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  • 8/17/2019 Eric Pearl - Reconnection 228 Pages



    Sacred Songs that Create theVibrations of Inner Harmony

    Drs. J.J. Hurtak & Desiree HurtakSteven Halpern

  • 8/17/2019 Eric Pearl - Reconnection 228 Pages




    Dr. J.J. Hurtak — Dr. Desi ree Hurtak — Dr. Steven HalpernDr. J.J. Hurtak — Dr. Desi ree Hurtak — Dr. Steven HalpernA work of praise given to the living Most High God

    Copyright © 2012 By J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D., Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D.

    and Steven Halpern, Ph.D 

    In 1973, James J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. wrote and published The Book of Knowledge:

    The Keys of Enoch® which spelled out for the first time in detail the relationshipbetween the genetic code with the letters of the Divine Name, Y-H-W-H. This is

    the Sacred Name most frequently used by the prophets of the Old and New Tes-

    tament, with all its sacred permutations. Hurtak postulated that Y-H-W-Hwas the foun-

    dation for our pre-genetic code matrix of RNA-DNA. This means the basic

    life-giving codes, including its nucleotide components and their subtle arrange-

    ments in our body, are articulated according to a higher language program. The

    understanding that the evolutionary patterns in our body were given from a higher 

    vibratory relationship carries tremendous significance: our human genetic code is

    generated from the God Code. We are activating those codes in our vocal render-

    ings of the Divine Name Y-H-W-H, here incorporated in this new work of music

    and vocal harmonics.

    Specifically, The Keys of Enoch® (Key 2-0-2) reveals that the DNA-wave forms res-

    onate instruction as wave carriers. In its design, the biological DNA/RNA lettering

    (ATGC, AUGC) or vibratory language flows from a context already pre-existent

    or working from a higher prototype language through the encoding structure of 

     YHWH, the God Code remodulated!

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    The musical arrangements are composed by Steven Halpern who adds his

    musical skills to enhance these sacred vocal vibrations. Dr. Halpern is an award-

    winning composer, recording artist and producer whose healing music has

    helped millions worldwide to experience the blessings and benefits of deeprelaxation and inner peace. His compositions are really healing music and he has

    scientifically validated the extraordinary effects his music has on listeners. He

    continues in his compositions to explore the connections between sound, con-

    sciousness and healing and has discovered secrets of combining ancient sound

    healing traditions with quantum biology and energy medicine to produce

    recordings that support relaxation and enhanced meditation.

    Since the early 1970s, Steven Halpern worked with the textual material of The 

    Keys of Enoch® which he combines now with his own musical inspiration. These

    two unique persons, Dr. J.J. Hurtak (Keys of Enoch 1973) and Steven Halpern,

    team up with Dr. Desiree Hurtak for this combined inspirational production

    called, Sacred Name Sacred Codes. The time is now for the utilization of the

    sounds of the Divine Names, put to music by Drs. Hurtak, so that we can pos-

    itively effect world-wide changes and allow for a greater consciousness shift

    which heralds a new era.

    The Textual NamesThe Names on this CD album are from the book entitled The Seventy-Two

    Living Divine Names of the Most High (Hurtak, AFFS 2009) which is a collection

    of Divine Names from the sacred scriptures of the Near East. The music invites

    us to enter into the companionship of the Divine in singing the Names with the

    angelic orders of Erelim, Cherubim, Seraphim (Key 303) and feel the joy of being in orchestration and devotion with the Divine that governs the next phase

    of our spiritual evolution.

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    Track 1:PROLOGUE  4:33

     An introduction to Y-H-W-H as the code behind our inner birth.

    Background Names: Adonai (Lord); Ha Shem (The Name)

    Track 2:

    EL DE’OT Y-H-W-H 6:10 ‘God of Knowledge’ (1 Sam. 2:3).

    This music is for the calling upon a Higher Knowledge of Awakening! 

    ‘May the Wisdom (Chokmah) and Understanding (Binah)

    of the Cosmos be with us at all times, O El De’ot Y-H-W-H.’

    Extend Thy Divine Knowledge (De’ot)

     from the worlds of Higher Creation through the matrix of Life.

    Background Names: Toviyahu (God is Good),

    Galeh Razin (Revealer of the Mysteries)

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    Track 3:

    Y-H-W-H ECHAD 3:59 

    ‘The Lord is One’ (Deut. 6:4).Y-H-W-H Shammah (The Lord is Here), Y-H-W-H Shalom (The Lord of Peace)

    Let us remain as One in the Divine Spirit with all the angelic messengers as

    we vibrate this song!

    ‘I extend this prayer of Light to all people of the Sacred Spirit 

    throughout the world, present in all nations, cultures andethnicities because I know these divisions are not real and we can collectively

    call upon the sacred angelic realms.

    Let me move consciously into Oneness with You.’

    Background Names: Elohim, Hyos Ha Kodesh, B’nai Elohim, Cherubim,

    Seraphim, Ophanim, Hashmalim, Erelim, Ishim, M’lachim (Divine and Angelic Or-ders as described in The Keys of Enoch® Key 303)

    Track 4:


    ‘The Lord Your God is a consuming fire’ (Deut.4:24).We are cleansed by the vibrations of Love for the Divine!

    ‘Instill in me the Flame of Your Purity.

    May all the empowerments and endowments

    of Your Light work Miracles through Your Divinity.’

    Background Name: Elohim (Creator God(s))

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    Track 5:

    Y-H-W-H M’KADDESHEM 4:40 ‘Y-H-W-H who sanctifies you’ (Ex. 31:13)

    The Divine Names in all the permutations bring to us an inner purification!(The Enochian pronunciation of this word varies from the traditional pronunciation.)

    ‘May the Infinite One sanctify us so we are truly liberated and find

    inner peace in the greater work of our lives in holiness.

    Help us to be vessels for Your Sanctifying Power and may the world

    be transformed into a Holy Place.’

    The Permutations of YHWH: HYHW, WHYH, HHYW,

    HHWY, HWHY, etc.

    Background Names: Rachmanah (God of Compassion); Joshua

    haba b'shem Y-H-W-H (Joshua,Blessed is he who comes in the name of Y-H-W-H)

    Track 6:

    Y-H-W-H N ISSI 5:09 ‘The Lord is my Banner’ (Ex.17:15).

    We sing and proclaim our Unity of Spirit!

    Under the Living Banner, Grace and Truth meet together

    with a kiss of joy and Eternal Devotion. Amen.

    Background Names: Melek Shamayyim (King of the Heavens); Shemesh

    U-magen Y-H-W-H Elohim (Y-H-W-H God is a Sun [Light] and a Shield)

    El Hanun (Gracious [or Merciful] God); HaGadol (The Great);Elah Rav (The Grand God)

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    Track 7:

    KADOSH ANI Y-H-W-H ELOHEICHEM 5:25 ‘I the Lord Y-H-W-H am Holy’ (Lev. 19:2).

    Let us acknowledge the personal closeness to the Divine Spirit!

    ‘May we gain the higher attributes

    of Purity and Holiness that we may become One

    with Thee and sing the Divine Names also in the heavens.

    Background Names: Avi-ad (Father of Eternity; Perpetual Father);

    Zaddakim (The Righteous Ones); Kiddosha (The Holy Blessing);

    Elaha Ilaya (Most High God);

    Ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu (The Holy One, Blessed be He)

    Track 8:Y-H-W-H ROHI 3:43

    I affirm, ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’ (Psalm 23:1).

    The song takes us to a new level of acknowledging that we need to truly

    share our role as caretakers of the Earth!

    ‘As the Good Shepherd, give us the Food of Thy Wisdom and the Holy Grail

    of Thy Eternal Life. May You continue to nourish the fields and enlarge the bound-

    aries of the Tree of Life for the Shepherds of YHWH.’

    Background Names: Abba (Father), Imma (Mother), El Shaddai (Lord Almighty),

    Theotetos (Divine One), Jeshoshua (Savior), Adonai (Lord), Pantocrator (AllPowerful), Melek Melachim (King of Kings), Yehoyakim (Yah will establish)

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    Track 9:

    GO’ALENU Y-H-W-H TSEVA’OTH 4:31‘Our Redeemer, Y-H-WH of Hosts’ (Is. 47:4).

    We can now sing and share with all the Hosts of Light!

    ‘Let us acknowledge The Hosts and Multitudes of Light.

    Let us stand with those in the midst as redeemed creation through the power of

    Y-H-W-H Tseva’oth who brings us out of the deeper struggles of life.

    Background Name: Eli-JAH (My Lord is Yah)

    Track 10:

    Y-H-W-H OSENU  5:25‘Y-H-W-H Our Maker’ (Psalm 95:6 ).

    As we sing let us unfold the Divine Energy of the Supreme One into our souls.‘O Y-H-W-H Osenu, may the Image and Similitude of

    Humankind, our Adamic species, be ever mindful that this life

    came from the highest levels of Your Mind and Your Image.

    We are Your seed creation; may we reflect Your similitude.’

    Background Names: Y-H-W-H Tsidkenu (God our Righteousness);Yotzer Or (Creator of Light), Hupsistos (The Highest); Shekinah (The Presence)

    Track 11:

    The Prophet’s Blessing 1:10 The blessings for the transformation of life. In this blessing from Dr. Hurtak as

    Cantor, let us be blessed and feel the strength of the Covenant.

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     Amen,and Amen.A

     J.J. Hurtak, leading Cantor, is joined by Desiree Hurtak

    Steven Halpern

    Paul Thomas Burns Anyah Dishon

    Mary Gilbert

    of the Academy in the spirited vocalizations and in the singing

    of the Sacred Name of Y-H-W-H and other Names to activate the world.

    Producers: James Hurtak, Desiree Hurtak, Steven Halpern;

    Assistant Producers: Anyah Dishon and Warren Dennis Kahn


    Dr. J.J. Hurtak developed a model of the pre-coded genome in 1973 where

    the DNA-wave functions as the “lightware” for the human biocomputer. He

    suggested (in Key 202 of The Keys of Enoch®) that the RNA/DNA matrix in

    our body is similar to what Peter Gariev calls natural context-dependent texts

    in human language, in the way the arrangement of the Hebrew letters of theDivine Name can act as a proto-code transcription. Consequently, the per-

    mutations of the Divine Name code their vibratory nature into our 

    RNA/DNA, decoding and encoding instructions. The frequency patterns are

    modulated so as to define the final corpus design. The subtitle of The Keys is

    The 64 Biocomputer Keys since our body works both as a higher evolutionarybiocomputer and as a temple of sound!

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    The scientists who have come closest to the fulfillment of this Key are noted

    Russian scientist, Peter Gariev and his associates from Moscow State Uni-

    versity, and the late Marcel Vogel of IBM (San Jose) who examined the

    components of what has been called the ’DNA-wave’. According to Dr.Gariev, The Keys of Enoch® were ‘remarkably ahead of their time’ in the

    specifics of the human biocomputer. With this music we can activate the

    basics of what The Keys of Enoch® call ‘the Light body’ — the higher con-

    sciousness of human and transhuman experience as we prepare for the

    Yom Or .

    Each of these Sacred Names are described more in detail in the book entitled,

    “The Seventy-Two Living Divine Names of the Most High” by Dr. J.J.Hurtak.

    In the book, there is a special pictorial cosmogram that goes with each

    Name. The combination of musical expressions and visualizations of sacred

    geometry opens our mind to visualizing a cosmic frontier and thinking non-

    locally by being gradually orientated to multidimensional landscapes. Here

    the Names prepare us to think and work on many levels by creating a type of 

    artistic bio-holography that can show how our mind’s eye sees the many lev-

    els of vibratory garments in our body and how our DNA wave forms process

    and produce coherent light! Cosmograms transduce the sounds of the mindinto the direct formative processes of radiant projection. Radiant energy is

    vibratory energy — the energy gradient of electromagnetic waves at different

    frequencies. Whether we look outside to our environment or inside, into

    ourselves, we find the flowing nature of the primordial light.

    This booklet is Copyright © 2012 J.J Hurtak, Desiree Hurtak

    and Steven Halpern

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    Recommended Study Texts by Dr. J.J. Hurtak:

    The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®

    The Seventy-Two Living Divine Names of the Most High

    To order these books and other musical CDs write to:The Academy for Future Science, P.O. Box 395, Ava, MO 65608 USA

    [email protected]

    Recommended CDs by Steven Halpern:Deep Alpha, Chakra Suite, Gifts of the Angels, Music for Sound Healing andmany more!

    To order Steven Halpern’s CDs write to:Inner Peace Music, PO Box 2644, San Anselmo, CA 94979 USA

    Studios: Banquet Studios: Sebastopol, CA; The Zone: Dripping Springs, TXand Epicenter Music; Phoenix, AZ — Cover Art: Mel Lyon

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    Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. is President and Founder of The Academy For Future Science, an international non-governmental organization with the UnitedNations that works to bring cooperation between science and consciousness. Heis author of several books including The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®,

    translated into over twenty languages. He continues to participate in Interfaithstudies with leaders of all the major religions and has been an ongoing speaker at the Parliament of the World’s Religions since 1999.

    Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D., MS.Sc., is a social scientist and co-founder of TheAcademy For Future Science. She is a co-author with Dr. J.J. Hurtak of several

    books including A Commentary on The Gospel of Mary (Magdalene) and The Over-self Awakening. She has also produced several award-winning graphic films.

    Steven Halpern, Ph.D. is the #1 bestselling composer and recording artist of healing and meditative music. A ‘founding father’ of New Age music and apioneering sound healer, Steven's music nurtures body, mind and spirit. His at-

    mospheric soundscapes create an uplifting experience of inner peace and one-ness that has touched the lives of millions worldwide.

    Halpern’s GRAMMY® nominated DEEP ALPHA is a unique blend of healingmusic and sound technology that gently entrains the brain into the key deep

    Alpha brainwave frequency that virtually guarantees an immediate sonic high.

    Steven connected with Dr. Hurtak in 1973, and was a member of The Acad-emy’s first meditation and study group. Steven was also one of the preliminaryreaders of The Keys of Enoch®. CHAKRA SUITE, Halpern's classic release, was

    developed in that elevated energetic environment. Hear long free samples andread more at

    AFFS, P.O. Box 395, Ava, MO 65608 www.keysofenoch.orgInner Peace Music, PO Box 2644, San Anselmo, CA 94979