etravel training

eTravel Training University Libraries

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eTravel Training. University Libraries. Overview. What is your responsibility? Travel Request Overview Travel Reimbursement Overview What happens to your paperwork? Important contacts Q&A. What is your r esponsibility?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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eTravel Training

University Libraries

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• What is your responsibility?• Travel Request Overview• Travel Reimbursement Overview• What happens to your paperwork?• Important contacts• Q&A

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What is your responsibility?

• Complete travel request documents with all approvals prior to traveling.

• Complete travel reimbursement documents within 90 days of returning from trip.

• Ask questions!

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Travel Request: General Information

1. Complete the top portion with your AD’s contact information. 2. Enter your employee information.3. Complete trip details.4. Enter a complete business purpose for this trip.

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What is a complete business purpose?

• Who, what, where and why = Business Purpose

• Include where you are going, what the purpose will be and how it will affect your job at the university.

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Appropriate Business Purpose • Appropriate: To attend the American

Library Association (ALA) Conference for professional development, including sessions on the new cataloging system with which I am involved at OSU Libraries.

• Non-Appropriate: To attend the ALA conference.

*Always spell out abbreviations*

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Vacation Days • If you will be using vacation days in

conjunction with your trip, you must include your AD’s approval in your travel request paperwork.

• Please include a detailed listing of which days are for business and which are for vacation.

• An airfare cost comparison must be completed to compare business only travel to business + vacation travel. You will only be reimbursed the lower cost.

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What if I’m not leaving from Columbus? • Include a description of why you will not

be leaving from Columbus.

• Include airfare quotes to compare the price leaving from Columbus to the price leaving from other location.

• If leaving from other location increases the price, you will only be reimbursed the flight cost from Columbus.

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Cost Comparisons

• The easiest way to complete a cost comparison is to use KAYAK (

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Travel Request: Cost Estimates

5. Enter estimates for transportation, meals (per diem), lodging, registration and other. Other is used for miscellaneous expenses that may occur which will allow you to stay within the 20% overage allowance.

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Per Diem Rates

If you do not already have your daily hotel cost, it is helpful to use this when estimating your lodging expense.

Click on “Per Diem Rates” at the top left of webpage.

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Per Diem Rates

A max per diem rate is listed for most cities. It is helpful to use this when estimating your per diem expense. If your city is not listed, use the closest available city to your destination.

Click on “Per Diem Rates” at the top left of webpage.

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Per Diem Rates

The per diem rate is broken down for each daily total rate.

Your first and last day of travel may only be 75% of the max rate unless you have an extremely early departure or late

arrival time.

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Travel Request: Chartfield Information

6. Your ORG should automatically populate from the general information section.

7. If you are using course enhancement or development funds, please enter this fund number under the FUND column.

8. If you are using CFBRR funds, please note this as program 19495 and use your first initial of your first name and first 4 letters of your last name in the USER DEFINED column (eg. HKOVA)

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CFBRR Funding • You must have AD approval and CFBRR

approval if using CFBRR funding.

• Please attach your CFBRR approval letter to your travel request.

• To complete the CFBRR travel request:



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Travel Request: Prepayment Request

9. Enter your prepaid travel estimation and the travel agency that was used. Make sure to attach the preliminary itinerary with your travel request, as the record locator needed to process your ticket in the Business Office is located on the itinerary.

10. Only enter prepaid registration that needs to be paid in the form of a check. Please use the P-Card whenever possible to pay registration fees.

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Travel Request: Prepaid Airfare • Contact one of the two designated travel agencies

• Travel Solutions:

• Uniglobe Travel Designers: 614-237-4488

• Price quotes are NOT guaranteed until ticketed by the travel agency. Therefore, submit your travel request to the Business Office by noon of the day you receive your itinerary.


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Travel Request: Prepaid Registration

• Complete an e-request for the Pcard once you receive your T#.

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Travel Request: Authorization

11. Please remember to sign your travel request!!

Your AD must sign your travel request or you may receive email approval. If you use email approval, be sure your email includes the total cost of your trip. Attach this approval with your travel

request when submitting.

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What to include with your travel request… • Travel Request Worksheet with signed or emailed

AD approval

• CFBRR approval

• Airfare itinerary (if prepaid airfare used)

• Conference details (Include print out of dates or full program, if available.)

• As many details as possible regarding any oddities in your travel plans

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Travel Reimbursement: Trip Information

1. Be sure to include your T#! This will allow for your travel reimbursement to be processed more efficiently.

2. Enter your personal information and trip information.3. Transfer a condensed version of your business purpose from

your travel request.

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Travel Reimbursement: Expenses

4. Fill in your transportation and conference registration expenses (prepaid expenses are not recorded here).

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Travel Reimbursement: Expenses

5. Enter any payments made with a P-Card. This column is used for payments that were made toward your travel but will not be

reimbursed to you.

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Travel Reimbursement

6. Enter your nightly lodging expenses with the dates and location of travel.

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Travel Reimbursement

7. Enter your per diem or actual meal expenses for each day. If you are requesting actual meal expense reimbursement, you must attach receipts for

each meal along with a description.

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Per Diem

• Subtract any meals that were included in your conference, paid for by another party or part of your hotel payment.

• Please make detailed notes of what was included (continental breakfast or meals at the conference).

• Items listed as “reception” on conference itineraries are one of the most problematic. Make detailed notes regarding whether or not a meal was served.

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Actual Expenses

• Include actual receipts with meal details and date.

• It’s best to tape this information to an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper to ensure safe keeping and proper documentation.

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Travel Reimbursement

8. Enter any other expenses such as internet, taxis, shuttles or baggage fees. Make sure to include a description of each as well as

the date.

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Travel Reimbursement: Expenses

9. The hotel, per diem and other fields should populate automatically from the information below along with your grand


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Travel Reimbursement

10.Be sure to sign your travel reimbursement form and add any special comments. If you need more space, attach another sheet of

paper.11. If your reimbursement total is over 20% of the requested amount, you will need approval from your AD. You may attach

this approval with your travel reimbursement paperwork.

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Foreign Travel • Use the OANDA currency converter if your receipts

are in foreign currency.

• Be sure to change the date to reflect the date listed on your receipt.

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Car Rental

Insurance Coverage. When renting an automobile for business travel, travelers must purchase the following coverage:

(1) Damage Waiver (DW)(2) Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) (3) Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) and Liability insurance coverage are required. The university will not reimburse any other type of supplemental insurance.Rental Car Contracts. OSU has two contracted rental car agencies:  National Car Rental and Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Discount codes/PIN and pricing can be found on OSU’s Travel site at  Documentation Required. For reimbursement of rental car expenses, the traveler will need to submit original, itemized receipts along with the fully executed rental agreement signed by traveler indicating DW / CDW / LDW and Liability insurance (must include the cost, dates and travel locations).

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What to include with your travel reimbursement…

• Travel reimbursement worksheet

• Airline ticket receipt (if not prepaid)

• Hotel receipt

• Meal receipts (if not using per diem)

• Conference registration receipt (if not prepaid)

• Miscellaneous receipts (taxi, shuttle, baggage fees, etc.)

• Conference details (Include print out of full program if not already included in travel request paperwork.)

• As many details as possible regarding any oddities in your travel reimbursement

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Where does this packet go?

To OAA (Office of Academic Affairs) for processing

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How do I get my paperwork to OAA? Option 1 (preferred) :• Send your reimbursement paperwork as an email

attachment to: [email protected]

• Indicate your name and T# in the email

Option 2:• Mail your paperwork to:

Ben Mamphey307 Bricker Hall190 North Oval Mall

• Only send copies to OAA and keep your originals!

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Who do I contact? Travel Request:

Heidi Kovach247-7972

[email protected](primary contact)

Leah Cowan247-7817

[email protected](back-up contact)

Travel Reimbursement:Ben Mamphey

247-8912(primary contact)

Mary Decker247-7966

(back-up contact)

*Always use [email protected] when contacting OAA*

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Helpful Hints • Do not scan double-sided pages.

• If you choose to drive to an out-of-state destination rather than fly, you must include a cost comparison between the two.

• If you will be arriving for the conference prior to the start date or staying after the end date for business reasons, please include this in detail.

• If the conference does not provide a receipt of your registration fee, you must provide a cancelled check or credit card statement for reimbursement.

• If you would like to be reimbursed for internet/phone charges, you must provided a detailed business purpose for this specific expense.

• Be careful of your dates on the travel request compared to those of the airline/conference dates.

• You can never provide too many details!