ee 553 homeworks moyo

EE 553 Homeworks 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Larasmoyo Nugroho - 1837 087 Assignment 4 11. Program to Implement Coordinate Descent Method The following minimization problem with L1-regularization

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EE 553 Homeworks 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Larasmoyo Nugroho - 1837 087

Assignment 4

11. Program to Implement Coordinate Descent Method

The following minimization problem with L1-regularization

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Implementation of CGD method




function coordl1bregdemo

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% An example using Coordinate Descent Method

% updated by Larasmoyo Nugroho 1837087

% Construct A as a rand matrix. N = 512*2; M = N/2; A = randn(M,N);

% Construct u_exact as a sparse vector. p = floor(0.05*N); u_exact = zeros(N,1); % u_exact has spikes at uniformly random locations with amplitudes % distributed uniformly in [0,1] a = randperm(N); % u_exact(a(1:p)) = a(p+1:2*p)*0.08+5; % 0.08 + 5 u_exact(a(1:p)) = rand(p,1)*N; %randn is fast.

% Construct f = A*u_exact. f = A*u_exact;

% Precompute B = A'*A. This step is not necessary. B = A'*A;

% Initialize lambda. lambda = 10;

% Call the main function COORDL1BREG. %[u,Energy] = coordl1breg(A,f,lambda,'B',B,'PlotFun',@myplotfun); [v,Energy] = coordlsl1(A,f,lambda,'B',B,'PlotFun',@myplotfun);

% Plot the Energy function. figure(2); semilogy(Energy,'.-'); xlabel('Iteration'); ylabel('Energy');

% COORDL1BREG will call this function every iteration to plot intermediate

solutions. % Show the comparison of the output u and u_exact. function myplotfun(v)

figure(1); x = 1:length(v); plot(x,v,'.r',x,u_exact,'o'); xlim([1,length(v)]); end


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%The main Coordinate Direction Program

function [v,Energy] = coordlsl1(A,f,lambda,varargin)

%COORDLSL1 Least-squares L1 minimization with coordinate descent % u = COORDLSL1(A,f,lambda) solves the minimization problem % % min_u ||u||_1 + lambda ||A*u - f||_2^2 % % where A is an MxN matrix and f is a vector of length M. % % COORDLSL1(...,'PARAM1',VALUE1,'PARAM2',VALUE2,...) can be used to % specify additional parameters: % u0 - Initial value of u (default 0) % B - Precomputed A'*A % Tol - Stopping tolerance: |du| < Tol (default 1e-4) % MaxIter - Maximum iterations (default 1e3) % PlotFun - A function handle with the syntax PlotFun(u) for % plotting intermediate solutions (default []) % Display - If equal to 1, displays convergence information when % solver converges (default 1) % % [u,Energy] = COORDLSL1(...) returns a vector of energy values at each % iteration (beginning with the first iteration). % % See also coordl1breg.

% Updated by Larasmoyo Nugroho 2013 from Yingying Li 2009

%%% Default parameters %%% u0 = zeros(size(A,2),1); MaxIter = 1e3; Tol = 1e-4; PlotFun = []; B = []; Display = 1;

%%% Parse inputs %%% if nargin >= 2 parseinput(varargin); end

OutputEnergyFlag = (nargout >= 2); % Check if Energy is an output

if isempty(B) B = A'*A; end

w = diag(B); NormalizedFlag = all(w == 1); v = u0; C = A'*f;

mu = 1/2/lambda; temp = C;

if OutputEnergyFlag

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Energy = zeros(MaxIter,1); end

%%% Main Loop %%% for j = 1:MaxIter if NormalizedFlag tilde_v = min(temp + mu, max(0,temp - mu)); dEnergy = lambda*(v.^2 - tilde_v.^2) + abs(v) - abs(tilde_v) -

2*lambda*temp.*(v-tilde_v); else tilde_v = min(temp + mu, max(0,temp - mu))./w; dEnergy = lambda*(v.^2 - tilde_v.^2).*w + abs(v) - abs(tilde_v) -

2*lambda*temp.*(v-tilde_v); end

[dvchange,i] = max((dEnergy));

if OutputEnergyFlag Energy(j) = norm(A*v-f,2)^2*lambda + sum(abs(v)); end

if ~isempty(PlotFun) PlotFun(v); end

dv = (v(i)-tilde_v(i));

if abs(dv) < Tol if Display fprintf('Converged in %d iterations with |du| = %.4e <

%.4e.\n',... j,abs(dv),Tol); end break; end

temp = temp + dv*B(:,i);

if NormalizedFlag temp(i) = temp(i) - dv; else temp(i) = temp(i) - dv*w(i); end

v(i) = tilde_v(i); end

if OutputEnergyFlag Energy = Energy(1:j); end


function parseinput(pvlist) %PARSEINPUT Parse varargin list of property/value pairs

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Property = {'u0','MaxIter','Tol','PlotFun','B','Display'};

for k = 1:2:length(pvlist)-1 if ~ischar(pvlist{k}) error('Invalid property'); end

i = find(strcmpi(pvlist{k},Property));

if length(i) ~= 1 error('Invalid property'); elseif ischar(pvlist{k+1}) error('Invalid value'); else assignin('caller',pvlist{k},pvlist{k+1}); end end return;

Minimization of Energy Cost

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%% Newton Method for Line Search % by Larasmoyo Nugroho 2013 n=0; %initialize iteration counter eps=1; %initialize error x=[-2]; %set starting value f=inline('x^3-2*x-5') % OBJECTIVE FUNCTION f_x1=f(x) % Find f(x) plot(x,f_x1,'bs') hold on D = diff(sym(f),'x') %differentiate the inline function wrt x subs(D,x) %evaluate D(x) DD=diff(D) eps=abs(f(x))

%Computation loop % while eps>1e-10 & n<200 & subs(DD,x)<0 while n<200

f_x0=f(x) y=x-(subs(D,x)/subs(DD,x)); %to find Dfx = 0 (could be max or

min) % y=x-(f_x0/subs(D,x)); %to find fx=0 subs(DD,x) %first derivative value x=y; %update x f_x1=f(x); %value of function(x) eps=abs(subs(D,x)) %error plot(x,f_x1,'bs') n=n+1; %iterate end n,x,f_x1,eps fplot(f,[-5 2]) title('Newton Method',... 'FontWeight','bold')

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Assignment 5


%Secant Method Line Search Larasmoyo Nugroho 1837087

n=0; %initialize iteration counter eps=1; %initialize error x=[-2]; %set starting value x0=[-1]; %set 2b=nd starting value f=inline('x^3-2*x-5') f_x1=f(x) % Find f(x) plot(x,f_x1,'bs') hold on D = diff(sym(f),'x') %differentiate the inline function

wrt x subs(D,x) %evaluate D(x) DD=diff(D) eps=abs(f(x)) %Computation loop % while eps>1e-10 & n<200 & subs(DD,x)<0 while n<20

f_x0a=f(x) f_x0b=f(x0) y=x-(x-x0)/(f_x0a-f_x0b)*(f_x0a); %to find fx=0 subs(DD,x) %first derivative value x=y; %update x f_x1a=f(x); %value of function(x) f_x1b=f(x0); %value of function(x) eps=abs(subs(D,x)) %error plot(x,f_x1a,'gx',x,f_x1b,'bx') n=n+1; %iterate end n,x,f_x1,eps fplot(f,[-5 2]) title('Secant Method Line Search','Fontsize',10);

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fibonacci_moyo(f,-5,5,.05,.02) fplot(f,[-5 2]) title('Fibonacci Method Line Search','Fontsize',10); %Fibonacci Method Line search - Larasmoyo Nugroho 1837087 % clear function X=fibonacci(f,a,b,tol,e) clf

%Input - f, the object function % - a, the left endpoint of the interval % - b, the right endpoint of the interval % - tol, length of uncertainty % - e, distinguishability constant %Output - X, x and y coordinates of minimum %Note this function calls the m-file fib.m

%If f is defined as an M-file function use the @ notation % call X=fibonacci(@f,a,b,tol,e). %If f is defined as an anonymous function use the % call X=fibonacci(f,a,b,tol,e).

%Determine n i=1; F=1; while F<=(b-a)/tol F=fib(i); i=i+1; end

%Initialize values n=i-1; A=zeros(1,n-2);B=zeros(1,n-2); A(1)=a; B(1)=b; c=A(1)+(fib(n-2)/fib(n))*(B(1)-A(1)); d=A(1)+(fib(n-1)/fib(n))*(B(1)-A(1)); k=1; %plot()s plot(a,c,'bs') % plotting x hold on plot(b,d,'bx')

%Compute Iterates while k<=n-3 if f(c)>f(d) A(k+1)=c; B(k+1)=B(k); c=d; d=A(k+1)+(fib(n-k-1)/fib(n-k))*(B(k+1)-A(k+1)); f_x1=f(d); plot(d,f_x1,'gs'); else A(k+1)=A(k); B(k+1)=d; d=c;

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c=A(k+1)+(fib(n-k-2)/fib(n-k))*(B(k+1)-A(k+1)); f_x2=f(c); plot(c,f_x2,'gx') end k=k+1; end

%Last iteration using distinguishability constant e if f(c)>f(d) A(n-2)=c; B(n-2)=B(n-3); c=d; d=A(n-2)+(0.5+e)*(B(n-2)-A(n-2)) f_x1=f(d) plot(d,f_x1,'ks') else A(n-2)=A(n-3); B(n-2)=d; d=c; c=A(n-2)+(0.5-e)*(B(n-2)-A(n-2)) f_x2=f(d) plot(c,f_x2,'ko') end

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%Larasmoyo Nugroho 1837087 - steep descent method vs Newton Method for


clear all clf

n=0; %initialize iteration counter eps=1; %initialize error % a=0.001; %set iteration parameter syms alpha; x=[-2 1]'; %set starting value y=[0 0]' %Computation loop using STEEP DESCENT while eps>1e-4&n<10 % g=[100*(x(2)-x(1)^2)^2 + (1-x(1))^2] %g(x) gradf=[2*x(1)-400*x(1)*(-x(1)^2+x(2))-2 ;-200*x(1)^2+200*x(2)]; % gradf=[100*(x(2)-x(1)^2)^2 + (1-x(1))^2]; %gradf(x) x0=x; %save current x as x0 y=x-alpha.*gradf; %x temporary x=y %update x phi=100*(x(2)-x(1)^2)^2 + (1-x(1))^2; %steep descent function alphaoptim=secant_subroutine_moyo(phi) %minimizing steep descent

function using secant y=x0-alphaoptim.*gradf; %x+1 x=y; %update x n=n+1; %counter+1 xx(n+1)=x(1); yy(n+1)=x(2); end iteration=n,x,error=eps, alpha_optimal=alphaoptim %display end values

clf nn = 30; %# of contours format long g xgrid=[-1:.2:2]; ygrid=[-1.4:.2:4]; [X,Y] = meshgrid(xgrid,ygrid); %Z = (2*X - 1).^2 + 4.*(4 - 1024.*X).^4; Z = 100*(Y-X.^2).^2 + (-X+1).^2; %Then, generate a contour plot of Z. [C,h] = contour(X,Y,Z,nn);hold on plot(xx,yy); clabel(C,h),xlabel('x_1','Fontsize',18),ylabel('x_2','Fontsize',18),title('ro

senbrock w steepest descent vs Newton Method ','Fontsize',18); grid on

n=0; %initialize iteration counter eps=1; %initialize error x=[0;0]; %set starting value

%Computation loop using NEWTON METHOD while eps>1e-6&n<1000 g=[100*(x(2)-x(1)^2)^2 + (1-x(1))^2] %g(x) eps=abs(g(1)) %error

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Jg=[2*x(1)-400*x(1)*(-x(1)^2+x(2))-2 ,-200*x(1)^2+200*x(2)]; %Jacobian y=x-Jg\g; %iterate x=y; %update x n=n+1; %counter+1 xxx(n+1)=x(1); yyy(n+1)=x(2); end n,x,eps

%clear,clf,clc clf nn = 30; %# of contours format long g xgrid=[-1:.2:2]; ygrid=[-1.4:.2:4]; [X,Y] = meshgrid(xgrid,ygrid); %Z = (2*X - 1).^2 + 4.*(4 - 1024.*X).^4; Z = 100*(Y-X.^2).^2 + (-X+1).^2; %Then, generate a contour plot of Z. [C,h] = contour(X,Y,Z,nn);hold on plot(xx,yy,xxx,yyy); clabel(C,h),xlabel('x_1','Fontsize',18),ylabel('x_2','Fontsize',18),title('ro

senbrock w steepest descent vs Newton Method ','Fontsize',18); grid on

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Asssignment 7


function [xopt,fopt,niter,gnorm,dx] = grad_descent(varargin) % grad_descent.m demonstrates how the gradient descent method can be used % to solve a simple unconstrained optimization problem. Taking large step % sizes can lead to algorithm instability. The variable alpha below % specifies the fixed step size. Increasing alpha above 0.32 results in % instability of the algorithm. An alternative approach would involve a % variable step size determined through line search. % % Updated by Larasmoyo Nugroho 1837087 from James Allison

if nargin==0 % define starting point x0 = [3 3]'; elseif nargin==1 % if a single input argument is provided, it is a user-defined starting % point. x0 = varargin{1}; else error('Incorrect number of input arguments.') end

% termination tolerance tol = 1e-6;

% maximum number of allowed iterations maxiter = 1000;

% minimum allowed perturbation dxmin = 1e-6;

% step size ( 0.33 causes instability, 0.2 quite accurate) alpha = 0.1;

% initialize gradient norm, optimization vector, iteration counter,

perturbation gnorm = inf; x = x0; niter = 0; dx = inf;

% define the objective function: % f = @(x1,x2) x1.^2 + x1.*x2 + 3*x2.^2; f = @(x1,x2) 100*(x2-x1^2)^2 + (1-x1)^2;

% plot objective function contours for visualization: figure(1); clf; ezcontour(f,[-5 5 -5 5]); axis equal; hold on

% redefine objective function syntax for use with optimization: f2 = @(x) f(x(1),x(2));

% gradient descent algorithm: while and(gnorm>=tol, and(niter <= maxiter, dx >= dxmin)) % calculate gradient: g = grad(x); gnorm = norm(g);

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% take step: xnew = x - alpha*g; % check step if ~isfinite(xnew) display(['Number of iterations: ' num2str(niter)]) error('x is inf or NaN') end % plot current point plot([x(1) xnew(1)],[x(2) xnew(2)],'ko-') % refresh drawnow % update termination metrics niter = niter + 1; dx = norm(xnew-x); x = xnew;

end xopt = x; fopt = f2(xopt); niter = niter - 1;

% define the gradient of the objective function g = grad(x) g = [2*x(1) + x(2); x(1) + 6*x(2)]; % g=[2*x(1)-400*x(1)*(-x(1)^2+x(2))-2 ;-200*x(1)^2+200*x(2)];

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Assignment 8


clear clf syms x1 x2 miu %primal problem % objective=(x1-6).^2+(x2-7).^2 % equality=x1+x2-7 % objective=(x1-2).^4+(x1-2*x2).^2 % equality=x1.^2-x2 objective=2*x1.^3+15*x2.^2-8*x1*x2+15 equality=x1.^2+x1*x2+1 inequality=4*x1-x2.^2-4 %will not be used because the x optimal is inside

this constrain

%composite / augmented / penalized objective function theta=objective+ miu*equality

%drawing function yequality=solve(equality,x2) %take y out of the equality eqn inlineequality=char(yequality) %convert sym to inline format yinequality=solve(inequality,x2) %take y out of the equality eqn inlineinequality1=char(yinequality(1)) %convert sym to inline format inlineinequality2=char(yinequality(2)) %convert sym to inline format

%range of subset S x=[-3:0.25:3]; y=[-4:0.25:4]; [X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y); %objective function Z=subs(objective,{x1, x2}, {X, Y}); %substitute both variables using

meshgrid data % X.^2+Y.^2; [C,h] = contour(X,Y,Z,30); hold on; %finding minimal point for objective fvalue=min(min(Z)) [row,col]=find(Z==min(min(Z))); xo=x(col) yo=y(row) plot(xo,yo,'r*'); text(xo,yo,['\leftarrowx_m_i_n{objective function}


%constraint function f=inline(inlineequality); fplot(f,[-3,3]); text(-1,2,['\leftarrowx1.^2+x1*x2+1=0'],'FontSize',12)

g=inline(inlineinequality1); fplot(g,[-3,3]); text(2,-1.9,['4*x1-x2.^2-

4>=0\rightarrow'],'FontSize',12,'HorizontalAlignment','right') g=inline(inlineinequality2); fplot(g,[-3,3]);

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title('Penalty Function using KKT Lagrange Multiplier at Optimality',... 'FontWeight','bold') % break

%Jacobian dtheta1=diff(theta,x1) dtheta2=diff(theta,x2)

%xmiu finding process from Jacobian delt1a=solve(dtheta1,x2) %find x2(x1,miu) delt2b=subs(dtheta2,x2,delt1a) %eliminate x2 with x1 x1miu=solve(delt2b,x1) %pop out x1miu x2miu=subs(delt1a,x1,x1miu) %pop out x2miu x2miu=simplify(x2miu) %simplify x2miu

ff=objective gg=inequality hh=equality disp(sprintf(' mu x1miu x2miu f(xmiu)

alpha=h^2 penalty lagrange_multiplier ')) disp(sprintf(' ------ ------------------------------- ------------ ----------

-- -------- --------------------'))

%put miu into xmiu miu10=[-2:1:7]; for i=1:1:4 miusubstituter=5^miu10(i); x1miu1=subs(x1miu(2),miu,miusubstituter); x2miu1=subs(x2miu(2),miu,miusubstituter); plot(x1miu1(1), x2miu1(1),'r*') %and plot xmiu; text(x1miu1(1), x2miu1(1),['\leftarrowxmu,',num2str(i),'


% hhx1=subs(hh,x1,x1miu1(1)); hhx=subs(hhx1,x2,x2miu1(1)); alpha=hhx^2;

fxa=subs(ff,x1,x1miu1(1)); fx=subs(fxa,x2,x2miu1(1)); penalty=fx+miusubstituter*alpha; lagrangemultiplier=2*miusubstituter*hhx; disp(sprintf('%1.5f (%3.12f,%3.12f) %2.10f %2.10f %2.10f



end % break

%Hessian ddtheta11=diff(dtheta1,x1); ddtheta12=diff(dtheta1,x2); ddtheta21=diff(dtheta2,x1);

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ddtheta22=diff(dtheta2,x2); hesstheta=[ddtheta11 ddtheta12;ddtheta21 ddtheta22];

%finding the eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix lambda=eig(hesstheta);

%put miu, xo, yo to eigenvalues x1miu_hess_miu=subs(lambda,miu,0.1); x1miu_hess_xo=subs(x1miu_hess_miu,x1,xo); x1miu_hess_yo=subs(x1miu_hess_xo,x2,yo);

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clear clf syms x1 x2 miu %primal problem % objective=(x1-6).^2+(x2-7).^2 % equality=x1+x2-7 % objective=(x1-2).^4+(x1-2*x2).^2 % equality=x1.^2-x2 % objective=2*x1.^3+15*x2.^2-8*x1*x2+15 % equality=x1.^2+x1*x2+1 % inequality=4*x1-x2.^2-4 %will not be used because the x optimal is inside

this constrain objective=1/3*(x1+1).^3+x2 inequality1=-x1+1 %it will be used, because x optimal is inside this

constraint inequality2=-x2 %it will be used because the x optimal is inside this

constrain inequality=inequality1+inequality2;

%composite / augmented / penalized objective function theta=objective-miu/(inequality1+inequality2)

%drawing function yequality=solve(inequality,x2) %take y out of the equality eqn inlineequality=char(yequality) %convert sym to inline format x=[-3:0.25:3]; y=[-4:0.25:4]; [X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y); %objective function Z=subs(objective,{x1, x2}, {X, Y}); %substitute both variables using

meshgrid data % X.^2+Y.^2; [C,h] = contour(X,Y,Z,30); hold on; %% finding the optimum point inside the constraint fvalue=min(min(Z)) [row,col]=find(Z==min(min(Z))); xo=x(col) yo=y(row) plot(xo,yo,'r*'); text(xo,yo,['\leftarrowx_m_i_n{objective function}

(',num2str(xo),',',num2str(yo),')'],'FontSize',16) %constraint function f=inline(inlineequality); fplot(f,[-3,3]); text(-1,2,['\leftarrow-x1+1< =0'],'FontSize',12) title('Barrier Function using KKT Lagrange Multiplier at Optimality',... 'FontWeight','bold')

% break


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dtheta1=diff(theta,x1) dtheta2=diff(theta,x2)

%xmiu finding process from Jacobian delt1a=solve(dtheta1,x2) %find x2(x1,miu) delt2b=subs(dtheta2,x2,delt1a) %eliminate x2 with x1 x1miu=solve(delt2b,x1) %pop out x1miu x2miu=subs(delt1a,x1,x1miu) %pop out x2miu x2miu=simplify(x2miu) %simplify x2miu

ff=objective gg=inequality % hh=equality disp(sprintf(' miu x1miu x2miu f(xmiu) B(xmiu)

barrier(theta) miu*B lagrange_multiplier ')) disp(sprintf(' ------ ----------------------- ------------ --------- --------

------ ---------- ----------'))

%put miu into xmiu miu10=[-2:1:7]; for i=1:1:7

miusubstituter=.1^miu10(i); x1miu1=subs(x1miu(2),miu,miusubstituter); x2miu1=subs(x2miu(2),miu,miusubstituter); plot(x1miu1(1), x2miu1(1),'ko') %and plot xmiu; text(x1miu1(1), x2miu1(1),['\leftarrowxmu,',num2str(i),'


% ggx1=subs(gg,x1,x1miu1(1)); ggx=subs(ggx1,x2,x2miu1(1)); alpha=ggx^2;

fxa=subs(ff,x1,x1miu1(1)); fx=subs(fxa,x2,x2miu1(1)); penalty=fx+miusubstituter*alpha; lagrangemultiplier=2*miusubstituter*ggx; disp(sprintf('%1.5f (%3.7f,%3.7f) %2.5f %2.10f %2.10f %2.10f



end % break

%Hessian ddtheta11=diff(dtheta1,x1); ddtheta12=diff(dtheta1,x2); ddtheta21=diff(dtheta2,x1); ddtheta22=diff(dtheta2,x2); hesstheta=[ddtheta11 ddtheta12;ddtheta21 ddtheta22];

%finding the eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix lambda=eig(hesstheta);

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%put miu, xo, yo to eigenvalues x1miu_hess_miu=subs(lambda,miu,0.1); x1miu_hess_xo=subs(x1miu_hess_miu,x1,xo); x1miu_hess_yo=subs(x1miu_hess_xo,x2,yo);

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Assignment 9

Assignment 9Assignment 9

Assignment 9

and 4

and 4and 4

and 4














function quasi_newton_conjugate_direction_moyo() clf nn = 30; %# of contours format long g xgrid=[-2:.2:2]; ygrid=[-2:.2:4]; [X,Y] = meshgrid(xgrid,ygrid); %Z = (2*X - 1).^2 + 4.*(4 - 1024.*X).^4; Z = 100*(Y-X.^2).^2 + (-X+1).^2; %Then, generate a contour plot of Z. [C,h] = contour(X,Y,Z,nn);hold on clabel(C,h),xlabel('x_1','Fontsize',10),ylabel('x_2','Fontsize',10),... title('Conjugate Direction Method-FletcherReeves & QuasiNewton

BFGS','Fontsize',10); grid on

xstart=[3 2]'

k=0; H=eye(2); x=xstart g = gradf(x); d = -H*g; while norm(g)>1e-6 k funct(x) xzero=x; alpha=linesearch_secant('gradf',x,d); x = x + alpha*d;

g1 = gradf(x); delx = alpha*d; delg = g1-g; % switch am % case 7 % rank-1 % z = delx - H*delg; % H1 = H + (z*z')/(delg'*z); % case 8 % DFP % H1 = H + (delx*delx')/(delx'*delg) -

(H*delg)*(H*delg)'/(delg'*H*delg); % case 9 % BFGS H1 = H + (1+(delg'*H*delg)/(delg'*delx))*(delx*delx')/(delx'*delg) -

... (H*delg*delx'+(H*delg*delx')')/(delg'*delx); % end k = k+1; if rem(k,6)==0 H1 = eye(2); end H = H1; g = g1; d = -H*g; x % xd = get(l,'xdata'); yd=get(l,'ydata');

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% set(l,'xdata',[xd(:); x(1)],'ydata',[yd(:); x(2)]) plot([xzero(1) x(1)],[xzero(2) x(2)],'go-','linewidth',1.5)


end %%Conjugate Direction Method-FletcherReeves n=0; %initialize iteration counter x=xstart; %set starting position value g=gradf(x); direc=-g; eps=norm(g)

while eps>1e-6 alpha=linesearch_secant('gradf',x,direc); xzero=x; x = x + alpha*direc; g1 = gradf(x); % fletcher-reeves beta = (g1'*g1)/(g'*g); n = n+1 if rem(n,6)==0 beta = 0; end g = g1; direc = -g + beta*direc; xdirec=xzero; plot([xzero(1) x(1)],[xzero(2) x(2)],'bo-','linewidth',1.5) drawnow eps=norm(g); end

xopt=xdirec fopt=funct(xopt) plot(xopt(1),xopt(2),'ro','linewidth',2.5)

function f=funct(x) % rosenblatt's "banana" function f = 100*(x(2,:)-x(1,:).^2).^2+(1-x(1,:)).^2;

function g=gradf(x) % Gradient of rosenblatt's "banana" function g = [-400*(x(2,:)-x(1,:).^2).*x(1,:)-2*(1-x(1,:)); 200*(x(2,:)-x(1,:).^2) ];

function hf=hessf(x) % Hessian of rosenblatt's "banana" function hf = [-400*(x(2,:)-3*x(1,:).^2)+2 -400*x(1,:); -400*x(1,:) 200];

%------------------------------------------------------------ function alpha=linesearch_secant(grad,x,d) %Line search using secant method %Note: I'm not checking for alpha > 0.

epsilon=10^(-5); %line search tolerance max = 200; %maximum number of iterations

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alpha_curr=0; alpha=10^(-5); dphi_zero=feval(grad,x)'*d; dphi_curr=dphi_zero;

i=0; while abs(dphi_curr)>epsilon*abs(dphi_zero), alpha_old=alpha_curr; alpha_curr=alpha; dphi_old=dphi_curr; dphi_curr=feval(grad,x+alpha_curr*d)'*d; alpha=(dphi_curr*alpha_old-dphi_old*alpha_curr)/(dphi_curr-dphi_old); i=i+1; if (i >= max) & (abs(dphi_curr)>epsilon*abs(dphi_zero)), disp('Line search terminating with number of iterations:'); disp(i); break; end end %while

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The codes implementing DFP and Polak Ribiere algorithms are generally the same, except in following


% DFP H1 = H + (delx*delx')/(delx'*delg) -(H*delg)*(H*delg)'


% polak-ribiere beta = g1'*(g1-g)/(g'*g);

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The codes implementing Rank-1and Powell algorithms are generally the same, except in following lines:

% rank-1 z = delx - H*delg; H1 = H + (z*z')/(delg'*z); % powell beta = max(0,g1'*(g1-g)/(g'*g));