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    Software AnnouncementOctober 28, 2003

    IBM CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V2.3

    advances towards on demand business


    Using an evolutionary approach,CICS enables any enterprise toadopt e-business while minimizing itsexposure to the potential risks ofnew technology. CICS allowsexisting applications to exploit theWeb with little or no change andsupports numerous applicationprogramming environments andlanguages including COBOL, PL/I,Java (5), Enterprise JavaBeans

    (EJB), and C/C++, in anycombination. CICS also providesunmatched scalability, performance,availability, reliability, security, andintegrity all essential fore-business.

    CICS Transaction Server for z/OSV2.3 (CICS TS V2.3) delivers:

    Enhanced Java capabilityincluding performanceimprovements, support for JavaSDK V1.4, the Common ClientInterface (CCI) Connector forCICS TS, and the addition of CICSWeb Support to the JCICS classes

    Improved support fordevelopment of applications,including interactive debugging

    Further connectivity options,including new security functions,and the recently-introduced SOAPfor CICS optional feature

    Enhancements in the area ofavailability, including workloadbalancing of the 3270 Bridgeusing CICSPlex SM

    Important performanceimprovements in CICS-DB2attachment

    CICS TS V2 assists the evolution toon demand computing throughintegration, openness, autonomiccomputing, and virtualization,providing:

    Better integration with otherproducts and platforms,supporting IBMs commitment toopen standards that benefit you

    Improved manageability throughautonomic computing features,simplified user interfaces foradministration, and reduction ofoutages

    Extended scalability throughvirtualization, assuring flexibilityfor growth and expansion

    Key prerequisites

    CICS Transaction Server for z/OSV2.3 requires z/OS Version 1.4, orlater.

    Planned availability date

    December 19, 2003

    At a glance

    CICS Transaction Server for z/OSV2.3 continues the themes thathave applied in the precedingreleases of support for e-businessapplications, support for Java, andenhancements to functions used byprocedural programming. Newfunctions available in this releaseinclude:

    Improvements to Java support,

    at V1.4 level, and to JVMinfrastructure

    The CCI Connector for CICS TS

    Extensions to JCICS WebSupport

    Enhancements to support ofEnterprise JavaBeans, includingperformance improvements

    New facilities for interactivedebugging of CICS applicationprograms

    New security capabilities forIIOP

    Workload balancing of 3270Bridge via CICSPlex SM

    Improvements to the CICSPlexSM Web User Interface

    The ability to cancel suspendedor looping tasks

    For ordering, contact:Your IBM representative, an IBM BusinessPartner, or the Americas Call Centers at

    800-IBM-CALL Reference: LE001

    This announcement is provided for your information only. For additional information, contact your IBM representative,call 800-IBM-4YOU, or visit the IBM home page at: http://www.ibm.com.

    I BM Uni ted St ates IB M is a regi st ered trademark of Int ernat ional Busi ness Machi nes Corporat ion. 203-296

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    For a full description of the content of CICS TS V2.3, referto Functions Delivered in CICS TS V2.3 in theSupplemental information section.

    Accessibility by people with disabilities

    The following features support use by people withdisabilities:

    Operation by keyboard alone

    Optional font enlargement and high-contrast displaysettings

    Ability to run with screen readers and screenmagnifiers for use by people with visual impairment

    Optional display of audio alerts for people with hearingimpairment

    The Information Center is accessible to people withvisual, physical, or hearing impairment. The InformationCenter incorporates features which have been designedfor users with visual impairment. Users can choose toread diagrams as a textual description or in diagrammaticform. Command syntax diagrams can be displayed inthree different formats, including one which has been

    designed for visually impaired users. Some informationwith restricted distribution or limited application is notprovided for screen-reader users. This information willbe made available in an accessible format, on request.For further information, refer to the Information Centersection. The Information Center has been tested foraccessibility using Microsoft+ Internet Explorer V6 andJAWS screen reader V4.5.

    The Assembly Toolkit (ATk) is available in this product,as a component of WebSphere Application Server V5,which is accessible. The ATk may be used for thedeployment of enterprise beans into CICS (a functionwhich in the previous release used the ApplicationAssembly Tool [AAT]).

    Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act

    CICS TS V2.3 is capable as of December 19, 2003, whenused in accordance with IBMs associated documentation,of satisfying the applicable requirements of Section 508of the Rehabilitation Act, provided that any assistivetechnology used with the product properly interoperateswith i t.

    Product positioning

    Customer Information Control System (CICS) andWebSphere Application Server (WAS) are strategicmiddleware products that interoperate well using newtechnologies such as Web Services, to support end-to-end

    on demand systems. They exploit and complement z/OSqualities of service, such as high availability andscalability at low cost per transaction, with excellentsecurity. In combination, WAS and CICS support almostany mission-critical e-business solution.

    WebSphere Application Server is the premier Java 2Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and Web Services-basedapplication server. It is available on the broadestnumber of platforms (including z/OS and Linux) andprovides a robust, proven environment for Javaapplications.

    CICS provides the base for the majority of mainframeapplications today and excels in the execution of

    high-volume business applications. It supports thedevelopment of modern applications in popularlanguages such as COBOL, PL/I, C/C++, and Java,leveraging existing investments and skills, andexploiting new technologies where appropriate.

    CICS enables thousands of enterprises to runbusiness-critical workloads totalling billions oftransactions per day, with a financial value of trillions ofdollars. Many of these enterprises see significantadvantages in building upon their core investment in CICSskills and applications, and extending that investment toprovide the basis for their new e-business solutions.

    CICS TS V2.3 continues to provide an efficient andeffective environment for applications written in COBOL,PL/I, C, C++, and other languages. Version 2 as a wholestrengthens application development capabilities, enablesenhanced reuse of 3270 applications, enables applicationsto manipulate XML directly, and, using the SOAP for CICSoptional feature, enables access to existingCOMMAREA-based applications via SOAP messages. Italso provides improved support for interactive debuggingfor both Java programs and compiled programs orcombinations of both.

    e-business access to CICS applications: CICS support forJava has evolved through a number of stages. With V2.3,CICS TS now provides a robust, high-performance

    environment for enterprise applications written in Java.Its exploitation of the innovative IBM SDK for z/OS, Java2 Technology Edition, Version 1.4, together with anarchitecture that ensures that Java applications have ahigh degree of isolation from each other, achievesexecution speed which is comparable with that ofprocedural languages. Further, CICS has enhanced Javaexecution by improving behavior under stress, reducingstorage and start-up requirements for a JVM.

    CICS provides optimized implementations of those partsof the J2EE specification that are appropriate to its roleas a high performance transaction server for corebusiness applications and data. It also includes a copyof WebSphere Application Server V5.0 for multiplatforms,which may be used for development, testing, andexecution of J2EE applications in conjunction with CICS.

    Through the availability with CICS TS V2 of the SOAP forCICS optional feature, CICS-based applications can beaccessed as Web Services within a service-orientedarchitecture. These may be existing or new applicationswritten in any supported programming language. Theapplications can be invoked by SOAP requests over eitherHTTP or WebSphere MQ, without the need for anintermediary application server. The SOAP for CICSfeature also enables CICS applications to invoke Webservices which are hosted on other systems. This enablesan additional form of connectivity appropriate forBusiness to Business applications.

    Application modernization: A range of Java servicesenables applications to exploit the strengths of CICS via

    open Java Enterprise APIs. WebSphere Studio may beused to develop these applications and deploy themunder CICS; no other special tools are needed.

    By supporting EJB session beans, CICS provides anotherdimension for application architects. Stateful sessionbeans may be seen as a contemporary equivalent ofpseudo-conversational programs and are suitable for awide range of applications. The technology also enablestransactional peer-to-peer interoperation with WebSphereApplication Server and other CORBA-compliant serversusing IIOP, which may be used as an advanced connector.By exploiting the WebSphere EJB container, CICS enablesconstruction of reusable business logic components that

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    are binary portable between CICS and WebSphere andmay be deployed in either environment using the sametools. Where an EJB component needs to incorporateprocedural logic modules to accomplish its businessfunction, CICS enables this mixed-language component torun in a single execution environment with good isolationfrom other components, thereby improving robustnessand manageability.

    CICS TS V2.3 provides a run-time environment optimizedfor business logic written as enterprise beans that can runalongside, and interoperate with, business logic written inlanguages such as COBOL. Both EJB applications and

    COBOL applications can access existing (and new) DB2,IMS DB, and VSAM data concurrently, and withcomplete integrity. By allowing new enterprise beans torun simultaneously in the same managed run-timeenvironment as, for example, traditional 3270-basedapplications, CICS enables the same operationspersonnel to support multiple styles of application.

    CICS TS V2.3 provides a new method for invoking aprocedural application from a Java client. This functionuses the standard interface defined in the J2EE ConnectorArchitecture (JCA) specification 1.0 JSR016, called theCommon Client Interface Connector for CICS TS (CCIConnector for CICS TS). It replaces the CICS Connectorfor CICS TS, introduced in CICS TS V2.1. The CCIConnector for CICS TS enables customers to build

    powerful server components that exploit existingapplications. Java programmers with litt le or noknowledge of CICS can easily reuse CICS applications.Java client applications should be portable betweenJava-enabled platforms with little or no modification, and,in particular, should be portable from a non-CICSenvironment such as WebSphere Application Server intothe CICS environment.

    Enterprise management: The CICSPlex System Manager,an integral part of CICS TS, reduces the complexity ofoperating multiple CICS systems by presenting them inthe manner of a single system image. It combines all themajor CICS management functions within a single userinterface. It also cooperates with Tivoli products tomeet the need for end-to-end management and

    automation of CICS with z/OS and the customersnetwork. This release continues the themes for systems

    management of integration, simplification, monitoring,and automation. Through the CICSPlex SM Web UserInterface, CICS has a modern intuitive interface for allaspects of system management.

    In summary, the role of CICS TS V2 in an enterprisesolution on z/OS is to enable:

    Efficient and optimized extension and reuse of existingCICS applications and business logic

    Enterprises with a strong investment in CICS skills andinfrastructure to create applications using newtechnologies by building on those skills

    Support and management of mixed application typesand workloads within a single CICS system

    Reuse of existing DB2, IMS DB, and VSAM data fromJava and EJB applications

    Hardware and Software Support Services

    SmoothStart/Installation Services

    IBM services for CICS Web enablement: IBM GlobalServices has the capability to provide on-site services toassist you with Web enabling your existing or new CICS

    applications. These services can include an analysis ofyour organizations environment and infrastructure,business requirements for e-business, general Internetstrategy, and candidate CICS applications for Webenablement. We can also assist you with the installationand implementation of the most appropriate CICS Webenablement method that matches your e-businessrequirements.

    IBM Migration services for CICS transaction server: IBMGlobal Services has the capability to provide on-siteassistance from our CICS services specialists to work withyour technical staff to produce a CICS Transaction Server

    for z/OS Version 2 Migration Plan that can include thefollowing:

    Migration of CICS journals to the MVS logger

    Changes in startup, shutdown, and recoveryoperations of CICS regions

    Evaluation of CICS resource definitions

    Assessment of applications that use the CICS Websupport

    Evaluation of connectivity between CICS regions

    Consideration of CICS environment use of DB2 andDL/1 resources

    Installation and implementation planning of CICSTransaction Server for z/OS V2.3 is provided inaccordance with this CICS Transaction Server for z/OSVersion 2 Migration Plan.

    IBM Installation services for CICSPlex SM: IBM GlobalServices has the capability to provide on-site assistancefrom our CICS services specialists to work with yourtechnical staff to produce a CICSPlex SM Installation Planthat can include the following:

    CICS transaction affinities

    CICS region configuration design and implementationof improved CICS and CMAS JCL structure

    Implementation of Dynamic Transaction Routing and

    Dynamic Program Link Routing Implementation of the CICSPlex SM Web user interface

    Demonstration of the CICSPlex SM API

    Exploitation of CICSPlex SM Single Point of Control

    Exploitation of CICSPlex SM Business ApplicationServices

    Exploitation of CICSPlex SM Real Time Analysis

    Implementation of VSAM Record Level Sharing

    Installation and implementation planning of CICSPlex SMis provided in accordance with this CICSPlex SMInstallation Plan.

    For general information on IBM Global Services, refer to:


    For services for CICS, refer to:


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    Reference information

    For the announcement of CICS Transaction Server forz/OS V2.1, refer to Software Announcement 201-060,dated March 13, 2001.

    For the announcement of CICS Transaction Server forz/OS V2.2, refer to Software Announcement 201-354,dated December 4, 2001.

    For information on the SOAP for CICS feature, refer toSoftware Announcement 203-199, dated August 5, 2003.

    For information on WebSphere Application Server V5.0,refer to Software Announcement 202-315, datedNovember 19, 2002.

    For information on WebSphere Application Server forz/OS, V5, refer to Software Announcement 203-094, datedApril 8, 2003.

    For information on CICS Transaction Gateway V5.0, referto Software Announcement 202-145, dated June 11, 2002.

    For information on CICS Universal Client V5.0, refer toSoftware Announcement 202-145, dated June 11, 2002.

    For information on CICS VSAM Recovery V3.2, refer toSoftware Announcement 203-031, datedFebruary 4, 2003.

    For information on CICS Interdependency Analyzer forz/OS V1.2, refer to Software Announcement 203-198,dated August 5, 2003.

    For information on CICS Performance Monitor for z/OSV1.2, refer to Software Announcement 203-197, datedAugust 5, 2003.

    For information on CICS Performance Analyzer for z/OSV1.3, refer to Software Announcement 203-196, datedAugust 5, 2003.

    For information on Session Manager for z/OS V1.1, referto Software Announcement 202-349, datedDecember 17, 2002.

    For information on CICS Business Event Publisher forMQSeries V1.1, refer to Software Announcement203-030, dated February 4, 2003.

    For information on CICS Online Transmission TimeOptimizer V1.1, refer to Software Announcement201-364, dated November 18, 2001.

    For information on MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICSTransaction Server V1.1, refer to Software Announcement201-059, dated March 13, 2001.

    For information on Enterprise COBOL for z/OS andOS/390 V3.1, refer to Software Announcement 201-343,dated November 27, 2001, and for V3.2 refer to SoftwareAnnouncement 202-195, dated August 20, 2002,

    For information on Enterprise PL/I for z/OS and OS/390V3.1, refer to Software Announcement 201-344, datedNovember 27, 2001, and for V3.2 refer to SoftwareAnnouncement 202-192, dated August 20, 2002,

    For information on IBM Fault Analyzer for z/OS V4.1, referto Software Announcement 203-236, datedSeptember 16, 2003.

    For information on IBM Debug Tool for z/OS V4.1, refer toSoftware Announcement 203-237, datedSeptember 16, 2003.

    CICS Web pages

    For up-to-date information on CICS, refer to:


    For the latest information on CICS TS V2, refer to:


    You can search for terms, phrases, error codes, or APARnumbers on the CICS support page, at:



    IMS, SmoothStart, and MVS are trademarks of InternationalBusiness Machines Corporation in the United States or othercountries or both.

    CICS, z/OS, CICSPlex, DB2, WebSphere, Tivoli, MQSeries,and OS/390 are registered trademarks of InternationalBusiness Machines Corporation in the United States or othercountries or both.

    Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

    Other company, product, and service names may betrademarks or service marks of others.

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    IBM USAnnouncementSupplemental Information

    October 28, 2003

    Functions delivered in CICS TS V2.3

    The following are the principal new functions provided inCICS TS V2.3. Functions previously delivered in CICS TSV2.1 and CICS TS V2.2 are also mentioned, but for fulldescriptions of these, refer to Software Announcement201-354, dated December 4, 2001.

    Enhanced Java support

    Release 3 of CICS Transaction Server for z/OSVersion 2 continues the major enhancements to CICSsupport for Java that have been a theme of the previoustwo releases.

    Improvements to Java support and JVM infrastructure:CICS Transaction Server for z/OS Version 2 introduced

    support of a specially optimized JVM, the IBM SDK forz/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, featuring persistentreusable JVM technology. This JVM enables significantperformance optimizations for any Java program runningin CICS, including enterprise beans, by two mechanisms.Firstly, by serially reusing a JVM, the initialization cost fora Java application is dramatically reduced. Secondly, bydiscarding all the application objects created by the Javaprogram all at one time when the program terminates, theperformance overhead of the more usual garbagecollection mechanism is effectively eliminated.

    This JVM also supports special techniques that enablesystem and middleware code to re-initialize the JVMbefore it is reused for the next Java program. Thisensures that there can be no interference between theapplications, or between programs running on behalf ofdifferent end users, that serially reuse the same JVM.CICS supports a set of JVM instances ready for use withineach CICS address space and provides management ofthe pool of JVMs to optimize throughput and to allow Javaclasses to be replaced without requiring that CICS berestarted.

    CICS TS V2.3 requires the IBM SDK for z/OS, Java 2Technology Edition, Version 1.4, with PTF for APARPQ79281.

    In CICS TS V2.3, many further enhancements in theexploitation of JVM infrastructure are introduced. Theseinclude:

    Exploitation of the Shared Classes configuration of the

    JVM, with the use of the shared class cache. Thisimproves efficiency by reducing the storage andstart-up requirements for a JVM.

    The introduction of a new mode of operating JVMs forapplications that do not require the overhead ofresetting the JVMs state between transactions. Thismode is referred to as running continuous JVMs.Running continuous JVMs reduces the CPU pertransaction, but also reduces the level of isolation ofapplication state between transactions that reuse thesame JVM. The choice of mode (resettable or

    continuous) is application dependent. Testing andinitial deployment of applications in a resettable JVMwill provide the maximum assurance that the

    application is not compromising the integrity of theJVM by performing unresettable actions, and youshould also ensure that the application is not allowingunwanted application state to persist from onetransaction to another. If you are convinced that theapplication does not compromise the integrity of theJVM or allow unwanted application state to persist,and you require maximum performance, then movingto the use of continuous JVMs is recommended.

    Introduction of a dedicated storage monitor for JVMs,which improves behavior when a CICS region is shorton storage used by JVMs.

    A new selection mechanism for creating, managing,and allocating work into JVMs. JVMs can have

    different characteristics and are grouped formanagement purposes. This increases the utilizationof system resources, again improving behavior whenunder stress.

    Removal of the restriction that prevents nesting ofJava programs within the same CICS task. In complexapplications, this enables the piece-by-piecereplacement of existing programs by Java programs.

    Improvements to tracing and problem determinationfor JVMs. Better granularity of diagnostic trace maybe obtained using the supplied transaction CETR,enabling reduced overhead and better control overwhat is traced. The status of JVMs in a pool may bemonitored using the INQUIRE JVM command. Bettercontrol is provided over the format and destination of

    standard output from JVMs, both from internal logicand from applications.

    New features that help in the management of JVMprofiles.

    There are also performance improvements for Javaclasses. The launcher code for these methods has beensignificantly optimized to reduce the overhead inpathlength imposed on each execution increasing theJava activity throughput in CICS TS V2.3.

    In addition, a new Object Request Broker (ORB) isdelivered, which supports Common Object RequestBroker Architecture (CORBA) V2.3. This bringsadvantages in terms of serviceability and of a greaterlevel of interoperability with ORBs from other vendors.

    This ORB also supports the requirements for enterprisebeans at General Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP) V1.2, andoptionally V1.1.

    The Common Client Interface (CCI) Connector for CICSTS: CICS TS V2.3 provides a new method for invoking aCICS program from a Java program. This function usesthe standard interface defined in the J2EE ConnectorArchitecture (JCA) specification 1.0 JSR016. Thisinterface is called the Common Client Interface Connectorfor CICS TS (CCI Connector for CICS TS). It replaces the

    This announcement is provided for your information only. For additional information, contact your IBM representative,call 800-IBM-4YOU, or visit the IBM home page at: http://www.ibm.com.

    I BM Uni ted St ates IB M is a regi st ered trademark of Int ernat ional Busi ness Machi nes Corporat ion. 203-296

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    CICS Connector for CICS TS, introduced in CICS TS V2.1.For more information about the CICS Connector for CICSTS and the Common Connector Framework (CCF) clientAPI, refer to the Compatibility section.

    The CCI Connector for CICS TS enables a Java programor an enterprise bean running under CICS TS 2.3 tocommunicate with any (Java or non-Java) COMMAREAapplication program, wherever that application programresides, whether in the same CICS region as the invokingJava class, or in another CICS region.

    The CCI Connector for CICS TS enables customers tobuild powerful server components that exploit existingCICS programs. It enables Java programmers with littleor no knowledge of CICS to reuse CICS applications. Javaclient applications should be portable betweenJava-enabled platforms with little or no modification, and,in particular, should be portable from a non-CICSenvironment into CICS.

    The CCI Connector for CICS TS is functionally equivalentto the EXEC CICS LINK PROGRAM() COMMAREA()command, with information being sent to the target CICSapplication in a COMMAREA. The definition of the targetCICS region is obtained via the standard Java Namingand Directory Interface (JNDI) technique. Sample CICSapplications are provided to publish and retract theconnection factory used for communication definition, andalso to show the Java coding technique required to use

    the CCI Connector for CICS TS.

    CICS Java applications are recommended to use the CCIConnector for CICS TS instead of the JCICS LINKoperation whenever portability of Java code is required.

    JDBC V2.0 support: CICS TS V2.3 supports JDBC V2.0.This support was first made available on CICS TS V2.2 viathe service channel.

    The use of the JDBC V2.0 driver in DB2 V7 providessignificant performance improvements when comparedwith the use of the JDBC V1.2 driver. Improved handlingof data passed to DB2 from the JDBC driver results inreduced use of the Java Native Interface (JNI), minimizingassociated costs. These performance improvements can

    be exploited by Java applications or enterprise beanswhich are written to use either the JDBC V1.2 or the JDBCV2.0 API.

    This support also enables the use of the JDBC V2.0DataSource interface to provide application isolation fromthe platform-specific and JDBC driver-specificmechanisms for obtaining a connection to the database.Note that JDBC V2.0 is only supported for Java programsand enterprise beans that run in a JVM. It does notsupport Java program objects (sometimes referred to asHPJ programs).

    CICS TS 2.3 supports the externals of JBDC V2.0, but theinternals are tailored to the CICS environment. Inparticular, the JDBC concept of directly connecting tomultiple databases does not apply to the CICS usage ofDB2. No unique definitions of CICS resources arerequired for JDBC usage.

    JCICS Web support: Java applications running underCICS have direct access to CICS services and resourcesvia a set of Java classes known as JCICS, which provideequivalent function to the EXEC CICS interface used byapplications in other languages. In CICS TS V2.3, newJCICS classes are provided that are equivalent to theEXEC commands for CICS Web Support. The extraclasses provide Java applications with the ability to usethe CICS Web, Document, and Extract APIs. This enables

    programs written in Java to be driven by CICS WebSupport.

    A new Java sample program is provided to demonstratethe use of the new classes. This is invoked from a Webbrowser; it contains information about the inbound clientrequest and the HTTP headers, writes it to the standardoutput stream, creates a response document, and sendsit to the client.

    Other Java support functions: Functions delivered in theprevious releases of CICS TS V2 include JNDI support fora Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server,

    and enhancements to CORBA interoperability.Note that some further enhancements in CICS TS V2.3applicable to Java programs are described in the sectionEnhancements to CICS support for enterprise beansunder EJB run-time functions.

    EJB support

    For a description of Enterprise JavaBeans, and of thesupport for them provided by CICS Transaction Server forz/OS V2, refer to Software Announcement 201-354, datedDecember 4, 2001.

    EJB run-time functions

    Support for session beans at EJB 1.1 specification levelis already delivered in Releases 1 and 2 of CICS TS V2.The facilities of JCICS are available to these enterprisebeans, which enables them, for example, to access VSAMdata and other CICS resources.

    As a practical and convenient way of accessing data,support is available in CICS TS V2.3 for DB Beans. DBBeans are similar to Data Access Beans, for whichsupport was provided in CICS TS V2 V2.1 and V2.2, butthey conform more closely to the JDBC V2.0 rowsetspecification. For more information on DB Beans, referto the Compatibility section.

    A number of EJB security functions have been enhancedin CICS TS V2.3. For details, refer to Securityenhancements in Enhancements to network connectivity

    for e-business enablement.

    Enhancements to CICS support for enterprise beans:Important improvements have been made to enterprisebean performance: for more information, refer to thePerformance considerations section. In CICS TS V2.3, thegenerated code from within the deployed ejb-jar is treatedas middleware code. As a result, various itemspreviously held in the application heap are now long-livedmiddleware heap items and are not discarded at JVMreset; they persist in middleware caches and are reusedwhen the JVM itself is reused. This caching also meansthat a CICS JNDI cache can be used to greatly improvethe performance of JNDI lookups under CICS TS V2.3,provided the potential consequences concern ing dataintegrity are understood.

    A facil ity has been int roduced to allow a CorbaServer tobe enabled and disabled. This makes systemsadministration easier, since in order to applymaintenance (to alter the set of installed DJARs, forexample), the re is no need to shut down the whole CICSregion. Instead, only the EJB workloads for theCorbaServer itself need to be dynamically quiesced, themaintenance applied, and then the workload broughtbackup.

    Improved monitoring and statistics information isprovided for enterprise beans. The information iscol lected at the request processor t ransaction level and

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    at the enterprise bean level. In addition, the distributedrouting program is given improved data concerningrouting failures for enterprise beans and CORBA statelessobjects, allowing it to make better decisions on thetemporary removal of an AOR from its routing set.

    Application development and deployment functions insupport of EJB

    DJAR installation enhancements: Changes have beenintroduced in CICS TS V2.3 that offer better performanceon installing a DJAR (also delivered on CICS TS V2.2 bythe service channel, in APAR PQ62280), and improved

    diagnostics in the event of a failure on DJAR installation.These changes also mean that EJB 2.0 deploymentdescriptors can now be read so that EJB 2.0 JAR files arenow tolerated. This allows the use of EJB 2.0 tools, suchas the WebSphere Studio 5.0 family, for the deploymentof session beans; however, CICS TS V2.3 ignoresinformation not relevant to EJB 1.1.

    EJB deployment tooling for CICS TS V2.3: Introduced inCICS TS V2.3 is the use of the Assembly Toolkit forWebSphere Application Server, known as the ATk, forbuilding JAR files ready for the run-time environment andfor preparation of enterprise beans for installation intoCICS TS. The ATk functionally replaces the ApplicationAssembly Tool (AAT), which was introduced in CICS TS

    V2.2, but both tools are supported by CICS TS V2.3.Advantages of the ATk include Accessibility by peoplewith disabilities.

    Both the AAT and the ATk are delivered as part ofWebSphere Application Server V5, of which a media packis included in the packaging of CICS TS V2.3.

    At the initial shipment of CICS TS V2.3, the media packshipped contains a level of WebSphere ApplicationServer that includes the AAT, but not the ATk.

    Since the shipment of its initial level, WebSphereApplication Server V5 has made available theApplication Server Toolkit (ASTK), which includes theATk. The ASTK is available for download by users ofWebSphere Application Server V5. Customers of CICS

    TS V2.3 wishing to use the ATk should go to the ASTKWeb site for download:


    Also delivered in CICS TS V2.3 is the resource managerfor enterprise beans, and three CICS EJB samples.

    Systems management functions supporting EJB

    A range of new resources, including two CICS-suppliedtransactions CREA and CREC, was delivered in releases1 and 2 of CICS TS V2. New functions for CICSPlex SM

    management of the EJB server, and CICSPlex SMworkload management for enterprise beans were alsointroduced.

    New facilities for CICS application programming

    Improved support for interactive debugging: CICS TSV2.3 provides extensive and important improvements forthe interactive debugging of CICS application programs.It enables access via the IBM Distributed Debugger todebug executing CICS application modules. This supportis also applicable to other debug tools, such asWebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer V5, WebSphere

    Studio Application Developer V5, Debug Tool for z/OS andOS/390 V3, and others.

    These debugging facilities apply to:

    Language Environment enabled CICS Applicationprograms (written in COBOL, PL/I, C, C++, or LEAssembler)

    Java classes (used as CICS modules)

    Enterprise JavaBeans

    CORBA stateless objects

    They do not apply to assembler or to non-LanguageEnvironment modules (such as OS/VS COBOL modules).

    Debugging is controlled by means of debugging profiles.These profiles are stored in a VSAM file, and can beshared between many CICS regions. Consequently, thedebugging profiles persist over a CICS region restart.

    A debugging profile is created by the new 3270terminal-based CADP transaction, or using anewly-introduced Web-based interface. Each debuggingprofile contains, for example:

    The name of the CICS application program to bedebugged

    The name of the applicable CICS region or regions The specific terminal or terminals at which applications

    are to be debugged The name of the Java class (or method) to be


    Active profiles are active in all CICS regions that use thesame debugging profiles repository file. Items within adebugging profile can be specified generically.

    A debugging profile, matching the required applicationprogram, has to be active before a debugging session canbe started. Consequently if, for example, a COBOLapplication program invokes a Java class within the CICSregion, two debugging profiles would normally be active(one for the COBOL program and one for the Javaactivity). In this case, the debugger display would initiallyshow COBOL-related information and then Java-related

    objects as execution proceeds.

    A debugging profile can be activated at a 3270 terminalusing the CADP transaction. Alternatively, it can beactivated from a CICS-supplied Web page, using theWeb-based interface. The Web-based interface enablesan application programmer executing an EJB within theCICS environment to control debugging without anyreference to terminal-based activities.

    Debugging profiles can be activated and deactivatedwithin a CICS region as required.

    Debugging application programs within CICS TS V2.2required that the programs had to be linked with aLanguage Environment exit (CEEBXITA); and using aworkstation for debugging required implementation of theTCP/IP Socket Interface for CICS within the CICS region.These requirements have been removed in CICS TS V2.3.The only application program requirement is that it hasto be compiled with the TEST option (or equivalent).There is no equivalent preparation requirement for Java(including EJB) activity. However, the JVM used for theJava class or enterprise bean which is to be debuggedmust be configured to support debugging activity.Consequently, the debugging profile contains JVM-profilerelated information (specifically, the JVM profileidentifying the JVM in debug mode that is to be used forexecution).

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    The status of a debugging profile is recorded in the VSAMfile; this status persists over a CICS region restart (evenif it starts up as Initial or Cold). A transaction CIDPis provided which will turn off all debugging profiles. Thiswill affect all CICS regions sharing the same repositoryfile. CIDP can be started to run non-terminal as part ofCICS initialization (PLT), CICS shutdown (PLT) or at anytime during region execution.

    The debugging client can still be a 3270 terminal in theCICS region. However, it is recommended that thedebugging client runs on a workstation. It can be the IBMDistributed Debugger; WebSphere Studio Application

    Developer; WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer; orany non-IBM debugger that complies with the relevantdebugging standards. Access is made to the CICS regionvia TCP/IP. The DNS and the port number which the CICSregion uses for debugging communication have to beknown.

    If WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer (WSED) isbeing used to generate CICS COBOL or PL/I applications,the WSED debugger fully supports debugging of CICSapplications generated from its environment. Thisincludes Java applications (including enterprise beans)as well as COBOL or PL/I. In addition, the WSEDdebugger can follow execution flow through differentenvironments (such as WebSphere Application Server)both before and after the CICS component is executed,

    thus providing an end-to-end debugging facility.RDO enhancements: The CEDA transaction is used todefine CICS resources. Properties associated with CICSresources are case sensitive where they apply toHierarchical File System (HFS) or Java/EJB class/methodnames. An enhancement has been introduced to theCEDA (for Resource Definition), CADP (Debuggingdefinition), and CREA (RequestModel configuration)transactions which greatly increases the usability of CICSsystem definition when mixed case entries are required.Terminal input is by default taken to be in mixed case.Items which have to be in upper case are automaticallyfolded. Other items are taken to be case-dependent.

    This means that the CEOT transaction no longer has tobe used around these transactions to put the currentterminal into mixed case (before usage of thetransactions) and revert back to upper case (after thetransactions have ended).

    Improved support for C++: The C++ Standard Library(C128), originally shipped in z/OS V1.2, was built using theXPLINK compiler option for improved performance. CICSdoes not currently support the XPLINK linkage for C/C++(though it does for Java), so IBM has supplied aNOXPLINK C++ Standard Library (C128N), to facilitateISO C++ interoperability with CICS, via the followingPTFs:

    z/OS V1.2 UQ77834 z/OS V1.3 UQ77835 z/OS V1.4 UQ77836

    The README file update which documents C128N wasmade available in compiler PTFs UQ77788 and UQ77789.

    Enhancements to CICS Business Transaction Services:CICS Business Transaction Services (BTS), firstintroduced in CICS TS V1.3, has been enhanced toimprove the performance of certain types of BTSapplication. The NOCHECK option on the EXEC CICSDEFINE PROCESS command can be used to completelyeliminate the repository file overhead for short-livedprocesses that complete in a single task. Applicationssatisfying the conditions for NOCHECK to eliminate the

    repository file activity also benefit from the removal of therestriction that the EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT commandcould not be used in BTS applications. These twoenhancements:

    Allow BTS to be introduced to applications with loweroverheads

    Enable more existing applications to be reused in aBTS application; and:

    Make it easier for elements of the BTS API, notablycontainers, to be used more widely and providingadvantages for the general CICS application, for

    example passing more than 32K of data (such as XML)between local program components.

    The introduction of the EXEC CICS MOVE CONTAINERcommand simplifies the data transfer within a BTSapplication, eliminating the need for applications to usethe GET and PUT commands to achieve the same thing,and eliminating the associated storage allocationoperations.

    The NODATA option on the EXEC CICS GET CONTAINERis introduced to allow an application to quickly establishthe length of data present in a container prior allocatingstorage to receive the data.

    Other functions in support of procedural programming:

    Already introduced in CICS TS V2.1 and CICS TS V2.2 arefunctions including an integrated translator for COBOLand PL/I applications, which is particularly valuable insimplifying the debug process; CICS COBOL and PL/I XMLapplication capability, which enhances the use of COBOLand PL/I transactions in service oriented architectures;3270 Bridge enhancements; Load Module Scanner;enhancements to function shipping of remote filerequests; CICS Web Bridge enhancements; additionalCICS Web Support API enhancements; Web certificateauto-registration feature; CICS Language Environmentenhancements; and VSAM control interval deadlockavoidance.

    Enhancements to network connectivity fore-business enablement

    Security enhancements: In addition to the supportpreviously provided for the Unauthenticated and SSLClient Certificates protocols over IIOP, CICS TS V2.3 addssupport for the Asserted Identity method. AssertedIdentity authentication can be used when an IIOP clientcommunicates with a target server through anintermediate server. The target server verifies, throughthe z/OS Security Server (RACF ) that the intermediateserver can be trusted to authenticate its clients. Whenthe intermediate server receives a request, itauthenticates the client using an appropriateauthent icat ion protocol, and, i f successful , passes therequest to the targe t server. Because the target servertrusts the intermediate server to authenticate the client,i t makes no further checks before processing the clients

    request. In effect, the end users ident it y is replaced bythat of the trusted server. When this protocol is in use,the server makes this protocol known to clients bypublish ing i t in the IOR.

    This func tion al lows secure interoperabi li ty w ith o thersystems that use SSL with client authent icat ion and theAsserted Identity protocol, including between anycombination of CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V2.3 andWebSphere Application Server V4.0 for z/OS and OS/390,or WebSphere Application Server for z/OS, V5.

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    Other network connectivity functions: New bridge vectorsare added to support the ACCUM option on BMS requestsfor transactions using the Link3270 bridge. This extendsthe range of BMS applications which may be used with theLink3270 bridge.

    To assist problem determination for the growing numberof users using TN3270 to access their CICS transactions,CICS TS V2.3 includes the client s IP address and port (ifsupplied by VTAM ) as part of trace, messages, anddumps, plus some sample code in the autoinstall URM.

    Previously introduced in CICS TS V2.1 and CICS TS V2.2are ECI over TCP/IP; enhancements to CICS exploitationof TCP/IP services; connection optimization; and CICSsupport for VTAM LU alias facility.

    SOAP for CICS feature: The SOAP for CICS optionalfeature was made available on September 26, 2003. Itprovides a mechanism that allows CICS applications,written in any supported programming language, tocommunicate via the Simple Object Access Protocol(SOAP). Transports are provided over Hypertext TransferProtocol (HTTP) and WebSphere MQ. Both inbound andoutbound function is provided. The implementationsupports SOAP 1.1.

    The SOAP for CICS feature is available for use with bothCICS TS V2.2 and CICS TS V2.3; there is no change to iton the introduction of CICS TS V2.3. For more

    information, refer to Software Announcement 203-199,dated August 5, 2003.

    Outbound HTTP: A new CICS-supplied utility program,DFHWBCLI, is provided that can be invoked via EXECCICS LINK to establish an outbound HTTP connection.The utility permits the specification of a target URL, fromwhich an HTTP response is obtained. The HTTP GET andPOST methods are supported. Access may be direct orthrough a proxy, and may use Secure Sockets Layer if theCICS region is suitably configured.

    This was also made available on CICS TS V2.2 via theservice channel. Note that it may be removed in a futurerelease of CICS TS, after equivalent function is madeavailable through the EXEC CICS interface, when

    applications that use this function would need to bealtered.

    Improved application availability

    New threadsafe commands: The EXEC CICS commandsASKTIME, FORMATTIME, CHANGE TASK, DOCUMENTCREATE, DOCUMENT INSERT, DOCUMENT SET, andDOCUMENT RETRIEVE have been made threadsafe. Thisremoves the requirement for CICS to return to the QRTCB to execute these commands, and therefore has thepotential for applications that use DB2 extensively to gainmajor performance improvements by exploiting OpenTransaction Environment (OTE) with the CICS-DB2attachment facility.

    Enhanced DB2 recovery: Support for DB2 Restart Lightis introduced in CICS TS V2.3. This support requires DB2Universal Database for z/OS V8. Together with the DB2Group Attach support (already provided in CICS TS V2.2),this enhancement improves DB2 availability for CICSapplications and provides better recovery after an LPARfailure.

    Read time-out on MRO connections: An enhancementhas been introduced whereby tasks waiting on an MROconnection are purged if the wait exceeds a specifiedtime-out value. The purpose of this is to prevent asympathy sickness situation whereby, if transactions in

    an AOR for some reason stall or deadlock, thecorresponding relay transactions in an MRO-connectedTOR are left hanging, and can eventually cause the TORto stall completely. In addition, the granularity oftimeouts has been simplified to be in units of 1 second,and the field increased to allow longer maximumtimeouts. These enhancements have also been madeavailable via the service channel on CICS TS V1.3 andCICS TS V2.2.

    Other application availability functions: Alreadyintroduced in CICS TS V2.1 and CICS TS V2.2 are:

    Enhanced DB2 facilities, comprising CICS-DB2performance, and DB2 exploitation of the RMI Purgeoption

    Enhanced support for CICS data-sharing servers:automatic restart of CICS data-sharing servers,system-managed rebuild support for coupling facilitystructures, and system-managed coupling facilitystructure duplexing

    Sign-on retention for persistent sessions

    Systems management enhancements

    CICSPlex System Manager is an integrated part of CICSTS. Its role is to reduce the complexity of CICS systemsby presenting them as a simple and integrated whole. Itintegrates all the major CICS management functions intoone interface. It cooperates with Tivoli products tomeet the need to integrate management and automationof CICS with z/OS and the network.

    This release continues the themes for systemsmanagement of integration, simplification, monitoring andautomation, extended coverage, and infrastructure.Simplification, and extended coverage of end userinteractions, are provided via enhancements to theCICSPlex SM Web User Interface. Simplification andinfrastructure objectives are achieved through thearchitectural improvements item.

    Workload balancing of 3270 Bridge via CICSPlex SM:CICSPlex SMs workload management component is

    enhanced in this release to provide dynamic routingcapability for the 3270 Bridge enhancements that wereintroduced in CICS TS V2.2. This provides plugin supportfor the routing exit, removing the requirement for the userto code user exits. As with existing workloadmanagement support, this facility can provide benefitsthat include workload balancing, workload separation, andavoidance of systems that abended on a previousoccasion.

    CICSPlex SM architectural improvements: A range ofimprovements has been made to the architecture ofCICSPlex SM. These alterations give immediate benefitsto users, and also open the way for further futureenhancements.

    The immediate benefits include:

    Changes which can make the application of servicemuch easier, in particular the removal of the need forsimultaneous shutdown and upgrade to all CICSsystems within a CICSplex when applying service toresource tables

    Simplification of migration between releases for siteswith large remote Windows+ NT MAS networks

    Improved resource table reference book information,mainly concerning the descriptions of fields

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    Improved CICSPlex SM API mapping macrocommentary

    Additional data is now returned by the EXEC CPSMGETDEF command.

    CICSPlex SM Web User Interface enhancements: Majorextensions have been made to the functions of theCICSPlex SM Web User Interface server. In addition toworking with operational resources and viewingdefinitional resources, the user can now create andupdate definitional resources.

    The starter sets of views and menus now includes a setof administration views, which can be used to create,update, and remove CICS and CICSPlex SM definitions.The customization facilities of the Web User Interfacepermit the construction of views to capture specificdetails when creating a resource definition.

    Enhanced security for the Web User Interface view setsand menus allows access to individual view sets andmenus to be controlled at the individual user level whenusing the views and menus. It also allows the view editorto be made available to more users while preventingthem from modifying specific view sets and menus duringa view editor session. An audit trail records all changesmade to view sets and menus.

    A range of usability and accessibility enhancements

    includes mixed case field hints, better data formatting,and an enhanced starter set of views and menus whichoffers a default environment that is similar to that of theISPF end-user interface.

    Kill function: Customers have requested the ability tocancel suspended or looping tasks without having tocancel and restart the CICS region if the tasks cannot becancelled using, for example, existing CEMT commands.

    Currently the Purge function allows a task to be cancelled;data and system integrity are maintained. TheForcepurge function allows a task to be cancelled; systemintegrity is maintained; however, data integrity may belost. The new Kill function allows a task to be cancelledin situations where the Purge and Forcepurge functions

    prove to be ineffective.The Kill function allows looping or suspended tasks to beremoved from a CICS region, without the need to canceland restart the region, enabling the system to be keptrunning during critical periods. Two approaches areoffered:

    1. CEMT and the SPI have been enhanced by theaddition of a new KILL option to the CEMT SET TASK,CEMT SET CONNECTION, and CEMT SET TERMINALcommands, and the EXEC CICS equivalents. Thisallows tasks to be cancelled where that could nothave been achieved using the PURGE orFORCEPURGE options. These functions can also beinvoked from CICSPlex SM.

    2. A new CEKL transaction can be invoked from aconsole, and runs on its own Task Control Block (TCB)within CICS. This means it can be used even in theevent of a lockout of the main CICS Quasi-Reentrant(QR) TCB. CEKL INQUIRE TASK allows informationto be listed about tasks in the CICS region. CEKL SETTASK allows the cancelling of a selected task usingthe PURGE, FORCEPURGE, or KILL option.

    An audit trail is provided for transactions that have beensubjected to Kill.

    It should be appreciated that the Kill function cannotguarantee data or system integrity.

    In addition to the provision of the Kill function,enhancements are provided to existing support forcancelling tasks by improvements that include ensuringthat deferred purges are attempted more frequently, inparticular on subsequent suspends.

    The Kill function will be made available via the servicechannel beginning November 7, 2003 for CICS TS V2.2,and early in 2004 for CICS TS V2.3. The applicable serviceis:

    For CICS TS V2.2: PTFs for APARs PQ73474,PQ79276, and PQ79277For CICS TS V2.3: numbers not yet available

    Other systems management functions: A range ofenhancements is included to the EXEC CICS SPI and toCICSPlex SM, and extensions to the CICSPlex SM WebUser Interface. Some of the extensions to the Web UserInterface provide improved ease of use, such as in datascrolling and in navigating between views.

    A new EXTRACT function has been added to the CICSstatistics utility program, DFHSTUP, which allows a userprogram to be written to analyze the CICS statisticsrecords. Sample EXTRACT programs are provided whichinclude a statistics exception event reporter, whichhighlights where a CICS limit condition (such as MXT, orfile string waits) has been exceeded. The event reporterprovides a significantly easier method of analyzing the

    CICS statistics records in order to determine if somecorrective or preventative tuning action is required.

    Systems management enhancements introduced in theprevious releases of CICS TS V2 include CICSPlex SMremote MAS agent for Windows ; CICSPlex SMcommunications enhancements; and CICSPlex SM BASintegration.

    Other benefits of CICS TS V2.3

    The DFHCNV macro for ASCII/EBCDIC data conversion ofCOMMAREAs has been changed to allow templates to bekeyed by resource type and by either full resource name,or generic prefix. This simplifies the definition andmaintenance of conversion tables.

    An enhancement is provided to EXEC CICS WEB READFORMFIELD, which now supports fields on HTML formscreated with the GET HTTP method.

    IBM WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer V5 (WSED)is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) thathelps developers create dynamic Web applicationsincluding support for Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE),XML and Web services technologies that can integrateWebSphere software and traditional transactionalenvironments, including CICS, IMS , and Batch systems.It promotes the reuse and transformation of existingapplications, and supports Java, COBOL, PL/I, andEnterprise Generation Language (EGL) development. Onefree license for WSED is included with CICS TS V2.3.

    A range of significant enhancements has been made tothe Information Center. For information on these, referto the Publications section.

    Support by CICS Tools and related products

    IBM provides a range of CICS Tools and other productswhich support use of CICS Transaction Server for z/OSVersion 2. All of these products may be used with CICSTS V2.3. For more information on CICS Tools, refer to:

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    For information on the required levels and PTFs forsupport of CICS TS V2.3 by CICS Tools, refer to theGeneral Information section of the Preventive ServicePlanning (PSP) bucket for CICS TS V2.3 on RETAIN . Forthis, go to the IBM CICS support page, at:


    Select Preventive Service Planning (under the headingPlan). This information will also be in the PSP bucket onRETAIN for each of the CICS Tools.

    Information on the required levels and PTFs for supportof CICS TS V2.3 by CICS Tools, as at the time of thisannouncement, is also given in the Softwarerequirements section, below.

    For the latest announcements of CICS Tools, refer to theReference information section.

    Additional information

    IBM intends to include the runtime functions ofMQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS Transaction Server(MQIAC) in a future release of CICS Transaction Server.MQIAC is the successor product to Message Drivenprocessor (MDp), formerly marketed by Early, Cloud &


    Education support

    The training offerings listed below are available. Notethat most countries have course codes in the format ofWWWWsss, where WWWW is the worldwide course code,and sss is a 1 to 3 character suffix.

    CICS Transaction Server for z/OS: EJB Support andMore!, worldwide course code CS04. This is ano-charge Web-based course teaching the featuresand functions of CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V2.It can be accessed at:


    CICS TS for OS/390 Transition: From V1 To V2,worldwide course code CI95. This is a classroomcourse for system programmers who need informationhelpful for planning migrations from CICS TS V1.3 toCICS TS V2.2.

    CICS TS for z/OS Transition to V2.3, worldwide coursecode CI97. This course will become available in early2004. This is a classroom course for systemprogrammers who need information helpful forplanning migrations from prior CICS versions to CICSTS V2.3.

    Fastpath for Migrating CICS/ESA Applications toCICS Transaction Server for z/OS V2, worldwidecourse code CI96. This classroom course teachesstudents basic need-to-know information to transitiona set of CICS/ESA applications to the latest release ofCICS. It does not teach new functional enhancements,but concentrates on migrating existing applications.

    Enabling Java Support in CICS TS V2, worldwidecourse code is CI21. This classroom course teachesstudents how to enable Java support in CICSTransaction Server for z/OS, including how toconfigure an EJB container and how to deployenterprise beans in the CICS environment.

    Connecting CICS to WebSphere Application Server viaCICS Transaction Gateway, worldwide course codeCI71. This classroom course shows how to use theCICS Transaction Gateway (CICS TG) to access CICSTransaction Server for z/OS applications.

    CICS TS for OS/390 Planning for Recovery, worldwidecourse code CI28. This course covers the recoveryand restart facilities of CICS Transaction Server forz/OS, using classroom lectures and classroom paperprojects.

    CICSPlex System Manager Administration, worldwidecourse code CI76. This classroom course will teach

    the students how to install, configure, and usefunctions of the CICSPlex System Manager (SM)component of CICS Transaction Server.

    CICS TS for OS/390 Problem Analysis, worldwidecourse code CI29. This classroom course teaches theCICS system programmer how to analyze problemrelated information provided by CICS TransactionServer.

    CICS Application Programming with Java, worldwidecourse code CI19. This three-day classroom courseteaches Java application programmers how to developbasic CICS applications written in Java.

    CICS Fundamentals, worldwide course code CI01. Thiscourse teaches about the major CICS concepts and

    facilities that are applicable to the CICS family ofproducts. It focuses on the tasks involved indesigning, programming, and managing applications.

    CICS TS for z/OS Basic Tailoring, worldwide coursecode CI20. This classroom course is intended forSystems Programmers who will be installing andtailoring CICS Transaction Server for z/OS for the firsttime.

    CICS Application Programming, worldwide coursecode CI17. This classroom course teaches you how todesign, code and debug modern CICS applicationprograms for e-business or traditional environments.

    For additional information, visit the IBM IT EducationServices Web page and select your country to view

    available offerings:


    This site has descriptions of all classroom and self-studycourses available in each country. The Web page alsocontains information on course schedules and enrollmentprocedures.

    If you cannot find the information you need on the Website, call IBM IT Education Services at 800-IBM-TEACH(426-8322) for additional details or to enroll in a course.

    Technical information

    Specified operating environment

    Hardware requirements:

    Processors: The basic requirement is for a processor thatsupports the prerequisite operating system and hassufficient processor storage to meet the requirements ofthe operating system, CICS TS V2, the applicationprograms, the access methods, and all other softwarebeing run.

    This includes the IBM e(logo)server zSeries 900.

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    For browsing the Information Center:

    A browser that supports HTML 4.0 and the DocumentObject Model (DOM) standard. Suitable browsersinclude Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6.0,Netscape Navigator V7.0, and Mozilla V1.0, running onWindows 2000 or Windows XP.

    PDF files shipped with the Information Center havebeen generated using Adobe Acrobat Distiller 6.0 atthe Acrobat 6.0 (PDF 1.5) level. They can be readusing Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0, but Reader 6.0 isnecessary if the accessibility features of Distiller 6.0are required.

    WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer V5.0, or later(WSED) is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)that supports development of applications in a range oflanguages, including Java, COBOL, and PL/I, and a rangeof environments including CICS TS V2.3.

    Supporting levels of CICS Tools and related products:This information applies at the time of announcement.For up-to-date information, as stated above, refer toinformation on RETAIN.

    CICS Interdependency Analyzer for z/OS (CICS IA)V1.2 runs with CICS TS V2.3. PTF for APAR PQ79057is required. A later PTF will provide exploitation ofnew function.

    CICS IA V1.1 does not run with CICS TS V2.3.

    CICS Performance Analyzer for z/OS (CICS PA) V1.3,with PTF for APAR PQ79013, runs with CICS TS V2.3and reports performance data for its new function.

    CICS PA V1.2 will ignore SMF 110 data from CICSTS V2.3.

    CICS Performance Monitor for z/OS V1.2, withappropriate service, will run with and providesperformance information for the new function of CICSTS V2.3.

    CICS PM V1.2 without appropriate service will runwith CICS TS V2.3, but does not provide informationon new functions.

    CICS PM V1.1 is not supported with CICS TS V2.3.

    CICS VSAM Recovery Version 3 (either release) runswith CICS TS V2.3. No PTF is required.

    CICS Business Event Publisher for MQSeriesVersion 1.1 may be used with CICS TS V2.3. PTF forAPAR PQ79056 is required.

    CICS Online Transmission Time Optimizer for z/OSV1.1 may be used with CICS TS V2.3. No PTF isrequired.

    Session Manager for z/OS V1.1 may be used with CICSTS V2.3. No PTF is required.

    MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS Transaction

    Server V1.1.2 runs with CICS TS V2.3.

    Fault Analyzer for z/OS and OS/390 V3.1, with PTFUQ77156 for APAR PQ74048, or Fault Analyzer forz/OS V4.1, will run with CICS TS V2.3.

    Debug Tool for z/OS and OS/390 V3.1, with PTFUQ77541 for APAR PQ73643, or Debug Tool for z/OSV4.1, will run with CICS TS V2.3.


    DB beans: If Data Access Beans have been developedusing VisualAge for Java Version 3.5 or 4.0 for use with

    CICS Transaction Server for z/OS, they will need to beconverted to DB Beans for use with CICS TS V2.3. Forinformation on compatibility and migration between DataAccess Beans and DB Beans, refer to the information ontransitioning from VisualAge for Java to WebSphereStudio. Migration information is given in thedocumentation in the WebSphere Studio library.Alternatively, go to:





    CICSPlex SM support: The CICSPlex System Managerelement of CICS TS V2.3 does not support the followingCICS products, which are no longer in service:

    CICS/ESA Version 4.1 (5655-018)

    CICS Transaction Server for OS/2 Version 4.1(5622-808)

    For CICSPlex SM support of these CICS products, a CMASat an appropriate lower level may be used. They can becontrolled from the CICSPlex SM element of this productthrough CICS TS V1.3 or CICS TS V2.2.

    As indicated in a previous announcement, CICS TS V2.3

    does not include CICSPlex SM Agent support for CICSTransaction Server for OS/2 V4.1.

    Common Connector Framework (CCF): The CommonConnector Framework (CCF) was a predecessor interfaceto the CCI. It is now functionally stabilized. The CCF hasbeen available in CICS TS V2.1 and V2.2 as the CICSConnector for CICS TS. Runtime function is provided inCICS TS V2.3, but will be removed in a future release.Compile-time function is only available in VisualAge forJava, and is not provided in the WebSphere Studiotoolset. Note that service support for VisualAge for JavaV4.0 (Professional Edition) ceases on December 31, 2003.

    Customers should migrate their applications to the CCIConnector for CICS TS.

    ECI Base Classes (ECIREQUEST): The ECI Base Classes(ECIREQUEST, which were introduced for compatibilitywith the CICS Transaction Gateway) have now beenstabilized. These classes will be removed in a futurerelease of CICS Transaction Server. The recommendedreplacement is the CCI Connector for CICS TS, describedabove.

    EXEC CICS SIGNON exit: As previously announced, thesemantics of the EXEC CICS SIGNON/SIGNOFF commandwere changed in CICS TS V2.2, when the ability to alterthe current security identity of an executing CICS terminalattached transaction was removed.

    A temporary migration aid was provided which modifies

    the behavior to that obtaining in CICS TS V1.3. Thismigration aid remains in CICS TS V2.3, but will beremoved in a future release.

    Information is available on the CICS Web site aboutapplication design changes needed for the new behavior.

    One-byte console ID support: Four-byte console IDs havebeen available in MVS and its successors for many years.Use of one-byte console IDs has remained for migrationand compatibility purposes, but will be removed in thenext release of CICS Transaction Server. This means thatthe CONSOLE() attribute will be removed from the RDO

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    definition for TERMINAL, and the CONSNAME() attributemust be used instead.

    TCAM support: It is planned that support for ACF/TCAM(DCB) will be removed in a future release of CICSTransaction Server. Customers who have a continuedneed for a queued communications method shouldconsider modifying their applications to use WebSphereMQ.

    BTAM support: It is planned that support for BTAMapplications will be removed in a future release of CICSTransaction Server.

    Application programming summary: The followingsummarizes the support within CICS TS V1.3, CICS TSV2.2, and CICS TS V2.3 for application programmingconsiderations. For full information, refer to the CICSTransaction Server for z/OS Version 2 Release 3:Release Guide, GC34-6218.

    COBOL CompilersUse of IBM Use with

    CICS Runtime Distributed WebSphereCompiler CICS Support Debugger Studioin Translator (refer to (refer to Enterprise

    Compiler Service? Support note 4) note 1) Developer

    OS/VS No CICS TS CICS TS No NoCOBOL V1.3 V1.3, V2.2,(5740-CB1, supported V2.3: the5734-CB4, CICS Languageand TS V2.2, Environment5740-LM1) V2.3: not component of(see supported z/OS isnote 2) required;

    applicationswill rununchanged.

    This functionwill beremoved inthe nextreleaseof CICS TS

    VS No CICS TS CICS TS Yes, with NoCOBOL II V1.3: V1.3, V2.2: res-

    (5668-022, supported the Language trictions5668-023, with COBOL2 Environmentand option component of(5668-958) CICS z/OS is

    TS V2.2; required;V2.3: applicationssupported will runonly with unchanged.COBOL3 CICSoption TS V2.3:

    the LanguageEnvironmentcomponent ofz/OS isrequired; CICSwill useLanguageEnvironmentruntimeexclusively.

    Applicationbehavior maychange (referto note 7)

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    Use of IBM Use withCICS Runtime Distributed WebSphere

    Compiler CICS Support Debugger Studioin Translator refer to (refer to Enterprise

    Compiler Service? Support note 4) note 1) Developer

    SAA No CICS TS Language Yes, with NoAD/Cycle V1.3 Environment res-COBOL/370 supported trictions(5688-197) with COBOL25668-958) option


    for MVS V2.3:and VM supported(5688-197) only with

    COBOL3COBOL for Yes optionOS/390and VMV2(5648-A25)

    COBOL for Yes Can use Language Yes, with Yes, withOS/390 integrated Environment res- res-

    and VM translator trictons trictionsV2 (refer to(5648-A25) note 3)with PTFforAPARPQ45462

    Enterprise Yes Can use Language Yes YesCOBOL for integrated Environmentz/OS translatorand (refer toOS/390 note 3)V3


    PL/I Compilers

    Use of IBM Use withDistributed WebSphere

    Compiler CICS CICS Runtime Debugger Studioin Translator Support (refer (refer to Enterprise

    Compiler Service? Support to note 4) note 1) Developer

    OS PL/I No Yes CICS TS Yes, with NoOptimizing V1.3, V2.2, res-Compiler V1 V2.3: the trictions(5724-PLI) Language


    OS PL/I No component ofOptimizing z/OS isCompiler V2 required;(5668-909, applications5668-910, will runand unchanged.5668-911) This function

    will beremoved in thenext releaseof CICS TS

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    Use of IBM Use withDistributed WebSphere

    Compiler CICS CICS Runtime Debugger Studioin Translator Support (refer (refer to Enterprise

    Compiler Service? Support to note 4) note 1) Developer

    SAA AD/ No Yes Language Yes, with NoCycle (refer to Environment res-PL/I note 5) trictionsfor MVSand VM(5688-235)

    PL/I for NoMVS andVM V1(5688-235)

    VisualAge NoPL/I forOS/390 V2(5655-B22)

    Enterprise Yes Can use Language Yes YesPL/I for integrated Environmentz/OS and translatorand (refer toOS/390 note 5)


    C or C++ CompilersUse of IBM Use withDistributed WebSphere

    Compiler CICS CICS Runtime Debugger Studioin Translator Support (refer (refer Enterprise

    Compiler Service? Support to note 4) to note 1) Developer

    C/370 V1 No Yes CICS TS Yes, with No(5688-040) V1.3, res-

    V2.2, V2.3 trictionsC/370 V2 No the Language(5688-187 Environment

    and component of5688-188) z/OS isrequired;applicationswill rununchanged.This functionwill beremoved in thenext releaseof CICS TS

    SAA AD/ No Yes Language Yes, with NoCycle Environment res-C/370 trictions


    C / C + + NoforMVS/ESA(5655-121)

    C/C++ fo r YesOS/390(componentof5647-A01)

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    Use of IBM Use withDistributed WebSphere

    Compiler CICS CICS Runtime Debugger Studioin Translator Support (refer (refer Enterprise

    Compiler Service? Support to note 4) to note 1) Developer

    C/C++ fo r Yes Yes Language Yes Noz/OS Environmentand OS/390(componentof5694-A01)

    Java Support

    Use of IBM Use withDistributed WebSphere

    Function CICS CICS Debugger Studioin Translator Runtime (refer to Enterprise

    Compiler/ Service? Support Support note 1) DeveloperJVM

    VisualAge No No Language Yes, with Nofor translator Environment res-Java, required trictionsEnterprise use JCICSEdition classes.V2 Supported

    Enterprise by CICS TSToolkit TS V1.3,for CICS TSOS/390 V2.2(5655-JAV) CICS TS(refer V2.3to Note 6)

    Java for Yes No Language Yes YesOS/390 at translator EnvironmentSDK required 1.1.8 use JCICS


    by CICSTS V1.3only

    Developer Yes No Language Yes YesKit for translator EnvironmentOS/390 required Java 2 use JCICSTechnology classes.Edition, SupportedV1.3.1 by(5655-D35) CICS TS


    SDK for Yes No Language Yes Yesz/OS, translator EnvironmentJava 2 required Technology use JCICSEdition, classes.V1.4 Supported(5655-I56) by

    CICS TSV2.3only

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    1. IBM Distributed Debugger is available as acomponent of WebSphere Studio EnterpriseDeveloper V5, and other IBM products. For moreinformation, refer to:


    2. This is a clarification of the information on OS/VSCOBOL given in previous announcements.

    3. The integrated translator function requires IBMCOBOL for OS/390 and VM Version 2 Release 2, withPTF for APAR PQ45462, or Enterprise COBOL for z/OSand OS/390 Version 3. Note, however, that theCOBOL3 translator option must be active.

    4. Refer to the publications for information on the useof the Language Environment condition handler.

    5. The integrated translator function requires VisualAgePL/I for OS/390, Version 2 Release 2.1, with PTF forAPAR PQ45562, or Enterprise PL/I for z/OS andOS/390 Version 3.

    6. Refer to the statement below on migration of JavaProgram Objects.

    7. Refer to the paper Language Environment withinCICS TS: Questions and Answers, available at:


    Migration of Java program objects: Java program objectsare programs compiled with the VisualAge for JavaEnterprise Toolkit for OS/390 (ET/390) byte-code binder(they are compiled with the hpj command, and aresometimes referred to as compiled Java programs or asHPJ programs). To assist in migration, support iscontinued in CICS TS V2.3 for Java program objects.However, this will be the last release of CICS TransactionServer that provides this support.

    Customers migrating Java program objects to CICS TSV2.3 are recommended to rebuild and run them in JVMmode under CICS.

    Assembler modules: No change has been made in CICSTS V2.3 to the support for Assembler modules.Assembler source is translated and compiled without anymigration issues.

    There is no Integrated Translator support for assemblercompilation.

    The IBM Distributed Debugger does not supportAssembler modules. WebSphere Studio EnterpriseDeveloper can be used to generate Assembler modules.

    Performance considerations

    Traditional workloads: Comparisons with CICS TS V2.2,using an IBM internal benchmark, show that CICS TS V2.3has similar performance characteristics in terms ofInternal Transaction Rate (ITR).

    Java Support: The Java support of CICS TS V2.3 has been

    enhanced to support the use of a shared class cacheacross multiple JVMs. The startup time and storagerequired for JVMs that use this shared class cache issignificantly reduced compared with the previous modelof standalone JVMs. The Java support has also beenenhanced to include support for applications that do notrequire all class state data to be reset at the end of atransaction. The use of the JVM in this continuous modewill reduce CPU per transaction by eliminating the costof the JVM reset.

    EJB support: The cost of using the EJB infrastructure inCICS TS V2.3 has been significantly reduced compared toCICS TS V2.2. Measurements have shown that the CPUper transaction for a simple stateless EJB has beenreduced by approximately 20% compared to CICS TS


    Considerations when migrating to CICS TS V2: Onmigrating to a new level of CICS TS, such as from CICSTS V1.3 to CICS TS V2, it should be appreciated thatcertain actions may be necessary to optimize the use ofthe new features of the product.

    An important area concerns the use of the OpenTransaction Environment (OTE) with the CICS-DB2attachment facility, which can give significantperformance improvements, especially with heavy DB2workloads. Realization of these improvements requiresan understanding of OTE and of the concept of threadsafetransactions. Also note that, with OTE, CPU times asreported in CICS TS V2 include time spent in DB2, which

    is also reported by DB2.

    It should also be remembered that, if moving to amachine with a smaller number of more powerfulprocessors, the LPAR configuration normally requiresmodification to ensure adequate processing capability forthe CICS TCBs.

    For more detailed discussion of these and other factors,refer to Migration planning for threadsafe programmingand the open transaction environment (OTE) in theMigration Guides in the CICS Information Center.

    User group requirements: Requirements from the worldwide user group communities satisfied or partially satisfied byenhancements in CICS TS V2.3 include the following:

    Requirement numbers Description

    MR031301584, MR0313012749 Addition of new bridge vectors to supportMR0320001442, MR1213016516 the ACCUM option on BMS requests forMR00074294 transactions using the Link3270 bridge

    MR00073252 , MR00048961 Read time-out on MRO connections

    MR081001491, MR1010013056 Explicitly forgetting sessions awaiting

    MR1009013142 CICS must be the first user to establishthe XM environment in an address space

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    Requirement numbers Description

    MR111902664 Provide use count for Java programs

    MR0313036911 Request for CICS to provide way toredirect STDOUT/STDERR to non HFSlocation

    MR052102384, MR0627025233 Produce transaction dump for APCW andALIG abends

    MR050200670 CEDX debugging of remote backgroundtransaction

    MR1130015725 Support generic transid and program onDTCN on MVS

    Guide/Share/Europe: Java support for Web and document APIDBCICS99001/MR00074295

    MR0512004257 Provide support for administrationfunctions via the CICSPlex SM Web UserInterface

    MR0308005231 CICSPlex SM administration and theCICSPlex SM Web User Interface

    MR0123026819 CICSPlex SM Web User Interface shouldbe able to display/interpret data in HEX

    or CHAR form like the TSO End UserInterface does

    MR0622003545 CICSPlex SM Web User InterfaceEYUSTARTTASK missing data

    MR00069712 Improve CICSPLEX SM migration path on asingle MVS image

    MR0103021335 CICSPlex SM maintenance should not impactproduction

    MR00074441 Remove need to IPL for applyingmaintenance

    Planning information

    Elements included in CICS Transaction Server for z/OSV2.3: The base CICS element of CICS TS V2.3 is CICSV6.3; the CICSPlex System Manager element is CICSPlexSM V2.3. Other elements included in CICS TS V2.3 are:

    REXX Development System for CICS/ESA

    REXX Runtime Facility for CICS/ESA

    CICS Application Migration Aid Version 1.1

    WebSphere Application Server V5, program number5630-A36. This is licensed under the IBM InternationalProgram License Agreement (IPLA), and its use issubject to restrictions refer to the Terms andconditions section of this announcement.

    Also shipped with the product is WebSphere StudioEnterprise Developer V5, program number 5724-B67, withan unrestricted entitlement for one user install.

    Packaging: The following items are shipped together withthe basic machine-readable material for the product:

    Hardcopy publications as listed in the publicationssection

    CD-ROM: CICS Information Center (SK3T-6957)

    Media Pack: WebSphere Application Server V5.0

    (includes IPLA licensing material), program number5630-A36. Also shipped is a Proof of Entitlement forinstallation in five processors. Note that the use of thisis subject to restrictions (refer to the Terms andconditions section.

    Media Pack: WebSphere Studio Enterprise DeveloperV5.0 (includes IPLA licensing material), programnumber 5724-B67. Also shipped is a Proof ofEntitlement for one user install, allowing full usewithout restrictions.

    Additional items packaged will include specificationsheets of some related products.

    If the SOAP for CICS optional feature is ordered, the itemsapplicable to that feature will also be shipped, asdescribed in its announcement refer to Referenceinformation

    Security, auditability, and control

    For information on security, refer to the RACF SecurityGuide, SC34-6249.

    This release of CICS TS V2 adds support for the AssertedIdentity security method. For more information, refer toEnhancements to network connectivity for e-businessenablement above.

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    The customer is responsible for evaluation, selection, andimplementation of security features, administrativeprocedures, and appropriate controls in applicationsystems and communication facilities.

    Ordering information

    Advance publications: The publication CICS TransactionServer for z/OS Version 2 Release 3: Release Guide,GC34-6218, is available now for download in PDF format,free of charge, from:


    Ordering z/OS through the Internet

    ShopzSeries (formerly SHOPS390) provides an easy wayto plan and order your z/OS ServerPac or CBPDO. It willanalyze your current installation, determine the correctproduct migration, and present your new configurationbased on z/OS. Additional products can also be added toyour order (including determination of whether all productRequisites are satisfied). ShopzSeries is available inthe U.S. and several countries in Europe. In countrieswhere ShopzSeries is not available yet, contact your IBMrepresentative (or Business Partner) to handle your ordervia the traditional IBM ordering process. For more detailsand availability, visit the ShopzSeries Web site at:


    Current licensees

    Current licensees of CICS Transaction Server for z/OSVersion 2 will be sent a program reorder form that canbe returned directly to IBM Software Delivery andFulfillment.

    Reorder forms are scheduled to be mailed byJanuary 2, 2004. Reorder forms returned to IBMSoftware Delivery and Fulfillment. will be processedwithin ten workdays of receipt.

    When CICS TS V2.3 is available, CICS TS V2.2 can no

    longer be ordered.

    New licensees

    Shipment will begin on the planned availability date.

    Orders that ship before the planned availability willreceive CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V2.2.

    Orders that ship after the planned availability date willreceive CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V2.3. Unlessa later date is specified, an order is scheduled for theweek following order entry.

    The ordering information for CICS Transaction Server forz/OS Version 2 (5697-E93) is unaffected by this

    announcement. However, some features have previouslybeen listed only in different announcements. The wholeordering information is repeated here for the convenienceof users.

    The base CICS TS product code can only be orderedthrough Customized Offerings. However, an MES ordermay be used for optional components that are notspecified on the base order. For these orders, specify:

    Type: 5697 Model: E93

    Basic license: To order a basic license, specify theprogram number 5697-E93. Specify feature number 9001

    for asset registration. Note that this registration isrequired even though delivery is by Customized Offerings(CBPDO and ServerPac).

    Entry Support License (ESL): To order an ESL license,specify the program number. Specify feature number9001 for asset registration.

    Specify the applicable ESL OTC feature number, below.Also specify the feature number as described under Basicmachine-readable material, below.

    ESL One-Time Charge

    Program number/description feature number

    5697-E93 Entry Support License 0024

    ESL machines can be determined by referring to the IBMEntry End User/390 Attachment (Z125-4379).

    Parallel Sysplex License Charge (PSLC) Basic License:To order a basic license, specify the program number andfeature number 9001 for asset registration. Specify thePSLC Base feature. If applicable, specify the PSLCLevel A and PSLC Level B, and PSLC Level C, PSLCLevel D features and quantity.

    If there is more than one program copy in a ParallelSysplex, the charge for all copies is associated to onelicense by specifying the applicable PSLC feature

    numbers and quantity represented by the sum of theService Units in Millions (MSUs) in your Parallel Sysplex.For all other program copies, specify the PSLC No-Charge(NC) Identifier feature on the licenses.

    Also, specify the feature number of the desireddistribution medium.

    Parallel Sysplex license charge features

    PSLC PSLC Basic LicenseMachine feature MLC featureMSU Capacity number description

    1 0001 PSLC Base, 1 MSU2 0002 PSLC Base, 2 MSUs

    3 0003 PSLC Base, 3 MSUs

    445 0004 PSLC Level A, 1 MSU0005 PSLC Level A, 42 MSUs

    46 175 0006 PSLC Level B, 1 MSU0007 PSLC Level B, 10 MSUs0008 PSLC Level B, 50 MSUs

    176 315 0009 PSLC Level C, 1 MSU0010 PSLC Level C, 10 MSUs0011 PSLC Level C, 50 MSUs

    316 or more 0012 PSLC Level D, 1 MSU0013 PSLC Level D, 50 MSUs

    NA 0014 PSLC NC Identifier

    Example 1: For a single machine with 11 MSUs, the PSLCfeatures would be:

    0003 quantity 10004 quantity 8

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    Example 2: For two machines in a Parallel Sysplex, whichhave an aggregation of 60 MSUs, the PSLC features wouldbe:

    PSLC chargeable license #1:

    0003 quantity 10005 quantity 10006 quantity 50007 quantity 1

    PSLC no-charge license #2:

    0014 quantity 1

    Workload License Charge (WLC) basic license: To ordera basic license, specify the program number and featurenumber 9001 for asset registration. Also, specify thefeature number of the desired distribution medium.

    Variable Workload License Charge features

    VWLC VWLCFeature featureDescription number

    Base, Level 0 includes 3 MSUs 4100Additional qty, Level 0 4101up to 45 MSUs

    Registration Base, Level 0 4102incl 1 MSU

    Registration additional quantityLevel 0 up to 45 MSUs 4103

    Additional qty, Level 1 002946 175 MSUs

    Registration additional quantityLevel 1 46 175 MSUs 0031

    Additional qty, Level 2176 315 MSUs 0032

    Registration additional quantityLevel 2 176 315 MSUs 0033

    Additional qty, Level 3 0034316 575 MSUs

    Registration additional quantityLevel 3 316 575 MSUs 0035Level 3, Per 50 MSUs for machine 0036capacity of 316 575 MSUs

    Level 3, Registration per 50 MSUs for 0037machine capacity of 316 575 MSUs

    Additional qty, Level 4 0038576 875 MSUs

    Registration additional quantityLevel 4 576 875 MSUs 0039Level 4, Per 50 MSUs for machine 0040capacity of 576 875 MSUs

    Level 4, Registration per 50 MSUs for 0041machine capacity of 576 875 MSUs

    Additional qty, Level 5 4401876 1315 MSUsRegistration additional quantityLevel 5 876 1315 MSUs 4403Level 5, Per 50 MSUs for machine 4402capacity of 876 1315 MSUs

    Level 5, Registration per 50 MSUs for 4404machine capacity of 876 1315 MSUs

    VWLC VWLCFeature featureDescription number

    Additional qty, Level 6 44051316 1975 MSUs

    Registration additional quantityLevel 6 1316 1975 MSUs 4407Level 6, Per 50 MSUs for machine 4406capacity of 1316 1975 MSUs

    Level 6, Registration per 50 MSUs for 4408machine capacity of 1316 1975 MSUs

    Additional qty, Level 71976+ MSUs 4409Registration additional quantityLevel 7 1976+ MSUs 4411Level 7, Per 50 MSUs for machine 4410capacity of 1976+ MSUs

    Level 7, Registration per 50 MSUs for 4412machine capacity of 1976+ MSUs

    S/390 Usage Pricing (Usage License Charge) basiclicense: To order a basic license, specify the appropriateprogram and feature number, if required, for assetregistration. Specify the applicable S/390 Usage Pricingfeature. Also, specify the feature number of the desireddistribution medium.

    Charges will be based upon the peak MSUs. Usagereported between thresholds of features 1, 2,