
EDUS Elena Barberà Gemma Aguado Ana Rodera Margarida Franco Margarida Romero Armando Cortés eLC Update meeting 24/03/2011

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Activitats 2011 en el marc de l’eLC


Page 1: EDUS


Elena Barberà

Gemma Aguado

Ana Rodera

Margarida Franco

Margarida Romero

Armando Cortés

eLC Update meeting 24/03/2011

Page 2: EDUS

Activitats 2011 en el marc de l’eLC

eLC Update meeting 24/03/2011

• Desenvolupament projecte europeu FP7 Lifelong Learning:

COCREAT: Enabling Creative Collaboration Through Supportive Technologies (2010-2013)

- Universitat d'Oulu (Finlàndia), universitat de ciència i tecnologia de Noruega (Noruega), universitat de Linnaeus (Suïssa), universitat Valahia din Targoviste (Romania), universitat de Bristol (UK), universitat de Tallin (Estònia) i

universitat de ciències aplicades Kymenlaakso (Finlàndia) - Objectiu: Estudiar i desenvolupar ambients d’aprenentatge que impulsin la col·laboració creativa (edats/TIC).

- Anàlisis procés de creativitat col·laborativa: “Creativitat en Publicitat”: pressió temporal i tipus col·laboració.

- Instrument d’anàlisi: “Assessment Scale for Creative Collaboration”.

• Desenvolupament Acció Complementària Ministerio Ciencia e Innovación:

REDeportfolios: Red Nacional e-portfolios- 1) Portal. Centre Recursos. 2) Projecte investigació. 3) Formació. 4) Red Llatinoamericana. 5) Orientacions.

- Seminario de Educación Virtual: “Portafolio digital y Ed. Superior”. 10-11 Noviembre: UB/UOC-Edus (suport eLC).

• Escriptura projecte PEOPLE/MARIE CURIE: “WLLB: educational time quality enhancement through mobile technologies.

• Desenvolupament tesis doctorales:- “Profesores 2.0 en la universidad del siglo XX”.- “Indicadores de calidad del Open Social Learning”.- “L’autoregulació del temps i els efectes en l’eficiència de l’aprenentatge en línia”.- “Factors transculturals d'èxit en e-learning”.

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Resultats de les activitats 2011

II eLC Update Meeting

Articles:-Romero, M. and Barbera, E. (2011). Quality of e-learners’ time and learning performance beyond quantitative time-on

task. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12 (5), 125-137. -Barbera, E., Torras, E. and Guasch, T. (2011). Cognitive attainment in online learning environments: Matching cognitive

and technological presece. Interactive Learning Environments, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2010.531026 -Barbera, E. and Linder-VanBerschot, J. (2011).  Systemic Multicultural Model for Online Education: Tracing Connections

Among Learner Inputs, Instructional Processes and Outcomes. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 12(3)-Badia, A., Barbera, E., Guasch, T. and Espasa, A. (2011). Technology educational affordance: Bringing the gap

between patterns of interaction and technology usage. Digital Education Review, 19, 20-35. -Barbera, E., Gros, B. and Kirshner, P. (2012). Temporal Issues in E-learning Research: A Literature Review. British

Journal of Educational Technology, 43- Barbera, E. and Clarà, M. (2012). Time in e-learning research. A qualitative review of the empirical consideration of time

in research into e-learning. ISRN Education vol. 2012.

-Barbera, E. and Linder-VanBerschot, J. (2011 submitted) Yào! ¡Sí! Yes! International Perceptions of Online Education.

-Barbera, E., Gros, B. and Kirshner, P. (2011, submited). Paradox of time in research on educational technology.

-Knight, E., Gunawardena, C.N., Barbera, Hakan C. Anadolu, A. Bouachrine, F. Alternate Cultural Perspectives of Icons from North American Academic Websites (2011 submited).

-Romero, M., Hyvönen, P. & Barberà, E. (2012, in progress). Literature review of creativity in collaborative learning across the life span. Could we enhance creative collaboration in elderly through the use of ICTs?

-Barberà, E., Cortés, A. and Linder-VanBerschot, J. (in progress) International teacher’s perspective of online learning success (in progress).

-Barberà, E., Gunawardena, C.N. and Lane, L (in progress). Designing interaction to address disciplinary competencies.

- Editors: Special Issue 2012: Journal “e-learning and digital media”. Topic: Temporal dimensions in elearning.

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Resultats de les activitats 2011

II eLC Update Meeting

• Capítols:- Rodera, A. y Barberà, E. (2012). “Generación Google” y Redes sociales en educación. En J.A. Montes (Ed.). UNAM

FES-Z.- Espasa, A and Barbera, E. (2011). Regulative feedback in an online environment in Higher Education: students'

perceptions and design considerations. En Magnus E. Poulsen, Higher education: teaching, internationalization and student issues, (pp. 177-194) New York: Nova Science Publishers.

• Congresos:- Gunawardena, L.; Barbera, E. and Lane, L.Faculty Perspectives on Designing Interaction in Online Classrooms. A

multidisciplinary crosscountry study Association for Educational Communications and Technology. AECT Jacksonville, Florida.- Fecha: November 8-12, 2011

- Barberà, E., Clarà, M. and Cortés, A. Methodological issues about time in e-learning research: a qualitative literature review. European Association of Research in Learning and Instruction. EARLI. Exeter, UK.- Fecha: August 31- September 3, 2011

- Romero, M., Barberà, E. and Franco, M. Measuring online learners time use & time quality. 33rd Conference of the International Association for Time Use Research Oxford, UK.- Fecha: August 1-3, 2011

- Barbera, E., Romero, M. (2012, submitted). Time Factor in Creative Collaboration in Higher Education. European Congress on Educational Research (ECER).

-Hyvönen, P., Romero, M., & Barbera, E. (2012, submitted). Technology-enhanced learning for creative collaboration in order adults. EDEN. 

- Barbera, E.; Danaher; Van Rensburg, H. (2012, submitted) The Temporal Dimension of Open Learning as Educational Freedom: Lessons from E-Learning Policies and Practices in Spanish and Australian Universities. (ECER)

- 7 Comités Científics de congressos internacionals: IASTED, CAA, ETAM, CAFVIR, ICEME.

• 2 estades de recerca: G. Aguado: MIT y A. Rodera: U.Berkeley

• Difusió social del coneixement: cursos internacionals (docents universitaris), eines (THP), comunitats de pràtica, …