european expansion in industrial world: “age new imperialism”

European Expansion in Industrial World: “Age New Imperialism

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Post on 15-Dec-2015




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European Expansion in Industrial World:

“Age New Imperialism”

• New Imperialism vs. Exploration Imperialism 15th -16th cent:

• Earlier period:

–Less penetration of interior in Africa & Asia

–Less direct influence on people’s lives

• Conquests inland because – military & med. tech. made it possible

Forms of Imperialism

Forms of Imperialism

Spheres of Influence


Dutch in S. Africa

Euro. nations in


Euro. Nations in


U.S. In Latin Amer.

Gr. Brit. In India

U.S. Protectorates

African Spheres of Influence

• raw materials to feed machines


• Conversions not mandated but still ongoing


• Ended slavery-replaced by cheap indigenous labor (Forced Labor)

Labor Impact

• A. Strengthening Control over existing colonies

–British In India

• East India Company = pol., econ., milt. domination on Indian states

• British Raj (British Rule) officially established 1858-1947

Indust. Powers Established Transoceanic Powers

• B. Indust. States Established/Expanded Empires–British In Egypt

• Control of Suez Canal–British In South Africa

• Control of diamond mines

–America gains control of Philippines

–Span. & Port. = reduced influence

Indust. Powers Established Transoceanic Powers

King Leopold and the Belgium Congo

King Leopold and the Belgium Congo

• Belgium needs to catch up

• Created a slave based plantation economy

• Human rights abuses

Results• Conference of Berlin 1884-85• Scramble for Africa• Increased tensions among European

Powers• Redraw boundaries without consulting


The Afrikan/Boer Wars1880-1900

Paving the way for Apartheid

Dutch Cape Colony1700s

• Dutch economy based on slave labor

• Whites were outnumbered.

Forced blacks to carry identity cards

British Cape Colony and the Great TrekMid 1830s

• British establish colony at the Cape

• Force migration “Great Trek” of Dutch settlers (Afrikaners or Boers) to interior on native land = clashes with Zulu tribe

• Boers create their own republics

The “Great Trek”

Mining of Diamonds1860s

• Prompts increases in British migration and creation of colony in Natal

• Tensions between Boers and British

• Diamonds discovered

The Afrikan/Boer Wars1880-1900

• Increase British military presence led to a brief war against Boers

• Boers are victorious• Second war with

Boers = Boers lose conversion into British colonies of South Africa.

Union of South Africa 1910-1948

• Afrikaners/Boers gain independence from Britain-Combine Natal and Cape Colony• Exclude blacks from voting

Apartheid “Apartness” becomes official policy

• Schools, hospitals, neighborhoods, workplaces segregated

• Mandela and World Opinion abolish system in early 1990s

Historical Parallel

South African History is similar to American History because they
