evaluation activity 1 part 2

your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Question One

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Page 1: Evaluation Activity 1 Part 2

In what ways does your media product

use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real

media products?Question One

Page 2: Evaluation Activity 1 Part 2

The first thing to appear on the screen is the production company name. This was done as when we analysed other short films most if not all of them had their production company name shown first. We use white text on a black background to make the text stand out. The score music begins to play immediately creating a nice calming atmosphere which also hints at to the audience where the first scene takes place before it is shown. This score music contains sound efects of birds tweeting.

Page 3: Evaluation Activity 1 Part 2

The next thing that appears on the screen is the name of the film. Again this is done in white text on a black background to stand out. The name of film is the last thing that is going to be shown on the screen before the first scene beings to play on the screen.

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The next thing that appears on the screen is the main caharacter sitting on the bench and then we are shown how a strnger sits next to him. This is shown to the audience through the use of a Medium shot.

The score music is that of the sound effects heard while in a park such as the birds tweeting. This shows to the audience that therre is equilibrium in place here as eveything seems to be going perfeclty and no problems have arisen.

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We then show a two shot displaying to the audience both of the characters on screen. This was used to clearly show to the audience that the second character is of importance as he is now in focus in contrast to the previous shot.

The audience is clearly able to see that the two characters are within a park due to the grass and the tress shown behind the characters. This is also furhter supported through the use of the park score music which makes the scene look more realistic.

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The shot switches to a long shot. In this shot we are able to see that both of the characters have the exact same bag. At this moment in time the main character gets distracted by a ball being kicked to him while the mysterious strnager has a phone call.

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Using the same shot we are shown how the mysteirous stanger takes the main characters bag and walks off with it while he is distracted leaving the strangers bag on the ground. We are able to see how now something is attempting to break the equilibrium in place.

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A long shot is then used to show to the audience that the main character is checking his phone. This is used to show to the audience that the character is about to leave the scene as he is shown to be checking his phone for the time.

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We are then shown how the main character gets up and leaves the park with the wrong bag in hand. This is done to create suspense for the audience as they are aware he has the wrong bag and he is not.

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The next shot used is a long shot. This shows to the audience that the location has changed and it is evident that this may be the main characters house as he is walking through the front door.

As soon as the scene changes some sinister score music is used to create tension for the audience. The music is used to foreshadow that something is wrong and that something bad is going to occur.

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A long shot at a high angle is then used to show to the audience that the character is inferior and vulnerable. This also allows the audience to be able to see the whole room and shows the audience where the location has changed to,

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The next shot used shows to the audience that the character is put-on on his slippers. This is done to further reinforce to the audience that he is an average young man. This is shown to the audience through the use of a close up.

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A medium close up is then used from behind the character. This is use to show to the audience that the main character Is taking off his jacked and is removing his headphones.

The score music start to pick up and keep the tension rising within the audience as they are wondering what is inside the bag.

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We are then shown that the main character walks into his living room through the use of a long shot.

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We are then shown through the use of a worms eye view that the main character puts the bag onto the table. This further builds up the tension as the audience are aware that the bag is about to be opened soon.

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A medium close up is then used to show to the audience that the main character is about to open the bag.

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Using the same shot we are able to see that the main character is confused as to the contents within the bag. The audience are still unaware as to what is within the bag and this further build the tention.

The music starts to build up further and some very low pitched sounds are heard within the score music. This is done to create even more tension within the scene and to make the audience tensed.

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Through the use of a close up the audience are able to see that there was in fact drugs within the bag. The main character is shown to be surprised.

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We are then shown a montage of shots displaying the emotions which the character is going through. This is shown to use through the use of a medium close up. The character remains In the same position through the montage

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Through the use of a medium shot we are shown the character looking inside the bag as the sound effect of a phones ringtone is going off

The score music changes to a more subtle suspenseful music in comparison to the one used while he was opening the bag.

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Through the use of a extreme close up we can see that the phone is being rung by a no caller ID. This creates suspense for the audience as they are unware as to who is calling.

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A medium close up is then used to show that the character is on the phone and how he is looking confused as he is unware as to who is calling.

A voice over is used in this scene to allow the audience to be able to hear what is being said on the phone. The man on the call has a very low pitched voice to further create suspense as he sounds very mysterious. The man on the phone tells the main character to meet him in the alleyway behind his house and the cuts the phone.

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A medium shot is then used to show the character having a discussion with himself about what he should do. Duplicates of the character is used to make the scene come alive.

An angel devil scenario is being played out as one side is telling him to deliver the drugs and be done with it and the other is telling him to sell the drugs for money. The character is shown how is split between both mentalities

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Next we hear the sound of tyres screeching and the sound of police sires signifying to the audience that the police have come to his door.

Through he use of a medium shot we see that the character is looking towards the window fearful as the police are at his door. This creates a lot of tension and suspense for the audience as they are wondering what is going to happen.

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Through the use of a medium close up we are able to see how he is running up the stairs in an attempt to hide the drugs

During this scene some new score music is being played which is the sound of loud drums being played at a very high tempo creating a lot of tension and further speeds up the pace of this scene.

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Using a medium close up we are able to see how the main character is putting the drugs under his bed.

The score music continues to play and intensifies creating more tension within the scene and for the audience. The sound of the sires continues to play throughout this scene, increasing and decreasing in volume as he creates distance between himself from the police cars outside.

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Through the use of a POV we can see how the main character is being chased by the police man in an effort to escape. This creates tension for the audience as they are wondering if he is going to escape or not. A chase scene is a common convention used in action films.

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Next we are shown some over the shoulder shots as the interrogator is having a talk with the main character Mr Chowdhury. A shot reverse shot is used to show the emotions and facial expressions of both the characters within this scene

There is some subtle score music playing throughout the scene to keep the tension within the scene and to keep the audience on the edge of their seats.

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This is the last shot used within our short film before the credit start to roll. The interrogator has opened the drugs and has found something inside which is unexpected. Using a pan shot we are shown from the interrogators face to the drugs.

The reaction from Mr Chowdhury is the last thing shown and the audience is unware of what is inside the package thus leaving the short film on a cliff hanger.