effective communication journals(group submission)

Pauls Journals week 1 After this discussion, we could learn how to use examples to let other have a better understanding to our thoughts. As an example, one of our group mates who came from England was a university student. He said the education system in UK prefer to discover and develop students own interest. Since none of us, except him, have studied in Britian, we didn’t have any idea about how it works. So, he took some real life examples and british education system, We needed to think about the advantage and disadvantage too. Take Hong Kong education system as an example, Hong Kong have a examoriented education system. Although it keeps Hong Kong’students become highly competitive in all over the world, it makes student live with overwhelming stresses. whole when we go further thinking like the benefits of Hong Kong education system can really outweigh the drawbacks? What can the government do to sabout him or his friend to clarify our confuse. We realize using example have significant impact to make some concept more specific. Also, we were supposed to use english in this conversation which mean we had to translate our words from mother tongue into english. This discussion not only kept us enhancing our mutual communication skills ,but also giving a chance to brush up on our english. The last thing was how to think more critically. While we had to make comparison with Hong Kong strike on the balance between education and leasure for the youngster? If we can learn how to dig deeper about the problem or question, we can learn much more. As it keep us thinking and challenging the difficulties, so it make us to understand more.

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Page 1: Effective Communication Journals(Group Submission)

Pauls Journals week 1 After this discussion, we could learn how to use examples to let other have a better understanding to our thoughts. As an example, one of our group mates who came from England was a university student. He said the education system in UK prefer to discover and develop students own interest. Since none of us, except him, have studied in Britian, we didn’t have any idea about how it works. So, he took some real­ life examples and british education system, We needed to think about the advantage and disadvantage too. Take Hong Kong education system as an example, Hong Kong have a exam­oriented education system. Although it keeps Hong Kong’students become highly competitive in all over the world, it makes student live with overwhelming stresses. whole when we go further thinking like the benefits of Hong Kong education system can really outweigh the drawbacks? What can the government do to sabout him or his friend to clarify our confuse. We realize using example have significant impact to make some concept more specific. Also, we were supposed to use english in this conversation which mean we had to translate our words from mother tongue into english. This discussion not only kept us enhancing our mutual communication skills ,but also giving a chance to brush up on our english. The last thing was how to think more critically. While we had to make comparison with Hong Kong strike on the balance between education and leasure for the youngster? If we can learn how to dig deeper about the problem or question, we can learn much more. As it keep us thinking and challenging the difficulties, so it make us to understand more.

Page 2: Effective Communication Journals(Group Submission)

week 2 After we attended the lesson and tried the task, we realized that having a discussion need some specific direction. We spent a great amount of time on finding a appropriate research topic because all of us had different thoughts. Some of our group­mate focus on the uniqueness of the topic and some thought the impact of the topic is the most essential things. We just tried other method after we failed in the frist time. Initially, we just went over what main point we should spotlight and discussed with a consciousness. Since we built up the correct base, we just went thought the conversation quickly. We have to find the mutual acceptable things first and follow it and that will lead our discussion become more effective and efficient. Besides effectiveness and efficiency, keeping our work in correct way and dig deeper it are vital too. Having a discussion with group­mate or classmate is the best approach to keep our work in accurate direction. As when we are discussing something with others, we can always share our ideas and stimulate us to come up with something new.Also, when we get something wrong, the group­mate or classmate will point out for us. Even though its a wrong accuse, it still lead us to think about our work once more and clarify our aims. Once we affirm what we are doing, we can start to find some information to do our assignments. Internet is a convenient method to find massive informations, but we have to decide use it or not as some of the data is not accurate. But its still worth to use it because data in the internet is usually up­to­date. If we can search and use it correctly, we can make our report or assignments become more professional and comprehensive.

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week 3 After we attended the lesson and discussed with group­mates, we knew the key elements of making a great report. First of all, a good report should be included streamline introduction. Since introduction is just a part which roughly conclude a report. We need to put some important information like aims of report and make it short. If not, overwhelming information will just only make the reader feel boarded. Secondly, finding and using more different data from different sources like internet, books or even journals. Because these kind of things are wrote by different people, so we can get more comprehensive data. We can compare their points of view and summarize our own opinion. Also ,we should avoid using some words ,like jargon, because we don't know who will read our report, So we have to provide supplemental information in order to let the reader can have better understanding to our report. But is it hard to write a significant report? No, But we have to learn how to read effectively first. Effective reading means we just read crucial part and ignore other unnecessary content. If we equipped this skill, we can find more data in short time period. Also, we are more likely to cut off the Surplus parts or sentence in our report. Because we have already know what content is essential or not to our report.

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week 4 After we attended this lecture, we could learn how to differentiate opinion and position. The former is the thoughts of a person, but it doesn't necessarily indicate the position of a person as a person can support one side and make an opinion on other side. The letter one indicate what people is supporting. As a example, Peter is the side of supporting education system reform and his position is advocating this. His position can show what he is supporting or not. When we determine our position and want to switch it to order side,some conjunction,like but or however,are definitely useful. As an example, we think a is good but now i think b is better. We can use these kinds of word to show we change our position. Also, we can talk about the commit the advantages of our contra side and shown it is better than originally we support. Using this approach, we can indicate we did some consideration or weighted the pros and cons before we altered our position. Lastly, we can commit we made a mistake and chose a wrong position. We can explain why we chose it and why it is wrong. it can also show we did thought about it rather that follow other's ways blindly.

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week 5 After we attended this lecture, we knew how to take a firm position. First of all, we have to find great amount of information to support our views. If we quote some research results or some expert sayings, our view or opinions are more likely to become persuasive. Also, if we found great amount of data, it can stimulate us to think about which position we are supporting or not. Also ,our tone and body language are really important helping us to take a stand. Also, when we use a serious tone and conscientious body language, the impression we gave to the audience will be more impressive and reliable. Then, if we want our argument flow well ,we have to organize it properly. For example, we are talking about latest technology. Since some of them are new terms, audience are not necessary know related information. If we started it with some hard term without introduction, some audience will lost concentration because of not understanding with the topic and content. Also, if we want to keep listener keeping interest on your talk, you have to give audience some rest. Like you can put on some joke when we just finished 2­3 main points in order to give some time for us and audience take a break and focus on further talk.

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week 6 After we attended the lesson and discussed with group­mate, male and female are quite different in both content and way of communication. First, most male tend to talk about sports or gaming, while female tend to talk about shopping or diet. Since the content are different, so the way male and female communicate is different. As an example, when male talk about sports, usually they will very excited or even using some cuss word. Not only gender will affect a people way to communicate, culture did a enormous impact too. Like a old saying in china " we should talk humbly to elderly " and most of the people in china really did it. Secondly, some special word will have pronunciation in different.Take "data" as an example, pronunciation in UK and US is "dayta" and Australian will say it as "dahta". Also, there will be some slang and word will be used as specified area or region. Even the timing of communication will be affected too. As an example, Chinese will talk with their family when they are having dinner. But the westerner will talk after they finished their meal. So culture undoubtedly did a significant impact to our communication.

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week 7 After we attended the lecture, all of us came up with some opinion of linking information. First, using some conjunction like and or however. When we using these kinds of words, we are able to link the similar data together and refine our sentences or reports. Secondly, we have to deviate our information into different categories in order to present it more neatly. If deviate in appropriate categories, the audience are more likely to catch up in our presentation. Thirdly, we can talk about the link between formation directly and explain it as sometimes the relationship between information are not clear. Linking information properly can also help us to prepare argument. But How can we make our argument become convincing and clear? Firstly, we have to find some studies or reference to support our argument as those data are done by expert. Secondly, we have to find some actual case as only theory is not not enough to convince others. Also, we can put our argument into number form what mean when we start new argument we use a new number. like,1 ­­­­­­­,2­­­­­­­­,3­­­­­­­­. It help others to know when we finish or start another argument as we made our argument become more clear.

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week 8 After we attended this lecture, we realized having a good introduction did a huge positive impact on the report. But is it hard to write a high quality introduction and conclusion? No,we don't think so. Both introduction and conclusion aim to summarize the report. So we have to find to main point of the report. Take introduction as an example, we will write method of collecting data or our expectation of research finding.That is roughly conclusion and main point of the report. Secondly, we can try to use dynamic rather than tedious writing tone. That is because dynamic tone can attract reader to focus our report depart from feeling boarded.But why are the readers looking at our report?One of the reasons is they want to find something from the report. We think they are always seeking some professional data. Since a report normally quoting a lot of fact and the analysis made by the author. The reader can find more points of view form the report. Also,the demonstration are also where reader focus on. Reader want the see the authors proofing their points by using different approaches. So,they can get more actual information from the the report.

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week9 After we attended the lesson and discussed with group­mate this week, we knew using different speaking tone or body movements can affect the meaning when we are communicating. Take “shut up” as an example, usually we will say these word when we feel annoying or rage.But when we say those words with smile and soft voice to our friends, they will know we are joking as they aren't feel any anger from us. That's how non­verbal communication works. If we want ensure others receive our thoughts properly, we have to aware strength of voice we are using. Every day,we have to communicate with others. We share lots of things like funny experiences,awful or working conditions. But why we have to share these kinds of thing with others? We think we want to share our emotions by using language. When we share some funny things, we want to share the happiness to our friends and families. Sometimes we want someone bear sadness with us, so we share our awful experience to others. However, emotions not the only things we communicate beyond language. while we are communicating, we may affect other personal value. Because language can show our personalities and personal value. So its really possible did a impact to others unintentionally .

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week 10 After we attended the lecture and discussed with group­mate. We have a better understanding of a good presentation. First we cant only talk without any visual impact as the audiences will think its boring and get distract easily. But how can we make keep audience focus by using significant visuals. First of all, we have to aware of our looks. Like When we are talking some professional topics like economics or sciences, we have to dress formally as we have to give a impression to audience that we are the expect and trust­worthy. Also, we have to body language is also important. When we are using powerful tone in speech, we can use powerful body language as an aid to enhance the dynamic impression. But these things are only one of the few thing that keep audiences concentrate on our talk.We think uniqueness and unpredictability are extremely vital. Like a talk by Bill Gates, he said “there is more money put into Baldness drags than put into malaria.” . This fact is interesting and ironic that will leads people think about. This kinds of fact can capture audience curiosity and let them become more focus on talk. Also, sense of humor is really critical too. Since Its hard for audience to focus all the time. Putting some jokes can be a relaxation for both speaker and audience. It will help audience regain motivation to listen speaker saids.

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Kens Journals

Week 1

How to make learning become effective while studying aboard is

mostly rely on student’s self­ discipline and to blend in to the academic

culture of the country you are studying in, and I was panic since this is

my first time studying aboard in Australia.

Luckily, I have been studying aboard in the UK for quite a while, so it

is easy for me to adapt into a new environment. And I am glad that the

academic culture in Australia is similar to where I used to study before.

For example, in todays lecture, lecturer well explained what we are going

to learn and why it is important for us to take this module, and it is clear

and easy to understand. While carrying out this task, she patiently

answered every single question students have even those questions are

constantly repeated. Moreover, the study environment in Taylors College

is also motivating, the reason being, my group mates are also willing to

help when I am confused about the topic from the lecture and the

assignment, we also share each other’s opinions and learn from others

experiences. So all these factors encourage me to seek for help and

motivate me to learn independently.

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Week 2

There are a few things we need to do before deciding our topic. First

we should always think of a lots of ideas and uses the one we interested

the most to be our research topic, or we can chose a topic that we think

our audience might be interested in. Secondly we should ensure the

topic is easy to understand and the resources are easy to reach.

After we have a general idea of our topic, which normally is about a

word or phrase, e can be more specific on the topic, for example a

question related to our topic can help set up a general idea of our report.

We can make our research question to be more specific by narrowing

the question.

We can always find credible information from primary research and

we should always use primary information in our assignments, for

example government report, academic journal, statistics gathered by

credible researcher. Credible information can always be found on the

Internet or from the library. However we should ensure we analysis the

information we have researched and understand the meaning of each

information, then we can use them in our assignments and explain it o

our audience.

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Week 3

In this week lecture, we have discussed on how to make a good

report, what is effective reading and how does it contribute to write a

good report. At first, we have no idea how to define a good report,

however after we have gone through research and the lecture slides, we

have agreed that a good report should be considered as a fast reading

article but also consists a clear, brief understanding content. We have

mixed up the idea of an essay and a report, but now we found out the

difference between those two and each of us is giving each other’s

opinions on how to start their own report.

Also we have discussed on what is effective reading, so we first

talked about our reading habits first, and we noticed that each of us has

their own reading style. Some of us prefer spending time on reading the

whole article, some of us prefer reading the main point. So in our own

opinions, some of us prefer finding what they need from the article

without watching it all. And we come out with a conclusion that is

effective reading is to use the least time to understand the most of an

article. So an effective reading can help contributing a good report

because it saves your time on reading many different resources and help

us find the most effective point to use on our report

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Week 4

In this week lecturer, we discussed about ‘How are opinions and

positions different?’ and “How can we use language to modify our


We have learnt that opinions is what we think about a certain

situation or a about a certain thing and our opinions could be anything

about the topic you are talking about and need to be reasonable.

However position is more reality based, we have to locate where we at

of the topic we are discussing about and if we make opinions before

positioning ourselves, our opinions could be irrelevant, unrealistic and

may not be applied to our position or what we are trying to get to our


We can use body language, accent, tone, gesture etc. to modify or

support our position. A suitable communication skills and emphasize the

meaning and help our speech being more persuasive, so we should

always use language to support our speech or changing our opinions.

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Week 5

In this week we discussed the question of “How can we make our

arguments flow well?” and “How can we take a stand?”

In order to make arguments flow well, we should know clearly

about what opinions we are up against, why we are against it and what

information support our arguments. While presenting to audience, we

can use quotation and question to interact with our audience, however

sometime using questions might have a negative effect on your

argument, because some audience might not agree with our points, and

our aim is to persuade them to agree with our argument.

Taking a stand helps a to persuade our audience to agree with our

opinions. However it has different meaning if you are standing for or

against something. It is easier to stand against something but it is hard

to make our audience to agree with our opinions. If for the same

problem, we could think of other positive solution and stand up for it, it

tends to be more persuasive than making an argument. It can have

different impact depends on how we take our stand; we should always

stand up for a positive solution or idea rather than purely stand against

an idea.

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Week 6

In this week, we have discussed “How is gender relevant to

communication” and “How does culture shape our communication”

The reason of gender is relevant to communication is different

gender tend to have different style of communication. For example,

when a female and a male have the same reaction towards the same

conversation, the meaning behind could be different. Simply as nodding

their head during a conversation, female mean she is listening, but male

would not nod their head until they agree with the conversation. As we

can see gender is relevant to communication since it can divine the

communication style into two groups in a very early stage before we go

into more specific.

Culture has implanted to our mind since we were a kid. It affected

our values, beliefs, rules and knowledge. When we talk with people in a

different culture, we cannot expect we both have the same experience to

share. So culture helps people to set up their conversation base on their

personal experience and knowledge.

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Week 7

In this week, we have been discussed about how to link information

together properly. Information is the data we have researched on a

certain topic, once we have gathered the information we have to deiced

the importance and the order of presenting the information by using

suitable conjunction for example “and”, “as”, “because of”. Even those

information is contrasting with each other, we can also use “however”,

“despite” to link up different information, so as to present it in a more

fluent and connective way. So the most importantly is to determine

whether which information is more important and what more information

can it links to then using suitable conjunction to connect different


Moreover, we have discussed about the elements to create a clear,

convincing argument. In our opinions, when we are making a argument,

firstly we need to set out our position, then we need to research on our

position because a convincing argument should always be supported by

realistic and relevance information. Afterwards we need to structure our

arguments, also to link our information together, because we want our

audience to understand what information we are trying to deliver and our

research can support our argument. Finally, we have to be confident

while presenting our argument to make it more convincing.

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Week 8

One of the reasons to write an introduction is to give a general

idea to our audience what is our report about, for us to write a good

introduction, we need to summaries our essay in the most simple and

understandable way for our audience to read and telling our audience

our theme and idea in our report. Conclusion is something similar to the

introduction, however we only summaries the main point we have

mentioned in the body of our report. We also need to decide which side

we are on if there is an argument in our report.

The readers are looking for some interesting, short and precise

writing. When we are writing a report, readers would tend to be more

interested in those who can express their idea clearly and support with

data. This is normally be done in the introduction. If the reader cannot

understand what the author are trying to get to their audiences, that

piece of writing will soon lose the interest from their audiences. So the

audiences are looking for something that could gain their attraction,

which normally can be found in the introduction.

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Week 9

In this week, we have discussed questions about “How does the

‘voice’ change with the type of text” and “How much and what are we

communication beyond language.

When we are reading a novel or any article, we always see

different type of text being used by the author. The purpose of using

different type of text is they want the readers to share the feeling when

they are reading the text. For example, when author using all CAP,

reader tend to focus more on those words, and that is what the author

want the reader to do because he make that sentence different and it is


When we communicate, sometimes we what we said opposite to

what we meant, or we meant more than what we said. People can easily

tell from our body language, gesture, tone etc. These details can always

be found when we communicate and people will always find out the

hidden emotion by noticing these details.

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Week 10

In this week, we have discussed the questions about “What makes

good visuals in a presentation?” and “What captures the audiences’


Good visuals consist of few points, first we need to minimize the

amount of words being used in the visual, it is better to include graphs,

picture, numerical data, because when we are doing our presentation,

we are trying to persuade our audience to agree with our opinions, it is

different from giving a lecture. Also a good visual should always keep its

meaning and concept in its simplest because it will lose audience

attention if they cannot understand it.

In our point of view, we think the easiest way to capture audiences’

attention is to presenting a topic or using example that is interesting or is

closely related to our daily life. Also people tend to like reading pictures

rather than words, and that is why we should minimize the amount of

words and use more graphics.

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Trevor journals

week 1

Since I am from Hong Kong and the educational system in HK, I had been

studying for twelve years. English is one of the most important subjects in my

country and I had already learnt so much about the academic culture. For

example, I needed to submit two academic essays within one month, also, I

had to speak to a foreign teacher for my essays regularly, so actually I could

adapt Australian’s academic culture very easily. Therefore, the experiences of

education in Hong Kong could help me to get used to it definitely. As what I’d

said, I need to finish some academic writings in both countries. Also, I have to

do research before starting an academic essay as well. However, there’re so

many difference between Hong Kong and Australia. Firstly, Australia is much

freer than Hong Kong. It gives plenty of spaces and opportunities for students.

Compare with Australia, Hongkongese students do not have enough chances

to be unconstrained in style for their study. Secondly, Australia’s teachers are

much more friendly and passionately than Hongkong’s. It might totally

increase the interest of students so that they could enrich their knowledge

from classes easily. Besides, students’ attitude also is one of the biggest

difference between HongKong and Australia. HongKong students never raise

their hands to ask or answer questions during lessons. Subjectively,

Australia’s academic culture let the students become much more


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week 2

Before the lecture, we all had no idea what are the differences between report

and essay. Actually, we just indicate the fact in the report. Also, we thought

that we could use the sources from Wikipedia for our writings. But in fact, it is

not allowed to use for any academic writings which means we have to write

based on many credible and relevant sources or evidence. In order to

convince the readers of our writings, we need to find this kind of sources from

some articles, books or websites which are written by well­known persons. For

example, during our discussion, we’d found a website which is called

‘ProQuest’ and provide a lot of scholarly articles as well as famous books.

Moreover, reference list and in­text reference certainly are new and unfamiliar

to us. Even though I’d written some academic essays in my country, I didn’t

need to add both of them. Besides, we all realise that copying other’s works or

writing is the wrong thing but I always think that it can be forgave or

empathized. But actually, we have to take responsibility and get penalty for

plagiarism. Plus, we’d searched the internet and found many cases of

plagiarizing in universities. Almost of them were forced to quit school, even not

allowed them to apply for another university in that country. Finally, we swore

that we will never copy other’s writing during we’re working on our writing.

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week 3

After our discussion, we had found a plenty of information about effective

reading. We realised that effective reading is kind of necessary for our

study. Once we can read effectively, we might gain twice the effect but

do half the work. For example, one of the most important concepts of

effective reading is skimming. Previously, when I needed to deal with

some long articles, I would read really slowly and make sure I could

understand what is the article means, even I would just give up and

forget about it. But effective reading actually is teaching us not to look all

the words. Otherwise, you will get lost in the article. Furthermore, after

skimming, we need to read in depth but also not to read all the words.

Based on what we have got from skimming, we have to try to understand

what does the article means. Then, we need to start thinking much

deeper such as what is the main idea of the article, does this article help

my assessment, etc. Moreover, in order to make a good report, we all

agreed that we have to find some credible evidence which are written by

experts. We can always use effective reading to find the evidence and it

will definitely accelerate our pace.

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week 4

After the lecture, we discussed a lot about what is opinion and position mean

and did some research on the internet since we had no idea what are the

differences between opinion and position. Firstly, we found that people give an

opinion based on what they think. Oppositely, people with the position are

giving what they know which is reasonable and showing which side they are

in. Moreover, opinions are subjective and it could be incorrect. For example, I

think I am pretty cool and handsome,but the others might not think so.

Furthermore,people with position show at least one example of each

approach. Next, although we discussed a lot, but actually we still didn’t know

how to use language to modify our position at all. However, we figured out

some ways to communicate with body language. For example, we might try to

be mindful of our facial expression or use gestures to communicate. After that,

we realised that how's important to have a great persuasion, we have to

convince the listeners while we're doing a presentation. Like Obama, I've

become his fan after today's lecture. Also, we have already planed how to

make our presentation be much more attractive.

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week 5

After our discussion, we realised that in order to make a great and powerful

argument, we need to bring out our strong thesis statements at first, it could

also gain your readers or audiences attention. Secondly, we have to give

many credible shreds of evidence to support our arguments but not only

theories. Furthermore, we have to address our counter statements and make

the persuasion to be much stronger. Besides that, our movements must be

more purposeful. For example, we couldn’t give some sentences which are

useless for our arguments, or we will just stray from the subject. In addition, to

take a stand, you need to have a steady mind to choose your position.

Moreover, we can take a stand for all things which have an argument, such as

choose your husband or wife, religion, even against some bad behaviors.

Well, you need to be confident and believe in yourself, thus, you can develop

a better attitude as well as live a wonderful life. Finally, after listening to the

interesting speech from the guest lecturer, I have become much more

confident in myself. I think I could give out a great presentation since I have

learnt a lot during the lecture like we need to work more on pauses, breaths

and sound volume. We need to present by using some body languages to

attract our audiences as well.

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week 6

After our discussion, we have done many kinds of research about the

connection between gender and communication style. However, we have got

different ideas with the lecture. We think gender could just separate into men

and women. We think that men use communication as a tool to gain some

kind of tangible results, they communicate more purposeful and simpler.

Oppositely, women communicate to enhance their social circle and probably

get a relationship, they are more expressive and tentative. Moreover, we think

our communication styles are affected by different circumstance. Take me as

an example, My secondary school is a boys school. I studied there and met

only males for six years, and I had no way to talk or interact with girls. That

made my communication style became less flexible, I will even be shy to face

to females. Therefore, gender and communication are related mutually.

Besides that, we think we are all living under the effect of social behaviors in

own country. For example, Hongkong’s lifestyle is different with mainland

China’s. A simple case, Hongkonger will not speak loudly in public areas but

Chinese. Even though we are in the same country technically, but still.

Different cultures could affect many areas such as religion, dressing,

personality, education system, etc. Thus, we all have our own communication

style and it is affected by culture.

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week 7

After the lecture, I have realised that critical reading does not just mean

reading seriously. Actually, it means a lot, analysing the argument from

two­sided, trying to understand the metaphor behind a writing,etc.

Moreover, in order to link information properly, we should minimise the

range of our research topic then we might find the relevant information

much easily. After that, we have to do the selection of this information, to

choose which are the most useful for your work. After that, what you

have to do are combine the best features you have found and put it into

your writing. Thus, the information will be linked naturally. Besides that,

to have a distinct and powerful argument, we think there are three

elements that must be included in your work. Firstly, you must have the

evidence for proving your statement, you must not bring out your points

without any proof. Secondly, you must have a forceful starting to indicate

your position. It can raise up the attraction of your writing. Thirdly, while

you are writing your essay, you must add linking words between one

point and another. It can separate your arguments clearly. Having these

three elements, you could be able to write the best argument.

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week 8

After our discussion, we think that the only concept for writing introduction and

conclusion is summarisation. In order to write a great opening, we have to

indicate the background of our topics briefly. For an example, my topic is to

analyse the importance of technology, I could narrate the development of tech

products in my introduction. Therefore,the readers would understand what is

your writing about and be attracted of the introduction. Besides, to write a

conclusion, we need to realise what each body paragraph is about and what

do we exactly want to bring out. After self­awareness, form your work into very

few sentences which can tell the whole contexts of your writing. Moreover, we

think the majority of the readers are not looking for some difficult or new

characters. Sometimes, we would use many hard words to prove we know a

lot of words. However, we often stress the incidental over the fundamental. In

fact, we could just use some simple words but which can explain the contexts

clearly. Furthermore, we think the readers are looking for an argument which

is supported by many powerful evidences and proofs. Because if your writing

without these, the readers wouldn't be convinced and interested in your

writing. Thus, your writing should be clear and well­built by credible sources.

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week 9

After our discussion, we think the voice we use to communicate is based on

what kind of context are we talking about. For example, if we are just chatting

with friends, we could use a tranquil voice. Oppositely, if we are arguing with

someone, we would turn our volume up and speak unfriendly. Moreover,

different voice can tell each different thing. Take today's lecture as an

example, Ratna said ‘you are really pleased to me’. This sentence could be

understood as two different meanings. One of them is appreciation which is

good, but then the another is blaming which is bad. It's based on the speaker’s

tone and also facial expression. Furthermore, communicating beyond

language, the interaction between people from different countries is what

flashed through my mind at first. They couldn't talk to each other by their own

languages, which means they need to use something beyond language. Body

language, the easiest way to communicate without language. I remember one

time my mom was sick and she couldn't even speak, but then I still could take

care of her and knew what she wanted at that moment. I think it was a perfect

sample.To conclude, interacting beyond language depends on what

circumstance are we in, like when you are in class , you couldn't talk with your

friends, you could just use body language to express yourself.

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week 10

After the lecture at UWA, we think that the lecturer did give us a perfect speech. She definitely made a good visual in her presentation, because we could pay full attention to her performance in that hour. We realize that she did few things to make a good visual in her speech. Firstly, she did not write very much in her slides, but she still did explain everything clearly. Too much information in slides would probably distract your audience, therefore, we prefer speaking more than performing in slides. Secondly, she used some interesting images to attract the audience. With some beautiful images, we could remember the speech much deeply. Thereby, we have to work more on our slides of the presentation and make it more accurate. Moreover, in order to hold audience attention, we should do more interaction with the listener while we are presenting. As today’s lecture as an example, she did interact with us when she was talking about the Aussie accent. That was a great communication to keep us focus on her. Furthermore, if presenters give out their speech straightly and without any tricks, listeners might fall asleep so soon. To avoid this happening, we could tell an interesting story to start our presentation and make some surprises during our speech.

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Kevins Journals Week 1 In our point of view, studying in Australia is more relaxing than in our home town(Hong Kong). At first the Lecturers in here talk much more slowly and cleanly than the professors or Lecturers in HK. In which We can easily to follow the topics of the lesson. As the previous university students in Hong Kong, students in HK do have more freedom to choose to attend the lessons or not, while in Australia most of the classmates that we have met are more hard working and willing to learn. More than this most of our classmates are attend the lessons on time. By these it also build a unique study atmosphere, to encourage me to study harder and pay more attention in the lesson in here. Having two days study in Australia, we can actually feel and experienced there have the huge different than our past study journey in HK. Using the discussion as an example, the tutors in here will encourage every students to discuss different topics of the lectures ensure everyone can receive more ideas and knowledges from those topic we had learnt. In contract, those school works in HK still encourage the student to form a group and have the discussions of the assessments. However it is not the requirement and this is the different.

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Week 2 It is difficult to find out a suitable research topic. By this we had discussed to get the suitable research topic, we can find it on the latest trend. For example latest feature of the technology. More than this we can also look for the topic from news. At first, in order to let us focus on the topic, we do need to choose a topic which is challenging to all of us. Also this topic might need to have enough informations and resources to ensure we have the resource to focus on the topic that we had chosen. About to question the topic, we will first choose the main theme of topic and question about it. And then we will question different elements about or surrounding the topic. In contrast, to encourage every group mates to focus and question the topic is a difficulties.This is because everyone might have their own opinions.Therefore we do need to receive and combine all of the comments that we have. And pick the most suitable one in the topic. To get the suitable information, we can easily to look for from the web, newspaper or books. However to use it effectively, we need to select the most suitable to fit our topic.

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Week 3 To have a good report, it must include different elements. First, the good report must be details oriented. It do need to include all the exclusive informations that the readers needs. From micro to macro to disclose the message. Second, the introduction of the report must be strong. Lead the reader feel interest to keep to read the report. Plus, to have a good report, including the statistic information can also let the report become more powerful. Third, the summary can also affect the report. Therefore having a suitable summary is important. The summary need to include the main gist of the report and it is not necessary to be too long or short. The main theme of the summary is to generalize and summarize the major informations or datas of the report. To have a effective reading, the readers might need to identify their purpose of choosing and reading the books. They need to focus on those topics that are important and skim the irrelevant topics. In order to understand the gist of the book. Having effective reading, not only can understand more of the books, but also can generate a good report. As the readers are having reflection while they are reading. Once they selected the most suitable informations, they can contribute a great report afterward.

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Week 4 In our opinions, at first opinions can be provided by different members from the group. And positions is like a stand set for the topics which can be vary from different topics. In opinions, we can share what we think about the topic and then find the suitable one to put in the topic. Everyone can provide their own points of view in order to fulfill the topic’s needs. However those opinions might have a huge irrelevant between each sharing. Also some of the opinions cannot hypothetic and might not be happened in the actual world. In position, it is the way to gather those opinion become action, we need to through those opinions to reach the suitable stand.And then use all of the suitable opinions take into real action. To modify the position through the usage of language, first we do need to use those words with stronger tone to show the position. However when having the opinions with predicted outcome, we can try a softer tone to reveal the predicted outcome. On the other hand, formal language must be put in the position part, as of using the informal language heavily, no only it cannot show the position is strong enough, but lead the confusion in outcome.

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Week 5 To have the good flow arguments, we believe that the topic that we are going to argue must be choose carefully. Before to do the arguments, having enough sources to support the standing is a must. In contrast, if the informations resources of the chosen topic were narrowed. The choose of topic might need to have another decision. In order to make the argument smooth, having enough resources is one of important element. However, whether the sources are suitable or strong enough to force the smooth arguments is another problem. Thus, when having for mass information, we do need to fill out the irrelevant one and look for the most suitable and possible to put in the arguments. More than this, having a number of evidences, tests, news and so on, can turn the argument become strong and flow well. The stand is the most important point in the argument. Stand must not be vary during the argument. Before taking the stand, we can first take a look of the resources. Then choose whether to support or violate the topic. Hence, if both of stands only have limited resources to bear. Looking for the similar evidences, informations and sources can lead us to determine the decision of a stand.

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Week 6 Gender do have a high level of relevant to communication, as of everyone must have the opportunity to communicate with different genders in daily life. From our point of view, different gender do have their own way to communicate with other. For example most of the female will communicate in a more decent stage, as of male, they do communicate with more causal stage. There are also have some variation when communicating with different genders. For example when the male talk with the female at first meeting, usually the male will become the starter, and the female might only just answer the questions. But after they know more about each other, this situation might be different. We alway mention that, different culture might have different way in communication. For example when living in a fast growing city, the speech of people in there must be speaking faster and more formal than rural places. Also the life style, education and behavior of different culture can build a very different communication styles. Moreover, different culture must have their own slang or lingo due to the living style, entertainments and trend. Also living area and situation are also important for the communication build.

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Week 7 From the mass sources of information, in order to link up properly. First we do need to fill out the most relevant resources measuring is it powerful or strong enough and then place it to the different categories. Second, to prevent the those informations have not repeated, having a proper read before putting in, is also effective. On the other hand, when we link the information together, we can also find out is that write by the same authors, publishers, websites and so on. As the variation of writing style might not be vary heavily and can be linked properly. Having a clear and convincing argument. At first we do need provide enough evidence to support our stand. And these evidences must need to be happened in real life. Plus all of the informations used to support of the argument do need to be strong enough, otherwise the argument cannot be convincing. To get a convincing argument, having enough powerful informations to support must be an advantage. However, if the argument do not have enough support documents, we can find out the similar one to fill in the gaps and predict the possible answers in order to have a convincing argument in result.

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Week 8 To write the advanced introductions, being simple at first and specific at last is the best way. Since introduction is the initial of the reading. In order to attract the reader, having a good introduction can brighten the readers’ mind. Through including the general background first.Then outline the main theme of the topic with those stories, news or social phenomenon. To let readers receive the general informations. After this, we need to state out the main theme and gist. And quote a little bit content at last, make a pathway to lead the readers keep reading. Talking about conclusions, Restate the main theme and gist are the most important element. Being remember almost all of the readers will memorize the climax of the contents. Though synthesizing and integrating the contents again, let the readers feel our work is meaningful and useful. Moreover we can also indicate the direction to the readers in final, encourage them to elaborate more about the content and leave the final impression on the readers. In our point of views, to determine whether the readers will pick up and start reading. The opening must be one of the most important part. But having the attractive opening is not enough for readers from past and now. Therefore the charming initial and introduction can impress the readers. And open the path to readers start reading the content.

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Week 9 In our point of views, different “voice” can make the type of text have a absolute effect in result. First, about the academic reports, assessments, letters and so on. We do need to use the formal tone. For example we cannot type in any of short forms in those academic items. Also if we are going to do the hypothetic analysis, since we have not tested the result yet,we just predict the result. Prevent using the words which come with strong voice can make the work become more effective. For example change the word “must” to “may” or “might”. On the other side, “voice” variation can also apply on daily life, like when we typing the email to our tutor or profession, first we must use formal tone and also using those words with soft “voice” while doing the request. In order to communicate beyond language, we can do this while traveling to the foreign countries or communicate with language barriers we can do the communication beyond language. To communicate beyond language, we can use our facial expression as well as body languages to express what we needs. And also writing those symbols or having the proper draw can also work for communicate beyond language.

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Week 10 Nowadays, having a good presentation is not only stand out and talk. In order to boost up the quality of presentation, adding visuals can be one of the best way. Firstly, we can through the nice images to supplement of the content. Since beautiful things can enhance the audience memory of the presentation. Second, is talk about the diagrams. Usually we put a lot of diagrams or figure into the slides. However, if we just explain it director, the audience must be feel bored. Therefore having the interesting diagrams are essential for the presentations. For example we can use the diagrammatic maps to disclose the critical concepts. Third, about the data visualizations. When presenting the mass datas, it is hard to explain all the details to the audience. Thus, having a transformation of the way to present can let the audience have higher of understanding during the presentation. On the other hands, the enhanced design of data visualization can help to clarify as well as complement. To capture the audiences’ attention during the whole presentation is difficult. However, if we add some variation during the talk, the result might be vary. For example, we can create the climax during the most important part of the presentation. Also adding some of the questions can receive the advanced audiences’ attention of the presentations.