eukaryotes and prokaryotes

Prokaryote and Eukaryote

Upload: aysha-mohideen-salie

Post on 24-Sep-2015




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  • Prokaryote and Eukaryote

  • Cells have evolved two different architectures:Prokaryote styleEukaryote style

  • Prokaryote cells are smaller and simplerCommonly known as bacteria.10-100 microns in size. [1000 microns = 1 millimeter]Single-celled (unicellular) .Filamentous (strings of single cells).

  • These are prokaryote E. coli bacteria on the head of a steel pin.

  • Prokaryote cells are simply built capsule: slimy outer coatingcell wall: tougher middle layercell membrane: delicate inner skin

  • cytoplasm: inner liquid fillingDNA in one big looppilli: for sticking to thingsflagella: for swimmingribosomes: for building proteinsProkaryote cells are simply built

  • Prokaryote lifestyleunicellular: all alonecolony: forms a filmfilamentous: forms a chain of cells

  • Prokaryote FeedingPhotosynthetic: energy from sunlightDisease-causing: feed on living thingsDecomposers: feed on dead things

  • Eukaryotes are bigger and more complicatedHave organellesHave chromosomescan be multicellularinclude animal and plant cells

  • Cell membranedelicate lipid and protein skin around cytoplasmfound in all cellsCell Structures

  • Nucleusa membrane-bound sac evolved to store the cells chromosomes(DNA)has pores: holesCell Structures

  • Nucleolusinside nucleuslocation of ribosome factoryCell Structures

  • Mitochondrion makes the cells energythe more energy the cell needs, the more mitochondria it hasCell Structures

  • Ribosomesbuild proteins from amino acids in cytoplasmmade of RNACell Structures

  • Endoplasmic reticulummay be smooth: builds lipids and carbohydratesmay be rough: stores proteins made by attached ribosomesCell Structures

  • Golgi Complextakes in sacs of raw material from ERsends out sacs containing finished cell productsCell Structures

  • Cell StructuresLysosomessacs filled with digestive enzymesdigest worn out cell partsdigest food absorbed by cell

  • Centriolespair of bundled tubesorganize cell divisionCell Structures

  • Cytoskeletonmade of microtubulesfound throughout cytoplasmmade of microtubulesgives shape to cell & moves organelles around inside.

    Cell Structures

  • Structures found in plant cellsCell wallvery strongmade of celluloseprotects cell from rupturingglued to other cells next door

  • Vacuolehuge water-filled sackeeps cell pressurizedstores starch

  • Chloroplastsfilled with chlorophyllturn solar energy into food energy

  • Eukaryote cells can be multicellularThe whole cell can be specialized for one jobCells can work together as tissuesTissues can work together as organs

  • Advantages of each kind of cell architecture

  • Examples of specialized eukayriotic cellsliver cell: specialized to detoxify blood and store glucose as glycogen.

  • sperm cell: specialized to deliver DNA to egg cell

  • Mesophyll cell: specialized to capture as much light as possible inside a leaf

  • How do animal cells move?Some can crawl with pseudopodsSome can swim with a flagellumSome can swim very fast with cilia

  • Pseudopodsmeans fake feetextensions of cell membraneexample: ameoba

  • Flagellum/flagellalarge whiplike tailpushes or pulls cell through watercan be single, or a pair

  • Ciliafine, hair like extensionsattached to cell membranebeat in unison
