engineer machines of the future

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  • 8/9/2019 Engineer Machines of the Future

  • 8/9/2019 Engineer Machines of the Future




    III! PL Y TO " " E NT IO,. OF I

    Freedom of Information!Privacy Office SEP 172009Mr. John Greenewald, Jr .

    Dear Mr. Greenewald:This responds to your electronic Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request of July 4,2009, to theDefense Technical Information Center (DTIC), for a copy of A.D0850880, tilled Engineer Machines of theFuture and supplements our response of August 14,2009.Coordination has been completed with another element of this conunand and the manual has been

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    Please note: This document is an unedited English language translation of a foreign languagedocument prepared for official U.S. Govenunent use, that the document may be protected by copyrightand that its use or dissemination maybe in violation of the law. The Center no longer possesses theoriginal foreign language monograph.

  • 8/9/2019 Engineer Machines of the Future



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  • 8/9/2019 Engineer Machines of the Future



    ,Engineer Machines of the Future,


    06 MAR 1969

    Distribution authorized to U.S. Gov'L agencies only;Administrative/Operational Use; 06 MAR 1969. Other requestsshall be referred to Commander, Army Foreign Science andTechnology Cenler, Washington, DC 20315.



  • 8/9/2019 Engineer Machines of the Future



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  • 8/9/2019 Engineer Machines of the Future


    ... . : ; . , ;, -.. ,.. .... " ,- '"I"":" ~ , . ' - ' .. . .. !".. :'.. .;- .- ..' .."',,

    ", " I ,FSTC-HT-2;1-618-68


    ,.. Q O CENGINEER MACHINES OF THE FUTURE E , r ; : > n r 1 n f ? ~

    COUNTRY: P O ~ N D 0; APR 2 4 1969 n' . , '10l!Jllll l5 UB.

    TECHNICAL TRANSLATIONT " ' ~ ,,_1011011 ';910.4 hlf lhi, otocu"'.,.I ..... 1101 b.... _ 'olnN Thh...... . . .t i. 1'01 ,, . . . . . Oubli c 110., l .u . .,_"";IIClI 01 tto:.lIocu",.. . 'OU"';H ,,,. otenc f t 41 .... U.S .GO...,,....."I .."" ...... p i ... .....pOorol 01 , ... U.S ....." for.i,"SC.i ....... l.c'-a.." C_ t . .

    00WASH, DC 20315_ _ _ ,--_ _ _ _____ _._-l..L_._ _ _ ..:;'b_

  • 8/9/2019 Engineer Machines of the Future



    - - - .----.--------- ' ----,. ."



    .; .


    . SOURCE: I(b) (6)pa,e 13 . Polish, No.3 , 1968

    T r a D s ~ a t e d fo r fSTC by Techtran Corporation

    11'Ih tunala t ton h ("endiLion of the or1alllAl fou t .p tau vl thoutany . n a l y t t ~ . l or editori a l cu..ent . Statement. or theort advocatedur implhd are thoM: o f lh o urca and do not ne c rU' r a f lec t thep o d l ton or opinion of the us AT'll)' Pore ta n Selene. 011 TechDolollYt:t!ntt!r. '1'1\1& t ranalaUon ia publ lahed wUb _lnl_ of cOP7 edl t1ns a nda,.phlca pr.paratloD 1n order to pedltc the dttein_tloD 01 iDformatiOn. Rotqu(JU. for addltlofWIJ cop 1 uf tM . docu.ent -.hould N sCd"ul ld to Ih lll Defena. p o C ~ o t l l t 1 l l c .n ter , C.mernn Stat lon , "Al " ' l ' l a , Ylra101. , ATTN: OSR-2


  • 8/9/2019 Engineer Machines of the Future


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    Witbin the IIIcasU!'c of the evolution of the .cans of war canteaporaryen,ineer lIIa.c.hines are becOIIIina: more and DOTe obsolete. They are heavy.noomanaieable and not adaptable for operation in terrain contaminatedwith radioact ive fa l lout . Special i s t s of the whole world aT e worting onf ur ther pe r feetion of th e const'l'Uction of this tlachincry extensively .pplying the neve,t technololical achleve.ents. Behold , several o f theproposed designs . .Fo r th e Ught c.aterpillar t tactor- amphibian',{Figure 1), whose weiahtdoes not e x c ~ d 2.7 t . , excavator and dump t r u c ~ qualities have been ca-bined. Such .. tractor can rapidly clear and level every area. On theother hand the . . .chine shown in Firure 2 is du1rned for ra is in , f i l l s .constructing Toads and runway strips airfields. I t has been e q u ~ p p e d with smooth and loHered r q ~ i u s fo r COllpa.ctinC ground. The pressurecreated by these rol ler s ean be increased thanks to the elevation of thefront or rear portion of the Dachine. The hydraulic l i l t system servesfar this p..arpose.The machine for constructinl ~ u r m e l s and ullderrround air raid shel tels (Figure 3) 15 equipped with . barinl device mechanis. forplaclna blas t in , charlcs autOliatically. After th e rock blast ing. the ,stones will be extracted with the aid of a belt conveyor which is in s t alled between th e caterpi l ler treads.On the foot of th e .achine shown in Fliure 4. _ borinl device 15installed resembling a tun barrel . Tbis device. "however . has sa-e otherut ilization-- i t is desilnated for makina cuts defi l es in m o u n ~ i n s . A blah IlUtput of the device can be achi eved t l \anb to v ibn t io ns ofareat frequency. F i u t of a ll the rock is blasted . then the {r apentsIre r ~ e d by the scoop.The weight of th e . ~ c h i n e d e s i ; h ~ d fo r constructina: roads in mounta ins (FillD'e 5) IItOUnts to -hardly ""S i-. powe:rful helicopter ly purvey it to every difficultly accessible area in aountains. The. tchine is equ i pped with ill chain saw and b u l 1 d o ~ e r .

    00 -1

  • 8/9/2019 Engineer Machines of the Future


    l" !! f. i, !; :I ,I ', !

    , 1, !Figur e 1.e ' \ I, ..! }\! ! I, 't! I 1III I !11F igure 2 . : .,


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    f igure ., .

    .. ,,--- I .,

  • 8/9/2019 Engineer Machines of the Future


    --- -

    _... -...._-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , -

    '.,- ---- - . - - . - .

    . '" ,Figure 11.

    r- i. ' . ~ .1Figure 6.

    ..F igure 5 .

    Figur e 7.


    - J

  • 8/9/2019 Engineer Machines of the Future


    The next two caterpil lar aach ines are in ~ a n y respects stml1arto each other. One of them (Figure 6) clears passase ways in forestedbackwoods . Especial ly thick stumps are dif f icul t to cut or thrustaside from th e roadway . And fOT this designated purpose a h o ~ s t isinStalled on th e Macnine. ,. ,.,The Jlachine in Figure 7 is designated fo r removing ruins on de molished st reets of c i ~ l c s . It Is equipped with a p ~ w e r f u l slnela bulldOler loader', a h y d ' r ' a u ~ l c crane and 1:WO mechanical ani aanipulatorll:one with an acetylene torch for cutting . e ta l construction, th e otherwith a chain saw which rea4rkably gets along well with .large stoneboUlders . ' All the machines have been equipped with s p ~ c f a l shieldswhich protect the crew against radioactive radiation.

    J. H.

    00 8

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  • 8/9/2019 Engineer Machines of the Future


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    w__.... . ....1:."......, - ,. . - ..._. -CSl Con trolEach l rl,m...d t ul of c.hh docu. .nt O\lt.iIIldc th e "pnctell of th e U. S , COv enaen t "'..ave prlor .pproval of t he US A,., Foul! ;n Selene. and Tec:hnoloiY Cc!nter,

    . . . , .._ .. . .... .. " '\on . 'n . cu .... , , T 1 ~ t rana14tlon r i &h ts for th is docwncnt have roof bun obu i ned . "nth docUMht 1

    II . .. .. ... . .. T . . . . . US Arwry '9 r " ia:n Sc u flCe a nd Tec hDolo lY no. In tbe publ i c do.. i ~ . Ct:r>ter,- ".u_. c: \ 'A, description of several proposed desips to r eft,iqee rina: equip- Imen[. The equipment includes a l i ,ht caterpi l lar tractor-amphibian. 0Iei,hinl not over 2. 7 t . with the properties of an exe8v.tor and dump Iruck os wel l ; a machine fO T constructinr tunna ls acd undersround air ,,raid shelters, equipped with a b o ~ r d i device and mechanism fOT (plaein. blastinl charles auto.. ticDlly; road construct ina ~ c h i n e ,or ..ountain are. 'WOrk , ~ . i , h i n c 01 . 5 t so that i t can be l ifted by hiahpowered helicopter; and other .cxIern anllneerins equipment. , t -, ,

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  • 8/9/2019 Engineer Machines of the Future


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    ~ i n e e r l n l e ~ u i p M n t ba t en.incers

    - - ~ -,.-' '!'''''IT''R o a ~ bu11di . .TUnneling n'iequ1pment Traetars equ puent ! . Iri.llina: ".chinos

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  • 8/9/2019 Engineer Machines of the Future



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  • 8/9/2019 Engineer Machines of the Future



    Distributed By D TieInformation For The Defense Community
