english-german physics glossary

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  • 7/29/2019 English-German Physics Glossary


    English-German math and physics glossary

    Many physics and math terms that are latin-source 'Fremdworte' in German are virtually identical in


    but there are exceptions. Since we do calculations, we need math expressions, too.

    The stressed vowel is marked with ' where necessary (Betonung)

    4-vector Vierervektor

    ansatz Ansatz

    apex Scheitel(punkt)

    (anti-)coll'inear (anti-)kollinear

    CM = center of mass Schwerpunkt

    CMS = center-of-mass system Schwerpunktsystem (watch hypenation!)

    Cart'esianacceleration Beschleunigung

    angel Engel

    angle Winkel

    angular momentum Drehimpuls

    area Flche

    assumption Annahme

    axis (pl. -es) Achse

    balance Waage

    beam balance Balkenwaage

    bias eigentlich: Vorurteil

    .. systematische Abweichung, z.B.

    .. zwischen Stichprobenvarianz und wahrer Varianz

    center of gravity/mass Schwerpunkt

    co'ordinate, co-'ordinate pronounced co-ordinate

    coll'ision Sto

    conserv'ation Erhaltung (z.B. der Energie)

    continuous stetig

    d'efinite integral

    decay Zerfall (z.B. radioaktiver

    decomp'ose zerlegen

    derivation Herleitung

    der'ivative Ableitung (math.)

    differ'entiate (with respect to) ableiten nach

    distribution Verteilung

    dx is a differ'entialerror Fehler

    error propagation Fehlerfortpflanzung

    estimate Schtzung

    lish-German physics glossary http://www.physi.uni-heidelberg.de/~glassel/gu/glossary.html

    3 31/12/2012 02:18

  • 7/29/2019 English-German Physics Glossary


    expectation value Erwartungswert

    family (of curves) (Kurven-) Schaar

    force Kraft

    force pair Krftepaar

    frame see: reference frame

    grade Steigung / (Schul-) Note (see slope

    inertia Trgheit, Masse

    inertial force Trgheitskraft (Scheinkraft)

    initial [value] Anfangs-[wert]

    'impact parameter Stoparameter

    'ind'efinite integral

    indefinite metric indefinite Metrik

    integr'al, integrate


    integral limits

    mean/average [value] Mittelwert

    median [value] Median(wert)

    modulus Betrag

    mom'entum Impuls

    m'oment of inertia Trgheitsmoment

    muon Mon (flschlich M-Meson

    normaliz'ation Normierung

    orth'ogonalph'ysical physisch, krperlich, AUCH physikalisch!


    pole Stange, math. Pol

    prime Primzahl UND (math.) -Strich (z.B. y')

    (double)-prime(d) (zwei-)gestrichen

    probab'ility Wahrscheinlichkeit

    proof Beweis

    proper time Eigenzeit (Relativittstheorie)

    pulley (Seil-) Rolle, auch Flaschenzug

    pulley [block] Flaschenzug

    (r'eference) frame Bezugssystem

    radius vector Ortsvektor

    rest mass Ruhemasse (Relativittstheorie

    rigid body starrer Krper

    rms = root mean square Standardabweichung

    sample Stichprobe

    self-similar selbst-hnlich

    series [expansion] Reihe [Reihen-Entwicklung]

    slope Steigung (math.) (see grade

    lish-German physics glossary http://www.physi.uni-heidelberg.de/~glassel/gu/glossary.html

    3 31/12/2012 02:18

  • 7/29/2019 English-German Physics Glossary


    standard deviation Standardabweichung

    torque Drehmoment

    tr'iangle Dreieck

    true value wahrer Wert

    variance Varianz

    velocity Geschwindigkeit

    How to pronounce math and phys expressions

    1 + 2 one plus two

    2 - 0.5 two minus zero-point-five

    2x two ex

    3/5 three divided by five

    .. three fifths

    .. three over five

    10(-)5 ten to [the power of] (minus) five

    .. ten to the (minus) fifth

    x2 ex square[d]

    x3 ex cube[d]

    square-root a

    ( ) parenthesis (pl. -es) (opening, closing)

    < > angle brackets (often stand for expectation value)

    [ ] square brackets

    { } curly brackets, braces

    dx/dt dee ex over dee tee

    ex dot

    n! enn factorial

    pee-bar (Antiproton

    eitch-bar (ha-quer, h/2pi

    y' wy prime

    Some expressions are hard in html, like x with a dot on top, let alone a partial derivative, so I will have todo them in TEX.

    Last modified: 99-11-22

    lish-German physics glossary http://www.physi.uni-heidelberg.de/~glassel/gu/glossary.html

    3 31/12/2012 02:18