education i (el – 1515) who is god? who is god to you? who are we to god?

EDUCATION I (EL – 1515) Who is GOD? Who is GOD to you? Who are we to GOD?

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Who is GOD?

Who is GOD to you?

Who are we to GOD?

Who is GOD?

• Names of God

• Attributes of God

Who is GOD?(Names of GOD)

• Yahweh-Jehovah

• Jehovah-Elyon

• El-Shaddai

• Jehovah-Jireh

• Jehovah-Repheka

• Jehovah-Tsidqenu

Who is GOD?(Names of GOD)

• Jehovah-Nissi

• Jehovah-Shalom

• Jehovah-Shammah

• Jehovah-Tsehaoth

• El / Eloi / Elohim

Who is GOD?(Yahweh-Jehovah)

• One of the most important names for God in the Old Testament, taken from the verb “to be” meaning simply, but profoundly, “He Is.”

• GOD’s full name is found only in Ex. 3:14 and means “I AM WHO I AM” or “I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE.”

• GOD revealed Himself by the four letter Hebrew word YHWH at the burning bush.

• The burning bush was a vivid symbol of the inexhaustible dynamism of GOD who burns like a fire with love and righteousness, yet remains the same and never diminishes.

Who is GOD?(Jehovah-Elyon)

• “Supreme God”

• Genesis 14:17-20

• This name for God appears over 40 times in the Old Testament.

Who is GOD?(El Shaddai)

• “Almighty God”

• Genesis 17:1-3

• This name for God in the Hebrew emphasizes God’s ability to handle any situation that confronts His people.

Who is GOD?(Jehovah-Repheka)

• “GOD Will Heal”• Exodus 15:25-26• GOD made our bodies, and GOD is able to heal

them and keep them healthy when we meet His conditions by obeying His instructions.

• Most people read the benefits promised in God’s Word, but they fail to read the conditions attached to them.

Who is GOD?(Jehovah-Jireh)

• “GOD Will Provide”• Genesis 21:33-22:31• The Lord will provide everything a Christian

needs to tell the unsaved about Jesus. Whether it’s something material or spiritual, obvious or hidden - the right book to loan or true insight into what that one needs to hear - regardless of what is needed, the Lord will provide it, so long as you use His provision to service Him.

Who is GOD?(Jehovah-Tsidgenu)

• “GOD Our Righteousness”

• Jeremiah 23:6

Who is GOD?(Jehovah-Nissi)

• “GOD Is My Banner”• Exodus 17:15-16• Moses used this name to declare that God would always

conquer the foes of His people. So long as Moses and the Israelites followed the Lord, they would have victory.

• People march under different “banners” today. They put their trust in different things; they give credit for their success to different things.

• What do you credit for making you what you are today?

Who is GOD?(Jehovah-Shalom)

• “GOD Is Peace”• Judges 6:24• GOD expects His people to live victoriously and

confidently. We can’t live that way on our own, but we can live that way through the grace of God, “which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

• Does that mean that we are not going to have any problems?

• No, the Bible doesn’t say that at all. The Bible does say that when problems come, GOD will give us confidence to face those problems.

Who is GOD?

• Who is GOD?

• Attributes of GOD

Attributes of GOD?

• An attribute is an inherent characteristic of a person or being.

• While we cannot describe GOD in a comprehensive way, we can learn about Him by examining His attributes as revealed in the Bible.

Attributes of GOD?

• GOD is Spirit (John 4:24)• GOD is Changeless (Hebrews 1:12)• GOD is All-Powerful (Genesis 17:1; 18:14,25)• GOD is All-Knowing (Job 38:39; Romans 11:33-36)• GOD is Everywhere (Psalm 139:7-12; Genesis 18:25)• GOD is Eternal (II Peter 3:8; Revelation 1:8)• GOD is Holiness (Isaiah 6:1-3; Ephesians 4:24)• GOD is Righteousness (Genesis 18:25; Deuteronomy 32:4;

Romans 2:6-16)• GOD is Love(Genesis 1:31; Psalm 145:9; Mark 10:18)• GOD is Truth• GOD is Wisdom (I Timothy 1:17; I kings 3:9; James 1:5)


Who is GOD?

Who is GOD to you?

Who is GOD to You?

• God the Creator• Genesis 1:1• God the Provider• Genesis 22:1-24• God the Conqueror• Exodus 17:8-16• God the Shepherd• Psalm 23:1; Matthew 25:31-33

GOD the Shepherd

• The Shepherd watches over the goats as well as the sheep.

• Jesus says that the goats will be kept separate from the sheep.

• Biblically, goats represent the unsaved, unrighteous and irresponsible leadership while sheep represent the saved and the righteous.

• Characteristics of goats : Independent, Strong-willed, Curious.

• Characteristics of sheep : Helpless, Social, Easily led astray, Submissive

Who are we to GOD?

• We are GOD’s weapon against Satan.• Psalm 8• Genesis 1:26-28; Genesis 3:14-18• We are GOD’s peculiar treasure / peculiar people• We are GOD’s kingdom of priests• We are GOD’s holy nation• We are GOD’s praise and worship team• Exodus 19:6; I Peter 2:9

Who are we to GOD?

• We are GOD’s messengers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

• Matthew 28:18-20

Worship God by:

• Studying His Word

• Obeying what you read

• Confessing that He is GOD and you are His servant

• Making peace with any Christian who is at odds with you


“Preach Christ and Live the Gospel”

Preach Christ

• Used Paul as the primary example by preaching the Book of Acts.

• As Christians, we must always “Preach Christ” and nothing but Christ in all situations.

• We must give the “Christ” response to all questions.

Live the Gospel

• Accept Jesus the Christ as Lord and personal Saviour.

• Know the Lord (Lord knows you)

• Don’t give the devil an audience

• Take off your grave-clothes

• Slay the giants

Accept Jesus Christ as Lord & personal Saviour

• Jesus says, “Follow Me”

• Matthew 4:18-22; 8:19-22; 9:9; 16:22-28; 19:16-21; Mark 2:14; 8:34-38; 10:17-22; John 1:43; 10:25-30; 12:23-28; 13:36-38; 21:19-22

• When Christ chose his 12 disciples, he commanded them to “Follow me.”

Accept Jesus Christ as Lord & personal Saviour

• All of the original 12 disciples were already employed when Jesus gave the command to follow me. – Matthew 4:18

• All of the original 12 disciples left their previous occupation to follow Christ.

• When Jesus told Philip to follow, he went to get his brother, Peter – John 1:43

• Some Jesus asked to “Follow me” refused, i.e. rich young ruler (Mark 10:22)

• Christ declared that no one can follow Him and look backwards (Matthew 8:22; Luke 9:60)

Accept Jesus Christ as Lord & personal Saviour

• In Matthew 8:22, Christ told a man to let the dead bury their dead.

• In Luke 9:60, Christ told the man that no man can put his hands to the plough and look backwards. (Man must have been a farmer or familiar with farming.)

• Today, Christ may use the analogy that no one can drive a car while looking in the rear view mirror.

Know the Lord (Lord Knows You)

• Jesus says, “His sheep know His voice”• John 10; Psalm 23:1; Job 1:7-12; Acts 19:11-20• In John 10, Christ describes Himself as the Good

Shepherd.• In Psalm 23, David declares “The Lord is my

Shepherd.”• In Job 1:8, God asked Satan, “Have you considered

my servant Job?”• In Acts 19, Paul casts out devils and sons of Sceva

tries to copy with no power.

Listen to God’s voice / Don’t give the devil an audience

• Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-14; Genesis 3:1-19

• “Devil” means accuser, deceiver. “Satan” means adversary.

• Satan leads people into sin by various means. TEMPTATION is more characteristic of Satan than any other.

• Satan also delights in deception.

Listen to God’s voice / Don’t give the devil an audience

• Satan leads people into sin by various means such as direct suggestion (i.e. Judas Iscariot, John 13:2,27), through his agents who disguise themselves as messengers of God (II Thessalonians 2:9; I John 4:1), and sometimes through a person’s own weaknesses (I Corinthians 7:5).

• Satan is destined to fail in his continuing rebellion against God. His final defeat is predicted in the N.T. (Luke 10:18; John 12:31; Revelations 12:9; 20:10)

Listen to God’s voice / Don’t give the devil an audience

• Satan’s power on this earth may seem far-reaching, impressive to some, and maybe even unstoppable.

• Satan is NOT limitless. Satan’s power is still subject to God’s restrictions. (Job 1:12; Luke 4:6; II Thessalonians 2:7-8)

• Satan has to given God’s permission to afflict God’s people. (Job 1:7-8).

• Satan’s ultimate power was broken through the work of Jesus on the Cross (Hebrews 2:14).

Listen to God’s voice / Don’t give the devil an audience

• Most commonly known by the name Satan (adversary).

• The name Satan appears about 52 times in the Bible.

• Another frequent name/description of the enemy is devil (slanderer), which appears about 35 times.

Listen to God’s voice / Don’t give the devil an audience

• Also called ruler of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2), god of this world (II Cor. 4:4), ruler of this world (John 12:31), Day Star, son of Dawn (Isa. 14:12), dragon (Rev. 12:7), angel of the bottomless pit (Rev. 9:11), Abaddon/Apollyon (Rev. 9:11), Beelzebub (Matt. 12:24), Belial (II Cor. 6:15), the evil one (Matt. 13:38), the tempter (I Thes. 3:5), the accuser of our comrades (Rev. 12:10), angel of light (II Cor. 11:14-15), a murderer and the father of lies (John 8:44), the enemy (Matt. 13:39)

Take Off Your Graveclothes

• John 11:1-46• Christ went to the tomb where Lazarus was

laid.• Christ ordered the stone to be rolled away.• Christ commanded Lazarus to “Come

forth.”• Christ ordered the graveclothes to be

removed from the body of Lazarus.

Slay the Giants

• I Samuel 17• David left home.• While tending his father’s sheep, David used the time to

learn about God and learn how to use gifts/talents God had given him.

• David did NOT challenge Goliath for his own reputation or praise.

• David only took into the fight the weapons he was familiar.

• David did not let Goliath define the rules of engagement.

Slay the Giants

• David did NOT let the size of the Goliath of intimidate him into a paralysis of fear.

• David took the LORD with him into battle. He declared, “The battle belongs is the LORD’s.” (vs. 47)

• David did NOT challenge Goliath for his own reputation or praise.

• David only took into the fight the weapons he was familiar.

• David did not let Goliath make the rules of engagement.