eng 102 appendix fallacies

ENG 102 Appendix Fallacies

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Page 1: Eng 102 Appendix Fallacies

ENG 102

Appendix Fallacies

Page 2: Eng 102 Appendix Fallacies

Fallacies of Pathos

Argument to the people (stirring symbols)

Appeal to ignorance


Appeal to pity

Red herring

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Fallacies of Ethos

Appeal to false authority

Ad hominem

Poisoning the well

Straw man

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Fallacies of Logos

Hasty generalization

Part for the whole

Post hoc

Circular reasoning/begging the question

False Dilemma

Slippery Slope

False analogy

Son sequitur

Loaded Label/Definition

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Slippery Slope (Logos)

Based on the fear that once we put a foot on a

slick mountainside, we are doomed to slide right

out of sight

Once we allow medical use of marijuana, we’ll

eventually legalize it for everyone, and then

cocaine and heroin will gain social acceptance.

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Red Herring (Pathos)

Throwing an audience off-track by raising an

unrelated or irrelevant point

Debating a gas tax increase is valuable, but I

really think there should be an extra tax on SUVs.

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Non Sequitur (Logos)

Means “it does not follow”

Any claim that doesn’t follow from its premises

or is supported by irrelevant premises

I should not receive a C in this course because I

currently have a 3.8 GPA

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Post hoc (Logos)

Means “after this, therefore because of this”

Occurs when a sequential relationship is

mistaken for a causal relationship

Cramming for a test really helps because last

week I crammed for my psychology test and I got

an A on it.

A might have been caused by something other

than cramming, must consider all factors

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Bandwagon (Pathos)

Appeals to popularity

Popularity of something is irrelevant to its actual


Living together before marriage is the right thing

to do because most couples are now doing it.

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Ad hominem (Ethos)

Means “to the person”

Argument directed at the character of an

opponent rather than at the quality of the

opponent’s reasoning

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False Authority (Ethos)

Use famous people to testify on issues about

which these persons have no special competence

Joe Quarterback says Gooey Oil keeps his old

tractor running sharp; therefore, Gooey Oil is a

good oil.

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Hasty Generalization (Logos)

Someone makes a broad generalization on the

basis of too little evidence

Evidence needed to support a generalization

must meet the STAR criteria (sufficiency,

typicality, accuracy, and relevance


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Appeal to the People (Pathos)

Appeal to the fundamental beliefs, biases, and

prejudices of the audience

Sway opinion through a feeling of solidarity

among those of the group

“Support Our Troops” bumper sticker, often

including American flag, creates an initial feeling

of solidarity among almost all citizens of


Car owner may have deeper intention of

meaning “support the war”

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Appeal to Ignorance (Pathos)

Persuades audience to accept as true a claim that

hasn’t been proved false or vice versa

UFOs, ghosts, and the abominable snowman do

exist because science hasn’t proved that they

don’t exist.

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Appeal to Pity (Pathos)

Arguer appeals to audience’s sympathetic

feelings in order to support a claim that should

be decided on more relevant or objective grounds


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Poisoning the Well (Ethos)

Close to ad hominem

Arguers discredit an opponent or an opposing

view in advance

Before I yield the floor to the next speaker, I must

remind you that those who oppose my plan do

not have the best interests of working people in

their hearts.


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Straw Man (Ethos)

Occurs by oversimplifying an opponent’s

argument to make it easier to refute or ridicule

Rather than summarize opposing view fairly and

completely, the arguer makes up the argument

they wish the opponent had made because it’s

easier to knock over


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Part for the Whole (Logos)

Arguers pick out a part of the whole and then

claim that what is true of the part is true for the


Arguer picks only the best examples to make a

case and conveniently forgets about examples

that weaken the case


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Circular Reasoning (Logos)

Provide a reason that simply restates the claim in

different words

That person is obese because he is too fat.


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False Dilemma (Logos)

arguer oversimplifies a complex issue so that

only two choices appear possible

One of the choices is made to seem unacceptable

It’s my way or the highway.


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False Analogy (Logos)

Has to be some similarities between objects being


Has to appeal to audience’s logic


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Read each item. Identify and explain the fallacy of

each statement.


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Wednesday 4/30 Synthesis essay due Play jeopardy

Monday 5/5 Grammar Final

Wednesday 5/7 Writing final (9AM class meets 8-


(11AM class meets 10:30AM – 12:30PM)