emld calling notice agm 2013

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  • 7/27/2019 EMLD Calling Notice AGM 2013


    Ethnic Minority Liberal Democrats

    EMLD AGM Calling Notice 2013

    The next AGM is to be held:

    Saturday 23rd November 2013 at 11.30am at the

    Liberal Democrat HQ, 8-10 Great George Street, Westminster, London, SW1P 3AE


    The AGM will also include the ballot or the new Executive, job descriptions or which are attached.

    EMLD will be electing:


    3 Vice-Chairs



    Membership/ data SecretaryUp to 7 Ordinary Executive Member

    Honorary President

    Up to 6 Honorary Vice-Presidents

    All posts are subject may be considered or Job Share. The Annual General Meeting may decide that

    the posts o Secretary and Membership Secretary be combined and/or that either o these posts or

    the combined post be combined with that o Treasurer.

    Under the constitution o EMLD we are only able to issue the ballot paper to members in person at

    the AGM. I you require special arrangements, e.g. or Postal or Proxy Ballots, please contact theReturning Ocer urgently.

    Close o Nominations: Saturday 16th November 2013 at 12 noon

    Returning Ocer, October 2013

    Any queries should be sent to: [email protected]

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    Ethnic Minority Liberal Democrats

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    Timetable or Elections 2013

    The ollowing is the timetable or the EMLD elections, based on the provisions in the


    Call or Nominations ocially open Wednesday 16th October 2013 at 12 noon

    Close o Nominations Saturday 16th November 2013 at 12 noon

    Circulation o Maniesto Booklet Saturday 16th November 2013

    I there are more nominations than positions, we will then move to a ballot. I you are unable

    to attend the AGM and wish to use a postal or proxy ballot you must have inormed the return-

    ing ocer by the 16th November 2013.

    Annual General Meeting

    Saturday 23rd November 2013 at 11.30amHustings (i required)

    Close o Ballot (i required) - at the close o the AGM

    Announcement o results

    This shall be done as soon as practicable ater the close o Ballot. Complaints about the con-duct o the count must be no more than 48 hours ater the declaration o the result. Any other

    complaint must be submitted beore the opening o the ballot box(es).

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    Ethnic Minority Liberal Democrats

    Nomination Form

    You may print and post this nomination orm, however you are advised to ensure plenty otime or delays caused by posting and are advised to scan and email it the Returning Ocer.

    The deadline or return o this Nomination Form is: Saturday 16th November 2013 at Noon.

    Please use the subject line: EMLD Election 2013

    The Returning Ocer is Allan Siao Ming Witherick. His email is: [email protected]

    For your nomination to be valid your proposer and seconder MUST email their agreement

    to the Returning Ocer beore the close o nominations. The easiest way is to CC them in

    your nomination email to the Returning Ocer asking them to Reply All and conrm theirwillingness to support you.



    Commonly known as:

    Party membership number:

    Main postal address:

    Address (cont) & Postcode:

    Telephone number:

    Mobile telephone number:


    I consent to be nominated or the post o:

    Signature o candidate:

    Proposers name:

    Proposers membership number:

    Seconders name:

    Seconders membership number:

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    Ethnic Minority Liberal Democrats

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    Job Descriptions or EMLD Ofcers

    The ollowing give an example o some, but not all, o the tasks undertaken by members o the

    executive with dened roles.


    Chair Meetings

    Keep in touch and direct the activities o the EMLD

    Links EMLD to other parts o the Party

    PPERA responsibilities (jointly with Treasurer)

    Make sure decisions are turned into actions

    Provide leadership in ullling the Development Plan

    Vice Chairs (3)

    Deputises or the EMLD Chair as and when required


    Agendas, venues and minutes o meetings

    Diary o EMLD Events

    Advises rest o party who Ocers and Conerence Reps are Ensures EMLD keeps to its Constitution

    Provides content or Newsletter


    Prepares budget

    Keeps accounts and records as required by PPERA

    Donation reports

    Advises on Fund-raising programme

    Campaign Expenditure return

    Membership/ Data Secretary

    Organised and run membership recruitment and renewal campaigns

    Ensure that the EMLD has a wide range o social and political activities to acilitate member


    Ensure that there are regular members newsletters

    Acts as Data Ocer responsible or all Membership Data

    Liaise with Membership Services

    Ensures that changes to members data are passed on promptly

    Ensures EMLD complies with Data Protection Act

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    Ethnic Minority Liberal Democrats

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    EMLD Election Regulations

    The ollowing extracts rom the EMLD Constitution, cover the elections process. I standing or

    election, or i you have a query, please reer to the ull EMLD Constitution.

    1.8 All contested elections shall be held by secret ballot and the single transerable vote.

    1.9 Nomination orms or all posts must be available on the website and to applicants not less

    than 30 days beore the date o the AGM. The deadline or the receipt o nominations shall beseven days beore the date o the AGM.

    1.10 Each candidate must be nominated and seconded by members o the Ethnic Minority

    Liberal Democrats. To be eligible to stand, a candidate must, at the date nominations close, be

    a ully paid-up member o the Party. Each candidate must provide their written consent to serve

    i elected.

    1.11 Each candidate may provide a personal statement o no more than 100 words or

    circulation in the event o a contested election. No candidate may incur, or directly or indirectly

    authorise or cause to be incurred any urther expenses on campaigning at any time beore orater the close o nominations; nor may they use e-mail, e-groups, cix conerencing, or websites

    during these elections to promote their candidacy; nor may they carry out any activities during

    the election period which may be viewed as treating.

    1.12 In the event o a contested election, copies o the personal statements o all candidates

    involved shall be circulated to members no less than 7 days beore the AGM. Ballot papers

    shall be distributed to members present in person at the AGM.

    1.13 During the ballot period, no candidate, other than with the express permission o the

    Returning Ocer, may communicate with members concerning the aairs o the Ethnic Minority

    Liberal Democrats and the membership list will be regarded as condential and may not bereleased or used by any candidate or the purposes o the election.

    1.14 Ballot papers must be returned either to the Returning Ocer by the end o the AGM, and

    the count shall be conducted immediately ater the AGM.

    1.15 Any dispute in the interpretation o these Regulations, or any appeal against any decision

    o the Returning Ocer, shall be reerred to the Honorary President, whose decision shall be


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    Ethnic Minority Liberal Democrats

    2.4 Postal ballots shall be available upon request to any member, during the period o advance

    postal voting. Members who have voted in the postal ballot shall not be entitled to vote at the

    EMLD General Meeting. They shall also have the option to cast a proxy vote i the Returning

    Ocer in consultation with the EMLD Executive sees t.

    2.5 The Steering Committee shall, in consultation with the EMLD Executive, set the date or the

    close o poll, which shall be at the relevant EMLD General Meeting, and the times during which

    the ballot shall be open at the General Meeting, which may span days i held at Federal or other Party


    2.6 The Returning Ocer, in consultation with the EMLD Executive, shall set the date or the

    declaration o the result. This shall be no more than 7 days ater the close o poll, unless thereare complaints outstanding, in which case the result will be declared as soon as possible ater

    the resolution o the complaint.

    6. Election Ofenses

    6.1 It shall be an election oense to:

    (a) Threaten, bribe or impersonate the Returning Ocer, Deputy Returning Ocer(s), ballot box scru-

    tineers, or any other ocial involved in the running o the election,

    (b) Breach any provision o the EMLD Constitution or Standing Orders,

    (c) Disrupt the smooth running o the election and/or the count,

    (d) Threaten, bribe, harass any voter, or impede their ability to vote reely and secretly,

    (e) Submit alse inormation to, mislead, or obstruct the Returning Ocer or Elections Tribunal,

    ( ) Infuence the voting decisions o others within a designated area o the ballot box,

    (g) Attempt to commit any electoral oense.