the man who es god

8/13/2019 the man Who es God 1/58 Heppenstall - The Man Who Is God, Preface THE MAN WHO IS GOD by Edard Heppenstall  P!E"A#E  $es%s #hr&st '%st re'a&n the central tr%th of o%r theolo(y and #hr&st&an e)per&ence* Wrapped %p &n #hr&stolo(y are all the (reat concepts of the #hr&st&an fa&th+ the nat%re and character of God, the de&ty of o%r ord, H&s &ncarnat&on and &r(&n b&rth H&s perfect r&(hteo%sness, atone'ent for s&n, the nat%re and fall of 'an, the d&&ne pro&s&on for 'an.s rede'pt&on, and the or/ of the Holy Sp&r&t*  The doctr&nes of #hr&st and 'an const&t%te the to fo%ndat&onal tr%ths of theolo(y* If 'an &s not the son of God, created &n H&s &'a(e, b%t &s the res%lt of the eol%t&onary process0a l&ttle h&(her than the other beasts rather than a l&ttle loer than the an(els0then he has no &dent&ty* Then he has not fallen aay fro' God, h&s heaenly "ather* There &s no need for God.s &nas&on &nto o%r orld and the sa&n( operat&on of #hr&st for lost 'en*  The s%ff&c&ency of #hr&st as ord and Sa&o%r &s t&ed to H&s p%rpose and or/ for s&nf%l 'an al&enated fro' God* The l&fe, death, and res%rrect&on of $es%s &s the h&n(e on h&ch 'an.s h&story t%rns, and on h&ch h&s dest&ny depends*  A tr%e e)pos&t&on of the Scr&pt%res &s the heart of %nderstand&n( #hr&st, H&s nat%re, and H&s or/* It &s d&ff&c%lt for bel&eers to escape the tr%th abo%t God and H&s only Son, &f e allo the W ord of God to say hat &t 'eans* We '%st see the tr%th abo%t #hr&st &n &ts lar(er aspects as God.s s%pre'e act of rede'pt&on &n 'an.s h&story and the co'plete reelat&on of H&'self before the %n&erse*  The 1%est&on of press&n( &'portance &s 2What th&n/ ye of #hr&st32 #an e as #hr&st&ans so present #hr&st to 'en and &tness of H&' that they shall see hat e really bel&ee and hat the ch%rch procla&'s &n ter's of the eerlast&n( (ospel3  What 'ade the early ch%rch &n&nc&ble as &ts profo%nd (rat&t%de and the obl&(at&on on the part of those ho had co'e &nto the (lor&o%s /noled(e and e)per&ence of $es%s #hr&st &th a (reat %r(ency to &tness to H&' eeryhere*  We too are &tnesses to #hr&st and not to o%rseles* Salat&on &s not so'eth&n( e hae on o%r on* A l&fe l&ed &n the loe and poer of God depends on hat e bel&ee abo%t $es%s #hr&st* The Ne Testa'ent &s far 'ore than a h&(h-ater 'ar/ of the sp&r&t%al percept&on of 'en* Only &n $es%s #hr&st do e hae the f&nal and co'plete reelat&on of God to 'an*  EDWA!D HEPPENSTA   At Iss%e Inde)#hr&stolo(y Inde)Table of #ontents Ne)t Heppenstall - The Man Who Is God, #h 4 THE MAN WHO IS GOD by Edard Heppenstall  #hapter 4  #H!IST IN H5MAN HISTO!6  In see/&n( to /no and %nderstand the Person of #hr&st, e tend to place the e'phas&s on the e)per&ent&al+ 2#hr&st &n yo%*2 And tr%ly, the (lory of the #hr&st&an rel&(&on &s that, by fa&th, e can hae fellosh&p &th $es%s #hr&st* 7y fa&th e rece&e and tr%st H&' as o%r Sa&o%r and ord* We co''&t o%rseles &nto H&s hands for (%&dance and d&rect&on* E)per&ent&ally, tr%e rel&(&on &s hen #hr&st &s elco'ed &nto the heart, ab&d&n( and r%l&n( &n the l&fe*  Hoeer, for 2#hr&st &n yo%2 to be tr%e, and for %s to hae any bas&s for real&ty &n o%r #hr&st&an e)per&ence, e '%st %nderstand ho and &n hat ay #hr&st &s the f%ll reelat&on of God to o%r orld, both &n H&s l&fe, H&s death, and &n H&s res%rrect&on* God.s s%pre'e reelat&on does not occ%r &n any s%b8ect&e 'yst&cal e)per&ence*  Absol%te tr%th and r&(hteo%sness hae been h&stor&cally reealed &n $es%s and &n no one else* God.s s%pre'e reelat&on &s fo%nd at one s&n(le po&nt &n h&story+ the &ncarnat&on of the second 'e'ber of the Godhead* Th&s 'a/es #hr&st to be the center of h%'an h&story*  #hr&st&an e)per&ence, hoeer &'portant &t 'ay be, does not s%ff&ce for the aff&r'at&on of o%r fa&th* In $es%s #hr&st there has co'e &nto o%r orld a ne ob8ect&e tr%th fro' God that &s dec&s&e for fa&th and e)per&ence* Thro%(h the a(es '&ll&ons hae do%btless felt the real&ty of the poer of $es%s #hr&st &n the&r l&es9 b%t th&s does not const&t%te God.s reelat&on to s&nf%l 'an*  The #hr&st&an fa&th rests %pon the bel&ef that certa&n d&&ne eents &n the h&story of o%r orld are of s%pre'e s&(n&f&cance for the %nderstand&n( of God.s p%rpose and for the dest&ny of the h%'an race* The /ey eent &s the &ncarnat&on, l&fe, death, and res%rrect&on of $es%s #hr&st*  In l&(ht of th&s eent the 1%est&on &s as/ed, Ho sho%ld s&nf%l 'an th&n/ of God and the s&n proble' &n the orld3 The anser &s f o%nd &n the l&(ht that sh&nes fro' the s%pre'e reelat&on of God &n H&s Son, $es%s #hr&st* Here e can see God &n act&on for the resc%e of the h%'an race fro' s&n and death*  To deny or re8ect th&s h&stor&cal reelat&on fro' God leaes 'an.s dest&ny at the 'ercy of h%'an &nterpretat&on* #onse1%ently, the #hr&st&an fa&th &s noth&n( &tho%t th&s h&stor&cal real&ty* God saes %s by &rt%e of hat #hr&st acco'pl&shed &n H&s l&fe and death* O%r salat&on &s God.s ach&ee'ent, not o%rs* #hr&st&an&ty cannot l&e &tho%t th&s aff&r'at&on* 1

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Heppenstall - The Man Who Is God, Preface

THE MAN WHO IS GOD by Edard Heppenstall


  $es%s #hr&st '%st re'a&n the central tr%th of o%r theolo(y and #hr&st&ane)per&ence* Wrapped %p &n #hr&stolo(y are all the (reat concepts of the

#hr&st&an fa&th+ the nat%re and character of God, the de&ty of o%r ord,H&s &ncarnat&on and &r(&n b&rth H&s perfect r&(hteo%sness, atone'ent fors&n, the nat%re and fall of 'an, the d&&ne pro&s&on for 'an.srede'pt&on, and the or/ of the Holy Sp&r&t*

  The doctr&nes of #hr&st and 'an const&t%te the to fo%ndat&onal tr%ths oftheolo(y* If 'an &s not the son of God, created &n H&s &'a(e, b%t &s theres%lt of the eol%t&onary process0a l&ttle h&(her than the other beastsrather than a l&ttle loer than the an(els0then he has no &dent&ty* Thenhe has not fallen aay fro' God, h&s heaenly "ather* There &s no need forGod.s &nas&on &nto o%r orld and the sa&n( operat&on of #hr&st for lost'en*

  The s%ff&c&ency of #hr&st as ord and Sa&o%r &s t&ed to H&s p%rpose andor/ for s&nf%l 'an al&enated fro' God* The l&fe, death, and res%rrect&on

of $es%s &s the h&n(e on h&ch 'an.s h&story t%rns, and on h&ch h&sdest&ny depends*

  A tr%e e)pos&t&on of the Scr&pt%res &s the heart of %nderstand&n( #hr&st,H&s nat%re, and H&s or/* It &s d&ff&c%lt for bel&eers to escape thetr%th abo%t God and H&s only Son, &f e allo the Word of God to say hat&t 'eans* We '%st see the tr%th abo%t #hr&st &n &ts lar(er aspects asGod.s s%pre'e act of rede'pt&on &n 'an.s h&story and the co'pletereelat&on of H&'self before the %n&erse*

  The 1%est&on of press&n( &'portance &s 2What th&n/ ye of #hr&st32 #an eas #hr&st&ans so present #hr&st to 'en and &tness of H&' that they shallsee hat e really bel&ee and hat the ch%rch procla&'s &n ter's of theeerlast&n( (ospel3

  What 'ade the early ch%rch &n&nc&ble as &ts profo%nd (rat&t%de and the

obl&(at&on on the part of those ho had co'e &nto the (lor&o%s /noled(eand e)per&ence of $es%s #hr&st &th a (reat %r(ency to &tness to H&'eeryhere*

  We too are &tnesses to #hr&st and not to o%rseles* Salat&on &s notso'eth&n( e hae on o%r on* A l&fe l&ed &n the loe and poer of Goddepends on hat e bel&ee abo%t $es%s #hr&st* The Ne Testa'ent &s far'ore than a h&(h-ater 'ar/ of the sp&r&t%al percept&on of 'en* Only &n$es%s #hr&st do e hae the f&nal and co'plete reelat&on of God to 'an*


 At Iss%e Inde)#hr&stolo(y Inde)Table of #ontents Ne)t

Heppenstall - The Man Who Is God, #h 4

THE MAN WHO IS GOD by Edard Heppenstall

  #hapter 4

  #H!IST IN H5MAN HISTO!6  In see/&n( to /no and %nderstand the Person of #hr&st, e tend to place

the e'phas&s on the e)per&ent&al+ 2#hr&st &n yo%*2 And tr%ly, the (lory ofthe #hr&st&an rel&(&on &s that, by fa&th, e can hae fellosh&p &th$es%s #hr&st* 7y fa&th e rece&e and tr%st H&' as o%r Sa&o%r and ord*We co''&t o%rseles &nto H&s hands for (%&dance and d&rect&on*E)per&ent&ally, tr%e rel&(&on &s hen #hr&st &s elco'ed &nto the heart,ab&d&n( and r%l&n( &n the l&fe*

  Hoeer, for 2#hr&st &n yo%2 to be tr%e, and for %s to hae any bas&s forreal&ty &n o%r #hr&st&an e)per&ence, e '%st %nderstand ho and &n hatay #hr&st &s the f%ll reelat&on of God to o%r orld, both &n H&s l&fe,H&s death, and &n H&s res%rrect&on* God.s s%pre'e reelat&on does notocc%r &n any s%b8ect&e 'yst&cal e)per&ence*

  Absol%te tr%th and r&(hteo%sness hae been h&stor&cally reealed &n $es%sand &n no one else* God.s s%pre'e reelat&on &s fo%nd at one s&n(le po&nt&n h&story+ the &ncarnat&on of the second 'e'ber of the Godhead* Th&s'a/es #hr&st to be the center of h%'an h&story*

  #hr&st&an e)per&ence, hoeer &'portant &t 'ay be, does not s%ff&ce forthe aff&r'at&on of o%r fa&th* In $es%s #hr&st there has co'e &nto o%rorld a ne ob8ect&e tr%th fro' God that &s dec&s&e for fa&th ande)per&ence* Thro%(h the a(es '&ll&ons hae do%btless felt the real&ty ofthe poer of $es%s #hr&st &n the&r l&es9 b%t th&s does not const&t%teGod.s reelat&on to s&nf%l 'an*

  The #hr&st&an fa&th rests %pon the bel&ef that certa&n d&&ne eents &nthe h&story of o%r orld are of s%pre'e s&(n&f&cance for the %nderstand&n(of God.s p%rpose and for the dest&ny of the h%'an race* The /ey eent &s

the &ncarnat&on, l&fe, death, and res%rrect&on of $es%s #hr&st*  In l&(ht of th&s eent the 1%est&on &s as/ed, Ho sho%ld s&nf%l 'an th&n/

of God and the s&n proble' &n the orld3 The anser &s fo%nd &n the l&(htthat sh&nes fro' the s%pre'e reelat&on of God &n H&s Son, $es%s #hr&st*Here e can see God &n act&on for the resc%e of the h%'an race fro' s&nand death*

  To deny or re8ect th&s h&stor&cal reelat&on fro' God leaes 'an.s dest&nyat the 'ercy of h%'an &nterpretat&on* #onse1%ently, the #hr&st&an fa&th &snoth&n( &tho%t th&s h&stor&cal real&ty* God saes %s by &rt%e of hat#hr&st acco'pl&shed &n H&s l&fe and death* O%r salat&on &s God.sach&ee'ent, not o%rs* #hr&st&an&ty cannot l&e &tho%t th&s aff&r'at&on*


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  And there &s no 'ean&n( to o%r l&es or the %n&erse apart fro' theh&stor&cal fact that God H&'self ca'e &n the Person of H&s Son andredee'ed the h%'an race*

  Hence, the #hr&st&an fa&th &s f&rst of all a state'ent of hat God hasdone &n and thro%(h H&s Son* Man has no ay of f &nd&n( God* No tr&p byh%'an astrona%ts o%t a'on( the stars &ll d&scoer H&'* 5nless God choosesto reeal H&'self and &nade o%r orld H&'self, 'an '%st re'a&n foreer &ndar/ness* God &s neer the creat&on of 'an.s on th&n/&n(* !eelat&on &s

f%nda'entally h&stor&cal &n the Person and nat%re of $es%s #hr&st* The#hr&st&an fa&th &s f&rst of all an ob8ect&e eent9 only then does &tbeco'e a s%b8ect&e e)per&ence by fa&th* The reelat&on of God &n h%'anh&story &s o%r start&n( po&nt*

  #hr&stolo(y &s the doctr&ne of the person of $es%s #hr&st* * * * Th%s#hr&stolo(y &s essent&ally a response to a part&c%lar h&story**** "or'en confess the&r fa&th &n hat God has done &n $er%sale'*0!EGINA H*"5E!, The "o%ndat&ons of Ne Testa'ent #hr&stolo(y, p* 4:*

  Desp&te the ary&n( aspects of #hr&st&an e)per&ence, there &s ane)cl%s&e, absol%te, f&nal, once-and-for-all reelat&on &n #hr&st that canneer be repeated* O%r 'ost sacred tr%th and d&&ne possess&on &s notconta&ned &n h%'an e)per&ence, b%t &n #hr&st* #hr&st&an fa&th ande)per&ence are poss&ble beca%se God has done so'eth&n( s%pernat%ral and

spectac%lar &n $es%s #hr&st* Th&s tr%th dec&des the (en%&neness of 7&bleh&story* The #hr&st&an ch%rch has alays p%t &ts fa&th &n the $es%s ofh&story* W&tho%t th&s fa&th there co%ld be no sa&n( poer &th&n %s* The#hr&st&an loo/s aay fro' the precar&o%sness of h%'an 'oods, 'ot&es, andea/nesses to the one absol%te, %nchan(eable reelat&on 'an&fest &n#hr&st, for 2the eerlast&n( God, the ord, the #reator of the ends of theearth, fa&nteth not, ne&ther &s eary* * * * There &s no search&n( of h&s%nderstand&n(2 ;Isa* <=+>?@*

  Sacred and Sec%lar H&story  Sec%lar h&story &s the story of 'en and nat&ons, the&r acco'pl&sh'ents and

relat&onsh&ps* It &s the story of eents and forces connected &th the',descr&bed &n ter's of ord&nary, nat%ral, h%'an e)per&ence* It 'eans therecord&n( and e)pla&n&n( of eents &tho%t reference to the s%pernat%ral*

The eol%t&onary &e of or&(&ns conce&es of h&story as 'o&n( &tho%tany d&&ne &nterr%pt&on of the h&stor&cal process* Th&s pos&t&on re8ectsthe '&racles of #reat&on, the &ncarnat&on of #hr&st, the &r(&n b&rth, thes%bst&t%t&onary atone'ent, and the res%rrect&on*

  H&story &n h&ch &t &s reco(n&ed that God ta/es a part and d&rects, &ssacred, or salat&on, h&story* H%'an h&story &s the arena &n h&ch God.sp%rpose for o%r orld &s or/ed o%t*

  #hr&stolo(y stands for a #hr&st&an &nterpretat&on of h&story, b%t &t canstand for that only beca%se &t stands for the con&ct&on that God beca'e'an &n the h&stor&cal person of $es%s* We '%st hae a #hr&stolo(y &nthat sense, or e hae no #hr&stolo(y at all*0D* M* 7AIIE, God Was &n

#hr&st, P* BC*  The 7&ble &s not pr&'ar&ly a collect&on of rel&(&o%s &deas of (reat

th&n/ers, nor a descr&pt&on of the 'yst&cal e)per&ences of rel&(&o%s(en&%ses* It &s the &nsp&red record of the acts of God &n h%'an h&story,the 'oe'ents of God on the plane of h%'an l&fe* Th&s 'eans that h&story&s &nf%sed &th s%pernat%ral s&(n&f&cance* Th%s, the eents of 'en andnat&ons recorded &n the 7&ble are %n&1%e eents &n h&ch the hand and thep%rpose of God are seen* Sec%lar h&story sees no controll&n( and (%&d&n(

hand of God* It &s nat%ral&st&c and h%'an&st&c*  God, ho at s%ndry t&'es and &n d&ers 'anners spa/e &n t&'e past %nto

the fathers by the prophets, hath &n these last days spo/en %nto %s byh&s Son, ho' he hath appo&nted he&r of all th&n(s, by ho' also he 'adethe orlds9 ho be&n( the br&(htness of h&s (lory, and the e)press &'a(eof h&s person, and %phold&n( all th&n(s by the ord of h&s poer, henhe had by h&'self p%r(ed o%r s&ns, sat don on the r&(ht hand of theMa8esty on h&(h ;Heb* 4+4-@*

  Th&s assert&on places the h&stor&cal $es%s at the ery center of the#hr&st&an rel&(&on* Man &s arped and bl&nded by s&n* S&n has al&enatedh&' fro' God* To resc%e s&nf%l 'an, God has ta/en the &n&t&at&e andreealed H&'self to h&' &n #hr&st* Th%s the s%pre'e (&ft of the Son of Godto 'an &s #hr&st&an&ty.s (reatest tr%th and asset*

  The 'ost reol%t&onary th&n( that eer happened &n the h&story of o%rorld &s God.s reelat&on &n H&s only-be(otten Son* In th&s respect theacc%racy of 7&bl&cal h&story &s dec&s&e for o%r fa&th* There &s no ay ofd&orc&n( the #hr&st&an fa&th fro' the h&stor&cal $es%s of the Gospels&tho%t destroy&n( that fa&th*

  Why th&s dependence %pon a h&stor&cal reelat&on as recorded &n the 7&ble37eca%se there and nohere else do e learn of God.s reelat&on of H&'selfto s&nf%l 'an* Th&s dependence %pon the reelat&on of God &n h%'an h&story&s coe)tens&e &th the &rrat&onal fact of o%r s&n and the "all of 'anaay fro' God*

  So'eth&n( terr&ble that rad&cally affected the h%'an race happened &nh%'an h&story s&) tho%sand years a(o* Man no lon(er l&es &n the or&(&nalr&(hteo%sness and open co''%n&on &th God as he d&d hen he as created*

!eelat&on pres%pposes the dar/ness of 'an.s '&nd and the (reat (%lfbeteen h&' and God* Man has no ay of h&s on bac/ to God* Eery 'an s&nsand eery 'an d&es*

  $%st as s&n happened &n h%'an h&story hen o%r f&rst parents fell fro'r&(hteo%sness &nto trans(ress&on, so reelat&on and reconc&l&at&on haehappened &n h&story* !eelat&on connotes that the r&(ht relat&on to Godcannot be restored by s&nf%l 'an* Hoeer co'pell&n(, forcef%l, andbr&ll&ant 'an.s &deas of God are, &n h&'self he has no ay to /no God orpossess the tr%th of God*

  So one 'e'ber of the Godhead, the Son of God, bro/e thro%(h and beca'eone


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  b&rth* W&tho%t th&s d&&ne factor $e&sh h&story o%ld be sec%lar h&story*  Deo%t 'en and o'en a&ted &th conf&dence for the co'&n( of #hr&st* The

&ncarnat&on, l&fe, death, and res%rrect&on of $es%s #hr&st as the cl&'a)of all God.s reelat&ons and co''%n&cat&ons to s&nf%l 'en &n Old Testa'entt&'es* Th&s as the hope of patr&archs and prophets* The co'&n( of the Sonof God 'ade certa&n the f%lf&ll'ent of God.s p%rpose for th&s orld*

  "or %nto %s a ch&ld &s born, %nto %s a son &s (&en, and the (oern'entshall be %pon h&s sho%lder+ and h&s na'e shall be called Wonderf%l,

#o%nselor, The '&(hty God, The eerlast&n( "ather, The Pr&nce of Peace;Isa* C+@*

  So at a def&n&te po&nt of t&'e and at a certa&n place %pon th&s earth, the7&ble says, God 'et &th Mary, and as a res%lt she bro%(ht forth the&ncarnate Son of God* If the &r(&n b&rth as not by the poer of God,then there &s no s%ch th&n( as a &r(&n b&rth* If the res%rrect&on and theascens&on of $es%s d&d not ta/e place &n h&story, then they d&d not ta/eplace at all* If that &s the case, then #hr&st Is body &s st&ll b%r&ed &nso'e %n/non to'b &n Palest&ne*

  Thro%(h all the Old Testa'ent per&od, &th &ts tra(ed&es and apostas&es,&ts tr&%'phs and tr%st &n God, one do'&nant tr%th has been /ept &n &e,the co'&n( of #hr&st* #hr&st H&'self declared+ 26o%r father Abraha're8o&ced to see 'y day+ and he sa &t, and as (lad2 ;$ohn ?+:@*

  The !eealed and Insp&red Word  S%pernat%ral h&stor&cal eents are 'ean&n(f%l only as God &ll%'&nates H&s

acts thro%(h H&s reealed Word* Therefore e hae God.s Word spo/en to %sthro%(h H&s prophets and apostles* W&th respect to the 7&ble 'en are notleft to the&r on concl%s&ons and &nterpretat&on* 7oth the h&stor&caleents and the Word are part of God.s reelat&on to %s* An ade1%ate&nterpretat&on and ord fro' God as co(n&t&e /noled(e &s &nd&spensableto o%r %nderstand&n( of H&s reelat&on &n h%'an h&story*

  Ho shall e escape, &f e ne(lect so (reat salat&on9 h&ch at thef&rst be(an to be spo/en by the ord, and as conf&r'ed %nto %s by the'that heard h&'9 God also bear&n( the' &tness, both &th s&(ns andonders, and &th d&ers '&racles, and the (&fts of the Holy Ghost,accord&n( to h&s on &ll3 ;Heb* >+, <@*

  The /noled(e and %nderstand&n( of God.s reealed Word pro&des as%ff&c&ent /noled(e bas&s for fa&th* God has (&en %s a tr%storthyconcept%al /noled(e of H&'self and H&s acts &n h&story* There &s nosacr&f&ce of '&nd and reason &n the sphere of reelat&on*

  5nless God does co''%n&cate to %s by ord, as ell as deed, &t &sd&ff&c%lt to see ho there can be any %nderstand&n( of H&s &ll andp%rpose* In pers%ad&n( 'en of H&s tr%th, God see/s to reach the' thro%(hthe fac%lt&es of the '&nd &th h&ch He endoed 'an at #reat&on*

  #hr&st d&ed on a cross at the hands of the !o'ans as tho%sands of othersd&ed &n H&s t&'e* W&tho%t the &nsp&red, reealed Word there co%ld be noay of /no&n( that #hr&st d&ed for the rede'pt&on of s&nners and bore on

the cross the s&ns of all 'en, O%r bel&ef that He d&d th&s &s based on theconf&dence that the h&stor&cal eent &s the s%pre'e reelat&on of God andthat God.s Word &s a tr%e &nterpretat&on of that eent*

  He has appeared once and for all at the cl&'a) of h&story to abol&sh s&nby the sacr&f&ce of h&'self* And as &t &s the lot of 'en to d&e once,and after death co'es $%d('ent, so #hr&st as offered once to bear theb%rden of 'en.s s&ns, and &ll appear the second t&'e, s&n done aay, tobr&n( salat&on to those ho are atch&n( for h&' ;Heb* C+>- ?, N* E*

7*@*  In H&s soere&(n loe, God sent H&s only Son to reach all ho l&e on th&s

planet* Th&s &s a breathta/&n(, yet 'arelo%s, tr%th* 2The Word beca'eflesh and delt a'on( %s2 ;$ohn 4+4<, !*S*F*@* The Son of God as born a$e* He l&ed &th&n the conf&nes of h%'an&ty* He spo/e a h%'an lan(%a(e*He d&d H&s or/ and l&ed H&s l&fe &n h%'an t&'e and c&rc%'stance*

  The God ho ca'e &n #hr&st &s the God hose nat%re &s eerlast&n( loe*H&story &s the sta(e %pon h&ch God &s at or/ perfect&n( H&s eternalp%rpose* Th&s &s the (ospel0(ood nes0abo%t God, H&s nat%re and p%rpose*

  The Gro%nd of O%r "a&th  H&story &s 'o&n( toard a cl&'a)* At the end #hr&st &ll be &ctor&o%s

and God &ll be all &n all* The (ospel aff&r's a d&&ne p%rpose forh&story that centers &n #hr&st* It offers d&&ne (%&dance for personal

sec%r&ty* It procla&'s &n #hr&st the loe of God that cannot be ta/en for(ranted* It pro&des a nor' of cond%ct thro%(h the %n&1%e Person of $es%s#hr&st*

  Th&s (ospel reelat&on &s the (ro%nd of o%r ass%rance &n the p%rpose ofGod for o%r orld* Thro%(h &t e see &n h&story the e'er(ence anddeelop'ent of God.s plan for %s all, h&ch plan He &ll neer abandon*Thro%(h that /noled(e one (reat tr%th presses %pon %s+ the %lt&'atetr&%'ph of God.s p%rpose*

  Salat&on h&story &s, then, the (ro%nd of o%r conf&dence, the &nsp&rat&onfor o%r %nceas&n( d&l&(ence, and the so%rce of o%r resol%te d&scontent&th all sec%lar h&story* In the '&dst of the orld.s cr&ses, theappall&n( (odlessness, and 'an.s den&al and re8ect&on of God.s reelat&on,#hr&st&ans are char(ed &th the (lor&o%s respons&b&l&ty of procla&'&n( to

the orld the cl&'a) of salat&on h&story, the &''&nent ret%rn of the Sonof God to o%r orld*

  Nohere else has God (&en s%ch pro'&ses, s%ch pled(es concern&n( H&sp%rpose for o%r l&es and the dest&ny of o%r orld as &n the (&ft of H&sSon* H&s honor &s nohere else so deeply co''&tted9 H&s loe nohere elseso stron(ly e)pressed* All the &sdo' of the Godhead &s &noled* Nosacr&f&ce &n the %n&erse &s so costly as that G&ft* No other fo%ndat&on&s so s%re* No other hope can be tr%sted*

  God /nos the end fro' the be(&nn&n(* He has orda&ned &n #hr&st to br&n(all th&n(s &nto s%b8ect&on to H&'self* H&s hand &ll neer (ro eary* Hehas prepared and &noled all the poers and reso%rces of heaen* In


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  #hr&st &s conta&ned all the f%llness of God* In H&' &s no s&n or dar/nessat all*

  The #hr&st&an fa&th rests %pon the h&stor&cal eents of #hr&st.s b&rth,l&fe, death, and res%rrect&on* !el&ance %pon these eents &s of s%pre'es&(n&f&cance for the %nderstand&n( of all th&n(s that perta&n to God and'an.s eternal dest&ny*

  In the l&(ht of the #hr&st eent, the 1%est&on ar&ses Ho are e to th&n/of God and H&s relat&on to the %n&erse, to %s and to o%r orld3 The

(ospel ansers these &tal 1%est&ons by the l&(ht that sh&nes fro' and &no%r ord $es%s #hr&st* In the h&stor&cal $es%s #hr&st God lays bare H&sanser to the hole s&n proble' and controersy*

  The re8ect&on by the orld of th&s h&stor&cal tr%th leaes &t at the 'ercyof h%'an &sdo' and satan&c control* The #hr&st&an fa&th &s noth&n(&tho%t &t* We '%st ta/e o%r stand here* There &s no salat&on apart fro'the h&stor&cal person and or/ of the Son of God*

  So, beyond all the &sdo' and the ph&losoph&es of 'en, God H&'self hasco'e and spo/en to %s* He has beco'e &ntensely personal* The lo(&c of'en.s '&nds creates ne&ther the (ospel nor fa&th &n God* To tal/ of the#hr&st&an fa&th as a ay of l&fe apart fro' the h&stor&c reelat&on &n#hr&st, &s to red%ce #hr&st&an&ty to a h%'an&st&c syste' and to render &thopelessly &'potent*

  The 7&ble see/s to hold %s &th&n the sphere of God.s s%pre'e reelat&on&n H&s Son, here (en%&ne s%rrender and co''&t'ent ta/e place* The&nd&&d%al ho l&es &n th&s sphere 'a/es h&s hole l&fe a spontaneo%sanser to #hr&st &n h%'ble and (lad obed&ence* To hae fa&th &n H&' 'eansto hold a correct &dea abo%t H&', a tr%e /noled(e of H&' as reealed &nH&s Word* Th&s leads to a personal, co'plete tr%st &n H&', and f&nally tolo&n( and ser&n( H&' aboe all th&n(s*

  A rel&(&on dran solely fro' the &nd&&d%al consc&o%sness of 'an canonly reflect a part&c%lar for' of &ntellect%al deelop'ent* Its&nfl%ence &s l&'&ted by the 'o%ld &n h&ch &t &s cast* * * * As%b8ect&e rel&(&on br&n(s &th &t no ele'ent of pro(ress and cannotl&ft 'an o%t of h&'self* A h&stor&cal reelat&on alone can present Godas an ob8ect of personal loe*07!OOE "oss WEST#OTT, The Gospel of the

!es%rrect&on, p* C*  Noth&n( &s 'ore paraly&n( than to d&scoer that e hae no one to depend

on b%t o%rseles* Noth&n( &s 'ore &nsp&r&n( and e'poer&n( than a f&r'tr%st that loo/s aay fro' self to $es%s #hr&st* All o%r ener(&es andcapac&t&es &ll be t%rned &nto God.s sa&n( or/ &n the orld as e loo/2%nto $es%s the a%thor and f&n&sher of o%r fa&th*2


 At Iss%e Inde)#hr&stolo(y Inde)Table of #ontentsPre&o%s Ne)t

Heppenstall - The Man Who Is God, #h >

THE MAN WHO IS GOD by Edard Heppenstall

  #hapter >  THE IN#A!NATION  And the Word as 'ade flesh, and delt a'on( %s, ;and e beheld h&s

(lory, the (lory as of the only be(otten of the "ather,@ f%ll of (raceand tr%th ;$ohn 4+ 4<@*

  The cr%c&al 1%est&on of #hr&st&an&ty centers &n the cla&' that $es%s ofNaareth, a 'an born on th&s earth al'ost to tho%sand years a(o, ho (re%p as any other person, as both God and 'an* One can &'a(&ne thestartl&n( effect on others of the cla&' by a yo%n( 'an &n H&s earlyth&rt&es that He as the second 'e'ber of the Godhead*

  The obserat&on that $es%s as a 'an born as e are creates nocontroersy* 7%t the state'ent that th&s 'an as God, the eternal Son ofGod &n h%'an flesh, &s alto(ether d&fferent* "or th&s 'a/es $es%sd&fferent fro' any other 'an ho eer entered o%r orld*

  The #hr&st&an reelat&on &s not a 'ere 'essa(e abo%t God, &t &s the%ne&l&n( of God* * * * And e are to /no that &t &s not the characterof any 'ere creat%re, b%t of God H&'self* * * * &n H&' dells, not one1%al&ty of God, b%t 2all the f%lness of the Godhead bod&ly* 20#HA!ES

GO!E, The Incarnat&on of the Son of God, p* 4><*  "or 'any the Incarnat&on &s the 'ost profo%nd 'ystery &n the created

%n&erse* That God the #reator sho%ld H&'self condescend to beco'e acreat%re and &'pr&son H&'self &th&n 'atter He created &s an eent thatdefeats lo(&cal analys&s and rat&onal e)planat&on* 7%t God &n $es%s d&dbeco'e flesh, a co'plete h%'an be&n(* Th&s &s the (reatest '&racle of allt&'e and etern&ty* &t cannot be f%lly co'prehended* It can only berece&ed &n (ratef%l adorat&on*

  When e approach the s%b8ect of #hr&st.s d&&n&ty clothed &th the (arbof h%'an&ty, e 'ay appropr&ately heed, the ords spo/en by #hr&st toMoses at the b%rn&n( b%sh, 2Ta/e off thy shoes fro' off thy feet, forthe (ro%nd hereon tho% standest &s holy (ro%nd*2 We '%st co'e to thest%dy of th&s s%b8ect &th the h%'&l&ty of a learner, &th a contr&te

heart* And the st%dy of the &ncarnat&on of #hr&st &s a fr%&tf%l f&eld,and &ll repay the searcher ho d&(s deep for h&dden tr%th*0The SDA7&ble #o''entary, Ellen G* Wh&te #o''ents, on Ph&l* >+:-?, pp* C=<, C=:*When e ant a deep proble' to st%dy, let %s f&) o%r '&nds on the 'ost'arelo%s th&n( that eer too/ place &n earth or heaen-the &ncarnat&onof the Son of God*0 Ib&d*, p* C=<*

  The 'ost f%nda'ental aff&r'at&on of the #hr&st&an fa&th &s that the 'ostco'plete reelat&on of God to s&nf%l 'an &s personal, fo%nd &n onepart&c%lar l&fe, that of $es%s #hr&st* The &'portance of th&s &s seen &nthe fact that there &s no ay to (et r&d of the Incarnat&on &tho%t(ett&n( r&d of #hr&st&an&ty* In the Incarnat&on the ery God of heaen


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  &nades o%r orld &n d&s(%&se* If one does not bel&ee &n the Incarnat&on,then &t &s &'poss&ble to %nderstand hat the #hr&st&an fa&th stands for*If there as no Incarnat&on, then e on th&s planet are &solated &n the%n&erse*

  The &ncarnat&on of the ord $es%s #hr&st &s the central fact of#hr&st&an&ty* 5pon &t the hole s%perstr%ct%re of #hr&st&an theolo(ydepends*0$OHN "* WAFOO!D*

  Mean&n( of the Incarnat&on

  The Incarnat&on 'eans the &nd&ssol%ble %n&on of the h%'an and the d&&ne* A pre-e)&st&n( d&&ne Person, the eternal Son of God, too/ flesh, th%sadd&n( to H&s eternal and d&&ne nat%re, a h%'an nat%re* The ord&ncarnat&on 'eans 2to ta/e on flesh,2 2to clothe &th flesh*2 The Son ofGod too/ on, or clothed H&'self &th, flesh &n the l&teral sense of theter'* 2So the Word beca'e flesh9 he ca'e to dell a'on( %s2 ;$ohn 4+4<,N*E*7*@* Th&s %n&on of the d&&ne and the h%'an res%lted &n to nat%res &none person, $es%s #hr&st* Hence the ter' %sed of $es%s0the God-'an*

  #hr&st as a real 'an9 He (ae proof of H&s h%'&l&ty &n beco'&n( a 'an*6et He as God &n the flesh*-EEN G* WHITE, Selected Messa(es, boo/ 4,p* ><<*

  Was the h%'an nat%re of the Son of Mary chan(ed &nto the d&&ne nat%reof the Son of God3 No9 the to nat%res ere 'yster&o%sly blended &nto

one person0the 'an #hr&st $es%s*- The SDA 7&ble #o''entary, Ellen G*Wh&te #o''ents, on Mar/ 4+, p* 444*

  The Incarnat&on &s not the case of a 'an be&n( de&f&ed* We do not %seter's s%ch as &ncarnat&on hen spea/&n( of an ord&nary b&rth* We do not*spea/ of ch&ldren 2beco'&n( flesh*2 So'eth&n( '&rac%lo%s happened to Onealready e)&st&n( fro' all etern&ty* He already as a co'plete personal&tyon the d&&ne s&de*

  The Scr&pt%re teaches that the de&ty dells &n #hr&st bod&ly and thatthe Word as 'ade flesh &n s%ch a ay that these to nat%res &n the&ncarnate #hr&st, altho%(h not separated and placed apart fro' oneanother b%t %n&ted, yet are and re'a&n co'plete, %n&'pa&red, d&st&nct,and d&fferent both &n s%bstance and &n essent&al attr&b%tes* * * *Therefore the Holy Sp&r&t has &nterpreted the cla%se 2The Word as 'ade

flesh2 not as ta/&n( place by coners&on or co''&n(l&n(, b%t by the 'odeof ass%'pt&on9 2He ho as &n the for' of God too/ on the for' of aserant2 ;Ph&l* >+B@9 2The Son of God too/ the seed of Abraha'2 ;Heb*>+4@9 and He 2as 'ade a parta/er of flesh and blood2 ;Heb* >+4<@9 and2de&ty delt bod&ly &n #hr&st2 ;#ol* >+C@*0MA!TIN #HEMNIT, The ToNat%res of #hr&st, p* B<*

  The apostle $ohn rote that the d&&ne o(os, the ord he %ses at thebe(&nn&n( of h&s Gospel &n reference to the #reator, as none other thanthe person $es%s*

  $es%s #hr&st created th&s orld* He &s the start&n( po&nt of all th&n(s*$ohn declares that 2the Word as God*2 The Gree/ ord lo(os &s translated

2ord,2 referr&n( to the creat&e poer of God*  In the be(&nn&n( as the Word, and the Word as &th God, and the Word

as God* * * * All th&n(s ere 'ade by h&'9 and &tho%t h&' as not anyth&n( 'ade that as 'ade* * * * He as &n the orld, and the orld as'ade by h&', and the orld /ne h&' not* He ca'e %nto h&s on and h&son rece&ed h&' not ;$ohn 4+4-44@*

  2In the be(&nn&n(*2 The ter' refers bac/ to the f&rst chapter of Genes&s*When as that3 That as hen #hr&st, the l&&n( Word, created the orld*

27y the ord of the ord ere the heaens 'ade9 and all the host of the'by the breath of h&s 'o%th* * * * "or he spa/e, and &t as done9 heco''anded, and &t stood fast2 ;Ps* +-C@*

  N&ne t&'es &n the f&rst chapter of Genes&s the phrase 2God sa&d2 &s %sedto descr&be the poer and act&&ty of #hr&st hen He created o%r orld*The phrase refers to that poer that &ss%es forth hen God spea/s* 2Spea/the ord only, and 'y serant shall be healed,2 sa&d the cent%r&on hen hebeso%(ht #hr&st to heal h&s s&c/ serant*

  $es%s #hr&st as &n e)&stence at the b&rth of #reat&on* He e)&sted hent&'e co''enced* There as a t&'e hen He as not flesh9 b%t there neeras a t&'e hen He as not God* He alays as* 27efore Abraha' as, I a'2;$ohn ?+:?@* The attr&b%te etern&ty belon(s to H&'* He, the a%thor of the#hr&st&an fa&th, &s the a%thor of the %n&erse* The fo%nder of the

#hr&st&an ch%rch &s He ho 2la&d the fo%ndat&ons of the earth2 2and 'etedo%t heaen &th the span*2

  That sa'e creat&e poer &s to be e)erc&sed &n o%r l&es as God spea/s to%s &n #hr&st and thro%(h H&s Word* He &s the God 2ho co''anded the l&(htto sh&ne o%t of dar/ness,2 ho 2 hath sh&ned &n o%r heart, to (&e thel&(ht of the /noled(e of the (lory of God &n the face of $es%s #hr&st2 ;>#on <+@*

  $es%s d&d not br&n( H&s h%'an nat%re &th H&' fro' heaen* He as born ofa o'an as all 'en are* He too/ h%'an&ty &th all the h%'an cond&t&ons*ol%ntar&ly descended fro' heaen and .too/ o%r h%'an nat%re &tho%tceas&n( to be God* He &s st&ll God h&le beco'&n( 'an* He &s God hobeca'e 'an*

  He l&ed H&s l&fe on the earth for 'ore than th&rty-three years, as

cr%c&f&ed and res%rrected fro' the dead* He ascended to heaen, here Heas before, ta/&n( bac/ &th H&' H&s h%'an nat%re* He re&(ns &n heaen%pon the throne of God as the God-'an* e hae a 'an on the throne of Godfor all etern&ty*

  So $ohn recorded of #hr&st.s pre-e)&stence &th God the "ather,  No 'an hath ascended %p to heaen, b%t he that ca'e don fro' heaen

;$ohn +4@9 4 ca'e forth fro' the "ather and a' co'e &nto the orld+a(a&n, I leae the orld, and (o to the "ather ;$ohn 4+>?@* And no, ="ather, (lor&fy tho% 'e &th th&ne on self &th the (lory I had &ththee before the orld as ;$ohn 4B+:@*

  Th&s 'a/es #hr&st absol%tely %n&1%e a'on( 'en* There &s an essent&al


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  d&fference beteen H&' and all other 'en fro' H&s ery concept&on andb&rth* All other 'en ho co'e &nto th&s orld are born of to earthlyparents* $es%s ca'e don fro' an eternal pre-e)&stence &n heaen to beborn of a o'an* Th%s H&s co'&n( &nto o%r orld &s %nparalleled* TheGospels record th&s '&racle &n h%'an h&story, h&ch occ%rred al'ost totho%sand years a(o, cal'ly* In read&n( of &t e tend to lose s&(ht of thest%pendo%s s&(n&f&cance of God.s 2%nspea/able (&ft2 of H&s Son to o%rorld* The second person of the Godhead as the ery sa'e &nd&&d%al as

seen &n the 'an $es%s*  O%r need to /no God, to be for(&en, redee'ed, and reconc&led co%ld be

'et only by a d&&ne act of th&s 'a(n&t%de*  "%lly God and "%lly Man  The s%bstance of o%r fa&th l&es &n hat $es%s #hr&st as and hat He d&d,

and not 'erely &n hat He ta%(ht* It &s &'poss&ble to red%ce #hr&st&an&tyto a syste' of 'oral&ty* In $es%s e hae a h&stor&cal %n&on of 'an andGod* Many &nc&dents &n the l&fe of $es%s proe H&' to be both h%'an andd&&ne*

  $es%s as born phys&cally &n the sa'e ay that all 'en are* Th&s proesH&' to be f%lly h%'an* 2And she bro%(ht forth her f&rstborn son, andrapped h&' &n saddl&n( clothes, and la&d h&' &n a 'an(er2 ;%/e >+B@* Atthe sa'e t&'e, the an(el&c anno%nce'ent concern&n( that b&rth as the

co'&n( of the Mess&ah, #hr&st the ord, proes H&' to be d&&ne* 2"or %ntoyo% &s born th&s day &n the c&ty of Da&d a Sa&o%r h&ch &s #hr&st theord* And th&s shall be a s&(n %nto yo%9 6e shall f &nd the babe rapped &nsaddl&n( clothes, ly&n( &n a 'an(er* And s%ddenly there as &th thean(el a '%lt&t%de of the heaenly host pra&s&n( God, and say&n(, Glory toGod &n the h&(hest, and on earth peace, (ood &ll toard 'en2 ;erses44-4<@*

  In heal&n( the &'potent 'an by the pool of 7ethesda, $es%s &nc%rred therath of the $es beca%se He perfor'ed a '&racle on the Sabbath day anddeclared H&s oneness and e1%al&ty &th the "ather ;$ohn :+4@* 27%t $es%sansered the', My "ather or/eth h&therto, and I or/* Therefore the $esso%(ht the 'ore to /&ll h&', beca%se he not only had bro/en the Sabbath,b%t sa&d also that God as h&s "ather, 'a/&n( h&'self e1%al W&th God2

;erses 4B, 4?@* In th&s cr%c&al passa(e of Scr&pt%re, #hr&st aff&r'ed H&sd&&n&ty* The $es reco(n&ed $es%s as a 'an, born a $e* Ob&o%sly, theyhad no ar(%'ent &th H&' on th&s po&nt* 7%t they ere not prepared to (oany f%rther* #onse1%ently, they ere an(ry and so%(ht to /&ll H&' beca%seHe cla&'ed the prero(at&es of God* They r&(htly %nderstood H&s ords*

  $es%s l&ed &n Naareth for so'e th&rty years* 2Is not th&s thecarpenter.s son3 &s not h&s 'other called Mary3 and h&s brethren, $a'es,and $oses, and S&'on, and $%das3 And h&s s&sters, are they not all &th%s3 Whence then hath th&s 'an all these th&n(s32 ;Matt* 4+::, :9 Mar/+@* "or years pre&o%s to H&s p%bl&c '&n&stry $es%s or/ed &n thecarpenter shop &th $oseph, H&s le(al father* He had (ron %p a'on( the

$es of Naareth* All these facts bear &tness to H&s be&n( f%lly h%'an,and f%lly d&&ne*

  At the be(&nn&n( of H&s '&n&stry $es%s ent to the !&er $ordan to bebapt&ed of $ohn* 7y s%b'&tt&n( to ater bapt&s' He a(a&n aff&r'ed H&sh%'an&ty* 6et as He ca'e %p o%t of the ater 2the heaen as opened andthe Holy Ghost descended &n a bod&ly shape l&/e a doe %pon h&', and ao&ce ca'e fro' heaen, h&ch sa&d, Tho% art 'y beloed Son9 &n thee I a'ell pleased2 ;%/e +>4, >>@* Th&s d&&ne 'an&festat&on &tnessed to the

de&ty of $es%s*  In H&s conersat&on &th the Sa'ar&tan o'an at $acob.s ell o%r ord.s

h%'an&ty as reealed by H&s be&n( eary and th&rsty, as e all are att&'es* At the sa'e t&'e He aff&r'ed H&s d&&n&ty to the o'an by cla&'&n(to be the Mess&ah* 2I /no that the Mess&as co'eth, h&ch &s called#hr&st+ hen he &s co'e , he &ll tell %s all th&n(s,2 she sa&d* $es%srepl&ed, 2I that spea/ %nto thee a' he2 ;$ohn <+>:, >@*

  At a certa&n t&'e &n H&s '&n&stry nes ca'e to $es%s that aar%s hadd&ed* Three days later He arr&ed at the (rae &th H&s d&sc&ples*aar%s. s&sters, Mary and Martha, ere there* 2$es%s ept2 ;$ohn 4+:@beca%se He as h%'an, reeal&n( H&s h%'an nat%re* Then He co''anded

the'to ta/e aay the stone to the sep%lcher and co''anded the dead 'an to co'e

forth* And aar%s ca'e forth, bro%(ht bac/ to l&fe* Th&s &nc&dentreealed a(a&n that $es%s #hr&st as both h%'an and d&&ne*

  A 'an s&c/ of the palsy as bro%(ht to $es%s* H&s fr&ends let h&' donthro%(h the roof of the ho%se &nto the presence of #hr&st* When $es%s sathe&r fa&th He sa&d %nto the 'an, 2Son, thy s&ns be for(&en thee*2 So'epeople ho ere present as/ed, 2Who can for(&e s&ns b%t God only32 ;Mar/>+B9 %/e B+<C@* To proe to the do%bters that He co%ld for(&e s&n, $es%shealed the &nal&d, th%s sho&n( that He as d&&ne*

  $es%s also cla&'ed to be the 8%d(e of all 'en* 2"or the "ather 8%d(eth no'an, b%t hath co''&tted all 8%d('ent %nto the Son2 ;$ohn :+>>@* Only Godcan d&scern the tho%(hts and &ntents of the heart* Only God can prono%ncea f&nal and r&(hteo%s erd&ct9 deter'&ne the dest&ny of all 'en* It &s&ncred&ble that $es%s o%ld hae 'ade s%ch cla&'s had He any do%bt as to

H&s d&&n&ty*  There ere occas&ons on earth hen 'en fell don and orsh&ped H&'* $es%s

healed the 'an born bl&nd and the ne)t day sa&d to H&', 2Dost tho% bel&eeon the Son of God32 The 'an ansered and sa&d+ 2Who &s he, ord, that I'&(ht bel&ee on h&'3 And $es%s sa&d %nto h&', Tho% hast both seen h&',and &t &s he that tal/eth &th thee* And he sa&d, ord, I bel&ee* And heorsh&pped h&'2 ;chap* C+:-?@*

  $es%s as cr%c&f&ed and d&ed* H&s fr&ends e'bal'ed H&' &th sp&ces andla&d H&' &n a roc/ to'b* Th&s proes He as h%'an* On the th&rd day theto'b as rent open* Many bod&es of the sa&nts ho slept ere res%rrectedalon( &th #hr&st H&'self* He ca'e forth fro' the (rae by the l&fe that


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  as &n H&'self* Th&s also proes H&' to be both h%'an and d&&ne*  The &ss%e &noled &n these state'ents &s cr%c&al* "or once these

teach&n(s of Scr&pt%re are accepted, th&s bel&ef concern&n( $es%s, H&snat%re, character, or&(&n, and person dec&des o%r dest&ny and o%r f%t%re*Th&s re1%&res 'ore than &ntellect%al /noled(e abo%t #hr&st* "a&th andco''&t'ent are needed* O%r pr&&le(e and d%ty &s to orsh&p, loe, andobey H&'*

  If $es%s &s only a 'an, hat fa&th and tr%st can e hae &n H&' as o%r

Sa&o%r and ord3 What rede'pt&e poer &s there to H&s l&fe and death3What aton&n( &rt%e &s there to H&s shed blood3 What 'ean&n( and help &sthere to H&s pr&estly or/ of &ntercess&on at the r&(ht hand of God &nheaen3 What hope for salat&on and reconc&l&at&on to God can co'e fro' a'ere 'an3

  The P%rpose of the Incarnat&on  4* The Sp&r&t%al #r&s&s of the Incarnat&on  And &tho%t controersy (reat &s the 'ystery of (odl&ness+ God as

'an&fest &n the flesh, 8%st&f&ed &n the Sp&r&t, seen of an(els, preached%nto the Gent&les, bel&eed on &n the orld, rece&ed %p &nto (lory ;IT&'* +4@*

  The Incarnat&on as beca%se only God co%ld 'eet the %n&ersal s&t%at&onca%sed by the rebell&on of Satan and 'an* The necess&ty for the

Incarnat&on lay &n God.s 'oral character* The God of the 7&ble &s the Godof absol%te r&(hteo%sness* There &s a necessary react&on of God as a 'oralbe&n( a(a&nst the s&nf%lness of those ho rebel a(a&nst H&'* #onse1%ently,the d&&ne p%rpose of the Incarnat&on 'eets the 'oral and sp&r&t%al cr&s&sof the %n&erse* God &s seen &n all H&s character of loe andr&(hteo%sness, &s&ble to all* God.s r&(ht to r%le &s concl%s&ely dec&dedonce and for all*

  7y rede'pt&on hat do e 'ean3 * * * We 'ean resc%e fro' e&l by a Godhose 'anner of &t &s 'oral, h&ch &s the act of a 'oral absol%te, theact of a holy God do&n( 8%st&ce to r&(hteo%sness at any cost toH&'self*0P* T* "O!S6TH, The 8%st&f&cat&on of God, p* C*

  The %n&erse &s not held to(ether by &ron cha&ns of la, b%t by '%t%alloe and tr%st beteen God the "ather and all H&s creat%res0H&s sons and

da%(hters &n the orld* The need of all created &ntell&(ences &s a God hocan be absol%tely tr%sted and loed* And God des&res to be %n&ersallyloed and tr%sted*

  The co'&n( of the Son of God &s the 'ost %nco'pro'&s&n( act of God tosae* 7%t that act as carr&ed o%t on the bas&s of r&(hteo%sness and loe*In th&s l&(ht, the clear /noled(e of God.s character &ll %lt&'ately(%arantee the eternal sec%r&ty of the %n&erse* The eternal f%t%re belon(sto God, not to Satan and h&s folloers*

  >* The !eelat&on of God the "ather   2No one has eer seen God9 b%t God.s only Son, he ho &s nearest to the

"ather.s heart, he has 'ade h&' /non2 ;$ohn 4+4?, N*E*7*@* O%r God &s &n

the heaens, &nhab&t&n( etern&ty, %nl&'&ted &n poer and r&(hteo%s loe*Not %nt&l the Incarnat&on d&d He 'a/e an e)ternal reelat&on of H&'selfand H&s character* He &lled to be /non as He really &s &n anser to allSatan.s char(es and acc%sat&ons*

  The best reelat&on e /no &s that &n h&ch e can see and %nderstandGod* All that &s attract&e &n (race and bea%t&f%l &n character &n the"ather &s reealed &n $es%s #hr&st that s&nf%l creat%res '&(ht hae a/noled(e of God atta&ned &n no other ay* So a false concept&on of the

Son &ll lead to a f alse concept&on of God.s character*  The dest&ny of the %n&erse and all God.s creat%res (oes by ay of

7ethlehe', Naareth, and $er%sale'* In H&s b&rth at 7ethlehe', God H&'selfca'e to 'a/e co''on ca%se &th %s a(a&nst Satan* 7y that act He 'oed to&n the %n&erse bac/ to H&'self* Thro%(h the Incarnat&on He has chan(edthe co%rse of the orld and foreer bo%nd the %n&erse to H&'self*

  We are 'ore concerned that God sho%ld do 8%st&ce to H&'self, than eento o%r hopes* * * * The d&&ne dest&ny of the orld as not s&'plyreealed &n #hr&st b%t sec%red*0Ib&d*, p* 4>4*

  $es%s /ne that one s&n anyhere &n the %n&erse not borne by H&'self and%ncon1%ered, as 'ore than God co%ld end%re and st&ll re'a&n as soere&(nord* That the Incarnat&on (%arantees an eternal and tr&%'phantcons%''at&on to the (reat controersy beteen #hr&st and Satan &s no

ro'ant&c &ll%s&on* Th%s e are led to e)cla&', &th o%r ord+  I than/ thee, "ather, ord of heaen and earth, beca%se tho% hast h&d

these th&n(s fro' the &se and pr%dent, and hast reealed the' %ntobabes* Een so, "ather+ for so &t see'ed (ood &n thy s&(ht ;Matt* 44+>:,>@*

  After #hr&st th%s e)alts the "ather, He &''ed&ately cont&n%es+  All th&n(s are del&ered %nto 'e of 'y "ather+ and no 'an /noeth the

Son, b%t the "ather9 ne&ther /noeth any 'an the "ather, sae the Son,and he to ho'soeer the Son &ll reeal h&' ;erse >B@*

  W&th these ords He co''&tted H&'self to honor the "ather and reeal the'a8esty of H&s "ather.s character*

  That &s hy, at H&s co'&n( &nto the orld, He says+ 2Sacr&f&ce andoffer&n( tho% d&dst not des&re, b%t tho% hast prepared a body for 'e* *

* * .Here a' 4+ as &t &s r&tten of 'e &n the scroll, I hae co'e, =God, to do thy &ll.*2 ;Heb* 4=+:-B, N*E*7*@*

  S%ch &s the nat%re of #hr&st.s co''&t'ent to obey the &ll of the "atherat any cost to H&'self* S%ch alle(&ance const&t%tes the s%pre'e test forall of God.s creat%res endoed &th &ntell&(ence and free &ll a/&n too%rs*

  The &'portance of #hr&st.s ta/&n( h%'an nat%re &s seen &n H&s obed&ence tothe absol%te and soere&(n &ll of God* He /ne that He co%ld co''&t H&sent&re l&fe &nto the hands of the "ather &n s%re hope of certa&n &ctoryoer Satan, s&n, and death*

  In #hr&st e see the e)per&ent&al /noled(e of total tr%st &n the "ather*


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  The Son does noth&n( by &ndependent act&on* H&s perfect obed&ence &srooted &n the s%re /noled(e of the "ather.s character* Absol%te tr%stbeteen the "ather and the Son &s '%t%al* #hr&st, ho /ne God the "atherfro' the &ns&de, &s the r&(hteo%s loe of God &n act&on* 2"or &n h&'delleth all the f%llness of the Godhead bod&ly2 ;#ol* >+C@*

  $es%s sa&th %nto h&', I a' the ay, the tr%th, and the l&fe9 no 'anco'eth %nto the "ather, b%t by 'e* If ye had /non 'e, ye sho%ld hae/non 'y "ather also+ and fro' henceforth ye /no h&', and hae seen

h&'* Ph&l&p sa&th %nto h&', ord she %s the "ather, and &t s%ff&ceth%s* $es%s sa&th %nto h&', Hae I been so lon( t&'e &th yo%, and yethast tho% not /non 'e, Ph&l&p3 he that hath seen 'e hath seen the"ather9 and ho sayest tho% then, She %s the "ather ;$ohn 4<+-C@*

  5pon hat (ro%nd o%ld e bel&ee that God &s loe &f $es%s had not co'eto earth3 #hr&st (ae %s the loe of the "ather* In #hr&st the r&(hteo%sloe of God has s%r&ed the attac/s of H&s ene'&es, the s%perf&c&al&ty ofH&s fr&ends, and all the d&ff&c%lt e)per&ences of l&fe*

  #hr&st.s reelat&on of the "ather tells %s e hae a personal God ho &snot ne%tral* All 'e'bers of the Godhead hae ta/en s&des &th %s for o%rrede'pt&on fro' s&n and death* We are saed to the %tter'ost by God.s

loe*  Whereer the poer of &ntellect, of a%thor&ty, or of force &s e'ployed,

and loe &s not 'an&festly present, the affect&ons and &ll of thoseho' e see/ to reach ass%'e a defens&e, repell&n( pos&t&on, and the&rstren(th of res&stance &s &ncreased * He $es%sJ ca'e &nto the orld tobr&n( res&stance and a%thor&ty &nto s%b8ect&on to H&'self* * * * 7%t the'eans He e'ployed &th h&ch to oerco'e e&l ere the &sdo' andstren(th of loe*0EEN G* WHITE, Test&'on&es, ol* >, pp* 4:, 4*

  * The F&nd&cat&on of God  Thro%(h h&' #hr&stJ God chose to reconc&le the hole %n&erse to h&'self2

;#ol* 4+>=, N*E*7*@*  No &sdo' of 'an can 8%st&fy God &n face of the rebell&on of Satan and

s&nners* #reated be&n(s can settle noth&n( relat&e to the s&n proble'*God alone can 8%st&fy H&'self before created &ntell&(ences* #hr&st ca'e tore'oe eery do%bt abo%t the "ather*

  The 'a(n&t%de of the tra(&c nat%re of s&n be(an to be seen hen Satanconsp&red to destroy fa&th &n God, to %s%rp the throne of God* 2Ho arttho% fallen fro' heaen, = %c&fer* * * * "or tho% hast sa&d &n th&neheart, I &ll ascend &nto heaen, I &ll e)alt 'y throne aboe the starsof God+ * * * I &ll be l&/e the 'ost H&(h2 ;Isa* 4<+4>-4<@* %c&ferref%sed to be s%b8ect to the "ather, so there as ar &n heaen* Th&srebell&on p%t God H&'self &n 8eopardy before the %n&erse* Oer a(a&nstthe (lor&o%s character of God stood the rebell&on of Satan* Th&s rebell&onset &n 'ot&on a potent&ally &nf&n&te e&l, for, once be(%n, s&n cannot be%ndone by created be&n(s* It prod%ces %nend&n( conse1%ences for the%n&erse %nless God.s soere&(n r%le co'es to be %n&ersally ac/noled(ed*

  In the Son of God the hole be&n( of God &s sta/ed %pon th&s &ss%e andH&s hole ca'pa&(n &th the orld* * * * In th&s confl&ct ther&(hteo%sness of God &s e&ther sec%red or lost to the orld for eer* It&s a 1%est&on of a f&nal salat&on both for 'an and for God *** else thereal' of Satan ta/es &ts place &n control of the orld*0"O!S6TH, op*c&t*, p* 4<B*

  5lt&'ate &ctory oer those ho rebel a(a&nst God does not depend %pon the%se of force, other&se God sho%ld hae erad&cated &t at the start* If God

co%ld not destroy Satan and h&s an(els &n the be(&nn&n( beca%se the loyalan(els o%ld not %nderstand, &t follos that He o%ld not do so %nt&l theyd&d %nderstand* Only the reelat&on of God.s character &n and thro%(h theSon can proe the "ather to be orthy of the alle(&ance of H&s creat%res*

  S&nce the ser&ce of loe can alone be acceptable to God, the alle(&anceof H&s creat%res '%st rest %pon a con&ct&on of H&s 8%st&ce andbeneolence* The &nhab&tants of heaen and other orlds, be&n(%nprepared to co'prehend the nat%re or conse1%ences of s&n, co%ld notthen hae seen the 8%st&ce and 'ercy of God &n the destr%ct&on of Satan*Had he been &''ed&ately blotted fro' e)&stence, they o%ld hae seredGod fro' fear rather than fro' loe* The &nfl%ence of the dece&er o%ldnot hae been f%lly destroyed, nor o%ld the sp&r&t of rebell&on haebeen %tterly erad&cated* * * * "or the (ood of the ent&re %n&erse

thro%(h ceaseless a(es Satan '%st 'ore f%lly deelop h&s pr&nc&ples,that h&s char(es a(a&nst the d&&ne (oern'ent '&(ht be seen &n the&rtr%e l&(ht by all created be&n(s, that the 8%st&ce and 'ercy of God andthe &''%tab&l&ty of H&s la '&(ht foreer be placed beyond all1%est&on*0EEN G* WHITE, The Great #ontroersy, pp* <C?, <CC*

  S&n as rebell&on &s not ade1%ately dealt &th by p%n&sh'ent for p%n&sh'entleaes the rebel %nchan(ed &n att&t%de* P%n&sh'ent &s not calc%lated to&n the loyalty of the %n&erse, to heal the al&enat&on beteen God and'an* The rede'pt&e p%rpose of God &n #hr&st &s the d&&ne anser to thehole s&n proble'* The &ncarnate Son re'oes all al&enat&on fro' God*

  7y the Incarnat&on s&n and rebell&on stand e)posed &tho%t any poss&blee)c%se* In &t #hr&st bro/e the poer of Satan and d&sproed &tho%t theposs&b&l&ty of ref%tat&on all the char(es 'ade by Satan*

  In the f&nal e)ec%t&on of the 8%d('ent &t &ll be seen that no ca%se fors&n e)&sts* Eery 'o%th &ll be stopped and all the hosts of rebell&on&ll be speechless* In the Sa&o%r.s e)p&r&n( cry, 2It &s f&n&shed,2 thedeath /nell of Satan as r%n(* * * * When 2the day co'eth, that shallb%rn as an oen9 * * * &t shall leae the' ne&ther root nor 7ranch*2

  The hole %n&erse &ll hae beco'e &tnesses to the nat%re and res%ltsof s&n* And &ts %tter e)ter'&nat&on, h&ch &n the be(&nn&n( o%ld haebro%(ht fear to an(els and d&shonor to God, &ll no &nd&cate H&s loeand establ&sh H&s honor before the %n&erse of be&n(s ho del&(ht to doH&s &ll, and &n hose heart &s H&s la* * * * A tested and proedcreat&on &ll neer a(a&n be t%rned fro' alle(&ance to H&' hose


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  character has been f%lly 'an&fested before the' as fatho'less loe and&nf&n&te &sdo'*0Ib&d*, pp* :=, :=<*

  Th%s the &ncarnat&on of #hr&st &nd&cated the "ather, and H&s l&fe andor/ p%bl&cly e)posed and conde'ned before the %n&erse the hole s&nf%lorder*

  Man &s only saed by God.s hol&ness, and not fro' &t, not &n sp&te of&t* He &s saed by the tra(&c act&on of a holy God, by the honor done byGod &n #hr&st to H&s on holy na'e and p%rpose* * * * We sho%ld be 'ore

s%re of 'an.s salat&on &f e so%(ht f&rst God.s r&(hteo%sness*0"O!S6TH,op* c&t*, p* 4><*

  The royal a%thor&ty of God &s not yet f%lly establ&shed* Satan st&ll l&esand operates* There are 'any sp&r&ts &n rebell&on a(a&nst God.s soere&(n&ll ho hae not ac/noled(ed the r&(hteo%sness of the "ather* 7%t theseare to be f&nally con1%ered and destroyed* 5lt&'ately God.s do'&n&on &llprea&l fro' orld to orld, fro' (ala)y to (ala)y*

  #hr&st stands at the ery center of the d&scord, see/&n( to br&n( allGod.s creat%res &nto oneness &th the "ather* In H&' e see the %n&t&n(poer of loe, by h&ch the r%le of God &s establ&shed* 5nder H&' thescattered sheep of earth ho are tr%ly of H&s fold are be&n( (atheredto(ether &nto one %n&ted floc/* #hr&st &s the all-&ncl%s&e head of therace* 2I &n the', and tho% &n 'e, that they 'ay be 'ade perfect &n one9

and that the orld 'ay /no that tho% hast sent 'e, and hast loed the',as tho% hast loed 'e2 ;$ohn 4B+>@* Th%s #hr&st &s the %n&ersal Sa&o%r* As Son of 'an He &s /&ns'an of all created be&n(s* He 'a/es eery tr%ech&ld of God to (lo &th the loe of God* He f&lls all &n all*

  The Son of God &s seated &th the "ather on the throne of heaen* He &s(a&n&n( s%pre'e control oer all* He &ll re&(n %nt&l He has settled eeryd&sp%te, re'oed eery en'&ty and s&n9 %nt&l the "ather.s a%thor&ty &sf%lly ac/noled(ed and establ&shed*

  "or he '%st re&(n, t&ll he hath p%t all ene'&es %nder h&s feet* * * * And hen all th&n(s shall be s%bd%ed %nto h&', then shall the son alsoh&'self be s%b8ect %nto h&' that p%t all th&n(s %nder h&', that God 'aybe all &n all ;I #or* 4:+>:->?@*

  <* The Incarnat&on and the Atone'ent

  The Son of God beca'e 'an for the p%rpose of o%r rede'pt&on* 2Whereforehen he co'eth &nto the orld, he sa&th, Sacr&f&ce and offer&n( tho%o%ldest not, b%t a body hast tho% prepared 'e2 ;Heb* .4=+:@*

  One reason for #hr&st.s ta/&n( o%r 'ortal flesh as that He '&(ht offerH&'self a sacr&f&ce for s&n* Had He re'a&ned &n H&s pre-e)&stent statethere as no ay for H&' to d&e* 7%t He ca'e to d&e* So at H&s co'&n(#hr&st &s p&ct%red as call&n( %pon God to (&e H&' the body He needed forH&s or/ of rede'pt&on*

  A d&&ne 8%d('ent on s&n as necessary* The Son of God too/ %pon H&'selfh%'an&ty &n order to bear God.s 8%d('ent on s&n* The nat%re of #hr&st.sdeath on the cross &s that 8%d('ent* S&n '%st be dealt &th &n the

personal real' here s&n occ%rred*The Sept%a(&nt read&n(, 2a body d&dst tho% prepare for 'e,2 s%((ests too%r a%thor the &ncarnat&on of the Son of God, and the hole passa(e fro'Ps* <= &s %nderstood as spo/en by H&' 2hen he co'eth &nto the orld*2H&s &ncarnat&on &tself &s &eed as an *** ant&c&pat&on of H&s s%pre'es%b'&ss&on to that &ll &n death* The psal'&st.s ords, 2o, I a' co'eto do thy &ll, = God,2 s%' %p the hole tenor of o%r ord.s l&fe and'&n&stry, and e)press the essence of that tr%e sacr&f&ce h&ch God

des&res*0"* " * 7!5#E, #o''entary on the Ep&stle to the Hebres9 The NeInternat&onal #o''entary on the Ne Testa'ent, pp><, >:*

  The ch&ldren of a fa'&ly share the sa'e flesh and blood9 and so he tooshared o%rs, so that thro%(h death he '&(ht brea/ the poer of h&' hohad death at h&s co''and, that &s, the de&l9 and '&(ht l&berate thoseho, thro%(h fear of death, had all the&r l&fet&'e been &n ser&t%de* ** * And therefore he had to be 'ade l&/e these brothers of h&s &n eeryay, so that he '&(ht be 'erc&f%l and fa&thf%l as the&r h&(h pr&estbefore God, to e)p&ate the s&ns of the people ;Heb* >+4<-4B, N*E*7*@*

  In th&s scr&pt%re the r&ter e'phas&es the fact that, beca%se 'an &s'ortal, #hr&st too/ %pon H&'self o%r 'ortal flesh* 7eca%se He ca'e toredee' %s, #hr&st p%t H&'self &n o%r pos&t&on* 7eca%se He so%(ht to chan(ethose &th en'&ty a(a&nst God &nto fr&ends of God, He ass%'ed o%r nat%re*

He beca'e flesh and blood to ranso' those ho ere &n bonda(e to s&n,death, and Satan* Satan held the do'&n&on of s&n and death oer all 'en*Thro%(h H&s death #hr&st destroyed the r%le of Satan, of s&n, and of

death*  #hr&st.s h%'an&ty &s real* If H&s sol&dar&ty &th H&s brethren of flesh

and blood &s to be real, He also '%st be a (en%&ne parta/er of the sa'eflesh and blood*

  He '%st parta/e of flesh and blood 2&n l&/e 'anner2 &th the'0that &s tosay, by the (ateay of b&rth* * * * And &f H&s fello-'en, enter&n( th&searthly l&fe by b&rth, leae &t &n d%e co%rse by death, &t as d&&nelyf&tt&n( that He too sho%ld d&e* Indeed, th&s &s stated here as thep%rpose of H&s &ncarnat&on0that He sho%ld d&e, and &n the ery act ofdy&n( dra the st&n( of death*0Ib&d*, pp* <?, <C*

  S&nners can co'e to God &th conf&dence only &f the&r s&n has been dealt&th* * * * The p%rpose of H&s &ncarnat&on as that thro%(h H&s death He'&(ht .'a/e prop&t&at&on for the s&ns of the people* . 20Ib&d*, p* :*

  !ede'pt&on cannot be done by a %n&ersal decree fro' Heaen* $es%s #hr&st'%st confront Satan and defeat the pr&nce of th&s orld &n the arena ofh%'an te'ptat&on and s%ffer&n(*

  There &s no salat&on &n the l&fe e)a'ple of $es%s, the carpenter ofNaareth, &f that &s all there &s* $es%s #hr&st d&d not co'e &nto theorld s&'ply to say so'eth&n(, b%t to do so'eth&n(, 2to sae s&nners*2 Heca'e to redee' 'en fro' s&n and death* $es%s #hr&st '%st not be red%ced toa s%b8ect for 'erely rat&onal th&n/&n(* There &s a d&fference beteen hat


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  'en 'ay th&n/ of God and hat God has reealed of H&'self &n #hr&st* We'%st d&st&n(%&sh beteen hat e br&n( as preconce&ed &deas to o%r st%dyabo%t God and hat e f&nd &n #hr&st* S&nce there are (o&n( to bed&fferent op&n&ons and &nterpretat&ons of #hr&st.s teach&n(s, e '%st stayby the 'a&n 1%est&on+ Has God co'e to o%r orld &n $es%s #hr&st to sae%s3 If He has, then appeals to 'en.s th&n/&n( and ar(%'ents are &n a&n*

  To ar(%e abo%t o%r bel&efs concern&n( God ta/es %s fro' the heart of the'atter* It fa&ls to deal &th the bas&c &ss%e of the Incarnat&on+ God &n

tr%th ca'e to %s &n #hr&st to sae %s fro' o%r s&ns* !&(htly %nderstood,the &ncarnat&on of $es%s #hr&st &s not a proble' for o%r fa&th* It &s boththe (lory of God and the (lory of 'an* 7eca%se none other than the Son ofGod d&ed for %s, 'an '%st be orth dy&n( for &n the eyes of God and the%n&erse*

  Isa&ah prophes&ed of the '&n&stry of $es%s+  The sp&r&t of the ord God &s %pon 'e9 beca%se the ord hath ano&nted 'e

to preach (ood t&d&n(s %nto the 'ee/9 he hath sent 'e to b&nd %p thebro/enhearted, to procla&' l&berty to the capt&es, and the open&n( ofthe pr&son to the' that are bo%nd9 to procla&' the acceptable year ofthe ord9 and the day of en(eance of o%r God9 to co'fort all that'o%rn9 to appo&nt %nto the' that 'o%rn &n &on, to (&e %nto the' bea%tyfor ashes, the o&l of 8oy for 'o%rn&n(, the (ar'ent of pra&se for the

sp&r&t of hea&ness9 that they '&(ht be called trees of r&(hteo%sness,the plant&n( of the ord, that he '&(ht be (lor&f&ed ;Isa* 4+4-@*

  God co%ld not (&e %s a Sa&o%r by dele(at&n( the or/ of rede'pt&on to anan(el* He co%ld not place the dest&ny of o%r race &n the hands of acreated be&n( fro' another orld* Only the God ho created %s co%ld redee'%s* Only the co'pass&onate loe of God, ho &nested %s &th eternalal%e, can %lt&'ately perfect o%r state and restore %s to a ne heaen anda ne earth*

  The God ho &lled 'an.s salat&on '%st H&'self effect &t* * * * Only Heho had lost %s co%ld f&nd %s, only He ho as ron(ed co%ld for(&e* ** * Only God H&'self &th %s, and no creat%re of H&s, co%ld 'eet theso%l.s last need, and restore a creat&on %ndone* * * * We '%st hae thatcerta&nty for fa&th* "or #hr&st&an fa&th &s '%ch 'ore than the sense of

a sp&r&t%al God9 &t &s the tr%st of an absol%te God* * * * Th&s poerand certa&nty of the race.s salat&on e can only hae fro' God H&'selfas Sa&or* God co%ld not dep%te rede'pt&on* * * * No half-God co%ldredee' the so%l h&ch &t too/ the hole God to create*0"O!S6TH, op*c&t*, pp* ?:, ?*

  Eery sche'e &nented and tr&ed by h%'an be&n(s for the rehab&l&tat&on ofs&nf%l 'an &s &n confl&ct &th God.s effort to sae h&' by $es%s #hr&st*The &ncarnat&on of the Son of God places before the orld the (reatestalternat&e eer conce&ed+ !ede'pt&on and eternal l&fe by $es%s #hr&st,or none at all*

  #hr&st alone has reealed %n&'pa&red hat God &s really l&/e and hat He

has done to redee' %s* And eery ch&ld of the h%'an race &s &n&ted tobeco'e a ch&ld of God thro%(h the rede'pt&on ro%(ht by H&'* There &s nos%rer s&(n of the tr%e God to those ho hae eyes to see than th&s0that onthe cross e hae co'e face to face &th God, ho loes and saes %s tothe %tter'ost* Here e reach the s%''&t of all o%r hopes* There can be noorthy des&re beyond th&s, for thro%(h the reelat&on of God &n #hr&st alll&fe.s best hopes and des&res are real&ed*

  :* #hr&st, the Second Ada'

  2The f&rst 'an Ada' as 'ade a l&&n( so%l9 the last Ada' as 'ade a1%&c/en&n( sp&r&t2 ;I #or* 4:+<:@* 2Neertheless death re&(ned fro' Ada'to Moses, een oer the' that had not s&nned after the s&'&l&t%de of Ada'.s trans(ress&on, ho &s the f&(%re of h&' that as to co'e2 ;!o'*:+4<@*

  There are to Ada's reealed &n the 7&ble* The apostle Pa%l e&(hs the&'portance of the to &n relat&on to the h%'an race* #erta&n tr%ths areasserted abo%t the' both*

  7y the creat&e act of God the f&rst Ada' ca'e &nto be&n( and beca'e thefather of the h%'an race* At the Incarnat&on, by the creat&e act of theHoly Sp&r&t, the Son of God beca'e the second Ada'* Pa%l d&st&n(%&shesbeteen the %n&ersal re&(n of s&n and death that folloed fro' Ada'.sfall, and the re&(n of (race and r&(hteo%sness that proceeds fro' the l&fe

and death of the second Ada'* 7oth Ada' and #hr&st stand, as &t ere, atthe head of the race* The f&rst Ada' &s the nat%ral, the phys&cal, head9#hr&st, the second Ada', &s the sp&r&t%al head* The dest&ny of all 'en &s&noled &th both Ada's*

  The ent&re race shared &n the res%lts of the f&rst Ada'.s d&sobed&ence andseparat&on fro' God* All 'en by &rt%e of the&r sol&dar&ty &th the f&rst Ada' start l&fe 2&tho%t God,2 &n al&enat&on fro' God ;Eph* >+4>@*

  !o'ans :+4>->4 clearly states that to $es%s #hr&st the second Ada', asentr%sted the respons&b&l&ty to s%cceed here the f&rst Ada' fa&led* Inth&s passa(e Pa%l (&es a ser&es of contrasts that spea/ to th&s po&nt*"ro' the f&rst Ada' co'e conde'nat&on, fro' the second co'e 8%st&f&cat&on9fro' the f&rst co'e s&n and death, fro' #hr&st co'e r&(hteo%sness andl&fe9 fro' the one co'es d&sobed&ence, and obed&ence fro' the other9 the

re&(n of s&n fro' the f&rst Ada' and the re&(n of (race fro' the second Ada'*

  In stat&n( the contrasts Pa%l e'phas&es the 2'%ch 'ore2 e rece&e fro'$es%s #hr&st*

  "or &f the ron(do&n( of that one 'an bro%(ht death %pon so 'any, &tseffect &s astly e)ceeded by the (race of God and the (&ft that ca'e toso 'any by the (race of the one 'an, $es%s #hr&st* And a(a&n, the (&ftof God &s not to be co'pared &n &ts effect &th that one 'an.s s&n ;!o'*:+4:, 4, N*E*7*@*

  In #hr&st, the second Ada', e ho are #hr&st&ans e)per&ence a ne and&ctor&o%s sol&dar&ty* #hr&st.s relat&on to %s &s so close and real that


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  &t t%rns the t&de of s&n, d&sobed&ence, and death* Therefore, e '%st notta/e s&n and death for (ranted as so'eth&n( that nat%rally belon(s to %s&n th&s l&fe* God has p%t H&s beloed Son, the second Ada', &n place ofthe f&rst*

  #hr&st reerses the re&(n of s&n and 'a/es poss&ble for #hr&st&ans there&(n of (race and r&(hteo%sness* Th&s reersal br&n(s a ne, d&&ne l&festyle fro' beyond o%rseles and o%r ab&l&ty to ach&ee* #hr&st ta/es the&n&t&at&e &n o%r l&es* H&s (&ft of l&fe and r&(hteo%sness transcends all

of the effects of s&n thro%(h t&'e fro' the fall of the f&rst Ada' %nt&lthe end of the orld* 2.I hae co'e that 'en 'ay hae l&fe, and 'ay hae&t &n all &ts f%llness2. ;$ohn 4=+4=, N*E*7*@*

  In the second Ada' &s reealed the tr%e 'an* Anyth&n( less than hat esee &n $es%s #hr&st &s abnor'al and %nnat%ral* All s&n, d&sobed&ence, and%nr&(hteo%sness hae no r&(htf%l place &n %s* They are a perers&on of 'anas God &ntends h&' to be*

  $es%s #hr&st, as He l&ed H&s l&fe on earth, &s the nor'al 'an* The f&rst Ada' neer reached the f%llness of the &'a(e for h&ch he as created* Thesecond Ada' l&ed &n co'plete har'ony &th God, H&s heaenly "ather*

  W&th #hr&st as the ne head of the race e ho are H&s folloers '%stchoose to (o #hr&st.s ay* The second Ada' re1%&res that e accept H&sheadsh&p and lordsh&p* We are to respond &th a total co''&t'ent of o%r

l&es to H&'* We '%st not accept hat e hae ac1%&red fro' the f&rst Ada'as the nat%ral l&fe*

  "or %s as s&nners, eeryth&n( depends %pon the chan(e &n lordsh&p* As ares%lt of the f&rst Ada'.s fall &nto s&n e ac1%&re phys&cal, 'ental, andsp&r&t%al de(eneracy that has separated %s fro' God* "ro' the second Ada'e e)per&ence the sa&n(, transfor'&n( l&fe and poer of God* Th&s &s the(&f t of God to %s*

  So let %s 'a/e o%r approach &n s&ncer&ty of heart and f%ll ass%rance offa&th, o%r (%&lty hearts spr&n/led clean, o%r bod&es ashed &th p%reater* et %s be f&r' and %nser&n( &n the confess&on of o%r hope, forthe G&er of the pro'&se 'ay be tr%sted ;Heb* 4=+>>, >, N*E*7*@*

  The real 'en &n the orld are those &n ho' the l&fe of #hr&st p%lsates*W&tho%t th&s l&fe 'en are neer hat God &ntended* 5nless e ta/e o%r

stand &th&n the lordsh&p of the second Ada', the ne head of the race,there can be no eternal l&fe, no r&(hteo%sness, no restorat&on to the&'a(e of God*

  There &s a orld of d&fference beteen the best that the f&rst Ada' &n %scan ach&ee and hat e 'ay hae &n and by the second Ada'* The d&fferencebeteen the' &s dec&s&e* It &s poss&ble to dell on the 'oral (reatnessof 'en &tho%t #hr&st and ass%'e that th&s &s (ood eno%(h for the&rstand&n( &th God * Th&s &s a bas&c &ss%e* Ada' fa&led, and so d&d all h&sdescendants* #hr&st s%cceeded* That 'a/es all the d&fference for l&fe hereand &n the hereafter*

  * $es%s #hr&st, the Incarnate 8%d(e

  2"or the "ather 8%d(eth no 'an, b%t hath co''&tted all 8%d('ent %nto theSon* * * * And hath (&en h&' a%thor&ty to e)ec%te 8%d('ent also, beca%sehe &s the Son of 'an2 ;$ohn :+>>->B@*

  In th&s passa(e of Scr&pt%re the fact that $es%s #hr&st as the &ncarnateSon of 'an &s (&en as the reason hy He &ll be o%r 8%d(e* God the "atherhas not (&en the 8%d('ent &nto #hr&st.s hands beca%se He &s the Son ofGod, b%t beca%se He &s the Son of 'an* In the hands of the God-'an the 8%d('ent of all 'en &ll hae '%ch (reater s&(n&f&cance*

  Then co'eth the end, hen he shall hae del&ered %p the /&n(do' to God,een the "ather9 hen he shall hae p%t don all r%le and all a%thor&tyand poer* "or he '%st re&(n, t&ll he hath p%t all ene'&es %nder h&sfeet* The last ene'y that shall be destroyed &s death* "or he hath p%tall th&n(s %nder h&s feet* 7%t hen he sa&th all th&n(s are p%t %nderh&', &t &s 'an&fest that he &s e)cepted, h&ch d&d p%t all th&n(s %nderh&' ;4 #or* 4:+><->B@*

  The 2end2 referred to here &s that t&'e hen all the cases of 'en and the&ss%es of the (reat controersy &ll hae been dec&ded* Not %nt&l then&ll #hr&st del&er %p the /&n(do' %nto the "ather* Th&s ter'&nates thespec&al r%le of #hr&st as !edee'er and 8%d(e*

  The pos&t&on of the "ather and the Son &n the controersy &s 'ade clear &nthe te)t 1%oted* Whateer a%thor&ty the Son of 'an has, He has der&ed

fro' the "ather to carry o%t the rede'pt&e pro(ra' orda&ned before thefo%ndat&on of the orld, to acco'pl&sh the establ&sh'ent and the re&(n ofthe /&n(do' of God, and to &nd&cate God H&'self*

  The or/ of redee'&n( and 8%d(&n( those ho l&e on the earth &s anessent&al aspect of the &ncarnate #hr&st* $es%s &s the Son of 'an by&rt%e of H&s h%'an nat%re* Therefore He &s e'&nently 1%al&f&ed to be the2One 'ed&ator beteen God and 'an2 ;I T&'* >+:@*The fact that the Son of God beca'e 'an, 1%al&f&es H&' to be o%r !edee'erand o%r 8%d(e* What other Person &th&n the Godhead has a 'ore%nderstand&n( '&nd and heart &n 8%d(&n( 'en than He3 Those ho' #hr&st 8%st&f&es at last, all 'en on earth &ll %lt&'ately 8%st&fy also* And all&ll %lt&'ately a(ree &th #hr&st re(ard&n( those ho' He conde'ns at


  #hr&st too/ %pon H&'self o%r nat%re* Th&s re'oes any ar(%'ent 'en '&(htother&se hae that there as a d&fference beteen H&s &e of l&fe andthe&rs* The char(e that God &s a hard tas/'aster, de'and&n( the &'poss&bleof 'en, can rece&e no hear&n( or cons&derat&on before the Son of 'an* Whocan cla&' e)c%ses for all the pr&de, the self&shness, and the s&ns ofthe&r l&es before $es%s #hr&st, ho 2'ade h&'self of no rep%tat&on, andtoo/ %pon h&' the for' of a serant, and as 'ade &n the l&/eness of 'en2;Ph&l* >+B@3 Who can ref%te the dec&s&ons and 8%d('ents of $es%s #hr&stthe 8%d(e, ho ref%sed all the /&n(do's of the orld offered to H&' bySatan &n the &lderness, and ho for o%r sa/es steadfastly set H&s face to(o to $er%sale' and to death3 Who can (&e the e)c%se that h&s te'ptat&ons


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  are hard for flesh and blood to end%re &n face of the 'an #hr&st $es%s,ho as te'pted beyond that h&ch any 'an co%ld bear3 7efore the Son of'an all the defenses of the %n(odly &ll be %tterly bro/en don*

  Who &ll dare to say to th&s $es%s, that He does not %nderstand all theyhad to face &n th&s orld or that they ere pressed beyond all that h%'anstren(th co%ld poss&bly end%re3 "or He 2as 'ade a l&ttle loer than thean(els for the s%ffer&n( of death, croned &th (lory and hono%r9 that heby the (race of God sho%ld taste death for eery 'an* "or &t beca'e h&',

for ho' are all th&n(s, and by ho' are all th&n(s, &n br&n(&n( 'any sons%nto (lory, to 'a/e the capta&n of the&r salat&on perfect thro%(hs%ffer&n(s2 ;Heb* >+C, 4=@*

  In the parable of the talents $es%s &ll%strated the acco%nt e '%st (&eto H&' at the 8%d('ent3 The 2&c/ed and slothf%l serant2 char(ed h&slord, 2I /ne thee that tho% art an hard 'an, reap&n( here tho% hast notson, and (ather&n( here tho% hast not straed2 ;Matt* >:+><@* Theserant tr&ed to e)c%se h&'self by attac/&n( h&s lord.s character* 7%t heas left &tho%t e)c%se* Any co'pla&nts 'en see/ to 'a/e a(a&nst #hr&stcan only a((raate the offense*

  The p&ct%re e hae of God and H&s relat&on to %s &s f%lly reealed &n o%rord and Sa&o%r, $es%s #hr&st* Many bel&ee that God.s 8%d('ent of 'encan be classed as hard9 that hen the t&'e co'es for 8%d('ent, God &ll

&nest H&'self &th an aspect of seer&ty h&le d&est&n( H&'self of loeand 'ercy* The tendency of th&s concept &s to 'a/e people afra&d of God*

  Granted that e '%st not be &nd&fferent abo%t o%r stand&n( &th God* 7%t#hr&st reeals &n H&s person and H&s deal&n(s &th s&nners that God &s nodespot ho cont&n%ally and eternally de'ands H&s po%nd of flesh*M&s%nderstand&n(s as to the day of 8%d('ent der&e fro' the'&s%nderstand&n(s of God.s character and H&s lo&n( p%rpose for all hol&e on the earth*

  So God the "ather has t%rned all 8%d('ent oer to the Son of 'an* And$es%s, that Son of 'an, the 8%d(e of all 'en, &s one of %s* He belon(s to%s* He &s o%r !edee'er, "r&end, and Adocate* 2Here&n &s o%r loe 'adeperfect, that e 'ay hae boldness &n the day of 8%d('ent+ beca%se as he&s, so are e &n th&s orld2 ;I $ohn <+4B@*

  In 8%d(&n( H&s ch&ldren $es%s 'an&fests the r&(hteo%s character and lo&n(att&t%de of God toard %s* In #hr&st e, as tr%e #hr&st&ans, are safe* "orthe 8%d('ent &ll appear an ho%r to be des&red beca%se of the bea%ty ofH&s loe and the (lory of the Son of 'an*

  Th&s fact d&spels all fears of stand&n( before the 8%d('ent seat of God*2And no, l&ttle ch&ldren, ab&de &n h&'9 that, hen he shall appear, e'ay hae conf&dence, and not be asha'ed before h&' at h&s co'&n(2 ;I $ohn>+>?@* At that day e ho are f%lly H&s &4l recall all that He has beento %s h&le on earth, eerlast&n( 'ercy and for(&eness for all o%r s&ns*To those ho l&e &th&n loe and tr%st &n #hr&st o%r $%d(e, there can beno fear for that (reat day* We &ll not stand &n 8eopardy hen the boo/s

are opened and the 8%d(e r&ses to prono%nce sentence* The ord &s o%rref%(e and o%r stren(th*

  Who &ll procla&' %s eternally 8%st&f&ed and saed3 We are s%re that#hr&st &ll* He &s the s%pre'e reelat&on of d&&ne (oodness and tr%th*Who &ll restore %s at last to o%r s&nless state3 Who &ll anser o%r cryto l&e &th H&' and all the an(el&c hosts &n a perfect %n&erse 3 Who b%tthe One ho carr&ed a cross, ho prayed for H&s ene'&es, and ho &llcreate a ne earth here&n dells r&(hteo%sness3 Who alone can 'a/e the

%n&erse free fro' s&n and death b%t the Son of 'an3  The s%pre'e de'and &s for a r&(hteo%s 8%d('ent, the &nd&cat&on of r&(ht,

and the conde'nat&on of ron(* #hr&st&ans are absol%tely s%re that God,o%r Sa&o%r and !edee'er, &ll /eep fa&th &th all those ho haeco''&tted the&r l&es and dest&n&es to H&'*

  We a&t cal'ly and conf&dently for the f&nal &nd&cat&on* 7el&e&n( as edo &n the l&&n( God ho beca'e flesh, ho ca'e search&n( for H&s lostch&ldren, e &ll not &nterpret the 8%d('ent &n ter's of fear* Tr%st &nH&s loe and r&(hteo%sness &ll or/ o%r p%r&f&cat&on, foreer establ&sho%r alle(&ance, and capt%re o%r hearts for all etern&ty*

  Then hat can separate %s fro' the loe of #hr&st3 #an affl&ct&on orhardsh&p3 #an persec%t&on, h%n(er, na/edness, per&l, or the sord3 * * *In sp&te of all, oerhel'&n( &ctory &s o%rs thro%(h h&' ho loed %s*

"or I a' con&nced that there &s noth&n( &n death or l&fe, &n the real'of sp&r&ts or s%perh%'an poers, &n the orld as &t &s or the orld as&t shall be, &n the forces of the %n&erse, &n he&(hts or depths0noth&n(&n all creat&on that can separate %s fro' the loe of God &n #hr&st$es%s o%r ord ;!o'* ?+:-C, N*E*7*@*


 At Iss%e Inde)#hr&stolo(y Inde)Table of #ontentsPre&o%s Ne)t

Heppenstall - The Man Who Is God, #h

THE MAN WHO IS GOD by Edard Heppenstall

  #hapter   THE 7I!TH O" $ES5S  Th&s &s the story of the b&rth of the Mess&ah* Mary h&s 'other as

betrothed to $oseph9 before the&r 'arr&a(e she fo%nd that she as &thch&ld by the Holy Sp&r&t* * * * All th&s happened &n order to f%lf&llhat the ord declared thro%(h the prophet+ 2The &r(&n &ll conce&eand bear a son, and he shall be called E''an%el,2 a na'e h&ch 'eans2God &s &th %s2 ;Matt* 4+4?->, N*E*7*@*

  7y the ter' 2the &r(&n b&rth of #hr&st2 e 'ean that $es%s d&d not hae ah%'an father, b%t as be(otten of the Holy Sp&r&t* The ter' placese'phas&s on #hr&st.s s%pernat%ral b&rth, the 'ethod by h&ch the eternal


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  Son of God, ho as fro' etern&ty, too/ the for' and flesh of a createdbe&n( &tho%t ceas&n( to be God*

  If $es%s #hr&st had both a h%'an father and 'other He as be(otten as eare be(otten* If He had ne&ther, then He co%ld not be a 'an* The nat%re ofH&s b&rth proes both H&s d&&n&ty and H&s h%'an&ty*

  27efore the&r 'arr&a(e she fo%nd that she as &th ch&ld by the HolySp&r&t*2 Mary as pl&(hted, or betrothed, to $oseph, b%t not yet 'arr&edto h&'* There &s eery e&dence that Mary as a &r(&n* Mary herself as/s

of the an(el Gabr&el, ho ca'e to her &th the anno%nce'ent that she as&th ch&ld, 2Ho shall th&s be, see&n( I /no not a 'an32 ;%/e 4+<@*

  The Scr&pt%res aff&r' that $es%s as conce&ed by the act&on of the HolySp&r&t %pon the &r(&n Mary* $oseph heard Mary.s e)planat&on as to ho shebeca'e pre(nant* The drea' (&en h&' fro' God con&nced h&' of hertr%thf%lness, and he d&d not then hes&tate to ta/e her to be h&s &fe* Thee'phas&s thro%(ho%t &s %pon Mary.s be&n( a &r(&n*

  2I ca'e don fro' heaen2 ;$ohn +?@* In these s&'ple ords $es%sdeclared that He as not an ord&nary 'an9 that He as d&fferent fro' thoseho ere l&sten&n( to H&s ser'on on the 7read of &fe* And the $es d&dnot l&/e hat He sa&d+

  At th&s the $es be(an to '%r'%r d&sappro&n(ly beca%se he sa&d, 2I a'the bread h&ch ca'e don fro' heaen*2 They sa&d, 2S%rely th&s &s $es%s

son of $oseph9 e /no h&s father and 'other* Ho can he no say, .Ihae co'e don fro' heaen.32 ;$ohn +<4, <>, N*E*7*@*

  The $es clearly %nderstood #hr&st.s cla&' that H&s or&(&n as d&fferentfro' the&rs* And they (ot the po&nt that &f He ca'e fro' heaen, He co%ldbe none other than the Son of God, the lon(-e)pected Mess&ah*

  We /no that $es%s d&d co'e fro' heaen, and that He as born of Mary* et%s hold fast to these to facts* It &s h&(hly &'portant that e p%t theseto scr&pt%ral state'ents to(ether+ the Son of God fro' heaen and the Sonof 'an fro' Mary.s o'b* These declare that the nat%re of H&s concept&onas d&fferent fro' that of all other 'en*

  It &s &'poss&ble to oerest&'ate the &'portance of #hr&st.s be(&nn&n( hereon earth* The Gospel state'ents re(ard&n( H&s 'anner of b&rth are notdes&(ned to create a sc&ent&f&c proble' for 'en to ar(%e abo%t* It &s an

essent&al tr%th of H&s on person and Mess&an&c or/* In the %nderstand&n(and bel&ef of the '&rac%lo%s b&rth of $es%s e are s&'ply confronted bythe Word of God*

  We cannot proe the &r(&n b&rth* The 7&ble (&es %s no sc&ent&f&ce&dence to de'onstrate ho &t too/ place* We are not as/ed to proe that$es%s as born &th only one earthly parent, to establ&sh researchlaborator&es co'plete &th all the tools of che'&stry and b&olo(y &n orderto st%dy (enet&cs and the act&on of the (enes and chro'oso'es to searcho%t the nat%re of #hr&st.s concept&on* There &s no ay to %nrael the'ystery of e&ther the Incarnat&on or the &r(&n b&rth* The 7&ble does nottheor&e on th&s s%b8ect* It aff&r's* It procla&'s* And &n &ts

procla'at&on of the co'&n( of the second person of the Godhead to o%rorld &s the 'ost a'a&n( reelat&on that can poss&bly capt%re o%r&nterest*

  The hole 1%est&on of '&racles &s settled the 'o'ent e ad'&t that &n andbeh&nd the 'ater&al %n&erse there &s a l&&n(, lo&n(, &se and poerf%lGod*0$OHN !* ST!ATON and #HA!ES "* POTTE!, The F&r(&n 7&rth0"act

or"&ct&on3 p* 4C*

  Modern sc&ence has (&en %s a clear %nderstand&n( re(ard&n( the nat%ralprocess of concept&on, that ne h%'an l&fe co'es &nto the orld by the%n&on of the 'ale and fe'ale cells, &th an e1%al n%'ber of chro'oso'esfro' each parent* Th&s &s the only nat%ral ay* O%r enl&(htened a(e tendsto re(ard anyth&n( beyond that as &'poss&ble and therefore %nacceptable*It &s ar(%ed that s%ch a th&n( as a &r(&n b&rth neer happened &th&nh%'an e)per&ence, and therefore co%ld not hae happened &n the case of#hr&st*

  There &s noth&n( ron( &th as/&n( 1%est&ons* Hoeer, &n the acco%nt of$es%s. b&rth e hae the s%re Word of God, h&ch &s the bas&s of o%rfa&th* Accord&n( to the 7&ble the &r(&n-b&rth acco%nt stands fors%pernat%ral&s' a(a&nst nat%ral&s'* God chose Mary to be the 'other of theMess&ah* He d&d not choose $oseph, or any other 'an, to be the father*

  Wr&t&n( of #hr&st.s co'&n( &nto the orld, $ohn sa&d, 2The Word as &thGod, and the Word as God**** In h&' as l&fe9 and the l&fe as the l&(htof 'en2 ;$ohn 4+4-<@* The Word spo/en of here &s 'ore than so'eth&n( Godsays to %s* It &s the ord $es%s H&'self* In the b&rth of the ch&ld $es%s&s the hope of the orld* He &s the l&&n( God &ncarnate* Th&s &s'e reelat&on of loe to 'an* In the b&rth of $es%s e are confronted&th no one less than God H&'self* God procla&'s that $es%s &s 'ore thanh%'an9 He &s &ndeed the Son of God*

  7oth $es%s. entrance &nto th&s orld and H&s depart%re fro' &t are'&rac%lo%s, s%pernat%ral* O%r entrance &nto the orld &s nat%ral* Thereas neer anyone l&/e o%r ord $es%s #hr&st*

  The entrance of #hr&st &nto the orld '%st be &n /eep&n( &th H&s e)&tfro' the orld* We cannot ta/e the b&o(raphy of $es%s p&ece'eal* We

cannot separate the be(&nn&n( and the end&n( of H&s 'arelo%s l&fe* Accord&n( to the record, He left the orld by a res%rrect&on and anascens&on &nto heaen* o(&c, and so%nd sc&ence also, therefore, re1%&rethat He sho%ld hae entered the orld by a descent fro' Heaen and&ncarnat&on thro%(h the &r(&n b&rth* #onse1%ently, the res%rrect&on andthe &r(&n b&rth are foreer connected* One cannot be destroyed &tho%tdestroy&n( the other* We cannot re8ect one part of the '&rac%lo%s l&feof #hr&st &tho%t &nal&dat&n( all the rest* A D&&ne be&n( re1%&res ad&&ne entrance &nto the orld*0Ib&d*, p* <C*

  #o'parat&e S&lence of the Ne Testa'ent on the F&r(&n 7&rth  Ho do e e)pla&n the fact that so l&ttle &s sa&d &n the 7&ble abo%t the


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  &r(&n b&rth3 The Ne Testa'ent and the early ch%rch procla&' &n tr%'pettones the (reat tr%ths of #hr&st.s &ncarnat&on, H&s s&nless l&fe, aton&n(death, res%rrect&on, and ascens&on* #r&t&cs hae concl%ded that, beca%seof the co'parat&e s&lence re(ard&n( the &r(&n b&rth, &t as neer partof the off&c&al creed of the ch%rch nor of the (ospel procla&'ed by theapostles* Therefore, to the&r '&nds, there &s ser&o%s do%bt that &t &sfact%al* So'e s%((est &t sho%ld be abandoned as an art&cle of fa&th*

  The $es bel&eed $es%s as born o%t of edloc/ and sa&d so* There as

noth&n( &n $e&sh trad&t&on s%((est&n( that the Mess&ah o%ld be born of a&r(&n* #onse1%ently, any cla&' to a '&rac%lo%s b&rth o%ld be%nacceptable to the'* S%ch a teach&n( o%ld only a((raate the&r

d&sbel&ef*  ater, they ref%sed to bel&ee &n a #hr&st ho o%ld allo H&'self to be

na&led to a cross to 'a/e atone'ent for s&n* They anted noth&n( to do&th s%ch a Mess&ah* So, any state'ent on the part of $es%s or H&sd&sc&ples re(ard&n( H&s &r(&n b&rth o%ld hae 'ade &t all the 'ored&ff&c%lt for the' to bel&ee that $es%s &s the Son of God, thelon(-pro'&sed Mess&ah*

  The 1%est&on as ra&sed re(ard&n( H&s cla&' to be the Mess&ah+ 2Is notth&s the carpenter.s son3 &s not h&s 'other called Mary3 and h&s brethren,$a'es, and $oses, and S&'on, and $%das3 And h&s s&sters, are they not all

&th %s32 ;Matt* 4+::, :@* 2"or ne&ther d&d h&s brethren bel&ee &n h&'2;$ohn B+:@* Had they been told of H&s '&rac%lo%s b&rth, o%ld they nothae bel&eed &n H&'3

  Nohere &s there a record that e&ther $oseph or Mary 'ade any reference to$es%s. '&rac%lo%s concept&on* They s&'ply /ept 1%&et abo%t &t* We are toldthat 2Mary /ept all these th&n(s, and pondered the' &n her heart2 ;%/e>+4C@* We hae no /noled(e as to hen Mary act%ally told $es%s abo%t &t*7y the t&'e He reached 4> years of a(e He /ne He as the Son of God andthe Mess&ah*

  "%rther'ore, $oseph o%ld not be &ncl&ned to tell anyone that he fo%ndMary pre(nant before they ere act%ally 'arr&ed* Apparently there eres%sp&c&ons of so'e s%ch th&n( anyay, beca%se the $es later 'ade cr%elall%s&ons to &lle(&t&'acy ;$ohn ?+< 4@* S%ch a story o%ld hae el&c&ted

r&d&c%le fro' the $es and created add&t&onal d&ff&c%lty for #hr&st henHe be(an H&s '&n&stry*

  $es%s H&'self says noth&n( abo%t the secret of H&s b&rth* When char(ed&th be&n( 2born of forn&cat&on2 He d&d not defend H&'self by e)pla&n&n(to H&s ene'&es that He as conce&ed of the Holy Sp&r&t* Th&s o%ld haeplayed &nto the&r hands* Also, hen #hr&st entered on H&s p%bl&c '&n&stryhat co%ld hae been (a&ned by tell&n( people abo%t H&s b&rth3

  5ndo%btedly, Mary '%st hae told her Son the story of H&s b&rth earlyeno%(h to enco%ra(e and enl&(hten H&' for H&s %n&1%e or/ as the orld.sSa&o%r and ord* S&nce $oseph apparently d&ed before #hr&st be(an H&s'&n&stry, &t &s probable that Mary told the story to 'ost of the

d&sc&ples*  All thro%(h the years, to the t&'e of $es%s. bapt&s' and the descent of

the Holy Sp&r&t %pon H&', no one had any &dea that the carpenter.s 2Son2fro' Naareth as the Mess&ah* At H&s bapt&s' $ohn the 7apt&st sa&d,2After 'e co'eth a 'an h&ch &s preferred before 'e* * * * And I /ne h&'not2 ;$ohn 4+=, 4@* Had anyth&n( been d&sclosed or bel&eed abo%t H&s'&rac%lo%s b&rth, the ord o%ld s%rely hae (otten aro%nd*

  It &s e&dent that &n H&s pro&dence God 'ade pro&s&ons that the central

tr%ths of the (ospel, &ncl%d&n( the Incarnat&on, o%ld be clearly def&ned,%nderstood, and procla&'ed* "or 'an to bel&ee &n the Incarnat&on pro&dedthe bas&s for h&s tr%st &n $es%s as the orld.s Sa&o%r and ord*

  S&lence on the s%b8ect of the &r(&n b&rth does not necessar&ly s%((estthat the early ch%rch d&d not bel&ee &t to be tr%e* Hoeer, bel&ef &nthe Incarnat&on can not be f%lly bro%(ht to l&(ht e)cept by accept&n( the&r(&n b&rth*

  The &r(&n b&rth &s an essent&al #hr&st&an Doctr&ne beca%se %pon &tdepends &n part the rel&ab&l&ty and eff&c&ency of the #hr&st&anatone'ent* Only a God-'an co%ld 'ed&ate salat&on beteen God and'an*0Ib&d*, p* :>*

  !elat&on of the F&r(&n 7&rth to the Incarnat&on  Is &t poss&ble to bel&ee &n the Incarnat&on* and not &n the &r(&n b&rth3

To do so o%ld 'ean bel&e&n( that the Son of God as %n&ted &th theh%'an $es%s so'e t&'e after H&s concept&on* 7%t &f $es%s as not born of a&r(&n, as the record tells %s, He '%st hae been conce&ed

&lle(&t&'ately*  7%t &f e ta/e th&s pos&t&on e (&e %p '%ch 'ore than the &r(&n b&rth*

"or then $es%s as the son of both $oseph and Mary and no d&fferent fro'any other ch&ld* Moreoer, re8ect&on of the &r(&n b&rth den&es the&nte(r&ty of the 7&ble as the Word of God* The doctr&ne, both of theIncarnat&on and of the &r(&n b&rth, rests on the con&ct&on that e haethe Scr&pt%re &nsp&red by the Holy Sp&r&t*

  The real &ss%e (oes bac/ to the Incarnat&on* If e bel&ee $es%s to be God&ncarnate e sho%ld hae no d&ff&c%lty &n bel&e&n( the '&rac%lo%s nat%reof H&s b&rth* The Incarnat&on e)presses &tself &n the &r(&n b&rth of o%r

ord*  In the '&rac%lo%s entrance of the Son of God &nto o%r orld e hae an

essent&al and f%nda'ental part of the #hr&st&an (ospel* #hr&st.s co'&n(&nto the orld by 'eans of the Incarnat&on and the &r(&n b&rth 'an&feststhe loe and poer of God* Th&s loe &s the bas&s of the s%pernat%ral actof God &n the b&rth of $es%s, the d&&ne e)press&on of loe thro%(h theself-sacr&f&ce and self e'pty&n( of the Son of God*

  The '&racle of the Incarnat&on and the &r(&n b&rth '%st stand or fallto(ether* We cannot do%bt that s%ch a '&racle too/ place and at the sa'et&'e presere the de&ty of #hr&st* What e hae &s the ery God H&'selfho ca'e to %s by ay of the &r(&n b&rth and the Incarnat&on* 2And the


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  Word as 'ade flesh, and delt a'on( %s ;and e beheld h&s (lory, the(lory as of the only be(otten of the "ather@, f%ll of (race and tr%th2;$ohn 4+ 4<@*

  Why sho%ld s%ch honor and (lory e)pressed &n these ords be attr&b%ted toa ch&ld ho as 'erely of earthly parents3 Th&s d&&ne ascr&pt&on does notbelon( to ord&nary 'en*

  #hr&st, Seed of the Wo'an  2And I &ll p%t en'&ty beteen thee and the o'an, and beteen thy seed

and her seed9 &t shall br%&se thy head, and tho% shalt br%&se h&s heel2;Gen* +4:@* Th&s e)press&on &s %n%s%al s&nce, &n the 7&ble, ch&ldren arere(arded as seed of the 'an* Wh&le th&s po&nt sho%ld not beoere'phas&ed, &n the l&(ht of the Incarnat&on e see &n &t so'es&(n&f&cance that the te)t centers attent&on on the o'an &nstead of the'an*

  And the an(el sa&d %nto her, "ear not, Mary+ for tho% hast fo%nd fao%r&th God* And, behold, tho% shalt conce&e &n thy o'b, and br&n( fortha son**** And HeJ shall be called the Son of the H&(hest ;%/e

4+=->@*  A f%rther s&(n&f&cance connected &th e)cl%d&n( the 'ale &noles the

s%pernat%ral &nterent&on of God H&'self* The o'an pro&des the only l&n/&th h%'an&ty* The Holy Sp&r&t pro&des the l&n/ &th de&ty* The absence

of the 'ale procla&'s that the co'&n( of the !edee'er &s so'eth&n( that'an of h&'self cannot do* The &n&t&at&e &s &th God* God d&d not s&'plysend a Sa&o%r thro%(h the l&ne of nat%ral (enerat&on* The !edee'er, h&leHe as to be the Seed of the o'an &tho%t any h%'an father, ca'e to %sfro' God H&'self by a spec&al creat&e act of the Holy Sp&r&t* Noth&n(less than th&s co%ld do*

  7%t hen the f%llness of the t&'e as co'e, God sent forth h&s Son, 'adeof a o'an, 'ade %nder the la, to redee' the' that ere %nder the lathat e '&(ht rece&e the adopt&on of sons ;Gal* <+<, :@*

  In these ords the apostle Pa%l e'phas&es $es%s. be&n( born of a o'anand, &nd&rectly, refers to the &r(&n b&rth of #hr&st* The &nference &s of#hr&st.s b&rth fro' a o'an &tho%t the &nterference of 'an* It &s follyto bel&ee that a 'an, the offspr&n( of to earthly parents, co%ld %nder

any cond&t&on be God, the eternal Son of God*  7&rth Narrat&es  The story of #hr&st.s b&rth &n the f&rst chapters of Matthe and %/e

record h&stor&cal facts, not le(ends* And &t &s fo%nd &n all the earl&est'an%scr&pts of these boo/s that e possess* In these to Gospels e haear&ants of the sa'e story, b%t the ar&ants are %n&ted &n the 'a&n factof the '&rac%lo%s concept&on and the &r(&n b&rth*

  There &s not the sl&(htest e&dence that e&ther $oseph or Mary &nented oradded to the story, h&ch &s told br&efly and to the po&nt* To &nent s%cha story o%ld hae e)posed the '&n&stry of #hr&st to fa&l%re fro' thestart*

  "%rther'ore, &f Matthe.s and %/e.s acco%nts of the &r(&n b&rth ere%ntr%e, the r&ters co%ld not hae been &nsp&red of God, so the&r Gospelso%ld hae no a%thor&ty* Insp&rat&on re1%&res that the r&ters of theboo/s of the 7&ble r&se clear of fals&ty %nder the control and (%&dance ofthe Holy Sp&r&t*

  5nderly&n( and beh&nd the Gospel narrat&es &s the or/ of the Holy Sp&r&t%pon Mary* The th&rd 'e'ber of the Godhead controls the ent&re eent of#hr&st.s b&rth and the record&n( of &t* The state'ent 2conce&ed by the

Holy Sp&r&t2 cannot be proed e)cept by Scr&pt%res, and &s not e)pla&nedby God to the Gospel r&ters or to anyone* If the state'ent, 2conce&ed bythe Holy Sp&r&t,2 &s not tr%e, then Mary, the 'other of $es%s, as&noled &n &'p%r&ty, s&nce $oseph /ne and declared that $es%s as noth&s son* In that case $es%s o%ld hae had to be born of a s&nf%l h%'an'other and father9 He co%ld not hae been the second person of theGodhead* We '%st let the 7&ble spea/ for &tself*

  Matthe.s Acco%nt  Matthe presents the facts of $es%s. b&rth and the eents s%rro%nd&n( &t,

fro' $oseph.s po&nt of &e* All the facts he reco%nts ere thosee)per&enced by and /non to $oseph* Inas'%ch as $oseph d&ed before Matthebeca'e a d&sc&ple of $es%s, so'eone to ho' $oseph reco%nted the deta&ls'%st hae told Matthe* 7arr&n( d&&ne reelat&on, the &nfor'at&on co%ld

only hae co'e fro' $oseph*  "o%r t&'es the an(el &nstr%cted and (%&ded $oseph &n a drea' ;Matt* 4+>=,

>4, ><9 >+4>, 4, 4C, >=, >>@* Only Matthe records th&s* Hence theacco%nt of $es%s. b&rth &n Matthe.s (ospel as, &t o%ld see', co'p&ledfro' $oseph.s personal state'ent* After the res%rrect&on and ascens&on of$es%s, Matthe rote don the facts abo%t #hr&st.s b&rth, h&ch $oseph hadperhaps at so'e t&'e related to so'eone*

  The story be(&ns hen $oseph learned that Mary as &th ch&ld* Shee&dently told h&' that '%ch &tho%t f%rther e)planat&on, and 1%&etlya&ted on God to (%&de both herself and $oseph &tho%t try&n( to 8%st&fyherself*

  Th&s &s the story of the b&rth of the Mess&ah* Mary h&s 'other asbetrothed to $oseph9 before the&r 'arr&a(e she fo%nd that she as &th

ch&ld by the Holy Sp&r&t* 7e&n( a 'an of pr&nc&ple, and at the sa'e t&'eant&n( to sae her fro' e)pos%re, $oseph des&red to hae the 'arr&a(econtract set as&de 1%&etly ;Matt* 4+4?, 4C, N*E*7*@*

  The betrothal of Mary to $oseph had ta/en place at a pre&o%s t&'e* Th&s&noled a pro'&se before &tnesses* It const&t%ted a sole'n contract to'arry* It as a $e&sh c%sto' for a betrothed 'a&den to re'a&n at herfather.s ho%se %nt&l the h%sband ca'e and too/ her to h&s on ho%se* Abetrothal as re(arded as a le(al %n&on9 the to ere, &n effect, h%sbandand &fe* A &olat&on of th&s relat&onsh&p &th another person ascons&dered ad%ltery and, %nder the Mosa&c syste', carr&ed the deathpenalty ;De%t* >>+>, ><@*


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  In th&s case $oseph deter'&ned to cancel the contract* He co%ld do th&s &nto ays+ e&ther by p%bl&c hear&n( and d&s(race or pr&ately* As a 'an ofh&(h character, and o%t of h&s loe for Mary, he as not &ll&n( to 'a/eher a p%bl&c e)a'ple* He dec&ded for the pr&ate ay, h&ch as s&'ply to(&e her a letter of d&orce*

  He had resoled on th&s, hen an an(el of the ord appeared to h&' &n adrea'* 2$oseph son of Da&d,2 sa&d the an(el, 2do not be afra&d to ta/eMary ho'e &th yo% as yo%r &fe* It &s by the Holy Sp&r&t that she has

conce&ed th&s ch&ld* She &ll bear a son9 and yo% shall (&e h&' thena'e $es%s ;Sa&o%r@, for he &ll sae h&s people fro' the&r s&ns2;Matt* 4+>=, >4, N*E*7*@*

  The $es attached (reat &'portance to drea's fro' God, as &s seenthro%(ho%t the Scr&pt%res* So no do%bt l&n(ered &n $oseph.s '&nd that thech&ld Mary carr&ed as conce&ed of the Holy Sp&r&t and as dest&ned to bethe Mess&ah, the Sa&o%r of the orld* He as con&nced that God hadchosen Mary, h&s &fe, to be the 'other of the Mess&ah* At th&s po&nt Maryfelt perfectly free to (&e her h%sband a deta&led acco%nt of all that hadhappened*

  !&s&n( fro' sleep $oseph d&d as the an(el d&rected h&'9 he too/ Maryho'e to be h&s &fe, b%t had no &nterco%rse &th her %nt&l her son asborn* And he na'ed the ch&ld $es%s ;Matt* 4+><, >:, N*E*7,@*

"%rther conf&r'at&on folloed at 7ethlehe' hen #hr&st as born0theorsh&p of the shepherds, the adorat&on of the Ma(&, ho ca'e &th (&fts,and another &s&t to $oseph by the an(el ho arned h&' to flee &th h&sfa'&ly to E(ypt beca%se &n( Herod planned to destroy the yo%n( ch&ld*

  There &s no 7&bl&cal record that $es%s eer referred to $oseph as H&sfather* Other people spo/e of $oseph and Mary as H&s parents, for they/ne noth&n( of H&s '&rac%lo%s concept&on* 7%t $es%s /ne H&s or&(&n, thatHe had only one earthly parent* When He as 4> He as ta/en to $er%sale'by $oseph and Mary* He beca'e separated fro' the', and they eent%allyfo%nd H&' tal/&n( &th the learned doctors &n the Te'ple* When theyreproached H&' He responded, 2W&st ye not that I '%st be abo%t 'y " And they %nderstood not the say&n( h&ch he spa/e %nto the'2;%/e >+<C, :=@*

  7eteen th&s e)per&ence and the t&'e hen $es%s be(an H&s p%bl&c '&n&stryall that &s sa&d of H&' &s 2He ent don &th the', and ca'e to Naareth,and as s%b8ect %nto the'+ b%t h&s 'other /ept all these say&n(s &n herheart* And $es%s &ncreased &n &sdo' and stat%re, and &n fao%r &th Godand 'an2 ;erses :4, :>@*

  $oseph and Mary are so'et&'es spo/en of &n the Gospels as the father and'other of $es%s* * * * O%ts&de the b&rth-narrat&es, there are only fo%r&nstances of th&sJ0one &n Matt* 4+::, one &n %/e <+>>, and to &n$ohn ;4+<:9 +<>@* What these tell %s &s, that the people of Naareth,7ethsa&da, #aperna%' * * * spo/e of $es%s as 2the carpenter.s son,$oseph.s son, $es%s of Naareth, the son of $oseph, hose father and

'other e /no*2 They co%ld not do other&se, %nless they had, hat &scerta&n they had not, a /noled(e of the act%al 'ystery of the* * * * Three t&'es he %/eJ e'ploys the e)press&on, 2the parents2or 2H&s parents,2 &n spea/&n( of $oseph and Mary, and once he 'a/es Marysay at the f&nd&n( of $es%s &n the te'ple, 2Thy father and I hae so%(htthee sorro&n(2 ;%/e >+>B, <4, <, <C@* Here &s the clearest proof thatthe Ean(el&st d&d not re(ard th&s for' of speech as &n the leastconfl&ct&n( &th the fact of the s%pernat%ral b&rth* * * * $oseph,

act&n( on the 'on&t&on of the an(el, had ta/en Mary to be h&s &fe* 7ythat act, he has ass%'ed f%ll paternal respons&b&l&ty for Mary.s ch&ld** * * To ne&(hbors and tonsfol/ $es%s as s&'ply 2$oseph.s son*20$AMESO!!, The F&r(&n 7&rth of #hr&st, pp* CC-4=4*

  Ho then, &t &s as/ed, do e acco%nt for the (enealo(&es (&en by Mattheand %/e, h&ch trace #hr&st.s (enealo(y not only thro%(h Mary b%t alsothro%(h $oseph3 Does th&s not proe $es%s to be alto(ether h%'an3 Why&ncl%de $oseph &n the (enealo(y3

  It &s 'ost l&/ely that $oseph accepted $es%s as h&s on son* Other&se ,hat o%ld $oseph and Mary hae recorded off&c&ally re(ard&n( the b&rth of$es%s3 The e&dence fro' Scr&pt%re (&es credence to the &dea that ne&ther$oseph nor Mary sa&d anyth&n( to anyone at the t&'e abo%t ho Mary ca'e tobe &th ch&ld* Een the other ch&ldren &n the fa'&ly, those referred to as

$es%s. brothers and s&sters, had not been told*  The Ean(el&sts * * * sa no contrad&ct&on beteen these (enealo(&es and

the&r on narrat&es of the F&r(&n 7&rth9 &ndeed, Matthe &ntrod%ces h&s(enealo(y for the ery p%rpose of sho&n( that $es%s had the le(alr&(hts of a son of $oseph* * * * The Ean(el&sts are ery caref%l &n thelan(%a(e they %se* Matthe has a per&phras&s t%rn of e)press&onJe)pressly to ao&d th&s &dea of the patern&ty of $osephJ+ 2$acob be(at$oseph, the h%sband of Mary, of ho' as born $es%s, ho &s called#hr&st2 ;Matt* 4+ 4@* %/e caref%lly &nserts the cla%se 02be&n( theson, as as s%pposed, of $oseph2 ;%/e +>@*0Ib&d*, p* 4=4*

  The ar&o%s Scr&pt%re records and state'ents on #hr&st.s b&rth conf&r' oneanother* We can %nderstand clearly the 7&ble teach&n( on the b&rth of o%rord*

  The an(el of the ord appeared %nto h&' &n a drea', say&n(, $oseph, tho%son of Da&d ;Matt* 4+>=@* Eeryhere &n the Ne Testa'ent &t &sreco(n&ed that $es%s as of the 2ho%se of Da&d,2 2of the seed ofDa&d,2 2of Da&d.s lo&ns,2 2the son of Da&d2 ;!o'* 4+9 Matt* C+>B94>+>9 >4+C@* * * * It &s alays thro%(h $oseph, not thro%(h Mary, thatthe Da&d&c descent &s traced* * * * If the Da&d&c descent as onlythro%(h $oseph, then 2son of Da&d2 to the Ean(el&sts co%ld 'ean no'ore than that the relat&onsh&p to $oseph coneyed to $es%s the le(alcla&' to Da&d.s throne0not that He as nat%rally $oseph.s son*0Ib&d*,pp* 4=, 4=<*

  %/e.s Acco%nt


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  %/e.s acco%nt of the b&rth of #hr&st &s fro' Mary.s po&nt of &e* %/ed&d not 8o&n the ch%rch %nt&l after Pentecost, so he had no access to$oseph, ho by that t&'e had been dead seeral years* The apostle $ohn hadta/en Mary to l&e &n h&s ho%se* 5ndo%btedly Dr* %/e 'et her and (ot thedeta&ls of #hr&st.s b&rth fro' her*

  M%ch of %/e.s acco%nt descr&bes hat too/ place beteen Mary and thean(el Gabr&el* It be(&ns &th Gabr&el.s &s&t to El&sabeth and achar&as,to ho' he (ae God.s pro'&se that they o%ld hae a son ho o%ld prepare

the ay for the Mess&ah ;%/e 4+:->:@*  The an(el &s then sent 2to a &r(&n, espo%sed to a 'an hose na'e as$oseph, of the ho%se of Da&d9 and the &r(&n.s na'e as Mary2 ;erse >B@*Mary beca'e d&st%rbed at the an(el.s approach and h&s anno%nce'ent thatshe had been chosen of God to bear the Son of the H&(hest*2 She as/ed,2Ho shall th&s be, see&n( I /no not a 'an32 ;erse <@*

  And the an(el ansered and sa&d %nto her, the Holy Ghost shall co'e %ponthee, and the poer of the H&(hest shall oershado thee+ therefore alsothat holy th&n( h&ch shall be born of thee shall be called the Son ofGod ;erse :@*

  $es%s as conce&ed, b%t not be(otten as h%'ans are be(otten* The HolySp&r&t d&d not ta/e the place of the h%'an father to s%pply the 'ale seed*The concept&on as a '&racle, ro%(ht by the o'n&potent operat&on of the

Holy Sp&r&t* Th&s a(rees &th Matthe.s acco%nt that 2She as fo%nd &thch&ld by the Holy Ghost*2 7eyond th&s e cannot (o* God.s 'ethod of#hr&st.s beco'&n( flesh &s a 'ystery*

  The an(el (ae Mary a fo%rfold descr&pt&on of the #h&ld+ 2He &ll be(reat20of e)cellent character and &nco'parable &n H&s person* 2He &llbear the t&tle .Son of the Most H&(h.20an accepted t&tle of the co'&n(Mess&ah* 2.The ord God &ll (&e h&' the throne of h&s ancestor Da&d,and he &ll be /&n( oer Israel for eer9 h&s re&(n shall neer end2.;%/e 4+>, , N*E*7*@* All th&s as &n har'ony &th the trad&t&on of theMess&ah ho as to co'e*

  E)e(et&cally, &t &s ery d&ff&c%lt to read the narrat&es &n Matthe and%/e, and not see that the r&ters of these chapters, at least, bel&eedthat a close connect&on e)&sted beteen the '&rac%lo%s b&rth they

recorded, and the /&nd of Personal&ty $es%s as to be, the /&nd of l&feHe as to lead, the or/ He as to do* In both of these narrat&es &t&ll be obsered that the concept&on by the Holy Ghost does not stand by&tself as a s&'ple 'arel* It (ro%nds so'eth&n(9 and that so'eth&n( &sthe hole sp&r&t%al and eth&cal s&(n&f&cance of the Personal&ty of#hr&st* In Matthe, the an(el declares to $oseph that that h&ch &sconce&ed by Mary &s of the Holy Ghost, then (oes on to d&rect ho th&sonderf%l ch&ld &s to be na'ed* 2.Tho% shalt call H&s na'e $es%s9 for &t&s He that shall sae H&s people fro' the&r s&ns2 ;Matt* 4+>4@* The'&rac%lo%sly born ch&ld &s to be the Sa&or* The lan(%a(e of %/e &seen 'ore s&(n&f&cant * * * + 2The poer of the Most H&(h shall

oershado thee9 herefore * * * that h&ch &s to be born shall becalled holy, the Son of God*2 #an &t be do%bted that, &n the '&nd of theEan(el&st, both the %n&1%e character of $es%s as 2holy,2 and H&s d&&neSonsh&p &n o%r h%'an&ty, are (ro%nded &n the fact of H&s '&rac%lo%sconcept&on3 * * * All that &s &noled &n H&s %n&1%e Sonsh&p * * * and&n H&s f%nct&on as Sa&or * * * 0&s re(arded as cond&t&oned by H&s be&n(conce&ed by the Holy Ghost*0Ib&d*, pp* 4?<, 4?:*

  In add&t&on to h&s on ord, Gabr&el (ae Mary to proof s of the tr%th of

God.s ord to her9 the ch&ld o%ld be conce&ed of the Holy Sp&r&t, andher co%s&n El&sabeth o%ld bear a ch&ld &n her old a(e* Mary felt nof%rther an)&ety* She accepted the honor as the serant of the ord* W&th&na fe ee/s Mary ent to &s&t El&sabeth* She as able to conf&r' both ofthe s&(ns (&en her*

  And MaryJ entered &nto the ho%se of achar&as, and sal%ted El&sabeth* And &t ca'e to pass, that, hen El&sabeth heard the sal%tat&on of Mary,the babe leaped &n her o'b9 and El&sabeth as f&lled &th the HolyGhost+ and she spa/e o%t &th a lo%d o&ce, and sa&d, 7lessed art tho%a'on( o'en, and blessed &s the fr%&t of thy o'b* And hence &s th&s to'e, that the 'other of 'y lord sho%ld co'e to 'e3 ;%/e 4+<=-<@*

  The early ch%rch as %n&ted &n bel&e&n( that the Son of God too/ h%'anflesh thro%(h the &r(&n Mary* $es%s as God.s %nspea/able (&ft to 'an*

  A s%pernat%ral b&rth h&ch has for &ts end the fo%nd&n( of a neh%'an&ty, and the &ntrod%ct&on by a !edee'er of the d&&ne forces neededfor a orld.s salat&on, &s &de as the poles apart fro' those fables ofthe l%st of the (ods &th h&ch the b&rth of the 'yth&cal heroes ofpa(an&s' &s assoc&ated*0Ib&d*, p* >=B*

  27ehold, a F&r(&n Shall #once&e, and 7ear a Son2  Matthe 1%oted fro' the prophet Isa&ah, that 2a &r(&n shall conce&e, and

bear a son2 ;chap* B+4<@* He cons&dered th&s a prophecy that po&ntedforard to the b&rth by a &r(&n of one ho o%ld be the pro'&sed Mess&ah*

  #hr&st&an &nterpreters hae accepted Matthe.s appl&cat&on of Isa&ah.sprophecy to the '&racle of the b&rth of $es%s #hr&st fro' the t&'e of$%st&n Martyr &n the second cent%ry don to the present t&'e* A'on( $e&sh

scholars there &s no e&dence that th&s te)t as eer %nderstood oraccepted as referr&n( to the Mess&ah or of pred&ct&n( H&s &r(&n b&rth*

  #erta&n 1%est&ons hae been ra&sed by 7&bl&cal scholars concern&n( thetr%e 'ean&n( of the Hebre ord translated 2&r(&n,2 her &dent&f&cat&onand that of her son, &th&n the h&stor&cal conte)t of the prophet Isa&'e*

  The h&stor&cal bac/(ro%nd of Isa&ah B+4< &s concerned &th the threat tothe /&n(do' of $%dah by Pe/ah, /&n( of Sa'ar&a, and !e&n, /&n( of Syr&a*They had all&ed the'seles a(a&nst Aha, /&n( of $%dah, and attac/ed$er%sale'* In face of th&s per&l, God co''anded Isa&ah to ta/e h&s son,Shear-8ash%b, and (o to see Aha* Th&s son.s na'e 'eant 2a re'nant shall


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  ret%rn2 and as &ntended as a s&(n to Aha that $%dah o%ld not bedestroyed*

  God offered Aha the pr&&le(e of choos&n( any s&(n he '&(ht des&re* 2As/thee a s&(n of the ord thy God9 as/ &t e&ther &n the depth, or &n thehe&(ht aboe2 ;erse 44@*

  The s&(n o%ld be a pled(e that God o%ld perfor' any deed or '&racle tocon&nce Aha that He as prepared to sae the /&n(do' of $%dah fro' &tsene'&es* Aha ref%sed the offer+ 2I &ll not as/, ne&ther &ll I te'pt the

ord2 ;erse 4>@* Aha had no des&re nor &ntent&on to p%t h&s tr%st &n Godor rely on H&' for (%&dance and poer to sae* He preferred to depend onh&'self*

  5nder these c&rc%'stances Isa&ah repl&ed that God o%ld (&e h&' a s&(nhether he anted &t or not, a s&(n ent&rely of God.s choos&n(* He thenspo/e these s&(n&f&cant ords+ 2Therefore the ord h&'self shall (&e yo%a s&(n9 7ehold, a &r(&n shall conce&e, and bear a son, and shall callh&s na'e I''an%el2 ;erse 4<@*

  Who &s the 2&r(&n2 and ho &s the ch&ld to be called I''an%el3 The f&rst#hr&st&an Mess&an&c &nterpretat&on of th&s erse &s &n Matthe 4+ 4?->*The Hebre ord translated 2&r(&n2 &n Isa&ah B+4< &s .al'ah, h&ch the7&ble r&ters cons&stently %se to 'ean a yo%n( o'an &n the 'at%re &(orof her yo%n( o'anhood* The %s%al ord for 2&r(&n2 &n the Old Testa'ent

&s beth%lah, h&ch occ%rs 'ore than s&)ty t&'es ;&ncl%d&n( Isa* >+<, 4>9B+>>9 <B+ 49 >+:@* Had Isa&ah &ntended to stress the &dea of &r(&n&ty&n chapter B +4< he o%ld do%btless hae %sed beth%lah, &nstead of .al'ah*

  The Gree/ ord translated 2 &r(&n2 &n Matthe 4+>4 &s parthenos, a ordthat can properly, b%t does not necessar&ly, &nd&cate &r(&n&ty &n thesense of chast&ty* "or &nstance, parthenos as %sed of Te'ple prost&t%tes*That Matthe &ntended parthenos to descr&be Mary as a chaste yo%n( o'an,hoeer, &s e&dent fro' the acco%nt of the 'anner of $es%s. b&rth asrecorded by Matthe and %/e*K

  The Holy Sp&r&t e&dently led Matthe to apply the prophecy of Isa&ah B+4<to the b&rth of $es%s* The ch&ef 'essa(e of th&s prophecy &s thedeclarat&on of hope and del&erance &n the person of $es%s of Naareth,the Son of God, ano&nted &th the Holy Sp&r&t and &th poer* He &s God.s

h&(hest po&nt &n all the prophec&es of the Old Testa'ent* All pro(ress &ntr%th, In fa&th and loe, and &n the h&story of the ch%rch &s a pro(resstoard the l&fe of H&' ho ca'e fro' God the "ather, and hose na'e &s.$es%s, 2for he shall sae h&s people fro' the&r s&ns*

  LLL   KIn the boo/ Proble's &n 7&ble Translat&on, !ay'ond "* #ottrell, ho rote

the art&cle on Isa&ah B+4<, 'a/es the follo&n( obserat&on+  2The Hebre ter' descr&pt&e of &r(&n&ty &s beth%lah, h&ch 'eans

str&ctly .&r(&n. and noth&n( else &n the := &nstances here &t appears &nthe Old Testa'ent* It &s translated ? t&'es as .&r(&n. and 4> t&'es as.'a&d. or .'a&den. alays &n reference to a p%re, %n'arr&ed o'an* * * *

  2It &s 'ost s&(n&f&cant that &on as a type of God.s people, a .chaste&r(&n,. parthenos ;> #or* 44+>@, &s referred to &n > &n(s 4C+>49 Isa*B+>>9 >+:9 $er* 4<+4B9 4+<9 a'* 4+4:9 etc*, as a beth%lah b%t neer asan .al'ah* In fact, God.s people are neer spo/en of f&(%rat&ely as'ah9 He &ll be sat&sf&ed &th noth&n( less than a ch%rch properlydescr&bed as a beth%lah* God &s not concerned &th a(e b%t &th character*20Pa(es 4:<, 4::*

  7oth Hebre ords, .al'ah and beth%lah, are %sed for 2&r(&n2 &n ar&o%s

te)ts of the Old Testa'ent* The Gree/ ord %sed by the Sept%a(&nt and theGospel r&ters &s parthenos, the %s%al Gree/ ord for &r(&n* There can,therefore, be no ob8ect&ons to %s&n( the ter' &r(&n &n a translat&on ofIsa&ah B+4<*

  Who as the &r(&n or 'a&den to ho' Isa&ah refers3 Interpreters hobel&ee the prophecy appl&es to Isa&ah.s on day ar(%e that the o'an ase&ther the &fe of Aha or of the prophet h&'self, or so'e %n/non o'anl&&n( then* Many bel&ee &t refers to Isa&ah.s &fe0beca%se he hadanother son born to h&' shortly after (&&n( th&s prophecy*

  Isa&ah (ae both h&s sons na'es the 'ean&n( of h&ch ere s&(n&f&cant &nter's of the h&story and dest&ny of $%dah at that t&'e* The na'e of h&ssecond son as Maher-shalal-hash-ba, 'ean&n( 2the spo&l &s speedy9 thepl%nder hasteneth*2 7oth na'es ere s&(ns that $%dah o%ld be presered

and her ene'&es destroyed ;The na'e of the f&rst son as Shear-8ash%b,2aJ re'nant shallJ ret%rn*2@* Had not Isa&ah (&en the' these na'es &thth&s &n '&nd3

  Hoeer, &t &s ery d&ff&c%lt to see ho .al'ah, an %n'arr&ed o'an, co%ldapply e&ther to the &fe of &n( Aha, hose f&rstborn son as Hee/&ah,or to the &fe of the prophet* "%rther'ore, ne&ther of the na'es ofIsa&ah.s to sons ca'e close to be&n( &dent&f&ed &th the na'e I''an%el*

  Granted that the h&stor&cal sett&n( belon(s to Isa&ah.s day and to $%dah.sdest&ny %nder &n( Aha* St&ll, the perspect&e chan(es hen Aha ref%sesto t%rn and depend on God and H&s pro'&ses* God d&d (&e Aha a s&(n forthat day and ho%r* God &ntended that $%dah sho%ld e)per&ence H&s presenceand sa&n( poer*

  7%t the second half of the chapter pred&cts $%dah.s r%&n and oerthro*

Th&s &s %nderstandable, s&nce &n( Aha ref%sed God.s (%&dance andprotect&on* The hole prophecy as e&dently cond&t&onal %pon Aha.sresponse to Isa&ah.s 'essa(e fro' God*

  The prophecy of the &r(&n ho o%ld conce&e and bear a son &th the na'eI''an%el s&(n&f&ed that henceforth there o%ld be no safe leadersh&p orf%t%re for Israel %nt&l the prophecy as f%lf&lled* The hope of Israel nodepended on an %nna'ed &r(&n thro%(h ho' o%ld co'e I''an%el, 2God


  Th&s prophecy of the Mess&ah to co'e as occas&oned by the fa&thlessnessof Israel.s /&n(s and people* The only hope for Israel as &n $es%s, the


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  son of Mary* I''an%el &s &dent&f&ed &th $es%s9 nohere &n th&s conte)t ofIsa&ah does &t apply to any of the sons born at that t&'e*

  The 'others of the sons 'ent&oned co%ld hardly be referred to'ahs0'a&dens, %n'arr&ed o'en*


 At Iss%e Inde)#hr&stolo(y Inde)Table of #ontentsPre&o%s Ne)t

Heppenstall - The Man Who Is God, #h <

THE MAN WHO IS GOD by Edard Heppenstall

  #hapter <  THE ENOSIS DO#T!INE  Hae th&s '&nd a'on( yo%rseles, h&ch yo% hae &n #hr&st $es%s, ho,

tho%(h he as &n the for' of God, d&d not co%nt e1%al&ty &th God ath&n( to be (rasped, b%t e'pt&ed h&'self, ta/&n( the for' of a serant,be&n( born &n the l&/eness of 'en ;Ph&l* >+:-B, !*S*F*@*

  In th&s Scr&pt%re Pa%l.s concern &s &th the l&fe that #hr&st&ans are tol&e* The '&nd of #hr&st $es%s as 'an&fested hen He beca'e 'an at H&s&ncarnat&on and 2e'pt&ed h&'self2 or 2'ade h&'self noth&n(,2 ass%'&n( the

nat%re of a slae* 7ear&n( the h%'an l&/eness, reealed &n h%'an shape, heh%'bled h&'self, and &n obed&ence accepted een death-death on a cross;erses B, ?, N*E*7*@* These erses present an %nparalleled p&ct%re of thecharacter of #hr&st* Eery ord and phrase &s of (reat &'portance*

  "%nda'ental to o%r %nderstand&n( of #hr&st.s ta/&n( h%'an flesh &s thephrase 2e'pt&ed h&'self*2 The erb for' of the Gree/ ter' translated 2toe'pty2 &s /enoo9 /enos&s &s the no%n for'* "ro' th&s ter' has co'e hat &s/non as the /enos&s doctr&ne*

  St%dents of the Word hae been (reatly e)erc&sed to %nderstand hat &sact%ally 'eant by #hr&st.s e'pty&n( H&'self* "e phrases of Scr&pt%re haecreated 'ore &nterest and d&sc%ss&on, fro' both the pract&cal and thetheolo(&cal po&nt of &e* D%r&n( the last to cent%r&es &n part&c%lar,'%ch attent&on has been (&en to the &nterpretat&on of these ords as a

f%rther e)planat&on of the relat&on of the d&&ne and h%'an nat%res of#hr&st* "or &t as #hr&st.s beco'&n( a 'an that chan(ed eeryth&n( for o%rorld*

  As already noted, Pa%l.s pr&'ary concern &n o%r te)t &s that #hr&st&ansdeelop the sa'e l&fe style, hae the sa'e serant sp&r&t of o%r ord0thatthey be f%ll of h%'&l&ty and loe as 'an&fested &n #hr&st.s &ncarnat&onand &n H&s death on the cross*

  Hoeer, 7&bl&cal scholars hae not been content to rest &th thepract&cal e)hortat&on* They hae concentrated on the &dea of #hr&'pty&n( H&'self hen He beca'e a 'an* They hae centered on the ords2#hr&st e'pt&ed h&'self*2 What do they 'ean3 they as/* Of hat d&d #hr&st

e'pty H&'self hen He beca'e 'an3  When #hr&st too/ h%'an flesh He accepted the l&'&tat&ons &'posed by H&s

l&fe on earth* These ere part of H&s (reat sacr&f&ce* When e cons&derthe d&&ne Son of God beco'&n( 'an e '%st arr&e at so'e &dea of2/enos&s,2 &nol&n( so'e chan(e &n the %se of H&s de&ty* #hr&st d&d notappear here on earth &n the (lory h&ch He had &th the "ather before theorld as ;$ohn 4B+:@* H&s as no shatter&n( descent fro' heaen, nosensat&onal approach that o%ld oerhel' %s* He d&d not appear as God*

  What d&d $es%s reno%nce &n beco'&n( one of %s3 To hat de(ree d&d h%'anl&'&tat&ons apply to the '&nd and be&n( of the Son of God3 $es%s enteredo%r orld as a h%'an babe* In the e'pty&n( of H&'self the Son of Godad8%sted H&s d&&n&ty to the h%'an $es%s* God &n so'e ay l&'&ted H&'selfso that the de&ty of #hr&st d&d not oerhel' or 'a/e of none effect thed&st&nctly h%'an aspects of H&s personal&ty*

  We cannot th&n/ of #hr&st.s beco'&n( a 'an &tho%t H&s ha&n( &n so'e ayl&'&ted H&s de&ty* We do not f&nd #hr&st al/&n( the earth &n all the'a8esty that He had &n the eternal a(es* 2He hath no for' nor co'el&ness9and hen e shall see h&', there &s no bea%ty that e sho%ld des&re h&'* ** * And e h&d as &t ere o%r faces fro' h&'9 he as desp&sed, and eestee'ed h&' not2 ;Isa* :+>, @*

  The &ss%e &s not concern&n( the def&n&t&on of ter's, b%t oer the ery

center of the #hr&st&an fa&th* D&d #hr&st e'pty H&'self of H&s de&ty &nany part3 If the /enos&s &'per&ls or destroys the de&ty of the eternalSon, then #hr&st &s no lon(er tr%ly God9 the #hr&st&an rel&(&on does nothae a f%ll salat&on to offer to %s* "or #hr&st o%ld then be only a 'an*

  The &nsp&red Word of God alays 'a/es de'ands %pon %s, %pon o%r '&nds,hearts, and l&es, that o%r /noled(e of and fa&th &n #hr&st 'ay be f &r'lyestabl&shed* There are 'any (ood #hr&st&an people ho bel&ee &n $es%s*There are fe ho ta/e the t&'e to %nderstand all that the Scr&pt%re hasto say abo%t o%r ord, H&s nat%re, person, and or/*

  The 'ore e co'e to /no and %nderstand hat #hr&st &s and hat He hasdone for %s, the (reater and f&r'er &ll be o%r fa&th and alle(&ance*There sho%ld co'e to eery tho%(htf%l #hr&st&an a sense of ae and deep(rat&t%de as he see/s to %nderstand the (reatness of the sacr&f&ce that

#hr&st 'ade on h&s behalf* An(el&c hosts and those '&ll&ons on otherorlds ho atched #hr&st descend fro' heaen to th&s orld, ho beheldH&s beco'&n( a 'an and dy&n( on a cross, '%st hae stood &n onder anda'ae'ent at s%ch a sacr&f&ce &th&n the Godhead*

  The enos&s  D%r&n( the #hr&st&an era ar&o%s &nterpretat&ons of the ords 2e'pt&ed

h&'self2 hae ar&sen &th&n the ch%rch*  Al'ost all &nterpretat&ons of the /enos&s a(ree that at H&s &ncarnat&on

#hr&st abandoned, or 2e'pt&ed h&'self of2 so'eth&n( that He possessedbefore He beca'e &ncarnate*

  So'e hae ar(%ed that #hr&st d&ested H&'self of H&s d&&ne nat%re, or


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  part of &t, hen He left heaen to beco'e 'an* Th&s pos&t&on holds to ashr%n/en or red%ced de&ty* In that case #hr&st as no lon(er f%lly God* If#hr&st left H&s de&ty or part of &t beh&nd, then &t as not really the Sonof God ho sacr&f&ced H&'self for %s* We hae a h%'an be&n( s%bst&t%tedfor the d&&ne* We hae for o%r !edee'er less than the f%llness of God &n#hr&st* Then hat (%arantee do e hae that th&s act of God &s anyth&n('ore than an &nc&dent &n h%'an h&story3

  Others spea/ of #hr&st.s de&ty as be&n( e&led or d&s(%&sed9 that #hr&st

reta&ned the f%ll consc&o%s and act&e de&ty &n H&'self, b%t that h&le onearth He acted as &f He d&d not possess &t* The e'pty&n(, or /enos&s, &t&s held, cons&sted &n #hr&st.s l&&n( and act&n( as &f He ere only a 'an,hen all the t&'e He as God* H&s '&nd as st&ll o'n&sc&ent ando'n&potent, h&ch attr&b%tes He %sed heneer He fo%nd &t necessary* 7%tth&s ra&ses certa&n f%nda'ental 1%est&ons re(ard&n( the real&ty of#hr&st.s te'ptat&ons*

  St&ll another &nterpretat&on &s that $es%s as f%lly God and f%lly 'an,b%t that He s%rrendered the %se or f%nct&on of certa&n attr&b%tes to H&s"ather h&ch beca'e latent or 1%&escent &n H&' h&le He l&ed on earth*

  Hoeer, no &nterpretat&on can be accepted that departs fro' the #hr&st ofthe Ne Testa'ent record* No &nterpretat&on can be tr%e that den&es e&ther#hr&st.s e1%al&ty &th H&s "ather or &th 'en* Any &nterpretat&on that

o%ld 'a/e #hr&st less than f%lly God &s contrary to the Word of God*  The 7&bl&cal te)t, both &n the Gree/ and En(l&sh, pro&des no d&ff&c%lty

of %nderstand&n(* Pa%l does not say that the d&&ne nat%re of #hr&st asabandoned or e)chan(ed* In fact, he asserts the oppos&te* The theolo(&cal&ss%e &s fo%nd &n the &nterpretat&on of the te)t*

  Thro%(h the cent%r&es the #hr&st&an #h%rch has &ns&sted %pon both the f%llde&ty and the f%ll h%'an&ty of o%r ord $es%s #hr&st* All the heres&esthat hae ar&sen as to the nat%re of #hr&st hae tended to sacr&f&ce#hr&st.s de&ty on the one hand or H&s h%'an&ty on the other*

  Self-e'pty&n( by #hr&st aff&r's that He &s free to accept the l&'&tat&onsof h%'an l&fe0to accept s%ffer&n( and death0&tho%t s%rrender&n( H&sde&ty* In accept&n( these l&'&tat&ons the Son of God does not cease to beGod* The /enos&s declares that God &s not far re'oed fro' 'an, s&nce 'an

as 'ade &n the &'a(e of God* O%r be&n( 'ade &n God.s &'a(e does note)cl%de God.s be&n( able to beco'e 'an* To beco'e 'an &s not &'poss&ble or&ncon(r%o%s for God* 7%t &n beco'&n( 'an #hr&st, as God, too/ a pos&t&onof %nceas&n( dependence %pon H&s "ather thro%(ho%t H&s l&fe on earth* Eentho%(h #hr&st as the ery fo%nta&n of eternal l&fe H&'self, yet the (loryof H&s character &s seen &n the s%rrender of the e)erc&se of H&s de&ty andd&&ne attr&b%tes* H&s ch&ef del&(ht and so%rce of poer as that each'o'ent the "ather /ept char(e of H&s l&fe &n response to H&s l&fe of

fa&th*  The "ather or/ed &n H&s Son to &ll and to do of H&s on (ood pleas%re,

as He see/s to do &n all H&s folloers* #hr&st l&ed the one tr%e fa&th*

H&s l&fe on earth as the e)press&on of 'an.s tr%e relat&onsh&p to God*  The "or' of the Son of God  To 2for's2 are attr&b%ted to $es%s #hr&st &n Ph&l&pp&ans >+, B+ the

2for' of God2 and the 2for' of a serant2 or slae* #hr&st as &n the for'of God before He too/ the for' of a bond serant*

  O%r En(l&sh ord for' s%((ests 'erely o%tard appearance* The Gree/ ord,'orph, has a '%ch 'ore &ncl%s&e 'ean&n(* As %sed to e)press #hr& nat%re, &t &ncl%des the &nherent d&&ne character, (lory, and

attr&b%tes, h&ch He 'ay 'an&fest &n ary&n( ays* God 'ay chan(e H&s for'b%t not h&s nat%re* He reeals H&'self to H&s creat%res &n the for' Heta/es and &n the 'an&festat&on of H&s attr&b%tes*

  Morph for'J here 'eans that e)press&on of be&n( h&ch &s &dent&f&ed&th the essent&al nat%re and character of God, and h&ch reeals&t*0MA!FIN !* FIN#ENT, Ph&l&pp&ans, The Internat&onal #r&t&cal#o''entary, pp* :B, :?* Morph denotesJ all the essent&alcharacter&st&cs and attr&b%tes of God* &n th&s sense 'orph representsthe 'anner &n h&ch God.s eternal 1%al&t&es and character&st&cs hae'an&fested the'seles*0The SDA 7&ble #o''entary, on Ph&l* >+:*

  The for' of a th&n( &s the 'ode &n h&ch &t reeals &tself9 and that &sdeter'&ned by &ts nat%re* 27e&n( &n the for' of God2 refers to #hr&st.spr&or, and cont&n%ed, e)&stence* The r&ter of the Ep&stle to the Hebres

descr&bes #hr&st pr&or to H&s &ncarnat&on as 2be&n( the br&(htness of h&s(lory, and the e)press &'a(e of h&s person2 ;Heb* 4+@, h&ch 'eanspossess&n( and 'an&fest&n( all the 1%al&t&es and prero(at&es of God*

  He ho e)&sts &n God.s for' e)&sts * * * &n e1%al&ty &th God, &*e*,e1%al &n poer, a%thor&ty, 'a8esty*--!* #* H* ENSI, Interpretat&on ofSt* Pa%l.s Ep&stle to the Galat&ans, Ephes&ans, Ph&l&pp&ans, p* BBB*

  A 'an ho beco'es a slae &s st&ll a 'an* H&s nat%re as 'an does notchan(e* And $es%s, the Son of God, by beco'&n( a 'an, d&d not s%rrenderH&s de&ty* 7efore the Incarnat&on #hr&st as God9 He as the erye)press&on and 'an&festat&on of de&ty* 7efore He beca'e flesh He reealedH&'self to celest&al be&n(s &n the for' of God* At H&s &ncarnat&on Hereealed H&'self &n the for' of a bondserant* Pr&or to H&s &ncarnat&on Hel&ed a'on( the an(els and before the %n&erse &n all the (lory h&ch He

had &th the "ather before the orld as* When He beca'e a 'an He l&eda'on( H&s creat%res and before the %n&erse as a bond-serant*

  In o%r te)t Pa%l descr&bes hat #hr&st la&d as&de hen He beca'e 'an andtoo/ h%'an flesh* He d&d not lay as&de H&s de&ty9 H&s de&ty as 'an&fested&n another for', the for' of a 2slae*2 #hr&st d&d not co'e to earth forself -(lor&f&cat&on as God* He d&d the ery oppos&te * He reno%nced allH&s d&&ne prero(at&es*

  When 'en sa H&', altho%(h they d&d not reco(n&e H&' as s%ch, they saGod &n the l&/eness of s&nf%l f lesh* All the t&'e He as e1%al &th God*H&s d&&ne nat%re &s %nalterable and %nchan(eable* 7%t &n ta/&n( the for'of 'an He chan(ed H&s 'ode of e)press&n( H&s de&ty* He as /non and


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  reco(n&ed by Satan and h&s an(els h&le on earth as the Son of God*  #hr&st ass%'ed that for' of be&n( h&ch co'pletely ansered to and

character&st&cally e)pressed the be&n( of a bondserant* Only 'orphdo%lo% for' of slaeJ '%st not be ta/en as &'ply&n( a slae-cond&t&on,b%t a cond&t&on of ser&ce as contrasted &th the cond&t&on of be&n(e1%al &th God*0FIN#ENT, op* c&t*, P* :C*

  He ol%ntar&ly ass%'ed h%'an nat%re* * * * He as all the h&le God,b%t d&d not appear as God* * * * He d&ested h&'self of the for' of

God*0The SDA 7&ble #o''entary, Ellen G* Wh&te #o''ents, on $ohn 4+4-,4<, P* 44>*  2E'pt&ed H&'self2  When e cons&der the Son of God beco'&n( 'an, e '%st arr&e at so'e &dea

of /enos&s* #hr&st accepted the l&'&tat&ons &'posed on H&s d&&ne l&feh&le on earth* So'e ad8%st'ent as re1%&red for H&' to beco'e the h%'an$es%s*It as not poss&ble for #hr&st to reta&n all the to/ens of d&&n&ty andst&ll acco'pl&sh the &ncarnat&on* The SDA 7&ble #o''entary, on Ph&l*

>+B*  The /enos&s occ%rred hen #hr&st too/ the for' of a serant and as 'ade

&n the l&/eness of 'en* The e'pty&n( &s the lay&n( as&de of so'eth&n( atthe po&nt of H&s ta/&n( on the for' of a bondserant* Noth&n( &s sa&d of

(&&n( %p H&s de&ty or any part of &t, or of abandon&n( any of H&s d&&neattr&b%tes*

  ay&n( as&de H&s royal robe and /&n(ly cron, #hr&st clothed H&sd&&n&ty &th h%'an&ty* * * * #hr&st co%ld not hae co'e to th&s earth&th the (lory that He had &n the heaenly co%rts*0EEN G* WHITE, &n!e&e and Herald, $%ne 4:, 4C=:*

  #hr&st ca'e &n the h%'ble for' of a serant at H&s &ncarnat&on, dep&ct&n(ser&t%de, s%b8ect&on, s%bord&nat&on* He too/ a ea/ened h%'an nat%re, notthe perfect nat%re Ada' had before he s&nned* He d&d not co'e to earth asa ne h%'an be&n( nely created &n poer and splendor* Ne&ther d&d He co'e&n the (lory &n h&ch He no e)&sts &n H&s e)alted state* Nor d&d He co'eas He &ll at H&s second co'&n(, &n all the (lory of the &n( of /&n(s*2In all th&n(s &t behooed h&' to be 'ade l&/e %nto h&s brethren2 ;Heb*

>+4B@* Instead of co''and&n( and r%l&n( &n poer and 'a8esty, occ%py&n( aplace of honor and pre-e'&nence a'on( 'en, He h%'bled H&'self* He trod thepath of h%'&l&at&on, h&ch c%l'&nated &n H&s death %pon the cross*

  Th&s &s the offense of the cross* Ho co%ld a cr%c&f&ed 'an poss&bly bethe orld.s Sa&o%r and ord3 Ho co%ld a conde'ned cr&'&nal be God3 Hoco%ld a 'an on an acc%rsed tree be God.s only Son3 Here e hae the cl&'a)that leaes %nsanct&f&ed reason&n( beh&nd* He ho as the Son of God,e1%al &th God, d&ed, han(&n( on a post of ood, the 'ar/ of be&n(acc%rsed*

  2H&'self he e'pt&ed2 &s the e'phat&c for' &n the Gree/, accent%at&n( H&sol%ntar&ness* Th&s &s God.s s%pre'e reelat&on of H&s character* It &s

f%ll of &nf&n&te 'er&t* The l&'&tat&ons on H&s de&ty and e1%al&ty &th Godere self-&'posed* 2The Son of 'an ca'e not to be '&n&stered %nto, b%t to'&n&ster, and to (&e h&s l&fe a ranso' for 'any2 ;Matt* >=+>?@*

  O%r ord d&ested h&'self, not of h&s d&&ne nat%re, for th&s as&'poss&ble9 b%t of the (lor&es, the prero(at&es of De&ty* The e'phat&cpos&t&on of 2h&'self2 ;&n the Gree/@ po&nts to the h%'&l&at&on of o%rord as self-&'posed*0$* 7* IGHT"OOT, Sa&nt Pa%l.s Ep&stle to thePh&l&pp&ans, p* 44>*

  A bond-serant.s 'ar/ &s obed&ence to the &ll of h&s 'aster* #hr&st (ae%p H&s on &ll* All personal a'b&t&on, all self-see/&n( and self-(lory Hes%rrendered all &tho%t resere &n order to do the &ll of God* 2I donoth&n( of 'yself9 b%t as 'y "ather hath ta%(ht 'e, I spea/ these th&n(s2;$ohn ?+>?@*

  The ord for 2serant2 ;do%los@ &s that co''only %sed for 2slae2 ;seeon !o'* 4+ 4@9 so the apostle &s say&n( that #hr&st e'pt&ed H&'self andtoo/ on the essent&al attr&b%tes of a slae* As a slae.s o%tstand&n(character&st&c &s that of render&n( %n1%est&on&n( obed&ence, so as a 'anthe Son %ndertoo/ to render obed&ence to the "ather* * * * He (raspednot at d&&ne soere&(nty, b%t at ser&ce, h&ch beca'e the r%l&n(pass&on of H&s l&fe ;Matt* >=+>?@* H&s hole l&fe as s%bord&nated tothe &ll of the "ather, as o%r l&es sho%ld be* The l&fe of #hr&st th%s

beca'e the s&'ple o%tor/&n( of the &ll of God*0The SDA 7&ble#o''entary, on Ph&l* >+B*

  #hr&st ca'e 'an&fest&n( a rede'pt&e obed&ence &n H&s l&fe and death* Th&sas God.s 'ethod of s%bst&t%t&on &n order to br&n( the (&ft ofr&(hteo%sness &n H&s l&fe and to bear 'an.s s&ns on the cross*

  H&s e'pty&n( H&'self pres%pposes H&s pre&o%s plen&t%de of Godhead* Here'a&ned f%ll of th&s, yet He bore H&'self as &f He eree'pty*0$AMIESON, "A5SSET, 7!OWN, A #o''entary on the Old and NeTesta'ents, Fol* FI, p* <>C*

  When #hr&st beca'e 'an He d&d not appear &n all the splendor of de&ty &norder to &n the pra&se and honor of 'en* He too/ a ery d&fferent ay,the ay of h%'&l&ty and self-abase'ent* We beco'e l&/e $es%s hen e /no,and sho, that e can do noth&n( of o%rseles and allo God to be all &n

all* We are not to be occ%p&ed &th o%rseles, b%t &th o%r ord andSa&o%r* Noth&n( else &ll per'&t the Holy Sp&r&t.s control &n o%r l&es*O%r need &s for an ent&re and %nceas&n( dependence on #hr&st* Only thenare e able to say &th the apostle Pa%l, 2I l&e9 yet not 4, b%t #hr&stl&eth &n 'e2 ;Gal* >+>=@*

  "or #hr&st, the orsh&p (&en H&' by the hosts of an(els and other createdbe&n(s on '&ll&ons of other orlds d&d not co'e f&rst* He had eery r&(htto hold on to all that9 b%t He p%t the &ll of H&s "ather beforeeeryth&n( else* Then, hen He had f&n&shed H&s or/ on earth, God 2h&(hlye)alted h&', and * * * (aeJ h&' a na'e h&ch &s aboe eery na'e2 ;Ph&l*>+C@*


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  As #hr&st&ans e '%st p%t #hr&st.s &ll f&rst &n o%r l&es* Th&s 'eansplac&n( o%rseles co'pletely at H&s d&sposal, that God 'ay hae absol%tepr&or&ty &th %s*

  When e 'a/e s%ch a co''&t'ent #hr&st &ll test %s to proe hether o%rdec&s&on &s (en%&ne*

  Abraha' faced th&s cr%c&al po&nt of co''&t'ent* God called h&' tosacr&f&ce h&s only son, Isaac* Abraha' d&d not hes&tate* He had the '&ndof #hr&st* Pa%l as/ed, 2ord, hat &lt tho% hae 'e to do32 Th&s &s the

f%nda'ental 1%est&on for eery #hr&st&an* To hae the '&nd of #hr&st &s&ndeed a 'arelo%s and transfor'&n( th&n(*  Men are s%''oned by God to a d&fferent /&nd of l&fe fro' hat 'ost of

'an/&nd l&es* In the l&(ht of hat #hr&st &s and has done for %s e shallanser at last for o%r cho&ces, hether e hae %n&ted o%r l&es &th H&'or not*

  E1%al&ty W&th God  2"or the d&&ne nat%re as h&s fro' the f&rst9 yet he d&d not th&n/ to

snatch at e1%al&ty &th God, b%t 'ade h&'self noth&n(, ass%'&n( the nat%reof a slae2 ;Ph&l* >+B, N*E*7*@* Absol%te e1%al&ty &th God as thepossess&on of #hr&st and ac/noled(ed as H&s r&(ht by all the an(els andbe&n(s of other orlds* He need not hae ta/en the for' of a bond-serant*

  When the need arose for a Sa&o%r and a !edee'er, #hr&st d&d not re(ard

H&s be&n( e1%al &th God a th&n( to be (rasped as a robber '&(ht (rasp anob8ect not h&s on* Th&s e1%al&ty &th God as so s%rely and &ncontestably#hr&st.s ery on possess&on, that only He co%ld lay &t as&de for a seasonfor o%r sa/es*

  At any 'o'ent h&le on earth He co%ld hae b%rst %pon the eyes of 'en &thall H&s d&&ne (lory and poer* When r&d&c%led, desp&sed, and re8ected,hen na&led to the cross by &c/ed 'en and la%(hed to scorn, He co%ld haedestroyed H&s ene'&es &n a 'o'ent by the reelat&on of H&s on d&&ne(lory* Fol%ntar&ly He chose not to do so*

  No &t beco'es pla&n hat Harpa('os a th&n( to be se&edJ 'eans+ ath&n( for self- (lor&f&cat&on* #hr&st d&d not cons&der that thecond&t&on res%lt&n( fro' h&s for' of e)&stence h&ch &noled also h&sh%'an nat%re alloed h&' only * * * a dal&n( d&splay of h&s e1%al&ty

&th God &n both of h&s nat%res, re(ard&n( th&s e1%al&ty as 2a pr&e2;!*F*@, a booty eer to be e)h&b&ted* If s%ch had been the cons&derat&onon h&ch #hr&st $es%s acted hen he ass%'ed h&s h%'an nat%re * * * heco%ld neer hae carr&ed o%t the or/ of rede'pt&on for h&ch he ass%'edh&s h%'an nat%re*0#* H* ENSI, Interpretat&on of St* Pa%l.s Ep&stles tothe Galat&ans, Ephes&ans, Ph&l&pp&ans, p* BB?*

  In #hr&st.s l&'&t&n( H&s d&&ne nat%re e hae the cl&'act&c de'onstrat&onof the character of God that cannot be acco%nted for &n h%'an ter's and%nderstand&n(* Any t&'e #hr&st co%ld hae 'oed to 'an&fest H&s e1%al&ty&th God before the orld and the %n&erse* 7%t He d&d not cons&der th&sso'eth&n( to be held onto at all costs, a pr&e that '%st not sl&p fro'

H&s (rasp9 a treas%re to be cl%tched and reta&ned re(ardless*  #hr&st e'pt&ed H&'self* * * * He d&d not re(ard e1%al&ty as a pr&e,

so'eth&n( to be snapped at * * * %c&fer * * * f&rst of all the an(els,d&d so re(ard &t* He e)alted h&'self aboe all that as called God* * ** Ada' also re(arded th&s e1%al&ty as an ob8ect of b%rn&n( a'b&t&on*2Eat, and ye shall be as (ods2 he as told, and he ate, and h&s eyesere opened, b%t h&s God as h&d* #hr&st as Son had no s%ch pass&on* Hed&d not asp&re to e1%al&ty of poer or /noled(e b%t to obed&ence* * * *

He as of the Godhead, b%t He so%(ht no e1%al&ty &th God* The (lory ofthe Godhead, He had, b%t &t as the Godl&/e (lory of s%bord&nat&on* * ** S%bord&nat&on &s not &nfer&or&ty9 &t &s (odl&/e* The pr&nc&ple &se'bedded &n the ery cohes&on of the Eternal Tr&n&ty* * * * It &s not a'ar/ of &nfer&or&ty to be s%bord&nate, to hae an a%thor&ty, to obey* It&s D&&ne* To s%ffer no lord or 'aster0that &s Satan&c9 to d&scard allcontrol b%t s%per&or force &s the de'on&c for' of s&n* * * * To hae noloyalty &s to hae no d&(n&ty, and &n the end no 'anhood*0P* T* "O!S6TH*God the Holy "ather, pp* <4, <>*

  No theory of the /enos&s can be tr%e that br&n(s #hr&st &nto an earthlystate here &t beco'es &'poss&ble for H&' to assert e1%al&ty &th God*!oo' '%st be left for a ol%ntary dec&s&on not to assert that e1%al&ty onthe part of One ho co%ld do other&se any t&'e He chose to* #hr&st

ass%'ed a serant for' and d&ed %pon the cross for %s accord&n( to H&s on&ll*

  The Ma8esty of Heaen, the &n( of Glory, la&d as&de H&s royalty, H&spos&t&on as #o''ander &n the heaenly co%rts*0EEN G* WHITE, &n S&(nsof the T&'es, Apr&l 4, 4C4>*

  $es%s '&(ht hae reta&ned the (lory of heaen, and the ho'a(e of thean(els* 7%t He chose to (&e bac/ the scepter &nto the "ather.s hands,and to step don fro' the throne of the %n&erse*0EEN WHITE, TheDes&re of A(es, pp* >>, >*

  Attr&b%tes &n Abeyance  When e cons&der hat &t 'eant for #hr&st to e'pty H&'self2 &t &s lo(&cal

to &n1%&re+ What happened to H&s d&&ne nat%re, for H&' to l&e as a 'anon earth3 What happened to so'e of those attr&b%tes that openly and

spontaneo%sly d&splay H&s e1%al&ty &th God3  The ord for e1%al ;&sa@ denotes attr&b%tes* #hr&st as e1%al &th God

&n attr&b%tes*0$* 7* IGHT"OOT, St* Pa%l.s Ep&stle to the Ph&l&pp&ans,p* 44>*

  #hr&st co%ld not abandon any of H&s attr&b%tes &tho%t los&n( H&s de&ty*Hoeer, &t follos fro' the ery nat%re of the /enos&s that He co%lds%rrender the act&e %se of certa&n attr&b%tes* In s%rrender&n( H&s r&(htand cla&' to e1%al&ty &th God, He rel&n1%&shed the %se and d&splay ofthose attr&b%tes that o%ld hae preented H&s l&&n( as e l&e*

  Wh&le &t &s not tr%e that #hr&st &n the Incarnat&on s%rrendered therelat&e attr&b%tes of o'n&presence, o'n&potence, and o'n&sc&ence, He


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  d&d e'bar/ %pon a pro(ra' here &t as necessary to s%b'&t to aol%ntary non-%se of those attr&b%tes &n order to obta&n H&s ob8ect&es*#hr&st does not see' to hae eer e)erc&sed H&s d&&ne attr&b%tes on H&son behalf * * * He d&d not %se H&s d&&ne /noled(e to 'a/e H&s onpath eas&er * * * #hr&st chose ol%ntar&ly to be dependent %pon thepoer of the "ather and the Holy Sp&r&t*0$OHN "* WAFOO!D, $es%s #hr&stIs ord, pp* 4<, 4<<*

  !ecorded facts abo%t the l&fe of #hr&st re1%&re that the f%nct&on of

certa&n of H&s attr&b%tes be held &n abeyance, the %se of the's%rrendered* The f%nct&on as &thdran only, not destroyed* When $es%ssa&d, 2Fer&ly, er&ly, I say %nto yo%, The Son can do noth&n( of h&'self2;$ohn :+4C@, &t &s apparent that H&s attr&b%tes of o'n&potence,o'n&sc&ence, and o'n&presence ere not &n operat&on* In so'e 'yster&o%say He s%rrendered the' to the control and d&rect&on of the "ather,thro%(h the Holy Sp&r&t*

  O%r ord &s to e)h&b&t a tr%e e)a'ple of 'anhood0tr&ed, pro(ress&e,perfected* "or th&s p%rpose &t as necessary that He sho%ld be &tho%tthe e)erc&se of s%ch d&&ne prero(at&es as o%ld hae 'ade h%'ane)per&ence or pro(ress &'poss&ble****

  "or loe of %s He ab8%red the prero(at&es of e1%al&ty &th God* 7y anact of del&berate self-abne(at&on, He so e'pt&ed H&'self as to ass%'e

the per'anent character&st&cs of the h%'an or ser&le l&fe *** &n re(ardto the d&&ne attr&b%tes* * * *  O%r ord &n H&s 'ortal l&fe as not l&&n( &n the e)erc&se of

o'n&potence*0GO!E, op* c&t*, pp* 4B=-4B*  De&ty, possess&n( o'n&potence, can do all that &t des&res to do* There are

no l&'&tat&ons* 7%t #hr&st as tr%ly h%'an* He had to al/ by fa&th &ndependence on H&s "ather* He accepted the l&'&tat&ons of h%'an '&nd andsp&r&t* He fo%nd &t necessary, espec&ally &n t&'es of cr&ses &n H&s'&n&stry, to spend e)tended t&'e &n prayer and 'ed&tat&on* He spent holen&(hts &n lonely &(&ls and &n prayer to H&s "ather* He d&d not for one'o'ent e)erc&se those d&&ne attr&b%tes that o%ld hae (&en H&' theansers to anyth&n( He anted to /no and do* Th&s as no play act&n(* Heas not pretend&n( to depend on H&s "ather h&le all the t&'e depend&n( on

H&'self*"%rther'ore, $es%s e)erc&sed no poer of o'n&sc&ence that 'ade H&' f%llyaare of H&s be&n( the Mess&ah fro' b&rth* Only (rad%ally d&d He co'e toreal&e ho He as, the Son of God* Not %nt&l He as 4> years of a(e asth&s /noled(e aff&r'ed, hen He sa&d to H&s parents, 2W&st ye not that I'%st be abo%t 'y "ather.s b%s&ness32

  2et Th&s M&nd 7e &n 6o%2  Perhaps the 'ost d&ff&c%lt tas/ e face as #hr&st&ans &s to deelop &n

o%rseles the '&nd of #hr&st* It &s 'ore nat%ral to str&e to be lord thanto possess the serant sp&r&t of #hr&st* It &s not easy to refra&n fro'b%&ld&n( o%rseles %p %nder the &'press&on that e are b%&ld&n( %p the

ch%rch* Th&s proble' &s as old as the ch%rch &tself* oe of rel&(&o%sreco(n&t&on can be '&sta/en for fa&th &n #hr&st9 the p%tt&n( of oneselfacross can be &nterpreted as the l&ft&n( %p of o%r ord*

  #hr&st d&ffers fro' %c&fer and fro' eery aspect of h&s self-e)altat&on,h&ch spr&n(s fro' pr&de* Pr&de &s a d&&s&e th&n(* It &nar&ably co'esbeteen #hr&st and others ho 'ay be see/&n( the tr%th* There o%ld haebeen no s&n or s&nners &n the %n&erse had not %c&fer set h&'self %pa(a&nst God to beco'e an ob8ect of orsh&p to h&s folloers* He pers%aded

other an(els and o%r f&rst parents to follo the sa'e co%rse*  #hr&st den&ed H&'self all the (lory, poer, and honor that tr%ly belon(edto H&' as the Son of God*

  He h%'bled H&'self to 'an.s nat%re* * * * The plan as entered &nto bythe Son of God, /no&n( all the steps &n H&s h%'&l&at&on that He '%stdescend to 'a/e an e)p&at&on for the s&ns of a conde'ned, (roan&n(orld* What h%'&l&ty as th&s It a'aed the an(els* The ton(%e canneer descr&be &t9 the &'a(&nat&on cannot ta/e &t &n* * * * 7%t Hestepped st&ll loer9 the 'an '%st h%'ble H&'self as a 'an to bear&ns%lt, reproach, sha'ef%l acc%sat&ons, and ab%se*0The SDA 7&ble#o''entary, Ellen G* Wh&te #o''ents, on $ohn 4+4-, 4<, p* 44>B*

  In the co%nc&ls of God, before the creat&on of the orld, the Son of Godbe(an H&s descent* Step by step He h%'bled H&'self by 'eans of the

Incarnat&on and H&s death on the cross* Thereby He &nd&cated God beforethe an(els and the %n&erse, and bro%(ht rede'pt&on to 'en* The selfsacr&f&c&n(-serant sp&r&t &s the ay of God* The self-centered,self-e)alt&n( l&fe &s the ay of Satan0a l&fe &tho%t God*

  We cannot 'a(n&fy too '%ch the nat%re of #hr&st.s condescens&on andh%'&l&ty to reach %s* He d&srobed H&'self of H&s (lory as the Son of Godand d&s(%&sed H&'self &n the for' of 'an* "ro' H&s e)alted pos&t&on as&n( of /&n(s He descended to earth to be born of h%'ble parents, to becradled &n a 'an(er, to str%((le &th poerty &n the land of Palest&ne* Heabandoned all the 8oys of heaen, left the celest&al co%rts to beco'e a'an of sorros and ac1%a&nted &th (r&ef, and too/ the ay of the cross*

  After rece&&n( the (lory and tr&b%tes of the an(els He rece&ed thereproach of s&nf%l 'an* He (ae %p that '&(hty scepter &th h&ch He r%led

the %n&erse for a reed p%t &n H&s hand as a conde'ned pr&soner* "or H&s(lor&o%s d&ade' as ord of all He rece&ed the a(ony of a cron of thornsplaced &n der&s&on %pon H&s head* He as r&ch beyond all that e canconce&e, yet for o%r sa/es He beca'e poor* 7y no less 'eans than H&s&ncarnat&on and H&s death on the cross co%ld o%r salat&on be effected*

  What a contrast there &s beteen hat #hr&st as &n heaen and hat Hebeca'e on earth, beteen the state of poerty &n h&ch He fo%nd %s and the%nsearchable r&ches h&ch He no (&es %s*

  To hae the '&nd of #hr&st &s to hae an att&t%de s%ch as He had, and tol&e the l&fe of #hr&st* Here e hae reached the ery heart of there1%&re'ents of the (ospel* #hr&st sa&d of H&'self, 2Of '&ne on self I


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  can do noth&n(*2 So &t '%st be &th %s* O%r s%ff&c&ency '%st be of God* Ofhat %se &s #hr&st.s co'&n( to earth &n search of %s &f e fa&l here9 &fe st&ll prefer to l&e for o%rseles alone3

  $es%s #hr&st &s the l&&n( God ho ca'e don fro' heaen to be /non andseen of all 'en* He &s not the God ho h&des beh&nd sy'bols or ords* He&s not the God ho spea/s to %s &n 'yster&o%s s&(ns and 'ytholo(&calter's* He &s the ord $es%s &n ho' dells the f%llness of the Godheadbod&ly* The tr%e and l&&n( God &s not d&ff&c%lt to f&nd &n #hr&st* He &s

the lo&n( heaenly "ather, ho' $es%s ca'e to reeal*  The l&fe of #hr&st &s the only tr%e l&fe God offers to %s* That l&fe canbe l&ed &n %s only by #hr&st and not by %s* We are to beco'e parta/ers ofH&s l&fe, one &th H&'* !e(ardless of ho hard e try &tho%t #hr&st, e'%st alays fa&l at last* !e(ardless of all o%r &sdo' and ab&l&ty, e canonly end &th fa&l%re*

  Ha&n(, the '&nd and sp&r&t of #hr&st 'eans far 'ore than 'ost peopleth&n/* #hr&stl&/e l&&n( by the presence of the Holy Sp&r&t &s 'ore thanha&n( o%r beha&or d&rected by re(%lat&ons* No table of co''and'ents, nosyste' of #hr&st&an eth&cs, can be fra'ed that &ll 'a/e %s l&/e #hr&st*No &'pos&t&on of r%les fro' &tho%t can eer s%cceed &n t%rn&n( s&nners&nto sa&nts*

  At the sa'e t&'e, a l&&n( fa&th &s not &tho%t cond&t&ons* We need to

'a&nta&n the tr%e perspect&e of l&fe &n #hr&st* 2If any 'an &ll co'eafter 'e, let h&' deny h&'self, and ta/e %p h&s cross, and follo 'e2;Matt* 4+><@* #hr&st dras all 'en %nto H&'self* He l&ed by fa&th, as eare to l&e*

  God d&d not send a 'e'ber of the Godhead clothed &th h%'an&ty to &'press%s* He does not eary %s &th a God ho e)poses all o%r fa%lts b%t has note'poered %s to l&e as sons and da%(hters of God* "a&th &n #hr&st '%st&tness to o%r ha&n( the '&nd of #hr&st &n all th&n(s, &nstead ofass%'&n( that (oodness &s ach&eed by ch%rch 'e'bersh&p*

  The God ho 2e'pt&ed H&'self2 thro%(h the '&llenn&%'s and &ll cont&n%e todo so, &s far too lo&n( and tr%e to per'&t those ho tr%st &n H&' tofa&l* The ord $es%s #hr&st &s the reelat&on and e)press&on of all thatGod has done and all He &s* And He l&es as one ho can (&e %s '&nds l&/e

H&s on, and sae %s to the %tter'ost* 

 At Iss%e Inde)#hr&stolo(y Inde)Table of #ontentsPre&o%s Ne)t

Heppenstall - The Man Who Is God, #h :

THE MAN WHO IS GOD by Edard Heppenstall

  #hapter :  THE #ENTE! O" #H!IST.S #ONS#IO5SNESS

  To /no and %nderstand $es%s #hr&st as He &s, e '%st co''&t o%rseles tothe st%dy of H&s l&fe both as De&ty and as 'an* We hold that &n $es%s#hr&st are to nat%res, they be&n( &n one Person* The one &s the d&&nenat%re of the second person of the Godhead, ho &s fro' eerlast&n( toeerlast&n(* The other &s the h%'an nat%re of one, $es%s, born al'ost>,=== years a(o*

  S&nce e bel&ee that #hr&st has to nat%res, does th&s 'ean that He hasto consc&o%snesses, one h%'an, the other d&&ne, &th to &ntellects, to

sets of e'ot&ons3 Where &s the seat of H&s personal&ty3 What &s therelat&onsh&p of the d&&ne to the h%'an &n $es%s3  H&s h%'an l&fe and consc&o%sness &s a d&st&nct self, not a l&&n( robe

rapped aro%nd a d&&ne personal&ty*  The cr%c&al 1%est&on centers &n th&s+ What as the center of #hr&st.s

consc&o%sness h&le on earth3 D&d He hae a d&&ne or a h%'anconsc&o%sness, or d&d He hae both3 Was the personal center of #hr&st.sconsc&o%sness on the s&de of H&s de&ty or h%'an&ty3 D&d He l&e H&s l&feon earth as God or as 'an3

  These 1%est&ons are at the heart of all controers&es on the nat%re andl&fe of #hr&st on earth* At sta/e &s the tr%th abo%t the atone'ent, theposs&b&l&ty of #hr&st.s be&n( te'pted, H&s relat&on to s&n and s&nners* Wehae to earthly parents &th only one nat%re and one h%'an consc&o%sness*

7%t #hr&st as born of the d&&ne Sp&r&t and of Mary* D&d He l&e as el&e3 Ho co%ld He be te'pted &n all po&nts l&/e as e are %nless Hepossessed only the one h%'an center of personal&ty and consc&o%sness3

  #an there e)&st &n one person both a consc&o%s d&&ne '&nd and a consc&o%sh%'an '&nd3 Was #hr&st o'n&sc&ent een as a ch&ld, so that He co%ld /noanyth&n( He set H&s '&nd to /no3 #o%ld He see beyond the cross to H&sres%rrect&on hen He ca'e to the ho%r of H&s cr%c&f&)&on3

  Was $es%s o'n&potent, so &n perfor'&n( H&s '&racles He co%ld %se H&sd&&n&ty anyt&'e He anted to3 When He sa&d to Nathanael, 27efore thathen tho% ast %nder the f&( tree, I sa thee2 ;$ohn 4+<?@, had He %sedH&s d&&ne consc&o%sness to /no th&s3 If $es%s. d&&ne attr&b%tes ofo'n&potence, o'n&sc&ence, and o'n&presence ere consc&o%s and act&ed%r&n( H&s l&fe on earth hat d&d He s%rrender to l&e by fa&th &n H&s

"ather and be able to say, 2The Son can do noth&n( of h&'self2 ;$ohn:+4C@3  An act&e de&ty o%ld 'ean, a'on( other th&n(s, a d&&ne consc&o%sness, an

&''ed&ate /noled(e of eeryth&n(, and a poer e1%al to all s&t%at&ons*"%rther'ore, #hr&st.s d&&ne consc&o%sness o%ld be co'plete at H&s&ncarnat&on* A f%lly deeloped consc&o%sness o%ld hae been present fro'the ery be(&nn&n( of H&s l&fe on earth*

  7y ay of contrast, a h%'an consc&o%sness &s not so'eth&n( set once forall* It &s not f%lly deeloped at b&rth* 7e(&nn&n( fro' the t&'e of b&rth,h%'an consc&o%sness &s shaped and deter'&ned by the cont&n%ed f%nct&onsand deelop'ent of '&nd and body* The 'ental f%nct&ons of &ll, &ntellect,


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  and feel&n( are alays &n the process of (roth %nt&l the bra&n be(&ns todeter&orate*

  The Gospels teach %s that $es%s. l&fe &n eery ay folloed the nat%ralprocess of deelop'ent* He entered the orld not as He had done at Mo%ntS&na&, &th '&(hty 'an&festat&ons of H&s poer and (lory, b%t as a h%'anbabe* There folloed a (roth of '&nd and body, of character andpersonal&ty* Th&s nat%ral h%'an deelop'ent reached the po&nt here Hebeca'e f%lly aare of ho He as and hat H&s p%rpose as for co'&n( &nto

the orld* D%r&n( th&s (roth He 'ade no d&&ne cla&'s for H&'self* "ro'&nfancy He 2&ncreased &n &sdo' and stat%re, and &n fao%r &th God and'an2 ;%/e >+:>@* 2The ch&ld (re, and a)ed stron( &n sp&r&t2 ;chap*4+?=@* $es%s deeloped H&s personal&ty and consc&o%sness thro%(h the sa'eprocess as d&d H&s co%s&n, $ohn the 7apt&st, and &n the sa'e ay as do allother h%'an be&n(s*

  Thro%(ho%t H&s l&fe on earth e f&nd $es%s operat&n( %nder h%'anl&'&tat&ons* H&s body as h%'an &n &ts needs and capab&l&t&es* H&s 'entaland e'ot&onal act&&t&es ere those of a 'an* H&s '&nd or/ed as does a'an.s '&nd*

  He l&ed as a 'an* He tho%(ht as a 'an* He end%red as a 'an* He ate as eeat* He dran/ as e dr&n/* He slept as e do, ept &n H&s sorro, al/edthe streets, and en(a(ed &n soc&al and rel&(&o%s conerse &th H&s

fr&ends* He &s&ted the' &n the&r ho'es, d&ned, s%pped, chatted &th the'as e do &th o%r fr&ends* When at last He ca'e to the cross He s%fferedas e o%ld, only a tho%sand t&'es 'ore* Dy&n(, He d&ed as a 'an o%ld d&eby the fa&l%re of the &tal f%nct&ons, as yo% and I o%ld d&e &f e erena&led to crosses*

  #hr&st.s d&&n&ty h&le He as on earth aa&led H&' noth&n( hatsoeer sofar as personal adanta(e oer %s as concerned* Not one &ctory oerte'ptat&on as (a&ned by an e)erc&se of H&s o'n&potence* Not one po&nt oraspect of /noled(e or &(norance as chan(ed by an e)erc&se of H&so'n&sc&ence* A d&&ne attr&b%te of o'n&sc&ence d&d not help H&' &n H&slac/ of /noled(e* Nor d&d that attr&b%te 'a/e aa&lable /noled(e that Hehad fro' all etern&ty*

  Infancy and 'ental deelop'ents are h%'an cond&t&ons* Not so &th a d&&ne

nat%re* #hr&st.s de&ty cannot be red%ced to h%'an cond&t&ons* The &nf&n&te'&nd cannot beco'e the f&n&te '&nd* O'n&sc&ence cannot beco'e &(norance&tho%t ceas&n( to be d&&ne* O'n&potence cannot beco'e ea/ness &tho%tdestroy&n( de&ty*

  H%'an or D&&ne #onsc&o%sness3  To assert that #hr&st had both an act&e d&&ne and h%'an consc&o%sness

poses certa&n proble's &n o%r %nderstand&n( of H&s or/ on earth*  Ho co%ld a h%'an consc&o%sness, &th &ts l&'&ted nat%re, co-e)&st and

'a&nta&n &ts &ndependence &n a s&n(le person possess&n( a f%ll d&&neconsc&o%sness3 Wo%ld not the presence of an &nf&n&te and &''%table d&&neconsc&o%sness 'a/e &'poss&ble the operat&on of a free f&n&te h%'an

consc&o%sness3 Ho co%ld a d&&ne consc&o%sness s%b'&t to be controlled or'an&p%lated by the h%'an, espec&ally hen the h%'an const&t%t&on andfac%lt&es had been affected and ea/ened by fo%r tho%sand years of s&n3

  "%rther'ore, s&nce de&ty cannot be te'pted and cannot s&n, o%ld not ad&&ne consc&o%sness 'a/e &t &'poss&ble for the h%'an $es%s to be te'ptedor to s&n3 And &f there arose any poss&b&l&ty of s&nn&n(, o%ld not thed&&ne a%to'at&cally oerhel' the h%'an* and preent s&n3 Ho co%ldd&&n&ty y&eld to h%'an&ty &f that d&&n&ty ere f%lly act&e &n ter's of

o'n&sc&ence, o'n&potence, and o'n&presence3  If the h%'an consc&o%sness and &ll of $es%s had dec&ded to co'e don fro'the cross and destroy God.s p%rpose and plan of rede'pt&on, ho co%ld H&sd&&ne '&nd hae obeyed the h%'an '&nd and per'&tted s%ch a th&n(3 Hoco%ld He hae been te'pted &n all po&nts l&/e as e are %nless Hepossessed only the one, the h%'an, center of personal&ty3 All H&ste'ptat&ons o%ld hae been %nreal, a p&ece of d&splay &tho%t any real&ty&n fact*

  To bel&ee that $es%s had so'e /&nd of do%ble consc&o%sness, d&&ne andh%'an, see's to ne(ate the real&ty of the Incarnat&on or een thenecess&ty for &t* It o%ld 'a/e the h%'an l&fe of #hr&st 1%&te art&f&c&al,s&nce &t co%ld hardly be cons&dered free fro' control by de&ty*

  "%rther'ore, &f e &ns&st that o%r ord.s '&nd and consc&o%sness ere the

sa'e on earth as &n H&s pre-e)&stent state, then e '%st concl%de that He/ne eeryth&n( that o%ld happen or had happened to H&', past, present,and f%t%re* We '%st ass%'e that He possessed &th&n H&'self thato'n&potent poer that 'ade H&' 1%&te &ndependent of any need of help fro'H&s "ather or the Holy Sp&r&t* In that case d&d He really need to dependent&rely %pon the "ather, as e '%st do3 S&nce He o%ld then possess thereso%rces &th&n H&'self to oerco'e all te'ptat&on and oppos&t&on,noth&n( co%ld co'e %pon H&' &n s%rpr&se* To l&e by fa&th o%ld see' 1%&te%nnecessary* Why sho%ld an(els co'e to H&s s&de to stren(then H&' &n theho%r of tr&al3

  In H&s pre-e)&stent state H&s d&&ne attr&b%tes ere %ntra''eled &n thecreat&on of the orld, &n d&rect&n( and controll&n( the %n&erse* Then,for a t&'e d%r&n( H&s l&fe on earth, He beca'e s%b8ect to, and dependent

on, the "ather* In order to 'a/e th&s poss&ble, He rel&n1%&shed the r&(htto %se H&s d&&ne attr&b%tes*

  When #hr&st ca'e to earth, d&d He reta&n the consc&o%s %se of theattr&b%tes of o'n&potence, o'n&sc&ence, and o'n&presence so thatte'ptat&on as not part of H&s l&fe proble' and e)per&ence3 Or d&d He &nso'e ay s%rrender the %se of these attr&b%tes to the "ather so that Hehad to l&e l&fe as a 'an '%st l&e &t, ent&rely by fa&th, and th%s sho%s the ay to do the sa'e3 It see's e '%st anser aff&r'at&ely to thelatter 1%est&on* Then eery dec&s&on and eery act of #hr&st.s l&fe ca'efro' H&s h%'an s&de and not f ro' the d&&ne* In th&s ay #hr&st co%ld say,2I can of '&ne on self do noth&n(*2


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  The only ay that #hr&st co%ld (&e e)press&on to H&s d&&ne attr&b%teso%ld be thro%(h the&r release by the "ather at the re1%est of the Son,and h&ch the "ather had e&dently a(reed to*

  That the D&&ne Poer of the Son as latent d%r&n( H&s &ncarnat&on, &s&'pl&ed or s%((ested &n Matthe >+:, here, h&le forb&dd&n( Peter todra sord &n h&s Master.s defense, #hr&st says, 2#an I not as/ 'y"ather and He &ll place by My s&de tele le(&ons of an(els32 Selfdefense by H&s on d&&ne poer &s left o%t of s&(ht9 'an&festly beca%se

the e)erc&se of those poers has for a t&'e been la&d as&de*0$* AGA!7EET, Thro%(h #hr&st to God, p* >B*  He alloed H&s d&&ne poer and &ntell&(ence to re'a&n for a t&'e

dor'ant, &n order that %nder the cond&t&ons of h%'an l&fe on earth He'&(ht reeal God to 'an and or/ o%t del&erance for 'an*0Ib&d*, pp*>BC, >?=*

  S%rrender of #erta&n Attr&b%tes  It beco'es apparent that for #hr&st to l&e on earth as a 'an, so'e /&nd

of 'ental ad8%st'ent '%st hae ta/en place at the Incarnat&on* TheIncarnat&on '%st 'ean so'e /&nd of brea/ &n the consc&o%sness of #hr&st asGod* He as &n the o'b not as a f%lly self-consc&o%s d&&ne Person, b%tas an %ndeeloped, %nborn ch&ld* If the baby &n Mary.s ar's as all thet&'e act&ely and consc&o%sly o'n&sc&ent, o'n&potent, o'n&present, then He

s%rely as not h%'an* "%rther'ore, ho co%ld He hae possessed the act&econsc&o%sness of these d&&ne attr&b%tes and st&ll not hae %sed the'3  The only lo(&cal concl%s&on aa&lable to %s &s that at H&s &ncarnat&on

there occ%rred a sh&ft &n consc&o%sness fro' the d&&ne to the h%'an* "ro'H&s concept&on to H&s res%rrect&on the only consc&o%sness access&ble toH&' as hat other 'en hae*

  The res%lt as that God beca'e 'an &n s%ch a ay that H&s d&&ne nat%rehad no act&&ty, no /noled(e o%ts&de or apart fro' H&s h%'an&ty* #hr&sthad b%t one consc&o%sness* Eery act and dec&s&on as a h%'an act anddec&s&on*

  Ho, then, co%ld a l&'&ted h%'an consc&o%sness freely e)&st and f%nct&onalon( &th the f%llness of the Godhead &n a s&n(le person3 The anser &sthat God &n so'e ay l&'&ted H&'self so that the presence of the d&&ne &n

$es%s d&d not &t&ate the h%'an aspects of H&s personal&ty* We do not /nothe e)act nat%re of the d&&ne self-e'pty&n(* All e hae &s the e&dence&n the 'an #hr&st $es%s and the l&fe He l&ed here on earth*

  When #hr&st left heaen to ta/e h%'an flesh He ol%ntar&ly s%rrendered the%se of H&s d&&ne attr&b%tes of o'n&sc&ence, o'n&potence, and o'n&presenceto l&e as a 'an* Noth&n( of de&ty re'a&ned o%ts&de the &ncarnate Son* Hed&d not leae anyth&n( of H&'self or H&s nat%re beh&nd &n heaen* 6et the&ncarnate Son as no o'n&potent, o'n&sc&ent 'an* He e)erc&sed no otherpoer than hat e are able to hae by fa&th* H&s res%rrect&on as theres%'pt&on of a te'porar&ly s%rrendered f%nct&on of those part&c%larattr&b%tes*

  When #hr&st as born, H&s h%'an nat%re as not transfor'ed by a spec&alcreat&on &nto so'e s%perh%'an be&n( for the Sp&r&t of God to enter* Norere there to strea's r%nn&n( parallel, b%t %n'&n(led* In the sa'e personthere as not both /noled(e and &(norance of the sa'e th&n(*

  The Son of God la&d as&de the f%nct&ons of De&ty and l&ed as a 'an* Whenconsc&o%sness daned %pon $es%s at f&rst, &t as not that of God, b%t of ach&ld* H&s d&&ne attr&b%tes ere 1%&escent* "or #hr&st to e'pty H&'selfof the f%nct&on of those attr&b%tes had a d&rect bear&n( on the center of

H&s consc&o%sness as a 'an* D%r&n( H&s l&fe on earth only one e(o co%ld beconsc&o%s at once*  To spea/ of #hr&st.s s%rrender&n( the %se of the attr&b%tes of De&ty needs

to be %nderstood* It does not 'ean (&&n( the' %p, for th&s o%ld destroyH&s de&ty* He s%rrendered the&r control to H&s "ather &tho%t los&n( H&sde&ty* He l&'&ted and e'pt&ed H&'self to l&e as a 'an* He beca'e s%b8ectto all the cond&t&ons and l&'&tat&ons of h%'an&ty*

  In th&s e'pty&n( #hr&st as st&ll God* 7%t He as tr%ly l&'&ted &n/noled(e, tr%ly s%b8ect to te'ptat&on, and re1%&red the help of the HolySp&r&t, as e do* The &ndell&n( Sp&r&t enabled H&' to l&e as e are tol&e* $es%s e)erc&sed no poer not aa&lable to #hr&st&ans*

  7&bl&cal E&dence  The Gospels %nden&ably &tness to the center of #hr&st.s consc&o%sness and

'ental processes as h%'an rather than d&&ne* He as &n all th&n(s l&/eo%rseles e)cept for s&n* In H&s earthly l&fe the Gospels do not attr&b%teto H&' o'n&potence, o'n&presence, or o'n&sc&ence*

  4* $es%s Was Not O'n&sc&ent  S&nce #hr&st ass%'ed the nat%re of 'an, He ac1%&red /noled(e as e do,

thro%(h e)per&ence* H&s /noled(e as not the &''ed&ate /noled(e of God*D%r&n( H&s th&rty years spent at Naareth there as noth&n( recorded ofH&' that as seen to be re'ar/able abo%t H&' &n ter's of /no&n( th&n(sbeyond H&s years and e)per&ence* D%r&n( these years He as s&'ply the sonof a carpenter* He bro%(ht no 'odern &nent&ons to l&(ht &n H&s f&eld thate hae any /noled(e of* The Gospels conta&n no e&dence that Hepossessed sc&ent&f&c, techn&cal, 'ed&cal, or art&st&c /noled(e that asahead of H&s t&'e* Neertheless, &n H&s s&nlessness He possessed a

perfect&on of '&nd and ab&l&ty aboe that of s&nf%l 'an* 5ndo%btedly, hadHe e)erc&sed H&s '&nd &n any f&eld of h%'an endeaor, He co%ld haes%rpassed all the d&scoer&es that hae co'e to %s thro%(h the orld.s(en&%ses*

  $es%s /ne only hat as needf%l for H&s or/ and '&ss&on* As a h%'anbe&n( He had to depend %pon h%'an ays of ac1%&r&n( /noled(e* H&slearn&n( fro' others as not a 'ere pretense* Mary and $oseph really&nfl%enced H&s '&nd* The h%'an co''%n&ty &n h&ch He l&ed had &ts effecton H&', notably &n H&s ay of th&n/&n( and spea/&n(, as the Gospels sho*

  There &s no proof that $es%s had the f%llness of d&&ne /noled(e d%r&n(H&s l&fe on earth* It o%ld be r&d&c%lo%s to 'a&nta&n that eery t&'e He


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  as/ed a 1%est&on, He as only pretend&n( &(norance* $es%s. re1%ests for&nfor'at&on ere 1%&te nat%ral, (en%&ne, and necessary* H&sstra&(htforard 1%est&ons ere ob&o%sly to (et ansers that He co%ld not(et &n any other ay*

  On one occas&on a father bro%(ht h&s s&c/ son to be healed* 2And he$es%sJ as/ed h&s father, Ho lon( &s &t a(o s&nce th&s ca'e %nto h&'3 Andhe sa&d, of a ch&ld2 ;Mar/ C+>4@* At the death of aar%s, $es%s d&d not/no here the body as la&d* So He as/ed Mary and Martha, 2Where hae ye

la&d h&'3 They sa&d %nto h&', ord, co'e and see2 ;$ohn 44+<@*  When as/ed by H&s d&sc&ples the t&'e of the end of the orld, $es%s&nd&cated that H&s d&&ne attr&b%te of fore/noled(e d&d not operate onearth* 27%t of that day and ho%r /noeth no 'an, no, not the an(els ofheaen, b%t 'y "ather only2 ;Matt* ><+@*

  The &nc&dent of the f&( tree s%((ests a lac/ of pre&o%s /noled(e on thepart of $es%s* 2After they had left 7ethany, he felt h%n(ry, and, not&c&n(&n the d&stance a f&(-tree &n leaf, he ent to see &f he co%ld f&ndanyth&n( on &t* 7%t hen he ca'e there he fo%nd noth&n( b%t leaes9 for &tas not the season for f&(s2 ;Mar/ 44+4>, 4, N*E*7*@*

  He co%ld be ta/en by s%rpr&se9 He 'areled at the fa&th of the cent%r&on;Matt* ?+4=@* He does not beco'e aare that He &s the Mess&ah %nt&l He &s4> years of a(e* H&s on d&&n&ty d&d not &nstr%ct H&'*

  There are attr&b%ted to o%r ord constantly h%'an e)per&ences h&ch see'&ncons&stent &th pract&cal o'n&sc&ence* Th%s he e)presses s%rpr&se atthe cond%ct of h&s parents, and the %nbel&ef of 'en, and the barrennessof the f&( tree, and the sloness of H&s d&sc&ples. fa&th %/e >+<C9Mar/ +9 44+49 <+<=9 B+4?9 ?+> 49 4<+BJ* * * * He as/s for&nfor'at&on and rece&es &t %/e ?+=9 Mar/ + ?9 ?+:9 C+> 49 $ohn 44+<J* * * * He l&ed &n the constant e)erc&se of prayer to God, h&ch &sthe character&st&c %tterance of h%'an fa&th and tr%st* * * * ;Heb*>+4@*0GO!E, op* c&t*, P* 4=*

  #hr&st tells noth&n( of the deta&ls of H&s pre-e)&stent state hen Hecreated the orld* H&s /noled(e &s fro' the Old Testa'ent Scr&pt%res*

  Eery prophecy concern&n( H&s or/ and 'ed&at&on as fa'&l&ar to H&',espec&ally those ha&n( reference to H&s h%'&l&at&on, atone'ent, and

&ntercess&on*0WHITE, "%nda'entals of #hr&st&an Ed%cat&on, p* <=>*  H&s 1%otat&ons fro' the Old Testa'ent ere fro' 'e'ory and /noled(e

learned &n H&s earl&er years* #onse1%ently, $es%s as co'pletely dependent%pon reelat&on fro' H&s "ather or fro' the Holy Sp&r&t and thro%(h the'&n&stry of an(els* T&'e and a(a&n He 'ade th&s po&nt 1%&te clear* 2"orthe "ather loeth the Son, and sheeth h&' all th&n(s that h&'self doeth+and he &ll she h&' (reater or/s than these, that ye 'ay 'arel2 ;$ohn:+>=@*

  He as ta%(ht by the "ather+ 2I do noth&n( of 'yself9 b%t as 'y "atherhath ta%(ht 'e, I spea/ these th&n(s2 ;chap* ?+>?@*

  #hr&st, &n H&s l&fe on earth 'ade no plans for H&'self* He accepted

God.s plans for H&', and day by day the "ather %nfolded H&splans*0WHITE, The M&n&stry of Heal&n(, p* <BC*

  In the sanct%ary of the ho'e, $es%s rece&ed H&s ed%cat&on, not 'erelyfro' H&s parents, b%t fro' H&s heaenly "ather* As He (re older, Godopened to H&' 'ore and 'ore of the (reat or/ before H&'*0The SDA 7&ble#o''entary, Ellen G* Wh&te #o''ents, on %/e >+<=, :>, p* 444B*

  De&ty, by &ts ery nat%re, can read the f%t%re* $es%s as content to leae2the t&'es and seasons2 &n the hands of H&s "ather and be (%&ded by H&'

accord&n( to each day.s needs* He ass%red H&s d&sc&ples, 2As I hear, I*8%d(e2 ;$ohn :+=@* 2"or I hae not spo/en of 'yself2 ;chap* 4>+<C@*  An o'n&sc&ent Son of God o%ld not need reelat&on fro' the "ather and the

Holy Sp&r&t* If He had the f%ll /noled(e of all th&n(s &th&n H&'self, Heo%ld /no hat He o%(ht to do by H&s on &nner l&(ht and poer* 7%t Heas ta%(ht by H&s "ather thro%(h the Holy Sp&r&t and the an(els*

  He that sent 'e &s tr%e9 and I spea/ to the orld those th&n(s h&ch Ihae heard of h&'* * * * As 'y "ather hath ta%(ht 'e, I spea/ theseth&n(s ;$ohn ?+>->?@9 6e see/ to /&ll 'e, a 'an that hath told yo% thetr%th, h&ch I heard of God ;erse <=@9 The "ather h&ch sent 'e, hehath (&en 'e a co''and'ent, hat I sho%ld say, and hat I sho%ld spea/* And I /no that h&s co''and'ent &s l&fe eerlast&n(+ hatsoeer I spea/therefore, een as the "ather sa&d %nto 'e, so I spea/* ;chap* 4>+<C,

:=@9 All th&n(s that I hae heard of 'y "ather I hae 'ade /non %ntoyo% ;chap* 4:+4:@9 4 hae (&en %nto the' the ords h&ch tho% (aest 'e;chap* 4B+?@*

  Hoeer, $es%s often had a /noled(e that ent far beyond that h&ch thenor'al 'an possessed* 5ndo%btedly th&s ca'e fro' the "ather and the HolySp&r&t* He /ne hat as &n 'an ;Matt* C+<9 $ohn >+><, >:@* He as f%llyaare of H&s co'&n( death and the 'ean&n( of &t, and that He '%st r&sea(a&n ;Matt* 4+> 49 4B+>>, >9 >=+4?, 4C9 $ohn 4>+><@* He /ne that $%daso%ld betray H&' ;%/e >>+> 4@9 and He /ne hen the t&'e for H&scr%c&f&)&on had co'e ;$ohn 4>+>, >B9 4+4@* He /ne here to f&nd f&shhen e)pert f&sher'en d&d not* All these th&n(s ere (&en to H&' &n thesa'e ay that s%ch /noled(e and tr%th ere (&en to the prophets* 2"orGod (&eth not the Sp&r&t by 'eas%re %nto h&'2 ;$ohn +<@*

  #hr&st l&ed H&s l&fe on earth by fa&th and not by an &nfall&ble/noled(e* He l&ed &n and fro' H&s h%'an nat%re and consc&o%sness,dependent on the Holy Sp&r&t, as a tr%e #hr&st&an o%ld depend on H&'*Da&ly the Holy Sp&r&t co''%n&cated the &ll of God to H&'*

  7eca%se #hr&st e)per&enced the f%llness of the Sp&r&t, He as d&scern&n(of the '&nds and characters of 'en by the Sp&r&t* He not only searched theheart of the Sa'ar&tan o'an at the ell of $acob b%t /ne her &''ed&atestat%s and past h&story* At a d&stance He /ne that aar%s as dead* &/ethe prophets of the Old Testa'ent %nder the &nsp&rat&on of the HolySp&r&t, He pred&cted f%t%re eents+ Peter.s donfall, H&s on death andres%rrect&on, the persec%t&on of the d&sc&ples and the #hr&st&an ch%rch,


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  the destr%ct&on of the Te'ple at $er%sale', the co'&n( of the Holy Sp&r&t*He spa/e as neer 'an spa/e*

  >* $es%s Was Not O'n&present  $es%s as s%b8ect to the sa'e phys&cal l&'&tat&ons and necess&t&es as e

are* He as conf&ned &n t&'e and space* If He as &n $er%sale' and antedto (o to Gal&lee, He had to al/ l&/e H&s d&sc&ples* If He as &n oneplace, He co%ld not be &n another at the sa'e t&'e* If He as &n#aperna%', He co%ld not be &n $er%sale'*

  * $es%s Was Not O'n&potent  D&d #hr&st %se H&s d&&n&ty at any t&'e h&le on earth, een hen2d&&n&ty flashed thro%(h h%'an&ty23 If He d&d, o%ld th&s not (&e H&' anadanta(e oer %s, s&nce e are not d&&ne3 He perfor'ed H&s '&racles bythe poer of the Holy Sp&r&t and an(els* Whateer flashed forth fro' H&'as d&&ne as d%e to the presence of the Holy Sp&r&t* #hr&st as nott%rn&n( off or on H&s d&&ne nat%re*

  7%t the Son of God as s%rrendered to the "ather.s &ll, and dependent%pon H&s poer* So %tterly as #hr&st e'pt&ed of self that He 'ade noplans for H&'self* He accepted God.s plans for H&', and day by day the"ather %nfolded H&s plans*0The Des&re of A(es, p* >=?*

  The "ather that delleth &n 'e, he doeth the or/s ;$ohn 4<+4=@*  In all that He d&d, #hr&st as cooperat&n( &th H&s "ather* Eer He had

been caref%l to 'a/e &t e&dent that He d&d not or/ &ndependently9 &tas by fa&th and prayer that He ro%(ht H&s '&racles**** Here thed&sc&ples and the people ere to be (&en the 'ost con&nc&n( e&dence&n re(ard to the relat&onsh&p e)&st&n( beteen #hr&st and God*0Ib&d*, p*:*

  The '&racles of #hr&st * ere ro%(ht by the poer of God thro%(h the'&n&strat&on of the an(els*0Ib&d*, p* 4<*

  The $e&sh leaders char(ed #hr&st &th perfor'&n( '&racles by the poer ofthe de&l* 2#hr&st told the' pla&nly that &n attr&b%t&n( the or/ of theHoly Sp&r&t to Satan, they ere c%tt&n( the'seles off fro' the fo%nta&nof bless&n(* 20Ib&d*, pp* >4, >>* The poer #hr&st e)erc&sed to cast o%tde'ons as not der&ed fro' H&s on d&&n&ty, b%t fro' the Holy Sp&r&t*The so%rce of poer as not &n H&'self* When He healed the de'on&ac ho'

the d&sc&ples had fa&led to restore, 2They ere all a'aed at the '&(htypoer of God2 ;%/e C+<@*

  #hr&st as f%lly res&(ned to the "ather.s &ll* He tr%sted the "ather tolead and care for H&' %nt&l the ho%r sho%ld co'e for H&' to lay don H&sl&fe as a ranso' for the orld* 2If &t be poss&ble, let th&s c%p pass fro''e+ neertheless not as I &ll, b%t as tho% &lt2 ;Matt* >+C@* There asno confl&ct beteen the &ll of God the "ather and God the Son* #hr&stfore/ne and foretold H&s on s%ffer&n(s and a(ony* He appealed to theo'n&potence of the "ather, as/&n( to be spared fro' the sacr&f&ce h&ch Heca'e &nto the orld to 'a/e, and to d&e for s&nf%l 'en*

  Ob&o%sly, #hr&st d&d not hae to &lls thro%(h h&ch to e)erc&se H&s

d&&ne poer* We cannot %nderstand H&s ords 2'y &ll2 and 2thy &ll2 asconst&t%t&n( &th&n H&'self a str%((le end&n( &n the s%b'&ss&on of one ofH&s &lls, to the other* H%'an&ty shran/ fro' the approach&n( h%'&l&at&onand a(ony, b%t the h%'an des&re to ao&d &t as &nstantly y&elded to the"ather*

  #hr&st.s &dent&ty as one person &th one &ll as ent&re* He had the sa'eh%'an consc&o%sness hen He as on the cross as hen He as ly&n( &n a'an(er* The a(ony that He felt at the separat&on fro' H&s "ather as that

of a h%'an '&nd &n a h%'an body* If He operated fro' a d&&ne &ll theconfl&ct &n Gethse'ane o%ld be %nnecessary*  We read that there appeared to H&' &n Gethse'ane an an(el fro' heaen

stren(then&n( H&' ;%/e >>+<@* That as God.s anser to H&s Son* 5nderthe c&rc%'stances, &t as the best that co%ld be (&en to H&s onlybe(otten Son, ho absol%tely depended on H&'*

  Ho d&d the an(el stren(then $es%s3 7y replen&sh&n( H&s bod&ly, 'ental,and sp&r&t%al poers* $es%s. phys&cal nat%re and heart ere ready to brea/&n Gethse'ane*

  Sho%ld &t be as/ed, Why d&d $es%s not stren(then H&'self by the %se of H&son d&&ne nat%re3 The anser &s, He had s%rrendered that f%nct&on to H&s"ather* When #hr&st too/ o%r nat%re He too/ o%r cond&t&on, too* He d&d notescape for one 'o'ent by depend&n( on H&s d&&n&ty*

  The Son of God had ta/en %pon H&'self 'an.s nat%re* He '%st do as 'an'%st do &n l&/e c&rc%'stances* Therefore He o%ld not or/ a '&racle tosae H&'self the pa&n and h%'&l&at&on that 'an '%st end%re hen placed&n a s&'&lar pos&t&on*0The Des&re of A(es, p* B>C* Satan led the cr%el'ob &n &ts ab%se of the Sa&o%r* It as h&s p%rpose to proo/e H&' toretal&at&on &f poss&ble, or to dr&e H&' to perfor' a '&racle to releaseH&'self, and th%s brea/ %p the plan of salat&on* One sta&n %pon H&sh%'an l&fe, one fa&l%re of H&s h%'an&ty to end%re the terr&ble test, andthe a'b of God o%ld hae been an &'perfect offer&n(, and therede'pt&on of 'an a fa&l%re*0Ib&d*, p* B<*

  We hae record of to occas&ons hen the l&fe of $es%s appearedthreatened* On each occas&on He as saed, not by H&s on d&&ne poer,b%t by the "ather thro%(h the '&n&strat&on of an(els*

  At the &lla(e of Naareth for'er ne&(hbors of $es%s beca'e so &ncensed atH&s ords &n the syna(o(%e that they led H&' o%t of the b%&ld&n( to thetop of the h&ll on h&ch the ton as b%&lt, to thro H&' oer the s&de*27%t he pass&n( thro%(h the '&dst of the' ent h&s ay2 ;%/e <+=@*

  Sho%ts and 'aled&ct&ons f&lled the a&r* So'e ere cast&n( stones at H&',hen s%ddenly He d&sappeared fro' a'on( the'* The heaenly 'essen(ersho had been by H&s s&de &n the syna(o(%e ere &th H&' &n the '&dst ofthat 'addened thron(* They sh%t H&' &n fro' H&s ene'&es, and cond%ctedH&' to a place of safety*0Ib&d*, p* ><=*

  On the occas&on of H&s st&ll&n( the stor' on Gal&lee the d&sc&ples eredespa&r&n( for the&r l&es* In anser to the&r cry for help $es%s


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  co''anded the &nd and aes, 7e st&ll* The d&sc&ples 2be&n( afra&dondered, say&n( one to another, What 'anner of 'an &s th&s for heco''andeth een the &nds and ater, and they obey h&'2 ;%/e ?+>:@*

  The poer $es%s e)erc&sed to st&ll the stor' as not H&s on, b%t thepoer of the "ather*

  When $es%s as aa/ened to 'eet the stor', He as &n perfect peace*There as no trace of fear &n ord or loo/, for no fear as &n H&sheart* 7%t He rested not &n the possess&on of al'&(hty poer* It as notas the 2Master of earth and sea and s/y2 that He reposed &n 1%&et* Thatpoer He had la&d don, and He says, 2I can of '&ne on self donoth&n(*2 He tr%sted &n the "ather.s '&(ht* It as &n fa&th-fa&th &nGod.s loe and care-that $es%s rested, and the poer of that ord h&chst&lled the stor' as the poer of God*0Ib&d*, p* *

  All th&s &nd&cates that &n the co%nc&l of peace beteen the "ather andSon, the Son had ol%ntar&ly a(reed to s%rrender H&s d&&ne o'n&sc&ence,o'n&presence, and o'n&potence* He as to de'onstrate as a Man &n theflesh, &th&n a h%'an consc&o%sness, that 'an can tr%st the "ather %nderall c&rc%'stances9 that God &s the tr%e a%thor&ty %nder h&ch the ent&re%n&erse &s safe*

  Had the Son dec&ded He anted H&s de&ty to operate &ndependently of andcontrary to the "ather0a dec&s&on h&ch, of co%rse, He o%ld neer

'a/e0the "ather do%btless o%ld hae honored #hr&st.s r&(ht to freedo' ofcho&ce* #hr&st co%ld hae ta/en bac/ H&s on d&&ne poer &n order todestroy H&s ene'&es or to ne(ate the plan of rede'pt&on* He co%ld haechosen not to d&e on the cross* What e hae &n #hr&st &s a cho&cethro%(ho%t H&s l&fe on earth to l&e ent&rely by the "ather ;$ohn +:B@,rather than by or %nder H&s on poer*

  Satan so%(ht to br&n( s%ch press%res to bear %pon #hr&st as to lead H&' tota/e H&'self o%t of H&s "ather.s hands and or/ a '&racle to rel&eeH&'self of ell-n&(h &ntolerable s&t%at&ons* #hr&st as aare that Heco%ld ter'&nate the plan of rede'pt&on and leae (%&lty 'an to h&s r%&n*7%t He (lor&f&ed the "ather by sho&n( that the "ather co%ld be f%llytr%sted* The "ather (lor&f&ed the Son by anser&n( H&s re1%ests, sho&n(that the Son also co%ld be f%lly tr%sted* In H&s h%'an consc&o%sness

#hr&st l&ed H&s l&fe on earth by fa&th, as eery other 'an sho%ld l&e*  Who !es%rrected $es%s3  Who ra&sed $es%s fro' the dead3 D&d not #hr&st say of H&'self, 2I lay don

'y l&fe, that I '&(ht ta/e &t a(a&n* * * * I hae poer to lay &t don,and I hae poer to ta/e &t a(a&n2 ;$ohn 4=+ 4B, 4?@3 Does th&s 'ean that#hr&st of H&s on poer ra&sed H&'self fro' the dead3 And &f so, '%st Henot hae operated fro' the center of H&s on d&&ne consc&o%sness and %sedH&s poer of o'n&potence to do th&s3

  The Ne Testa'ent declares 'ore than tenty t&'es that God the "atherres%rrected H&s Son fro' the dead ;Acts >+><, =, >9 +4:9 <+4=9 :+=94=+<=9 4+=, , <, B9 4B+ 49 !o'* <+><9 ?+449 4=+C9 4 #or* +4<9

4:+4:9 > #or* <+4<9 Gal* 4+49 Eph* 4+>=9 #ol* >+4>9 4 Thess* 4+ 4=@*Nohere does &t act%ally say that the Son ra&sed H&'self*

  #hr&st.s res%rrect&on &s not p&ct%red as a '&rac%lo%s act by $es%s H&'selfthro%(h the %se of H&s on o'n&potent poer* He &s the s%b8ect, therec&p&ent, of a '&rac%lo%s act+ 2The God of o%r fathers ra&sed %p $es%s,ho' ye sle and han(ed on a tree* H&' hath God e)alted &th h&s r&(hthand to be a Pr&nce and a Sa&o%r2 ;Acts :+=, 4@9 2Pa%l, an apostle,;not of 'en, ne&ther by 'an, b%t by $es%s #hr&st, and God the "ather, hora&sed h&' fro' the dead9@ * * * 2 ;Gal* 4+4@*

  There &s no deny&n( the "ather th&s essent&al part &n the res%rrect&on ofH&s Son* 2#hr&st as ra&sed %p fro' the dead by the (lory of the "ather2;!o'* +<@* The Ne Testa'ent e&dence &s oerhel'&n(*

  Hoeer, does not the Scr&pt%re also aff&r' that #hr&st had so'e part &nH&s on res%rrect&on3 To te)ts see' to &nd&cate that He d&d*

  Then ansered the $es and sa&d %nto h&', What s&(n sheest tho% %nto%s, see&n( that tho% doest these th&n(s3 $es%s ansered and sa&d %ntothe', Destroy th&s te'ple, and &n three days I &ll ra&se &t %p* * * *7%t he spa/e of the te'ple of h&s body* When therefore he as r&sen fro'the dead, h&s d&sc&ples re'e'bered that he had sa&d th&s %nto the'9 andthey bel&eed the scr&pt%re, and the ord h&ch $es%s had sa&d ;$ohn>+4?, 4C, >4, >>@*

  The second te)t appears to be st&ll 'ore e'phat&c+  Therefore doth 'y "ather loe 'e, beca%se I lay don 'y l&fe, that I'&(ht ta/e &t a(a&n* No 'an ta/eth &t fro' 'e, b%t I lay &t don of'yself* I hae poer to lay &t don, and I hae poer to ta/e &t a(a&n*Th&s co''and'ent hae I rece&ed of 'y "ather ;chap* 4=+ 4B, 4?@*

  The Ne En(l&sh 7&ble translat&on reads,  The "ather loes 'e beca%se I lay don 'y l&fe, to rece&e &t bac/

a(a&n* No one has robbed 'e of &t9 I a' lay&n( &t don of 'y on free&ll* I hae the r&(ht to lay &t don, and I hae the r&(ht to rece&e&t bac/ a(a&n9 th&s char(e I hae rece&ed fro' 'y "ather*

  Th&s scr&pt%re places the death and the res%rrect&on to(ether* #hr&st.sres%rrect&on &s the se1%el to H&s &ctor&o%s death9 &t proed that deathco%ld not hold H&'9 death had no r&(ht to /eep H&' &n the (rae* H&s

res%rrect&on folloed as a conse1%ence fro' H&s f&n&shed or/ ofrede'pt&on on the cross* It as as '%ch a part of the plan of rede'pt&onas as H&s death*

  When #hr&st sa&d, 2I hae poer,2 referr&n( to both H&s death and H&sres%rrect&on, the Gree/ ord %sed &s e)o%s&a, h&ch 'eans 2a%thor&ty*2 It&s translated by the Ne En(l&sh 7&ble as 2the r&(ht*2 Th&s s%((ests thatHe rece&ed the a%thor&ty fro' H&s "ather* The e'phas&s &s not %pon the%se of #hr&st.s o'n&potence, b%t %pon the 2r&(ht2 of H&s on free cho&ce*In or&(&nally 'a/&n( these dec&s&e cho&ces and co''&tt&n( H&'self tothe', #hr&st acted &th perfect freedo'*

  In the aboe passa(e #hr&st aff&r's that no one too/ H&s l&fe &tho%t H&s


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  free consent* It as by H&s free cho&ce that He ca'e to earth to lay donH&s l&fe* And He had the freedo' and r&(ht to ta/e &t %p a(a&n*

  In the scr&pt%re 1%oted, #hr&st aff&r'ed the oneness and har'ony of H&sl&fe, death, and res%rrect&on &th the &ll of the "ather* At the sa'et&'e, God the "ather &s soere&(n* The '&racle of #hr&st.s res%rrect&onas ro%(ht by the "ather beca%se th&s as the r&(ht that belon(ed to$es%s* The "ather as f%lly sat&sf&ed &th the or/ of #hr&st &n carry&n(o%t H&s p%rpose for o%r rede'pt&on*

  It &s &'poss&ble for lan(%a(e 'ore pla&nly and e'phat&cally to e)pressthe absol%te ol%ntar&ness of #hr&st.s death* * * * It &s beyond alldo%bt the lan(%a(e of One ho as consc&o%s that H&s l&fe as H&s on,and, therefore, H&s to s%rrender or reta&n at &ll* Here lay the (loryof H&s sacr&f&ce* * * * 2The poer to ta/e &t a(a&n &s no less&'portant, as sho&n( that H&s res%rrect&on, tho%(h ascr&bed to the"ather * * * as neertheless H&s on assert&on of H&s on r&(ht tol&e* 20$AMIESON, "A5SSET, and 7!OWN, #r&t&cal and E)per&'ental#o''entary, Matthe-$ohn, Fol* F, p* <4*

  In the co%nc&l of peace &t as the "ather.s plan that #hr&st sho%ld d&eand r&se a(a&n for the rede'pt&on of s&nners* At the sa'e t&'e $es%sH&'self chose th&s, &th no constra&nt b%t that of loe* The "atherreaa/ened H&' to l&fe and to d&&ne consc&o%sness at the res%rrect&on*

Had not the "ather ra&sed H&', #hr&st o%ld hae foreer re'a&ned1%&escent &n the to'b*  Ellen Wh&te 'a/es to s&(n&f&cant state'ents on th&s+  When #hr&st as cr%c&f&ed, &t as H&s h%'an nat%re that d&ed* De&ty d&d

not s&n/ and d&e9 that o%ld hae been &'poss&ble*0The SDA 7&ble#o''entary, Ellen G* Wh&te #o''ents, on Mar/ 4+, p* 444*

  Th&s does not 'ean that #hr&st.s de&ty as consc&o%s h&le &n the to'b and%lt&'ately bro%(ht abo%t H&s on res%rrect&on of the body* S%ch a th&n(o%ld hae 'ade #hr&st.s death %nreal, and the hole sacr&f&ce of the Sonof God a decept&on by ha&n( a h%'an body that d&ed h&le H&s de&tyre'a&ned consc&o%sly al&e*

  All that co'pr&sed the l&fe and &ntell&(ence of $es%s re'a&ned &th H&sbody &n the sep%lcher*0EEN G* WHITE, The Sp&r&t o f Prophecy, ol* ,

p* >=<*  He ho d&ed for the s&ns of the orld as to re'a&n &n the to'b the

allotted t&'e* He as &n that stony pr&son ho%se as a pr&soner of d&&ne 8%st&ce* He as respons&ble to the 8%d(e of the %n&erse* He as bear&n(the s&ns of the orld, and H&s "ather only co%ld release H&'*0The SDA7&ble #o''entary, Ellen G* Wh&te #o''ents, on Mar/ 4+, p* 444<*;Ital&cs s%ppl&ed*@

  Ho, then, do e har'on&e the 'any te)ts aff&r'&n( that God the "atherres%rrected H&s Son fro' the dead, and the to te)ts that (&e #hr&st apart &n H&s on res%rrect&on3 The "ather by H&s poer reaa/ened the Sonto l&fe* That l&fe that as &n #hr&st and belon(ed to H&' as restored to

consc&o%sness by the act of the "ather* All 'e'bers of the Godhead ere&noled &n H&s res%rrect&on* #hr&st then ca'e forth fro' the to'b by thel&fe that as &n H&'self*

  $es%s, the Son of Man  The na'e 'ost fre1%ently %sed &n the Ne Testa'ent to refer to #hr&st &s

the Son of 'an* Th&s t&tle occ%rs e&(hty-s&) t&'es there* Seenty t&'es#hr&st %sed &t &n referr&n( to H&'self* It as H&s self-chosen na'e* Th&st&tle best represents all that or&(&nated &n and operated thro%(h theh%'an center of #hr&st.s consc&o%sness*

  $es%s as not only called Man9 He as a tr%e 'an* He as f%lly &dent&f&ed&th h%'an&ty* 7y %s&n( the t&tle, Son of 'an, rather than Son of God,h&ch He rarely %sed, $es%s so%(ht to coney the 'ost &tal th&n( abo%tH&'self and H&s '&n&stry*

  O%r ord $es%s #hr&st, then, &s tr%ly and co'pletely 'an, and He acts as'an thro%(h the e)erc&se of d&st&nct&e h%'an fac%lt&es*0#HA!ES GO!E,The Incarnat&on of the Son of God, p* 4::*

  "or er&ly he too/ not on h&' the nat%re of an(els9 b%t he too/ on h&'the seed of Abraha'* Wherefore &n all th&n(s &t behooed h&' to be 'adel&/e %nto h&s brethren ;Heb* >+4, 4B@*

  $es%s anted to be /non as the Son of 'an, the e)press &'a(e of the"ather* In H&' the "ather 'ade s%re there co%ld* be no '&sta/e &n

reeal&n( H&'self to s&nf%l 'an* Th%s the h&stor&cal h%'an $es%s beco'esthe personal center for %s all* 2Who do 'en say that I the Son of 'an a'32as/ed $es%s* The r&(ht anser conta&ns the eternal p%rpose of God for'an.s rede'pt&on and the f%ll reelat&on of God H&'self to %s*

  The t&tle Son of 'an, to%ches eeryth&n( that #hr&st does and &s* It beste'phas&es the h%'an center of #hr&st.s consc&o%sness* The (reat eentsand facts of H&s l&fe are done %nder th&s na'e* The Scr&pt%res are seen tofoc%s on #hr&st as Son of 'an &n eery s&t%at&on+ H&s phys&cal body andfor', H&s h%'an b&rth, l&fe, and death* H&s '&nd and 'ental act&&ty ereh%'an* E'ot&onally He had the capac&ty to loe as a h%'an be&n(* H&sobed&ence to H&s "ather.s &ll as the response of a h%'an &ll*Sp&r&t%ally He as dependent %pon God H&s "ather and %pon the Holy Sp&r&t*

  In eery s&t%at&on of H&s l&fe on earth $es%s l&ed and or/ed and

'&n&stered as the Son of 'an* Th&s as ho He, as God, anted to beco'e/non9 not by so'e &s&on of De&ty*

  At $es%s. tr&al #a&aphas sole'nly char(ed H&', 2I ad8%re thee by thel&&n( God, that tho% tell %s hether tho% be the #hr&st*2 $es%s ansered,2Tho% hast sa&d that I a'J+ neertheless, I say %nto yo%, Hereafter shallye see the Son of 'an s&tt&n( on the r&(ht hand of poer, and co'&n( &nthe clo%ds of heaen2 ;Matt* >+<@* #a&aphas reco(n&ed that by the %seof that ter' $es%s cla&'ed to be the Mess&ah and sa&d, 2He hath spo/enblasphe'y*2

  In o%r ord.s (reat prophecy, (&en 8%st pr&or to H&s cr%c&f&)&on, He toldH&s d&sc&ples, 2The Son of 'an shall co'e &n the (lory of h&s father &th


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  h&s an(els2 ;chap* 4+>B@*  !eferr&n( to the sa&n( poer of H&s sacr&f&ce, $es%s sa&d that He '%st be

l&fted %p on the cross, and that by that e)per&ence He o%ld dra all 'en%nto H&'self ;$ohn +4<9 4>+>@* When He healed the paralyt&c, (&&n(e&dence of H&s d&&ne a%thor&ty, He asserted He d&d &t 2that ye 'ay /nothat the Son of 'an hath poer on earth to for(&e s&ns2 ;Matt* C+@* Hesa&d, 2The Son of 'an &s ord een of the sabbath2 ;Matt* 4>+?9 Mar/>+>?@9 The Son of 'an shall s&t &n the throne of h&s (lory2 ;Matt* 4C+>?,>C9 4B+>, C@*

  $es%s &s h%'an&ty at &ts h&(hest and best, the ery floer and (lory ofthe h%'an race* He alone does 8%st&ce to the &dea of h%'an&ty as God&ntended &t to be* He &s the center &n ho' h%'an&ty f&nds &ts

f%lf&ll'ent*  Son of 'an &s, then, the 'ost 'ean&n(f%l of all $es%s. t&tles beca%se of

&ts s&(n&f&cance relat&e to the nat%re of God* He, as God, bro%(ht Goddon fro' heaen* He 'ade the tr%e rel&(&on a real&ty* He proed thatfa&th &n and loe to the "ather &s s%per&or to all orldly possess&ons andpleas%res* He proed that no or/ done &n th&s l&fe for God per&shes, thatno act&on that chan(es the heart and deelops the h%'an '&nd toard Godthe "ather &s eer lost*

  $es%s #hr&st the Son of 'an l&ed for God &n th&s orld and too/ &th H&'

all of the res%lts of l&fe here that are orth /eep&n( &n the hereafter+The '&nd stored &th /noled(e and &sdo' fro' God, the l&fe d&sc&pl&ned%nto eternal al%es that f&ts 'an foreer as sons of &''ortal&ty*

  The honor, fa'e, and ho'a(e that attends orldly a'b&t&on and (reatness %pto the br&n/ of the (rae, &ll not benef&t one step beyond* #hr&st sol&ed that He &s no the Son of 'an %pon the throne of God H&'self* Heproed that a l&fe l&ed fro' a h%'an center can end%re for all etern&ty*He &s the Son of 'an for all etern&ty*

  The eternal Son of God too/ %pon H&'self a co'plete h%'an nat%re andbeca'e Man* The act of &ncarnat&on as not a te'porary arran(e'ent h&chended &th H&s death and res%rrect&on, b%t, as the Scr&pt%res 'a/ee&dent, H&s h%'an nat%re cont&n%ed foreer* H&s earthly body h&ch d&edon the cross be&n( transfor'ed &nto a res%rrect&on body s%&ted for H&s

(lor&o%s presence &n heaen* The cont&n%ance of H&s h%'an&ty &sreflected &n s%ch passa(es as Matthe >+< here &t &s stated that#hr&st &ll s&t on the throne of H&s (lory and ret%rn to earth as theSon of 'an+ 2Henceforth ye shall see the Son of 'an s&tt&n( at the r&(hthand of Poer and co'&n( on the clo%ds of heaen*2 The appearances of#hr&st after H&s res%rrect&on also s%bstant&ate the cont&n%&ty of H&str%e h%'an&ty ***

  Tho%(h certa&n aspects of H&s 'ed&ator&al or/ &ll ter'&nate accord&n(to I #or&nth&ans 4:+><->?, there &s no &nd&cat&on anyhere &n the 7&blethat H&s h%'an&ty &ll eer be ter'&nated*0$OHN "* WAFOO!D, $es%s#hr&st Is ord, pp* 44>, 44*


 At Iss%e Inde)#hr&stolo(y Inde)Table of #ontentsPre&o%s Ne)t

Heppenstall - The Man Who Is God, #h

THE MAN WHO IS GOD by Edard Heppenstall

  #hapter   #H!IST AND SIN  To hat de(ree d&d Ada'.s fall &nto s&n affect #hr&st.s h%'an nat%re, a

nat%re l&/e o%r on3 7efore th&s 1%est&on can be ansered e '%st%nderstand the nat%re of s&n*

  Ne)t to the ord God, the ord s&n &s the 'ost closely pac/ed &th 'ean&n(for the h%'an race and for the %n&erse* 2A(a&nst thee, thee only, hae Is&nned, and done th&s e&l &n thy s&(ht2 ;Ps* :4+<@* S&n &s 'ore than the&olat&on of 'oral pr&nc&ples* It &noles 'an.s stand&n( &th God and &stherefore rel&(&o%s &n &ts nat%re* It refers pr&'ar&ly to hat hashappened &n 'an.s personal relat&onsh&p to God, H&s ord and #reator*Man.s fa&l%re before h&s Ma/er &noles h&s eternal dest&ny*

  Is there any other aspect of s&n bes&des the act%al tho%(ht or act

co''&tted &n s&nn&n(3 There are to aspects+ 'an.s personal acts oftrans(ress&on for h&ch he &s respons&ble, and the s&nf%l state orcond&t&on &nto h&ch he &s born as a 'e'ber of a s&nf%l race* The act ofs&n spr&n(s fro' th&s d&spos&t&on, th&s d&rect&on of the &ll and of thehole be&n(, that &s contrary to the &ll of God* Man &s not born free todo the r&(hteo%s th&n( on h&s on*

  Th&s state of s&n &nto h&ch all 'en are born &s called or&(&nal s&n0not&n the sense of &nher&ted (%&lt, b%t of an &nher&ted d&spos&t&on to s&n*It (oes bac/ to an or&(&nal so%rce, the s&n of Ada' and Ee, the f&rstparents of the h%'an race* Inoled &s the s&nf%l cond&t&on of all 'e'bersof the h%'an race before they are act%ally (%&lty of co''&tt&n( s&nthe'seles*

  Act%al trans(ress&ons are the part&c%lar s&ns that proceed fro' or&(&nal

s&n* They are the &nd&&d%al s&ns of act, &n d&st&nct&on fro' h&s&nher&ted nat%re and &ncl&nat&on* Or&(&nal s&n &s one9 act%al s&n &s'an&fold*0WIIAM G* T* SHEDD, Do('at&c Theolo(y, ol* >, p* >:*

  The Scr&pt%re leaes no do%bt that 'an.s nat%re s&nce the fall of Ada' &sde(enerate and prone to s&n* Th&s defect of o%r nat%re at b&rth &s not d%e&n any ay to o%r ol%ntary assent* It &noles 'an.s &ndependence fro'God &th an &ne&table e(o&s' and self&shness, h&ch &s the conse1%ence of Ada'.s s&n* Th&s &s the state of all &nfants ho hae not yet co'e to thea(e hen they be(&n to e)erc&se the&r rat&onal and ol%ntary fac%lt&es*Th%s the 7&ble 'a/es a clear d&st&nct&on beteen or&(&nal and act%als&nn&n(*


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  7y or&(&nal s&n e 'ean that part&c&pat&on &n the co''on s&n of the race&th h&ch God char(es %s, &n &rt%e of o%r descent fro' Ada', &ts f&rstfather and head*0A* H* Stron(, Syste'at&c Theolo(y, p* :C<*

  The e&dence for the %n&ersal&ty of s&n &n th&s orld &s oerhel'&n( and&nescapable* Moreoer, the 7&ble aff&r's &t* 2There &s none r&(hteo%s, no,not one2 ;!o'* + 4=@* As Ada'.s descendants e &nher&t fro' h&' thes&nf%l state and, conse1%ently, death that &noles all 'en &tho%te)cept&on* The s&nf%lness of the h%'an race rests %pon a real&dent&f&cat&on &th Ada' and Ee* O%r %n&on &th Ada' and hat h&s s&nbro%(ht to the h%'an race &s not to be l&(htly d&s'&ssed or &(nored* 2Itas thro%(h one 'an that s&n entered the orld, and thro%(h s&n death, andth%s death peraded the hole h%'an race, &nas'%ch as all 'en hae s&nned2;!o'* :+4>, N* E* 7*@*

  Ada' and Ee ere created &n a state of &nnocence, &n oneness and &nhar'ony &th God* 7%t they s&nned* Thereby they beca'e al&enated fro' Godand ere sent forth fro' the Garden of Eden* The&r relat&onsh&p &th Godas lost, not only for the'seles b%t for all the&r descendants* As ares%lt, all 'en are born &n a state of separat&on fro' God, s%b8ect to s&nand death, %nable of the'seles to ret%rn to &nnocence*

  Th&s state of 'an.s or&(&nal s&n at b&rth &s clearly ta%(ht &n Scr&pt%re*2Tho% * * * ast called a trans(ressor fro' the o'b2 ;Isa* <?+?@9 2The

&c/ed are estran(ed fro' the o'b+ they (o astray as soon as they beborn2 ;Ps* :?+@9 2In &n&1%&ty I as bro%(ht to b&rth and 'y 'otherconce&ed 'e &n s&n2 ;Ps* :4+:, N*E*7*@* The 'ean&n( &n the Hebre &s thatthe 'other co''%n&cated th&s state of s&n* Da&d &s apply&n( th&s toh&'self* "ro' the earl&est per&od of h&s e)&stence he aff&r's that the s&npr&nc&ple as potent&al &n h&', antecedent to all ol%ntary trans(ress&on*2And yo% * * * ere dead &n trespasses and s&ns9 * * * and ere by nat%rethe ch&ldren of rath2 ;Eph* >+4-@*

  The ter' 2by nat%re2 des&(nates the %nre(enerate and s&nf%l cond&t&on ofall 'en* They hae no r&(hteo%sness that &s acceptable to God* Thepredo'&nant tendency of the&r propens&t&es &s the reerse of hat &t asbefore Ada' fell* These propens&t&es (ro and stren(then as 'en (ro, andlead to s&nn&n( %nless and %nt&l 'en are reneed by the poer of the Holy

Sp&r&t*  The /ey 7&bl&cal te)ts for the doctr&ne of or&(&nal s&n are fo%nd &n!o'ans :+4>->4* The hole passa(e, h&ch &s a %n&ty, teaches thesol&dar&ty that e)&sts beteen one 'an, Ada', and all other 'en* Thereason death passed %pon all 'en &s that all are s&nners by &rt%e of Ada'.s fall*

  Thro%(h the offence of one 'any be dead**** 7y one 'an.s offence deathre&(ned by one**** 7y the offence of one 8%d('ent ca'e %pon all 'en toconde'nat&on* * * * 7y one 'an.s d&sobed&ence 'any ere 'ade s&nners;!o'* :+4:-4C@*

  Th&s &s a (reat st%'bl&n( bloc/ to fa&th for 'any people* That ch&ldren

are born &n s&n as a res%lt of one 'an.s trans(ress&on see's on the faceof &t to be ery %n8%st* Ho can God &'p%te s&n or (%&lt %pon any personho has not, by h&s on cho&ce, consc&o%sly d&sobeyed H&' and (onecontrary to H&s &ll3 &t &s as/ed* Ho co%ld God so str%ct%re the holeh%'an race as to &nole all &n the s&n of Ada', ho l&ed tho%sands ofyears before they ere born3 Ho co%ld God ca%se b&ll&ons of people tos%ffer for Ada'.s one s&n3 On th&s po&nt Dr* W'* G* T* Shedd 'a/es as&(n&f&cant obserat&on+ 2To s%ffer &n conse1%ence of the s&n of another,&s not the sa'e as to be p%n&shed for &t*20Do('at&c Theolo(y, ol* >, p*4?B*

  Thro%(h the cent%r&es the #hr&st&an ch%rch has al'ost &nar&ably held tothe sol&dar&ty of the h%'an race &n the s&n of Ada'* There &s s%bstant&ala(ree'ent that all 'e'bers of the h%'an race are const&t%ted s&nners as aconse1%ence of Ada'.s s&n* The d&fference &n &nterpretat&on ar&ses &nsee/&n( to e)pla&n ho the s&n of Ada' ca%sed all 'en to be &noled &nh&s s&n* Far&o%s &es are offered to e)pla&n th&s and do 8%st&ce to God.scharacter*

  H&stor&cal Pos&t&ons on Or&(&nal S&n  4* The Pela(&an F&e  Th&s &nterpretat&on as propo%nded at !o'e &n A*D* <=C by Pela(&%s, a

7r&t&sh 'on/* He ar(%ed that eery h%'an be&n( &s created &nnocent, free

fro' or&(&nal s&n* S&n &n eery person.s e)per&ence enters &nto the h%'anheart fro' &tho%t, he &ns&sted* In fact, there &s no fall of the ent&reh%'an race* Eery 'an.s f&rst s&nf%l act &s h&s on fall* The effect of Ada'.s s&n as no 'ore than that of a bad e)a'ple* Therefore, eery 'anrepeats the sad story of the fall &n Eden, s&nce all 'en s&n* Ada'.s falld&d not corr%pt h%'an nat%re* S&n &s not &nher&ted fro' the father of therace*

  When Ada' s&nned he &n8%red only h&'self, Pela(&%s ta%(ht* God does not&'p%te or char(e Ada'.s poster&ty &th h&s s&n* Man &s (%&lty only ofthose s&ns for h&ch he &s personally respons&ble* All 'en hae the poerof cho&ce9 s&n &s the&r on ol%ntary act* S&nce 'an &s born free, he &sperfectly capable of obey&n( God and /eep&n( H&s co''and'ents* Deathfollos by &rt%e of 'an.s on trans(ress&on and not beca%se of Ada'.s

s&n*  If Pela(&an&s' be tr%e, hat &s the nat%re of salat&on3 If 'an &s born(ood by nat%re &s he not able to sae h&'self &tho%t #hr&st30that &s, &fhe o%ld only l&e by the tr%storthy &nner l&(ht of r&(hteo%sness &ntoh&ch he &s born*

  Hoeer, the Pela(&an pos&t&on &s contrary to Scr&pt%re* Pa%l spec&f&callystates that s&n and death passed on all 'en by &rt%e of Ada'.s s&na(a&nst God* "%rther'ore, ch&ldren 'ay d&e before they arr&e at the a(eof acco%ntab&l&ty or before they ol%ntar&ly trans(ress God.s la* The&rdeath can be acco%nted for only as the res%lt of Ada'.s s&n, as God.s Worddeclares*


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  Pa%l co'pares the f&rst Ada' and $es%s #hr&st, the second Ada'* 7oth standat the head of the race and affect the ent&re race* 7y the s&n of Ada' s&nand death entered the l&es of all 'en* 7y $es%s #hr&st, r&(hteo%sness,l&fe, obed&ence, enter the l&es of all ho bel&ee &n H&'* In both casesthe dest&ny of the race &s &noled* Pela(&%s. &e &s contrary to th&sanalo(y*

  There &s really ery l&ttle to be sa&d &n faor of Pela(&%s. pos&t&onre(ard&n( or&(&nal s&n* Thro%(h the cent%r&es the teach&n( has beenconde'ned by the ch%rch and part&c%larly by the !efor'ers*

  We hear that the %ncleanness of the parents &s so trans'&tted to thech&ldren that all &tho%t any e)cept&on are def&led at the&r be(ett&n(** * * We '%st s%rely hold that Ada' as not only the pro(en&tor, b%t, as&t ere, the root of h%'an nat%re9 and that therefore &n h&s corr%pt&on'an/&nd desered to be &t&ated* * * * What nonsense &ll the Pela(&anschatter here3 That Ada'.s s&n as propa(ated by &'&tat&on3 Then does#hr&st.s r&(hteo%sness benef&t %s only as an e)a'ple set before %s to&'&tate3 Who can bear s%ch sacr&le(e30$OHN #AFIN, Inst&t%tes of the#hr&st&an !el&(&on, Fol* 44, &, *

  >* The A%(%st&n&an F&e  The ch%rch father A%(%st&ne, ho flo%r&shed &n the fo%rth cent%ry, ta%(ht

that the hole race s&nned &n Ada'* Ada' as the head of the race9 h&s

nat%re as o%r nat%re* Therefore, hen he s&nned he 'ade o%r nat%rescorr%pt* We ere &noled &n Ada'.s s&n, not consc&o%sly, b%t as seeds*H&s s&nf%l nat%re as &nd&&d%al&ed &nto b&ll&ons of persons by the&r&nher&t&n( h&s s&nf%l nat%re*

  A%(%st&ne.s teach&n(J holds that God &'p%tes the s&n of Ada'&''ed&ately to all h&s poster&ty, &n &rt%e of that or(an&c %n&ty of'an/&nd by h&ch the hole race at the t&'e of Ada'.s trans(ress&one)&sted, not &nd&&d%ally, b%t se'&nally, &n h&' as &ts head* The totall&fe of h%'an&ty as then &n Ada'9 the race as yet had &ts be&n( only &nh&'* * * * In Ada'.s free act, the &ll of the race reolted fro' Godand the nat%re of the race corr%pted &tself* * * * Ada'.s s&n &s&'p%ted to %s &''ed&ately, therefore, not as so'eth&n( fore&(n to %s,b%t beca%se &t &s o%rs0e and all other 'en ha&n( e)&sted as one 'oral

person or one 'oral hole, &n h&', and, as the res%lt of thattrans(ress&on, possess&n( a nat%re dest&t%te of loe to God and prone toe&l*0A* H* ST!ONG, Syste'at&c Theolo(y, pp* 4C, >=*

  A%(%st&ne ded%ced or&(&nal s&n fro' the s&n of the f&rst pa&r* He sa &tas a %n&ersally &nher&ted s&n of the h%'an race* H&s &nterpretat&on of!o'ans :+4> &s ob&o%sly false* Pa%l does not say that all hae s&nned &nthe person of Ada', that all the descendents of Ada' conse1%ently be(&nthe&r &nd&&d%al l&es &nher&t&n( s&n &tself* Pa%l spea/s of theconse1%ences of s&n and death that floed fro' Ada'* As a res%lt of thes&n all 'en hae an %n(odly and self&sh b&as* Pa%l does not e)pla&n hoth&s ca'e to be*

  The !o'an #athol&c #h%rch ca'e to accept the pos&t&on that s&n &strans'&tted by (enerat&on* It &s not s&'ply &'p%ted b%t act%ally &nher&ted(enet&cally* Th%s, or&(&nal s&n &s coneyed by nat%ral (enerat&on to all'en* If th&s pos&t&on ere tr%e, &t o%ld 'ean that $es%s #hr&st &nher&tedor&(&nal s&n by nat%ral (enerat&on*

  In order to 'a&nta&n the s&nlessness of #hr&st, the #athol&c #h%rch&nented and teaches the doctr&ne of the &''ac%late concept&on* Accord&n(to th&s teach&n(, the 'other of o%r ord as born free fro' s&n* Atconcept&on she escaped all for's of h%'an depra&ty, be&n( &''ac%late ands&nless fro' the co''ence'ent of her be&n(* Th&s enabled $es%s to be borns&nless* Th&s as f&rst ta%(ht &n the telfth cent%ry by Peter o'bard*S&nce then &ncreased ho'a(e and enerat&on hae been pa&d to Mary*

  Th&s doctr&ne also fa&ls to 'eet the tr%th of Scr&pt%re* 27y one 'an s&nentered &nto the orld, and death by s&n*2 Mary, the 'other of o%r ord,d&ed* There &s no e&dence hateer that she as translated* Her 'ortal&tycan only be acco%nted for on the bas&s that she as a s&nner* She tooneeded salat&on and atone'ent 'ade by her Son, $es%s #hr&st* If she eres&nless no 8%d('ent of death o%ld follo* 2"or as &n Ada' all d&e, eenso &n #hr&st shall all be 'ade al&e2 ;I #or* 4:+>>@*

  The 7&ble spea/s of the '&rac%lo%s concept&on and b&rth of $es%s #hr&st,o%r Sa&o%r, not the &''ac%late concept&on of H&s 'other* There &s no

Scr&pt%re e&dence that Mary as born o%t of the ord&nary co%rse of therest of h%'an&ty* There &s only one Person eer born s&nless, not to*$es%s alone &s the one Holy 7e&n( born separate fro' s&nners* Nohere &nthe 7&ble &s H&s 'other p%t on an e1%al&ty &th H&'*

  * $ohn #al&n.s Pos&t&on  $ohn #al&n as aare of the &'pl&cat&ons of or&(&nal s&n for the

character of God* He also so%(ht to e)pla&n ho the s&n of Ada' co%ld&nole the race &n r%&n9 ho h&s poster&ty co%ld be char(ed &th h&s s&n&tho%t the&r act%ally part&c&pat&n( &n &t*

  #al&n cons&ders Ada' the corr%pt&n( so%rce of all s&n* Hoeer, Ada'.s(%&lt &s not trans'&tted to h&s poster&ty* Genet&cally, 'an beca'edepraed beca%se of Ada'.s s&n9 by h&s s&n Ada' corr%pted o%r nat%re* O%rcorr%pt nat%res are not the res%lt of ac1%&red &c/edness or s&n fro' o%r

ancestors* 7%t e br&n( &nnate depra&ty fro' o%r 'other.s o'b* Whereasthe !o'an #athol&c &e spea/s of the trans'&ss&on of act%al s&n of Ada'by hered&ty, #al&n spea/s of a depra&ty that &s the res%lt of Ada'.s

s&n*  Ada', by s&nn&n(, not only too/ %pon h&'self '&sfort%ne and r%&n, b%t

also pl%n(ed o%r nat%re &nto l&/e destr%ct&on* Th&s as not d%e to the(%&lt of h&'self alone, h&ch o%ld not perta&n to %s at all, b%t asbeca%se he &nfected all h&s poster&ty &th that corr%pt&on &nto h&ch hehad fallen*

  When Ada' as despo&led, h%'an nat%re as left na/ed and dest&t%te, orthat hen he as &nfected &th s&n, conta(&on crept &nto h%'an nat%re*


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  Hence, rotten branches ca'e forth fro' a rotten root, h&ch trans'&ttedthe&r rottenness to the other t&(s spro%t&n( fro' the'* "or th%s erethe ch&ldren corr%pted &n the parent, so that they bro%(ht d&sease %ponthe&r ch&ldren.s ch&ldren* That &s, the be(&nn&n( of corr%pt&on &n Ada'as s%ch that &t as coneyed &n a perpet%al strea' fro' the ancestors&nto the&r descendants* * * * Or&(&nal s&n, therefore, see's to be ahered&tary depra&ty and corr%pt&on of o%r nat%re, d&ff%sed &nto allparts of the so%l, h&ch f&rst 'a/es %s l&able to God.s rath, then alsobr&n(s forth &n %s those or/s h&ch Scr&pt%re calls 2or/s of theflesh2 ;Gal* :+4C@ * * * * And th&s &s not l&ab&l&ty for another.s trans(ress&on* "or, s&nce &t &ssa&d that e beca'e s%b8ect to God.s 8%d('ent thro%(h Ada'.s s&n, e areto %nderstand &t not as &f, e, (%&ltless and %ndeser&n(, bore the(%&lt of h&s offence b%t &n that sense that, s&nce e thro%(h h&strans(ress&on hae beco'e entan(led &n the c%rse, he &s sa&d to hae'ade %s (%&lty* 6et not only has p%n&sh'ent fallen %pon %s fro' Ada',b%t a conta(&on &'parted by h&' res&des &n %s, h&ch 8%stly deseresp%n&sh'ent*0$OHN #AFIN, op* c&t*, Fol* 44, &, , pp* ><C->:4*

  #al&n * * * does not leae %s &n do%bt as to h&s %nderstand&n( of the&nole'ent of poster&ty &n the s&n of Ada', or, &n other ords, ho thes&n of Ada' beco'es the s&n of all* * * * The /ey concept &s that of

hered&tary depra&ty* Ada' by h&s s&n corr%pted h&s nat%re and e fro'o%r b&rth are &nfected &th that conta(&on*0$OHN M5!!A6, The I'p%tat&onof Ada'.s S&n, p* >?*

  Or&(&nal s&n, or %n&ersal depra&ty of the race, const&t%ted the bas&sfor #al&n.s doctr&ne of elect&on* Accord&n( to th&s &e the soere&(n&ll of God &s pr&'ary* God has eery r&(ht to conde'n and destroy alls&nners* He &s %nder obl&(at&on to sae no one* 7%t by H&s soere&(n &lland elect&on he dec&des to sae so'e and destroy others* God.s 8%st&ce &sthereby not open to 1%est&on, s&nce he has eery r&(ht to da'n alls&nners* Grace does not hae pr&or&ty here* Where eternal da'nat&on &s 8%stly desered by all s&nners, no one sho%ld ar(%e &th God.s 'ethod ofelect&on and H&s r&(ht to sae ho' He chooses*

  #al&n and Or&(&nal S&n

  7y re(ard&n( s&n as a 'alady rather than a cond&t&on of personal (%&lt ands&nf%lness, #al&n, and 'ost of the other !efor'ers, so%(ht to re'oe Godat least one step fro' d&rect respons&b&l&ty for the s&nf%lness of therace*

  Hoeer, the s&nf%l state Into h&ch all 'en are born &s a ery realcond&t&on* It &s not less than the s&nf%l state Ada' and Ee ca'e to hae*2Thro%(h the d&sobed&ence of the one 'an the 'any ere 'ade s&nners2 ;!o'*:+4C, N*E*7*@*

  #onse1%ently, any pos&t&on that 'a/es (enet&cally &nher&ted s&n or &ts'oral conse1%ences the spec&f&c (ro%nd for the conde'nat&on of the race,&noles God &n the respons&b&l&ty* Once sol&dar&ty &th Ada' &s

&nterpreted to 'ean trans'&ss&on of s&n by a procreated poster&ty,respons&b&l&ty (ets bac/ to the #reator* #al&n fa&ls to clear God of therespons&b&l&ty for 'a/&n( s&n poss&ble* H&s &nterpretat&on does not for' aproper bas&s for do&n( 8%st&ce to the character of God* Th&s const&t%testhe cr%c&al &ss%e &n the doctr&ne of or&(&nal s&n*

  <* The Ar'&n&an Pos&t&on  $acob%s Ar'&n&%s ;4:=-4=C@ as professor at eyden 5n&ers&ty &n

Holland* H&s teach&n( beca'e pop%lar a'on( Protestants, part&c%larly theWesleys and, conse1%ently, the Method&sts*

  Ar'&n&%s ta%(ht that all 'en are born dest&t%te of or&(&nal r&(hteo%snessand are therefore e)posed to death* Man &s not (%&lty of Ada'.s s&n b%t&nher&ts depra&ty and &s thereby conde'ned* In th&s he a(reed &th#al&n.s pos&t&on*

  Hoeer, s&nce 'en are not acco%ntable for the s&nf%l state, or depra&ty,&nto h&ch they are born, God cannot 8%stly destroy the' all* To be 8%st,God '%st co%nteract the effect of th&s &nher&ted depra&ty* He '%stco%nterbalance the &n8%st&ce of or&(&nal s&n*

  Ar'&n&%s and h&s folloers &nterpret the contrast &n !o'ans : beteen theres%lts of the s&n of the f&rst Ada' and the r&(hteo%sness and l&fe of#hr&st to 'ean that #hr&st prono%nces a %n&ersal 8%st&f&cat&on %pon all'en* The res%lt &s co'plete freedo' fro' or&(&nal conde'nat&on at b&rth*

In other ords, the %n&ersal 8%d('ent of God %pon all 'en &s 'et at by a co''on 8%st&f&cat&on thro%(h #hr&st* Th&s co%nterbalances the&n8%st&ce of &nher&t&n( depra&ty as a res%lt of Ada'.s s&n* The res%lt &sco'plete freedo' fro' or&(&nal conde'nat&on at b&rth*

  7y &rt%e of the &nf&r'&ty propa(ated fro' Ada' to all h&s descendants,'an/&nd &s holly %nable &tho%t d&&ne help perfectly to obey God or toatta&n eternal l&fe Ar'&n&%s ta%(htJ* Th&s &nab&l&ty, hoeer, &sphys&cal and &ntellect%al, b%t not ol%ntary* As a 'atter of $%st&ce,therefore, God bestos %pon each &nd&&d%al fro' the f&rst dan ofconsc&o%sness a spec&al &nfl%ence of the Holy Sp&r&t, h&ch &ss%ff&c&ent to co%nteract the effect of the &nher&ted depra&ty and to'a/e obed&ence poss&ble, pro&ded the h%'an &ll cooperates, h&ch &tst&ll has poer to do* * * *

  The cond&t&on of an &nfant apart fro' #hr&st &s that of a s&nner, as ones%re to s&n, yet neer act%ally conde'ned before personalapostasy*0ST!ONG, op* c&t*, pp* =4-=<*

  The Ar'&n&an pos&t&on d&ffers sharply fro' #al&n.s doctr&ne of a l&'&tedatone'ent and elect&on* Ar'&n&%s (&es pr&or&ty to salat&on by (race forall 'en* He deals &th the race on the bas&s of a %n&ersal atone'ent, noton the bas&s of elect&on* Th%s all 'en are born free* The only s&ns forh&ch 'an can be 8%d(ed and conde'ned hen he arr&es at the a(e ofacco%ntab&l&ty are h&s on* Therefore all bab&es and &nfants ho d&ebefore that t&'e &ll be saed* "ro' b&rth 'an '%st learn to cooperate&th God* Grace &s res&st&ble*


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  Hoeer, the pos&t&on that %n&ersal 8%st&f&cat&on as necessary toco%nteract the &n8%st&ce of %n&ersal or&(&nal s&n and res%ltantconde'nat&on has certa&n &'pl&cat&ons re(ard&n( the character of God*S&nce God orda&ned and pro&ded both, as Ar'&n&%s. pos&t&on &'pl&es, hocan God balance H&s &n8%st&ce of %n&ersal conde'nat&on on the one hand&th H&s %n&ersal 8%st&f&cat&on on the other3 If God &s r&(ht &th H&sf&rst 8%d('ent He does not need another act to 8%st&fy H&'self* On theother hand, ho co%ld God co''&t an act of &n8%st&ce and later balance &tby another act3

  Ne&ther the #al&n&st&c nor the Ar'&n&an pos&t&on offers any real&nd&cat&on of God* God &s ery '%ch a partner &n the %n&ersalconde'nat&on of 'en* At sta/e &s God.s character of 8%st&ce, loe, andr&(hteo%sness* A lo&n(, r&(hteo%s God cannot &'p%te (%&lt or &nfl&ctdepra&ty and conde'nat&on %pon anyone ho has not, by h&s on cho&ce,'ade h&'self a trans(ressor* Ho can God, as #al&n&s' &'pl&es, hold ababy or a ch&ld respons&ble for the s&n he &s born &th3 Ho can the ch&ldbe bla'ed for (&&n( e)press&on to a s&nf%l nat%re hen that &s the onlynat%re he has3 He d&d not as/ to be born &n s&n or &n a s&nf%l orld* It&s not h&s fa%lt* Ne&ther d&d e as/ to be born &n a s&nf%l orld* We hadno cho&ce &n the 'atter*

  The only bas&s for &nd&cat&n( God &n the doctr&ne of or&(&nal s&n &s to

f&nd an &nterpretat&on that 'a/es Ada' and 'an respons&ble rather thanGod*  Po&nters to a Sol%t&on  To factors are &noled &n a proper &nterpretat&on of the sol&dar&ty of

the h%'an race &th Ada' and h&s fall, by h&ch all 'en are const&t%teds&nners+ f&rst, hat &s the nat%re of s&n that Ada' trans'&tted to h&sposter&ty3 Second, hat are the conse1%ences of God.s &thdraal fro' therace as a res%lt of Ada'.s fall3

  Ada' as created to l&e &n har'on&o%s fellosh&p &th, and dependence%pon, God* Th&s relat&onsh&p pred&sposed h&' to r&(ht th&n/&n(, r&(htfeel&n(, r&(ht cond%ct, and to loe God &th all h&s heart, '&nd, andso%l* 7%t Ada' fell &nto s&n*

  Ho d&d Ada' and Ee s&n3 Satan d&d not &nf%se the' &th an ent&ty called

2s&n*2 He led the' &nto a l&fe apart fro' God and fro' obed&ence to H&s&ll* They chose to (rat&fy the'seles rather than to tr%st and obey God*Ee.s s&nf%l cho&ce as not so '%ch &n eat&n( the fr%&t as &n (rat&fy&n(herself contrary to God.s &ll* The fr%&t as (ood &n &tself, s&nce Godcreated &t* 7%t &t beca'e the 'eans for Ada' and Ee to please the'seles,to assert the&r &ndependence fro' the &ll of the&r #reator*

  The sa'e pr&nc&ple holds tr%e &n 'ost th&n(s &n l&fe* There &s noth&n(ron( &th the ac1%&r&n( of ealth9 b%t hen &t &s done for the sa/e ofself -(rat&f&cat&on, for the orsh&p of self, for the e)press&on ofself&sh des&res, and not for the (lory of God, then &t &s s&n*

  The s&n of Ada' and Ee as the ron( %se of the&r freedo'* "reedo' does

not, and cannot, 'ean &ndependence fro' God* Man 'ay be free &n the onlyay a created be&n( can be, f ree to follo the God-(&en nat%re, b%t notfree fro' h&s #reator* Self&shness &s s&n* Eery for' of s&n flos fro'th&s* O%r on &ll e)erc&sed to please o%rseles &n oppos&t&on to God &salays s&n*

  Satan led Ada' and Ee &nto a l&fe aay fro' God and centered &nthe'seles* "ro' that po&nt they l&ed &th th&s bro/en relat&onsh&p,h&ch beca'e the her&ta(e of all the&r descendants* Man.s l&fe, personalrespons&b&l&ty, and the f%nct&on of all h&s fac%lt&es are %lt&'ately%n&ntell&(&ble e)cept &n a r&(ht relat&on to God* &fe apart fro' God &sd&storted, &t &s the %lt&'ate so%rce of all self&shness, e&l, perers&on,ea/ened propens&t&es, all &nher&ted tendenc&es to s&n* 7eca%se of s&n,'an.s nat%re, 'entally, 'orally, phys&cally, sp&r&t%ally, &s cr&ppled*2The doctr&ne &n 1%est&on or&(&nal s&nJ does not &'ply that fallen 'an &s%nable to be 'oral9 b%t that he &s %nable to be sp&r&t%al, holy, andrel&(&o%s*20SHEDD, op* c&t*, Fol* >, P* >4<* Th%s 'an beca'e the r&al andco'pet&tor of h&s Ma/er and capable of eery /&nd of s&n and &c/edness*S&n &s the corr%pt&on of the ery center and h&(hest part of 'an* It &sh&s aff&r'at&on to please h&'self, free fro' d&&ne control*

  The doctr&ne of the fall of 'an &s a rel&(&o%s concept thro%(ho%t* and h&s trans(ress&ons are a conse1%ence of rel&(&o%s

'&splace'ent* O%t of fellosh&p &th God, 'an &s sp&r&t%ally fallen,al&enated fro' God, the so%rce of sp&r&t%al l&fe*  Apart fro' a r&(ht relat&onsh&p &th God, 'an cannot obey H&'* Scr&pt%re

reco(n&es th&s hen &t tells %s that 'en are 2by nat%re ch&ldren ofrath2 ;Eph* >+@9 that 2the carnal '&nd &s en'&ty a(a&nst God2 ;!o'*?+B@, that 2the nat%ral 'an rece&eth not the th&n(s of the Sp&r&t of God+for they are fool&shness %nto h&'+ ne&ther can he /no the', beca%se theyare sp&r&t%ally d&scerned2 ;I #or* >+4<@*

  Obserat&on and e)per&ence bear o%t th&s fact* In s&n, the h%'ancapac&t&es are &'pa&red* Man &dol&es h&'self and pr&des h&'self on h&sab&l&ty and poer* He &s 'ore concerned to d&splay h&s sense ofs%per&or&ty and self-s%ff&c&ency to &n the pra&se of others than thepra&se of God*

  Thro%(h $es%s #hr&st God see/s to reconc&le 'an &th H&'self* Not %nt&l aperson &s born a(a&n of the Holy Sp&r&t and reconc&led to God and H&s &ll&s the s&nf%l s&t%at&on chan(ed* Then 'an can l&e &n a r&(ht relat&onsh&pto God* H&s tastes, tendenc&es, sy'path&es, pred&spos&t&ons, are (&en ane sp&r&t%al capac&ty by the presence of the Holy Sp&r&t* H&s l&fe styleand center are no toard God* The total 'an &s 'ade r&(ht &th h&s#reator*

  Is S&n Inher&ted3  As a res%lt of the&r s&nf%l cho&ce, Ada' and Ee ere dr&en fro' the

Garden, separated fro' God* The&r relat&onsh&p &th God, h&ch &noledthe' as hole persons, as bro/en* God respected the&r free &ll and


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  cho&ce, and &thdre fro' the h%'an race* The 'ost dreadf%l of s&n.sconse1%ences &s that &t estran(es 'an fro' God*

  After the "all, Ada' and Ee had ch&ldren* The ch&ldren d&d not en8oy theoneness &th God that the&r parents had en8oyed before they s&nned* Th%s,all Ada'.s offspr&n( ca'e &nto the orld &tho%t God, before they hadpersonally trans(ressed* 2At that t&'e ye ere &tho%t #hr&st, be&n(al&ens fro' the co''onealth of Israel, and stran(ers fro' the coenantsof pro'&se, ha&n( no hope, and &tho%t God &n the orld2 ;Eph* >+4>@*S&nce God respected Ada' and Ee.s cho&ce to l&e &ndependently, and s&ncethe&r 'oral poers ere ea/ened, there as no ay they co%ld br&n( the&rch&ldren &nto the orld &n a restored relat&onsh&p &th God* The ch&ldren&nher&ted the res%lts of the parents. s&n, separat&on fro' God*

  Man.s state of separat&on fro' God &s not one of (%&lt and conde'nat&onres%lt&n( fro' Ada'.s s&n* It &s the conse1%ence of h&s s&n* God does notp%n&sh 'en for the s&n of Ada'9 b%t separat&on fro' God folloed as ares%lt of the s&n of one 'an*

  An e&l &ncl&nat&on 'ay be 2&nnate2 or 2ac1%&red*2 7%t &t cannot be2created2 or 2&nf%sed*2 There 'aybe a created 'er&t, b%t not a createdde'er&t* God can create and &nf%se hol&ness, b%t not s&n*0SHEDD, op*c&t*, p* >4=*

  Eery ch&ld &s born &th an &'poss&ble self-centeredness* Th&s 7&bl&cal

tr%th &s the pr&'ary fact of all h%'an l&fe at &ts be(&nn&n(* eft toh&'self he beco'es a la %nto h&'self* As he 'at%res he th&n/s, bel&ees,feels, and acts0as '%ch as he can0as he chooses* H&s s%b8ect&epropens&t&es to self-&ll, self-e)altat&on, pr&de, eny, 8ealo%sy, and allthe host of s&ns &s b%t the nat%ral e)press&on of a l&fe &tho%t God, al&fe preocc%p&ed &th &tself*

  It as thro%(h the des&re for self-e)altat&on that s&n entered &nto theorld, and o%r f&rst parents lost the do'&n&on oer th&s fa&rearth*0Tho%(hts "ro' the Mo%nt of 7less&n(, p* 4B*

  S&n or&(&nated &n self-see/&n(* %c&fer, the coer&n( cher%b, des&red tobe f&rst &n heaen* * * * Therefore he '&srepresented God, attr&b%t&n(to H&' the des&re for self -e)altat&on*0The Des&re of A(es, pp* >4, >>*

  So, eery ch&ld &s def&c&ent &n h&s relat&onsh&p to and dependence on God*

 All ch&ldren st%'ble oer th&s total-l&fe proble'* E)cess&e self-concernreaches &nto eery 'ot&e, tendency, f%nct&on, and act of l&fe* To%nderstand or&(&nal s&n, e '%st see/ &ts 'ean&n( &n 'an.s l&fe apart fro'God* To lac/ oneness &th God &s to be def&c&ent as a person, to be ron(&n heart and '&nd*

  To enter the orld &tho%t a f%ll and tr%e dependence on God &s not ane%tral th&n(, b%t a pos&t&e def&c&ency* Act%al s&nn&n( on 'an.s part &sthe nat%ral e)press&on of th&s al&enat&on* It &s an aff&r'at&on of &t*Therefore &t &s not poss&ble for any 'an nat%rally to l&e &tho%tco''&tt&n( acts of s&n* Or&(&nal s&n &s not per se ron( do&n(, b%t ron(be&n(* So there &s a ca%sal connect&on beteen the f&rst s&n of the f&rst

'an and the self-centeredness of h&s poster&ty*  The conse1%ence of Ada'.s s&n as total* Accord&n(ly, or&(&nal s&n &s a

state of the hole self &n relat&on to God* It &s neer s&'ply aphys&olo(&cal or b&olo(&cal proble'* Try&n( to locate s&n or thetrans'&ss&on of s&n (enet&cally s&'ply '&sses the real proble'* The &ss%e&s a sp&r&t%al one and not so'eth&n( &n a (ene* S&n &s not trans'&tted(enet&cally fro' parents to ch&ldren* S&n '%st not be red%ced to so'eth&n(phys&cal* Man feeds on h&'self as the center of &'portance* He see/s (loryfro' 'en and (&es none to God* H&s self-centeredness re'a&ns h&dden fro''an h&'self* #onse1%ently, he &s %nable to sense any need of God* Hebeco'es h&s on fra'e of reference* #onse1%ently, God cannot hae ther&(ht place &n h&s l&fe*

  To bel&ee that the flesh or the (enes are &n the'seles s&nf%l tends tothro the bla'e %pon o%r or(an&c syste' rather than %pon the hole 'an ashe stands before God* O%r phys&cal str%ct%re, &ncl%d&n( the (lands, (enes,and chro'oso'es &th all the&r b&olo(&cal and phys&olo(&cal poss&b&l&t&eso%ld be no proble' ere &t not for the pererseness of o%r '&nds* We donot co''&t s&n by so'e 'echan&cal act&on of the (enes or of the flesh* Menbeco'e l&'&ted and cr&ppled &n 'ental capac&ty o&n( to the ea/en&n( ofthe (enes* The effects of s&n are seen pr&'ar&ly &n the bra&n and &tsf%nct&ons*

  7eca%se of h&s essent&al self-centeredness, each ch&ld conf&r's Ada'.s s&n&n that he opts to l&e by and %nto h&'self* Th&s &s the f%nda'entalcr&s&s for all 'en* Innately, they are neer able to (et beyond the l&'&tsof the&r on e(o&s'* Man f&nds h&'self on an endless tread'&ll offr%strat&on and self-see/&n(*

  In h&s search for f%lf&ll'ent and 'ean&n( 'an for(ets h&s need to dependon God* He fa&ls to (rasp the nat%re of Satan.s te'ptat&on, 26e shall beas (ods*2 So he stands oer a(a&nst God and see/s to l&e by h&s on p%nypoer and (reatness* All th&s po&nts to 'an.s al&enat&on fro' God as h&sbas&c proble'* Therefore 'an.s bro/en relat&onsh&p &th God &s notso'eth&n( &nher&ted b&olo(&cally*

  When Scr&pt%re declares that 2the heart &s dece&tf%l aboe all th&n(s, anddesperately &c/ed+ ho can /no &t32 ;$er* 4B+C@, &t e'phas&es the fact

that s&n l&es, not on the per&phery of a 'an.s l&fe, b%t at the erycenter of h&s be&n(, h&s depth d&'ens&on* And &n the born-a(a&n #hr&st&anthere &s no s%ch th&n( as a sp&r&t%al ent&ty that &s closer to God thanso'e other part of the person* God alays addresses 'an &n h&s total&ty*

  et &t be e'phas&ed+ S&n cannot be red%ced to so'eth&n( &n a (ene*Separat&on fro' God &s sp&r&t%al* 7ad hab&ts and pract&ces are deeloped,they do not co'e &a the (enes* Alays the hole 'an &s &noled, not 8%stso'e bad part of h&'* The f%nda'ental d&fference beteen the born-a(a&n#hr&st&an and the non-#hr&st&an &s that the one &s d&rected and controlledby God and the other by self, aay fro' God* It &s not a d&fference &n(enet&cs*


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  T&'e as hen yo% ere dead &n yo%r s&n.s and &c/edness, hen yo%folloed the e&l ays of th&s present a(e, hen yo% obeyed theco''ander of the sp&r&t%al poers of the a&r, the sp&r&t no at or/a'on( God.s rebel s%b8ects ;Eph* >+4, >, N*E*7*@*

  As a res%lt of 'an.s rebell&on the hole person &s s%b8ect to all 'annerof de(enerac&es, for h%'an capac&t&es are &'pa&red &tho%t God* The '&nd&s s%b8ect to &ts on self&sh cho&ces* The %nderstand&n( &s dar/ened byreason of a st%bborn &ndependence fro' God* It 'ay be (ranted thatphys&cally and e'ot&onally th&s al&enat&on fro' God '%st hae been a (reatshoc/ to 'an.s hole syste'* In h&s ent&rety 'an be(an to d&e hen herebelled*

  The 7&bl&cal doctr&ne of the "all does f&t the facts* We co'e &nto theorld a depraed spec&es* Eery neborn ch&ld soon casts h&s ote on thes&de of self&shness* He &s trapped by th&s estran(e'ent fro' God*

  Men spea/ of &nher&t&n( a propens&ty or a procl&&ty to s&n* Inar&ablythese th&n(s are 1%al&t&es or character&st&cs of a l&fe apart fro' God*"ro' th&s state (ros eery other for' of s&n*

  !estorat&on  Man.s only hope l&es &n a ret%rn to God thro%(h $es%s #hr&st* And tr%e

#hr&st&ans &ntell&(ently and holeheartedly co''&t the&r l&es to #hr&stto be led by the Sp&r&t, rather than to (oern the'seles and serethe'seles*

  Modern 'an &s rel%ctant to d&a(nose h&s proble' &n ter's of h&s need torepent and ret%rn to God* A sh&ft &n o%r center of reference &s needed*O%r 'ot&at&ons and co''&t'ents need to be #hr&st-centered* 5nless there&s a deep &nole'ent of o%r hole l&es &th #hr&st, o%r Sa&o%r andord, e hae no ay of s%r&al or recoery fro' s&n*

  S%rrender to God and to the Holy Sp&r&t does not 'ean that 'an has nochan(ed h&s (enes, or s&'ply &'proed h&s propens&t&es* God see/s controlof the hole person* #r%c&fy&n( the flesh does not 'ean that one den&es toh&'self certa&n %ndes&rable and %nchr&st&an th&n(s* The &ss%e &nolessh&ft&n( one.s hole center fro' self to #hr&st* Th&s re1%&res theconsc&o%s, &ll&n( co''&t'ent of the hole person*

  Man.s l&&n( by $es%s #hr&st &s the f%nda'ental need+ 2As the l&&n(

"ather hath sent 'e, and I l&e by the "ather+ so he that eateth 'e, eenhe shall l&e by 'e2 ;$ohn +:B@* Only &n a r&(ht relat&on to God can 'an%nderstand hat &t 'eans to be 'ade &n the &'a(e of God* The p%rpose ofthe (ospel &s to br&n( abo%t an ac/noled(ed dependence on God, to leadone to l&e by $es%s #hr&st* The &nd&&d%al &s born a(a&n &n the hole ofh&s be&n(*

  When th&s happens h&s tastes, tendenc&es, procl&&t&es, pred&spos&t&ons,are (&en a ne sp&r&t%al capac&ty by the control of the Holy Sp&r&t &nthe l&fe* The hole 'an no co'es &nto a r&(ht relat&on to God*

  D&d #hr&st Inher&t Or&(&nal S&n3  The &ss%e of #hr&st.s s&nlessness ar&ses beca%se He as born &nto the

orld as e all are* The &'pl&cat&on of Ada'.s s&n for all h&s poster&tybr&n(s %s face to face &th the fact that #hr&st as born of a s&nf%l'other, ho as a da%(hter of Ada'* D&d $es%s contract fro' Mary the ta&ntof or&(&nal s&n as do all 'en born of s&nf%l parents3 Or as $es%s, aloneof all 'en born of o'en, ent&rely free fro' the state of s&n that 'ar/sall other h%'an be&n(s3

  To hat de(ree d&d Ada'.s fall affect #hr&st.s h%'an nat%re3 Was $es%sborn e)actly as e are3 And &f God 'ade one e)cept&on &n H&s Son, &s Henot play&n( faor&tes3 Why, then, co%ld He not hae done the sa'e for allof %s and 'ade %s free fro' or&(&nal s&n3

  If the trans'&ss&on of s&n &s by nat%ral propa(at&on, then $es%s '%st hae&nher&ted fro' Mary hat e all &nher&t f ro' o%r parents, %nless e faorso'e for' of the &''ac%late-concept&on doctr&ne*

  S&n &s a sp&r&t%al th&n( ca%sed by the al&enat&on of the hole person fro'God* We cannot apply th&s al&enated cond&t&on to #hr&st* He as not bornas e are, separate fro' God* He as God H&'self* He co%ld &nher&t fro'Mary only hat co%ld be trans'&tted (enet&cally* Th&s 'eans He &nher&tedthe ea/ened h%'an phys&cal const&t%t&on, the res%lts of s&n %pon thebody, that e all &nher&t* As concern&n( all other 'en, they are born&tho%t God* All 'en need re(enerat&on* #hr&st d&d not* Here l&es the(reat d&fference beteen #hr&st and o%rseles*

  The card&nal fact abo%t h%'an nat%re &s, that &t needs re(enerat&on*Nat%ral b&rth does not f&t a 'an for the /&n(do' of God* He '%st be bornane of the Sp&r&t* * * * The hol&ness the bel&eer has co'es fro' ad&fferent pr&nc&ple0one s%pernat%rally &'planted* * * * If $es%s shared&n th&s h%'an nat%re of o%rs, ho d&d He escape &ts e&l3 Was there eera po&nt of t&'e of h&ch &t co%ld be sa&d of H&' that He neededre(enerat&on3 * * * The s%((est&on * * * to $ohn.s '&nd o%ld hae beenblasphe'o%s* $es%s as the !e(enerator0the G&er of the Sp&r&t0not oneof the re(enerated s%b8ects of the /&n(do'*0$AMES O!!, The F&r(&n 7&rthof #hr&st, p* 4C*

  #hr&st as conce&ed of the Holy Sp&r&t* We are not* He d&d not be(&n l&fe&th a tendency toard &ndependence fro' God as e do* "ro' b&rth to theres%rrect&on H&s tendency as total har'ony &th, and dependency on, the

"ather* There as not the sl&(htest ta&nt of s&n abo%t H&'* Theself-centered sp&r&t of the fallen Ada' and Ee as totally absent &n#hr&st* Alays, fro' the dan of consc&o%sness, He del&(hted to do God.s&ll* He as neer self&sh as all other 'en are*

  $es%s as 'ee/ and loly &n heart* He stooped to the death of the cross &nH&s loe for s&nners* He stooped to eeryth&n( b%t s&n and self&shness* Tobehold #hr&st alays deny&n( H&'self &n H&s loe for lost 'en &s thes%pre'e reelat&on of God to 'an* The (lor&f&cat&on of the "ather as thes%pre'e p%rpose of H&s l&fe* H&s cho&ces neer ar&ed* Th&s as thee)press&on of H&s &nnate s&nlessness, the %tter p%r&ty of H&s loe anddeot&on to God*


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  Only once &n the h&story of o%r orld has 'an been able to &tness aflaless, sta&nless, perfect h%'an be&n(* Only one Person eer born of ao'an l&ed an absol%tely r&(hteo%s l&fe and as then able to offer th&sperfect r&(hteo%sness as a (&ft to %nr&(hteo%s 'en*

  In $es%s e are confronted &th th&s Man* He has no parallel* All otherh%'an be&n(s are s&nners* In all the %n&erse and before all of H&screat%res, God has one s&nless h%'an be&n(* One noble essel that eerre'a&ned &n &ts p%r&ty ca'e fro' the Potter.s hand* He as perfect &ns%rrender and obed&ence, perfect &n fa&th and r&(hteo%sness* There &s b%tone spotless a'b &n the floc/, (&en %p to death for o%r s&ns* In H&' esee God (&&n( H&'self for s&nf%l 'an*

  If #hr&st as sta&ned by s&n at any po&nt alon( the ay, then He co%ld notoffer to %nr&(hteo%s 'en a perfect r&(hteo%sness*

  $es%s &s not 'erely an e)a'ple for %s to follo* He alone &s o%rr&(hteo%sness, o%r l&fe, o%r &sdo', o%r sanct&f&cat&on, and o%rrede'pt&on* et %s proceed to e)a'&ne the 7&bl&cal e&dence on thes&nlessness of o%r blessed ord*


 At Iss%e Inde)#hr&stolo(y Inde)Table of #ontentsPre&o%s Ne)t

Heppenstall - The Man Who Is God, #h B

THE MAN WHO IS GOD by Edard Heppenstall


  We '%st lay the Scr&pt%res, a 2Th%s sa&th the ord,2 at the fo%ndat&on ofhat e bel&ee abo%t the h%'an nat%re of o%r ord* et %s not be t&red ofaff&r'&n( th&s so lon( as any po&nt abo%t #hr&st re'a&ns to be proed andaccepted* et %s not ent%re to (&e pr&or&ty to any other a%thor&ty h&le&(nor&n( hat the 7&ble teaches*

  We '%st cont&n%ally (o to God.s Word for tr%th re(ard&n( the s&nlessnessof #hr&st* And e '%st cons&der no h%'an &nterpretat&on as proed %nt&l e

hae bro%(ht the sacred r&ters to test&fy e)pl&c&tly &n the case* And &fe eer call &n o%r on &nterpretat&ons, &t &ll not be as 'ater&al&tnesses b%t 'erely as %nessent&al e&dence* The 7&ble, ta/en &n &tspla&n, ob&o%s 'ean&n(, &s certa&nly r&(ht* Any 'an.s &nterpretat&on orph&losophy 'ay be ron(*

  et each te)t on the s%b8ect of #hr&st.s s&nlessness be st%d&ed &tho%tstopp&n( to &n1%&re ho bel&ees or ho d&sbel&ees* The sacred pen'endel&ered the&r 'essa(es %nder the lead&n( of the Holy Sp&r&t, ho leads%s &nto tr%th* et that tr%th spea/ for &tself*

  The 7&ble (&es %s no r&(ht to say that #hr&st as born &n a state ofs&nf%lness as e are* The '&rac%lo%s nat%re of H&s &ncarnat&on and b&rth,

H&s de&ty %n&ted &th h%'an&ty, H&s '&ss&on to pro&de a perfectr&(hteo%sness for %nr&(hteo%s 'en, #hr&st.s on &tness to H&'self, the&tness of the Ne Testa'ent r&ters, are a'on( the reasons (&en for H&ss&nlessness* They are s%ff&c&ent to set o%r ord off by H&'self*

  Ho clear the 7&ble &s abo%t &t all* 2In h&' as no s&n2 ;I $ohn +:@9 2Hed&d no s&n2 ;I Peter >+>>@9 He 2/ne no s&n2 ;> #or* :+>4@9 2He aste'pted, yet &tho%t s&n2 ;Heb* <+4:@9 2God &s l&(ht, and &n h&' &s nodar/ness at all2 ;I $ohn 4+:@*

  #hr&st &s the l&(ht of the orld ;chap* ?+4>@* 24 a' co'e a l&(ht &nto theorld, that hosoeer bel&eeth on 'e sho%ld not ab&de &n dar/ness2 ;chap*4>+<@* 7y l&(ht &s 'eant hol&ness, r&(hteo%sness, p%r&ty9 by dar/ness &s'eant %nr&(hteo%sness, the presence of s&n and error* In #hr&st there asno dar/ness at all9 noth&n( that spea/s of the sl&(htest al&enat&on fro'the "ather* He alone &s the one r&(hteo%s Man*

  We do not co'pare H&' &th 'en at th&s po&nt, re(ardless of ho (ood theyhae been* In H&' alone dells 2all the f%llness of the Godhead bod&ly*2et %s (%ard a(a&nst anyth&n( that o%ld fa&l to do 8%st&ce to H&s tr%enat%re* He &s the one so%rce of a perfect r&(hteo%sness, fo%nd &n no 'ereh%'an be&n(*

  And so there &s no place for h%'an pr&de &n the presence of God* 6o% are&n #hr&st $es%s by God.s act, for God has 'ade h&' o%r &sdo'9 he &s o%rr&(hteo%sness9 &n h&' e are consecrated and* set free* And so ;&n theords of Scr&pt%re@, 2If a 'an '%st boast, let h&' boast of the ord2 ;4#or* 4+>C-4, N*E*7*@*

  The Mean&n( of S&nlessness  S&nlessness &s a l&fe &tho%t s&n &n any respect, e&ther as a state of

be&n( or as acts and beha&or* Pos&t&ely, s&nlessness refers to a l&fe &nabsol%te har'ony &th God* Where&n 'an &s separated fro' the presence ofGod to any de(ree or &n any ay, there s&n e)&sts &n so'e for'* Perfectr&(hteo%sness and s&nlessness spr&n( fro' oneness and har'ony &th God*

  #hr&st.s l&fe on earth as the f%ll e)press&on of har'ony &th God the"ather* H&s h%'an &ll corresponded &n eery respect to the eternal &llof God* H&s 'oral perfect&on reealed the tr%e character of God, sho&n(hat God &s l&/e* Anyth&n( less than th&s perfect&on o%ld hae (&en less

than the perfect reelat&on of God, h&ch $es%s ca'e to (&e to the orld*  The Gree/ ord 2ana'artes&a2 'eans the absence of anta(on&s' to the D&&ne&ll or la of God* In #hr&st there as not the sl&(htest e)press&on of apererted &ll at any po&nt* Th&s att&t%de e)&sted fro' H&s b&rth beca%seHe as born of the Holy Sp&r&t &n co'plete oneness &th the "ather* Man &sborn &th a nat%ral en'&ty or b&as a(a&nst God and a(a&nst H&s la*

  All (ood spr&n(s fro' har'ony and %n&on &th God* Only %nder cond&t&ons ofco'plete har'ony &th H&' &s s&nlessness poss&ble*

  7eca%se s&n %n&ersally prea&ls &n o%r orld, %nless there e)&sts so'ed&&ne poer to reconc&le and restore 'an to oneness &th God, perfectobed&ence, perfect r&(hteo%sness, and perfect loe are &'poss&ble* S%ch a


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  poer &s to be fo%nd only &n one Person*  In cons&der&n( the s&nlessness of #hr&st, the &ss%e centers not so '%ch &n

that He l&ed a s&nless l&fe as that He as born of a s&nf%l o'an, yetas &tho%t s&n* There &s a d&st&nct&on to be 'ade beteen H&s l&&n( as&nless l&fe and H&s ha&n( a s&nless nat%re9 beteen ha&n( the sa'eh%'an nat%re as e hae and the poss&b&l&ty of ha&n( a nat%re &th atendency to s&n*

  The d&ct&onary def&nes tendency as a bent or pred&spos&t&on toard acerta&n l&ne of act&on, often the res%lt of &nherent character&st&cs*Theolo(&cally, &t 'eans a set of '&nd, the bent and &ncl&nat&on to s&nn&n(as the res%lt of 'an.s separat&on fro' God*

  7efore the "all, the hole bent of Ada'.s be&n( as &n faor of and &nhar'ony &th the &ll of God* S&nce the "all, 'an.s tendenc&es andpropens&t&es are 8%st the reerse* Instead of eery tendency be&n( toardr&(hteo%sness, 'an has a bent to s&n so that all, &tho%t e)cept&on,co''&t acts of s&n*

  "%rther'ore, s%ch th&n(s as des&res, %r(es, are not necessar&ly s&nf%l &nthe'seles* They can be 1%&te ne%tral* God (ae %s nat%ral appet&tes ofh%n(er, th&rst, and se)%al des&re* To hae s%ch des&res does notconst&t%te s&n*

  As a 'an #hr&st had the sa'e bas&c des&res e hae, other&se He co%ld nothae been te'pted as e are* S&n f&nds e)press&on and occas&on to s&nthro%(h these des&res* The po&nt here s&n be(&ns &s &n the cher&sh&n( ofs%ch des&res contrary to the &ll of God* Then 'an deelops propens&t&esand tendenc&es toard the' that are s&nf%l*

  The 7&ble spea/s of th&s as a 2l%st,2 h&ch dras %s aay and ent&ces %sto s&n* 27%t eery 'an &s te'pted, hen he &s dran aay of h&s on l%st,and ent&ced2 ;$a'es 4+ 4<@*

  Apart or separated fro' God, all des&res deelop a tendency, a propens&ty,for %se &n the ser&ce of self and are o%t of balance* They f%nct&on fro'a self&sh, rather than a God-centered 'ot&at&on and e)press&on* 7eca%se'an &s separated fro' God, and th%s %nbalanced, th&s &s h&s nat%ral state* As a res%lt, all h&s capac&t&es are d&storted &n the&r f%nct&on* H&s holebe&n( &s on the ron( s&de, 2&tho%t God &n the orld*2

  The spec&f&c cond&t&on to h&ch Ada' bro%(ht all 'en, &s or&(&nal s&n*Whether &n &nfants or &n ad%lts, there &s a defect &n o%r relat&onsh&p toGod* O%rs &s a fallen nat%re* Th&s fallenness &noles all o%r des&res ands%scept&b&l&t&es*

  The connect&on of all other 'en &th Ada' has prod%ced &n the' a fallen,h%'an nat%re &th tendenc&es to s&n* #hr&st &s the one e)cept&on &n thatHe had no s%ch &ncl&nat&on or bent to s&n* There as no r%pt%re hatsoeerbeteen H&' and God the "ather* He and the "ather ere totally one* H&sdes&res, &ncl&nat&ons, and responses ere spontaneo%sly and &nstantlypos&t&e to r&(hteo%sness and a%to'at&cally ne(at&e toard s&n* There asnoth&n( &n H&' that responded to s&n* The effect of Ada' and Ee.s s&n,

h&le &t affected H&s phys&cal const&t%t&on, d&d not reach H&' 'orally andsp&r&t%ally as &t reaches %s*

  Accord&n( to Pa%l, eery ch&ld of Ada' has &nher&ted a nat%re h&chlac/s &n sp&r&t%al poer, and &s %nder a la of s&n and death,0the e&lof h&ch 'an&fests &tself &n d&spos&t&ons and des&res at ar a'on(the'seles, and reolt a(a&nst God and H&s holy la,0h&ch, &n &tscarnal state, &s 2en'&ty a(a&nst God*2 * * *

  What then * * * of $es%s, ho &s born &nto th&s h%'an&ty e)pressly for&ts rede'pt&on3 Is &t h%'an&ty &n &ts &nte(r&ty, or h%'an&ty &n &tsfallen and s&n-corr%pted state, that #hr&st ass%'es3 Does $es%s, l&/eothers, stand &n sol&dar&ty &th Ada', and share the s&nf%l nat%re, theloss of sp&r&t%al poer, the pererted and (odless des&res3 * * $es%sstood absol%tely free fro', and aboe, th&s la of s&n and death*

  $es%s * * * as d&fferent&ated fro' eery other by the fact that, fro'the f&rst 'o'ent of H&s e)&stence, He as absol%tely p%re,0that He aspossessed of a Sp&r&t of hol&ness h&ch oerbore all te'ptat&ons, eento the sl&(htest e&l, and 'ade H&' cont&n%o%sly and perfectly a doer ofthe &ll of H&s "ather0Ib&d*, pp* 4C<-4C*

  Hoeer, &f #hr&st as s&nless fro' b&rth ho co%ld He be a nor'al ch&ldas e th&n/ of &t and e)per&ence (roth &n all aspects of H&s person3 Doesnot the Scr&pt%re spea/ of #hr&st.s need to (ro 'orally3 D&d He not learnobed&ence as e all do3 2Tho%(h he ere a Son, yet learned he obed&ence bythe th&n(.s h&ch he s%ffered9 and be&n( 'ade perfect, he beca'e thea%thor of eternal salat&on %nto all the' that obey h&'2 ;Heb* :+?, C@*

  Ob&o%sly #hr&st.s be&n( born as a babe reealed H&s need to (ro anddeelop H&s capac&ty for f%lf&ll'ent as a 'an* The te)t does not refer toH&s need for 'oral &'proe'ent, b%t rather (roth to sp&r&t%al 'at%r&ty*#hr&st.s (roth as not fro' d&sobed&ence to obed&ence, b%t one of'at%r&n( for the tas/ at hand*

  Th&s (roth &s clearly seen thro%(ho%t H&s l&fe hen, &n t&'es of tr&aland te'ptat&on, He learned to do the &ll of H&s "ather* $es%s had tolearn to l&e by the poer of the Holy Sp&r&t &n co'plete tr%st &n H&s"ather* At eery step fro' ch&ldhood to 'anhood He adanced &n har'ony&th God* At eery step of the ay He as s&nless*

  $es%s e)per&enced &n H&s on l&fe the la of h%'an (roth, h&ch (roth &nH&' as s&nless* The hol&ness &nto h&ch He as conce&ed and born asneer d&''ed by the sta&n of s&n* He e)per&enced the d&&ne hol&ness as noother 'en felt &t* He hated s&n as no other 'an d&d* In eery aspect ofH&s l&fe fro' the dan of consc&o%sness He as free fro' s&n*

  In #hr&st, h%'an&ty &s not only free fro' ta&nt, b%t, &n the 'oral andsp&r&t%al re(&on, also at the (oal of deelop'ent* In H&' f&rst e see'an co'pletely &n the &'a(e of God, real&&n( all that as &n the d&&ne&dea for 'an* He as a perfect ch&ld, accord&n( to the 'eas%re ofch&ldhood, boy accord&n( to boyhood.s 'eas%re, 'an accord&n( to 'an.sstandard9 and He as perfected at last accord&n( to the f&nal dest&ny of


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  'anhood &n eternal (lory* * * * We behold $es%s, not only the capta&n ofo%r fa&th, b%t &ts cons%''ator &n (lory*0GO!E, op* c&t*, pp* 4?4, 4?>*

  Not a shado falls oer H&s l&fe0at least no shado &ss%&n( fro' H&s ons&ns and ea/nesses* * * * Instead &t &tnesses to the Son, the co%rse ofhose ent&re l&fe as absol%tely or&ented to the &ll of the "ather, andtherefore een &n the 'ost pa&nf%l 'o'ents of H&s l&fe, spread therad&ance of absol%te personal hol&ness* At no po&nt &n Scr&pt%re does the(%&lt of the orld as borne by #hr&st cast a shado %pon H&s personaldeot&on to the "ather* Prec&sely H&s (%&lt-bear&n( eleates H&s hol&nessaboe eery do%bt* The 'ystery of the Son of 'an &s prec&sely that H&s(%&lt-bear&n( and spotless hol&ness can (o to(ether*0G* #* 7E!O5WE!, ThePerson of #hr&st, p* >:=*

  2The Holy #h&ld2  Then the an(el sa&d to her, 2Do not be afra&d, Mary, for God has been

(rac&o%s to yo%9 yo% shall conce&e and bear a son, and yo% shall (&eh&' the na'e $es%s* He &ll be (reat9 he &ll bear the t&tle .Son of theMost H&(h*.* * * The Holy Sp&r&t &ll co'e %pon yo%, and the poer ofthe Most H&(h &ll oershado yo%9 and for that reason the holy ch&ld tobe born &ll be called .Son of God2. ;%/e 4+=-:, N*E*7*@*

  What &s the 'ean&n( and s&(n&f&cance of the ter' 2the Holy #h&ld23 Theconcept&on of $es%s as absol%tely %n&1%e &n that &t as the or/ of theHoly Sp&r&t* Hoeer, the &r(&n b&rth does not (%arantee #hr&, s&nce Mary pro&ded the l&n/ &th s&nf%l h%'an&ty* If thestate of s&n &s trans'&tted (enet&cally, $es%s o%ld hae rece&ed fro'her a s&nf%l nat%re*

  Th&s scr&pt%re aff&r's that there &s a (reat d&fference beteen H&s b&rthand o%rs* H&s real b&rth as d&rectly fro' God* He had a d&&ne "ather* Wedo not, &n the sense of h%'an concept&on* 7oth o%r parents ere born &ths&nf%l nat%res* If $es%s had been conce&ed as all other 'en are, He co%ldnot hae been d&fferent fro' %s* 7%t &n the concept&on and b&rth of #hr&stthere &s a dec&s&e brea/ &th s&nf%l h%'an&ty* $es%s as born of God &n asense that &s not tr%e of %s* #hr&st neer needed to be born a(a&n andf&nd a ne d&&ne center* At the center of H&s be&n( as De&ty &tself*

  The te)t declares that the effect of th&s d&&ne operat&on %pon Mary o%ld

be that her ch&ld o%ld be none other than the Son of God, born holy &n a%n&1%e sense*  The an(el &n these ords does not 'erely anno%nce that the &ncarnat&on of

$es%s &ll ta/e place thro%(h the d&rect &nfl%ence of the Holy Ghost, b%talso e)pressly declares that He ho &ll thro%(h H&' be be(otten as Man&ll be free fro' all ta&nt of s&n0He &ll be the Holy One* It asnecessary for the !edee'er to be 2born of a o'an2 ;Gal* <+<@ so that Hesho%ld be of the sa'e nat%re as those ho' He ca'e to sae* 7%t &t as 8%st as &'perat&e that He sho%ld be perfectly holy, s&nce no s&nf%l be&n(can acco'pl&sh reconc&l&at&on for the s&ns of others*0NO!FA GEDENH56S,2#o''entary on the Gospel of %/e,2 The Ne Internat&onal #o''entary on

the Ne Testa'ent, p* BB*  The declarat&on 2shall be called holy2 does, then, hae th&s s&(n&f&cance,

that $es%s as born &tho%t spot or ble'&sh, %nta&nted by s&n*  Th&s p&ct%re stands &n sharp contrast &th Da&d.s reference to h&s on

concept&on+ 27ehold, I as shapen &n &n&1%&ty9 and &n s&n d&d 'y 'otherconce&e 'e2 ;Ps* :4+:@* The psal'&st real&es that he as s&nf%l fro' h&sb&rth, eer s&nce h&s 'other conce&ed h&'* #hr&st as d&fferent*

  The &tness of Scr&pt%re to the hol&ness of #hr&st &s so pla&n and&ncontroert&ble that people ere often obl&(ed s&'ply to ac/noled(e&t*07E!O5WE!, op* c&t*, p* >:4*

  2In the &/eness of S&nf%l "lesh2  2"or hat the la co%ld not do, &n that &t as ea/ thro%(h the flesh, God

send&n( h&s on Son &n the l&/eness of s&nf%l flesh, and for s&n,conde'ned s&n &n the flesh2 ;!o'* ?+@* Th&s scr&pt%re does not say thatGod sent H&s son 2&n s&nf%l flesh2 b%t only 2&n the l&/eness2 of &t*#hr&st act%ally beca'e flesh, thereby ta/&n( o%r nat%re* H&s flesh, orphys&cal be&n(, as l&/e o%rs* In the ter' 2the l&/eness of s&nf%l flesh2Pa%l e'phas&es the fact that #hr&st too/ flesh as &t had been affected bys&n for fo%r tho%sand years* He as tr%ly a 'an* When 'en loo/ed at H&' Heappeared no d&fferent fro' the'seles* 7%t th&s 2l&/eness2 ent no f%rtherthan that* Eery other 'an as born &n s&nf%l flesh, not &n &ts l&/eness*

  In the l&/eness of s&nf%l flesh0the flesh of #hr&st &s l&/e o%rs&nas'%ch as &t &s flesh9 2l&/e2 and only 2l&/e2 beca%se &t &s nots&nf%l*0W'* SANDA6 and A!TH5! #* HEADAM, The Ep&stle to the

!o'ans, TheInternat&onal #r&t&cal #o''entary, p* 4C*

  Eery 'an co'es &nto the orld &n s&nf%l flesh possess&n( the sta&n ofs&n, of separat&on fro' God* "or $es%s #hr&st th&s as only an ass%'edcond&t&on* If #hr&st had been born e)actly as e are Pa%l o%ld not haer&tten 2&n the l&/eness2 b%t 2&n s&nf%l flesh*2 Pa%l &s ery caref%l to'a/e clear the s&nlessness of #hr&st.s nat%re*In order to (%ard a(a&nst (&&n( the &'press&on that #hr&st as born &n as&nf%l state as e are, he %ses the ord 2l&/eness2 and stops there* Godsent H&s Son &n the l&/eness of s&nf%l flesh &tho%t possess&n( a s&nf%l

h%'an&ty* #hr&st does not hae a s&nf%l nat%re l&/e o%r on*  2In l&/eness of flesh of s&n2 &s one of those e)act Scr&pt%re phrasesh&ch ad'&t of no chan(e* * * * #hr&st ass%'ed o%r flesh b%t not &tss&nf%lness* Pa%l has 8%st %sed the ter' 2flesh2 * * * &n the sense ofo%r corr%pt nat%re9 &f he had cont&n%ed &n th&s stra&n and had r&ttenthat God sent h&s Son 2&n the flesh,2 the sense o%ld be that #hr&stappeared &n o%r s&nf%l nat%re* Th&s tho%(ht he ao&ds by r&t&n(+ 2&nthe l&/eness of flesh of s&n*2 The l&/eness of the flesh of s&n &s theflesh &tho%t s&n* * * *

  $es%s rese'bled 'en, all of ho' had s&nf%l flesh, b%t he only rese'bledthe' beca%se h&s flesh as not ta&nted &th s&n*0!* #* H* ENSI The


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  Interpretat&on of St* Pa%l.s Ep&stle to the !o'ans, p* :==*  Pa%l also %ses the Gree/ ord translated 2l&/eness2 &n co'par&n( #hr&st.s

death and res%rrect&on &th o%r sp&r&t%al death and res%rrect&on to nel&fe* 2"or &f e hae been planted to(ether &n the l&/eness of h&s death,e shall be also &n the l&/eness of h&s res%rrect&on2 ;!o' * +:@*

  Accord&n( to th&s scr&pt%re, the #hr&st&an &s &n so'e ay to be %n&ted&th #hr&st &n H&s death and res%rrect&on* Th&s does not 'ean that e d&eas #hr&st d&ed or are res%rrected here as #hr&st as* #hr&st.s death as%n&1%e* 7y &t He atoned for o%r s&ns, for h&ch e cannot atone e&ther bydy&n( to self or by dy&n( l&terally* So Pa%l &s e'phas&&n( o%r sp&r&t%al%n&on &th $es%s, h&ch co'es as a res%lt of o%r death to self-&ll andres%rrect&on to ne sp&r&t%al l&fe fro' God* Th&s l&/eness &th #hr&st &salso sy'bol&ed by bapt&s' ;!o'* +, <@* Wh&le #hr&st.s death andres%rrect&on ere act%al l&teral eents, o%r death to s&n and res%rrect&onto sp&r&t%al l&fe are sp&r&t%al, not l&teral*

  When e ascr&be to $es%s flesh s%ch as that h&ch H&s conte'porar&es hadafter <,=== years of s&n, &t &s easy to ass%'e H&s nat%re as e)actly l&/eo%rs, once e t&e or&(&nal s&n to the phys&olo(&cal processes, h&ch canbe trans'&tted (enet&cally* 7%t once e separate or&(&nal s&n fro' the(enet&c process, #hr&st.s be&n( born by the poer of the Holy Sp&r&tleaes H&' free fro' s&n*

  There &s no s&n &n the flesh as s%ch* If by 2s&nf%l flesh2 e 'ean o%rphys&cal state as affected by s&n, then no s%ch th&n( as a s&nf%l nat%re&s &noled* The phys&olo(&cal propert&es of the race hae deter&orateds&nce the t&'e of Ada'* #hr&st as not born free fro' phys&caldeter&orat&on* He &nher&ted all th&s fro' Mary* #hr&st ca'e &nto the orld&th the c%rse of s&n operat&e %pon h&s phys&cal be&n(* "or th&rty-threeyears he e)per&enced the a(&n( process* He as s%b8ect phys&cally to thedecl&ne of the race9 b%t s&nce s&n &s not trans'&tted (enet&cally, b%t &sa res%lt of 'an.s separat&on fro' God, #hr&st as born &tho%t s&n*

  The Ne Testa'ent %ses the ter' flesh &n ar&o%s ays* "&rst, &t &s %sed&n a p%rely phys&cal and l&teral sense* 2The ord beca'e flesh2 referr&n(to #hr&st* 2"lesh2 here &s %sed &n a (ood sense as created by God*

  Second, 2flesh2 also denotes 'an &n h&s ea/ness* 2"lesh and blood cannot

&nher&t the /&n(do' of God9 ne&ther doth corr%pt&on &nher&t &ncorr%pt&on2;I #or* 4:+:=@, beca%se &n &ts present state &t de(enerates and d&es,o&n( to the s&nf%lness of 'an* 2The sp&r&t &ndeed &s &ll&n(, b%t theflesh &s ea/2 ;Matt* >+<4@* Here #hr&st refers to Peter.s co'&n( tr&al,for h&ch he &s not prepared* He as ea/ a(a&nst te'ptat&on* The 2flesh2here &s not s&nf%l* Thro%(h the ea/ness of the flesh te'ptat&on e)erc&ses(reater poer and appeal*

  Th&rd, the Ne Testa'ent %ses the ter' 2flesh2 &n the sense of be&n( t&edto s&n* The %nconerted 'an l&es by 2the des&res of the flesh2 ;Eph*>+@* The #hr&st&an &s to d&e to the flesh, to cr%c&fy the flesh* 2Theythat are #hr&st.s hae cr%c&f&ed the flesh &th the affect&ons and l%sts2

;Gal* :+><@* 2The or/s of the f lesh2 are spo/en of as &ncl%d&n( the holecate(ory of s&n ;erses 4C-> 4@* 2Wal/ &n the Sp&r&t and ye shall notf%lf&ll the l%st of the flesh* "or the flesh l%steth a(a&nst the Sp&r&t,and the Sp&r&t a(a&nst the flesh9 and these are contrary the one to theother+ so that ye cannot do the th&n(s that ye o%ld2 ;erses 4, 4B@*

  Th&s th&rd 'ean&n( and %se of the ter' refers to 'an.s l&fe as l&ed apartfro' and &ndependent of God* The hole person &s &noled* The confl&ctbeteen flesh and sp&r&t &s not beteen to parts or to hales of aperson* It &s beteen to tendenc&es of the hole person*

  As for the f&rst to %ses and 'ean&n(s of the ter' flesh #hr&st as bornas e are9 b%t &th the th&rd %se here flesh &s &dent&f&ed &th thenat%re and l&fe of s&n, there as no &dent&ty &th #hr&st* #hr&st asd&fferent* He as ent&rely &tho%t s&n*

  2Separated "ro' S&nners2  2S%ch a h&(h pr&est does &ndeed f&t o%r cond&t&on0deo%t, (%&leless,

%ndef&led, separated fro' s&nners2 ;Heb* B+>, N*E*7*@* Hebres Bd&sc%sses a dec&ded d&fference beteen #hr&st o%r H&(h Pr&est '&n&ster&n(&n heaen and the e&t&cal pr&ests of the earthly sanct%ary* #hr&st &sholy, perfectly at one &th God9 (%&leless20free fro' all e&l &th&n H&sPerson9 2%ndef&led20%nsta&ned by s&n, re1%&r&n( no cleans&n( s%ch as other'en need9 2separated fro' s&nners20s&nless* H&s bear&n( o%r s&ns on thecross as H&s only contact &th s&n* He bore the s&ns of 'en h&le be&n(s&nless H&'self* 2"oras'%ch as ye /no that ye ere not redee'ed &thcorr%pt&ble th&n(s * * * b%t &th the prec&o%s blood of #hr&st, as of ala'b &tho%t ble'&sh and &tho%t spot2 ;I Peter 4+ 4?, 4C@* 2Ho '%ch 'oreshall the blood of #hr&st, ho thro%(h the eternal Sp&r&t, offered h&'self&tho%t spot to God, p%r(e yo%r consc&ence fro' dead or/s to sere thel&&n( God2 ;Heb* C+4<@*

  Th&s offer&n( of #hr&st by H&'self &s contrasted &th the e&t&calpr&ests, ho f&rst offered sacr&f&ces for the&r on s&ns and then for thes&ns of the people*

  No hen these th&n(s ere th%s orda&ned, the pr&ests ent alays &ntothe f&rst tabernacle, acco'pl&sh&n( the ser&ce of God* 7%t &nto thesecond ent the h&(h pr&est alone once eery year, not &tho%t blood,

h&ch he offered for h&'self, and for the errors of the people ;Heb*C+, B@*  #hr&st.s offer&n( as not for H&'self, b%t for s&nf%l 'an* If #hr&st had

had a s&nf%l nat%re, He co%ld not hae offered a perfect sacr&f&ce,&tho%t spot* &/e the e&t&cal pr&ests He o%ld hae needed to offersacr&f&ce for H&s on s&nf%lness*

  #onse1%ently, the e&t&cal sacr&f&ces co%ld not ta/e aay s&n ;Heb*4=+<@, hereas the perfect sacr&f&ce of #hr&st d&d* The blood of #hr&std&d a '%ch (reater th&n( than d&d the blood of an&'als* H&s sacr&f&cedealt co'pletely &th s&n, offer&n( for(&eness and rede'pt&on* Theeff&cacy of #hr&st.s sacr&f&ce lay &n H&s absol%te s&nlessness and H&s


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  de&ty*  O%r H&(h Pr&est &s s%ch a co'pletely 2holy personal&ty2 ho neer

de&ates &n the least fro' all God.s ord&nances and co''and'ents, he &s&tho%t a spec/ of poll%t&on* * * *

  $es%s l&ed h&s ent&re l&fe a'on( the s&nners, b%t h&s hole l&fe lon(he as 2holy, &tho%t anyth&n( bad, &tho%t a sta&n,2 as eer &n h&shole person and character separated fro' the'* * * * That &s the /&ndof H&(h Pr&est that &s proper for %s &f e are to hae one s%ch as ereally need*0!* #* H* ENSI, The Interpretat&on of the Ep&stle to the

Hebres, pp* ><>, ><*  #hr&st.s atone'ent and H&s s&nlessness f&nely co'ple'ent each other*

E)cept as He as the a'b of God 2&tho%t spot or ble'&sh,2 H&s aton&n(or/ '%st fa&l*

  To bel&ee that $es%s #hr&st &nher&ted a s&nf%l nat%re as all 'en do0anat%re that as &ncl&ned to e&l and &ncapable of do&n( any (ood of&tself0&s to ascr&be total depra&ty to H&', to say that the hole of H&sbe&n( as s&nf%l as &s o%rs* If th&s as so, then He needed to bere(enerated by the Holy Sp&r&t* #hr&st.s s&nf%l nat%re o%ld then hae toco'e %nder the 8%d('ent of God at the cross* H&s sacr&f&ce o%ld hae had,&n part, to be the penalty, not only for o%r s&ns b%t for H&s on s&nf%lcond&t&on* "or a s&nf%l state of be&n( br&n(s 'en to 8%d('ent andconde'nat&on as do s&nf%l acts and %nr&(hteo%s deeds*

  7%t the Scr&pt%re &s clear* What p%t $es%s on the cross as the s&ns ofothers, and neer H&s on* 2#hr&st d&ed for o%r s&ns accord&n( to thescr&pt%res2 ;I #or* 4:+@* 2Who h&s on self bare o%r s&ns &n h&s on bodyon the tree, that e, be&n( dead to s&ns, sho%ld l&e %nto r&(hteo%sness+by hose str&pes ye ere healed2 ;I Peter >+><@*

  We need to bel&ee &n the nat%re and person of #hr&st as God.s (&ft of aperfect sacr&f&ce for s&n* Only &n H&' has God offered a s&nless l&fe anda s&nless sacr&f&ce* Only a s&nless #hr&st &s s%ff&c&ent to pro&de %s&th a perfect atone'ent and rede'pt&on fro' s&n*

  #hr&st.s s&nlessness '%st be co'plete* Were there any bas&s for re8ect&n(th&s concept, e&ther by H&s be&n( &n a state of s&n or H&s ha&n(co''&tted s&n, then no sa&n( atone'ent co%ld be 'ade by H&'*

  7eca%se He &s s&nless, rede'pt&on &s aa&lable for the ent&re, s&nf%lrace* 7eca%se He &s s&nless, He pro&des for %s a perfect r&(hteo%snessthat &s &n contrast &th the %nr&(hteo%sness of all 'en* In #hr&st aloneGod has one perfect 'an and &n no one else* Thereby He alone co%ld offerto %s the eternal (&ft of a perfect r&(hteo%sness* !ede'pt&on co%ld not beoffered &f He ere a s&nner, e&ther by possess&n( a s&nf%l nat%re or byco''&tt&n( a s&nf%l act*

  S&n alays separates fro' God, b%t there as neer a (ap beteen #hr&stand H&s "ather created by a s&nf%l nat%re &n #hr&st, or by acts of s&n byH&'* #hr&st as &n consc&o%s and %nbro/en oneness and fellosh&p &th Godthro%(h eery phase of H&s l&fe* He as neer alone %nt&l the ho%r hen He

bore o%r s&ns at #alary*  26et W&tho%t S&n2  2"or e hae not an h&(h pr&est h&ch cannot be to%ched &th the feel&n(

of o%r &nf&r'&t&es9 b%t as &n all po&nts te'pted l&/e as e are, yet&tho%t s&n2 ;Heb* <+4:@*

  Th&s te)t does not say that #hr&st as to%ched or sta&ned &th s&n &n anyay* He as 2to%ched &th the feel&n( of o%r &nf&r'&t&es2 &tho%t be&n( as&nner, e&ther &n H&s nat%re or &n H&s cond%ct*

  The e'phas&s &n th&s passa(e of Scr&pt%re &s that #hr&st e)per&enced the

real&ty of te'ptat&on as e do* The only d&fference as, He as 2&tho%ts&n*2 2"or the pr&nce of th&s orld co'eth, and hath noth&n( &n 'e2 ;$ohn4<+=@*

  $es%s as &n no ay s%b8ect to Satan* There as not the sl&(htest ta&nt ofs&n that co%ld (&e Satan a foothold* Noth&n( &n #hr&st as related to thepr&nce of th&s orld* #onse1%ently, Satan had no poer oer H&'*

  $es%s. l&/eness to %s, &n h&ch he as te'pted, as total &th onee)cept&on, na'ely s&n* 2&/eness &tho%t s&n2 rese'bles !o'* ?+, 2&nl&/eness of s&nf%l flesh*2 When te'ptat&on assa&led $es%s &t fo%nd nos&n &th h&ch &t co%ld connect*0ENSI, Hebres, p* 4:4*

  7e caref%l, e)ceed&n( caref%l as to ho yo% dell %pon the h%'an nat%reof #hr&st* Do not set H&' before the people as a 'an &th thepropens&t&es of s&n* * * * Not for one 'o'ent as there &n H&' an e&lpropens&ty*0The SDA 7&ble #o''entary, Ellen G* Wh&te #o''ents, on $ohn4+4-, 4<, p* 44>?*

  In ta/&n( %pon H&'self 'an.s nat%re &n &ts fallen cond&t&on, #hr&st d&dnot &n the least part&c&pate &n &ts s&n*0Selected Messa(es, boo/ 4, p*>:*

  2Made * * * to 7e S&n for 5s2  2"or he hath 'ade h&' to be s&n for %s, ho /ne no s&n9 that e '&(ht be

'ade the r&(hteo%sness of God &n h&'2 ;> #or* :+>4@* 2Made * * * to bes&n2 does not 'ean that #hr&st as 'ade to be a s&nf%l person* It &s 1%&teo%t of the 1%est&on to bel&ee that God 'ade H&s Son s&nf%l &n any ay*

  S&n &tself cannot be transferred to another 'an ho &s &nnocent*"%rther'ore, &f th&s &s hat the phrase, 2'ade h&' to be s&n2 'eant then,

by ay of contrast, 2'ade %nto %s r&(hteo%sness2 o%ld 'ean that e are'ade r&(hteo%s persons rather than hae #hr&st.s r&(hteo%sness &'p%ted to%s* When e beco'e #hr&st&ans e are not 'ade r&(hteo%s &n the sense that#hr&st &s &ntr&ns&cally r&(hteo%s* We are st&ll s&nners ho are declaredr&(hteo%s by ha&n( #hr&st.s r&(hteo%sness rec/oned to o%r acco%nt &thGod*

  God d&d not 'a/e H&s Son a s&nner* $es%s beca'e &noled &n o%r s&ns bybear&n( the' on the cross, not by beco'&n( a s&nner H&'self* At the crossGod 2la&d on h&' the &n&1%&ty of %s all,2 not at H&s b&rth or any t&'epr&or to the cross* We beco'e &noled &n H&s r&(hteo%sness by rece&&n(&t as a (&ft* We are declared r&(hteo%s, altho%(h &n fact e are st&ll &n


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  a s&nf%l state* God ac1%&ts the (%&lty, not the &nnocent* 2Who h&s onself bare o%r s&ns &n h&s on body on the tree, that e, be&n( dead tos&ns, sho%ld l&e %nto r&(hteo%sness+ by hose str&pes ye ere healed2;4Peter >+><@* 27%t as &t &s, he has appeared once for all at the cl&'a)of h&story to abol&sh s&n by the sacr&f&ce of h&'self2 ;Heb* C+>,

N*E*7*@*  Therefore, &f be&n( 2'ade * * * to be s&n2 'eans be&n( 'ade a s&nf%l

person, #hr&st as not 2'ade * * * to be s&n2 %nt&l He as na&led to thecross* He co%ld not hae been born &n a state of s&n as e are*

  $es%s neer /ne s&n as e do by s&nn&n(, by &n any de(ree real&&n( s&n&n h&'self* * * * No s&nf%l 'ot&e or des&re eer entered h&s so%l*The Son of God as 'ade flesh, b%t 2&tho%t s&n2 ;Heb* <+4:@, eer2separate fro' s&nners2 ;Heb* B+>@, so that those ho ere closest toh&' eer beheld h&s s&nless (lory * * * *

  God 'ade #hr&st s&n * * * by char(&n( all that &s 2s&n2 &n %s a(a&nsth&', by lett&n( h&' bear all th&s b%rden*0!* #* H* ENSI, TheInterpretat&on of I and II #or&nth&ans, pp* 4=:>, 4=:*

  #hr&st, altho%(h He as s&nless, as treated as a s&nner* We areacco%nted r&(hteo%s, not beca%se e are so &n o%rseles, b%t beca%se ehae co'e &nto a r&(ht relat&onsh&p to God*

  #hr&st.s Personal Test&'ony  The Phar&sees sa &n $es%s only a 'an l&/e the'seles* Therefore they

ref%sed to bel&ee &n H&s ord or accept H&' as the Mess&ah, the Son ofGod* In response, $es%s declared the tr%th abo%t H&'self, H&s teach&n(s,and H&s relat&on to the "ather+ H&s l&fe as &n co'plete har'ony &th the"ather+ H&s teach&n( as fro' the "ather* He po&nted o%t to the Phar&seesthat by re8ect&n( H&s a%thor&ty, they re8ected the a%thor&ty of the"ather* As a conse1%ence #hr&st 'et &th &ncreased oppos&t&on fro' thePhar&sees*

  "&nally, $es%s appealed to H&s s&nlessness as the (%arantee that He spo/ethe tr%th* 2Wh&ch of yo% con&nceth 'e of s&n32 ;$ohn ?+<@* Hechallen(ed the Phar&sees to f&nd the sl&(htest s&n &n H&'* They co%lde)pose none* S&nce He as &tho%t s&n, H&s teach&n(s '%st be tr%e* IfH&s l&fe as s&nless, then He spo/e the tr%th* In that case they co%ld

hae no le(&t&'ate reason not to tr%st &n H&' as the Son of God*  The Phar&sees. re8ect&on of $es%s and &ncreased host&l&ty toard H&'e)posed the&r error, and po&nted to the' as 2ch&ldren of the de&l*2The&r oppos&t&on to $es%s as oppos&t&on to God* The&r d&shonor&n( H&'as d&shonor to God*

  The po&nt that $es%s 'ade as that only by be&n( &tho%t s&n as He &n apos&t&on to aff&r' the &nfall&b&l&ty of H&s teach&n( and H&s ords* Th&sco%ld not be tr%e &f He ere a s&nner* $es%s as/ed the Phar&sees, 2Wh&chof yo% con&cts 'e of s&n32

  $es%s %ses * * * har'art&aJ, the (ener&c ter' for 2s&n*2 He een o'&tsthe art&cle, so that e are co'pelled to %nderstand 2s&n2 &n the

broadest sense of the ord and not as restr&cted to so'e one s&n* * * *  It &s $e%s ho %tters th&s challen(e* Morally he o%ld con&ct h&'self

of &nner falseness &f he /ne of any s&n &n h&'self* * * *  S&nce there &s no s&n &n $es%s, eeryth&n( that he says &s and '%st be

p%re tr%th and er&ty*0!*#*H* ENSI, The Interpretat&on of St* $ohn.sGospel* pp* :<-:

  On the clear con&ct&on and consc&o%sness of H&s s&nlessness He b%&lt H&s'&ss&on to the orld*

  I a' the l&&n( bread h&ch ca'e don fro' heaen9 &f any 'an eat of

th&s bread, he shall l&e for eer+ and the bread that I &ll (&e &s 'yflesh, h&ch I &ll (&e for the l&fe of the orld ;$ohn B+:4@* I a' theay, the tr%th, and the l&fe ;$ohn 4<+@*

  On seeral occas&ons $es%s %ttered these 'ost s&(n&f&cant ords+ 2Thy s&nsbe for(&en thee,2 2The Son of 'an hath poer on earth to for(&e s&ns2;Matt* C+>-9 Mar/ >+:-4=@* He stood beteen 'an and God and thesacredness of th&s pos&t&on e)pressed H&s s&nlessness*

  "%rther'ore, $es%s neer once confessed H&'self a s&nner or as ha&n(co''&tted s&n* He neer once as/ed H&s "ather for for(&eness* He had notthe sl&(htest trace of personal (%&lt that o%ld co'e fro' be&n( born &ntoa state of s&n or fro' re'orse oer so'e s&n co''&tted*

  #hr&st ca'e not confess&n( H&s on s&ns9 b%t (%&lt as &'p%ted to H&' asthe s&nner.s s%bst&t%te*0EEN WHITE, The Sp&r&t of Prophecy, ol* >, p*:C*

  H&s hole l&fe breathed s&nlessness* He neer d&d an &n8%st&ce, neerresented a ron(, neer %ttered an %ntr%th, neer as (%&lty of thesl&(htest decept&on, neer &n any ay reealed &'p%r&ty &n any for'* Heas alays lo&n(, (entle, /&nd, &n sp&te of all the host&l&ty of%nbel&eers* In H&s l&fe as the absence of all self&shness* H&s teach&n(sere perfect, &tho%t any ta&nt of e(o&s' &nherent &n other 'en* H&sabsol%te r&(hteo%sness reb%/ed all self&shness* He po%red o%t H&s l&fe &nco'pass&on for lost 'en*

  $es%s neer 'ade e)c%ses for H&'self, neer apolo(&ed* He ho as theTr%th alays spo/e the tr%th* He neer as/ed others to pray for H&'* Heas/ed 'en to pray for the'seles* He called on others to repent, b%t neer

repented H&'self* Neer d&d He e)press d&scontent &th anyth&n( He as ord&d* At the end of H&s l&fe He declared that He had f%lf&lled perfectlythe or/ that God had (&en H&' to do* #onse1%ently, H&s d&sc&plesdeclared H&' to be the Mess&ah, the Son of God* Peter and $a'es spo/e ofH&' as the 28%st2 one ;I Peter +4?9 $a'es :+@* He 2d&d no s&n, ne&theras (%&le fo%nd &n h&s 'o%th2 ;I Peter >+>>@*

  Men so'et&'es e1%ate the&r on s&nf%l nat%re &th the nat%re of the!edee'er and red%ce H&s stat%re to the&r on leel* 6et the hole (ospelrests on the tr%th that #hr&st offers to 'en a perfect r&(hteo%sness fro'&th&n H&'self &n place of the&r %nr&(hteo%sness*

  The s&nner needs a sp&r&t%al dependence %pon One ho alone can be h&s


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  r&(hteo%sness and atone'ent* He can f&nd no s%rer (ro%nd for tr%st, notr%er stren(th for &ctory &n the l&fe, no better arrant for salat&on,than &n the s&nless #hr&st* So let no one cla&' to be r&(hteo%s &n thesense that #hr&st as r&(hteo%s, s&nless &n the sense that #hr&st ass&nless*

  No (ood p%rpose &s sered by &ns&st&n( that e '%st ach&ee &n th&s l&fethe absol%te perfect&on &n the sense that #hr&st had perfect&on* O%r hopeand fa&th &n #hr&st does not depend on o%r &'&tat&n( H&'* The &'&tat&on of#hr&st has been e'phas&ed by #hr&st&an bel&eers thro%(h the cent%r&es9

b%t by so'e th&s has been falsely ta/en &th the &'press&on that th&s asthe #hr&st&an.s respons&b&l&ty* It has been &nterpreted to 'ean that#hr&st co''anded H&s people to copy H&' 'ore or less &ndependently*

  I'&tat&on 'ay be poss&ble &th e)ternal re1%&re'ents s%ch as theord&nances of the ord.s S%pper and foot ash&n(+ 2I hae (&en yo% ane)a'ple, that yo% also sho%ld do as I hae done to yo%2 ;$ohn 4+4:,!*S*F*@* There &s no proble' hen spea/&n( of the perfor'ance of r&tes andr&t%al* 7%t l&&n( the #hr&st&an l&fe of obed&ence to all the &ll of Godcannot be ach&eed by &'&tat&n( #hr&st or try&n( harder* There &s onesense alone &n h&ch &'&tat&on appl&es+ to &'&tate #hr&st &n H&s l&&n( byfa&th &n the "ather and to depend on H&s Son, o%r ord $es%s #hr&st* Andeen fa&th &s the (&ft of God, not so'eth&n( real&ed by any effort ofo%rs to &'&tate or copy*

  Only by cont&n%al dependence on #hr&st can e r&se h&(her &n obed&ence toand f%lf&ll'ent of God.s &ll* 7y #hr&st.s r&(hteo%sness e are c&t&ensof God.s /&n(do'* Thro%(h #hr&st e hae on the h&te robe of H&sr&(hteo%sness and 8o&n that co%ntless n%'ber of the redee'ed ho &llstand &n the presence of the "ather on the sea of (lass*

  The #hr&st presented as a h%'an be&n( &th a s&nf%l nat%re0a nat%re bentto e&l, as pre&o%sly def&ned0&s not the God-'an of the Scr&pt%res, b%tonly a (odl&/e 'an* God &s on the s&de of those ho, &n h%'&l&ty and totaldependence, loo/ ent&rely to #hr&st, not of those ho 'erely closely&'&tate H&s Son* We cannot cla&' to depend on #hr&st.s r&(hteo%sness h&leat the sa'e t&'e e p%t tr%st &n o%r on* He bore o%r s&ns &n H&s on bodyon the tree, not H&s on* He 'ade H&s s&nless so%l an offer&n( for o%r

s&n* He bore o%r (%&lt, not any (%&lt of H&s on, on the cross* H&s onlysha'e as the sha'e of o%r s&nf%lness, neer H&s on* #hr&st does not call%s to &'&tate H&' as a s%per'an* "a&th appropr&ates H&s r&(hteo%sness* O%rreal stren(th l&es not &n o%rseles b%t &n H&'*

  It &s hardly poss&ble to oere'phas&e the need for a s&nless #hr&st* Tobel&ee that #hr&st had a s&nf%l nat%re &'pl&es that He as l&ttle 'orethan a (ood 'an+ the h&(hest type that e, &n o%rseles, 'ay beco'e*#hr&st.s (&ft of r&(hteo%sness &s e&ther lost s&(ht of or rep%d&ated*

  The tendency on the part of so'e to red%ce #hr&st&an l&&n( to a syste' ofeth&cs and 'oral ach&ee'ent red%ces the (ospel to a concentrat&on %ponself* The h&(hest eth&cal &'&tat&on of #hr&st, and the 'ost s&ncere bel&ef

&n H&' as a perfect e)a'ple, fa&ls to do 8%st&ce to the s&nner.s hopelesscond&t&on, re(ardless of ho hard he 'ay try to be l&/e #hr&st* S%chrel&(&on creates the per&l of &ndependence by rely&n( %pon o%rseles*

  M%ch &s sa&d of r&(hteo%sness as a 1%est, b%t o%r (ospel does not &n&tepeople to 8o&n &n a 1%est for r&(hteo%sness, b%t to depend on #hr&st andH&s r&(hteo%sness* It as the (lory of the early #hr&st&ans that, ha&n(noth&n( &n and of the'seles, they yet possessed all th&n(s &n #hr&st*

  Sp&r&t%al health and (roth re1%&res #hr&st.s r&(hteo%sness for o%rhor&on* When e spea/ of r&(hteo%sness thro%(h #hr&st, as God.s (reat

(&ft to %s, e refer, not to any ach&ee'ent by 'an, b%t a d&&ne dra'aenacted by God &n H&s Son* Th&s &s not so'eth&n( (&en to %s to &'&tate*Were th&s so, e sho%ld be 'ore concerned abo%t &'&tat&n( #hr&st thantr%st&n( H&' and co''&tt&n( o%rseles to H&'*

  Ta/e aay fro' the #hr&st&an the concept of tr%st&n( &n the s&nless,perfect #hr&st, and e hae a (ood 'oral l&fe left, b%t not the #hr&st&anl&fe* We 'ay hae so'e 'eas%re of tr%th left, b%t not 7&bl&cal tr%th* We'ay hae so'e 'oral (roth left, b%t not #hr&st&an (roth* We 'ay haeso'e hope left, b%t not #hr&st&an hope*

  The eerlast&n( (ospel and the th&rd an(el.s 'essa(e of r&(hteo%sness byfa&th are based %pon certa&n bas&c facts+ f&rst, o%r %tter &nab&l&ty tol&e l&/e #hr&st and ach&ee sp&r&t%al 'at%r&ty by any effort of o%r on9second, o%r conse1%ent need for da&ly dependence %pon H&'* 2"ear God, and(&e (lory to h&'2 &s an essent&al part of o%r 'essa(e* We (&e (lory toH&' by y&eld&n( o%rseles to #hr&st that He 'ay perfect H&s or/ &n %s* We'er&t noth&n(* We ach&ee noth&n( s&'ply on o%r on* We rece&e eeryth&n(&n o%r ord, $es%s #hr&st*

  There &s no sa&n( r&(hteo%sness e)cept that h&ch co'es d&rectly fro'#hr&st9 that h&ch He, by the Holy Sp&r&t, breathes &nto %s* 2He (&ethpoer to the fa&nt9 and to the' that hae no '&(ht he &ncreaseth stren(th** * * They that a&t %pon the ord shall rene the&r stren(th2 ;Isa*<=+>C-4@*

  We are to let the l&&n( #hr&st be o%r l&fe* We are to rece&e that l&fe&n &ts f%llness each day by co''&t'ent to H&' and &n %tter dependence,that H&s act%al l&fe, presence, and poer 'ay f&ll and control o%r l&es*

Whateer o%r sp&r&t%al and 'oral needs, o%r hope and e)pectat&on &s to be&n H&' and not o%rseles* Absol%te s%ff&c&ency &s fo%nd only &n #hr&st*  The (reat p%rpose of 'a/&n( #hr&st alone o%r r&(hteo%sness &s to br&n( %s

&nto God.s presence that e &ll /no e hae 'et God H&'self* Th&s doesnot allo for sp&r&t%al la)&ty* Its p%rpose &s to let God (et possess&onof all H&s people &n eery ch%rch and thereby lead the' to a sa&n( andtransfor'&n( /noled(e of the tr%th*

  The secret of #hr&st.s poer oer o%r hearts and l&es &s fo%nd &n thea'a&n( loe and r&(hteo%sness of the only be(otten Son of God and Son of'an h&ch attr&b%tes s%rpass those of all other 'en* In #hr&st e hae theco''%n&cat&on of God.s r&(hteo%sness &n place of o%r %nr&(hteo%sness, H&s


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  l&(ht &n place of o%r dar/ness, H&s eternal l&fe &n place of o%r 'ortal&tyand conde'nat&on* Whateer &ctory e e)per&ence &s beca%se of th&s oneca%se+ The Holy Sp&r&t ta/es #hr&st.s r&(hteo%sness and r&tes &t &n o%rhearts and l&es*


 At Iss%e Inde)#hr&stolo(y Inde)Table of #ontentsPre&o%s Ne)t

Heppenstall - The Man Who Is God, #h ?

THE MAN WHO IS GOD by Edard Heppenstall

  #hapter ?  THE TEMPTATION O" #H!IST  "or e hae not an h&(h pr&est h&ch cannot be to%ched &th the feel&n(

of o%r &nf&r'&t&es9 b%t as &n all po&nts te'pted l&/e as e are, yet&tho%t s&n ;Heb* <+4:@* "or &n that he h&'self hath s%ffered be&n(te'pted, he &s able to s%cco%r the' that are te'pted ;chap* >+4?@*

  Te'ptat&on &s so'eth&n( #hr&st e)per&enced &n co''on &th all of %s* 7ornof Mary, #hr&st too/ h%'an nat%re and l&ed &n a fallen orld* Hee)per&enced te'ptat&ons to s&n and to self-dependence as other 'en d&d*The Gospels sho that He /ne He as 2te'pted of the de&l2 thro%(ho%t H&searthly l&fe*

  $es%s as both h%'an and d&&ne, hereas e are all h%'an* Th&s ra&ses a1%est&on re(ard&n( the nat%re of H&s te'ptat&ons and the poss&b&l&ty ofH&s (&&n( ay to Satan.s te'ptat&ons, th%s fall&n( &nto s&n* Were H&ste'ptat&ons real str%((les, &th the poss&b&l&ty to do ron( a real&ty3 Orere they only dra'at&c de'onstrat&ons of H&s s&nlessness &n h&ch Her&s/ed noth&n(, beca%se He had a d&&n&ty that co%ld not s&n3

  D&d #hr&st oerco'e te'ptat&on &n the sa'e ay e do3 S&nce He &s God, d&dHe need to depend on H&s "ather and the Holy Sp&r&t as e do3 Or d&d Hehae reso%rces &th&n H&'self that 'ade H&' self-s%ff&c&ent and &nherentlyable s%ccessf%lly to res&st te'ptat&on3

  We are te'pted &n to ays+ Te'ptat&on co'es beca%se of o%r &nner s&nf%l

state and b&as toard s&n* 2Eery 'an &s te'pted, hen he &s dran aay ofh&s on l%st, and ent&ced2 ;$a'es 4+ 4<@* 7%t #hr&st had no l%st for e&lby h&ch He co%ld be ent&ced &nto s&n* 2The pr&nce of th&s orld co'eth,and hath noth&n( &n 'e2 ;$ohn 4<+=@* Th&s cannot be sa&d of any other

'an*  Satan f&nds &n h%'an hearts so'e po&nt here he can (a&n a foothold9

so'e s&nf%l des&re &s cher&shed, by 'eans of h&ch h&s te'ptat&onsassert the&r poer* 7%t #hr&st declared of H&'self, 2The pr&nce of th&sorld co'eth, and hath noth&n( &n 'e*20The SDA 7&ble #o''entary, EllenG* Wh&te #o''ents, on Heb* >+4?, P* C>B*

  Te'ptat&on also co'es to %s fro' the o%ts&de9 fro' Satan and the e&l

orld* To be real, te'ptat&on need not be addressed to a s&nf%l nat%re** Ada' and Ee ere te'pted before they fell &nto s&n* An(els and other%nfallen be&n(s hae been te'pted &tho%t fall&n(*

  #hr&st as te'pted fro' the o%ts&de* 2$es%s as led %p of the sp&r&t &ntothe &lderness to be te'pted of the de&l2 ;Matt* <+ 4@* The Gospelsrecord #hr&st.s te'ptat&ons &n s%ch ords as 2the te'pter ca'e to h&'292the de&l ta/eth h&'29 the de&l 2sa&th to h&'2 ;erses -C@*

  O%r ord as not te'pted by the s&nf%l l%sts of pr&de, a'b&t&on, eny,'al&ce, hatred, an(er, 8ealo%sy, aar&ce, (l%ttony, ol%pt%o%sness,

dr%n/enness9 &n short by e&l des&re or 2conc%p&scence2 of any /&nd* Heneer felt the han/er&n( of pr&de and a&n-(lory so co''on to 'an, b%t asalays &n h&s &n'ost sp&r&t 'ee/ and loly* * * * #hr&st had no s&nf%ll%st of any sort* Th&s &s ta%(ht &n #hr&st.s on ords+ 2The pr&nce ofth&s orld co'eth, and hath noth&n( &n 'e*2 $ohn 4<+=*0W'* G* T* SHEDD,Do('at&c Theolo(y, Fol* 44, p* <*

  #hr&st.s Te'ptat&ons !eal  #hr&st.s person &s const&t%ted of to nat%res+ one d&&ne, and the other

h%'an* The d&&ne nat%re &s both &nte'ptable and &'peccable* 2God cannotbe te'pted &th e&l,2 $a'es 4+ 4* It &s &'poss&ble for God to l&e,;Heb* +4?@* The h%'an nat%re, on the contrary, &s both te'ptable andpeccable*0SHEDD, op* c&t*, p* >*

  In order for te'ptat&on to be real &t '%st be addressed to a personconst&t%t&onally capable of s&nn&n(* It '%st also be d&rected to so'ebas&c need or des&re &th the press%re to sat&sfy th&s need or des&re &n as&nf%l ay* If #hr&st.s te'ptat&ons had been addressed to H&s de&ty alone,then they o%ld hae been to no p%rpose at all, s&nce 2God cannot bete'pted &th e&l*2 If e concl%de that #hr&st.s d&&n&ty 'ade te'ptat&onand s&nn&n( &'poss&ble, then H&s l&fe str%((le as an e'pty th&n(*Te'ptat&on o%ld hae no 'ean&n( for H&' and no al%e for %s*

  We as/ the 1%est&on, then, Were the te'ptat&ons that #hr&st e)per&encedaddressed to H&s h%'an&ty or to H&s de&ty3 In anser&n( e note that thecenter of H&s consc&o%sness as h%'an, not d&&ne* H&s nat%re f%nct&onedthro%(h the act&on of H&s h%'an &ll, &ntellect, and e'ot&on* Therefore Hehad to l&e by dependence %pon H&s "ather, 8%st as the "ather ants %s to

l&e* #hr&st co%ld not ta/e adanta(e of d&&ne poers %naa&lable toother 'en hen confronted &th te'ptat&on* #hr&st ol%ntar&ly co''&ttedthe %se of H&s d&&ne attr&b%tes &nto the "ather.s hands and refra&nedfro' e)erc&s&n( the' &tho%t H&s "ather.s e)press per'&ss&on d%r&n( H&searthly l&fe*

  The !edee'er of s&nf%l 'en '%st be tr%ly h%'an, not ea/ly h%'an9%nfallen 'an, not fallen * * * He '%st be tr%ly h%'an, &n order to beassa&lable by te'ptat&on and thereby able to sy'path&e &th eeryte'pted 'an*0Ib&d*, p* <B*

  Scr&pt%re spea/s ery clearly of the real&ty of #hr&st.s te'ptat&ons* H&sl&fe as one &ntens&e str%((le* 2The l&fe of #hr&st as a perpet%al


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  arfare a(a&nst satan&c a(enc&es*20The SDA 7&ble #o''entary, Ellen G*Wh&te #o''ents, on Matt* <+ 4 -44, p* 4=?=* Te'ptat&on confronted H&' ateery t%rn* Descr&b&n( H&s e)per&ence at the close of H&s &ldernesste'ptat&on, the Scr&pt%re says, 2And hen the de&l had ended all thete'ptat&on, he departed fro' h&' for a season2 ;%/e <+4@* In the Gardenof Gethse'ane, at the close of H&s '&n&stry, #hr&st sa&d, 26e are theyh&ch hae cont&n%ed &th 'e &n 'y te'ptat&ons2 ;chap* >>+>?@* H&ste'ptat&ons ere real crossroads, here #hr&st had to dec&de hether to doH&s on &ll or that of the "ather* Th&s as no 'a/e-bel&ee*

  The Ep&stle to the Hebres clearly teaches the real&ty of #hr&st.ste'ptat&ons as an essent&al aspect of H&s sa&n( and 'ed&ator&al or/ forand &n %s* 7eca%se #hr&st as a 'an and faced te'ptat&on as a 'an, He canbe o%r h&(h pr&est* 2Tho%(h he ere a Son, yet learned he obed&ence by theth&n(s h&ch he s%ffered9 and be&n( 'ade perfect, he beca'e the a%thor ofeternal salat&on %nto all the' that obey h&'2 ;Heb* :+?4 C@*

  #hr&st.s capab&l&ty for s&nn&n( depended on H&s ha&n( a h%'an nat%re thatas free to s&n and not controlled or preented by H&s de&ty* Theposs&b&l&ty of be&n( te'pted &s the sa'e for a s&nless as for a s&nf%lperson* Ada' as te'pted as a s&nless person* He faced te'ptat&on &n thef%ll stren(th of a perfect phys&cal and 'ental syste'* 7%t #hr&st d&d notbeco'e flesh &n the perfect state &n h&ch Ada' as created* "or #hr&st,the stren(th of te'ptat&on as astly &ncreased by &rt%e of H&s&nher&t&n( a phys&cal const&t%t&on ea/ened by <,=== years of &ncreas&n(de(eneracy &n the race* The poss&b&l&ty of H&s be&n( oerco'e as (reaterthan Ada'.s beca%se of th&s*

  As de&ty, &n H&s pre-e)&stence &n heaen, the Son of God as not able tos&n* 7%t the sa'e cond&t&on d&d not e)&st hen He too/ h%'an nat%re* H&sde&ty as 1%&escent*

  He #hr&stJ as placed on probat&on, &th l&berty to y&eld to Satan.ste'ptat&ons and or/ at cross-p%rposes &th God*0The SDA 7&ble#o''entary, Ellen G* Wh&te #o''ents, on Matt* <+ 4-44, p* 4=?>*

  Satan cont&n%ally tr&ed to brea/ $es%s. fa&th and &ll* "ro' ch&ldhood toH&s death on the cross, the ene'y assa&led H&' as no other 'an has eerbeen assa&led*

  #hr&st had 'ore te'ptat&ons fro' Satan and the orld than eer had anyof the sons of 'en* * * *

  7eca%se o%r ord oerca'e h&s te'ptat&ons, &t does not follo that h&sconfl&ct and s%ccess as an easy one for h&'* H&s &ctory cost h&' tearsand blood* 2H&s &sa(e as so 'arred 'ore than any 'an2 ;Isa* :>+4<@*There as 2the traa&l of h&s so%l2 ;Isa* :+44@* In the str%((le hecr&ed, 2My "ather, &f &t be poss&ble let th&s c%p pass fro' 'e2 ;Matt*>+C@* 7eca%se an ar'y &s &ctor&o%s, &t by no 'eans follos that the&ctory as a cheap one*0SHEDD, op* c&t*, pp* <<, <:*

  F&ctory by "a&th  #hr&st sa&d, 2I can of '&ne on self do noth&n(2 ;$ohn :+=@* Only by

fa&th &n H&s "ather and thro%(h the presence of the Holy Sp&r&t as He&ctor&o%s oer te'ptat&on and s&n* 7y fa&th He alays d&d the &ll of H&s"ather*

  #hr&st.s h%'an self-consc&o%sness set before H&' the cho&ce of hether tobe a self-centered, self-&lled 'an or to l&e and depend ent&rely %ponH&s "ather* It o%ld &nole a consc&o%s cho&ce to (o contrary to the &llof God* "or H&' to fall &nto s&n He o%ld hae to loo/ to, and depend on,H&'self rather than on H&s "ather*

  The o&ce of the Holy Sp&r&t so%(ht cont&n%ally to lead H&' to 'a/e the

r&(ht cho&ces, to say &n eery s&t%at&on, 2Thy &ll be done*2 He, l&/e %s,had to l&e accord&n( to H&s h%'an nat%re as God or&(&nally 'ade &t* H&sde&ty d&d not s%persede H&s h%'an fac%lt&es* It d&d not &nfr&n(e on H&sh%'an cho&ces* It d&d not co'pel H&' to obey God.s &ll een tho%(h H&sh%'an nat%re co%ld hae chosen not to do so*

  As a 'an #hr&st learned, as e '%st, that the poer and the presence ofGod thro%(h the Holy Sp&r&t &s the only ay that e can hae &ctory*

  #hr&st as on tr&al to l&e the l&fe of fa&th, to l&e by H&s "atheralone, as e are* He as /ept by the poer of the Holy Sp&r&t as e are tobe* Address&n( H&s d&sc&ples, He sa&d, 2W&tho%t 'e ye can do noth&n(2;$ohn 4:+:@* He sa&d the sa'e th&n( of H&'self &n relat&on to H&s "ather*

  Te'ptat&on &n the W&lderness  And $es%s, hen he as bapt&ed, ent %p stra&(htay o%t of the ater+

and, lo, the heaens ere opened %nto h&', and he sa the Sp&r&t of Goddescend&n( l&/e a doe, and l&(ht&n( %pon h&'+ and lo a o&ce fro'heaen, say&n(, Th&s &s 'y beloed Son, &n ho' I a' ell pleased ;Matt*+4, 4B@*

  Then as $es%s led %p of the sp&r&t &nto the &lderness to be te'pted ofthe de&l ;chap* <+4@*

  These scr&pt%res descr&be the cl&'a) that too/ place &n #hr&st.s l&fe henHe as to enter %pon H&s '&ss&on &n the orld* H&s bapt&s' and prayer ereac/noled(ed by the descent of the Holy Sp&r&t &n H&s f%llness* The heartof the prayer as for oneness &th H&s "ather, absol%te tr%st anddependence %pon God* H&s "ather ansered H&s Son fro' heaen* #hr&st entforth to '&n&ster, no consecrated for H&s '&ss&on*

  One th&n( re'a&ned* He '%st 'eet H&s arch ene'y, the de&l, and defeath&'* The Sp&r&t led H&' &nto the &lderness spec&f&cally for th&s dec&s&eenco%nter* Satan &ntended to oerhel' #hr&st before He co%ld be(&n H&sp%bl&c or/* #hr&st '%st proe H&'self &ctor&o%s*

  The f&rst te'ptat&on ca'e &th the ords 2If tho% be the Son of God,co''and that these stones be 'ade bread2 ;erse @* Satan.s &'pl&cat&onas that the "ather sho%ld pro&de bread and not let H&' (o h%n(ry forforty days* No earthly parent, able to pro&de, o%ld do th&s to h&sch&ldren* So ho can 6o% tr%st God3

  Satan as not te'pt&n( #hr&st to sat&sfy a nor'al phys&cal appet&te ofh%n(er so '%ch as to do &t, contrary to H&s "ather.s &ll, and &n a ay


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  that o%ld ta/e H&'self o%t of H&s "ather.s hands* The forty-day fast &nthe &lderness as by the e)press p%rpose of God* #hr&st as led &nto th&sfast&n( e)per&ence that He '&(ht l&e &n H&s "ather by fa&th alone* Tohae accepted Satan.s s%((est&on o%ld hae 'eant ta/&n( th&n(s &nto H&son hands contrary to H&s "ather.s &ll, d&rect&on, and control* Satanso%(ht to al&enate the Son fro' the "ather by %nder'&n&n( #hr&st.s tr%st&n God*

  The arch-dece&er hoped that %nder the force of despondency and e)tre'eh%n(er, #hr&st o%ld lose fa&th &n H&s "ather, or/ a '&racle &n H&s on

behalf, and ta/e H&'self o%t of H&s "ather.s hands* Had He done th&s,the plan of salat&on o%ld hae been bro/en*0EEN G* WHITE, &n 7&bleEchoes, No* 4:, 4?C>*

  In the Garden of Eden, Ada' and Ee faced the sa'e te'ptat&on #hr&stfaced, the te'ptat&on to assert the&r &ndependence fro' God and e)erc&sethe&r self-&ll by eat&n( the forb&dden fr%&t* Eat&n( &noled choos&n( tosat&sfy the&r on des&res contrary to God.s &ll* #hr&st res&sted thatte'ptat&on oer h&ch Ada' and Ee fell* They accepted the de& to free the'seles fro' dependence on, and tr%st &n, God, andfro' obed&ence to H&s &ll*

  Satan had te'pted Ada' and Ee to bel&ee that they sho%ld be as (ods*#hr&st re1%&res that h%'an&ty shall obey d&&n&ty* In H&s h%'an&ty,#hr&st as obed&ent to all H&s "ather.s co''and'ents*0EEN G* WHITE, &n!e&e and Herald, No* C, 4?CB*

  Satan.s cont&n%al p%rpose &s to brea/ o%r oneness &th God, to br&n( abo%ta separat&on by loss of fa&th and tr%st* God pro&des 'an &th the teste&ther to tr%st and obey H&' co'pletely or (o &t on h&s on*

  Tr&al and aders&ty for the #hr&st&an 'ay be act%al proof that God &slead&n(* The apostle Pa%l 'et (r&eo%s tests, b%t he rote, 2"or o%r l&(htaffl&ct&on h&ch &s b%t for a 'o'ent, or/eth for %s a far 'ore e)ceed&n(and eternal e&(ht of (lory2 ;> #or* <+4B@* S%ffer&n(, tr&b%lat&on,depr&at&on0&t &s by these o%r fa&th &s tested* 2We '%st thro%(h '%chtr&b%lat&on enter the /&n(do' of God2 ;Acts 4<+>>@* 8%st ho far are e&ll&n( to 'a&nta&n o%r fa&th3 8ob stood the test* 2Tho%(h he slay 'e, yet&ll I tr%st &n h&'2 ;$ob 4+4:@*

  #hr&st responded to the f&rst te'ptat&on &th the ord of God fro'De%terono'y* The &ss%e as not to be dec&ded by an appeal to H&'self, b%tto the o&ce of God &n H&s Word* Tr%st &n God.s Word and obed&ence to &tta/es pr&or&ty* The conte)t of the erse He %sed &s s&(n&f&cant &n l&(htof Israel.s s%ffer&n(s and tr&b%lat&ons+

  And tho% shalt re'e'ber all the ay h&ch the ord thy God led theethese forty years &n the &lderness, to h%'ble thee, and to proe thee,to /no hat as &n th&ne heart, hether tho% o%ldest /eep h&sco''and'ents, or no* And he h%'bled thee, and s%ffered thee to h%n(er,and fed thee &th 'anna, h&ch tho% /neest not, ne&ther d&d thy fathers/no9 that he '&(ht 'a/e thee /no that 'an doth not l&e by bread only,

b%t by eery ord that proceeded o%t of the 'o%th of the ord doth 'anl&e ;De%t* ?+>, @*

  #hr&st ca'e to do the &ll of H&s "ather, to proe that God.s pro'&sesco%ld be tr%sted* Had He 'an&fested H&s &ndependence at any t&'e, He o%ldhae co''&tted the s&n of Ada' and Ee* Dependence on H&s on d&&ne poero%ld hae been tanta'o%nt to declar&n( H&s &ndependence fro' God* F&ctoryoer the te'ptat&on to &ndependence re1%&red co'plete tr%st &n God,re(ardless of the cost &n ter's of h%n(er or anyth&n( else*

  In H&' h%'an&ty &s s&nless* He &s represented to %s &n the &lderness as

be&n( assa&led by the three (reat typ&cal te'ptat&ons before h&ch o%rrace has s%cc%'bed* * * * In eery for' te'ptat&on as re8ected, notbeca%se He had not real h%'an fac%lt&es to feel &ts force, b%t beca%seH&s fac%lt&es acted s&'ply %nder the control of a &ll, h&ch folloed%nhes&tat&n(ly the 'oe'ent of the Holy Sp&r&t * * * h&ch e)&sted onlyto do the "ather.s &ll*0GO!E, op* c&t*, pp* 4BC, 4?=*

  The second te'ptat&on ca'e hen 2the de&l ta/eth h&' %p &nto the holyc&ty, and setteth h&' on a p&nnacle of the te'ple, and sa&th %nto h&', Iftho% be the Son of God, cast thyself don+ for &t &s r&tten, He shall(&e h&s an(els char(e concern&n( thee+ and &n the&r hands they shall bearthee %p, lest at any t&'e tho% dash thy foot a(a&nst a stone2 ;Matt* <+:,@*

  #hr&st had 8%st defeated the de&l by a declarat&on of absol%te tr%st &nH&s "ather* The Word of God &s to deelop tr%st &n God* 2"a&th co'eth byhear&n(, and hear&n( by the ord of God2 ;!o'* 4=+4B@* Satan %sed &t to dothe oppos&te* He too/ the sa'e sord of the Word &th h&ch #hr&st haddefeated h&'+ 2S&nce 6o% tr%st God so co'pletely, hy not de'onstrate &tby a spectac%lar leap fro' the p&nnacle of the Te'ple before the (a&n(crods belo3 Proe 6o%r Mess&an&c cla&' to be the Son of God*2

  A(a&n #hr&st as te'pted to ta/e th&n(s &nto H&s on hands and test God*7%t God &s not so to be tested* To do so &s to chan(e fa&th topres%'pt&on, h&ch &s not tr%st, b%t &ns%bord&nat&on* A l&fe of tr%sta&ts %pon God &n (ratef%l rel&ance* We do not need to resort to contr&eds&t%at&ons to proe H&'*

  He SatanJ st&ll appears as an an(el of l&(ht, and he 'a/es &t e&dentthat he &s ac1%a&nted &th the Scr&pt%res, and %nderstands the &'port ofhat &s r&tten* As $es%s before %sed the Word of God to s%sta&n H&sfa&th,0the te'pter no %ses &t to co%ntenance h&s decept&on* He cla&'sthat he has been only test&n( the f&del&ty of $es%s, and he no co''endsH&s steadfastness* As the Sa&o%r has 'an&fested tr%st &n God, Satan%r(es H&' to (&e st&ll another e&dence of H&s fa&th* * * * The te'ptertho%(ht to ta/e adanta(e of #hr&st.s h%'an&ty, and %r(e H&' topres%'pt&on*0The Des&re of A(es, pp*** 4><, 4>:*

  #hr&st re8ected the te'ptat&on* He o%ld not cast H&'self don and e)pectH&s "ather to protect H&'* H&s "ather had (&en H&' a'ple e&dence that Heco%ld be tr%sted* Noth&n( f%rther as necessary*


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  Israel, &n the &lderness, as te'pted &n the sa'e ay* When there as noater to dr&n/ they co'pla&ned a(a&nst God+

  And all the con(re(at&on of the ch&ldren of Israel 8o%rneyed fro' the&lderness of S&n, * * * and there as no ater for the people to dr&n/*Wherefore the people d&d ch&de &th Moses. and sa&d, G&e %s ater thate 'ay dr&n/* And Moses sa&d %nto the', Why ch&de ye &th 'e3 hereforedo ye te'pt the ord3 And the people th&rsted there for ater9 and thepeople * * * sa&d, Wherefore &s th&s that tho% hast bro%(ht %s %p o%t ofE(ypt, to /&ll %s and o%r ch&ldren and o%r cattle &th th&rst3 ;E)*

4B+4-@*  God as test&n( the&r fa&th &n H&'* 6et they fa&led een after the 'ost

re'ar/able del&erance fro' the E(ypt&an ar'y by the poer of God* Theysho%ld hae tr%sted God and sa&d, 2He ho bro%(ht %s o%t of slaery by a'&(hty hand &ll pro&de %s &th ater* We can a&t*2

  When Satan 1%oted the pro'&se, 2He shall (&e h&s an(els char(e oerthee,2 he o'&tted the ords, 2to /eep thee &n all thy ays9 2 that &s,&n all the ays of God.s choos&n(* $es%s ref%sed to (o o%ts&de the pathof obed&ence* Wh&le 'an&fest&n( perfect tr%st &n H&s "ather, He o%ldnot place H&'self, %nb&dden, &n a pos&t&on that o%ld necess&tate the&nterpos&t&on of H&s "ather to sae H&' f ro' death* He o%ld not forcePro&dence to co'e to H&s resc%e, and th%s fa&l of (&&n( 'an an e)a'pleof tr%st and s%b'&ss&on*0Ib&d*, p* 4>:*

  !eply&n( to Satan, $es%s a(a&n declared H&s perfect tr%st &n H&s "ather*He d&d not need to p%t H&s "ather to the test* There as no occas&on ford&str%st*

  He that delleth &n the secret place of the 'ost H&(h shall ab&de %nderthe shado of the Al'&(hty* I &ll say of the ord, He &s 'y ref%(e and'y fortress+ 'y God9 &n h&' &ll I tr%st ;Ps* C4+4, >@* "or he shall(&e h&s an(els char(e oer thee, to /eep thee &n all thy ays ;erse44@*

  In the th&rd te'ptat&on Satan offered #hr&st the hole orld &f He o%ld(rant h&' a place &n H&s l&fe*

  A(a&n, the de&l ta/eth h&' %p &nto an e)ceed&n( h&(h 'o%nta&n, andsheeth h&' all the /&n(do's of the orld, and the (lory of the'9 andsa&th %nto h&', All these th&n(s &ll I (&e thee, &f tho% &lt falldon and orsh&p 'e ;Matt* <+?, C@*

  Satan 'ade one last 'oe to destroy #hr&st.s fa&th &n H&s "ather* He as/ed#hr&st for hat appears to be a sl&(ht concess&on &n order for H&' to (a&nthe orld, to see/ orld (ood by a s'all co'pro'&se to h&'self* Satananted to be &ncl%ded &th God as the bas&s of tr%st* 2$%st &ncl%de 'e &n* Ac/noled(e 'e also as orthy of 6o%r loyalty*2 The aor&st tense &n th&serse refers to one s&n(le act&on08%st one act of orsh&p, that &s all*

  7%t the orsh&p of anyone or anyth&n( other than God 'eans not to orsh&pGod at all* "or $es%s to follo Satan.s re1%est o%ld hae 'eant a sh&ft&n H&s alle(&ance fro' God to Satan* The res%lt o%ld act%ally hae 'eant

s%b'&ss&on to the r%le of Satan*  A(a&n #hr&st rep%lsed H&s te'pter &th a 1%otat&on fro' Scr&pt%re+ 2Get

thee hence, Satan+ for &t &s r&tten, Tho% shalt orsh&p the ord thy God,and h&' only shalt tho% sere* Then the de&l leaeth h&', and, behold,an(els ca'e and '&n&stered %nto h&'2 ;erses 4=, 44@*

  Satan left #hr&st, b%t %/e e'phas&es that he ca'e bac/ thro%(ho%t#hr&st.s l&fe and '&n&stry and cont&n%ed to te'pt H&' &th te'ptat&ons ofthe sa'e type ;%/e >>+>?@*

  After $es%s fed the :,=== the people pressed H&' to accept a orldly

/&n(sh&p ;$ohn +4-4:@* At the cross He as challen(ed to co'e don andsae H&'self ;%/e >+:-B@* 7oth tests re1%&red H&' to perfor' a '&racleon H&s on behalf rather than tr%st H&s "ather*

  In all that He d&d, #hr&st as cooperat&n( &th H&s "ather* Eer He hadbeen caref%l to 'a/e &t e&dent that He d&d not or/ &ndependently9 &tas by fa&th and prayer that He ro%(ht H&s '&racles* * * * Here thed&sc&ples and the people ere to be (&en the 'ost con&nc&n( e&dence&n re(ard to the relat&onsh&p e)&st&n( beteen #hr&st and God*0Ib&d*, p*:*

  The poer #hr&st e)erc&sed to cast o%t de'ons as not der&ed fro' H&s ond&&n&ty, b%t fro' H&s "ather and the Holy Sp&r&t* 27%t &f I &th thef&n(er of God cast o%t de&ls, no do%bt the /&n(do' of God &s co'e %ponyo%2 ;chap* 44+>=@*

  #hr&st l&ed H&s ent&re earthly l&fe by fa&th* Satan tr&ed alays to br&n(s%ch press%re to bear that He o%ld ta/e H&'self o%t of H&s "ather.s

hands*  When #hr&st as the 'ost f&ercely beset by te'ptat&on, he ate noth&n(* He

co''&tted H&'self to God and, thro%(h earnest prayer and perfects%b'&ss&on to the &ll of H&s "ather, ca'e off con1%eror*0Test&'on&es,ol* >, p* >=>*

  #hr&st (a&ned the &ctory oer te'ptat&ons beca%se no co'b&nat&on ofc&rc%'stances, no tr&als, tr&b%lat&ons, s%ffer&n(s, e&l 'en, or Satanco%ld pers%ade H&' to lose fa&th &n H&s "ather and depend on H&'self* Inth&s He &s o%r perfect pattern* O%r %n&on &th God &s by fa&th, and not byo%r on efforts* #hr&st had chosen to l&e as a h%'an be&n( &n totaldependence %pon God* Noth&n( co%ld chan(e that* He al/ed &th God byfa&th as e are to do* Neer for a 'o'ent d&d #hr&st.s fa&th fa&l*

  The three te'ptat&ons e hae been cons&der&n( coer eery poss&ble po&nt*When the #hr&st&an.s fa&th and dependence on God hae been tested &n eerypo&nt hat else &s there re'a&n&n(3 To tr%st and al/ &th God by fa&th &neery c&rc%'stance and eery tr&al, to ref%se to bo the /nee to Satan.spr&nc&ples and 'ethods, to stand resol%te a(a&nst eery effort of Satan topry %s loose fro' God0hat else &s there3

  In a ay #hr&st.s te'ptat&ons ere %n&1%e9 they ere addressed to H&' asone possess&n( both a h%'an and d&&ne nat%re* He as assa&led as oneha&n( access to poers beyond those of ord&nary 'en* 7eca%se of th&s, H&s


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  &lderness te'ptat&ons ere (reater than anyth&n( e can eer /no*  Satan tr&ed to (et #hr&st to e)erc&se H&s d&&ne prero(at&es, to depend

on H&'self by the %se of H&s d&&ne poer* We are neer te'pted l&/e th&s*It o%ld be 1%&te f%t&le for Satan to te'pt %s to t%rn stones &nto bread,ere e to spend forty days &n the &lderness &tho%t anyth&n( to eat* Weco%ld not do &t* We do not hae that poer &th&n o%rseles* #hr&st d&dhae the poer*

  It o%ld be e1%ally f%t&le to call %s to co'e don fro' a cross anddestroy o%r ene'&es* #hr&st co%ld* When all the poer of H&s on d&&n&ty

as aa&lable to H&', the te'ptat&on to l&e by that poer as 1%&tebeyond anyth&n( e can eer e)per&ence* Satan can only te'pt %s at thepo&nt of o%r h%'an nat%re* #hr&st co%ld not depend on H&'self &n e&ther ofH&s nat%res* He had to l&e by fa&th alone as Son of 'an and Son of God*

  On th&s po&nt Ellen Wh&te has 'ade so'e s&(n&f&cant obserat&ons+  To /eep H&s (lory e&led as the ch&ld of a fallen race, th&s as the

'ost seere d&sc&pl&ne to h&ch the Pr&nce of l&fe co%ld s%b8ectH&'self*0The SDA 7&ble #o''entary, Ellen G* Wh&te #o''ents, on Matt* <+4 -44, p* 4=?4*

  It as as d&ff&c%lt for H&' to /eep the leel of h%'an&ty as &t &s for'en to r&se aboe the lo leel of the&r depraed nat%res, and beparta/ers of the d&&ne nat%re*0EEN G* WHITE, &n !e&e and Herald, Apr&l 4, 4?B:*

  The $es ere cont&n%ally see/&n( for and e)pect&n( a D&&n&ty a'on(the' that o%ld be reealed &n o%tard sho, and by one flash ofoer'aster&n( &ll o%ld chan(e the c%rrent of all '&nds, force fro'the' an ac/noled(e'ent of H&s s%per&or&ty, eleate H&'self, and (rat&fythe a'b&t&on of H&s people* Th&s be&n( the case, hen #hr&st as treated&th conte'pt, there as a poerf%l te'ptat&on before H&' to reeal H&sheaenly character, and to co'pel H&s persec%tors to ad'&t that He asord aboe /&n(s and potentates, pr&ests and te'ple* 7%t &t as H&sd&ff&c%lt tas/ to 'a&nta&n the leel of h%'an&ty*0The Sp&r&t ofProphecy, ol* , p* >=*

  The po&nt of all the te'ptat&ons the de&l bro%(ht to #hr&st as todestroy H&s tr%st &n H&s "ather, lead&n( H&' to depend on H&'self*

  Th&s self-dependence as Satan.s bas&c s&n &n heaen* Th&s as thete'ptat&on and the s&n &nto h&ch he led Ada' and Ee* He so%(ht to br&n(abo%t the donfall of the Son of God &n the sa'e area*

  Self-dependence &s the deep, h&dden root fro' h&ch all s&n and%nr&(hteo%sness spr&n(s* 7y tr%st alone e hold co''%n&on &th God*F&ctory for #hr&st ca'e &n th&s area as &t '%st co'e to %s, by fa&th &nand co''&t'ent to God*

  The reason for obed&ence, and the r&(ht of the #reator to co''and, arefo%nded on the dependence of the created be&n( %pon the #reator* The(reater the dependence, the (reater the r&(ht of co''and and a%thor&ty Godhas oer H&s s%b8ects* Ent&re dependence &'pl&es ent&re r&(ht of

a%thor&ty*  Th&s d&&ne a%thor&ty that &s God.s by &rt%e of o%r f%ll dependence on

H&', as ell as the ent&re obed&ence re1%&red, e)cl%des all othera%thor&t&es beca%se accept&n( the' o%ld be opposed to, and &ncons&stent&th, the d%ty and respons&b&l&ty e oe to o%r #reator* God &s o%rs%pre'e and r&(htf%l ord* We oe H&' alle(&ance thro%(h a l&fe of fa&thand lo&n( obed&ence*

  To &e by "a&th  2Whatsoeer &s not of fa&th &s s&n2 ;!o'* 4<+> @* And hen he &s co'e, he

&ll reproe the orld of s&n * * * beca%se they bel&ee not on 'e2 ;$ohn4+?, C@* ac/ of fa&th &n God &s the 'aster s&n of 'an/&nd* Hoeer, feth&n/ of &t th&s ay* #onsc&ence does not %s%ally con&ct %s that %nbel&ef&s s&n* It con&cts %s of &llf%l trans(ress&ons of the la of God* Accord&n( to #hr&st.s ords, &n o%r te)t, the Holy Sp&r&t has a h&(her'&ss&on than to en%'erate o%r ob&o%s trans(ress&ons* He co'es to con&ct%s of the deep, h&dden root fro' h&ch all s&n and sp&r&t%al &ndependencefro' God spr&n(* We 'ay (o on fro' year to year l&&n( &n %nbel&ef &th nopart&c%lar 1%al's of consc&ence* So #hr&st sent the Holy Sp&r&t to con&ct'en of the (reat s&n of l&&n( &tho%t real fa&th &n H&'*

  The ser&o%sness of th&s s&n &s seen hen e real&e that tr%e obed&encefollos fa&th &n God * We be(&n &th fa&th, and obed&ence follos* Thede&l te'pted Ee f&rst to d&sbel&ee God* D&sobed&ence folloed* Theconse1%ence as al&enat&on fro' God, not only for o%r f&rst parents b%tfor the hole h%'an race*

  "or God sent not h&s Son &nto the orld to conde'n the orld9 b%t thatthe orld thro%(h h&' '&(ht be saed* He that bel&eeth on h&' &s notconde'ned+ b%t he that bel&eeth not &s conde'ned already beca%se hehath not bel&eed &n the na'e of the only be(otten Son of God ;$ohn+4B, 4?@*

  He that bel&eeth on the Son hath eerlast&n( l&fe+ and he thatbel&eeth not the Son shall not see l&fe9 b%t the rath of God ab&dethon h&' ;erse @*

  ac/ of loe and fa&th are the (reat s&ns of h&ch God.s people are no(%&lty*0Test&'on&es, ol* , p* <B:*

  One of the reasons for the co'&n( of the Holy Sp&r&t at Pentecost as tocon&ct 'en of the (reat s&n of %nbel&ef* ac/ of fa&th &s ser&o%s beca%se&t c%ts %s off fro' God* There &s no tr%e (odl&ness here there &s nofa&th* To re8ect $es%s #hr&st, to 'oe aay fro' oneness &th H&', &s to'oe aay fro' the only Poer that can sae 'en*

  And th&s &s h&s co''and'ent, That e sho%ld bel&ee on the na'e of h&sSon $es%s #hr&st* ;I $ohn* +>@* He that bel&eeth not God hath 'adeh&' a l&ar9 beca%se he bel&eeth not the record that God (ae of h&sSon* And th&s &s the record, that God hath (&en to %s eternal l&fe, andth&s l&fe &s &n h&s Son* He that hath the Son hath l&fe9 and he thathath not the Son of God hath not l&fe ;chap* :+4=-4>@*


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  2W&tho%t fa&th &t &s &'poss&ble to please h&'2 ;Heb* 44+@* 6et #hr&st&nd&cated that real fa&th o%ld be hard to f&nd at the t&'e of H&s ret%rn+2Neertheless hen the Son of 'an co'eth, shall he f&nd fa&th on theearth32 ;%/e 4?+?@*

  The (reat s&n of the $es as the&r fa&l%re of fa&th 'ore than the&r&llf%l trans(ress&on of the la* Of all the s&ns that they co''&tted, theboo/ of Hebres foc%ses attent&on on the&r fa&l%re of fa&th*

  And &th ho' as God &nd&(nant for forty years3 W&th those, s%rely, hohad s&nned* * * * And to ho' d&d he o that they sho%ld not enter h&s

rest, &f not to those ho had ref%sed to bel&ee3 We perce&e that &tas %nbel&ef h&ch preented the&r enter&n(* * * * "or &ndeed e haeheard the (ood nes, as they d&d* 7%t &n the' the 'essa(e they heard d&dno (ood, beca%se &t 'et &th no fa&th &n those ho heard &t ;Heb*+4B-<+>, N*E*7*@*

  A l&&n( fa&th &n God 'eans that #hr&st.s l&fe and Sp&r&t &ll#hr&st&an&e eeryth&n( abo%t %s* The Scr&pt%re does not say that #hr&stsent the Holy Sp&r&t to con&ct 'en of the s&nf%lness of the trans(ress&onof the la, altho%(h He no do%bt does that* 7%t for the 'ost part th&shardly see's necessary*

  Most people feel (%&lty hen they co''&t the 'ore fla(rant s&ns, s%ch assteal&n(, /&ll&n(, ly&n(, co''&tt&n( ad%ltery* The 'essa(e to theaod&ceans &s s&(n&f&cant at th&s po&nt* No pos&t&e trans(ress&on of any

of the co''and'ents &s na'ed* The e'phas&s &s on the per&l of &ndependencefro' God beca%se of self-s%ff&c&ency*

  We 'ay cla&' to bel&ee the doctr&nes of the 7&ble b%t not hae a l&&n(fa&th &n God* A &tal fa&th does not necessar&ly follo beca%se one &s anacc%rate e)pos&tor of d&&ne tr%th* One 'ay be a teacher of tr%th, or aseller of 7&bles, and not be a #hr&st&an of (reat fa&th* An En(l&shteacher 'ay be a (ood teacher of (ra''ar and rhetor&c and at the sa'e t&'ebe a poor spea/er* A 'an 'ay be an e)pert &n '%s&c theory &tho%t be&n(able to s&n( a note*

  So%nd theoret&cal &nstr%ct&on on the Word of God 'ay co'e fro' a 'an ofl&ttle fa&th* 7%t the or/ of the Holy Sp&r&t &s to 'a/e fa&th &tal andreal so that the tr%th does not 'erely fall fro' o%r l&ps, b%t e'anatesfro' o%r l&es* Men &ll be l&ttle d&sposed to l&sten to br&ll&antar(%'ents abo%t God that hae not been poerf%l eno%(h to chan(e o%r l&esand 'a/e %s l&/e #hr&st*

  "a&th 'eans &ctory thro%(h, and l&fe by, Another, $es%s #hr&st* He l&es&n %s* So lon( as the trolley &s on the electr&c &re the streetcar /eeps(o&n(* 7%t hen there &s a d&sconnect&on, the car stops*

  "a&th l&n/s %s %p &th God* We 2are /ept by the poer of God thro%(hfa&th2 ;I Peter 4+:@* Apart fro' #hr&st e can do noth&n(*

  We conte'plate $es%s #hr&st, the Son of 'an, &n the s&nlessness, theperfect&on, the breadth of H&s 'anhood, and &n H&' e f&nd the 8%st&f&cat&on of o%r h&(hest hopes for 'an* * * * In H&' e f&nd hat &s

both the conde'nat&on of hat e are, and the ass%rance of hat e 'aybe* * * * As Son of 'an He shos %s hat h%'an nat%re &s to be* * * * It&s eno%(h for %s to reco(n&e at th&s po&nt &n ho lar(e and f%ll asense $es%s #hr&st &s really 'an, 'ade &n all po&nts l&/e H&s brethren,s&n apart*0GO!E, op* c&t*, pp* 4?:, 4?*

  Tr%e #hr&st&an&ty &s th%s a personal relat&onsh&p0the consc&o%sdel&berate adhes&on of 'en ho /no the&r ea/ness, the&r s&n, the&rfall&b&l&ty, to a !edee'er ho' they /no to be s%pre'e, s&nless,&nfall&ble*0Ib&d*, pp- 4, >*

  2In All Po&nts Te'pted &/e as We Are2  2 "or e hae not an h&(h pr&est h&ch cannot be to%ched &th the feel&n(

of o%r &nf&r'&t&es9 b%t as &n all po&nts te'pted l&/e as e are, yet&tho%t s&n2 ;Heb* <+4:@* Th&s cannot 'ean that #hr&st as te'pted &theery ar&ety of te'ptat&on that co'es to 'an* All 'en are d&fferent* Theyl&e &n d&fferent places at d&fferent t&'es and face d&fferentc&rc%'stances and cond&t&ons* $es%s as only one &nd&&d%al, ho l&ed &na ery s'all area of the orld and neer ent beyond &ts borders* He l&eda ery s&'ple l&fe as contrasted &th the soph&st&cated c&&l&at&on ofo%r t&'es*

  Satan d&d not te'pt #hr&st &th all the &nn%'erable occas&ons and ays &nh&ch s&n 'an&fests &tself* #hr&st as te'pted to do hat as contrary toGod.s &ll* 7%t He &lled to hae no self-&ll9 He 'ade the &ll of God

H&s on* He l&ed by fa&th &n God alone* He ordered H&s l&fe &n accordance&th the reelat&on (&en to H&'*

  Tho%(h He /ne H&'self to be the Son of God, &th e1%al&ty &th the"ather, He neer &ns&sted on ha&n( H&s on ay, &ndependent of H&s"ather* The (ro%nd of H&s Mess&an&c a%thor&ty as the Word of God* When Hep%r(ed the Te'ple of &ts %n(odly traff&c He d&d not dr&e o%t thetraff&c/ers by cla&'&n( to be God, b%t by reference to God.s Word+ 2It &sr&tten, My ho%se shall be called the ho%se of prayer9 b%t ye hae 'ade &ta den of th&ees2 ;Matt* >4+4@*

  When H&s d&sc&ples ere char(ed &th brea/&n( the Sabbath la $es%sdefended the' on scr&pt%ral (ro%nds+ 2Hae ye not read hat Da&d d&d32;chap* 4>+@* Wheneer a 1%est&on of 'oral cond%ct arose He d&rected the'&nds of 'en to the Word+ 2What &s r&tten &n the la3 ho readest tho%32;%/e 4=+>@* In the Scr&pt%res He fo%nd the '&nd and &ll of God, as e'ay*

  $es%s neer e)erc&sed H&s a%thor&ty as God to de'onstrate H&s on&'portance* In eery te'ptat&on He ref%sed to hae the 1%est&on referredto H&'self* In no case d&d He place H&'self aboe the a%thor&ty of H&s"ather or the Scr&pt%res* He &nar&ably y&elded to the'*

  #hr&st den&ed H&'self the %se of H&s on d&&ne poer &n f%lf&ll&n( H&s'&ss&on9 rather He s%rrendered H&'self to be led by the Sp&r&t* Da&lyco''%n&on &th God &n prayer as the /ey to H&s poer* H&s access to Godas 'ar/ed by an att&t%de of total dependence* The poer to perfor' the


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  (reatest '&racle, the ra&s&n( of aar%s, as (&en &n anser to prayer*  #hr&st as the Son of God, the second 'e'ber of the Godhead* 6et He l&ed

H&s l&fe on earth as a 'an, r%led fro' heaen by the "ather* Here at lastas the Son of 'an, l&&n( &n H&s h%'an nat%re &th total tr%st &n the"ather* "or the f&rst t&'e here as a Man ho %n&nterr%ptedly ref%sed tocenter l&fe &n H&'self* He faced eery te'ptat&on and eery s&t%at&on byfa&th alone*

  The ene'y as oerco'e by #hr&st &n H&s h%'an nat%re* The poer of theSa&o%r.s Godhead as h&dden* He oerca'e &n h%'an nat%re, rely&n( %pon

God for poer* Th&s &s the pr&&le(e of all*0EEN G* WHITE, &n The6o%th.s Instr%ctor, Apr&l >:, 4C=4*

  Th%s #hr&st as te'pted 2&n all po&nts *** l&/e as e are*2  The 'ean&n( &s not, that o%r ord as te'pted &n eery respect as fallen

'an &s *** b%t that he as te'pted &n eery ay that 'an &s*0SHEDD, op*c&t*, Fol* II, p* 4:*

  The call to l&e by fa&th alone &s hat e are to procla&' to the orld*Th&s &s ho the /&n(do' of God &ll co'e to the orld* Noth&n( &s atta&ned&n the #hr&st&an l&fe %nt&l God or/s &n and thro%(h %s &n response to o%rfa&th* The 'a/&n( aa&lable of a d&&ne poer (reater than 'an.s effortand r&(hteo%sness &s God.s ay of salat&on and &ctory* The h&(hest typeof sp&r&t%al l&fe &s da&ly to al/ &th God by fa&th* Only then &s o%r"ather.s p%rpose and &ll f%lf&lled &n %s as &t as &n #hr&st*

  When e are confronted &th the te'ptat&ons of the orld, the flesh, andthe de&l the #hr&stl&/e ay &s to l&e &n total dependence on God, toloo/ to $es%s, the A%thor and "&n&sher of o%r fa&th* The 'ore e al/ andl&e by fa&th, the 'ore God &s able to l&e H&s l&fe &n %s*

  The 1%est&on Ho &s one to l&e by fa&th &n o%r 'ater&al&st&c andco'pet&t&e soc&ety3 &s a pert&nent one* A l&fe so l&ed &s the 'ostco'plete co''&t'ent 'an can 'a/e toard God*

  "a&th &s personal* It &s the ent&re rel&ance of one %pon another* Tr%efa&th toard God &s the cron&n( act of 'an* To try to (o &t alone &s%nnat%ral* It &s as &f a stea' en(&ne tr&ed to r%n &tho%t stea', or thech&sel tr&ed to care &tho%t the sc%lptor*

  We are to rest sat&sf&ed &th noth&n( less than God H&'self &n o%r l&es*Th&s as ho God &ntended Ada' and Ee to l&e*

  The co'&n( of $es%s #hr&st &nto o%r orld 'eans that God H&'self has co'e&nto the '&dst of o%r h%'an&ty, of o%r al&enat&on fro' H&'* In #hr&st Godhas reconc&led the orld %nto H&'self* On the cross He has p%t aay o%rs&ns* Therefore God calls 'an to respond &n fa&th and ret%rn to oneness&th H&'* "a&th s%rrenders o%rseles to the control and (%&dance of God*It co'es to th&s+ o%r personal relat&onsh&p to the l&&n( God*

  We are cont&n%ally be&n( te'pted &n 'any ays to abandon tr%st &n God* Allthe d&ff&c%lt&es &th&n %s and &n o%r relat&on to l&fe hae the&r ca%se &nth&s one th&n(+ a defect&e /noled(e of, and a lac/ of fa&th &n anddependence %pon, o%r ord $es%s #hr&st* Aa&lable to %s by fa&th &s the

only poer and Presence that can 'a/e %s &ctor&o%s #hr&st&ans* Eery daye '%st parta/e of l&fe fro' #hr&st* We h&nder God eery t&'e e see/ l&feapart fro' H&'*

  Wh&ch of yo% by ta/&n( tho%(ht can add one c%b&t %nto h&s stat%re3 Andhy ta/e ye tho%(ht for ra&'ent3 #ons&der the l&l&es of the f&eld, hothey (ro9 they to&l not, ne&ther do they sp&n+ and yet I say %nto yo%,That een Solo'on &n all h&s (lory as not arrayed l&/e one of these*Wherefore, &f God so clothe the (rass of the f&eld, h&ch to day &s, andto'orro &s cast &nto the oen, shall he not '%ch 'ore clothe yo%, = ye

of l&ttle fa&th3 ;Matt* +>B-=@*  The sp&r&t of &ndependence fro' God &s the sp&r&t of Satan, ho so%(ht to

e)alt h&'self aboe the stars and throne of God* As God.s ch&ldren e '%stlearn to say &n eery ho%r of need, &n the face of eery te'ptat&on, 2Myso%l, a&t tho% only %pon God*2 #hr&st '%st be o%r l&fe* et no day bel&ed apart fro' H&'* Thro%(h o%r fa&th &n H&' He can 'a/e H&'self /nonto %s* He co''%n&cates H&s sp&r&t%al l&fe to H&s ch&ldren &n no other ay*

  Self &s the center &th Satan, and hen e reta&n self as o%r center eare open to h&' and h&s te'ptat&ons* All o%r efforts are of no aa&l &f edepend on o%rseles* All o%r st%dy of the Word, all o%r rel&(&o%se)erc&ses, pro&de %s &th no poer &f done apart fro' s%rrender to $es%s,for e (et no farther than o%rseles* We cannot b%&ld character &tho%tH&' &n o%r l&es* "a&l%re &s &ne&table here e s&'ply try harder &n o%r

on stren(th* Tr%st &n #hr&st 'eans e hae p%t o%rseles &n H&s hands*  I a&ted pat&ently for the ord9 and he &ncl&ned %nto 'e, and heard 'y

cry* He bro%(ht 'e %p also o%t of an horr&ble p&t, o%t of the '&ry clay,and set 'y feet %pon a roc/, and establ&shed 'y (o&n(s* And he hath p%ta ne son( &n 'y 'o%th, een pra&se %nto o%r God+ 'any shall see &t, andfear, and shall tr%st &n the ord* 7lessed &s that 'an that 'a/eth theord h&s tr%st ;Ps* <=+4-<@*


 At Iss%e Inde)#hr&stolo(y Inde)Table of #ontentsPre&o%s Ne)t

Heppenstall - The Man Who Is God, #h C

THE MAN WHO IS GOD by Edard Heppenstall

  #hapter C  THE 5NI5ENESS O" #H!IST  In $es%s #hr&st, ho' the "ather sent to resc%e and to sae the lost, e

'eet God face to face* 2God as &n #hr&st, reconc&l&n( the orld %ntoh&'self2 ;> #or* :+4C@* Th&s do('a rests %pon the %nsha/able tr%th of#hr&st.s &ncarnat&on, s&nless l&fe, aton&n( death on the cross, &ctoryoer s&n and death, and H&s res%rrect&on and ret%rn to the throne of Godat H&s ascens&on* And the #hr&st&an.s fa&th &s establ&shed on th&s, hat


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  co'eth %nto the "ather, b%t by 'e* If ye had /non 'e, ye sho%ld hae/non 'y "ather also+ and fro' henceforth ye /no h&', and hae seenh&'* Ph&l&p sa&th %nto h&', ord, she %s the "ather, and &t s%ff&ceth%s* $es%s sa&th %nto h&', Hae I been so lon( t&'e &th yo%, and yethast tho% not /non 'e, Ph&l&p3 he that hath seen 'e hath seen the"ather9 and ho sayest tho% then, She %s the "ather3 ;$ohn 4<+-C@*

  In H&s reelat&on of God o%r "ather, $es%s as separate fro' 'en, separate&n the ery const&t%t&on of H&s sp&r&t%al nat%re* He as sent &nto thedar/ness and the lostness of o%r orld to 'eet a cr&s&s that neer co%ld

ar&se a(a&n, for a or/ neer a(a&n to be repeated* He bro%(ht God to %s&n all H&s bea%ty and perfect&on*

  #hr&st as %n&1%e &n H&s b&rth* He as be(otten of God* He as the'oe'ent of God H&'self toard s&nners* All that $es%s as &n H&'self, allthat He sa&d and d&d, can be pred&cated of the "ather* H&s h%'an nat%reas &nro%(ht thro%(h a %n&1%e act of the Holy Sp&r&t* H&s b&rth as notthe be(&nn&n( of H&s l&fe* H&s beco'&n( flesh as the appearance of theeternal Son fro' heaen*

  He l&ed &th the "ather thro%(ho%t the eternal a(es of the past* He /neo%r "ather &n heaen as no other person /ne H&'* In H&s eternalpre-e)&stence He en8oyed an eternal fellosh&p &th the "ather* And the"ather, lon(&n( to reeal and (&e H&'self to %s, sent H&s Son* H&s Sonre'oes all '&sapprehens&ons abo%t God* He alone /ne and f%lly %nderstood

the tr%e character of o%r heaenly "ather* He /ne that God as on o%rs&de*

  Noth&n( short of H&s %nbro/en %n&on &th the "ather can acco%nt for $es%s.perfect r&(hteo%sness &n h%'an&ty* He ca'e to /no, to %nderstand, and todo the &ll of God, h&ch no other 'an has eer atta&ned* $es%s l&ed &nthe f%ll consc&o%sness of God.s presence and &n perfect obed&ence to H&'&n tho%(ht, ord, and deed*

  H&s co'plete s%rrender to the "ather.s &ll fro' the dan of consc&o%snessto the (rae has neer been e1%aled &n any other l&fe* "ro' start tof&n&sh &n H&s l&fe on earth #hr&st as absol%te r&(hteo%sness &n theent&rety of H&s person* Thereby He co%ld offer to %s th&s perfect (&ft+the r&(hteo%sness of God* Th&s co%ld not be tr%e &f He ere a s&nnere&ther by possess&n( a s&nf%l nat%re or by co''&tt&n( a s&nf%l act* Whene (&e d%e honor to the (lory of God.s r&(hteo%sness &n #hr&st the (loryof the ord shall f&ll the earth as the aters coer the sea*

  The %n&on of de&ty &th h%'an&ty &n $es%s, H&s oneness &th the "ather, &sthe only tr%th that e)pla&ns the 'oral and sp&r&t%al stat%re of the Son ofGod* "ro' the open s/y beneath h&ch $es%s of Naareth stood, the o&ce ofthe "ather procla&'ed, 2Th&s &s 'y beloed Son+ hear h&'2 ;Mar/ C+B@*

  The &ncarnat&on of the Son of God as the f%lf&ll'ent of all the OldTesta'ent tr%th abo%t God* W&tho%t the adent of #hr&st the Old Testa'entre'a&ns %nf&n&shed* It &s 'erely a fra('ent of God.s reelat&on* W&th theIncarnat&on, the Old Testa'ent &s co'plete*

  When, thro%(h the prophet $ere'&ah, God sa&d to s&nf%l 'en, 2I hae loedthee &th an eerlast&n( loe+ therefore &th lo&n(/&ndness hae I dranthee2 ;$er* 4+@, He as say&n( that H&s r&(hteo%s loe as the one th&n(that co%ld not re'a&n a 'atter of erbal e)press&on only* In $es%s theorld e)per&enced the eternal tr%th that 2God &s loe*2

  The be(&nn&n( and end of all God.s deal&n(s &th %s &s seen &n H&s loe*He &s seen to be o%r "ather &n H&s sacr&f&ce thro%(h the &ncarnat&on ofH&s Son, and thro%(h the cross* oe %nspea/able and &''eas%rable &s the(lory that enc&rcles the cradle of 7ethlehe' and the cross of #alary*

2Here&n &s loe, not that e loed God, b%t that He loed %s, and sent h&sSon to be the prop&t&at&on for o%r s&ns2 ;I $ohn <+ 4=@*

  Is not th&s the (reatest concept coneyed &n the Scr&pt%re, 2He that hathseen 'e hath seen the "ather23 What as seen as not God the Aen(er, notGod the Potentate of the %n&erse, not a God of rath and conde'nat&on,b%t the God of loe-2'y "ather, and yo%r "ather*2 Ha&n( seen $es%s#hr&st, e hae seen the "ather9 seen H&' &n H&s loe at 7ethlehe', atGethse'ane, on #alary, &n the res%rrect&on*

  Ho %tterly orthy of o%r deot&on &s s%ch a God as as seen &n $es%s Webel&ee &n God the "ather, ho 2so loed the orld, that he (ae h&s onlybe(otten Son2 ;$ohn +4@* We bel&ee &n God the Son, ho so loed %s asto lay don H&s l&fe for %s* We bel&ee &n God the Holy Sp&r&t, 2beca%sethe loe of God &s shed abroad &n o%r hearts by the Holy Ghost h&ch &s

(&en %nto %s2 ;!o'* :+:@*  In #hr&st e see the perfect balance of the loe and r&(hteo%sness of God,

h&ch stands &n sharp contrast to the orld.s concept of loe* Man.stendency &s to bel&ee that loe to God and 'an are the to (reatco''and'ents, const&t%t&n( the hole d%ty of 'an, and that God re1%&resnoth&n( 'ore than loe* He &s &ncl&ned to oere'phas&e th&s one s&de ofGod.s character so as to br&n( &nto ne(lect H&s hol&ness andr&(hteo%sness* oe alone has beco'e the s%pre'e 'a)&' to h&ch the '&nd'%st (&e attent&on* There &s a concentrat&on %pon the s%b8ect&e, hereone &s concerned holly &th h&'self* People no lon(er apprec&ate the7&ble d&st&nct&on beteen tr%th and error, la and loe, 7&ble 'oral&tyand the orld.s eth&cs* As a res%lt, the balance &n '&nd and l&&n( &sd&st%rbed* The poer to res&st s&n &s (reatly red%ced* The &'balancede'phas&s on hat 'odern 'en cons&der loe to be &s no respons&ble for theea/en&n( of the 'oral f&ber and the sense of s&n* There &s a conse1%entdecl&ne of &nterest &n obed&ence to all the &ll of God reealed &n the7&ble*

  #hr&st reealed &n H&s l&fe the perfect balance beteen loe and hol&ness*H&s loe for the "ather and for 'an/&nd neer alloed H&' to be careless&th s&n* God des&res of H&s people a l&fe of r&(hteo%s loe that ansersto the character of God reealed &n $es%s #hr&st, o%r Sa&o%r*

  $es%s #hr&st+ The One Med&ator 7eteen Man and God  2"or there &s one God, and one 'ed&ator beteen God and 'en, the 'an



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  #hr&st $es%s2 ;I T&'* >+:@* 24 a' the ay, the tr%th, and the l&fe+ no 'anco'eth %nto the "ather, b%t by 'e2 ;$ohn 4<+@* $es%s 'ade &t pla&n thatHe alone &s the ay to God the "ather* He &s the one 2door,2 the entrancehall as &t ere, thro%(h h&ch e enter tr&%'phantly &nto the presence ofGod the "ather*

  So $es%s spo/e a(a&n+ In tr%th, &n ery tr%th, I tell yo%, I a' the doorof the sheepfold* The sheep pa&d no heed to any ho ca'e before 'e, forthese ere all th&ees and robbers* I a' the door9 anyone ho co'es &ntothe fold thro%(h 'e shall be safe* He shall (o &n and o%t and shall f&nd

past%ra(e ;chap* 4=+B-C, N*E*7*@*  The transfor'&n( poer of the (ospel &s not &n &ts &deolo(y or &ts eth&cs,

b%t &n #hr&st, o%r d&&ne Med&ator* He br&n(s eternal l&fe fro' God &nplace of o%r 'ortal&ty* He br&n(s r&(hteo%sness &n place of o%r%nr&(hteo%sness* He br&n(s rede'pt&on and sanct&f&cat&on &n place of o%rs&nf%lness* He br&n(s reconc&l&at&on to the "ather &n place of o%ral&enat&on*

  Ho can any #hr&st&an beco'e pro%d and cla&' s%per&or&ty oer others hens%ch (&fts are fro' God and neer the ach&ee'ent of 'an3 We are not#hr&st&ans e&ther by coerc&on or by o%r on 'oral ach&ee'ents, b%t by thepresence and poer of God H&'self*

  $es%s #hr&st &s I''an%el, 2God &th %s*2 He &s the #hr&st&an.s &ctoryoer self and s&n* He &s the eternal loe of God that ban&shes hate,

host&l&ty, and en'&ty* He &s the stren(th that re'oes o%r coard&ce* He&s the d&&ne center of o%r l&es that transcends o%r self&shness* In#hr&st God chose not to re'a&n d&stant fro' %s, b%t to possess o%r l&es*

  #hr&st /ne that o%r s%pre'e need &s reconc&l&at&on to the "ather andcont&n%al access to H&'* "or(&eness, repentance, and fa&th &n H&' arenecessary* No 'an &s eer saed e)cept by the presence of God &n H&s l&fe*No 'an &s eer redee'ed and transfor'ed by dependence on h&'self* Tof%lf&ll the need for reconc&l&at&on $es%s po%red o%t all H&s l&fe forces*H&s on access to the "ather and H&s co'pass&on for lost 'en ere a&'ed atrestor&n( %s to oneness &th the "ather* 2"or thro%(h h&' e both haeaccess by one Sp&r&t %nto the "ather2 ;Eph* >+4?@9 2In ho' e haeboldness and access &th conf&dence by the fa&th of h&'2 ;chap* +4>@*

  #hr&st as the s&nless Man beca%se He as totally at one &th God* Only Hehas opened for %s the ay &nto the presence of the "ather*

  Ha&n( therefore, brethren, boldness to enter &nto the hol&est by theblood of $es%s, by a ne and l&&n( ay, h&ch he hath consecrated for%s, thro%(h the e&l, that &s to say, h&s flesh9 and ha&n( a h&(hpr&est oer the ho%se of God9 let %s dra near &th a tr%e heart &n f%llass%rance of fa&th ;Heb* 4=+ 4C->>@*

  #hr&st.s or/ as Med&ator beteen %s and God d&d not cease hen Heco'pleted H&s sacr&f&ce on the cross* 2He eer l&eth to 'a/e &ntercess&onfor %sJ2 ;chap* B+>:@* In and thro%(h the 'ed&ator&al or/ of o%r ord &nheaen, God o%r "ather &s cont&n%ally en(a(ed &n po%r&n( o%t all the

reso%rces of H&s l&fe and loe to &n s&nners bac/ to H&'self* God &ns&ststhat they belon( to H&', that they are of s%pre'e al%e to H&'* ThereforeHe see/s by eery 'eans poss&ble to restore har'ony and 'a&nta&n onenessbeteen H&'self and s&nners* God &n #hr&st &s the See/er, the "&nder, the!edee'er, the Sanct&f&er, 2The eerlast&n( "ather, The Pr&nce of Peace2;Isa* C+@*

  #hr&st cont&n%ally stands beteen H&s people and the ene'y* He sa&d toPeter, 2I hae prayed for thee, that thy fa&th fa&l not2 ;%/e >>+>@*&/e&se, He &nterceded for %s before the throne of God* #hr&st&ans are

H&s redee'ed ch&ldren, /ept &n the faor and loe of God hen they re'a&n&n H&'* "ro' heaen aboe, #hr&st.s lo&n( atchf%lness &s e)erc&sed onthe&r behalf* They are not left to f&(ht the battle alone* 2If any 'ans&n, e hae an adocate &th the "ather, $es%s #hr&st, the r&(hteo%s2 ;I$ohn >+4@*

  As #hr&st&ans, e are neer for(otten by any of the 'e'bers of theGodhead* The r&sen ord al/s %p and don &n the '&dst of the (oldencandlest&c/s, h&ch sy'bol&e the ch%rch of God on earth ;!e* 4+4>, 4,>=@* H&s &ntercess&on for %s can neer fa&l* It &s eer access&ble*

  It &s a (reat adanta(e to /no the la of God, to %nderstand and co''&toneself to obey that la* 7%t th&s &s not the so%rce of o%r stren(th* O%rs%ff&c&ency &s of God*

  Many people are &ncl&ned to bel&ee that God the "ather &s an(ry &th %s

for all the s&ns and shortco'&n(s &n o%r l&es, that e can neer th&n/ ofH&' as e th&n/ of $es%s, that He neer can behold o%r s&nf%lness andth&n/ of %s e)cept &n ter's of abhorrence, that $es%s stands beteen %sand an an(ry God*

  7%t $es%s 'a/es &t clear that the "ather loes and cares for %s as '%ch asHe H&'self does* If e hae seen and %nderstand the Son, e also hae seenand %nderstand the "ather* The loe of #hr&st that (&es eeryth&n( to %s&s also the loe of the "ather*

  What shall e then say to these th&n(s3 If God be for %s, ho can bea(a&nst %s3 He that spared not h&s on Son, b%t del&ered h&' %p for %sall, ho shall he not &th h&' also freely (&e %s all th&n(s3 ;!o'*?+4, >@*

  There &s not a s&n(le act of o%r l&es, there &s no proble' that faces %s,abo%t h&ch the "ather does not care and for h&ch e 'ay not hae ananser &n #hr&st* 2"or cons&der h&' * * * lest ye be ear&ed and fa&nt &nyo%r '&nds2 ;Heb* 4>+@* We dell too '%ch %pon o%r fa&l%res and tool&ttle %pon o%r heaenly "ather and H&s only Son*

  7eh&nd and thro%(h all the teach&n(s of #hr&st and the read&n( of the7&ble &s God &th %s &n #hr&st* We tal/ abo%t #hr&st and of the #alary oflon( a(o* 7%t the #hr&st ho l&ed to tho%sand years a(o &s not o%rSa&o%r and ord %nless H&s presence and poer controls the l&es e l&eno* We th&n/ of the #hr&st of the f%t%re, for ho' the people of God area&t&n(* We tal/ of the ret%rn of o%r ord and the 8%d('ent of the (reat



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  h&te throne* 7%t He &ll neer lead %s &nto the '&llenn&al re&(n and thene earth %nless He &s &n and &th %s here and no* 2At that day ye shall/no that I a' &n 'y "ather and ye &n 'e, and I &n yo%2 ;$ohn 4<+>=@* Isthere any other rel&(&on bes&des #hr&st&an&ty that offers s%ch arelat&onsh&p and fellosh&p &th the Godhead3

  We hae th&s (reat pro'&se, 27eca%se I l&e, ye shall l&e also2 ;erse4C@* Th&s pro'&se of oneness &s that of the head to the body, of the &neto the branches* The ord &s o%r port&on* 7y H&' e ho are #hr&st&ans/no the only tr%e God, o%r heaenly "ather* #hr&st &s o%r e)cl%s&e

!edee'er, Adocate, ord, and Master* O%r l&fe style co'es fro' fellosh&p&th the "ather and the Son*

  In o%r ea/ness, o%r &(norance, and o%r &nab&l&ty, o%r prayers ascend tothe 'ercy seat of God cla&'&n( the poer fro' H&' alone* The appeal and&ntercess&on of #hr&st (o stra&(ht to the heart of the "ather* The to%chof #hr&st, the o&ce of #hr&st, the loo/ of #hr&st, b%t aboe all, theprayer of #hr&st, 2I hae prayed for thee, that thy fa&th fa&l not*2

  #hr&st &nterced&n( for %s, #hr&st cla&'&n( the r&ches of heaen for %s,#hr&st concentrat&n( H&s prayer for %s, #hr&st apply&n( H&s 'er&ts to %s*What else do e need3

  At the t&'e hen 'any d&sc&ples chose to al/ &th #hr&st no 'ore, #hr&staddressed the tele, 2W&ll ye also (o aay3 Then S&'on Peter anseredh&', ord, to ho' shall e (o3 tho% hast the ords of eternal l&fe* And

e bel&ee and are s%re that tho% art that #hr&st, the Son of the l&&n(God2 ;$ohn +B-C@* There &s nohere else to (o*

  The 5n&1%eness of #hr&st.s Tr&%'ph  And I heard a lo%d o&ce say&n( &n heaen, No &s co'e salat&on, and

stren(th, and the /&n(do' of o%r God, and the poer of h&s #hr&st+ forthe acc%ser of o%r brethren &s cast don, h&ch acc%sed the' before o%rGod day and n&(ht* And they oerca'e h&' by the blood of the a'b, andby the ord of the&r test&'ony, and they loed not the&r l&es %nto thedeath ;!e* 4>+ 4=, 44@*

  #hr&st alone oerca'e Satan, the or&(&nator of s&n* #hr&st alone 'et s&nand death and defeated the'* He tr&%'phed not only for H&'self b%t for allthose ho tr%st &n H&'* The &ctory on by $es%s #hr&st oer the 'ortalene'&es of 'an &s the certa&nty of o%r &nher&tance as he&rs &th #hr&st,the eternal bas&s for o%r fa&th, the ery &nsp&rat&on for o%r alle(&anceto God*

  "oras'%ch then as the ch&ldren are parta/ers of flesh and blood, he alsoh&'self l&/e&se too/ part of the sa'e9 that thro%(h death he '&(htdestroy h&' that had the poer of death, that &s, the de&l9 and del&erthe' ho thro%(h fear of death ere all the&r l&fet&'e s%b8ect tobonda(e ;Heb* >+4<, 4:@*

  #hr&st belon(s to all t&'e and to eery nat&on, ton(%e, and people* He &sthe conte'porary !edee'er and F&ctor &n eery a(e* In eery bel&e&n(heart He plants the &ctory (a&ned at #alary* The #hr&st&an 1%al&f&es for

&''ortal&ty and c&t&ensh&p &n heaen hen he tr%ly confesses, 2Tho% art'y !edee'er, ord, and &n(*2

  The God of heaen, o%r heaenly "ather, entr%sted s%pre'e a%thor&ty anddo'&n&on to H&s Son alone*

  "or he &s dest&ned to re&(n %nt&l God has p%t all ene'&es %nder h&sfeet9 and the last ene'y to be abol&shed &s death* Scr&pt%re says, 2Hehas p%t all th&n(s &n s%b8ect&on %nder h&s feet*2 * * * And hen allth&n(s are th%s s%b8ect to h&', then the Son h&'self &ll also be 'ades%bord&nate to God ho 'ade all th&n(s s%b8ect to h&', and th%s God &ll

be all &n all ;I #or* 4:+>:->?, N*E*7*@*  "or so'e ,=== years the &nhab&tants of earth hae been &n reolt a(a&nst

the God of heaen* They hae ref%sed alle(&ance to the&r r&(htf%l ord and&n(* S&nce the entrance of s&n, Satan, the e&l an(els, and all Satan.sfolloers on earth hae arrayed the'seles a(a&nst $es%s #hr&st*

  Why do the heathen ra(e, and the people &'a(&ne a a&n th&n(3 The /&n(sof the earth set the'seles, and the r%lers ta/e co%nsel to(ether,a(a&nst the ord, and a(a&nst h&s ano&nted* * * * He that s&tteth &n theheaens shall la%(h+ the ord shall hae the' &n der&s&on ;Ps* >+4-<@*

  The apostle $ohn descr&bes #hr&st.s %lt&'ate &ctory oer all the ene'&esof God+

  And I sa heaen opened, and behold a h&te horse9 and he that sat %ponh&'* as called "a&thf%l and Tr%e, and &n r&(hteo%sness he doth 8%d(e

and 'a/e ar* H&s eyes ere as a fla'e of f&re, and on h&s head ere'any crons* * * * And he as clothed &th a est%re d&pped &n blood* ** * And the ar'&es h&ch ere &n heaen folloed h&' %pon h&te horses,clothed &n f&ne l&nen, h&te and clean**** And he hath on h&s est%reand on h&s th&(h a na'e r&tten, &n( of /&n(s and ord of lords ;!e*4C+44-4@*

  $es%s &s no the e)alted !edee'er, ord, and &n(* 2Of h&s /&n(do' thereshall be no end2 ;%/e 4+@* 2H&s do'&n&on &s an eerlast&n( do'&n&on2;Dan* B+4<@* The ord 2do'&n&on2 &'pl&es H&s r&(ht to r%le not 'erely oerphys&cal terr&tory b%t &n the hearts of 'en* "or hen the seenth tr%'pet&s so%nded, 2The /&n(do's of th&s orld are beco'e the /&n(do's of o%rord and of h&s #hr&st9 and he shall re&(n for eer and eer2 ;!e*

44+4:@*  $es%s &ll eer cont&n%e as the second Ada', the Head and ord of the

redee'ed race* "or He has borne eery s&n and atoned for %s all* All of'an.s ene'&es hae been defeated* $es%s s&ts as a '&(hty con1%eror on thethrone of God, ha&n( th&s honor foreer*

  7%t He &s st&ll both Son of God and Son of 'an* When He beca'e 'an He d&dnot cease to be God* He d&ed on #alary and He rose a(a&n* 7%t He d&d notcease to be 'an* The body that He had on earth as ta/en %p &nto heaenand seated at the r&(ht hand of the "ather* He &s the sa'e Son of 'anhose feet a s&nf%l o'an bathed &th her tears* H&s hand &s the sa'e thatas la&d on the heads of l&ttle ch&ldren, that to%ched the bl&nd eyes and



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  opened the', that bro/e the bread at the ast S%pper* He &s the sa'e Sonof 'an ho' $ohn descr&bes+

  In the '&dst of the seen candlest&c/s $ohn saJ one l&/e %nto the Sonof 'an, clothed &th a (ar'ent don to the foot, and (&rt abo%t the paps&th a (olden (&rdle* H&s head and h&s ha&rs ere h&te l&/e ool, ash&te as sno9 and h&s eyes ere as a fla'e of f&re9 and h&s feet l&/e%nto f&ne brass, as &f they b%rned &n a f%rnace9 and h&s o&ce as theso%nd of 'any aters* * * * And h&s co%ntenance as as the s%n sh&neth&n h&s stren(th* And hen I sa h&', I fell at h&s feet as dead* And he

la&d h&s r&(ht hand %pon 'e, say&n( %nto 'e, "ear not9 * * * I a' hethat l&eth, and as dead9 and, behold, I a' al&e foreer'ore, A'en9and hae the /eys of hell and of death ;!e* 4+4-4?@*

  We are to bel&ee and hold th&s tr%th that the (lor&f&ed and e)alted#hr&st &s h%'an st&ll* He neer ceased to be God h&le on earth* He &llneer cease to be Man h&le &n heaen* H&s de&ty and h%'an&ty are foreer&nseparable* $es%s o%r ord has a h%'an heart and '&nd* In H&s eternal(lory He &s st&ll ery near to %s* $es%s, one of o%r race, has beene)alted to the throne of God, Son of God and Son of 'an*

  #hr&st.s e)altat&on to the throne of the %n&erse &s the reard for H&str&%'ph here on earth*

  "or the d&&ne nat%re as h&s fro' the f&rst9 yet he d&d not th&n/ tosnatch at e1%al&ty &th God, b%t 'ade h&'self noth&n(, ass%'&n( the

nat%re of a slae* * * * He h%'bled h&'self, and &n obed&ence acceptedeen death-death on a cross* Therefore God ra&sed h&' to the he&(hts andbestoed on h&' the na'e aboe all na'es, that at the na'e of $es%seery /nee sho%ld bo-&n heaen, on earth, and &n the depths-and eeryton(%e confess, 2$es%s #hr&st &s ord,2 to the (lory of God the "ather;Ph&l* >+-44, N*E*7*@*

  #hr&st &s the only r&(htf%l soere&(n of the %n&erse* He alone &s orthyto &eld the scepter of %n&ersal do'&n&on* He alone has the r&(ht to%phold all th&n(s by the ord of H&s poer and to (oern n%'berless orldsso that s&n &ll neer r&se a(a&n* He has (&en eternal sec%r&ty tob&ll&ons of created be&n(s on other orlds and has tr&%'phed on behalf of%s all*

  Therefore #hr&st &s orthy of the h&(hest honor and (lory before the%n&erse* It &s the he&(ht of abs%rd&ty and &'p&ety to s%ppose that so'eother 'an, so'e other rel&(&o%s leader, co%ld r%le as &n( of /&n(s andord of lords9 or that the God of heaen o%ld co''&t %n&ersal do'&n&onto anyone else*

  What th&n/ ye of #hr&st3 In anser&n( e hold a tr%st too ast and share a&ctory too (lor&o%s to tr&fle &th* "or e are no 8o&nt he&rs &th#hr&st to share the &nco'parable reso%rces and bless&n(s of H&s &ctory*

  #hr&st alone, then, &ll f%lf&ll the tr%e end of o%r l&es and o%r be&n(*Why d&d God create %s3 Why has #hr&st redee'ed %s3 Aboe all th&n(s, thatGod 'ay be (lor&f&ed &n %s* We hae enrolled o%rseles &n that h&te-robed

cho&r h&ch at last &ll stand face to face &th o%r heaenly "ather tos&n( that ne son(+

  "or tho% ast sla&n, and hast redee'ed %s to God by thy blood o%t ofeery /&ndred, and ton(%e, and people, and nat&on9 and hast 'ade %s %ntoo%r God /&n(s and pr&ests+ and e shall re&(n on the earth**** Worthy &sthe a'b that as sla&n to rece&e poer, and r&ches, and &sdo', andstren(th, and hono%r, and (lory, and bless&n(* And eery creat%re h&ch&s &n heaen, and on the earth, and %nder the earth, and s%ch as are &nthe sea, and all that are &n the', heard I say&n(, 7less&n(, and hono%r,

and (lory, and poer, be %nto h&' that s&tteth %pon the throne, and %ntothe a'b for eer and eer ;!e* :+C-4@*


 At Iss%e Inde)#hr&stolo(y Inde)Table of #ontentsPre&o%s Ne)t

Heppenstall - The Man Who Is God, 7&b*

THE MAN WHO IS GOD by Edard Heppenstall


  7a&ll&e, D* M* God Was &n #hr&st* Ne 6or/+ #harles Scr&bner.s Sons,

4C<?*  7arr, $a'es* 2The Word 7eca'e "lesh,2 INTE!P!ETATION+ A $o%rnal of7&ble

and Theolo(y, Fol* , 4C:*  7arth, arl* The Ep&stle to the Ph&l&pp&ans* !&ch'ond, Fa*+ $ohn no)

Press, 4C>*  7eet, $* A(ar* Thro%(h #hr&st to God+ A St%dy &n Sc&ent&f&c Theolo(y*

ondon+ Hodder and Sta%(hton, 4?C?*  7er/o%er, G* #* The Person of #hr&st* Grand !ap&ds+ W&ll&a' 7* Eerd'ans

P%b* #o*, 4C:<*  7r&((s, #harles A* The Incarnat&on of the ord* Ne 6or/+ Scr&bner.s,

4C=C*  7ron, H* =* $* 2The 7&ble and Mytholo(y,2 #hr&st&an&ty Today, ol* 4?,

No* >:, 4CB<*  7r%ce, A* 7* The H%'&l&at&on of #hr&st* Ed&nb%r(h+ T* and T* #lar/,4C4:*  7r%ce, "* "* #o''entary on the Ep&stle to the Hebres* The Ne

Internat&onal #o''entary on the Ne Testa'ent* Grand !ap&ds+ Eerd'ans,4C::*

  #al&n, $ohn* Inst&t%tes of the #hr&st&an !el&(&on* Ph&ladelph&a+ TheWest'&nster Press, 4C=*

  #he'n&t, Mart&n* The To Nat%res of #hr&st* St* o%&s, Mo*+ #oncord&aP%bl&sh&n( Ho%se*



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  #%ll'an, Oscar* The #hr&stolo(y of the Ne Testa'ent* Ph&ladelph&a+ TheWest'&nster Press, 4C:B*

  "orsyth, P* T* God the Holy "ather* ondon+ Independent Press td*,4C:B*  --------* The Person and Place of $es%s #hr&st* Grand !ap&ds+ Eerd'ans,

4C=*  "%ller, !e(&nal H* The "o%ndat&ons of Ne Testa'ent #hr&stolo(y* Ne

6or/+ Scr&bner.s, 4C:*  Gore, #harles* The Incarnat&on of the Son of God* Ne 6or/+ Scr&bner.s,

4?C<*  Hall, "ranc&s $* The enot&c Theory* ondon+ on('ans, Green, and #o*,

4?C?*  Hendr&/sen, W&ll&a'* Ne Testa'ent #o''entary+ E)pos&t&on of

Ph&l&pp&ans* Grand !ap&ds+ 7a/er 7oo/ Ho%se, 4C>*  $a'&eson, "a%sset, and 7ron* A #o''entary on the Old and Ne

Testa'ents, Fol* FI* Grand !ap&ds+ Eerd'ans, 4C<?*  $ones, Ma%r&ce* The Ep&stle to the Ph&l&pp&ans* West'&nster #o''entary,

ol* >* ondon+ Meth%en and #o*, 4C4?*  &ttel, Gerhard* Theolo(&cal D&ct&onary of the Ne Testa'ent, Fol* IF*

Grand !ap&ds+ Eerd'ans, 4CB*  ens/&, !* #* H* The Interpretat&on of St* Pa%l.s Ep&stle to the

Galat&ans, to the Ephes&ans, and to the Ph&l&pp&ans* #ol%'b%s, Oh&o+ The

Wartb%r( Press, 4C<*  --------*The Interpretat&on of St* Pa%l.s Ep&stle to the !o'ans* 4C<:*  --------*The Interpretat&on of the Ep&stle to the Hebres* 4C<*  --------*The Interpretat&on of St* $ohn.s Gospel* 4C<>*  --------*The Interpretat&on of I and II #or&nth&ans* 4C<*  &(htfoot, $* 7* Sa&nt Pa%l.s Ep&stle to the Ph&l&pp&ans* ondon+

Mac'&llan and #o*, 4?C*  Mac/&ntosh, H* !* The Doctr&ne of the Person of $es%s #hr&st* Ed&nb%r(h+

T* and T* #lar/, 4C4*  McDonald, H* D* $es%s-H%'an and D&&ne* ondon+ P&c/er&n( and In(l&s,

td*, 4C?*  M&chael, $* H%(h* The Ep&stle of Pa%l to the Ph&l&pp&ans* Ne 6or/+ "%n/

and Wa(nalls #o*, 4C4=*  M&ller, $ac $* The Ep&stle to the Ph&l&pp&ans* The Ne Internat&onal

#o''entary of the Ne Testa'ent* Grand !ap&ds+ Eerd'ans, 4C::*  M%ller, $* $* The Ep&stles to the Ph&l&pp&ans and to Ph&le'on* The Ne

Internat&onal #o''entary* Grand !ap&ds+ Eerd'ans, 4C::*  M%rray, $ohn* The I'p%tat&on of Ada'.s S&n* Grand !ap&ds+ Eerd'ans*  Orr, $a'es* The F&r(&n 7&rth of #hr&st* Ne 6or/+ Scr&bner.s, 4C=B*  Poell, $* P* The Pr&nc&ple of the Incarnat&on* ondon+ on('ans, Green,

and #o*, 4?C*!ostro' S N The #hr&stolo(y of St Pa%l Ne 6or/+ "le'&n( and

  Sanday, W'*, and Arth%r #* Headla'* The Ep&stle to the !o'ans*Internat&onal #r&t&cal #o''entary* Ed&nb%r(h+ T* and T* #lar/, 4C>*

  Seenth-day Adent&st 7&ble #o''entary, ols* : and B* Wash&n(ton+!e&e and Herald P%bl&sh&n( Assoc*, 4C:B*

  Shedd, W'* G* T* Do('at&c Theolo(y, Fol* 44* Grand !ap&ds+ onderanP%bl&sh&n( Ho%se*

  Straton, $ohn !*, and #harles "* Potter* The F&r(&n 7&rth-"act or"&ct&on3 Ne 6or/+ Geor(e H* Doran #o*, 4C><*

  Stron(, A* H* Syste'at&c Theolo(y* Grand !ap&ds+ onderan*

  Taylor, F&ncent* The Person of #hr&st &n Ne Testa'ent Teach&n(* ondon+Mac'&llan and #o*, td*, 4C:C*

  F&ncent, M* !* Ep&stles to the Ph&l&pp&ans and to Ph&le'on* I##*Ed&nb%r(h+ T* and T* #lar/, 4C 4*

  Waloord, $ohn "* $es%s #hr&st Is ord* #h&ca(o+ Moody Press, 4CC*  Warf&eld, 7en8a'&n 7* #hr&stolo(y and #r&t&c&s'* Grand !ap&ds+ Eerd'ans,

4C<>*  --------* The Person and Wor/ of #hr&st* Ph&ladelph&a+ The Presbyter&an

and !efor'ed P%b* #o*, 4C:=*  Westcott, 7roo/e "oss* The Gospel of the !es%rrect&on* ondon+ Mac'&llan

and #o*, 4?*  Wh&te, Ellen* The Des&re of A(es* Mo%nta&n F&e, #al&f+ Pac&f&c Press

P%bl&sh&n( Assoc*, 4C<=*

  --------*The M&n&stry of Heal&n(*  --------*Tho%(hts "ro' the Mo%nt of 7less&n(*  --------*"%nda'entals o f #hr&st&an Ed%cat&on  --------* The Great #ontroersy*  --------*Selected Messa(es, boo/ 4* Wash&n(ton, D*#*, !e&e and Herald

P%bl&sh&n( Assoc*, 4C:?*  --------*Sp&r&t of Prophecy* Fols* 44, 444*  --------*%est&ons on Doctr&ne* Append&), p* :=*  --------*Test&'on&es for the #h%rch* Fols* 44, 444*

  At Iss%e Inde)#hr&stolo(y Inde)Table of #ontentsPre&o%s Ne)t