employee handbook - ascentis


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MAY 2016

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You are part of the team at Enterprise Properties, Inc. We recognize our employees as our most

valuable assets. Our continued success in providing the highest quality precast concrete

components depends on having quality people. We want you to enjoy your work and we are

committed to helping you succeed in your job.

We have prepared this handbook as a guide to our employee benefits, working conditions and

practices. Please read this handbook thoroughly and should you have any questions regarding

its contents, contact your General Manager or a member of management.


Tom Egan, Jr. President

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Enterprise Properties, Inc. (EPI) is the parent company of the following wholly-owned subsidiaries:

American Concrete Products Co., Enterprise Precast Concrete, Inc., and Enterprise Transport, Inc., located

in Omaha, Nebraska, Enterprise Concrete Products, LLC, located in Dallas, Texas and Enterprise Precast

Concrete of Texas, LLC, located in Corsicana, Texas. Our companies are engaged principally as

manufacturers of precast concrete products selling to contractors, retailers and the general public

primarily in the Midwestern United States.

This employee handbook is designed to acquaint you with EPI and provide you with information about

working conditions, employee benefits, and some of the policies affecting your employment. You should

read, understand and comply with all provisions of this handbook. It describes many of your

responsibilities as an employee and outlines the programs developed by EPI to benefit employees. One

of our objectives is to provide a work environment that is conducive to both personal and professional


No employee handbook can anticipate every circumstance or question about policy. As EPI continues to

grow, the need may arise and EPI reserves the right to revise, supplement, or rescind any policies or

portions of the handbook from time to time as it deems appropriate, in its sole and absolute discretion.

Employees will usually be notified of such changes to the handbook as they occur.

Nothing contained in this handbook or in any other statement of Company philosophy, including

statements made in the course of performance evaluations and wage reviews, should be taken as

constituting an express or implied promise of continuing employment. Also please understand that no

one has the authority to enter into an oral employment contract on behalf of the Company and only the

General Manager can enter into a written employment contract.

The policies, procedures, practices and benefits described in this employee handbook supersede all those

written and unwritten at an earlier time. In other words, this handbook and its contents replace any

earlier written and unwritten versions of our policies, including any prior handbooks.

Throughout this employee handbook, a reference to “EPI” or the “Company” refers to “Enterprise

Properties, Inc.” and/or any of EPI’s wholly-owned subsidiaries.

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Table of Contents 101 NATURE OF EMPLOYMENT ........................................................................................................... 5

103 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY .......................................................................................... 5

104 ANTI-RETALIATION POLICY ........................................................................................................... 5

105 BUSINESS ETHICS AND CONDUCT ................................................................................................. 6

107 IMMIGRATION LAW COMPLIANCE ............................................................................................... 6

108 CONFLICTS OF INTEREST ............................................................................................................... 7

110 OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT ............................................................................................................... 7

112 NON-DISCLOSURE ........................................................................................................................ 8

185 NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION .................................................................................................... 8

186 INTRODUCTORY PERIOD .............................................................................................................. 9

201 EMPLOYMENT CATEGORIES ......................................................................................................... 9

203 EMPLOYMENT REFERENCE CHECKS ............................................................................................ 10

208 EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS .................................................................................................... 10

301 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS .................................................................................................................. 10

303 VACATION BENEFITS .................................................................................................................. 11

305 HOLIDAYS ................................................................................................................................... 12

309 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE ................................................................................................................ 13

311 JURY DUTY.................................................................................................................................. 13

312 WITNESS DUTY ........................................................................................................................... 14

313 ELECTION DUTY LEAVE ............................................................................................................... 14

314 EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE ........................................................................................................ 14

316 HEALTH INSURANCE ................................................................................................................... 15

317 LIFE INSURANCE ......................................................................................................................... 15

318 SHORT-TERM DISABILITY ............................................................................................................ 16

320 401(K) SAVINGS PLAN ................................................................................................................ 16

385 PROFIT SHARING PLAN ............................................................................................................... 16

395 SALES TO EMPLOYEES ................................................................................................................ 18

401 TIMEKEEPING ............................................................................................................................. 18

405 TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT ............................................................................................... 19

408 PAY ADVANCES .......................................................................................................................... 20

410 PAY DEDUCTIONS AND SETOFFS ................................................................................................ 20

411 DEDUCTIONS FROM EXEMPT EMPLOYEE SALARIES .................................................................... 20

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485 COMPENSATION......................................................................................................................... 21

501 SAFETY .................................................................................................................................... 22

504 USE OF PHONE AND MAIL SYSTEMS ........................................................................................... 23

508 USE OF EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES ........................................................................................... 23

512 BUSINESS TRAVEL EXPENSES ...................................................................................................... 24

514 VISITORS IN THE WORKPLACE .................................................................................................... 26

522 WORKPLACE VIOLENCE PREVENTION ......................................................................................... 26

585 REPORTING ACCIDENTS .............................................................................................................. 27

595 WORKING HOURS ...................................................................................................................... 28

602 FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ..................................................................................................... 28

605 MILITARY LEAVE ......................................................................................................................... 32

701 EMPLOYEE CONDUCT AND WORK RULES ................................................................................... 32

702 DRUG AND ALCOHOL USE .......................................................................................................... 33

703 SEXUAL AND OTHER UNLAWFUL HARASSMENT ......................................................................... 34

704 ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY .............................................................................................. 35

706 RETURN OF PROPERTY ............................................................................................................... 36

710 SECURITY INSPECTIONS .............................................................................................................. 36

715 SOLICITATION AND DISTRIBUTION ............................................................................................. 37

716 BLOGGING AND SOCIAL NETWORKING ...................................................................................... 37

717 CELLULAR PHONES ..................................................................................................................... 39

718 USE OF COMPANY EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES .......................................................................... 39

719 PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE ........................................................................................................... 41

750 RECEIPT ................................................................................................................................... 43

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101 NATURE OF EMPLOYMENT Employment with EPI is voluntarily entered into, and the employee is free to resign at will at any time,

with or without cause. Similarly, EPI may terminate the employment relationship at will at any time, with

or without notice or cause, so long as there is no violation of applicable federal, state or local law.

103 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY In order to provide equal employment and advancement opportunities to all individuals, employment

decisions at EPI will be based on merit, qualifications, and abilities. EPI does not discriminate in

employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age,

disability, and genetic information or any other characteristic protected by applicable local, state or

federal law.

EPI will make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with known disabilities unless doing

so would result in an undue hardship. This policy governs all aspects of employment including, but not

limited to, selection, job assignment, compensation, discipline, termination, and access to benefits and


Any employees with questions or concerns about any type of discrimination in the workplace are

encouraged to bring these issues to the attention of their immediate supervisor or the General Manager.

Employees can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal. Anyone found to be engaging in

any type of unlawful discrimination will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination

of employment.

104 ANTI-RETALIATION POLICY EPI recognizes that retaliation against employees who exercise their lawful rights has no place in the

workplace. Retaliation not only raises legal concerns, but it can also seriously damage employee morale

within an organization. This policy describes what we mean by prohibited retaliation and sets forth a

procedure for employees to bring forth complaints of retaliation without fear of retribution from their

supervisors or coworkers.

Retaliation can take many forms. For the purposes of this policy, retaliation means taking a “materially

adverse action” against an employee because he or she:

Opposed what he or she in good faith believed to be an unlawful or discriminatory practice of the

Company or its employees;

Participated in a governmental proceeding as a claimant or witness, where the purpose of the

proceeding was to investigate allegations of unlawful or discriminatory conduct on the part of the

Company or its employees;

Exercised his or her legal rights, such as filing a complaint of discrimination, a claim for workers’

compensation benefits, or similar conduct; or,

Fulfilled a legal duty, such as testifying in court under compulsion of a subpoena, serving on jury

duty, reporting suspected abuse, or fulfilling military obligations.

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Taking “materially adverse action” means taking actions that would dissuade a reasonable worker from

opposing the practice, participating in the proceeding, or otherwise engaging in the activities given as

examples in the last paragraph. This might include actions such as refusing to hire or rehire, disciplining

or discharging, refusing to promote or demoting.

This policy applies to all employees of EPI, regardless of position.

If you experience or witness a violation of this policy, report it immediately to your supervisor. If the

supervisor is unavailable or you believe it would be inappropriate to contact that person, you should

immediately contact the General Manager or any other member of management. While the Company

cannot promise confidentiality for people who make retaliation complaints, their identities will only be

disclosed on a need-to-know basis during the course of the investigation.

105 BUSINESS ETHICS AND CONDUCT The successful business operation and reputation of EPI is built upon the principles of fair dealing and

ethical conduct of our employees. Our reputation for integrity and excellence requires careful observance

of all applicable laws and regulations, as well as a scrupulous regard for the highest standards of conduct

and personal integrity.

The continued success of EPI is dependent upon our customers’ trust and we are dedicated to preserving

that trust. Employees owe a duty to EPI, its customers, and shareholders to act in a way that will merit

the continued trust and confidence of the public.

EPI will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and expects its directors, officers, and employees

to conduct business in accordance with all relevant laws and to refrain from any illegal, dishonest, or

unethical conduct.

No employee shall accept gratuities in the form of tangible personal property from any vendor or vendor’s

representative. The intent of this policy is to prevent the employee from incurring an obligation benefiting

one vendor over another. Any rebates, coupons, prizes, etc. offered by vendors are the property of EPI

and may not be accepted by any employee for personal use.

In general, the use of good judgment, based on high ethical principles, will guide you with respect to lines

of acceptable conduct. If a situation arises where it is difficult to determine the proper course of action,

the matter should be discussed openly with your immediate supervisor and, if necessary, with the General

Manager for advice and consultation.

Compliance with this policy of business ethics and conduct is the responsibility of every EPI employee.

Disregarding or failing to comply with this standard of business ethics and conduct could lead to

disciplinary action, up to and including possible termination of employment.

107 IMMIGRATION LAW COMPLIANCE EPI is committed to employing only individuals who are authorized to work in the United States and does

not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of citizenship or national origin.

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In compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, each new employee, as a condition

of employment, must complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 and present

documentation establishing identity and employment eligibility. Former employees who are rehired must

also complete the Form if they have not completed an I-9 with EPI within the past three years, or if their

previous I-9 is no longer retained or valid.

Employees with questions or seeking more information on immigration law issues are encouraged to

contact Human Resources.

108 CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Employees have an obligation to conduct business within guidelines that prohibit actual or potential

conflicts of interest. This policy establishes only the framework within which EPI wishes the business to

operate. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide general direction so that employees can seek

further clarification on issues related to the subject of acceptable standards of operation. Contact the

General Manager for more information or questions about conflicts of interest.

Transactions with outside firms must be conducted within a framework established and controlled by the

executive level of EPI. Business dealings with outside firms should not result in unusual gains for those

firms. Unusual gain refers to bribes, product bonuses, special fringe benefits, unusual price breaks, and

other windfalls designed to ultimately benefit either the employer, the employee, or both. Promotional

plans that could be interpreted to involve unusual gain require specific executive-level approval.

An actual or potential conflict of interest occurs when an employee is in a position to influence a decision

that may result in a personal gain for that employee or for a relative as a result of EPI’s business dealings.

For the purposes of this policy, a relative is any person who is related by blood or marriage, or whose

relationship with the employee is similar to that of persons who are related by blood or marriage.

No “presumption of guilt” is created by the mere existence of a relationship with outside firms. However,

if employees have any influence on transactions involving purchases, contracts, or leases, it is imperative

that they disclose to an officer of EPI as soon as possible the existence of any actual or potential conflict

of interest so that safeguards can be established to protect all parties.

Personal gain may result not only in cases where an employee or relative has a significant ownership in a

firm with which EPI does business, but also when an employee or relative receives any kickback, bribe,

substantial gift, or special consideration as a result of any transaction or business dealings involving EPI.

Employees guilty of misconduct relating to conflicts of interest may be subject to disciplinary action, up

to and including termination of employment.

110 OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT Employees may hold outside jobs as long as they meet the performance standards of their job with EPI.

All employees will be subject to EPI’s scheduling demands and performance standards, regardless of any

existing outside work requirements.

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If EPI determines that an employee’s outside work interferes with performance or the ability to meet the

requirements of EPI as they are modified from time to time, the employee may be asked to terminate the

outside employment if he or she wishes to remain with EPI.

Outside employment that constitutes a conflict of interest is prohibited. Employees may not receive any

income or material gain from individuals outside EPI for materials produced or services rendered while

performing their jobs.

Any employee of EPI working full-time or part-time for any company affiliated in any way with the precast

concrete industry is guilty of misconduct. Furthermore, disclosure to others of any company policies,

procedures and methods is not permitted. Passing along private information or a breach of confidence is

also considered misconduct. Any employee of EPI guilty of the above mentioned misconduct will be

subject to immediate termination.

112 NON-DISCLOSURE The protection of confidential business information and trade secrets is vital to the interests and the

success of EPI. Such confidential information includes, but is not limited to, the following examples:

computer processes

computer programs and codes

customer lists

financial information

marketing strategies

new materials research

pending projects and proposals

proprietary production processes

research and development strategies

scientific data

scientific formulas

scientific prototypes

technological data

technological prototypes

All employees may be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement as a condition of employment.

Employees who improperly use or disclose trade secrets or confidential business information, with the

exception of speech protected by the NLRA, either while employed or following termination of

employment are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment and legal

action, even if they do not actually benefit from the disclosed information.

185 NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION An employee orientation process is initiated for each new employee to acquaint them with Company

policies and procedures, benefit programs and safety responsibilities. Upon the first scheduled day of

work, the employee will:

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Complete a W-4

Submit an I-9

Be provided a copy of this employee handbook

Be informed of when insurance options are available, what premiums will be, and coverage

Be informed of how the 401(k) savings plan works and when the employee qualifies for benefits

Be provided a copy of the HIPAA notice of pre-existing conditions for Group Health Plan

Be briefed in the safety rules introduced in this employee handbook and provided a Company

Safety Manual with a planned schedule for its review and training. The new employee will be

informed of the following initial requirements:

o Hard hats

o Safety glasses

o Safety boots

o Hearing protection

o Respiratory protection

o Appropriate clothing

o Be informed of policies regarding prevention and reporting of accidents, with an added

reminder of immediate reporting of any injury.

186 INTRODUCTORY PERIOD All new employees will be placed on a six-month introductory period beginning on the date of

employment. During this period, an employee is on a trial basis. Although the employee may qualify for

certain Company benefits during this period, the Company still has the right to transfer, layoff or discharge

the employee without recourse prior to the completion of the probationary period.

The successful completion of this initial period of employment should not be construed as a contract or

as a guarantee of employment for any specific duration. Employees and the Company both retain the right

to end the employment relationship for no reason or any lawful reason.

201 EMPLOYMENT CATEGORIES It is the intent of EPI to clarify the definitions of employment classifications so that employees understand

their employment status and benefit eligibility. These classifications do not guarantee employment for

any specified period of time. Accordingly, the right to terminate the employment relationship at will at

any time is retained by both the employee and EPI.

Each employee will belong to one of the following employment categories:

Regular full-time employees are those who are not in a temporary status and who are regularly scheduled

to work at least 30 hours per week. Generally, they are eligible for EPI’s benefit package, subject to the

terms, conditions, and limitations of each benefit program.

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Part-time employees are those who are not assigned to a temporary status and who are regularly

scheduled to work less than 25 hours per week. Part-time employees who work less than 25 hours per

week are ineligible for all of EPI’s benefit programs.

Temporary employees are those who are hired as interim replacements, to temporarily supplement the

work force, or to assist in the completion of a specific project. Employment assignments in this category

are of a limited duration. Employment beyond any initially stated period does not in any way imply a

change in employment status. Temporary employees retain that status unless and until notified of a

change. While temporary employees receive all legally mandated benefits (such as workers’

compensation insurance and Social Security), they are ineligible for all of EPI’s other benefit programs.

203 EMPLOYMENT REFERENCE CHECKS To ensure that individuals who join EPI are well qualified and have a strong potential to be productive and

successful, it is the policy of EPI to check the employment references of all applicants.

The General Manager will respond to all reference check inquiries from other employers. Responses to

such inquiries will confirm only dates of employment, wage rates, and position(s) held.

208 EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS EPI relies upon the accuracy of information contained in the employment application, as well as the

accuracy of other data presented throughout the hiring process and employment. The employment

application will include a history of previous employment, education, personal data and references. Any

misrepresentations, falsifications, or material omissions in any of this information or data may result in

the exclusion of the individual from further consideration for employment or, if the person has been hired,

termination of employment.

In processing employment applications, EPI may obtain a consumer credit report for employment

purposes which may contain such information as criminal histories, motor vehicle driving records, credit

worthiness, credit standing and credit capacity.

If EPI takes an adverse employment action based in whole or in part on the consumer credit report, a copy

of the report and a summary of your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act will be provided as well as

any other documents required by applicable law.

301 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS This section of our handbook is meant to highlight some features of our benefit programs. Our group

health and any related programs are described more fully in Summary Plan Description booklets, provided

to you when you are eligible to participate in these programs.

In the event of any contradiction between the information appearing in this handbook, our Summary Plan

Description booklet, and the information that appears in the master contract/document, the master

contract/document will govern in all cases.

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We reserve the right to amend or terminate any of these programs or to require increases in employee

premium contributions toward any benefits at our discretion.


Vacation time off with pay is available to eligible employees to provide opportunities for rest,

relaxation, and personal pursuits. Employees in the following employment classification(s) are

eligible to earn and use vacation time as described in this policy:

Regular full-time employees

Regular part-time employees

The amount of paid vacation time employees receive each year increases with the length of their

continuous, uninterrupted employment as shown in the following schedule:

Hire date to 1st anniversary (0-12 months of service): accrual rate of .77 hours weekly

(1.54 hours bi-weekly), equivalent to approximately 1 week (40 hours annually)

2-9 years of service (13-108 months of service): accrual rate of 1.54 hours weekly

(3.08 hours bi-weekly), equivalent to approximately 2 weeks (80 hours annually)

10-14 years of service (109-168 months of service): accrual rate of 2.31 hours weekly (4.62 hours bi-weekly), equivalent to approximately 3 weeks (120 hours annually)

15+ years (169 months +) of service: accrual rate of 3.08 hours weekly (6.16 hours bi-weekly), equivalent to approximately 4 weeks (160 hours annually)

Part-time employees earn vacation on a pro-rated basis. For example, an employee who works 30 hours

per week will earn ¾ of the amount of vacation a full-time employee earns, while one working one-half

time earns one-half the vacation of a full-time employee.

Employees begin accruing vacation when they first begin work for the Company. Employees may use

their vacation at any time after the first 6 months of employment. Employees may generally carry

over vacation hours from one year to the next. However, to encourage employees to use vacation,

there is a cap on the amount of vacation that can be accumulated. Vacation accrual is capped at one

and one half times an employee’s annual vacation accrual rate. Once the cap is reached, an employee

will not be able to accumulate any more vacation until some of it is used and drops below the cap.

After vacation goes below the cap, employees can begin accruing vacation again.

Vacation scheduling conflicts

When conflicts develop, they will be resolved fairly, but as deemed appropriate by management. All other

factors being equal, preference will generally be given to the employee who makes the earliest request,

but other legitimate factors may be considered, including seniority and the amount of vacation time

already taken by the employees involved.

Minimum vacation time increments

Vacation may be taken by eligible employees, with prior supervisory approval, at times that best meet the

requirements of the company. Employees must take vacation time in increments of at least 4 hours.

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Smaller increments may be taken when used as leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). It

is each supervisor’s responsibility to monitor such absences and to ensure that they do not become

excessive in relation to the hours worked by the employee.

Notice of absence

Generally, requests for vacation days must be submitted to the supervisor at least one week in advance.

Employees may have the right in certain circumstances to make leave requests under FMLA or other laws

on shorter notice. If the employee is requesting vacation leave for family or medical purpose, the

employee should make sure that this purpose is made clear to management. The supervisor must approve

any exceptions to this provision or any conflicts in scheduling. A department may impose additional

guidelines as necessary to ensure efficiency and adequate staffing levels.

Termination of employment

Upon termination of employment, all accrued but unused vacation time will be paid at the rate of pay

applicable at the time of termination of employment.

Pay in lieu of vacation

The company will not pay employees for unused vacation except upon termination of their employment.

305 HOLIDAYS EPI will grant holiday time off to all eligible employees on the holidays listed below:

New Year’s Day (January 1)

Memorial Day (last Monday in May)

Independence Day (July 4)

Labor Day (first Monday in September)

Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November)

Christmas Day (December 25)

EPI will grant paid holiday time off to all eligible employees who have completed 90 calendar days of

service in an eligible employment classification. Eligible employees are paid for an 8 hour day (average

hours per day for part-time employees) at their regular straight-time rate. Eligible employee


Regular full-time employees

Part-time employees

To be eligible for holiday pay, nonexempt employees must work the entire last scheduled day immediately

preceding and the entire first scheduled day immediately following the holiday. Requests for a vacation

day immediately preceding or following the holiday will be reviewed based on a number of factors,

including business needs and staffing requirements.

A salaried employee will not receive any additional compensation for holidays. Rather, they will receive

the same salary for the week in which the holiday occurs that they would have received had there been

no holiday. If a recognized holiday falls during an eligible employee’s vacation, the day of the holiday is

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not considered vacation time. Paid time off for holidays will not be counted as hours worked for the

purposes of determining overtime.

309 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE Employees who wish to take time off due to the death of an immediate family member should notify their

supervisor immediately. Employees are eligible for paid bereavement leave after 30 days of employment.

Bereavement leave will be provided to eligible employees in the following classification(s):

Regular full-time employees

Part-time employees

Bereavement pay is calculated based on the base pay rate at the time of absence and will not include any

special forms of compensation, such as incentives, commissions, bonuses, or shift differentials. Eligible

employees are paid for an 8-hour day (average “hours per day” for part-time employees.)

Employees may, with their supervisors’ approval, use any available paid leave for additional time off as


EPI defines “immediate family” as the employee’s spouse, parent, child, sibling and the employee’s

spouse’s parent, child, or sibling.

Eligible employees will be granted the following:

Maximum of three days leave of absence with pay in the event of the death of an “immediate family”


A one-day leave of absence with pay in the event of the death of a relative other

than an “immediate family” member;

A four-hour leave of absence with pay to attend the funeral of friends or fellow

employees (funeral leave for other Company employees will be limited by management so that

plant production is not disrupted);

Employees will not be granted paid funeral leave while scheduled off or absent from work because of

vacation, holiday, sickness or other reasons.

311 JURY DUTY EPI encourages employees to fulfill their civic responsibilities by serving jury duty when required.

Employees who are selected for jury duty will receive the difference between the jury pay (less expenses)

and what they would have earned had they worked that day. The employee is required to provide proof

of the amount of jury pay received.

Employees must show the jury duty summons to their supervisor as soon as possible so that the supervisor

may make arrangements to accommodate their absence. Of course, employees are expected to report

for work whenever the court schedule permits.

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This policy also applies to Election Board duty.

312 WITNESS DUTY EPI encourages employees to appear in court for witness duty when subpoenaed to do so.

If employees have been subpoenaed or otherwise requested to testify as witnesses by EPI, they will

receive paid time off for the entire period of witness duty.

An employee with six months’ continuous employment, who is legally subpoenaed to appear as a witness

at a trial in which he/she has no direct interest may be granted a leave of absence with pay for the time

he/she is required to remain at court. The employee must provide proof of his/her being subpoenaed as

a witness.

EPI will pay the employee’s regular pay check while he/she is on leave. Should the employee receive any

witness fee, he/she is required to show evidence to the Payroll Department (check, remittance letter,

etc.). The amount of the witness fee will be deducted from the employee’s next regular pay check.

An employee with less than six months’ service, or who elects to appear in court without being

subpoenaed, or who has a direct interest in the case (as plaintiff or defendant) must use vacation time or

take a leave of absence without pay.

The subpoena should be shown to the employee’s supervisor immediately after it is received so that

operating requirements can be adjusted, where necessary, to accommodate the employee’s absence. The

employee is expected to report for work whenever the court schedule permits.

313 ELECTION DUTY LEAVE Associates who are to serve as election officials will be provided a paid leave for the hours required to

serve and if required to serve eight hours or more, they will be provided paid leave of eight hours both

the day before and the day after the election. However, the Company will reduce the pay of an associate

for each hour of work missed by an amount equal to the hourly compensation, other than expenses, paid

to the associate by the government.

314 EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE EPI recognizes that the skills and knowledge of its employees are critical to the success of the organization.

The educational assistance program encourages personal development through formal education at an

approved state university or college so that employees can maintain and improve job-related skills or

enhance their ability to compete for reasonably attainable jobs within EPI.

Regular, full-time employees are eligible for education assistance after completion of one year of

continuous, uninterrupted employment. Start date for eligible courses must be after the employee’s one-

year anniversary. EPI will pay 50% of books and tuition upon course completion with a final course grade

of C or better. Reimbursement is based upon the applicable undergraduate or graduate rate for in-state

tuition to a state-operated campus. A repayment acknowledgement must be signed before any

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disbursements are made. To maintain eligibility, employees must remain on the active payroll and be

performing their job satisfactorily through completion of each course. Employees are required to provide

EPI with evidence of course completion (e.g. grade report).

Individual courses or courses that are part of a degree, licensing, or certification program must be related

to the employee’s current job duties or a foreseeable-future position in the organization in order to be

eligible for educational assistance. EPI has the sole discretion to determine whether a course relates to an

employee’s current job duties or a foreseeable-future position. Employees should contact the General

Manager if they would like more information or if they have questions about educational assistance.

While educational assistance is expected to enhance employees’ performance and professional abilities,

EPI cannot guarantee that participation in formal education will entitle the employee to automatic

advancement, a different job assignment, or pay increases.

EPI invests in educational assistance to employees with the expectation that the investment be returned

through enhanced job performance. However, if an employee voluntarily separates from EPI’s

employment within one year of the last educational assistance payment, the amount of the payment will

be considered only a loan. Accordingly, the employee will be required to repay up to 75 percent of the

original educational assistance payment and it may be deducted from the employee’s final pay check.

316 HEALTH INSURANCE EPI’s health insurance plan provides eligible employees and their dependents access to medical and dental

insurance benefits. Eligible employees may participate in the health insurance plan subject to all terms

and conditions of the agreement between EPI and the insurance carrier.

Details of the health insurance plan are described in the Summary Plan Description (SPD). A SPD and

information on cost of coverage will be provided in advance of enrollment to eligible employees.

Contact Human Resources for more information about health insurance benefits.

317 LIFE INSURANCE Life insurance offers you and your family important financial protection. EPI provides a basic life insurance

plan for eligible employees who are enrolled in the Company health plan. Accidental Death and

Dismemberment (AD&D) insurance provides protection in cases of serious injury or death resulting from

an accident. AD&D insurance coverage is provided as part of the basic life insurance plan.

Eligible employees may participate in the life insurance plan subject to all terms and conditions of the

agreement between EPI and the insurance carrier.

Details of the basic life insurance plan including benefit amounts are described in the Summary Plan

Description provided to eligible employees. Contact Human Resources for more information about life

insurance benefits.

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318 SHORT-TERM DISABILITY EPI provides a short-term disability (STD) benefits plan to employees who are enrolled in the Company

health plan who are unable to work because of a qualifying disability due to an injury or illness.

Eligible employees may participate in the STD plan subject to all terms and conditions of the agreement

between EPI and the insurance carrier and will run concurrently with an FMLA qualifying event.

Details of the STD benefits plan including benefit amounts, when they are payable, and limitations,

restrictions, and other exclusions are described in the Summary Plan Description provided to eligible

employees. Contact Human Resources for more information about STD benefits.

320 401(K) SAVINGS PLAN EPI has established a 401(k) savings plan to provide employees the potential for future financial security

for retirement.

To be eligible to join the 401(k) savings plan, you must complete 6 months of service and be 21 years of

age or older. New employees will be automatically enrolled in the Plan upon completion of the waiting

period unless they opt out of participation. Eligible employees may participate in the 401(k) plan subject

to all terms and conditions of the plan.

The 401(k) savings plan allows you to elect how much salary you want to contribute and direct the

investment of your plan account, so you can tailor your own retirement package to meet your individual

needs. EPI also contributes an additional matching amount to each employee’s 401(k) contribution.

Because your contribution to a 401(k) plan is automatically deducted from your pay before federal and

state tax withholdings are calculated, you save tax dollars now by having your current taxable amount

reduced. While the amounts deducted generally will be taxed when they are finally distributed, more

favorable tax rules may apply to 401(k) distributions.

Complete details of the 401(k) savings plan are described in the Summary Plan Description provided to

eligible employees. Contact Human Resources for more information about the 401(k) plan.


For the purpose of carrying out this Plan, under which extra compensation will be distributed in

consideration for and in recognition of efficient services rendered, to all eligible employees of the

Company, there shall be made available annually from Operating Profits (as hereinafter defined) the


If the Operating Profit of the Company for any profit sharing year (as hereinafter defined) during

which the plan is in effect exceeds 14% of the Average Investment (as hereinafter defined) of the

Company that year, then 25% of such excess shall be considered Profit Sharing and will be

transferred to the Profit Sharing Pool. If the Operating Profit fails to exceed 14% of the Average

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Investment, then 25% of the difference between Operating Profit or loss and 14% of the Average

Investment shall be considered Negative Profit Sharing;

The amount of Profit Sharing for any year shall be applied first against any unabsorbed Negative

Profit Sharing which shall be carried over from the next preceding two years to the current profit

sharing year.

If, after the current year’s Profit Sharing is applied as provided above, there is Negative Profit

Sharing, it shall be carried over to be absorbed by Profit Sharing generated during the next year

following the current year. If any Profit Sharing remains after absorption of prior year’s Negative

Profit Sharing, it shall be made available for distribution with respect to the current profit sharing


The term “Operating Profit” as used in this Plan, shall mean the earnings for such year remaining

after payment of or provisions for all expenses and reserves, but before federal and state income

taxes, dividends, interest paid or accrued, deductions for carrying out this Plan and such expenses

or special charges as determined by the Board of Directors as not being controllable by Company


The term “profit sharing year”, as used in this Plan, shall mean the twelve months between

October1 and September 30;

The term “Average Investment”, as used in this Plan, shall mean the year-to-date average of the

sum of the Gross Inventory plus the Net Accounts Receivable and the depreciated value of plant

and equipment reduced by the amount of Trade Accounts Payable; and

The amount of Operating Profits and Average Investment shall be determined by the Company’s

public accountants whose determination shall be final and conclusive.


All full-time employees of the Company with twelve months of continuous full-time service at the end of

the profit sharing year shall be eligible to participate in the Plan, except employees whose employment

with the Company is terminated for any reason, shall not be entitled to participate in the Plan for the fiscal

year in which their termination is effective, unless specific approval to the contrary is granted by the Board

of Directors.


Payment to participants in the Plan of the amount recommended by management and approved by the

Board of Directors shall be made as soon as practicable after receiving from the Company’s public

accountants their certificate of the amount of Profit Sharing generated. Payments from the Profit Sharing

Pool may be distributed at the discretion of management, either as a cash bonus subject to the eligibility

requirements of the Plan, or as a discretionary contribution to the 401K Plan subject to the eligibility

requirement of that Plan or both.


The decision of the Board of Directors on any questions concerning in any way the interpretation or

administration on carrying out the Plan shall be final and conclusive and nothing in the Plan shall be

deemed to give an officer or employee, his/her legal representative or assigns or anyone claiming under

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him/her, any right to participate except to such extent, if any, as the Board of Directors may determine in

accordance with the foregoing provisions of the Plan.


In no event shall any action at law or in equity lie against the Company, the Board of Directors or any

member or committee therefore, or any person the provisions of this sentence shall be entitled to

enforcement by injunctive relief.

No amount shall be distributable under the Plan to any otherwise eligible person if, in the opinion of the

Board of Directors, such person has engaged in competition against the Company or has otherwise

engaged in misconduct or conduct in conflict with the best interests of the Company.


The Board of Directors reserves the right, subject to the provisions of Section 7 hereto, to amend this Plan

from time to time or to repeal or terminate it entirely, provided that no such amendment, repeal or

termination shall, without the consent of a majority of participants, apply to any fiscal year already

entered into or concluded.


The Plan shall be operative for the fiscal year commencing March 1, 1992, and shall continue for each

fiscal year thereafter until and unless the Board of Directors amends, repeals or terminates the same on

or before December 31 of any such fiscal year.

395 SALES TO EMPLOYEES The following rules relate to all Company sales to EPI employees:

An employee may purchase merchandise from the Company only for his/her own personal use;

Employees wishing to purchase any item must receive the prior approval of their manager;

Material will be sold to employees only on a cash basis;

Material will be sold to employees at ten percent above the Company’s cost;

Cost will include all freight, delivery and mileage charges and all other identifiable costs incurred

by the Company;

The Controller or his/her delegate, will perform the following functions for an employee sale:

o Writing the cash sale invoice for the employee purchase;

o Filling and checking the order; and

o Collecting payment for the employee purchase.

o These functions are not to be performed by the employee making the purchase.

401 TIMEKEEPING Accurately recording time worked is the responsibility of every employee. Federal and state laws require

EPI to keep an accurate record of time worked in order to calculate employee pay and benefits. Time

worked is all the time actually spent on the job performing assigned duties.

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All Company hourly employees will record their actual hours of work through the use of a time card/time

clock procedure.

Time cards will be used by all hourly employees to record actual hours worked in each day and

each work week.

It is the responsibility of each employee to properly complete his/her own time card, and to see

it is forwarded to the Department Manager at the end of the pay period.

In no event may any employee’s time card be punched in or out by any other employee.

Employees must record the beginning and ending time of any departure from work for personal


The Department Manager will review and then initial the time card before submitting it for payroll

processing. In addition, if corrections or modifications are made to the time card, both the

employee and the supervisor must verify the accuracy of the changes.

Each hourly employee must clock in at the beginning of each work day and clock out at the end

of each work day. Employees are required to clock out and clock in for lunches and for coffee

breaks at some locations. Any employee required to leave the Company premises for Company

business during the regular work day will be exempt from this provision of the time card/time

clock procedure.

Failure to submit a completed time card may result in the employee not being paid for the full

hours worked during that pay period. Should this occur, the hours missed (whether regular or

overtime) will be calculated and added to the next regular pay period.

Punching or altering the time card of another employee, or allowing another employee to punch,

alter, or falsify your time card in any way is a violation of Company policy. Any employee who

violates this policy will be subject to termination.

The Company’s policy is to compensate employees for all time worked under applicable law. We

specifically prohibit employees from working “off the clock.” Any employee who is asked to work “off the

clock” should report this conduct to the General Manager.

“Off the Clock” is defined as performing work without recording the time worked and, therefore, not

receiving compensation. If you have questions regarding what is compensable work, please contact the

General Manager.

405 TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT Termination of employment is an inevitable part of personnel activity within any organization, and many

of the reasons for termination are routine. Below are examples of some of the most common

circumstances under which employment is terminated:

Resignation - voluntary employment termination initiated by an employee.

Discharge - involuntary employment termination initiated by the organization.

Layoff - involuntary employment termination initiated by the organization for non-disciplinary


Retirement - voluntary employment termination initiated by the employee meeting age, length

of service, and any other criteria for retirement from the organization.

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EPI will generally schedule exit interviews at the time of employment termination. The exit interview will

afford an opportunity to discuss such issues as employee benefits, conversion privileges, repayment of

outstanding debts to EPI, or return of EPI-owned property. Suggestions, complaints, and questions can

also be voiced.

Since employment with EPI is based on mutual consent, both the employee and EPI have the right to

terminate employment at will, with or without cause, at any time. Employee benefits will be affected by

employment termination in the following manner. All accrued, vested benefits that are due and payable

at termination will be paid. Some benefits may be continued at the employee’s expense if the employee

so chooses. The employee will be notified in writing of the benefits that may be continued and of the

terms, conditions, and limitations of such continuance.

408 PAY ADVANCES EPI does not provide pay advances on unearned wages to employees.

410 PAY DEDUCTIONS AND SETOFFS The law requires that EPI make certain deductions from every employee’s compensation. Among these

are applicable federal, state, and local income taxes. EPI also must deduct Social Security taxes on each

employee’s earnings up to a specified limit that is called the Social Security “wage base.” EPI matches the

amount of Social Security taxes paid by each employee.

EPI offers programs and benefits beyond those required by law. Eligible employees may voluntarily

authorize deductions from their paychecks to cover the costs of participation in these programs.

Pay setoffs are pay deductions taken by EPI, usually to help pay off a debt or obligation to EPI or others.

Garnishments are a legal process by which a creditor may attach earnings of a delinquent debtor by having

a garnishment served against the debtor’s employer. By law, EPI is required to honor garnishments of

employee’s wages or salaries. Employees will normally receive written notice of any garnishments

received by EPI. Repeated garnishments may result in discipline up to or including discharge to the extent

allowed by applicable law.

If you have questions concerning why deductions were made from your pay check or how they were

calculated, your supervisor can assist in having your questions answered.

411 DEDUCTIONS FROM EXEMPT EMPLOYEE SALARIES Employees who are exempt from being paid overtime wages are paid a salary. These exempt employees

paid on a salary basis will not have deductions made from their salary except as allowed by law.

Specifically, deductions will only be allowed in the following cases:

Absences for full work weeks when an employee performs no work.

Absences in the initial or final week of employment.

Full-day absences for personal reasons.

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Full-day absences due to sickness or disability (including work-related accidents). This includes

absences occurring prior to the employee becoming eligible for vacation or after the employee

has exhausted vacation.

Full-day absences caused by disciplinary suspensions imposed for infractions of rules of major


Full or partial-day absences covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Exempt employees are also subject to salary reductions for offsetting amounts employees receive from

military leave, jury duty, and appearing as a witness.

Questions or complaints about improper deductions should be directed to the General Manager to ensure

compliance with the employee’s exempt status. If it is determined that an improper deduction has been

taken, EPI will make full reimbursement to the affected exempt employee and will make a good faith

commitment to comply in the future with the applicable laws and terms of this policy so that improper

deductions will not occur in the future.

485 COMPENSATION It is EPl’s policy to pay wages and salaries consistent with job performance and comparable to rates being

paid for similar work in the community and industry.

It is Company policy to normally conduct performance reviews of employees at the beginning of each

calendar year. A performance review does not guarantee a wage increase. However, each employee’s

performance will be reviewed and the employee’s rate of pay will be evaluated to ensure it is equitable

in comparison with similar jobs in the area labor market and industry. Special reviews may be conducted

at times other than the beginning of a fiscal year when promotions or job changes occur that warrant an

adjustment in the employee’s rate of pay.

In addition to performance reviews, all hourly wages will usually be reviewed with regard to the change

in the cost of living for the preceding 12 months as compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Adjustments

may be made as follows:

Cost of living adjustments will be based on 70% of the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI);

Only regular full-time employees with at least 12 months of service will be eligible for the cost of

living increase; and

The change in the cost of living will be one of the factors considered in the performance review

of salaried employees along with specific accomplishments and measurable achievements during

the previous year.

Department managers are not authorized to approve wage or salary adjustments without

approval of the General Manager.

While the Company intends to provide the increases discussed in this policy and has consistently done so

in the past, please realize that there may be circumstances when it would not be a good business decision

or fiscally responsible to grant the increase. Therefore, the Company reserves the right to deviate from

this policy as the Company deems necessary.

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501 SAFETY Each employee is expected to obey safety rules and to exercise caution in all work activities. Employees

must immediately report any unsafe condition to the appropriate supervisor. Employees who violate

safety standards, who cause hazardous or dangerous situations, or who fail to report or, where

appropriate, remedy such situations, may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination

of employment.

The following safety/accident prevention rules apply to all EPI employees:

In the case of accidents that result in injury, regardless of how insignificant the injury may appear,

employees should immediately notify the appropriate supervisor. Such reports are necessary to

comply with applicable laws and initiate insurance and workers’ compensation benefits


Machinery and equipment with missing or inoperative safety devices should be reported

immediately to your supervisor and the equipment should not be used until the safety devices

are made operable; and

Deliberately disconnecting, circumventing, or disabling any safety device/procedures will result in

disciplinary action up to and including termination.

It is the responsibility of all supervisors to promote interest in safety and to coordinate the efforts of each

employee in the prevention of accidents and compliance with OSHA standards.

Although every possible precaution is taken to provide the safest working conditions, the responsibility

for accident prevention rests with each employee. The following is a list of rules of common sense and

good behavior - the two best means of preventing accidents:

Keep aisles, exits, and fire equipment clear of obstructions.

Observe all warning signs.

Avoid all “horseplay” and never distract or annoy another worker.

Place all material or equipment solidly on the floor.

Never touch switch boxes or tamper with any machines unless you are authorized.

Put all trash and other waste materials in proper receptacles.

Learn the safety rules listed for your particular job. Follow the rules and instructions given by your


Never experiment. If you are not sure, ask your supervisor.

Never remove any guards, railings, or safety appliances of any kind except for repairs or cleaning.

Machines from which any safety appliances have been removed must not be operated until the

appliance has been replaced.

If you are required to wear a hard hat, you will be issued one hard hat by the Company. If you lose

it or damage it, you will have to pay for its replacement. The only areas hard hats are not necessary

are the office (including Q.C. and shipping) and the break/lunch room. All other areas require hard

hats. Hard hats are color-coded as follows:

o Blue Management

o Orange Foreman

o Red Quality Control

o White Carpenters and visitors

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o Yellow All other personnel

You are required to wear safety glasses at all times. You will be issued one pair by the Company.

If you lose them or damage them, you will have to pay for its replacement. The only areas safety

glasses are not necessary are the offices (including Q.C. and shipping) and the break/lunch room.

All other areas require safety glasses.

You are required to wear safety boots at all times. The Company will issue a safety boot slip for

any employee to get a pair of steel-toed safety boots in which half the cost is paid by the Company

and the other half is paid by the employee via payroll deduction. The Company will pay half the

boot cost subject to a maximum purchase price per pair as determined by EPI. The Production

Manager will determine the appropriate number of boot slips offered per employee annually.

Office personnel are not required to wear steel- toed safety boots.

You are required to wear Company issued hearing protection in areas where noise levels exceed

thresholds as defined in the Safety Manual’s Hearing Conservation Program. Such levels, for

example, may exist, but not be limited to, the sandblasting area or in the proximity of vibrator


You are required to wear Company issued respirator equipment as per the Safety Manual’s

Respiratory Protection Program. Usage may be required, but not limited to, those who are

performing activities in sandblasting, acid etching, spraying sealers or retarders, welding or


Appropriate clothing will protect against minor scratches. You are required to wear full-length

pants (no shorts) and short sleeve shirts at a minimum (no tank- tops/sleeveless shirts).

Complete details of EPI’s safety policies, procedures, and training are described in the Safety Manual

provided to all employees.

504 USE OF PHONE AND MAIL SYSTEMS Personal use of telephones for outgoing calls, including local calls, is not permitted unless it is an

emergency. Employees may be required to reimburse EPI for any charges resulting from their personal

use of the telephone. Incoming personal calls should be kept to a minimum.

To ensure effective telephone communications, employees should always use the approved greeting and

speak in a courteous and professional manner. Please confirm information received from the caller, and

hang up only after the caller has done so.

The use of EPI-paid postage for personal correspondence is not permitted.

508 USE OF EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES Equipment and vehicles essential in accomplishing job duties are expensive and may be difficult to

replace. When using Company property, employees are expected to exercise care, perform required

maintenance, and follow all operating instructions, safety standards, and guidelines.

Please notify the supervisor if any equipment, machines, tools, or vehicles appear to be damaged,

defective, or in need of repair. Prompt reporting of damages, defects, and the need for repairs could

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prevent deterioration of equipment and possible injury to employees or others. The supervisor can

answer any questions about an employee’s responsibility for maintenance and care of equipment or

vehicles used on the job.

Company vehicles are to be used by authorized personnel only. No one, under any circumstances, is

allowed to operate a Company vehicle for personal business without permission from the General

Manager or Plant Manager. If permission is given, the approval will be in writing so there is no confusion

over whether approval has been received.

No one, under any circumstances, is allowed to operate a Company vehicle while under the influence of

drugs or alcoholic beverages. Anyone requiring the use of a Company vehicle after business hours, for

Company business, is required to fill out a Vehicle Use Permission Slip and have it signed by the General

Manager or Plant Manager. All vehicles are to be operated strictly in accordance with all traffic laws. Seat

belts must be worn at all times while operating any Company vehicle.

Unauthorized use of Company vehicles for personal or family reasons is not permitted.

The improper, careless, negligent, destructive, or unsafe use or operation of equipment or vehicles, as

well as excessive or avoidable traffic and parking violations, can result in disciplinary action, up to and

including termination of employment.

512 BUSINESS TRAVEL EXPENSES EPI will reimburse employees for reasonable business travel expenses incurred while on assignments away

from the normal work location. All business travel must be approved in advance by the General Manager.

Employees should submit, at least monthly, the Standard Expense Report forms available from

the office.

Expense reports are to be approved by the General Manager before reimbursement is made.

Employees are to pay all of their own business expenses while in town and then request

reimbursement from the Company. When traveling out of town employees will be given an

advance of $20.00 per day to cover their meals. Travel and lodging will be arranged by, and billed

directly to, the Company.

Meals, auto and other expenses other than personal meals should be submitted at the end of the

trip or biweekly to the Company. They will be reviewed and, upon approval, paid to the employee.

Employees are required to submit receipts for their own meals.

An employee may charge expenses on his/her personal credit card. This will provide a receipt for

each expenditure. The Company does not reimburse employees for the annual credit card service


All expenses should be individually itemized and explained on the Expense Report. Employees are

not reimbursed for expenses which are not individually explained.

Receipts should accompany the Expense Report when reimbursement is requested for:

o Lodging;

o Transportation (including airplane fare, car rentals etc.);

o Automobile expense (gasoline, maintenance, repairs). Receipts must have the license

number of the automobile entered by the vendor;

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o Entertainment expenses;

o Telephone expenses for business calls made from an employee’s home telephone should

be substantiated by the telephone company bill;

o Dues and memberships; and

o All other items.


Employees may request reimbursement for reasonable entertainment expenses.

An employee who entertains a customer should report his/her own meal as entertainment with that of

his/her guest. All entertainment must be explained with the following details:

Date and time;

Cost of entertainment;

Place of entertainment;

Business purpose of the entertainment; and

Business relationship of guests entertained (name, title, Company).

Employees may spend reasonable amounts for the entertainment of customers. Excessive entertainment

should be avoided. The Company does not condone, nor will it reimburse the employee for, entertainment

in the form of alcoholic beverages, except for an occasional such beverage taken during a reimbursed



Employees may request reimbursement for their own meals if the employee travels beyond a 60 mile

radius of their work location and the departure and return times respectively are before 7:00 A.M. and/or

after 6:00 P.M.


Employees are expected to live adequately, but not ostentatiously, while traveling.


An employee traveling alone should obtain a single room. Two or more employees traveling together

should obtain a double room for each two employees. Employees should always obtain rooms at

commercial rates.


Employees are expected to travel on airlines at the least expensive fare category.


Employees may not rent an automobile without the prior approval of their supervisor. Employees who

use their own automobile for company business are reimbursed at a rate per mile allowed by the IRS.

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These expenses should be reported on the Expense Report and should include points of departure and

the destination and explain the business purpose related to these expenses.


Tips should be kept to a reasonable amount in relation to the cost of a meal or entertainment.

When approved, the actual costs of travel, meals, lodging, and other expenses directly related to

accomplishing business travel objectives will be reimbursed by EPI. Employees are expected to limit

expenses to reasonable amounts.

Employees who are involved in an accident while traveling on business must promptly report the incident

to their immediate supervisor. Vehicles owned, leased, or rented by EPI may not be used for personal use

without prior written approval from the General Manager.

Cash advances to cover reasonable anticipated expenses may be made to employees, after travel has

been approved. Employees should submit a written request to their supervisor when travel advances are


Abuse of this business travel expenses policy, including falsifying expense reports to reflect costs not

incurred by the employee may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of


514 VISITORS IN THE WORKPLACE To provide for the safety and security of employees and the facilities at EPI, only authorized visitors are

allowed in the workplace. Restricting unauthorized visitors helps maintain safety standards, protects

against theft, ensures security of equipment, protects confidential information, safeguards employee

welfare, and avoids potential distractions and disturbances.

Other than people doing business with the Company, no visitors, under any circumstances, are allowed

beyond the reception desk without permission of Management. This applies to family, friends, ex-

employees, vendors etc.

If an unauthorized individual is observed on EPI’s premises, employees should immediately notify their

supervisor, or, if necessary, direct the individual to the reception area.

522 WORKPLACE VIOLENCE PREVENTION EPI is committed to preventing workplace violence and to maintaining a safe work environment. Given

the increasing violence in society in general, EPI has adopted the following guidelines to deal with

intimidation, harassment, or other threats of (or actual) violence that may occur during business hours or

on its premises.

All employees, including supervisors and temporary employees, should be treated with courtesy and

respect at all times. Employees are expected to refrain from fighting, “horseplay,” or other conduct that

may be dangerous to others. Firearms, weapons, and other dangerous or hazardous devices or substances

are prohibited from the premises of EPI without proper authorization.

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Conduct that threatens, intimidates, or coerces another employee, a customer, or a member of the public

at any time, including off-duty periods, will not be tolerated. This prohibition includes all acts of

harassment, including harassment that is based on an individual’s sex, race, color, national origin, religion,

disability, genetic information, age, or any characteristic protected by applicable federal, state, or local


All threats of (or actual) violence, both direct and indirect, should be reported as soon as possible to your

immediate supervisor or any other member of management. This includes threats by employees, as well

as threats by customers, vendors, solicitors, or other members of the public. When reporting a threat of

violence, you should be as specific and detailed as possible.

All suspicious individuals or activities should also be reported as soon as possible to a supervisor. Do not

place yourself in peril. If you see or hear a commotion or disturbance near your work station, do not try

to intercede or see what is happening.

EPI will promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports of threats of (or actual) violence and of suspicious

individuals or activities. The identity of the individual making a report will be protected as much as is

practical. In order to maintain workplace safety and the integrity of its investigation, EPI may suspend

employees, either with or without pay, pending investigation.

Anyone determined to be responsible for threats of (or actual) violence or other conduct that is in

violation of these guidelines will be subject to prompt disciplinary action up to and including termination

of employment.

EPI encourages employees to bring their disputes or differences with other employees to the attention of

their supervisors or the General Manager before the situation escalates into potential violence. EPI is

eager to assist in the resolution of employee disputes.


EPI insures against accidental injury under the applicable workers’ compensation laws.

Regardless of severity, all injuries must be reported to the Supervisor at once.

In case of serious injury, the Company may refer the employee to the nearest hospital emergency


Injured employees sent home by their supervisor will be paid for the remainder of the day.

Department managers are responsible for ensuring the Report of Occupational Injury or Illness is

completed as soon as possible following the accident.


All traffic accidents involving employees of the Company while on Company business (whether in

a Company-owned/leased vehicle or private vehicle) must be reported to the General Manager

at once.

Every vehicle accident must be reported to the Police and a copy of the Police Report submitted

to the General Manager.

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Employees involved in a traffic accident should never admit liability or responsibility for any

occurrence until the reports can be reviewed and all facts are known.


Individual locations will determine start times based on operational needs. A grace period of 7 minutes

is allowed for early start (between 7:50 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. or 6:50 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.). Any exceptions to

starting times must be approved in advance by the Plant and/or General Manager. If you clock in any time

after your designated hour, you will be considered late.

If you are going to be absent or late, you are required to call in and report directly to your supervisor prior

to the starting time or as early as possible. Habitual tardiness or absences will result in disciplinary action

up to and including termination.


You are required to clock in and out for paid breaks which cannot exceed 20 minutes. Extension of the

break past 20 minutes will be considered a violation of our rules and any time in excess of 20 minutes will

be deducted from your hours worked for the day. Frequent abuse of the paid break privilege may result

in discipline up to or including termination.


Overtime hours will be controlled by supervisors and must be approved in advance by supervisors. Failure

to obtain advance permission prior to working overtime may result in disciplinary action up to and

including termination.


FMLA requires covered employers to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job- protected leave to eligible

employees for the following reasons:

For incapacity due to pregnancy, prenatal medical care or child birth;

To care for the employee’s child after birth, or placement for adoption or foster care;

To care for the employee’s spouse, son or daughter, or parent, who has a serious health condition;


For a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the employee’s job.

Eligible employees may take a leave of absence for one or more of the above reasons for up to a total of

12 weeks in a 12-month period. The 12-month period is measured forward from the date the employee’s

first FMLA leave begins.

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Eligible employees with a spouse, son, daughter, or parent on active duty or call to active duty status may

use their 12-week leave entitlement to address certain qualifying exigencies. Qualifying exigencies may

include attending certain military events, arranging for alternative childcare, addressing certain financial

and legal arrangements, attending certain counseling sessions, and attending post-deployment

reintegration briefings. Qualifying exigencies may also include up to five days of leave for periods of rest

and recuperation for the service member, leave of up to seven days as a result of short-notice deployment,

or leave for other activities arising out of the service member’s active duty or call to active duty and agreed

upon by EPI and the employee. This leave may be taken for up to 12 weeks in a 12-month period. The 12-

month period is measured forward from the date an employee first uses any FMLA leave.

FMLA also includes a special leave entitlement that permits eligible employees to take up to 26 weeks of

leave to care for a covered service member during a single 12-month period. A covered service member

is a current member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, who

has a serious injury or illness incurred in the line of duty on active duty that may render the service

member medically unfit to perform his or her duties for which the service member is undergoing medical

treatment, recuperation, or therapy; or is in outpatient status; or is on the temporary disability retired

list. Service member also includes veterans who are undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or

therapy for a serious injury or illness that occurred any time during the five years preceding the date of

treatment. The single 12-month period is measured forward beginning from the date an employee’s first

FMLA leave to care for the covered service member begins. While a total of 26 weeks of leave may be

allowed, please keep in mind that leave to care for the ill or injured service member and leave for any of

the other reasons discussed in this policy cannot exceed a total of 26 weeks in a single 12-month period.


During FMLA leave, the employer must maintain the employee’s health coverage under any “group health

plan” on the same terms as if the employee had continued to work. Upon return from FMLA leave, most

employees must be restored to their original or equivalent positions with equivalent pay, benefits, and

other employment terms.

Use of FMLA leave cannot result in the loss of any employment benefit that accrued prior to the start of

an employee’s leave. Seniority and benefits such as vacation will not accrue during the period of any

unpaid FMLA leave.


Employees are eligible if:

They have worked for the Company for at least one year in the last seven years;

They have worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12 months immediately preceding the

commencement of the leave; and

The Company employs at least 50 employees within 75 miles.


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A serious health condition is an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves

either an overnight stay in a medical care facility, or continuing treatment by a health care provider for a

condition that either prevents the employee from performing the functions of the employee’s job, or

prevents the qualified family member from participating in school or other daily activities.

Subject to certain conditions, the continuing treatment requirement may be met by a period of incapacity

of more than three full consecutive calendar days combined with at least two visits within 30 days of the

first day of incapacity to a health care provider or one visit and a regimen of continuing treatment, or

incapacity due to pregnancy, or incapacity due to a chronic condition. The first treatment visit must take

place within seven days of the commencement of the incapacity. Other conditions may also meet the

definition of continuing treatment.


An employee does not need to use this leave entitlement in one block. Leave can be taken intermittently

or on a reduced leave schedule when medically necessary. Employees must make reasonable efforts to

schedule leave for planned medical treatment so as not to unduly disrupt Company operations. Leave due

to qualifying exigencies may also be taken on an intermittent basis.


Employees are required to use accrued paid leave while taking FMLA leave. In order to use paid leave for

FMLA leave, employees must comply with the Company’s normal paid leave policies.


Employees must provide 30 days’ advance notice of the need to take FMLA leave when the need is

foreseeable. When 30 days’ notice is not possible, the employee must provide notice as soon as

practicable and must comply with the Company’s normal call-in procedures. When taking leave on an

intermittent basis or leave for an indefinite or unknown duration, employees must comply with the

Company’s daily call-in requirements to report their absence.

Employees must provide sufficient information for the Company to determine if the leave may qualify for

FMLA protection and the anticipated timing and duration of the leave. Sufficient information may include

that the employee is unable to perform job functions, that a family member is unable to perform daily

activities, the need for hospitalization or continuing treatment by a health care provider, or circumstances

supporting the need for military family leave. Employees also must inform the Company if the requested

leave is for a reason for which FMLA leave was previously taken or certified. Employees will be required

to provide a medical certification and periodic recertification supporting the need for leave.

Employees who fail to return a requested certification within 15 days, absent circumstances beyond their

control, may jeopardize their rights and benefits under the Family and Medical Leave Act, and they may

be subject to discipline, up to or including discharge, for being absent without being on approved leave.

The first time an employee requests leave for a qualifying exigency arising out of active duty or call to

active duty status, the employee must provide the Company with a copy of the active duty orders or other

documentation issued by the military which indicates that the covered military member is on active duty

status or call to active duty status and the dates of the covered military member’s active duty service. The

Company may require copies of new active duty orders or other documentation issued by the military if

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the need for leave because of a qualifying exigency arises out of a different active duty or call to active

duty status of the same or a different covered military member. Completion of a certification form

provided by the Company will also be required.

Employees returning from a leave due to their own serious health condition must provide a note from

their doctor releasing them to work and addressing their ability to perform the essential functions of their



The Company will inform employees requesting leave whether they are eligible under FMLA. If they are

eligible, the notice will specify any additional information required as well as the employees’ rights and

responsibilities. If they are not eligible, the Company will provide a reason for the ineligibility.

The Company will inform employees if leave will be designated as FMLA-protected and the amount of

leave counted against the employee’s leave entitlement. If the Company determines that the leave is not

FMLA-protected, the Company will notify the employee.


Employees who suffer a work-related injury or illness that constitutes a serious health condition under

the FMLA will be granted FMLA leave, if otherwise eligible for FMLA leave. Workers’ compensation leave

and FMLA leave will run concurrently.


Employees who are unable to return to work at the expiration of their FMLA leave must contact the

Director of Human Resources to determine if the Company has other forms of leave that the employee

can use. Employees who do not report for work at the conclusion of their FMLA leave and who have not

contacted the Company requesting an extension of leave will be deemed to have resigned employment.


FMLA makes it unlawful for an employer to:

Interfere with, restrain, or deny the exercise of any right provided under FMLA;

Discharge or discriminate against any person for opposing any practice made unlawful by FMLA

or for involvement in any proceeding under or relating to FMLA.

The Company fully complies with the FMLA and prohibits any employee from engaging in these unlawful

acts. Employees, who believe any of the Company’s employees have engaged in these unlawful acts,

should report the complaint to Human Resources. Employees who are uncomfortable making a complaint

to Human Resources should report their concerns to the President or any other Company officer with

whom they feel comfortable. Retaliation against an individual for bringing a complaint to the Company’s

attention is strictly prohibited.

An employee may file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Labor or may bring a private lawsuit against

an employer.

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FMLA does not affect any Federal or State law prohibiting discrimination, or supersede any State or local

law or collective bargaining agreement which provides greater family or medical leave rights.


It is impossible to cover all aspects of family and medical leave in this policy. Therefore, when you

determine that you will need to take leave under this policy, please contact Human Resources for

additional details.

605 MILITARY LEAVE A military leave of absence will be granted to employees who are absent from work because of service in

the U.S. uniformed services in accordance with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment

Rights Act (USERR A). Advance notice of military service is required, unless military necessity prevents

such notice or it is otherwise impossible or unreasonable.

The leave will be unpaid. However, employees may use any available paid time off for the absence, if they

would like.

Employees returning from military leave will be treated as though they were continuously employed for

purposes of determining benefits based on length of service.

Contact the General Manager for more information or questions about military leave.

701 EMPLOYEE CONDUCT AND WORK RULES To ensure orderly operations and provide the best possible work environment, EPI expects employees to

follow rules of conduct that will protect the interests and safety of all employees and the organization.

It is not possible to list all the forms of behavior that are considered unacceptable in the workplace. The

following are examples of infractions of rules of conduct that may result in disciplinary action, up to and

including termination of employment:

Theft or inappropriate removal or possession of property

Falsification of timekeeping records, employee reports or any other employment- related



Violation of the Drug and Alcohol Use policy

Fighting or threatening violence in the workplace

Boisterous or disruptive activity in the workplace

Negligence or improper conduct insubordination or other disrespectful conduct

Violation of safety or health rules

Use of tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, in prohibited areas

Sexual or other unlawful or unwelcome harassment

Excessive absenteeism or any absence without notice

Unauthorized absence from work station during the workday

Unauthorized use of telephones, mail system, or other employer-owned equipment

Unauthorized disclosure of business secrets or confidential information

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Violation of personnel policies

Unsatisfactory performance or conduct

Employment with EPI is at the mutual consent of EPI and the employee, and either party may terminate

that relationship at any time, with or without cause, and with or without advance notice.

702 DRUG AND ALCOHOL USE Drug and alcohol use is highly detrimental to the safety and productivity of employees in the workplace.

No employee may be under the influence of any illegal drug or alcohol while in the workplace, while on

duty, or while operating a vehicle or equipment owned or leased by the Company. Compliance with this

policy is a condition of employment.

The illegal manufacture, distribution, dispensing, sale, purchase, possession or use of alcohol, narcotics,

illegal drugs or paraphernalia, or illegal controlled substances while on the job or on Company property

or job sites may result in immediate termination.

Off-the-job, illegal drug and/or alcohol use, which could adversely affect an employee’s job performance

or jeopardize the safety of other employees, the public or Company equipment, may result in disciplinary

action, up to and including termination.

Employees who are arrested for on or off-the-job illegal drug and/or alcohol manufacture, distribution,

dispensing, sale, possession or use may be considered in violation of this policy. The employee is required

to notify the Company of any criminal conviction for a drug offense no later than five days after such

conviction. In deciding what disciplinary action to take, the Company will take into consideration the

nature of the charges, the employee’s present job assignment, and the employee’s record with the

Company and other factors relative to the impact of the employee’s conviction upon the conduct of the

Company’s business.

The Company may require employees who are not terminated for their drug or alcohol related convictions

(or at other instances if appropriate) to participate in a drug or alcohol abuse assistance or rehabilitation

program. Also, employees who voluntarily admit to having drug or alcohol problems that have not

resulted in disciplinary action may be eligible for unpaid time off to participate in a rehabilitation program.

Such a leave will be granted if the employees abstain from use of the problem substance while on leave,

abide by all Company policies, rules and prohibitions relating to conduct in the workplace, and if the

Company will not suffer any “undue hardship” as a consequence of granting the leave.

Employees may use physician-prescribed medications, provided that the use of such drugs does not

adversely affect job performance or the safety of the employees or other individuals in the workplace.

Employees undergoing treatment that requires them to use a controlled substance must report this

treatment to their supervisor, as it is important for the Company to be made aware of such use.

This policy applies only to those employees who do not have a commercial drivers’ license. Those

employees who perform driving duties for the Company and have a commercial drivers’ license are

subject to a separate policy compliant with Department of Transportation regulations and will be

distributed separate from this handbook.

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This policy is not intended to preclude the consumption of alcohol at Company- sponsored or authorized

social functions such as holiday parties.

703 SEXUAL AND OTHER UNLAWFUL HARASSMENT EPI is committed to providing a work environment that is free of discrimination and unlawful harassment.

Actions, words, jokes, or comments based on an individual’s sex, race, color, national origin, age, disability,

religion, genetic information or any other legally protected characteristic under applicable local, state or

federal law will not be tolerated. As an example, sexual harassment (both overt and subtle) is a form of

employee misconduct that is demeaning to another person, undermines the integrity of the employment

relationship, and is strictly prohibited.

Sexual harassment has been defined by federal and state regulations as a form of sex discrimination. It

can consist of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other physical or verbal conduct

of a sexual nature by management or others in the workplace.

Sexual harassment exists when:

Supervisors or managers make submission to such conduct either an explicit or implicit term or

condition of employment (including hiring, compensation, promotion, or retention);

Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used by supervisors or managers as a basis for

employment-related decisions such as promotion, performance evaluation, pay adjustment,

discipline, work assignments, etc.

Sexual harassment may also exist when co-workers (or non-employees, such as vendors, customers and

clients) engage in such conduct, when the conduct unreasonably interferes with an employee’s work

performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

It is important to note that harassment does not have to involve conduct of a sexual nature in order to

constitute unlawful behavior. For example, abusive, offensive or demeaning behavior that is directed to

members of one gender only (whether male or female) may be deemed a form of sexual harassment,

even though the conduct was not motivated by sexual desire or gratification. In addition, harassment of

a male by another male or female by another female also constitutes an unlawful form of sex


Examples of the types of conduct which could be considered sexual harassment and which are prohibited

by our Company policy include, but are not limited to, the following:

Sexually suggestive touching

Unwanted deliberate touching, leaning over, cornering or pinching

Lewd, off-color or sexually oriented comments or jokes

Making sexual gestures with hands or through body movements

Questions about another’s sex life or experiences

Stories about your sex life or experiences

Multiple requests for dates or other activities

Sexually suggestive profanity

Unwanted pressure for sexual favors

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Whistling at someone or cat calls

Looking a person up and down (elevator eyes)

Display of sexually suggestive software

Use of nicknames or slang terms to describe an individual


Any employee who wants to report an incident of sexual or other unlawful harassment should promptly

report the matter to his or her supervisor. If the supervisor is unavailable or the employee believes it

would be inappropriate to contact that person, the employee should immediately contact the General

Manager or any other member of management. Employees can raise concerns and make reports without

fear of reprisal.

Any supervisor or manager who becomes aware of possible sexual or other unlawful harassment should

promptly advise the General Manager or any member of management, who will handle the matter in a

timely and confidential manner.

All complaints will be thoroughly investigated and will be treated with the utmost confidence consistent

with resolution of the problem. Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be subject

to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Retaliation against an individual for bringing harassment allegations to our attention is strictly prohibited.

In addition, individuals who participate in this complaint process as potential witnesses are assured of

non-retaliation. This does not mean that the alleged harasser can avoid disciplinary action by participating

in the investigation. If the allegations are substantiated, the alleged harasser will be disciplined up to or

including termination.

704 ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY To maintain a safe and productive work environment, EPI expects employees to be reliable and to be

punctual in reporting for scheduled work. Absenteeism and tardiness place a burden on other employees

and on EPI. In the rare instances when employees cannot avoid being late to work or are unable to work

as scheduled, they should notify their supervisor as soon as possible in advance of the anticipated

tardiness or absence.

Plant locations may have additional policies in place to address attendance and punctuality rules specific

to their facility.

Excessive absences or tardiness is described as:

Absences occurring without prior notice are considered excessive if they occur more than 6 times

in a 12-month period. Illness for more than one consecutive day will be considered a single


Tardiness shall be considered excessive if an employee is more than 6 minutes late for work more

than 6 times in a 12-month period. Leaving more than 6 minutes before the end of the required

work day will also count toward this total of 12 occurrences.

This policy also applies to scheduled overtime work, both during the work week and on weekends.

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Scheduled absences are those that can or may be planned that do not have the same economic effect on

the Company. Scheduled absences include:

Vacation Leave

Paid Holidays

Military Leave

Jury Duty

Bereavement Leave

Job-related injuries (verified compensation cases)

Disciplinary suspensions

Temporary layoff

Approved leave of absence

Approved time off (e.g. court ordered appearance if subpoenaed as a witness) and other

approved exceptions.

Emergency responder leave (Nebraska employees)

Emergency evacuation leave (Texas employees)

Poor attendance and excessive tardiness are disruptive. Either may lead to disciplinary action, up to and

including termination of employment.

706 RETURN OF PROPERTY Employees are responsible for all EPI property, materials, or written information issued to them or in their

possession or control. Employees must return all EPI property immediately upon request or upon

termination of employment. Where permitted by applicable laws, EPI may withhold from the employee’s

check or final paycheck the cost of any items that are not returned when required. EPI may also take all

action deemed appropriate to recover or protect its property.

710 SECURITY INSPECTIONS Unfortunately, problems such as theft, dishonesty, destruction of property, and alcohol or drug use occur

on occasion in any company. For that reason, it may be necessary for the Company to conduct an

investigation of the Company’s premises, which may include searches.

Desks, lockers, and other storage devices may be provided for the convenience of employees but remain

the sole property of EPI. Accordingly, they, as well as any articles found within them, can be inspected by

any agent or representative of EPI at any time, either with or without prior notice.

EPI likewise wishes to discourage theft or unauthorized possession of the property of employees, EPI,

visitors, and customers. To facilitate enforcement of this policy, EPI or its representative may inspect not

only desks and lockers but also persons entering and/or leaving the premises and any packages or other

belongings. Any employee who wishes to avoid inspection of any articles or materials should not bring

such items onto EPI’s premises.

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715 SOLICITATION AND DISTRIBUTION In the interest of maintaining the proper working environment, preventing interference with work and

preventing inconvenience to others, employees may not distribute literature or printed materials of any

kind, sell merchandise, solicit financial contributions or solicit for any other cause during working time.

Employees who are not on working time (e.g., those on lunch hour, breaks or prior to or after their shift)

may not solicit employees who are on working time for any cause or distribute literature of any kind to

them. Furthermore, employees may not distribute literature or printed material of any kind in working

areas at any time.

Non-employees are likewise prohibited from distributing material or soliciting employees on EPI’s

premises at any time.

716 BLOGGING AND SOCIAL NETWORKING EPI recognizes that Social Networking (such as personal web sites, blogs, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter,

online group discussions, text messaging, message boards, chat rooms, etc.) can be used by employees

for personal as well as business purposes. The Company also understands how the use of internet social

network sites and blogs can shape the way the public views our products, employees, vendors, partners

and customers. The Company respects the right of any employee to maintain a blog or post a comment

on social networking sites. However, the Company is also committed to ensuring that the use of such

communications serves the needs of our business by maintaining the Company’s identity, integrity, and

reputation in a manner consistent with our values and policies. Therefore, EPI has established the

following rules and guidelines for communicating Company-related information via Social Networking

forums whether used in or outside the workplace:


Employees may not post on a personal blog or web page or participate in a personal social networking

site during working time or at any time with Company equipment or property. Working time is your

scheduled time of work, not including lunch hour, breaks or time prior to or after your shift.


Employees must obtain written authorization before commenting about the Company’s services or

products on blogs or social networking sites. If authorization is given, the employee must clearly and

conspicuously disclose his or her employment relationship with the Company when posting a comment

regarding our services or products.


Any employee engaging in Social Networking or Blogging for legitimate business purposes (an employer-

sponsored blog or media site) must get express approval of all content with the appropriate supervisor

before posting. Employees engaged in blogging or networking for legitimate business purposes are

responsible for complying with all Company policies.


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Any employee who mentions the Company on a personal blog or social networking account must include

a disclaimer that specifically states that the opinions and attitudes expressed are those of the employee

alone and may not be aligned with those of the Company. The employee must make it clear that he or

she is speaking for himself or herself and not on behalf of the organization.


Employees are not to advertise or sell any of the Company’s products or services on any website or social



All other Company rules and policies regarding disclosure of sensitive, proprietary, financial or confidential

information apply in full to blogs and Social Networking sites. This includes, but is not limited to,

information about trademarks, upcoming product releases, finances, products sold, number of

employees, company strategies and any other information not previously publicly released by the

Company. If you have a question about whether information has been released publicly, speak with the

Company Controller before releasing information that could potentially harm the Company, our products,

employees, vendors, partners and customers. Company logos and trademarks may not be used without

express written permission from Company.

To ensure that EPI, its customers, vendors and employees are not defamed or injured through use of blogs

and Social Networking sites, EPI takes a strong stance against employee blogs or Social Network sites

containing false information or false accusations.


All other Company rules and policies regarding discrimination and harassment apply in full force to blogs

and Social Networking sites. The Company is firmly committed to its equal employment opportunity

policies and does not condone or tolerate discrimination. The Company also prohibits all forms of unlawful

harassment. Employees are prohibited from engaging in any conduct, activities, communication or

postings which violate Company policies regarding discrimination and harassment.

No messages with derogatory or inflammatory remarks about any legally protected characteristic shall be

transmitted or retrieved. No abusive, profane or offensive language is to be transmitted. Any conduct

which is impermissible under the law if expressed in any other form or forum is also impermissible if

expressed through blogs, social networks, text messages or other electronic means.


Media contacts made through blogs or Social Networking Sites regarding the Company, its products,

employees, partners, vendors, customers or competitors should be referred for coordination and

guidance to the company Controller.


The Company reserves the right to monitor all public blogs and social networking forums for the purpose

of protecting its interests and monitoring compliance with Company policies. If activity is found to be

compromising, insubordinate or averse to the Company’s legitimate business interests, the Company may

require cessation and removal of any detrimental commentary or postings. The Company reserves the

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right to access any Company computers and electronic communication devices to monitor blogs and on-

line websites. Employees should not maintain any expectation of privacy with respect to information

transmitted over, received by, or posted on such sites.


If an employee believes that a blog or other online communication violates any Company policy, the

employee should immediately report the blog or online communication to the company Controller. The

Company may investigate the matter, determine whether such blog, posting, website, or communication

violates Company policies, and take appropriate action.


Any employee who violates this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including

termination. Additionally, violations of this policy may result in criminal prosecution, reimbursement of

expenses incurred as a result of the violation, and additional legal action.


This policy is not intended to restrict an employee’s right to discuss wages and working conditions with

co-workers or in any way limit employees’ rights under the National Labor Relations Act.

717 CELLULAR PHONES Cellular phones have become a common convenience to many employees. However, such convenience

should not interrupt your work for the Company. Therefore, except in emergency situations, employees

are not to make or receive calls on their cell phones during working time. You, of course, may use your

cell phones during breaks and lunch periods.

In addition, use of a cell phone while driving is dangerous and specifically prohibited while on working

time. You are also prohibited from using a cell phone at any time while driving a Company vehicle. If you

must make an emergency call while driving, you should normally pull to the side of the road and stop

before making the call.

718 USE OF COMPANY EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES The Company provides email, voice mail, cell phones, Internet access and computer equipment for use in

conducting Company business. Therefore, such equipment and services should be used primarily for

business purposes. The following will clarify the types of equipment and services contemplated by this



All data entered on the Company’s computers is considered the property of the Company. No employee

should knowingly enter false or misleading information in the Company’s computer system or destroy any

data which the Company needs to conduct its business. Please realize that, for various reasons, the

Company will access your equipment. As a result, your computer should not be used for personal business

even during nonworking time, if you don’t want the Company to have access to personal information.

Also, unauthorized access to a computer or computer system or knowingly destroying a computer,

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computer system, computer software or computer program is specifically prohibited. Violators will be

prosecuted to the fullest extent allowed by civil or criminal law.


Electronic and voice mail is to be used primarily for business purposes only. It can be used for personal

reasons only during nonworking time. Like your computer, the Company will access your email and voice

mail when it deems such access necessary. Also, in use of email or voice mail for business purposes, you

should be aware that such messages are not entirely confidential. They can be forwarded to others

without the original sender’s knowledge. Email can be viewed by others who may improperly use a

password to breach the security of the system. In addition, disclosure of email messages may be required

in lawsuits against the Company. As a rule of thumb, nothing should be sent by email if you would not put

the information in a formal memo or would not like the information to become public knowledge, and do

not use derogatory, offensive or insulting language in any email or voice mail message. Finally, employees

are not to access or view email which is not addressed to them or access or listen to voice mail other than

their own. Employees violating this policy will be subject to immediate termination.


The Company issues cellular phones to company representatives who are required to be in close contact

with the company at all times. While cell phones are a necessary convenience of the business world, we

require that our employees follow these guidelines for their own and others safety.

All employees are required to be professional and conscientious at all times when using company phones.

Employees who are issued a cellular phone understand the phones are issued for business use. Employees

are expected to make every effort to not exceed the current contracted allowed minutes. Cellular phone

bills are reviewed when they arrive, any employee who exceeds their contracted allowed minutes is

subject to additional usage review.

Employees are expected to report a lost or stolen company phone immediately. Additionally, when a

person terminates employment for any reason, all employer data may be removed from his or her

personal and/or company-issued devices.


Use of the Internet is to be limited to business use, except employees may access the Internet for personal

reasons during nonworking time. However, pornographic or other offensive sites cannot be viewed at any

time. In addition, the Company prohibits the downloading of or installation of any application software

from the Internet onto Company computers at any time. This software could contain embedded viruses

or be incompatible with our computer operations. Please realize that the Company will monitor Internet


All employees are also prohibited from participating in any Web-based surveys or subscribing to any

subscription services over the Internet unless they have the written authorization of company Controller.

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719 PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE The purpose of this policy is to state EPI’s position on administering equitable and consistent discipline

for unsatisfactory conduct in the workplace. The best disciplinary measure is the one that does not have

to be enforced and comes from good leadership and fair supervision at all employment levels.

EPI’s own best interest lies in ensuring fair treatment of all employees and in making certain that

disciplinary actions are prompt, uniform, and impartial. The major purpose of any disciplinary action is to

correct the problem, prevent recurrence, and prepare the employee for satisfactory service in the future.

Although employment with EPI is based on mutual consent and both the employee and EPI have the right

to terminate employment at will, with or without cause or advance notice, EPI may use progressive

discipline at its discretion.

While we generally follow specific steps in applying progressive discipline, there are times when deviation

from this policy is appropriate. In other words, circumstances may warrant skipping steps or even

immediately terminating an employee. This is especially true in situations that reveal basic character flaws

that will not improve. Theft or threats of violence are examples of conduct which may justify immediate

termination. Also, it is important for you to realize that it does not take violation

of the same rule to proceed to the next step of the discipline process. Violations of different rules or

reasonable management expectations can result in moving to the next step. The following generally

explains the different steps in the discipline process.


When your supervisor or another member of management becomes aware of a problem associated with

your work, the normal first step is to provide a verbal warning. A member of management will usually sit

down with you and discuss the problem. You will normally be given an opportunity to respond and assist

in deciding what steps need to be taken or changes need to be made in order to eliminate the problems.


Unfortunately, a verbal warning is not always enough to convince an employee that it is imperative that

he or she abide by our rules and regulations. Also, there are times when a written warning without a prior

verbal warning is necessary and appropriate. In those cases, a member of management will usually discuss

the problem with you and allow you to respond.


If violations of our work rules and expectations continue, we may immediately suspend the employee for

a specified period. The employee will not receive pay during a suspension. Suspension may also occur

when we need time to conduct an investigation to determine whether termination is warranted.


Unfortunately, there are times when verbal and written warnings and even suspensions do not result in

an employee following the rules. In those cases, employees will normally be terminated. There also may

be times when immediate termination without any prior warnings is appropriate. Immediate termination

is usually reserved for severe cases of unacceptable performance or behavior.

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If more than 12 months have passed since the last disciplinary action, the process will normally start over.

By using progressive discipline, we hope that most employee problems can be corrected at an early stage,

benefiting both the employee and EPI.

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The Policy Manual describes important information about Enterprise Properties, Inc. (Company)

and its wholly owned subsidiaries. I understand that I should consult the General Manager

regarding any questions not answered in the Manual. I have entered into my employment

relationship with the Company voluntarily and acknowledge that there is no specified length of

employment. Accordingly, either the Company or I can terminate the relationship at will, with

our without cause, at any time, so long as there is no violation of applicable federal or state law.

Since the information, policies, and benefits described here are necessarily subject to change, I

acknowledge that revisions to the Manual may occur, except to the Company policy of

employment-at-will. All such changes will be communicated through official notices, and I

understand that revised information may supersede, modify, or eliminate existing policies. Only

the Board of Directors of the Company has the ability to adopt any revisions to the policies in this


Furthermore, I acknowledge that this manual is neither a contract of employment nor a legal

document. I have received the Manual, and I understand that it is my responsibility to read and

comply with the policies contained in this Manual and any revisions made to it.

Employee’s Signature Date