evening world. (new york, n.y.) 1903-02-13 [p...

1- T T 4 i- rON I I fee t I l J < L t t > n- J t I 7 7 l 1 hA INr SpARTS i lt tJ 1 rrHr i I tP 1fI p j H I I GENIR fJ t E 0- SP0 r N rOt D I RTINO NEW S 1 l III W EDITlON t = PAGE I 2 a BEOks 01en to All I ItChculation Books Open to Alt J J PRICE ONE CENT NEW YORK FRIDAY FEBRUARY 13 1903 PRICE ONE CENT i + YOUNG TN I SING SING I CELL 613 p He Rages at Photographers- on His Way to Prison and Attempts to Hit One Vvith Stone I I KEEPERS SUPPRESS HIM His Hair Clipped and Beard haved Off Prison Physician Will Deojde ToMorrow if the Murderer Is Able to Work V VIIllam HoT per Toung the slayer of Anna Pulitzer Is In Sing Sing prison He was assigned cell No 613 In gal- lery ¬ 13 on the top tier of the main block In the prison Dr Irvine the prison phystClan will examine him tomor- row ¬ ind If he Is able to work ha will t be Hastened to one of the shops After ettlng on the train at the Grand Central station Young borrowed a slouch Jiat from one of the negro prisoners Wd shielded his face with It alt the Wny to Ossinlng As the train t approached Che prison he pretended to collapse but no attention was paid to him and lie biaced up when the sta- tion ¬ was reached A big crowd fallon < l him down the rtllroad track to the prison Jeering him lie cursed and reveled the photogra- phers ¬ lined uj along the track and en- deavored ¬ to hit one of them with a stone Once Inside the prison walls he quieted down flfq bean and hair were clipped he was put In a prison suit and hHreaftcr he will be known byva number racked a Cnmera Man He was taken to the Grand Central Depot tnthe Black Maria A great crowd had gathered there to see him The wag Jn drove lo the Vanderbilt avenue tilde arid a big crowd watched him descend from tile van In the front i of It were several photographers with Ihelr emer rafued pn him Young recognlzedone of them at tile representative j of an afternoon news ¬ paper Thov camera man waa shoved jlght up close to tho prisoner by tie force of tile crowd iMMnd and aa Voting started to step out of the van lio let fly wlCh tdn right foot and kicked the photographer In the neck D you take thatl he shouted Tho crowd tell back and the deputies queuing Youngs violence rushed him into the depot Young went from tho Tombs a llttte- atter 12 oclock handcuffed between two negro highwaymen Ho looked bright and dean comparatively speak F lngand did not seem downcast the thought of what the future has In Store for hlmHals buoyed up by gratitude- for hl5 escape from the death chair apd the hope that by book or crook his lawyers may yet get trim ibis liberty He Und Good jOonpsrar There were six prisoners In the party which left the Grand Central station on the LIO oclock train They were In charge of Deputy Sheriffs Kelley Van Deesten and Foley VIle two negroes between whom Young was handcuffed were Bunker Hill and Araerlous Washington sentenced eaah to tour and a half years In Bine Sing by Justice Xewburger today The other three prisoners were Gaetano Pucarlno who is to serve a life term for murder An- thony ¬ Boraba who got on Indeterminate- term for burglary and George Brown who got three for burgia As Young was brought down tromhill cell In the Tombs ho smiled at the Jlne of keepers who stood at the loot at the stelrs to tee him and his fellowcon ¬ vIet nafely ort I hope I live to see you ill again he said as he passed oat No echoed his wish U vemthe Tombs attaches were glad to txi of a pr oner It was when this disgusting and degrading wretch went out of the door between two who Beamed to the keeper like fascinating ohar- aotoro by comparison with the degen- erate ¬ Mormon Owing to the misinformation passed out that Young would not leave the Tombs this afternoon a big crowd gathered about the prison to Vms him when he should come out The police tried to drive them away They refused to go and declared they were being deceived when told that Young wa already In Sing Slug They hung around for an hour or more before final- ly ¬ disappearing FOR SELLING PULLS Beralsch Sentenced for Taldug Money for Pollen AppointmentS Max C Bemisch who ran a physlca4 I culture school for the benefit of firemen and policemen who wanted to get pro- motion ¬ was convicted In the Court of Special Sessions today of taking 100 from Thomas Gavin of No 03 Bedford street to get him on the police force He was lined IM and sentenced to twenty ap In the City Prison One of the witnesses against him was Hurry Hoffman n mlmeographer In t 10 lvn Service Bureau who nwore that at the Instigation of one Barnard another clerk In the bureau to gone with Barnard to Bojnischo House with duplicate sots of the qyil Service lamination papers tot canal dates for ho was to Ret 120- 0Barnard went In the house while M remained outside When Barnard came out he told Hoffman that Bemlsch was not at homo The witness did not know whether Uemisch ever got the paper H uevw cot the money OlrtrletAttoroey Jerome expaJn the nlll OO Barasjrd on the III that be WM CblM o b i > O THREE CORONERS ALLIN A RACE Comptroller Grout Tells Them He Is Tired of Them and May Help to Abolish Their Offices GOLDKRINTZ HE ISS MAD- Wo Would Like to Inquest Your Political Corpse He Replies and Mayor Laughs While the Tears of Mirth Flow Down His Cheeks Our three doughty Coroners Golden Uranr Scholer and Brown invaded the Board of Estimate and Apportionment this l1otlIIOOn and had a runIn with Comptrollor Grout They wanted to trim down the salaries of four old em¬ ployees for the benefit offour new em ¬ ployees their own appointees The Comptroller was fretful He does not think much of the Coroners mis- sion ¬ on this earth antI he told them so This started a ruction which ended In the fervent wish of the Coroners that they might hold an Inquest over the political corpse of the Comptroller Coroner Goldenkranz noted as the spokesman for the vermiform appendix of the city administration Ho ex- plained ¬ at length what too wanted Oh Im sick and tired of this busi- ness J exclaimed the Comptroller It you keep It up I shall feet Inclined to recommend to the Legislature the abol- ishing ¬ of your office Whatl gasped Coroner Brown Jump- ing ¬ to Ms oati You appeal to the Legislature You are In a class with the others who snake a ffnajidstand play by striking at tile Coroners office The Coroners ate tired of being made the butt for jokes In public and we get tired too of men who make n grand- stand ¬ play by attacking our board Coroner Brown was Livid It would be a good thing tor the city If your board were abolished said the Comptroller That ujvfair and unwise exclaimed Coroner Qoldenkranz Jumping to hli feet as Coroner Kmwcr exhausted napped into his Chair aaaA coming too from a man we helped to elect wd are not here courtesy or oom pDlment no yeled the eoroil1rWc era here on our statutory rights lUot fleers fcf this count- yWtlli1th1flkAtlOUl4bS a X yu were abolished Insjsted Grit trio fairly sputtered English words failed f German escaped him i That Is one unmanly statement he finally said In as the three picked up their hats and prepared depart Oh co back and hold an Inquest on yourselves jeered the Comptroller Wed lire to hold an Inquest on retorted Goldonkmnz vim and It may be a political corpse ttVelr afford us the opportunity In the near future With tine Shot they escaped while even Mayor Low louched until tho tears rolled down his cheeto CRUSHED DEATH IN THE ANSONIA Women Guests in Terror as They See a Workman Caught Be ¬ tween Floor and Elevator Edward Sexton a glazier of No i 67 Morton street employed by the PJttsJ burg Plate Glass Company of BQdc n street was killed today by being ti i an an elevator shaft In the ApartmentHouse at Seir street and Broadway T i Sexton was fortyone years old and had been sent to the apartment Jxruie to make some repairs in the basement According to Brittatn Webb the eleva- tor ¬ boy who lives at Na 243 West FMfty third street he bad just taken Into the basement the engineer of the building who had been on OM of the upper floors After letting the engineer oft the oar Webb started up again to the first floor- to take some guests upstairs Beaten he says ran toward the elevator and caught it but stumbled and tell and his body was lifted to the basement cell ¬ ing and crushed between the side of the shaft and the elevator floor The 1> lost his wits and In- stead of reversing the lever he sent the car upward at full speed The victim was caught between first floor and the bottom of the car and held as In a- huge vise Within two feet of him half a dozen women were waiting on the first floor to UII carried up to their apartments Sextons wild screams sent them scurry ¬ ing way In a panic Two of them were a fainting condition For nearly fifteen minutes the victim was held there while his life was being crushed out Clerks bellboys and seemed to be with terror Finally one of toe clerks and an eleva- tor ¬ oar conductor succeeded In backing the car so aS to free Sexton and was carried Into a bseonent room By that time Dr po For st Potter the house physician had been sum- moned ¬ B verI of the women guests who had retainedtheir presence of mind turned In and rendered what assistance One ties pet tlcoat up to snake bandages for Dr Poto- teiiut it was too late Sexton had died within a few minutes Meantime an ambulance Jiad Uensiumxpwed from IlooseveH hull ar- rived ¬ with the ambulance he found the man The body wa removed to the West 8txtyl street police sta- tion i imm To Ca t a OoU U Ot DV Q MWIL 11 r q fan a t SURROUND MURDERER WOODS Police Draw Cordon Around Eastern Portion- of Bronx Seeking Mur ¬ derer Fink in Wild West Fashion RESERVES JOIN THE HUNT Fink Resented Freeses Inter- ference ¬ When He Beat His Wife and Stabbed Him to Death and Fled to the East- ern ¬ Shore A mam hunt such a s Is common In thj Wet and South Is in progress In Greater New York today Policemen leitives and citizens by the score are beating the woods In the eastern part of the Borough of the Bronx and clos Ing In around George Fink the mur- derer ¬ All night and through the day the search has progressed but no trace has been found of the fugitive thus far The belief IB growing that he shot him- self ¬ and that his body will bo found In seme hollow or swamp to which he crawled t ofore he died Only once so far as the police know has Fink peen seen since he stabbed and beat Henry Freese to death last night at 8 oclock Frees Ii a young blacksmith and he was killed because- he attempted to prevent Fink from abusing his wife Fink went Into a Port Morris saloon about an hour after the murder his hair dishevelled and his whole appearance denoting that of a man laboring under reatOiciUraent- He Had Xo lint He wan without a tint and his clothes were muddy He called loudly r a drink and Ibid the bartender tohurry up- w1th 1tAfI r tie dlnk had been given to him ho called for another one and ended by Inviting about a half dozen men who were In the saloon at the time to join him When the drinks had been served Fink the detectives say asked the proprietor If he could give him a hat Whats the matter with you the saloonkeeper asked him Why are you so nervous and excited Dont be ex- cited ¬ calm4 yourself The proprietor went away to look for- a hat for Fink Before he returned however one of the men In the saloon offered Fink a bicycle cap an offer which was quickly accepted by the man Then he went out of the saloon and fled to the woods Mrs Fink whose husband Is head ma- chinist ¬ for the Delavergno IlefrlgeratI- njK Machine Copipany lives at No 1012 Edt One IIu44s1tnd Thirtyslxth street Freeso and4da Fink accompa nlaq Mrs Henry Thacke with w bot41ed on a househunt ¬ Mil log and In their search they at tho home of Mrs L Ldshlntftr afforest avenue and One 11u Fortyfourth street for a ndredtnd IlnU Annulled Wlfr a Fink arrived at the house while Inc party was there and It was evident ho hud been drinking heavily He swore- at his wife and when she asked him why he did not atop drinking he struck her in the face with his flat His blovi were so fast and well delivered that both of Mrs Finks eyes were blackenol and as she rolled under the table her husband kicked her Freese jumped In then and tried to push Fink back That Increased the mans fury and he attacked the black- smith ¬ Oct out of hers be shrieked at the blacksmith drawing a knife from his padre Freeso ran for the door and Fink fol- lowed ¬ On the street Fink continued the pursuit and Thacke followed them Thacke says he saw Fink overtake Freese at One Hundred aol Fortyfourth street and the Southern Boulevard and attack him with the knife plUnKing It Into his neck Fink Fled lo Woods AH Freese dropped to the ground two men suddenly appeared from the oppo ¬ site lie of the road and Fink disap- peared ¬ Into the woods the strangers fol- lowing him evidently pursuing him as they called on him to stop reese was sent to the Lincoln Hos- pital ¬ In an ambulance and died there early this morning never regaining con IIclousneas Policeman Creamer called for assist- ance sod the reserve from the police stations In the Bronx started on a man- hunt through the woods adjacent to the Southern Boulevard frs sink told the police that her husband had been in the habit of beat frequently always when he was drunk Bhe the hope that ui d and she cud work torbeneff and two brUnt e nTh r eysrelya Asstoan taI xu If II IIMII tilt a ClI C- afL = ii i i i MRS GEORGE FINK HER FUGITIVE HUSBAND AND HENRY FREESE WHOM HE KILLED FOR PROTECTING HER MxM x N Yo M4XN > M M Mx 0 < CHIEF INSURANCE DUMMYCAUGHTB- arber at Work in a Harlem Shop Identified as One of the Principal Aids in the Huge Swindle DOCTOR IDENTIFIES HIM- A j man who tilt police think Is the chief dummy in the Immense In ¬ surance frauds which have recently been unearthed was arrested this uf ternoon in the barber sljop No 2007 Sec- ond ¬ avenue where the gang Is alleged to have had their headquarters Accompanied by Dr Bruce examining surgeon of the rrovldont Ufo Dr Hahn of the John llnwcook Ufc Dr Bak r of the Washington Life and IAT Moore of the Urn > n Central LIe As Hlstont DJsLrJctAttorney Ptul Krotnl and tocUveHcrseanls Petrosinl and Illlrfi went to the barber MOp to ace If they could find uny one of the men who lied been used as dummies In the prelim- inary ¬ phjeioal cxomlnations They had no eoonet got Inside the door than ono of too physicians pointed to a wihttecoated bartxtr who was shavlnff a man Why thai the follow wOio was dummy to ny oxclulmwl Two of tho other phyklans also lUnntlncd the man and ne was Ho said ho was llmlllo Cirrino twentyone year <yd and a son of Uartolonieo for whom the police are looking After being taken to the Centre Street Couri- ha was remanded 4o 1oilca tiieadiiuar tars without ball The four moo who arc prisoners In the swindles wore not aniil in the Harlem Court lucy were In court but before the time set tot arraignment Assistant District Attorney 1uul Krotel asked for an adjournment until next Friday The riquctH was agreed to Dy the for the defense and Magis- trate Zeller granted It Ot the four prisoners Dr frond lluc cl and Dr Albert LoewUt are out on 11540 ball ench Joseph Trcfanl Is Imprisoned under 6000 ball and Fabla dAleslo In HGOO ball The lawyers for the defense requested that the two prisoners not at liberty be locked up n prison Instead of the Tombs so that the hearings might be more expedlUous This was granted v WRECK INQUEST ENDS Testimony All In anal Jury Ad- Journs Until llondnyP- IjAlTNWEljD N J Feb LLThe Coroners Jury this afternoon completed- Its Investigation of the wreck at West field on Jan 27 which has already coat twentythree lives The principal witness Will Road Fore ¬ man Joseph Tames of he Philadelphia and Heading road station at Port Road Ing who was a passenger on the Phila- delphia ¬ flyer The real point to tits testimony was that It to some extent upiet that nt Master Mochahta Chambers who swore that he found the brake valve and throttle wide open Tb own conditions of throttle and air brake lever he saM can be ac counted ttor very vaatty aa the Knock of vudh a collision would throw them from a dose to a free position Robert M Wilkinson a Phllodelptila and Reading passenger Hl for twentythree years who ran engine II- lon the evening of Jan M and the ins ot ttas the day of tns wreeK tesUfled that the engine was In flrM > class condition Proieoutor N C J EnglIsh ubmttt a the case to t heJuJY wnloh annoUM6I foreman Fliikii that It wits satisfied to proan to the fnrmuUUoa of vard ot evldenot The jury adjourned until MoodkM win Its vwalot will bs ijii 1 4 I j i f t ilM 1t1 Mi FANNIE KING LEAPS 1 fROM A FERRY BOAT Attempts Suicide from the Nevada llls Rescued oy I I Crew from School Ship I A aelltlresxd woman lenped from he ferryboat Jfovada nt thin dock at the foot of Bast Twentythird street this af- tnrnooii and would have drowned had not- a crew of cadcis on board the school hIp flt lilarys lylnjr at the foot of Uast Twentyfourth street gone to her rescue TJxi ferryboat had Just reached her dock from Grcenpoliit The woman who had been u passenger1ncroai the Hver remained In Uib rear end of the boat intll tho boatmen and the other paascn- Kora had cone to the front and then leaped overboard Capt JUliUS of the schoolshlp was stundlnir on his VCPC when ho saw tho woman leap lUte the water lie at once despatched a crew of the cadets In a rowboat They pulled her into thu boat She was taken to the scbooliliip Dr Ottrien the ships physician attended- her I A message was sent to Bellevue Hos- pital and Dr Donald responded with an ambulance The woman was then taken to the hospital whore she was ru vlvod After regaining contidoutners the woman guve ler name 4sl 1Vnnle King Sho rcrfuw her address dlie wore an expensive tailormade Bull r ROASTED IN TRAIN WRECK Kilgitsee On n if lit In Grail Sauced liy a Landslide WHEELING W Vn Feb 13One was klllol and two fatally injureij In a wreck on the Plh burg Western Railway today Engineer George Cowan of Huzelwood Pn wa roast ¬ ed to death by the steam and Fireman Boll of Hazelwood and Brakemtn Wright of Hacelwood were scalded The cause of tilt wreck was a land- slide ¬ In Raffertys Cut MAN AND WIFE DEAD FoROM CAS Life Had Gone from Joseph pBrien When HoW Found and Mrs OBrien Died in Hos- pital ¬ LEFT THE GAS TURNED ON Joseph OBrien proprietor of a hotel- on Busclimnns Walk near the flowery Coney Island was found dead In his bed this afternoon and his wife Anna was removed to the Kings County Hos- pital ¬ where she died of gas Inhalation The couple last night attended a hill glen In honor of Lincolns birthday und returned to their home late after partaking freely of liquor Adolph IxGroft la employed in a ni<rh boring hostelry He noticed that Uw OJIricns did not rise today and he In- formed ¬ his omptoynr He waLLed until a oclock before he was Instructed to In tlGulco After tnlng the front and side doors nnd finding both locked and no response earning from either door ¬ bell he decklnd to lnvi Ugatu OBrlen was found In his bid dead Ills wife waa wife breathing feebly BPoth were clasped In each others arms anti It Is supposed that in their sleep that they realized the presence nf danger and drew nearer to aoh other Phi small gas stove In tho room ound to bo omitting gas while the jets of the Illuminating gas were turned otc It Is Bjppoawl that the COUple turned- on the is etop and then lit the jet nf thrt II I umo nil tllIQ gM forgetting ViraL the stove hid boon turned on Then having undressed thny wont to bed iin con >cloup or their belny In the pres- ence ¬ of danKor fnxn the range The OUrlen are familiar Conay Island pfr onBgi s The have been there for three years coming tram Manhattan where they formerly run n hotel on tha east Mo They were both middle used and hail no children wl1yot Visit Florldatri- iinalraiila Killroad tears Sib 17 asl Uirok- S UO for rouiyltllp ticket aptelil train Applr to Tourlit Agot 26 Mb it V TS GEN GREENE NAMES TWO r NEW CAPTAINS OF POLICE Commissioner Greene promoted Sergts Edward Gallagher- of the Bedford avenue stalcn Brooklyn and William Hodgins- of the Steamboat Patro to the rank of captain this afternoon This is the second promotion out of the Steamboat Patrol to ¬ day Capt Elbert 0 Smith having been made an inspector ear- lier ¬ in the afternoon Cap Creamer was sent to Fort Hamilton + LATE RESULTS AT NEW ORLEANS Fourth Race Scorpio 1 Bummer 2 Imp LEtrenne 3 Fifth RaceBenson Caldwell 1 Chickadee 2 Willard 3 t VENEZUELAN PROTOCOLS TO BE SIGNED TONIGHT WASHINGTON Feb 13Mr Bowen expects to sign tho British German and Italian protocols between 7 and B oclock tonight at the British Embassy Italy has waived her request for an Increased cash payment 5I5 C < ww wb jroi tS ± ji j JI CROWDH CLAMOR AT DOORS or TWO l f- ft CLOSEDBANK8Com- ptroller r- r 8 J if- I of the Currency Puts an Exam- iner iF I in Charge of the First Nationalfiit Asbury Park and the Monmouth Trfit 2 Company at Once Suspends v tri < i Streets About the Suspended Institution Filled with People Among Them MS Women in TearsTrust Company Likelyj f to Resume Business Next Week fr 5IDctt Ill Cvcnlni World ASDURY PARK N J Feb 11 The First National flank of Asbury Park one nf the largest tunking institutions In this section ot the State was closed today by order of the Comptroller ot the Currency and National Bank Exam- iner ¬ John W Schofleld ban been placed In charge It Is feared that the entire capital of the bank lies been wiped out In unfortunate speculations which fIrst oGiHorfaed the surplus and then ate up the capital The Monmouth Trust Company was closed but it Is announced that business will be resumed Monday or Tuesday An examination of the First National Bank of Feb t showed the bqok value of lis resources and liabilities on that date to be as follows nrjotitr Lou and dUeount- tinlt I32tIsc 4 Btiln baad t 7000 aloes curtl < i elitne Ao J neat o tlt U4 Du Iran ttnki and t ak < n roM tub aDd Mii Itrai- Uurrwt 1073 UPMIM 6060 Total K3791 UJ1JrLtrIcS CapItal sleek i 806000 Surplus nd undile4 ptoOU C20SS Special drfidlt 301CIO Du to backs and daoktr 1212s- ndlrldual depo alto 3175 clreulatton- Dorrowtil 7 5000 mOOt y TO- TOUI team Excited Crowd at Dank It woe some time before the news of the failure spread through the town Then an excited crowd of depositors gathered In front of the bank and clam ¬ ored for Information Mr Schofield turned away all inquiries stating that It was not yet possible to determine the exact status of the banks finances im the hooks had not been thoroughly examined Because of Ma refusal to give any icflnlte statement a rumor rapidly spread throughout the town that the blink had been wrecked by unwise specu- lation ¬ The depositors of the bank are mostly small tradesmen sod residents- The sign was hung out on the doors at a few minutes before noon when tho majority of the townspeople were at their midday mew so that it was nearly an hour later before news of the failure got abroad Then the depositors poured ou of their stores and nooses and rushed in an excited crowd to the bank and demanded Immediate payment Of their deposIts Soon a crowd of several hundred col ITALY DEMAND- SHIGHERTERMSU I Minister Bowen Meets It with Declaration that Agreement- Is Violated by Venezuelan Settlement Now Asked WASHINGTON Feb lTh Italian Ambassador called on Mr Bow n this afternoon and Informed him that he felt that hi Government vhould receive an Increased cash payment In view of Oenaanrs demands for JMOOOO Mr Bowen stated that Italy if she in- sisted ¬ on this payment would be viola- ting ¬ previous agrament- sWEATHERFORECAST Vo eMt tat Ibo thirtrstx hoer sadiStS M 8 P M 1s- tU57 tor f eev York city ans- itMsdtyOnrUY fair to taIbe and latnrdari sliarbtlr- ooldev nrdaiy light to h- tI1II4 WMI I J d J WL 4i1 i lected shout the bank and In th4 elloment started all sorts of slid ruif more about absconding officers aitdeisZ 4j bezzlement There were many wsssc In the crowd and when they 1Mrisd I that they would not be able to drkw their deposits and would i probably ne T l ti have any of their money returnedW 7 them they wept hystericai1ynndioj all sorts of accusations on the headefi the officers of thtlbaDk- JAUure Z3 y > Was BrpeoteO < t The First National has been la abut way for nearly a year most ot Its rail JC- coSUb Mftoculationa proving unfortunate Last December this stock went dean 1 from pan to 76 and a Netiozia1ekE- xaminer gave the bank until 1I to bring the stockuptotts eiLth- Value F suet atilt tho assets in sooaab On Jan 1 the officers the b ICLra- erted 4 that they had snide an rrifisi mont onthosttockholdenvana BJ i wKg f snare time within which Co nwetjtS demands of the Examiner Staoe though the depositors 1 suKtd that then was S IfW alarm pcaotlcoJIy nothing W Improve the finances of lCIeJnaU o Of Scott said the beltoved- depositor J would be In toil < r < The lUonmoufih Trust Company was closed shortly after buatne0i stopped at Uie Urst Notional Tlie Institutions are Intimately s but tt la believed that the treat m Is tnaInda1lyBOImIJ r- AC Twining af the Company stated that this bank reopen on Monday or Tuesday ntul It was dosed merely to ascertain stood with the First National sag prevent a TOIl on tile befit r < t The officers of the First NsJSMuU George P Kroehl President Dr i Johnson Vicepresident H Cashier and J B Davis sis Cashier P There Is every reason to ben v the Trust Company Is not aerlomJr or crippled Itis regarded as one at i soundest Institutions in the county the last statement published flattering character Daniel SB Oil magnate Is one rectors In the ilonroouth other wellknown financierS are bead of this institution The National Bank of ss1Mlvf the New York correspondent National Bank where It has a balance to Its credit here ff 1 Women Were s n lsrs Women who cameto the ranyo offices read the nottoe door nd burst Into tease J C- It is understood that an at hi fits otnoers of the 1 feet al Bank to save the InstituttM- lssng shareholders 150 ecchout share of stook Some of the were willing to pay but otbu suited sot and the tflosing of thebsp i ADDICKS REISl A PARTY UPRR- f f I 1M Regular Republicans Pri that Leaders Faction J One Senator but thJ5 Must Not Be Addicks jjP L L DOVER JVel Fob lTh Republicans held a caucus this n- and framed a proposition which ws eented to tho Addicks faction to the election of one regular 01 can Senator and ono Addtckv He Senator The proposition states Union lltpublloan Senator must t J Edward Mjcks a C Ulllson Pre Meot PM of the Senate said We vast r thll matter We dont wane ° ponslblllty to rest on us If I i < 1 not are The offer was not agreed to w I twntynrst ballot for U0IU4 Senator was taken this af follow p LongUrmAddickJi 1i 1- II I lUnlns WIUlam ii Stevens CD u I- terrnA4uidrL lT II A Dill 0 IlIlkie lep- ardson 1 II John It tJioholoi 0I Toll meant no election i Tb fIrst break In tit cratlo ranks occurred to resontalive Allen Qt 1es regarded as one of tile men vo for BUy r- I e 4

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Page 1: Evening World. (New York, N.Y.) 1903-02-13 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1903-02-13/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · 1-T T 4 i-rON I I fee t I l J < L t t > n-J hA INr SpARTS



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=PAGE I 2 a BEOks 01en to All I ItChculation Books Open to Alt J





CELL 613p

He Rages at Photographers-on His Way to Prisonand Attempts to Hit OneVvith Stone I



His Hair Clipped and Beard

haved Off Prison Physician

Will Deojde ToMorrow if theMurderer Is Able to Work


VIIllam HoT per Toung the slayer ofAnna Pulitzer Is In Sing Sing prisonHe was assigned cell No 613 In gal-


13 on the top tier of the main blockIn the prison Dr Irvine the prisonphystClan will examine him tomor-row


ind If he Is able to work ha willt be Hastened to one of the shops

After ettlng on the train at theGrand Central station Young borroweda slouch Jiat from one of the negroprisoners Wd shielded his face with Italt the Wny to Ossinlng As the train

t approached Che prison he pretended tocollapse but no attention was paid tohim and lie biaced up when the sta-


was reachedA big crowd fallon < l him down the

rtllroad track to the prison Jeering himlie cursed and reveled the photogra-phers


lined uj along the track and en-


to hit one of them with astone Once Inside the prison walls hequieted down flfq bean and hair wereclipped he was put In a prison suit andhHreaftcr he will be known byva number

racked a Cnmera ManHe was taken to the Grand Central

Depot tnthe Black Maria A greatcrowd had gathered there to see himThe wag Jn drove lo the Vanderbiltavenue tilde arid a big crowd watchedhim descend from tile van In the front

i of It were several photographers withIhelr emer rafued pn him

Young recognlzedone of them at tilerepresentative j of an afternoon news ¬

paper Thov camera man waa shovedjlght up close to tho prisoner by tieforce of tile crowd iMMnd and aaVoting started to step out of the vanlio let fly wlCh tdn right foot and kickedthe photographer In the neck

D you take thatl he shoutedTho crowd tell back and the deputies

queuing Youngs violence rushed himinto the depot

Young went from tho Tombs a llttte-atter 12 oclock handcuffed betweentwo negro highwaymen Ho lookedbright and dean comparatively speak

F lngand did not seem downcast thethought of what the future has In Storefor hlmHals buoyed up by gratitude-for hl5 escape from the death chair apdthe hope that by book or crook hislawyers may yet get trim ibis liberty

He Und Good jOonpsrarThere were six prisoners In the party

which left the Grand Central station onthe LIO oclock train They were Incharge of Deputy Sheriffs Kelley VanDeesten and Foley VIle two negroesbetween whom Young was handcuffedwere Bunker Hill and AraerlousWashington sentenced eaah to tour anda half years In Bine Sing by JusticeXewburger today The other threeprisoners were Gaetano Pucarlno whois to serve a life term for murder An-


Boraba who got on Indeterminate-term for burglary and George Brownwho got three for burgia

As Young was brought down tromhillcell In the Tombs ho smiled at the Jlneof keepers who stood at the loot at thestelrs to tee him and his fellowcon¬

vIet nafely ortI hope I live to see you ill again

he said as he passed oatNo echoed his wish U vemthe

Tombs attaches were glad to txi ofa pr oner It was when this disgustingand degrading wretch went out of thedoor between two who Beamedto the keeper like fascinating ohar-aotoro by comparison with the degen-erate


MormonOwing to the misinformation passed

out that Young would not leave theTombs this afternoon abig crowd gathered about the prison to

Vms him when he should come out Thepolice tried to drive them away Theyrefused to go and declared they werebeing deceived when told that Youngwa already In Sing Slug They hungaround for an hour or more before final-ly




Beralsch Sentenced for TaldugMoney for Pollen AppointmentSMax C Bemisch who ran a physlca4

I culture school for the benefit of firemenand policemen who wanted to get pro-


was convicted In the Court ofSpecial Sessions today of taking 100

from Thomas Gavin of No 03 Bedfordstreet to get him on the police forceHe was lined IM and sentenced totwenty ap In the City Prison

One of the witnesses against him wasHurry Hoffman n mlmeographer Int 10 lvn Service Bureau who nworethat at the Instigation of one Barnardanother clerk In the bureau togone with Barnard to Bojnischo Housewith duplicate sots of the qyil Servicelamination papers tot canaldates for ho was to Ret 120-

0Barnard went In the house while Mremained outside When Barnard cameout he told Hoffman that Bemlsch wasnot at homo The witness did not knowwhether Uemisch ever got the paperH uevw cot the money

OlrtrletAttoroey Jerome expaJn thenlll OO Barasjrd on theIII that be WM CblM o



> O



Comptroller Grout Tells Them

He Is Tired of Them and

May Help to Abolish Their



Wo Would Like to Inquest Your

Political Corpse He Replies andMayor Laughs While the Tearsof Mirth Flow Down His Cheeks

Our three doughty Coroners GoldenUranr Scholer and Brown invaded theBoard of Estimate and Apportionmentthis l1otlIIOOn and had a runIn withComptrollor Grout They wanted totrim down the salaries of four old em ¬

ployees for the benefit offour new em ¬

ployees their own appointeesThe Comptroller was fretful He does

not think much of the Coroners mis-sion


on this earth antI he told them soThis started a ruction which ended Inthe fervent wish of the Coroners thatthey might hold an Inquest over thepolitical corpse of the Comptroller

Coroner Goldenkranz noted as thespokesman for the vermiform appendixof the city administration Ho ex-plained


at length what too wantedOh Im sick and tired of this busi-

ness J exclaimed the Comptroller Ityou keep It up I shall feet Inclined torecommend to the Legislature the abol-ishing


of your officeWhatl gasped Coroner Brown Jump-


to Ms oati You appeal to theLegislature You are In a class with theothers who snake a ffnajidstand play bystriking at tile Coroners office TheCoroners ate tired of being made thebutt for jokes In public and we gettired too of men who make n grand-stand


play by attacking our boardCoroner Brown was LividIt would be a good thing tor the city

If your board were abolished said theComptroller

That ujvfair and unwise exclaimedCoroner Qoldenkranz Jumping to hlifeet as Coroner Kmwcr exhaustednapped into his Chair aaaA coming toofrom a man we helped to elect

wd are not here courtesy or oompDlment no yeled the eoroil1rWcera here on our statutory rights lUotfleers fcf this count-yWtlli1th1flkAtlOUl4bS a

X yu were abolished InsjstedGrit trio fairly sputtered Englishwords failed fGerman escaped him i

That Is one unmanly statement hefinally said In as the threepicked up their hats and prepareddepart

Oh co back and hold an Inquest onyourselves jeered the Comptroller

Wed lire to hold an Inquest onretorted Goldonkmnz vim andIt may be a political corpsettVelr affordus the opportunity In the near future

With tine Shot they escapedwhile even Mayor Low louched until thotears rolled down his cheeto



Women Guests in Terror as They

See a Workman Caught Be ¬

tween Floor and Elevator

Edward Sexton a glazier of No i 67

Morton street employed by the PJttsJburg Plate Glass Company of BQdc nstreet was killed today by being ti ian an elevator shaft In theApartmentHouse at Seirstreet and Broadway T iSexton was fortyone years old andhad been sent to the apartment Jxruie tomake some repairs in the basementAccording to Brittatn Webb the eleva-tor


boy who lives at Na 243 West FMfty

third street he bad just taken Into thebasement the engineer of the buildingwho had been on OM of the upper floors

After letting the engineer oft the oarWebb started up again to the first floor-

to take some guests upstairs Beatenhe says ran toward the elevator andcaught it but stumbled and tell andhis body was lifted to the basement cell ¬

ing and crushed between the side ofthe shaft and the elevator floor

The 1> lost his wits and In-stead of reversing the lever he sent thecar upward at full speed The victimwas caught between first floor andthe bottom of the car and held as In a-huge vise

Within two feet of him half a dozenwomen were waiting on the first floorto UII carried up to their apartmentsSextons wild screams sent them scurry ¬

ing way In a panic Two of them werea fainting condition

For nearly fifteen minutes the victimwas held there while his life was beingcrushed out Clerks bellboys andseemed to be with terrorFinally one of toe clerks and an eleva-tor


oar conductor succeeded In backingthe car so aS to free Sexton and wascarried Into a bseonent room

By that time Dr po For st Potterthe house physician had been sum-moned

¬B verI of the women guests

who had retainedtheir presence of mindturned In and rendered what assistanceOne ties pettlcoat up to snake bandages for Dr Poto-teiiut it was too late Sexton had diedwithin a few minutes Meantime anambulance Jiad Uensiumxpwed fromIlooseveH hull ar-rived

¬with the ambulance he found the

man The body wa removed tothe West 8txtyl street police sta-tion i

immTo Ca t a OoU U Ot DV

Q MWIL 11r q fana t




Police Draw CordonAround Eastern Portion-

of Bronx Seeking Mur¬

derer Fink in Wild West



Fink Resented Freeses Inter-



When He Beat His

Wife and Stabbed Him to

Death and Fled to the East-




A mam hunt such a s Is common Inthj Wet and South Is in progress In

Greater New York today Policemenleitives and citizens by the score arebeating the woods In the eastern partof the Borough of the Bronx and closIng In around George Fink the mur-derer


All night and through the day thesearch has progressed but no trace hasbeen found of the fugitive thus farThe belief IB growing that he shot him-


and that his body will bo foundIn seme hollow or swamp to which hecrawled t ofore he died

Only once so far as the police knowhas Fink peen seen since he stabbedand beat Henry Freese to death lastnight at 8 oclock Frees Ii a youngblacksmith and he was killed because-he attempted to prevent Fink fromabusing his wife

Fink went Into a Port Morris saloonabout an hour after the murder his hairdishevelled and his whole appearancedenoting that of a man laboring underreatOiciUraent-

He Had Xo lintHe wan without a tint and his clothes

were muddy He called loudly r a drinkand Ibid the bartender tohurry up-

w1th 1tAfI r tie dlnk had beengiven to him ho called for another oneand ended by Inviting about a half dozenmen who were In the saloon at the timeto join him When the drinks had beenserved Fink the detectives say askedthe proprietor If he could give him ahat

Whats the matter with you thesaloonkeeper asked him Why are youso nervous and excited Dont be ex-


calm4 yourselfThe proprietor went away to look for-

a hat for Fink Before he returnedhowever one of the men In the saloonoffered Fink a bicycle cap an offerwhich was quickly accepted by the manThen he went out of the saloon and fledto the woods

Mrs Fink whose husband Is head ma-


for the Delavergno IlefrlgeratI-njK Machine Copipany lives at No 1012

Edt One IIu44s1tnd Thirtyslxthstreet Freeso and4da Fink accompanlaq Mrs Henry Thacke withw bot41ed on a househunt ¬Millog and In their searchthey at tho home of Mrs LLdshlntftr afforest avenue and One11u Fortyfourth street for andredtnd

IlnU Annulled WlfraFink arrived at the house while Incparty was there and It was evident ho

hud been drinking heavily He swore-

at his wife and when she asked himwhy he did not atop drinking he struckher in the face with his flat His bloviwere so fast and well delivered thatboth of Mrs Finks eyes were blackenoland as she rolled under the table herhusband kicked her

Freese jumped In then and tried topush Fink back That Increased themans fury and he attacked the black-smith


Oct out of hers be shrieked at theblacksmith drawing a knife from hispadre

Freeso ran for the door and Fink fol-lowed


On the street Fink continued thepursuit and Thacke followed themThacke says he saw Fink overtakeFreese at One Hundred aol Fortyfourthstreet and the Southern Boulevard andattack him with the knife plUnKing ItInto his neck

Fink Fled lo WoodsAH Freese dropped to the ground two

men suddenly appeared from the oppo ¬

site lie of the road and Fink disap-peared


Into the woods the strangers fol-

lowing him evidently pursuing him asthey called on him to stop

reese was sent to the Lincoln Hos-


In an ambulance and died thereearly this morning never regaining conIIclousneas

Policeman Creamer called for assist-ance sod the reserve from the policestations In the Bronx started on a man-

hunt through the woods adjacent to theSouthern Boulevardfrs sink told the police that her

husband had been in the habit of beatfrequently always when he was

drunk Bhe the hope that uid and she cud

work torbeneff and two brUnt e

nTh reysrelya Asstoan

taI xu If II IIMII tilta ClI C-

afL =ii i i i


MxM x N Yo M4XN > M M Mx 0 <



arber at Work in a Harlem

Shop Identified as One of

the Principal Aids in the

Huge Swindle




man who tilt police think Is thechief dummy in the Immense In ¬

surance frauds which have recentlybeen unearthed was arrested this ufternoon in the barber sljop No 2007 Sec-


avenue where the gang Is allegedto have had their headquarters

Accompanied by Dr Bruce examiningsurgeon of the rrovldont Ufo DrHahn of the John llnwcook Ufc DrBak r of the Washington Life and IAT

Moore of the Urn > n Central LIe AsHlstont DJsLrJctAttorney Ptul Krotnland tocUveHcrseanls Petrosinl andIlllrfi went to the barber MOp to ace Ifthey could find uny one of the men wholied been used as dummies In the prelim-inary


phjeioal cxomlnationsThey had no eoonet got Inside the door

than ono of too physicians pointed to awihttecoated bartxtr who was shavlnff aman

Why thai the follow wOio wasdummy to ny oxclulmwl Twoof tho other phyklans also lUnntlncdthe man and ne was Ho saidho was llmlllo Cirrino twentyone year<yd and a son of Uartolonieofor whom the police are looking Afterbeing taken to the Centre Street Couri-ha was remanded 4o 1oilca tiieadiiuartars without ball

The four moo who arc prisoners In theswindles wore not aniil inthe Harlem Court lucy were In courtbut before the time set tot arraignmentAssistant District Attorney 1uul Krotelasked for an adjournment until nextFriday The riquctH was agreed to Dythe for the defense and Magis-trate Zeller granted It

Ot the four prisoners Dr frondlluc cl and Dr Albert LoewUt are outon 11540 ball ench Joseph Trcfanl IsImprisoned under 6000 ball and FabladAleslo In HGOO ball The lawyers forthe defense requested that the twoprisoners not at liberty be locked upn prison Instead of the

Tombs so that the hearings might bemore expedlUous This was granted



Testimony All In anal Jury Ad-

Journs Until llondnyP-IjAlTNWEljD N J Feb LLThe

Coroners Jury this afternoon completed-Its Investigation of the wreck at Westfield on Jan 27 which has already coattwentythree lives

The principal witness Will Road Fore ¬

man Joseph Tames of he Philadelphiaand Heading road station at Port RoadIng who was a passenger on the Phila-delphia


flyerThe real point to tits testimony was

that It to some extent upiet that ntMaster Mochahta Chambers who sworethat he found the brake valve andthrottle wide open

Tb own conditions of throttle andair brake lever he saM can be accounted ttor very vaatty aa the Knock ofvudh a collision would throw them froma dose to a free position

Robert M Wilkinson a Phllodelptilaand Reading passenger Hl fortwentythree years who ran engine II-

lon the evening of Jan M and theins ot ttas the day of tns wreeKtesUfled that the engine was In flrM >

class conditionProieoutor N C J EnglIsh ubmttt a

the case to theJuJY wnloh annoUM6Iforeman Fliikii that It wits

satisfied to proan to the fnrmuUUoaof vard ot evldenot

The jury adjourned until MoodkMwin Its vwalot will bs ijii 1


jif t ilM 1t1 Mi



Attempts Suicide from theNevada llls Rescued oy


I Crew from School Ship

I A aelltlresxd woman lenped from heferryboat Jfovada nt thin dock at thefoot of Bast Twentythird street this af-

tnrnooii and would have drowned had not-a crew of cadcis on board the schoolhIp flt lilarys lylnjr at the foot ofUast Twentyfourth street gone to herrescue

TJxi ferryboat had Just reached herdock from Grcenpoliit The woman whohad been u passenger1ncroai the Hverremained In Uib rear end of the boatintll tho boatmen and the other paascn-

Kora had cone to the front and thenleaped overboard

Capt JUliUS of the schoolshlp wasstundlnir on his VCPC when ho saw thowoman leap lUte the water lie at oncedespatched a crew of the cadets In arowboat They pulled her into thu boatShe was taken to the scbooliliip DrOttrien the ships physician attended-her I

A message was sent to Bellevue Hos-pital and Dr Donald responded withan ambulance The woman was thentaken to the hospital whore she was ruvlvod

After regaining contidoutners thewoman guve ler name 4sl1Vnnle KingSho rcrfuw her address dlie wore anexpensive tailormade Bullr


Kilgitsee On n if lit In Grail Saucedliy a Landslide

WHEELING W Vn Feb 13Onewas klllol and two fatally injureij In

a wreck on the Plh burg WesternRailway today Engineer GeorgeCowan of Huzelwood Pn wa roast ¬

ed to death by the steam andFireman Boll of Hazelwood and

Brakemtn Wright of Hacelwood werescalded

The cause of tilt wreck was a land-slide


In Raffertys Cut



Life Had Gone from Joseph

pBrien When HoW Found

and Mrs OBrien Died in Hos-




Joseph OBrien proprietor of a hotel-on Busclimnns Walk near the floweryConey Island was found dead In hisbed this afternoon and his wife Annawas removed to the Kings County Hos-pital


where she died of gas InhalationThe couple last night attended a hillglen In honor of Lincolns birthdayund returned to their home late afterpartaking freely of liquor

Adolph IxGroft la employed in a n i<rhboring hostelry He noticed that UwOJIricns did not rise today and he In-


his omptoynr He waLLed untila oclock before he was Instructed to In

tlGulco After tnlng the front andside doors nnd finding both locked andno response earning from either door ¬

bell he decklnd to lnvi UgatuOBrlen was found In his bid dead

Ills wife waa wife breathing feeblyBPoth were clasped In each othersarms anti It Is supposed that in theirsleep that they realized the presencenf danger and drew nearer to aoh otherPhi small gas stove In tho roomound to bo omitting gas while the jetsof the Illuminating gas were turned otc

It Is Bjppoawl that the COUple turned-on the is etop and then lit the jetnf thrt II I umo nil tllIQ gM forgetting ViraLthe stove hid boon turned on Thenhaving undressed thny wont to bed iincon >cloup or their belny In the pres-ence


of danKor fnxn the rangeThe OUrlen are familiar Conay Island

pfr onBgi s The have been there forthree years coming tram Manhattanwhere they formerly run n hotel on thaeast Mo They were both middle usedand hail no children

wl1yot Visit Florldatri-iinalraiila Killroad tears Sib 17 asl Uirok-

S UO for rouiyltllp ticket aptelil trainApplr to Tourlit Agot 26 Mb it V TS



Commissioner Greene promoted Sergts Edward Gallagher-

of the Bedford avenue stalcn Brooklyn and William Hodgins-

of the Steamboat Patro to the rank of captain this afternoonThis is the second promotion out of the Steamboat Patrol to ¬

day Capt Elbert 0 Smith having been made an inspector ear-



in the afternoon Cap Creamer was sent to Fort Hamilton+


Fourth Race Scorpio 1 Bummer 2 Imp LEtrenne 3

Fifth RaceBenson Caldwell 1 Chickadee 2 Willard 3t


British German and Italian protocols between 7 and B oclocktonight at the British Embassy Italy has waived her requestfor an Increased cash payment




ww wb jroi tS± ji j JI










of the Currency Puts an Exam-



in Charge of the First NationalfiitAsbury Park and the Monmouth Trfit 2Company at Once Suspends v

tri <i

Streets About the Suspended Institution

Filled with People Among Them MSWomen in TearsTrust Company Likelyj f

to Resume Business Next Week fr

5IDctt Ill Cvcnlni World

ASDURY PARK N J Feb 11 TheFirst National flank of Asbury Parkone nf the largest tunking institutionsIn this section ot the State was closedtoday by order of the Comptroller otthe Currency and National Bank Exam-



John W Schofleld ban been placedIn charge It Is feared that the entirecapital of the bank lies been wiped outIn unfortunate speculations which fIrstoGiHorfaed the surplus and then ate upthe capital

The Monmouth Trust Company wasclosed but it Is announced that businesswill be resumed Monday or Tuesday

An examination of the First NationalBank of Feb t showed the bqok valueof lis resources and liabilities on thatdate to be as followsnrjotitrLou and dUeount-tinlt

I32tIsc4 Btiln baad t 7000

aloes curtl <i elitne Ao Jneat o tlt U4Du Iran ttnki and t ak <n roM

tub aDd Mii Itrai-Uurrwt

1073UPMIM 6060

Total K3791UJ1JrLtrIcS

CapItal sleek i 806000Surplus nd undile4 ptoOU C20SSSpecial drfidlt 301CIODu to backs and daoktr 1212s-ndlrldual depo alto 3175


7 5000mOOt y TO-

TOUI teamExcited Crowd at Dank

It woe some time before the news ofthe failure spread through the townThen an excited crowd of depositorsgathered In front of the bank and clam ¬

ored for Information Mr Schofieldturned away all inquiries stating thatIt was not yet possible to determinethe exact status of the banks financesim the hooks had not been thoroughlyexamined

Because of Ma refusal to give anyicflnlte statement a rumor rapidly

spread throughout the town that theblink had been wrecked by unwise specu-


The depositors of the bank aremostly small tradesmen sod residents-

The sign was hung out on the doorsat a few minutes before noon whentho majority of the townspeople wereat their midday mew so that it wasnearly an hour later before news of thefailure got abroad Then the depositorspoured ou of their stores and noosesand rushed in an excited crowd to thebank and demanded Immediate paymentOf their deposIts

Soon a crowd of several hundred col



Minister Bowen Meets It with

Declaration that Agreement-

Is Violated by Venezuelan

Settlement Now Asked

WASHINGTON Feb lTh ItalianAmbassador called on Mr Bow n this

afternoon and Informed him that he felt

that hi Government vhould receive an

Increased cash payment In view of

Oenaanrs demands for JMOOOO

Mr Bowen stated that Italy if she in-


on this payment would be viola-ting


previous agrament-


Vo eMt tat Ibo thirtrstxhoer sadiStS M 8 P M 1s-tU57 tor feev York city ans-itMsdtyOnrUY fair to

taIbe and latnrdari sliarbtlr-ooldev nrdaiy light to h-



dJWL 4i1

ilected shout the bank and In th4elloment started all sorts of slid ruifmore about absconding officers aitdeisZ 4j

bezzlement There were many wssscIn the crowd and when they 1Mrisd I

that they would not be able to drkwtheir deposits and would i probably neT l tihave any of their money returnedW 7them they wept hystericai1ynndiojall sorts of accusations on the headefithe officers of thtlbaDk-

JAUureZ3 y>

Was BrpeoteO < tThe First National has been la abutway for nearly a year most ot Its rail JC-

coSUb Mftoculationa proving unfortunateLast December this stock went dean 1

from pan to 76 and a Netiozia1ekE-xaminer gave the bank until 1Ito bring the stockuptotts eiLth-Value

Fsuet atilt tho assets in sooaabOn Jan 1 the officers the b ICLra-


that they had snide an rrifisimont onthosttockholdenvana BJ i wKg

fsnare time within which Co nwetjtSdemands of the Examiner Staoethough the depositors 1suKtd that then was S IfWalarm pcaotlcoJIy nothing W

Improve the finances of lCIeJnaU oOf Scott said the beltoved-

depositor Jwould be In toil < r <

The lUonmoufih Trust Companywas closed shortly after buatne0istopped at Uie Urst Notional TlieInstitutions are Intimately sbut tt la believed that the treat mIs tnaInda1lyBOImIJ r-

AC Twining af theCompany stated that this bankreopen on Monday or Tuesday ntulIt was dosed merely to ascertainstood with the First National sagprevent a TOIl on tile befit r < t

The officers of the First NsJSMuUGeorge P Kroehl President Dr i

Johnson Vicepresident HCashier and J B Davis sisCashier P

There Is every reason to benvthe Trust Company Is not aerlomJror crippled Itis regarded as one at i

soundest Institutions in the countythe last statement publishedflattering character Daniel SBOil magnate Is onerectors In the ilonroouthother wellknown financierS arebead of this institution

The National Bank of ss1Mlvfthe New York correspondentNational Bank where It has abalance to Its credit here ff 1

Women Were s n lsrsWomen who cameto the

ranyo offices read the nottoedoor nd burst Into tease J C-

It is understood that an athi fits otnoers of the 1 feet

al Bank to save the InstituttM-lssng shareholders 150 ecchout

share of stook Some of thewere willing to pay but otbusuitedsot and the tflosing of thebsp i


f fI

1MRegular Republicans Pri

that Leaders Faction J

One Senator but thJ5Must Not Be Addicks jjP


DOVER JVel Fob lThRepublicans held a caucus this n-

and framed a proposition which wseented to tho Addicks factionto the election of one regular 01

can Senator and ono Addtckv HeSenator The proposition statesUnion lltpublloan Senator must tJ Edward Mjcks a

C Ulllson Pre Meot PMof the Senate said We vast rthll matter We dont wane °

ponslblllty to rest on us IfI i <1notare

The offer was not agreed to w Itwntynrst ballot for U0IU4Senator was taken this af

follow p

LongUrmAddickJi 1i 1-


lUnlnsWIUlam ii Stevens CD u I-

terrnA4uidrL lT II A Dill

0 IlIlkie lep-ardson

1II John It tJioholoi 0I

Toll meant no election i

Tb fIrst break In titcratlo ranks occurred toresontalive Allen Qt 1esregarded as one of tilemen vo for BUy r-
