efek penyakit diabetes pada mata - diabetic eye translate

Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 11/5/2014 Medical Author: Andrew A. Dahl, MD, FACS Medical Editor: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD, Chief Medical Editor Next Page: Diabetic Eye Disease Treatment » http://www.emedicinehealth.com/diabetic_eye_disease/ page4_em.htm#diabetic_eye_disease_diagnosis Diabetic Eye Disease Causes Patient Comments Share Your Story Over many years, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) and other abnormalities in metabolism found in people with diabetes may damage the blood vessels in the body. This damage to the blood vessels leads to poor circulation of the blood to various parts of the body. Since the function of the blood is to carry oxygen and other nutrients, this poor circulation causes decreased oxygen delivery to tissues in different parts of the body and subsequent damage to those tissues. Some of the most sensitive tissues to decreased blood flow and oxygen delivery include the brain, heart, kidneys, and the eyes. Lack of adequate oxygen delivery to these areas causes strokes, heart attacks, kidney failure, and vision loss. Feet and Lower Legs The feet and lower legs can also suffer from poor blood circulation and oxygen delivery, resulting in symptoms of: Numbness and tingling Poor healing of even minor wounds Ulceration and infection Daftar pustaka : Dahl, Andrew A. “diabetic eye disease”21 Januari 2014. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/diabetic_eye_disease/page4_em.htm#diabe tic_eye_disease_diagnosis

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Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 11/5/2014Medical Author:Andrew A. Dahl, MD, FACS Medical Editor:Melissa Conrad Stppler, MD, Chief Medical Editor Next Page:Diabetic Eye Disease Treatment


Diabetic Eye Disease CausesPatient Comments Share Your Story Over many years, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) and other abnormalities in metabolism found in people with diabetes may damage the blood vessels in the body. This damage to the blood vessels leads to poor circulation of the blood to various parts of the body. Since the function of the blood is to carry oxygen and other nutrients, this poor circulation causes decreased oxygen delivery to tissues in different parts of the body and subsequent damage to those tissues.Some of the most sensitive tissues to decreased blood flow and oxygen delivery include the brain, heart, kidneys, and the eyes. Lack of adequate oxygen delivery to these areas causes strokes, heart attacks, kidney failure, and vision loss.Feet and Lower LegsThe feet and lower legs can also suffer from poor blood circulation and oxygen delivery, resulting in symptoms of: Numbness and tingling Poor healing of even minor wounds Ulceration and infection Not infrequently, the need for amputation of a toe, a foot, or the lower leg.The RetinaThe primary part of the eye affected by diabetes is the retina.The retina can be thought of as the film in a camera. If the film in a camera is faulty, the resulting picture will be blurry. In a similar manner, if the retina of the eye is swollen, wrinkled, or otherwise structurally damaged, the vision in that eye will be blurry. Depending on the type, location, and extent of damage in the retina, the change in vision will range from minimal to severe and be temporary or permanent. In people with diabetes, changes in the walls of the small blood vessels in the retina are caused by blood sugar abnormalities. These small blood vessels may begin to "balloon," forming what are called microaneurysms, as well as leak fluid (called microaneurysms, as well as leak fluid (called edema) and blood (called dot and blot hemorrhages) into the retina. This process is called background diabetic retinopathy or nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy. If fluid accumulates in the central part of the retina (called the macula) and causes swelling there, the process is called diabetic macular edema. As a response to decreased oxygen delivery to the retina, new blood vessels may begin to grow, a process called proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Although new blood vessels may sound like a good thing, considering that the old blood vessels are damaged, the new blood vessels are actually more harmful than beneficial. The new blood vessels are extremely leaky and fragile, potentially leading to bleeding inside the eye (called vitreous hemorrhage) and usually resulting in severe vision loss. If not treated appropriately, this vision loss may be permanent. If the new blood vessels are extensive, they may cause scarring inside the eye, resulting in tractional retinal detachments, which is another cause of permanent vision loss. In cases of severe proliferative diabetic retinopathy, new blood vessels may grow on the surface of the iris, causing neovascular glaucoma, a particularly severe form of glaucoma. Many people with diabetes may notice that their vision becomes blurry when they have fairly large, rapid shifts in their blood sugar levels. This temporary blurring is because the sugar in the blood can diffuse into the lens of the eye and cause it to swell, thus changing the focal point of the eye and resulting in blurring of the vision. Over time, repeated swelling of this type is thought to damage the lens and cause it to become cloudy, resulting in a cataract. The high blood sugar levels may also eventually damage the cells lining the trabecular meshwork toward the front of the eye, where the fluid (called aqueous humor) flows out from within the eye. When these cells are damaged, the trabecular meshwork cannot function correctly. If the trabecular meshwork does not function correctly, the fluid cannot flow out of the eye properly and the pressure inside the eye can increase. This high pressure inside the eye can damage the optic nerve and cause permanent vision loss. This process is called glaucoma.Diabetic eye disease can cause a wide range of problems that affect the eyes, in particular the retina, the lens, and the trabecular meshwork.

Picture of the structures of the eyeMedically Reviewed by a Doctor on 11/5/2014Medical Author:Andrew A. Dahl, MD, FACS Medical Editor:Melissa Conrad Stppler, MD, Chief Medical Editor Next Page:Diabetic Eye Disease Symptoms

Efek penyakit diabetes pada mata. (patofisiologis) sumber di header note.

Kelainan metabolism yang terjadi pada diabetes antara lain peningkatan kadar gula darah dalam jangka panjang dapat merusak endotel pembuluh darah di tubuh. Kerusakan endotel pada pembuluh darah yang terjadi di pasien diabetes mellitus tentu akan memberikan efek hipoksia ke jaringan yang akan berakhir dengan kerusakan jaringan tersebut. Beberapa jaringan tubuh sangat sensitive terhadap keadaan hipoksia ini jaringan tersebut adalah jaringan pada otak, jantung, ginjal dan mata.Hipoksia pada jaringan mata akan menyebabkan kebutaan.RETINAEfek primer dari diabetes pada organ mata ditemukan pada retina. Retina dapat diibaratkan sebagai film dari sebuah kamera. Jika film ini mengalami kerusakan maka akan member efek pada penglihatan yang buram. Kelainan lain yang menyebabkan penglihatan menjadi buram dapat juga berupa pembengkakan pada retina, timbulnya sikatrik kerutan pada retina dan kerusakan struktur pada retina. Berdasarkan tipe, lokasi dan bentuk kerusakannya pada retina derajat kebutaan bisa ringan sampai berat. Orang dengan diabetes akan mengalami perubahan mikrovaskular oleh karena kadar gula darah yang abnormal. Kerusakan mikrovaskular yang terjadi biasanya diawali dengan proses balloning atau mikroaneurisma yang menyebabkan terjadinya rembesan cairan atau edem dan perdarahan pada retina keadaan ini disebut sebagai fase nonproliferatif diabetik retinopati. Jika terjadi akumulasi di bagian makula disertai edem makula fase ini disebut makular edema. Untuk merespon keadaan hipoksia jaringan, maka terbentuklah pembuluh darah yang baru, fase ini disebut proliferatif. Pembentukan pembuluh darah baru yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan oksigenasi jaringan ini adalah justru awal dari sebuah fase yang bahaya, karena pembuluh darah yang baru ini sangat rentan dan dapat berpotensi menjadi penyebab dari vitreus hemoragik yang biasanya akan berujung penurunan visus yang berat. dan jika pasien pada fase ini tidak mendapatkan pertolongan yang tepat dapat terjadi kebutaan permanent. Komplikasi lain yang bisa terjadi setelah terbentuk pembuluh darah yang baru adalah jika pertumbuhan pembuluh darah ini jumlahnya terlalu banyak maka akan menyebabkan luka pada bagian dalam mata sehingga retina bisa terlepas , sehingga berakhir menjadi buta permanen Pada keadaan proliferatif diabetik yang berat, pembuluh darah dapat juga terbentuk di permukaan iris menyebabkan glaukoma neurovaskular. Kebanyakan orang dengan diabetes mungkin mengalami penurunan ketajaman penglihatan, ketika kadar gula darahnya cukup tinggi. Penurunan ketajaman mata pada pasien diabetes ini terjadi karena kadar gula darahnya yang tinggi dapat berdifusi ke lensa mata dan menyebabkan lensa tersebut menjadi membengkak. Efek dari edem pada lensa adalah perubahan fokus lensa yang turut serta mengubah ketajaman penglihatan. Seiring dengan waktu jika keadaan ini terjadi terus menerus dan berulang maka akan merusak lensa mata menjadi tampak berkabut seperti pada katarak. Kadar gula darah yang tinggi juga dapat merusak jaringan trabekula yang berada di bagian mata depan, jaringan ini mengalirkan aquos humor keluar dari mata. jika jaringan ini rusak maka aliran aquos humor akan terganggu sehingga terjadi peningkatan tekanan intraokular. Tekanan intraokular yang meningkat dalam mata dapat merusak saraf optik mata dan menyebabkan kebutaan permanen. Keadaan ini disebut glaukomaDaftar pustaka :Dahl, Andrew A. diabetic eye disease21 Januari 2014. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/diabetic_eye_disease/page4_em.htm#diabetic_eye_disease_diagnosis