entrepreneurship ciputra way


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Entrepreneurship Ciputra Way Online Course Module English version ISBN 978-602-14459-3-8


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Compiled by:Universitas Ciputra Entrepreneurship Online

Publised by:Universitas Ciputra

Surabaya, 2014

EntrepreneurshipCiputra Way

Online Course Module

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ii Entrepreneurship Ciputra Way

Online Course Module: Entrepreneurship Ciputra WayCompiled by: Universitas Ciputra Entrepreneurship Online (UCEO)

English versionTranslated to English by SEH Translation Service

Copyright © 2014. Universitas Ciputra. All rights reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder.

First Published by Universitas Ciputra Surabaya, October 2014

ISBN: 978-602-14459-3-8

Universitas Ciputra Entrepreneurship Online (UCEO)www.ciputra-uceo.com

Universitas Ciputrawww.uc.ac.id

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“I dream, that 25 years later, at least four million of new entrepreneurs will be born in Indonesia. From Sabang to Merauke, coast to mountains, villages to big cities. Children of farmers, fishermen, teachers, labor, civil services, polices, and soldiers, all will become entrepreneurs.”

One of my dreams that I want to achieve is to help this Indonesia to become an entrepreneur nation. In order to achieve this I have decided to pour my vision and mission in a book of Ciputra Quantum Leap

Entrepreneurship Ciputra Quantum Leap Entrepreneurship Changes Your Nation and Yourself. As we know together, most people of Indonesia, a country that is rich with its abundant natural resources, have lived in an unemployment situation that have brought them to poverty. I see that entrepreneurship is the missing factor in this situation based on my own life experience in setting up and developing a group of three developers: Jaya Group, Metropolitan Group and Ciputra Group. Entrepreneurship was once owned by our great nation but is not currently owned by the majority of our people. You can see the history of my life and entrepreneurship in a book entitled Ciputra Way. On the other hand, an expert named Landes said that a nation can advance if 2% of its population is entrepreneurs. That means that with the total number of Indonesia’s population, we need as many as 4.4 million entrepreneurs. However, the data shows that currently we only have 400 thousand entrepreneurs, which means that only 0.18 % of the total population of Indonesia is entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, as shown by the data collection done by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), Singapore has 7% entrepreneurs and America has 11% entrepreneurs. Who is an entrepreneur then? To me, entrepreneur is someone who can change the dirt and junk into gold. He is capable of creating a significant creative change from something that is not worth becoming valuable, resulting in a final product that has a market value, and is able to initiate the change from zero point or from dirt and junk that are first considered as worthless.


Foreword“I Have a Dream” By Mr. Ciputra

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This is the entrepreneurship process that I have done so far for each of my property development projects. An area that was not worth inhabited has been converted into integrated residential areas and therefore could lift up the life quality value and dignity of each person who lives in it. In fact, the people who live around the built area could enjoy the benefits of facilities available in the area and other advantages as resulted by the economic growth due to the development of the area. Of many traits that might be owned by an entrepreneur, I see that there are three characteristics that an entrepreneur must have. The first trait is that he is someone that creates opportunity. The second trait is that he is an innovator. The third trait is that he is a calculated-risk taking. As a creator of meaningful opportunities through his creative imagination, he is able to identify unsatisfied or unfulfilled needs of the community. It is the key of importance in the creation of a new business in the future. To give you all a concrete example, when I met Mr. Ali Sadikin, Governor of Jakarta at that time, Ancol area has become the largest recreational area at the time. I saw that there was the need for recreational areas as desired by the community but it was not yet available. So that when the proposal was submitted for regional development, city government approved a plan that is consistent with the Bung Karno’s plan. Ancol opportunities had been created. The second characteristic of an entrepreneur is that he an innovator. Many people lack a complete understanding of this word. Innovator is someone who is able to introduce new thing to the community to accept it. A new thing to introduce but has not been accepted by the public can only be called a finding or invention. An entrepreneur is able to create a product that can not be rejected by the market. The third trait of an entrepreneur is that he is calculated a risk taker, not by his emotion. An entrepreneur is able to calculate the risks that he faces. Not only that, he is able to minimize these risks. He is able to do so before making a decision to minimize the risks as small as possible and to create opportunities to succeed as big as possible. Of the three traits above I would like to highlight innovation. Why is innovation so important and relevant to be known by every employee of Ciputra Innovation Group, is because innovation should be continuously done in the various aspects of a product, business management systems, marketing and others. The goal is that Ciputra Group will always have a new product that is accepted by the market. Also, it is because only by innovations, Ciputra Group will be at the forefront of the development group property world. Therefore it is so important for every employee of Ciputra Group to continue to innovate in their respective work areas. So far, actually it is the

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spirit of innovation that encourages the creation of new businesses every year. However, innovation is not merely the ideas of one person in a company. Innovation will instead be realized by arranging them in the management of innovation and entrepreneurship. Through my own experience in business development and lately through the Ciputra University Entrepreneurship Center (UCEC), I am convinced that the spirit, soul and entrepreneurial skills can be taught and transmitted. Which is why, every Ciputra Group employee must learn and read Ciputra Quantum Leap book. This is just the beginning. I look forward to the creation of a culture of entrepreneurship and innovations in Ciputra Group since this company itself becomes a place to directly learn directly about entrepreneurship and innovations. Finally, I sincerely hope that after reading the book, each employee could be convinced to start learning and practicing the process of entrepreneurship in this company. I’m sure that this will always make Ciputra Group to become a leader in the field of property development business. Can you imagine if the majority of Indonesian people understand entrepreneurship and are able to do so, many people will be able to create jobs for themselves and for others. Any company can become more advanced with entrepreneurship consequently, and for the result, Indonesia can achieve prosperity faster than ever expected, from Sabang to Merauke, from the coast to the mountains. This is what I mean as Quantum Leap, a leap that brings you and me and Indonesia to be free from poverty and move towards prosperity and alignment with other developed nations. And I have been able to see that happens through my vision. At the time of this writing, what is written in the book of Ciputra Quantum Leap is being implemented vigorously among others, such as training of trainers for 1,600 lecturers from all over Indonesia until July 2009, sending 5 Indonesian lecturers to study at the Kauffman Foundation, Kansas City, USA, establishing D3 and S2 in the field of entrepreneurship in the near future, and cooperating with Damandiri Foundation and PT Puspita Martha for entrepreneurship training for their school. UCEC creates a learning system for basic education of intermediate entrepreneurship learning, which is referred to as Ciputra Entrepreneurship School (CES). My goal, started with establishing UCEC, can hopefully encourage the creation of Indonesia as an entrepreneur nation in 25 years.

May God bless all of us.

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“This is a high-quality learning, with various competent sources. No more limitations. People from all places in Indonesia can gather here, learn together,

and share information, experiences, and tricks in running the business. This information is obtained not only from the mentor, but also from UCEO

participants themselves. It’s really a very interactive discussion forum. Again, thank you very much. Greetings, entrepreneur!“

- Nasrun Galileo

“This is an amazing personal experience. Every time I viewed the video Mr. Ciputra, I do not just watch a lesson of business, but more than that, I felt a

sincerity, dedication, hope, and spirit that I couldn’t describe with words. A rare opportunity for me, where there is a successful entrepreneur with a very noble dream, to create millions of new Indonesian entrepreneurs, and I am proud to

join it.”- Syaiful Anam

“If all educational institutions in Indonesia had programmed entrepreneurship as a compulsory subject, there would have been a lot of entrepreneurs who were

born in Indonesia. I am so lucky to join UCEO because it has opened my eyes and broadened my knowledge to act entrepreneurial.”

- Poppy Anandita

“I’m assuming that what I have learned during these 7 weeks as an appetizer of my entrepreneur taste. So I am very satisfied with the appetizer served by

UCEO. Now, I am ready for the main dish.”- Aprianus Makmurdi

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Foreword ................................................................................................................... Contents ......................................................................................................................

Introduction ............................................................................................................

Module 1 Entrepreneurship Mindset ..................................................................Module 2 Opportunity Identification .................................................................Module 3 Creativity & Innovation ........................................................................Module 4 Calculated Risk Taking ....................................................................Module 5 Ethical Entrepreneurial Leadership................................................Module 6 Attitude to Failure.................................................................................Module 7 Determination ........................................................................................

Appendix ..................................................................................................................7 Secrets of successTen Principles Of Ciputra Business in Starting a New BusinessMeaning of Greetings EntrepreneurReferences for Learning







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Entrepreneurship for the Nation

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Universitas Ciputra Entrepreneurship Online or “UCEO” organizes distance learning programs that are opened for all people, in the form of a non - degree program. This program uses experience - based

learning method and project - based learning method. “UCEO” program organizes entrepreneurship and other related topics. This program is for anyone who wishes to improve their knowledge and skills as an entrepreneur. This distance learning program is a learning program by using a medium that allows the learning process between teachers and learners to happen without face-to-face interaction. In other words, this program makes possible for all learners to learn together without being worried of the distances and places as the limitation factors. This learning program aims to prepare you to become entrepreneurs by making a quantum leap. For that you need optimistic and realistic mental attitude. High optimism and confidence would take someone to achieve their dream, but still there is no 100 % guarantee of for it. To learn entrepreneur without doing it is like to read a stack of books about theory of swimming in the library. Like an entrepreneurship candidate who only studies entrepreneurship in the classroom without willingness to practice what he already have in the real life. Sacrifices that you need to make when starting to create a small business, as example, is just a bit of struggle that you should make as an entrepreneur. The struggle to be initiated is still around your internal self. You have to face the fear and mistrust in your thoughts and minds. You should be able to face all the challenges and provide the best that you can do because only by doing you can know the truth and pervade the sense of becoming a true entrepreneur. By directly learning from Indonesian entrepreneurship teacher, Mr. Ciputra, it gives you the opportunity to immediately get success strategies of becoming an entrepreneur. However, being successful is not easy. By knowing that success is very difficult to obtain, we will be ‘forced‘ to exhaust all means to work as hard and as smart as possible. Through this program, your knowledge, skills and attitudes as an entrepreneur will experience a quantum leap.



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The Learning Model

Online learning (also known as electronic learning or e -learning) is the result of a study submitted electronically using a computer and computer-based media. Online learning model is an effective model

of the future because it answers the demands of the science and technology. E-Learning is a web-based learning and takes advantage over universal internet protocol. The learning process will go on asynchronously. It means that learning experience will be different in terms of time and place. Teachers convey the material and store them on the internet at one time. Then participants/learners study material obtained on the internet at any other time. The materials are available in the form of various types of files, such as *.doc, *.pdf, *.docx , or *.xls document files; Image files with the extension *.jpg, *.png, and animation file with the extension *.swf, or *.gif. In addition to text, images and animations, sound and movies are also two other types of materials that can be developed in this asynchronous learning materials. As a web-based distance learning system, sometimes it raises a question of doubt for the learners: “Can I follow this learning system?” The answer is yes, you certainly can. You can follow this program since online learning requires students to learn on their own initiative (self-learning). UCEO implements a MOOC system (Massive Open Online Course) which means a large online learning that is open and accessible for a large variety of students all over the world since August 2013. UCEO was the first to organize online courses with MOOC platform in Indonesia. Because MOOC targets the massive number of participants (mass, massive), then UCEO will facilitate the needs of interaction process between educators and participants through forums. Additionally, automatic feedback is provided in each learning contents such as material, online quizzes, and online tests. UCEO does not provide review and feedback on what has been done by the students one by one. However, review and feedback can vary depending on the results of the participants on the content provided. UCEO will give digital certificate for participants who pass the online learning.

General Purpose Participants have mindset and passion needed to become an entrepreneur, innovative, insightful and has a good business ethic, so they have the awareness needed to change themselves from adopting a culture of jobseeker to adopting the culture of a job-creator that can be accepted by the market.

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Special Purposes• To have the interest and ability to be an innovative entrepreneur.• To be sensitive to the needs of the market and to be able to create

business opportunities.• To be motivated to start a business, by taking calculated risks.

Learning time needed: 4-6 hours/week

Prerequisites There are no special requirements to join online class of “Entrepreneurship Ciputra Way”.

Outcomes All Participants have the entrepreneurial mindset and attitude and are able to utilize all resources that they have to develop a business as an entrepreneur.

Evaluation System At the end of each weekly topic there will be a quiz to test participants’ understanding of the learning material. Quizzes are given in the form of multiple choices. Each quiz has a time limit. Participants are required to complete each quiz available.

Course OutlineWeek 1 They see but don’t think

The general theme of Week 1 is The Entrepreneurial Vision, a vision which is grounded in the passion and opportunity. In Week 1, it will also be discussed about the entrepreneurial mindset, insight and market sensitivity.

Week 2 They think but don’t getThe general theme of Week 2 is The Opportunity Identification. In Week 2, various ways of identifying opportunities and Opportunity Creation will be discussed.

Week 3 They get, but don’t get impressed The general theme of Week 3 is The Creativity and Innovation. People who are creative and innovative are able to get an impression since they can see the “insight” or “inspiration” which might not visible to others.

Week 4 They get impressed, but don’t actThe general theme of Week 4 is The Calculated Risk Taking, in which is discussed about the importance of leveraging and feasibility study. An entrepreneur seeks to minimize risk to achieve the maximum benefits.


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Week 5 They act, but don’t act entrepreneurial The general theme of Week 5 is The Entrepreneurial and Ethical Leadership. An entrepreneur is a leader who possesses entrepreneurial spirit and always acts with integrity (ethical).

Week 6 They act entrepreneurial, but don’t succeedThe general theme of Week 6 is The Attitude to Failure or Risk Propensity. An entrepreneur is not afraid to fail because he assumes that both failure and successful have similar values.

Week 7 A true entrepreneur fails 10 times but arises 11 timesThe general theme of Week 7 is The Determination. This is a hallmark of Mr. Ciputra as an entrepreneur who is innovative and is able to multiply.

References for learning• Bolton, Bill & Thompson, John,(2005) “Entrepreneurs, Talent,

Temperanment, Technique” Elseveir, Butterworth-Heinemann, Burlington

• Ciputra. (2008) “Quantum Leap: Bagaimana Entrepreneurship Dapat Mengubah Masa Depan Anda dan Masa Depan Bangsa”. Jakarta: PT Elex Media Komputindo.

• Ciputra, Tanan Antonius, Waluyo Agung. (2011) “Ciputra Quan-tum Leap 2: Kenapa & Bagaimana Entrepreneurship Mengubah Masa Depan Bangsa Dan Masa Depan Anda” Jakarta: PT Elex Media Komputindo.

• Donald F. Kuratko (2009) “Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, and Practice, 8th Edition” South- Western: Cengage Learning.

• Harefa Andrias, Siadari Eben Ezer. (2007) “The Ciputra Way: Praktik Terbaik Menjadi Entrepreneur Sejati” Jakatra: PT Elex Media Komputindo.

• Read, S., Sarasvathy, S., Dew, N., Wiltbank, R. & Ohlsson, A. (2010) “Effectual Entrepreneurship” Abingdon/New York: Rout-ledge

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Discussion Topic The main point highlighted in Week 1 is Entrepreneurial Vision, a vision that is grounded in passion and opportunity. Entrepreneurial mindset, insight, and market sensitivity will be discussed also in Week 1.

Points of Discussion Topic •EntrepreneurialVision•MarketSensitivity

Learning Objectives After following and studying the material of Week 1, UC onliners can gain an understanding of how to think as an entrepreneur.

Teaching and Learning Activities UC onliners are expected to view the instructional videos already available and to read the existing literature. We provide the video transcript forthosewhohavedifficultiesinlisteningtothespeechinthevideo.Attheend of the week there will be a quiz to test the understanding of the material.

Video •EntrepreneurialMindset–Ciputra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2O7cmo0Kpo•EntrepreneurialVision-AntoniusTanan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zy92kk0QB1A•MarketSensitivity-DennyBernardus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKDthAPG9UU

Entrepreneurship Mindset

Module 1Entrepreneurship Mindset

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Entrepreneurial Mindset ByMr.Ciputra

furniture, I ordered to make, and sold it. Then I worked at the architectural firm. For my apprenticeship. Then I founded an architectural firm.Well,there is. Then I thought and I got it, that it is an architect’s job to ask for the projecttodo.Forexample,IhavetocometoMr.Antonius.Wanttobuildaproject.ToMr.Dharma.Wanttobuildtheproject.Ihavetosay,“Sir,Iamanarchitect,Ihavearchitecturalfirm,pleasegivemeajob,I’lldesignit.”Well,nowIwasusingmybrainthattime.HowdidIovercomeit?Isaidtomyself,no. I have to create my opportunity. Not to look for opportunities. Let’s create our opportunities. What opportunities? For exampleifwehaveaproject, thenwhatareourchances?Whatkindofprojectwillbeestablished?Whatkindofprojectwillberealized?Allopportunitiesareupforme,tobuildanoffice,hotels,supermarkets,offices,it’sallareuptome. Thus, independence. Creating an opportunity with my own hands as developer.BeforeIgraduatedfromuniversity,Isaid“no”,Ididnotwanttobe an architect, I wanted to be developer. I would create my own project. Opportunity Creation.Well it is the second line of my poem. Yes, think.Think, but don’t get it. And once I had a thought, but I did not understand. Thatarchitectshouldbelookingforajobaroundhim.Me,mysoul,refusedthat at that time. I wanted my independence. I wanted my freedom. I wanted to be active. Well,whatisalsoimportantisthatwehavetohavefireinourselves.What kindoffire? Is it red, blue, orwhat color? If there is someonewhoonly wants to design because it is his hobby, then he doesn’t need another


Thefirst is tosee,butdon’t think.It means that you do not use your brain. Now we use our brain, but still do not get it.As for an example, first time I leftmyhometown was for my school time. I went to school In Bumbulan village, Gorontalowith an aspiration to be an architect. I was onfirebymyaspiration,beinganarchitect.I wanted to build a building. As a country boy,cassavaboy,orchicken-legboy,sinceI planted cassava and I didn’t wear shoes. Infact,whenIarrivedatGorontalo,Iwasstillnotwearingshoes.ButwhenIwasatschool, I already had my business. I made Mr. Ciputra

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thought.Hedoesnotneedtothinkaboutfinances.ButIamaholisticperson.IwantpeopletothinkfromAtoZ.Allinmyhands.Notmerelytotakepartinthedevelopmentprocessonly.SoIneedfire.Thereisakindoffireneededtomasterallareas, fromA toZ.So Iunderstand, Iunderstand thatbeinganarchitect isnot likewhat Iaspiredatfirst.And Iwastedsomuch timeformyarchitecteducation.Butthatisokay.Youcanfailtentimes,butyouhave to arise eleven times. I spent 5 years for my architect education but I didn’t graduate as an architects. I, a developer, also a contractor, a designer haveafirmthoughotherpeoplerunitforme,Iamanindustrialist,Iamafinancecompany.However,allofitistocreateanopportunity.OpportunityCreation. This is the basis for entrepreneur mindset. If you have a basis of an entrepreneur,thenyoucan,nomatterwhereyouare,createsomething.Sofor us, for myself who want to become entrepreneurs, I ‘m supposed to be reviewing my own self learning to become entrepreneurs. Each thing that I transfer and spread means to train my own self. Well, it means that I create opportunities for myself. To improve myself.

SalamEntrepreneur, forallUCOnliners.Untilwemeetagain.Besuccess,mayGodbewithyou.Thankyouforyourattention.

Entrepreneurial Vision ByAntoniusTanan


I want to invite all of you to understandfurtherwhatismeantbyMr.Ciputra from his poem, also from what he has told about IPE.What Iwill sharewith you all are based on my experiences workinginCiputraGroupfor25years. UCOnliners,ladiesandgentlemen,IwouldstartwiththeIPE.About2yearsagowhenMr.Ciputrawas80yearsold,hewas thinking very seriously about what is the essential word that represents all of his successes?Whatisthesecretessenceofhissuccess?Thenafterstartinghisdeepreflection,Mr.Ciputraconveyedthatthereare3wordsthatrepresentallofhissuccess.ThewordsareknownasIPEorIntegrity,ProfessionalismandEntrepreneurship.Therefore,since2yearsago,theIPEhasbecometheworkcultureoftheCiputraGroup.Mr.Ciputras

Antonius Tanan

Entrepreneurship Mindset

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wantsIPEtobeaprovisionforallofusinCiputraGrouptocontinuetogrowagreatereffortforthebenefitofthesociety. UCOnliners,ladiesandgentlemen,thatisthebriefintroductionofIPE.NowIwillbeginwithapoembyMr.Ciputra.Allowmetorecitethesentences of this poem. This poem is entitled The True Entrepreneur. This poem,forMr.Ciputra,istheextractionofhisthoughtsandreflectionsontheprocess that occurs within his self and has been going on for decades. This poemgoespublictobecomealessonforothers.Thisisthepoem:

They see, but don’t thinkThey think, but don’t getThey get, but don’t get impressedThey get impressed, but don’t actThey act, but don’t become entrepreneurThey become entrepreneur, but don’t succeedThe true entrepreneur, fail ten times but will arise 11 times.

The poem contains the short and dense meaningful words. It needs a contemplation to understand the meaning of this poem, and might need an explanation. And of course I want to share with you all of my experience withhim,withMr.Ciputraforover the last25years. Iamtheeyewitnessofhislunge,thewaysofhimdevelopingtheCiputraGroupbusiness,fromthe small business to the business as big as now. He succeeded to double his business with his entrepreneurship ability. Ladiesandgentlemen,Mr.Ciputra is indeedaunique, intelligent,creative,andveryentrepreneurialman.Perhapsthispoemwasnotabletofully explain what is going on in his mind. Too many things in his mind. Nevertheless, I try to explain it to you based on my experience working with him, also based on the key words that he expressed in the sentences in his poem. Right, let’s startwith the first line that said, “They see, but don’tthink”.Whatdoesthismean?UConliners,byreadingthefirst lineof thispoem, I am reminded of an experience when he gave a speech at a seminar. Heaskedparticipantstothinkofachicken.Heasked:“Ifyouseeapictureof chicken, or if you see a chicken,whatdoyou think?” Jokinglyhe said“Yes,thereareatleastthreepossibilities.Firstthought,iswhenpeopleseeachicken,theywouldthinkofwhatisthebestchickendishtomake?Thesecond thought would be the best kind of business to sell the chicken. The third thought would be about (while laughing since it was a joke of course) howtostealthischicken? UCOnliners, ladies andgentlemen,whatMr.Ciputra is trying toconvey is that we might have the same life experiences. However, what goes in my mind can be various. An entrepreneur will have a certain way, a certain mindset of life. They view their life as opportunities.

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UCOnliners, now let’s think, if youwant to have themindset ofanEntrepreneur,whatarethethingsthatyoushouldhavefirst?Frommyexperience with him, I conclude that three are things that you have to possess. ThefirstthingisthePassionordesire.ThesecondthingisVision.Thethirdthing is a broad Insight. Well,Iwillstartwiththefirstthing.Passionordesire.Agreatdesiretobecomeentrepreneurs.Iwanttodefinedesireisagreatwillingnesstodosomething.Whenwedoit,wecannotlabelit.Isthisagame?Isthisasocialwork?Isthisourjob?Allareblendedtogether.Ithaslostitslabelsinceweare so happy to do it. We are so excited to do it. I would like to explain my experienceworkingwithMr.Ciputra.Onceinaseminar,hesaidsomethinglikethis:Ifyouwanttosucceed,youmusthavethreetimesofdesires.Notonly one desire. UCOnliners,I‘lltrytoexplainwhatismeantbythreetimesofdesirebygivinganillustration.Supposethatyouwanttowatchamovie.Youareprepared to go when the rain suddenly comes. If you only have one desire, then you probably will not go because of rain. If you have two desires, you willfindanumbrellatomakeyouabletogotothemovies.Whenyoufinallyget there, the tickets are already sold out. If you only have two desires, you will probably go home. However, if you desire three times to watch your favoritefilm,youwillwaitforthenextshow,orpossibly,youwillmakeanegotiationwithapersonwhoalreadyhastheticketbysaying,“Hey,youcan still buy the ticket for tonight’s movie. What if I buy your ticket with a betterprice?”Wewilldovariousthingsifwehavethreetimesofdesire.Well,Mr.Ciputrasaidthat“Ifyouwanttobecomeasuccessfulentrepreneur,youmust have three times of desire. A very strong desire. It is all you need to be asuccessfulentrepreneur”. Whatisthevision?Forus,avisionisadreamofthefuture.Picturesof the future that we want to achieve. That we really want. That stirs our souls. That makes us very motivated because we want to achieve it. It should be a prettyclearpicturetomotivateusall.IwilltellyouagainmyexperiencewithMr.Ciputra.Ionceaccompaniedhimtospeakinfrontofmanyemployees.Hesaidthesewordsinfrontofhisemployees,“We,asdevelopers,donotbuildhousingbut a life”.Heput amuchbiggervision than justbuildinghouses.Hewantedtoseeabetterlifeinthefuturebybuildinghouses.Whichiswhy,weatCiputraGroupcompaniesaretryingtobuildnotjusthousesbut an environment, completed with facilities, hospitals, schools, and many other things. It is to build a life, not just a house. Isn’t building a life much morecomplicatedthanbuildingahouse? I also remember one time when I accompanied him to open one of our schools.We intentionallydeveloped entrepreneurship-themed schoolsinourhousingcomplexes.Mr.Ciputragaveaspeechbygivingthisopeningsentence,“Ibuiltthisschool,thishousing,forthem”.Whoare‘them’here?

Entrepreneurship Mindset

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Theyarethechildren.Youngchildren.Iconcludethatexperiencelikethis:He has an advanced view. He even thinks of the next generation, not just providinghouses.Itishisvision.Fromagreatvisioncomesnewthings,newandinnovativethingstobuildabetterlife. I give you another example. About seven years ago, when he was about to start entrepreneurship movement in Indonesia to spread the spirit and entrepreneurship skills to all places of Indonesia, he traveled to various places in Indonesia, met with various parties to convince the public, to convince the government about how important the entrepreneurship is. OncewheninameetingwiththeinvestigatorinMedan,hesharedhisvision.Again, in the formofpoem.Thispoemisentitled“IHaveaDream”.Thepoem contains all of his vision. A beautiful dream, of how entrepreneurship canbuildus,Indonesianpeople,abetterfuture. Allow me to share his poem to you all.

“I Have a Dream”I have a dream that in 25 years later, Four million of new entrepreneurs will be born in Indonesia. From Sabang to Merauke, From coast to mountains, From villages to big cities. All Children of farmers, fishermen, teachers, labor, civil services, polices, and soldiers, All are entrepreneurs.

This is his vision that eventually has become the basis of Ciputra EntrepreneurFoundationortheCiputraUniversityEntrepreneurshipCenter,asabasisofoureffortstospreadentrepreneurshipthroughoutthiscountry.To a wide range of community groups. It is hoped that in the future, more entrepreneurs will be participating in the development of Indonesia. The next example, since three years ago we have started training for theempowermentofentrepreneurshipformigrantsinHongKong,Singapore,MalaysiaandKorea.Whenweaskedhim,what isMr.Ciputra’svision toempowermigrantworkers;canourmigrantworkersactentrepreneur?Hesaid like this, I dream, that once, one of them, some of them, or a group of them, will become a national entrepreneurs in Indonesia. They can open a business.Multiply the business so theydeserve to be called as a nationalentrepreneur”. That is his vision. Isn’t this kind of vision will make usmotivated in working? Inflame our souls? Motivate ourselves to workbecause we know we are doing our very valuable and useful vision. UCOnliners,nowwegetintothethirdfactorwhichhereferstoasinsight.Mr.Ciputraoncesaidthatbusinessknowledgeonlyisnotenough.We also need to know what is happening in the industry. We must understand what is happening in our economy. We must understand what is going on in

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oursocialandpoliticspheres.Why?Itisbecauseallofthatwillbroadenanddeepenourinsight.What’sthepointtoknowallofthesethings?Itistomakeusunderstandthenewtrend.Newtrendneedstobeidentifiedtocreateanewopportunity.Ortous,asdevelopers,tomakeusthinkabouthowcanwebuy the next products with the current price. To understand that, we must have extensive insight in such a way that we understand what kinds of trends are happening in the coming future. UCOnliners, letus readonce again thefirst lineofMr.Ciputra’spoem:“Theysee,butdon’tgetit”.Now,ofcoursewewanttoseeandtogetwhatwesee.What is it thatwemustget?Thatwemustunderstand?Mr.Ciputra himself said that an entrepreneur thinks about how to change the dirtand junk intogold.So, someonewithentrepreneurmindset isalwaysthirst for opportunities. He is always looking for or even creating new opportunitiestochangewhatarefirstworthlesstobecomeveryvaluable.Or,byborrowingMr.Ciputra’swords,changingdirtandjunkintogold. Now, to have that kind of mindset, what are the things that we have topossess?First,istohavethegreatpassion,greatdesire,tobeaninnovativeentrepreneur.Second,istodevelopabigvision.Mr.Ciputrahasbecomeagreat example by not only building houses, but also a life. He thinks that his company should not only be useful to his customers, but is also useful for the community.Bydevelopingentrepreneurship,thereisabigvisionthatwillinflameandbuildexcitement.Thethirdthing,whichisconsideredbyhimas a challenging one, is to have a broad insight. Therefore we have to learn continuously. I say it once again, UC onliners, that you need to be hungry of

Entrepreneurship Mindset

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12 Entrepreneurship Ciputra Way

opportunities to change dirt and junk into gold and it’s all supported by a great desire to become entrepreneur, great vision, and broad insight. This is all of my explanation to you all, UC onliners about a line of Mr.Ciputra’spoem,TheTrueEntrepreneur.Thelinethatwejustdiscussedis“Theysee,butdon’tgetit”.HopefullyitisallbeusefullforUConliners. I,AntoniusTanan.SalamEntrepreneur...!

Market Sensitivity ByDennyBernardus


In this Ciputra Way occasion, we will be discussing an original piece of our founding father, Mr. Ciputra.It’s a seven-line poem entitled TheTrueEntrepreneur:

They see, but don’t thinkThey think, but don’t getThey get, but don’t get impressedThey get impressed, but don’t actThey act, but don’t become entrepreneurThey become entrepreneur, but don’t succeedThe true entrepreneur, fail ten times but will arise 11 times.

UC Onliners, this 7-line poem, The True Entrepreneur, gives uslessonabouthowtobuildthecharactersofanentrepreneur.Yes,Iusetheterm“build”becauseweareattheCiputraUniversityhavebeenconvincedthat the character of an entrepreneur is not just about talent or gift by birth , but it is more due to the character of entrepreneurs as the process of learning and training. In thefirst four lines,weknow that an entrepreneur shouldhaveaverystrongpassion,verystrongdesire, tohisorherfield.Inthesecondline, an entrepreneur has to create opportunities. In the third line, we learn thattheentrepreneurmustbeabletothinkcreativelyandinnovatively.Ofthe fourth line,we learn that these thingsdonot stop at the attitude andthoughts, but should be implemented, acted, with all calculation done and itsconsequences. Inthefifth,sixthandseventhlines,wecanlearnthatanentrepreneur should build his entrepreneurial leadership capabilities. How he directs himself and his organizations for the entrepreneurial purpose. Specificallyinthesixthline,isabouthowtoactasanentrepreneurwhofails.We all know that there is no instant process to be a successful entrepreneur.

Denny Bernardus

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Anentrepreneurofcoursehasalotoffailurestories.Don’tbediscouraged,do not give up easily. And the last line, the seventh line, we learn that the failure is a delayed success; we must continue to persevere and strive despite of challenges that we face. UCOnliners,itwillmakeyoueasiertounderstandthepoemwitharealexample.ThereisBuanaPerkasaPutra,alumniofCiputraUniversity,classof 2006,majoring in IBM (International BusinessManagement).Currentlyhemanageshisbusiness,AromatherapySavecare,acompanythathasbeenawardedTopBrandfortwoyears.Hisrevenueisnowtensofbillions.Atthebeginningofhisbusinessstory,henoticedthedifferencesbetweentheuseofminyak angin and the use of deodorant. We see, for traditional use we need toopenthebottleofminyakanginthenrubitonourbodyarea.Asaresult,our hand will be oily. In the other hand, the use of deodorant is very easy. Justopenthelidandapplyittotheareathatweneed.Itdoesn’tmakeourhandsoilyorevendirty.Verycomfortable.Canbeusedatanytime.Buanasaw,noticed, and thought, that itwouldmake a bigdifference. Ifweusetraditionalminyakanginbottle,itwillmakeourhandsoilyevendirty.Butif we use it like we use deodorant, our ands will not be dirty and oily. That’s abigdifference.Hewasimpressed,heinnovatedcreatively,andhecreatedanewproduct,aroll-onpackagingofminyakanginwitharomatherapy.IfBuanahadnotseen,thought,andgotimpressed,plusnotacted,hewouldhave not been a successful entrepreneur. UCOnliners,thisisalltheCiputraWaydiscussionforthisoccasion.WehavelearnedfromthepoemTheTrueEntrepreneurbyMr.Ciputra,andfrom the success stories of Buana Perkasa Putra. Hopefully, this sessioninspires UC onliners all to always look, always think, always understand, always get impressed, and always act. Hopefully it will be useful for you all. I, Denny Bernardus. SalamEntrepreneur!

Entrepreneurship Mindset

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Meaning of Salam EntrepreneurByMr.Ciputra

Now we will be discussing about the meaning of our greetings, SalamEntrepreneur.Youseethesethreefingers.Threefingersillustrateslet-terE.Youseetheformofthe letterE.Well,allof thesethreefingers,eachfingerhasameaning. ThefirstisEnvision.ThesecondisExplore.ThethirdisEncounter.ThreeofthesewordsbeginwithletterEandthesefingersformtheletterE.Eforeachfinger.E,E,andE. WhatisthefirstE?ItisEnvision.Vision.Insight.Asentrepreneur,we must have insight. Without the insight we will not achieve maximum results. In fact we are going the wrong way. It’s like someone who wants to gotoMedan,insteadhegoestoManado.Soitiswrong.Sowehavetohavea vision. Especially in this current state of economic turmoil. If a person has vision, he will not experience the turmoil because he already knows it to hap-peninadvance.So,thefirstthingthattheEntrepreneurshipshouldhaveisthe insight. Envision. The second finger symbolizes Explore. Researching, investigating,doingcreativity,toinnovatecontinuously.Well,explore,explore,letterE,let-ter E. Remember, without having creativity, without innovating, without us constantly researching, constantly searching, we will not achieve the objec-tives and results of Entrepreneurship. Andthethirdfinger,ofcoursesymbolizesEncounter.Encounteristodiscover,togetit.Find,findtherightway.Andpractice.Havefound,butisstill not enough. Well, in the encounter he discoversandpractices it.LetterE. So ifIfindasystemthroughinnovativeaboutbuilding a project or something, I discov-er it, but if I don’t carry it on, it’s still not enough.Mustgetintotheindustry,createjobs,getprofit,andpaytaxes.Well,ladiesand gentlemen, this is the meaning of our greetings entrepreneur. It means insights, continuous innovation, and implement it into practice. To make this nation a wealthy and prosperous nation.

Salam Entrepreneur

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Discussion Topic ThegeneralthemeofWeek2learningisOpportunityIdentification.Inthisweekwewillbediscussingabouthowtoidentifyopportunities,andthe highest level is Opportunity Creation

Points of Discussion Topic• Opportunity Creation• NewProduct&NewMarket

Learning Objectives After followingandstudying thematerialofWeek2,UConlinerscangainanunderstandingofhowtodifferentiatekindsofopportunities,notallbusinessideasareopportunities,andapplicationofopportunitycreationasEntrepreneurshipCiputraWay,

Teaching and Learning Activities UConliners are expected toview the instructional videos alreadyavailableandtoreadtheexistingliterature.Weprovidethevideotranscriptforthosewhohavedifficultiesinlisteningtothespeechinthevideo.Attheendoftheweektherewillbeaquiztotesttheunderstandingofthematerial.

Video •OpportunityIdentificationbyMr.Ciputra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJPwrbZ3jt8•Opportunity Creation - Antonius Tanan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCbkEq_gEOI•NewProduct&NewMarket-DennyBernardus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks6uxiAn7H4

Opportunity Identification

Module 2Opportunity Identification

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Opportunity Identification ByMr.Ciputra

Iamhappytomeetyoutoday.TopictodiscussinUCEOtodayisaboutopportunity.Whyisitveryimportanttoidentifyopportunities?Fromdetecting to identifying? Okay, from looking for the best ways, the bestmethods,thebesteffort,toachieveouridealsandourdesires,whatkindofopportunitiesthatcanbecreatedtoachieveit? Forexample,anentrepreneur,hewantscustomerstocome.Well,howtomakecustomerscome?Indonesiaisnowfacingaproblemineconomics.Most employers were silent, some businessmen were complaining, somebusinessmen were looking for opportunities. How to find advantage intodays’economicproblems?SuchasGeorgeSoros.Healreadyknewwhattodo.Healreadyknewwhenacrisisoccurredbeforeithappened.Well,thatiscreatingopportunities.Hedidnotcreateacrisis,andheisanaccomplishedinvestor,GeorgeSoros.Buthealreadycalculatedaboutwhentheproblemwasoccurred.Whichcountryhadanopportunity toconsiderwhenitwillarrive?Whicharethecountriesthatwouldbesufferedfromthiscrisis?Healreadyknewit. Nowlet’sseethestockmarketnow.Inacrisis,peoplewhoareabletocreateopportunitiesalreadyknowwhattodobeforethecrisisevenoccurs.Afterthecrisishealreadyknowswhattodo.Evenbeforethecrisishehasalreadyrisen.Thatisthegreatestthingincreatinganopportunity.Byseeing

Dr. (HC) Ir. Ciputra and Dr. Syarief Hasan, Indonesia State Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs

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andidentifyingalloftheopportunitiesthatexist,andtwistingtheexistingproblemsintosuccess.Well,thatis.Now,weareinthepresentcircumstancesis a small matter. With today’s Ciputra Online, Online Entrepreneur isopportunities for us as an example to give that our country is not yet anentrepreneurnation.Wearealreadysufferedfromonlyalittleturmoil. Okay,thisisanexamplethatournationisstillgrowing.Oureconomyisstillcrawlingforward. Well now let’s repeat. Let’s imitate the good. We have to beentrepreneurs.Greatentrepreneurisabletocreateopportunities.Hewillnotbesufferedfromthecrisis.But,thenextistocreateopportunitiesratherthantolookforopportunities.Opportunitiesviewtheavailablepossibilities.Well,isthereachance?Topenetratethemarket?Isthereawayforustogettheopportunity?However,tocreateanopportunityisadifferentthing.Supposethatyouwanttogosomewhere.Doyoutrytofindabetterwaytogetthere?Itmeansthatyouarelookingforanopportunity.Butifyouwanttocreateanopportunity,youwillcreateanewbridgetogettothatplace.Forexample,PondokIndah.WebuildPondokIndahforabout35yearsago.ItwasnearKebayoranBaru.TogettoPondokIndahwehadtocirclearound,tookforabouthalfanhourfromKebayoranBarutothisplace.Iwenttoobservethearea.Wow,howgreatthisareais,Ithought.How?BybuildingMargaGunaroad.OnlyahundredmetersfromKebayoranBarutoPondokIndah.Insteadofhalfanhour,itneedsonly5minutesnow.Thatismeantbymetocreateanopportunity,nottoseektoit. Likeme. First time Iwas taught in school, in ITB.Department ofArchitecture.Weweretaughttolookforopportunities.Contactedthepersonwhogot theproject.Askedhimadesign task forourproject.Anarchitectshoulddesignsomething,right?ButIsaid,Ididn’twanttodoit.Icreatedmyproject. If Icreateaproject, Iwillautomaticallyget thedesign job.So,yousee.ThereisoneareathatIstudynow.Anisland,butIhavenocouragetotellmuchaboutit.Peoplemindgoingtotheislandbecausetheyhavetocrossthesea.SoIamthinkingofabridgeforthenextproject.I’mcounting;IfImakeabridge,thecostis200Billion.Buttheprojectcanraiseforabout2trillionsbenefit.ButifIonlyputsomeships,orboats,letaloneaboat.Peoplewillnotbeinterestedininvestingontheisland.Let’screateabridge.Nowthat’swhat is calledascreatingopportunities.Somethingnew.This is thedifferencebetweenseekingforopportunitiesandcreatingopportunities.

“In a crisis, people who are able to create opportunities already know what

to do before the crisis even occurs.”

Opportunity Identification

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18 Entrepreneurship Ciputra Way

Opportunity Creation ByAntoniusTanan


Today,letustogetherlearnmoreaboutopportunities.Manypeopletendtothinkthatbusinessideaandbusinessopportunitiesaresimilar.Inouropinion,bothareactuallydifferent.Ifyoutalkaboutmerelyabusinessidea,youcangototheMall.Wecanfindsomanybusinessideasthere.Ifthereare200storesinthemall,thenthereare200businessideas.Ifwegotothestore,if there are 10,000products sold there,we canfind 10,000 business ideas.Butcanthatbusinessideabecomeourbusinessopportunity?Notreally.Notalways. So, what is business opportunity? More specifically, what isbusinessopportunity forus?Businessopportunity forus is that ifwecancreateasolutionoftheproblemsfacedbythecustomersandthenwhenwedevelopsolutionsthatcustomerscanreceiveandcanpayforit.So,businessopportunitymeanswhenproblemisthere,solutionisthere,andcostumerswhoarewillingtopayarethere. Still, having business opportunity available not necessarilymeanssuccessful.Why?Becausewehavetoproperlywrapitwiththerightbusinessmodel, the right business strategy and also with the right business plan.Perhapsyoualreadyhavethebusinessplan.Perhapsyoualreadyhavethebusinessmodelandthebusinessstrategyaswell.However,inpractice,iftheexecutionprocessisnotasexpected,notabletoneitheranticipatenorresolveproblemsthatarise,thenthebusinesscannotberealizedtoo. That iswhy, to learnentrepreneurship is to learnsomethingmorecomplicated. Not just to learn something that is already in our mind,something that we can merely memorize. It needs to be understood, tocreate,toinnovate,andtoact.Intheimplementationofentrepreneurship,itisimportanttohavetheabilitytodirectateam,theabilitytomotivateateam,ortosimplify,theabilityofleadership.Besides,youalsoneedtheabilitytocommunicate,negotiateandtobuildnetwork. Ifwereadourreadingsandotherliteraturethatdefineopportunity,Iwould like toquotewhatwassaidoncebyProfessorKuratko.ProfersorKuratkoisaprofessorofentrepreneurshipfromtheUnitedStates.Hesaidsomething like this, “An opportunity is something that an Entrepreneurrecognizes as solving the real problem or adding value”. Yes, there is aproblemthatmustbesolved.Thereshouldbeacreativesolution.Not justjoiningorcopyingothers.Youneedtoclearlydefinetheopportunitytotake.Nah, to concludeall thediscussionbefore,what is thedifferencebetweenbusinessideaandbusinessopportunities?Inouropinion,businessideacanalsobecalledasbusinessopportunityifitanswersthesesevenquestions.

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The first question: does the business idea solve the customer’sproblem?Whatkindsofproblemsthatcustomershave?CanallthatIhaveplannedresolvetheproblem?Isthisissueimportanttothecustomer?Ifitisimportantforcustomers,itmeansthathiswillingnesstogethiswishwillbehigherthanbefore.Thefirstquestionis,doesthissolvetheproblem? Thesecondquestion:arethecustomerswillingtosacrificetogetthisproduct?Yes,thecustomerhasaproblem.Butifcustomersarenotwillingto sacrifice, or do notwant to spend themoney to purchase the solutionyouoffer, then it isnotabusinessopportunity.Letusaskbeforewestartourbusiness.ArethecustomerswillingtospendtheirmoneyandbuythesolutionthatIoffer? The third question: is there another adding value that cannot berefusedby thecustomers?This is important.Mr.Ciputra teaches that it isvery crucial to have an innovation in various aspects of the business. Doinnovationinvariousbusinessfunctionssothatthecustomercannotsayno.Ifthecustomerstillsaysno,itmeansthattheinnovationisnotfinishedyet. Thefourthquestion:canIcreategapwithmycompetitors?Thisistoanticipatecompetition.Whenweopenupoureffortstoraiseventure,wecannotforbidotherstoseeoureffortsandperhapswillimitateourefforts.Have we prepared ourselves with various other innovations to prepareourselves to be readywhen the competition arrives?Or dowemake ourproductsinsuchaway,oureffortsinsuchaway,createafardistancewithnewcompetitors?.Ifthegapismuchwider,youcanrunfirstandfasterthanyourcompetitors. The fifth question is: will it provide benefits to the community?Do not forget that the business opportunity is not just beneficial to theentrepreneurandtoitscustomers,butshouldalsobenefitthesociety.Trueentrepreneurshipwillnotissueaproductorservicethatwilldamageorevendestroythesociety. Thesixthquestionis:howbigisthemarketsizeandhowmuchyoucantake?Itisimportant,UConliners.Why?Becauseentrepreneursshouldcalculate. Remember the figures and numbers cannot lie. Entrepreneurshouldbeabletocalculate:howmuchisthevalue?Howbigisthemarketsize,andhowbiggercanbeachieved?Itwillbeverydangerousifyouhavenounderstandingofthemarketsize.Whatifthemarketsizeisnotbig?Whentheproductislaunched,hewillbeshockedifnoonebuystheproduct.Soremember,donotforgettousethenumbers.Numbersneverlie. And lastly,have Iverified thedata?Anyassumptionsor thought,or the result of innovation that exists in ourheadsneed to be verifiedbythemarket.Whatdoes itmean?Youhavetoyou’reyour timetomeet thecustomers thatwe thinkwill need our products.Discuss your ideaswiththem.Asktheiropinion.Conveyyourideas.Verifyallexistingconceptsinyourhead.Andlistentotheiropinions.Iftheysay,“Oh,well,thisiswhatwe

Opportunity Identification

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20 Entrepreneurship Ciputra Way

need”,Thatis,you‘redonedoingtheverification. My memory went back to my experience, about seven or eightyearsago,whenIpreparedtheconceptofEntrepreneurshipCiputraWay.I discussedwithMr. Ciputra. I told him, “Mr. Ciputra, an entrepreneur,basedonmy research,does three things.Thefirst isSeekingOpportunityorlookingforopportunities.Thesecondis,makeinnovationortoinnovate.Thirdly, calculate the risk before taking it.”When I toldhim, about thesethreethings,Mr.Ciputrathoughtforamoment,andthenhesaidasentencethathasbecomea revelation forme.Hesaid this,“Anthony,donotwriteOpportunitySeeking.YoumustwriteOpportunityCreation”.Opportunityarenotmerelysought,butmustbecreated.Wow,thisistrulyenlighteningmyself.Iwasamazed,andthenIsearchedtheliteratureandthought“Whatdoesthismean?”Well,aftergoingthroughvariousbooks,readandthought,IwanttoexplaintoallUConlinersaboutwhatdoeshemeanbyOpportunityCreation,orcreatingtheopportunities. Letuslookatthefollowingmatrix.Ifyoulookatthematrixattherightsideofme,thereisademandorrequestsection,andthereisasupplysection. There is an obvious demand. There is an unclear demand. Thereisaclearsupply,andthere isanunclearsupply.Whentheopportunity isfoundbecauseunmetdemand,butthesupplyisalreadythere,wecalleditOpportunityRecognition.Theopportunitiesareidentified.Itakeanexample.Onceyougotothemall,youwanttotastegado-gado.Youcometothefoodcourttoordergado-gado.Unfortunately,itwasalreadysoldout.Yougotoanotherrestaurant,itwassoldouttoo.Yougotoadifferentrestaurant,stillinthemall.Long-line.Ifyouaresensitivetoopportunities,youwilldirectlylike“wink!”“Well,ifIwanttohavebusinesshere,Iwanttosellgado-gado.”Why? The demand is clear, the supply is also clear. That’s opportunityrecognition. Secondly, is aboutOpportunitySeeking. Itmeans thatwealreadyhavetheproduct,butwedon’tknowwhowillneedtheproduct.Sometimeswe get the product from our friends aboard, or thr product comes fromanothercountry.Howtosellit?Whatisneededinanothercountrydoesn’tnecessarilymeanthat it isalsoneededhere.Wehave to thinkof therightcostumers.Whatisneededinotherareadoesn’tmeanthatitisalsoneededinthisarea.Wehavetothink.ThatiswhatiscalledasOpportunitySeeking.Thirdly, the problem is already obvious, but the goods or productshavenotbeenclear.Itmeansthatthedemandisalreadythere.Iftheproductsareavailable,peoplewilllookforit.Iftheproductsarerare,peoplewillbuyit.But,thereisnosupplyyet.Forexample,weallneedcheaperfuel.Weallneedmedication.Cheaperdrugsforcancer.Still,theproductsarenotavailableyet.Anyonewhofindstheideaanddevelopsitwillbeanewconglomerate.NowthatiswhatwecallasOpportunityDiscovery.Todiscoverachance.How?Bydoingsomeresearch,labstudy,anddoinnovation.Allareemphasizedhere.

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Fourthly,thisiswhatismeantbyMr.Ciputra,thatthesupplyhasneverexisted.Infacttherehavebeennocustomers,letalonetoaskfortheiropinions.Still,atrueentrepreneurwillgetinspired.Notjustaninspiration,but also begins to have a deep understanding of the needs of potential customers.After thinkingabout it,hewillgetan idea thathasneverbeenexistedpreviously.Infact,thepotentialcustomershavenotfeltaneedfirst.However,whenhelaunchestheproduct,customerscannotsaynotoit.Wecall this kind of entrepreneur as an entrepreneur that has a black belt inentrepreneurship. Itmeans that his ability is not to verify an opportunityanymore, but to create the opportunity.When he creates the product, hemanagestoconvinceallpeopletobuyhisproduct.Thecustomercannotsayno.Perhaps,thegreatexampleforthiskindofentrepreneuristhecreationof iPad. Innomorethan28days,onemillionpeoplebought thisproduct.Couldnotstandtonothavingit.Peoplequeuedtogetit.AndiPadredefinedthe way we communicate, the way we read books, the way we networkandothers.Thisisaproductthatweneverimaginedbeforeandcanmakecustomersflocktohaveit. UC onliners, here’s our explanation about the opportunities. It isveryimportanttounderstandcreatedopportunities.It’scertainlynoteasy.Butwecanpracticeagainandagain to thinkcreativelyandthen tocreateopportunities. This is the explanation of the opportunities for business creation.HopefullyitcanbeusefulforyouallUConliners.I,AntoniusTananfromCiputraUniversityandSalamEntrepreneur.

New Product & New Market ByDennyBernardus


IwillcontinuethediscussionaboutopportunitieswhichispreviouslypresentedbyMr.CiputraandMr.AntoniusTanan. It is truethatbusinessopportunityisveryimportantasastartinpointofyourcareertobecomeanentrepreneur.Wearegratefulthatthereisamarketingstrategyexpert,Mr.IgorAnsoff,aHarvardian,thathashelpeduswithfourquadrantsasalreadybeen explainedbyMr.AntoniusTanan. Iwill giveyou the examples thathavebeencarriedoutbyourfriends,thestudentsofCiputraUniversity. According toAnsoffmatrix,opportunity is explained in twoaxes.The first axis is the market, which is differentiated between the existingmarket(alreadythere)andanewlycreatedmarket.Thesecondaxisisabouttheproductitself,differentiatedbetweenexistingproductsornewproducts.

Opportunity Identification

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Thetwoaxes,marketsandproductscreate four quadrants. The firstquadrant, if the market is alreadyestablished, the product exists. Wecallitasafamiliaropportunity.ItiscommonlyreferredtoasOpportunityRecognition. The second quadrant,if the market is newly created,the product already exists; it iscalled as a pursued opportunity,or Opportunity Seeking. The thirdquadrant, if the market exists, andtheproduct isnew, it is calledasafound opportunity, or OpportunityDiscovery. The fourth quadrant, ifthemarketisnewlycreatedandthe

product isanew,theopportunity iscreatedorOpportunityCreation.Thefourquadrantsyouknow,as recognize, seek,discover, andcreate, canbeusedasafiststepincreatingabusiness. UC onliners, let’s begin with an example of the first quadrant,a business started by students of Ciputra University, batch 2011. HadiKurniawan,Moch.Afiev,andDoniDrestanta.Thethreeofthemsaw,thought,acted,andactedentrepreneurial toasituationthat theyfound; thereweremany school kids that consumedmeatballs during school break. Havingrealizedthatthemeatballssoldmightnotbehealthy,thesethreestudents,withtheirgroupPentolArcip,suggestedaninnovationofameatballproduct:minimeatball, originalmeatball,meatball-stuffed tofu, andmeatball fries.Theyalsomadeanotherinnovationtotheirproductbystuffingthemeatballswith cheese and shrimp. With their innovation, they strived to providehealthysnacksforstudents.Theresultwaspredictable,inaveryshorttimethisPentolArcipcoulddoubleitsbusinessrangingfromonlyonebooth,oneoutlet,tofourteenoutletsaroundSurabayaonlywithinsixmonths. UCOnliners.Thesecondquadrantisaboutseekingtheopportunity.OnceagaintheexamplecomesfromagroupofstudentsofCiputraUniversity,batchof2011;theK-Nifes(coveryourknives).Theyofferedasolutionforallchefsandtocookingenthusiaststohaveabagthatisfashionableandsafeforthem.Theymadeaspecialbagtobeusedbythechef.Chefscouldsavetheirsafelyandcouldstillbefashionable.OConliners,K–Nifesisoriginallya student-business who produce bags. But when they saw, thought, gotimpressed, acted, andactedentrepreneurial, they could seeanewmarketopportunityfromwithintheirgroupwholovestocook.TheyhavecreatedaspecialbagofChef.Theyselltheirproductatamoreexpensiveprice,andabletocreatealargemarginthanthemerelysellingconventionalbags.

Ansoff Matrix

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UCOnliners,asfortheexampleofthethirdquadrant,adiscoveredopportunity,IhaveRichard,Handika,Isa,ZhouChengYu,andChristian.Fiveof themareCiputraUniversity students,batchof2011. In theirdailylives,theyhaveseen,thought,gotimpressed,acted,andactedentrepreneur.Theynoticedthattherewasagroupoffriendsthatwasdifficulttofindoutready to eat vegetarianmeals. Therefore, five of them created a ready toeatproductsforvegetarians.ThisproductiscalledBoekan:BoekanAyam,BoekanSapi,BoekanKikil.Theirvegetableproductsarenowwidelyused,andareeven included in thecoverageof themedia,cooperatingwithoneofthefourstarhotelsinSurabayawhichspeciallyservesvegetarianfoodofBoekanbrand. UCOnliners,thefourthquadrantisaboutcreatedopportunity.Onpreviousoccasions,Ihavegivenanexampleaboutthesuccessofoneofouralumni,Buana,withhissuccessfulminyakanginSaveCareinadeodorantpackaging.RollOn.Weunderstandthatthisnewcreation,anewcreativitybyBuana,turnedouttobeacceptedbythemarketthatmightpreviouslynotwanttobuyandusearoll-onminyakanginproduct. Thatisall,UCOnliners,thefourkindsofopportunities.Opportunitieswhicharerecognized,sought,discovered,andcreated,originallycamefromAnsoffmatrixwithexamplesofourbusinessstudents. HopefullythissessioncanbeusefulandinspiringfortheUConliners.I,DennyBernardus.SalamEntrepreneur

Opportunity Identification

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Discussion Topics The main point highlighted in Week 3 is about Creativity & Innovation. People who are creative and innovate will able to get an impression as you may find the “insight” or “inspiration” which is not visible to others.

Points of Discussion Topics • Creativity and Innovation• Radical Innovation

Learning Objectives After following and studying the material of this week 3, UC onliners can know the difference between creativity and innovation, and are able to apply it in the form of innovations that can make a difference in the ordinary course of business.

Teaching and Learning Activities UC onliners are expected to view the instructional videos already available and to read the existing literature. We provide the video transcript for those who have difficulties in listening to the speech in the video. At the end of the week there will be a quiz to test the understanding of the material.

Video • Creativity and Innovation – Ciputra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGSCh_2b970 • Creativity and Innovation - Antonius Tanan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xswFrr_0KjM • Creativity and Innovation – Dharma Kusuma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Dp-OVbPW2Y

Creativity and Innovation

Module 3Creativity & Innovation

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Creativity & Innovation By Mr. Ciputra

Salam Entrepreneur, UCEO...

The next topic is about creativity. I will give you an example later, but first let me explain about creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Creativity is something that is a new discovery for us in terms of encouraging the heart of our soul, our heart. We create a new one. Well, that’s a small circle. Then there is the bigger circle, innovation. Innovation means something that we create will benefit us in terms of material. For example, make innovations in the field of business that will benefit us. Our efforts will expand. Customers come, more profit. And when the new things are found, do something about it to make a benefit in our real life. And now there is entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is the biggest circle. It’s the core, the staple. Innovations are the branches, while creativities are the twigs. Well, now our innovations have given us benefits. Still, it’s not yet an industry. Not yet a business. If it is a business then it is an industry. We can commercial it. We can create jobs opportunities. We can pay taxes, we are profitable. That’s an entrepreneurship I give you an example of this new creativity. I have a picture of Hendra Gunawan that I love. I really love it, this is what a durian seller is, a person who sells durian. Then there’s a buyer. This is an overseas buyer. So I want to be creative. I immediately made a sculpture. I ask sculptors to help me, and they make this. But still the artistic design comes from me. So then it came to pass, from which it is transferred into it. And this is what’s happened. I transfer this into that. We make a common statue, a standard one. It’s black, a standard color for statue. But the creativity does not stop there. It should be continuous. Then I paint the statue. Ask sculptor to do it for me. Paint the statue to be more like its picture. Well, it is done. I’m very happy. Now I have two kinds of statues. But the creativity cannot stop. Still has to be continuous. I already have two statues. One is black; one is colorful as the original picture. I remember that when night comes, it is dark. I have to use my neon to light my way, but I’m still not satisfied. Yes, we used this kind of creativity level when we built Ciputra World. We noticed that the mall visitors also came in the evening as well. Not at day. So we made the fiber glass statues, full of glowing lights. The statues make the mall even more beautiful at night. See, what a beautiful it is at night. It is clear that we cannot stop creativity. It fact, it will be advantageous for us, for our mall. That’s an innovation. I already have the material benefit. But don’t forget that we already taught artists, sculptors, to make glowing statues. So next they can have their own industries, not only as an artist, a

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sculptor, but is able to make a glowing statue and exports it overseas. We are also like that. We hope that our artists don’t stop at the creativity only, but continue to innovate. Then they can be called as Artpreneur, and entrepreneur in their field, art. Which is why, we already have an Artpreneur Center to transfer the spirit of entrepreneur to artists that they can live a prosper life; create job opportunities by maximizing their art skills. Hopefully you will also succeed. This is another example of creativity in this entrepreneur online learning. My backyard house. I wanted the roof to be vined by vine plants to cool the air. Besides, I wanted it to be beautiful too. How beautiful is beautiful? It would be nice if there were plants flowered. So we decided to decorate it with flower plants too. How to find the best flower plants? To decorate my house? We made an experiment, to plant nine vined plants. It turned out that one of the most beautiful plants was Tumbergia. This herb is a remarkable plant. Can you imagine that? We plant it on the ground; it climbs up then creeps down. Then it has flowers, which fall at night. See the white ones? Yup they fall at night. It’s like an orchid flower. And in the morning, precisely at 6 a.m., the flowers all blossom. So, every day I get free flowers, beautiful and slightly fragrant. Its name is Tumbergia. We have to innovate all the time. Let us are not easily satisfied with our success, with others’ success. Always try to find the best. We made experiments with nine types of vined plants. We asked experienced florists for the vined plants, we bought; we took the best part and cut the rests. Right now we’re building a theater building in Ciputra World 1. The length of this dome is 40 meters, width of 20 meters, and height of 15 meters. We will be going to decorate this doom with this Tumbergia. And we will preserve it. That is also an experiment. Remember, creativity is a process of experimentation. And this is what we do. Salam Entrepreneur. See you soon. God bless you all.

Creativity & Innovation By Antonius Tanan

Salam Entrepreneur, UC Onliners...

We are all now entering the third week in discussing Mr. Ci’s poem line,”Some get it, but don’t get impressed”. So, the question is how to get a deep impression? Not just understand, but leaving an impression. Well, we believe that to get the impression you need creativity and innovation. What we understand is, when coupled with creativity and innovation; a deeper

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impression can be created. Now, who is the creative person? We argue that creative person has four characteristics. The first characteristic, he has many ideas. The second characteristic, his ideas are different than others’ ideas. Third, his ideas are new or original. And the fourth, his ideas are useful. Innovation is creativity that is accepted by the market. My colleague, Dharma Kusuma is going to deeply explain to you about this. Okay. In relation with creativity and innovation I want to share to all UC onliners what is the connection of creativity and innovation with entrepreneurship. I want to share a concept described in a picture by Mr. Ciputra himself to UC onliners. Yes, a picture. Let’s look at this picture. So, apparently Mr. Ciputra is not only trying to explain about Entrepreneurship through a poem, but also through an image. Let us look at this picture. There is a big circle, then the medium circles, and then inside the medium circles are the little circles. The small circles are Creativity. These creativity-creativity circles form a bigger circle which is innovation. And all of these innovations, together, form an Entrepreneurship. Thus, UC onliners, for Mr. Ciputra, the root of entrepreneurship is the creativity, but creativity should be developed into innovation. And it cannot be only a single innovation. You have to create a wide variety of innovations. Innovate your product, innovate their marketing, finance, human resources, distribution, strategic partnerships, even its CSR. The whole set of innovations will make an entrepreneurship right. Once Mr. Ciputra said to me like this. “When you develop creativity into innovation, what does it mean? The market accepts it. When the innovation is done then the entrepreneurship is born, an innovative business venture is born. Not just a replicative business venture or imitative business venture, but has its unique and distinctive characteristic and has a strong impact on the market. UC onliners, to remember this concept I would like to introduce you a song. Yes, later my colleagues will also sing this song. I first heard this song from Mr. Tony Antonio, a Rector of Ciputra University. He creatively introduced this picture through song. Yes, the song includes singing about small circle, medium circle, and a big circle. But behind all of it, I would like to invite us all to remember this important concept, as one of Mr. Ciputra’s valuable diamonds. Let us UC Onliners listen to the song together. And let us also learn and teach your family, your children, your brothers and sisters to learn about creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship through a song. Let’s hear it together.Salam Entrepreneur.

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It’s a small circle, it’s a small circle, make a medium circle.It’s a medium; it’s a medium, make a big circle.

Creativity, creativity, and innovation...Innovation, innovation, entrepreneurship...

Creativity & Innovation By Dharma Kusuma

Salam Entrepreneur, UC Onliners.

Nice to meet you all. My name is Dharma Kusuma. In this occasion I am going to explain about the relationship between Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. As we all know, the definition of entrepreneurship according to Ciputra Way is changing the dirt and junk into gold. You need a great effort if you want to change dirt and junk into turn. A creative and dramatic effort. Therefore, from this definition we can understand together that the key is creativity and innovation. Okay, now we will see the relation one by one. What is creativity? Creativity itself is the ability to generate new ideas in any field as well. Well, what is it about? What is the relation? Let’s see the following. Innovation by Ciputra Way definition is creativity that is accepted by the market. Innovation is equal to creativity plus market acceptance. Let’s see this one. Is there a business or object or thing that is creative but not accepted by the market? Of

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course, a lot. We can see some examples here. There are several examples of creative ideas, but do you want to buy it? Do you want to use it? Or the easy one is like this: have you seen this product in the market? If not, then it is not accepted. On the other hand, we will see the business which is accepted by the market. Which is sought by people. Needed by people. Such as groceries, nine basic things, water gallons, cellphone accounts, everyone needs it, looking for it. But those things do not require creativity, so we cannot call it innovations. There is no wrong in selling any of that. Are any of us selling those things? It’s alright. The problem is, when there is no creativity, there is no innovation. Business will fail down since it’s very vulnerable to competition. When you want to do business, you get into a very competitive world. Therefore you need innovation. Next, let’s see these two images. Picture A on the left and B on the right. If we look at them, there is no difference in terms of its menu. The menu is similar. Satay, rice, chicken, vegetable. But if you have to choose, which one will you choose? Which one has the higher price? Of course many people will choose the B one. Though the price is higher, the shape is more appealing. You see? Creativity changes someone. Capable of leveraging, of multiplying value. From the left side, to the right side. From A to B. it is that simple. Here is another example. If we see here there are 25 forms of modern shoes, creative works of famous designers. Well, if I give you a task to choose the shoes, I want you to choose carefully. Of the 25 pictures of models these shoes, or footwear, which ones do you think are creative? Numbers 1, 2, 3 to 25, you select one pair. Have you picked your answer? Okay. Of course your answers are varying. Of course you are free to choose. But then please answer my second question. If the shoes are designers’ piece of work, and the price is very expensive but you need to buy one pair for your daily use, or to give as a present to someone you love, my question is, which ones will you pick? Now decide. Have you decided? We see now the difference. On the first question, you can creatively express your answer, to appreciate creative work of someone. However, once you have to answer the second question, you tend to narrow your choice. You will not dare to use very creative and outstanding shoes for daily use. Now you understand the difference between be creative and be innovative. Creative products are not necessarily accepted by the market. We prove it just now. To gather creative ideas, we can use this simple way. For example, use the word “and”. Let us play “Yes, and”, “Yes, and”, “Yes, and”. I’ll be the first, you are the next. If I say like this “next Sunday I will ride my bicycle”. You will answer “yes, and?” You may be able to answer, “Yes, and I will have fun”. Another friend will answer “yes, and I’ll invite friends”. Another friend who can answer “yes, and we will take pictures”. By using the word “yes, and”, we can generate many ideas. Conversely, if we use the word “but”, for

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example, “I am planning a week tomorrow we are going on holiday to Bali”. “But”. Please answer. “But”. Yes another friend might answer, “Yes, but I do not have money.” Yes, but there it’s raining there”. “Yes, the flight cost is expensive” “Yes, but I do not have off time.” If we use the word “but” we will not get ideas. We cut our own ideas and make it fewer and fewer. The question is, which one is better? Is it the word “and” or the word “but”? UC Onliners, both “and” and “but” can be used. However, the functions are different. We use “and” to collect as many ideas as possible. “But” can be used to help us do critical thinking. To evaluate whether these ideas are useful, handy, and easy to implement, or have an impact for our customers. Another tool that I want to introduce to UC onliners all is the use of the word “TA’KU TIRU KO”. Let us read it together here. “TA’KU TIRU KO” means TAmbah = the Add, Kurangi = Subtract, TIRu = Adopt, Ubah = Change & Kombinasi = Combine. Let’s use this simple umbrella as an example. If we want to provoke creativity using the tool “TA’KU TIRU KO”, what do we want to add to this simple umbrella? Friends might say, “You add size, I want to make it bigger, I want to add the price”. If we want to subtract, what do we subtract? “I want to reduce its weight, I want to subtract the circle, and I want to remove the color. Or do we want to change? What I want to change? “I want to change into a triangular shape, even to change its function.” Or if we want to copy, “Oh, I want to copy the Mickey Mouse ears on it”. Now if we want to combine, add some, subtract less, copy something and change this, combine all. “Oh, I’ll make an umbrella that can be a tool for survival in the jungle, in the ocean, or even in large cities. I want to add a variety of electronic equipment in it. I want to get rid of some things in it so it can be aids to live in difficult places”. All UC onliners, that’s all of my explanation about creativity. Finally you can see this slide. There is a table of how to use the “Add, Subtract, Copy, Change, and Combine” to your daily life. From the top to bottom you can see there are promotion, packaging, service, and finance. It is only as an example. What do you want to add for the promotion? What do you want to copy from the packaging? What do you want to subtract from the financial posts? And so on and so forth. Alright, here is my explanation. I, Dharma Kusuma. Salam Entrepreneur to all of you, UC Onliners.

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Topic Discussion The main point highlighted in Week 4 is Calculated Risk Taking, which in it is also discussed about leveraging and feasibility study. An entrepreneur has to minimize the risk to reach the maximum profit.

Learning Objectives After following and studying the material of Week 4, UC onliners can apply the technique of leveraging resources already have and calculating risk in doing business.

Teaching and Learning Activities UC onliners are expected to view the instructional videos already available and to read the existing literature. We provide the video transcript for those who have difficulties in listening to the speech in the video. At the end of the week there will be a quiz to test the understanding of the material.

Video • Calculated Risk Taking - Pak Ciputra

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngR4BA3Q5bg• Calculated Risk Taking - David Sukardi Kodrat


Calculated Risk Taking

Module 4Calculated Risk Taking

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Calculated Risk Taking By Mr. Ciputra

I am so happy to meet with you all the onliners of UCEO Ciputra University. I would like to continue discussing about the meaning of poem already discussed in previous occasion. Have eyes, but don’t see. See, but don’t get it. And so on so. And then, some get impressed, but don’t act. Now. Why didn’t he act? Probably because of many reasons. Maybe he has not really wanted to be entrepreneur, but maybe because he’s afraid to take risks. Well, today I am going to talk about the risks. The risk, for a true entrepreneur, can be taken into account. Where will the risks take you? How big is it? And so on. While there are certainly risks in itself, in the enterprise, within us, there are risks that come from outside. Therefore, we suggest that an entrepreneur must have integrity and professionalism. Have expertise. Do not just trying without having expertise. Even a gambler is willing to take risks. Can you imagine that? Gambling is taking risk on something that cannot be predicted. A gambler knows the worst risk: loss. Anyway he’s still willing, hoping that if he is lucky, he will reap success. But as an entrepreneur should be able to predict, to calculate the risks. Before he is into the business, he is able to calculate the risks. Hence, before we act, we need to calculate the risk. About finance, production, human resources, and insights. Yes, we really should calculate all. If we calculate it, we will be willing to take the risk. We can be braver. And before we act we should also consider the chance we miscalculate the risks. How should we handle it? It’s such as in the war, he thinks that he is ready to attack because he knows he will win. Just, don’t only think about winning. Better think like, if I lose the battle, what should I do? So many examples. Yes, when the battle is done, turns out he’s a losing the battle, yet he doesn’t think about losing at all. Commonly losing and winning are already taken into account by the commander, not by his men. So we also have to count the risk of losing our business. Another great example, is what happened during last 98 crisis. The real ones were tested. Who dared to take action by first calculating the risk carefully, and who dared not. Most employers didn’t dare to do it, and now they couldn’t exist in business world. Commonly conglomerates in 1998 weren’t prepared well for the crisis. Well, now Indonesia is being tested again. Being tested again. Economy is shaking. People call this current situation as pre-crisis. Well, that’s what. All is needed to calculate. A great entrepreneur will always count everything, not only to overcome his current difficulties. He will take advantage on the current economic turmoil. Therefore they are very calculating with this situation very carefully. Like for an example. We are a real estate company. Is it now the time to build? Is it now the time to sell? Or

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later, when we get the money? Or we don’t take steps at all? That’s all that should be calculated. So, to conclude, if we can carefully calculating the risk, then we will be willing to take action. Thus, the onliners, always calculate everything in details. Prepare in details. If you have prepared well, you’ve done the calculation in details, then you will dare to take risks, although not all risks can be perfectly calculated, especially the risks that come from outside. For example, Soros, an outstanding investor. He is always in a win condition. He has now a strategy to overcome not only a crisis in one country, but in all over the world. He already calculated it all. He’s like Warren Buffet, another famous investor who are always taking risks. They grow continuously. They do not have their own business. They belong to other companies. It is like this: the management of other companies performs the calculations. They present the calculation before him, he sees it, and boy, the calculation is right. He invests. He doesn’t have his own company. He is just an investor, but he constantly grows. So he’s got a great insight. Thus, an entrepreneur should have the insight. You start taking risks by carefully counting the insight, vision. Tomorrow’s economy, next year’s economy, what it will be? You cant only wait like a duck waiting to be shot down, to be Not only waited like a duck just waiting for the shot, lunged by a dog. You need to really calculate everything. You see, in a state of turmoil and loss, some businessmen gain profit and some businessmen fail. The ones who get the profit are the ones who did their calculation. So onliners, really count and take an action. Move forward, move forward. Including calculation. If you fail, what should you do? Rise up. Just like in the poem, a true entrepreneur fails ten times, but he arises eleven times. But don’t even you ever be in a fatal failure. Avoid that. Small failures are common things, regular things. I have also failed many times. But all of my failures were regulars. The most fatal failure was caused by ‘98 crisis. But because I did the calculation right, I could rise up well. After the crisis, we have had to calculate to take another risks. The risks included risk to calculate the opportunities, opportunities to take advantage of the situation. A fair opportunity, ethical opportunity, in accordance with the law. Legal. Take the opportunity to rise up and grow rapidly. This is our welcome lecture for today. Hopefully the onliners can go ahead. Continue to grow and to succeed. Salam Entrepreneur. May God bless us all.

Calculated Risk Taking

“Before we act, we need to calculate the risk. About finance, production, human resources, and insights.”

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Calculated Risk Taking By David Sukardi Kodrat

Salam Entrepreneur.

I’m David Sukardi Kodrat, Dean of Postgraduate School, Ciputra University will be presenting about the topic of risk management as a key to running a business for the UC onliners. First, we will learn from Mr Ciputra, how is he doing his business, for example, let’s go back to the time when the Citraland area for Surabaya was being built. We see how Mr. Ciputra, while on the plane, was shown an area in the middle of the city by the Governor, but turned out Mr. Ciputra refused the area. Why did he refuse? Because he saw that the area offered to him, though in the middle of the city, was quite small. Later when he went to Lakarsantri area, he nioticed that the area was very large, but it was infertile. Though the land was infertile, he decided “Okay, I’ll buy this land”. The land was at about 2,000 acres. From that experience, we understand that Mr. Ciputra was willing to take risks with that dry land. Apparently that dry and infertile land was fitted his vision, and he was able to change the land into what we can see and enjoy today. There are international school and national-plus school, there is golf field, fresh market, even there is a quite famous waterpark there, even famous in Indonesia. Now let’s see, what is risk? If we look at the graph on the left, it is a normal distribution curve. If we look at the red line, that is loss risk. To the right of it, we see the blue line, it’s advantageous risk. So that means when we see in the normal distribution, risk is what we call as loss deviations. On the other hand, when the deviations give profits, it is called as profitable deviations. That is the meaning of risk. Then we will see the relationship of risk with return. Risk actually has different meanings. As example, see the graphic here. For A. Man A here, we see, that he hopes for the high returns for low risk. But instead, the B man, if we look at the graph to the left here, with a certain return and certain risks, this B man still dares enough to take risk. On the contrary, this C man, he is willing to do his business with a big risk though the return is small. Of all

David Sukardi Kodrat

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these tree men, this C person is more willing to take risk, A is afraid of risk, while C is a mediocre type with risk. Then we will see again how to act when facing risk? There are actually four attitudes in facing the risk. The first is, we can learn, like the A man earlier, to avoid the risk. For example, as employee. Do not pull the trigger, do not dare to take the same effort, and he finally joins someone else. The second is a type of person who dares enough to face the risk. That means he can take the unexpectable possibilities in the future. Then the third is to transfer some of the risks by paying premium or insurances. For example, as what have done by the manager. The fourth thing is to decrease risk by doing portfolios. It is done, for example, by business investors in form of investing in a wide range of stocks. These are all attitudes in facing risks. The next thing is to see the risk in practice. There are two kinds of risks in practice; systematic risk that can be avoided and unsystematic risk. For unsystematic risk, for example, as caused by natural disasters. On the other hand, systematic risk, But systematic risk, for example, is due to the human factor, because of the system, and because of the process. For example, Sempati Air. At that time, Sempati Air was built by Mr. Hasan Sudjono, a very innovative one. He happened to be a graduate of Harvard University. And he was the best graduate. When he ran Sempati Air, he applied a very good system. Unfortunately, people under him could not follow his system. At that time, if Sempati Air was delayed, one minute late would be reimbursed a thousand rupiahs. I was once in that time late for almost two hours. So my time was reimbursed, 120 minutes times one thousand, means Rp. 120,000. Though at that time the cost of a trip to Semarang was only about sixty thousand. Well, that would happen if the the mistakes were caused by the management. The risk would be very big. That is the example. Well, after we see about the risk in practice, then we’ll see the viewpoint of looking at risk. There are three viewpoints in looking at risk. The first is seen from the company’s life cycle. The second views of its business. Third, we can see the risk from the standpoint of Bank Indonesia. From the point of view of the company’s life cycle, the risk is divided into two; the first is the time when we want to start up a business, and the second is the time to scale up our business. Typical risks in starting up the business is in choosing the type of business, then choosing a partner, next is making funding decisions, and the latter is making a technical decision. For instance, at the time I was working in the Orang Tua Group, when we decided to be involved in coffee business, we noticed that the coffee business is very advanced. For example, Kapal Api, has a very large market share. Then we tried our product, Samba coffee. Within two years, we realized that coffee consumers are similar with cigarettes and liquor consumers, they are brand fanatic. So it became Samba-Tan. Why Samba-Tan? Because the salesman could not sell coffee. So we closed our

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product. For what? That is the risk in starting up the business. Then the second, for example, can be learned from Extra Joss. How Extra Joss at the first time chose a partner. When it chose a partner, it was a group of pharmaceutical company. It was resulted the unwell acceptance of Extra Joss when it was supplied to the field of pharmaceutical distribution company, to pharmacies. Extra Joss could not develop properly. But when choosing the right distribution, the consumer good, what has happened? Extra Joss has successfully accepted by public. It is interesting. Later, is about in funding decisions. For example, the Ciputra Group, during 1997, funded its projects by using borrowed money. But after ‘97, after the crisis, Ciputra Group funded all of its projects with own funds. Well, from there we can see that there are many things to carry out during starting up our business that can cause risks. However, if managed properly, the risk can run well too. The second risk is from the company’s life cycle when scaling up the business. What are the risks of scaling up the business? The first is the materials shortage and rising. The second one is business competition. We can learn from Makro for the example. When Makro opened for business, it triggered its competitives to join the business too, such as Carrefour and Giant started. Consequently Macro started to become exclusive. Members could come but children couldn’t. As a result, it was out of business. But its competitors, Gian and Carrefour, are continuing their business to this day. So that means the emergence of a competitor could kill another competitor. Another example, we can learn from Starco. At that time, Starco pager was a very good business. All people used pager, pager, and pager. But when mobile phones joined the communication business, GSM phones, with its mobile function, Starco was abandoned by its costumers. Even to this day, it was out of business. That’s an example of how risky a competition is, it can even make us close for business. Then the next one is the change in customers’ tastes. For example, at the time the customers were very pleased with Nokia. Before Nokia, there was Motorola. Motorola ruled the business, with its big handphone, but then was killed by Ericson. Then Ericson was then not preferred by its customers anymore, and they switched it with Nokia. Now, people started abandone Nokia and chose Blackberry. From that point we see that the technology changing, customers’ taste, all cause risk too. But if the risks are well managed by the owners or managers, it will still lead to his business growth. The third risk is risk based on the Bank of Indonesia. According to the Bank of Indonesia, risk can be divided as five, namely: 1) Market Risk, 2) Credit Risk, 3) Liquidity Risk, 4) Operational Risk, 5) Strategic Risk. Let’s discuss about market ris, which is based on market variables. For example, like this time where interest rates highly increase. Then today,

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dollar exchange rate has reached eleven thousand rupiahs. Well, are we going to make an investment? Or should we wait? But be aware, in every problem there is certainly a chance. Then is the second, credit risk. When our debtors, when we do credit sales, turns out they can not pay. The result is bad loans. The third risk is operational risk. That is where the functions of internal business processes are not running. The fourth is a legal risk. That is where the establishment of the company does not follow the rules of the applicable law and can lead to lawsuits. Then the fifth is strategic risk. It consists of reputational risk and compliance risk. Well, we can see that when it is not responsive to the company’s strategic environment, our business will also get a considerable risk. The next one is how do we identify risk? To identify risks, there are four ways that can be used. The first is the analysis method, the second is observation and survey methods, the third is the risk marking method, and the fourth is the method of expert’s information. We will discuss the first one, which is analysis method. For example, we will see how the risk arises. For example, from the customer complaints. Well, from customer complaints, if there are too many customers who complain about our product, it will lead to word of mouth. For example, the law of word of mouth is that each person complains to eleven people. And so on and so forth. So if there is a second person that complains, it means that approximately one hundred and twenty-one people know about our product. So the more people complaining the worse our business is. We must analyze what is it that cause our customers to complain? Whether it’s satisfaction? Whether it is of the quality of the product? Or the quality of our services? The cost is too high? No matter what, it should quickly get a response from the company. Then information about product defects. The more are the defective products, the worse the products are for the customers. For example, we can learn from the pharmaceutical companies. About Johnson & Johnson’s experience, there was one product that could cause disable for the infant. Johnson & Johnson immediately moved, to pull out that entire product from the market. When they pulled out the product, did it cause loss to the company? Apparently not. Why? Because Johnson & Johnson immediately announced that there the disability factor might be caused by the irressponsibility action of the customers or its rival, who might mix something to the product to harm the infants. See? From that action, the positive responses from the company were quickly accumulated Another example to be study is the experience from P&G. Protect and Gamble. Procter & Gamble at the time was rumored as the followers of the Satanic Church. Why? It’s because the logo was almor similar to the logos of satanic churches and alike. At that time, P&G responded the issue quite slow so every day they had to receive at least a hundred thousand

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customers’ complaints, until finally they invited many people including the clergies to explain that P&G had nothing to do with the Satanic Church. Well, fortunately, though with the slow initial response, P&G can also prove to this day that they are one of big companies. Johnson&Johnson is also included as big company. But we can learn to make an analysis, every time our costumers complain, we need to effectively But we can learn, each of us do the analysis, every customer complain, we as a company must quickly respond to it. Then we can analyze the track record of our human resources. Now, if we have the human resources, high quality human resources, have capabilities and high competences, our risks can be minimizes. But if our track records consist of incompetent human resources, randomly hire our employees, has an unmanaged recruitment process, it will surely cause bigger risks. Then we will see more about the methods of observation and survey. For example, we can see from the habitual process. The needs of the market. Here I will give an example in the shoe industry. For example, when consumers buy shoes, the taste of men and women turned are very different. For example, for a man, that it is important to buy suitable shoes to wear only. But for the woman to buy the shoes should fit her taste and style. Now, from this taste difference, lifestyle difference, we now know what to do to make shoes for women and men. If we want to make shoes for woman, don’t make it too expensive. The range will be, probably, one pair of man’s shoes will be equal with three pairs of women. Why? Because women love to change their shoes. That’s the first. Then the second, for example, we see the need of the market. When women buy cosmetics, what is actually purchased by the women? They want to be beautiful. So if the cosmetics can’t make women beautiful, the cosmetics will not be purchased. Another example, when people want to buy a handphone, what is it that they want? One, is easy to be used to call someone. Two, is the lifestyle. If we are aware of the market needs, we can be able to minimize the risk. And minimize customer dissatisfaction. Therefore, by identifying risks, whether it is through the method of analysis or observation, we can ultimately minimize risks. Then how do we manage risk? Well, to manage risk, there are four stages that we should pay attention to. The first is, we rank all possible risks. Then the second is to sort it by its impact. The third is based on to give alternative solutions based on the risks already ranked. The fourth is to evaluate, means that if something is wrong with the business, you must fix it. If it is right, proceed. Besides managing the risks, there are some tips to manage risk. The first is to avoid the risks that often occur. Then the second one is the insured the risk, which is probably only once occurred but its impact is very big. The third is to do prevention for risks with small impact. The fourth is facing the risk which has small impact and rarely happens.

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41Calculated Risk Taking

From all of this discussion, we can derive some conclusions. The first conclusion that we learn is that we can manage the risks of our business. That is, we have to classify risks in the business, which can be avoided, and which risks can not be avoided. If risks can not be avoided, we have to deal with it. But if the risks can be avoided, minimize the risks with practicing some tips that had been explained. Let me repeat the tips. First, avoid the risks that often occur. Second, insure the risk that is rarely occurred, but the impact is great. The third is to do prevention for risks with small impact on. The latter is facing the risk which has small impact, and rarely happens. Thank you, all UC Onliners. Hopefully all that have been explained today can bring benefits for you and can be applied in our business. Salam Entrepreneur ...

“Typical risks in starting up the business is in choosing the type of business, then choosing a

partner, next is making funding decisions, and the latter is making a technical decision.”

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Discussion Topic The main point highlighted in Week 5 is Ethical Entrepreneurial Leadership. An entrepreneur is a leader who has entrepreneurial spirit and acts with integrity (ethical).

Point of Discussion Topic • 7 Spirit of Entrepreneur• Ethical leadership

Learning Objectives After following and studying the material of Week 5, UC onliners can understand the importance of entrepreneurial and ethical leadership, and how this affects the character of an entrepreneur.

Teaching and Learning Activities UC onliners are expected to view the instructional videos already available and to read the existing literature. We provide the video transcript for those who have difficulties in listening to the speech in the video. At the end of the week there will be a quiz to test the understanding of the material.

Video • Being entrepreneurial for UC is the 7 Spirit – Tony Antonio

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llb_nyJrt2U • Ethics in Entrepreneurship – Johan Hasan


Ethical Entrepreneurial Leadership

Module 5Ethical Entrepreneurial Leadership

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Integrity, Professionalism, and EntrepreneurshipBy Mr. Ciputra

I am happy to be with you today, but first I would like to say “Salam Entrepreneur!”. Today we will discuss about entrepreneur. So for Entrepreneur Onliners, I once again say “Greetings, Entrepreneur. Alright, previously I have mentioned about someone’s successful, in this case is in the field of business. Integrity, Professionalism, and Entrepreneurship. What is integrity? I believe that all are already know about integrity. To me, I will start with ABJ. Adil (Fair), Benar (Right), and Jujur (Honest). We need to be fair for our employees, colleagues, and especially for business people. We have to do something that our customers and business partners like, and to do something that we want. It is fair. We have to do right thing, don’t do wrong, and don’t do something that we don’t want others to do it for us too. We need to do right, think right, and act right. And of course, be honest. Honesty is the core of integrity. Integrity should have be learned at schools and especially from our parents. Well, in business and in all aspects of everyday life integrity needs to be the basis of our business. The next thing is professionalism. Professionalism means that we must be smart, have techniques, and have expertise. If we are not smart, we have neither expertise nor technique in starting our business, and then we won’t succeed. Next, we need to be disciplined. Have to. All the promises we make must be kept and fulfilled. Professionalism needs discipline. Must have a system. Many people do not have the system required. We often do things that are wrong and imprecise over and over again. To avoid doing that, we must have a system. So, we need to be smart, discipline, and have a system. Not to forget that we also must work hard and diligently. This is what we need to be successful. The third thing is Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship means that we must have insight, a broad insight. A broad vision. Some people even say that the most difficult thing to have is insight. Insight is not just about materials, but also about time. Predict what will happen in the future. In fact we have to know the ways of buying something now but its price will multiply in the future. Now that is called insight. Insight will also determine the way of choosing our business. We must have insight to determine whether the business that we choose has a future or not. We must determine whether we can make our insight as business or not. Is one specific item a sunset policy or not? Remember; do not make the sunset policy as an investment. You must have insight about business in Indonesia. What is the most suitable business opportunity to choose? Is it the mining field? Is it fishery? Is it housing property? Is it about commodity? Consumption? Perhaps culinary? And so on. This is what makes insight amazing. Insight is not easy, it is very

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challenging. Perhaps it is one of the most difficult things that you need to posses.

Entrepreneurial Leadership, 7 Spirits of Entrepreneur By Tony Antonio

Salam Entrepreneur.

How are you, UC onliners? I am Tony Antonio from Ciputra University of Ciputra. On this day we will be discussing about the seven spirits of entrepreneurs. As emblazoned on the back, the seven spirits of entrepreneurs are into the soul, into my breath, into the mindset of the entrepreneur. Some of the parts of this spirits have already been discussed in the previous weeks. We will repeat the discussion of the seven spirits, and then discuss two of the seven spirits together. Why do we need the seven spirits? Because the entrepreneur consists essentially of three parts, namely the understanding, skills, and soul. So there is knowledge, skills, and mindset. Well, these seven mindsets, seven spirits, all we need to have, not only knowledge, not only the skills that we need, but we must have the spirits that drive us. We ever discussed about passion in the topic of Greetings Entrepreneurs. Today we will discuss about persistence, then we will also discuss about independence, how we can work by not depending on others. We also ever discussed in the last weeks about the opportunity or market sensitivity, creativity and innovation, calculated risk-taking or risk taker, and high ethical standards or ethics of an entrepreneur. We will discuss two of these seven things. Before I discuss it one by one, all UC Onliners, ladies and gentlemen, may also think about why do we take these seven things? Indeed depth studies have been conducted about the entrepreneurs. What are the characteristics of an entrepreneur? What kind of soul possessed by an entrepreneur? Then we conduct the study, we do the research, then we create a matrix of many people, about their mindsets, character, entrepreneurial spirit, and we take the seven most used in entrepreneurship education at this Ciputra University. So we gain all of

Tony Antonio

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these seven spirits from the studies, and then we apply to all of the learning in this Ciputra University. For the undergraduate students, for the graduate students, and for all trainings we do in the community. We believe that if we have the seventh is the spirit of our struggle to become entrepreneurs will achieve a good end. There are two of these seven things that we will discuss today. The first is persistence. Persistence means that someone is able to withstand the temptation. Persistence means it is able to withstand the test until they reach the finish line. How can we go, how we can withstand the temptation, how can we put up with a lot of obstacles so we can reach the end of our entrepreneur trip. This year at the Ciputra University we took at the University of Ciputra Entrepreneurship Journey theme. Journey of an Entrepreneur. Because actually when we start our business, we hope we can reach the finish line. Well, the problem is there are a lot of things that can block us, a lot of the things that hinder us, a lot of the things that made us fall and surrender. So I suggest that in order to maintain this persistence, we should be able to manage ourselves. We must learn to manage ourselves, managing our weaknesses, our advantages that we know, so if we are weak in something we do not try to enter into such temptation. Thus, self-management is about how we organize ourselves. Among self-management is the timing. Interestingly, every person has a different freshness, or different prime time. There are people who are called as nocturnal people because they are fresh and very efficient to work at night. There are people who are called as dawn people they are able to work fresh and to learn on the morning. If we learn at our one prime time, the result will be equal with when we learn at different times. So we recognize our prime time, we try to organize our time management, setting our time, and the third, we need to bring it in our prayers, we need to put the goal setting in our lives. What kind of goal that we want to achieve. Write the targets; try to reach the goals so that we can achieve it well. So, by writing our prime time, by choosing our prime time, then by managing our prime time, we can be persistent to reach the finish line as expected. The third thing is about independence. So after the passion and persistence, is independence... Independence is our ability to work without depending on other people. What does it mean? So, sometimes when we do the work we are very dependent on people. We cannot work because we are still waiting for their work. Well this is as often as possible should be avoided because if we can, we have to depend on ourselves when we work. We can set our own pace when work, not depending on someone else so that our work will not be hampered because of waiting for someone else’s job to finish. Should be managed. Task management. Then the next second thing is how we develop ourselves based on our independence. In this show we see there are some things about the pattern of 21st

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century education. The pattern of 21st century education is where we are required to learn by ourselves. We cannot depend on schools, we cannot rely on training. Schools and training will equip us very well. But there are a lot of things that we have to learn by ourselves. Therefore, my suggestion, when we think of developing ourselves, we need to study. How to develop ourselves without depending much on school, training institutions, but on the resources available in the community. For example, the Internet, the books, the newspaper, news channels. And also as we are all the UC Online Study is also our learning source, so that we can develop ourselves by not depending on others. Thus, independence when completing our task, in self-development, independence in managing multiple resources that surround us, will make us even richer so we can anticipate the changes that will occur. Back on this show. Here there is a pattern of 21st century education if we look at the pattern of 21st century education; this middle part is called Core. So 21st century education still provides a core, the content, the core of the sciences. But if we look at the right side and left side, there are some things we can learn. First, in the 21st century education relies heavily on ICT. Without knowing the ICT, the ability to manage the Internet, the ability to manage the computer, we will be very left behind. So to achieve a 21st century education, so that a maximum of 21 century education, we need to know about computers. About ICT on the network. The second thing is the life skill. How do we develop a life skill? Previously it has been said that we need to develop our learning, our ability to read, our ability to write, the ability to communicate. We learned to read when we’re children, but of course we need to develop our reading competence when we’re adults. We learned to write when we’re children. But we still need to develop our writing competence right now. How to communicate our ideas in writing. We learned to speak since we’re children, but we need to also develop our competence to speak efficiently, to motivate others, to sell our ideas. Therefore, we need to develop our life skill. So after core, ICT, life skills, then the fourth to look is that the 21st century education pattern is different from the previous centuries. We must understand the so-called 21 century content. What is going on in the community? What kinds of trends that are going on in the community? What changes? Suppose in technology, the mobile phone is changing so fast to make it able to be used. Many things can change. Condition of society, culture, politics, life, commerce, and others. And we have to understand. Without understanding we cannot become an independent person. We need to understand the content of the existing 21st century. And lastly we also as an independent person must develop the ability to think. In the end, it is our ability to think that will be tested. In the end, it is our ability to think that will determine where we will go. So , ladies

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and gentlemen , persistence , and independence , two of the seven spirits which must be mastered in addition to seven other things which are passion persistence, independence, opportunity, creative, dare to take risk, and good ethical standard. So today we discuss about persistence and independence. For my suggestion, let us continually achieve, understand, and put in our lives the seven spirits. Then we need to implement it in our lives, especially in our achievement to become an entrepreneur. I, Toni Antonio, happy entrepreneuring. Salam Entrepreneur.

“When we start our business, we hope we can reach the finish line. Well, the problem is there are a lot of things

that can block us, a lot of the things that hinder us, a lot of the things that made us fall and surrender. So I suggest that in order to maintain this persistence, we

should be able to manage ourselves. “

Ethics in Entrepreneurship By Johan Hasan

Salam Entrepreneur...

Dear UC Onliners.

I am Johan Hasan. Today I will share the topic of online lecture, entitled moral integrity and how to apply the ethical framework in entrepreneurship.UC onliners, Mr. Ciputra has initiated IPE that has been applied in Ciputra Group. IPE stands for integrity, professionalism and entrepreneurship. Mr. Ciputra once stated that, “I deliberately put integrity as the first one because I find that the other two core values, professionalism and entrepreneurship, should be supported by integrity”.

Johan Hasan

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Let us try to understand what moral integrity is. I would invite the UC onliners to see the myth of “The Ring of Gyges”, written by Plato in his book, Republic. The story is like this: Once upon a time there lived a shepherd named Gyges of Libya who was shepherding his sheep on a mountain. Not so long, the earthquake happened at his place. The quake resulted a cave in the mountains. Gyges entered the cave, and in it he found a bronze horse-shaped grave with the body of a big man with a gold ring in his hand. Gyges was then pocketing the ring. Later he found out that the ring had its own power. Resulting the ring owner to be invisible. Gyges used that power to assassin the King of Libya, took his throne, even married the queen. There is no evidence or punishment for his crimes. Gold ring with the power to disappear is indeed a myth. This myth also gives ideas for several Hollywood movies such as Invisible Man, The Lord of the Ring, but in reality it turns out that the invisible power ring also exists. The powerful ring in these modern days is the power of money, so we can avoid penalties by paying judges, prosecutors, or other law enforcement officials. Gyges’s ring can also be strength of political forces, so that we can avoid ourselves from accusations of our mistakes which are actually deserved by us. It can also be political power and the media power so that the law and the information can be distorted. Or even the power of technology so that we can blur our identity or not be detected by the system. And so forth. If our mistakes cannot be detected by others, or we can go unpunished, are we going to keep our moral behavior? Will we continue to act with the moral values that we believe? If so, we will continue to act with moral values that we believe, despite being seen by others or not, regardless of is there punishment or not. This is what we call as moral integrity. Moral

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integrity test actually measures how we are honest with ourselves when no one is looking, when we can go unpunished, can we still remain faithful to the moral values that we have? For all religious people, moral integrity is placed also on the realization that even though other people do not know, there is God who sees everything. Mr. Ciputra believes that this is a moral integrity that forms of a person’s character. An important foundation to grow in entrepreneurship. Basic formation of our character and also the foundation for us to work together with other parties. A commitment that can be held. A character that can be trusted by customers, by peers, by business associates, government, and also by the wider community. Dear UC onliners, maybe you all wonder, “Then how to determine whether an action is ethical or not? How it is applied in an action?“ Here there are two basic things to act ethically. First, the main base is the intention or good will. Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, once said that Goodwill or the good will is something that can be called well on him. We can see the motivation or intention underlying an act, whether that act is good or not. For example, we can distinguish the intentional killing and unintentional murder as something that has different moral weight. The second thing is that human basically has mind. Humans who are just following a spontaneous impulse or desire without reflecting back on his actions, or taking distances from his own self, is actually violating his own nature, which is human mind. So, human mind is another basic of integrity. The first one will touch the emotional side of a person; the second is to consider the logic or human mind. Now, when we have a good will, what is the mind consideration that we can do? When we should take ethical decisions in entrepreneurship? Here I offer four simple and practical steps. First, identify the problem carefully. Understand the pros and cons. Do not take a decision without understanding the problem first. Second, I call it deontological exam. The test is as simple as this. Does the action respect the human dignity and not make man a mere tool? Is this moral action universal? An example of these moral actions is the golden rule language or so-called golden role. Do what you want other people to do it for you. Or in the negative language, or as the warning, don’t do something that you don’t want others to do that to you or to your family. For example, there is someone who wants to breed catfish. Developing business in breeding catfish. To press the operational cost, this person feed the catfish dead rats or even human feces. The simple question is to follow the golden rule, do you, your brother-sister, or your son, and want to consume that catfish before being sold to consumers? Do you yourself want to consume your own products? If not, do not do to others. Remember, ethical principles are not similar to law. Basically, laws are based on moral principles. But sometimes there may be a moral rule which is not covered by the law. For example, to feed the catfish with

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human waste may not be included in the law. On the other hand, there might be non-universal law. For example, there is prohibition to worship for people of a particular religion, although it is not morally justifiable. It can be a particular government legalizes rules that violate the moral principles. Ethical considerations should and must be based first on moral principle. The third, my third step, I call it a utilitarianism exam. In this case the utilitarian test only counts about what benefits or disadvantages for the various parties involved? Usually referred to as the stakeholder approach. Imagine that we do not just count the plus and minus for the company, but we also count the plus and minus for our customers, for our business associates, as well as to our environment. Currently this approach is usually known as P 3, namely People, Planet, Profit. What are the plus and minus for the people, for the planet, and hence are those also generating profit to make a venture or a company to be sustainable? Able to support employees? We need to remember also that this consideration is not only in the form of short-term, but also for long-term. Avoid the so-called moral myopia or nearsightedness morals. Sometimes we see only a momentary advantage, short-term profit, but we forget that this has huge long-term losses. Mr. Ci always reminds you that an entrepreneur has to create value that can change dirt into gold. Entrepreneur creates value, creates benefits for customers. The company deserves a profit for answering customers’ questions, or for benefiting customers. Workers will want to work at a company to get the benefit of the company; otherwise the company also gets the benefit from its workers. Similarly, a simple filter of utilitarianism can help us also to calculate the pluses and minuses of an action. With the previous three filters, previous three steps that we have to do. Then we see, can one act escape from the filter? Consider to avoid what is called as a false dilemma. Examples of false dilemma, is that I want a good value, but do not want to study. I want to get rich, quickly make a profit, but harm others. If we can consider that an act can pass the three steps we’ve discussed before, and then do it. Means that it is in conformity with the ethical principles that we expect. If not, then how? So here we are in need of creativity in solving a problem. Think of creative solutions that do not violate moral principles. The limits are a creative person’s best friend and a creative, though always thinks out of the box, will not violate ethical principles. He is creative, but not for moral principles. You cannot violate the moral principle. In fact, creativity will help us to solve the problem without having to violate moral principles. That’s the challenge for a creative person. For us, doing immoral act, or harmful to others is not a principle, not something that is creative, instead is a thief or parasites. Creativity requires precisely how to create the value that benefits many parties. So in this case is not a zero sum game. I win you lose. Or causing environmental disadvantage.

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We are also reminded to what is called as preventive measures. Let’s do this ethical action from the beginning. From us, since Moses. Resolve an issue before it’s getting bigger. Let’s build a network and do well for many people. Thus we are to cultivating our ethical actions to become a habit. Being our wholeness character. I believe that being an integrity and has good moral character should be done continuously. Only with continuous commitment and rigorous training steps of ethical thinking in decision-making, both in the various case studies or in real situations, we may form a superior character. Every action and thought done within the ethical framework, if done continuously, will give birth to the habits and our habits will create a character with good moral and high integrity. You can say that you can be trusted if you do a continuous habit and eventually become your character. That’s all, UC onliners. Hopefully this topic can be useful for the UC onliners. I, Johan Hasan. Salam Entrepreneur ...

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Discussion Topic ThemainpointhighlightedinWeek6isAttitudetoFailureorRiskPropensity.Anentrepreneurisneverafraidtofailbecausefailureandsuccessforhimhassimilarvalue.

Points of Discussion Topic •RiskPropensity•CommonPitfallsofaStart-upBusiness

Learning Objectives AfterfollowingandstudyingthematerialofWeek6,UCOnlinerscanunderstandandanticipateobstaclesindoingbusinessandhaspositiveattitudestofailure,andalwaysraiseupagainwhenfailing.

Teaching and Learning Activities UConliners are expected toview the instructional videos alreadyavailableandtoreadtheexistingliterature.Weprovidethevideotranscriptforthosewhohavedifficultiesinlisteningtothespeechinthevideo.Attheendoftheweektherewillbeaquiztotesttheunderstandingofthematerial.

Video • AttitudetoFailure-Mr.Ciputra

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQzi5iLfeM0• AttitudetoFacetheFailure-IngeGunawan


Attitude to Failure

Module 6Attitude to Failure

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Attitude to Failure ByMr.Ciputra

At times like these, I feelveryhappy.Meetingwithallonliners intrainingandentrepreneurshipeducation.Ladiesandgentlemen, todaywewillbediscussingaboutaveryinterestingtopic.It’stakenfromourpoem,TheTrueEntrepreneur.Inthepoem,thelastline,itissaid,“failstentimes,riseupeleventimes”. Accordingtothispoem,anentrepreneurshouldnotbeafraidtofail.Youcanfailmanytimes,butyoucannotlosetheessentialspirit.Youshouldriseuptofight.Youneedtoriseuptofightback.Failureissupposedlytobeconsideredasadelayedsuccess,likeafamousproverboncesaid.Right!Aslongaswestillhavethespirit,wecangetupandfight. There are two kinds of failures. Failure at the time he does theinnovationandcreativity,andfailureinrealbusiness.Ininnovation,seekingnew ideas, creating new opportunities, it needs to be done continuously.It’s not just ten times failed; it’s even hundreds of times failed. Failure iscommonlyinitiatedfromourmindset. Weneedtodosomephases.Thefirstphaseisourmindset,andthenwemake the experiment, and then the real state.Well,we can fail at themindsetphase.Wearelookingformorenewideasdothefieldtrials,andsoonandsoforth.Laterwediscoversomeniceideas,andwetrytheideas.Andusually,basedonmyexperience,whenyouaresureofyourtestedideas,youareusuallysuccessful. Peoplewholiketodreambigusuallywillbeabletorealizetheirbigdreamstoo.Well,inthecompany,thecompanymayalsofail.Orwhenyoudoit,turnsitthatitdoesn’tfitwell.Iwanttotellaboutmyexperience,startedwhenIwasastudentinITB,Bandung.Iopenedaplanningbureau,planningconsultant. I failed.Why?Itdidn’tfitofmypreviouswish,sinceIneededtolookforworkfromfriends,lookforopportunitiesfromfriends,askforajobfromfriends,askforajobfromthegovernment,andaskforajobratherthanbeingentrepreneurs.Givemeajob,Icandesign.That’swhathappened.Apparently itwas very difficult. Somy bureau, as a planning consultant,Iconsideredasmyfailure.But Iwas lookingforasolution. I left it tomyfriends,tocontinuetheseefforts.Iwantedtocreateopportunities.Creatingmyownwork.ThenwhenIgraduatedIbecameadeveloper.Asdevelopers,wecreatetheproject.Projectisnotgivenbyothers.Welookfor,wecreatetheproject. I also faced failures in my entrepreneurial business. During mydeveloper time in 98, themonetary crisis happened. So huge.We had somanydebts. Because people ran,we ran on the front. By debts. Thenwewereforcedtoshutourdebts.Thatmeansfailure.Inbusiness.Wetriedourbusiness,did it right,but theefforts failed.Butwegotup.Wesettledour

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debts.Nonewenttotrial.Wenegotiated.Weaskedforinstallments.Becausewehavegoodintentions,withgoodpurpose,wedealwiththeintegrity,theprofessionalism,andentrepreneursandweareasgratefulaswearetoday.So,choosingabusinessasconsultantismyfailure.Afterthat,property.Weexecuted,wefailedtoo.DuringourtimeinJakarta,weestablishedseveralcompaniessuchasJayaSteel,AluminumJaya,theywereclosedtoo.Becausewedidn’t succeed.But fromthese two that failed, failed inotherbusinessfield,havebecomethefoundationofothersuccessfulbusinessfieldswhicharemorethantenfields,afoundationofPembangunanJayatoday. So you do the deep calculation. Just because we tell you to notbe afraid, don’t just hit there, hit here,without deep calculation andwellplanning.Notlikethat,butcalculatecarefully.LikeJayaSteel,whydidwefail?Itwasbecausesteelwork,atthattime,waseasilydonebyeveryoneelse.Theconstructionofbuildings,atthattime,wasnotasrichandascomplicatedasisittoday.Becausethebuildingshavenotcomplicatedtherich‘today.Soour competitorswere common constructors andbuilders on the roadside.That’s thesimplewayofsayingour failurecause.Likewisealuminum.Somanypeoplebuiltaluminum,withsimplebuildingsatthattime.Soweclosedthe business. But therewere somefields remained in Pembangunan Jaya.Therewerefiveareasofbusiness:Propertyandconstruction,intraining,inrecreation,andinroadinfrastructure,itstillcontinued.Soitwestopped.Wemanufacturedthesimpleones.Soonceagain,dowithacarefulcalculation.Ifyouaresure,doit.Ifitfails,fixit.Andconsiderthatfailureisadelayedsuccess.Itisexactlytherightproverb.Andwhenyourunthebusiness,theobstacles are still there.Whenyouare looking fornew innovations , newcreativity,newwaysofmarketingsystems,newproductionsystems,thedesignof thenewbuilding , thenewfinancial system , it can fail too.Butdon’tdespair.Youhavetosearchcontinuously,keepsearching.Onlywithsomethingnew,withanewinnovation,youcanwininyourcompetitions.Youcanwinyourwayinordertoachievethegoal. Ifyouonlydoyourbusinessasusual,youwillbestuck.Youwillbeamarginalcompany.Yup,yourbusinesswillbeamarginalbusiness.Whichiswhy,failmanytimes,riseupmanytomestoo.Andyouwillbesuccess.Thankyouverymuch,seeyousoon.Salamentrepreneur.MayGodblessusall.


“An entrepreneur should not be afraid to fail. You can fail many times, but you cannot lose the essential spirit.

You should rise up to fight.”Attitude to Failure

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Attitude to Face the Failure ByIngeGunawan


Before I shareaboutmy topic today, IwillquoteapieceofpoemfromMr.Ciputra.Someactentrepreneur,butfail.IwanttosharetodayaboutAttitudetoFaceTheFailure.Howdowefaceourfailure?Foranentrepreneur,failure is not unusual. But formost people it is very scary.According toCiputraWay,anentrepreneurisanopportunityCreator,Innovator,andalsoRiskTaker.Thismeansthatinadditiontocreateopportunities,entrepreneurisalsoaninnovator,providingaddedvaluetothebusinessandalsoasarisktakermeanstobewillingtotakerisks. AccordingtoMr.Ciputra,founderofCiputraUniversitywhereIamteachingnow,anentrepreneurisbybirthandtoberaisedinthefamily.Thelatterbecauseofitsenvironment,andthethirdduetobeeducatedandtrained.Mr.Ciputrain2006foundedtheUniversityofCiputratoeducateandtraintheyoungIndonesianentrepreneurs.AtUC(CiputraUniversity),studentsareeducatedandtrainedtobeEducatedEntrepreneur.Thecurriculumthatwedevelopedisbasedonproject-basedlearning.Itmeansthatstudentsneedtostartupabusiness,growthebusiness,andmakeasustainablebusiness.Fromtherestudentslearntoactentrepreneur,fail,getup,andthenhaveagreatbusiness. Mr.Ciputrahasadreamthatin2030Indonesiawillhave6millionentrepreneurs.CurrentlyinIndonesia,thepercentageofnewentrepreneursisamountedto1.53%.Meanwhile, ifwecomparewithSingapore,asmallcountry,thepercentageoftheentrepreneurshasreached7%.Therefore,letus together to realize this extraordinarydream tomake Indonesia amoreprosperousandabettercountry.InIndonesia,Ernst&YoungalsosupporttheexistenceofentrepreneursinIndonesiabyorganizingtheEntrepreneurOfTheYearwhichhasbeenlaunchedsince2001.Ernst&YounggivesmanyawardstotheyoungentrepreneurswhoexcelanddevelopanentrepreneurialspirittobringIndonesiatoabettereconomy,createjobsformanypeople,andboosttheprosperityofmanypeople. My topic today is about attitude in facing the failure. I will startfromtheresearchonbusinessfailure.Therearetwodefinitions;thefirstisacommondefinition.AccordingtoSingh,Corner,&Pavlovichin2007,thebroaddefinitionofbusinessfailureiswhenanentrepreneurexitsorquitsthebusiness.Sotheentrepreneurisoutofbusiness.ThenthenarrowestdefinitionisbyShepherd&Haynie, in 2011, said that it iswhenanentrepreneur isbankruptorsufferinghugelossinhisbusiness.According to researchconductedby theHarvardBusinessSchool in2010,it is said that anumberof successful entrepreneurswho survive sincehis

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businessopened for thefirst time, is just about 18%only.That iswhy; atCiputraUniversityhaveatalkline“failcheap,failfast,failearly”.Itmeansthat ifourstudents fail, theymust failascheaperaspossible,asearlieraspossible, and as quickly as possible. In CiputraUniversity, every studentshouldhavetheexperiencetodoastart-upbusinessat thesecondyearoftheirstudies. In theirfirstyear theywillexperiencegroundbreaker,a formationofentrepreneurialmindsetandspirit.Theninthesecondsemester,studentslearn to brainstorm the business ideas, design thinking, identification,prototyping,andusertesting,tomakethecanvasmodelofbusinessortheB-plan,andexecutetheplannedbusiness.Andtheninthesecondyear,exactlyinthethirdsemester,thestudentsalreadyhavetostartupabusiness.Inthefourthsemester, theCiputraUniversitystudents learn innovativebusinesslearning.Thismeans that theyhave innovated theirbusiness.Then in thefifthsemester,theyneedtoscaleuptheirbusinessorhavingglobalbusinessexperience.Finally,inthesixandsevensemester,theydeveloptheirbusinessandmaketheirbusinesssustainable. Theyweregiventheopportunitytofailasearlyaspossible,asquicklyaspossible, as cheaplyaspossible. Sowhen theyexperience tobe seriousinopeningthebusiness,whentheygraduatedfromtheCiputraUniversity,theyalreadyhavetheexperiencetofailintheirbusiness. Therearesevenreasonsofwhyanentrepreneurfailsontheirfirstbusiness.ThefirstreasonisSurvivalDrivenorSeekingMoneyBeforeAddingValue,meansanentrepreneuronlythinkofshort-termprofitanddoesnotthinkaboutthelong-termbusiness. ThenthesecondreasonisInadequateorLackofKnowledgemeansthat an entrepreneur does not have the knowledge base or knowledgeprecedeshisexperiencewhenhewantstoopenhisbusiness.Thereforethemarket researchorexploration isneededwhenanentrepreneurwantshisbusiness to be opened. I advise an entrepreneur to explore or domarketresearch,interviewcustomers,prospectivecustomers,tocompetitors,tothesuppliertodeterminetheabilityoftheknowledgebasebeforeopeninghisbusiness. The third reason is lack of focus.Most of an entrepreneurwantstoopenabusinessinvariousfields.Youcan’t.Youneedtofirstfocusonaparticularfield. ThefourthreasonofwhyanentrepreneurfailsontheirfirstbusinessisFailofFailure.Thismeansthatentrepreneursareafraidtotakeafurtherstepinhisbusiness. Next, the fifth reason is Lack of Vision. This means that theentrepreneurdoesnothaveavisionofthefuturedirectionofthisbusiness. Poor money management or cannot manage their finances is thesixthreason.

Attitude to Failure

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Finally,theseventhreasonofwhyanentrepreneurfailsontheirfirstbusiness is that ‘I candowell all bymyself’. Thismeans thathe tends toworkalone,doesnotwanttodonetworkingorteamwork.Itisbettertohavearelationshipornetworkingwiththevariouspartiessothatyoujoinforcestomakeyourbusinessbecomesuccessful.Toavoidthat,wereallywantourstudentsexperiencetheexperienceofopeningthebusiness,failure,andriseagainbasedontheirdesire. Now Iwill share about thefivekeys tomake the failure a key tosuccess.ThefirstkeyisCallFailureSomethingElse.Failureisnotafailure,butasanexperience.Picture it like this.Agreat company thatwillhireaseniormanagermaynothireafreshgraduate.Thismeansthatanexpectedmanagerisaseniormanagerwhoalreadyhastheexperienceofbeinggeneralmanagersomewhereelse.Similarly,whenapersondoesbusiness,failureisnotreallyafailure,butashislifeexperience.Thismeansthathealreadyhasexperience in the business. Thereforedonot call failure as failure. For anentrepreneurafailureisanexperience,themostvaluableteacher. ThesecondkeyisUseFailureasASteppingStone,meanstousethefailureasasteppingstonetoopenabetterbusiness,whichwillgrowlargerinthefuture.ThenthethirdkeyisNeverFailAlone,meaningthatyoumusthaveabusinesspartner.Youhavetostartdoingnetworking.Donotfailalone.ThenthefourthDonotHideYourFailure;neverhideyourfailurebecauseit’sactuallynotafailureforanentrepreneur.It’sanexperience.Thelastone,thefifthkey,isFindOutYourPassionortrulyfindsyourpassion.Becausewhenyouopenabusiness,itiswhereyourpassionat,thenthebusinesswillhavemorechancetosucceed. IgivethisillustrationbeforeIclosemysharingtoday.Thereisanoldladywholostherpendant,andthenlooksforthependant.Thensomepeopleseetheoldladyislookingforherpendant.Theybegantohelplookingfortheoldlady’spendant.Laterthecrowdgotbigger,morepeoplejoinedthesearching.Theylookedforthependantforhours,foralongtime,stillunabletoget thependant.Untilfinallyafteraverylongtimesearching,someoneaskedtheoldlady,“heylady,areyousurethatyourpendantisfallinghere?Missinghere?Itisbrighthere,andwe’relookingforyourpendantforquitealongtimenow,butwestillcan’tfindit,”Surprisinglytheoldladyanswered,“No,Ididn’tlosethependanthere.Ilostthependantacrossthestreet.Butitisdarkthere;Idonotwanttolookformypendantinthedarkplace,soIamlookingforithere”. Similarly, the entrepreneur, oftenwedo our business for the firsttimeataconvenientplace,wherewethinktobringusshort-termbenefits.Oftenwedon’twant tobebusywith thebusiness, entrepreneurswant todoacomfortorconvenientbusiness.Butitwillnotreturnanyresults.Andcertainly lead to failure. Therefore, I strongly encourage you to never beafraidtostepintosomethinghardthatyouthinkthatdifficultdo,because

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believeit,whenyoufindthepassion,anddothemarketresearchtominimizetherisk,youwillbeabletobecomeanentrepreneur. Do not be afraid to fail because failure is experience. And anentrepreneurdoesnothavetoexperiencefailure.Wecanminimizefailureandtomanageittobecomeasuccess.Mr.Ciputraalwayssays“TrueEntrepreneurfails 10 times, but riseup 11 times “. I believeyouwho ever experiencedfailuresinbusinesswillmakefailureanexperienceandasteppingstonetomovetowardsuccessinyournextbusiness. IhopethematerialthatIshareonthisdaycanbebeneficialtotheentireUConliners.

Seven reasons of why an entrepreneur fails:

1. Survival Driven or Seeking Money Before Adding Value

2. Inadequate or Lack of Knowledge3. Lack of focus4. Afraid to take a further step in his business5. Lack of Vision6. Poor money management7. Tends to work alone

Attitude to Failure

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Discussion Topic The main point highlighted in Week 7 is Determination. This is Mr. Ciputra’s distinctive trait as an innovative entrepreneur and is able to do multiplication.

Points of Discussion Topic •Characterofentrepreneur•Theimportanceofdetermination

Learning objectives Afterfollowingandstudyingthematerialofthisweek7,UCOnlinerscandevelopdetermination,akeycharacterofanentrepreneur.

Teaching and Learning Activities UConliners are expected toview the instructional videos alreadyavailableandtoreadtheexistingliterature.Weprovidethevideotranscriptforthosewhohavedifficultiesinlisteningtothespeechinthevideo.Attheendoftheweektherewillbeaquiztotesttheunderstandingofthematerial.

Video • Determination - Mr. Ciputra

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH1Ca7Zp3Ko• SelfDetermination–NurAgustinus



Module 7Determination

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Whyisdeterminationimportant?SincewhendoesMr.Ciputrahaveahighdetermination? AlrightUCOnliners.Iamveryhappy,sogladtomeetyouall,UConliners.Thetopicfortodayisaboutdetermination.Butbeforethat,Iwanttogreetyou.SalamEntrepreneurtoUCOnliners.Mayyoualwaysbesuccessfulinyourjourneytobecomeatrueentrepreneur? Well,todaywewilltalkaboutdeterminationoradesire,apromise,apledge to implement something that has value to success. But it is more than asuccessifthissuccesshasmeaning,notonlywebutalsoforothersaswell.Weasentrepreneurs,wewanttohavetheaspirationtosucceed.Forthatweneedatargetthatwewanttoachieveasgoodaspossible.Adeterminationtoachievethem.Well,howdowestaymotivatedwithincredibledeterminationtoachievethis?Wemustthinkaboutthebenefits,theresultswhenweachieveit.Thedifferencebetweenhumansandanimals.Animals,theyarejustlivingforthatmomentonly.Theydon’tthinkaboutthefuture.Buthumansthinkaboutthedayahead.Haveinsight.WhatisitthatIwillgenerateonthenextday if Ihaveanextraordinarydetermination?Weshoulddotherightandlawfulthingtoachievethis. You may wonder, why do I want to be, why do I have thedetermination?WhydoIhavethedeterminationtobecomeanentrepreneur?Itbegunatthetimewhenmyfatherdied.Diedofunnaturalcause.Hewasarrestedbythecolonialgovernmentatthattime,in‘44,andwasjailed.HediedinprisonanduntilnowIdon’tknowwherehisgraveis.SoIwantedatthattime,togetupwithmyownfeet.Iwas12yearsthattime.Imustgetup.Itmademedetermined,determinedtofightmyownpain.Well,fromthattime,Isaidtomyself,no.Ihavetogotoschool.Ihavetocontinuetoschool.AtthattimeIwas12yearsold,butIwasasecondgraderofelementarylevel.Imaginethat.ButatthattimeIwasdeterminedtogotoschooltofindabestwaytobesuccess. Sothatwasthetrigger.Myfather’sunnaturaldeath.Iwassoyoung;welivedinaverymarginalcondition.Well,that’swhatdrovemetoo.Nowcanyouimagine?IfIhadnotgonetoschool,hadnotbecomeanarchitect,thenIcouldhavebeenafarmerwhowouldhaveworkedwithextraordinaryphysicalsuffering.Andtheresultof farmingwouldhavebeenenoughforconsumingonly.Thus, it is important tohaveambition.So ifyouwant tobediligentwithadeterminedmindandaction, there’saprice topay too.IfIamanarchitect,Icanfreemyselffrompoverty;Icanparticipateinthedevelopmenteffortandbuildourcountry.Icanbuildhouses,buildings,andmanymore.Ifnot,Icanonlycultivatethesoil.That’soneoftheimportantelements.Wehavetoimaginethattomakeuswillingtoworkhard,tostudy

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hard. Is thereaparticularexperiencethatalmostmadeMr.Ciputragiveup,butthenmanagedtogetupandwin?What’sthesecret? Okay,sonowIhavebeenasked,inwhatcircumstancesthatalmostmademelostmydetermination?Franklyatthetimeofthecrisisbackin97-98.Atthattime,Ihadsetupagroupofthreecompanies.JayaGroup,MetropolitanGroupandCiputraGroup.SuddenlyatremendouscrisisattackedIndonesia.Weseemed tobebankrupt,ourdebtsaccumulated,ourassets;houseswebuiltcouldbesoldandhadnopriceatall. Iwasalmostdespaired.ThenIthoughtlikethis,thatIndonesiamightnotbearightplaceforme.Ihadtodothethinking,introspection,conductingasurvey.ConductingsurveystoChina.IconductedasurveytoAmerica;IconductedasurveytoAustralia.Because I feltat that time that Indonesiadidnothavea future,because itsufferedverygreat from the crisis.But then I came to the conclusion thatthebestplacetocontinuemyworkisofcourseIndonesia,becausemygoalisnotprimarilytoseekwealth.Ihavealife;haveapurposeinsteadofjustlookingforasuccessfullife,butavaluablelife.Lifeshouldhavemeaning,todogood things for fellowhumanbeings. So Idecided,no. I needed togo back to Indonesia and let our past failures became a good teacher.Ordelayedexperiences.AndIstarted,backtoworkhardinIndonesia,tolearn,toanalyzemypastexperiences,what’swrong?ThenIwasabletocountmymistakes.One,two,three,four,five.Well,Ididn’twanttorepeatthosefivemistakes.SoIgotupandturnedoutwehavebeensuccessfulastodayis.Wecanbuildbuildings,evenmorepowerfulbuildingsthanbeforethecrisisinthe past. What is the secret of Mr. Ciputra in keeping the spirit anddetermination? Well, suppose that what I have said earlier is an example ofdetermination at the crisis time.As example,we are now at theOrchardroad.AtCiputraWorld1.Wewanttogoforward,toreturnsuccessfully.Forexample,fiftyyearsago,fiftyyearsago Ivisited Japan,Paris,Singapore. Iwishedthateverycapitalcityhasoneroadfortourismplaceandretailtrade.IwantedIndonesiatohavesuchkindofroad,likeJapanwithitsGinza.LikePariswithitsChampsdeEllise.LikeSingaporewithitsOrchardroad.Theywerealwaysringingmeback,tomakemewanttodoit.Finally,exactlyattwentyyearsago,weconcludedthatwewouldstartourproject.WechoseDr.Satrioroadasatourismroadandretailtraderoad.Thenweboughtthislandandaroundit.Nowthedreamwasrealized,afterwedeterminedourfifty-yeardream,inapreciselytwentyyearsago,whichwasdoneafterthecrisis.Butwegotup,wecontinuedoureffort.Well that is theexampleofdetermination. Alsoanotherdetermination.Forinstance,whenwearesurethattheentrepreneur is thebestway to change the fateof thenation, toeliminate


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poverty,miseryofanation.Westartedthepromotion.WecontactedsomegovernmentofficialstomakeentrepreneurisappliedinIndonesia.Weweresogratefulbecausesomewereveryexcited.Wewerestillgrateful thoughsomeseemedagreebutdidn’twanttoguaranteeanythingtous.Andtherewere people who didn’t agree since for them, entrepreneur didn’t needtobe trained,didnotneed tobe taught.Weremainedpatient.Butwearedetermined.Inourmind,whetherourofficialsagreeornotagree,wehavetocontinueoureffort. Alright, so nowwewant to develop it. I personally have helpedbuildingfouruniversities.We,CiputraUniversity,havetrainedmorethanfour thousands of lecturers and teachers. In factmost of them have beensent overseas to study. Butwe still feel that it is not enough.We shouldspreaditthroughoutIndonesia;wewanttohelpcreatefourmillionsofnewentrepreneursforIndonesia.Sowenowdothisonline.Wegiveitforfree.NowwetrytocreateincubatorcentersinIndonesia.Aftertheincubators,wewanttoscaleupthiseffort.Forthosewhohavenobusiness,shouldstartone.The small one becomes the medium one. The medium one becomes the big one.Thebigonebecomesinternational.Thisisourdesire.Ourdetermination,thatwewilldowithdeterminedminds.AndmayGodbewithussothatourambitions,ourdetermination,canbemaintained.Thisisfromus. WhatisyourmessagetoUCOnliners,sothatbeginnerentrepreneurscanhavethedetermination? To the UC onliners, don’t be afraid if you face obstacles. I haveexperiencedsomanyfailures,haveexperiencedsomanydisappointments,I almostgaveup,but Ididnotdespair. I lost the spirit a few times,but Ididnotdespair.Wehavefailed,butourfailuresresultanewdetermination.Makeyoumorestable.Youseemlikeforgingyourownself,yourheart,yourspirit,yourmind,andyouarebecominggreater.Likebeequippedwithnewstrengths. So, you go ahead. Inmypoem, you fail ten times, you rise upeleventimessokeepdoingitlikewhatwedidinin‘98.Thoughweseemedtobebankrupt,wecouldriseupagain.AndneverforgettopraytoGod. Godwillalwaysbewithusall.Onceagain,SalamEntrepreneur.


“It is important to have ambition.”

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Self DeterminationByNurAgustinus

SalamEntrepreneur,UConliners.TodaywewilldiscussaboutSelfDeterminationwithmeNurAugustinusofUCEO.Let’sdiscussaboutselfdetermination. An entrepreneur should have determination characteristic. Weknowthat itmeansdecisivedeterminant.Somethingthatmeanswhenhe has a passion, he has a purpose. The entrepreneur will always striveto achieve his objectives. Well, the theory of self-determination has beeninvestigatedandstudiedbypsychologistsnamedDeci&Ryan.What’swiththistheory,letusdiscussittogether. Why does someone have a strong will in which he attempts todetermine to achieve his goal? There are several factors that cause that.BasedonDeci&Ryan’sresearch,therearethreethingsthatarepossessedbysomeonewhoalreadyhasgoodself-determination.Thethreethingsareasfollows: Ifweseehere,hereistheselfdetermination,thefirstthingthatheshouldhaveisautonomy.Autonomymeansthathehaspoweroverhimself.Manypeople,forexample,dependtheirlifeonsomeoneelse’s.Ifhewantstodo the step,hehas towait, for example, forothers’ approval. Itmakeshisself-autonomyless.But ifhehasgreatautonomy, itwillaffecthisself-determination. The second thing is competence. We know that everyone hasdifferentcompetencies.Themoreabilitiesthepeople,orthemorecompetentheisinhisfield,thestrongertheselfdeterminationthathehas.So,ifyouallUConlinersarestill tryingtobeanentrepreneur,rememberthatonestepto increase self- determination is to improve your competence.Althoughcurrentlywe’reworkinginacompanyorintheofficeoratanotherinstitution,weshouldalwaysimproveourcompetence.Thisisimportantbecauseagoodcompetency,strongcompetency,willincreasesomeone’sself-determination.Sowealreadyknowtwothings.Thefirstisautonomy,theextenttowhichUConliners canmakeyou intoanautonomousperson,and the second iscompetencies,onhowtoimprovecompetence Whatisthethirdone?Thethirdoneisrelation.Relationorconnection.Aboutthisrelationship,let’ssee.Themorewehaverelationshipwithothers,themorenetworkswehave,themorewehaveagoodrelationship,andallofthesewillhelpstrengtheningourselfconfidencetotryachievingwhatwewant.So,wedonotwant,orwearenoteasytogiveup.Allofourrelationshipswithotherswillhelpus;helptostrengthenourselfdetermination.Infact,ifwereviewbacktothetheoriesofentrepreneurship,wealwaysknowthatanentrepreneurcannotbeseparatedfromthenetwork.EffectuationtheoryalsoexplainsthatthereissuchthingasCrazyQuilt.So,CrazyQuilt,asIexplainhere,thesearepiecesofrag.Soforexample,weknowthereareusuallylots


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offabricsremnantscanbefoundatthetailor.Thisfabric,thisfabric,thesearetheremnantsoffabric.Ifwestitchthemtogether,wewillseeablanket,aquilt,acombinationofthesepiecesoffabric.Itbecomesabeautifulclothorblanket,anartisticone.Well,ineffectuationtheory,oneofthemostpopularentrepreneurshiptheories,someoneiscalledasagoodentrepreneurifhecanfindpeopleheknowsandcombinesthemintohisresourcestosupporthimachievinghisobjectives.So,thesethreethings,whichhavebeeninvestigatedbyDeciandRyan,arethingsthatinfluencesomeone’sdetermination. The realquestion is,howdowe trainour self-determination?Arethere people we know that already have a strong self determination offundamentallystrongorcan it indeedbe trained?Weknowthat therearethree typesofentrepreneurs.First, isbybirth,second isbyeducationandthirdisbyenvironment.Well,wearealsosurethatthisselfdeterminationcanalsobetrained.Whatdoesitmean?Weknowthattherearecertainpeople,whenfacingaproblem,willreactaccordingtohischaracter. For example, let’s say that this personwants to achieve a goal orpurpose.Surelyhewillgohere.Butwhatifinthemiddlethere’sahitchorobstacle?Forexample, let’ssay thatwewant togo toaplace, it turnsoutthereisawallthatblocksourway.So,ofcourse,wewillwalkhere,andthenstop.Thereisawall.Thereareseveralthingsthatoftenhappen,forexample,peoplewhowalkoverherethoughtheirgoalareoverthere,sotheyreturn.Orthegoalisalsohere,butfacesanobstacle,sohestopsatrightthere.Hedecides it to be the last place that he can accomplish. But there are also people

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thatdon’twanttogiveup.Theytrytofindaway,perhapstocirclearoundtheobstacle,thewall,andthentheyreachtheirgoal.Itprovesthatthiskindofpeoplehasgreateffort.Whateverhappens,obstacleexists,andhewilltrytoachievethegoal.Buttherearealsoprobablyduetootherfactors,whetherit’sautonomy,whetherit’scompetence,whetherit’srelationships,hecandestroythewallsortovanishthewalls.Orlet’ssayhemakesabreakthroughandheis still able to get there to his goals. So this ishowpeopleachieve theirgoals.Peoplewhohavestrongdetermination will always want to achieve the goal. First, he has a goal.Manypeopledon’treallyhaveagoal.Apurpose.That’stherealproblem.Ifsomeonehasnogoal,hedoesnotknowwhenhehastoachieveorwheretogotoachieveit...Andifthereisanyobstacle,hewillstop;hefeelsthat“ohit’snotmygoalanyway”.Andthen,anentrepreneurmusthaveavision.Hemusthaveapurpose.Hehastoknowwhathewantstobecome.Ifhedoesnothave avision,whathe is trying to communicate isunclear too.Thus,theinitialstepistohaveavision.Haveadream.Bigdream.Thenmarchtoyourdream.Haveamissiontoachievethevision.Thatiswhatiscalledasdetermination.Ifyouhaveweakdetermination,youwillbeeasiertogobackortostopsoyoudon’twanttotrytoachieveyourobjectives. In relationwith aperson’s character, or nature, there is onemorething that isvery important to support thedetermination,which is calledasself-efficacy.Whatistheself-efficacy?Self-efficacyisabelieffromwithintheperson,thereisabeliefthatheisabletodoso.Sothisisdifferentwithselfconfidence.Forexample,Iwanttogooverseas.IfIhavenoselfefficacy,Iwillhesitatetodoso.Thisisregardlessofconfidence.ButifIamsure,thenIwilltrytodoit.Tobeit.Soself-efficacyisabeliefthatIcandosomething,averycloselyrelatedwithcompetence.WhenIamsure,forexample,toopenmyownbusiness,abletomakemybusiness,thenIwillbeabletodoitandifthereisanyobstacle,Iwillkeepfighting,Iwillkeeptrying,Iwillnotgiveupeasily.Why?BecauseIcan.IamsurethatIamabletodoso.Well,here’sanimportantthingaboutself-efficacy. Besidesthat,thereisalsoatheoryinpsychology,AdversityQuotient.Adversity Quotient is one’s ability when facing some sort of problems.QuotienthereissimilartoIQ,IntelligenceQuotient,someone’sconfidenceleveltoaddresstheproblem,hisselfendurance.Therearepeoplewho,whenfacing issues like the above illustration, go backwhen facing thewall ofobstacles.ButinthisAdversityQuotient,thereareseveraltypesofpeople.Forexample,thecampers,whenhereachesonepoint.Theillustrationisthatwhenheisupahillormountain.Whenheisonhisway,ofcoursehiswaysarefullofobstacles,sharpcourse.Fulloftroublebecauseitisnoteasytoclimbandbecauselifeisalwaysinastateofuncertainty.Heseeshiscondition,andthenhegivesup.Hestopsthere,atthatpoint,andthengaveup.Hestopshere.Anothercamper,heprobablycampsatthatpoint.Anothercamperwill


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return,downthehill,asillustratedbefore.Somestop,somereturnback.But,thereisanothercamper,withhisselfendurance,triestokeepfighting,sohefinallyreachesthetargetedpeak. Determinationistheability,acharacteristic,adrivetobeconfidentandtoachievethetargetedobjective,targetedpeak.Hewillnotstopinthemiddleofhisway.Weoftenarelikeinthisexample:wehaveanideatoabusiness.Butparentsmaysay,“Ah,donot.Whatifnextyoufail?Sufferaloss?Whatiftherearepeoplewhoorderyourthingsbutrefusetopay?Whatif the economic crisis continues so eventually you run out of your asset?Yourwhole capital?”Peoplewhohaveahighdeterminationwillnot careofthosethings.Whatdoesitmean?Itmeansthatifhehasselfautonomy,hebelievesthatheistheonewhodetermineshimselfandhisactiontodo.This is similarwith the essence of effectuation theory thatwill be furtherdiscussedandexplainedintheothersessions,whichiscalledastheprincipleofPilot in thePlane. Ifweare thepilotofourplane,weare theonewhodeterminewherewewanttoland,wherewewanttogo.Thus,determinationisabelief,amindset,anattitude,aboutaconditionwhereweshouldarriveatthedestination.Ifthereareobstacles,useourbraintothink,tobecreative,andtomakeaninnovation,inordertoovercometheseobstacles.So,wewillnotgiveupbecauseofobstaclesinourlife.Thisisthekeytobesuccessfulentrepreneurs.Thoughhemayfail,hewillriseup.Ifhefailstentimes,hewillgetupeleventimes.Thatisdetermination. Determination is a very important principle that should be heldbyallUConliners.There shouldbenoproblem,noobstacles,nobarriersor obstacles that canmake you fail. For example, itmight be the barriersfromyourfamily,orculture,“Oh,youarebetterbeemployee,that’sbetter.Youwillbepaideachmonth;lifewillbecomfortable,safe.”But,wealreadyknow that it is entrepreneur thatwill change theworld, change a nation.Entrepreneurship can change a nation, entrepreneurship can change us.Whenwehavefaith,webelievewecan,wehaveautonomyoverourselves,andwehavecompetenciesthatwealwaysimprove,develop,anddon’tforgetthatwehavetobuildrelationshipswithothers,buildnetworks,andbuildcooperation.Allofthatwillneedtrust,honesty,ethics,tomakeusachieveourobjectives,ourtargets.Willallconfidence,ability,withadetermination.Icandoit,andyoucertainlycantoo. SalamEntrepreneur.

“Determination is the ability, a characteristic, a driveto be confident and to achieve the targeted objective.”

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7 Secrets of Successby Dr.(HC) Ir. Ciputra

Need to measure the extent to which your specified business plan is successful?

Try answering the following 7 questions from DR. Ir. Ciputra

Question 1: Are you very excited (passionate) to become an entrepreneur?

If you want to be successful, there is no other way but to have a strong and iron will, and big elf confidence. Being an entrepreneur is not a temporary act, not a leisure act, nor a mere fad. You have to sacrifice volun-tarily and dare to do unusual things, beyond what others have done, try a new world, and not easily discouraged by rejections, being abandoned or ignored by others everywhere, willing to learn from previous failures, and so on .

Question 2: Do you see an opportunity to creatively serve big markets?

Often we see a lot of people fail in business because they don’t see the opportunities creatively. They simply copy, follow the existing business; cheat other businessmen’s success without adding new creative elements in the product or the services he offers. How many opportunities are avail-able actually? There are so many!! ! Infinite and unlimited! The problem is that we have to see it creatively. How many chances that you are able to see depend on how clear the mindset that you use to see.

Question 3: Do you have innovative product that when you offer the pros-pect (potential customers), they cannot refuse?

An innovative product adds value to the most maximum, until the customers are not able to resist. Hence, verify your assumptions, do test market and continuously update your idea so you can convince yourself that your customers can’t say no to your currently offered product.



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Question 4: Do you have the capability to effectively win the competition?

The market we face now is the free market that opens doors wide open to anyone. Never join the competition without careful calculations first. Also taking into account what is and will be performed by the com-petitors. Ensure that the customer will choose you. Carefully consider this advice: “Be better not behind, if you are not better, being different “. If you have not been able to be better and different, then our task as an entrepre-neur is not finished yet.

Question 5: Do you know how to produce a product or service that you want to market with the most efficient way?

Once you make sure that the customer can be reached and will feel satisfied with the products / services, and then the next parties that must be satisfied are the shareholder and employees. They must be served with suf-ficient profit margin to their salary and satisfied dividends. For that reason, do the exploration of the various possibilities of cheapest production but with best quality.

Question 6: Do you know how to fund the entire cost of your new venture with a cheapest and lowest risk but still get the best result?

There are various ways to fund a new venture and there a variety of risks that follow. You can borrow money from family, friends, neighbors or banks. You can invite friends to become shareholders or invite venture in-vestors (venture capitalists) to participate in starting a business. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages. The final result and the risk are also different. Therefore do not just create a business model, develop various alternatives as well and select the best alternative.

Question 7: Are you ready to face the demands of hard work, the risk of failure and loss?

No rose without thorn, there is a perfect plan. Changes occur at any time. Therefore adjustments should be done. However, risks of failure or embarrassment because of failure will continue to exist. Therefore, do the calculations before and make sure you dare face it.

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Ten Principles Of Ciputra Business in Starting a New BusinessIn starting a new business Ciputra has ten business principles, namely:

1. Start with what we have, what we can do. Try knowing what knowl-edge we have, or what skills we have that can be used as a starting point, and are there any colleagues who may be invited to participate in business? Start with small steps, until building your next visions and dreams.

2. Look for business partners who complement your strengths. Partner-ship will minimize the risk of each of the parties and increase the like-lihood of success, because it can facilitate and speed up the business process itself.

3. Looking for business partners is like looking for life partner. No need to hurry, but use all available paths to obtain information as much as possible. If still in doubt, be patient. If needed, be humble to other people. Keep the criteria that we are looking in business partners clear.

4. Convince your business partner by providing tangible benefits, not promises. Always maintain a commitment to provide benefits to both parties in order to build the reputation and to keep the long lasting relationships.

5. Study the market carefully. Be at the forefront of anticipating the cycle. Enter the immature market.

6. The precision of saying “no” is as important as the accuracy of saying “yes”. Do not be afraid to put off working on a new business if you believe that decision will bring better results in the future.

7. There are times when an entrepreneur must use intuition in making decisions. Intuition can be trained and learned by experience. The more often an entrepreneur is faced by the demands of taking deci-sions at the difficult time, the sharper intuition will be.

8. An entrepreneur is also a formidable marketer. He tireless tells and convinces as many people at any time about how valuable his busi-ness that he is working on is.

9. A successful entrepreneur, building and working through his organi-zation. In any stage of your business, try to build its organization.

10. Do not think about the possibility of failure. Focus on achieving the best results. And when it has not been successful, try again until it works.

Sources: The Ciputra Way: Best Practices of Being the True EntrepreneurBy Andrew Harefa & Eben Ezer Siadari (2013)


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UCEO Team Members 2013 - 2014

From left to right: Ryan Anggana, Rachmat Wijanarko, Samuel Leksono, Reny Pebriasari, Bernardinus Arisandi, Eric Pramono, Tiffany Oktoriana, Agitya Kristantoko, Andy Sudjono, Nur Agustinus, Abraham Gunawan.

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