engleski 6 prevod

7. ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND THEIR PROPERTIES Before a material can safely be used in the making of structural parts or members, a number of its properties must be known. In the case of metals such as steel, cast iron, bronze, aluminum and others which are widely used as structural members and machine parts, we must have reliable information concerning such properties as strength, elasticity, stiffness, ductility, malleability, toughness, etc. Prije nego što se materijal moze sigurno koristiti u sastavnim dijelovima ili masinskim elementima,neke od ovih osobina moraju biti poznate.U slucaju kada se radi o metalima kao sto je celik,liveno gvožđe, bronza,aluminijum i drugi koji se siroko koriste kao konstrukcioni elementi i masinski dijelovi mi moramo imati pouzdane informacije koje se ticu takvih osobina kao sto

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Before a material can safely be used in the making of structural parts or members, a number of its properties must be known. In the case of metals such as steel, cast iron, bronze, aluminum and others which are widely used as structural members and machine parts, we must have reliable information concerning such properties as strength, elasticity, stiffness, ductility, malleability, toughness, etc.

Prije nego što se materijal moze sigurno koristiti u sastavnim dijelovima ili masinskim elementima,neke od ovih osobina moraju biti poznate.U slucaju kada se radi o metalima kao sto je celik,liveno gvožđe, bronza,aluminijum i drugi koji se siroko koriste kao konstrukcioni elementi i masinski dijelovi mi moramo imati pouzdane informacije koje se ticu takvih osobina kao sto su:čvrstoća.elastičnost,krutost,duktilnost,kovnost,žilavost itd.

STRENGTH is the ability of a material to resist stress without failure. Several materials, such as structural steel, wrought iron, aluminum, and copper, have approximately equal strength in tension and compression, while their strength in shear is about two-thirds of that in tension. The measure of the strength of a material is its ULTIMATE STRESS, or the greatest force per unit area it can withstand without rupture.

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ČVRSTOĆA je sposobnost opiranja naponu bez loma.Nekoliko materijala kao sto je konstrukcioni celik ,meko željezo,aluminijum i bakar imaju apraksimativno istu snagu u istezanju i pritisku, dok je njihova čvrstoća pri smicanju oko 2/3 otpornosti na istezanje .Mjera snage materijala je zatezna čvrstoća ili najveća sila po jedinici povrsine koju materijal moze izracunati bez kodanja.

ELASTICITY is that property of a material whereby a body, when deformed, automatically recovers its original size and shape after removal of a deforming force. This property is important in all structures subjected to varying loads and is exceedingly important in precision tools and machines.

ELASTIČNOST je takva osobina materijala pomocu koje se kada se tijelo deformise, automatski vraća u prvobitnu veličinu i oblik nakon uklanjanja deformacione sile .Ova osobina je važna u svim strukturama koje su podvrgnute promjenjivim opterećenjima i veoma je važna kod preciznih alata i masina

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STIFFNESS is the property by virtue of which a material can resist deformation. This property is desirable in materials used in beams, columns, machines and machine tools. The measure of the stiffness of a material is its MODULUS OF ELASTICITY, obtained by dividing the unit stress by the unit deformation caused by that stress.

KRUTOST je svojstvo materijala koje se može oduprjeti deformaciji.Ova osobina je poželjna kod materijala koji se koriste za grede,stubove,masinu i masinske alate.Mjera krutosti materijala je njegov modul elasticnosti koji se dobije dijeljenjem jedinicnog napona po jedinici deformacije koju uzrokuje taj napon.

DUCTILITY is a measure of the ability of metal to plastically deform without fracturing. Ductility is generally associated with tensile properties or the ability to be cold drawn, as in wire drawing. Copper, aluminum, and wrought iron are among the ductile metals. Percent elongation and reduction of area in the tension test are the usual measure of ductility. Ductility is desirable in a member or part which may be subjected to sudden and severe loads, since evident excessive deformation would give a warning of impending failure.

DUKTILNOST je mjera sposobnosti materijala da se plasticno deformise bez nastajanja loma.Duktilnost je opcenito povezana zateznim osobinamaili sposobnosti za hladno vučenje, kao sto je vučenje žice.Bakar ,aluminijum i liveno gvožđe su najpoznatiji duktilni materijali.Procentualno istezanje i sabijanje površine u testovima.Istezanja su obično mjere duktilnosti .Duktilnost je poželjna u masinskim elementima ili dijelovima koji su podložni iznenadnim i teškim opterećenjima ,dok

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evidentna prekomjerna sila deformacije daje upozorenje o predstojećem lomu

BRITTLENESS is the opposite of ductility. Brittle materials fail suddenly without warning when stressed beyond their strength.

KRTOST je sposonost od duktilnosti.Krti materijali otkazuju iznenada bez upozorenja.Kada su opterećeni preko svoje snage

MALLEABILITY can be defined as the same as ductility, except that it is applied to compression. Thus, this property enables a material to undergo great change in shape without rupture under compressive stress, as for example, copper, aluminum, or wrought iron being hammered into various shapes or steel being rolled into structural shapes or sheets.

KOVNOST se može definisati kao duktilnost izuzev što se ona odnosi na kompresiju.Iako ova osobina materijala omogućuje materijalu da izdrži veliku promjenu oblika bez pucanja pod pritiskom naponima kao npr.kada se bakar,aluminijum, ili meko gvožđe kuje u različite oblike ili kada se čelik valja u konstrukcioni čelik ili tanke limove.

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HARDNESS is the ability of a material to resist indentation or abrasion. It is most commonly measured by the Brinell test, in which a test specimen by a force of 3,000 kg. The force divided by the surface area of the spherical indentation is called the BRINELL HARDNESS NUMBER.

Some other properties are:

TVRDOĆA je sposobnost maaterijala da se opire urezivanju ili abraziji.Najčešće se mjeri Brinelovim restom u kojem kuglic OTVRDNUTOG ČELIKA PREČNIKA 10 MM DJELUJE NA RAVNU POVRŠINU TESTNOG UZORKA ( )povrsine sferničnog otiska se naziva Brinelov broj tvrdoće.

RESILIENCE- the property which enables a material to absorb, without being permanently deformed, the energy produced by the impact of a suddenly applied load or blow. This property is essential in steel used for all types of springs, as in automobiles, watches, etc., where energy must be absorbed quickly without causing permanent deformation.

GIPKOST osobina koja omogućava materijalu da absorbuje, bez da se trajno deformiše ,energiju koja se proizvodi udarom iznenadno primjenje sile ili udara.Ova osobina je esencijalna za sve čelike koji se koriste za opruge kao sto su opruge u automobilu,satovima itd, gdje energija mora biti absorbovana brzo bez nastanka trajne deformacije.

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TOUGHNESS the ability of a material to absorb energy at high stress without fracture, usually above the elastic limit. Being above the elastic limit, the stress will cause permanent deformation. Wrought iron, for example is tough because it can be bent into almost any shape without fracture.

ŽILAVOST je sposobnost materijala da absorbuje energiju pri velikim naponima bez loma,obično iznad granice elastičnosti.Posto je iznad granice elasticnosti napon ce uzrokovati trajnu deformaciju.Meko željezo je npr,žilavo zato što se može saviti u bilo koji oblik bez pucanja

CREEP- the property which causes some materials under constant stress to deform slowly but progressively over a period of time.

PUZANJE –osobina koja uzrokuje da se neki materijal pod konstantnim naponom deformišu polako ali progresivno tokom vremena.

MACHINABILITY – the readiness with which a material yields to shaping with cutting tools.

MAŠINSKA OBRADIVOST – sposobnost s kojom se materijal obrađuje sa alatima za rezanje

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The first step in the production of steel is to refine the iron ore containing many unwanted impurities, into cast or pig iron. The refinement of iron ore is usually done in the reducing atmosphere of a blast furnace.

Prvi korak u proizvodnji celika je izdvajanje zeljezne rude koja sadrzi mnoge nezeljene necistoce,u liveno ili sirovo gvožđe .Izdvajanje željezne rude se obično vrsi u reduciranoj armosferi visoke peci.

The modern BLAST FURNACE is a huge tubular furnace made of steel and lined with firebrick. Around the bottom of the furnace are openings (tuyeres) through which hot air may be forced. An opening near the top allows gases to escape- The „charge“, consisting of alternate layers of coke and ore into which a „flux“, usually limestone, is mixed, is fed into the furnace at the top through a bell-shaped opening (hopper), beginning with a layer of coke.

MODERNA visoka pec je ogromna cjevasta pec napravljena od čelika,obloženim šamatnom ciglom.Oko dna peci nalaze se otvori kroz koje se može tjerati vruci zrak.Otvor blizu vrha dozvoljava plinovima da izađu .Šarža koja se sastoji od naizmjeničnih slojeva koksa i rude u koje je umiješan topitelj,najcesce krečnjak se ubacuje u pec pri vrhu kroz zvonasti otvor (ljevak)počevši sa slojem koksa.

The coke burns and produces enough heat to melt the iron. The excess carbon from the coke unites with the iron and lowers its melting temperature. The melted iron forms at the bottom of the furnace where it is draw off when a sufficient quantity has collected. The flux melts and collects the impurities. It floats on top of the molten iron where it can be drawn off the furnace through an opening higher than the one through which the iron is take out. The operation of the furnace is continuous and the right proportions of ore, limestone, and coke are regularly dumped in at the top of the furnace. Every few hours a batch of blast furnace iron ( pig iron) is drawn off from the bottom of the furnace. The iron coming out of the blast furnace is called pig iron because it was formerly

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cast into bars called „pigs“. As it contains some impurities and a relatively large amount of carbon, this pig iron cannot be used directly but requires additional processing and refining before it becomes cast iron, wrought iron or steel,

KOKS sagorijeva i proizvodi dovoljno toplote da istopi željezo.Visak ugljika iz koksa se veže sa željezom i snižava njegovu temperaturu topljenja.Istopljeno željezo se formira na dnu peci gdje se ispusta kada se skupi dovoljna kolicina.Topitelj se topi i prikuplja nečistoće,On pluta na povrsini istopljenog željeza ,odakle se može izvaditi iz peći kroz otvore koji se nalaze vise od onih kroz koje se vadi željezo.Rad peći je neprekidan i odgovarajuci omjer rude krečnjaka i koksa ubacuje se u pravilnim razmacima kroz vrh peći.Svakui nekoliko sati šarža željeza iz visoke peci (sivo gvožđe)se ispusta na dnu peci.Željezo koje izlazi iz visoke peci naziva se sivo gvožđe,jer e prethodno izljevana u šipke koje nazivaju kalupi za sivo gvožđe .Pošto ono sadrži neke nečistoće i relativno visok sadržaj ugljika ovo sirovo gvožđe se ne može koristiti direktno nego zahtjeva dodatnu obradu i prečišćavanje prije nego postane ljevano gvožđe, kovano željezo ili čelik.

CAST IRON is usually made by remelting pig iron and scrape with or without additions of alloying elements in a cupola or induction furnace, where the pig iron is refined to eliminate some of the excess carbon and other impurities. Cast irons usually contain 2-4% C. They fall into three main groups: 1. Gray cast iron; 2. Malleable iron, and 3. Nodular cast iron.

LIVENO GVOŽĐE se obično pravi ponovnim topljenjem sivog liva i troske sa ili bez dodataka legirajućih elemenata u kupolastoj ili indukovanoj peci,gdje se sivo gvožše pročišćava kako bi se eliminisao višak ugljika i ostale nečistoće .Liveno gvožđe obično sadrži 2-4%.Dijeli se na tri osnovne grupe i to :1.sivi liv , 2.tmper liv , 3.nodularni

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WROUGHT IRON contains the least amount of carbon of any of the ferrous metals used commercially. It is manufactured in a puddling furnace. To make wrought iron, pig iron is melted on the hearth of the reverberatory or puddling furnace which is lined with iron oxide. This process brings about the almost complete removal of the carbon, silicon, and manganese. As the carbon is removed, the fusion temperature of the iron rises it becomes pasty and can be rolled up in balls and removed from the furnace. It is then squeezed through rollers to remove most of the excess slag. The wrought iron is rolled into muck bars and finally into commercial forms. Wrought iron is soft, tough and malleable. It is ideal for ornamental work, as it is rust resisting, easily shaped, and may be easily welded.

KOVANO ŽELJEZO sadrži najmanju količinu ugljikaod bilo

kojih željeznih metala koji se komercijalno koriste.Proizvodi se u

pećima za pudlovanje,koje su obložene sa željeznim oksidom.Da

bi se napravilo meko (kovano) željezo sirovo gvožđe se topi na

jezgri plamena ili peci za pudlovanje koja je obložena željeznim

oksidom.Ovaj proces dovodi do skoro potpunog uklanjanja

ugljika,silicija i magnezija.Pošto je ugljik ostranjen temperaturom

topljenja željeza raste i on postaje tjestast te se može valjati u

kuglice i vaditi iz peći.Tada se gnjeći kroz valjke kako bi se

uklonila većina troske.Kovano željezo se valja u šipke od

pudlovanog čelika i konačno u komwrcijalne oblike.Kovano

željezo je mekano,žilavo i kovano.Idealno je za dekorativne

radove pošto je ( ),lako se oblikuje i može se

lako zavarivati.

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STEEL may be defined as iron combined with 0.03 to 1.7 % of carbon. It is produced by reducing cast iron and scrap steel in one of several types of furnaces. The furnaces and processes used to produce steel and alloy steel are discussed in the following unit.

ČELIK se može definisati kao željezo sa 0,03 do 7 %

ugljika.Proizvodi se redukovanjem livenog gvožđa i metalnih

otpadaka čelika u jednoj od nekoliko vrsta peći.Opećima i

procesima koji se koriste za dobijanje čelika i legiranog čelika se

govori u sljedećoj lekciji.

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Steel is made by some of the following processes:

THE BESSEMER PROCESS. In this process, liquid iron is refined in a bottom-air-blown converter, which is, actually, a refractory-lined tilted pear-shaped vessel open at the top to permit charging of materials and to allow escape of gases. Hot metal from the blast furnace is poured into the converter while it is tipped on its side. When it is turned upright, air under pressure is forced through holes in the bottom of the converter. The oxygen of the air, blown into the molten iron oxidizes most of the silicon, manganese, and carbon. To this purified iron are added carefully proportioned amounts of carbon, manganese, or other elements.

ČELIK se pravi nekim od sljedecih procesa:BESEMEROV PROCES – U ovom procesu tečno zeljezo se pročišćava u konvertoru sa duvnicama na dnu koje je ustvari nagnuta posuda u obliku kruške oblozena vatrostalnom opekom,otvorena pri vrhu kako bi omogućila punjenje materijala i kako bi omogućila izlazak plinova.Vruci materijal iz visoke peci se izljeva u konverter,dok se on okrece na svoju stranu kada se uspravi,zrak pod pritiskom se gura kroz rupe na dnu konvertora.Kisik u zraku koji se duva u istopljeno željezo oksidira vecinu silicijuma,mangana i ugljika.U ovo čisto željezo pažljivo se dodaju proporcionalne količine ugljika,mangana ili drugih elemenata..

The Bessemer process is more rapid than the open-hearth and the electric furnace processes, but this rapidity makes control of the chemical properties more difficult. Besides, the Bessemer process has little use in modern steel making and is primarily of interest for historical reasons

BESEMEROV proces je brzi od simens –martinovog procesa i elektrolučnog procesa,ali ova brzina otežava kontrolu hemijskih osobina.Pored toga, Besemerovproces ima malu upotrebu u modernoj proizvodnji čelika i primarno je u interesu iz historijskih razloga.

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THE OPEN-HEARTH PROCESS. The hearth of the open-hearth furnace resembles a large rectangular basin or dish holding 50 to 175 tons of furnace. In operation, a charge of limestone and scrap is placed in the one end near top of the furnace, ignites, and directed downward and over the metal. After the scrap metal is nearly melted down- this usually takes about two hours hot metal (pig iron) from the blast furnace is added, and the refinement of the metal continues. Most of the silicon and the greater part of the manganese are oxidized and combine with the limestone and other nonmetallic elements to form a slag, which floats on top, thus protecting the metal from the direct action of the flame. The carbon is gradually removed in the form of gas, which combines with the air of the furnace.

This process is much slower than the Bessemer process, requiring about 10 hours for each charge, but the slowness of the process makes possible a high degree of control of the quality of the steel.

SIMENS –MARTINOV PROCES.-Gnijezdo simens martinove peci predstavlja veliki pravougli bazen ili posudu koja drzi 50-175 tona metala.U radu punjenje krečnjaka i metalnog otpada se stavlja u peć.Gorivo obično vrući plin i zrak pod pritiskom ulazi na jednom kraju blizu vrha peci,pali se, pa se tu usmjerava prema dole preko metala.Nakon sto se metalni otpiljci skoro istope –za ovo je skoro potrebno oko dva sata-vruci metal(sirovo gvožđe )iz visoke peći se dodaje, te se pročišćavanjem (rafinacija) metala nastavlja.

Krečnjakom i ostalim nemetalnim elementima kako bi formirao trosku ,koja pluta na povrsini ,čime štiti metal od direktnog uticaja plamena.Ugljik se postepeno uklanja u obliku plina,koji se veže sa zrakom iz peći.OVAJ proces je mnogo sporiji od Besemerovog procesa, zahtjevajuci oko 10 sati za svaku šaržu,ali sporost procesa omogućava visok stepen kontrole kvaliteta čelika.

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THE ELECTRIC ARC PROCESS. The electric furnace is a cylindrical bowl-shaped hearth usually built to tilt to make loading and unloading easy. Generally, steel from an open-hearth furnace is used to charge the electric furnace. Chemical analysis of the steel placed in it is made and all necessary alloying elements are placed in the furnace before it is closed to the atmosphere. The heat required in this process is generated by electric arcs struck between large diameter movable carbon electrodes and the metal bath. As the electrodes are consumed, they are moved down to a given distance above the molten metal. The carbon electrodes may be changed as required from the top of the furnace. Usually, a charge of graded steel scrap is melted under an oxidizing basic slag to remove the phosphorus. The impure slag is removed by tilting the furnace. A second limey slag is used to remove sulphurand to deoxidize the metal in the furnace. This results in a high degree of purification and high quality steel can be made, so long as gas absorption due excessively high temperatures is avoided.

This process permits a high degree of control of the steel product and is used extensively for making highly alloyed steel such as stainless, heat-resisting and high-speed steels.

ELEKTROLUCNI PROCES –Elektricna pec je cilindrično ognjište u obliku zdjele,koje se obično pravi sa mogučnošću zakretanja,kako bi se olakšalo utovaranje i istovaranje.Općenito čelik iz peći sa otvorenim ognjištem koristi se za punjenje elektrolučnepeći.Hemijska analiza čelikakoji se stavlja u peć, se vrši te se dodaju svi neophodni legirajuci elementi u peć prije nego se ona zatvori za atmosferu.

Toplota koja je potrebna u ovom procesu,stvara se pomoću električnog luka koji nastaje između pokretnih karbonskih elektroda velikog prečnika i metalne kupke.Kako se elektrode troše one se pomjeraju prema doel na zadatku udaljenost iznad istopljenog po potrebi savrha peći.Obično, punjenje stepenovanih čeličnih otpiljaka se topi pod oksidirajucom bazičnom troskom kako bi se uklonio fosfor.Onečišćena troska se uklanja

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naginjanjem peći.Druga krečasta troska se koristi da se ukloni sumpor i da se deoksiduje metal upeći.Ovo rezultira da se mogu praviti čelici sa velikim stepenomčistoće i čelici vosokog kvaliteta, sve dok se izbjegava absorpcija plina zbog pretjerano visokih temperatura.

OVAJ proces dozvoljava visok stepen kontrole čeličnog proizvoda, te se siroko upotrebljava za pravljenje visoko legiranih čelika kao što su: nehtđajući, vatrootporni i visokobrzinski čelici.


Induction heating is defined as „raising of the temperature of a material by means of electrical generation of heat within the material and not by any other heating method such as convection, condusction, or radiation“. The material being heated is not part of a closed electrical circuit as it would be in resistance welding or as it is in the electric furnace.

Indukciono zagrijavanje je definisano kao podizanje temperature materiala pomocu elektricnog stvaranja toplote unutar materijala,a ne preko bilo kojeg drugog nacina zagrijavanja,kao sto je konvekcija,kondukcija ili radijacija.Materijal koji se zagrijava nije dio zatvorenog elektricnog luka kao što bi bio u otpornom zavarivanju ili kao što je u električnoj peci.

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Induction heating is a phenomen caused by an alternating magnetic field created in electrical conductors whenever alternating current flows through them.

Magnetic materials, such as iron and steel, when placed within the area of an alternating magnetic field, are heated by both hysteresis and eddy current losses.

Hysteresis loss is caused by friction among the molecules of the material as they move within the metal in the magnetic field. The magnitude of this hysteresis loss and the heat created by it, is proportional to the frequency of the magnetic field.

Indukciono zagrijavanje je fenomen uzrokovan naizmjeničnim magnetnim poljem stvorenim u elektricnim provodnicima kad god naizmjenična struja teče kroz njih.Magnetni materijali kao što su željezo i čelik kada se posatave unutar područja naizmjeničnog magnetnog polja se griju preko histereznih gubitaka i preko gubitaka usljed vrtložnih struja.Histerezni gubici su uzrokovani trenjem između molekula materijala , kada se one krecu unutar metala u magnetnom polju.Intenzitet ovog histereznog gubitka i toplote koji on stvara proporcionalan je ferkvenciji magnetnog polja.

Eddy current losses are losses caused by resistance resulting from small circulating currenzs within a material placed in an alternating magnetic field. These resistance losses cause heat which is absorbed by the metal being heated. The amount of heat created by eddy currents is proportional to the square of the alternating frequency of the current, and the square of amperage flowing in the conductor which produces the magnetic field.

In the electric-induction furnace, the chargeis placed in a refractory crucible encircled by a water-cooled copper coil through which a high-frequency alternating current varying from 60 to 60 000 cycles per second is placed. This „induces“ secondary eddy currents in the iron and heats it by virtue of its resistance to the passage of these currents.

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Gubici usljed vrtložnih struja su gubici koji su uzrokovani otporom koji nastaje iz malih kružnih struja unutar materijala, koji je postavljen u naizmjeničnom magnetnom polju.Ovi gubici usljed otpora stvaraju toplotu koja se absorbuje od strane molekula koje su zagrijane.Količina toplote uzrokovana vrtložnim strujama proporcionalan je kvadratu naizmjenične frekvencije struje i kvadratu jačine struje koja teče u provodniku koji stvara magnetno polje.U ELEKTRO –indukcionoj peci šarža se stavlja u vatrostalni lanac sa bakrenim kalemima koji se hladi vodom kroz koji prolazi naizmjenična struja visoke frekvencije koja varira od 60-60000 ciklusa po sekundi.Ovo indukuje sekundarne vrtložne struje u željezu i zagrijava ga usljed njegovog otpora dolasku ovih struja.

The furnace is primarily a remelting furnace, very little refining or purifying of the metallic charge being accomplished. Close control of compositions is accomplished by selection of raw materials , the speed of melting being such that control by chemical methods is impractical. In addition it is possible to accurately control the temperature of the metal being heated by accurately controlling the frequency and amperage of the alternating current passing though the induction coil.

Peć je primarna za ponovno topljenje gdje se izvrsi veoma malo rafinacije ili pročišćavanja metalne šarže .Tačna kontrola sastava se vrši izborom sirovih materijala brzinom topljenja koja je takva da je kontrola hemijskim metodama ne praktična .Dodatno, moguće je precizno kontrolisati frekvenciju i jačinu naizmjenične struje koja prolazi kroz indukcionu zavojnicu.

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Violent stirring of the molten charge, as indicated by the arrows in Fig 10-2, is produced by the interaction of the eddy currents with the high-frequency field. Since lower frequencies are most efficient for stirring, many modern furnaces have two frequencies applied to the coil, a high frequency for rapid melting, and a low frequency for rapid stirring. The stirring action keeps the slag on the surface agitated, providing openings in the slag layer through which entrapped gases may escape. These electric furnaces are being used to produce high quality steels, such as ball bearing , stainless, magnet and tool steels.

Snažno miješanje rastopljenje šarže kako je prikazano strelicama na slici 10-2, stvara se putem interakcije kružnih struja sa poljem visoke frekvencije.Pošto su niže frekvencije najefikasnije za miješanje, mnoge moderne peći imaju dvije frekvencije koje se primjenjuju na zavojnicu, visoku frekvenciju za brzo topljenje i nisku frekvenciju za brzo mijesanje.Operacija miješanja drži trosku otvore u troski kroz koje zarboljeni plinovi mogu izaci.Ove električne peći se koriste za proizvodnju čelika visokog kvaliteta kao što su čelici za kuglične ležaje,nehrđajući, magnetni i alatni čelici

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Manufacturing processes can be classified into two general groups known as primary and secondary processes.

PRIMARY MANUFACTURING PROCESSES. The primary processes namely CASTING, FORGING, ROLLING, DEEP DRAWING, EXTRUSION, ans so on, are those that convert raw materials into shapes. These forming methods include both hot and cold working processes and, in general, will still require further finishing operations in order to obtain an end products.

Procesi proizvodnje se mogu podijeliti u dvije opšte grupe,poznati kao primarni i sekundarni procesi.PRIMARNI PROCESI proizvodnje.Primarni proces tj,livenje,kovanje, valjanje, duboko izvlacenje, istiskivanje,itd , su ti koji pretvaraju sirov materijal u obliove metode oblikovanja uključuju i tople i hladne procese obrade i općenito će i dalje zahtjevati dalje operacije završne obrade kako bi se dobio konačan proizvod.

CASTINGis a primary manufecturing process in which the products, referred to as CASTINGS, are made by pouring molten metal into a mold or die. As the metal cools, it takes the shape of the cavity. There are many casting methods, such as sand casting, die casting, permanent mold casting, investment casting, to mention only some of the most prominent techniques.

LIVENJE je primarni proces proizvodnje, u kojem se proizvod koji se nazivaju odliva proizvodi se sipanjem istopljenog metala u kalup ili matricu.Kako se metal hladi, poprima oblik šupljine.Postoji mnogo metoda livenja kao sto je livenje u pješčane kalupe, livenje pod pritiskom, livenje u permanentni (trajni) kalup , precizno livenje itd, gdje smo spomenuli samo neke od najpoznatijih tehnika.

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FORGING is a production method whereby steel or non-ferrous metals are shaped to a desired form by hammering or pressing. For the former, steam and pneumatic hammers, drop hammers and horizontally operating machines are used. For pressing hydraulic presses are used, and these give a squeeze to the metal instead of blow, producting a considerably greater reduction in one stroke than is possible in one stroke of a hammer. Machine forgings, which may be of various shapes and sizes, are formed between dies, one being movable and the other stationary. For relatively simple shapes open dies can be used (Open Die Forging) but for more complex shapes conforming to the contours and dimensions of the finished product, two or more sets of dies may be required , and are known as closed dies (Closed Die Forging). The process of forging is usually confined to shapes that cannot be produced by rolling.

KOVANJE je proizvodni metod kojim se čelik ili nemetalni materijali oblikuju u željeni oblik hladnim kovanjem ili presovanjem .Za prvi od pomenuta dva koriste se parni i pneumatski čekići,padajuci čekići i mašine koje rade u horizontalnim smjerima .Za presovanje se koriste hidraulicne prese koje pritišću metal umjesto udara dajuči znatno veću redukciju u jednom taktu nego što je moguće u jednom taktu hladnog kovanja.Mašinski otkovci koji mogu biti različiti oblika i veličina , nastaju između matrica, gdje je jedna pokretna a druga stacionarna.

Za relativno jednostavne oblike mogu se koristit otvorene matrice (slobodno kovanje), ali za kompleksnije oblike koji se u skladu sa dimenzijama i konturama konačnog proizvoda, mogu se zahtjevati dva ili više setova matrica koje su poznate kao zatvorena matrica)zatvoreno matrično kovanje).Proces kovanja je obično ograničen na oblike koji se ne mogu proizvesti valjanjem.

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ROLLING is the process of plastic working of metal between two or more rotating rolls in which, in addition to the main operation, the grain structure, the mechanical properties and the surface finish may be improved. Rolling can be effected by various methods which differ from one another in:

a) the direction of rolling (lengthwise, transverse and screw rolling)b) the mode of rolling mill operation (continuous or reversing)c) the state of the metal (hot,warm and cold rolling)d) the shape of rolled product (sheet, solid or hollow sections).

Working rolls may be either smooth (for sheet rolling) or grooved (for sections of various shapes).

VALJANJE je proces plastičnog oblikovanja materijala između dva ili više rotirajućih valjaka u kojim se kao dodatak osnovnoj operaciji mogu poboljsati struktura zrna,mehaničke osobine i površinska obrada.Valjanje se može postici raznim metodama koje se razlikuju jedna od druge po :a)the direction of rolling (lengthwise, transverse and screw rolling) - pravcu valjanja (dužina,poprecno i valjanje vijaka

b)the mode of rolling mill operation (continuous or reversing), - načinu rada postrojenja za valjanje (neprekiano ili povratno ) bsp; c)the state of the metal(hot, warm and cold rolling) - stanju metala (vruće, toplo ili hladno valjanje )

d) the shape of rolled procuct (sheet,solid or hollow sections) sp; - obliku proizvoda koji se valja (lim, čvrsta tijela i šuplji profili)

RADNI valjci mogu biti glatki (za valjanje limova) ili ožlebljeni (za profile različitih oblika

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DEEP DRAWING is a cold-working process, involving considerable plastic deformation of metals in which sheet or strip metal is drawn into the desired shape by means of dies.

EXTRUSION is a fabrication process for producting rods, tubes, and various shapes of solid and hollow sections from the billet or blank of solid metal. There are basically three types of extrusion, known respectively as DIRECT, INVERSE (or INDIRECT) and IMPACT (or COLD) EXTRUSION.

SECONDARY MANUFACTURING PROCESSES are those that bring the part to the dimensions and surface finish specified. One may also include in the secondary processes such operations as heat treating and surface treatments for corrosion resistance, hardness and appearance. Secondary processes are PLANING, SHAPING, TURNING, MILLING, DRILLING, BORING, GRINDING, POLISHING, etc., as well as special methods of metal removal such as ELECTRODISCHARGE MACHINING and ELECTROMECHANICAL MACHINING. Operations like SCREW

CUTTING, TAPPING, THREAD MILLING, GEAR CUTTING, and so on, are secondary processes that are merely adaptations of one of the aforementioned processes.

DUBOKO IZVLAČENJE je proces hladne obrade koji uključuje znatnu plasticnu deformaciju metala kojom se lim ili metal u traci izvlači u željeni oblik pomoću matrice.ISTISKIVANJE je proizvodni proces za proizvodnjuod gredica ili komada čvrstog metala.Postoje osnovne tri vrste istiskivanja poznate redom kao : direktno istiskivanje, inverzno )suprotnosmjerno) i udarno (hladno ) istiskivanje.

SEKUNDARNI PROCESI proizvodnje su oni koji dovode dio na određene dimenzije i površinsku obradu.Također u sekundarne procese mogu se svrstati operacije kao što su: termička obrada, površinska obrada za zastiti od korozije ,otvrdnjavanje i izgled.Sekundarni procesi su:rendisanje, profilisanje,struganje,glodanje,busenje,bušenje tokarskim nožem,

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brušenje,poliranje itd kao i posebne metode otklanjanja metala kao što su mašinska obrada. Operacije kao što su narezivanje vijaka,odsjecanje,glodanje navoja,rezanje zupčanika itd su sekundarni procesi koji su samo adaptacija jednog od gore spomenutih procesa.


SHAFTS. A shaft is a rotating member used for the purpose of transmitting power. It should be distinguished from an AXLE, which is a stationary member used as a support for rotating elements such as wheels. Shafts are used in various ways and for various purposes in all kinds of mechanical equipment.

As a machine element, a shaft is subjected to fluctuating loads produced by the following:

1. weight of the shaft and its gears, sprockets, rotors, clutches, or other attached parts,

2. the centrifugal force of revolving parts, especially if they are unbalanced,3. belt and chain tension4. torque of gears and sprockets.

VRATILA –vratilo je rotirajuci mašinski element koji se koristi u svrhu prenosa snage.Treba se razlikovati od osovine koji je stacionarni mašinski element koji se koristi kao oslonac za rotirajuce elemente kao što su točkovi.Vratila se koriste na razne načine i u razne svrhe u svim vrstama mašinske opreme. Kao mašinski element, vratilo je podvrgnuto varirajucim opterećenjima koji nastaju iz sljedećeg: 1.težine vratila i njegovih zupčanika, lančanikarotora, spojnica ili drugih spojenih dijelova 2.centrifugalne sile obrtnih dijelova, posebno ako su nebalansirani 3.zatezanjem remena i lanca

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4. obrtnog momenta zupčanika i lančanika zbog toga koncentracija napona ,izdržljivost, kao i krutost i čvrstoća vratila će igrati značajnu ulogu u njegovom dizajnu.

Therefore, stress concentration, endurance as well as rigidity and strength of a shaft will play a significant role in its design.

COUPLINGS. Two shafts can be connected by shaft couplings of which there are many varieties. The angle between two shafts, transmitted power, torsional and lateral vibrations, shock loads, and so on, are all parameters that must be considered in selecting a coupling to connect the shafts. Couplings used to join the shaft of an electric motor to the line shaft of a machine or a hydraulic turbine to an electric generator are examples of PERMANENT COUPLINGS, because their connections would only be broken for repairs and/or general maintenance.

Permanent couplings are classified into two groups:

1. rigid couplings and2. flexible couplings

SPOJNICE- Dva vratila mogu biti spojena spojnicama za vratila kojih ima različitih vrsta .Ugao između dva vratila, prenešena snaga , torzione i aksijalne vibracije , udarna opterećenja itd su svi parametri koji se moraju uzeti u obzir pri odabiru spojnice za spajanje vratila.Spojnice koje se koriste za spajanje električnog motora na transmisiano vratilo mašine ili hidrauličnih turbina na elektrićni generator su primjeri nerazdvojive spojnice, jer bi se njihove veze kidale samo pri popravkama ili općem održavanju.NERAZDVOJIVE spojnice se klafificiraju u dvije grupe:

1.krute spojnice i

2. zglobne spojnice

UNIVERSAL JOINTS. For very large angular or offset misalignment between two shafts, a universal joint must be employed. The simplest type of universal

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joint consists of a yoke on each shaft connected by a central bar. Almost always universal joints are used in pairs with equal angles in the two joints. The use of equal angles provides uniform angular velocity in the driven shaft.

KEYS. Keys are used to prevent relative motion between a shaft and machine elements such as gears, pulleys, sprockets, cams, levers, flywheels, impellers, and so on. The particular type of key specified will depend upon the magnitude of the torque transmitted, type of loading (that is, steady, varying, or oscillatory), fit required, limiting shaft stress, and cost.

ZGLOBNE spojnice se koriste za spajanje vratila koja su izložena jednoj ili više vrsta nepodešenja i kako bi se smanjio efekat udara ili udarnih opterećenja koja bi se mogla prenjeti između vratila.

KARDANOVE SPOJNICE-Za vrlo velika ugaona ili pomična nepodešenja između dva vratila mora se koristiti kardanova spojnica.Najjednostavnija vrsta kardanove spojnice sastoji se od pričvrsnog remena na oba vrtatila koji su spojeni sa centralnom šipkom.Univerzalne spojnice se skoro uvijek koriste u paru s jednakim uglovima na obe spojnice.Korištenjem jednakih uglova omogućava stalnu ugaonu brzinu u gonjenom vratilu.

KLINOVI- Klinovi se koriste da spriječe relativno kretanje između vratila i mašinski elemenata kao što su zupčanici,lančanici, zavojci, propeleri itd.Postoje brojne vrste klinova za razne zahtjeve dizajna.Određena vrsta specificiranog klina će zavisit od intenziteta prenesenog obrtnog momenta, vrste opterećenja(tj. umjereno, rotirajuće ili oscilatora), zahtjevanog nalijeganja, graničnog napona vratila i cijene.

The simplest key shape is the square key. Half the height of the key lies in the shaft and the other half in the hub of the machine element. In addition to the

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square key, the round-end key, the taper key, and rhe Woodruff key of Fig 12-2 are also used.

SPLINES. Splines are a series of teeth cut into the surface of a shaft in the axial direction which mate with a series of keyways cut into the hub of the mounted part. Splines are used instead of keys when a sliding connection is required and when heavy torque loads, especially reversing loads, are present, as in power takeoffs. To ensure sliding under load, the bearing stress against the slides of the splines is usually limited to 100 psi.

Najjednostavniji oblik klina je kvadratni klin .Pola visine klina leži u vratilu, a druga polovina u žljebu mašinskog elementa.Pored kvadratnog klina, također se koriste klinovi sa zaobljenim krajevima, konusni klinovi, woodnefor klin (slika 122).

ŽLJEBOVI –Žljebovi su nizovi zubaca urezanih na površinu vratila u aksijalnom smjeru koji se spreže sa nizovima urezanih žljebova za klin u središtu montiranog dijela.Žljebovi se koriste umjesto klinova kada je potrebna klizna veza i kada su prisutna teška obrtna opterećenja, posebno povratna veza, kao pri prekidu snage.Da bi se osiguralo klizanje pod opterećenjem ,povrsinski napon ležaja nasuprot strane žljebova je obično ograničen na 100 psi .