eminent domain- constitutional law 2

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  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2





     NACHURA, J .:


    This is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule

    45 of the Rules of Court, seeking to reverse, annul,

    and set aside the Decision[1] dated Feruar! "#, "$$%

    and the Resolution["] dated Feruar! &, "$$& of the

    Court of 'ppeals (C') (Ceu Cit!), Twentieth

    Division, in C'*+R C- .o %5&/%


    The antecedent facts and proceedings are as follows0


    u2ect of this case is 3ot .o ##**"5$4" (3ot

     .o ##), with an area of 1,$1& s6uare 7eters, 7ore or 

    less, located in 3ahug, Ceu Cit! 8ts original owner 

    was 'nastacio Deiparine when the sa7e was su2ectto e9propriation proceedings, initiated ! the

    Repulic of the :hilippines (Repulic), represented !

    the then Civil 'eronautics 'd7inistration (C''), for 

    the e9pansion and i7prove7ent of the 3ahug

    'irport The case was filed with the then Court of 

    First 8nstance of Ceu, Third ;ranch, and docketed as

    Civil Case .o R*1##1


    's earl! as 1/4&, the lots were alread! occupied !the

  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    owners of the lots affected ! the e9propriation

     proceedings would either not appeal or withdraw their 

    respective appeals in consideration of a co77it7ent

    that the e9propriated lots would e resold at the pricethe! were e9propriated in the event that the 'T

    would aandon the 3ahug 'irport, pursuant to an

    estalished polic! involving si7ilar cases ;ecause of 

    this pro7ise, 3o=ada did not pursue his

    appeal Thereafter, 3ot .o ## was transferred and

    registered in the na7e of the Repulic under TCT .o


     The pro2ected i7prove7ent and e9pansion plan of the

    old 3ahug 'irport, however, was not pursued


    3o=ada, with the other landowners, contacted then

    C'' Director -icente Rivera, ?r, re6uesting to

    repurchase the lots, as per previous agree7ent The

    C'' replied that there 7ight still e a need for 

    the 3ahug 'irport to e used as an e7ergenc! DC*>

    airport 8t reiterated, however, the assurance that

    should this ffice dispose and resell the properties

    which 7a! e found to e no longer necessar! as an

    airport, then the polic! of this ffice is to give priorit!

    to the for7er owners su2ect to the approval of the



    n .ove7er "/, 1/#/, then :resident Cora=on C

    '6uino issued a @e7orandu7 to the Depart7ent of 

    Transportation, directing the transfer of generalaviation operations of the 3ahug 'irport to

    the @actan 8nternational 'irport efore the end of 

    1//$ and, upon such transfer, the closure of 

    the 3ahug 'irport


    o7eti7e in 1//$, the Congress of the :hilippines

     passed Repulic 'ct (R') .o %/5#, entitled 'n 'ct

    Creating the @actan*Ceu 8nternational 'irport'uthorit!, Transferring A9isting 'ssets of the @actan

    8nternational 'irport and the 3ahug 'irport to the

    'uthorit!, -esting the 'uthorit! with :ower to

    'd7inister and perate the @actan 8nternational

    'irport and the 3ahug 'irport, and For ther 



    Fro7 the date of the institution of the e9propriation

     proceedings up to the present, the pulic purpose of 

    the said e9propriation (e9pansion of the airport) was

    never actuall! initiated, reali=ed, or  

    i7ple7ented 8nstead, the old airport was converted

    into a co77ercial co7ple9 3ot .o ## eca7e the

    site of a 2ail known as Bagong Buhay Rehabilitation

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    Complex, while a portion thereof was occupied !

    s6uatters[>] The old airport was converted into what is

    now known as the '!ala 8T :ark, a co77ercial area

     Thus, on ?une 4, 1//%, petitioners initiated a

    co7plaint for the recover! of possession and

    reconve!ance of ownership of 3ot .o ## The case

    was docketed as Civil Case .o CA;*1##"> and was

    raffled to the Regional Trial Court (RTC), ;ranch

    5&, Ceu Cit! The co7plaint sustantiall! alleged as


     (a) pouses ;ernardo and Rosario 3o=ada

    were the registered owners of 3ot .o## covered ! TCT .o /$45B

     () 8n the earl! 1/%$s, the Repulic sought

    to ac6uire ! e9propriation 3ot .o##, a7ong others, in connection with

    its progra7 for the i7prove7ent and

    e9pansion of the 3ahug'irportB (c) ' decision was rendered ! the Court

    of First 8nstance in favor of the+overn7ent and against the landowners, a7ong who7 was ;ernardo

    3o=ada, r appealed therefro7B 

    (d) During the pendenc! of the appeal, the parties entered into a co7pro7isesettle7ent to the effect that the

    su2ect propert! would e resold to

    the original owner at the sa7e pricewhen it was e9propriated in the eventthat the +overn7ent aandons

    the 3ahug 'irportB (e) Title to 3ot .o ## was suse6uentl!

    transferred to the Repulic of 

    the :hilippines (TCT .o "5$5&)B 

    (f) The pro2ected e9pansion andi7prove7ent of  the 3ahug 'irport did not 7ateriali=eB

     (g) :laintiffs sought to repurchase their 

     propert! fro7 then C'' Director -icente Rivera The latter replied !giving as assurance that priorit!would e given to the previous

    owners, su2ect to the approval of the:resident, should C'' decide todispose of the propertiesB


    (h) n .ove7er "/, 1/#/, then :residentCora=on C '6uino, through a@e7orandu7 to the Depart7ent of Transportation and Co77unications


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    (DTC), directed the transfer of general aviation operations atthe 3ahug 'irport to the @actan*

    Ceu 8nternational 'irport 'uthorit!B

     (i) ince the pulic purpose for the

    e9propriation no longer e9ists, the

     propert! 7ust e returned to the plaintiffs[4]


    8n their 'nswer, petitioners asked for the i77ediate

    dis7issal of the co7plaint The! specificall! deniedthat the +overn7ent had 7ade assurances to reconve!

    3ot .o ## to respondents in the event that the

     propert! would no longer e needed for airport

    operations :etitioners instead asserted that the

     2udg7ent of conde7nation was unconditional, and

    respondents were, therefore, not entitled to recover the

    e9propriated propert! notwithstanding non*use or 

    aandon7ent thereof 

    'fter pretrial, ut efore trial on the 7erits, the parties

    stipulated on the following set of facts0

     (1) The lot involved is 3ot .o ##**

    "5$4" of the ;anilad Astate, situated

    in the Cit! of Ceu, containing anarea of ne Thousand eventeen(1,$1&) s6uare 7eters, 7ore or lessB


    (") The propert! was e9propriated a7ongseveral other properties in 3ahug infavor of the Repulic of  

    the :hilippines ! virtue of aDecision dated Dece7er "/, 1/%1 of the CF8 of Ceu in Civil Case .o R*1##1B

     (>) The pulic purpose for which the

     propert! was e9propriated was for the purpose of the 3ahug 'irportB

     (4) 'fter the e9pansion, the propert! was

    transferred in the na7e of @C8''B

    [and] (5) n .ove7er "/, 1/#/, then :resident

    Cora=on C '6uino directed the

    Depart7ent of Transportation andCo77unication to transfer generalaviation operations of the 3ahug'irport to the @actan*Ceu

    8nternational 'irport 'uthorit! and toclose the 3ahug 'irport after suchtransfer[][5]



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    During trial, respondents presented ;ernardo 3o=ada,

    r as their lone witness, while petitioners presented

    their own witness, @actan*Ceu 8nternational 'irport'uthorit! legal assistant @ichael ;acarisas


    n ctoer "", 1///, the RTC rendered its Decision,

    disposing as follows0

     ARAFRA, in the light of theforegoing, the Court here! renders

     2udg7ent in favor of the plaintiffs,;ernardo 3 3o=ada, r, and the heirs of Rosario @ercado, na7el!, -icente @3o=ada, @arcia 3 +odine=, -irginia 3

    Flores, ;ernardo @ 3o=ada, ?r, Dolores3 +acasan, ocorro 3 Cafaro and Rosario@ 3o=ada, represented ! their attorne!*in*fact @arcia 3o=ada +odine=, and

    against defendants Ceu*@actan8nternational 'irport 'uthorit! (@C8'')and 'ir Transportation ffice ('T)0

     1 ordering @C8'' and 'T to

    restore to plaintiffs the possession andownership of their land, 3ot .o ## :sd*

    #"1 (*">#$>), upon pa!7ent of thee9propriation price to plaintiffsB and

     " ordering the Register of Deeds to

    effect the transfer of the Certificate of Title

    fro7 defendant[s] to plaintiffs on 3ot .o

    [##], cancelling TCT .o "$>5& in thena7e of defendant @C8'' and to issue anew title on the sa7e lot in the na7e of 

    ;ernardo 3 3o=ada, r and the heirs of Rosario @ercado, na7el!0 -icente @3o=ada, @ario @ 3o=ada, @arcia 3+odine=, -irginia 3 Flores, ;ernardo @

    3o=ada, ?r, Dolores 3 +acasan, ocorro3 Cafaro and Rosario @ 3o=ada

      .o pronounce7ent as to costs  RDARAD[%]


    'ggrieved, petitioners interposed an appeal to the

    C' 'fter the filing of the necessar! appellate riefs,

    the C' rendered its assailed Decision dated Feruar!"#, "$$%, den!ing petitioners appeal and affir7ing in

    toto the Decision of the RTC, ;ranch

    5&, Ceu Cit! :etitioners 7otion for reconsideration

    was, likewise, denied in the 6uestioned C' Resolution

    dated Feruar! &, "$$&



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    ence, this petition arguing that0 (1) the respondents

    utterl! failed to prove that there was a repurchase

    agree7ent or co7pro7ise settle7ent etween the7

    and the +overn7entB (") the 2udg7ent in Civil Case .o R*1##1 was asolute and unconditional, giving

    title in fee si7ple to the RepulicB and (>) the

    respondents clai7 of veral assurances fro7

    govern7ent officials violates the tatute of Frauds


    The petition should e denied


    :etitioners anchor their clai7 to the controverted propert! on the supposition that the Decision in the

     pertinent e9propriation proceedings did not provide

    for the condition that should the intended use of 3ot

     .o ## for the e9pansion of the 3ahug 'irport e

    aorted or aandoned, the propert! would revert to

    respondents, eing its for7er owners :etitioners cite,

    in support of this position, Fery v. Municipality of 

    Cabanatuan,[&] which declared that the +overn7ent

    ac6uires onl! such rights in e9propriated parcels of 

    land as 7a! e allowed ! the character of its title

    over the properties

     8f 9 9 9 land is e9propriated for a particular  purpose, with the condition that when that

     purpose is ended or aandoned the propert! shall return to its for7er owner,then, of course, when the purpose is

    ter7inated or aandoned the for7er owner 

    reac6uires the propert! so e9propriated 8f 9 9 9 land is e9propriated for a pulicstreet and the e9propriation is granted

    upon condition that the cit! can only use itfor a pulic street, then, of course, whenthe cit! aandons its use as a pulic street,it returns to the for7er owner, unless there

    is so7e statutor! provision to thecontrar! 9 9 9 8f, upon the contrar!,

    however, the decree of e9propriation givesto the entit! a fee si7ple title, then, of course, the land eco7es the asolute propert! of the e9propriator, whether it ethe tate, a province, or 7unicipalit!, and

    in that case the non*user does not have theeffect of defeating the title ac6uired ! thee9propriation proceedings 9 9 9 

    hen land has een ac6uired for  pulic use in fee simple, unconditionally ,either ! the e9ercise of e7inent do7ainor ! purchase, the for7er owner retains

    no right in the land, and the pulic use 7a! e aandoned, or the land 7a! e devotedto a different use, without an! i7pair7ent


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    of the estate or title ac6uired, or an!reversion to the for7er owner 9 9 9[#]


    Contrar! to the stance of petitioners, this Court

    had ruled otherwise in Heirs of Timoteo Moreno and 

     Maria Rotea v. MactanCebu !nternational "irport 

     "uthority,[/] thus

     @oreover, respondent @C8'' has rought

    to our attention a significant and telling portion in the #ecision in Civil Case .o

    R*1##1 validating our discern7ent that thee9propriation ! the predecessors of 

    respondent was ordered under the runningi7pression that 3ahug 'irport wouldcontinue in operation

     's for the pulic purpose of the e9propriation proceeding,it cannot now e

    douted 'lthough @actan 'irport is eing constructed, itdoes not take awa! the actualusefulness and i7portance of 

    the 3ahug 'irport0 it ishandling the air traffic othcivilian and 7ilitar! Fro7 itaircrafts fl! to @indanao and

    -isa!as and pass thru it ontheir flights to the .orthand @anila Then, no

    evidence $as adduced to

     sho$ ho$ soon isthe Mactan "irport to be

     placed in operation and 


    the %ahug"irport $ill be

    closed immediately

    thereafter. 8t is up to the other 

    depart7ents of the+overn7ent to deter7ine

    said 7atters The Courtcannot sustitute its 2udg7entfor those of the saiddepart7ents or agencies !nthe absence of such sho$ing,

    the Court $ill presume that 

    the %ahug "irport $ill 

    continue to be in operation

    &emphasis supplied'.

     hile in the trial in Civil Case .o R*1##1[we] could have si7pl! acknowledged the presence of pulic purpose for the e9ercise

    of e7inent do7ain regardless of thesurvival of3ahug 'irport, the trial court inits #ecision chose not to do so ut instead prefi9ed its finding of pulic purpose upon


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    its understanding that %ahug "irport $ill continue to be in operation. -eril!, these7eaningful state7ents in the od! of 

    the #ecision warrant the conclusion that

    the e9propriated properties would re7ainto e so until it was confir7edthat 3ahug 'irport was no longer in

    operation. This inference further i7pliestwo (") things0 (a) after  the 3ahug 'irport ceased its undertakingas such and the e9propriated lots were not

     eing used for an! airport e9pansion pro2ect, the rights vis**vis the e9propriated

    3ots .os /1% and /"$ as etween thetate and their for7er owners, petitionersherein, 7ust e e6uital! ad2ustedB and ()the foregoing un7istakale declarations inthe od! of the #ecision should 7erge

    with and eco7e an intrinsic part of the fallo thereof which under the pre7isesis clearl! inade6uate since the dispositive portion is not in accord with the findings

    as contained in the od! thereof [1$]


    8ndeed, the Decision in Civil Case .o R*1##1 should

     e read in its entiret!, wherein it is apparent that the

    ac6uisition ! the Repulic of the e9propriated lots

    was su2ect to the condition that

    the 3ahug 'irport would continue its operation The

    condition not having 7ateriali=ed ecause the airport

    had een aandoned, the for7er owner should then e

    allowed to reac6uire the e9propriated propert![11]


    n this note, we take this opportunit! to revisit our 

    ruling in Fery, which involved an e9propriation suit

    co77enced upon parcels of land to e used as a site

    for a pulic 7arket 8nstead of putting up a pulic

    7arket, respondent Caanatuan constructed

    residential houses for lease on the area Clai7ing that

    the 7unicipalit! lost its right to the propert! takensince it did not pursue its pulic purpose, petitioner 

    ?uan Fer!, the for7er owner of the lots e9propriated,

    sought to recover his properties owever, as he had

    ad7itted that, in 1/15,

    respondent Caanatuan ac6uired a fee si7ple title to

    the lands in 6uestion, 2udg7ent was rendered in favor 

    of the 7unicipalit!, following '7erican

     2urisprudence, particularl! City of Fort (ayne v. %a)e

    *hore + M.*. R. Co.,[1"] McConihay v. Theodore

    (right,[1>] and Reichling v. Covington %umber Co.,[14]  all unifor7l! holding that the transfer to a third

     part! of the e9propriated real propert!, which

    necessaril! resulted in the aandon7ent of the

     particular pulic purpose for which the propert! was


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    taken, is not a ground for the recover! of the sa7e !

    its previous owner, the title of the e9propriating

    agenc! eing one of fee si7ple

     viousl!, Fery was not decided pursuant to our now

    sacredl! held constitutional right that private propert!

    shall not e taken for pulic use without 2ust

    co7pensation[15] 8t is well settled that the taking of 

     private propert! ! the +overn7ents power of 

    e7inent do7ain is su2ect to two 7andator!

    re6uire7ents0 (1) that it is for a particular pulic

     purposeB and (") that 2ust co7pensation e paid to the propert! owner These re6uire7ents partake of the

    nature of i7plied conditions that should e co7plied

    with to enale the conde7nor to keep the propert!



    @ore particularl!, with respect to the ele7ent of 

     pulic use, the e9propriator should co77it to use the

     propert! pursuant to the purpose stated in the petition

    for e9propriation filed, failing which, it should file

    another petition for the new purpose 8f not, it is then

    incu7ent upon the e9propriator to return the said

     propert! to its private owner, if the latter desires to

    reac6uire the sa7e therwise, the 2udg7ent of 

    e9propriation suffers an intrinsic flaw, as it would lack 

    one indispensale ele7ent for the proper e9ercise of 

    the power of e7inent do7ain, na7el!, the particular 

     pulic purpose for which the propert! will e

    devoted 'ccordingl!, the private propert! owner would e denied due process of law, and the 2udg7ent

    would violate the propert! owners right to 2ustice,

    fairness, and e6uit!


    8n light of these pre7ises, we now e9pressl! hold that

    the taking of private propert!, conse6uent to the

    +overn7ents e9ercise of its power of e7inent

    do7ain, is alwa!s su2ect to the condition that the propert! e devoted to the specific pulic purpose for 

    which it was taken Corollaril!, if this particular 

     purpose or intent is not initiated or not at all pursued,

    and is pere7ptoril! aandoned, then the for7er 

    owners, if the! so desire, 7a! seek the reversion of 

    the propert!, su2ect to the return of the a7ount of 2ust

    co7pensation received 8n such a case, the e9ercise of 

    the power of e7inent do7ain has eco7e i7proper 

    for lack of the re6uired factual 2ustification[1&]


    Aven without the foregoing declaration, in the instant

    case, on the 6uestion of whether respondents were

    ale to estalish the e9istence of an oral co7pro7ise

    agree7ent that entitled the7 to repurchase 3ot .o ##


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    should the operations of the 3ahug 'irport e

    aandoned, we rule in the affir7ative


    8t ears stressing that oth the RTC, ;ranch 5&, Ceuand the C' have passed upon this factual issue and

    have declared, in no uncertain ter7s, that a

    co7pro7ise agree7ent was, in fact, entered into

     etween the +overn7ent and respondents, with the

    for7er undertaking to resell 3ot .o ## to the latter if 

    the i7prove7ent and e9pansion of the 3ahug 'irport

    would not e pursued 8n affir7ing the factual finding

    of the RTC to this effect, the C' declared 

    3o=adas testi7on! is cogent 'n

    octogenarian widower*retiree and aresident of @oon :ark, California since1/&4, he testified that govern7entrepresentatives verall! pro7ised hi7 and

    his late wife while the e9propriation proceedings were on*going that the

    govern7ent shall return the propert! if the purpose for the e9propriation no longer 

    e9ists This pro7ise was 7ade at the pre7ises of the airport 's far as he couldre7e7er, there were no e9propriation

     proceedings against his propert! in 1/5" ecause the first notice of e9propriation hereceived was in 1/%" ;ased on the

     pro7ise, he did not hire a law!er 3o=adawas fir7 that he was pro7ised that the lotwould e reverted to hi7 once the pulic

    use of the lot ceases e 7ade it clear that

    the veral pro7ise was 7ade in 3ahugwith other lot owners efore the 1/%1decision was handed down, though he

    could not na7e the govern7entrepresentatives who 7ade the pro7ise 8twas 2ust a veral pro7iseB nevertheless, itis inding The fact that he could not

    suppl! the necessar! details for theestalish7ent of his assertions during

    cross*e9a7ination, ut that hen it willnot e used as intended, it will e returned ack, we 2ust elieved in the govern7ent,does not dis7antle the crediilit! andtruthfulness of his allegation This Court

    notes that he was #/ !ears old when hetestified in .ove7er 1//& for an incidentwhich happened decades ago till, he is aco7petent witness capale of perceiving

    and 7aking his perception known The7inor lapses are i77aterial The decisionof the co7petenc! of a witness rests pri7aril! with the trial 2udge and 7ust not

     e distured on appeal unless it is clear that it was erroneous The o2ection to hisco7petenc! 7ust e 7ade efore he hasgiven an! testi7on! or as soon as the

  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    inco7petenc! eco7es apparent Though3o=ada is not part of the co7pro7iseagree7ent,[1#] he nevertheless adduced

    sufficient evidence to support his clai7[1/]


    's correctl! found ! the C', unlike in Mactan Cebu

     !nternational "irport "uthority v. Court of "ppeals,["$] cited ! petitioners, where respondent therein

    offered testi7onies which were hearsa! in nature, the

    testi7on! of 3o=ada was ased on personal

    knowledge as the assurance fro7 the govern7ent was

     personall! 7ade to hi7 is testi7on! on cross*

    e9a7ination destro!ed neither his crediilit! as a

    witness nor the truthfulness of his words


    -eril!, factual findings of the trial court,

    especiall! when affir7ed ! the C', are inding and

    conclusive on this Court and 7a! not e reviewed '

     petition for certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of 

    Court conte7plates onl! 6uestions of law and not of 

    fact["1] .ot one of the e9ceptions to this rule is present

    in this case to warrant a reversal of such findings


    's regards the position of petitioners that respondents

    testi7onial evidence violates the tatute of Frauds,

    suffice it to state that the tatute of Frauds operates

    onl! with respect to e9ecutor! contracts, and does not

    appl! to contracts which have een co7pletel! or 

     partiall! perfor7ed, the rationale thereof eing asfollows0

     8n e9ecutor! contracts there is a wide fieldfor fraud ecause unless the! e in writingthere is no palpale evidence of the

    intention of the contracting parties Thestatute has precisel! een enacted to prevent fraud owever, if a contract has

     een totall! or partiall! perfor7ed, thee9clusion of parol evidence would pro7ote fraud or ad faith, for it wouldenale the defendant to keep the enefitsalread! delivered ! hi7 fro7 the

    transaction in litigation, and, at the sa7eti7e, evade the oligations, responsiilitiesor liailities assu7ed or contracted ! hi7



    8n this case, the tatute of Frauds, invoked !

     petitioners to ar the clai7 of respondents for the

    reac6uisition of 3ot .o ##, cannot appl!, the oral

    co7pro7ise settle7ent having een partiall!

     perfor7ed ;! reason of such assurance 7ade in their 


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    favor, respondents relied on the sa7e ! not pursuing

    their appeal efore the C' @oreover, contrar! to the

    clai7 of petitioners, the fact of 3o=adas eventual

    confor7it! to the appraisal of 3ot .o ## and hisseeking the correction of a clerical error in the

     2udg7ent as to the true area of 3ot .o ## do not

    conclusivel! estalish that respondents asolutel!

     parted with their propert! To our 7ind, these acts

    were si7pl! 7eant to cooperate with the govern7ent,

     particularl! ecause of the oral pro7ise 7ade to the7


    The right of respondents to repurchase 3ot .o ##7a! e enforced ased on a constructive trust

    constituted on the propert! held ! the govern7ent in

    favor of the for7er n this note, our ruling in Heirs

    of Timoteo Moreno is instructive, vi-.0

      MactanCebu !nternational "irport 

     "uthority is correct in stating that one

    would not find an e9press state7ent in theDecision in Civil Case .o R*1##1 to theeffect that the condemned/ lot $ould 

    return to the lando$ner/ or that the

    lando$ner/ had a right to repurchase the

     same if the purpose for $hich it $as

    expropriated is ended or abandoned or if 

    the property $as to be used other than as

    the %ahug "irport. This o7issionnotwithstanding, and while the inclusion of this pronounce7ent in the 2udg7ent of 

    conde7nation would have een ideal, such

     precision is not asolutel! necessar! nor isit fatal to the cause of petitionersherein .o dout, the return or repurchase

    of the conde7ned properties of petitionerscould e readil! 2ustified as the 7anifestlegal effect or conse6uence of the trialcourts underl!ing presu7ption that %ahug  "irport $ill continue to be in

    operation when it granted the co7plaint

    for e7inent do7ain and the airportdiscontinued its activities The predica7ent of petitioners involves aconstructive trust, one that is akin to the

    i7plied trust referred to in 'rt 1454 of the Civil Code, !f an absolute conveyanceof property is made in order to secure the

     performance of an obligation of the

     grantor to$ard the grantee, a trust byvirtue of la$ is established. !f the

     fulfillment of the obligation is offered by

    the grantor $hen it becomes due, he may

    demand the reconveyance of the property

    to him. 8n the case at ar, petitionersconve!ed 3ots .o /1% and /"$ to thegovern7ent with the latter oliging itself 

  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    to use the realties for the e9pansion of 3ahug 'irportB failing to keep its argain,the govern7ent can e co7pelled !

     petitioners to reconve! the parcels of land

    to the7, otherwise, petitioners would edenied the use of their properties upon astate of affairs that was not conceived nor 

    conte7plated when the e9propriation wasauthori=ed 'lthough the s!77etr! etween the

    instant case and the situation conte7plated ! 'rt 1454 is not perfect, the provision is

    undoutedl! applicale For, as e9plained ! an e9pert on the law of trusts0 The only problem of great importance in the field of 

    constructive trust is to decide $hether in

    the numerous and varying fact situations

     presented to the courts there is a $rongful 

    holding of property and hence a

    threatened un0ust enrichment of the

    defendant. Constructive trusts are fictions

    of e6uit! which are ound ! noun!ielding for7ula when the! are used !courts as devices to re7ed! an! situationin which the holder of legal title 7a! not

    in good conscience retain the eneficialinterest 

    8n constructive trusts, the arrange7ent iste7porar! and passive in which thetrustees sole dut! is to transfer the title and

     possession over the propert! to the

     plaintiff*eneficiar!f course,the $ronged party see)ing the aid of acourt of e1uity in establishing a

    constructive trust must himself do

    e1uity. 'ccordingl!, the court will e9erciseits discretion in deciding what acts arere6uired of the plaintiff*eneficiar! as

    conditions precedent to otaining suchdecree and has the oligation to rei7urse

    the trustee the consideration received fro7the latter 2ust as the plaintiff*eneficiar!would if he proceeded on the theor! of rescission 8n the good 2udg7ent of thecourt, the trustee 7a! also e paid the

    necessar! e9penses he 7a! have incurredin sustaining the propert!, his fi9ed costsfor i7prove7ents thereon, and the7onetar! value of his services in

    7anaging the propert! to the e9tent that plaintiff*eneficiar! will secure a enefitfro7 his acts 

    The rights and oligations etween theconstructive trustee and the eneficiar!, inthis case, respondent @C8'' and petitioners over 3ots .os /1% and /"$, are

  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    echoed in 'rt 11/$ of the Civil Code,(hen the conditions have for their 

     purpose the extinguishment of an

    obligation to give, the parties, upon the

     fulfillment of said conditions, shall returnto each other $hat they have received x x x

     !n case of the loss, deterioration or 

    improvement of the thing, the provisions

    $hich, $ith respect to the debtor, are laid 

    do$n in the preceding article shall be

    applied to the party $ho is bound to return

     x x x.[">]


    n the 7atter of the repurchase price, while

     petitioners are oliged to reconve! 3ot .o ## to

    respondents, the latter 7ust return to the for7er what

    the! received as 2ust co7pensation for the

    e9propriation of the propert!, plus legal interest to e

    co7puted fro7 default, which in this case runs fro7

    the ti7e petitioners co7pl! with their oligation to



    Respondents 7ust likewise pa! petitioners the

    necessar! e9penses the! 7a! have incurred in

    7aintaining 3ot .o ##, as well as the 7onetar! value

    of their services in 7anaging it to the e9tent that

    respondents were enefited there!


    Following 'rticle 11#&["4]

     of the Civil Code, petitioners 7a! keep whatever inco7e or fruits the!

    7a! have otained fro7 3ot .o ##, and respondents

    need not account for the interests that the a7ounts

    the! received as 2ust co7pensation 7a! have earned

    in the 7eanti7e


    8n accordance with 'rticle 11/$["5] of the Civil Code

    vis**vis 'rticle 11#/, which provides that (i)f a thingis i7proved ! its nature, or ! ti7e, the

    i7prove7ent shall inure to the enefit of the creditor 

    9 9 9, respondents, as creditors, do not have to pa!, as

     part of the process of restitution, the appreciation in

    value of 3ot .o ##, which is a natural conse6uence

    of nature and ti7e["%]


    WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The

    Feruar! "#, "$$% Decision of the Court of 'ppeals,

    affir7ing the ctoer "", 1/// Decision of the

    Regional Trial Court, ;ranch #&, Ceu Cit!, and its

    Feruar! &, "$$& Resolution

    are AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION as follows0



  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    1 Respondents are ORDERED to return to

     petitioners the 2ust co7pensation the! received for the

    e9propriation of 3ot .o ##, plus legal interest, in the

    case of default, to e co7puted fro7 the ti7e petitioners co7pl! with their oligation to reconve!

    3ot .o ## to the7B


    " Respondents are ORDERED to pa! petitioners the

    necessar! e9penses the latter incurred in 7aintaining

    3ot .o ##, plus the 7onetar! value of their services

    to the e9tent that respondents were enefited there!B

     > :etitioners are ENTITLED to keep whatever 

    fruits and inco7e the! 7a! have otained fro7 3ot

     .o ##B and


    4 Respondents are also ENTITLED to keep

    whatever interests the a7ounts the! received as 2ust

    co7pensation 7a! have earned in the 7eanti7e, as

    well as the appreciation in value of 3ot .o ##, which

    is a natural conse6uence of nature and ti7eB


    8n light of the foregoing 7odifications, the case

    is REMANDED to the Regional Trial Court, ;ranch

    5&, Ceu Cit!, onl! for the purpose of receiving

    evidence on the a7ounts that respondents will have to

     pa! petitioners in accordance with this Courts

    decision .o costs



    BERSAMIN, J.:Private prpert! "#a$$ %t &e

    ta'e% (r p)&$i* )"e +it#)t )"t

    *-pe%"ati%ection /, 'rticle 888, 1/#&Constitution


    The application of this provision of the Constitution is

    the focus of this appeal


    :etitioner .ational :ower Corporation (.:C) seeks

    the review on certiorari of the decision pro7ulgated

    on ctoer 5, "$$4,[1] where! the Court of 'ppeals


  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    (C') affir7ed the decision dated 'ugust 1>, 1/// and

    the supple7ental decision dated 'ugust 1#, 1///,

    ordering .:C to pa! 2ust co7pensation to the

    respondents, oth rendered ! the Regional TrialCourt, ;ranch 1, in 8ligan Cit! (RTC)




    :ursuant to its legal 7andate under Repulic 'ct .o

    %>/5 ( "n "ct Revising the Charter of the 2ational 

     3o$er Corporation), .:C undertook the 'gus River 

    !droelectric :ower :lant :ro2ect in the 1/&$s togenerate electricit! for @indanao The pro2ect

    included the construction of several underground

    tunnels to e used in diverting the water flow fro7 the

    'gus River to the h!droelectric plants["]


    n .ove7er "1, 1//&, the respondents, na7el!0

    Ceu, ;angowa*an, a!ana, .asser, @anta, Adgar,

    :utri, @ongko! and '7ir, all surna7ed @acaangkit

    (eirs of @acaangkit), as the owners of land with an

    area of ""1,5&> s6uare 7eters situated in Ditucalan,

    8ligan Cit!, sued .:C in the RTC for the recover! of 

    da7ages and of the propert!, with the alternative

     pra!er for the pa!7ent of 2ust co7pensation[>] The!

    alleged that the! had elatedl! discovered that one of 

    the underground tunnels of .:C that diverted the

    water flow of the 'gus River for the operation of the

    !droelectric :ro2ect in 'gus -, 'gus -8 and 'gus

    -88 traversed their landB that their discover! hadoccurred in 1//5 after 'tt! aidali C +anda7ra,

    :resident of the Federation of 'raic @adaris chool,

    had re2ected their offer to sell the land ecause of the

    danger the underground tunnel 7ight pose to the

     proposed 'raic 3anguage Training Center and

    @usli7s kills Develop7ent CenterB that such

    re2ection had een followed ! the withdrawal !

    +loal 'sia @anage7ent and Resource Corporationfro7 developing the land into a housing pro2ect for 

    the sa7e reasonB that 'l*'7anah 8sla7ic 8nvest7ent

    ;ank of the :hilippines had also refused to accept

    their land as collateral ecause of the presence of the

    underground tunnelB that the underground tunnel had

     een constructed without their knowledge and

    consentB that the presence of the tunnel deprived the7

    of the agricultural, co77ercial, industrial and

    residential value of their landB and that their land had

    also eco7e an unsafe place for haitation ecause of 

    the loud sound of the water rushing through the tunnel

    and the constant shaking of the ground, forcing the7

    and their workers to relocate to safer grounds



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    8n its answer with counterclai7,[4] .:C countered that

    the eirs of @acaangkit had no right to

    co7pensation under section >(f) of Repulic 'ct .o

    %>/5, under which a 7ere legal ease7ent on their land was estalishedB that their cause of action, should

    the! e entitled to co7pensation, alread! prescried

    due to the tunnel having een constructed in 1/&/B

    and that ! reason of the tunnel eing an apparent and

    continuous ease7ent, an! action arising fro7 such

    ease7ent prescried in five !ears


    R)$i%/ ( t#e RTC 

    n ?ul! ">, 1//#, an ocular inspection of the

    land that was conducted ! RTC ?udge @a7indiara :

    @angotara and the representatives of the parties

    resulted in the following oservations and findings0

     a  That a concrete post which is aout

    two feet in length fro7 the groundwhich according to the clai7ants is the7iddle point of the tunnel

        That at least three fruit earing durian

    trees were uprooted and as a result of the construction ! the defendant of the

    tunnel and aout one hundred coconuts planted died


    c  T#at )%er/r)% t)%%e$ +a"

    *%"tr)*te t#erei%[5]


    'fter trial, the RTC ruled in favor of the plaintiffs

    (eirs of @acaangkit),[%] decreeing0


    ARAFRA, pre7ises considered0 

    1  The pra!er for the re7oval or dis7antling of defendants tunnel is deniedowever, defendant is here! directed andordered0

     a)To pa! plaintiffs land with a

    total area of ""&,$%5 s6uare 7eters, at

    the rate of F8-A

  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    :A, plus interest, as actualda7ages or 2ust co7pensationB


     )  To pa! plaintiff a 7onthl!

    rental of their land in the a7ount of T8RT T

  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    should e added to paragraph 1(a) of thedispositive portion thereof, to olster,har7oni=e, and confor7 to the findings of 

    the Court, which is 6uoted hereunder, to


    Conse6uentl!, plaintiffs land or 

     properties are here! conde7ned infavor of defendant .ational :ower Corporation, upon pa!7ent of theaforesaid su7

    Therefore, paragraph 1(a) of thedispositive portion of the original decision

    should read, as follows0 

    a)  To pa! plaintiffs land with a totalarea of ""&,$%5 s6uare 7eters, atthe rate of F8-A

  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    R)$i%/ ( t#e CA

     .:C raised onl! two errors in the C', na7el!0


    8TA C

  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    the reali=ation of the purposes specifiedtherein for its creationB to intercept anddivert the flow of waters fro7 lands of 

    riparian owners (in this case, the eirs),

    and fro7 persons owning or interested inwater which are or 7a! e necessar! tosaid purposes, the sa7e 'ct e9pressl!

    7andates the pa!7ent of 2ustco7pensation ARAFRA, pre7ises considered, the

    instant appeal is here! DA.8AD for lack of 7erit 'ccordingl!, the appealed

    Decision dated 'ugust 1>, 1///, and thesupple7ental Decision dated 'ugust 1#,1///, are here! 'FF8R@AD in toto  RDARAD[1"]




     .:C has co7e to the Court, assigning the lone error that0

     TA '::A33'TA C(i) of Repulic 'ct .o %>/5, which provided a period of onl! five !ears fro7 the date of 

    the construction within which the affected landowner 

    could ring a clai7 against itB and that even if 

    Repulic 'ct .o %>/5 should e inapplicale, the

    action of the eirs of @acaangkit had alread!

     prescried due to the underground tunnel eing

    susceptile to ac6uisitive prescription after the lapse

    of 1$ !ears pursuant to 'rticle %"$ of the Civil Code due to its eing a continuous and apparent legal

    ease7ent under 'rticle %>4 of the Civil Code

    The issues for resolution are, therefore, as follows0

     (1) hether the C' and the RTC

    erred in holding that there was an


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    underground tunnel traversing the eirsof @acaangkits land constructed !

     .:CB and


    (") hether the eirs of  @acaangkits right to clai7 2ust

    co7pensation had prescried under section >(i) of Repulic 'ct .o %>/5, or,

    alternativel!, under 'rticle %"$ and

    'rticle %4% of the Civil Code



    e uphold the liailit! of .:C for pa!7ent of 2ustco7pensation



    Fa*t)a$ (i%i%/" ( t#e RTC,

    +#e% a((ir-e &! t#e CA, are &i%i%/


    The e9istence of the tunnel underneath the land of the

    eirs of @acaangkit, eing a factual 7atter, cannotnow e properl! reviewed ! the Court, for 6uestions

    of fact are e!ond the pale of a petition for review

    on certiorari @oreover, the factual findings and

    deter7inations ! the RTC as the trial court are

    generall! inding on the Court, particularl! after the

    C' affir7ed the7[1>] ;earing these doctrines in 7ind,

    the Court should rightl! dis7iss .:Cs appeal


     .:C argues, however, that this appeal should not edis7issed ecause the eirs of @acaangkit

    essentiall! failed to prove the e9istence of the

    underground tunnel 8t insists that the topographic

    surve! 7ap and the right*of*wa! 7ap presented !

    the eirs of @acaangkit did not at all estalish the

     presence of an! underground tunnel


     .:C still fails to convinceAven assu7ing, for now, that the Court 7a! review

    the factual findings of the C' and the RTC, for .:C

    to insist that the evidence on the e9istence of the

    tunnel was not ade6uate and inco7petent re7ains

    futile n the contrar!, the evidence on the tunnel was

    sustantial, for the significance of the topographic

    surve! 7ap and the sketch 7ap (as indicative of the

    e9tent and presence of the tunnel construction) to the

    6uestion on the e9istence of the tunnel was strong, as

    the C' correctl! pro2ected in its assailed decision, vi- 0

     '7ong the pieces of docu7entar!

    evidence presented showing the e9istenceof the said tunnel eneath the su2ect


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     propert! is the topographic surve! 7apThe topographic surve! 7ap is oneconducted to know aout the location and

    elevation of the land and all e9isting

    structures aove and underneath it'nother is the ketch @ap which showsthe location and e9tent of the land

    traversed or affected ! the saidtunnel T#e"e t+ 123 pie*e" (  

    *)-e%tar! evie%*e reai$! pi%t t#e

    e4te%t a% pre"e%*e ( t#e t)%%e$

    *%"tr)*ti% *-i%/ (r- t#e p+er

    *aver% %ear t#e "-a$$ -a%5-ae $a'e

    +#i*# i" t#e i%$et a% appra*# t)%%e$,r at a i"ta%*e ( a&)t t+ 123

    'i$-eter" a+a! (r- t#e $a% ( t#e

    p$ai%ti(("5appe$$ee", a% t#e% traver"i%/

    t#e e%tire a% t#e +#$e $e%/t# ( t#e

    p$ai%ti(("5appe$$ee" prpert!, a% t#e

    )t$et *#a%%e$ ( t#e t)%%e$ i" a%t#er

    "-a$$ -a%5-ae $a'e. This is a su*terrain construction, and considering that

     oth inlet and outlet are odies of water,the tunnel can hardl! e noticed 'llconstructions done were eneath thesurface of the plaintiffs*appellees propert!

    This e9plains wh! the! could never otainan! knowledge of the e9istence of suchtunnel during the period that the sa7e was

    constructed and installed eneath their  propert![14]


    The power cavern and the inlet and outlet channels

    estalished the presence of the underground tunnel,

     ased on the declaration in the RTC ! acedon, a

    for7er e7plo!ee of the .:C[15] 8t is worth! to note

    that .:C did not den! the e9istence of the power 

    cavern, and of the inlet and outlet channels adverted

    to and as depicted in the topographic surve! 7ap and

    the sketch 7ap The C' cannot e faulted for 

    crediting the testi7on! of acedon despite the effortof .:C to discount his credit due to his not eing an

    e9pert witness, si7pl! ecause acedon had personal

    knowledge ased on his eing .:Cs principal

    engineer and supervisor tasked at one ti7e to la! out

    the tunnels and trans7ission lines specificall! for the

    h!droelectric pro2ects,[1%] and to supervise the

    construction of the 'gus 1 !droelectric :lant

    itself [1&]fro7 1/ until his retire7ent fro7 .:C[1#] ;esides, he declared that he personall! e9perienced

    the virations caused ! the rushing currents in the

    tunnel, particularl! near the outlet channel [1/] 

  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    The ocular inspection actuall! confir7ed the

    e9istence of the tunnel underneath the land of the

    eirs of @acaangkit Thus, the C' oserved0

     @ore so, the cular inspection conductedon ?ul! ">, 1//# further olstered suchclai7 of the e9istence and e9tent of suchtunnel This was conducted ! a tea7

    co7posed of the onorale :residing?udge of the Regional Trial Court, ;ranch$1, 3anao del .orte, herself and the

    respective law!ers of oth of the parties

    and ()% t#at, a-%/ t#er", "ai)%er/r)% t)%%e$ +a" *%"tr)*te

    &e%eat# t#e ")&e*t prpert!["$]


    8t ears noting that .:C did not raise an! issue

    against or tender an! contrar! co77ent on the ocular 

    inspection report


    2.Five5!ear pre"*riptive peri )%er

    Se*ti% 61i3 ( Rep)&$i* A*t N. 7689

    e" %t app$! t *$ai-" (r )"t



    The C' held that ection >(i) of Repulic 'ct .o

    %>/5 had no application to this action ecause it

    covered facilities that could e easil! discovered, not

    tunnels that were inconspicuousl! constructed eneaththe surface of the land["1]


     .:C disagrees, and argues that ecause 'rticle

    %>5[""] of the Civil Code directs the application of 

    special laws when an ease7ent, such as the

    underground tunnel, was intended for pulic use, the

    law applicale was ection >(i) of Repulic 'ct .o

    %>/5, as a7ended, which li7its the action for recover! of co7pensation to five !ears fro7 the date

    of construction 8t posits that the five*!ear prescriptive

     period alread! set in due to the construction of the

    underground tunnel having een co7pleted in 1/&/


    ithout necessaril! adopting the reasoning of the C',

    we uphold its conclusion that prescription did not ar 

    the present action to recover 2ust co7pensation


    ection > (i) of Repulic 'ct .o %>/5, the cited law,

    relevantl! provides0 

    ection > 3o$ers and 4eneral Functionsof the Corporation The powers, functions,


  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    rights and activities of the Corporationshall e the following0



    (i)  To construct works across, or otherwise, an! strea7,watercourse, canal, ditch, flu7e,

    street, avenue, highwa! or railwa!of private and pulic ownership,as the location of said works 7a!re6uire0 3rovided , That said works

     e constructed in such a 7anner asnot to endanger life or propert!B

    'nd provided, further, That thestrea7, watercourse, canal ditch,flu7e, street, avenue, highwa! or railwa! so crossed or intersected e restored as near as possile to

    their for7er state, or in a 7anner not to i7pair unnecessaril! their usefulness Aver! person or entit!whose right of wa! or propert! is

    lawfull! crossed or intersected !said works shall not ostruct an!such crossings or intersection andshall grant the ;oard or its

    representative, the proper authorit! for the e9ecution of suchwork The Corporation is here!given the right of wa! to locate,

    construct and 7aintain such worksover and throughout the landsowned ! the Repulic of the

    :hilippines or an! of its ranches

    and political sudivisions TheCorporation or its representative7a! also enter upon private

     propert! in the lawful perfor7anceor prosecution of its usiness and purposes, including theconstruction of the trans7ission

    lines thereonB 3rovided, that theowner of such propert! shall e

    inde7nified for an! actual da7agecaused there!B 3rovided, further ,T#at "ai a*ti% (ra-a/e" i" (i$e +it#i% (ive

    !ear" a(ter t#e ri/#t" ( +a!,

    tra%"-i""i% $i%e", ")&"tati%",

    p$a%t" r t#er (a*i$itie" "#a$$

    #ave &ee% e"ta&$i"#eB 3rovided, finally, That after said period, no

    suit shall e rought to 6uestionthe said rights of wa!,trans7ission lines, sustations, plants or other facilitiesB


  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    ' cursor! reading shows that ection >(i) covers the

    construction of works across, or otherwise, an!

    strea7, watercourse, canal, ditch, flu7e, street,

    avenue, highwa! or railwa! of private and pulicownership, as the location of said works 7a! re6uire

    8t is notale that ection >(i) includes no li7itation

    e9cept those enu7erated after the ter7 $or)s

    'ccordingl!, we consider the ter7 $or)s as

    e7racing all  kinds of constructions, facilities, and

    other develop7ents that can enale or help .:C to

    7eet its o2ectives of developing h!draulic power 

    e9pressl! provided under paragraph (g) of ection >[">] The C's restrictive construal of ection >(i) as

    e9clusive of tunnels was oviousl! unwarranted, for 

    the provision applies not onl! to develop7ent works

    easil! discoverale or on the surface of the earth ut

    also to suterranean works like tunnels uch

    interpretation accords with the funda7ental guideline

    in statutor! construction that when the law does not

    distinguish, so 7ust we not["4] @oreover, when thelanguage of the statute is plain and free fro7

    a7iguit!, and e9presses a single, definite, and

    sensile 7eaning, that 7eaning is conclusivel!

     presu7ed to e the 7eaning that the Congress

    intended to conve!["5]

    Aven so, we still cannot side with .:C


    e rule that the prescriptive period provided

    under ection >(i) of Repulic 'ct .o %>/5 is

    applicale onl! to an action for da7ages, and does note9tend to an action to recover 2ust co7pensation like

    this case Conse6uentl!, .:C cannot there! ar the

    right of the eirs of @acaangkit to recover 2ust

    co7pensation for their land


    The action to recover 2ust co7pensation fro7

    the tate or its e9propriating agenc! differs fro7 the

    action for da7ages The for7er, also knownas inverse condemnation, has the o2ective to recover 

    the value of propert! taken in fact ! the

    govern7ental defendant, even though no for7al

    e9ercise of the power of e7inent do7ain has een

    atte7pted ! the taking agenc!["%] ?ust co7pensation

    is the full and fair e6uivalent of the propert! taken

    fro7 its owner ! the e9propriator The 7easure is not

    the takers gain, ut the owners loss The word  0ust  isused to intensif! the 7eaning of the

    word compensation in order to conve! the idea that

    the e6uivalent to e rendered for the propert! to e

    taken shall e real, sustantial, full, and a7ple["&] n

    the other hand, the latter action seeks to vindicate a

    legal wrong through da7ages, which 7a! e actual,


  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    7oral, no7inal, te7perate, li6uidated, or e9e7plar!

    hen a right is e9ercised in a 7anner not

    confor7ale with the nor7s enshrined in 'rticle



     and like provisions on hu7an relations inthe Civil Code, and the e9ercise results to the da7age

    of another, a legal wrong is co77itted and the

    wrongdoer is held responsile["/]


    The two actions are radicall! different in nature

    and purpose The action to recover 2ust co7pensation

    is ased on the Constitution[>$] while the action for 

    da7ages is predicated on statutor! enact7ents8ndeed, the for7er arises fro7 the e9ercise ! the

    tate of its power of e7inent do7ain against private

     propert! for pulic use, ut the latter e7anates fro7

    the transgression of a right The fact that the owner 

    rather than the e9propriator rings the for7er does not

    change the essential nature of the suit as an inverse

    conde7nation,[>1] for the suit is not ased on tort, ut

    on the constitutional prohiition against the taking of  propert! without 2ust co7pensation[>"] 8t would ver!

    well e contrar! to the clear language of the

    Constitution to ar the recover! of 2ust co7pensation

    for private propert! taken for a pulic use solel! on

    the asis of statutor! prescription


    Due to the need to construct the underground tunnel,

     .:C should have first 7oved to ac6uire the land fro7

    the eirs of @acaangkit either ! voluntar! tender to

     purchase or through for7al e9propriation proceedings 8n either case, .:C would have een

    liale to pa! to the owners the fair 7arket value of the

    land, for ection >(h) of Repulic 'ct .o %>/5

    e9pressl! re6uires .:C to pa! the fair 7arket value of 

    such propert! at the ti7e of the taking, thusl!0 

    (h) T a*)ire, pro7ote, hold, transfer,sell, lease, rent, 7ortgage, encu7er and

    otherwise dispose of prpert! i%*ie%t t,r %e*e""ar!, *%ve%ie%t r prper t

    *arr! )t t#e p)rp"e" (r +#i*# t#e

    Crprati% +a" *reate: 3rovided , That

    in case a right of wa! is necessar! for itstrans7ission lines, ease7ent of right of wa! shall onl! e sought0 3rovided,ho$ever, T#at i% *a"e t#e prpert! it"e$( 

    "#a$$ &e a*)ire &! p)r*#a"e, t#e *"t

    t#ere( "#a$$ &e t#e (air -ar'et va$)e at

    t#e ti-e ( t#e ta'i%/ ( ")*# prpert!.


    This was what .:C was ordered to do

    in 2ational 3o$er Corporation v. !brahim,[>>] where

     .:C had denied the right of the owners to e paid 2ust


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    co7pensation despite their land eing traversed ! the

    underground tunnels for siphoning water fro7 3ake

    3anao needed in the operation of 'gus 88, 'gus 888,

    'gus 8-, 'gus -8 and 'gus -88 !droelectric:ro2ects in aguiran, 3anao del ur, in .angca and

    ;alo*8 in 3anao del .orte and in Ditucalan and

    Fuentes in 8ligan Cit! There, .:C si7ilarl! argued

    that the underground tunnels constituted a 7ere

    ease7ent that did not involve an! loss of title or 

     possession on the part of the propert! owners, ut the

    Court resolved against .:C, to wit0

     :etitioner contends that the

    underground tunnels in this case constitute

    an ease7ent upon the propert! of therespondents which does not involve an!loss of title or possession The 7anner inwhich the ease7ent was created !

     petitioner, however, violates the due process rights of respondents as it was

    without notice and inde7nit! to the7 anddid not go through proper e9propriation

     proceedings :etitioner could have, at an!ti7e, validl! e9ercised the power of e7inent do7ain to ac6uire the ease7entover respondents propert! as this power 

    enco7passes not onl! the taking or appropriation of title to and possession of 

    the e9propriated propert! ut likewisecovers even the i7position of a 7ere urden upon the owner of the conde7ned

     propert! ignificantl!, though, landowners

    cannot e deprived of their right over their land until e9propriation proceedings areinstituted in court The court 7ust then see

    to it that the taking is for pulic use, thatthere is pa!7ent of 2ust co7pensation andthat there is due process of law[>4]



    NPC" *%"tr)*ti% ( t#e t)%%e$

    *%"tit)te ta'i%/ ( t#e $a%, a%e%tit$e +%er" t )"t *-pe%"ati%


    The Court held in 2ational 3o$er Corporation

    v. !brahim that .:C was liale to pa! not 7erel! an

    ease7ent fee ut rather the full co7pensation for land

    traversed ! the underground tunnels, vi- 0

     8n disregarding this procedure and

    failing to recogni=e respondents ownershipof the su*terrain portion, petitioner took arisk and e9posed itself to greater liailit!

    with the passage of ti7e 8t 7ust ee7phasi=ed that the ac6uisition of the


  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    ease7ent is not without e9pense Theunderground tunnels i7pose li7itations onrespondents use of the propert! for an

    indefinite period and deprive the7 of its

    ordinar! use ;ased upon the foregoing,respondents are clearl! entitled to the pa!7ent of 2ust

    co7pensation Nt+it#"ta%i%/ t#e (a*tt#at petiti%er %$! **)pie" t#e ")&5

    terrai% prti%, it i" $ia&$e t pa! %t

    -ere$! a% ea"e-e%t (ee &)t rat#er t#e

    ()$$ *-pe%"ati% (r $a%. T#i" i" "

    &e*a)"e i% t#i" *a"e, t#e %at)re ( t#e

    ea"e-e%t pra*ti*a$$! eprive" t#e+%er" ( it" %r-a$ &e%e(i*ia$ )"e.

    Re"p%e%t", a" t#e +%er ( t#e

    prpert! t#)" e4prpriate, are e%tit$e

    t a )"t *-pe%"ati% +#i*# "#)$ &e

    %eit#er -re %r $e"", +#e%ever it i"

    p""i&$e t -a'e t#e a""e""-e%t, t#a%

    t#e -%e! e)iva$e%t ( "ai prpert![>5]


    ere, like in 2ational 3o$er Corporation v.

     !brahim, .:C constructed a tunnel underneath the

    land of the eirs of @acaangkit without going

    through for7al e9propriation proceedings and without

     procuring their consent or at least infor7ing the7

     eforehand of the construction .:Cs construction

    adversel! affected the owners rights and interests

     ecause the suterranean intervention ! .:C

     prevented the7 fro7 introducing an! develop7ents

    on the surface, and fro7 disposing of the land or an! portion of it, either ! sale or 7ortgage


    Did such conse6uence constitute taking of the land as

    to entitle the owners to 2ust co7pensationH


    e agree with oth the RTC and the C' that

    there was a full taking on the part of .:C,

    notwithstanding that the owners were not co7pletel!and actuall! dispossessed 8t is settled that the taking

    of private propert! for pulic use, to e co7pensale,

    need not e an actual ph!sical taking or appropriation[>%]  8ndeed, the e9propriators action 7a! e short of 

    ac6uisition of title, ph!sical possession, or occupanc!

     ut 7a! still a7ount to a taking[>&] Co7pensale

    taking includes destruction, restriction, di7inution, or 

    interruption of the rights of ownership or of theco77on and necessar! use and en2o!7ent of the

     propert! in a lawful 7anner, lessening or destro!ing

    its value[>#] 8t is neither necessar! that the owner e

    wholl! deprived of the use of his propert!,[>/] nor 

    7aterial whether the propert! is re7oved fro7 the


  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


     possession of the owner, or in an! respect changes



    's a result, .:C should pa! 2ust co7pensationfor the entire land  8n that regard, the RTC pegged 2ust

    co7pensation at :5$$$$s6uare 7eter ased on its

    finding on what the prevailing 7arket value of the

     propert! was at the ti7e of the filing of the co7plaint,

    and the C' upheld the RTC 

    e affir7 the C', considering that .:C did not assail

    the valuation in the C' and in this Court .:Cssilence was proal! due to the correctness of the

    RTCs valuation after careful consideration and

    weighing of the parties evidence, as follows0 

    The 7atter of what is 2ustco7pensation for these parcels of land is a

    7atter of evidence These parcels of landis (sic) located in the Cit! of 8ligan, the

    8ndustrial Cit! of the outh itnessDionisio ;anawan, 8C* Cit! 'ssessorsffice, testified, ithin that area, that areais classified as industrial and residentialThat plaintiffs land is ad2acent to 7an!

    sudivisions and that is within theindustrial classification e testified and

    identified A9hiit '' and ''*1, aCertification, dated 'pril 4, 1//&, showingthat the appraised value of plaintiffs land

    ranges fro7 :4$$$$ to :5$$$$ per s6uare

    7eter (see, T., testi7on! of Dionisio;anawan, pp 51, 5&, and &1, Feruar! /,1///) 'lso, witness ;anawan, testified

    and identified Two (") Deeds of ale,7arked as A9hiit ''*" and ''*>,[]showing that the appraised value of theland ad2oining or ad2acent to plaintiff land

    ranges fro7 :&$$$$ to :&5$$$ per s6uare7eter 's etween the 7uch lower price of 

    the land as testified ! defendants witness+regorio Anterone, and that of the Cit!'ssessor of 8ligan Cit!, the latter is 7orecredile Considering however, that theappraised value of the land in the area as

    deter7ined ! the Cit! 'ssessors ffice isnot unifor7, this Court, is of the opinionthat the reasonale a7ount of 2ustco7pensation of plaintiffs land should e

    fi9ed at F8-A (h) of 


  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    Repulic 'ct .o %>/5 The C' did not dwell on the

    reckoning ti7e, possil! ecause .:C did not assign

    that as an error on the part of the RTC


    e rule that the reckoning value is the value at

    the ti7e of the filing of the co7plaint, as the RTC

     provided in its decision Co7pensation that is

    reckoned on the 7arket value prevailing at the ti7e

    either when .:C entered or when it co7pleted the

    tunnel, as .:C su7its, would not e 2ust, for it

    would co7pound the gross unfairness alread! caused

    to the owners ! .:Cs entering without the intentionof for7all! e9propriating the land, and without the

     prior knowledge and consent of the eirs of 

    @acaangkit .:Cs entr! denied ele7entar! due

     process of law to the owners since then until the

    o$ners commenced the inverse condemnation

     proceedings The Court is 7ore concerned with the

    necessit! to prevent .:C fro7 un2ustl! profiting fro7

    its delierate acts of den!ing due process of law to theowners 's a 7easure of si7ple 2ustice and ordinar!

    fairness to the7, therefore, reckoning 2ust

    co7pensation on the value at the ti7e the owners

    co77enced these inverse conde7nation proceedings

    is entirel! warranted


    8n 2ational 3o$er Corporation v. Court of 

     "ppeals,[4"] a case that involved the si7ilar 

    construction of an underground tunnel ! .:C

    without the prior consent and knowledge of the

    owners, and in which we held that the asis in fi9ing

     2ust co7pensation when the initiation of the action

     preceded the entr! into the propert! was the ti7e of 

    the filing of the co7plaint, not the ti7e of taking,[4>] we pointed out that there was no taking when the

    entr! ! .:C was 7ade without intent to e9propriate

    or was not 7ade under warrant or color of legal


    A+ar" (r re%ta$", -ra$ a-a/e", e4e-p$ar!

    a-a/e", a% attr%e!" (ee" are e$ete

    (r i%")((i*ie%*! ( (a*t)a$ a% $e/a$ &a"e"


    The C' upheld the RTCs granting to the eirs of 

    @acaangkit of rentals of : >$,$$$$$7onth fro7

    1/&/ up to ?ul! 1/// with 1"E interest per annu7 !

    finding .:C guilt! of ad faith in taking possession

    of the land to construct the tunnel without their 

    knowledge and consent



  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    +ranting rentals is legall! and factuall! ereft

    of 2ustification, in light of the taking of the land eing

    alread! 2ustl! co7pensated Confor7al! with the

    ruling in Manila !nternational "irport "uthority v.

     Rodrigue-,[44] in which the award of interest was held

    to render the grant of ack rentals unwarranted, we

    delete the award of ack rentals and in its place

     prescrie interest of 1"E interest per annum fro7

     .ove7er "1, 1//&, the date of the filing of the

    co7plaint, until the full liailit! is paid ! .:C The

    i7position of interest of 1"E interest per 

    annum follows a long line of pertinent 2urisprudence,[45] where! the Court has fi9ed the rate of interest on

     2ust co7pensation at 1"E per annum whenever the

    e9propriator has not i77ediatel! paid 2ust



    The RTC did not state an! factual and legal

     2ustifications for awarding to the eirs of 

    @acaangkit 7oral and e9e7plar! da7ages each inthe a7ount of :"$$,$$$$$ The awards 2ust appeared

    in the fallo of its decision .either did the C' proffer 

    an! 2ustifications for sustaining the RTC on the

    awards e consider the o7issions of the lower courts

    as pure legal error that we feel ound to correct even

    if .:C did not su7it that for our consideration

    There was, to egin with, no factual and legal ases

    7entioned for the awards 8t is never trite to re7ind

    that 7oral and e9e7plar! da7ages, not ! an! 7eans

    li6uidated or assessed as a 7atter of routine, alwa!s

    re6uire evidence that estalish the circu7stances

    under which the clai7ant is entitled to the7

    @oreover, the failure of oth the RTC and the C' to

    render the factual and legal 2ustifications for the 7oral

    and e9e7plar! da7ages in the od! of their decisions

    i77ediatel! de7ands the striking out of the awards

    for eing in violation of the funda7ental rule that the

    decision 7ust clearl! state the facts and the law onwhich it is ased ithout the factual and legal

     2ustifications, the awards are e9posed as the product

    of con2ecture and speculation, which have no place in

    fair 2udicial ad2udication


    e also reverse and set aside the decree of the

    RTC for .:C to pa! to the eirs of @acaangkit the

    su7 e6uivalent to 15E of the total a7ount awarded,as attorne!s fees, and to pa! the cost The od! of the

    decision did not state the factual and legal reasons

    wh! .:C was liale for attorne!s fees The

    terse state7ent found at the end of the od! of the

    RTCs decision, stating0 999 The contingent attorne!s

    fee is here! reduced fro7 "$E to onl! 15E of the


  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    total a7ount of the clai7 that 7a! e awarded to

     plaintiffs, without 7ore, did not indicate or e9plain

    wh! and how the sustantial liailit! of .:C for 

    attorne!s fees could have arisen and een deter7ined


    8n assessing attorne!s fees against .:C and in

    favor of the respondents, the RTC casuall!

    disregarded the funda7ental distinction etween the

    two concepts of attorne!s fees the ordinar! and the

    e9traordinar! These concepts were aptl!

    distinguished in Traders Royal Ban) 5mployees

    6nion!ndependent v. 2%RC,[4%]


    There are two co77onl! accepted

    concepts of attorne!s fees, the so*calledordinar! and e9traordinar! 8n its ordinar!concept, an attorne!s fee is the reasonaleco7pensation paid to a law!er ! his

    client for the legal services he has renderedto the latter The asis of this

    co7pensation is the fact of hise7plo!7ent ! and his agree7ent with the

    client 8n its e9traordinar! concept, an

    attorne!s fee is an inde7nit! for da7agesordered ! the court to e paid ! thelosing part! in a litigation The asis of 

    this is an! of the cases provided ! lawwhere such award can e 7ade, such asthose authori=ed in 'rticle ""$#, Civil

    Code, and is pa!ale not to the law!er ut

    to the client, unless the! have agreed thatthe award shall pertain to the law!er asadditional co7pensation or as part thereof


    ;! referring to the award as contingenc! fees,

    and reducing the award fro7 "$E to 15E, the RTC

    was reall! referring to a supposed agree7ent on

    attorne!s fees etween the eirs of @acaangkit and

    their counsel 's such, the concept of attorne!s fees

    involved was the ordinar! et, the inclusion of the

    attorne!s fees in the 2udg7ent a7ong the liailities of 

     .:C converted the fees to e9traordinar! e have to

    disagree with the RTC thereon, and we e9press our 

    disco7fort that the C'did not do an!thing to

    e9cise the clearl! erroneous and unfounded grant


    'n award of attorne!s fees has alwa!s een the

    e9ception rather than the rule To start with, attorne!s

    fees are not awarded ever! ti7e a part! prevails in a

    suit[4&]  .or should an adverse decision ipso

     facto 2ustif! an award of attorne!s fees to the winning


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     part![4#] The polic! of the Court is that no pre7iu7

    should e placed on the right to litigate[4/] Too, such

    fees, as part of da7ages, are assessed onl! in the

    instances specified in 'rt ""$#, Civil Code[5$] 8ndeed, attorne!s fees are in the nature of actual

    da7ages[51] ;ut even when a clai7ant is co7pelled to

    litigate with third persons or to incur e9penses to

     protect his rights, attorne!s fees 7a! still e

    withheld where no sufficient showing of ad faith

    could e reflected in a part!s persistence in

    a suit other than an erroneous conviction of the

    righteousness of his cause[5"]

     'nd, lastl!, the trialcourt 7ust 7ake express findings of fact and law that

     ring the suit within the e9ception hat

    this de7ands is that the factual, legal or 

    e6uitale 2ustifications for the award 7ust e set forth


    not onl! in the fallo ut also in the te9t of thedecision, or else, the award should e thrown out for 

     eing speculative and con2ectural[5>]


    ound polic! dictates that even if the .:C

    failed to raise the issue of attorne!s fees, we are not

     precluded fro7 correcting the lower 

    courts patentl! erroneous application of the law[54] 8ndeed, the Court, in supervising the lower courts,

     possesses the a7ple authorit! to

    review legal 7atters like this one even if not

    specificall! raised or assigned as error ! the parties



    Attr%e!" (ee" )%er quantum meruit  pri%*ip$e

    are (i4e at 0

  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    ;allelos suse6uentl! filed also a 7anifestation,[5#] supple7ental 7anifestation,[5/]


    repl!,[%$] and ex parte 7otion reiterating the 7otion for 

    earl! decision[%1] 8t appears that a cop! of the C's

    decision was furnished solel! to 'tt! ;allelos

    owever, shortl! efore the rendition of the decision,

    'tt! Diaratun filed in the C' a 7otion to register 

    attorne!s lien,[%"] alleging that he had not withdrawn

    his appearance and had not een aware of the entr! of 

    appearance ! 'tt! ;allelos ' si7ilar 7otion was

    also received ! the Court fro7 'tt! Diaratun a fewda!s after the petition for review was filed[%>] Thus, on

    Feruar! 14, "$$5,[%4] the Court directed 'tt!

    Diaratun to enter his appearance herein e co7plied

    upon filing the co77ent[%5]


    '7ir @acaangkit confir7ed 'tt! Diaratuns

    representation through an ex parte 7anifestation that

    he filed in his own ehalf and on ehalf of his silings@ongko! and :utri[%%] '7ir reiterated his

    7anifestation on @arch %, "$$%,[%&] and further 

    i7puted 7alpractice to 'tt! ;allelos for having filed

    an entr! of appearance earing '7irs forged signature

    and for plagiaris7, i.e, cop!ing verati7 the

    argu7ents contained in the pleadings previousl! filed

     ! 'tt! Diaratun[%#]


    n epte7er 11, "$$#, 'tt! ;allelos su7itted two

    7otions, to wit0 (a) a 7anifestation and 7otion

    authori=ing a certain 'dul7a2eed D2a7la to receive

    his attorne!s fees e6uivalent of 15E of the 2udg7ent

    award,[%/] and (b) a 7otion to register his attorne!s lien

    that he clai7ed was contingent[&$]


    ;oth 'tt! Diaratun and 'tt! ;allelos posited that

    their entitle7ent to attorne!s fees was contingent et,a contract for a contingent fees is an agree7ent in

    $riting  ! which the fees, usuall! a fi9ed percentage

    of what 7a! e recovered in the action, are 7ade to

    depend upon the success in the effort to enforce or 

    defend a supposed right Contingent fees depend upon

    an e9press contract, without which the attorne! can

    onl! recover on the asis of 1uantum meruit [&1] ith

    neither 'tt! Diaratun nor 'tt! ;allelos presenting awritten agree7ent earing upon their supposed

    contingent fees, the onl! wa! to deter7ine their right

    to appropriate attorne!s fees is to appl! the principle

    of 1uantum meruit 



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    7uantum meruit literall! 7eaning as much as he

    deserves is used as asis for deter7ining an attorne!s

     professional fees in the asence of an e9press

    agree7ent[&"]The recover! of attorne!s fees on the

     asis of 1uantum meruit  is a device that prevents an

    unscrupulous client fro7 running awa! with the fruits

    of the legal services of counsel without pa!ing for it

    and also avoids un2ust enrich7ent on the part of the

    attorne! hi7self[&>] 'n attorne! 7ust show that he is

    entitled to reasonale co7pensation for the effort in

     pursuing the clients cause, taking into account certain

    factors in fi9ing the a7ount of legal fees[&4]


    Rule "$$1 of the Code of 3rofessional 

     Responsibility lists the guidelines for deter7ining the

     proper a7ount of attorne! fees, to wit0

     Rule "$1 ' law!er shall e guided ! the

    following factors in deter7ining his fees0 

    a)  The ti7e spent and the e9tent of theservices rendered or re6uiredB


     )  The novelt! and difficult of the6uestions involvedB

     c)  The i7portant of the su2ect 7atterB


    d)  The skill de7andedB

     e)  The proailit! of losing other 

    e7plo!7ent as a result of acceptance of the

     proffered caseB

     f)  The custo7ar! charges for si7ilar 

    services and the schedule of fees of the 8;:

    chapter to which he elongsB

     g)  The a7ount involved in the

    controvers! and the enefits resulting to the

    client fro7 the serviceB


    h)  The contingenc! or certaint! of co7pensationB

     i)  The character of the e7plo!7ent,

    whether occasional or estalishedB and

      2)  The professional standing of the



    8n the event of a dispute as to the a7ount of 

    fees etween the attorne! and his client, and the

    intervention of the courts is sought, the deter7ination

    re6uires that there e evidence to prove the a7ount of 

    fees and the e9tent and value of the services rendered,

    taking into account the facts deter7inative thereof[&5] rdinaril!, therefore, the deter7ination of the


  • 8/19/2019 Eminent Domain- Constitutional Law 2


    attorne!s fees on 1uantum meruit  is re7anded to the

    lower court for the purpose owever, it will e 2ust

    and e6uitale to now assess and fi9 the attorne!s fees

    of oth attorne!s in order that the resolution of a

    co7parativel! si7ple controvers!, as ?ustice

    Regalado put it in Traders Royal Ban) 5mployees

    6nion!ndependent v. 2%RC,[&%] would not e

    needlessl! prolonged, ! taking into due

    consideration the accepted guidelines and so 7uch of 

    the pertinent data as are e9tant in the records


    'tt! Diaratun and 'tt! ;allelos each clai7edattorne!s fees e6uivalent to 15E of the principal

    award of :11>,5>",5$$$$, which was the a7ount

    granted ! the RTC in its decision Considering that

    the attorne!s fees will e defra!ed ! the eirs of 

    @acaangkit out of their actual recover! fro7 .:C,

    giving to each of the two attorne!s 15E of the

     principal award as attorne!s fees would e e9cessive

    and unconscionale fro7 the point of view of theclients Thus, the Court, which holds and e9ercises the

     power to fi9 attorne!s fees on