english speaking, listening & communication assessment - ocr

Functional Skills Assessment Guidance English Speaking, Listening and Communication Level 1 Level 2 Assessment Guidance VERSION 1.4 Revised March 2016

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Functional Skills

Assessment GuidanceEnglish Speaking, Listening and Communication

Level 1 Level 2



ent G



VERSION 1.4 Revised March 2016

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Contents 1 3 Functional Skills English

1.1 3 Speaking, listening and communication1.2 4 Access to Functional Skills Speaking, listening and communication1.3 5 Speaking, Listening and Communication unit content1.4 6 Submitting the claim and candidate work1.5 8 Assessment recording documentation1.6 18 Assessing the Speaking, Listening and Communication unit1.7 22 Where to find more information1.8 23 Appendix 1 Example claim documentation Level 11.9 30 Appendix 2 Example claim documentation Level 2

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1 Functional Skills English

1.1 Speaking, listening and communication

Purpose of this document:

This document includes guidance and recording documentation to enable you to assess the OCR Functional Skills English Speaking, Listening and Communication unit at Level 1 and Level 2.

At Level 1 and 2, the Speaking, Listening and Communication unit is internally assessed by centre staff (eg. teachers, trainers, support workers, carers, assessors) and externally moderated by OCR. Assessments are set by OCR as shown in this guidance. Units are graded Pass or Fail. The Reading and Writing components of this qualification are externally assessed by OCR.

Guidance and documentation relating to the assessment of this unit at Entry Level is incorporated into the Entry Level Assessment Materials for English, available on Interchange (https://interchange.ocr.org.uk/). At the ‘Welcome to Interchange’ page, select ‘By qualification’ then Functional Skills’ – from here select ‘Support material’ then ‘Assessment materials’.

Detailed information about the OCR Functional Skills English specification can be found in the OCR Centre Handbook for Functional Skills English on the OCR website www.ocr.org.uk/functionalskills

A separate publication, the OCR Admin Guide: Functional Skills, provides details of the administration arrangements for this qualification. The Admin Guide is available on our website: www.ocr.org.uk

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1.2 Access to Functional Skills Speaking, listening and communication

Speaking, listening and communication within Functional Skills qualifications are defined as non-written communication, normally conducted face-to-face.

In exceptional circumstances, assessment may take place remotely, provided that the medium through which remote assessment takes place:

does not create barriers to achievement and success

enables candidates to demonstrate achievement against the full range of standards using the full range of permitted strategies, and

meets the security requirements specified in criterion 58f of The statutory regulation of external qualifications (QCA/04/1293).

The term 'speaking, listening and communication', as used by the Functional Skills standards, is intended to be interpreted in a broadly inclusive way and is not intended to create any unnecessary barriers to candidates with speech or hearing impairment.

The needs of individual candidates will vary but, as guidance, the term should be interpreted as meaning communication, discussion and presentation that:

can include use of sign language (eg British Sign Language (BSL), sign-supported English) provided this is made accessible to all participants in the discussion. (It is recognised that BSL is a language in its own right and not a form of English. BSL is, however, permitted as an alternative to English for the assessment of speaking, listening and communication where BSL is the candidate's normal way of communicating in the contexts described by the standards). No other languages are permitted as alternatives to English;

can include access to augmentative speech equipment and such software as constitutes the candidate's normal way of working;

does not depend solely on the use of written language or require the individual/s with whom the candidate is communicating to be able to read (as these skills are covered by the requirements for reading and writing).

For internally assessed components within Functional Skills qualifications (such as Entry Level Functional Skills), centres do not need to apply to OCR for access arrangements. Centres must however permit access arrangements which are in line with Ofqual’s Functional Skills qualifications criteria.

Access arrangements must not, however, affect the reliability or validity of assessment outcomes nor must they give the candidate an assessment advantage over other candidates undertaking the same or similar assessments. It is recommended that centres discuss the application of reasonable adjustments to internally assessed units with OCR if they are unsure. Candidates who are unable to access part of the assessment, even after exploring all possibilities through reasonable adjustments, may be eligible for an exemption and an award based on the parts of the assessment they have taken. The centre will need to apply to the OCR Special Requirements Team in writing for such an arrangement and the JCQ form Application for an Exemption must be completed.

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1.3 Speaking, Listening and Communication unit content

Level Skills standards Coverage and range

Level 1 (1S) Take full part in formal and informal discussions and exchanges that include unfamiliar subjects

(1S1) Make relevant and extended contributions to discussions, allowing for and responding to others’ input

(1S2) Prepare for and contribute to the formal discussion of ideas and opinions

(1S3) Make different kinds of contributions to discussions

(1S4) Present information/points of view clearly and in appropriate language

Level 2 (2S) Make a range of contributions to discussions in a range of contexts, including those that are unfamiliar, and make effective presentations

(2S1) Consider complex information and give a relevant, cogent response in appropriate language

(2S2) Present information and ideas clearly and persuasively to others

(2S3) Adapt contributions to suit audience, purpose and situation

(2S4) Make significant contributions to discussions, taking a range of roles and helping to move discussion forward

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1.4 Submitting the claim and candidate work

All candidate work must be assessed and complete before being submitted to the OCR examiner-moderator. Only work that meets all of the required assessment criteria should be submitted for moderation.

Once the assessment is complete, you need to make a claim in order to obtain the certification.

There are two steps in this process. Step 1 is to submit an online claim and step 2 is to submit work to the OCR examiner-moderator.

Certification claims for the Speaking, Listening and Communication unit are made online via Interchange. For information and guidance on how to build an online claim please refer to the OCR Admin Guide: Functional Skills and the step-by-step user guide (which is available from the OCR website www.ocr.org.uk/interchange).

As soon as you have submitted your claim online, you need to send the candidate work (for all of the candidates for whom you have made a claim) to your OCR examiner-moderator. Failure to submit an online claim will result in your examiner-moderator being unable to moderate the work.

What needs to be submitted to the OCR examiner-moderator?

You should complete and return the following to the OCR examiner-moderator:

For each candidate, you will need to submit:

Level 1: Completed Assessors Observation Records and any supporting discussion/exchange notes that cover one formal/informal discussion (within a group) about unfamiliar subjects and one formal/informal exchange (one to one) about unfamiliar subjects for each candidate.

Level 2: Completed Assessors Observation Records and any supporting discussion/

presentation notes that cover one formal discussion about unfamiliar subjects and one presentation about unfamiliar subjects for each candidate.

For each claim you make (which may include a number of candidates), you will need to submit:

An Assessment Front Sheet

A Centre Authentication Form (CCS160) (one form per submission per level should be completed).

In summary, you should submit:

Level 1

An assessment front sheet

For each claim: A Centre Authentication Form (CCS160) (one form per submission per level should be completed) Assessor observation record for a discussion within a group Assessor observation record for an exchange (one to one)

For each candidate*:

Candidate notes/supporting documentation for the discussion and exchange*

*See the ‘What should candidates prepare’ section (page 6) for information.

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Level 2

An assessment front sheet

For each claim: A Centre Authentication Form (CCS160) (one form per submission per level should be completed) Assessor observation record for a formal discussion within a group Assessor observation record for a presentation to a group

For each candidate*:

Candidate notes/supporting documentation/slide handouts for the discussion and presentation*

*See the ‘What should candidates prepare’ section (below) for information.

What should candidates prepare?

It is expected that only final versions of any notes and supporting documentation are sent to the OCR examiner-moderator.

For exemplification on the expected content of a candidate claim (for example assessor responses, number of pages of notes etc) see Appendix 1 and 2 of this guidance handbook. The examples are for guidance only, but indicate the amount of supporting evidence expected by the OCR examiner-moderator.

Where feedback is given, this should be summative feedback only, to indicate to the OCR examiner-moderator how the candidate met the Functional Sills reference/assessment criteria. The feedback can be focussed on a particular reference/criteria, or can be overall feedback as appropriate. For more guidance on feedback, see section 1.6.

The recording documentation within this guide can be printed. Word versions of the recording documentation are also available to download from the OCR website www.ocr.org.uk

Important: Before submitting candidate evidence for external moderation by OCR, please ensure that you copy all paperwork for your own reference, and then store copies of this evidence for 12 months after the submission date.

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1.5 Assessment recording documentation

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Functional Skills English

Level 1 and Level 2 Speaking, Listening and Communication unit

Assessment Record Front Sheet Complete this form for each submission (a submission may include a number of candidates)

Centre number: Entry Code:

Please complete in block letters Online claim number:

First candidate’s name in online claim:

Last candidate’s name in online claim:

Total number of candidates in online claim:

All candidate work must be assessed, internally moderated and complete before being submitted to the OCR examiner-moderator. Only work that meets all of the required assessment criteria should be submitted for external moderation. Certification claims for Entry Level Functional Skills are made online via Interchange. For information and guidance on how to build an online claim please refer to the OCR Admin Guide: Functional Skills and the step-by-step user guide (which is available from the OCR website www.ocr.org.uk/interchange). As soon as you have submitted your claim online, you need to send the candidate work (for all of the candidates for whom you have made a claim) to your OCR examiner-moderator. Failure to submit an online claim will result in your examiner-moderator being unable to moderate the work. What should be submitted: For Level 1: Completed Assessors Observation Records and any supporting discussion/exchange notes that cover one formal/informal discussion (within a group) about unfamiliar subjects and one formal/informal exchange (one to one) about unfamiliar subjects for each candidate. For Level 2: Completed Assessors Observation Records and any supporting discussion/presentation notes that cover one formal discussion about unfamiliar subjects and one presentation about unfamiliar subjects for each candidate. A Centre Authentication Form (CCS160) (one form per submission per level should be completed).

For OCR Examiner-moderator use only Please tick to confirm the submission has been accepted, partially accepted or withdrawn:

Subject & Level Accept Partially

Accept Reject Chief

English Level 1 English Level 2

Examiner Moderator signature …………………………………………………………………….. Date: …………………………………..

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Functional Skills English

Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 1 - Exchange (Between 2 people)

Centre name Centre no.

Candidate name Candidate no.


(Centre assessor to record: assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in the Assessor Observation Evidence section of this record, to support the assessment decision.)

AC achieved

AC The candidate can:

1.S.1 Make relevant and extended contributions to discussions, allowing for and responding to other’s input. Assessor guidance: Candidate makes relevant and extended contributions to an exchange, e.g. by saying, ‘It is important to look smart at an interview because first impressions are really important’ and ‘It is a good idea to prepare answers for an interview so that you can respond to the interviewer with confidence’. Candidate also allows the other person to speak (e.g. uses turn-taking conventions) and responds to the other person’s input, e.g. in a calm and rational manner and without causing conflict.

1.S.2 Prepare for and contribute to the exchange of ideas and opinions. Assessor guidance: Candidate prepares for and contributes to the formal discussion of ideas and opinions, e.g. actively expresses their ideas and opinions in relation to the topic in a formal way on more than one occasion.

1.S.3 Make different kinds of contributions to an exchange. Assessor guidance: Candidate makes different kinds of contributions to an exchange, e.g. asking questions, responding to questions, summarising key points and expressing opinions and ideas.

1.S.4 Present information/points of view clearly and in appropriate language. Assessor guidance: Candidate speaks clearly and at an appropriate volume to present information/points of view and uses appropriate language for the situation.


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Functional Skills English

Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 1 – Exchange (Between 2 people)


AC Centre assessor to record: assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in this section, to support the assessment decision





Centre assessor name (print) Centre assessor signature Date

Candidate: I confirm that the evidence provided is the result of my own work.

Candidate signature Date

Internal moderator name (print) (if sampled)

Internal moderator signature Date

Pass Fail Examiner moderator signature (if sampled) Date

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Functional Skills English

Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 1 - Group Discussion (Between 3 and 5 people)

Centre name Centre no.

Candidate name Candidate no.


(Centre assessor to record: assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in the Assessor Observation Evidence section of this record, to support the assessment decision.)

AC achieved

AC The candidate can:

1.S.1 Make relevant and extended contributions to discussions, allowing for and responding to others’ input. Assessor guidance: Candidate makes relevant and extended contributions to discussions, e.g. by saying, ‘Nelson Mandela was a great leader, who strongly believed in equality’ and ‘Martin Luther King was also famous for fighting against inequality and he won the Nobel Peace Prize for this in 1964’. Candidate also allows others to speak (e.g. uses turn-taking conventions) and responds to others’ input (e.g. in a calm and rational manner and without causing conflict).

1.S.2 Prepare for and contribute to the formal discussion of ideas and opinions. Assessor guidance: Candidate prepares for and contributes to the formal discussion of ideas and opinions, e.g. actively expresses their ideas and opinions in relation to the topic in a formal way on more than one occasion.

1.S.3 Make different kinds of contributions to discussions. Assessor guidance: Candidate makes different kinds of contributions to discussions, e.g. by asking questions, responding to questions, summarising key points and expressing opinions and ideas.

1.S.4 Present information/points of view clearly and in appropriate language. Assessor guidance: Candidate speaks clearly and at an appropriate volume to present information/points of view and uses appropriate language for the situation.


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Functional Skills English

Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 1 - Group Discussion (Between 3 and 5 people)


AC Centre assessor to record: assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in this section, to support the assessment decision





Centre assessor name (print) Centre assessor signature Date

Candidate: I confirm that the evidence provided is the result of my own work.

Candidate signature Date

Internal moderator name (print) (If sampled)

Internal moderator signature Date

Pass Fail Examiner moderator signature (if sampled)


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Functional Skills English

Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 2 - Group Discussion (Between 3 and 5 people)

Centre name Centre no.

Candidate name Candidate no.


(Centre assessor to record: assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in the Assessor Observation Evidence section of this record, to support the assessment decision.)

AC achieved

AC The candidate can:

2.S.1 Consider complex information and give a relevant, cogent response in appropriate language. Assessor guidance: Candidate listens to and considers complex information and gives responses in a relevant, cogent way using appropriate language, e.g. in a group discussion about how specific skills or personal attributes lead to success in a career.

2.S.3 Adapt contributions to suit audience, purpose and situation. Assessor guidance: Candidate adapts the frequency, length and level of detail of their own contributions to suit different people in the group, or any change in the direction of the topic and the direction/flow of the discussion.

2.S.4 Make significant contributions to discussions, taking a range of roles and helping to move discussions forward. Assessor guidance: Candidate makes significant contributions to discussions, taking on a range of roles (e.g. facilitator, timekeeper, innovator etc.) and intervenes on more than one occasion to move the discussion forward, using words and phrases that maintain the flow and forward momentum of the discussion.


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Functional Skills English

Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 2 – Group Discussion (Between 3 and 5 people)


AC Centre assessor to record: assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in this section, to support the assessment decision




Centre assessor name (print) Centre assessor signature Date

Candidate: I confirm that the evidence provided is the result of my own work.

Candidate signature Date

Internal moderator name (print) (If sampled)

Internal moderator signature Date

Pass Fail Examiner moderator signature (if sampled)


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Functional Skills English

Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 2 - Presentation

Centre name Centre no.

Candidate name Candidate no.


(Centre assessor to record: assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in the Assessor Observation Evidence section of this record, to support the assessment decision.)

AC achieved

AC The candidate can:

2.S.2 Present information and ideas clearly and persuasively to others. Assessor guidance: Candidate speaks clearly and persuasively to present information and ideas to others, e.g. by saying, ‘Poverty can have a very negative effect on a person’s health, psychological well-being and put stress on their personal relationships’.

2.S.3 Adapt contributions to suit audience, purpose and situation. Assessor guidance: Candidate adapts the frequency, length and level of detail of their own contributions to suit different people in the group, or any change in the direction of the topic and the direction/flow of the discussion, e.g. by adapting the style of delivery and pace in response to audience needs.


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Functional Skills English

Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 2 – Presentation


AC Centre assessor to record: assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in this section, to support the assessment decision



Centre assessor name (print) Centre assessor signature Date

Candidate: I confirm that the evidence provided is the result of my own work.

Candidate signature Date

Internal moderator name (print) Internal moderator signature Date

Pass Fail Examiner moderator signature (if sampled)


OCR Level 2 Assessor Observation Record 4 April 2016

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1.6 Assessing the Speaking, Listening and Communication unit

Level 1:

The following assessments will need to be conducted under controlled assessment conditions in order to meet the requirements of the Speaking, Listening and Communication unit at Level 1:

One formal/informal discussion (within a group) about unfamiliar subjects (the centre canchoose formal or informal)

One formal/informal exchange (one to one) about unfamiliar subjects.

The tutor or assessor may select the topic of discussion at level 1 as appropriate to the candidate. The topic for the discussion and exchange may be the same.

The discussion and exchange can either be based on the topics of the Reading and Writing assessments previously taken by the candidates OR a different topic selected by the centre. However, centres are reminded that topics selected must not create accessibility barriers to the candidate at the level. Evidence can be naturally occurring within real or simulated scenarios, and can also be evidence generated through other Speaking, listening and communication assessments.

Detailed information about the requirements of controlled assessment conditions can be found in the OCR Centre Handbook for this qualification.

Recording and Assessing:

Centres are reminded that assessment must be individual to each candidate, even where more than one candidate is being assessed on their contributions to the same group discussion.

OCR recording documentation/assessor observation forms are intended to be used for both formative and summative assessment i.e. these sheets can be used for feeding back strengths and weaknesses to candidates who have not met the skills standards, as well as for recording the final assessment of those candidates who have, according to the centre assessor, met the requirements of the coverage and range of the skills standards.

Only assessor observation sheets (and any supporting evidence) for candidates who have met the required standards, should be submitted to the OCR examiner-moderator.

When completing the assessor observation sheets, centres should ensure that they do not merely repeat the requirements of the standards but clearly say how the candidate has met them, or what the candidate has done to convince the assessor that they are competent. For example, the comment, ‘......took a range of roles in the discussion’ is unhelpful and merely repeats words from the standards. However, the comment, ‘.... asked questions, clarified comments and at times led the discussion’, exemplifies what they did to meet the standards.

Any supporting evidence (for example, from the discussion, notes of any preparation) should be kept and should also be presented to the OCR examiner-moderator. This helps to confirm the centre’s decision but does not replace the need for the assessor to complete the observation record forms.

Centres are reminded that there is no requirement for video or audio recordings of any speaking, listening and communication evidence.

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Group size and composition:

It is recommended that in a group discussion the number of participants is between three and five. It is also recommended that the assessor is not part of the group / discussion. These recommendations are not intended to add hurdles but to ensure that assessors can fully concentrate their efforts on observing candidates and assessing whether they are meeting the requirements of the standards. With more candidates in a group, each will have less opportunity to contribute and the task of assessing more than this number at any one time becomes increasingly difficult, as it does if someone is trying to both assess and contribute to a discussion.

For the purpose of an exchange, it is again recommended that the assessor is not part of the exchange, which should be between two people only.

Timings of the assessment:

The length of time for the assessment of the Speaking, Listening and Communication unit at Level 1 is 20 minutes in total and should take place under controlled assessment conditions. The discussion and exchange must be sufficiently long for the candidates to show they are competent across the skills standard and all aspects of the coverage and range. The 20 minutes can be split across the discussion and exchange as appropriate to the candidate(s). It is acceptable if the discussion and exchange takes longer than indicated, as long as it is no more than double the prescribed time. Where the timing of the assessment is less than the prescribed time, it is up to the assessor to judge if the candidate has met the required standard and demonstrated functionality.

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Level 2:

The following assessments will need to be conducted under controlled assessment conditions in order to meet the requirements of the Speaking, Listening and Communication unit at Level 2:

One formal discussion about unfamiliar subjects conducted under controlled assessmentconditions

One presentation about unfamiliar subjects conducted under controlled assessmentconditions.

Centres may select the topic of discussion and presentation at level 2 as appropriate to the candidate. The subject for the discussion and presentation can be similar, if appropriate. This can either be based on the topics of the Reading and Writing assessments OR a different topic selected by the centre. However, centres are reminded that topics selected must not create accessibility barriers to the candidate at the level. Evidence can be naturally occurring within real or simulated scenarios, and can also be evidence generated through other Speaking, listening and communication assessments.

Detailed information about the requirements of controlled assessment conditions can be found in the OCR Centre Handbook for this qualification.

Recording and Assessing:

Centres are reminded that assessment must be individual to each candidate, even where more than one candidate is being assessed on their contributions to the same group discussion.

OCR recording documentation/assessor observation sheets are intended to be used for both formative and summative assessment i.e. these sheets can be used for feeding back strengths and weaknesses to candidates who have not met the skills standards, as well as for recording the final assessment of those candidates who have, according to the centre assessor, met the requirements of the coverage and range of the skills standards. These are available to download from the OCR website www.ocr.org.uk

Only assessor observation sheets (and any supporting evidence) for candidates who have met the required standards, should be submitted to the OCR examiner-moderator.

When completing the assessor observation sheets, centres should ensure that they do not merely repeat the requirements of the standards but clearly say how the candidate has met them, or what the candidate has done to convince the assessor that they are competent. For example, the comment, ‘......took a range of roles in the discussion’ is unhelpful and merely repeats words from the standards. However, the comment, ‘.... asked questions, clarified comments and at times led the discussion’, exemplifies what they did to meet the standards.

Any supporting evidence (for example, from the discussion, notes of any preparation or slides for the presentation) should be kept and should also be sent to the OCR examiner-moderator. This helps to confirm the centre’s decision but does not replace the need for the assessor to complete the observation record forms.

Centres are reminded that there is no requirement for video or audio recordings of any speaking, listening and communication evidence.

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Group size and composition:

It is recommended that in a group discussion or presentation the number of participants is between three and five. It is also recommended that the assessor is not part of the group / discussion. These recommendations are not intended to add hurdles but to ensure that assessors can fully concentrate their efforts on observing candidates and assessing whether they are meeting the requirements of the standards. With more candidates in a group, each will have less opportunity to contribute and the task of assessing more than this number at any one time becomes increasingly difficult, as it does if someone is trying to both assess and contribute to a discussion.

For the purpose of an exchange, it is again recommended that the assessor is not part of the exchange, which should be between two people only.

Timings of the assessment:

The length of time for the assessment of the Speaking, Listening and Communication unit at level 2 is 30 minutes in total and should take place under Controlled Assessment conditions. It is recommended that the discussion be a minimum of 20 minutes at level 2. The discussion must be sufficiently long for the candidates to show they are competent across the skills standard and all aspects of the coverage and range. It is therefore acceptable if the discussion takes longer than indicated, as long as it is no more than 10 minutes over the prescribed time. Where the timing of the assessment is less than the prescribed time, it is up to the assessor to judge if the candidate has met the required standard and demonstrated functionality.

It is recommended that the minimum length of time for the presentation at level 2 should be 10 minutes, excluding any question and answer session. The presentation must be sufficiently long for the candidates to show they are competent across the skills standard and all aspects of the coverage and range. It is therefore acceptable if the presentation takes longer than indicated, as long as it is no more than 10 minutes over the prescribed time. Where the timing of the assessment is less than the prescribed time, it is up to the assessor to judge if the candidate has met the required standard and demonstrated functionality.

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1.7 Where to find more information

The following documents contain detailed information about the assessment and administration of the OCR Functional Skills English qualifications:

OCR Functional Skills English Level 1 Centre Handbook (available on the OCR website http://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/type/fs_2010/english/l1/index.html)

OCR Functional Skills English Level 2 Centre Handbook (available on the OCR website http://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/type/fs_2010/english/l2/index.html)

OCR Admin Guide: Functional Skills (available on the OCR website www.ocr.org.uk/administration/documents/vocational.html )

OCR step by step guide to making online claims for QCF and Functional skills qualifications (available on the OCR website http://www.ocr.org.uk/interchange/docs/index.html)

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1.8 Appendix 1 Example claim documentation Level 1

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Functional Skills English

Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 1 - Exchange (Between 2 people)

Centre name RFT College Centre no. 999999

Candidate name Hansat Ali Candidate no. 9999990000000


(Centre assessor to record: assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in the Assessor Observation Evidence

section of this record, to support the assessment decision.) AC achieved

AC The candidate can:

1.S.1 Make relevant and extended contributions to discussions, allowing for and responding to other’s input. Assessor guidance: Candidate makes relevant and extended contributions to an exchange, e.g. by saying, ‘It is important to look smart at an interview because first impressions are really important’ and ‘It is a good idea to prepare answers for an interview so that you can respond to the interviewer with confidence’. Candidate also allows the other person to speak (e.g. uses turn-taking conventions) and responds to the other person’s input, e.g. in a calm and rational manner and without causing conflict.


1.S.2 Prepare for and contribute to the exchange of ideas and opinions. Assessor guidance: Candidate prepares for and contributes to the formal discussion of ideas and opinions, e.g. actively expresses their ideas and opinions in relation to the topic in a formal way on more than one occasion.


1.S.3 Make different kinds of contributions to an exchange. Assessor guidance: Candidate makes different kinds of contributions to an exchange, e.g. asking questions, responding to questions, summarising key points and expressing opinions and ideas.


1.S.4 Present information/points of view clearly and in appropriate language. Assessor guidance: Candidate speaks clearly and at an appropriate volume to present information/points of view and uses appropriate language for the situation.



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Functional Skills English

Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 1 – Exchange (Between 2 people)


AC Centre assessor to record: assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in this section, to support the assessment decision

1.S.1 Hansat was involved in an exchange with Jed, another student, about ‘Work and behaviour at work’. He made extended contributions, e.g. he said, ‘You need to use the right body language. You need to sit up straight when someone is talking to you and nod to show that you are listening. You also need to be helpful with other people and ask for help when you need it.’ Hansat also made sure that Jed had plenty of opportunities to take part in the exchange and when Jed made comments, Hansat responded in a communicative way, e.g. When Jed said, ‘You can’t say bad things about people while you are at work’, Hansat replied with, ‘No, I agree. If you say bad things about people you work with then you won’t make any friends and … well… it’s just not professional, is it?’

1.S.2 Hansat was well prepared to exchange ideas and opinions. He listened to Jed’s ideas and opinions and made contributions about his own ideas and opinions. E.g. Hansat said, ‘I think if you don’t behave properly at work you definitely won’t be able to keep the job. This will affect your future because you won’t look good to other employers.’ Later, he said, ‘If I want to be successful, then I should make sure I am really positive and show I am keen to take things on.’

1.S.3 Hansat was very good at expressing his ideas (‘Employees could try their best ‘to be the best’’) and opinions (‘Some people are just not bothered about succeeding in their careers’). He was also good at asking questions, e.g. ‘Where would you ideally like to work’ and ‘What will you need to do to get a job like that?’ He also replied to Jed’s questions about his ideal working environment. He said, ‘I would like to work in a computer shop that specialises in top quality systems.’

1.S.4 Throughout the exchange, Hansat spoke in a well-defined way and at a volume that was appropriate to the situation, which enabled Jed to hear everything that he said. He used suitable language at all times and was well-mannered and polite. E.g. ‘I think that is a really good career choice. I think you’d be good at that because you are good at getting on with other people.’

Centre assessor name (print) CHRIS EDWARDS Centre assessor signature C. Edwards Date 5.1.16

Candidate: I confirm that the evidence provided is the result of my own work.

Candidate signature Hansat Ali Date 6.1.16

Internal moderator name (print) Daniel Smith (If sampled) Internal moderator signature Jan Smith

Date 15.1.16

Pass Fail Examiner moderator signature (if sampled)


2 OCR Level 1 Listening and responding skills

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Example of a Level 1 candidate preparation notes for an exchange.

26 OCR Award in Functional Skills English

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Functional Skills English

Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 1 - Group Discussion (Between 3 and 5 people)

Centre name RFT College Centre no. 999999

Candidate name Hansat Ali Candidate no. 9999990000000


(Centre assessor to record: assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in the Assessor Observation Evidence

section of this record, to support the assessment decision.) AC achieved

AC The candidate can:

1.S.1 Make relevant and extended contributions to discussions, allowing for and responding to others’ input. Assessor guidance: Candidate makes relevant and extended contributions to discussions, e.g. by saying, ‘Nelson Mandela was a great leader, who strongly believed in equality’ and ‘Martin Luther King was also famous for fighting against inequality and he won the Nobel Peace Prize for this in 1964’. Candidate also allows others to speak (e.g. uses turn-taking conventions) and responds to others’ input (e.g. in a calm and rational manner and without causing conflict).


1.S.2 Prepare for and contribute to the formal discussion of ideas and opinions. Assessor guidance: Candidate prepares for and contributes to the formal discussion of ideas and opinions, e.g. actively expresses their ideas and opinions in relation to the topic in a formal way on more than one occasion.


1.S.3 Make different kinds of contributions to discussions. Assessor guidance: Candidate makes different kinds of contributions to discussions, e.g. by asking questions, responding to questions, summarising key points and expressing opinions and ideas.


1.S.4 Present information/points of view clearly and in appropriate language. Assessor guidance: Candidate speaks clearly and at an appropriate volume to present information/points of view and uses appropriate language for the situation.



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Functional Skills English

Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 1 – Group Discussion (Between 3 and 5 people)


AC Centre assessor to record: assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in this section, to support the assessment decision

1.S.1 Hansat had a group discussion with two other learners, Sara and Gita. The topic was ‘global warming’. He made comprehensive contributions, e.g. he said, ‘You can tell that things are changing. There’s been more flooding in this country over the last couple of years and the temperature is warmer in wintertime. Each of us needs to do what we can to try to make things better.’ Hansat made sure that Sara and Gita had many opportunities to take part in the exchange by respecting turn-taking conventions. When the others made comments, Hansat responded in a sensible way, e.g. When Sara said, ‘I think we need to use more solar and wind energy’, Hansat responded with, ‘Yes, I agree. We can’t keep using energy that is damaging the environment, can we?’

1.S.2 Hansat was able to talk about ideas and opinions and he excelled himself in this area. He listened to Gita and Sara’s ideas/opinions and made inputs about his own ideas/opinions. E.g. Hansat said, ‘People think that the temperature change is natural, but I think there is so much doubt about this that we need to take action.’ Then, further into the discussion, he said, ‘Each one of us needs to recycle as much as we can, but there are so many people who just don’t care. I see other students throwing cans in the general waste all the time, when cans should always be recycled.’

1.S.3 Hansat expressed his ideas (setting up an eco-society) and views (‘People don’t care enough about looking after the environment’). He was also good at asking Sara and Gita questions, e.g. ‘What do you think we could do here in college to educate people better?’ and ‘Do you think we should set up an eco-society to get students to recycle more?’ He also responded to questions about whether his family members recycle at home. He said, ‘My dad’s a geography teacher, so he’s well up on the subject. He nags us all the time at home to make sure that we put things in the right bins.’

1.S.4 During the discussion, Hansat spoke clearly and at the correct volume, which ensured that Gita and Sara could hear what he was saying. He used the appropriate language at all times and was courteous and respectful. E.g. ‘It’s good to talk to people who care about the environment. I’ve enjoyed this discussion.’

Centre assessor name (print) ) CHRIS EDWARDS Centre assessor signature C. Edwards Date 2.12.15

Candidate: I confirm that the evidence provided is the result of my own work.

Candidate signature Hansat Ali Date 4.12.15

Internal moderator name (print) (If sampled) Internal moderator signature Jan Smith

Date 15.1.16

Pass YES Fail Examiner moderator signature (if sampled)


4 OCR Level 1 Listening and responding skills

Page 29: English speaking, listening & communication assessment - OCR

Example of a Level 1 candidate preparation notes for a discussion.

29 OCR Award in Functional Skills English

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1.9 Appendix 2 Example claim documentation Level 2

30 OCR Award in Functional Skills English

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Functional Skills English

Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 2 - Group Discussion (Between 3 and 5 people)

Centre name RFT College Centre no. 777777

Candidate name Abbey Smith Candidate no. 676767676767


AC The learner can:

(Centre assessor to record: assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in the ‘assessor observation evidence’ section of this record, to support the assessment decision.)

AC achieved

2.S.1 Consider complex information and give a relevant, cogent response in appropriate language

Assessor guidance: Candidate listens to and considers complex information and gives responses in a relevant, cogent way using appropriate language, e.g. in a group discussion about how specific skills or personal attributes lead to success in a career.


2.S.3 Adapt contributions to suit audience, purpose and situation

Assessor guidance: Candidate adapts the frequency, length and level of detail of their own contributions to suit different people in the group, or any change in the direction of the topic and the direction/flow of the discussion.


2.S.4 Make significant contributions to discussions, taking a range of roles and helping to move discussions forward

Assessor guidance: Candidate makes significant contributions to discussions, taking on a range of roles (e.g. facilitator, timekeeper, innovator etc.) and intervenes on more than one occasion to move the discussion forward, using words and phrases that maintain the flow and forward momentum of the discussion.



OCR Level 2 Listening and responding skills 1

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Functional Skills English

Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 2 – Group Discussion (Between 3 and 5 people)

ASSESSOR OBSERVATION EVIDENCE AC Centre assessor to record: assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in this section, to support the assessment decision

2.S.1 Abbey took part in a group discussion with three other learners. The discussion was about ‘Obesity and its Effects’. Abbey listened to complex information about obesity that was presented by others in the discussion, e.g. ‘A BMI of 30 and above indicates that a person is overweight.’ and ‘Obesity can lead to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, strokes and depression.’ Abbey gave excellent and appropriate responses in a convincing way during the discussion, e.g. ‘Obesity can often be caused due to a person eating high calories foods and not taking enough regular exercise. People’s mind-set and lifestyles need to be changed through better education.’ Abbey used language that was thoroughly suitable for the situation.

2.S.3 Abbey adapted her contributions to suit individuals in the group. Abbey knows that Hanna can sometimes struggle to understand complicated terms and so Abbey explained what she was talking about in a way that was easier for Hanna to understand. Abbey demonstrated that she could adapt what she said to match changes in the discussion, e.g. The discussion changed slightly when Jo mentioned the dangers of people being under-weight and Abbey was able to talk about this issue with confidence by saying, ‘Being too under-weight can lead to death. I recently saw a programme about Karen Carpenter (she was the singer in the Carpenters) and apparently she died because of anorexia. I know that obesity is a big problem, but many people are under pressure to be too slim.’

2.S.4 Abbey was a central part in this discussion and she made fantastic inputs throughout. She showed that she could take on different roles by making sure that the conversation kept to the main topic and she supported others by asking them what their opinions were. Her mature attitude ensured that the discussion kept on moving forward, e.g. she said ‘I see what you mean, but what do you think about……’, ‘Could you clarify what you mean by ‘Couch to 5K’, as I have never heard of it before?’ and ‘Did you know that sometimes there are clinical reasons that cause a person to be obese?’ etc.

Centre assessor name (print) Ben Khan Centre assessor signature Ben Khan Date 15.1.16

Candidate: I confirm that the evidence provided is the result of my own work.

Candidate signature Abbey Smith Date 15.1.16

Internal moderator name (print) Sally Reid (If sampled) Internal moderator signature Sally Reid

Date 20.1.16

Pass YES Fail External moderator signature (If sampled)


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Example of a Level 2 candidate preparation notes for a discussion.

33 OCR Award in Functional Skills English

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Functional Skills English

Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 2 - Presentation

Centre name RFT College Centre no. 777777

Candidate name Abbey Smith Candidate no. 676767676767


(Centre assessor to record: assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in the ‘assessor observation evidence’ section of this record, to support the assessment decision.)

AC achieved

2.S.2 Present information and ideas clearly and persuasively to others

Assessor guidance: Candidate speaks clearly and persuasively to present information and ideas to others, e.g. by saying, ‘Poverty can have a very negative effect on a person’s health, psychological well-being and put stress on their personal relationships’.


2.S.3 Adapt contributions to suit audience, purpose and situation

Assessor guidance: Candidate adapts the frequency, length and level of detail of their own contributions to suit different people in the group, or any change in the direction of the topic and the direction/flow of the discussion, e.g. by adapting the style of delivery and pace in response to audience needs.



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Functional Skills English

Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 2 – Presentation

ASSESSOR OBSERVATION EVIDENCE AC Centre assessor to record: assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in this section, to support the assessment decision

2.S.2 Abbey carried out a presentation about ‘Gender Dysphoria’ and used Power Point as support. She used excellent images, which helped to maintain the audience’s attention. Abbey spoke in a very clear way and this meant that everyone could hear what she said throughout the presentation. She presented the information and ideas in a convincing way. For example, she said ‘Puberty can be very challenging for people who have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria. They report feeling very shocked at the changes that are affecting their bodies. Medication can be given to delay puberty, which can ease the situation. However, individuals can still be left feeling like they are trapped in the wrong body. People with gender dysphoria need lots of support from family and friends, but unfortunately people around them can sometimes fail to understand the situation. This could lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.’

2.S.3 Abbey modified her presentation to suit the different individuals in the group. For example, Abbey knows that Chris is familiar with the issue and understands the associated technical terms, but that Asad has limited awareness, so she made sure that she added additional explanations and slowed her pace at times to differentiate within the audience. Abbey proved that she could alter what she said to match changes in the presentation, e.g. When the presentation format changed to question and answer situation, she facilitated more of a discussion forum, which concluded her excellent presentation perfectly. Abbey’s skills in the area of verbal communication are very good and well stand her in good stead for her studies next year.

Centre assessor name (print) Ben Khan Centre assessor signature Ben Khan Date 10.1.16

Candidate: I confirm that the evidence provided is the result of my own work.

Candidate signature Abbey Smith Date 10.1.16

Internal moderator name (print) Sally Reid (If sampled) Internal moderator signature Sally Reid

Date 14.1.16

Pass YES Fail External moderator signature (If sampled)


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Example of a Level 2 candidate slides handout.

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