
Upload: enverakin90

Post on 20-Feb-2018




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  • 7/24/2019 eerrrqquor


    The results so far show that all the components of the DEE are working and thatthe optimization can take place in two steps, each fully automated, using the GAfor the rst step and SQ for the nal optimization step! So far only optimizationsha"e #een done using di$erent, single, o#%ecti"e functions and using the limits onthe design "aria#les as #ounds for the design space! &rom Ta#le ' and ( it

    #ecomes clear that optimization for the di$erent disciplines within the limits onthe design "aria#les gi"es su#stantially di$erent results! The ne)t step thereforewill #e to dene clear constraints on the acoustic and thermal properties andoptimize for minimum total weight! This,

    *#%ecti"efuntion ++ Delta T T- . T- / T- 0 G1opt program settings 2um#er ofmem#ers for each generation .33 .33 .33 .33 2um#er of generations /33 /33/33 /33 4ross+o"er pro#a#ility 3!5' 3!5' 3!5' 3!5' 6utation pro#a#ility 3!.' 3!.'3!.' 3!.' Design "aria#les SkinThickness 7mm8 /!3333 .!99// /!3333 .!:;5.2r&rames : : ./ /3 2rStringers :3 .33 93 :3 Stringer&actor .!/5(' .!35('

    3!(.05 3!:000 ginnfhindf



    As% #ausdh?uasd hashdas%hda ha?shdashdoa?sn fpskf %ag

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    Asdasdas as%d?oash%d mka%hdas%d hadpasodag gasdkoas% d

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