english club

English club of culture and literature

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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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English club of culture and literature

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Անգլերենխոսողներիակումբի նախագիծը ներկայացվում է , առցանցքննարկմանտեսքով որպեսևս մեկայլ համար

` արդյունավետմիջոց գրավորխոսքի զարգացմանհամար:Մեր ակումբիառաջնայինխնդիրն է` օժանդակել

սովորողների մոտ զարգացնելու հմտություններ ինքնուրույն հետազոտականաշխատանքներ կատարելու համար,

ուշադրության կենտրոնումպահելով բանավոր և գրավորխոսքի աստիճանական զարգացումը : Եթե բանավորխոսքի զարգացման

համարխթան կարող է հանդիսանալ քննարկումները իրենց հուզող թեմաների շուրջ, ապագրավորխոսքի զարգացման համար

արդյունավետ միջոց է նամակագրությունը, ստեղծագործականշարադրությունը, ինչպես նաևառցանց քննարկումներկազմակերպելը, որի հնարավորությունըտալիս է մերկրթահամալիրը: Պարզապես մտահոգությունսայն է, որ

սխալներովարտահայտած մտքեր, կամ քերականական կառույցների ոչ ճիշտ կիրառումներ հնարավոր է հանդիպել այս

գործում: Մյուս կողմից, եթե թրջվելուց վախենանք , գետը չենքմտնի: Դրանից հնարավորին չափխուսախելու համարպետք է

նախապես մանրակրկիտաշխատել սովորողների հետակումբային գործունեության ժամանակ, ճշտել, սովորեցնել ճիշտարտահատել

միտքը, կարողանալ հաստատել ասածը, համաձայնել կամ չհմաձայնել դիմացինիարտահայտած մտքի հետ, փորձել գրավոր

շարադրել ասելիքը: Առաջինփորձը, առցանց քննարկման ցույցտվեց, որպատասխանողներից նրանք, ովքերակումբիանդամ էին,

համեմատաբար քիչ էին սխալվել, չնայած կային շատգրագետ շարադրած մտքեր:

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Աշխատանքը սկսում եմայսպես`1 նախծանոթացնում եմտեքստի

բովանդակությանտպագիրտարբերակին, որից հետո լսում են իմ բանավորխոսքը,

թեմայի հետառնչվող իմ մոտեցումները, այսինքն իրականացնում եմ ուրիշիխոսքը

ունկնդրելու հնարավորությունը2 ներկայացնում եմ նոր բառերը ևհոմանիշնեերը3. ծանոթացնում եմ վերարտադրողականբառերի, խոսքը հիմնավորելու կամ

պատճառաբանելու անհրաժեշտ բառակապակցությունների հետ:

4. տրվածտարբերակը սովորողըպետք է ներկայացնի, աշխատելով, որ հնարավորին

չափ մոտ լինիտեքստի բառերին5. որից հետո, յուրաքանչյուրը ներկայացնում

է իրտարբերակը բանավոր, իսկ մյուսները արտահայտում են կամտարակարծիք, կամ էլ,

համաձայնում, ավելացնելով իրենց կարծիքը6. հանձնարարել տանը` գրավոր շ արադրել

, , ասելիքը օգտվելովտարբերաղբյուրներից աշխատել ասելիքըպարտադիր հաստատել


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This club activity greatly promotes the learners self-realization and develops creative skills. Till now we have discussed the following topics. Here are the headlines of topics we have discussed

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The existence of God and creation of manhttp://mskh.am/en/17827

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Darwin’s Evolution theory, the origin of world creation

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We want to speak and to express our opinion about this story and about these things. I think that marriage between two people belonging to different religions is a normal thing and I don’t find any dangerous and criminal in it, no matter whether you are Christian or Moslem or Mohammedan you must listen to your heart instead of thinking that it might seem not natural as when there are people of different way of thinking different traditions different believes in one family> This thoughts and fillings shouldn’t control over them. Those are trivial things which shouldn’t prevent family members from establishing good relations in the family and maintain their family union. Love and mutual understanding and respect should be laid in the basis of family conception and we must remember that there are millions of people in the world who are very different and consequently they possess different moral ideology and mindset so every human being is unique unit, so in the human relations we must take them as it is putting aside judgments and respect every body’s own way of thinking. It is useless to dispute on this matter instead we should remain to differ. In general all this religions confirm and acknowledge God’s existence, only with they are named differently by different nations, God, Jesus Christ, or Allahh and so on. What concerns world making origin opinions naturally differr.

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The human being is the result of evolution. Process is the development process which

consists of a gradual change, with no abrupt change. Often when we speak about evolution we

mean the biological evolution. Biological evolution living historical development of targeted and permanent nature which is accompanied by

changes in population genetics, adaptation design, animal design and disappearing Parallel evolution of future generations to come on their properties,

which are the result of mutation or change of genes between populations.

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The mystery of Stonehenge in Great Britain, and Zorats Karer or Karahung in Sisian and researches done by Paris Herounehttp://mskh.am/en/18952

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Stonehenge is surely Britain’s greatest national icon, symbolizing mystery, power and duration. Its original goal is unclear and uncertain, but some have the theory that it was an Asro-Archaelogy temple made for worshiping the ancient earth Gods. It’s one of the most ancient monuments in the world .It has been called an astronomical observatory for making important events on the prehistoric calendar. Others think that it was a sacred place for the burial of high-ranking citizens from the old societies. Still we can’t say for sure what it was for; we say that it wasn’t built for casual purposes. The stones we see today represent Stonehenge in ruin. Many of the original stones have fallen or been removed by previous generations for home construction or road repair. There has been serious damage to some of the smaller bluestones resulting from close visitor contact. Nowadays the construction of Stonehenge was an impressive engineering feat, requiring 3 million hours of time and huge number of manual labor. Stonehenge is probably the best known stone circle in the world. healingWho built Stonehenge?The question of who built Stonehenge is largely unanswered, .the question that this construction has been built by ancient people have always attributed to Druids.

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Prehistoric Astronomers

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Prehistoric Astronomers 1 Prehistoric peoples most certainly took note of the recurring patterns of movements in the sky of such celestial bodies as the Sun, the Moon, the planets, and the stares, and they most certainly noted that events in their world, such as seasonal fluctuations in weather, which in turn had an effect on the lights of the plants and animals in their world, were often correlated with the movements of the celestial bodies. Because it was important for prehistoric people to have knowledge, for example, of what it was the best time to plant crops or when game herds would be migrating, early farmers and hunters took a great interest in the movements of celestial bodies. A understanding of the relationship between the movements of celestial bodies and recurring patterns of events on Earth was of paramount importance in many cultures; thus, many cultures in widely separated areas of the world developed methods for monitoring astronomical events.

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Is marriage possible between people who don’t share the same religion?

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I met Bob 7 years ago when I was 18. We worked together, and we fell in love. There was one problem - Bob was an English Christian and I was a Pakistani Muslim. At the time my parents were trying to force me to marry a man from Pakistan. I didn’t know that person. I told them that I didn't want to get married, but it fell on deaf ears and they continued the preparations for my marriage. I was afraid to tell my parents about my relationship with Bob as they could lock me at home. That is why I decided to leave my home secretly. None of this had been planned. It was the hardest decision I have ever made. I didn’t know if my decision was right. First, my escape would be shameful for my parents and I felt guilty. Secondly, I did not have a place to go and I was not sure if Bob would give me a shelter.

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Fortunately, Bob did. I had to phone my parents to inform them what was going on; they thought I had just gone to work. During our phone talk I could hear my parents crying and telling me that I wouldn't have to marry anyone if I went back... It would have been so easy to believe what they were saying, but I knew that they just wanted to get me back home The only light in my life was Bob. He supported me in everything. Even after all that had happened, I still missed my family. That was the hardest thing to bear as I had never been away from my parents and I still loved them in spite of everything. Six months later I met my parents. During that meeting and in the next few years my parents were trying to convince me that I could go back to them and marry someone of their choosing. I should add that they did not want to see Bob. They thought that I would get tired of him soon and go back to them.Now Bob and I have a little daughter. My parents are fond of her but they still don’t want to see my husband, I know the situation is not the way I would like it to be, but I have come to accept it. Hopefully, one day my parents will accept my husband.

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We Use English To Study History

Since February 1 we have studied some historical events from English History, such as the early ages from English History; starting from’ “The Earliest Men And The Celts, The Roman Conquest, The Anglo – Saxon Invasion and The Norman Conquest”. After we had studied William’s accomplishments we decided to compare him with one of Armenian kings.I think William the Conqueror as a king and as a statesman is very much like Armenian king Artashes the 1-st Godliness in following features, but the only difference is that King Artashes ruled Armenia in 189 b.c. but he displayed himself as farsighted commander and statesman like William did only 12 centuries Later.Both of them were for the strong centered government, besides like William who divided the country into shires and sent his royal officials;-sheriffs, to administrate justice in the shires, in the same way king Artashes divided the country into 120 provinces and sent royal family members and courters called “strategos” to govern those provinces.

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For defensive purposes the following strategy was exercised since both of them built castles and fortresses in different parts of the country. Artashes kept Aldermen as councilors to support the king in governing the country.William the Conqueror dissolved the Witenagemot and replaced it by the Great Council made up of Bishops and Barons to help him to govern.One of the functions of Great Council was to act as the king’s Supreme Court. Armenian council of aldermen also functioned Supreme Court but the king had the final word.In 180 b.c. King Artashes declared land reform according to which all the farm rangers were prohibited to take capture lands from the farmers, so that the villagers should be able to pay taxes to the state treasury house. William the Conqueror, to strengthen himself, declared that all the lands belonged to him by the right of conquest, the forest lands which made up one third of the country belonged to him. Thus the king of England became the richest feudal lord of all. Next we are going to study some more facts from Armenian History into English.

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The Internet in our life and internet addictionhttp://webquest10thgrade.pbworks.com/w/page/52213719/FrontPage

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So we are-in the 21st century. The technology has grown up so fast that you can find yourself talking to your friend in the USA when you are in Armenia or in the other end of the World or you can watch a movie that has come out just the other day.

The Internet is all around us and everybody can access to it very easily. We mean that the Internet has spread all over the Earth and it has become a very important part of our everyday life. It has changed our lives. But is the Internet a good or a bad thing? Has it changed us for good or for bad?

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•The Internet addiction.

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Children also can be addicted to Internet. It’s a very bad thing and it can effect badly on their health and further life. So children must use the Internet appropriate and temperate.

Parents should be attentive and they should hold control over their children for them not to get addicted to the Internet.

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There are a lot of advantages to having friends who are different from you.They can introduce you to new food, books and music. They can present you with a different way of looking at the world. However, there are times when you need a friend who really understands you. That is why I enjoy having all kinds of friends –both those who are different from me and those who are similar. Someone who is different from you can show different ways of looking at the things. If you tend to be spontaneous person, a scheduled person can help you to be more organized. And you can help that person loosen up a bit at times, too. If you are impatient, a patient friend can help you calm down. If you are a little a bit timid, an assertive friend can help you develop more self – confidence. Someone who has different tastes from you can introduce you to new things. A friend might persuade you to read a book that you thought you wouldn’t like. A friend might get you to try new kinds of food. You can share your different tastes and interests your friend, too. Together you can dare to try new things. There are times, however, when you really need a friend who is similar to you. Sometimes you get tired of compromising on what you want to do. You want to be with someone who has the same tastes as you. A friend who is similar to you probably has the same reactions to situations as you do. Therefore, if you feel unhappy, a friend who is similar to you can understand just why you feel that way. By Nare Hovhannisyan

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Globalization, cultural influences http://mskh.am/en/22516

On line discussion other countries’ influence on Armenia, specially on music

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Culture exists in every society. Culture is specific learned norms based on attitudes, values and believes. Globalization is the process by which people around the world are gathering into a single society and function together. Globalization is a phenomenon all over the world. I think that cultural influence industries such us internet, television, films, music or literatue promote the cultural influence of a leading nation on others.Globalization has positive and negative effect.Positive effects of globalizations Positive effect of globalization is the developing of our society.Secondly It improves quality of our life, and brings high standard of living.  Negative effects of globalizationGlobalization may have helped terrorists and criminals.Secondly the negative effect of globalization leads to destruction of specific cultural pecularities of different nations. For example it is hard to imagine armenians without armenian folk music, dance, language and national meals.

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I can’t say surely, whether cultural influence is bad or good. Every coin has either side, every phenomenon has its bad and good features. Globalization is a way of cultural exchange, it helps people from all corners of the world understand each other. But cultural influence can just kill native culture. People are becoming much alike.In this situation, how we can learn something new from each other?Two nations are neighbors, it means they trade with each other, learn languages of each other and mixed type of marriages appear. Also, this way appears when people from one country emigrate to another, taking their culture and language along with them to their new place of habitation.. Nowadays looking like a European or American is very fashionable. I think this way is more dangerous because it spreads influence by manipulating people and their ambitions.By Merry Sharoyan grade-11

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I must say that in this age a huge number of technologies has moved forward global culture.Now let's include Television in our discussion that also considers part of culture, it's a cruel process of advancing global identity, because it provides exposure to  people, at least for future generations of children, as the Internet is much more important for them, because they have the opportunity to connect with other people from other countries. Teenagers have their own contribution in globalization, mostly teenage culture is formed from its surroundings, they say that teenage culture is influenced by three main factors, family, friends, and media. Now let's not forget about language, usually English is widely used as a second or third language, and this helps the globalization of business, to trade one another, however if business communities benefit in speaking Spanish or Chinese they learned those instead... Globalization is very important for any country that does not want to be lost in such everyday changing world...

By Komitas Odabashian, 11 grade 

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Impressions on Artsakhhttp://mskh.am/en/18678

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Some quotes The learning and knowledge that we have, is, at the most, but little compared with that of which we are ignorant. Plato 

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The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education. Albert Einstein You cannot open a book without learning something. Confucius  

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Experience is a hard teacher. She gives the test first, the lesson afterward. AnonymousDo not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Thank you for attention