elements of a perfect landing page

Elements of a Perfect Landing Page brought to you by NerdyGirl Writers

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Post on 19-Aug-2015




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Elements of a Perfect Landing Page

brought to you by NerdyGirl Writers

Landing Page - a page with a singular focus

Optimized to grab viewer’s attention and achieve the

desired result

There are 6 parts to a PERFECT

landing page

A Single CTA

There should be only one CTA (Call-To-Action) on the page and it should be the most eye catching

thing on the page

Bright yellow buttons with red or blue arrows around perform extremely well but do keep in

mind your overall branding

Unique Value Proposition

Make sure your offer has something UNIQUELY valuable

The more unique your offer is

the higher the chances of converting

Compelling Ad Copy

Present your offer in a way that captures user’s attention: learn from magazine

headlines that play to reader’s emotions

Keep the text’s length proportional

to the value of your offer

Create Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency can significantly increase

the conversion rate

For a less aggressive approach, try a progress bar above your opt in - psychologically we are more inclined to finish something when we feel

it’s incomplete

Minimal Navigation Options

The BEST landing pages have no sidebar, no navigation menus, no


The only optionbesides the CTA

should be the back button

Language That Matches The Source

The more closely the page language matches the source of traffic the better

your chances at converting

Adding “Coming from Twitter? Check out our complete Twitter For Newbies Guide”

maximizes converting potential


Creating a great landing page is only the BEGINNING

of a great marketing strategy

At NerdyGirl Writerscreating great marketing strategy


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