engine cooling system optimization for fuel consumption

HAL Id: hal-02491671 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02491671 Submitted on 26 Feb 2020 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether they are pub- lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Engine Cooling System Optimization for Fuel Consumption Reduction Jef Philippine, Alice Guille Des Buttes, Bruno Jeanneret, Rochdi Trigui, Florian Deneve, Florian Pereyron To cite this version: Jef Philippine, Alice Guille Des Buttes, Bruno Jeanneret, Rochdi Trigui, Florian Deneve, et al.. Engine Cooling System Optimization for Fuel Consumption Reduction. 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Oct 2019, Hanoi, France. 6p, 10.1109/VPPC46532.2019.8952496. hal-02491671

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HAL Id: hal-02491671https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02491671

Submitted on 26 Feb 2020

HAL is a multi-disciplinary open accessarchive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come fromteaching and research institutions in France orabroad, or from public or private research centers.

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Engine Cooling System Optimization for FuelConsumption Reduction

Jef Philippine, Alice Guille Des Buttes, Bruno Jeanneret, Rochdi Trigui,Florian Deneve, Florian Pereyron

To cite this version:Jef Philippine, Alice Guille Des Buttes, Bruno Jeanneret, Rochdi Trigui, Florian Deneve, et al..Engine Cooling System Optimization for Fuel Consumption Reduction. 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power andPropulsion Conference (VPPC), Oct 2019, Hanoi, France. 6p, �10.1109/VPPC46532.2019.8952496�.�hal-02491671�

Page 2: Engine Cooling System Optimization for Fuel Consumption

Engine Cooling System Optimization for FuelConsumption Reduction

Jef Philippine∗, Alice Guille Des Buttes∗, Bruno Jeanneret∗, Rochdi Trigui∗,Florian Denève† and Florian Pereyron†

∗Univ Lyon, IFSTTAR, AME, ECO7, F-69500 Bron, FranceCorresponding author: [email protected]

†Powertrain Strategic Development, Volvo Group, Saint-Priest, France

Abstract—This paper describes the optimization of a truckengine cooling system. Different models work together to makean estimation of fuel consumption and thermal behavior of theengine on a real-drive cycle. Dynamic programming is thenused to provide an optimized solution to the engine thermalmanagement in terms of actuators power and fuel consumption.Engine temperature effect on the fuel consumption is taken intoaccount by modeling the mechanical losses due to oil viscosity.


In order to meet 2015 Paris Agreement targets on green-house gases emissions, transportation sector needs to deeplychange and reduce its total energy consumption. Under theleading of Renault Trucks group, FALCON (Flexible & Aero-dynamic truck for Low CONsumption) project aims to de-velop a complete heavy-duty tractor-trailer combination thatconsumes 13% less fuel than a standard coupling towed by aRenault Trucks T vehicle. Within the project framework, theengine cooling system is studied in order to quantify poten-tial fuel consumption savings by the use of better auxiliaryactuators control.

In this work, vehicle model and fuel consumption modelare first presented, based on IFSTTAR vehicle simulationlibrary VEHLIB and a semi-trailer truck characteristics.VEHLIB is a Simulink library that integrates the necessarycomponents model to develop and simulate conventional, hy-brid or full-electric vehicles [1]. This set of models allows toobtain an accurate description of the engine thermal solicitationon a given driven cycle. It is then used in a thermal modelingof the engine cooling system. The control of actuators in thislast model is then optimized using Dynamic Programmingalgorithm, and comparisons are made with a conventionalconfiguration and control.

In order to evaluate the influence of oil temperatureon engine friction losses and therefore on the overall fuelconsumption, this paper proposes a model of fuel excessconsumption due to engine oil viscosity and integrates it withinthe optimization framework.


A. Vehicle model

For optimization purposes, an inverse modeling approachof the vehicle is applied, as described in [2] or [3]. The goal

This work is financially supported by Renault Trucks Flexible & Aerody-namic truck for Low CONsumption (FALCON) project.

is to determine the necessary engine fuel consumption mfuel

as a function of vehicle acceleration, specified vehicle speedv, a and selected gear.

Only longitudinal forces are considered in this work, inorder to determine the vehicle’s longitudinal motion. UsingNewton’s second law, it can be written:

Jveh · ωwheel = Γdrive − Fres ·Rtire (1)

where Jveh is the vehicle’s inertia to be accelerated, ωwheelis the rotational wheel acceleration, Γdrive is the drive trainoutput torque generated by the vehicle’s drive train, and Rtireis the tire radius. Fres are the resistance forces that depend onthe vehicle speed and can be computed as the sum of rollingresistance, aerodynamic drag and road grade. No slippingbetween road and tire is considered in this energetic model.Inverting (1) leads to (2):

Γdrive = Jveh ·a

Rtire+ Fres(v) ·Rtire (2)

Speed ωeng and torque Γdriveengof the engine output shaft

are calculated from the wheel rotational speed ωwheel, theengine idle speed, the drive train output torque Γdrive andthe efficiencies and ratios of both gearbox and final drivereduction, respectively written ηG, RG, ηFD and RFD. Inparticular, the engine output shaft torque is:

Γdriveeng =Γdrive

ηψFD ·RFD · ηψG ·RG(3)

The parameter ψ depends on the energy flow and is definedas:

ψ = sign(Γdrive) (4)

The dynamics of the internal combustion engine can bedescribed with:

Jengωeng = Γeng − Γdriveeng− Γaux (5)

The load torque due to the auxiliaries Γaux is determinedwith ωeng ·Γaux = Paux, where Paux is the sum of non-coolingauxiliaries power (such as alternator power) and cooling aux-iliaries (namely fan and pump) power, described in sectionsII-D and II-E. Inverting (5), the engine torque Γeng can becomputed as a function of wheel torque as:

Γeng = Γdrive ·ηψFD · ηψG(igear)

RFD ·RG(igear)+Pauxωeng

+ Jeng · ωeng (6)

Page 3: Engine Cooling System Optimization for Fuel Consumption

B. Engine model

In this work, the engine model proposed in [4] is used toevaluate the fuel mass flow rate mfuel. The power deliveredby the combustion Pfuel can be written as:

Pfuel = mfuel · LHV (7)

where LHV is the lower heating value. Due to combustionefficiency, losses in cooling water and oil, losses in the exhaustgases and warming of the metallic parts of the engine, the grossindicated power Pig and the combustion power Pfuel are notequal. They are linked through the fuel indicated efficiency ηfias:

Pig = ηfi · Pfuel (8)

The brake power Pb, is the usable power delivered by theengine, and is the result of the difference between the grossindicated power, Pig , and the mechanical power losses in theengine Pf :

Pb = ωeng · Γeng (9)= Pig − Pf (10)

Equations (8) and (10) together directly lead to:

Pfuel =1

ηfi· (Pb + Pf ) (11)

The friction power is calculated by multiplying the frictionmean effective pressure (considered as a linear function ofengine speed) with the cylinder volume, Vd :

Pf = (f + fp · weng) ·Vd2

× weng (12)

where f and fp are linear coefficients. Factor 2 comes fromthe four-stroke engine. Thus the fuel mass flow rate can beeasily evaluated as follow:

mfuel =Pb + (f + fp · weng) · Vd·weng


ηfi · LHV(13)

More details about this model and typical numerical valuescan be found in [4]. This model allows to describe the vehiclemotion and engine behavior on a given cycle. The followingsection presents an excess fuel consumption model.

C. Excess fuel consumption model

In order to take into account the effect of engine tempera-ture on its overall efficiency, an excess fuel consumption modelis developed, in which mechanical losses increase with oilviscosity. As a first approach, the fuel indicated efficiency ηfiis considered independent of the thermal state of the engine.

Assumption is made that (13) gives the fuel consumptionat thermal equilibrium (subscript te). For a given value ofthe brake power Pb, the excess fuel consumption ∆mfuel inregard to this equilibrium comes only from variations in themechanical losses:

∆mfuel =1

ηfi · LHV· ∆Pf (14)

where ∆Pf are variations in the mechanical losses, and arezeros at thermal equilibrium.

Reference [5] and experimental results show that most ofmechanical losses are a function of oil viscosity ν and enginerotational speed ωeng . In [6] is provided an expression of oilviscosity as a function of its temperature To, called Walter-Mac Coull equation:

ν + a = exp(B

Tno) (15)

where a is constant and negligible for motor oil, B and n arecharacteristics of the specified oil and To is given in Kelvin.The assumption is made that oil viscosity friction losses are afunction of νx, as proposed in [5], where x is a given valuedependent on the considered engine part. The variations in themechanical losses are then assumed to be of the followingform:

∆Pf = Pf ·K ·(


Tno) − exp(




where C and n are constant values, To,te is the thermalequilibrium oil temperature and K is an experimental fittingfactor. Reference [5] gives the following experimental valuesfor a 1.8 L naturally aspired gasoline engine: C = 108 andn = 3.

Using (11) and (14), the mass fuel rate is written as:

mfuel =Pb + Pf + ∆Pfηfi · LHV


= mfuel,te + ∆mfuel (18)

In order to experimentally fit the model, an engine benchcold-start experiment is carried on a 1.2 L turbochargeddirect injection gasoline engine. The thermal equilibrium fuelconsumption is directly available, and that allows to free theexperiment from the engine model to focus only on excessfuel consumption ∆mfuel. Fig. 1 shows both the real andthe modeled fuel consumption, as well as measured tempera-tures To and Tc, that are really close during the experiment.The experimental fitting parameters as presented in (16) areK = 0.5173, C = 1.678 · 107 and n = 2.8.

Fig. 1. Cold-start experiment: fuel consumption (upper) and temperatures(lower) To (blue) and Tc (red)

D. Thermal model

In [7], a detailed thermal model of an engine coolingcircuit is proposed. It is made of three actuators (namelya coolant pump, a bypass valve and a fan), along with anengine block thermal model and a radiator (see Fig. 2 and

Page 4: Engine Cooling System Optimization for Fuel Consumption

Fig. 3). This model is slightly adjusted to the needs of thispaper. Four temperatures are calculated, namely the cylindertemperature Tcyl, the engine block temperature Teb, the out-of-the-engine-block coolant temperature Tc and the out-of-the-radiator coolant temperature Tr. The model assumes notime delays due to the pipes in the circuit, as well as noradiation-based heat exchanges. Moreover, no thermal inertia isconsidered for the radiator mass. The following heat balancesare used to calculate the temperatures:

mcyl · Cp,cyl ·dTcyl

dt= Qcyl −Qcyl,cool (19)

meb · Cp,eb ·dTebdt

= Qcool,eb −Qeb,amb (20)

mc · Cp,c ·dTcdt

= Qcyl,cool +Qflow,eb −Qcool,eb (21)

mr · Cp,r ·dTrdt

= Qflow,rad −Qrad,amb (22)

In (19)-(22), Qcyl are the heat losses from cylinders, i.e. theheat input in the system, that depends only on the enginespeed and torque. Qcyl,cool and Qcool,eb are the heat transfersfrom cylinders to coolant and from coolant to engine blockrespectively, Qflow,eb and Qflow,rad are the enthalpy fluxesdue to the coolant mass flow in the engine block and in theradiator respectively, and Qeb,amb and Qrad,amb are the heatfluxes from the engine block and the radiator respectively to theambient. mcyl, meb, mc and mr are, respectively, the cylindermass, the engine block mass, the coolant mass in the engineand the coolant mass in the radiator. Cp,cyl, Cp,eb, Cp,c andCp,c are, respectively, the heat capacities of the cylinder, theengine block, the coolant in the engine and the coolant in theradiator.

This 4-states, 3-control variables model has to be simplifiedin order to be used in the optimization process. Section II-Edeals with such a reduction of states and control variables.

Fig. 2. General structure of the complete model

E. Simplified thermal model

In order to reduce the model complexity, both number ofstates and control variables have to be lowered. Due to theclosed loop of coolant, temperatures Tc and Tr at time t willinfluence each other at time t+ ∆t. In order to keep accurate

Fig. 3. Engine block representation - complete model

dynamics in the model, both temperatures Tc and Tr mustbe kept. However, the engine block model can be simplifiedby considering direct heat rejections from the cylinder in thecoolant, itself exchanging with the ambient. Both cylinderswall and engine block wall, together with their respectivetemperatures and thermal inertias, are then removed from themodel, as shown in Fig. 5. Coolant heat capacities Cp,c andCp,r are taken constant, independent from the temperature.Power characteristic curves of the actuators are quadratic,which is of importance for optimization.

Considering the near-zero power consumption of the ther-mostat, it must be fully open before starting to increase fanspeed or pump flow. Thereby, the thermostat is removed fromthe model. These different assumptions and simplificationslead to a 2-states 2-control variables cooling system model,presented and used in [8]. Fig. 4 shows the model simplified.The related equations are:

mc · Cp,c ·dTcdt

= Qcyl +Qflow,eb −Qcool,amb (23)

mr · Cp,r ·dTrdt

= Qflow,rad −Qrad,amb (24)

where Qcool,amb is the heat rejection from the coolant tothe ambient directly. Replacing heat fluxes by their detailedexpression in (23) and (24) leads to:

mc · Cp,c ·dTcdt

= Qcyl + dm · Cp · (Tr − Tc)

−HSc,a · (Tc − Tamb) (25)


mr · Cp,r ·dTrdt

= dm · Cp · (Tc − Tr)

−HSrd · (Tr − Tamb) (26)

where dm is the coolant flow in the circuit, Tamb is the ambienttemperature, HSc,a is the heat transfer coefficient betweenthe engine’s coolant and the ambient, and HSrd is the heattransfer coefficient between the radiator and the ambient. HSrddepends on the coolant flow dm, on the fan speed ωfan andon the vehicle speed v. Qcyl is obtained experimentally withengine bench measurements.

The main behavior difference between complete and simplemodel is the loss of temperature dynamics within the enginepart. This simplified model has to be adjusted and validatedby use of experimental data.

In order to take effects of oil viscosity into account (seesection II-C), oil temperature To is assumed to be equal tocoolant temperature Tc, so that the 2-states modeling is notmodified.

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Fig. 4. General structure of the simple model

Fig. 5. Engine block representation - simple model


The model presented in section II-E has two states andtwo control variables. It is used to compare results betweennon-optimized and optimized controls. This section presentsthe optimization problem. Fig. 6 shows how the previouslypresented models interact.

Fig. 6. Interaction of models (oil viscosity: optional)

A. Non-optimal control

In order to make proper estimation of gains obtained byan optimal control of the actuators, a "non-optimal" controlsetting has to be chosen. In the option, the water pump isconsidered mechanically linked to the engine shaft, as it canbe found in classical vehicle architecture, so that the coolantflow dm is a direct image of the engine speed. Fan speed ωfanis enslaved to temperature Tc with proportional controller asshown in (27) :

ωfan = Kfan × (T ∗c − Tc) × ωfan,mx (27)

where Kfan is the proportional gain, T ∗c is the setpoint

temperature and ωfan,mx is the maximum fan speed.

B. Criterion

The optimization criterion is the fuel flow on the cycle :

mindm, ωfan


mfuel,i(Γeng,i, ωeng,i) (28)

s.t.Tmin ≤ Tc, Tr ≤ Tmax (29)

where mfuel is the fuel flow, ωeng is the engine speed and Γengthe engine torque. Subscript i relates to the time instant. Bothtemperatures Tc and Tr are constrained between temperaturesTmin and Tmax.

C. Dynamic programing

Dynamic programming is used to find the optimal solution.It is a well-known algorithm, presented for instance in [9],that provides global optimal solution on a given cycle. Matlabfunction dpm, presented in [10], is used for this purpose. The2-states 2-control variables model previously described and theoptimization criterion are provided to the function, as wellas specified limits for states and control grids. As explainedin [11], state-space and control-space discretization plays animportant part in dpm. In order to find a correct compromisebetween calculation time and solution accuracy, a parametricstudy has been carried out, and a discretization of 10 valuesfor both pump and fan control, as well as a 1°C step ontemperatures has been chosen.


A. Vehicle and cycle presentation

The considered vehicle is a semi-trailer truck from RenaultTrucks group, whose main characteristics are listed in Table I.


Vehicle weight 33’000 kgInternal Combustion Engine 13 L Diesel engine

EURO VI compliantICE power 360 kW @ 1400 rpmGearbox 12 speed automated gearbox

The driving cycle on which the optimization is performedis the LCG cycle, a 204 km French highway truck-orientedcycle, presented for instance in [12]. Speed and slope on thecycle are presented in Fig. 7.

B. Non-optimal solution

Fig. 8 and 9 show evolution of Qcyl, Tc, Tr, dm andωfan on the cycle for the non-optimized solution. As statedpreviously, the cooling water pump is not controlled, whichexplains its behavior. Since the fan only reacts to temper-ature through a proportional controller, there is no sign ofanticipation in cooling on the cycle, and coolant radiatortemperature Tr strongly decreases every times Qcyl increases,since ωfan increases as an immediate reaction. Table II givesthe numerical global results of the non-optimized solution.

Page 6: Engine Cooling System Optimization for Fuel Consumption

Fig. 7. Speed and slope of LCG cycle

Fig. 8. Non-optimized solution: Heat rejections Qcyl (upper) and tempera-tures (lower) Tc (blue) and Tr (orange)

Fig. 9. Non-optimized solution: coolant mass flow dm (upper) and fan speedωfan (lower)

C. Optimal solution without oil temperature consideration

Fig. 10 and 11 show evolution of Qcyl, Tc, Tr, dm andωfan on the cycle for the optimized solution. The maindifferences with the non-optimized solution are the pumpcontrollability and the anticipating behavior of actuators. Dueto the quadratic characteristic power curves of the pump andthe fan, strong heat rejection peaks are anticipated by thecooling system: temperatures Tc ant Tr are decreasing beforethe peaks, in order to make the most natural cooling byworking at low powers. Temperatures are constrained betweenambient temperature and 110°C, as presented in (29). Forthis reason, when not anticipating, the system keeps Tc ashigh as possible, since it then reduces the actuators powerconsumption.

Table II gives the numerical results of the optimizedsolution and the comparative results of consumption, withrespect to the non-optimized solution.

Fig. 10. Optimized solution: Heat rejections Qcyl (upper) and temperatures(lower) Tc (blue) and Tr (orange)

Fig. 11. Optimized solution: coolant mass flow dm (upper) and fan speedωfan (lower)


Non optimized Optimized Gain (%)solution solution

Pump (Wh) 311 49 84Fan (Wh) 523 45 91Total actuators (Wh) 834 94 89

Total fuel gain 0.27

D. Optimal solution with oil temperature effect on excess fuelconsumption

In this section, the results taking oil viscosity into accountare presented. Regarding the non-optimized solution, sincethe viscosity does not impact the actuators dynamics, onlythe fuel consumption is changed in comparison to results ofsection IV-B. However, the behavior of the optimized solutionis different when taking oil viscosity effect into account.Fig. 12 and 13 show the results on the cycle in this case.In order to maintain temperature Tc between To,te the thermalequilibrium oil temperature and the upper constraint 110° C,the system anticipates less and does not take advantage ofnatural cooling. Actuators are then used at higher power, whichleads to an increase in total actuators energy. However, the fuelconsumption gain increases: actuators energy savings have lessimpact than high oil temperature on total fuel consumption.

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Fig. 12. Optimized solution with oil viscosity effect: Heat rejections Qcyl

(upper) and temperatures (lower) Tc (blue) and Tr (orange)

Fig. 13. Optimized solution with oil viscosity effect: coolant mass flow dm(upper) and fan speed ωfan (lower)


Non optimized Optimized Gain (%)solution solution

Pump (Wh) 311 70 78Fan (Wh) 523 82 84Total actuators (Wh) 834 152 82

Total fuel gain 0.41


This paper presents a set of energetic-based models usedto describe a vehicle behavior, from the mechanical andthermal points of view. Fuel consumption is determined usinga simple engine model, and a method to calculate excessfuel consumption due to oil viscosity is proposed. A 2-states2-control variables thermal model is also detailed. Dynamicprogramming algorithm is then used to quantify the potentialfuel reduction on a given driving cycle. Gains up to 89%can be reached on actuators energy, which leads to a fuelconsumption reduction of 0.27%. An important contributionof this work is the consideration of oil viscosity and its effecton fuel consumption: from the overall fuel consumption pointof view, it is more interesting to maintain low oil viscositythan to optimize the actuators consumption only. The effectof modeling and optimization parameters has not yet beenproperly quantify, but parameters such as actuators grid sizeor setpoint temperature T ∗

c might play an important part onoptimization results.


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