enzymereplacementtherapy · no improvement was observed in chondrocytes, glia, and some neurons,...

Enzyme replacement therapy for murine mucopolysaccharidosis type VII. M S Sands, … , W S Sly, E H Birkenmeier J Clin Invest. 1994; 93(6):2324-2331. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI117237. Recombinant mouse beta-glucuronidase administered intravenously to newborn mice with mucopolysaccharidosis type VII (MPS VII) is rapidly cleared from the circulation and localized in many tissues. Here we determine the tissue distribution of injected enzyme and describe its effects on the histopathology in 6-wk-old MPS VII mice that received either one injection of 28,000 U recombinant beta-glucuronidase at 5 wk of age or received six injections of 28,000 U given at weekly intervals beginning at birth. These mice were compared with untreated 6-wk-old MPS VII mice. The single injection decreased lysosomal distention in the fixed tissue macrophage system. MPS VII mice that received multiple injections had 27.8, 3.5, and 3.3% of normal levels of beta-glucuronidase in liver, spleen, and kidney, respectively. Brain had detectable beta-glucuronidase, ranging from 2.0-12.1% of normal. Secondary elevations of alpha-galactosidase and beta-hexosaminidase in brain, spleen, liver, and kidney were decreased compared with untreated MPS VII mice. Although no improvement was observed in chondrocytes, glia, and some neurons, the skeleton had less clinical and pathological evidence of disease and the brain had reduced lysosomal storage in meninges and selected neuronal groups. These data show that recombinant beta-glucuronidase treatment begun in newborn MPS VII mice provides enzyme to most tissues and significantly reduces or prevents the accumulation of lysosomal storage during the first 6 wk of life. Whether therapy […] Research Article Find the latest version: http://jci.me/117237-pdf

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Enzyme replacement therapy for murinemucopolysaccharidosis type VII.

M S Sands, … , W S Sly, E H Birkenmeier

J Clin Invest. 1994;93(6):2324-2331. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI117237.

Recombinant mouse beta-glucuronidase administered intravenously to newborn mice withmucopolysaccharidosis type VII (MPS VII) is rapidly cleared from the circulation andlocalized in many tissues. Here we determine the tissue distribution of injected enzyme anddescribe its effects on the histopathology in 6-wk-old MPS VII mice that received either oneinjection of 28,000 U recombinant beta-glucuronidase at 5 wk of age or received sixinjections of 28,000 U given at weekly intervals beginning at birth. These mice werecompared with untreated 6-wk-old MPS VII mice. The single injection decreased lysosomaldistention in the fixed tissue macrophage system. MPS VII mice that received multipleinjections had 27.8, 3.5, and 3.3% of normal levels of beta-glucuronidase in liver, spleen,and kidney, respectively. Brain had detectable beta-glucuronidase, ranging from 2.0-12.1%of normal. Secondary elevations of alpha-galactosidase and beta-hexosaminidase in brain,spleen, liver, and kidney were decreased compared with untreated MPS VII mice. Althoughno improvement was observed in chondrocytes, glia, and some neurons, the skeleton hadless clinical and pathological evidence of disease and the brain had reduced lysosomalstorage in meninges and selected neuronal groups. These data show that recombinantbeta-glucuronidase treatment begun in newborn MPS VII mice provides enzyme to mosttissues and significantly reduces or prevents the accumulation of lysosomal storage duringthe first 6 wk of life. Whether therapy […]

Research Article

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Enzyme Replacement Therapy for Murine Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VIIMark S. Sands,* Carole Vogler,t John W. Kyle,' Jeffrey H. Grubb,11 Beth Levy,* Nancy Galvin,t William S. Sly,"1 andEdward H. Birkenmeier**The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine 04609; tDepartment of Pathology, IThe Edward A. Doisy Department of Biochemistryand Molecular Biology, St. Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 63104; and ODepartment of Medicine/Cardiology,The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637


Recombinant mouse el-glucuronidase administered intrave-nously to newborn mice with mucopolysaccharidosis type VII(MPSVII) is rapidly cleared from the circulation and localizedin many tissues. Here we determine the tissue distribution ofinjected enzyme and describe its effects on the histopathologyin 6-wk-old MPSVII mice that received either one injection of28,000 U recombinant 5-glucuronidase at 5 wk of age or re-ceived six injections of 28,000 U given at weekly intervals be-ginning at birth. These mice were compared with untreated6-wk-old MPSVII mice. The single injection decreased lyso-somal distention in the fixed tissue macrophage system. MPSVII mice that received multiple injections had 27.8, 3.5, and3.3% of normal levels of f-glucuronidase in liver, spleen, andkidney, respectively. Brain had detectable f-glucuronidase,ranging from 2.0-12.1% of normal. Secondary elevations of a-galactosidase and fl-hexosaminidase in brain, spleen, liver, andkidney were decreased compared with untreated MPSVIImice. Although no improvement was observed in chondrocytes,glia, and some neurons, the skeleton had less clinical and patho-logical evidence of disease and the brain had reduced lysosomalstorage in meninges and selected neuronal groups. These datashow that recombinant f-glucuronidase treatment begun innewborn MPSVII mice provides enzyme to most tissues andsignificantly reduces or prevents the accumulation of lysosomalstorage during the first 6 wk of life. Whether therapy begunlater in life can achieve this level of correction remains to beestablished. (J. Clin. Invest. 1994.93:2324-2331.) Key words:fl-glucuronidase * Sly syndrome - animal models - lysosomalstorage diseases * central nervous system


Animal models of lysosomal storage disease have been used totest the efficacy of novel therapies for these diseases (1-3).Treatments have included bone marrow transplantation(BMT),1 somatic cell gene therapy and enzyme replacement(4-13). Mice homozygous for a frameshift mutation in the

Address correspondence to E. H. Birkenmeier, M.D., Senior Staff Sci-entist, The Jackson Laboratory, 600 Main St., Bar Harbor, ME04609.

Receivedfor publication 23 November 1993 and in revisedform 18February 1994.

1. Abbreviations used in this paper: BMT, bone marrow transplanta-tion; FTMS, fixed tissue macrophage system; Man 6-P, mannose6-phosphate; MPS, mucopolysaccharidosis.

fl-glucuronidase gene, Gus, (14) have murine mucopolysac-charidosis type VII (MPSVII) ( 1, 2) and share manybiochemi-cal, pathological, and clinical features with human MPSVII(Sly Syndrome) ( 15). An increased life span and reduction inlysosomal storage in many tissues was observed in MPSVIImice after BMT(4). Newborn mice pretreated with low-doseradiation followed by BMTshowed improved skeletal develop-ment and had f3-glucuronidase positive cells in the brain (5). Areduction of lysosomal storage was also observed in the liverand spleen of MPSVII mice receiving retroviral mediated so-matic cell gene therapy (9-11). Although BMT therapiescorrect or prevent lysosomal storage, they require pretreatmentwith irradiation to ensure transplant engraftment. Treatmentof newborns with BMT, although effective, is accompanied byradiation dose-dependent cerebellar and retinal dysplasia andlong bone growth retardation (5). A method of delivering en-zyme that did not require irradiating young animals might al-low reduction in lysosomal storage without the side effects ob-served with BMT.

Since the mannose receptor is expressed on the surface oftissue macrophages, purified glucocerebrosidase enzymaticallymodified in vitro to expose mannosyl residues ( 16) is targetedto the fixed tissue macrophage system (FTMS). Although arecent report showed that only a small fraction of the currentlylicensed enzyme was actually targeted to macrophages ( 17),intravenous administration of modified glucocerebrosidase iseffective in reversing some of the clinical symptoms ofGaucher's disease, a lysosomal storage disease affecting theFTMS( 12, 13, 18). Other lysosomal storage diseases such asMPSVII, which affect many types of tissues, will require deliv-ery of the enzyme to many other sites besides the FTMS. Itseemed likely that tissues with cells expressing the mannose6-phosphate (Man 6-P) receptor on their surfaces might becorrected by enzyme bearing the Man6-P recognition marker.

Recently, Grubb et al. ( 19) developed a novel method forthe production of large quantities of recombinant fl-glucuroni-dase, a glycoprotein containing oligosaccharides having boththe mannose and Man 6-P receptor recognition moieties.Whenrecombinant enzyme was administered intravenously tonewborn MPSVII mice, it was rapidly cleared from the circula-tion. High levels were detected in many tissues including thebrain and FTMS(20). Enzyme localization in tissues corre-lated with the expression of Man6-P receptor (21-23). The tl2of the recombinant enzyme in various tissues was 1.2-4.2 d,similar to that reported for infused human placental f3-gluc-uronidase in rat tissue (24, 25). The high levels of enzymeachieved and the persistence of enzyme in tissues suggests thatrecombinant enzyme may be effective in treating murineMPSVII.

In this study, we describe the clinical, biochemical, histo-chemical, and pathological responses to six weekly infusions ofrecombinant fl-glucuronidase begun in the neonatal period.

2324 Sands et al.

J. Clin. Invest.©The American Society for Clinical Investigation, Inc.0021-9738/94/06/2324/08 $2.00Volume 93, June 1994, 2324-2331

These results are compared with those obtained 1 wk after asingle infusion at 5 wk of age.


Animals. Homozygous mutant (gusmPS/gus'Ps) and phenotypicallynormal (+ /?) mice were obtained from B6.C-H-2bm' / ByBir-gusmPs/ +mutant strain maintained by E. H. Birkenmeierat The Jackson Labora-

tory ( 1). Animals for this study were from either a pedigreed colony,maintained by strict brother-sister matings, or a nonpedigreed colony,maintained by crossing heterozygotes obtained from the pedigreed col-ony. The offspring were never more than one generation from the pedi-greed colony. Homozygous mutants and normals (+ / +) were distin-guished from heterozygotes (+IgunPs) at birth using a fluorometricassay (26) to determine the level of (-glucuronidase activity in a sam-

ple of tissue obtained by toe clipping. Animals were observed weeklyfor phenotypic evidence of MPSVII.

Enzyme production and purification. Man 6-P receptor deficientmouse L cells (27) which secrete 70%of lysosomal enzymes with thephosphomannosyl recognition marker were stably transfected with an

expression plasmid containing the mouse f3-glucuronidase cDNA ( 19,28). f3-glucuronidase was purified from the conditioned media by am-

monium sulfate precipitation, sephadex, and ion exchange chromatog-raphy ( 19). The purified enzyme (2 X 106 U/mg) was diluted in 10mMTris, pH 7.5, 150 mMNaCl and 1 mMfl-glycerophosphate to a

concentration of 2.8 X I0 U/ml and stored at -70'C. fl-glucuronidaseactivity units are nanomoles of substrate hydrolyzed per hour.

Enzyme injections. Aliquots of enzyme were thawed and assayedimmediately before injection. Five newborn gusmls/gusmls mice were

injected on the first day of life with 28,000 U of enzyme in 100 M1 intothe superficial temporal vein. At 1 wk of age they received the same

dose intraperitoneally followed by four injections into the tail vein atweekly intervals. The animals were killed at 6 wk of age and tissueswere analyzed for lysosomal enzyme activity and pathology. Twophenotypically normal mice were injected with enzyme on the same

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UPS UPS UPS +/11 MI. 6 in]. 6 MI.

Figure 1. fl-glucuronidase levels 1 wk after injection. fl-glucuronidaseactivity, expressed as percent of normal activity of + / + mice, in liver,spleen, kidney, and brain 1 wk after injection. Enzyme levels of twountreated mutant mice receiving six weekly injections of dilutionbuffer starting at birth (MPS) and two homozygous normal mice re-

ceiving the same regimen of enzyme injections (+/+, 6 inj.) are

shown. (3-glucuronidase levels in MPSVII mice receiving a single en-

zyme injection at 5 wk (MPS, 1 inj.) are compared to the enzyme

levels in mutant mice receiving six weekly enzyme injections startingat birth (MPS, 6 inj.). Values for MPS, 1 inj. and MPS, 6 inj. are theaverage enzyme levels from five animals in each group. Error barsrepresent± SD.

% +1+

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MPS MPS MPS +/+1 inI. 6 InI. 6 Inj.

Figure 2. a-galactosidase and fl-hexosaminidase levels 1 wk after in-jection. a-galactosidase (A) and ,B-hexosaminidase (B) activity is ex-

pressed as percent of + / + activity in liver, spleen, kidney, and brain1 wk after the last injection. Enzyme levels from the same animalsas described in Fig. 1 are shown and represent the average of two an-

imals each from MPSand + / +, 6 inj. and the average of five animalseach from MPS, 1 inj. and MPS, 6 inj. Error bars represent± 1 SD.

schedule as animals that received six injections. One mutant animalreceived six injections of dilution buffer starting at birth. Five addi-tional mutant mice were injected via the tail vein with 28,000 U (3-gluc-uronidase at 5 wk of age, killed at 6 wk of age, and analyzed biochemi-cally and histochemically as described above. Two of these treated mu-

tants were also studied histologically.Biochemical analysis. Tissue sections were isolated and homoge-

nized in 20 mMTris, pH 7.5, 140 mMNaCl, 10 mMfl-mercaptoeth-anol and 0.25% saponin with a motorized pestle. Lysosomal enzymeswere assayed fluorometrically using 4-methylumbelliferyl (4-MU)substrates (10 mM)as previously described (26). f3-glucuronidase, a-

galactosidase and fl-hexosaminidase were assayed with the substrates4-MU-(3-D-glucuronide, 4-MU-a-D-galactoside and 4-MU-N-acetyl-f3-D-glucosaminide, respectively (Sigma Chemicals, St. Louis, MO). Pro-tein determinations were performed by the Coomasie dye binding as-

say (29).Pathology. Tissues were collected, fixed and prepared for light and

electron microscopy as previously described (2). One MPSVII animalreceiving six enzyme injections, one normal animal, and one MPSVIIcontrol were anesthetized and perfused through the left ventricle with2% glutaraldehyde, 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS. Before perfusion,liver and spleen biopsies were obtained for histochemical and biochemi-cal analysis. For histology, toluidine blue-stained, '/2-Mm-thick sectionsof tissue embedded in Spurr's resin were evaluated for lysosomal stor-age and selected tissues were also studied by electron microscopy. Eye,

Modes of Therapy for Murine Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VII 2325



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Figure 3. Liver response to enzyme replacement. (A ) Liver from an MPSVII mouse has no W8glucuromidase activity detectable by histochemicalstain. (B) Marked vacuolization of sinus lining cells is seen in an untreated mutant. (C) After one injection of 28,000 U recombinant fB-gluc-uronidase, a mutant liver shows enzyme activity in an evenly dispersed nonzonal pattern. (D) The sinus lining cells show a marked decrease inlysosomal distention even after a single injection of ,B-glucuronidase. (E) After 6 wk of enzyme therapy, there is enzyme activity in Kupifer cellsand hepatocytes and the enzyme is distributed in a zonal pattern with more activity in the central portion of the hepatic lobule than in theperipheral portion. (F) The sinus lining cells show a marked decrease in lysosomal distention after six doses of jB-glucuronidase. (A, C, and E)Naohthol-AS-BI-,8glucuronidase X62.5; (B, D, and F) toluidine blue, X242.

rib, liver, kidney, spleen, heart, aorta, and a transverse section of thecerebrum including cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, and lep-tomeninges were examined. Stifel joints were also examined after par-affin embedding and routine processing and staining with hematoxylinand eosin as well as with colloidal iron (2). Tissues from untreatedmutant and normal mice from this and previous studies (2, 4, 5) wereused as histological controls.

P-glucuronidase was identified histochemically in unfixed frozensections of rib, liver, spleen, kidney, heart, and brain using naphthol-AS-BI-t-D-glucuronide and pararosaniline hydrochloride with a 3-h

preincubation at 4VC in substrate alone and a 4-h incubation at 37'C inthe presence of substrate and pararosaniline hydrochloride (30).

Morphometric analyses were performed on the femur, humerus,radius, ulna, tibia, and fibula from treated and untreated mice as previ-ously described (5). Briefly, the long bones were excised, radiographedwith a Hewlett Packard Faxitron specimen analyzer, and measured attheir longest aspect. Bone lengths were then grouped and comparedaccording to treatment and sex. The bone lengths for the treated group,represented as percent untreated normal, were averaged and analyzedusing the Student's t test of statistical significance.

2326 Sands et al.

Figure 4. Osteoblast storage decreases after 6 wk enzyme therapy. (A and B) Osteoblasts (arrow) lining cortical bone in a mutant mouse containnumerous cytoplasmic vacuoles. Sinus lining cells (arrowhead) also contain a large number of distended lysosomes. (C and D) After six dosesof f3-glucuronidase, osteoblasts (arrow) contain only a few small cytoplasmic vacuoles and sinus lining cells (arrowhead) show no evidence oflysosomal distention. (A and C) Toluidine blue, X242, (B) uranyl acetate, lead citrate, X2680; (D) uranyl acetate, lead citrate, X3484.


Biochemical response of MPSVII mice to recombinant f3-

glucuronidaseEnzyme distribution. 1 wk after the last injection, f3-glucuroni-dase was detected in the liver, spleen, kidney, and brain ofanimals that received either single or multiple injections ofenzyme (Fig. 1). The livers of animals that received a singleinjection had 35%of normal enzyme activity. Livers of animalsthat received multiple injections had 27.8% of normal enzyme

activity. Spleens and kidneys had 3-5% of normal levels ofenzyme. The brains of animals receiving multiple injectionshad an average level of enzyme activity that was 6.7% of nor-

mal. However, in the brains of animals that received a singleinjection at 5 wk of age, the average activity level was only 1%of normal 1 wk after the injection. Except for the brain, thetissues from the two normal animals receiving multiple injec-tions showed no detectable increases in f3-glucuronidase activ-ity. 3-glucuronidase activity was not detected in the mutantanimal injected with enzyme dilution buffer alone.

Secondary enzyme elevations. a-galactosidase and f3-hexos-aminidase returned to near normal levels in the liver, spleen,and kidney of mutant mice receiving multiple injections (Fig.2). There was a significant decrease in the levels of both en-

zymes (P < 0.05) in the brains of the mice from the multipleinjection group. The spleens from animals injected with a sin-

gle dose of enzyme also had nearly normal levels of a-galactosi-dase and f3-hexosaminidase. In contrast, the livers and kidneysshowed only moderate decreases in the secondary elevations ofa-galactosidase and f3-hexosaminidase in response to a singleenzyme injection and the brain showed little or no change. Asexpected, the levels of a-galactosidase and I-hexosaminidase innormal mice receiving six enzyme injections remained at nor-

mal levels (Fig. 2) and the mutant animal receiving six injec-tions of dilution buffer without enzyme had secondary eleva-tions similar to untreated mutant animals (data not shown).

Reversal of lysosomal storage disease following enzymereplacement therapyClinically, the MPSVII mice treated from birth with six en-

zyme injections were difficult to distinguish from normal miceat 6 wk of age. They had nearly normal body weights and re-

duced facial dysmorphism (documented radiographically be-low). However, the mice receiving only a single enzyme injec-tion at 5 wk of age were phenotypically identical one wk later tountreated MPSVII mice of the same age.

Uninjected adult MPSVII mice had no histochemicallydetectable fl-glucuronidase (Fig. 3 A) and the cytoplasm oftheir Kupffer cells and the hepatocytes contained numerous

distended lysosomes (Fig. 3 B). 1 wk after a single injection ofenzyme, f3-glucuronidase was detectable histochemically in theliver of mutant mice (Fig. 3 C). The stain was more intense in

Modes of Therapyfor Murine Mucopolysaccharidosis ,, Type VII 2327

Figure 5. Improved radiographic changes after f3-glucuronidase treat-ment. (A) The skull from a mutant (middle) MPSVII mouse is easilydistinguished from both a normal (right) and an enzyme treated MPSVII mouse (left). (B) The length of the untreated MPSVII humerusand radius-ulna (middle) was shorter than that from the normal(right) and enzyme replaced MPSVII mouse (left).

Kupffer cells than in hepatocytes and was evenly distributedthroughout the liver. Lysosomal distention was greatly reducedor absent in both hepatocytes and Kupffer cells of mice receiv-ing only a single injection (Fig. 3 D). The distribution ofB-gluc-uronidase activity in the livers of animals receiving multipleinjections over 5 wk was different from that observed in ani-mals receiving one injection at 5 wk of age. In multiply injectedmice, 13-glucuronidase was more apparent in hepatocytes thanin Kupffer cells and central hepatocytes generally had moref3-glucuronidase activity than those at the periphery of the lob-ule (Fig. 3 E). Hepatic lysosomal distention was absent in micethat received multiple injections of enzyme (Fig. 3 F). Thespleens from both the singly and multiply injected MPSVIImice also showed marked clearing of lysosomal storage. Inmice treated with multiple fl-glucuronidase injections, intersti-tial cells in the heart and the kidney, glomerular visceral epithe-lial cells, and retinal pigment epithelium had less lysosomalstorage than untreated MPSVII mice. However, fl-glucuroni-

Table L Central Nervous System Lysosomal Storagein MPSVII Mice

#1-glucuronidase treatment

Untreated One dose Six doses

NeuronsCerebral neocortex +++* +++Hippocampus +++ +++ +-Central grey matter +++ +++ +-Purkinje cells +++ +++ +++

Glia (nonependymal) +++ +++ +++Ependyma +/- +/- +/-Leptomeninges +++ +++ +-Vessels/perivascular cells +++ +++ +-

* Marked lysosomal distention. * Mild to absent storage material.

dase activity was not detected histochemically in the heart orkidney after six enzyme injections, and the corneal stromalfibroblasts and cells in the aortic media had persistent lyso-somal storage.

There was microscopic (Fig. 4) and radiographic (Fig. 5)evidence of partial correction in bones after multiple enzymeinjections. The osteoblasts lining the bone had less lysosomaldistention as did the sinus lining cells, and bone marrow fromthe one mouse examined was positive for f3-glucuronidase activ-ity by histochemical stain. However, the chondrocytes con-tained distended lysosomes and were indistinguishable fromthose of untreated mutants and there was persistent articularstorage. The bone length in MPSVII mice which received mul-tiple injections was 88% of normal compared with 82%of nor-mal in untreated mutants (data not shown). Radiographic evi-dence of MPSwas also reduced in mice receiving six enzymeinjections (Fig. 5). In contrast, mice receiving only a singleinjection of fl-glucuronidase had bones indistinguishable fromthose of untreated MPSVII mice, except that the marrow sinuslining cells had reduced lysosomal storage. Within the brain,the ependyma, leptomeninges, perivascular cells, and specificneuronal groups had a decrease in lysosomal storage followingthe six weekly injections of recombinant ,B-glucuronidase (Fig.6; Table I). However, Purkinje and glial cells contained persis-tent lysosomal storage indistinguishable from that observed inuntreated MPSVII controls (Table I). All neuronal groups inthe central nervous system of mice that received a single injec-tion of enzyme at 5 wk of age failed to show improvement inlysosomal storage (Table I).


We recently reported that recombinant ,B-glucuronidase waswidely distributed in tissues of newborn MPSVII mice 1 h after

Figure 6. Reduction of lysosomal storage in the central nervous system after six enzyme injections. (A and B) The meninges from an untreatedMPSVII mouse shows cytoplasmic vacuolization. (C and D) After six doses of enzyme, meningial fibroblasts, and perivascular cells had amarked reduction in lysosomal storage. (E and F) Neurons from an untreated MPSVII mouse show numerous cytoplasmic vacuoles. (G andH) After six fl-glucuronidase injections, cytoplasmic vacuoles are markedly reduced in hippocampal neurons although glial storage persists. (A)toluidine blue, X287; (B and D) uranyl acetate, lead citrate, X2120; (C) toluidine blue, X452; (E) toluidine blue, X583; (F) uranyl acetate, leadcitrate, X2860; (G) toluidine blue, X543; (H) uranyl acetate, lead citrate, X2200.

2328 Sands et al.

.1 f.



Modes of Therapy for Murine Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VII 2329

intravenous infusion (20). The distribution correlated gener-ally with the distribution of the Man 6-P receptor. Especiallystriking were the observations that heart, liver, and brain had23, 13.5, and 0.3 times, respectively, the levels of f3-glucuroni-dase found in normal mice, and that bone had abundant histo-chemically demonstrable fl-glucuronidase activity. The presentstudy demonstrates that recombinant enzyme reaching thesetissues has important therapeutic effects in preventing the ac-cumulation of lysosomal storage and thereby delaying, if notpreventing, the clinical consequences of f3-glucuronidase defi-ciency.

Wepreviously showed that BMTin young adult mice at4-8 wk of age dramatically altered the clinical course of murineMPSVII, increasing life span from an average of 5 moto anaverage of 18 mo, and correcting metabolic defects in liver,spleen, heart, cornea, and meninges (4). Skeletal improvementwas not readily apparent, probably because bone disease wasalready well established at the time the adult animals receivedBMT. Also, in contrast to the results seen with enzyme replace-ment, no decrease in neuronal storage was observed afterBMT. Wesubsequently studied the effects of BMTin newbornMPSVII mice (5). Tissue responses were at least as good aswhen BMTwas given to adults, and the animals had less facialdysmorphism and other clinical signs of lysosomal storage dis-ease compared to animals that received BMTlater in life. How-ever, the radiation used to ablate the newborn marrow haddeleterious effects on development of the cerebellum and ret-ina, and on the growth of long bones.

The extremely favorable response to enzyme therapy seenin the present study suggests that enzyme therapy may reachtissues that BMTdoes not. To achieve maximum levels of cor-rection may require early administration of enzyme to reachthese tissues during critical developmental stages early in life.In addition, because complete bone marrow engraftment takes4-6 wk (31 ), enzyme replacement both prior to and immedi-ately after transplantation may substantially improve the long-term therapeutic benefits of BMT.

These studies show that recombinant enzyme replacementtherapy achieves improvements in the developing central ner-vous system that were not achieved by BMTin newborns oryoung adults. Several possible factors may contribute to thisadvantage of early enzyme therapy. First, the distribution ofcell surface receptors which influence where enzyme localizesis known to be subject to developmental regulation (21-23).The Man 6-P receptor represents 0.1% of the total protein infetal rat brain and falls 5-10-fold during postnatal develop-ment.

The second factor is that the blood/brain barrier may notbe completely developed in the newborn mouse (32). Thismay provide intravascular f3-glucuronidase access to cell sur-face receptors in the central nervous system that are not accessi-ble subsequently. In addition, the relatively large dose in thenewborn (7 mg/kg) may influence the distribution by massaction and by saturating competing receptors (e.g., the man-nose receptor in the FTMS). In the experiments reported here,the amount of enzyme given at 5 wk (28,000 U) was the sameas the amount given to the newborn. Thus, compared to anewborn, the 5-wk-old received only 1/ 10th the dose per kgdue to the large increase in weight with age.

The difference in distribution of -glucuronidase in liversfrom singly or multiply injected MPSVII mice is also of inter-est. This may relate to differences in developmental regulation

of various cell surface receptors in liver (e.g., the asialoglyco-protein receptor on hepatocytes (33), the mannose receptor onKupffer cells (24, 25), and the Man 6-P receptor (34, 35) onboth cell types), and might also be influenced by the changingweight-dependent dosage received over the course of the injec-tions. It will be interesting to determine the distribution of theenzyme when a weight adjusted dose comparable to that givenin the newborn is administered to the 5-wk-old adult animal.

While there are still questions to be answered about theoptimum dose and regimen for enzyme injections, the generalconclusion from these studies is that enzyme therapy for MPSVII beginning in the newborn period is extremely encouraging.It is now important to compare the long-term effects of enzymereplacement on survival and clinical course in animals receiv-ing enzyme therapy as a sole treatment, or in combination withBMT, to the favorable clinical responses reported for BMTalone.


Wethank Dr. Jane Barker for helpful discussions throughout the studyand Aletha Torrey and Ann Higgins for excellent technical assistance.

This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grantsDK-41082 to E. H. Birkenmeier and C. Vogler, DK-40163 and GM-34182 to W. S. Sly, and National Research Service Award grants DK-08546 and DK-07449 to M. S. Sands. The Jackson Laboratory is fullyaccredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Labora-tory Animal Care.


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