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Post on 12-Jun-2015




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Nations have recently been led to borrow billions for war; no nation has ever borrowed largely for education. Probably, no nation is rich enough to pay for both war and civilization. We must make our choice; we cannot have both.

The goal of war is usually to find peace but actually the only path to peace is peace itself. Truth and passive resistance can be a more powerful approach. I believe wars, specially for the last century and even upto now, result in horrendous injustice and suffering and losses for the people, who just want to live their lives at their will. Wars, in my opinion, can never be justified , as it is, most of the times, mismanaged, full of lies and it’s politicians who indulge countries or states into wars and never get hurt themselves, just like playing chess game. Wars are usually justified through propaganda but that does not make it right.

The ongoing war against Taliban and so-called extremists and fundamentalists with in Pakistan and Afghanistan is a good example in this case. This so called war on terror is definitely proclaimed justified by U.S. government and U.S. media, however, it cannot be justified. The war which started after 9/11 attacks, has caused the loss of millions of lives and trillions of dollars. How did west justify the war? A dubious attack on U.S. soil which was linked to a terrorist organization based mainly in Afghanistan. Spending one-fourth of the amount used in this war, the west could have provided Afghanistan a better education system and awareness among the local citizens. This would have led to a better relations between the two countries and have acted as a better deterrent against such future attacks.

War of US-Iraq is another example. Why did united states of America raid Iraq. The core reason of the war was the production of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. But U.S.A. was unable to find any substantial evidence of weapons of mass destruction. Was this war justified? The answer, No, is pretty much against the title of the essay; No, war can never be justified.

Sixty eight years ago, the terrifying power of nuclear weapons was unleashed on an unsuspecting world. Historians may argue on the motives behind the dropping of nuclear bombs on Hiroshima, Japan and on Nagasaki, Japan three days later. But 68 years onwards the world still mourns the loss of approximately two hundred thousand lives. The casualties were not the only downside of the attack, both the cities are still revealing from its aftermath. How can this bombing be justified? The death tolls and the severe generational side-affects are reasons enough to support my view point. It is hence truly said: In nuclear wars, there is no winner except the survivors.

To sum up, military might can never be a long term solution to the international conflicts. Stringent diplomacy efforts have and will prove successful in the longer run. Spending time, effort and money on development of international relations is fruitful investment which will certainly guard sovereignity of every nation.

Either war is obsolete or men are.