erasmus master mundus europhilosophie prague hiver 2015 web

Cours du programme Master Erasmus Mundus EuroPhilosophie à la Faculté des humanités de l’Université Charles de Prague en semestre d’hiver 2015/16 Das Lehrangebot des Programms Erasmus Master Mundus EuroPhilosophie an der Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften der Karls-Universität Prag im Winter semester 2015/16

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Cursos de filosofía EuroPhilosophie


Cours du programme Master Erasmus Mundus EuroPhilosophie la Facult des humanits de lUniversit Charles de Prague en semestre dhiver 2013/14

Cours du programme Master Erasmus Mundus EuroPhilosophie la Facult des humanits de lUniversit Charles de Prague en semestre dhiver 2015/16

Das Lehrangebot des Programms Erasmus Master Mundus EuroPhilosophie an der Fakultt fr Geisteswissenschaften der Karls-Universitt Prag im Winter semester 2015/16

Karel NovotnAffektivitt bei Husserl: Anonymitt und erlebte Singularitt des Lebens/ Affectivity in Husserl: Anonymity and Lived Singularity of LifeSeminar auf DeutschECTS: 5Inhalt:In diesem Seminar werden ausgewhlte Texte gelesen und diskutiert, die Edmund Husserl vor allem in den spten Manuskripten den Fragen der Anonymitt und der erlebten Singularitt des Lebens gewidmet hat, vor allem im Rahmen der Analyse der lebendigen Gegenwart und der Raumkonstitution.In this seminar selected texts will be read and commented where Edmund Husserl in his late manuscripts reflects on the questions of an anonymity and lived singularity of the life of consciousness, above all in the framework of the analysis of the living presence and constitution of space.

Hans Rainer Sepp:

1/ Philosophie der Kunst: Die Hhle als oikologischer Ort/ Philosophy of Art: The Cave as an Oikological PlaceVorlesung auf DeutschECTS: 5Inhalt:Seit Platon ist die Hhle ein philosophisches Thema. In diesem Kurs geht es darum, philosophische Aussagen ber die Hhle in den Kontext der oikologischen Situation des Menschen zu stellen. Dabei lautet die grundlegende Frage: Inwiefern ist das Thema der Hhle ein Beleg fr die Abhngigkeit philosophischer Reflexion von menschlicher Siedlungsgeschichte, und wie spiegelt sich Letztere in Ersterer? Diese Frage wird nicht nur in Bezug auf philosophische Texte zu beantworten sein, sondern insbesondere durch die philosophische Analyse von Artefakten aus unterschiedlichen Epochen und Weltregionen.Since Platon the cave is an important topic for philosophy. This course will confront philosophical statements about the cave with the oikological situation of human being. In this way the basic question asks: to what extent is the topic of the cave an index of the dependence of philosophical reflection on human settlement, and how does the former reflect the latter? This question should not only be answered by the interpretation of philosophical texts but in particular by the philosophical analysis of artifacts from different epochs and regions.2/ Interkulturelle Philosophie: Leben als Thema der Phnomenologie/ Intercultural Philosophy: Life as a Topic of PhenomenologySeminar auf DeutschECTS: 5Inhalt:Bereits beginnend mit Edmund Husserls transzendentaler Phnomenologie steht das Thema des Lebens im Zentrum phnomenologischer Forschung. Der Kurs untersucht anhand von ausgewhlten Beispielen, wie der Begriff des Lebens in diversen phnomenologischen Standpunkten thematisch wurde und zeigt Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede auf. Dabei werden insbesondere westliche und stliche Konzepte zueinander in Beziehung gesetzt. Behandelt werden Auffassungen, die auf der einen Seite in der jngeren Phnomenologie von Emmanuel Levinas, Michel Henry und Heinrich Rombach, auf der anderen Seite in der Kyoto-Schule von Kitaro Nishida, Keiji Nishitani, Shizuteru Ueda vertreten wurden.Starting with Edmund Husserls transcendental phenomenology the topic of life is in the centre of phenomenological research. This course analyses by which varying ways phenomenological standpoints are dealing with the concept of life, and shows the commons and differences of their interpretations. The main goal of the seminar is to confront Western and Eastern conceptions with each other. Thus among the selected samples which will be discussed are not only the more recent views on life one can find in Emmanuel Levinas, Michel Henry, and Heinrich Rombach but also the most important ones of the Kyoto-School, namely the positions of Kitaro Nishida, Keiji Nishitani, and Shizuteru Ueda.

Yusuke IkedaEinfhrung in die transzendentale Phnomenologie Kant und die Phnomenologie (Husserl, Heidegger und Fink)/ Introduction to Transcendental Phenomenology Kant and Phenomenology (Husserl, Heidegger and Fink)Vorlesung auf DeutschECTS: 5Inhalt:Die Vorlesung richtet sich an Masterstudierende und stellt eine Einfhrung in die transzendentale Phnomenologie dar, wobei ihr Konzept mit der Philosophie Immanuel Kants verglichen wird. Wir behandeln sowohl die Grundbegriffe der transzendentalen Philosophie in der sogenannten Freiburger Phnomenologie (deren Vertreter bekanntlich E. Husserl, M. Heidegger und E. Fink sind) als auch die je eigenstndigen Kant-Interpretationen (und -Kritiken) der Autoren. Das Grundmotiv der Vorlesung besteht darin, die Idee der transzendentalen Philosophie bei den oben genannten Phnomenologen nicht einfach als Kritizismus zu verstehen, sondern sie vielmehr als Ermglichung einer (phnomenologischen) Metaphysik zu charakterisieren. Wir fokussieren dabei besonders die folgenden Thematiken, die alle fr die Idee der transzendentalen Phnomenologie zentral sind: den philosophischen bzw. transzendentalen Schein (Transzendentale Dialektik), das Idealismus/Realismus-Problem (Widerlegung des Idealismus), die phnomenologische Methode und Systematik (Transzendentale Methodenlehre), das Problem der Sinnlichkeit (Transzendentale sthetik), die Konstitution und den Verstand (Transzendentale Analytik), den Erfahrungsbegriff (Analytik der Grundstze) und nicht zuletzt den phnomenologischen Begriff des Horizonts und der Welt (Antinomie der reinen Vernunft).This Lecture Course is oriented towards Master-Students and presents an introduction to transcendental phenomenology in constant reference to Kantian philosophy. We will study basic phenomenological concepts as developed in the so called Freiburger Phnomenologie (E. Husserl, M. Heidegger and E. Fink) as well as their original interpretations of Kants transcendental philosophy (and criticisms thereof). Our ultimate aim is to understand and characterize the idea of transcendental philosophy in the phenomenological movement not as a criticism of metaphysics, but as a specific project that makes possible to give metaphysics (i.e., a phenomenological metaphysics) new foundations. We will focus on a series of topics that are crucial for transcendental phenomenology: philosophical or transcendental illusion (Transcendental dialectic), Idealism/Realism-problem (Refutation of idealism), phenomenological method and its systematic development (Transcendental doctrine of method), sensibility (Transcendental aesthetic), constitution and understanding (Transcendental analytic), the concept of experience (Analytic of principles), and the phenomenological concept of horizon and world (Antinomy of pure reason).

Benjamin Kaiser1/ Phnomenologie des LachensSeminar auf DeutschECTS: 5Inhalt:In diesem Lektreseminar soll eine leibphnomenologisch geleitete Analyse des menschlichen Grenzphnomens des Lachens unternommen werden. Einige anthropologisch-philosophisch-gelotologisch motivierte Leitfragen des Kurses lauten: Wer ist derjenige, der lacht der Mensch selbst, oder lacht etwas aus ihm heraus, ist das Lachen somit vielmehr Ausbruchs- statt Ausdrucksweise? Wie verhalten sich Lachen und Sinn zu- bzw. gegeneinander? Welche Rolle kommt dem Lachen zu im Hinblick auf die Gestaltung sozialer Beziehungen? Antworten und weitere Fragen werden uns im Laufe des Semesters u.a. von Henri Bergson, Helmuth Plessner, Peter L. Berger und Milan Kundera gegeben werden.This reading course aims to develop a body-centered phenomenological analysis of the phenomenon of laughing, which is only known among humans. Some anthropologic-philosophic-gelotologic motivated main questions in this class will be the following: Who is the one laughing man itself or something within her/him? How do laughing and sense relate to each other? What is the role of establishing social relations? During the semester, answers and further questions will be given to us by Henri Bergson, Helmuth Plessner, Peter L. Berger and Milan Kundera amongst others.2/bung auf Deutsch: Deutschkurs fr Philosophiestudenten I /German for Philosophers I.Seminar auf DeutschECTS 2Inhalt:

Diese bung hat das Ziel, bereits erworbene Kompetenzen im Sprechen, Schreiben sowie im Hr- und Textverstehen der deutschen Sprache weiter zu vertiefen, auerdem sollen Wortschatzkenntnisse erweitert sowie grammatische Fhigkeiten gefestigt werden. Diskutiert werden sollen im Rahmen der bung kleinere philosophische und literarische Texte bzw. Videos. Durch das regelmige Verfassen kleinerer Texte sowie durch die aktive Teilnahme im Kurs, auch in Form von Kurzreferaten, sollen die aktiven Kompetenzen der Teilnehmenden weiter geschult werden. In der ersten Sitzung findet ein Einstufungstest statt. Teilnahmevoraussetzung: Deutschkenntnisse auf dem Niveau B1 oder hher.

This tutorial aims to deepen already acquired skills in talking, reading, writing and listening German. Furthermore, knowledge of vocabulary will be advanced and grammatical knowledge consolidated. In the context of this course short philosophical and literary texts and video clips will be discussed. Active language competences will be trained by the writing of short texts and by active participation in the course, as well as by presenting abstracts.In the first lesson a placement test will be hold. Prerequisite for attending the course: knowledge of the German language at level B1 or better.

Hanna Gonalves Trindade:

Le phnomnologue et le ralisateur: Une analyse du cinma du point de vue de la phnomnologie husserlienne / The Phenomenologist and the Film Director: An analysis of cinema from the point of view of Husserls phenomenologySminaire en franaisECTS: 5Descriptif:Au cours du XXme sicle la philosophie a essay plusieurs reprises de comprendre lnigme de lart cinmatographique, de sorte que divers thories philosophiques du cinma ont t labores, et pourtant le thme est loin dtre puis. Etant donn que Husserl lui-mme na jamais explicitement crit propos de ce sujet, ltablissement dun rapport entre la phnomnologie spcifiquement husserlienne et le cinma peut donc sembler trange dans un premier moment. Cependant, ce courant philosophique, loin dtre dpass, nous fournit un arrire-plan original pour comprendre cet art. Une analyse minutieuse et comparative des deux domaines nous montrerait que la production cinmatographique se ralise de manire analogue celle de la mthode phnomnologique, telle quelle est dcrite par Husserl. Ainsi, le cinma serait lui-mme un art phnomnologique. Ce cours a donc comme objectif justement de mener une telle investigation du cinma travers loptique de la phnomnologie husserlienne, en offrant une nouvelle perspective sur ce thme. Il sera divis en trois parties: 1. Le phnomnologue: analyse extensive de la mthode phnomnologique; 2. Le ralisateur: investigation descriptive de la production des films (cest--dire des techniques cinmatographiques); 3. Le cinma comme art phnomnologique: tude comparatif des deux processus.En ce qui concerne la phnomnologie, on sappuiera non seulement sur des uvres classiques de Husserl qui se concentrent sur le problme de la constitution, mais tout aussi bien sur des textes moins connus. Quant au cinma, on travaillera avec des textes des thories classiques du cinma comme des crits dEisenstein, Balzs, Kracauer, Bazin, Mitry et dautres. Le cours est destin aux tudiants qui sinteressent au thme abord et qui manifestent un niveau de franais pour pouvoir comprendre la discussion. La langue anglaise est accepte pour faire les interventions au sminaire ainsi que pour rdiger les travaux requis pour valider le cours.

Throughout the 20th century, philosophy has repeatedly tried to understand the enigma of cinematic art, in such a way that different philosophical theories of film have been elaborated, and yet the topic is far from being exhausted. The establishment of a relation between the phenomenology of Husserl and cinema may therefore seem strange at first, since the German philosopher himself has never explicitly wrote about this subject. However, this philosophical current, far from being outdated, provides us an original background to understand this art. A thorough and comparative analysis of the two fields would show us that a film production is carried out in a manner similar to the one of the phenomenological method, as it is described by Husserl. Consequently, cinema itself would be a phenomenological art. Thus, this course aims precisely to develop such an investigation of cinema through the optic of the Husserls phenomenology, providing a new perspective on the issue. The course will be divided in three parts: 1. The Phenomenologist: Extensive analysis of the phenomenological method; 2. The Film Director: Descriptive investigation of film production (i.e. of cinematic techniques); 3. Cinema as a Phenomenological Art: Comparative study of both processes. In what concerns phenomenology, we will rely not only on the classic works of Husserl, but also on less known husserlian texts that focus on the problem of the constitution. Regarding cinema, we will work with texts of classical theories of cinema like the writings of Eisenstein, Balzs, Kracauer, Bazin, Mitry and others.The course aims at students with an interest in the topic who demonstrate at the same time a level of French to be able understand the discussion in the seminars. Both course presentations and papers can be made in English.

Nicols Garrera-TolbertLthique du tmoignage/ Ethics of TestimonySminaire en franaisECTS: 5Descriptif:Lhistoire humaine concide avec lhistoire de lmergence du mal radical, cest--dire, du mal commit par des tres-humains contre des autres tres-humains. Sans aucune doute, lhistoire du 20me sicle le prouve absolument. Nanmoins, mme si lon a une pluralit norme des tmoignages qui nous ont t transmis par des survivants des innumrables gnocides qui traversent le dernire sicle, la philosophie na pas tudi encore, et cela dune faon systmatique, la signification philosophique du tmoignage et son importance thique dcisive. Le but de notre sminaire est donc dlucider exhaustivement le phnomne du tmoignage en tant que phnomne thique et dexplorer quelques uns des problmes fondamentaux dune philosophie du tmoignage.Lorganisation du cours est la suivante. Lunit I prsente les divers dimensions du tmoignage esthtique, politique, thique, historique, juridique, et religieuse et dcrit brivement des approches philosophiques divers sur le tmoignage, en focalisant sur les approches phnomnologique, hermneutique, et pistmologique. Lunit II examine des textes cruciaux sur le tmoignage dans les ouvres philosophiques de Martin Heidegger, Jean Nabert, Paul Ricoeur, Emmanuel Levinas, Jacques Derrida, et Giorgio Agamben. Dans la troisime unit nous prciserons larticulation essentielle entre thique et tmoignage en montrant que ce dernier nest que lexpression minente dans le plan discursif dune exprience singulire dordre prcisment thique. Afin de caractriser phnomnologiquement lexprience thique nous tudierons une srie des textes qui lui confrent un rle dcisif dans la comprhension de la nature de notre vie thique et du discours thique en gnral (Immanuel Kant, Jean-Paul Sartre, Knud E. Lgstrup, Simone Weil, Simon Critchley, and Alain Badiou). Finalement, nous aborderons des aspects particuliers du problme du tmoignage comme celui de la relation entre tmoignage et histoire, tmoignage, fiction et autobiographie, et celui du statut de la vrit en rgime de tmoignage.

Human history is inseparable from the emergence of radical evil along that history, i.e., of evil committed by human beings against other human beings. The history of 20th-century prove it beyond doubt. However, despite the fact that we have a significant amount of testimonies left to us by those who survived the genocides that populated last century, philosophy has not yet fully undertaken a systematic investigation of testimony and its crucial ethical meaning. The aim of this seminar is to present a full-fledged account of testimony as an ethical phenomenon and to examine some of the main problems of a philosophy of testimony.The seminar is organized as follows. Section I introduces the main dimensions of testimony ethical, political, aesthetic, religious, historical, and juridical and characterizes a number of perspectives phenomenological, hermeneutical, epistemological through which testimony has been studied philosophically. Section II examines key texts on testimony in the philosophies of Martin Heidegger, Jean Nabert, Paul Ricoeur, Emmanuel Levinas, Jacques Derrida, and Giorgio Agamben. In Section III we examine in some detail the essential link between testimony and ethics by showing that testimony is the eminent expression of a singular kind of experience, namely, ethical experience. In order to characterize ethical experience from a phenomenological standpoint we will study a series of important philosophical texts that attribute to ethical experience a decisive role for our understanding of the nature of our ethical life and ethical discourse in general (Immanuel Kant, Jean-Paul Sartre, Knud Lgstrup, Simone Weil, Simon Critchley, and Alain Badiou). Finally, we will focus on some particular problems in the philosophy of testimony, such as the issue of the relationship between testomony and history, testimony, fiction, and autobiography, and the problem of the status of testimonial truth.More information here:

Karel Novotn, Hans Rainer Sepp:

Diplomseminar auf Deutsch/ en franaisECTS: 3Sminaire consacr la prsentation des projets des mmoire de master / In diesem Seminar sollen die Studenten die Entwrfe fr die Masterarbeit vorstellenJan BierhanzlCours de langue:philosophie et littrature franaises I./Language Course: French Philosophy and Literature I.

Sminaire en franaisECTS: 2Descriptif:

Cours de franais (langue trangre) destin aux tudiants en philosophie dsirant approfondir leur connaissance de la langue par la lecture, l'criture et la discussion autour de l'art, la littrature et la philosophie. Niveau de langue exig: B1, selon le "Cadre europen commun de rfrence pour les langues".

The course aims at students who wish to deepen their knowledge of the French language through reading, writing and discussing topics related to art, literature and philosophy. Minimum required level of French: B1.GRADUATE SEMINAREthics of Testimony[Lthique du tmoignage]CHARLES UNIVERSITY PRAGUEWINTER 2015_____________________________________________________________________________________

Nicols Garrera-Tolbert, Ph.D. [Day and Time]E-mail: [email protected] [Karlova University]Office Hours: After class or by appointment

Descriptif du coursLhistoire humaine concide avec lhistoire de lmergence du mal radical, cest--dire, du mal commit par des tres-humains contre des autres tres-humains. Sans aucune doute, lhistoire du 20me sicle le prouve absolument. Nanmoins, mme si lon a une pluralit norme des tmoignages qui nous ont t transmis par des survivants des innumrables gnocides qui traversent le dernire sicle, la philosophie na pas tudi encore, et cela dune faon systmatique, la signification philosophique du tmoignage et son importance thique dcisive. Le but de notre sminaire est donc dlucider exhaustivement le phnomne du tmoignage en tant que phnomne thique et dexplorer quelques uns des problmes fondamentaux dune philosophie du tmoignage.

Lorganisation du cours est la suivante. Lunit I prsente les divers dimensions du tmoignage esthtique, politique, thique, historique, juridique, et religieuse et dcrit brivement des approches philosophiques divers sur le tmoignage, en focalisant sur les approches phnomnologique, hermneutique, et pistmologique. Lunit II examine des textes cruciaux sur le tmoignage dans les ouvres philosophiques de Martin Heidegger, Jean Nabert, Paul Ricoeur, Emmanuel Levinas, Jacques Derrida, et Giorgio Agamben. Dans la troisime unit nous prciserons larticulation essentielle entre thique et tmoignage en montrant que ce dernier nest que lexpression minente dans le plan discursif dune exprience singulire dordre prcisment thique. Afin de caractriser phnomnologiquement lexprience thique nous tudierons une srie des textes qui lui confrent un rle dcisif dans la comprhension de la nature de notre vie thique et du discours thique en gnral (Immanuel Kant, Jean-Paul Sartre, Knud E. Lgstrup, Simone Weil, Simon Critchley, and Alain Badiou). Finalement, nous aborderons des aspects particuliers du problme du tmoignage comme celui de la relation entre tmoignage et histoire, tmoignage, fiction et autobiographie, et celui du statut de la vrit en rgime de tmoignage.

Course OverviewHuman history is inseparable from the emergence of radical evil along that history, i.e., of evil committed by human beings against other human beings. The history of 20th-century prove it beyond doubt. However, despite the fact that we have a significant amount of testimonies left to us by those who survived the genocides that populated last century, philosophy has not yet fully undertaken a systematic investigation of testimony and its crucial ethical meaning. The aim of this seminar is to present a full-fledged account of testimony as an ethical phenomenon and to examine some of the main problems of a philosophy of testimony.

The seminar is organized as follows. Section I introduces the main dimensions of testimony ethical, political, aesthetic, religious, historical, and juridical and characterizes a number of perspectives phenomenological, hermeneutical, epistemological through which testimony has been studied philosophically. Section II examines key texts on testimony in the philosophies of Martin Heidegger, Jean Nabert, Paul Ricoeur, Emmanuel Levinas, Jacques Derrida, and Giorgio Agamben. In Section III we examine in some detail the essential link between testimony and ethics by showing that testimony is the eminent expression of a singular kind of experience, namely, ethical experience. In order to characterize ethical experience from a phenomenological standpoint we will study a series of important philosophical texts that attribute to ethical experience a decisive role for our understanding of the nature of our ethical life and ethical discourse in general (Immanuel Kant, Jean-Paul Sartre, Knud Lgstrup, Simone Weil, Simon Critchley, and Alain Badiou). Finally, we will focus on some particular problems in the philosophy of testimony, such as the issue of the relationship between testomony and history, testimony, fiction, and autobiography, and the problem of the status of testimonial truth.


To critically examine key texts in the philosophy of testimony and determine their scope and limitations, especially in light of testimony as an ethical phenomenon; To examine ethical experience and determine its relevance for philosophical ethics; To describe and distinguish the different dimensions of testimony and articulate the relation between its ethical, political, and aesthetic dimension; To understand the singularity of testimony as a philosophical problem and its relevance for ethical thought and practice.

Required TextsAll the required readings will be available on-line at [web address]

Reading ScheduleUnit I. Testimony as a Philosophical IssueEtymology and Semantics of Testimony. The ethical, aesthetic, religious, historical, juridical, and political dimensions of testimony. Hermeneutics, phenomenology, and epistemology of testimony. Testimony as a philosophical problem.

BibliographyStanislas Breton, Philosophie et tmoignage, in Enrico Castelli (comp.), Le tmoignage. Actes du colloque organis par le centre international dtudes humanistes et par linstitut dtudes philosophiques Rome. Rome, 5-11 Janvier 1972, Paris, Aubier (ditions Montaigne), 1972, pp. 189-205.Enrico Castelli, Les significations du tmoignage, in Enrico Castelli (comp.), op.cit., pp. 23-33.C.A.J. Coady, Testimony. A Philosophical Study, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1992.Henri Gouhier, Tmoignage, tradition et exprience religieuse, in Enrico Castelli (comp.), Le tmoignage, op.cit., pp. 63-73.Georges Didi-Hbermann, Images malgr tout, Paris, ditions de Minuit, 2003.Jeniffer Lackey, Learing from Words: Testimony as a Source of Knowledge, New York, Oxford University Press, 2008.Raymond Panikkar, Dialogue and Testimony in Myth, Faith and Hermeneutics Cross-cultural studies, New York, Paulist Press, 1979.Jean-Philippe Pierron, Le passage de tmoin. Une philosophie du tmoignage, Paris, Cerf, 2006.Paul Ricoeur, La mmoire, lhistoire, loubli, Paris, ditions du Seuil, 2000.Simone Weil, La personne et le sacr, in crits de Londres et dernires lettres, Paris, Gallimard, 1957.Annette Wieviorka, Lre du tmoin, Paris, Plon, 1998.

Unit II. The Philosophies of Testimony (Heidegger, Nabert, Ricoeur, Levinas, Agamben)Heideggers philosophical project in Being and Time. Gewissen as testimony of Daseins innermost potentiality-for-being (Sein-knnen). Is Gewissen an ethical injuction? Levinas critical reading of Heidegger: the primacy of ethics over ontology. The idea of face (visage). Testimony as the glory of the infinite. Jean Naberts Essai sur le mal and Le dsir de Dieu and its relevance for a philosophy of testimony. Phenomenology and hermeneutics of testimony in Paul Ricoeur. An ethics of testimony: Agambens Quel che resta di Auschwitz.

BibliographyGiorgio Agamben, Quel che resta di Auschwitz, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 1998.Jacques Derrida, Demeure. Fiction et tmoignage, in Michel Lisse (ed.), Passions de la littrature. Avec Jacques Derrida, Paris, Galile, 1996._____________. Potique et politique du tmoignage, in M.-L.Mallet & G.Michaud (eds.), LHerne : Derrida, ditions de lHerne, 2004, Paris, pp.521-539._____________. Violence et mtaphysique. Essai sur la pense de Emmanuel Levinas in Lcriture et la diffrance, Paris, Seuil, pp.117-228.Martin Heidegger, Sein und Zeit, Tbingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 111967 (esp. 54-60, pp. 267-301).Emmanuel Levinas, Totalit et infini. Essai sur lextriorit, Den Haag, Martinus Nijhoff, 1961.Emmanuel Levinas, Vrit du dvoilement et vrit du tmoignage, in Enrico Castelli (comp.), Le tmoignage, op.cit., 101-110.Emmanuel Levinas, Autrement qutre ou au-del de lessence, Kluwer Academic, Nijhoff, 1978 (esp. 5.2, La gloire de linfini, pp.220-238).Phillipe Mesnard, Giorgio Agamben lpreuve dAuschwitz, Paris, Kime, 2001.Jean Nabert, Essai sur le mal, Paris, CERF, 2001.__________. Le dsir de Dieu, Paris, CERF, 2006. (esp. Livre III, Mtaphysique du tmoignage et hermneutique de labsolu, pp.263-380)Paul Ricoeur, Lhermneutique du tmoignage, en Lectures 3. Aux frontires de la philosophie, Paris, Seuil, 1994, pp. 107-139.Paul Ricoeur, Emmanuel Levinas penseur du tmoignage, en Lectures 3, op.cit., pp. 81-103.

Unit III. A. Ethics and Testimony, I: Ethical Experience (Kant, Lgstrup, Weil, Levinas, Critchley, Badiou)Kants ethics in phenomenological perspective. The role of affectivity in Kants ethics. Levinas reading of Kant. Lgstrups ethical demand and its relation to Levinas notion of appel dautrui. Weil: vulnerability as the other persons sacredness. Ethical experience as an event: the Badiou-Critchley debate.

Alain Badiou, Saint Paul. La fondation de luniversalisme, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1997 (esp. 8, Lamour comme puissance universelle, pp.91-98).__________. Comments on Simon Critchleys Infinitely Demanding in Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy, 12.2 (2008), pp.9-17.John Caputo, Kants Ethics in Phenomenological Perspective in Thomas M. Seebohm and Joseph J. Kockelmans (eds.), Kant and Phenomenology, Washington D.C., Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and University Press of America, 1984, pp.129-146.Simon Critchley, Infinitely Demanding. Ethics of Committment, Politics of Resistance, New York/London, Verso, 2008 (esp. pp.1-68)Emmanuel Levinas, thique et infini. Dialogues avec Philippe Nemo, Fayard, Paris, 1982 (esp. 7-9, pp.87-118).Alphonso Lingis, The Fundamental Ethical Experience in Benda Hofmeyr (ed.), Radical Passivity. Rethinking Ethical Agency in Levinas, Springer, Secaucus, 1997, pp.81-93.Knud Eljer Lgstrup, The Ethical Demand, Indiana, IN, University of Notre Dame, 1997.Simone Weil, La personne et le sacr in crits de Londres et dernires lettres, Paris, Gallimard, 1957.

Unit III. B. Ethics and Testimony, II: Testimony As SuchTestimony as a response to the contingency of human evil. The object of testimony. Truth and Testimony. Testimony and history. Testimony, fiction, and autobiography. The idea of an ethical theory in light of testimony as a fundamental ethical category.

BibliographyJean Amry, Jenseits von Schuld und Shne, Sttutgart, Klett-Kotta, 1977.Nicols Garrera, thique, contingence, tmoignages. Pour une conception vnementielle de lexprience thique, avec Emmanuel Levinas in Danielle Cohen-Levinas & Alexander Schnell (eds.), Autrement qutre ou au del de lessence : une lecture phnomnologique, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 2014. In press._____________. Ethics and Contingency. On the Nature of Ehical Experience and Its Expression in Georgy Chernavin, Nicols Garrera, and Masumi Nagasaka (eds.), Interpretationes. Studia philosophica europeanea, No.6: Contingence et facticit dans la phnomnologie/Kontingenz und Faktizitt in der Phnomenologie. In press._____________. tica y testimonio. Ideas para una fenomenologa integral del ethos in Investigaciones filosficas. Revista de la Sociedad Espaola de Fenomenologa, volumen monogrfico 4/II (2013): Razn y vida, 291-315. Emmanuel Housset, La vocation de la personne. Lhistoire du concept de personne de sa naissance augustinienne sa redcouverte phnomnologique, Paris, PUF, 2007 (esp. chapter XII: La patience du tmoin, pp. 467-496).________________. Lobjet du tmoignage, Revue philosophie, n 88, Le tmoignage , op.cit., pp. 145-158.Jean-Philippe Pierron, Le passage de tmoin. Une philosophie du tmoignage, op.cit.

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