essay writing ielts

Introductions ( opinion type) 1a) Some people say that students should participate in some voluntary social work in their free time. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 1b) Some people say that students should participate in some voluntary social work in their free time While others think that students should concentrate more on their academic studies. What is your opinion? 1c) Students should participate in some voluntary social work in their free time. To what extent do you agree or disagree? EASY VERSION: LEVEL 6.5-7 It has long been a subject of discussion whether students should take part in voluntary social work in their spare time or they should only focus on their academic studies. In my opinion, the former perspective is more warranted, which will be explored below. The benefits of taking part in voluntary work by students are manifold. The most pivotal one is that it will help young learners to attain helpful qualities like love, kindness and the like. For example, students who interact with other people are likely to possess social skills which are important to face future challenges. In addition, voluntary work at an early age can provide a vital experience, thus broadening their horizons. Therefore, community work will keep society in a preponderant position, when it comes to making it a better place to live. There are, however, some arguments against the aforementioned view. There is little room for doubt that in today's fast-paced competitive era, it is easy to fall behind if students fail to cope with their studies. Apparently, spending time in community work can have a far-reaching impact on their academic performance. Therefore, it is evident why many are against the participation in any kind of voluntary activities by teenagers. To conclude, it is evident from the above discussion that getting involved in community work may beget some pitfalls for a student, to an extent. Nevertheless, the role it plays in making the youth better prepared to face the challenges of life is pivotal, indeed. ADVANCED VERSION: LEVEL 8.5 There is no denying that student life Is of pivotal importance in preparing one well for future. Hence it is argued by many that along with academic studies, students should also be encouraged to actively engage in

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Writing Topics


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Introductions ( opinion type)

1a) Some people say that students should participate in some voluntary social work in their free time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

1b) Some people say that students should participate in some voluntary social work in their free time While others think that students should concentrate more on their academic studies. What is your opinion?

1c) Students should participate in some voluntary social work in their free time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


It has long been a subject of discussion whether students should take part in voluntary social work in their spare time or they should only focus on their academic studies. In my opinion, the former perspective is more warranted, which will be explored below.

The benefits of taking part in voluntary work by students are manifold. The most pivotal one is that it will help young learners to attain helpful qualities like love, kindness and the like. For example, students who interact with other people are likely to possess social skills which are important to face future challenges. In addition, voluntary work at an early age can provide a vital experience, thus broadening their horizons. Therefore, community work will keep society in a preponderant position, when it comes to making it a better place to live.

There are, however, some arguments against the aforementioned view. There is little room for doubt that in today's fast-paced competitive era, it is easy to fall behind if students fail to cope with their studies. Apparently, spending time in community work can have a far-reaching impact on their academic performance. Therefore, it is evident why many are against the participation in any kind of voluntary activities by teenagers.

To conclude, it is evident from the above discussion that getting involved in community work may beget some pitfalls for a student, to an extent. Nevertheless, the role it plays in making the youth better prepared to face the challenges of life is pivotal, indeed.


There is no denying that student life Is of pivotal importance in preparing one well for future. Hence it is argued by many that along with academic studies, students should also be encouraged to actively engage in voluntary social activities of some type in their leisure time, while others believe that academic performance is what students' soul focus should be on. In my opinion, the former notion merits serious consideration.

Taking part in voluntary social work by students is of myriad benefits. The primary one is that it instils in them a wide array of essential attributes, from love and kindness to benevolence and altruism. By interacting with a variety of people, youngsters can also attain such social skills as cooperation and teamwork. Moreover, with an early exposure to the outside world, young learners can augment their cognisance, enrich their experience and broaden their horizons. Needless to say, community work by youths stands the society in good stead, as the youth is who can make it a better world for us to live, thanks to the energy, vigour and enthusiasm they have. In today's world, this is a common

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scenario where the youth is involved in helping the destitute, the have-nots and the underprivileged in numerous occasions like flood, tsunami and other natural calamities.

However, there are some pitfalls that can easily overwhelm the potential benefits of teenagers' indulging in voluntary work. The primary concern stems from the fact that rarely can these young learners fully concentrate on studies thanks to the distraction social activities might engender. This is only likely to deteriorate their scholastic attainments. Apart from this, these extracurricular activities will occupy a colossal share of their leisure, thus giving them little time to follow their pursuits that are deemed vital for their overall well-being, be it physical or psychological.

From what has been discussed, one can observe that it is volunteering in the welfare of humanity that imparts to young people a myriad of personal and social values necessary to confront the challenges life entails. Nevertheless, the potential drawbacks it might beget should not be overlooked either.

Topic: Some people say that students who graduate from high school should' have one year time to travel or to obtain one year experience before they go to university. Do you agree or disagree?


It has long been a subject of discussion whether students should spend one year on travelling and in gaining work experience before starting their university studies. In my opinion this is a valid perspective as there are several merits to it.

The benefits of taking a gap-year are manifold. The most salient one is that youngsters will get an exposure of the outside world at an early age. This exposure will increase their self-reliance, not only psychologically but also finiancially. Besides, the youth will also learn a great many social skills which are pivotal in coping with this harsh world. It hardly needs mention that this experience will keep youths in a preponderant position, when it comes to surviving in this fast-paced competitive world.

Another pivotal aspect is that teenagers will find it easy to choose their right career. This is because by the time they finish high school, students are not sure which areas they are interested in. They can use this one year gap to see which field attracts them most and choose their future goal.

There are, however, some arguments against the aforementioned view. First, if students go for travel or work for a year, there is a possibility that it will be hard for them to return and concentrate on studies because of a long gap. In addition, as they are vulnerable, they can easily fall into bad companies and bad habits. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favour of encouraging students to finish their studies first and then explore the world.

To conclude, it is evident from the above discussion that taking a break of one year before university studies may have some valid concerns. Nevertheless, it has more benefits to offer, in giving teenagers a necessary exposure of the world as well as in making them more independent and more prepare to face life and it's challenges.


There is no denying that student life is of immense importance in preparing one for future challenges. Many academics, however, contend that before commencing university studies,

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students should take one year off and spend this time either on travelling or gaining some hands-on experience in an effort to broaden their horizons. In my view this notion has several strong elements that deserve attention.

One of the preponderant reasons why taking a gap-year merits serious consideration lies in the fact that it will render a much-needed exposure of the outside world to the youth. Not only will this exposure, be it through travel or work-experience, augment their self-reliance psychologically and financially, but it will also instil in them an array of essential social skills that are deemed vital in coping with harsh reality. Apparently, all these attributes will stand a youth in good stead, as far as surviving in this fast-paced competitive world is concerned.

Another overt facet is that by the time they finish high school, not may teenagers know yet which area to build their career in. The one year's free time before university is when they can explore a variety of fields of their choice to see which one attracts them most and select their career path accordingly.

Notwithstanding all these upsides, taking a year off in student life is not without concerns. On the one hand, by remaining away from studies for a long period, students are likely to augment an unwelcome apathy towards studies because of a strong influence and impact these distractions might have. On the other, with all the perilous and spoiling elements such as evil companies or drugs available at hand, teenagers can go astray thanks to the immaturity and vulnerability of their age, thus ruining their promising future.

From what has been discussed , one can conclude that one year's travel or job experience prior to university studies has many upsides to offer, not only in providing the youth with a much-needed early exposure of the real world, but also in making them practical, confident as well as self-reliant to confront numerous challenges of life. Nevertheless, the potential drawbacks it might engender should not be overlooked either.

Topic: some people think that the government should provide assistance to artists like painter, musicians and poets. However, others think that this is a waste of money. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Easy version: Level 6.5

It has long been a subject of discussion whether the government should render financial support to various artists or doing so should be considered a waste of money. In my opinion, the former perspective is more warranted, which will be explored below.

Advanced Version: Level 8.5

There is no doubt that artists, be it poets, authors, painters or musicians, are of immense importance in conserving the cultural heritage of a nation. Some people, therefore, contend that these prodigies, if impoverished and underprivileged, should be entitled to monetary and other assistance from the government, as they have an equally important role to play as other professionals, if not more. My view coincides with this notion as one can see several strong elements lie within it.

Visitors of museums should not be charged an entrance fee.

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To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There is no denying that museums, be it cultural heritage or contemporary innovation, are deemed vital in augmenting the knowledge of the society. Some people, therefore, contend that visitors to this facilities, regardless of their financial status, should be entitled to free entry, as they retain equal privileges for these buildings than other government services. My view coincides with this notion as one can see several strong elements lie within it.

Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic issues. Others argue that happiness depends on different factors.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Easy version 1: Level 6.5-7

There has long been much contention about OR (It has long been a subject of discussion) whether happiness depends on one's financial status or there are other factors that contribute to happiness. I agree with the latter perspective for a number of reasons. Or(In my opinion, the latter perspective is more warranted, which will be explored below.)

Easy version 2: Level 6.5-7

It has long even a subject of discussion whether happiness depends on one's financial status or there are other factors that contribute to happiness. In my opinion, the latter perspective is more warranted, which will be explored below.

Advanced version 1: Level 8.5

There is no denying that money is of immense importance in meeting one's basic necessities, from food to shelter. Some people, however, contend that as far as happiness is concerned, it is not finnacial solvency but other such essential factors as love, affection and the like that have a more vital role to play. In my view, this proposition has several strong elements that deserve attention.

NEW Advanced version 2: Level 8.5

There is a widespread notion that financial solvency is what determines the level of happiness in one's life. In my opinion, this proposition merits little consideration as there are other factors such as love, affection, relationship and the like that are more crucial in this regard.

Today not many students choose to study science subjects at university. What are the reasons for this? What can be done?

In recent years, there has been an upward trend in the number of students showing a great deal of apathy towards studying science subjects at university. There are a wide range of factors that account for why this is happening. In my opinion, this situation can be remedied, provided that some effective measures are taken.

One of the most preponderant causes of students' indifference towards science subjects lies in their rigorousness that engenders fear and reluctance. Not only do science subjects fail to attract a student's attention because of their arduousness, but the teachers also do little to help young learners overcome this fear, as many science teachers hardly know how to make lessons fun and interesting and how to engage students actively in the class. Apparently, the more students are left passive in the class, the more apathetic they become towards science.

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There are, however, some solutions to address this problem. First, in their early years at school, students should be introduced with science in a way that does not intimidate them and deter them from pursuing science subjects in the future. To ensure this to happen, science teachers need to undertake proper training regarding how to make lessons fun and keep students interested in the class. Besides, involving parents can also play an instrumental part in augmenting children's enthusiasm in science subjects. Only when these measures are taken can we expect some drastic change in this regard.

To conclude, the youths' indifference towards science subjects is a prevalent problem that faces almost all countries of the world today. Nevertheless, the concrete measures as discussed earlier can effectively alleviate this growing concern, to a large extent.

The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books and they shouldn’t waste their limited resources and space on providing expensive hi-tech media such as computer software, videos and DVDs.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


It has long been a subject of discussion whether libraries should only spend their resources on books or they should also give equal importance in advanced technological tools such as computer software and DVDs. In my opinion, technological resources should get the same emphasis as books, especially in this fast-paced modern era.

The reasons why libraries should spend money on hi-tech media are manifold. The most important one is that the habit of people's reading books and gaining knowledge has changed in recent years. For example, soft copies of printed paper-books can be easily read on any digital media such as computer, laptop and the like. Because of the availability of these technological tools, now students can study books more conveniently, as they do not need to carry heavy books with them. In addition, one can store hundreds of books in a single device and can read anytime, anywhere. It hardly needs mention that libraries also should use the advancement of technology in providing people with both the hard and the soft copies of a book, as this will benefit people astronomically.

Another pivotal aspect of technological tools is that CDs and DVDs can elaborate things more clearly because of their audio visual feature. For example, one can use encyclopedia or dictionary and improve their knowledge more effectively using a computer software rather than using a traditional book.

To conclude, it is evident from the above discussion that libraries should spend sufficient money on collecting CDs, DVDs and e-books, because it will not only offer flexibility and convenience to learners, but also benefit them immensely.


There is no doubt that a library is of key importance in offering people ample opportunity to augment their knowledge in numerous fields from arts and science to trade and commerce. A school of thought, however, contends that since the collection of books is what a library is recognised and renowned for, it should focus only on books, not on expensive media, be it DVDs or computer

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software. This notion, in my opinion, merits little consideration as the ubiquity of technology has dramatically changed the way people access information and knowledge today.

There are a number of arguments in favour of investing money by libraries on electronic media storage. The most predominant one is that the way people now read books and attain knowledge is no longer the same as was even a decade or two earlier, prior to the advent of hi-tech media. For instance, e-books are soft electronic copies of the same paper-book printed in a press, the hard copy as it is called. E-books are to be perused on a digital media like computer, notebook, e-book reader or any tablet device. Thanks to the proliferation of these devices, students can study books more conveniently than ever before, as they are no more required to carry those bulky books. Besides, e-book readers allow hundreds of books to be stored in a single device and retrieved for later study. Needless to say, it is high time libraries also utilised this technological advancement and offered both the hard as well as the soft copies to readers. It should be mentioned here that technology also allows the libraries to ensure that the books can be accessed only for a certain period and can be copied to no other device, thus helping to avoid piracy and copyright concerns.

Besides, with the alluring audio visual effects they have, DVDs and computer software can depict and delineate something more vibrantly and efficiently, often keeping a long lasting imprint on people's mind. For instance, by using a computer software instead of a heavy encyclopedia or dictionary, learners can grasp things promptly, augment their knowledge successfully and broaden their horizons effectively.

From what has been discussed, one can conclude that an immense change in people's reading habit stemming from the advent of technological media sources demands that libraries allocate significant amount of money on keeping CDs, DVDs and software as well as on maintaining a rich collection of books. This will not only cater to the need of growing number of young learners that prefer these new forms of media to the conventional ones, but also benefit learning enormously.

In many countries, people do not recycle their rubbish as much as they could. What are the reasons for this? What can be done?

There is no doubt that waste of any kind has a key role to play, when it comes to deteriorating the environment. These days it has become a growing trend for many people not to recycle their rubbish as much as possible, leading to a colossal amount of waste in the environment. In this essay, I will elaborate the reasons responsible for this and recommend some suggestions to combat/overcome this soaring concern.


There is no doubt that waste of any kind has a key role to play, when it comes to deteriorating the environment. These days it has become a growing trend for many people not to recycle their rubbish as much as possible, leading to a colossal amount of waste in the environment. There are some factors that account for why this is happening. In my opinion, this situation can be remedied, provided that some effective measures are taken.

One of the most preponderant causes of not recycling effectively is the lack of awareness among the public. It is not only the ignorance or attitude of the general people, but also the lethargy or inactivity of the government that are equally responsible. Needless to say, the more sincere the government is in taking necessary recycling steps, the more aware the public will be in disposing their waste in an eco-friendly manner. For instance, in India, the government does not provide separate waste and recycle bins to the households. Nor does it have enough recycling plants. As a consequence, the materials that could have been reused after going through a recycling process go straight to the landfills. In australia, on the other hand, we can see myriad recycling facilities available for public.

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Undoubtedly, the clean and nice environment of Australia can partly be attributed to sufficient recycling measures available here.

There are however some solutions to address this problem. Firstly, the general public should be educated about the facts of waste disposal and recycling. Besides this, people can be provided with different containers to sort rubbish accordingly and face strict penalty if they don't separate their waste. Last but not least, more recycling centres should be established to ensure effective recycling. Needless to say, rarely can a government alone, be it wealthy or impoverished, accomplish such a mammoth task. Hence, convergent efforts from all sectors are required to ensure successful implementation of these measures. only then is it possible to shake off the problem of lack of recycling.

To conclude, the enormous amount of waste is one of the most prevalent problems that faces almost all countries of the world today. Nevertheless, the concrete steps as discussed earlier can effectively strengthen the fight against and alleviate this growing concern, to a large extent. The adverse impact it gives rise to is indeed too great to ignore.


The problem of waste is a huge concern today. Why is the amount of waste rising? What can be done?


These days, it has become a growing trend to see an upsurge in the amount of waste all over the world. In this essay, I will elaborate the reasons for this and recommend some suggestions to combat this soaring concern.

The reasons why waste is increasing are manifold. The most salient one is that people now can afford to buy more than before. Buying more things apparently results in a greater production of waste. Besides, people are not aware of the ways to reduce or recycle their waste, as the government hardly takes necessary steps to educate people about the harmful effects of waste on the environment. It hardly needs mention that the more eco-friendly citizens are, the less waste they produce.

Another pivotal cause of growing waste is that because of people's improved standard of living, industries want to produce various goods and thus earn money. They hardly think of using eco-friendly materials or means while manufacturing these products. Earning money seems to be their primary goal.

There are, however, several solutions to address this problem. The most important one is to reduce the production of waste. To do so, the government should make people aware about the harmful effects of waste on the environment. Similarly, industries and factories should operate their business in an eco-friendly manner. If all these steps are taken, only then is it possible to deal with waste effectively.

To conclude, waste is a huge problem throughout the world today. However, the concrete steps mentioned in this essay can shake off this growing concern effectively. Its potential impact is indeed too great to ignore.


In recent years, there has been a colossal upsurge in the amount of waste, be it household or industrial, throughout the world. There are a large array of factors that account for this soaring concern. In my opinion, this situation can be remedied, provided that some effective measures are taken.

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The primary reason for the increment in garbage lies in social and economic development that enables people to buy more. Apparently, this contributes to a greater production of waste. Besides, people's little cognisance and awareness about the detrimental impacts of over-consumption can also be attributed to the excessive production of disposable waste. Needless to say, the more cognisant and aware citizens are, the less waste they are likely to produce.

Another overt cause of growing waste is that a much improved standard of living today allures manufacturers to produce a variety of consumer goods using raw materials or means, irrespective of their potential ramifications on the environment. In other words, making profit is what seems to be their sole concern.

Steps to deal with waste are many, but the most effective ones are in fact not remote or complicated, but accessible and practicable. The best approach is to minimise its generation, because less production of waste would mean less waste to cope with. In order to do so, people should be made aware about the ways how to reduce, reuse or recycle waste, while the operation of industries and factories needs to be closely monitored so as to make sure that it is environmentally friendly. Only when convergent efforts from all sectors are ensured, can we expect to see a considerable progress in waste management.

To conclude, dealing with rising waste is one of the most prevalent problems that faces almost all countries of the world today. Nevertheless, the concrete steps as discussed earlier can effectively strengthen the fight against and alleviate this growing concern. Its potential impact is indeed too great to ignore.

Some people think that technology has made people’s life easier than ever before, while others disagree. What is your opinion?

Easy Version: Level 6.5

The benefits of technology in people’s life are manifold. The salient one is that it has increased efficiency as well as convenience in the way people do household work. For example, microwave ovens, washing machines and the like have become an integral part of modern lifestyle, thus helping people utilise their time more effectively.

Advanced Version: Level 8.5

A number of benefits can be attributed to the use of technology in people’s lives today. Not only does modern technology enhance comfort as well as efficacy in our daily chores, be it at home or at work, but it also saves time astronomically. For instance, by using such state-of-the-art home appliances as microwave ovens, washing machines, vacuum cleaners and so on, people today can utilise their limited time more effectively unlike their past counterparts.

Some people think that older employees are more useful to a company, while others believe that in this modern world younger employees are more useful to a company. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Easy version:

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There has long been much contention about whether it is the older employees or the younger ones who are more useful in a company. I agree with the former perspective for a number of reasons.

Advanced version 1:

Whether senior employees have a greater role to play in a company is a matter of discussion, as many people keep the younger ones ahead in this debate, thanks to their acquaintance with modern technological innovations. Personally, I do not entirely accept this, and I will explain why in this essay.

Advanced version 2:

The role of old employees in this fast-paced modern world is widely debated, with many people claiming that young employees with good knowledge about modern technological innovations are of greater importance, in terms of enhancing the productivity of an organisation. However, I do not entirely accept this, and I will explain why in this essay.

One of the most predominant aspects of older employees is that with invaluable experience gained in their long-haul career, not only can they help an organisation in their peaks and valleys, but they can also work as a great source of learning for junior employees. Another overt argument is that unlike the experienced youths, who often take decisions out of excitement or whim, these senior employees are likely to base their actions on their time-tested experience and skills, thus benefiting the company immensely. Last but not least, an organisation can arrange necessary training in computers and other state-of-the-art appliances for their senior staff. This will ensure that the company does not suffer only due to a dearth of knowledge in modern technologies on the part of old employees.

Schools should teach children the academic subjects which have a close relationship with their future career; so other subjects like music and sports are not important.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Easy Version

The discussion about whether students should only study those academic subjects relevant to future career or other non-academic subjects such as music and sports should also be taught at school is a debatable one. I believe that the former has stronger arguments in its favour.

Advanced Version

How school curriculum should be designed is a contentious subject. While many academics maintain that sport and music should not be included in an effort to make room for more academic classes, especially those relevant to future career, others reject this notion, believing that recreational subjects should receive equal importance in the syllabus. In my opinion, the former proposition appears to be more rational.

To begin with, including sports in the curriculum would mean that students, be it willingly or unwillingly, will take part in much-needed outdoor activities that rarely occur these days, thanks to a teenager’s formidable addiction to electronic games. Besides, singing or learning to play a musical instrument will offer an excellent source of entertainment giving students a necessary break from academic subjects, which are not only exacting and demanding but also arduous and cumbersome. Apparently, far from wasting time, these non-academic sessions contribute a great deal to

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enhancing creativity as well as augmenting concentration. Above all, it is not for the sake of building one’s career that one acquires education; education should rather be aimed at making an individual a good human being with a range of essential attributes and qualities.

2nd paragraph

Easy Version 1

The benefits of teaching only those subjects necessary for one’s career are manifold. The salient one is that as youths will have an in-depth knowledge in different fields, they will be better prepared for this competitive job market. This is because when an employer looks for an employee, the former expects in the latter not only good academic results, but also sound knowledge regarding their work. Undoubtedly, this can only be ensured by including in the curriculum such core subjects as science, maths and accounting, not music and sports, which have hardly any relevance in career prospects.

Easy Version 2

The benefits of teaching students only those subjects relevant to future prospects are manifold. The salient one is that youths will have better career opportunities. This is because employees look for candidates who have good academic attainments as well as relevant knowledge in their field. Sports or music have hardly any role to play in increasing one’s job opportunities. For instance, finding a job is becoming harder in today’s competitive job market. It is apparent why students should learn career-oriented subjects in student life so that they can prepare themselves better for future challenges.

Easy Version 3

The benefits of teaching career-oriented subjects at school are manifold. The salient one is that they will gain an in-depth knowledge in a specific field, which will create more job opportunities for them. Apparently, as today’s world is a competitive one, the demand for those having good academic results and relevant knowledge as well as skills is high. Employees rarely prefer a candidate with talent in sports or music. They rather select those employees who excel in their studies, as the latter can contribute to the productivity of the company immensely.

Advanced Version 1

The primary reason why students should be taught subjects having good prospects for future lies in/stems from the fact that when it comes to selecting a candidate, good academic records and pertinent knowledge as well as skills are what employees seek for. Whether an employee has strong command over music or skills at a specific sport bears little importance in this respect. Apparently, by choosing subjects closely linked to future career, schools can stand the youth in good stead, as far as surviving in this competitive job market is concerned.

Advanced Version 2

A number of benefits can be attributed to teaching children job-oriented subjects at school. On the one hand, by focusing on such academic subjects as science, maths and the like, not only can students attain higher academic achievements, but also succeed in drawing the attention of prospective employers. On the other, with specialised knowledge and expertise, youngsters are likely to remain preponderant, as far as excelling in this competitive job market is concerned. This is because whether employees have skills in music or sports has little significance in their employability.

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Advanced Version 3

Those who believe students should be taught career-oriented subjects at school cite their better employability as the most significant factor. This is because only when youths attain an in-depth knowledge in a specific area with good academic attainments, can they draw the attention of the employers in this competitive job market, not when they excel in sports or music. Besides, with know-how in their respective fields, they are likely to excel in their career and remain preponderant compared to their counterparts.

some people say that media should not publish a detailed description of criminal activities. Do you agree or disagree?

Easy Version:The discussion about whether media should publish a detailed description of criminal activities or doing so would create many problems is a debateable one. I believe that the latter notion has stronger arguments in its favour.

Advanced Version:How media should deal with crime reports is contentious subject. While many people maintain that the media, be it print or electronic, should refrain from publishing or broadcasting elaborate description of criminal offences as doing so would only give birth to numerous concerns, others reject this notion. In my opinion, the former proposition appears to be more rational.

Topic:Some people say that children should start learning a second language at an early age others believe that they should start learning at a later age. Do you agree or disagree?

Easy Version:The discussion about whether it is the early age or the later age in life that a child should start learning a second language is a debateable one. I believe that the former notion has stronger arguments in its favour.

Advanced Version:When a child should commence acquiring a second language is a contentious subject. While many academics maintain that it is at primary level where a child grasps a new language more effectively, others reject this notion, believing that children will learn it better at a later stage. In my opinion, the former proposition appears to be more rational.


Advanced Version To begin with, the advent of modern technology means that people can benefit from recent innovations in virtually every sphere, from education to health. For example, using state-of-the-art tools and equipment not only ensures effective learning environment for students, but also renders life-saving treatment to patients. Besides, successful interaction between people irrespective of their geographic locations is primarily due to the proliferation of the Internet, which has contributed a great deal to keeping people closer than ever before. Apparently, far from adding complexity to life, modern technology has, as such, facilitated life, augmenting ease, comfort and convenience manifold.

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