emodnet chemistry 2 advanced services progress by deltares service contract mare/2012/10 s12.656742...

EMODnet Chemistry 2 Advanced services Progress by Deltares Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Istanbul – Turkey, 15 June 2015, 2 nd plenary meeting

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Page 1: EMODnet Chemistry 2 Advanced services Progress by Deltares Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Istanbul

EMODnet Chemistry 2

Advanced services Progress by Deltares

Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742

ByDick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator

Istanbul – Turkey, 15 June 2015, 2nd plenary meeting

Page 2: EMODnet Chemistry 2 Advanced services Progress by Deltares Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Istanbul

Contract requirements for EMODnet Chemistry

gather all measurements of a particular chemical species with their appropriate metadata within a given space and time window

visualise the measurement density in a given time and space window

visualise a time evolution of a selected group of measurements

show concentration plots for a given time and space window and also along the coast

calculate spatially distributed data products specifically relevant for selected Marine Strategy Framework Directive Descriptors

Page 3: EMODnet Chemistry 2 Advanced services Progress by Deltares Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Istanbul

NODCs data


Regional Buffer 1

Central Data BufferRobot Harvester

Regional Buffer 2


Workflow from data to regional data collections

Original plan

Page 4: EMODnet Chemistry 2 Advanced services Progress by Deltares Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Istanbul

Regional Buffers

Regional Validation

RegionalQC’d Buffer

Time Series



Workflow from data collections to products to viewing


Sextant product


Page 5: EMODnet Chemistry 2 Advanced services Progress by Deltares Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Istanbul

Advanced services

The validated and aggregated buffers of data sets are input for the products and advanced services:

Interpolated maps as produced with DIVA software

Time series graphics for all collected data sets via WPS (Deltares)

OceanBrowser viewer (Ulg) as common service for viewing the DIVA maps and giving access to the time series graphics

Sextant catalogue (Ifremer) to document all products with metadata

Page 6: EMODnet Chemistry 2 Advanced services Progress by Deltares Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Istanbul

From QA/QC observations to dynamic data products

Deltares services

ODV to geodata

From geodata to information servicesby OGC WPS servicesaccording to user specified choices

Page 7: EMODnet Chemistry 2 Advanced services Progress by Deltares Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Istanbul

OGC servicesWFS, WPS

ODVMetadata enriched ODV files


Data architecture

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Page 8: EMODnet Chemistry 2 Advanced services Progress by Deltares Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Istanbul

Data model for metadata enriched ODV collections into PostgreSQL/PostGIS database (hosted at CINECA)

Page 9: EMODnet Chemistry 2 Advanced services Progress by Deltares Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Istanbul

Committing ODV data collections to the database

Creation of data model

Reading QA/QC’d files from regional coordinators

Adding vocabularies, EDMO, Local_CDI_ID,

Fill table observed_cindex (does not give values, but a color index based on the range of values and transformed to rgb scale)

Create/Refresh GeoServer for location and intensity map

Page 10: EMODnet Chemistry 2 Advanced services Progress by Deltares Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Istanbul

Structure of Request

What servicesWhat services


Query all observations using cdiQuery all observations using cdi


Query all observations using bboxQuery all observations using bbox


Plot a map in binary mimetypePlot a map in binary mimetype


Plot a profile in binary mimetypePlot a profile in binary mimetype


Plot a timeseriesPlot a timeseries


Plot a map in binary mimetypePlot a map in binary mimetype


Plot a profile in binary mimetypePlot a profile in binary mimetype


Plot a timeseriesPlot a timeseries


Plot a timeprofilePlot a timeprofile


Plot a timeprofilePlot a timeprofile


Page 11: EMODnet Chemistry 2 Advanced services Progress by Deltares Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Istanbul

Status of regional data uploads – by number of CDI’s (status 2015-06-11)

Page 12: EMODnet Chemistry 2 Advanced services Progress by Deltares Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Istanbul

Status of regional data uploads – by number of observations (status 2015-06-11)

Page 13: EMODnet Chemistry 2 Advanced services Progress by Deltares Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Istanbul

Spatial distribution by GeoServer layers in OceanBrowser

Circles show data location (within depth and time range)

Circle are semi-transparent (intensity of a color gives an indication of number of observation points)

Page 14: EMODnet Chemistry 2 Advanced services Progress by Deltares Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Istanbul

Plot of data at selected location as Time Series

Clicking on a circle Time series plots

(x-axis: time; y-axis: parameter)

Depth is represented by color

Page 15: EMODnet Chemistry 2 Advanced services Progress by Deltares Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Istanbul

Plot of data at selected location as Profile

One can switch

between time series and profile view

For profiles(x-axis: parameter

and; y-axis: depth) Time is represented

by color

Page 16: EMODnet Chemistry 2 Advanced services Progress by Deltares Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Istanbul

Remaining actions by Deltares

Tuning and improving speed of viewing service

Tuning and improving speed of access by WPS

Improving density plots

Documentation of services

Transfer to MARIS for operation

Page 17: EMODnet Chemistry 2 Advanced services Progress by Deltares Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Istanbul
