educaţia este o cultură a caracterului

Joi 1. To paraphrase Optimism is Good for Our Health - Scientists have discovered that people who are too optimistic about the future may have “faulty” brains. Experts have said that persons that are excessively hopeful about aftertime may may have mental disorders. Their study, in the journal Nature Neuroscience, concluded that the reason many people always see light at the end of the tunnel may be because of an inability to sensibly deal with risk. This research, , in the journal Nature Neuroscience, mentions that the cause of excess optimism can be cause of an inability to cope with problems. They even say this over-optimism could have been a cause of the 2008 universal financial crisis, with bankers failing to accept or see the riskiness of their investments. They consider this excess of optimism could have been a consequence of the 2008 global financial depression, when investors could not appreciate the danger that followed their money. Report author Dr Tali Sharot of London’s University College analyzed brain scans to measure the activity taking place in patients who were asked to think about their future. The head editors Dr Tali Sharot of London’s University College examined brain scans He found that negative predictions were ignored in the minds of optimists. In the study, Dr Sharot gave volunteers 80 different negative situations ranging from unpleasant to disastrous. These included getting divorced, having your car stolen and developing cancer. Many of the volunteers underestimated the chances of these situations happening to them. Dr Sharot said: "The more optimistic we are, the less likely we are to be influenced by negative information about the future." He added: “Smoking kills messages don't work as people think their chances of cancer are low. The divorce rate is 50%, but people don't think it's the same for them." He also said: “Seeing the glass as half full rather than half empty can be a positive thing. It can lower stress and anxiety and be good for our health and well-being.” 2. 2. To translate Familia este rădăcina educaţiei. Familia este un factor primordial de informare şi de creare a copiilor şi tineretului. Ea are rolul de al

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Page 1: Educaţia este o cultură a caracterului

Joi1. To paraphrase Optimism is Good for Our Health -

Scientists have discovered that people who are too optimistic about the future may have “faulty” brains.

Experts have said that persons that are excessively hopeful about aftertime may may have mental disorders.

Their study, in the journal Nature Neuroscience, concluded that the reason many people always see light at the end of the tunnel may be because of an inability to sensibly deal with risk. This research, , in the journal Nature Neuroscience, mentions that the cause of excess optimism can be cause of an inability to cope with problems.

They even say this over-optimism could have been a cause of the 2008 universal financial crisis, with bankers failing to accept or see the riskiness of their investments. They consider this excess of optimism could have been a consequence of the 2008 global financial depression, when investors could not appreciate the danger that followed their money.

Report author Dr Tali Sharot of London’s University College analyzed brain scans to measure the activity taking place in patients who were asked to think about their future. The head editors Dr Tali Sharot of London’s University College examined brain scans

He found that negative predictions were ignored in the minds of optimists.

In the study, Dr Sharot gave volunteers 80 different negative situations ranging from unpleasant to disastrous. These included getting divorced, having your car stolen and developing cancer. Many of the volunteers underestimated the chances of these situations happening to them. Dr Sharot said: "The more optimistic we are, the less likely we are to be influenced by negative information about the future." He added: “Smoking kills messages don't work as people think their chances of cancer are low. The divorce rate is 50%, but people don't think it's the same for them." He also said: “Seeing the glass as half full rather than half empty can be a positive thing. It can lower stress and anxiety and be good for our health and well-being.”

2. 2. To translate

Familia este rădăcina educaţiei. Familia este un factor primordial de informare şi de creare a copiilor şi tineretului. Ea are rolul de al introduce pe copil în societate, de a implementa practici educative, construcţii cognitive. Familia implementează mai mult valori practice, decît teoretice.

Familia este mediul cel mai sănătos şi are o influenţă mare asupra individului. Individul, în cadrul familiei se dezvoltă multilateral, cuprizînd mai multe ramuri de activitate. Un mediu tonifiant, va ajuta la o înţelegere mai adecvată a societăţii, omenirii, o educaţie bună va ajuta la crearea unui individ util societăţii. O societate prosperă va favoriza îmbogăţirea individului cu valori şi concepţii noi.

Familia are rol mai mult să formeze decît să aducă la cunoştinţă. Este foarte importantă educaţia din copilărie, deoarece individul, ia primele impresii din mediul înconjurător, care, la vîrsta frageda a copilului, este familia. Tot din mediul familial, copilul, ca un burete, mai ia conduitele şi obiceiurile celor din jur. Individul va repeta şi va imita oamenii din jur, va avea aceleaşi păreri, idei, concepţii. Copilul va mima, gesticula exact ca persoanele din jur.

The family is the basis of education. The family is a primary factor to inform and to form the children and young people. It has the role to fit the child in society, to implement educational practices, cognitive construction. Family is implementing more practical than theoretical value.

Page 2: Educaţia este o cultură a caracterului

Family is the most healthy environment and has a great influence on the individual. Individual being out of middle of family,he develops multilateral, it including many industries. A refreshing environment will help a better understanding of society, humanity, good education will help create a useful individual to society . A prosperous society will be beneficial to develop and to form the new value and new consceptsFamily serves more to form than to inform. Childhood education is very important because the individual takes the first impressions from the environment, which at an early age the child is the family. All in the family, the child, like a sponge,he takes behaviors and habits of others. The individual will repeat and imitate the people around them,he will have the same views, ideas, concepts. The child will mimic, gesture just as people surrounding him.