essential components of a successful website homepage design


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Post on 24-Aug-2021




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Looking at the homepages of some great websites, you will notice several elements similar to those websites.


Page 1: Essential Components of a Successful Website Homepage Design
Page 2: Essential Components of a Successful Website Homepage Design

Looking at the homepages of some great websites, you will notice several elements similar to those websites. The similarity of elements is not a coincidence, but rather they follow a standard set of practices to make their website most convenient and profitable. This is mainly because a website’s homepage is the first thing that users interact with, and businesses cannot and should not take the risk on the home page design. It’s crucial for a website’s optimum performance to include all of the key elements in the homepage design.

Page 3: Essential Components of a Successful Website Homepage Design

So, what are some of the key elements that should be included on the homepage? A fresh design entrant might think it kills creativity and the unique business representation. However, there are certain elements, including logo and branding, navigation, menu, CTA’s, and others, to keep the homepage’s purpose intact. Additionally, a great homepage involves many more elements in play.

Page 4: Essential Components of a Successful Website Homepage Design

A website is an online representation of a business and often the only representation. A logo is what gives your business a unique identity. Every brand places its logo on the forefront of its website. Logo helps users recognize the brand quickly and distinguishes a business from several others in the market.

Brand Identity & Logo

Page 5: Essential Components of a Successful Website Homepage Design

The banner image on your website is placed right below the navigation bar. This is often referred to as the header image/design of a website. The purpose of this segment is to give users a quick idea of what your business is about. They should know what to expect from the rest of your website by looking at this section.

A Compelling Tag line/Mission Statement

Page 6: Essential Components of a Successful Website Homepage Design

Unless you’re working on a one-page design, visitors need menus to move around your website. A menu should be the first thing they see on your homepage, and it should be both highly readable and easy to use.

Menu Tabs

Page 7: Essential Components of a Successful Website Homepage Design

Essential Components of a Successful Website Homepage Design

Read more information about homepage design, visit on the below link: