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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/11/2019 Europass-CV-100504-072714



    Curriculum Vitae

    Personal information

    First name(s) / Surname(s)





    Date of birth


    Desired employment /Occupational field Production and operations department manager

    Work experience

    Dates 2 ! "

    #$$upation or position held %rodu$tion and operations department mana&er in manufa$turin&

    'ain a$ti ities and responsibilities - Dire$tin& a$ti ities of $ompany to obtain optimum effi$ien$y e$onomy of operations and ma*imi+eprofits,- %lannin& $ompany poli$ies and &oals and implemented &oals throu&h subordinate administrati epersonnel,- oordinatin& a$ti ities of di isions su$h as operatin& manufa$turin& en&ineerin& plannin& salesmaintenan$e and de elopment,- Su$$essfully mana&in& a 2 person team in furniture manufa$turin& and ad ertisin& produ$tion,- .esponsible for the &eneration of N pro&rams as parts utili+in& Enroute and Art$am,- De elopin& the hi&h speed ma$hine strate&ies and sa in& around ! 0 in annually labour andmaterial $ost,- Analy+in& dra1in&s s et$hes and desi&n data of parts to determine dimension and $onfi&uration of$uts sele$tion of $uttin& tools and ma$hine speeds,

    Name and address of employer .EAT34E #FF3 EGa enii Str5 no5 !6 %itesti (.omania)

    Type of business or se$tor on$eption desi&n and furniture manufa$turin& and ad ertisin& produ$tion

    Dates 7889 - 2 !

    #$$upation or position held Tra el A&en$y 'ana&er

    'ain a$ti ities and responsibilities - Dire$ted mer$handisin& of tra el a&en$y ser i$es and sale of transportation $ompany $arrier ti$ etspa$ a&ed and spe$iali+ed tours and a$ation pa$ a&es,- Sold tra el ti$ ets pa$ a&ed and spe$iali+ed tours and ad ised $ustomers on tra el plans,- oordinated sales promotion a$ti ities and appro ed ad ertisin& $opy and tra el display 1or ,- 'ana&ed 7 person-team,

    Name and address of employer GET3 A Tra el A&en$y'io eni (.omania)

    Type of business or se$tor Tra el and Tourism Ser i$e A$ti ities

    Dates 788: - 7889

    #$$upation or position held Go ernment ta* and e*$ise offi$ial

    'ain a$ti ities and responsibilities - .e ie1ed finan$ial re$ords on material assets in$ome surpluses liabilities and e*penditures todetermine ta* liability,

    %a&e 7 / 6 - urri$ulum itae ofTur$es$u Sorin

    For more information on Europass &o to http;//europass5$edefop5europa5eu< European ommunities 2 6 2 : :2=

  • 8/11/2019 Europass-CV-100504-072714


    - 4erified net 1orth reported finan$ial status identified potential ta* issues and analy+ed issues todetermine nature and s$ope of in esti&ation re>uired,- %repared 1ritten e*planation of findin&s to notify ta*payer of ta* liability,- Ad ised ta*payer of appeal ri&hts

    Name and address of employer NAT3#NA? AGEN @ #F F3S A? AD'3N3ST.AT3#N%itesti (.omania)

    Type of business or se$tor Finan$ial A$ti ities

    Dates 788 - 788:

    #$$upation or position held 'ana&er Assistant - 3mport

    'ain a$ti ities and responsibilities - 'onitorin& and pro$essin& orders to forei&n suppliers,- %ermanent $onta$t 1ith $ustomer and respe$tin& terms spe$ified in $ontra$ts,- 'aintainin& the relation 1ith the $ustoms bro er and preparin& do$uments for $ustoms formalities,- E iden$e of the e*ternal payments to the forei&n suppliers

    Name and address of employer A T#'#B3?E DA 3A .ENA ?T%itesti (.omania)

    Type of business or se$tor A$ti ities of 3mport

    Education and training

    Dates 78=9 - 7882

    Title of >ualifi$ation a1arded Ba$helor in E$onomi$s

    %rin$ipal subCe$ts / o$$upational s ills$o ered

    - Spe$ial re$o&nition in otel and .estaurant 'ana&ement,- Si&nifi$ant $ourses in$luded; 'ana&ement 'ar etin& Accounting, %. 3nternational Affairs

    Name and type of or&anisationpro idin& edu$ation and trainin&

    A$ademy of E$onomi$ Studies ( ni ersity)Bu$harest (.omania)

    Personal skills andcompetences

    'other ton&ue(s) Romanian

    #ther lan&ua&e(s)

    Self-assessment Understanding Speaking W r i t i n g

    European level (*) ?istenin& .eadin& Spo en intera$tion Spo en produ$tion

    Englis 2 %rofi$ient user 2 %rofi$ient user 2 %rofi$ient user 2 %rofi$ient user 2 %rofi$ient user

    Spanis / Castilian B2 3ndependent user B2 3ndependent user B2 3ndependent user B2 3ndependent user B2 3ndependent user

    !erman B2 3ndependent user B2 3ndependent user B2 3ndependent user B2 3ndependent user B2 3ndependent user

    "talian B7 3ndependent user B7 3ndependent user B7 3ndependent user B7 3ndependent user B7 3ndependent user

    S#edis A7 Basi$ ser A7 Basi$ ser A7 Basi$ ser A7 Basi$ ser A7 Basi$ ser(*)Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level

    So$ial s ills and $ompeten$es - Good ommuni$ation s ills,

    - or 1ell in a hi&h pressure en ironment,

    - Self-moti ated and asserti e

    #r&anisational s ills and $ompeten$es - E*perien$e in proCe$t mana&ement,

    - ?eadership

    Te$hni$al s ills and $ompeten$es - E*pert N %.#G.A''3NG 1ith o er : years hands-on e*perien$e5

    omputer s ills and $ompeten$es Stron& s ills 1ith $omputer systems and AD/ A' soft1are;

    %a&e 2 / 6 - urri$ulum itae ofTur$es$u Sorin

    For more information on Europass &o to http;//europass5$edefop5europa5eu< European ommunities 2 6 2 : :2=
  • 8/11/2019 Europass-CV-100504-072714


    A T# AD EN.# TE6D A.T A' S ET % AB3NET 43S3#N S#?3D #.E?D.A#FF3 E

    Dri in& li$en$e(s) B7

    $dditional information - Bre et of 'ana&er in Tourism issued by .omanian 'inistry of Tourism,- Graduate of ourses of %roCe$t 4irtual ni ersity of Affairs or&ani+ed by ni ersity of

    ommuni$ation and %ubli$ .elations Da id #&il y

    %a&e 6 / 6 - urri$ulum itae ofTur$es$u Sorin

    For more information on Europass &o to http;//europass5$edefop5europa5eu< European ommunities 2 6 2 : :2=