ethical issues for it security professionals

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  • 8/2/2019 Ethical Issues for IT Security Professionals


    Ethical issues for IT security professionals

    By Deb Shinder

    August 2, 2005 12:00 PM ET

    Add a comment - Physicians, attorneys and other professionals

    whose job duties affect others' lives usually receive, as part of their formal

    training, courses that address ethical issues common to their professions.

    IT security personnel often have access to confidential data and

    knowledge about individuals' and companies' networks and systems that

    give them a great deal of power. That power can be abused, either

    deliberately or inadvertently. But there are no standardized training

    requirements for hanging out your shingle as an IT security consultant or

    in-house security specialist. Associations and organizations for IT pros arebeginning to address the ethical side of the job, but again, there is no

    requirement for IT security personnel to belong to those organizations.

    Why are ethical guidelines needed?

    The education and training of IT professionals, including security

    specialists, usually focuses on technical knowledge and skills. You learn

    how to perform tasks, but with little consideration of how those abilities

    can be misused. In fact, many IT professionals approach their work with a

    hacker's perspective: whatever you can do, you're entitled to do. (Note: In

    this article, we're using the word hackerin the current common meaning,pertaining to "black hat" hackers who use their skills to break into

    systems and access data and programs without the permission of the

    owners. We're well aware that the term originally referred to anyone with

    advanced programming skills, and that there are "white hat hackers" who

    use their skills to help companies and individuals protect against the black


    In fact, many IT pros don't even realize that their jobs involve ethical

    issues. Yet we make decisions on a daily basis that raise ethical questions.

    What are the ethical issues?

    Many of the ethical issues that face IT professionals involve privacy. For


    Should you read the private e-mail of your network users just because youcan? Is it OK to read employees' e-mail as a security measure to ensure

    that sensitive company information isn't being disclosed? Is it OK to read

    employees' e-mail to ensure that company rules (for instance, against
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    personal use of the e-mail system) aren't being violated? If you do read

    employees' e-mail, should you disclose that policy to them? Before or after

    the fact?

    Is it OK to monitor the Web sites visited by your network users? Shouldyou routinely keep logs of visited sites? Is it negligent to not monitor suchInternet usage, to prevent the possibility of pornography in the workplace

    that could create a hostile work environment?

    Is it OK to place key loggers on machines on the network to captureeverything the user types? What about screen capture programs so you

    can see everything that's displayed? Should users be informed that they're

    being watched in this way?

    Remember that we're not talking about legal questions here. A company may

    very well have the legal right to monitor everything an employee does with its

    computer equipment. We're talking about the ethical aspects of having the

    ability to do so.

    As a network administrator or security professional, you have rights and

    privileges that allow you to access most of the data on the systems on your


    You may even be able to access encrypted data if you have access to the

    recovery agent account. What you do with those abilities depends in part on

    your particular job duties (for example, if monitoring employee mail is a part

    of your official job description) and in part on your personal ethical beliefs

    about these issues.

    The slippery slope

    A common concept in any ethics discussion is the "slippery slope." This

    pertains to the ease with which a person can go from doing something that

    doesn't really seem unethical, such as scanning employees' e-mail "just for

    fun," to doing things that are increasingly unethical, such as making little

    changes in their mail messages or diverting messages to the wrong recipient.

    In looking at the list of privacy issues above, it's easy to justify each of the

    actions described. But it's also easy to see how each of those actions could

    "morph" into much less justifiable actions. For example, the information you

    gained from reading someone's e-mail could be used to embarrass that

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    person, to gain a political advantage within the company, to get him/her

    disciplined or fired, or even for blackmail.

    The slippery slope concept can also go beyond using your IT skills. If it's OK to

    read other employees' e-mail, is it also OK to go through their desk drawers

    when they aren't there? To open their briefcases or purses?

    Real world ethical dilemmas

    What if your perusal of random documents reveals company trade secrets?

    What if you later leave the company and go to work for a competitor? Is it

    wrong to use that knowledge in your new job? Would it be "more wrong" if

    you printed out those documents and took them with you, than if you just

    relied on your memory?

    What if the documents you read showed that the company was violating

    government regulations or laws? Do you have a moral obligation to turn themin, or are you ethically bound to respect your employer's privacy? Would it

    make a difference if you signed a nondisclosure agreement when you accepted

    the job?

    IT and security consultants

    who do work for multiple companies have even more ethical issues to deal

    with. If you learn things about one of your clients that might affect your other

    client(s), where does your loyalty lie?

    Then there are money issues. The proliferation of network attacks, hacks,

    viruses and other threats to their IT infrastructures have caused many

    companies to "be afraid, be very afraid." As a security consultant, it may be

    very easy to play on that fear to convince companies to spend far more money

    than they really need to. Is it wrong for you to charge hundreds or even

    thousands of dollars per hour for your services, or is it a case of "whatever the

    market will bear?"

    Is it wrong for you to mark up the equipment and software that you get for the

    customer when you pass the cost through? What about kickbacks from

    equipment manufacturers? Is it wrong to accept "commissions" from them for

    persuading your clients to go with their products? Or what if the connection is

    more subtle? Is it wrong to steer your clients toward the products of

    companies in which you hold stock?

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    Another ethical issue involves promising more than you can deliver, or

    manipulating data to obtain higher fees. You can install technologies and

    configure settings to make a client's network more secure, but you can never

    make it completely secure. Is it wrong to talk a client into replacing their

    current firewalls with those of a different manufacturer, or switching to an

    open source operating system which changes, coincidentally, will result in

    many more billable hours for you on the premise that this is the answer to

    their security problems?

    Here's another scenario: What if a client asks you to save money by cutting

    out some of the security measures that you recommended, yet your analysis of

    the client's security needs shows that sensitive information will be at risk if

    you do so? You try to explain this to the client, but he/she is adamant. Should

    you go ahead and configure the network in a less secure manner? Should you"eat" the cost and install the extra security measures at no cost to the client?

    Should you refuse to do the job? Would it make a difference if the client's

    business were in a regulated industry, and implementing the lower security

    standards would constitute a violation of the Health Insurance Portability and

    Accountability Act, the Graham-Leach-Bliley Act, Sarbanes-Oxley or other



    This article has raised a lot

    of questions, but has not attempted to provide set answers. That's because,

    ultimately, the answer to the question "Is it ethical?" must be answered by

    each individual IT professional.

    Unlike older, more established professions such as medicine and law, most

    ethical issues that IT and security professionals confront have not been

    codified into law, nor is there a standard mandatory oversight body, such as

    the national or state medical association or bar association, that has

    established a detailed code of ethics.

    However, the question of ethical behavior in the IT professions is beginning to

    be addressed. Voluntary professional associations such as the Association for

    Computing Machinery (ACM) have developed their own codes of ethics and

    professional conduct, which can serve as a guideline for individuals and other

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    For an excellent, detailed paper on how to use the ACM code of ethics in

    making decisions and discussion of many common scenarios,


    For very detailed discussions of both technological and non-technological

    ethical issues that face IT pros from systems admins to programmers to ISPs,

    see Stephen Northcutt's bookIT Ethics Handbook, published by Syngress.

    Debra Littlejohn Shinder, MCSE, MVP (Security) is a technology consultant,

    trainer and writer who has authored a number of books on computer operating

    systems, networking, and security. She is also a tech editor, developmental editor

    and contributor to more than 20 additional books. Her articles are regularly

    published on TechRepublic's TechProGuild Web site and,and have appeared in print magazines such as Windows IT Pro (formerly

    Windows & .NET) Magazine. She has authored training material, corporate

    whitepapers, marketing material, and product documentation for Microsoft

    Corp., Hewlett-Packard, DigitalThink, GFI Software, Sunbelt Software, CNET and

    other technology companies. She lives and works in the Dallas-Fort Worth area

    and can be reached [email protected][email protected]://[email protected]://