errata hand manipulated stitches

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  • 8/4/2019 Errata Hand Manipulated Stitches


    Errata Sheetfor Susan Guagliumi's

    Hand-Manipulated Stitchesshared by Beverly Kanvik

    The book Hand-Manipulated Stitches by Susan Guagliumi is one of the bestvolumes of its kind. Although it was out of print for awhile, it is now availableagain and is being discovered all over again. Several years ago, a group of usworked our way through the book, making each sample. Beverly Kanvik wasour leader and, as such, compiled a list of publication mistakes. She sharedthat list with all the members of the group. This is that original list:

    Page 73: The first 10 rows of the chart are wrong. It should show every otherstitch reformed and tucked.

    Page 104: The chart is in reverse of what is shown in the picture.

    Page 119: I found it impossible to latch off the 4th example at the bottom asdescribed. I had to take a separate strand of yarn for the latchoff.

    Page 150: The punchcard pattern at the far left is wrong. The pattern mustalternate like the pattern chart shown for the electronic machine. Also, there isan extra dot on the first row of the PC chart.

    Page 165: The chart is backward. If you follow the directions, your swatchturns out backward of the picture.

    Page 168: Bottom picture explanation described a 3-stitch cord when thepicture shows a 4-stitch cord.

    Page 170: The top chart has errors. First the cable shown is not the cable inthe picture. Second the cross that is shown on Row 11 should be on Row 12and the one shown on Row 19 should be on Row 20, according to the directions.

    Page 181: The chart is in reverse of what is shown in the picture.

    Page 186: In A at the bottom, the cable turns the wrong way.

    Page 204: The chart for the cables is wrong. The cables should be turnedtoward one another toward the center. Chart shows them both turned in thesame direction.

    Page 205: The picture shows 7 stitches being crossed, but the chart only shows6 stitches being crossed. Also, the directions for this swatch are different on

    Errata Sheet for Susan Guagliumi

    van 2 10-07-11 16

  • 8/4/2019 Errata Hand Manipulated Stitches


    the video.

    Page 208: In the XOX example, the first 2 crossings should be towards oneanother, not away from. At the bottom, the chart shows 3 stitches between eachexample, but the picture shows only 2.

    Page 210: The charts are in reverse of what is shown in the pictures.Page 212: On the lefthand side of the Basketweave chart, the outside crossesshould go toward the outside on the bottom half and toward the center on thetop half.

    Page 220: The chart is in reverse of the picture.

    Page 221: Last sentence on the page is never finished.

    Page 225: The crosses for the first row of the owl in the picture are wrong.

    Page 226: Several crosses are shown in the wrong direction on the chart,namely those on row 4 and both on row 14.

    Page 228: The top picture is upside down.

    Errata Sheet for Susan Guagliumi

    2 van 2 10-07-11 16