ego rigere

Chemical World The Object of Thought The Object of Thought Editor: Humberto Gómez Sequeira- Editor: Humberto Gómez Sequeira- HuGóS HuGóS 10 June 2015 - Los Angeles, 10 June 2015 - Los Angeles, California, USA California, USA Ego Rigēre If one lives as an element produced by the combustions of the ego, one’s discernment of the eyes of the world is conditioned by its rigorous trials of one’s ability to function as the constant arranger of its volatile habits as the dialectical components of the psychological structure of one’s desires and fears. —Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS

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Post on 16-Sep-2015




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"Ego Rigere" is a reflection on the influence of the volatile ego on one's discernment of the world.


  • Chemical World

    The Object of Thought

    Editor: Humberto Gmez Sequeira-HuGS

    10 June 2015 - Los Angeles, California, USAEgo Rigre

    If one lives as an element produced by the combustions of the ego, ones discernment of the eyes of the world is conditioned by its rigorous trials of ones ability to function as the constant arranger of its volatile habits as the dialectical components of the psychological structure of ones desires and fears.

    Humberto Gmez Sequeira-HuGS