user 



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"! saw a lot o people crying or help, a lot o uildings collapsed, a lot o 

car damage, a lot o people without help, people leeding."

%e said he had seen a cinema, a supermarket, a cyercae and an

apartment uilding, all o which had crumled in the quake.

Mr #edre said he could eel atershocks every 34 to 67 minutes, lasting rom three to ive seconds each. -he

darkness, he said, was compounding the ear and worry people were eeling.

"-here is no electricity, all the phone networks are down, so there$s no way that people can get in touch with

their amily and riends," he said.

%e said he had not seen any emergency services, adding that while people in the neighourhood were trying to

help each other, they did not know "where to go or where to start".

0ithin minutes o the quake, a huge plume o dust and smoke was seen rising rom the capital.

Mike Godrey, a contractor or the /' &gency or !nternational Development, told (88 it looked like "a lanket

that completely covered the city and oscured it or aout 67 minutes".

Aendi* Seen

#earnin! &esour"es Co''ation and usti"ation

 Tere!s no wa" tat people can get in

touc wit teir famil" and friends 

arel Pedre



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ED*E1201# Assess&ent tasB 1 Learn!n" reso(r)es )ollat!on an% (st!7)at!on 

Cr!ter!a <!" D!st!n)t!on D!st!n)t!on Cre%!t Pass*ele)t!on of reso(r)esfor )ontet

Insi!htu' se'e"tion oresour"es and is "'ear'+and "orre"t'+ stated at anaroriate 'ee' or the+ear 'ee' identied andis "onsistent .ith theintent o the re'eant"urri"u'um rame.or/4

%i!h'+ ro"ientse'e"tion o resour"esand is "'ear'+ and"orre"t'+ stated at anaroriate 'ee' or the+ear 'ee' identied andis "onsistent .ith theintent o the re'eant"urri"u'um rame.or/4

Comrehensie se'e"tiono resour"es and is"'ear'+ and "orre"t'+stated at an aroriate'ee' or the +ear 'ee'identied .ith a'id"onne"tions .ith there'eant "urri"u'umrame.or/4

Adeuate se'e"tion oresour"es and is "'ear'+and "orre"t'+ stated at aaroriate 'ee' or the+ear 'ee' identied .ithsome "onne"tions madeto the re'eant"urri"u'um rame.or/4

Rele8ant )ontentBno,le%"e

Sohisti"ated a'i"ationo re'eant "ontent/no.'ed!e to enhan"etea"hin! and 'earnin!throu!h the dee'oment

o 'earnin! resour"es orthe senior 'earnin!

%i!h'+ ro"ienta'i"ation o re'eant"ontent /no.'ed!e toenhan"e tea"hin! and'earnin! throu!h the

dee'oment o 'earnin!resour"es or the senior

Comrehensiea'i"ation o "ontent/no.'ed!e to enhan"etea"hin! and 'earnin!throu!h the dee'oment

o 'earnin! resour"es orthe senior 'earnin!

Adeuate a'i"ation o"ontent /no.'ed!e toenhan"e tea"hin! and'earnin! throu!h thedee'oment o 'earnin!

resour"es or the senior'earnin! enironment

#earnin! &esour"es Co''ation and usti"ation



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enironment 'earnin! enironment enironment

L!nB bet,een reso(r)ean% 'e%a"o"!)al'ra)t!)e

Sohisti"ated 'in/a!eet.een the "hosenresour"es and thesu!!ested eda!o!i"a'strate!ies and issohisti"ated'+ suortedand <ustied + "urrente*ert resear"h4

%i!h'+ ro"ient 'in/a!eet.een the "hosenresour"es and thesu!!ested eda!o!i"a'strate!ies and issuorted + "urrenthi!h'+ ro"ientresear"h4

Comrehensie 'in/a!eet.een the "hosenresour"es and thesu!!ested eda!o!i"a'strate!ies and issuorted + "urrentresear"h4

#in/a!e et.een the"hosen resour"es and thsu!!ested eda!o!i"a'strate!ies and issuorted + someresear"h4

+r"an!sat!on oftea)!n" reso(r)es

All teaching materials are

organised and prepared to a

sophisticated standard includinga range of appropriate teaching


All teaching materials are

organised and prepared to a

highly proficient standardincluding a range of teaching


All teaching materials are

organised and prepared to a

comprehensi!e standardincluding se!eral teaching


Teaching materials are

organised and prepared to an

adequate standard includingsome teaching resources.

 6(st!7)at!on "nowledge and understandingof theoretical underpinnings of

 professional practice within

teaching area is demonstrated

through a sophisticated #ustification.

"nowledge and understandingof theoretical underpinnings of

 professional practice within

teaching area is demonstrated

through a highly proficient #ustification.

"nowledge and understandingof theoretical underpinnings of

 professional practice within

teaching area is demonstrated

through a comprehensi!e #ustification.

"nowledge and understandingof theoretical underpinnings o

 professional practice within

teaching area is demonstrated

through adequate #ustification.

r!tten lan"(a"e)o&&(n!)at!on sB!lls

Her+ hi!h ua'it+or!anisation o resour"es.ith er+ ee"tieLuent and "on"iseresentation o .ritteninormation in"'udin!e*"e''ent use o'an!ua!e "onentions ina'' instan"es to "one+meanin!4

%i!h ua'it+ or!anisationo resour"es .ithee"tie Luent and"on"ise resentation o.ritten inormationin"'udin! a""urate use o 'an!ua!e "onentions to"one+ meanin! in a''instan"es4

&easona'e or!anisationo resour"es .ith anee"tie and a""urateresentation o .ritteninormation in"'udin!adeuate use o'an!ua!e "onentions inmost instan"es4

Adeuate or!anisation oresour"es .ith a!enera''+ a""urateresentation o .ritteninormation in"'udin!sound use o 'an!ua!e"onentions in mostinstan"es4

+8erall ra%e <DCo&&entsSam

 Jour assi!nment .as "onstru"ted .e''4 Jou hae "hosen !reat resour"es andim'emented them in a .a+ that .or/ed to.ards the !oa's stated rom +our su<e"t4

 Jou a'so <ustied +our se'e"tion o strate!ies and resour"es throu!hout4 Jou <usti"ation .as a 'itt'e reetitie and tended to o"us on the resour"es rather thanthe im'ementation and tea"hin! ra"ti"es4 Oera'' thou!h +our resonse is at a hi!h

'ee'4 e'' done4

Le)t(rer: M!r!a& <a&  Date: 2Bth Ari' 1

#earnin! &esour"es Co''ation and usti"ation26