ethan poole ux_ui portfolio 2016


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Page 1: Ethan Poole UX_UI Portfolio 2016



Page 2: Ethan Poole UX_UI Portfolio 2016

Login Iterations | Meridium

Design and iterate concepts for the existing login screen to improve usability and aesthetics.

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Mobile UI Research | Meridium

Create dark and light versions of the existing mobile user interface. Test these interfaces with target users in high, medium, and low level lighting. Analyze any trends towards a preference for either light or dark UI in any particular lighting scenario.

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Mobile UI Research 2 | Meridium

Create dark and light versions of a concept mobile UI. Test these interfaces with target users in high, medium, and low level lighting. Analyze any trends towards a preference for either light or dark UI in any particular lighting scenario.

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Hazards Analysis Revision | Meridium

Iterate on the user experience and overall aesthetics of the existing UI for Hazards Analysis. Stay with in the design guidelines of the software.

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Risk Analysis Ideation | Meridium

The current method utilized for analyzing risk inside this module is insufficient. Ideate on ways to visualize risk for each asset inside the module.

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Risk Cards Ideation | Meridium

Explore new ways to display the information given on a risk card.

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Login Screen Ideation | Meridium

Iterate on the login screen to provide better user experience and aesthetics.

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Logo Design | Meridium

Design a logo for the upcoming launch and release of the latest version of the software.

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Risk Chart | Meridium

Iterate on the existing risk chart interface. Enhance usability as well as over all appearance.

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User Profiles| Meridium

Ideate multiple versions of new user profile widgets.

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Filters | Meridium

Iterate on existing filter designs to create more efficient filtering with better user interface design.

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Mobile Application| Hydrous

Design a mobile application for the Hydrous water bowl. The app should track each dog’s hydration levels and display them graphically to the user.

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Mobile Application| HÜF

Design a mobile application for the HÜF smart collar for horses. This app should track each horses activity and health, while providing quick and intuitive access to the user.

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Horse Profiles can be searched

with specified criteria

Ring around image indicates horse’s condition

Health and Activity for each horse are accessed here

Pull up menu displays current info on each horse

The pull up menu delivers collar/device

status and battery life, as well as immediate


Vet Records tracks vet interactions for later use

Injuries can be monitored and documented until healed

Vaccinations allow the user to know when each horse is due for medica-tions and vaccines

The user has access to the horse’s activity

in real time

The activity can be viewed over a period of a week, month, or year in a clear graphical presentation

Under Vet records, we see an intuitive search bar and display that allows the user to easy explore all past and current records on their horse.

Injury Tracker allows caretackers to input any injuries the horse has, and track them until they are healed. If anything needs immediate attention, it can be entered and seen by a vet.

Vaccinations has a calendar with each medication and vaccination date for that particular horse. Managers can easily keep track of each horse its needs

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[email protected] | 540-460-3321