emily ellen peacock & thomas smith

PIONEER HISTORY OF Emily Ellen Peacock (1845 1927) & Thomas Smith (1826 1905) SMITHFIELD UTAH HISTORICAL SOCIETY, PERSONAL HISTORIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thomas Smith Born: 19 April 1826 in Newbery Berkeshire, England Baptized: 1848 Died: 3 May 1905, Smithfield, Cache Co, Utah; Buried: Smithfield, Cache, Utah MARRIED: 10 May 1861, Luton, Bedfordshire, England Emily Ellen Peacock Born, 25 Aug 1845, Watford, Hertford, England (Sopme Records show various other dates) Baptized: 1860 Died: 19 Jan 1927, Logan, Cache, Utah: Buried: Smithfield, Cache, Utah

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PIONEER HISTORY OF Emily Ellen Peacock (1845 – 1927) & Thomas Smith (1826 – 1905)


Page 1: Emily Ellen Peacock & Thomas Smith


Emily Ellen Peacock (1845 – 1927) &



Thomas Smith Born: 19 April 1826 in Newbery Berkeshire, England

Baptized: 1848

Died: 3 May 1905, Smithfield, Cache Co, Utah; Buried: Smithfield, Cache, Utah

MARRIED: 10 May 1861, Luton, Bedfordshire, England

Emily Ellen Peacock Born, 25 Aug 1845, Watford, Hertford, England

(Sopme Records show various other dates)

Baptized: 1860

Died: 19 Jan 1927, Logan, Cache, Utah: Buried: Smithfield, Cache, Utah

Page 2: Emily Ellen Peacock & Thomas Smith


Thomas Smith

Thomas Smith was born April 19, 1826 in Newbury, Berkshire, England to Thomas Smith (B: 1803) and

Sarah Ann Willis (according to LDS Family Search)

His Father, Thomas, had carried on an unsuccessful confectionary and catering business. He died 16 Jan

1834 when son Thomas was 8 years old.

After that business failure his mother, Sarah Ann, turned to the lace making business, a trade she had

mastered when a girl. In that enterprise Mrs. Smith could furnish employment for her children at home,

thus helping the family income.

About eight years after the death of her husband Mrs. Smith died (2 Sep 1843) leaving Thomas Smith Jr.

and the other children total orphans. There were six of them; four of whom died shortly after their

mother’s death, leaving Thomas Jr. and a sister.

[NOTE: Family Search -There are three wives listed with his father, Thomas Smith: (Marth Pinnick,

Jane Pinnick and Sarah Ann Willis – only Sarah Ann Willis Smith shows the 6 children- including son

Thomas Smith Jr.]

Soon after the death of his mother, 1843; Thomas Smith joined the Latter Day Saints Church and

became an ardent student of its doctrines and principles, and later was ordained a Priest, followed by an

assignment to do local missionary work among the saints. Many of his father and mothers people treated

him with contempt.

April 20, 1849 Thomas Smith was ordained an Elder in the Church, and given authority to expand his

missionary work including the large centers of Bathford, Sheffield, Benham and Newberry. (areas

primarily west of London)

In his missionary work he emphasized the keenest humanities: friendships, humility, loyalty, country,

chastity and morality and was assigned to preside over Western Branch of the conference. He met

insults, jeers and abuses, but he carried his message to all classes of people. In 1851 he met President

Taylor, Erasmus Snow, and Franklin D. Richards at the Conference in London in the Royal Chapel.

June 22, 1852 he proposed marriage to Miss Sophia Whale (Born: 9 May 1829) and was accepted.

October 5 (20), 1853. Thomas Smith and Sophia Whale were married at Morpeth, (which is a few miles

north of Newcastle Upon Tyne) Northumberland, England. Shortly after their marriage Mr. Smith was

assigned by church officials to a mission three hundred miles south. (Morpeth to London About 300 miles)

He went, leaving his wife no means of support.

.July 9 or 26, 1856 a daughter (Sarah Ann) was born to them. Her father was 300 miles away when Sarah

Ann was born. His wife being at her fathers home too ill to travel - She (wife Sophia) died July 19, 1857,

at Abersychan, Monmouth, Wales, leaving her daughter in the care of grandma Whale (Ann Cross


He was later appointed president of the Carlisle branch of the North England Mission. (50 mile west of

Newcastle Upon Tyne)

Family Search shows: daughter, Sarah Ann Smith, born: 9 Jul 1856, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England; died:

Beaver Dam, Box Elder Co., Utah

Page 3: Emily Ellen Peacock & Thomas Smith

On Christmas day 1860 Mr. Thomas Smith met the William Peacock family and spent the day with them.

Their daughter Emily Ellen had secretly joined the Latter Day Saint Church. Thomas Smith had his

daughter (Sarah Ann) with him while visiting at the Peacock home.

May 4, 1861 George Q. Cannon notified Thomas Smith that he might be released if he so desired from

the mission service and go to Utah - It was accepted. Mr. Smith took his little daughter and went to the

Peacock home and asked the privilege to marry Emily Ellen and take her to Utah - Mr. Peacock strongly

objected. At that time Mr. Peacock was not a Mormon. However, objections were soon overcome and on

10 May 1861 (or 29 April 1861) at Luton, Bedfordshire, England (Luton is about 19 miles north of

Watford) Thomas Smith and Emily Ellen Peacock were married and Mr. Peacock loaned them money to

pay their way to Utah.

Thomas Smith had been a missioner from 1848, when he joined the Church, until 1861 with no $ in

compensation., 13 Years!

They left England May 16, 1861, taking the blessings of Father Peacock as they left. They boarded the

honeymoon Ship, “Monarch of the Sea”, and started for America; they had 4 weeks of rough sea on a

rocking boat with the bride groom “cooking his way across.”

(As a cook with the ships company, Tomas Smith and daughter Sarah are not recorded as passengers aboard

Monarch of the Sea).

Emily Ellen Peacock, Born: 25 Aug 1844, Watford, Hertford, England (other dates - 25 AUG 1842 & 25 Jan 1843)

Baptized: 18 Feb 1851 ? (1860 according to her biography)

Emigrated to Utah in 1861

Died: 19 Jan 1927, Logan, Cache, Utah: Buried: Smithfield, Cache, Utah

PARENTS & Family

Parents (William & Phyllis) and their children who also came to Utah were: Harriet Louisa, Alfred

James, Mary Ann “Annie”, Martha, Thomas Joseph and Clara Elizabeth -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Emily Ellen Peacock was born in Hartford England August 25, 1844, a daughter of William and Phyllis

Hyom Peacock.

The Peacock family was in good financial status and Emily Ellen had a quiet pleasant life and school

experiences near home in Watford. She learned many hand crafts like sewing and hat making.

Page 4: Emily Ellen Peacock & Thomas Smith

When about 14 years old (1858) she first heard the principles of the gospel taught by Bro. Thomas

Margetts, and those principles sank deep into her heart, she knew they were from God, but when she

spoke to her parents about uniting herself with that people, she met serious opposition and was called a

wicked and disobedient girl and ought to die, but she stood firm to her convictions and was baptized, by

Elder William Claridge, in the fall of 1860, and the way opened a year later for her to emigrate to Utah.

A few days before leaving England she was married to Elder Thomas Smith on 29 of April 1861 at Luton,

Bedfordshire, England (about 19 miles north of the family home at Watford, England) and that they

were sealed 17 Nov 1862 Endowment House, SLC, Utah.

Father Peacock advanced the money to pay for Emily’s passage to U.S., but Thomas got voyage for

himself and daughter Sarah Ann by doing ship work on the way. (Therefore Thomas and daughter, Sarah

Ann, are not shown as passengers on the ship “Monarch of the Sea” because he was part of the ships


They left England April 13, 1861, taking the blessings of Father Peacock as they left. They boarded the

“honeymoon Ship”, “Monarch of the Sea”, and started for America; they had 4 weeks of rough sea on a

rocking boat with the groom “Thomas, cooking his way across.”

Ships roster – Monarch of the Sea - 1861 PEACOCK, Emily Ellen <1844>Age: 17 Origin: England Occ: Spinster Note: BMR, p. 56.

NOTE: Biography shows birth 1846, Ships rosters shows birth 1844.

{I’m not sure why she is recorded as a “spinster”? Timing of the record or some other reason?)



Ship: Monarch of the Sea Date of Departure: 16 May 1861 Port of Departure: Liverpool, England

LDS Immigrants: 955, Church Leader: Jabez Woodard

Date of Arrival: 19 Jun 1861, Port of Arrival: New York, New York

Arriving at Florence, Neb. July 1st & 2

nd, 1861

Departed Florence, Neb. 4 July 1861 with John R. Murdock Ox Team

Arrived in Salt Lake City, Sept. 12th

, 1861 ======================================================================


Monarch of the Sea Ship: 1979 tons: 223' x 44' x 24'

Built: 1854 by Roosevelt Coyce & Co. at New York City, New York

A big three-decker, this clipper ship was exceptionally strong and fast and operated in the Washington

Line out of New York. Built with the usual three masts, a round stern, and billethead, she was owned by

Captain William R. Gardner and other businessmen. After more than a quarter of a century in service

the Monarch of the Sea was reported lost in 1880


Of the Mormon companies crossing the water under sail, the two largest were transported over the

Atlantic in the largest sailing ship used by the Saints-the Monarch of the Sea. According to one of these

passengers, she was "an excellent vessel, large, roomy, new and clean."

Page 5: Emily Ellen Peacock & Thomas Smith


The first company, consisting of 955 Saints, sailed from

Liverpool on 16 May 1861. Elder Jabez Woodard presided

over the passengers. Captain William R. Gardner of

Providence, Rhode Island, commanded the ship. During the

passage the Saints were organized into eleven wards and

lived together harmoniously.

There were eleven weddings, nine deaths, and four births on shipboard. After thirty-four days at sea the

Monarch of the Sea dropped anchor on 19 June at New York.

The second company, totaling 974 Saints, sailed from Liverpool on 28 April 1864.


Monarch of the Sea (May 1861) A Compilation of General Voyage Notes

Notes: "THE LAST SHIP OF THE SEASON. -- The packet ship Monarch of the Sea, Captain William

R. Gardne, sailed FROM Liverpool, having the largest number of Saints that have ever been shipped

upon one vessel. The company was composed of various nationalities -- people form Great Britain,

Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Switzerland, …..

… The captain of this vessel treated the emigrants with all due respect and kindness, while the opposite

was the case on the steamer 'Brittania.'… Later the large company was divided into districts, the

Scandinavians in seven and the English and Germans into three or four, each under a president….

The emigrants were kindly treated by both officers and crew on shipboard and the provisions were good

and sufficient. Some inconvenience was experienced in getting the food cooked on the ranges, on account

of the great number of pots and kettles to be served in the kitchen, and on this account each family could

only cook five times each week. The sick were treated to wine and beer; the adults received boiled sago

and the children had milk…..

On the voyage from Copenhagen to Liverpool to New York nine persons, most of whom were children,

died; 14 couples were married and four births took place on board.

The weather was favorable most of the time during the voyage; the ship, however, had to battle against

the wind a couple of days. Large icebergs were passed among which was, one judged, to tower 200 feet

high above water.

On June 19th 1861 the 'Monarch of the Sea' arrived in New York, where the company was lodged at

Castle Garden.

History of Barbara Sophia Haberli Staheli – Aboard Monarch of the Sea 1861

It took us several weeks to cross the water. Mother was sick in bed all the time, and our baby sister

Sophia, who was just passed a year old, took sick and died, and was buried in the ocean. She was

prepared for burial, wrapped in heavy canvas, a weight tied to the canvas, and then it was sunk in the

water, Mother was very sad.

Journal of Alma Elizabeth Mineer Felt – Aboard Monarch of the Sea 1861

We were on the ocean six weeks. All of the Mormon families traveled in the steerage. The voyage was

very rough. I can remember the chest sliding and banging from side to side across the wooden floor and

all the other chests and trunks with it. We slept in bunks on the sides of the boat. In the center we

children played during the daytime and ate our meals. Our food consisted of hard tack and a little bacon

and coffee. We used our chests and trunks as tables when we ate our food. Sometimes the captain would

be kinder than usual and send down a little soup.

Page 6: Emily Ellen Peacock & Thomas Smith

There were a lot of sailors on the

boat and they were so good to me.

A Negro cook who did the cooking

for the sailors and captain and who

had his kitchen on the upper deck

was very kindhearted and generous.

He used to give me prunes, dried

apples, raisins and sometimes

cookies, and often a little bowl of

soup. I was on deck frequently and

knew all the sailors and the cook.

Sometimes he used to sneak some

soup down to the emigrants in the steerage because he felt so sorry for them. The captain caught him at

this and he was put in jail. The jail was on the upper deck and I can remember that I used to see his

black fingers over the bars through the high opening of the door. One day he died. They told me that the

captain had starved him to death. The body of my friend, the Negro cook, was brought into the kitchen

where it was sewed up in a sheet. Then they put him on a long board, carried him to the side of the boat

and slid him into the ocean. I was the chief mourner because he had been so good to me.

The emigrants washed their clothes on the ship as best they could in the sea water and they had

their lines for drying on the top deck. I can remember seeing the shirts blowing in the wind with the shirt

sleeves puffing out full in the breezes.

On June 16th 1861 the 'Monarch of the Sea' arrived in New York


Page 7: Emily Ellen Peacock & Thomas Smith


December - January, 1860 - The South Secedes from the Union. Kansas admitted to the Union;

February 1 Texas seceded from the Union

February 9, 1861 - The Confederate States of America is formed with Jefferson Davis

March 4, 1861 - Abraham Lincoln is sworn in as 16th President of the United States of America.

April 12, 1861 - At 4:30 a.m. Confederates under Gen. Pierre Beauregard with 50 cannons open fire upon

Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. The Civil War begins.

April 15, 1861 - President Lincoln issues a Proclamation calling for 75,000 militiamen. Robert E. Lee, son

of a Revolutionary War hero, is offered command of the Union Army. Lee declines.

April 17, 1861 - Virginia secedes from the Union, followed within five weeks by Arkansas, Tennessee, and

North Carolina, thus forming an eleven state Confederacy with a population of 9 million, including

nearly 4 million slaves. The Union will soon have 21 states and a population of over 20 million.

April 19, 1861 - President Lincoln issues a Proclamation of Blockade against Southern ports. For the

duration of the war the blockade limits the ability of the rural South to stay well supplied in its war

against the industrialized North.

April 20, 1861 - Robert E. Lee resigns his commission in the United States Army. "I cannot raise my

hand against my birthplace, my home, my children." Lee then goes to Richmond, Virginia, is offered

command of the military and naval forces of Virginia, and accepts.

June 1863 Robert E. Lee, with 75,000 Confederates,invaded Pennsylvania

June 28, 1863 - President Lincoln appoints Gen. George G. Meade as commander of the Army of the

Potomac, replacing Hooker. Meade is the 5th man to command the Army in less than a year.

July 1-3, 1863 - Battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania. The tide of war turns against the South as the

Confederates are defeated at Gettysburg.

July 4, 1861 - Lincoln, in a speech to Congress, states the war is..."a People's contest...a struggle for

maintaining in the world, that form, and substance of government, whose leading object is, to elevate the

condition of men..." The Congress authorizes a call for 500,000 men.

July 21, 1861 - The Union Army under Gen. Irvin McDowell suffers a defeat at Bull Run 25 miles

southwest of Washington. Confederate Gen. Thomas J. Jackson earns the nickname "Stonewall,".

July 27, 1861 - President Lincoln appoints George B. McClellan as Commander of the Department of the

Potomac, replacing McDowell.

September 11, 1861 - President Lincoln revokes Gen. John C. Frémont's unauthorized military

proclamation of emancipation in Missouri. Later, the president relieves Gen. Frémont of his command

and replaces him with Gen. David Hunter.

November 1, 1861 - President Lincoln appoints McClellan as general-in-chief of all Union forces after the

resignation of the aged Winfield Scott. Lincoln tells McClellan, "...the supreme command of the Army

will entail a vast labor upon you." McClellan responds, "I can do it all."

November 19 1863 – Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address dedicates a battlefield cemetery at Gettysburg Pennsylvania. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Page 8: Emily Ellen Peacock & Thomas Smith

NEW YORK TO FLORENCE, NEBRASKA Autobiography of William Probert, Jr. – Aboard Monarch of the Sea 1861

…and the first thing I saw was the Military parading the streets of New York, and drumming up

for volunteers to go and fight the south which had rebelled against the north. All work was stopped to

make men enlist, and as I had no money, it looked rather blue for me, but I had faith and hoped that I

could get as far as St. Joseph, Missouri. I had just spent my last and only cent for one suite of clothes and

one blanket tied up in a large handkerchief

Journal of Alma Elizabeth Mineer Felt – Aboard Monarch of the Sea 1861

We finally landed in New York, all safe and sound, and went to a place called Castle Garden,

where all the emigrants landed, and where all the freight unloaded for the vessels was brought for storage

temporarily. Castle Garden was located at the Battery, just across from the Goddess of Liberty. It was

right on the waterfront.

Castle Garden was the dumping ground for all

kinds of cargo and it was also crowded with

emigrants. The floor was greasy and dirty. Here

we had to make our beds on the floor, as did all

the other emigrants. Mother spread out the

quilts and bedding and we all lay down in a row,

the children and Mother and Father. There

were sacks of brown sugar at our heads. My

little brother was sleeping next to me and in the

night he awoke and whispered, “Alma, there is a

hole in the corner of this sack and I am going to

have some of the brown sugar.” We had not had

any sugar or candy all the way over, so we got a

spoon out of the box and had all the brown sugar

we could eat. In the morning we were so sick!

We got up, went to the bay and threw it all up

and did not care for brown sugar after that.


From New York City, we traveled by boat up the Hudson and took the trains at Albany to travel to

Omaha, the outfitting place for our trip across the Plains. All of us were forced to travel on sheep cars so

filthy with sheep beans on the floor that we could not sit down and had to stand all the way. We traveled

this distance without a change of cars.

BIB: Felt, Alma Elizabeth Mineer, Journal, An Enduring Legacy, vol. 7 (Salt Lake City: Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1984)

pp. 196-198, 200. (HDL)

The Life of John and Barbara Staheli – Aboard Monarch of the Sea 1861

At that time, the Civil War being under way, the windows of the cars were shuttered as the train sped

along the costal states where battles were in progress. I remember how the trainmasters warned us to be

very quiet going through those States, so we would not be attacked. At Florence we were met by ox teams

and wagons. Those were provided by the Church for which we were to pay after arriving in Utah. This

fee was known as the Immigration Fund (PEF) and was to be paid in yearly installments. . . BIB: Staheli, John. The life of John and Barbara Staheli, (Ms 7832), pp. 1-3; Acc. #19761. (HAD)

Page 9: Emily Ellen Peacock & Thomas Smith

History of Barbara Sophia Haberli Staheli – Aboard Monarch of the Sea 1861

It was during the Civil War, and we could hear the boom of canons and firing of guns as we rode along.

Shutters were up at the window and the people on the trains were asked to be very quiet.

When we passed through Missouri the people were very bitter against the Mormons and set a bridge on fire

to retard our progress.

Autobiography of William Probert, Jr. – Aboard Monarch of the Sea 1861

After we left New York State, we were often stopped to see if we had any arms on board, or any rebels.

Sometimes in the night we were stopped and had to face a field battery until morning, and then to be

inspected before we could move on. Sometimes we were piled into cattle cars, or any way to get along.

Alma Elizabeth Mineer, Reminiscences Murdock Ox Train – Aboard: Monarch of the Sea 1861

From New York the company traveled by rail and steamboat (part of the way in two divisions) to

Florence, Nebraska, the first division arriving at Florence July 1st, and the second July 2nd. The route

taken was about the same as the year before (via Dunkirk, Cleveland, Chicago, Quincy, St. Joseph, etc.)


Pioneer Companies July 1861 (no Co.’s left after July in 1861

Post Departure


Company Captain - Company

Name or No.

Number of

People Wagons


Date Roster


Nebraska July 1861 John R. Murdock45 (4)





John R. Murdock Company (1861)

Smith, Emily Ellen Peacock Age (18) Birth Date: 25 Jan. 1843 Death Date: 19 Jan. 1927 Gender: Female

Smith, Thomas Age (35) Birth Date: 19 Apr. 1826 Death Date: 1 May 1905 Gender: Male

Smith, Sarah Ann Age (4) Birth Date: 9 July 1856 Death Date: 17 June 1938 Gender: Female

Smith, [Mr.] (Unknown) – Do not know if this person is traveling with them or not?


John R. Murdock Company (1861)

Departure Florence, Neb.: 4 July 1861 –

Arrival in Salt Lake Valley: 12-19 September 1861

Company Information:

This company consisted mostly of Scandinavian Saints from the ship

"Monarch of the Sea" when it began its journey from the outfitting

post at Florence, Nebraska (now Omaha).

Murdock, John Riggs, [Reminiscences], in Tanner, J. M., A Biographical Sketch of John Riggs Murdock

[1909], 136-40.

"In the year 1861 I was called," he says, "to take charge of a Church train consisting of fifty

wagons and as many drivers. It was our mission to go down to the Missouri river and bring emigrants to

Utah. After making our preparations, we started about the first of May, 1861. Before leaving Salt Lake

City we loaded up with flour and other provisions to meet the needs of the emigrants with whom we were

to return. These supplies we deposited at certain points along the road, so that we could use them on our


Page 10: Emily Ellen Peacock & Thomas Smith

"It generally took about nine weeks to cross the plains, and though it was a laborious trip, we had

a great deal of enjoyment out of it. We had musicians with their instruments and would sometimes have

what the boys called 'stag dances,' as there were no ladies with us on the 'down' trip. There were always

several trains on the road which frequently camped close to ours, so the drivers often mingled with each

other and engaged in such contests as wrestling, racing, and jumping. I took a great deal of pleasure in

such association with the boys."

These trains were generally made up from different sections of the territory, and there would

naturally be some feelings of rivalry among them. As these rivalries took on the form of honorable

contests, they naturally gave rise to sympathies and friendships that lasted throughout life. How often in

after years men were wont to say, when introduced to a supposed stranger. Yes, I know him. We were old

friends together on the plains." To know each other on the plains was the badge of friendship and the

assurance of hospitality. How these old-time friends were men and women who underwent trials together

and rejoiced in lasting friendships, those of later generations can hardly realize. There is an old adage

which says: "If you would know a man you must first travel with him."

How unlike, however, were the Mormon travelers on the plains in those early days when

compared with other travelers! The latter were quite contentious from the familiarity of their

associations with their fellow men. Their companies were frequently broken up, hatreds were

engendered, and sometimes men fought to the death. On the other hand, the Mormons were men and

women of religious convictions, who deeply sensed their obligations and desired to live in harmony with

their fellow men

"Our first trip down," (1861) he

says, "was without any particular incident.

We remained at the river a short time and

then loaded the luggage of the emigrants

into our wagons. There were from sixteen

to twenty persons, men, women, and

children, assigned to each wagon. Those

who were old enough to walk were

expected to do so the greater party of the

way. They would ride, occasionally, when

the roads were good. I always appointed

two men whose duty it was to look after

the passengers. It was certainly novel to

see a train starting out with everything

that could be put into wagons and everything that could be tied to the outside, such as buckets, cans and

all kinds of cooking utensils. Generally there were about seven hundred passengers in one train. The

organization was systematic and complete. It consisted of a captain, an assistant, a chaplain, a quarter-

master, hospital steward, a camp guard, and a night guard for the stock. The chaplain took charge of the

religious services, and we had prayer night and morning. We also had a choir with its leader. The people

were called together by means of a bugle."

Frequently the teamsters, who were usually unmarried men, formed attachments for the young

ladies among the emigrants. These attachments resulted in life-long friendships, and sometimes in


John R. Murdock was a thoughtful man-a man who could foresee possible dangers and was

therefore constantly on his guard to escape troubles that foresight and prudence might protect him from.

There is seen in his narratives of those early experiences a deep-seated satisfaction which he felt in the

fact that he and those in his charge escaped accidents and avoided both danger and trouble.

Page 11: Emily Ellen Peacock & Thomas Smith

Alma Elizabeth Mineer, Reminiscences Murdock Ox Train – Aboard: Monarch of the Sea 1861

Preparations for the journey across the plains were at once made and all who had not the means to fit

themselves out for the long journey were assisted by teams from Utah, which this year for the first time

were sent in large companies by the Church to the Missouri River to assist the poor Saints in gathering to

Zion. Most… grant[ed] assist[ance] in this manner crossed the plains in Captain John R. Murdock's

company, which left Florence in the begining of July and arrived in Salt Lake City, Sept. 12th

, 1861.

The rest of the emigrants -- those who possessed sufficient means to help themselves -- left Florence a few

days later under the leadership of Captain Samuel A. Woolley with about 60 ox teams. On Sunday, Sept.

22nd, 1861 this company arrived safely in Salt Lake City.

History of Barbara Sophia Haberli Staheli – Aboard Monarch of

the Sea 1861

We had many experiences while crossing the plains,

there was Indian warriors came to our wagons to trade

and a big prairie fire swept over the land, so there was

no feed for the oxen. One day we met the soldiers

returning to Washington who had come to Utah to kill

the Mormons.heavy rains, with thunder and lightning.

On Sundays, meetings were held and, father, being a

good musician and choir leader, would lead the songs.

A great many of the people were Swiss and we had a

Swiss choir. They were beautiful singers. My father

was also the bugler, and would play his bugle at night and in the morning.

Felt, Alma Elizabeth Mineer, Reminiscences, 2-4. (Trail excerpt transcribed from "Pioneer History Collection" available at

Pioneer Memorial Museum [Daughters of Utah Pioneers Museum], Salt Lake City, Utah. Some restrictions apply.) – Aboard

Monarch of the Sea 1861

The train which came to get us was made up of independent teams, under the direction of Captain

Murdock. We started on our long journey from Omaha with eighty wagons in our train. There were

three ox teams pulling each covered wagon. There were three families using our wagon, so you see it was

loaded to the bows with their equipment, baggage and clothing, and it was necessary for us all to walk all

the way—men, women and children.

We used to set out to walk, getting a start in the morning after breakfast about half an hour before

the wagons started, in order to avoid the heavy clouds of dust. We all walked in a body together for

safety. One woman in our party…a woman named Hustmark, who came from the same town as we did,

started out one day ahead of the rest…she said that she wasn't afraid of the Indians. But they stole her

away. It was said they put her in a saddle and rode off with her. They were crazy about white people. She

was never heard of again. Whether she lived with the Indians I do not know. How they would treat her

would depend on what tribe it was. Some tribes might have been kind to her if she stayed with them.

Our shoes wore out on the way, and we continued bare-foot. Our clothes were ragged and in ribbons. We

looked like Indians as we came to the end of our journey.


"The Immigration," Deseret News [Weekly], 11 Sept. 1861, 156

Captains Murdock, Horne and Eldredge, with their companies are reported near at hand, and will be in

to-day or to-morrow. Captain Young, with the last of the Church trains, so called, is expected to arrive in

about ten days.

Page 12: Emily Ellen Peacock & Thomas Smith

Thomas Smith & Emily Ellen Peacock Biographies combined Then came the crossing of the plains, really more hazardous and dishearting then the ocean. The groom,

not carrying the bride across the threshold of a nicely furnished home, but across dangerous creeks and


Even in that environment, the beginning of the journey had some pleasant hours as they trudged their

way over sand dunes, rock, under tarred skies, or torrential rains. As time went on sickness came on; the

trail became rougher; the hills became steeper and longer; streams deeper; oxen more tired and weary;

the day’s mileage lessened; the evening recreation dimmed; the oxen more weary; the morale of the

company saddened and dampened; tempers grew tense; tongues grew sharper. Yet they trudged on.

Then came to task of crossing the plains, by ox teams twelve persons to each wagon, she (Emily Ellen)

had to walk nearly all the way, and was carried on the shoulders of her husband to cross the streams. In

the first weeks of their journey everything was bright and encouraging, many times enjoying the dance

and other entertainments, but as the time extended the company becoming tired and footsore, many

faltered, and Sister Smith being worn out and sick, a short time before arriving into Salt Lake City,

wondered away from the company and laid down under a bush to die, and became unconscious, and as

she says, was so happy to know or feel that she was going to her heavenly home, although she loved the

gospel, its teachings and its people she felt she could go no farther, but God ordained otherwise, she was

found by a searching party and was carried to camp, and rode the rest of the way into Salt Lake City

being too weak to walk.

After resting a few days in Salt Lake City, the family moved on to Smithfield to make their home as

pioneer colonizers in the Summit fort where they lived wonderful contributing factors to the spiritual,

moral and economics betterment of the little town.

After arriving here (Smithfield) she (Emily Ellen) had a severe spell of sickness and only through the

administration of the Elders and by the power of God she was brought back to life when all thought she

passed away.

Mr. (Thomas) and Mrs. (Emily Ellen) Smith had left home and families, comfort of life, joys of childhood

and youth, dared and ventured in a new and almost unchartered way yet their hearts remained brave

and true; they knelt in fevered faith to pray, seeking the light of heaven’s appointing to their new life - a

chosen spot of prophecy and dreams, that at last had reached.

Their feet and their spirits anchored on the shores of Summit Creek and there entwined each others

respect, fidelity, and companionship. They determined to see the material and the spiritual achievements

for themselves and their posterity; that they did in a magnificent manner.

Mrs. Smith had special ability in the art of hat making of straw and reed-especially swamp reed and oat

straw. In her (Emily Ellen) girlhood days she had a great desire to learn the Millinery trade, and to that

end she gathered together many articles that proved to be of great value to her after arriving in Utah.

Mrs. Smith had acquired the art of hat making in her English home; she turned to that art to a good

advantage in her new home and in her community - an economic good for her home because neighbors

chose to buy her service and her product; she took pride in her work and to teach others her art and

culture. She spent much time gathering the material, curing and pressing it ready for weaving and then

she opened her house and invited her pioneer neighbors in to get instruction in the art of making for men

and women, charging a small price for the material.

Page 13: Emily Ellen Peacock & Thomas Smith

The first chickens and eggs was bought with spools of thread brought from England, soon after she made

hats for the people of Smithfield, and helped to make a living for herself and husband. Bishop Roskelley

bought from her a shawl for his intended bride the former Miss Rebecca Hendricks, that she also had in

her box.

When the Relief Society was first organized in Smithfield in 1864 with Sister Elizabeth Morehead as

President, Bishop Roskelley appointed Sister Smith as teacher of a class of twenty five to braid straw for

hats. So the inspiration of gathering material before leaving England, now came in very useful, many

hats being made and sold in the years that materials and means was very scarce. She was also appointed

a missionary to the sick and poor, and many have lived to bless her for the kind words and good deeds

performed in this calling.

Mr. (Thomas) and Mrs. (Emily Ellen) Smith had great ambition, and to ambition they complemented

with dedication; he to priesthood that he might merit its blessings; and she to the great Relief Society

challenge and to sacred temple endowment that others might have vicarious blessings.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith were devout hard working spiritual members in the church, and helped in every

possible way to promote the welfare of their community - spiritual and material. Mr. Smith was a student

of world affairs and possessed a clear sensible philosophy and astronomy.

Her husband Thomas Smith died the 1st of May 1904 (or 3 May 1905), whose death was a hard blow to

her, as he had been a father and husband combined, being some years older, and leaving her parents

when she was so young, only those who have been placed in like circumstances can fully realize the trials

that one so young went through and what sacrifices was made for the sake of the gospel, and her children

who live and enjoy the prosperity of today. But not a thought of regret has passed her mind for leaving

home and all that was near and dear to her for the gospel sake.

Since her husbands death she has devoted her life to temple work, has been baptized for over three

thousand persons on donation, also many hundreds of endowments, besides doing a great deal of work on

the Willis and Hyom records, and intended to do more work if her health permits, for she feels the Lord

has preserved her life for this work, having obtained many names from the genealogical office unasked

for, all of which has been done.

Page 14: Emily Ellen Peacock & Thomas Smith

Emily Ellen Peacock Smith Died: 19 Jan 1927, Logan, Cache, Utah:

Buried: 23 Jan 1927, Smithfield, Cache, Utah

Thomas Smith Born: 19 April 1826 in Newbery Berkeshire, England

Died: 3 May 1905, Smithfield, Cache Co, Utah; Buried: Smithfield, Cache, Utah


Five daughters and six sons were born to them; all born at Smithfield, Utah.

They were:

* Phyllis Amy, born: Jan. 17, 1863 - died young

* Alice Octavia, born: Jan 25, 1865 - died 1937

* Thomas Willis. born 12-1-1866; died 1874

* Manfred, born Nov. 22, 1868 – died Sept. 29, 1956

* William Oborn, Dec. 26, 1870 died June-9-1939

* Albert Henry. born Nov. 18, 1872 – died: 10 May 1873 infant

* Willis Henry, born: March 8, 1874; died May 8, 1952

* Rachel May born May 2, 1876 - died Oct 6,1876

* Cuzandra Ameilia,. born July 26, 1878, died March 28, 1958

* Richard Hyom, born Mar. 31, 1882

* Leah Rebekah. born Oct. 8, 1884 died June 10, 1962

Page 15: Emily Ellen Peacock & Thomas Smith

Your tombstone stands neglected and alone.

The name and date are chiseled out on polished, marbled stone.

It reaches out to all who care. It is too late to mourn.

You did not know that I exist. You died and I was born.

Yet each of us are cells of you in flesh, in blood, in bone.

Our heart contracts and beats a pulse entirely not our own.

Dear Ancestor, the place you filled so many years ago.

Spreads out among the ones you left who would have loved you so.

I wonder as you lived and loved, I wonder if you knew

That someday I would find this spot and come to visit you.

Author Unknown

Smithfield Cache County Cemetery, Utah, USA - Plot: C_54_1


Thomas Smith Birth: Apr. 19, 1826, Old Windsor, England

Death: May 1, 1905, Smithfield, Cache Co., Utah

Burial: Smithfield City Cemetery , Smithfield, Cache Co., Utah

Plot: C_54_1


Emily Ellen Peacock Smith Birth: Aug. 25, 1845, Walford, Herefordshire, England

Death: Jan. 19, 1927, Logan, Cache Co., Utah

Burial: Smithfield City Cemetery , Smithfield, Cache Co., Utah

Plot: C_54_2